In a recent issue of this paper we presented to our readers an interesting and instructive article on the subject of public roads, by our esteemed townsman Mr. John Nickerson.
The point raised by Mr. Nickerson of a special land tax for road-building purposes, is altogether reasonable and would place the principal cost of keeping up the roads upon the class of property which is most benefitted by good roads. And it is clear that a revenue derived from a land tax would bear with great uniformity and equity upon the whole people.
The Advertiser commends to the thoughtful consideration of the public the plan of a special road tax levied upon landed estates. We are confident that some regular agitation and education along this line would result in the adoption of the plan with an advancement and improvement in road conditions which would justify full the new departure. Lafayette Advertiser 1/3/1906.
C. K. Darling spent Sunday and Monday at the home of his father-in-law, J. Nickerson. Laf. Adv. 1/4/1905.
A Good Beginning
Emigration to Lafayette parish we think has surely set in. For several weeks past teams could be seen traveling over the streets loaded with furniture, farm implements and other appurtenances, belonging to newcomers moving to the various farms around town on which they had arranged to locate. Mr. Nickerson informs us that he has thus far located in the last few months, counting old and young, forty-four persons (twenty three adults and twenty one minors) representing five different states, vis.: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa and Wisconsin, besides a number from the Dominion of Canada. This, we think, is making quite a good beginning, and is sowing seed that will produce good results. Several of the persons included in the above number were induced, through the influence of Mr. S. L. Carey, to go to Jennings to settle, where they were met by Mr. Nickerson, and persuaded to visit Lafayette parish before deciding to permanently locate at Jennings. Of the seven persons accepting Mr. Nickerson's invitation and who were shown around the country, six concluded to remain here and already are settled down, and the seventh one is expected to do likewise very soon.
Mr. Nickerson is continually receiving inquiries about this country from parties in the North and West desirous of coming South. We have been permitted to make the following extracts from one of the latest of these, that should particularly concern us:
Mr. John Nickerson,
Lafayette, La.
Dear Sir: I arrived home alright and am now working up an excursion to Louisiana for January. Please send me prices of improved and unimproved lands, with distance from town. * * * * I hope you are getting along well and trust you will succeed in bringing down a large number of good Northern farmers to join hands with your own people in developing the glorious country that you have.
* * * * *
We may, with good reason, look for an extensive emigration movement southward at an early day. A succession of droughts and blizzards in the northern and western states have driven the people to desperation and all feel eager to seek a more temperate climate in a country adapted to the pursuit of agriculture. The South and southwest Louisiana, in particular, offer those very conditions, and a friendly welcome awaits the intelligent farmer of the north and west who will come to locate among us to labor for the common advancement of the country. Lafayette parish can accommodate a fair number of such farmers and their families with benefit to both the newcomer and the home people, and we do not doubt that the favorable impressions made on those who already located here will find expression in reports they will convey to others of their countrymen, with the result that all the available land in our parish will soon be occupied by an intelligent and thrifty class of people. We can see nothing but good to come from this condition of things, for at the same time that the newcomer will receive from them with positive profit to himself, the latter will be the means, also, of impressing on the home people many advantageous lessons, and so, from the general interchange of ideas and knowledge that must prevail, a great national benefit will result.
We trust that Mr. Nickerson will continue to interest himself in the subject of emigration to Lafayette parish, that through his efforts the time will be hastened when every available foot of ground now idle will be brought under the marvelous influence of the husbandman and forced to give up to the world the harvests to which it is capable. Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1895
City Council Jan. 6, 1902.
Moved and seconded that work outlined for running a water pipe line to the Methodist church corner and again from J. C. Nickerson's residence to the corporate limits on Sterling Avenue be laid at once, and that wire be run extending lights so as to furnish residences in upper end of McComb addition. Carried. Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1902.
Extension of Water and Light Service - The Streets to Be Repaired.
At its last meeting the City Council decided to extend the water pipes from the corner at J. C. Nickerson's residence to the limits of the corporation along Sterling avenue; and from John O. Mouton's home to the Methodist church. At the same time the Council ordered the erection of wires so as to provide electric light service to people living in upper Lincoln avenue. The Council has also taken steps to repair the streets, some of which will be shelled. The Council has been enabled to make these improvements out of the general revenues of the town.
We seen in the proceedings published in this paper that the Council has paid a note for $4,000, which was borrowed on the individual signatures of the Councilmen to meet the expenses incurred during the year. The present Councilmen have not only administered the affairs of the municipality in an intelligent and economical manner, but they have shown a high degree of public spirit by giving their personal property as security in order to obtain the necessary funds to meet the current indebtedness of the town. It is safe to say that some of the captious critics who fine fault with the manner of managing the town's business would not do quite as much. Lafayette Gazette 1/11/1902.
To Rent - A two-story cottage with seven rooms, one cistern, a well-woodshed and garden. Rent $8 per month. Apply to J. NICKERSON, Sterling Grove.
Laf. Adv. 1/12/1901.
Mrs. A. B. Nickerson, associate editor of the "Washington Mirror"passed through, Lafayette, last Tuesday, en route to her home.
Laf. Adv. 1/15/1898.
The Gazette wishes to compliment Dr. Mudd upon the splendid streets he has opened in Mudd's addition. The streets are all sixty feet wide and well graded. The grading was done by J. C. Nickerson, the real estate man, who is agent for Dr. Mudd in the sale of lots. We understand that several new homes will soon be built in Mudd's addition, which is already one of the most attractive portions of the town. At its last meeting the Council recognized the growth of that neighborhood and decided to run a water main to the end of Sterling avenue. Lafayette Gazette 1/18/1902.
Our esteemed townsman, Mr. John Nickerson, is emphasizing his confidence in the future of sugar, by planting cane to the limit of his acreage.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/21/1893.
Mr. C. K. Darling, of Abbeville, was a guest at the Nickerson home, last Sunday.
Laf. Adv. 1/26/1895.
Got the Quail.
A party composed of Messrs. J. C. Nickerson, B. J. Pellerin, Geo. DeClouet, Ramy Landry, and Drs. J. A. Martin and Felix Girard upon the invitation of Major P. L. DeClouet repaired to his country home Sunday to hunt quail. In company with the Major they started out and in a short while discovered several coveys, which promptly took to the woods, for they knew that crowd meant business. The hunters followed and had a lively and exciting time rustling up the birds, and they got them, bagging eighty-three, which added zest to the excellent lunch which the Major, who knows how to play the host, had provided. The day was most enjoyably spent and each member of the party has, figuratively speaking, taken down his calendar and marked a big red cross over the number 24 of the first month.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/27/1904.
Mr. Clarence K. Darling, of Simcoe, Canada, is the guest of Mr. John Nickerson. We trust that Mr. Darling's stay among us will be so pleasant that he will sing the praises of our glorious climate when he returns to snow-bound Canada.
Laf. Adv. 1/28/1899.
Monday our good neighbor, J. C. Nickerson, the real estate agent, got together all his paraphernalia and appliances with which he sells the earth, and moved into the corner office of the Gordon Hotel, where environ-ed with all the modern comforts, accessories, etc., he will offer prettier bargains than ever in houses and lands. Laf. Adv. 2/1/1905.
Joseph Charbuno and wife, of Canada, but who have been living in Texarkana a short while, have moved to Lafayette. They are located in the Mills Addition where Mr. Charbuno purchased a home through the J. C.
Nickerson real estate agency. Laf. Adv. 2/1/1905.
Moved Here From Missouri.
H. L. Coulter, of St. Joseph, Mo.; has leased Dr. F. E. Girard's home, "Brookside," adjoining the town. "Brookside" is one of the finest homes in this section. The lease was effected through the real estate agency of J. C. Nickerson, Mr. Coulter and family will move to Lafayette in the near future, and if pleased they will remain here permanently. The Gazette hopes that they will be satisfied with their new home and will induce many friends to come to this parish to share in the blessings of a delightful climate and most fertile soil. Lafayette Gazette 2/1/1902.
During the past week, real estate agent Nickerson rented Dr. F. E. Girard's place to H. L. Coulter of St. Joseph, Mo., for one year. Laf. Adv. 2/1/1902.
Mrs. C. K. Darling and children, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nickerson, left for her home in Houston Saturday. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1904.
Mr. J. Nickerson, appeared before the body and complained, that injustice had been done him in the matter of his assessment for 1893, alleging that several mortgage notes, previously disposed by him, had been placed upon his list of property without his knowledge or consent and without any notice to him whatsoever. Mr. Nickerson asked for reimbursement of taxes paid, on the amount erroneously assessed. The matter was referred to District Attorney Gordy, who asked for further time to examine into the legality of the claim.
Laf. Gaz. 2/3/1894.
City Council Meeting Feb, 4, 1901....Moved by G. A. DeBlanc seconded by F. E. Girard, that action of the Council in rejecting Mr. J. C. Nickerson's bill for lumber be reconsidered, and that same be approved and warrant drawn for same Motion carried.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1901.
We call the attention of our readers to the business card of Mr. J. C. Nickerson in this issue of The Advertiser. Mr. Nickerson is one of Lafayette's most active and enterprising business man and we take pleasure in commending him to the public in his new field of work. A live real estate agency plays an important part in the upbuilding of a community, and we do not doubt that Mr. Nickerson will do full justice to all business entrusted to him in this line.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.
Real Estate Agency.
Mr. J. C. Nickerson has opened a real estate agency as may be seen on this page of The Gazette. Mr. Nickerson will give much attention to the business of selling real estate and will do all in his power to bring the great advantage of this parish within the knowledge of home-seekers. Those who have property for sale will do well to communicate with Mr. Nickerson. He will defray all expenses of advertising and will charge only a reasonable commission. The more property Mr. Nickerson will have on his list the easier it will be for him to suit prospective buyers.
A progressive town can not get along without a live real estate agency, and for that reason The Gazette is pleased to note that Mr. Nickerson has decided to engage in that line of business. Lafayette Gazette 2/16/1901.
Painful Accident. - Mr. John Nickerson met with a very serious and painful accident last Saturday evening about 7 o'clock. He had just got into his cart to drive up town to attend a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Business Men's Association, when the horse he was driving became fractious and he was thrown from the cart. Arising, he attempted to catch the animal when the horse reared up and struck him with his fore feet, causing a simple fracture of the thigh bone. Dr. Trahan was called and set the injured limb. Mr. Nickerson bears his misfortune like a Trojan, and although suffering a great deal of pain, he is still enthusiastic on the question of a railroad. He has the sympathy of the entire community in his misfortune.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/18/1893.
Northern Prospectors. - A. E. Hobbs, of Chicago, were in Lafayette this week looking at the country with a view of investing in real estate. Through the efforts of J. C. Nickerson, the local real estate agent, the Messrs. Hobbs were enabled to see Lafayette and surrounding country. Before leaving they expressed themselves greatly pleased with Lafayette, and stated that they would return probably to remain permanently.
Lafayette Gazette 2/23/1901.
Mr. Editor: -
I returned home for a few weeks ago from Houston, Texas, where I had been on a visit to Mrs. C. K. Darling and family. I cannot say that I was highly pleased with or favorably impressed with the country between here and Houston as a farming country. I think the land in the Parish of Lafayette for all around farming is worth from 50 to 100 per cent more than the land between Duson and Houston.
But I must say that I was very highly pleased with Houston as a commercial city. I think that it is one of the finest cities that I have ever seen in the South. The streets are all laid out at perfect right angles from 5o to 100 feet wide. The principal streets are paved with asphalt or brick - they are kept clean and well drained. During my three weeks stay in Houston, I was driven all over, through and around the city by real estate agents which the city seemed to be swarming with.
Every practical man knows that a city being built up like Houston is requires a great amount of heavy teaming that must be done on wagons. In every direction where I went in the suburbs I saw teams hauling heavy materials for building purposes. But I did not see any of our old antediluvian narrow tire wagons. It is against the law to drive a narrow tire wagon loaded over their paved streets for they cut and gouge the pavements full of holes and ruts 50 per cent more than the broad tire.
I claim they should be condemned every where in the State. There is no excuse for having narrow tire wagons in this enlightened day. They have not one redeeming quality over the broad 3 1/2 tire wagon. The broad tire wagon makes a model farm wagon. They will rollover loose plowed ground and carry fifty per cent heavier load with the same team as the narrow tire wagons. And they are not necessarily any heavier or more expensive.
We have an ordinance compelling every man that drives or uses a vehicle on the public roads to pay a vehicle tax - I respectfully suggest that our Police Jury amend that ordinance and pass an ordinance compelling every man that uses a heavy wagon on the public roads with less than a 3 inch tire to pay a vehicle tax of not less than from $2.00 to $3.00 a year, and for a three inch tire from $1.50 to $2.00 a year. And for a broad 3 1/2 tire $.75 and for a four inch tire $.50 or nothing.
Every practical man knows that the narrow tire wagon cuts, wears and tears the roads up from 50 to 100 per cent more than the broad tire in a wet or dry weather, consequently if a certain class of people will persist in using the narrow tire wagon to the great detriment of the public roads, the Parish and tax payers, they should be compelled to pay for it the same as they are in many other cities and towns. The standard broad tire wagon has a 3 1/2 inch tire, 40 and 44 inch wheel.
Change the old wagons, the wheels are very easily cut down and broad tires put on, or order new wheels from the manufacturer and put them on the old wagons.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/30/1907.
Nickerson Has Fuel Oil. - J. C. Nickerson and R. O. Wood are now prepared to supply fuel oil in any quantities at lowest market price. Prompt delivery guaranteed. Office with Nickerson Bros., Gordon Hotel.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/1/1905.
Wednesday Proves a Success. Two Hundred and Nine Lots Sold.
Last Wednesday the day of the big auction sale of lots in the Mudd addition dawned fair and bright. A large crowd was present to take advantage of the sale, some to buy on speculation and others to secure building lots, and when the lots were offered there was a prompt response from bidders. Land in Lafayette is valuable and a chance to purchase at auction prices was taken eagerly. From the first of a brisk competition for the lots developed and within the short space of one hour and fifty-five minutes 209 lots 25x125 were sold, ranging in price from $35 to $110 and averaging about $56 each.
The auction sale was managed by J. C. Nickerson, real estate agent, and conducted by A. Harris & Co., New York, auctioneers. Sontag's Military Band furnished music for the occasion. Free carriages were run from the center of town to the grounds to transport all those desiring to attend the sale. All present were given a chance for a free lot, which was won by Capt. J. C. Buchanan.
The following is the list of purchasers and number of lots bought by each:
Douglas Singleton, four lots; J. E. Trahan, two; A. Butcher, two; J. Breaux, six; Albert Theall, four; Mrs. Swift, two; Wm. Campbell, ten; Mrs. Nicholls, six; S. R. Parkerson, four; W. H. Adams, three; J. McNaspy, three; Nelson Higginbotham, two; Dr. G. A. Martin, six; Chas. S. Landry, seven; F. G. Mouton, eleven; I. Bendel, twenty-two; O. B. Hopkins, twenty-two; J. Arthur Roy, eleven; Wm. G. Fritz, two; S. Kahn, eight; Mrs. B. Falk and I Bendel, six; J. C. Buchanan, two; Albert Doucet, two; Geo. H. DeClouet, five; W. S. Torian, fourteen; Trahan & Bendel, two; Mrs. Delhomme, eight; P. Kraus, four; A. Bacque, four; Jos. Dauriac, two; J. Constantin, two; F. H. Mouton, two; T. J. Sullivan, two; Rev. Father Roguet, ten.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/2/1904.
Dr. L. C. Woodsmith and W. H. Brown, of Simcoe, Ontario, Canada, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nickerson, left for home yesterday. Laf. Adv. 3/2/1904.
The undersigned has embarked in the Real Estate business, for South Western Louisiana. Parties having property for sale will do well to call on or write to me. Taxes paid and rents collected for non-residents, a specialty.
P. O. Box 82. Lafayette, La.
Dr. Roy W. Scranton, the popular Royville citizen and physician, was in Lafayette for a few hours Tuesday.
Mr. A. L. Dyer, of Royville passed through town Tuesday on his way to the city.
Mr. Dupre Bernard as accepted a position with the Southern Nursery Co.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/2/1901.
Property Sold. - Last Monday Dr. F. S. Mudd sold to Mrs. S. F. Givens two and three-fifths acres of land, adjoining the property of Mr. John Nickerson on the North. Mrs. Givens will at once erect a fine residence on the property, the cost of which, we understand, will be about $3,000. The price paid for the land was $925, cash. Laf. Adv. 4/5/1893.
Mrs. John Nickerson has tendered the donation of a lot to the Episcopal church society, of Lafayette, on which to erect a church building. We trust that they will see their way to accept the offer and erect a church building. Laf. Adv. 4/5/1893.
Real Estate Transfers.
Reported by J. C. Nickerson, Real Estate Agent.
For the week ending April 4th:
Mrs. Herpeche to Mrs. S. B. Kahn lot and residence...$865.00.
Mrs. M. T. Mudd to Miss Virgie Younger 4 lots in Mudd's Addition. $225.00.
Mrs. M. T. Mudd to Mrs. Mary E. Davis 4 lots in Mudd's Addition. $200.00.
Frank K. Hopkins to Lafayette Building Association, lot in Lafayette. $800.00.
Mrs. Charlie Martin to Phrosin Stupid one arpent in 3rd ward. $80.00.
R. O. Young to Jules Mallet, 38 arpents. $250.00.
Crow Girard to Dr. A. C. Durio, lot in Girard Addition. $150.00.
Maurice Francez to Alcide Broussard, 40 arpents. $125.00.
Gaston Francez to Alcide Broussard, 40 arpents $200.00.
Mrs. M. T. Mudd to Mrs. W. V. Nicholson, 8 lots in Mudd's Addition. $400.00.
Wm. Peters and other to Ignace Meleton, lot and improvements $3079.96. Lafayette Advertiser 4/6/1901.
A Communication From J. C. Nickerson.
To the Editor of the Advertiser.
Will you kindly allow me space in your valuable paper to ask a few questions, that very much interest every real estate and property owner in the city of Lafayette? I see in your issue of March 29 that the annual meeting of the fire department was held at the court house on the 20th of March and after the regular routine of appointing officers and committees for the ensuing year, the committee on resolutions submitted the following resolution which was unanimously adopted.
Resolved, by the Fire Department of the city of Lafayette, Louisiana, that for the purpose of aiding, equipping and maintaining the said Fire Department, that a call be made on every male citizen within the corporation limits of the city of Lafayette, La., owning real estate within said corparative limits, and who are not members of said fire department, to subscribe an annual fee of not less than five dollars, and that said amount when paid to be turned over to the Treasurer of the department, and to be used in aiding, equipping and maintaining the said Fire Department for the purpose of fighting fires.
Be it further resolved, that said resolution be printed in the city papers, The Lafayette Advertiser and The Gazette for a space of sixty days.
Be it also further resolved, that a copy of said resolution be mailed to each male citizen of the city of Lafayette who are not members of the Fire Department, and also to all non-residents and corporations owning real estate within the city of Lafayette, La.
Respectfully submitted:
P. L. DECLOUET, WM. CAMBELL, A. E. MOUTON, C. O. MOUTON, Committee.Lafayette Advertiser 4/12/1895.
The above resolution is a move in the right direction, but I think that it requires a little alteration or should be more fully described to be properly understood.
First question: According to the resolution it is proposed to make a call for a subscription of not less than five dollars from every male free-holder within the corporate limits of the city.
If a man owns a vacant lot worth forty or fifty dollars he is a free-holder. Is it right and just that he should be called on to subscribe at least five dollars a year to the fire department when he receives no protection from them whatever?
Second question: If a man owns a small house and lot worth two or three hundred dollars, is it right that he should be called on to pay five dollars a year to the fire department.
He should be willing to pay his proportionate part, two or three dollars a year.
Third question: The resolution only asks male free-holders to subscribe to the support of the fire department when it is well known that a large proportion of the real estate is owned by females, who receive the same protection from the fire department as the males do. Why shouldn't all the household property in the city pay its proportion alike? It all receives the same protection.
I again say I think that the resolution is a move in the right direction and with a few amendments it will meet with a general response.
I would suggest that the committee on resolutions amend the original resolutions by adopting an equitable sliding scale. That every real estate or property owner in the city male or female, company or corporation be called on to subscribe from two to five, ten or fifteen dollars a year according to circumstances and the proportionate value of their property towards the support of the fire department.
I think that such an amended resolution would raise a much larger revenue to the fire department than the original resolution.
J. NICKERSON. Lafayette Advertiser 4/12/1905.
A complete ice manufacturing plant with capacity of ten tons per day. Situated on lots No.'s 11, 12, 13, 14; Section 24-McComb addition, and being 200 feet from Southern Pacific depot. Buildings are large enough to increase capacity.
Lot and cabin in McComb additon for sale cheap. Price $350.
Lot No. 146, Mouton addition- $200.
Lot No. 61, Mouton addition - $225.
Lots No. 186, 202, 203, Mouton addition - $225.
Lots in Girard, Mouton, Mills, McComb, Mudd, Doucet-Trahan and S. R. Parkerson additions for sale cheap and on terms to suit the purchaser.
Lots No. 3, 4, & 5 on Grant avenue, with hotel and other improvements - Price 4,725.
Five lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Sq. S. McComb addition fronting Lincoln avenue with all improvements and fine home, price $4,200.
Lots No. 119 on Vermilion and Madison Sts. with an up-to-date baker shop and other improvements. Price $3,500.
Lots 171 and 180 corner Congress, Douglas and Buchanan Sts., with improvements. Price $5,000.
Lots Nos, 92 and 63, Mouton's addition, corner Lee Avenue and Stewart St. with two houses. Price $650.
Lot no 230, 50 feet fronting on Vermilion St, by 170 feet on Adam St, with all improvements. Price $2,500.
Lot No. 208, corner Pierce and Congress Sts. with or without improvements.
Lots Nos. 16 and 17 corner Lincoln avenue and Chestnut St. with all improvements at $6,000.
Lot No. 62 and part of 61 on Madison St. with all improvements, a fine home. Price $5,000.
Lots Nos. 113, 165, 166 with all improvements, Mills addition also lots Nos. 323, 342 & 343, Mouton addition. Make me an offer on them.
Two large lots, Nos. 6 and 7, in Mills addition with good residence, cheap at $1,600.
Lot No. 3 on St. John street, 81 feet front by a depth of 625 feet, with one of the most comfortable houses in the town on it, beautifully shaded. Price $6,500.
Lots Nos. 73, 74, 90 and 91 Mouton addition, corner Lee avenue Main and Stewart Sts. with large hotel and residence and other improvements. Price - $6,000.
Country Property For Sale.
471 arpents two miles northeast of Lafayette with brick residence, six large rooms. A frame residence for overseer, three negro cabins, two large barns, 70 arpents of cane on place, under good fence.
J. C. NICKERSON, Real Estate.
Lafayette, La.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/18/1903.
Reported by J. C. Nickerson, Real Estate Agent.
For the week ending 4/18/1901.
Louise Mouton to Adol Picard the 2nd, 112 arpents - 4th ward, $30.00.
M. Perry to P. Montezum land in 2nd ward, $25.00.
I. A. Broussard to Jno. R. Verret, 315 acres in 3rd ward, $7,250.
James Barry to Moys Stutes, 10 acres in 2nd ward, $90.00.
Dominic Arceneaux to Lucien Arceneaux, 1 lot in Lafayette, $200.
Anastasie Bernard to Edgar Guilbeau, 40 arpents in 6th ward, $375.
A. D. Verrot to Ovey F. Comeau, 100 arpents in the 4th ward, $600.
P. A. Duplex and P. R. Roy to Louis Mouton, 25 arpents in the 4th ward, $350.
P. A. Duplex and P. R. Roy to Adolph Gilbert, 50 arpents in the 4th ward, $700.
P. A. Duplex and P. R. Roy to Alexis Guilbut, 125 arpents in the 4th ward, $609.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1901.
Mr. John Nickerson has almost recovered from his late accident, and is seen driving around town almost daily. Laf. Adv. 5/20/1893.
Laf. City Council:
"...It was moved and seconded that Mr. J. C. Nickerson be heard in regard to railroad crossing at Second street. Laf. Adv. 6/6/1896
J. C. Nickerson will leave for Chicago Monday to attend a meeting of the land and immigration agents. While there he expects to put in some good work for Lafayette. Lafayette Advertiser 6/13/1903.
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