Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of October 13th, 1900:


 Opening Feature of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Should Not be Missed.

 The initial feature of the performances in Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World, which comes here on October 24 is the grand international equestrial review, and every body should be seated by 2 o'clock as it always opens sharp at those hours, and to miss it, or any part of it, is to lose a magnificent, electrifying, enthralling, martial eye-feast of individual and cosmopolitan horsemanship, even the remotest furor and flavor of which no description can possibly convey. All the old-time, stereotyped, crawling pageants and so-called "grand entrees" are but cardboard and puppet travesties when opposed to its magnitude and splendid ensemble of glancing, glittering, flying, thundering, overwhelming, fiery freedom of daring and consummate action. It has been recorded that "it stirs the blood as not other spectacle could, short of a battle, a shipwreck, or an earthquake," and it arouses the martial and chivalrous spirit to the very climax and exultant abandon of enthusiasm. The dash, the fire, the glory and glamour of it all will transport you. You will be immediately pleased with yourself because your patriotism has aroused you so and your blood has leaped responsive in your veins. The flashing, dancing, prismatic splendor of the show, the nerve and adroitness of the riders, the speed, power, nobility and intelligence of the horses, the streaming colors and ringing, coruscating steel, - lance, sword-blade, plumed helmet and burnished breastplate, the clanking scabbard and jingling, ringing spur - these all intoxicate your brain and inflame in you the exultation of glorious war.

 The stirring strains of the Cowboy Band form the signal in response to which a band of savage Sioux horsemen appear at the far end of the vast enclosure. With shrill cries and straight and swift as an eagle-feathered arrow the barbarically arrayed and fearsomely painted braves shoot into the open, through the sunlight, or under the almost equally bright electric rays, taking their headlong, bareback flight down the plain to where the applause is swelling. With a swoop the fierce cavalcade curves at the end, spreads like an opening fan, circles and is stretched across the plain, motionless. Succeeding them with splendid regulated sweep or swift rush come on the gallant "Queen's Own" Lancers; the stalwart cavalry from the Emperor of Germany's Body-guard; the famous horsemen of our own pet Sixth Cavalry, with their yellow braid and plumes, Old Glory with them; the lithe and swarthy contingent of scarred Cuban patriots; wild Cossack light cavalrymen of the Volga; whooping, dare-devil Cowboys; the Arabs with their quaint, long guns and streaming draperies; the Mexican with wide sombrero and flapping trousers; the South American Gauchos, whirling their deadly bolas as they gallop on; and behind them all rides Buffalo Bill, the managerial spirit among all these Centaurs, bowing as his horse gallops with long even stride, until he faces the vast and expectant throng, which, as he raises his hat above his head in graceful salutation, greet him with a universal roar of welcome.

 It is a splendid picture then - rank after rank of horsemen from all the nations stretching across the plain, shining with steel and aflame with color tossing manes running along the lines like wheat moving under a breeze; above them the plumes and the bright crests, and still higher, held in up stretched arms, the white flashing sabers, until at a signal the ranks melt into moving streams of color and light, the horsemen threading their way in and out past one another, circling, halting, advancing, receding, re-forming by fours or sixes, trailing out in single file, moving ribbons of men and horses spangled with gleaming metal, until two long lines gallop away evenly and steadily and disappear whence they came. Only one performance, afternoon at 2 o'clock.

 Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1900.

Work on School Building.

 The work on the Industrial Institute building is progressing very satisfactorily. Mr. Sidney Bickfort, a competent mechanic from New Orleans, is now directing the wood work, Mr. Anderson's services being required elsewhere. Mr. Chevallier, the gentleman who has made such a job of the brick-work, is still busy but will soon be through. The contractor, Mr. Mouton, does not leave the building, but devotes all his time to the supervision of the work.
 During the week Mr. Livaudais visited the building and spent considerable time performing his duty of architect.

 Sufficient headway has been made in the work of construction to enable one to admire the architectural beauty of the building. When completed it will no doubt be one of the finest structures of its kind in the South.
Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1900:

 About the Square. - Sheriff Broussard is displaying proper taste and good judgment in suitably fitting up his office. The new counter and railings and other improvements in the office give it a decidedly neat appearance. The Gazette is pleased to note these evidences of progress about the court-house. The clerk's office continues to improve and we hope to soon be able to call it a model of neatness and order. The Police Jury is furnished with modern desks and we mentioned in last week's paper that the School Board had decided to equip its meeting-room with better furniture than has heretofore adorned that apartment. It now only remains for the assessor to show that he has also been struck by the wave of progress which has swept over the square.
Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1900. 

Will Decorate the Court-room.

 The Gazette is pleased to note that steps have been taken to decorate the court-house for the meeting to-morrow night. Flags and bunting have been secured as well as other necessary articles. A number of young ladies have volunteered their services and will greatly assist in the work.

 At the congressional convention recently held here there was a marked absence of the remotest attempt at decoration. The party managers had totally ignored that part of the program. Not a single flag waved in the hall, excepting the one brought here from New Iberia. A visiting delegate remarked to the writer that the arrangements at the hall were "decidedly bun." Let us hope that in the future the local Democracy will do better. Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1900.

Debaillon in Crowley. - Judge Debaillon is disposing of business at Crowley with characteristic energy. The volume of litigation transacted in this district is so large that the judge has no time to lose. The Gazette is satisfied that the people of Acadia will be pleased with Judge Debaillon's energetic way of doing business. The Signal of Tuesday says: "The session of the district court this morning was of only an hour's length, but in that time more business was transacted than is sometimes accomplished in many hours. Things went with a rush seldom seen before in the court-house."  Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1900.

 Election Results.

 Those who wish to get the returns of the election on the night of the 6th instant should give their names to Don Caffery, secretary of the Century Club. The club will make arrangements for a wire and complete returns of the election will be received as they are announced throughout the union. Fifty cents will be charged each person. It is necessary that you see Mr. Caffery at once in order that the adequate amount be raised in time to secure telegraphic communication.

 Preparations will be made to enable one to celebrate the victory or to stifle his disappointment as the case may be. Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1900.

Insane Men in Jail. - There are two insane men in the parish jail. One of the unfortunates is very restless and appears to suffer a great deal. These men are kept here on account of the lack of room at the Jackson Asylum. Sheriff Broussard has again written to Dr. Hays to inform him of the condition of the men. As soon as there will be a vacancy in the institution they will be taken to Jackson.    Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1900.

 Telephone to Lake Charles. - Within a short time Lafayette people will be able to communicate with Lake Charles by telephone. The Cumberland will begin work Monday on the line between this point and the Lake City. The company will also build an exchange at Crowley.
Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1900.

Married. - Mr. Felix Broussard and Miss Alice Landry were married Wednesday evening at the Catholic church. Mr. Broussard is a successful young merchant of Lafayette and Miss Landry is the daughter of Mr. A. D. Landry, former police juror from the eighth ward.
 Mr. and Mrs. Broussard have made their home in Mouton's addition.
 Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1900.

Building Homes Near the Industrial School.

 Mr. Arthur Roy has bought a fraction over one arpent of land from Mr. Crow Girard, near the Industrial School. It is the intention of Mr. Roy to build a home, the work of construction to begin immediately. The price paid for the land is $800.

 Dr. N. P. Moss has bought from Mrs. Wm. Campbell about an arpent of land, fronting the projected street, for $1,000. Dr. Moss intends to build a home there.   Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1900.


 The Ladies' Five O'clock Tea Club held the first meeting of this season at the home of Mrs. B. J. Pellerin. From the pleasant rest of summer the ladies have returned, all enthusiasm, and ready for a winter of study and work. The course mapped out for the winter will include a systematic study of English history.

 A splendid Chopin program was given. Roll call was answered with notes of interest about Chopin.

 Mrs. Blake gave an interesting and comprehensive review of Chopin's life, depicting all the beauty and pathos of the short career of one who has given to the world some of its most exquisite music. This fact was well illustrated when Mrs. Davis rendered with a wonderfully expressive touch the beautiful nocturne, Op 37, No. 2.

 Analysis of Vaise in D flat (Op. 64, No. 1) by Miss Ramsey was followed by its performance by Miss Mudd. The sparkling and breathless run which descends the D flat scale at the conclusion, seemed like a happy laugh of the performer.

 Miss Parkerson gave a fine analysis nocturne, Opus 9, No. 2.

 The program was concluded by a rendition of this nocturne by Miss Gladu.
Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1900.

Police Jury Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., Oct. 4, 1900. - The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: M. Billeaud, Jno. Whittington, Alonzo Lacy, F. G. Mouton, J. C. Buchanan, Saul Broussard, J. O. Blanchet, J. A. Labbe and Alex M. Broussard.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 Mr. Alex Broussard reported Pascal Molaison bridge completed and the contract price, $269.95, was ordered approved.

 Complaints having reached the Jury relative to the encroachment of Nelson Higginbotham on the public road, by motion of Mr. Mouton, Messrs. J. O. Blanchet and Albt. P. Labbe were appointed to notify Mr. Higginbotham to release any portion of the public highway, along Coulee Paul Melancon, now enclosed or obstructed.

 Mr. Saul Broussard was authorized to repair several bridges in the 6th ward and Messrs. A. R. Lamulle to assist in devising plans and specifications for contracts.

 By motion of Mr. Mouton, the sum of $60 was appropriated to pay a balance due on the public school-house located at Alex. Martin's, in the first ward, provided said property be transferred to the parish.

 The resignation of Dr. Geo. R. DeLaureal, as member of the Board of Health, was read and the following unanimously adopted relative thereto:

 Resolved, That the Jury full appreciating the value and efficiency of the services rendered by Dr. DeLaureal, as health officer, the parish urges and hereby requests him to withdraw his resignation.

 Messrs. Buchanan and Mouton reported the success of the Farmers' Institute held on the 27th ult., and recommended that the Jury make provision for holding a county fair next year in connection with the Institute. The Jury endorsed the report of the committee and decided to carry out the plan relative to a county fair.

 Mr. T. J. Breaux submitted a proposition to pay $450 and all costs, except penalty and interest in settlement of a judgment obtained against him for delinquent liquor license. By motion of Mr. Blanchet, the proposition of Mr. Breaux was accepted.

 President E. L. Stephens and Chas. D. Caffery, Esq., here appeared and suggested the adoption of a resolution authorizing the issuance of Industrial School bonds based upon the levy of a two mill tax on parish property for ten years.

 By motion of Mr. Buchanan, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.

 Whereas, The General Assembly of the State of Louisiana for the year 1900, by Act No. ___ did authorize the parish of Lafayette, Louisiana, and the trustees of the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute.

 Be it therefore resolved, That the Police Jury does authorize the issuance of said bonds by the parish of Lafayette and the trustees of the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute.

 It was resolved that the per diem of all committeemen be fixed at $2.50.

 The treasurer submitted reports as follows:

 To the President and Members of Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of parish funds since my last report:

 Respectfully submitted,
           J. E. MARTIN, Parish Treasurer.
   Lafayette, La., Oct. 4, 1900.

 To the President and Members of Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of the special road funds since my last report:

 Respectfully submitted,
               J. E. MARTIN, Parish Treasurer.
   Lafayette, La., Oct. 4, 1900.

 The following accounts were laid over:

 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.
M. BILLEAUD, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1900. 

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/13/1900.

 The engagement of Mr. Victor Levy, of Lafayette, to Miss Essie Cohn, of Hot Springs, Ark., has been announced.

 Married. - Mr. Felix Broussard and Miss Alice Landry were married Wednesday evening at the Catholic church. Mr. Broussard is a successful young merchant of Lafayette and Miss Landry is the daughter of Mr. A. D. Landry, former police juror from the 8th ward.

 Strayed or Stolen. - One blue gray mare-mule, about 15 hands high; about 6 years old. Suitable reward for recovery. Apply to Leon Plonsky, Lafayette, La.

 The ladies of Lafayette are cordially invited to call and see the new and late styles in millinery and fancy goods at Mrs. Bailey's.

 There will be a regular meeting of the Young People's Temperance Union, on Sunday, Oct. 14, at 5 o'clock. All interested in the promotion of this cause are invited to be present.

 The festival given by the ladies of the Episcopal church at Martin's hall Thursday evening was quite successful. It is the intention of the ladies to begin building the church in the near future.
Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1900.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of October 13th, 1894:


 With the cold weather has come the hobo - the legal successor to the tramp. Now that he is with us once more let us give him a welcome worthy of our past history. He had been here before and he knows what kind of treatment to expect. There is not a town in the Union where the hobo fares better than in Lafayette. He has been coming so long that the kind housewives begin to look upon him as one our own.
Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1894.


Twenty Years a Fugitive. - A telegram from Sheriff Broussard at Leesburg, Fla., announces that he has arrested one Mitchell. We are informed that Mitchell is wanted for a murder committed in this parish 15 or 20 years ago; he has been a fugitive all this time, and much credit is due Sheriff Broussard for his capture.    Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1894.

Five Years in Penitentiary. - Jno. T. Callahan has been sentenced by judge Moise to a term of five years in the penitentiary. It is to be sincerely hoped that the courts of New Orleans will not stop there. We are sorry for Callahan because once he was a hard workingman, but made the mistake of his life when he entered politics.    Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1894.

At Falk's Opera-house. - The Pilette Dramatic club, under the management of Profs. Meaux and Robert Broussard, will give an entertainment at Falk's hall on Saturday, Oct. 27, for the benefit of the Pilette Public School. It will conclude by a grand ball. The music will be furnished by the Scott Brass band. Admission, 25 cents; reserved seat; 35 cents; children, 15 cents.
Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1894.

Cotton Slow. (But, Sugar?)

 The movement of cotton this year is very slow. There is no doubt that many of our cotton planters, will go into other cultivation next year. It is simply an impossibility for a man to raise cotton at the present prices. As far as sugar cane is passing this season. Providing our bolting planters do not succeed in having sugar placed on the free list next December, the chances are that the sugar industry will be in a more prosperous condition next year. While Congress was trying to decide how much injury it could do to the sugar interest, which consumed several months, the "Trust" imported an immense quantity of sugar free of duty. This stock is still on hand, and has a depressing effect on the value of the home product. When next season rolls around this supply will be exhausted, and then will be the time that the ad volorem duty will show its actual and contemplated effect. This year the Louisiana planters are working on a free sugar basis; while next year it will be different. Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1894.



 John T. Tierney died at his home in this town at 4:30 Tuesday morning.

 Mr. Tierney was born in Springhill, Ala., in the year 1851; he came to Lafayette eight years ago and during that time he has been in the employ of Southern Pacific as engineer; he was a member of that brotherhood of brave men whose devotion to duty has won the admiration of the world. During a faithful service of fourteen years, he never failed to perform his duty, though it sometimes meant great dangers and severe trials.
 Mr. Tierney was a man of sterling worth and generous heart; and exemplary citizen, his death marks the loss of a valuable member of the community. His remains were taken to Algiers for burial.

 A widow and three children are left to mourn his death. To them The Gazette begs to extend its sincerest sympathy.
 Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1894. 

Police Jury Proceedings.
 Lafayette, La., Oct. 6, 1894.

 The Police Jury met in special session this day with the following members present: Ford Hoffpauir, J. G. St. Julien, R. C. Landry, A. D. Landry, and Alf. A. Delhomme. Absent: C. C. Brown, H. M. Durke and Alfred Hebert.

 The president explained the object of the meeting to be the appointment of a supervisor of elections as provided in act 181 of 1894, and also to make other provisions in conformity with said act.

 By motion, Mr. Harrison Theall was unanimously chosen and appointed supervisor of elections for the Parish of Lafayette in conformity to act 181 of 1894.

 By motion it was resolved that, the various voting precincts for the parish of Lafayette be and the same are hereby fixed as heretofore provided by ordinances of the Police Jury, relative to the geographical sub-divisors of wards and the location of polling places to-wit:


 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.

 R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1894.

 Oops. - The Gazette omitted to announce last week that Mr. D. V. Gardebled had opened his drugstore. Mr. Gardebled has a well-assorted store in which everything looks neat and tasty. He is assisted by Gilbert Bonin, a very courteous young gentleman.
Laf. Gazette 10/13/1894.

District Court.

 The district court resumed the transaction of criminal business Monday evening. All the parties whose cases were fixed for this week with the exception of one, entered pleas of "guilty."

 The following parties pleaded guilty:


Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1894.

School Board.
Lafayette, La., Oct. 6, 1894.

 The board of school directors of the parish of Lafayette met this day in regular session with the following members present: J. O. Broussard, president: P. A. Chiasson, Jasper Spell, J. E. Trahan, H. Theall, J. S. Whittington and A. C. Guilbeau. Absent: Dr. W. W. Lessley and D. Bernard.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 On motion of Mr. Theall, Mr. Trahan was appointed on the finance committee.

 On motion of Mr. Spell, seconded by Mr. Chiasson, Miss M. D. Bradford was appointed teacher of the Scott school.

 The examining committee reported that the following applicants had been examined and were entitled to certificates:

 Miss L. Olivier, second grade; Miss C. Mudd, second grade; Miss McDaniel, second grade; Mr. Robert Broussard, third grade.

 Miss C. Mudd making the largest percentage in a competitive examination held before superintendent H. E. Tull, was appointed assistant teacher of the high school and her salary was fixed at $30 per month.

 The following teachers were assigned:

 Miss L. Mudd, assistant teacher Lafayette white school; Miss M. Sellman, Cormier, 8th ward school; Ben F. Toler, Theall school; Robert Broussard, Verrot school.

 On motion of Mr. Chiasson, duly seconded, Mr. Trahan was authorized to furnish the high school with the necessary desks and benches.

 The following accounts were approved:

   C. A. Boudreaux, sundries for school ... $12.85
   J. O. Broussard, sundries for school ... $4.25
   J. S. Whittington, sundries for school ... $3.00
   R. C. Greig, sundries for school ... $10.00
   H. E. Tull, secretary's salary ... $50.00
   I. A. Broussard, P. A. Chiasson, Jasper Spell, J. E. Trahan, H. Theall, J. S. Whittington, A. C. Guilbeau, directors per diem each ... $2.00

 There being no further business the board adjourned.
 J. O. BROUSSARD, President.
 H. E. Tull, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1894.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/13/1894.

 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bendel, of New York City, have been the guests of Mr. B. Falk since a few days.

 The sugar planters who joined the republicans have been called "Sugar-coated Republicans," "Lilly White" and "White Sugars," but after the election they will probably take the name of "off-whites." - Ruston Leader.

 Oops. - The Gazette omitted to announce last week that Mr. D. V. Gardebled had opened his drugstore. Mr. Gardebled has a well-assorted store in which everything looks neat and tasty. He is assisted by Gilbert Bonin, a very courteous young gentleman. Mr. Colored Man if you don't keep out of this fight you are going to be badly hurt. The idea that the planter is going to protect you. They cannot protect themselves, you or their sugar. - Independent-Democrat.

 Cleveland has promised to attend a Barbecue in Wilson's district, but he had better stay at Buzzard's bay and fish. If he is cautious he will keep away from barbecues. The disposition to roast him is a little too strong among Democrats. - Washington Telegram.

 Dr. Felix Girard, of New Orleans, has been spending some time with his relatives here this week.

 The goods in the store formerly kept in the name of S. Leopold were sold at auction by the Sheriff last Saturday.

 Dr. Trahan was called to Broussard this week to see Dr. F. C. Latioslais who has been quite sick. The Gazette earnestly hopes that the doctor will soon be up and about.

 Governor Foster has appointed Arthur Greig election supervisor for this parish. Mr. Greig had been returning officers several years and his appointment to this office gives general satisfaction.

 I have received, direct from the producer, a car of California wines which I am selling at unusually low figures. Send for samples and make your own price. W. H. Beall, St. Martinville, La.

 The Gazette omitted to announce last week that Mr. D. V. Gardebled had opened his drugstore. Mr. Gardebled has a well-sorted store in which everything looks neat and tasty. He is assisted by Gilbert Bonin, a very courteous young gentleman.

 Fire! Fire! at Leon Bagary's barber shop in one of the Queen Heating Stoves. For sale at Wm. Graser.

 Our Lafayette boys were surely in earnest last Sunday. They played two games of ball - one against Carencro and the other against Crappoville - and came out easy winners of both games.

 Mr. H. E. Toll, parish superintendent of public schools, went to Lafayette last Saturday, to gladden the hearts of the teachers, by paying their salaries.

 The death of Mr. Jack Tierney, the veteran engineer, so long in the service of the Southern Pacific Company, was indeed sad, and has called forth many expressions of sympathy for the family, by his friends in Carencro.

 The Carencro Sugar Company's plant will be ready for operation about the 20th of this month. Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1894.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 13, 1894:              

 Whose is the Fault and What is the Remedy?

 The above headlines will recall to readers of The Advertiser some observations we have made in two consecutive issues of the paper on the conditions that affect the growth and prosperity of all communities. We undertook to point out the chief influences that have always kept the rise and development of Lafayette in abeyance and appealed to the citizens and property holders to release themselves from the shackles that have been so effectual in obstructing the progress of the town and the common welfare of the people, in the past:

 We do not lose sight of the fact that, Lafayette is only going through the experience that has formed a distinct epoch in the history of all towns, and to that extent, we may console ourselves that we have been true to the tenants of human nature throughout the whole of creation. We must recognize and yield to the inevitable but we must not remain forever on this side of the line that has marked the division in the existence of every town and hamlet, between the stage of petty personal antagonism that must necessarily greatly retard the advancement of a community, and that other period, when inspired but by a single desire, individuals realize that what is best for the whole people is of equal concern to the individual; and grasping the fullest significance of this great and unvarying principle of life each one becomes eager to put his shoulder to the wheel and soon causes a new era to dawn upon his town whose only watchword forever thereafter is 'onward'! That Lafayette has outlived the space of time usually allotted to communities for going through the accustomed period of transformation, is unhesitatingly admitted by even the oldest of its fogies. And there is a unanimity in the opinion that all the town needs at this time to cause it to take a front place in the sisterhood of enterprising towns surrounding us, is concert of action on the part of Lafayetteans in all movements intended to promote the common welfare. The favorableness of the location of the town gives it natural advantages that only need the magic touch of capital and enterprise to make it bloom into one of the most active and prosperous cities in the South. This fact is so patent to local citizens that individuals are continuously blaming each other for the non-goaheadedness of the place, confessing in this way the ability of the town to move forward if its citizens would only pull together for the success of public undertakings.

 It matters not who thinks somebody else is to blame for the past condition of things. If doing so may be the means to facilitate the accomplishment of future public measures in Lafayette, we are willing to assume every iota of the blame, ourselves. The truth stares us in the face that we have the making of the future of our town in our own hands, and its record hereafter as in the past, will be according to our own doings. let us quit growling, then, and work with a single eye to the upholding of the old, reliable town that is so eager to take a long leap forward with a little assistance from its inhabitants.

Lafayette Advertiser 10/13/1894.

White Primaries.

 When it was charged that the bolting sugar planters would inevitably introduce the negro into politics, it was indignantly denied and characterized by them as "clap-trap, rot", etc. The campaign is now open and there is every appearance that the negro will be persuaded into politics.

 The Democrats being extremely desirous for the peace and prosperity of the country, and to test the sincerity of the Republicans, adopted a resolution at the Houma convention offering that the claims of Hon. Andrew Price and Hon. Taylor Beattie should be decided by white primaries. The terms of the proposition are fair and reasonable and were officially submitted.

 The proposition has been declined on the alleged ground that the issue before the people is free trade of protection. There is really no such an issue as the Democrats maintain that white supremacy is the paramount question at issue. The issue being forced upon us will be promptly met and the attempt to revive Republican rule and negro domination must and will be crushed in the bud, by rallying to the polls and voting for Andrew Price.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/13/1894.                                                                

In the District Court.

 During the past week the following parties plead guilty to the charges following their names:

 Louis Jean Baptiste, larceny; Minos Garrett, placing obstructions on railroad track;  Jack Mitchel, assault and battery;  Pierre Jenkins, entering a dwelling house without breaking and larceny; Treville Narcisse, carrying concealed weapon and also, keeping a disorderly house;  Joseph Broussard, larceny; David Harrington, Armand Perry and Eraste Foreman, larceny;  Coquelin Latiolais, assault and battery; Jack Foreman, carrying concealed weapon;  Leonce Perron, larceny;  Pierre Lambert, carrying concealed weapon.

 The following parties plead guilty to violating Sunday law. D. M. Landry, F. Estilette, Gaston Blot, Louis Deleglise, Eli Bernard, Maurice Francez, Eli McDaniel, Pierre Guidroz and Felix Begnaud. It is worthy of note that the present term of Court is perhaps without precedent in the annals of the parish in one respect, and that is so far a jury has not been empaneled for the trial of a criminal case. Lafayette Advertiser 10/13/1894.

 The Grand Jury's Report.

 The grand jury concluded its labors Thursday evening. Twenty-seven true bills were returned with the names in blank. The following are the "no true bills."

 Homer Comeau, horse stealing; Aristide, wantonly and maliciously killing a dog; Jack Mitchell, assault and battery; Wm. Harry, assault with a dangerous weapon; Pierre Lombert, et. als., assault with a dangerous weapon; Henry Robertson, larceny; Joseph Levy, assault and battery; Hemp Benton and Olivier Guidry, murder; Adam Primeaux, rape; Gustave Thibodaux, cutting with intent to kill.

 Judging from the witnesses summoned it appears that a number of Sunday law cases have been examined.

 The grand jury states in its report that it found the jail in good condition the prisoners supplied with good food and comfortable bedding. The offices of the clerk and sheriff were also found in complete and perfect order. It recommends a coat of paint on the clerk's office to keep the zinc on the porches from rusting, and suggests to the Police Jury the necessity of binding the original index of conveyances. The attention of the Police Jury is called to the want of drainage near the clerk's office, the water gradually causing the building to sink. After examination, the books of the parish treasurer showed a balance of $286.74 for the parish fund and $200.09 for the schools. The report states that the roadoverseers are doing their duty faithfully, and the roads are in better condition than years past. The drainage fund has been put to good use. The schools of the parish are reported in a flourishing condition, the last school session extending ten months and the present one promises to be as long. The $3,500 donation of the Police Jury to the school fund will be of incalculable value to public education. The high school, under an efficient corps of teachers is in full operation with satisfactory attendance. The grand jury notes with pleasure that crime is on the decrease in the parish, but regrets that the Sunday law, in some instances, has been openly violated, and hopes with the assistance of the able district attorney this law will not be as frequently violated in the future. The report concludes with the grateful thanks of the grand jurors to the district attorney for services rendered and to the judge for his able and instructive charge.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/13/1894.

The Roadways.

 The public should feel great satisfaction to learn from a no lesser authority than the grand jury last empaneled that the roadoverseers are doing their duty faithfully and that the public roads are in better condition than they have been for years past.

 The public highways, thanks to the roadoverseers and the incidental assistance offered by several weeks of sunshine, are at present in most excellent condition and all reports to the contrary up to a very few months ago, are false and are circulated with malicious intent. It may be opportune to add that whilst a guarantee cannot be given for even one year, of the present beautifully dried up state of the roads, yet if the overseers do not relent in the faithful discharge of their duties and the drainage fund continues to be wisely expended we may hope with reason to witness a continuation of the present encouraging situation in the road affairs of the parish, even though a month or two of rainfall at a time should occur to dampen the surface of the public highways.

 The grand jury deserve the thanks of the people for having made such a diligent investigation into this branch of the public service as to place them in a position to know the whole truth, and speak with authority on this all-the-year-round subject of discussion among residents of Lafayette parish. We sincerely hope that future grand juries at their regular sittings will manifest a no less interest in road affairs, than the grand inquest that has just closed its labors. Lafayette Advertiser 10/13/1894.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 10/13/1894.

 Active work on the Breaux tramway was begun last Thursday.

 Dr. F. E. Girard has been among relatives here for several days past, enjoying a much needed rest from professional duties.

 Mr. G. E. Von Hofe, piano tuner and repairer is in Lafayette at present. Requests for his services will receive prompt attention, if left at this office.

 We acknowledge an agreeable call from Mr. P. L. DeClouet, last Monday. Mr. DeClouet will never be a republican, not even a "sugar coated" one.

 Mr. Samuel Levy, of Orange, Texas, and Mr. Armand Levy, of Lake Charles, have been in town for several days past attending to business matters.

 Mr. Henry Bendel and wife arrived in Lafayette from New York a few days ago, to spend a week with relatives whilst on a bridal tour through the Southern States.

 Mr. J. Nickerson, emigration and real estate agent, informs us that he expects nine families here to settle from North Dakota, next month, and also a number of families from Canada sometime during the winter.

 A petition praying the governor for the pardon of Willie Foreman, sentenced last year to hard labor in the penitentiary for 19 years for the killing of J. G. Bertrand at Duson, is being circulated for signature, by relatives of Foreman. Lafayette Advertiser 10/13/1894.


A Graphic Description of the Sensations Produced by the Drug.

 We were five comrades seated on a circular divan around a richly served table. The breakfast, which had been the means of bringing us together, was not an ordinary breakfast. Scarcely where we seated when two lackeys entered the room, one carrying a quaintly chased silver coffer, which he placed on the table before our host, the celebrated Dr. M--------; the other bore a tray, on which were placed tin cups of filigree silver. The doctor drew the coffer toward him, and gravely opened it. He took from there several boxes of rock crystal, one of which was half full of a greenish sort of compound.

 "Here," said he, "we have the substance in question in all its possible forms - in a powder for the narghily smoker (water pipe), in an oily extract, in a spirituous one, and even cleverly disguised in sweets and conserves. It is under the latter cloak that I recommend to you as being more pleasant to swallow; its taste is sufficiently agreeable when prepared with pistachio nuts, like which I procured yesterday."

 "Does one run no risk of danger by using this drug?"

 "By some learned men it is asserted to be quite in-noxious; but it would be difficult for me to share their conviction, for I think that a too frequent use of it would induce cerebral congestion, and certainly the pitiable condition of those individuals who are given up to this passion seems to me sufficiently instructive. But I believe that one may occasionally use it without any marked ill effect. I, who am speaking to you, have taken it close on two hundred times, and I am none the worse for it. Even if disagreeable experiences do follow, they are, I repeat, so very curious that he who has not exposed himself to it, once, at least, can scarcely say that he has lived. And now, gentlemen, if you please, let me offer a dose of hashish to each one of you."

 So saying, he gave us a small teaspoonful of the conserve.

 "Doctor," said I, "as I wish to be completely under the influence of the drug, will you please to increase the dose for me?"

 "If you wish it I will do so."

 Here the servants brought in the different dishes, and, as our host has the reputation of being a gourmet, it is needless to say that the breakfast was exquisite. Each and all did honor to the repast, and during quite a good half hour I felt nothing in any way abnormal. But when the meal was drawing to a close a subtle warmth, which came as if it were in gusts to my head and chest, seemed to permeate my body with a singular emotion. Later on, the conversation around me reached my understanding charged with droll insignificance. The noise of a fork struck my ear as a most harmonious vibration. The faces of my companions were transformed. The particular animal type - which according to Lavater, is the basis of every human countenance - appeared to me strikingly clear. My right-hand neighbor became an eagle; he on my left grew into an owl, with full, projecting eyes; immediately in front of me the man was a lion; while the doctor himself was metamorphosed into a fox. Objects around me seemed, little by little, to clothe themselves in fantastic garb, the arabesques on the wall revealed themselves to me in rich rhymes of attractive posy - sometimes melancholy, but more generally rising to an exaggerated lyricism, or to transcend buffoonery. The porcelain vases, the bottles, the glasses sparkling on the table, all took the most ludicrous forms. At the same time I felt creeping all around the region of my heart a tickling pressure, to squeeze out, as it were, with gentle force, a laugh which burst forth with noisy violence.

 My neighbors, too, seemed subjected to an identical influence, for I saw their faces unfold like peonies - victims of boisterous hilarity, holding their sides and rolling about from right to left, their countenances swollen like Titans. My voice seemed to have gained considerable strength, for when I spoke it was as if it were a discharge of cannon, and long after I had uttered a sentence I heard in my brain the reverberation, as it were, of distant thunder. Thoughts seized on me with fury and unchained and disentangled themselves by torrents in my brain, and developed a rapid succession of geometrical combinations which appeared to be the simplest, as well as the most exact, expression of those ideas which one is obliged to render in an approximate manner by prolix words of gross molding. Besides all this, I lost completely the idea of time.

 As the action of hashish is intermittent, I gradually come back to my own identity, and believing that the effect of the drug was exhausted, I thought it time to withdraw myself and leave to their respective dreams my companions, who were to much absorbed to trouble themselves in my departure. But scarcely had I set foot on the pavement outside the house than the effect of the drug, which had in a measure subsided, seized upon me again with redoubled force. Here words utterly fail to express the incomprehensible agony which ran through all my being! Sometimes I felt that my feet took root to the earth, and that I was sinking up to my neck in the soil, and that I could only draw my feet out with the greatest difficulty, each step seeming to have hundreds of pound weights attached to them. Then I appeared to be gifted with the lightness of a sponge, and I remember that I held firmly to a tree, fearing that I should suddenly disappear in the air with the velocity of a balloon. Vibrations, like shocks of electricity, ran through me. An iron hand seemed to have got hold of my brain and was crushing it. I was seized with dizziness, and I shudder even now when I think how intense was my suffering. 

 From Cornhill Magazine,  and in the Lafayette Advertiser 10/13/1894.           


From the Lafayette Gazette 10/13/1894.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 13th, 1911:


The United States Marine Band, "The President's Own," will play at Lafayette, in the Jefferson Theater, on Tuesday evening, October 17, beginning at 8:30 o'clock, under the direction of Lieut. William H. Santelmann, and attention is directed to the appeal of the Jefferson Theater management in the advertising columns of this issue to the amusement lovers of Rayne. The Jefferson is the finest theater building in the State outside of New Orleans, and is the nearest place that Rayne theater-goers can find anything in the amusement line better than appears in the opera house at this place. Their attractions for the coming season include the large companies booked at the Tulane which only makes the Lafayette stop between New Orleans and Lake Charles or Houston. The Marine Band, conceded to be the best band in the United States, tours the country by special permission of the president and selecting the cities to be visited Lieut. Santelmann has endeavored to arrange his itinerary as to give the music lovers of the entire country an opportunity to hear the band. The Jefferson Theater management is to be congratulated on securing this date and it is probable a large number will attend from all over Acadia parish. From the Rayne Tribune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 10/13/1911. 

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