Tuesday, January 13, 2015


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 16th, 1903:

An Empty Jail.
To the Advertiser:

 An empty jail is something worth talking about, because it is a thing of such rare occurrence in a densely inhabited country.

 When Sheriff Broussard boarded the train for Baton Rouge Monday, with his batch of prisoners, the parish jail in Lafayette was left without a single occupant, and with its big doors left wide open for the reception of visitors the prison presented the spectacle of deserted building.

 As an old native of the parish I do not recall that such a thing has ever happened here before, and this incident points out a lesson that we farmers would do well to bear in mind, which is that it is very important to have for Sheriff a man of determination, who unquestionably commands the fear of the criminals classes. And unless we do have such a man for Sheriff it will not be safe for the father or protector of the family to ever leave home.

 Ike Broussard has been Sheriff of Lafayette parish for sixteen years and during the whole of this time he has enjoyed the confidence of all law-abiding people, and through his bold and prompt and determined dealing with evil-doers he has made his name greatly dreaded by the criminal class.

 The spirit of lawlessness that prevailed in certain sections of the parish where the most flagrant disregard was shown for human life, is readily recalled by men much under my age, and we all know the important part played by Sheriff Broussard in bringing about order and wholesome respect for the law in those quarters. And shall we give up the valuable services of such a brave and faithful officer after sixteen years of continuous proof of his ability and worth, and take in his place a new and untried young man, however deserving he may be otherwise? I ask the question in all seriousness, "Is this a reasonable or proper thing to do?" I answer a thousand times "No," because I feel quite certain that a great majority of the people of this parish are too concerned about the safety and welfare of their wives and children to want to give up Broussard for sheriff after having learned from his sixteen years of past service that he can do absolutely depended on to do his full duty at all times, and that he is a terror to the evil-doers of whom every community has its generous quota always ready to make trouble unless firmly restrained by brave and determined criminal officers of the law.
                                      A COUNTRYMAN.

 Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903.

Both Hands Cut Off. - Sunday night a stranger about 40 years of age, wjho gave his name as F. Gillen, of Lynn, Mass., was run down by the switch engine in the yards of the Southern Pacific railroad and had both hands cut off above the wrist. Drs. Martin and Tolson were immediately summoned, who gave the wounded man all necessary attention. He was put aboard the morning train and sent to the Charity Hospital in New Orleans. Gillen stated that he had traveled all around the world, and gave his trade as that of a tailor. It is supposed that he was trying to beat his way to New Orleans when he got hurt.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903.

 A small Fire. - Thursday night a stable. belonging to Cleophus Richard, in the rear of Nicholson's store was burned. Several small buildings in close proximity were saved from injury by the prompt and effective work of the fire department. 
Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903.

 New Enterprise. - F. J. Higginbotham will shortly begin the manufacture of pop, celery, phosphates and all kinds of soft drinks. He has already received part of the machinery and has ordered a car load of bottles which will arrive in a few days. He expects to begin business as soon as possible. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903.

 Will Build at Once. - Mr. S. Kahn, manager of the Lafayette Clothing House, purchased a few days since from Mrs. Rigues the lot adjoining Carter's studio. Thursday he let out a contract to Emes and Alexander for the construction of a one-story brick building 35 x 65 ft. with pressed brick and plate front.  Laf. Advertiser 12/16/1903.

 New Club Building. - Tuesday night the Century Club let a contract to G. B. Knapp for the erection of a fine two-story business brick club building to cost $8,000. It will be built on the Club's property in Pierce street next to Pellerin & DeClouet's store, and will be a handsome addition to the town.  Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903. 

Opened Tuesday.

 The Street Fair opened Tuesday with a fine line of attractions, and will probably draw big crowds during the week which it will be here. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903.

Three Events of Special Interest to Mark the Holidays.

 The regular school work at the Industrial Institute will close for the Christmas holidays by a series of exercises which will prove of interest to all in attendance. The open meeting of the societies will take place in the Auditorium next Friday evening at 8 o'clock; the fair will be held at 2 o'clock the following day; and on Monday evening, the 21st, the concert given by and for Mr. Hayden will take place. To all these exercises the public is cordially invited.

 On Friday evening at 8 o'clock p. m., a joint meeting of the Attakapas and the Avatar societies will be held in keeping with their established custom of holding open session before the Christmas holidays. An unusually interesting program is being prepared and the societies are very eager that all their friends in town should flock out to see them on their night.

 The annual midwinter exhibition and fair will be held on Saturday, Dec. 19, from 2 to 4 p. m. The work of the students in domestic science, manual training , and art will be on exhibit and on sale; among these there will be beautiful and useful things made by the young ladies of the sewing school; desks, tables, book-cases, and other pieces of furniture made in the manual training school; products of the cooking school; and the drawing made in the art department by the classes for this term. The young ladies of the cooking school will serve chocolate and cake during the fair and exhibition. No admission fee will be charged and the public is invited to attend.

 Mr. Hayden is well known in Lafayette and has already won warm friendship here for himself and great applause for his music. He has now completed his course of study on the pipe organ in the national conservatory of music in New York City, and is seeking a position as organist in some church. Last Monday night he scored a brilliant success in his first organ recital in New Orleans at St. Paul's Episcopal church. His friends were not able to secure the privilege of charging admission, however, or even of taking up a collection to help defray the expenses of his trip. Still the opportunity of showing to the public what excellent work he is capable of, was a rare privilege in itself and greatly appreciated by his friends, who will make up the amount of his expenses by voluntary contributions.

 In the concert given at the Institute for his benefit next Monday night, Mr. Hayden will be assisted by Miss Lucille Revillon. Mrs. Vavasseur Mouton, Prof. Sontag and others of our talented local musicians. The charge for admission will be fifty cents. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903.

Christmas Tree and Entertainment.

 There will be a Christmas tree and entertainment at Mount Carmel Academy, Wednesday, Dec. 23. The following interesting program has been prepared for the entertainment, and the occasion is going to be most delightful to old and young. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to be present.

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 Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903.


Executive Committee of Institute.

 The executive committee of the Industrial Institute met Wednesday afternoon with the following members present: Major Lee, of New Iberia; Robert Martin, of St. Martinville; J. C. Buchanan, of Lafayette and E. L. Stephens. The committee approved appointments, checked the treasurer's report, and transacted routine business. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903. 

 A Sad Bereavement.

 Mrs. Corn Zachary, from North Carolina, on her way to join her husband in California, stopped off here Saturday, her little baby three months old having become dangerously sick. She went to the Sunset hotel, where she received all the care and assistance possible, but notwithstanding every effort the little baby died. A number of ladies, hearing of Mrs. Zachary's trouble, went to her and gave her aid and by kind ministrations tried to comfort her in her sore bereavement. The baby was interred Monday here in Lafayette, and the mother went on to join her husband. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903.


 There is no question as to the advantage in having Lafayette parish represented at the St. Louis Fair, upon that we are all agreed; and especially so as it will cost us practically nothing to do so, since Dr. Stubbs has agreed to attend to shipping and placing any exhibit we may send him. Our part is simply to furnish the material, and this we surely ought to do. Though it is rather late to begin preparing for an exhibit now, yet not too late if every one will assist. In order to get the affair in shape Messrs. M. Billeaud, Jr., C. C. Brown, A. Judice, and Dr. Moss have constituted themselves a committee to take charge of all exhibits and see that they are delivered to Dr. Stubbs. The editor of this paper has consented to serve as secretary to answer inquiries and receive exhibits for the committee.

 The desire of the committee is to make a complete exhibit of the parish. Samples of cane, cotton, corn, broom corn, tobacco, vegetables, woods, hay grasses, in short, anything that can be raised here is wanted. Also such as sugar, syrup etc. A square bale of cotton is also wanted and this will be covered with silk and form part of the monument to King Kotton at the Fair. All articles will be either returned to the owner or disposed of as he may wish.

 The time is very short and the people of the parish are urged to bring in samples at once and each one help to make the exhibit as fine and creditable as possible. Lafayette parish is one of the most favorable regions of the land and can make a fine exhibit, if the proper effort is made.
     Let everybody help.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903.

Rat Story Extraordinary.

 To the Editor, Lafayette Advertiser:

 Knowing that your valuable paper is always willing to publish facts that occur in our parish, I will state that a few days since Mr. Joe. Ledoux invited a few of us to come with our dogs and help him kill rats in his corn crib; he said he thought there must be several thousand there from the way they were eating his corn. We moved the corn and started hundreds of rats, but as they disappeared quickly, we thought they must have a hole in the ground. With the barking of the dogs and hallowing of the boys the excitement was at fever heat. All at once there was a loud report which shook everything far and near as one of the sills of his crib was hollow from end to end, the rats crowded in there so tight that when they all drew a breath is caused the sill to burst in ten thousand pieces, killing two of our best dogs, turning over a wagon load of cotton which was standing near, and demolishing one side of Joe's corn crib. It was lucky for us we were on the opposite side of the crib when the explosion took place.

 The jar was so great that it killed eleven hundred and thirty one rats and many got away.
     (Signed)  OBERON.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903.



 Availing myself of your kind permission to use your columns for the discussion of matters of public interest, I wish to submit to the public and your readers some of the reasons for the faith that is in us, and for our support of those candidates who are usually referred to as the Lacoste-Voorhies faction, and our opposition to the faction known as the administration or the Broussard-Scranton faction.

 It is charged against the present administration that their management of the public business has been careless and extravagant.

 They have not contributed to the cause of education that financial aid and support which should have been in proportion to the public revenues.

 The following extracts from the official proceedings of the Police Jury speak for themselves.

 "Lafayette, La., July 7, 1903. - The Police Jury sitting as a Board of Reviewers of the assessment lists submitted by Assessor Martin convened this day."

 "The Board proceeded to consider the assessment."

 "The Board finding many of the assessment lists submitted, dated for the years 1900, 1901, 1902, and IT BEING APPARENT THAT NO COMPLETE ASSESSMENT for 1903 had been made as contemplated by law, on motion of Mr. Landry, adopted the following resolution:

 "Resolved that in future unless the assessment is taken in person, or by his deputies on a house to house visitation throughout the parish and unless the assessment is spread upon new assessment blanks as directed by law, this Board will refuse to accept same, and reject all claims based thereon."

 It looks very much to an outsider like the Assessor has hastily gathered together the accumulate rubbish of over three years and turned it in for an assessment for the year 1903.

 It appears to be no secret that there has not been a legal assessment of the property in this parish for many years.

 Nevertheless as long as the present administration remains in power and find use for him in his present position. Assessor Martin will be retained, anything the people may say to the contrary notwithstanding.

 "Lafayette, La., Aug. 6. 1903. - The Police Jury met in regular session.

 Mr. Mouton of the committee appointed to make final settlement with the sheriff for taxes and licenses for 1901 and 1902, reported that the committee had been unable to effect a settlement owing to the failure of the sheriff to publish delinquent lists as required by law."

 If the settlement has been made its publication has escaped my attention.

 The administration and its supporters are bending every energy in the effort to prevent a free and fair expression of popular will.

 They are responsible for the enactment of a law which places the White Democratic Primaries and nominating conventions under the operation of a system of laws and Constitutional provisions intended to be used only against the negro, as a means of maintaining white supremacy, and thereby a large number of the best white men in the State are disfranchised.

 The Broussard-Scranton faction stands of the perpetuation of the appointive power of the Governor, and the return to the system of conventions, manipulated by the appointees of the Governor, many of whom openly avow and declare that they recognize no other motive or purpose in public office than the money they can make out of the public trust confined to their keeping.

 Upon the other hand the candidates for office in opposition to them and upon the side of the people, particularly those most important candidates for the legislature and members of the Police Jury, are openly and honestly pledged to the economical administration of public affairs, to the maintenance and support of public education to the fullest possible extent, to the restitution to the people, where they rightfully belong, those inestimable and inherent rights, which, for well known reasons, had been temporarily entrusted into the hands of the Executive.

 These, Mr. Editor, are some of the principles upon which the present campaign stands. And are some of the principle reasons for the advocacy of the election of the candidates of the Lacoste-Voorhies faction, by
        A. VOTER.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903.

Ordinance Adopted to Lay Cement Walks on West Side of Lincoln Avenue.

 Treasurer's Report and Bills Approved.

                    Lafayette, La., Dec. 7, 1903.
  A regular meeting of the City Council was held this day, Mayor C. D. Caffery presiding. Members present: A. E. Mouton, J. O. Mouton, D. V. Gardebled, H. L. Fontenot, F. Demanade, G. A. DeBlanc, M. Rosenfield.

 Minutes of last meeting adopted as read.

 Dr. F. E. Girard for committee on Street Fair reported that a contract had been made with the United States Carnival Co. for a Street Fair, beginning Dec. 15 as per resolution heretofore adopted and contract approved by council.

 A. E. Mouton, chairman Water & Light committee reported that pump had been tested by Fire Department and in the opinion of the committee was fully up to specification and warrant is authorized to be issued in payment according to terms of contract less freight heretofore paid by the City. Carried.

 The treasurer's report was adopted as follows:

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 The following bills were approved:

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 On motion made and duly seconded and carried, the following ordinance was adopted:  Yeas - A. E. Mouton, M. Rosenfield, D. V. Gardebled, H. L. Fontenot, G. A. DeBlanc, F. Demanade.  Nays: J. O. Mouton.

 Section 1.  Be it ordained by the City Council of Lafayette, La., that under and by virtue of an ordinance adopted by this Council on October 5, 1903, entitled "An Ordinance relative to sidewalks in the town of Lafayette, La.," and in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 147 of the acts of the Legislature of this State for the year 1902, and considering that the public interest requires it, (reference being made to petition of abutting owners, this day presented to this Council) that a cement walk six feet in width, wherever possible, and of such lesser width as may be necessary to conform to the sidewalk, and otherwise according to specifications in possession of the street committee of this Council with the necessary curbing thereto, be built between the following points and along the following route to-wit:

 Starting from Grant avenue at its intersection with Lincoln avenue on the north west side of said Lincoln avenue, thence along the north west side of Lincoln avenue to Pierce street, thence along the north-western side of Pierce street to Jefferson street, thence along the western side of Jefferson street to Vermilion street.

 Section 2.  That public notice be given for ten days of this ordinance; and moreover, that a notice be published for the same period calling for bids to do said work which work shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder who shall give satisfactory security to the street committee, in the sum to be hereafter determined by the Council, for the faithful performance of said contract and the completion of said work.

 Section 3. Be it further ordained that the entire cost of said walk shall be paid by the owners of the real estate abutting the same, on the basis of the respective frontage of the property on said sidewalk, which amounts shall be due and collectible within ten days after the completion of the work and its acceptance by the City Council of this town, and if not within ten days the Council shall proceed by suit against the said owners and said real estate abutting on said route, to collect said delinquent assessments, and for the payment of said sums so assessed. This Council shall have a special privilege on said properties with six per cent per annum interest thereon from the expiration of said ten days until paid, which lien shall be the first privilege over all other claims except taxes, and shall effect third persons from the date of the registry of the assessment in the Mortgage Book of the parish of Lafayette.

 Section 4. Be it further ordained that the street committee of this Council may, and they are hereby authorized, in their discretion to accept said work or any part thereof by sections of one or more blocks.

 Section 5.  Be it further ordained that in case no satisfactory bid is received for the construction of said cement walk, then that said street committee is authorized and empowered to proceed without delay to construct the same, or cause the same to be constructed, as provided by said Act No. 147 of 1902.

 Section 6.  Be it further ordained that this ordinance shall take effect at once.

 There being no further business Council adjourned.
C. D. CAFFERY, Mayor.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/16/1903.

 Mr. Sam Levy and bride, after several days spent with relatives here, left Wednesday for Lake Charles.

 W. W. Duson, of Crowley, passed through Lafayette Wednesday on his way home from New Orleans.

 Mrs. H. D. Guidry and little son Philip, leave to-day for a short visit to the Crescent City.

 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Judice, of Scott, visited friends in Lafayette Sunday.

 Walter Torian went to New Orleans Friday on business and was away several days.

 Mrs. A. B. Denbo, after an absence of several months spent with her parents in the North, has returned.

 Rex Domengeaux who has been located in New York for a number of months, returned home during the week.

 C. W. Forbes, of New Orleans, paid The Advertiser a call Tuesday. Mr. Forbes is here in the interest of the drummers club in New Orleans.

 Alonzo Lacy, police juror from the fourth ward, was in town Tuesday on business.

 J. N. Parker, of Simsport, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Thos. B. Hopkins, Jr., and will remain until after the Holidays. While here he will put in some work for the insurance company her represents.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1903.






 From the Lafayette Gazette of December 16th, 1899:

It's Not Nice to Fool Sheriff Broussard.

 Late Tuesday upon the arrival of the east-bound train one of the passengers told Sheriff Broussard that he had been robbed of $20.00 by a pair of crooks while the train was running between this place and Rayne. Believing that the supposed victim was telling the truth the sheriff started out to catch the alleged crooks who were found hiding in one of the closets of the train. The sheriff accompanied by the complainant and the two accused marched to the city hall. When that place was reached the parties arrested admitted having the money and offered to turn it over to the owner, claiming however that it had won in an impromptu poker game. After the money was given up the sheriff told the man to make the proper affidavit against the parties who were charged with the theft. This the man refused to do and protested against any accusation being made at all. When Sheriff Broussard informed the alleged victim upon information received, the latter, feeling secure in the recovery of the money, changed the story and confessed that he had not been robbed but had lost the $2 in a game poker. Sheriff Broussard then informed the man that he was old enough to care of himself in a poker game and the deception practiced upon him in causing the arrest of innocent parties was, to say the least, very reprehensible. The sheriff saw that money was returned to the two men who appreciated the justice of that officer's action. It is clear that the man was not robbed but had adopted a very peculiar way of recovering the money which he had lost at cards. It was too thin and didn't work.

 Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1899.  

Broussard Wins. - The friends of Sheriff Broussard may well feel gratified at the result of the primary election. Mr. Broussard's political enemies made a very bitter fight and left nothing undone to defeat him. His nomination in the face of the fierce opposition is certainly an evidence of his undiminished popularity in this parish. The Gazette was confident that the better judgement of the people would prevail and that Sheriff Broussard's splendid record would carry him through victorious. 

Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1899.

Large Majorities.

Judge Debaillon received a majority of 1066 votes in Lafayette parish which added to 130 in Acadia gives him more votes than Judge Barry. Mr. Campbell, Lafayette's candidate for district attorney, carried Acadia by 49 votes. His majority in Lafayette being 1279 he is 1328 ahead of Mr. Smith in the district. The Gazette never doubted that Messrs. Debaillon and Campbell would win but it hardly their majorities to go over a thousand.
Lafayette Gazette 11/16/1899.


 As will be seen by the official returns certified by the Democratic executive committee the ticket headed by Judge Debaillion, and known as the administration ticket, has carried the parish. It is needless to say that The Gazette is more than pleased with the results of the primary election. The whole ticket, from judge to coroner, received a majority of the votes cast and consequently will appear on the Democratic ticket at the April election. The large vote polled no doubt insures a complete Democratic victory in April. The primary passed off quietly and was conducted with absolute fairness toward all parties, and we trust that the defeated candidates will give to the nominees the support to which they are honestly entitled. 

 As this parish is thoroughly Democratic the nomination of the ticket is equivalent to its election. Now that it is all over over let there be a cessation of hostilities and a return to the more peaceful pursuits of life. For the good of our town and parish let the bitterness engendered during the campaign be appeased and the period of angry passions be succeeded by an era of good feeling which will promote the welfare of all. Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1899.


Our esteemed contemporary, the Independent Observer, although only a few weeks old, betrays symptoms of a very bad temper for one so young of age.

 In its last issue it make a very ungracious fling at this town which seems to have unwittingly incurred the displeasure of our usually courteous and fair-minded friend. We plead guilty to the charge of having solicited the support of the good people of the adjoining parishes in our laudable efforts to secure the Industrial School, but deny absolutely the accusations of having circulated disparaging reports about our worthy competitor. We are not built that way. The people of Lafayette have gone about this business in an honorable way and they have employed none but legitimate methods to secure the coveted prize.

 The Independent Observer sneeringly refers to our politics and politicians. This parish is thoroughly Democratic and it could not expect its politics to suit the editor of the Independent Observer whose bete noir is the present Democratic administration. Lafayette pleads guilty to the charge of having refused to join Iberia parish four years ago in a movement to place the destinies of this State into the hands of the incompetent old man who nominated by the Republicans and Populists. Lafayette stands today where it stood then and it will hardly change even to please our estimable New Iberia confrere.

 The Independent Observer sings the praises of New Iberia and takes up a quarter of a column of its valuable space to tell the outside world the wonderful things to be found in that town. It boasts of literary societies, debating clubs, Chautauqua circles, round table conferences, night schools and other evidences of progress. The Gazette had occasion before this to compliment New Iberia upon the public spirit and progressiveness of its people. We cheerfully accord to New Iberia all the credit it deserves. It is a splendid young city with a bright future and we ardently hope that it will continue to forge ahead ahead as it has done in the past.

 But after saying many flattering things about New Iberia, the Independent Observer proceeds as follows:

 Now, what has Lafayette? Boundless prairies; untrodden interminable avenues for ox wagons; breezy encounters of political acrobats; centrality of an abandoned location; cheap lands and mellow well water. They expatiate on the accessibilites of the parish and town, (save during quarantines) but all these delectable qualities don't produce success. We claim to have all preparations ready to welcome the new accession of that educational institute.

 We are loathe to believe that the foregoing lines were written by the editor of a paper published in the midst of a community which boasts of literary societies, debating clubs, the best schools in the State, and other salutary influences. We would be inclined to forgive the writer if he lived in the "boundless prairies" or by what is grotesquely termed "interminable avenues of ox wagons," but something better should emanate from the great centre of culture, education and art. If our esteemed, but misguided contemporary would have the people believe that his town is the home of those educational influences which broaden the mind, he should endeavor to deal in more fairness, and if he wishes to create the impression abroad that "the individual citizen of New Iberia is anxious to promote intellectual expansion" he will have to be more generous in his criticisms. Such puerile attempts at sarcasm and unprovoked attack upon a community show the need rather than the desire of "intellectual expansion."

 Lafayette claims to be the best place to establish the Industrial School, and it will endeavor to show to the Board of Directors that it is to the advantage of the State to locate the school here. But, Lafayette will not insult the intelligence of the members of the Board by indulging in washerwoman logic of which the Observers's remarks are but a poor sample. If our good friend will visit us we'll be pleased to show him around and we promise to prove to him that he is very much in error. He will see other things besides "boundless prairies" "ox-wagons" "political acrobats" and "mellow well water." Instead of boundless prairies we will show him the fields which produce the finest cane, corn and cotton in the State. We will introduce him not to political acrobats but to gentlemen just as clever as the cleverest Louisiana ever bred. And if he happens to be thirsty we shall not offer him well water at all, but will give him the purest of artesian waters and if he prefers we'll mix it with a little sugar manufactured at our doors by the best equipped sugar mill in Louisiana. If he'll give us the wink we'll drop a little Bourbon in it which, reinforced by our home-related mint and home-made ice, will make him as delicious a mint julep as was ever made on the banks of the Elkhorn in old Kentucky. Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1899.

Debs Will Lecture in Laf.

 Eugene V. Debs, the greatest leader and organizer of laboring men, will deliver a lecture in Lafayette on Friday, Jan. 26, informs us that he has made arrangements for the appearance of Mr. Debs at this place on the day mentioned. Mr. Debs is recognized throughout the Union as a great orator and thinker. Wherever he has spoken his lecture has been the theme of favorable comment among the all classes of people. Even those of those of the wealthy classes who are unalterably opposed to his doctrines agree as to the unquestioned sincerity and transcendent ability of the man. He is beyond all doubt the most popular leader of the laboring people of America and perhaps of the world. He is conceded to be one of the most effective platform orators in the United States. He draws great crowds in the eastern cities as well as in other sections of the country. The Gazette hopes that Mr. Triay will receive the proper encouragement in his efforts to give our people an opportunity to hear the foremost men before the American nation to-day.
Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1899.

Wreck Near Sour Lake.
A special from Houston to the N. O. Times-Democrat of Dec. 12 says:

 "About 3 o'clock this morning a collision occurred on the Southern Pacific railway near Sour Lake, and one freight train headed on another going in the same direction, causing the death of one and seriously injuring two others. The cause of the collision is not given as yet, but it is believed the second train was not under control.  Page Taylor Ligon, an extra brakeman was killed outright; Engineer Chris Mortenson was seriously hurt and Brakeman Scott very painfully injured. The dead and injured were brought to Houston at noon to-day. Engineer Mortenson will die as a result of the accident."
Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1899.

Two Merry Tramps.

 Manager Falk presents to his patrons on Sunday Dec. 24 this big farcical comedy which has been successfully produced in all the large cities of the country and by reason of its unique and meritorious construction is of an order that will favor for many seasons to come. An unusually capable of company of farceurs and specialists interestingly interpret this laughable comedy in a manner calculated to cause one to forget for the time being that sorrow or care exists, and of evening of pure enjoyment and harmless hilarity is promised. The company this season is unusually strong in a musical way, each member being a trained vocalist and at times during the  progress of the play one imagines that it is an operative production rather than a comedy. A fine male quartette, an excellent band and orchestra and many male and female vocalists comprise the musical contingency of the organization. Special care has been taken by the management to have the wardrobe and costumes of the finest. A truly up-to-date comedy production is promised.  Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1899.

It Didn't Work.

 Last Sunday when one of the trains from the east stopped here it was discovered that one of the negro passengers had a well developed case of smallpox. The trainmen were instructed by the railroad authorities to put the negro off at this place. Dr. Felix Girard, our health officer, heard of the intentions of the railroad people and objected to it all. The negro was carried to his destination near Cheneyville. He had bought his ticket at Adelaine, St. Mary parish. Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1899.

Death of Lundy Huff.

  Lundy Huff, a most worthy young man who was born and reared in this town, died Wednesday night at the home of his mother, Mrs. W. D. Huff. He was 18 years old. At an early age he displayed those sterling qualities of heart and mind which bespoke for him a career of usefulness. When a mere boy he began to work and showed unusual aptitude to mechanical labor, and being industrious and reliable his services were always in demand. He was kindly and genteel toward all, and enjoyed the esteem and confidence of all who knew him. The splendid traits of his character were exemplified in his admirable devotion to a widowed mother and to his brothers and sisters who were left fatherless at a tender age. These will mourn bitterly for his death as he was to them all that a dutiful son and brother could be. By dint of his own honest efforts, unaided by fortune, young Huff had earned for himself an enviable position in the esteem of the community of which he was a humble, but worthy member. His funeral Thursday afternoon was largely attended evidencing the high regard in which he was held by his acquaintances. Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1899.

Sold Land.

 Dr. F. S. Mudd has sold through the real estate agency of Mr. Amb. Mouton eleven acres of land opposite Sterling Grove to G. W. Snodgrass, of Carl, Iowa. The price paid was $1,100 cash. We are informed that Mr. Snodgrass will put up a corn mill and will prepare that cereal for the use of man and beast. Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1899.

By the Democratic Parish Executive Committee Giving the Votes of the Different Candidates.

     Court-house, Lafayette, La., Tuesday.
 Dec. 12, 1899. - The Democratic Parish Executive Committee for the Parish of Lafayette pursuant to call of said committee, met at the court-house, said parish, on above date for the purpose of canvassing and tabulating the returns of the primary election held Dec. 9, 1899.

 John Hahn, chairman, called the meeting to order. Mr. Paul DeClouet was elected secretary. The following members of the committee were present: Albert Delhomme, John Hahn, Paul DeClouet, Harrison Theall, Aurelien Olivier, A. C. Guilbeau, Homer Durio, J. Aymar Labbe.  Absent: Dr. M. L. Lyons and Simeon Cormier. Chairman John Hall called on any one present from any faction who would desire to witness the canvass of the votes.

 The committee then proceeded to officially open and canvass the returns, and declare the result of said primary.

 From the official returns of the commissioners of election of said primary election from every ward and precinct of the parish, the following named candidates for district, parish and ward offices; and the candidates for member of the Democratic State central committee, for members of the Democratic parish executive committee, and for delegates to the State Democratic convention, and to have senatorial convention were shown to have received the votes set opposite their respective names:

 --------------p. 4-----------------

 The above being a correct canvass and tabulation of the votes cast at said primary election, therefore be it resolved by the Parish Democratic Executive Committee of said parish in caucus assembled, that in accordance with the resolutions of said committee calling said primary, that the above named candidates for district, parish and ward offices, receiving a majority or plurality of the votes cast at said primary as above shown be and hereby declared the regular nominees of the Democratic party for said offices. That a copy of these proceedings be handed to Julian Mouton, chairman of the judicial committee of the 18th judicial district, as required by the resolutions of said judicial committee. That the candidates receiving a majority for member of the State central committee and for delegates to the State and senatorial conventions, and for members for the Parish Democratic executive committee as above shown are hereby declared elected. That the credentials to the member of the State central committee and to the delegates to the State and senatorial conventions elected at said primary be given by the chairman of this committee and countersigned by the secretary thereof.

 On motion the committee adjourned.
   P. L. DECLOUET, Secretary.

      Court-house, Lafayette, La., Dec. 12, 1899.
   - According to the tabulation of the votes cast at the primary election held Dec. 9, 1899, and according to the resolution of the parish Democratic executive committee of the parish of Lafayette in caucus assembled, at the court-house on above date, the following candidates were declared the regular nominees of the Democratic party, for said parish and ward offices:

 -----------------p. 4--------------

 The said member of the State central committee and members of the parish executive committee, and delegates above named were also declared elected by the said parish committee. A copy of this promulgation shall be the credentials of the above named member of the State central committee, and of the delegates above named, as authorized by the said parish committee.

 The tabulation of the votes for district judge and district attorney for the 18th judicial district were ordered returned to the judicial district committee who are to declare who are the nominees for judge and district attorney.
JOHN HAHN, Chairman.
P. L. DECLOUET, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1899.   

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/16/1899.

 The Royville box was paralyzer to the opposition. The boys at Royville are wheel horses of the thoroughbred kind.

 The ever faithful eighth ward came up with a handsome majority for the regular ticket.

 J. W. Werner, an experienced and skillful barber, is employed in Mr. Higginbotham's shop.

 Dr. G. T. Clegg, of Siloam, Ark., visited his cousin, Mr. Wm. Clegg, this week.

 Services will be held at the Presbyterian church tomorrow (Sunday) at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. All are invited to school.

 Miss Mary Webb arrived here a few days ago from Philadelphia. Miss Webb returned about two months since from Turkey where she did some missionary work. Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1899.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 16th, 1893:

Lafayette Fire Company.

 It is a most sad commentary on the citizens of Lafayette that they should manifest so little interest in the organization of a fire company in their midst. On account of a lack of attendance of members the meeting called for last Monday night proved a failure, and this is but a repetition of what has happened time and again. Housekeeper John Graser deserves praise for the thorough condition of readiness in which he keeps the hook and ladder truck in the face of such a great want of interest on the part of the others whose large property holdings should make them eager to be the first to answer at roll-call. If the insurance payers of our community would only view this subject in a commonsense light they would contribute liberally toward the support of a fire department, from an economical standpoint. If such exorbitant rates of insurance are imposed on property in Lafayette it is because we are helplessly at the mercy of the flames. Provide the town with a practical means of combating fire and, immediately, down will go the present excessive premiums, and, as we have stated a number of times before, the savings in rate will more than cover the expense incident to the maintenance of a fire organization, and afford reasonable protection, besides, against complete annihilation of property, a condition that in nowise exists at present. It may be (though, we hope not) that our people will realize only when it is too late, the value of fire protection; when their business houses and homes will lay ruined in ashes.
 Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893

City Council Proceedings.

             Lafayette, Dec. 11th, 1893.
  At the regular meeting held this day the following members were present:  Wm. Campbell, Mayor, A. M. Martin, Felix Demanade, and John O. Mouton.  Absent:  Alb. Cayard, A. T. Caillouet, and I. N. Satterfield.

 There being no quorum the meeting adjourned to Wednesday the 13th inst. at 7 o'clock p. m.

 Pursuant to adjournment the Council met with following members present Wm. Campbell Mayor, A. M. Martin, Felix Demanade, John O. Mouton, Alb. Cayard and Alb. Delahoussaye. Absent: A. T. Caillouet and I. N. Satterfield.

 Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

 Mr. Alb. Delahoussaye having been appointed and qualified as member of the City Council vice Fred Mouton resigned, took his seat, and thereupon was appointed as member of the Finance committee.

 The report of the Finance committee was read and accepted.

          Lafayette, La., Nov. 13th, 1893.
  To the Hon. Mayor and Council of Lafayette.

 The undersigned members of Finance Committee having examined the Treasurer book for quarter ending October 31st, 1893 and make the following report:

----------------p. 4-----------------

 We respectfully submit our report.
A. DELAHOUSSAYE, A. F. CAYARD, Members of Finance Committee.

 Be it resolved by the City Council that the lamps now in use to light the City being defective as giving very poor light that the Mayor be appointed a committee of one to confer, arrange and contract with the Sun Vapor light Co. of Memphis, Tenn. to light and illuminate the City.

 Resolved by the City Council and etc. and hereafter it shall be prohibited for any stove pipe to run through any building without either a brick flue, terracotta or a galvanized ventilated flue such as are accepted by the different insurance companies and any person violating this ordinance shall be dealt with according to law, and this resolution to take effect (15) days after its promulgation.

 The Committee that was appointed last meeting consisting of Mayor, A. M. Martin, John O. Mouton, and F. Demanade to confer with the School Board to run the High School made their report to wit: That it was agreed with the members of the School Boaord that a board of trustees be appointed; two by the Police Jury one by the School Board and 2 by the City Council and they to be known as the board of trustees of the Lafayette High School.

 Resolved that regular meeting of this body be changed from the 2nd Monday of each month to the 1st Monday of each Month.

 The following accounts were allowed, to-wit:

 -------------------p. 4---------------

 There being no further business the Council adjourned.
A. NEVUE, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.


 Marshal Vigneaux arrested Tuesday, a negro giving his name as Geo. W. White, of Thomasville, Ala. White had four watches, one of which was a valuable gold watch marked "F. C. N." and all of which he was endeavoring to sell. The negro is 42 years of age, small and black, a cook by occupation, He will be held for identification. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893. 

 Police Monthly Report.

 The following is the report of Police record for November, 1893.

  Nov. 2nd. Louis Smith, nuisance, $2.50 fine of five day.
  6th. Richard McElligot, drunk nuisance, $2.50 fine or five days.
  8th. Henry Moris and Ross Cohn, fighting disturbing the peace, $5.00 fine of ten days.
  8th. Patrick Welch, drunk and nuisance, ordered to leave the town.
  8th. Vaslin Dickson, fighting and disturbing the peace, $2.50 fine or five days.
  10th. James Smith, drunk and nuisance, $2.50 fine of five days.
  14th. T. P. James Smith, drunk and nuisance, $2.50 or five days.
  15th, Ed Vanderwatter, drunk and nuisance, $2.50 fine or five days.
  17th. Wm. Grisell, nuisance, ordered to leave town.
  17th. Rich McElligot, drunk and nuisance, fine $2.50 or five days.
  17th. Adele Johus, drunk and nuisance, discharged.
  19th. Albert Lahan and Joe Banham, fighting and disturbing the peace, $2.50 fine each or five days.
  20th. Frank Bellem and Wm. Garret, drunk and nuisance, $2.50 fine each or five days.
  20th. Henry Johnes, fighting, dischaged.
  21st. D. Allen, drunk nuisance and resisting arrest, $10.00 fine or twenty days.
  22nd. Will Alexander, drunk and nuisance, $2.50 or five days.
  23rd. Sosthene Catalan, using obscene language, $5.00 or ten days.
  23rd. Ed. Riley and John Sullivan, fighting and disturbing the peace, $2.50 fine of five days.
  23rd. Tom Conroyd, nuisance, $2.50 or five days.
  27th. Louisa Brown, Hifran Burns, fighting and disturbing the peace, $2.50 fine of five days.
  28th. Thos. Kelly, vagrant, ordered to leave the town. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.

The "Crow" Knows.

 A reporter of The Advertiser in discussing the business situation of the parish lately, with Mr. Crow Girard, cashier of the People's State Bank, learned that the bank was now carrying a larger and better line of deposits than at any other time of its existence. This, Mr. Girard regarded as a very favorable indication of the uniformly prosperous condition of our people. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.

Obtains Patent.

 Mr. C. H. Lusted, of our town, who recently obtained a patent on a very ingenious machine for cutting off grass and weeds from railroad beds, has received several inquiries regarding his invention from prospective investors and others. The machine in question is said to possess features of a strong merit and THE ADVERTISER hopes Mr. Lusted will reap a rich reward from his invention. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.

A Good Outing.

 Messrs. Alfred Hebert, J. P. Revillon, and Sigismond Bernard left here on Wednesday morning last bound for "Isle John Cole" on a hunting expedition. They went by hack and we understand carried a good stock of provision and other necessaries of life. It is said that ducks and geese are unusually plentiful around that section and are to be found in thousands in the rice fields, all of which is very tempting the ordinary sportsman. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.

Out of Town, Now!

 Our vigilant police officers are making a good record for making tramps, vagrants and all other suspicious persons move out of town on short notice. Lafayette, like all other important railroad divisions, seems to be an attractive meeting ground for this class of gentry, and it is well that the fellows should not be allowed to linger long in the vicinity, for they are much given to crime and depredation as a rule, and their presence is always to be considered highly objectionable. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.

A Close Call.

 A young man of this parish, William Sonnier by name, had an exciting experience with a mule last Monday and narrowly escaped violent death. Mr. Sonnier was attempting to place the animal under control for some purpose when his arm became engaged in a slipping noose intended for the upper lip of the mule. The mule jerked away and fled at a rapid gait with Mr. Sonnier dangling on as best he could at the end of the piece of rope attached to the neck of the mule. The shortness of the rope protected the unfortunate young man from the hoofs of the frantic animal, and also, prevented dragging, thereby saving his life. As. it was, Mr. Sonnier emerged from the fracas with only the loss of a goodly portion of his right ear. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.

Charged With Homicide.

 On Wednesday last Sheriff Broussard arrested Miss Marie Guidroz, a young white woman living near Mouton's Bridge in this parish on the charge of homicide. It appears that a few days previous a little boy aged about three years, Willie Melancon by name, living near or on the same place with the accused, disappeared and search being made his body was found in Bayou Vermillion, which it may be remarked is very shallow at that point. When last the little boy was with the accused and on being interrogated she gave several contradictory accounts of where he was and on the discovery of the body and being charged with the crime she said that she was standing near the water with the child in her arms and that he accidentally slipped from her arms and being so terrified and alarmed she was unable to call for help. The coroner held an inquest and the jury finding she was responsible for the death of the child, Sheriff Broussard, forthwith arrested and lodged her in jail. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.

E. H. Vordenbaumen.

 During a recent visit to the extensive lumber depot of Mr. E. H. Vordenbaumen we were struck with the extent of the stock carried by this enterprising dealer. We found Mr. Vordenbaumen's line of wagons and agricultural implements to be very complete, also. This gentleman is admitted to be one of Lafayette's most active and pushing business men, and the success of his efforts in this community is evidenced by the present flattering proportions of his business.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.

Visited Rice Mill.

 We were a visitor recently at the rice mill of Le Danois and Degrez and were not a little surprised at the extent of their operations and the wonderful success of the enterprise. The Mill is run to its full capacity every day and often into the night. Their daily shipments are large and steady. Besides the rice for table use there is an active demand for the other products for stock-feed. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.

A Visit to Gerac Bros.

 On Thursday last we had the pleasure of going with Mr. Gerac, to see the cane on one of the Gerac Brothers' place near town. The entire growth seems to be far superior to the average. We brought to the office five splendid stalks of cane from this field, which averaged about thirty joints to the stalk. This is only one out of several places whereon these gentlemen have grown cane this year, and on all they have had splendid success. They, like all of Lafayette just now, are clamoring for a sugar refinery, especially as they will largely increase their acreage during the coming year. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.


Knights of Honor.

 At its regular meeting on the 11th., inst., Lafayette Lodge, Knights of Honor, No. 3194, elected the following officers for the ensuing year:

----------------p. 5-----------------

 This lodge has a membership now of sixty, and is in a prosperous condition generally. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.

Races at Arnaudville.

 In the races at Arnaudville on Sunday last a very interesting event was the trotting contest between Louisa, belonging to Mr. Ned Mouton, and Queen, the property of Mr. Clay Rogers. The race was in mile heats, best two out of three. In the first mile Louisa won by forty feet, and in the second, by three feet. The backers of Queen then proposed a second race under the same conditions on the spot, but the owners of Louisa thought one such victory was enough for one day. Mr. Eli McDaniel, an ardent backer of the winner then challenged Southwest Louisiana for a half mile race, heats best two out of three, excepting only Dr. H. P. Guilbeau's recent purchase. The race to take place at Lafayette, for $250.00. No one has yet accepted the challenge. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.

Proposal for a Christmas Tree.

 Christmas, that joyful day that is so eagerly anticipated by our beloved little children, will soon be here. Certainly we should spare no effort to make the occasion a happy and memorable one for the little folks, for it is the recollection of such pleasant events that serves to temper the storm in after days and render life's cup less bitter. Of the many ways of causing Joy to these wee hopefuls at Christmas time, none furnishes more pleasing entertainment than a brilliant Christmas tree laden with its store of gifts to be received by the little fluttering hearts and outstretched hands, direct from Santa Claus, himself.

 The ADVERTISER proposes a Christman tree for the children of Lafayette, Christman eve, at Falk's Opera House, the use of which building its owner, Mr. B. Falk would no doubt accord free of charge for the occasion. It would not be expecting too much, also, of the more generous ones of the community to contribute a reasonable amount of money, or gifts, to ensure that none of the small children of the town would be forgotten. Let a committee of ladies, willing to impose a moderate amount of self-sacrifice on themselves in behalf of the children, take the affair in hand and carry to a successful end an event that would be hailed with so much delight by our bright eyed, wistful little ones. Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.

January in Louisiana.

 Captain Robert Kerkam, of the weather bureau, gives the following interesting facts concerning the month of January in Louisiana:

 "The month usually averages some four degrees colder than December, the night temperatures averaging three degrees lower, while the highest day temperatures are some five degrees lower. In the southern half of the state the minimums are about the same as in December, the northern section showing the marked falls while the maximum in South Louisiana show a fall of about four degrees compared to December.

 "The average temperature for the month for the state is 51 degrees, deduced from a normal mean maximum of 60 degrees and a normal mean minimum of 41 degrees. The extremes of temperature in the past six years have ranged between an extreme maximum of 88 degrees and an extreme minimum of 11 degrees, the former having occurred in south Louisiana, while the latter was recorded in north Louisiana. The average daily range of temperature is about 19 degrees.

 "The precipitation in the northern half of the state usually averages four and quarter inches, being about half an inch less than in the southern half, giving a normal monthly fall of 4.64 inches for the state at large. This precipitation falls on about eight days and is well distributed throughout the month.

 "There are usually eleven days that are clear, eight partly clouded, the twelve cloudy.

 "The prevailing winds are cool northerly." Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1893.



Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/16/1893.

 Look out for the Pay Car Tuesday. 

Mr. Raoul Dugas, of Carencro, La., was in town Sunday.

 Mr. Fred Mouton made a business trip to St. Martinville this week.

 Crow Girard Esq., was in New Orleans during the first part of the week.

 Mrs. Rosa Kahn, of Pattersonville is on a visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. Falk.

 Hon. Ambroise Mouton, of Lake Arthur, is visiting in Lafayette at the present time.

 Mr. J. P. Nolan of the S. P. R. R. spent part of this week here, attending to business.

 Fire! Fire! Fire works of every description at Moss Bros. & Co., Japanese lanterns also. 

 Citrons, currants, raisins, cranberries, fruit cakes, fine bonbons, almonds, etc., at Moss Bros. & Co.

 THE ADVERTISER acknowledges an appreciated call from Mrs. J. Nickerson and Miss Mary Toms.

 A train consisting of 20 cars of cattle passed through last week and 200 heads died out on the 20 cars. 

 Judge Debaillon and Jos. A. Chargois Esq., were in attendance on Court at Abbeville during this week.

 Our old friend Mr. J. A. Boyer of Lafayette, was a visitor to our town this week. -- Marksville Review.

 Mrs. D. Lallanne, of Washington, who was on a visit to Mrs. James Hannen returned home Thursday.

 Miss Mattie Torian arrived from Baltimore, last Tuesday, in company with her uncle, Mr. Walter S. Torian.

 Miss Aline Richard, accompanied by her cousin, Mr. Robert Richard, visited relatives in Breaux Bridge, Sunday.

 Solid gold spectacles and Eye Glasses in all styles at T. M. Biossat's, Jeweler.

 Mr. James Mitchell, the assistant Master Mechanic of the S. P. R. R. at this point made a trip to Houston this week.

 At Moss Brothers & Co., you will find most beautiful Christmas and New Year cards, as well as the most inexpensive kind.

 Our young friend Jack Nickerson, has been "laid up" with la grippe for a number of days. We hope to see him out again soon.

 Judge A. J. Moss has been confined to the house for several days by an attack of la grippe which is commonly prevalent here this time.

 On last Monday there was a prarie schooner in town from Lake Arthur loaded with oranges, which were sold at reasonable prices.

 A brakeman working for conductor E. P. Mayfield on the Cypremort branch was run over by cars and dangerously hurt, Thursday evening.

 Mr. Will Clark of our town, has been on the sick list for a number of days. We hope, he will soon be able to attend to his railroad duties again.

 We had the pleasure of a call on Thursday last from Mr. Omer Martin, deputy assessor of St. Martin parish. Mr. Marlin is the father of Dr. Martin of this place.

 Our good friends, Messrs. A. Labbe and J. O. Girouard of Broussard, were in town Wednesday last, in attendance at the Estorge-Burgess wedding. -- New Iberia Enterprise.

 Demanade, the grocer, corner Lee Ave. and Vermilion st. has recently received a splendid assortment of first class candies. When you want candy give him a call. 

 Please don't forget that I will be in Lafayette, January 2nd., to remain one week, to make first class photographs for all persons desiring my services.
  W. A. Bonnet.  

 The Guidry bakery, has started out a second cart to better scope with the growing demand made on it for bread. The new cart is intended to look after the country trade, more especially. 

 Mr. Chas. Carey and family of New Orleans, passed through here Tuesday, on their way to California, their future home. Mrs. Carey is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. McDaniel of this place.

 Mr. J. A. Chargois of Lafayette, was in our town early this week. The pretty Miss Louisa Broussard of Lafayette, is in our town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Demary. - Vermilion Star.

 Mr. A. C. Graffenreid of New Orleans, a special agent of the U. S. Department of Labor was in town during the week. Mr. Graffenreid's duties are directed to gathering full statistics concerning the operations of building and loan associations in Louisiana.

 Have you seen those beautiful Hall Lamps at Moss Bros. & Co? They are ornamental as well as useful, and not as expensive as you might think. This firm is also showing a very pretty line of Ceiling and Parlor lamps, suitable for holiday presents.

 Mr. Tom Hopkins, son of Dr. Thos. B. Hopkins, leaves today for New Iberia where goes to enter the employ of the well known druggist of that place, Dr. Lee. Tom is one of Lafayette's esteemed young men, and the best wishes of the community attend him in his new surroundings.

 Those persons who have found it inconvenient to settle their indebtedness to THE ADVERTISER will confer a favor on the manager of the paper by calling now to liquidate such obligations as, we, like all the rest of business people, wish to balance our books with the close of the year.

 Game in this immediate area is getting to be scarce. There are a few stray coveys of partridge left here and there, but the pot hunter and the multiplicity of sports make these even, hide their diminished heads. A few woodcock have already made their appearance, but as a rule they remain in colder regions until mid-winter weather.

 Mr. Herman Koch, of the Wells-Fargo Express Company, was in town during the week.

 Mr. J. W. Campbell of Atlanta, Texas, was here during the the week, looking around the country for desirable cane lands.

 The marriage of Mr. Edward Mouton of this parish to Miss Alexine Robichaux, of Breaux Bridge, will take place on the 28th instant.

 We have heard several complaints of late concerning the condition of the Carenco public road. We are assured that this road is in great need of repair and the attention of the Police Jury is directed thereto.

 Judging from the great number of two and four-wheeled vehicles and buggies Mr. B. Falk has been receiving of late, we are under the impression that wide-awake merchant must be doing a brisk business in this line.

 We are reliably informed that Mr. C. A. Thomas, of the Lafayette Gazette has sold out his interest, therein and will in the future make his home in St. Martinville. Mr. Thomas has the best wishes of The Advertiser for success.

 Mr. J. Eugene Trahan, of the well known pharmacy on the corner of Congress and Pierce streets, has transferred one half interest in the stock of drugs and etc,m to Mr. Geo. Doucet. The new firm is deserving of much success.

 Messrs. L. Levy & Son, A. Levy, of Levy & Bendel, Lake Charles, can boast of being the only country buyers present at the great bankrupt sale of the "Dixie" Clothing House, and were bidders with with whole clothiers only, therefore goods were slaughtered for a trifle.


 From the Lafayette Gazette of December 16th, 1893.


A young white woman, named Marie Celina Guidroz, aged about 23 years, was brought to town Wednesday by Deputy Sheriff Thomas Mouton and placed in the parish prison, charged with the murder of Willie Melancon, a boy about 2 years old.

 It appears that the accused was living with the foster parents of Willie, Mr. and Mrs. Vilmond Melancon, near Carencro bayou. On Friday, Dec. 8, Marie Guidroz went to the bayou to wash some potatoes, and took along with her the little boy, who was subsequently found drowned. We give below the testimony given before the coroner's jury and the verdict of the jury:

 Marie Celina Guidroz, after being duly sworn said: "Friday last, Dec. 8, 1893, I was washing potatoes on a raft in the bayou. I had the child Willie Melancon on my left arm; when the raft started drifting I let the child drop in the bayou. Water at that place was about waist deep I think. When the child fell I started away. At the moment I could not hallow, I was too much afraid. It was half an hour after that I could call for assistance. When I reached home I did not tell anyone that the child was drowned."

 Edouard Stelly said: "Last Friday, Dec. 8, 1893, I was working at the sugar mill about four arpents distant from home. When I heard Marie Guidroz hallowing after Willie who was drowned. Marie Guidroz said to Mrs. Euclide Stelly: "It is no use call for Willie; where he is, he will not answer." The child had a natural dread of water and was not in the habit of going to the bayou. The water where I found the child two feet and a half deep. The child was about five steps going up stream from the raft."

 Mrs. Vilmond Melancon, the foster-mother of the child, said: "Friday last, Dec. 8, Marie Guidroz was coming in the house with a dish of potatoes that she had washed in the bayou. I asked her, 'Where is Willie?'  She answered :  'He is here.'  I asked Mrs. Euclide Stelly to call him when Mary Guidroz answered:  'It is no use to call him; he will not answer where he is' "

 Vilmond Melancon, the foster father of the child, said:  "Friday last, Dec. 8, I was working at the sugar mill when I heard Marie Guidroz, when called for assistance was running in a direction opposite where the child who was drowned."

 The jury of inquest, composed of Messrs. Edgard Martin, J. Y. Villere, Lucien Cayret, and Coroner Gladu, rendered the following verdict:

*  *  *  said Willie Melancon came to his death by drowning while being in charge of Marie Celina Guidroz, and , we, the jurors, fine Marie Celina Guidroz guilty of gross negligence, if not more, and we suggest an investigation by the grand jury."
Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1893.

Fond of Watches. - A suspicious looking negro was arrested by Marhsal Vigneaux near the depot last Tuesday. he gave his name as Geoerge Washington White and a search in his valise developed the fact that he had in his possession three watches and a clock. One of the watches is said to be very valuable. As White could not give a satisfactory account of himself and his watches he was incarcerated in the municipal Bastille, awaiting new developments. Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1893.

It Didn't Work. - Last Sunday when one of the trains from the east stopped her it was discovered that one of the negro passengers had a well developed case of smallpox. The trainmen were instructed by the railroad authorities to put the negro off at this place. Dr. Felix Girard, our health officer, heard of the intentions of the railroad people and objected to all of it. The negro was carried to his destination near Cheneyville. He had bought his ticket at Adeline, St. Mary parish.
Lafayette Gazette 11/26/1899.

Settling Here From Iowa. - Dr. F. S. Mudd has sold through the real estate agency of Mr. Ambroise Mouton eleven acres of land opposite Sterling Grove to G. W. Snodgrass, of Carl Iowa. The price paid was $1100 cash. We are informed that Mr. Snodgrass will put up a corn mill and will prepare that cereal for the use of man  and beast.
 Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1899.

Rail News.

A Brakeman on the Cypremort Branch was run over by some cars while making a coupling and dangerously hurt, probably fatally.

 A Train consisting of about 500 heads of cattle passed through last week and two hundred died before reaching their destination.
  Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1893.

Retiring from Gazette.

 For reasons mutually understood, Mr. Chas. A. Thomas, half owner and editor of The Gazette from its initial number, retires from the paper, having sold his interest to the present owner. We very much regret to part with our friend, and understand fully the motives that have actuated this step on his part. Mr. Thomas is as yet undecided as to his future course, however we sincerely hope that wherever his lines may fall they will meet with unbounded success. Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1893.

Schools Progressing Satisfactorily.

 Our efficient and zealous School superintendent, Mr. H. E. Toll, who has been making his usual visits to the different schools in the parish, informs The Gazette that the schools he has already visited are progressing very satisfactorily. A good attendance is reported in most of them, and a warm interest is noticeable among parents in the education of their children.
Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1893.

Hebert to Raise Pork.

 Mr. Alfred Hebert received Sunday by express from Morgansville, Kansas, two fine shoats. With the express rates at $30, the pair has cost about $70, but Mr. Hebert considers this money well invested and The Gazette agrees with him. He intends to demonstrate the fact that it is possible to raise pork in this country, with the same success that attends the efforts of the people of the Western States. And there is no reason why he should not. Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1893.

 A Ride to Creighton's Switch.

 A Gazette man took a ride over to Creighton's switch the fore part of the week, and viewed with some surprise the big stacks of sugar cane waiting transportation to the mills, but when informed that for the past month or more just such quantity was in the yard all the time, the conclusion irresistibly forced itself upon the mind that if at this point such quantities of cane are shipped, without considering other shipping points, the urgent need of a refinery is manifest. With a refinery near this town the acreage in cane would be doubled in a year. We must have it. Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1893.

 Trahan and Doucet.

 In another part of this paper will be found the advertisement of Messrs. Trahan & Doucet, druggists and dealers in fancy and toilet articles, tobacco, cigars, etc. Mr. J. E. Trahan, the senior member of the firm, has sold a half interest of his business to Mr. George Doucet, who is well and favorably known by our people. His affable manners at the Trahan Drugstore have made him a host of friends who will be happy to learn of his promotion. It goes without saying that under its new name this sterling firm will sustain its reputation for fair dealing, fresh goods and low prices. Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1893.

Professor Hugo Kipling.

 At Falk's Opera House there will appear to-night Prof. Hugo Kipling, the only recognized rival of Herman the Great. Prof. Kipling will be assisted by the World's Greatest jugglers, Victor and Madame Lee; also Mile. Sligo the originator of the beautiful and bewildering "Serpentine Dance." with Calcium Light effects. Sligo by the beauty of her dancing won the heart of many thousands who witnesses her dancing in Berlin, Paris, and London and the principal cities of the United States. This attraction comes to us highly recommended. Popular Prices: 25, 35 and 50 cents. One of the features of the show is the wonderful performance of "Magic, Mirth, and Mischief." Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1893.


 A young white woman, named Marie Celina Guidroz, aged about 23 years, was brought to town Wednesday by Sheriff Thomas Mouton and placed in the parish prison, charged with the murder of Willie Melancon, a boy about a years old. It appears that the accused was living with the foster parents of Willie, Mr. and Mrs. Vilmond Melancon, near Carencro bayou. On Friday, Dec. 8, Marie Guidroz went to the bayou to wash some potatoes, and took along with her the little boy, who was subsequently found drowned. We give below the testimony given before the coroner's jury and the verdict of the jury:

 Marie Celina Guidroz, after being duly sworn said:  "Friday last, Dec. 8, 1893, I was washing potatoes on a raft in the bayou. I had the child Willie Melancon on my left arm; when the raft started drifting I let the child drop in the bayou. Water at that place was about waist deep I think. When the child fell I started away. At the moment I could not hallow. I was too much afraid. It was half an hour after that I could call for assistance. When I reached home I did not tell anyone that the child was drowned."

 Edouard Stelly said:  "Last Friday, Dec. 8, 1893, I was working at a sugar mill about four arpents distant from home. When I heard Marie Guidroz hallowing after Willie who was drowned. Marie Guidroz said to Mrs. Euclide Stelly:  "It is no use to call for Willie; where he is, he will not answer." The child had a natural dread of water and was not in the habit of going to the bayou. The water where I found the child was about two feet and half deep. The child was about five steps going up stream from the raft."

 Mrs. Vilmond Melancon, the foster-mother of the child, said:  "Friday last, Dec. 8, Marie Guidroz was coming in the house with a dish of potatoes that she had washed in the bayou.  I asked her, 'Where is Willie?' She answered: 'He is there.' I asked Mrs. Euclide Stelly to call him when Mary Guidroz answered:  'It is no use to call him; he will not answer where he is.' "

 Vilmond Melancon, the foster-father of the child, said:  "Friday last, Dec. 8, I was working at the sugar mill when I heard Marie Guidroz hallowing. I started running, following Edouard  Stelly straight to the bayou and found the child, Willie Melancon, drowned. Marie Guidroz, when called for assistance was running in a direction opposite where the child was drowned."

 The jury of inquest, composed of Messrs. Edgard Martin, J. Y. Villere, Lucien Cayret, Ernest Crouchet, C. L. Villere, and Coroner Gladu, rendered the verdict:

 *   *   *  said Willie Melancon came to his death while drowning while being in the charge of Marie Celina Guidroz, and, we, the jurors, find Marie Celina Guidroz guilty of gross negligence, if not more, and we suggest an investigation by the grand jury."
Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1893.

 Fond of Watches.

 A suspicious looking negro was arrested by Marshal Vigneaux near the depot last Tuesday. He gave his name as George Washington White and a search in his valise developed the fact that he had in his possession three watches and a clock. One of the watches is said to be very valuable. As White could not give satisfactory account of himself and his watches he was incarcerated in the municipal bastille, awaiting new developments. Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1893.


  Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/16/1893.

 Mr. P. L. DeClouet was in Lafayette this week.

 Mrs. T. Hebert has a few more camelia plants for sale.

 Judge O. C. Mouton went to Abbeville Tuesday on legal business.

 Well, what about that street lamp at the corner of Pellerin's hardware store?

 We noticed last Monday a wagon load of oranges from Lake Arthur. They were sold at $1.50 a hundred or 25 cents a dozen.

 Ned Mouton's mare won the race at Arnaudville last Sunday. She ran against Mr. Jno. Clay's mare for a purse of $200.

 The well-known drummer, J. D. B. Grieg, representing Frederick Ingram & Co. of Detroit, was in town the fore part of the week.

 An important meeting of the School Board will be held on Saturday the 6th day of January. This will be a regular meeting.

 Dr. F. J. Mouton attended the meeting of the Attakapas Medical Association in Opelousas last week. Drs. Leslie and Francez, of Carencro, were also in attendance.

 By raising his hog and hominy at home, and plant cane for a money crop, a farmer would never feel the stringency of the money market.

 Mr. Wm. Clegg left Monday for Baton Rouge to attend of the State Board of Education, which convened in that city last Tuesday.

 Dr. A. R. Trahan left this week for New Orleans where he goes to attend the lectures at the Tulane University. We understand that Dr. Trahan will be away about two months.

 A Brakeman on the Cypremort Branch was run over by some cars while making a coupling and dangerously hurt, probably fatally.

 A train consisting of about 500 heads of cattle passed through last week and two hundred died before reaching their destination.

 If you want to catch the cream of business plant to advertisement in The Gazette. It will prove a fertile field.

 At least double this year's acreage in corn will be planted next year in this parish.

 You are not apt to be deceived if you trade with The Gazette advertisers. They bid for your trade, and will treat you right. Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1893.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 16, 1913.

BUY RED CROSS CHRISTMAS SEALS And So Help Camp Hygeia Fight Tuberculosis in Louisiana - They Need Funds.

 A great battle against tuberculosis is being fought with the money raised from the sale or Red Cross Christmas seals which are to be placed on the backs of letters and Christmas packages. The seal is the medium through which the public contributes money in any sum an individual may desire to one of the greatest movements in the name of humanity the world has ever known - to free the land of the white plague.

 The Civic League of Lafayette has taken up this good work, the entire proceeds for the sale of these seals to go to assist in maintaining the home for tuberculosis at Camp Hygeia.

 A pathetic appeal has been sent out over the state by the officers of this home asking the people to give all assistance possible by buying these seals as the Camp has been so overcrowded with unfortunates for the for the past six months that unless the people of the state come to their relief they will be compelled to close the camp.

 The Civic League asks the good people of Lafayette to go to Moss Pharmacy or Lafayette Drug Store where the stamps are for sale and buy some seals for the sake of suffering humanity. The officers in their appeal for help for the Home state that if every man, woman and child in the State of Louisiana would purchase but ten cents worth of these seals that they would not only be able to care for the present inmates, but would be able to car for a number of other unfortunates who are anxiously waiting to be received.

 Is there any one in Lafayette who is not willing to contribute ten cents or more to so worthy a cause? Lafayette Advertiser 12/16/1913.




The Neglected Lamp in the Third Ward.

There is a lamp in the city
And I swear it is a pity
To see how it has been neglected
By those who are paid and expected
To keep it in trim and repairs.
It is fully ninety days
Since it was shown
The traveler at night his way
And the wind it has blown
One pane of glass down;
And its chimney has fallen to the ground;
And the burner and wick
That are so dirty and thick
That are so dirty and thick
With verdigris and dust
Now have become a hard crust.
But I earnestly hope and trust,
That it has seen its worst,
And some of our councilmen will see
Into this matter as early as can be
And have this lamp lighted
In the future, don't you see.
Lafayette Gazette 12/16/1893.

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