Owing to the great demand for water the town has decided to secure an air-compressor to be used at the power-house. The town now furnishes water to the railroad company and the Compress. Laf. Gaz. 1/4/1902.
1894 Probabilities for Lafayette.
A central sugar factory.
A railroad to Breaux Bridge.
An ice factory.
A graded school in complete operation.
A better system of public roads.
Water works for the town.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/6/1894
Water Works and Electric Lights.
Work on the electric light and water-work plants is progressing nicely. The stand-pipe is now about 60 feet high and the steel building is nearing completion. The stringing of wires is now finished and the arc lights have been placed. At a meeting of the City Council last Monday, Mr. Don L. Caffery was appointed secretary of both plants, with instructions to make a thorough canvass of the town and ascertain the number of lights and water hydrants that will be placed in residences, stores, etc. We are glad to learn that the gentleman appointed for that purpose is meeting with success. The rates that the town purpose to adopt are in our opinion very reasonable and we hope that the people will now subscribe for water and lights and be "up-to-date".
Lafayette Gazette 1/8/1898.
Lafayette City Council.
Petition of Dr. T. B. Hopkins and others was read and referred to Water & Lights committee for investigation and to report at next meeting.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/10/1903.
Steam Exhaust Received. - The water supply at the power house is all right again. Mr. Melchert states that since he went over the pump connections, repaired the valves and made a general repair the water is as good as ever.
The new steam exhaust has been received and is being put in position. It will do away with the noise of the plant to a great extent and at the same time by converting the steam into hot water and conveying it to the boiler will save from 5 to 10 per cent in fuel, which will amount to a considerable sum in a year. The power house is a very interesting place nowadays with its fine modern machinery, and will well repay a visit. Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1905.
City Council Jan. 2, 1905.
Chairman of Water and Light Committee reported that new work at plant was progressing favorably and would be ready for use shortly, and that supply of water from the well after repairing (unreadable word) is such as not to require the boring of a new well. Laf. Adv. 1/11/1905.
The Petition.
The Advertiser is glad to state that the gentlemen passing the petition to call an election for the purpose of voting to extend the present water works tax in order to build a central school building, a public market, and extend water mains and electric lights to all parts of town, are having the greatest encouragement. The petition lacks only 20 names, and there is no question but that as soon as the tax payers can be seen, the number will be readily secured. It is indeed complimentary to the citizens of Lafayette that they so willingly and cheerfully show their generosity and public spirit, and the Advertiser believes that there is a great future for our town. Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1902.
City Council Jan. 6, 1902.
Moved and seconded that work outlined for running a water pipe-line from J. O. Mouton's residence to the Methodist church corner and again from J. C. Nickerson's residence to the corporate limits on Sterling Avenue be laid at once, and that wire be run extending the lights so as to furnish residences in the upper end of the McComb addition. Carried. Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1902.
An Air-Compressor.
Owing to the great demand for water the town has decided to secure an air compressor to be used at the power-house. The town now furnishes water to the railroad and the Compress.
Lafayette Gazette 1/11/1902.
City Council Jan. 6, 1902.
Moved by A. E. Mouton and seconded by Hohorst that six new arc-lights be purchased to replace those that burned out. Carried.
Laf. Adv. 1/11/1902.
Extension of Water and Light Service - The Streets to Be Repaired.
At its last meeting the City Council decided to extend the water pipes from the corner at J. C. Nickerson's residence to the limits of the corporation along Sterling avenue; and from John O. Mouton's home to the Methodist church. At the same time the Council ordered the erection of wires so as to provide electric light service to people living in upper Lincoln avenue. The Council has also taken steps to repair the streets, some of which will be shelled. The Council has been enabled to make these improvements out of the general revenues of the town.
We seen in the proceedings published in this paper that the Council has paid a note for $4,000, which was borrowed on the individual signatures of the Councilmen to meet the expenses incurred during the year. The present Councilmen have not only administered the affairs of the municipality in an intelligent and economical manner, but they have shown a high degree of public spirit by giving their personal property as security in order to obtain the necessary funds to meet the current indebtedness of the town. It is safe to say that some of the captious critics who fine fault with the manner of managing the town's business would not do quite as much. Lafayette Gazette 1/11/1902.
Among other business:
...A resolution authorizing the committee on water works and electric lights to advertise for bids, and fixing the conditions thereof. Be it resolved by the City Council of the town of Lafayette, That the committee appointed by the City Council to attend to the erection of a water work and electric light system to belong to the corporation of Lafayette, be and are hereby authorized to advertise for bids for the construction and erection thereof, contractor or contractors to furnish all material, and in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by R. R. Zell, supervising architect and civil engineer, the payments to be made as follows:
April 1, 1897, $2,000.00; April 1, 1898, $2,000.00; April 1, 1899, $2,000.00, April 1, 1900, $2,500.00; April 1, 1901, $2,500.00; April 1, 1902, 2500.00, and the balance of the price in four equal annual installments, payable April 1, 1903, 1904, 1905 and 1906 respectively the whole without interest, the said bids conditional upon the vote of a special five mill tax by the people of the town of Lafayette for a term of ten years, as provided by law and the approval of the Council.
Votes. Yeahs: T. M. Biossat, Leo Doucet, B. Falk, Jos. Ducote, Dr. J. D. Trahan. Nays: None. (NEED DATE)
Waterworks Survey.
The Gazette thinks that the Police jury showed the proper spirit at its last meeting in appropriating $200 to help defray the expenses of the waterworks survey.The members of the Police Jury are all progressive and public-spirited gentlemen and can always be depended upon to do the right thing when called upon. Lafayette Gazette 1/11/1896.
To Give Lafayette a System of Waterworks and Electric Lights.
The people of Lafayette will soon have an opportunity to say if they want waterworks and electric lights. Ar its last meeting the City council adopted a resolution authorizing the committee to advertise for bids for the construction of the proposed plants in accordance with the plans specifications of Mr. Robert R. Zell, the engineer whose services were engage by the council some time ago. We understand that the committee will act at once and will lose no time in advertising for bids.At its next meeting it is very likely that the council will authorize the mayor to issue a call for an election to obtain the sense of the voters as to the levying of the special 5-mill-tax for two years which will be necessary to raise the required funds. In the meantime the committee will be at work on the bids and it will be in a position to furnish all information in an intelligent and comprehensive manner.
The system of waterworks as designed by Mr. Zell is what is known as both direct and storage. There will be a compound pumping engine that will lift the water into the water-tower to which the mains will be connected. This tower, which will be built of steel plates riveted together, will be 12 feet in diameter and 125 feet high; it will hold over 100,000 gallons, giving a pressure of 35 pounds per square inch, which will throw a stream of water 15 feet from the end of a 1 1/4 inch hose nozzle, but this can be increased when the pump is delivering direct into the street mains. There is to be 41 patent fire hydrants with two 2 1/2 inch hose connection on each hydrant. Mr. Zell has laid out the location of these hydrants so that all parts of the town will be protected, as can be seen by the maps on exhibition at the post office and at other places in town. The maps furnished by Mr. Zell are very well gotten up and show that they were drawn by a man who understands his business thoroughly. The specifications are also carefully drawn.
The electric light plant will consist of two direct, connected high-speed engines, drawing two 30-kilo dynamos of a capacity to furnish both arc and incandescent lights from one system of wiring. Two improved safety boilers of 70-horse power each will supply the steam.
The combination of the water-works and electric light plants will reduce the cost of operation, as the engines operating the plant can pump the water-tower full every night, the boilers supplying both engines with steam at the same time. The cost of operating a combined plant will be half of what it would be if the plants were run separately.
With this system of water works it will only be necessary to have hose carriages to put out fires. In other towns the people have successfully fought against fires with plants similar to the one which we hope to have in the near future. The mains will be constructed of standard iron water-pipes, coated with asphaltum.
The facilities for the the supply of water will be excellent. The water to be had here is of a superior quality; it is pure and soft, and for washing and culinary purposes it is unsurpassed. Lafayette Gazette 1/11/1896.
For the Street Lamp Fund.
The ball given by the Knights of Labor last Saturday night, for the benefit of the street lamp fund, was decidedly the most enjoyable and recherche' entertainment ever given by that genial and hospitable order in this town. The attendance was fairly good, and the proceeds will materially aid the street lamp enterprise. Quite a number of ladies and gentlemen from the neighboring towns were present. The management return their thanks to the public for its generous patronage, and tender their special acknowledgements to Mrs. Eugene Trahan, Mrs. Jno. O. Mouton and Mrs. W. B. Lindsay, for their untiring energy and valuable aid and to them is due in a great measure the success of the evening. Lafayette Advertiser 1/12/1889.
Lighting the Town.Mayor Campbell informs The Gazette that he has received a letter from the The Sun Vapor Light Company of Memphis, stating that a representative of that firm would soon be in Lafayette for the purpose of contracting to furnish the necessary light for the city.
Laf. Gazette 1/13/1894.
The Case of the Consolidated Engineering Company vs. the Town Submitted.
The suit of the Consolidated Engineering Company vs. the town of Lafayette has been tried and all that is required to end it as far as the district court is concerned is the decision of Judge Debaillon. Wednesday all the testimony had been heard and the attorneys made their arguments. Judge Clegg spoke for the plaintiffs and Judge Mouton and Mayor Caffery presented the town's case. Col. Breaux and Mr. Campbell did not speak.
Engineer Zell and his notorious boilers were scathingly arraigned and the Consolidated company was also the recipient of forensic bouquets. It is a cause of general congratulation that this suit is about to be settled. We are not a lawyer and do not know what law is applicable to this case, but from a standpoint of right and justice we believe the town ought to win. The town has been shamefully imposed upon and those responsible for it ought to be made to pay. Lafayette Gazette 1/14/1899.
Water Works.
The Water Works case has occupied the attention of the Court during the first two days of the week. Considerable testimony was adduced. The case was finally closed and counsel on both sides addressed the Court. Judge Debaillon will probably render his decision sometime in February.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/14/1899.
Hanged!!! At Jefferson & Vermilion!!!
In our line of duty, we are compelled to record the first necessary hanging which occurred in the town of Lafayette for many years.
The march of progress and enterprise in which our town has plunged itself, made it possible to catch the criminal.
Under the supervision of Mr. Widmer, acting as high executioner, the painless suspending took place at the corner opposite The First National Bank at 11 o'clock last Saturday morn in the presence of many witnesses as are required by such proceeding.
Our readers must have guessed that it was the hanging of the ......... first electric lamp.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/15/1898.
The following article has been sent us for publication:
To the Editor of the Advertiser.
Mr. Editor.
Dear Sir: You are supposed to know everything as all editors are and to be always ready to answer all public questions right or wrong.
Is it true that our all wise council have legislated to give the old town as is called West of the R. R. all the benefit of the Electric Light and the many thousand dollars in taxes that we have to pay for it. Are all the people living East and North of the R. R. (with the exception of one or two living near the station) many of whom are heavy taxpayers and were dragged into the Corporation by misrepresentations to be considered by our council to be out of town and not entitled to their notice. All we ask for is justice and equal rights and that we think we are entitled to at their hands.
Yours truly,
Advertiser replies: We may know good many things, and we are always ready to impart our knowledge to others; but, in this instance we are like "Taxpayer" in the dark.
If someone who has light on this subject be kind to answer "Taxpayer" in the dark.We may know good many things, and we are always ready to impart our knowledge to others; but, in this instance we are like "Taxpayer" our columns are open to him.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/15/1898:
City Council:
An excerpt from the City Council Proceedings of Jan 3, 1898.
......A communication from the Lookout Boiler and Mfg. Co. makers of the stand pipe, relature to the lap joint at the bottom of the stand pipe was read and deferred for further consideration.
A communication from Widmer and Spranley, relature to the construction of four extra arch lights at a price pf $235.00 was read and upon motion duly seconded the above was approved.
An application for W. W. & E. L. (water works & electric light) was received from Mr. D. L. Caffery.
Whereupon it was moved and seconded that Mr. D. L. Caffery be appointed secretary of W. W. & E. L. at a salary of $75.00 per month, salary not to commence until plant is turned over to the City of Lafayette, but to proceed at once for water and lights and to obtain prices of carrying on same. adopted.
There being no further business the Council adjourned.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/15/1898.
City Council:
An excerpt from the City Council Proceedings of Jan 3, 1898.
......A communication from the Lookout Boiler and Mfg. Co. makers of the stand pipe, relature to the lap joint at the bottom of the stand pipe was read and deferred for further consideration.
A communication from Widmer and Spranley, relature to the construction of four extra arch lights at a price pf $235.00 was read and upon motion duly seconded the above was approved.
An application for W. W. & E. L. (water works & electric light) was received from Mr. D. L. Caffery.
Whereupon it was moved and seconded that Mr. D. L. Caffery be appointed secretary of W. W. & E. L. at a salary of $75.00 per month, salary not to commence until plant is turned over to the City of Lafayette, but to proceed at once for water and lights and to obtain prices of carrying on same. adopted.
There being no further business the Council adjourned.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/16/1898.
To the Editor/Laf. Gazette:
I have been reliably informed that the town has long since obtained final judgment in the suit against the Consolidated Engineering Company and that the only thing now to be done to satisfy the judgment is the execution of a writ directed to the proper officers. As some time has elapsed since final adjudication of the case, and as there appears no good reason for delay in this important matter would you kindly inform the public what prevents the execution of the judgment. Delays are dangerous it is said and I believe especially so in litigation, besides the town certainly needs all the money available. Would it not be a good idea to use the sum realized in the extension of water and light facilities.
... the Gazette's Reply ...
Owing to the fact that no property is known to be possessed by the Consolidated Engineering Company the town would, in order to recover the damages granted, have to sue on the bond. This would necessitate another lawsuit which would have to be instituted in the courts of New Orleans, at the domicile of the Surety Company, entailing the expenditure of so much money that the "game would not be worth the candle." Were the town to proceed against the sureties case would have to be tried on its merits, as the judgement against the Consolidated Company does not carry with it a judgement against the Surety Company. The question of whether or not the contractors did their work according to stipulations would have to be tried anew. The decision of the court against the Consolidated Company has secured the town in the possession of the amount of $1,000 which had been retained. It seems to be the intention of the municipal authorities not to proceed any further in the matter. Lafayette Gazette 1/20/1900.
Dangerous Brick-Work? - Owing to the dangerous condition of the brickwork around the boilers the waterworks plant at Crowley was closed down. For some similar cause the town of Opelousas has not used its electric light since several days. On account of the boilers the Lafayette plant has been in a crippled condition since it was built. It would seem that the towns are at the mercy of the scheming contractors.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/21/1899.
The Boiler for the Plant. - The boiler which has been contracted for by the town and which was to have been ready for use last Thursday, has been delayed owing to some unavoidable circumstances. A letter received by Mayor Caffery from Mr. F. C. Bitgood, chief inspector of the Hartford Steam Biler Inspection and Insurance Company, gives the information that the constructor Mr. Maars, has been delayed in his work. Mr. Bitgood informs the mayor, however, that the delay will be short. Mr. Bitgood will inspect the boiler during the process of construction and see that it is built according to plans and specifications.
Lafayette Gazette 1/21/1899.
Electric Lights.
Engineer Melchert informs us The Gazette that the electric lights are becoming more popular every day. During the last few days he has received quite a number of orders. Lafayette Gazette 1/21/1899.
The Gazette has always taken a lively interest in all matters connected with the electric light and water works plant now in course of erection, because it is believed that it was to the interest of the people that they should own and control them to the best advantage.
Now that it is nearing completion The Gazette takes occasion to call the attention of our city fathers that as this is a public institution paid for the by the people, things should be worked in such a manner as to bring about the greatest good to the greatest number possible at the least cost and expense to those who desire to use lights for private purposes.
The first step should be in the matter of wiring private residences and business houses. We understand that an electric light contractor has been going the rounds asking those who desire any wiring for the contract of putting it up. We have nothing to say about this, but only advert to it to suggest to the city council the propriety of getting the necessary material for that purpose and have the town electrician, who will be permanently employed to attend to the electric plant, to superintend and cause the wiring of all houses.
By this action, the council can have the work done at cost price and knowing this, the people would naturally be benefitted to the extent of the profit realized by a private contractor; and it would encourage the taking of lights by the people and thereby increase the revenues of the plant to, it is to be hoped, a sufficient sum to pay running expenses.
The same remarks can equally be applied to the water supply.
The city council will, no doubt, do this, and we would advise the people to wait until these arrangements are made before acting.
Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
Electric Light Rates.
The prevailing bad weather has retarded the work on the electric light plant considerably, and on that account, the plant will not be in full operation before about thirty working days. But those in charge of the construction are doing their utmost to expedite business and complete the work as soon as possible.
Mr. D. L. Caffery, the secretary of both plants, has already begun the work of soliciting for the placing of lights in residences and places of business. The rates proposed are lower than those of any other neighboring town, a schedule of which we give below:
![]() |
Quite a new idea was ventilated in our sanctum, while we had a flood in miniature. To require the Water works to lay a net of suction pipes from the streets into their resorvoir so as to take up the surplus water that our sewers are unable to carry off.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/22/1898.
Water Works. - Messrs. Schoeder and Smith, the gentlemen in charge of the erection of the stand pipe for the water works have been working their men seven days a week in order to complete the work as soon as possible. It is now very nearly finished, a height of about 115 feet having been reached already. The same firm has contracts for the erection of a stand pipe at Franklin. We are informed that Lafayette can boast of the highest one in this section of the State. Lafayette Gazette 1/29/1898.
We note the arrival of several strangers interested in the waterworks and electric light plants. Laf. Gaz. 1/29/1898.
Water Works & Fire Dept.
Lafayette is on the eve of being in full possession of a thoroughly modern and efficient system of waterworks, and, as yet, her citizens have not taken the first step toward utilizing so valuable an agent in combating fire. If we mistake not, it was the urgent need of our people for a means of protection against fire that caused them to take up and pass favorably on the question of waterworks. Now that we are on the point of attaining the object our desire is it not well nay necessary, to consummate arrangements without further delay, to enjoy every possible benefit connected with an up-to-date system of waterworks? Water, and plenty of it, was what avail will all the water in Christendom be if we lack the means of utilizing it? Let us get to work immediately and prepare ourselves to get the fullest benefits from the waterworks plant. As soon as the fire companies are organized and equipped for action the town authorities should have the town of Lafayette re-rated for fire insurance, under the new order of things; another valuable benefit pertaining to waterworks will have many hundred dollars each year to the property holders of the town. We cannot get the lower rate of insurance, however, until we have the necessary facilities for combating fire. As soon as we can show this will be entitled to and will receive a material reduction in fire insurance rates, and this reduction will apply on old policies now in force as well as on all future policies written for the town, a rebate being made on all insurance already in force, for the unexpired term of the policies. This means a large saving especially to our merchants, making it of particular interest to them to see a good fire department organized and maintained. All classes will be benefited in this matter of fire insurance, directly or otherwise, and it behooves all citizens to enter earnestly into the movement.
The man who carries no insurance on his buildings should feel even more interested than the man who insures, for the former is indeed in great need of fire protection. When his home burns up he loses all, while the man who carries fire insurance has his policy to fall back on. An efficient fire department is needed for the protection of all alike, and it behooves every good citizen to fall promptly into line at the first call that will be made to organize a fire department, and the call must be made without delay. Let somebody speak first, and at once. The Advertiser suggests that the Business Men's Association take up the matter and rush it through. The move cannot be delayed any longer.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/29/1898.
Work on the Waterworks is pushed quite rapidly. The reservoir tower now stands 100 feet high. A few more good days of good clear weather and it will be completed. It can be seen now from almost any part of the town when trees and any other obstructions are not in the way.
Our "reporter" went to see the waterworks, and thinking to shorten his way back he took the street facing the tank, but the first thing he knew he was in the mud ankle deep. Result was that he lost a great deal more time in getting out of the "corporation" than he would have consumed to come back by a circumvented route. The shortest distance, is not to his mind, at least in this town, a straight line. Lafayette Advertiser 1/29/1898.
An Impromptu Bath.
A lack of light.
History tells us that Diogene carried a lighted lantern in the full glare of the noon-day sun, to find his way amongst the intricate streets of the city, which he inhabited. The old man's eye-sight must surely have failed him, or his wisdom and knowledge were not applied as they should have been. Be that as it may, we are now living in an age where man's knowledge and wisdom are generally applied in a more practical way.
We certainly can find our way in the glare of the noon-day sun; but when the shade of the evening surrounds us, and when we are deprived of the sight of the Celestial body that gives us its light by night; we, of this city, are in a pitiable condition.
It is fact that we have many lamp posts, each one bearing a lamp encased in a square lantern but what is the use of such an extravagance if we have only a poor smoky, vacillating, flickering light.
The night we have mentioned was dark, the rain was falling, the pedestrians were slipping, and the progress of a two-legged locomotion reminded one of a turtle's attempt to run. One step forward, two backward.
A citizen tired by his day's toil was trying amidst the above discouragements to reach his home, when all of a sudden a noise which can be designated by the word sp-l-a-s-h, took place, in which he was the only participant and he found himself going down in a watery side ditch.
The next morning in surveying the spot where he had received a special blessing of darkness, he found to his dismay.... a lamp post, with the regulation lamp, which the wind had probably blown out.
This lack of light caused an impromptu bath.
But we rejoice in the fact that hereafter we shall have in that portion of the town electric lights, though we don't see any posts to receive the apparatus but we must be patient.
Should we fail to get them, which might be probable, we might present a petition to our Honorable Council praying to furnish each citizen of the dark portion of the town with a small foot-lantern which can be attached in front of the shoe, which mode of light was a la mode in Jerusalem, from David's time until the year 1858.
We all need light, specially dark nights.
A limb broken, injuries received by such accidents would bring a good and successful law suit upon the hands of our town council.
A word to the wise is insufficient.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/29/1898.
Lafayette's Light Issues.
(Letter to the Editor.)
In your last week's issue I see an article near (unreadable) long headed An Impromptu Bath. A Lack of Light.I have no doubt this was intended by the writer to be to the fair and square question of the 15th. inst. And answer to (unreadable words) it (all we had in order to [unreadable word] to get out of it was a ditch) and proves to the people living in the dark part of the town, as he calls it, (tax payer is not only one who lives in dark portions of this town) that they have no right (a mistake) to ask for portion of the electric light to the erected in their part of the town he goes back into the dark ages and quote History from David's time down to the present century in 1858. He says Diogenes and the Jerusalemites carried lanterns on the feet from David's time until 1858. They most certainly have lived in the dark parts of their towns.
(Tax payer is mixing up - Diogenes carried a lantern in his hand at twelve noon, his head was somewhat light, and as for the Jerusalemites it was an old custom as they knew not gas or electricity)
He seems to be well satisfied with the distribution of the electric lights so far as he is concerned. (Not at all would like to have some lights in the part of the town where we nest) Well, he ought to be for he has taken very good care that he and all of his particular friends will get all the light they want. (Another mistake, we and our friends will be in the dark.) He very wisely advises those living in the dark to be patient and wait. (Patience is a virtue and in waiting one gets there.) He does not say how many years, (Until relief) probably ten or fifteen, then if the council refuses to give them electric lights which he seems to think is quite probable (every thing is probably in this world) we can then present a petition to our Honorable council praying them to furnish each citizen living in the dark portion (portions) of the town with one of those celebrated Jerusalem foot-lights, (which would be quite a novelty in Lafayette) then he surely will be generous enough to grant each one a small alarm bell for the other foot to balance them up. (This might do.) I am confident he will do for I know him to be a real first rate good hearted fellow. (Thanks for the compliment.) Such an outfit is good enough for any one living in the dark. (Wouldn't suit in our dark part of the town.) And he seems to think they are the sure to get in time if they have patience to wait. (No certainty about.) He winds up this article by giving us a very nice little piece of legal advice free. (Have many more just like it.)
If any of us while waiting should happen to fall in a ditch and break our necks or limbs, (which is not to be hoped) we would have a good and successful cause of action against our council for damages, (better that than nothing) we think the damages would not be quite as sure as a good heavy retaining fee would be, (lawyers must live.) We would much prefer having our share of the electric lights.
(So do we.)
All we ask is justice and equal rights. (In which we concur).
Quotations in brackets are ours. - Advertiser Editor.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/29/1898.
We note the arrival of several strangers interested in the waterworks and electric light plants. Laf. Gaz. 1/29/1898.
Work on Waterworks.
Work on the Waterworks is pushed quite rapidly. The reservoir tower now stands 100 feet high. A few more good days of good clear weather and it will be completed. It can be seen now from almost any part of the town when trees and any other obstructions are not in the way.
Our "reporter" went to see the waterworks, and thinking to shorten his way back he took the street facing the tank, but the first thing he knew he was in the mud ankle deep. Result was that he lost a great deal more time in getting out of the "corporation" than he would have consumed to come back by a circumvented route. The shortest distance, is not to his mind, at least in this town, a straight line. Lafayette Advertiser 1/29/1898.
Mistaken, Brother.
[From the Crowley Signal.]
It is understood here that Lafayette and New Iberia have been compelled to shut down their electric plants on account of the scarcity of oil which is used as fuel in both places. The plant at the latter place has been closed for about two weeks. Thus it will be seen that Crowley has been pretty fortunate in this respect when her woes are compared with those of her neighbors. - Crowley Signal.
We dislike very much to mar the pleasure which it gives Crowley to compare her woes with Lafayette's alleged troubles, but we will state in the interest of truth that the electric light plant of this town is in full blast and has been running without interruption since the day it was started. We are sorry for Scott, but he will have to look elsewhere for his consolation.
Lafayette Gazette 2/1/1902.
The tower designed by Prof. Zell for the proposed waterworks is on exhibition at the post-office. Laf. Gaz. 2/1/1896.
Electric Rates Climb.
Engineer Melchert informs The Gazette that the increase in the electric light rates has caused only one subscriber to withdraw his patronage from the plant. It is the intention of the town authorities to secure the necessary appliances to be able to run over one hundred more incandescents. With this augmentation in the revenues it is believed that the plant will be nearly self-sustaining. As soon as the new boiler is ready for use the street lights will be put on again and the town authorities will be in a position to give the people a first class service. Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1899.
Of Business Men to Consider the Proposition Made by Mr. T. H. Leslie.
Almost an Assured Fact that a Railroad Will Be Built from Lafayette to Abbeville This Year.
Mr. T. H. Leslie, President and General Manager of the Stuttgart and Arkansas River Railroad, from whom we published a letter in last week's ADVERTISER, arrived in Lafayette Thursday afternoon, and called at this office. We soon discovered that Mr. Leslie meant business, and was a man who talked "straight from the shoulder."
He stated that he could remain only a short time in our city, and as he had several propositions to make to the people, requested us to call a meeting of some of our representative citizens to meet him at 11 o'clock Friday morning, which we agreed to do. Our own time was fully occupied, but we saw as many as was possible, and as possible, and as a result a number of business men congregated to the director's room of the People's State Bank, who kindly granted the use of the room for a meeting. Mr. Leslie submitted the following written proposition which was read to the meeting.
Lafayette, La., Feb. 3, 1893:
A. C. Ordway, Esq.,
Editor Advertiser,
DEAR SIR: - I would be pleased to submit through you, confidentially to some of your representative citizens, the following co-operative proposition.
In the event of your people being induced to vote the aid requested by me, I will at my own expense have issued a satisfactory pamphlet setting forth your advantages and resources ; and will offer a bonus of $20,000 to anyone who will establish a cotton factory, employing not less than 150 people, and $10,000 bonus for a good No. 1 sugar refinery, which I will pay upon the erection of one or both of the above-named plants. I will agree to bring about a reduction of an average of at least 10 per cent on all freight rates to and from this town, and also these representative men to select the Treasurer and two Directors of the road, thus ensuring many direct benefits to your city.
T. H. Leslie.
It may be well to explain here that the aid requested by Mr. Leslie and referred to in the above proposition is a 5 mill tax for ten years from the town and an 8 mill tax for the same period from the parish.
After the reading of the above proposition Mr. Leslie was introduced and spoke as follows:
"GENTLEMEN: In the event of your advocating and securing the aid requested by me, I will obligate myself to meet your city and parish in a co-operative spirit for the development of your country, by inducing the investment of capital in various enterprises calculated to promote the rapid development of your dormant resources. Among the number that I should aid and encourage would be the following:
A Sugar Refinery, An Electric light plant, A System of Water Works, A Cotton Factory and
A Street Railway,
As an incentive to establish the two most important industries named, viz: a Sugar Refinery and a Cotton Factory. I will give a bonus of $10,000 to the first named and $20,000 to the second, and with this encouragement and the general stimulation given by the building of a railroad to the coast. I do not question or doubt the future prosperity of your city. I have never seen greater average advantages than here, and they only need to be known to the outside world to be most wonderfully developed in the next few years. If by a liberal policy you can double your population in the next five years and increase the value of all property 100 per cent., at a nominal cost to yourselves, you are certainly the gainers by the transaction. My proposition contemplates mutual benefits and is all one-sided as is the case frequently in railroad matters. My theory is, and my experience has demonstrated the fact that a large tonnage and low rates are better for both the railroad and the people, as low rates encourages the people to handle many articles that otherwise would be impossible."
After his remarks were finished a general discussion of the matter took place, and Mr. Leslie convinced everyone present that he was thoroughly in earnest in the matter and was in a position to carry out every proposition made by him to the people. Arrangements were made for further correspondence with Mr. Leslie regarding the matter, and after receiving assurances from all present that they would support the matter earnestly and heartily, Mr. Leslie took his departure.
At the close of the railroad discussion advantages was taken of the opportunity afforded by the presence of the business men to take preliminary steps for the organization of a Business Men's Association, which in the future could take charge of any movement started that would benefit our town, and the following named gentlemen were enrolled as members:
Chas. O. Mouton, N. P. Moss, I. A. Broussard, Judge O. C. Mouton, T. M. Biossat, John O. Mouton, Julian J. Mouton, Julian J. Mouton, Alfred Hebert, J. Higginbotham, B. Falk, Wm. Campbell, Capt. J. C. Buchanan, A. J. Moss, A. M. Martin, A. C. Ordway, A. C. Guilbeau and Crow Girard.
On motion Messrs. O. C. Mouton, Alfred Hebert and A. C. Ordway were appointed a committee to draft a constitution and by-laws to be submitted to a meeting Monday evening, the Chairman to act as a member of ex-officio of the committee.
A motion was made and carried that a meeting be held at the Court House, next Monday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, and that all business men and citizens of Lafayette be urgently requested to attend with a view of affecting a permanent organization, after which the meeting broke up, and everyone present seemed to realize that if Lafayette was ever to advance in wealth and prosperity, the time had arrived for earnest work.
Let there be a large attendance on next Monday night. Everybody owes it as a duty to the community to attend.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1893.
A number of our citizens have expressed their willingness to place street lamps on their premises, next to public thoroughfares on condition that the oil and other requirement for such lamps be provided by the corporation. We believe if a proper representation of the of the matter were made to the town council by person interested, satisfactory arrangements could be affected. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1893
Let Us Fall In Line.
We desire to direct the attention of the people of Lafayette to a fact over which there can not be any division of opinion: in just the same way we have found it possible to secure some substantial improvements by co-operative moves, in the recent past, we can add valuable acquisitions in the future. We have not unduly exerted ourselves along this line in times gone by and yet, within the comparatively short space of three years, we can point to no less than four very substantial enterprises that owe their existence in our midst to co-operative movements on the part of citizens. First came the Sugar Refinery at the eastern limits of the town; next followed by the Ice Factory; then, the Cotton Oil Mill and lastly the Water Works and Electric Light Plant. This is certainly a most gratifying showing and stands as indubitable proof of the great good to be accomplished by public spiritedness and co-operation.
If we have done well in the past may we not do even better in the future? The same forces we utilized before are still ours to command. They need only to be put in operation and kept in operation to bring grand results. Why not be up and doing then? Ours is a country of inexhaustible resources, a country of surprising possibilities - if the people who inhabit it will only develop the field. There will be a good opportunity afforded to the citizens of Lafayette to come together next Monday night to make common cause of the future progress and prosperity of Lafayette town and parish. We refer to the meeting of the Business Men's Association announced to take place at Falk's Opera House, the 7th. instant. The efforts of this organization in the past have been of particular value to the community, and are fully recognized.
Every citizen of Lafayette who has the interest of the community at heart, should not fail to attend this meeting and join in the movement, well remembering the Providence only helps those who help themselves.
We must get in line, forthwith, in order that we may not get left in the rapid march of progress that has seized upon the entire country.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/5/1898.
Mr. Don Caffery returned from New Orleans last Wednesday accompanied by a competent electrician who will place wires in stores and houses.
Laf. Adv. 2/5/1898
Mr. Don Caffery returned from New Orleans last Wednesday accompanied by a competent electrician who will place wires in stores and houses.
Laf. Adv. 2/5/1898
Water and Lights.There has been some trouble with the contractors who were to furnish the incandescent lamps to the town, but this has been settled. The wiring of houses will be commenced as soon as the material arrives, it having been shipped from New Orleans Friday. D. L. Caffery went to the city Monday and while there he secured a thoroughly competent electrician to do the work. The stand pipe is completed except the painting and connecting it with the water mains. (date!!!)
Mr. C. M. Pasquier, manager of the company in charge of the erection of the plant here is to remain in order to push the work to completion.
Lafayette Gazette 2/5/1898.
To the Public: As the engine at the plant is in perfect order, all parties desiring electric lights will please apply to the undersigned.
A. E. Mouton, Chairman.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/8/1905.
Lafayette Had Fuel.
[From the Crowley Signal.]
The Signal is in receipt of a letter from C. F. Melchert, superintendent of the electric light plant at Lafayette, denying the rumor that the plant had been obliged to shut down on account of a scarcity of fuel oil. The letter states that the plant has never been closed down for any cause whatsoever since it was accepted by the city council:
"The Signal takes pleasure in printing the correction. The reporter who wrote the article referred to heard the rumor at the City hall where electric light matters in general were being discussed the day it came to his ears. It was never asserted as a fact that the plant was shut down for the lack of oil, but the town of Lafayette was mentioned as one of several others reported to be out of fuel on account of the blockade on the Southern Pacific, and it seemed reasonable enough, as Crowley then had a car out which had been expected for a month."
From the Crowley Signal and in the Lafayette Gazette 2/8/1902.
The B. M. A.
The Business Men's Association held a regular monthly meeting last Monday. Secretary Jno. I. Bell was at his post.
On motion it was resolved that Hon. C. D. Caffery be requested to co-operate with Judge O. C. Mouton and Mr. Wm. Campbell to prepare a petition signed by the tax-payers of the town asking the City Council to call an election for the purpose of levying a special tax to construct a plant of waterworks and electric lights.
On motion, Judge P. A. McFaddin, T. M. Biossat, Wm. Campbell, Alfred Hebert, N. P. Moss and S. R. Parkerson were appointed a committee to circulate the petition.
Dr. Hopkins, Wm. Campbell and N. P. Moss were appointed a committee to arrange for a mass meeting Friday night at Falk's Opera house. Laf. Gazette 2/8/1896.
Judge Debaillon's Decision in the Suit of the Consolidated Company vs. the Town.
The recent decision of Judge Debaillion in the above named suit should be a cause for general congratulations among the people of the town. The decision is a signal victory for the town as well as the triumph of justice. The town has been very badly treated by the contracting company and the consulting engineer, R. R. Zell, and The Gazette, in common with the taxpayers of the community, rejoices over the result.
For the benefit of those who are not informed as to the case we will give a short history of it.
The original contract price of the plant was $36,000 in bonds, which was to be paid in five installments. After the contract was made the contractors informed the Council that they had found a purchaser for the bonds who was willing to take the whole amount. The contractors argued that it would be to the interest of all concerned to dispose of all the bonds at one time. After due deliberation the Council agreed to this and the bonds were converted into $32,000 in cash, which the contractors were willing to accept in payment. This arrangement gave $8,900 each for the 1st, 2d and 3d payments and $5,300 for the last.
Under this agreement the plant was built. After the trial of the plant, during the thirty days fixed by the contract it was found that there were certain defects in the plant. The Consolidated Engineering Company promised that if the town took charge of the plant it would remedy the defects before the expiration of 30 days, and in case of its failure to do so, the town was to have the work done at its expense. The plant was then accepted under these conditions. The town held back $1,000 from the last payment to guarantee the fulfillment of the company's promise.
Shortly after, the boilers began to show signs of general inefficiency. Application was made to the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company for insurance. The Hartford people sent Mr. Bittgood, a most competent expert, to inspect the boilers. The insurance company acting upon Mr. Bittgood's advice, refused to insure the boilers. It then became necessary for the town to employ an expert and the services of Mr. C. A. Gaines were engaged. After a thorough examination Mr. Gaines condemned the boilers in every respect. Subsequently the Council adopted a resolution in line with the reports of Bittgood and Gaines and called upon the Consolidated Company to put in new boilers and to remedy certain defects. Some days later an official of the company came to Lafayette with Prof. Creighton, a recognized authority from Tulane University. Although Prof. Creighton's test was made under a written agreement that a copy of the result of the test would be furnished the town, the company positively refused to do.
Two or three days after Prof Creighton's test, the Consolidated company took steps to dismiss its suit which had been filed in the court of this parish. By prompt action the town's attorneys prevented the dismissal of the suit by filing its answer in reconventional demands, thereby doing away with the necessity of going to New Orleans to sue the company.
The trial of the suit was taken up on the 1st of September and partially heard and for certain causes was not concluded until last January. During the trial of the case,m Experts Bittgood and Gaines, and other including Printz, the engineer who superintended the construction of the plant for the company testified to the absolute worthlessness of the boilers.
The judgment of the court established the correctness of the town's contention that the infamous Zell boilers are not of the kind provided for in the contract, acquitting the Consolidated company for $1,000 and gives the town judgment for $1,500. which is tantamount to $2,500. The judgement reserves to the town all its rights to sue on the bond furnished by the company.
The Gazette compliments the town upon its splendid victory and desires to throw a large bouquet at Mayor Caffery, Judge O. C. Mouton, Messrs. Campbell and Girard, the attorneys, who worked with such zeal and ability in prosecution of the suit.
Lafayette Gazette 2/11/1899.
Water & Lights.
During the month of January Engineer Melchert, of the electric light and waterworks plant, collected $290. The plant bids fair to becoming self-sustaining before very long. Laf. Gaz. 2/11/1899.
JUDICIAL DECISION. - The water work and electric light case which has been before the District Court for quite a while was decided last Tuesday by Judge C. Debaillon, awarding the City Council $1,500 damages and rejecting the $1,000 claim held by the Consolidated Engineering Co., of New Orleans, against the town of Lafayette. Now the case goes up before the Circuit Court which meets at Lafayette in March.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/11/1899.
Begun Wiring. Chas. F. Melchert, an electrician from New Orleans, arrived here Tuesday and began the wiring of houses the next day. This work will be completed in a couple of weeks when the electric light plant will be given a trial. Supervising Engineer L. Zeel informed The Gazette that an effort will be made to operate the plant on Mardi Gras night. Laf. Gaz. 2/12/1898.
POLICE JURY - Messrs. C. Debaillon and E. G. Voorhies were appointed to confer with the City City Council and arrange for securing electric lights for the court room.
Lafayette Gazette 2/12/1898.
Electrician Arrived. - Chas. F. Melchert, an electrician from New Orleans, arrived here Tuesday and began the wiring of houses the next day. This work will be completed in a couple of weeks when the electric light plant will be given a trial. Supervising engineer L. Zell informed The Gazette that an effort will be made to operate the plant on Mardi Gras night. Lafayette Gazette 2/12/1898.
Lafayette, La. Feb. 3, 1901.
The waterworks and electric light committee reported that the pipes for work ordered at last meeting were on the ground and work would be started as soon as weather permitted, also poles for extension of lights had been ordered.
A petition signed by more than one-third of the property tax-payers of this town, asking that a special election be ordered to take the sense of the property tax-payers of this town upon a proposition to levy special taxes for public improvements therein named, was presented to the Council and read, and thereupon the following ordinance was unanimously adopted:
AN ORDINANCE, Ordering a special election in accordance with Act 131 of the Acts of the Legislature of this State of the year 1898, and Article 232 of the Constitution, at which there shall be submitted to the property tax-payer of the incorporated town of Lafayette, La., entitled to vote under the general election laws of said State, the question of levying special aggregating five mills on the dollar per annum on the assessed valuation of property therein for a period of twenty-five years beginning with the first day of January 1902, and the issuance of bonds thereon for the following purposes to-wit:
1. To procure grounds and buildings for a first-class, modern High School.
2. The extension of the water mains of said town, and for the extension of the electric light system therein.
3. To procure ground and building for a first-class public market house.
4. To call in and redeem outstanding bonds for the sum of thirty thousand dollars bearing six per cent annual interest issued under Act 90 of the Acts of the Legislature of this State of 1896, to obtain a present water and light system of this town, said outstanding bonds to be replaced by five per cent bonds with greater length of time for redemption ; said tax being set forth in detail in the body of this ordinance, and said election being ordered in conformity with the petition of more than one-third of the property tax-payers of said town, same being hereto annexed and made part hereof; and providing further for the mode of holding said election, making returns thereof, etc.
Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Lafayette, La., in regular session convened that a special election is hereby ordered and shall be held in said town of Lafayette, La., on Thursday, April 3, 1902, at which election there shall be held in said town of Lafayette, La., on Thursday, April 3, 1902, at which election there shall be submitted to the property tax-payers of said town of Lafayette entitled to vote under the general election laws of the State, the question of levying the following special taxes to-wit:
1. To procure grounds and buildings for a first-class modern High School for white children in said town, a special tax of one mill and half on the dollar upon the assessed valuation of property in said town, on which tax bonds shall be issued for the sum of $24,000.
2. For the extension of the water mains and electric light system of said town, a special tax of one mill on the dollar upon the assessed valuation of property in said town, upon which bonds shall be issued for the sum of $14,000.
3. To procure the ground and building for a first-class public market-house a special tax of one-half of one mill on the dollar upon the valuation of property aforesaid shall be levied and collected, and upon which bonds shall be issued for the sum of $12,000.
4. To retire and replace the outstanding bonds issued under Act 90 of 1896 for the present water and light system and special tax of two mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of property in said town and upon which bond shall be issued for the sum of $30,000; there being submitted at one and the same time to said tax-payers the question of issuing bonds for the amounts hereinabove set forth in order to render said special taxes available by obtaining the money for immediate use; said election being ordered in conformity in all respects with the petition of more than one-third of the property tax-payers of said town hereto annexed and made part of this ordinance; said taxes are to be levied and collected according to law and the terms of this ordinance, and said petition of property tax-payers being in words and figures as follows, to-wit:
To the Honorable Mayor and members of the City Council of Lafayette, La.
We, the undersigned property tax-payers of the corporation of Lafayette, Louisiana, being and constituting one-third of the total number of property tax-payers of said town, entitled to vote under the provisions of the State constitution, respectfully show that the following described public improvements are urgent public necessities in said town, to-wit:
1. Grounds and buildings for a first-class modern High School (for white children), requiring not less than $24,000.
2. The extension of the water mains of said town, for the extinguishing of fire and other purposes, and also the extension of the electric light system for additional street lights and for private lighting, requiring not less than $14,000.
3. Ground and building for a first-class public market-house, requiring not less than $12,000.
And petitioners further show that there are outstanding $30,000 of six per cent bonds issued under Act number 90 of the acts of the Legislature of 1896, to obtain the present water and light system of this town, and that it is to the best interest of said town that the said bonds should be called in and replaced by five per cent bonds with a greater length of time for redemption;
Wherefore, we respectfully petition your honorable body to order a special election in said town of Lafayette, Louisiana, under the constitution and laws of the State, for the purpose of a ascertaining and determining whether or not it is the sense and desire of the property tax-payers of said town of Lafayette, that special taxes based upon the assessed valuation of property of said town according to the official rolls, be assessed, levied and collected for twenty-five years, beginning with the year 1902, at the rates and for the purposes hereinafter set forth, upon which tax, and the public faith and credit of said town, negotiable bonds shall be issued by the City Council of said town, in such denominations as may be found convenient, bearing five per cent, per annum interest (interest payable annually) payable in twenty-five years with right to call in the same as said tax is collected. And the rates of said taxes and the purposes of which they are levied and intended, and said bonds issued, are now declared to be as follows:
1. To procure grounds and buildings for a first-class, modern public High School in said town, a special tax of one and one-half (1-1/2) mills on the dollar upon the assessed valuation of property aforesaid shall be levied and collected, on which tax bonds shall be issued for the sum of $24,000.
2. For the extension of the water mains and electric light system as herein set forth, a special tax of one (1) mill on the dollar upon the assessed valuation of property aforesaid, shall be levied and collected, upon which bonds shall be issued for the sum of $14,o00.
3. To procure the ground and building for a first-class, public market-house, a special tax of one-half (1/2) of one mill on the dollar upon the valuation of property aforesaid, shall be levied and collected, and upon which bonds shall be issued for the sum of $12,000.
4. To retire and replace the outstanding bonds issued under Act. 90 of 1896 for the present water and light system, a special tax of two (2) mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation aforesaid, shall be levied and collected, and upon which bonds shall be issued for the sum of $30,000.
All of which taxes shall be levied and collected and said bonds issued for the time and in the manner as hereinabove set forth, and the title to said improvements shall lie in said municipality, and subject to the control of the City Council, and said bonds shall not be sold for less than par.
Moreover the net revenue derived from the operation of said public market shall be used to pay said $12,000 of bonds, which shall be distinguished from the other bonds described in this petition; and in case of necessity that the City Council shall have the power to expropriate ground for said improvements, upon the payment of just and reasonable compensation to the owner.
And we further petition that said propositions be submitted to the qualified voters at said election, in such manner that the voter may vote separately on each "for" or "against," as he may desire.
(Signed): Wm. Campbell, Wm. Clegg, Orther C. Mouton, Chas. O. Mouton, F. Demanade, Chas. D. Caffery, J. G. Parkerson, S. R. Parkerson, Jno. Whittington, N. P. Moss, F. V. Mouton, J. C. Nickerson, Julien Mouton, Louis Lacoste, Homer Mouton, F. E. Davis, Victor Levy, Frank F. Moss, D. L. Caffery, Albert Delahoussaye, H. H. Hohorst, Sidney J. Veazey, E. Mouisset, John Vigneaux, Geo. A. DeBlanc, B. J. Pellerin, R. C. Greig, A. T. Caillouet, John O. Mouton, W. J. Mouton, L. F. Rigues, J. Alfred Mouton, Sidney Mouton, C. M. Parkerson, H. C. Salles, J. A. Roy, Jules J. Mouton, J. A. Landry, F. R. Tolson, B. Falk, F. E. Girard, F. H. Mouton, F. K. Hopkins, J. J. Davidson, Isaac Plonsky, A. J. LeBlanc, Mrs. E. Constantin, Gaston Veazey, J. B. Vandergriff, F. C. Triay, L. J. Serrett, People's Cotton Oil Co. per T. M. B. G. M., Leopold Lacoste, Anaize Courquet, Marte Courquet, Minor Meriwether, J. F. Mouton, T. M. Biossat, Levy Bros., V. Levy & Co., Wm. and Mose Levy, W. A. Broussard, T. B. Hopkins Jr., for Lafayette Drug Co., C. H. Melchert, J. R. Domengeaux, Mrs. J. S. Whittington, Miss Mary Whittington per Mrs. J. S. Whittington, Miss Mary Whittington per Mrs. J. S. W., Crow Girard, Mrs. M. E. Girard per C. D. B., Mrs. Beraud, Felix O. Broussard, B. F. Anderson, Mrs. L. M. Creighton X her mark; witness C. D. C., B. Miller, L. Hirsch, Chas. Debaillon, Thomas Mouton, Frank H. Clark, Alfred A. Bonnet, M. Rosenfield, E. Pefferkorn, A. Prudhomme & Co. per A. Prudhomme, T. A. McFaddin, Mrs. W. D. Huff, O. B. Hopkins, G. A. Martin M. D., S. E. Yandle, P. Krauss, F. Schmulen, H. Van der Cruyssen, P. M. Girard, Joseph Dauriac, A. B. Denbo, F. E. Voorhies, A. A. Mouton, James Hannen, Miss Ida Mouton, Mrs. Estelle Monnier, Suc. of A. J. Moss per N. P. Moss, G. Joseph, T. D. Coleman, P. H. Bailey, C. Debaillon, (reserving the right to vote against the public market.) A. and M. Debaillon, per M. Debaillon, J. T. Allingham, Mrs. Ant. Guidry, Thos. B. Hopkins, Mrs. Odeide Mouton, Paul Demanade, Levi O. Emes, Abraham Amuny, C. S. Babin, Louis Chopin, I. A. Brousssard, William Hane, Mrs. C. Homer Mouton, Mrs. J. G. Parkerson, Philip Mouton, F. H. Gregory, Aug. Bourgeois, Joseph C. Breaux, Jos. A. Lacoste, Mrs. T. Hebert Jr., Arthur Bonnet, Moss & Co. per A. R. M. L. Monnier, Mrs. James Higginbotham, Mrs. W. Tanner, Miss Nydia Campbell, W. J. Shows, Voorhies & Hopkins, F. B. Thompson, J. W. Clifford, C. C. Mabry, Chas. C. Weir, Marie Julie Mouton, Hyman Plonsky, D. V. Gardebled, Dr. J. L. Duhart, Miss Amelie Guyot, C. H. Lusted, J. M. Cunningham, Raoul Guidry, C. D. Boudreaux, (Mrs.) L. Domengeaux, W. V. Nicholson, J. Nickerson, Mrs. Geo. Babcock (Mrs. M. P. Young), Mrs. Adele Cornay, Mrs. H. Landry, Mrs. S. B. Kahn, (Rose), R. J. Tanner, Paul Castel, A. Mouton, J. B. Coumes, E. P. Broussard, Pierre Guchereau, H. Gankendorff, A. Courtnay, B. J. Donlon, Jules O. Dugas, Mathilde Gardner, C. C. Higginbotham, Jacob Bachert, W. J. Riu, Mouton Bros., R. B. Raney, Mrs. L. F. Rigues, Arthur Couret, O. J. Mouton, L. Turpin, Hector Prejean, Leonce Gladu, Couret & Patin Fur. Co., M. Patin, Mrs. J. Alfred Mouton, A. Degrez, Alicia Dugas, (Mrs. Horace Broussard) Mrs. C. P. Alpha, (Mrs. Alcee) Celimene Mouton, Mrs. Clet LeBlanc, Ed. G. Voorhies, Mme. Paul Castel, C. Trahan, Mrs. O. C. Mouton, M. Mouton.
Lafayette, La., Feb. 3, 1902. - I, the undersigned, Assessor M. Martin, Assessor of the parish of Lafayette, La., after a careful examination of the assessment rolls of the town of Lafayette, La., of the year 1901, do herby certify that the property tax-payers of said town of Lafayette whose names are signed to the foregoing petition constitute more than one third of the property tax-payers of said town.
Witness my official signature this Feb. 3, 1902.
Laf. Advertiser 2/15/1902.
A Large Meeting Held at Falk's Hall - Waterworks and Electric Lights Discussed.
About 300 persons, among whom were many ladies, assembled at Falk's Opera-house last Monday night to hear discussions by local speakers upon the question of water-works and electric lights. The meeting was not as large as expected, but the 'earnestness visible on all hands and the enthusiasm which prevailed gave unmistakable signs of the popularity of the movement. The audience was of a representative character, a feature which may always be taken as a good omen for the success of any undertaking of this kind.
C. O. Mouton, Esq., president of the Business Men's Association, in a brief talk explained the object of meeting and introduced to the audience the Rev. Father E. Forge, who was the first speaker. The reverend gentleman delivered a very sensible address. He dealt at length upon the great necessity of protection from fire. He said that any further procrastination in this matter was little short of criminal on the part of the people of this town. He said he would support the measure with all his energy and would use his influence toward the success of the move just inaugurated. At the conclusion of his address Father Forge handed to the president of the B. M. A. a one hundred-dollar bill to be used for the proposed plant. Short addresses were then made by Messrs. Wm. Campbell, Chas. D. Caffery and Julian Mouton.
The speakers explained that petitions would be presented to the tax-payers for their signatures for the purpose of asking the City Council to call an election to see if the required number of people are willing to be taxed 5-mills on the dollar to raise the necessary amount to build the water-works and electric light plant. A number of signatures were obtained before leaving the hall. Well-informed persons are of the opinion that the opponents to the tax will not be sufficiently numerous to defeat the measure and it is hoped when the question will be thoroughly explained there will not be any opposition worth mentioning. Lafayette Gazette 2/15/1896.
Light Plant Declared Satisfactory. - R. T. Burnell was sent here some days ago to make an inspection at the electric light power house for the Hartford Boilers Inspection and Insurance Company. Mr. Burrell's report states that "the condition, care and management" at that place are satisfactory.
Lafayette Gazette 2/17/1900.
City Council.
LAFAYETTE, LA., February 7, 1898.
Among other business....
A communication from the Consolidated Engineering Company, relative to furnishing a marble tablet, with the names of the members of the City Council inscribed thereon, to be used as a corner stone of the waterwork and electric light plant, for the sum of $25 was received, upon motion of Mr. Hahn, seconded by Dr. Martin, that the proposition be approved.
Yeas - Hahn and Martin.
Nays - Hopkins and Mouton.
The vote being a tie the mayor voted no.
A communication from Mr. C. Lusted, Sr., withdrawing his application as chief engineer of the waterwork and electric light plant was received and recorded.
The application of A. R. Lisbony and Albert Singleton for fireman of the water and electric light plant were filed for reference.
The application of Mr. P. J. Daspit, of Lake Charles, for chief engineer of waterwork and electric light plant was filed for reference.
The following communication was received :
To the waterworks committed the town of Lafayette, La., -- Gentlemen: We beg to request that as we are nearly ready to turn the waterwork and electric light plant over to the city of Lafayette, that you cause to be inspected all the work done on this contract, as well as have inspected all material, machinery, etc., which have been used in the construction of the plant.
Yours truly,
Consolidated Engineering Company Limited, per H. DASPIT, secretary.
The above communication was referred to Mr. Zell, city engineer.
The following communication was then laid before the Council.
LAFAYETTE, LA., Jan. 19, 1898.--
Honorable Mayor Caffery and City Council of Lafayette -- Gentlemen: If you see proper to extend to the Consolidated Engineering Company Limited, the advancement of five thousand ($5,000) on account, I do not think you jeopardize the interests of the town by doing so, provided you do not pay any more until the plant is completed and tested. With this understanding I will be willing to advise the advancement.
Respectfully submitted,
Superintendent Engineer.
After considering the same the following was adopted:
Resolved, That five thousand dollars, out of the amount due on third payment to Consolidated Engineering Company, be advanced and paid to them provided that balance of said third payment amount be remitted to the final completion and acceptance of plant.
Yeas - Four.
Nays - None.
The following resolutions were adopted:
By Dr. Martin -- Be it resolved that the residence of Father Forge be wired and the supplies purchased therefor at the expense of the town.
By Mr. Hahn -- Whereas there has been a complaint made about a public nuisance, therefore be it resolved that the mayor appoint a committee to establish a deadline to abate said public nuisance and thereupon the mayor appointed Mr. Mouton and Dr. Martin on that committee.
By Dr. Martin -- Be it resolved, That the Council give special instruction to the street committee to give the canal in Mill's Addition and the big ditch needful attention, the contract for same to be let to the lowest bidder, any and all bids subject to rejection and that the mayor be added to the committee for this special purpose.
By Dr. Hopkins -- Be it Resolved, That the mayor appoint an expert electrician to wire the houses under the supervision of the secretary of the waterwork and electric light, also authorize the mayor to procure the necessary fuel to run the plant, to purchase hose of a medium quality, length of hose left to the discretion of the mayor, to purchase the necessary wire for outside wiring and also two hundred 16 K. P. incandescent lights and supplies, that the cost of the two hundred be distributed among the first five hundred subscribers.
An ordinance relative to issuance of bonds for appliances for waterworks and electric lights.
Whereas, act No. 90 of 1896, authorizes the City Council of Lafayette, La., to issue bonds to the amount of $38,000 to procure, construct and operate a waterworks and electric light plant in the city and whereas there remains $2,000 of said bonds, unexpended therefore.
Be it ordained by the Council that for the purpose of procuring a supply of wire, incandescent lamps, etc., also for hose, a tapping machine and other appliances necessary to operate said plants, the said City Council of Lafayette hereby authorizes the issuance of said two thousand dollars of bonds and the mayor is empowered to sign the same, and said bonds to be redeemable March 1, 1906.
Adopted by the following vote:
Yeas - Hahn, Hopkins, Martin and Mouton.
Nays - None.
There being no further business to transact the council adjourned.
C. A. CAFFERY, Mayor.
F. STERLING MUDD, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 2/19/1898.
In a few days our city will have a luminous aspect. Streets and stores being lighted by electricity. Laf. Adv. 2/19/1898.
We have at our office a view of a part of Lafayette taken from the top of the waterworks tank by Mr. Zell. Laf. Adv. 2/19/1898.
Electric Light Plant Disabled. - The electric light plant has been partially for a week past and part of the town has been groping in darkness, owing to the breaking down of one engine in the power-house. The machinery had only recently been repaired in New Orleans, but it seems a bungle was made on the job and consequently the breakdown noted. Lafayette Advertiser 2/24/1904.
Have Taken an Appeal. -Last Thursday the Consolidated Engineering Company perfected it appeal and the case which was decided against the company the district court goes to the Circuit. The Circuit court convenes here in March. Laf. Gazette 2/25/1899.
City Council Proceedings. Special Meeting.
Lafayette, La., Feb. 24th, 1898.
The City Council met this day in special session with the following members present: Mayor Caffery, Councilmen, Hahn, Hopkins, Landry, Martin and Mouton.
The Mayor stated the object of the meeting to make arrangements for payment of the water works and electric light bonds falling due March 1st. 1898 being Nos. 1 to 5 inclusive of $500 each.
The bonds were issued August 16th 1897 and the first interest coupon amounts to $16.25 making a total of $1,170 of interest due March 1st. 1898.
The following was then offered by Dr. Hopkins:
Be it ordained by the City Council of Lafayette that the water works and electric light bonds and the interest on the entire amount of said bonds, falling due March 1st. 1898 as indicated by the foregoing statement be paid out of the water works and electric light fund, and mayor be and is authorized to warrant upon the treasury for the same and attend to the payment thereof. Be it further ordained that the mayor is authorized to make the best possible arrangement for the transmission of said money to New York the place of payment.
Adopted by the following vote: Yeas, Hopkins, Mouton, Hahn, Landry and Martin.
The following was offered by Mr. Mouton and unanimously adopted.
Be it ordained by this Council that the posting of bills or notices of any kind or in any manner on the electric light poles or the town is hereby prohibited nor shall any one be permitted to drive nails or tacks or in any other way mutilate the said poles, and that any one violating this ordinance shall be punished by fine not exceeding ten dollars and in default of payment of fine shall be imprisoned not exceeding fifteen days, at the discretion of the mayor.
There being no further business the Council adjourned.
F. STERLING MUDD, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1898.
A Letter From Father Forge. "Mr. Editor: - Permit me to use your estimable journal to express my profound gratitude to the honorable members of the city council for their generous attention so delicately expressed towards me.
There are sentiments that honor as much those who bestow them as those upon whom they are bestowed.
In contributing to an enterprise so necessary to the interest and safety of our city I did only my duty as a citizen. The success of the enterprise of which I am proud and happy amply reward me for the light help that I may have given.
Any how, I have only responded to the appeal of men who are entitled to praise for their zeal and devotion shown for so many years in bringing prosperity to our good city of Lafayette. My collaboration with my respectful admiration will always be at their disposal.
Please accept, gentlemen of the City Council, my heartfelt thanks and I remain your humble and devoted servant.
The letter published above brings to our mind the interest manifested by its author in the enterprise of our waterworks and electric lights and of the generous gift donated to the Business Men's Association for this purpose.
We may say without fear of being contradicted that Rev. E. Forge, was in a certain measure the corner stone of this enterprise.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/26/1898.
When shall we have the electric lights?
Laf. Advertiser 2/26/1898.
Arc Lights will brighten the night Tuesday night.
Laf. Adv. 2/26/1898.
The Special Tax.
Mayor Moss has issued a proclamation calling an election for Monday the 23d of March at which the tax-payers of this corporation will be expected to say whether or not they are in favor of the proposed five mill tax for a term of ten years. If the tax is carried Lafayette will have, at an early day, water works and electric lights. If it is defeated these two very desirable improvements will be postponed indefinitely. If the people vote against the tax the town will receive a serious blow. If they take a wiser view and vote for it if the results will be the opposite. That water works and electric lights are needed there is no question, and that the only way to get them is to pay for them it is equally certain. Now, taxation is the only fair and available way of raising the funds necessary and if the people are willing to be taxed that the election has been ordered. It is useless to speak of the desirability of water works and electric lights as it is generally conceded that no town of any pretensions can afford to remain long without them. The defeat of the tax will be a step backward while its adoption will be an unfailing promise of better times. It is not necessary to dwell upon the beneficial results that will flow from a system of water works and electric lights. Every qualified voter is acquainted with them. The Gazette feels confident that there will be a unanimous vote cast in favor of the tax. Lafayette Gazette 2/29/1896.
By virtue of the powers in me vested by law, and by virtue of the adoption of the ordinance by the city council of the town of Lafayette for that purpose, notice is hereby given that an election will be held at the town of Lafayette, parish of Lafayette, La., on Monday, March 23d, 1896, submitting to the property taxpayers of said town, entitled to vote under the election laws of this State, the proposition to levy a special tax of five mills on every dollar of the assessed value of all property situated in said town and subject to taxation therein, in excess of the limit allowed by law, for a term of ten years beginning January 1st, 1896, for the purpose of procuring, constructing and operating a water works and electric light system for said incorporated town, in conformity to Article 209 of the constitution and Act. No. 126 of 1882.
The election shall be held at the courthouse of this parish, located in said town, and being the poll or precinct established by law before the last election; the polls shall be opened from 6 o'clock a. m. until 7 p. m. ; the ballots to be used at said election shall be printed or written as follows: "For" the special tax of five mills for the term of ten years, beginning January 1st, 1896, for the purpose of procuring, constructing and operating a system of water-works and electric light system, as set forth in petition of property taxpayers. "Against" the special tax of five mills for the term of ten year, beginning January 1st, 1896, for the purpose of procuring, constructing and operating a waterworks and electric light system.
That the commissioners of election shall receive the ballots of all property taxpayers of the town of Lafayette, entitled to vote at said election under the laws of the State of Louisiana, and before depositing the same in the ballot box, shall endorse thereon in the presence of the elector, unless the ballot shall have been so endorsed, the name of the voter and the amount of his assessed property; and said commissioners shall make returns of the number of votes and the amounts of the assessed value of the property voted, for and against, the levy of said special tax, and otherwise, according to law.
The following commissioners will hold said election: R. C. Greig, J. E. Martin and Alfred Hebert; clerk of election, Baxter Clegg.
In testimony whereof I have affixed my official signature, at Lafayette, La., this 25th day of February, 1896. A. J. Moss, Mayor of Lafayette.
Lafayette Gazette 2/29/1896.
An Ordinance ordering a special election in accordance with act. No. 126 of the acts of the Legislature of this State for the year 1882, and article 209 of the Constitution, whereat shall be submitted to the property tax-payers of the incorporated town of Lafayette, Louisiana, entitled to vote under the general election laws of said State, the question of levying a special tax at the rate of five mills on the dollar, per annum, of the assessed property therein, for a period of ten years beginning with the first day of January 1896, for the purpose of procuring, constructing and operating a water works and electric light system in said incorporated town, in conformity with the petition of more than one-tenth of the property tax-payers of said town, hereto annexed and made part hereof; providing for the mode of holding said election, making returns, etc.
Section 1. Be it ordained by the city council of Lafayette, Louisiana, in legal session convened that a special election is hereby ordered and shall be held in said town of Lafayette, Louisiana, on Monday, the 23rd day of March, 1896, at which election shall be submitted to the property taxpayers of said town, entitled to vote under the general election laws of the State, the question of levying a special tax of five mills on the dollar of assessed valuation on all taxable property in said town annually, for the period of ten years, beginning with the first day of January 1896, for the purpose of procuring, constructing and operating a thorough system of water works and electric light plant in said town, of Lafayette, Louisiana, according to plans and specifications now in possession of this council and open to public inspection and made part hereof; said tax to be levied and collected according to law and the terms of the ordinance; said election being ordered upon the following petition signed by more than one-tenth of the property tax-payers of said town of Lafayette, to wit:
To the Honorable Mayor of the City Council of Lafayette, La:
We the undersigned constituting more than one-tenth of the property tax-payers of the incorporated town of Lafayette, Louisiana, believing that a water supply and means of lighting our town and streets are urgent public necessities , and understanding the established rate of taxation to be insufficient to obtain these benefits, hereby petition you as the governing body of said town, to levy and collect an increased rate of taxation of five mills annually for a term of two years beginning A. D. 1896, on every dollar of assessed value of property in said town, for the purpose of procuring, constructing and operating a water works and electric light system therein; they therefore further petitioned, that as required by act No. 126 of the acts of the Legislature of this State for the year 1882 and article 209 of the Constitution, a special election be ordered by your Honorable body, and that you thereat submit to the property tax-payers of said town, the said proposed increased rate of taxation herein petitioned for and that at said election ballots be used, printed or written, in form as follows:
For the special tax of five mills for the term of ten years beginning. A. D. 1896 for the purpose of procuring, constructing and operating a water works and electric light system.
Against the special tax of five mills for the term of ten years beginning A. D. 1896, for the purpose of procuring constructing and operating a water works and electric light system.
And otherwise that same be conducted under said act of the Legislature No. 126 of 1882 and article 209 of the Constitution of this State.
{Signed} - Louis Lacoste, T. M. Biossat, G. A. Martin, J. A. Delhomme, E. H. Parkerson, J. G. Parkerson, Victor Levy, L. F. Rigues, J. Vandergriff, Phil Crouchet, John O. Mouton, Paul Demanade, Alex Delahoussaye, Gus Lacoste, S. R. Parkerson, L. F. Salles, B. Falk, Robert Richard, Walter J. Mouton, Geo. A. Delhomme, W. Lewis, H. H. Hohorst, M. Mouton, Crow Girard, F. S. Mudd, Jos. A. Chargois, Alfred Hebert, C. Lusted Sr., E. T. McBride, Jos. Ducote, C. Trahan, H. A. Eastin, Alfred A. Bonnet, L. S. Broussard, F. Lombard, Leon Plonsky, Horace Foreman, A. Peck, P. Castel, J. D. Trahan, I. N. Satterfield, Wm. Campbell, Arthur Couret, A. Hirsch, W. B. Bailey, Wm. Clegg, I. A. Broussard, J. Alf. Mouton, A. Degrez, Pierre Guchereau, Arthur Bonnet, A. J. Moss, James Hannen, Mrs. A. C. Young, F. G. Mouton, Chas. O. Mouton, Geo. Doucet, Leo Doucet, Albert Doucet, F. R. Tolson, L. Levy, F. Demenade, R. C. Greig, A. M. Martin, Julian Mouton, Aug. V. Labbe, Chas. D. Caffery, H. Billeaud, James Higginbotham, F. C. Triay, John Hahn, Baxter Clegg, F. F. Girard, C. H. Lusted, A. T. Caillouet, Louis Chopin, Arthur Hebert, Theodore Richard, J. W. Brown Jr., D. McGill, Fred Mouton, Thos. B. Hopkins M. D., A. E. Mouton, J. J. Davidson, H. Church, C. K. Darling, Gus. Schmulen, D. V. Gardebled, Sidney J. Veazey, A. L, Bourg, F. W. Thompson, F. Otto, E. E. Bourg, H. D. Engelman, B. Miller.
Lafayette, La., Feb. 17, 1896.
Having carefully examined the foregoing petition by tax-payers of the corporation of Lafayette, La., as at present constituted to the City Council thereof, and having also examined the assessment roll for the year 1895 to ascertain the relative number and amount of the assessment, of said petitioners, and tax-payers, I hereby certify that said petitioners constitute more than one tenth of the entire number of tax-payers of said corporation as at present constituted in both value and number.
Given under my official signature on the day and date first above written.
Signed: N. REAUX,
Parish Assessor Lafayette Parish.
Section 2. Be it further ordained by said City Council of Lafayette, La., that said election shall be held under the general election laws of the State of Louisiana, and at the polling places established in said town, and the ballots to be used at said election shall be printed or written in the form set forth in the said annexed petition to this Council.
Section 3. Be it further ordained etc., that the Board of Supervisors of Election for the parish of Lafayette are hereby authorized to appoint commissioners and clerks to serve at said polling places; to give due notice of said appointment and of the time and place of holding said election, and to make returns of said election to the City Council and according to law.
Section 4. Be it further ordained, etc., that the assessor of the parish of Lafayette shall furnish to the the commissioners of election as herein before authorized, a complete list of the tax-payers with amount of the assessments, respectively in the incorporated limits of said town, duly certified; and shall also furnish a duly certified list of the electors of said town to the commissioners of election.
Section 5. Be it further ordained, etc., that the commissioners of election shall receive the ballots of all property tax-payers of the town of Lafayette, entitled, entitled to vote at said election under the laws of the State of Louisiana, and before depositing the same in the ballot box shall endorse thereon in the presence of the elector, unless the ballot have been so endorsed; the name of the voter and the amount of his assessed property; and said commissioners shall make returns of the number of votes, and the votes amounts of the assessed value of the property voted for and against the levy of said tax.
Section 6. Be it further ordained by the said City Council of Lafayette, that this ordinance and the said petition of tax-payers be published in The Lafayette Gazette and the Lafayette Advertiser, official journals of said town, for twenty clear days prior to said election, in the same manner provided by law for judicial advertisements, and that this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage.
Section 7. Be it further enacted, that in addition to the announcement of said election to be made by the board of supervisors of election of said parish, and the publication of this ordinance, the mayor of said town is hereby authorized to issue his proclamation calling said special election and stating the rate of the proposed increased taxation and the purpose for which it is intended, according to the terms of this ordinance.
A. J. Moss, Mayor-B. Clegg, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 2/29/1896.
An Acrobatic Rat.
An acrobatic rat is the latest in Lafayette. Over on St. John street, so we have been informed, there is an ambitious rodent who believes in getting up in the world. Just plain sidewalk isn't elevated enough for his perambulations, and so he does a stunt on the electric wire almost nightly. During the day, it seems that he has to stay at home and attend to household matters, but as the shades of evening begin to fall, he feels the need of a little exercise and fresh air, both of which he proceeds to get by climbing an electric light pole and promenading on the wire from Vermilion to Main street. Our informant neglected to state as to whether his ratship carried a balancing pole, sat on the point of his tail or did the usual slack wire acts; but we may infer that the stunt is amusing. Those who do not care to infer, may test the accuracy of our informant by watching for the performance some evening.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/2/1904.
Lafayette to the Front.
School and Water & Light Tax Carried.
Another Victory for Progress.
The people of Lafayette have again demonstrated to the world that they believe in progress, push and public spirit. When two years ago the parish voted the enormous sum of $70,000, for the Industrial School, it attracted the wondering attention of the entire State and its fame was spread abroad. The appointment of a school superintendent, purely because of his fitness of and experience as a practical educator, increased the wonder and won for our people both compliments and admiration. Thursday, the town of Lafayette sustained the enviable reputation it has already achieved. The propositions submitted to the people for their decision on that day were all carried with a safe majority with the exception of the public market. It means that within the near future the water-works will be extended to all parts of town, and that every home will be given fire protection, that plenty of electric lights will be placed over the town to give all citizens the benefit of light, and best of all, it means that Lafayette will, have a fine modern school building, that educationally Lafayette will be the peer of any town in the State.
Lafayette with its growing reputation for progress, for being wide-awake and alive, will attract capital; will bring others here to help us develop, and increase our values. We are proud of Lafayette and see a great future for her.
One of the prettiest and most interesting features of the election was the parade of the children bearing banners and singing. There were nearly 300 children in line and each and every child was heartily, earnestly, and deeply in favor of the school. They took this method of asking the generous people of Lafayette to "Remember the Children T0-Day" and the people did remember them. They were certainly a pleasing sight and their singing was sweet and musical. We can well take pride in the fine showing of our schools and congratulate ourselves that we are going to do still greater things for our "little citizens of the future".
Judge Julian Mouton and Mayor Caffery addressed the children, before the Court House.
The election passed off very quietly with nothing to mar the harmony and peace of the town. What opposition there was showed only in the quiet work of the opposers. It was simply to ascertain the will of the people, and when the vote was counted, the defeated side accepted the verdict. The
vote in detail was as follows:
Water-works and Lights.
For: 124 / Against 77.
For 59 / Against 146.
For 105 / Against 96.
For 120 / Against 79.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1902.
Need More Juice!
Among a number of items dealt with by the Lafayette City Council at their meeting of April 1st, was the need for more electrical capacity....
The Water-Works & Electric Light Committee reported that they had considered the proposition of the Safety Electric Mfg. Co., to increase the capacity of the Plant, and also propositions of other firms in that line of business, and recommend that the proposition of the Safety Electric Mfg. C., which is as follows be accepted:
Two (2) 12 112 K. W. 250 Volt Wagner Generators at $660.00.
7 in. doubt light Dynamo Belt at $1.00 per foot.
Glass insulators at $5.00 per 100.
Locust Pins at $1.60 per 100.
Weatherproof wire 19 cts. per lb. All above to be delivered F. O. B. Lafayette.
On motion duly made and seconded, the recommendation of the Committee was adopted, and the Committee authorized to Contract with said Safety Electric Mfg. Co., provided, that the town be allowed a 30 days test, before payment. The Dynamos to operate to the satisfaction of the Council, and the guarantee of one year, adopted.
The W. W. & E. L. Committee reported that it would cost approximately $250.00 for material and labor to furnish the Industrial Institute with lights, it was thereupon moved and duly seconded that the Committee be authorized to proceed at once to have work done to furnish said lights, motion carried.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/6/1901.
several months of darkness the streets of Lafayettte were and have been
lighted by electricity since last Saturday night. This is certainly an
improvement. The new boiler has been carefully and critically examined
by the insurance agents and pronounced in first-class condition. Mr.
Melchert, the chief electrician informs us that the new boiler will
consume a less quantity of coal than the one put up by Mr. Zell.
Now another main line will be very soon put upand all electric lights will give their full power of intensity and then their number will be increased without any difficulty. Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1899.
With the return of the streets' electric lights, the BUGS have a picnic.
Laf. Adv. 4/8/1899.
An outgoing member of the present City Council expressed himself thus to the reporter of the ADVERTISER. "We have done the best we could under the circumstances, we had "a boiler" and a "rainy weather" to contend with. We didn't burst and we didn't stay in the mud." The reporter then thought of what the next council will have to contend with. Laf. Adv. 4/8/1899.
More electric lights were added to the altar of the Catholic Church.
Laf. Adv. 4/16/1898
Dealing With the New Technologies that Supply Water and Lights.
Among other things, the Council heard from D. L. Caffery, secretary of water works and electric lights who reported to the gentlemen of the Lafayette City Council as follows:
"Gentlemen - Since commencing the work of installing lights into stores, offices and other houses, we have put up 248 incandescent lights, for this work I have collected and deposited with the city treasurer the sums of $177.05 and $55.05 since treasurer's report was submitted.
The rent on these lights amounted to $100.25 for the month of March, for the month April, the revenue will be $150.00 more or less.
In pursuance with instructions of your honorable body, I wired the residence of Rev. E. Forge not charging for installation.
During the thirty days test of the waterworks and electric light plant, by the contractors, 56 tons of coal were used at an average cost of $3.71 per ton, making a total $217.77, owing to the fact that a great deal of experimenting and testing of both engines and boilers, was done during the thirty days. This accounts for the large quantity of coal used. As we have charged but four days, it is impossible at this time to make an intelligent estimate of the amount of coal that will be consumed daily.
In compliance with instructions from the Hon. Mayor, I purchased from the lowest bidder, Fairbanks and Co. a tapping machine and the necessary pipe and fitting to make 50 taps, and the necessary tools to do the above work.
The town now having charge of the plant, I will proceed with the placing of hydrants for persons desiring same, making rates that will induce liberal patronage, and at the same time be a source of revenue to the city.
Owing to the fact that persons not connected with the plant have on several occasions tampered with the switches, and the arc lamps, and have tampered with the fire hydrants, I respectfully recommending to the City Council the passage of an ordinance, prohibiting this practice.
Upon receipt of a certificate from the mayor and fire chief of Pensacola, Fla., to the effect that the hose reel was in good condition, and that it has a carrying capacity of 500 feet of hose, same was ordered shipped. It arrived in good order and was turned over to Fire Co. No. 2 The hose ordered from the Guta Percha and Rubber Co. is all that it represented to be as well as the hose cart. The cart was turned over to Fire Co. No. 1. Five hundred feet of the hose has not been tested on account of the muddy condition of the streets.
D. L. Caffery.
Ordered recorded and filed.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/30/1898.
Several of our enterprising business men and others put themselves on record as being opposed to dust and will keep the streets in a sprinkling condition by having the water works at their disposal. Hurrah for Enterprise.
Laf. Adv. 4/30/1898
Power Out Due to Faulty Valve. The failure of the Power House to supply lights is caused by the wearing out of a valve on the engine. Mr. Melchert went to the city Sunday to try and have it replaced, and is expected back to-day.
Laf. Adv. 5/18/1904.
Artesian Well Needed in Lafayette.
The new council goes into office under peculiarly favoring conditions - splendid streets, excellent drainage, comfortable town hall, etc., no debts, and money in the exchequer. There are no gaps behind to close up, and all their work lies ahead with an open field and a clear sky. As we said before, we are well pleased with the personnel and tout ensemble of the new council, and shall expect much good work from it. Among the many much needed improvements which our rapid development and growing importance makes it inevitable must be inaugurated by them, we think the one of the most urgency and prime importance is an artesian well. The experience of other towns in the alluvial section of the State has demonstrated that this is neither costly nor difficult of attainment. Plaquemine, at a depth of something over 200 feet, has obtained a fine stream of pure water flowing over 450,000 gallons every twenty-four hours. With a good artesian well, or wells, we must have a force pump and an elevated tank. From this tank main pipes could lead down our principal streets, with plugs for fire purposes at proper intervals. These mains could be tapped by property owners along the route for household purposes, private hose for street sprinkling, etc. in fact, the conveniences and advantages of a free and abundant supply of pure water can never be overestimated. It has been the first desideratum of every city since man began gregarious habit. Besides cheapening insurance, it would necessitate here a plumbing establishment, thus introducing a new industry into our midst. But the groundwork for all this is a good well, and we trust that the council will break ground for this purpose at as early a day as possible. We will ever be found ready to lend our energies and "moral suasion" (that's a good expression) to all their enterprises for the public good. By all means let us have that well!
Lafayette Advertiser 5/23/1891.
The question of Water Works Being Earnestly Discussed by the People Generally.
Several Different Plans Suggested Which are Worthy of Consideration.
The question of Lafayette putting in a system of water works is beginning to be discussed on all sides, and the universal opinion seems to be that the time has arrived to take some decisive action in the matter. That we stand badly in need of some protection against fire is an indisputable fact. That a system of water works would greatly reduce the present insurance rate will readily be admitted by all. The only question to be decided on is, what system shall be adopted. Several different plans have been suggested, and all of them possess some good features. In deciding upon a system the question of cost will prove an important factor. Of course if Lafayette could afford it the best system would be to put in a first-class hydraulic system, with a stand pipe at some central point in town and a pumping station at the bayou, and although such a system would cost in the neighborhood of $30,000, it is advocated by quite a number of our prominent citizens, who argue that if we are to put in water works, it should be a system that would furnish through and ample protection; and to a certain extent we believe they are right.
If the expense could be met without becoming too severe a burden on our people, we believe it would be the wisest plan, and prove the cheapest in the end, to put in such a system. If this plan were to be adopted an electric plant could be run in connection with it at a very small additional cost; lights and power could be furnished to business houses and light manufacturing establishments, and the railroad would probably take a number of lights for use in the yard as well as the hotel. Our town could be lighted by electricity instead of oil, and we believe many private citizens would take incandescent lights for their houses. In this way the city would receive quite a revenue which would help materially in paying the expense of running the plant. Besides, in the course of time our people would grow into the habit of using the water furnished by the city, and would gradually put pipes in their houses, which would be another source of revenue for the city.
Whether a plan can be developed that will enable the city to put in such a system remains to be seen, but the matter should be thoroughly canvassed and well considered before a less effective system is adopted.
Another plan that has been suggested, that would cost a great deal less, is to sink a number of wells in different parts of the city and put up wooden tanks at an elevation of 40 feet, using a windmill at each tank to pump the water into the tanks. If this plan were to be adopted it would be necessary to have a number, if not all, the tanks connected, for a fire might break out on a night when there would not be sufficient wind to keep the pump going, and the water in one tank would soon be exhausted. The advantage of this system would be in its cheapness, as it would only cost about $200 for each tank, windmill and pump. The cost of digging the wells and the necessary piping would be additional.
Another plan, which we consider the best cheap one so far mentioned, was suggested by out fellow-townsman, Mr. John Nickerson, who as seen it in successful operation. The plan consists of having a large well with a steam pump at or near the center of town, with brick cisterns located in different parts of the city, sunk below the surface of the ground. These cisterns or reservoirs would be kept filled with water by the steam pump, which would only be run when needed; in case of fire steam could be got up and the pump started long before the water in a tank would be used. The plan would necessitate the purchase of a fire engine and two or three thousand feet of hose, and would in probability prove the most effective cheap plan that could be adopted.
It would be a good and wise move to have committees appointed by the City Council and Business Men's Association to thoroughly investigate the different plans suggested, and report the same to a general meeting of our citizens. The matter should be taken up at the first meeting of both bodies, as delay is dangerous. Because we have escaped any large fire in the past is no reason that we will always be exempt from such a visitation.
As soon as we have a system of water works, no matter what that system may be, we could have the streets sprinkled, which would save our merchants a great deal of money in the course of the year by preventing their goods from being damaged by the dust, as is now the case. We have faith to believe that our citizens have taken hold of this matter with a firm determination to push it through to successful completion and that ere long work will be commenced.
It is altogether too dangerous to go on as we are doing, with no protection whatever, for should a fire occur on a windy night we would be completely at the mercy of the flames, and the loss would be enormous. Let us move at once. Lafayette Advertiser 5/27/1893.
City Water Works.
To The Editor: - Mr. Editor : As the people of our town are thoroughly aroused to the great necessity of municipal reform and improvement, I think it is the duty of every well wisher of the town to set all old prejudices aside, and put his shoulders to the wheel, and help the work of progress along.
At present, the most absorbing question seems to be some system of water works, or fire protection, that is within reach of our financial circumstances of our town. I have a system to propose that I think for cheapness and, efficiency is the best that can be adopted. I shall not attempt to go into minute details of the plans until I see whether the general system is adopted or not.
In the first place the council would have to select a suitable lot in the most central part of the town, buy a first class engine of sufficient capacity to run the pumps, and electric light machinery, if necessary, and set it up on said lot so as to assist in digging a well, for a supply of water, putting a temporary cover over it, until a suitable building can be erected. I would propose to dig a well not less than ten feet in diameter inside, and of sufficient depth to always have not less than five or six feet of water in the dry season, I am told that such a well will give an inexhaustible supply of water, then it would require a wooden tank to be built that would hold about twenty-five thousand gallons, or five hundred barrels. It should be set up ten feet from the ground, so as to allow sprinkling carts to back under it, to fill for sprinkling purposes and to give plenty of fall, for filling the small tanks placed throughout the town for the purpose of supplying the fire engine, in case of fire. Those small tanks can be built of brick or wood, but as there is no frost in this country to interfere with the tanks or pipes, I think the common wooden cistern will answer every purpose, and be much cheaper as they can be built, and set on top of the ground upon a low timber, or brick foundation. They should hold from four to five thousand gallons each. They can be built and set up for forty dollars each. They can be placed from ten to fifteen hundred feet apart (owing to circumstances) so that eight hundred feet of hose attached to the fire engine can reach any building in between those small tanks. Those small tanks should be kept constantly filled by water flowing through pipes from the main tank, which can be done by simply turning a tap.
Having the power engine, the well dug, the main tank built, the council, and business men of the town should get together and decide, whether they will have a first class hand engine or a steam engine. Under the financial circumstances of our town there are strong arguments in favor of either, this question decided, we should proceed at once to erect a suitable building. It should be built of brick, fire proof, two (unreadable word) high, with bell tower, and fire alarm at the top. The building should stand end to the street, it should be 82 x (unreadable) with three sliding doors in front, if fire engines are to be run inside, the third door of the door for building the ladder cart, the back part for the power will be the engine room.
It strikes me when I hear someone asking how much is all this going to cost, and how will the council raise the money. The cost will be about ten or twelve thousand dollars, and the council can raise the money the same as the councils of other cities and towns throughout the United States have done, by issuing debentures drawing six per cent interest payable in twenty years, which ought to sell at par.
I hold that the people coming after us for the next twenty years should help pay the expense of these improvements as they will share the benefit of them with us.
The system of sprinkling streets after we have a supply of water is a very easy, and simple one, and will be self-supporting, as those only who are interested, or directly benefited will be taxed for it.
Now Mr. Editor, as you requested, I have given you a rough outline of a cheap and efficient system of water works for the town of Lafayette.
Yours Respectfully, J. NICKERSON.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/3/1893.
Laf. City Council:
Mr. O. C. Mouton, by authority of the Business Men's Association turned over to the Council the $100 donated by Rev. E. Forge and requested that the amount be used in paying for the site of the water works and electric lights plant.
Laf. Adv. 6/6/1896
Laf. City Council:
The question of running the electric light plant in the daytime to furnish a current to run electric fans, was brought up. The cost of so doing was discussed as was also the advisability of putting the town on the metre system, the town to supply the metres. It was shown that it would cost the town at least $3000 to install metres, so it was agreed to leave that for further consideration. But it was decided that furnishing current for fans in the daytime could be done at a profit and the service was ordered begun at once. As this required the service of an assistant engineer, Mr. J. Ovey Herpin, whose application had been read, was appointed at a salary of $75 per month. The rate for ceiling fans for $3.50 per month and for rotary fans $2.50.
Mr. H. H. Hohorst requested the Council to place lights in his neighborhood stating that the poles and wires were already up. Also several petitions for water and lights were presented, but were ordered filed for future consideration owing to the city's lack of funds. A petition for a light at the corner near the Sunset Hotel was referred to the W. & E. L. committee as was also the advisability of moving light at Bachert's corner or cutting down the tree which obscured the light.
Dr. Trahan called attention of the Council to the need of opening the fire plugs often and after some consideration it was suggested that the police be instructed to do so, and it was left with the W. & E. L. committee to act.
Laf. Adv. 6/7/1905
Pure Water.
Have you got it?
The water most used in Lafayette is the cistern one and since the advent of the water works this latter one is extensively used by a good number of our inhabitants. Is this last one pure water?
Has there been an analysis of this water made? And if so, what did it show?
To our mind, it is incumbing for the city council to let the people know the composition of the water obtained from the water works. Have an analysis made at once. If found pure and free from deleterious substances it will not only be a boon to our population but will increase its consummation, otherwise if not pure it may inflict serious results upon our community.
Let the city council act immediately.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/10/1899.
Water Works. - The Chairman of the Water & Lights committee reported that he was was corresponding with various parties with a view of getting the pump which was called for in the work at the plant.
Laf. Adv. 6/13/1903.
Keep cool, Electrical fans, the kind you want, at The Lacoste Hardware Co. Ltd.
Laf. Adv. 6/14/1905
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