Tuesday, January 13, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of November 20th, 1908:


 Change in Route Desirable But Nothing to Be Done Just at Present, Possible Later.

 Secretary F. V. Mouton, of the Progressive League, visited New Iberia Wednesday for the purpose of discussing with Mr. Walter J. Burke, member of the Interstate Inland Waterway Commission, the chances of effecting a change in the present proposed route of the intercoastal canal, which is seriously defective as a safe inland passage for boats because it passes through Vermilion bay. Mr. Mouton and Mr. Burke, Congressman Broussard and Mr. E. F. Millard, Secretary of the Teche Improvement Association, and the matter of the change in the intercoastal canal was discussed thoroughly. It was finally decided that while a change was to be desired and should be made so that the canal would pass somewhere near Abbeville, it was inadvisable just at present to take up the matter, that it would be best to wait until the canal was under construction from the west, and that at that time the matter could be taken up and possibly carried through. Meantime efforts should be made to improve Vermilion bayou to make it a feeder to the canal, and thus give all this section along the Vermilion from Lafayette down the benefits of the canal in giving them a navigable waterway to the Mississippi and to New Orleans. An Intercoastal Canal Convention will be held in New Orleans on the 4th and 5th of December and delegations from Lafayette, New Iberia and other towns will be present to discuss matters in connection with the canal.

 Mr. Mouton also secured copies of the call for an election for the Petite Anse Coteau Drainage District of Iberia in order to prepare papers to be used by parties interested to be submitted to the Police Jury to call an election for the establishment of a drainage district in the western part of this parish with part of Acadia and part of Vermilion.    Lafayette Advertiser 11/20/1908.    

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of November 20th, 1908:


 Monday of last week Father Teurlings accompanied his friends, Rev. Vandelbilt and Drosserts, to assist at a First Communion o Cheniere au Tigre in Vermilion Parish, and at the same time to see the future ministration of the island. Wednesday the party composed of organist, singers and altar boys made an attempt to return, but the gale in the Pass forced them back to the Cheniere. Thursday afternoon they made another attempt, the gasoline  bark got them through the Pass and eleven miles on Vermilion Bay, when the waves, lashed by a brisk norther proved stronger than the little engine, n the skipper saw no alternative but to throw out the anchor. It was seven o'clock at night, to dark to find the way back through the Pass, so the little craft was left to the mercy of the billows. Within a half hour, the whole party, some of them old tars though, were dreadfully seasick. The lay in whatever corner offered some kind of protection against the chilling north wind; no overcoats, no blankets, and too sick and worn to move, except when a strong inner motion compelled them. In the stern of the boat lay Fathers Teurling and Drossaerts, arm in arm to keep each other from freezing. An old tarpaulin, worn and holey partly hid them; but neither had the strength to fix it to advantage. Now and then, when "relieved" they would talk and joke and long for the moon to rise and change the wind. But the moon did not change. Twelve o'clock brought a change of day, but nothing new in the situation. The weaker of the crowd moaned and jeremiaded in that long and cold night, they they would doze a while from sheer exhaustion. Higher danced the bark, and deeper came back the roar, when she pitched into the hollows. The waves dashed furiously, the long rope tightened with each attack. "Do you realize," said one friend in the stern "that there is only one little rope between you and eternity?" "Yes", came the reply, "and one hard board I am lying on." So they laughed some of the time away, but at half past one, when Father Drossaerts mustered courage to look at his watch, hoping it was four o'clock, he thought he had a corpse in his arms, so deadly was the pallor and so draws the face of his friend. Twice he called, before the answer came: "No, I'm not dead". Daylight came at last, and the sun rose in glory. "Captain, don't you think the storm is over? Look at the Sun." "No", said the skipper," it's getting worse, the sun is obscured already and the sky overcast". Sure enough, it began to drizzle. Let us go back, if we cannot go ahead." "No, wait" the captain said: "there is danger in staying here', so down the Bay they went again, driven by wind and waves and current, and within two hours arrived off the Cheniere. New trials! The waters had been driven back so far by the north wind that they could not find land closer than a quarter of a mile from shore. Down went the demoralized, woe-begone, wilted helpless figures, one after another and slowly waded to shore. Lafayette Advertiser 11/20/1908.

Pictured above:
Monsignor William Joseph Teurlings, P. A. V. G.
Born: January 27, 1872
Died: December 28, 1957
Birthplace: Tilburg, Netherlands
Ordained: June 29, 1894
Arrived in New Orleans: February 15, 1895
Assistant: Abbeville, February 16, 1895
Pastor: Cameron, November 5, 1895
Pastor: Washington, December 15, 1898
Pastor: Lafayette, St. John's Cathedral, November 15, 1908
Pastor: Lafayette, St. Genevieve Church, February 1, 1929
On April 29, 1954:  Diamond Sacerdotal Jubilee.

Monuments to God built under his administration
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
Cathedral High School
St. Genevieve Church
St. Genevieve School
St. Genevieve Cafeteria
St. Paul's Church
St. Patrick's Church
St. Leo's Chapel

 From the Lafayette Gazette of November 20th, 1897:

The  Constitutional Convention.

 The Gazette regrets to see that the people of this section of the State appear indifferent in regard to the holding of the constitutional convention.

 Since the overthrow of carpetbaggism in Louisiana the people of this State have not been called upon to decide a question so vital and important to the general welfare.

 By force of arms the decent white people of this State redeemed their government from the hands of thieves. They then placed men of their own choice in charge of the public business and established a government, which, though not perfect, is immeasurably better than the one whose affairs were administered by a shameless gang of public robbers. For years it was easy for the better element of the whites to remain in power. They united under the banner of the Democratic party and downed the old enemy without half trying. The corruption which prevailed under Republican administrations was still fresh in the minds of the white voters, and few were they who were so forgetful of the recent past as to align themselves with those who had not only robbed them with impunity, but had committed outrages of a most humiliating nature. There were men in Louisiana who did not believe in the economic policies of the Democratic party, but knowing from experience the results of Republican ascendancy, they could not afford to become the allies of adventurous scoundrels like Kellogg and Warmoth, and they continued to vote with the Democrats and helped to maintain the Democratic party in power. For a number of years they gave their undivided support to the Democratic party and rejoiced in its victories. Upon not a few of them the party bestowed high honors. But steadily and gradually they were drawn away from the party that had been the means of making this country a fit habitation for the respectable white man and his wife and children. At first they timidly declared themselves advocates of protection and centralization. Their next step was to proclaim themselves National Republicans and State Democrats. Some time after a bounty on sugar caused them to become bolder and they threw off their disguise and loomed up as full-fledged Republicans, advocates of a high tariff, bounty, force bills and negro political equality. They turned their backs on their old friends and espoused new ones. They formed combinations with the devils of reconstruction and, under the leadership of an old bewiskered man with more money than brains, made a tremendous fight to overthrow Democratic government and white rule. But although deserted by many of its trusted friends, the Democratic party was retained in authority and thank God it is there yet.

 That struggle which took place two years ago has served as a warning to the Democrats of this State. The results of that election should be a danger signal to the Democratic party. The unity of the white people which made Republican success an impossibility in the past is not to be depended upon in the future. The white people are hopelessly divided and the handwriting is on the wall that if the negro vote is not eliminated there will be trouble. Hence, it behooves all white men, especially Democrats, to give their attention to the approaching convention. They will have an opportunity to settle the vexed question of suffrage on an honest and enduring basis.

 As we have stated in a previous issue, the Democratic party has a great duty to perform. By its action it shall be judged by the present and future generations. In the past it has been the only party worthy of the respect and confidence of the white men of the South, and it is not strange that at this time the people of Louisiana look to it for relief; it, alone, can give relief; it, alone, should give relief. Lafayette Gazette 11/20/1897.

Ordered by the Democratic Executive Committee for December 4.

       Lafayette, La., Nov. 8, 1897.
  Pursuant to call written notification, the Democratic Parish Executive Committee met this day, at the court-house. The roll was called by Chairman John Hahn and the following members answered individually and by proxy to-wit:  Present: J. A. Labbe, P. L. DeClouet, P. A. Delhomme and John Hahn; by proxy:  A. C. Guilbeau, H. Theall, A. Olivier and Simon Cormier.  Absent: H. Durio and Dr. M. L. Lyons. The following resolutions were offered by Mr. P. L. DeClouet and on motion duly seconded were unanimously adopted, to-wit:

 Resolved, That the Democrats of this parish hold mass meetings in their respective wards at 11 a. m., Wednesday, Dec. 1, 1897, for the purpose of electing delegates to a parish convention which is hereby called to meet at the court-house, at Lafayette, Saturday, Dec. 4, 1987, at 11 a. m. to select a candidate of the Democratic party from this parish to the constitutional convention to be held in the city of New Orleans in Feb. 1898, and also to elect delegates to the State Democratic Convention, which is called to meet in the city of Bat0n Rouge, or at Shreveport if changed by the State Central Committee, Dec. 9, for the purpose of choosing delegates at large to the said constitutional convention.

 Resolved, That the ward meetings be held at the places hereinafter designated, at the hour above stated, and they they elect the number of delegates to said parish convention as follows (being one delegate to every 50 votes cast at the general election of 1896):

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 Further resolved, That Democrats who will pledge themselves to support the nominees of the party, will be entitled to participate in the said ward meetings and parish convention.

 Resolved further, That the certificate of the chairmen of the ward meetings, to the delegates selected thereat, be their credentials to the parish convention; that the credentials of the delegates elected to the State Convention be certified to by the chairman of the parish convention attested by the secretary thereof; and that the selection of the candidates from this parish to the constitutional convention, be certified to according to law.

 Resolved, further, That the delegates present at the parish convention cast the votes of the wards, and that the delegates present at the State Convention, cast the votes of the parish.

 There being no further business before the committee it adjourned sine die.
JOHN HAHN, Chairman.
P. L. DECLOUET, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 11/20/1897.

Recommends that Quarantine be Raised on November 25.

 Delegates representing the health authorities of Thibodaux, Franklin, Patterson, Baldwin, Morgan City, New Iberia, Loureauville, St. Martininville, Lafayette, Jeanerette, Belle Place and other points in Southwest Louisiana held a conference here Wednesday evening to take steps toward the modification or repeal of the existing quarantine regulations.

 Dr. Alf. Duperior, of New Iberia, called the meeting to order. He explained the object of the meeting and called upon Dr. F. S. Mudd, of the Lafayette board, to act as chairman. Dr. T. J. Labbe, of St. Martinville, was elected secretary.

 Dr. Carter, of the U. S. Marine Hospital Service, being present was called upon to give his views on quarantine matters. The doctor stated that it is his opinion that white yellow fever could yet be introduced into a non-infected community since there was not the remotest danger of it being spread. He made a very sensible and practical talk and recommended the adoption of the following resolutions which were presented by Dr. Labbe:

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 The above resolutions were adopted. To became effective they will have to be ratified by the health authorities of the various parishes.

 The chair was authorized to appoint a committee to communicate with the authorities of Calcasieu relative to a modification of their quarantine regulations. The chair appointed on this committee:  Drs. Reverly Smith, Guyther and Hews.

 Dr. Duperior, then introduced the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted by the conference:

 ---------------------p. 1----------------

 This conference has every reason to be proud of the liberality of the United States government in its liberal expenditure of money to protect the people of Southwestern Louisiana from the invasion of yellow fever as well as in its heavy expenditure of money to assist labor and the planting interests of Louisiana through its camp of detention and disinfection.

 This conference recognizes the valuable services of the U. S. Marine Hospital Service and their scientific methods of disinfecting and rendering immune such goods as were necessary to supply the pressing needs of the people of Southwestern Louisiana.

 Dr. Duperior moved that the conference tender a vote of thanks to Dr. Carter for his valuable services. The conference cheerfully voted its most sincere thanks to Dr. Carter.

 At the suggestion of Dr. Labbe the conference voted its thanks to Dr. Alf. Duperior for efficient and zealous efforts in behalf of the people during the crisis which is about reaching its end.

 The results of this conference will be generally felt throughout Southwest Louisiana. It will act as an impetus on commerce, and much good is expected to come from it. Lafayette Gazette 11/20/1897. 

The Public Archives.

 Ed Voorhies, the efficient clerk of court, aided by his capable assistant, is sparing no efforts to put his office in ship-shape order. He is determined to arrange the official archives in a manner that will not only facilitate the work of the attorneys, but he is using all precautions to insure the preservation of all public records - a duty which is often neglected by clerks and recorders. Since his induction into office Mr. Voorhies has been very diligent in the discharge of his duties and The Gazette is pleased to note the good work that he has done. When one considers the importance of properly preserving the archives of the parish, he can not too highly appreciate the efforts of Mr. Voorhies in that direction.
Lafayette Gazette 11/20/1897.

Bicycle Giveaway.

 The bicycle given away as a premium by the Lafayette Clothing House was won by Camille Broussard, who made the best guess in the jar contest. The jar contained 7,318 beans and Broussard guessed that these were 7,325. The counting was done by a committee composed of Jno. Marsh, Joseph Ducote, D. V. Gardebled and Ike Bendel. Lafayette Gazette 11/20/1897.    

 Veazey - Guilbeau.
  To the Lafayette Gazette:

 A very pretty wedding took place at St. John's church Monday evening last. Mr. Gaston Veazey, a popular resident of Lafayette, and Miss Louise Guilbeau, a charming young lady also of this place, were united in the sacred bonds of matrimony. The bride, elegantly dressed as an ideal bride in a beautiful flowered silk, with her long trail, walked gracefully up the aisle on the arm of our genial Dr. Martin. Young Gaston Veazey, in his suit for the occasion, seemed to feel the important step in life he was taking.

 After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Veazey, accompanied by relatives and a few friends, reached their lovely little home prepared in a s tasteful way by Mrs. A. Veazey, mother of the groom. There they entertained for a few hours. Many good wishes and numerous congratulations were extended to the happy young couple in their new life and home.

 May joy and prosperity follow them throughout their life, and I hope that they may at the close of a "Golden Wedding" day, look back and find the years, be more, and more in love with each other, than on the day that made them one !

 This is the best earthly wish I can make for them.   A. FRIEND.
       Lafayette Gazette 11/20/1897.

Will Hang. - Joseph T. Timberlake who killed Constable Baillio at Alexandria last June was found guilty of murder as charged, which means death by hanging. The killing of Constable Baillio is said to have been a most cold-blooded murder. Mr. Hunter, Timberlake's attorney, has stated that he will appeal to the supreme court for a new trial on three bills of exception.  Laf. Gazette 11/20/1897.


 Sidney Foreman, surrendered to Deputy Sheriff Mouton Wednesday and was subsequently released on bail which was fixed at $300 by Judge Debaillon. Foreman struck Omer Duhon on the head with a slingshot on the 21st of October. The charge against him is assault with intent to kill and murder. Lafayette Gazette 11/20/1897.


Sam Levy in Town.

 Sam Levy, of Orange, Texas, was in Lafayette this week on a visit to relatives. We are informed that Mr. Levy will leave shortly for New Mexico where he intends to remain several months for the benefit of his health.
Lafayette Gazette 11/20/1897.

Police Jury Proceedings.
(Continued from proceedings published last week.)

 The Jury of Freeholders appointed to trace and lay out a public road from the Catholic church property of Royville to the Abbeville public road, submitted the following report which was adopted, the road declared a public highway and the sum of $15 appropriated for damages assessed:

 State of Louisiana, Parish of Lafayette. Aurelien Primeaux, Overton Cade, B. F. Flanders, Odilon Blanchet, Clement Romero and Dr. P. A. Dupleix, do solemnly swear that we will lay out the road now directed to be laid out by the Police Jury of the Parish of Lafayette, to the greatest ease and advantage of the inhabitants and with us little prejudice to enclosures as may be - without favor or affection malice or hatred, and to the best of our skill and abilities. So help us God. And furthermore, that we will truly assess all damages to proprietors, caused by said road, to the best of our judgment and ability. Aurelien Primeaux, Overton Cade, B. F. Flanders, J. O. Blanchet, Clement Romero and P.A. Dupleix.

 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21st day of Sept. 1897, D. A. Cochrane, Notary Public.


 We, the undersigned Jury of Freeholders of the Parish of Lafayette, duly appointed by the Police Jury of said Parish, to trace and lay out a public road leading from the Catholic church property at Royville to the public road to Abbeville through the lands of the following proprietors, to-wit: Odilon Blanchet and Mrs. Octave Theriot to the continuation of the Royville and Lake Simonet road, and having been notified of our appointment and of the time and place of meeting by the person named in said order of appointment; and having severally taken and subscribed the foregoing oath, and having given notice to each and every one of the aforesaid proprietors in writing, at least three days previous, of the time and place of meeting and of the intended laying out of said road through the lands of said proprietors, which notices were duly served on said proprietors, did meet on the 21st day of Sept. 1897, at Royville La., the place designated in said notices, and did then and there, in presence of the following named of said proprietors, to-wit: Odilon Blanchet, Mrs. Octave Theriot and Octave Theriot, proceed to trace and lay out said public road as follows: Beginning at the Royville Catholic church running south to the Royville and Lake Simonet public road and running thence to the lands of Odilon Blanchet and Mrs. Octave Theriot for the distance of about 2 arpents taking a strip of twenty feet wide off of the land of each one along their common boundary line, which boundary was mutually agreed upon and shown us by said proprietors, and by them designated to us, by setting stakes and plowing furrows, so as to be usually visible and recognizable, and thence through the lands of the Royville and Lake Simonet public road to the termination of said road, which road is forty feet wide throughout its entire length, and was so traced and staked out as to be plainly visible throughout its entire course; and we have caused to be made a plat of said road showing the location and course of said plat of said road showing the lands of the different proprietors through which said road runs, and the distance and quantity of land expropriated from each owner for said road, which plat is annexed to this our report of said road for reference.

 And we further report that we, said Jury of Freeholders, did on our oaths aforesaid, assess the following damages to proprietors in compensation for their land so taken and expropriated for said roads as follows to-wit:  Mrs. Octave Theriot, $7.50; Odilon Blanchet, $7.5o making $15 for cash and to the other proprietors no damages were assessed, as in our opinion the benefit of said road fully compensates the value of their land taken.

 Done in the Parish of Lafayette, this 21st day of Sept. 1897, Aurelien Primeaux, Overton Cade, Benj. F. Flanders, J. O. Blanchet, Clement Romero, P. H. Dupleix.


 I, one of the proprietors named in the written report, do hereby consent to the location and direction of the road as described in the written report, and accompanying plat; and hereby agree to accept the amount of damages allowed me, by said Jury of Freeholders, as by the written report set forth in full compensation of all damages by me sustained, by reason of the expropriation of my land for the use of said road.

 Signed and dated this 21st day of Sept., 1897. J. Blanchet, Mrs. Octave Theriot, Octave Theriot. Witnesses: P. R. Roy, D. Landry.

 The following accounts were laid over:

 ----------------------p. 3----------------------

 There being no further business the jury adjourned.
R. C. LANDRY, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 11/20/1897.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 11/20/1897.

 Editor Weeks, of the Daily Iberian, was in Lafayette Wednesday and attended the health conference held a the Crescent Hotel.

 Isaac Hyman, the well-known and popular liquor salesman of Cincinnati, was in Lafayette this week.

 Marvin Cunningham, of Rayne, is spending some time in Lafayette. He is stopping at the Cottage Hotel.

 Andrus Amuny, the Syrian merchant, was called to New Orleans this week by the illness of his brother, Abraham Amuny who, is reported sick with yellow fever.

 Alex Vanderoes has returned to Lafayette. He is holding down the keys at the Southern Pacific office.

 The Railroad Exchange Shaving Parlor is doing a rushing business. Mr. Paturteau is a skillful artist with his work. Try him and you will be sure to go back.

 Dr. Fred Mayer was in Lafayette Monday and Tuesday. Lafayette Gazette 11/20/1897.





 From the Lafayette Advertiser of November 20th, 1897:

 Had a Disagreement.

 Moss Bros. & Co. are agents for the Great Southern long distance telephone line of Lafayette. Moss Bros. & Co. are also subscribers of the Hogsett Telephone Exchange at Lafayette and have been using the latter service, whenever convenient, for summoning persons called up at the Great Southern office located in their building, thereby saving themselves the trouble of sending out a messenger in these cases. This happened on an average about ten times a month, saving to Moss Bros. & Co. a messenger fee of 10 cents each time, or one dollar per month. This was displeasing to Mr. Hogsett and some months ago he instructed his attorney at Lafayette to remonstrate with Moss Bros. & Co. for using his telephone line for the benefit of the Great Southern.

 Moss Brothers' reply was that this use they were making of the Hogsett line was for their private accommodation as it saved them the trouble of sending out a messenger in certain cases, which act in no wise concerned the Great Southern Co., and it did not matter to the latter by what method patrons were notified of "calls," so long as they were notified in a proper way. Moss Bros. & Co. stated further that they were paying Mr. Hogsett $30 a year for the use of a telephone box really to encourage a new business enterprise in their town, as they certainly could not near derive the monetary benefit from the  service that it was costing them, and that unless they would be allowed to make the fullest legitimate use of their box they would cancel their contract. Matters remained in status quo until to-day, when Mr. Hogsett notified Moss Bros. & Co. that he would take out his box if they persisted in "speculating" off his line for the benefit of the Great Southern Company.

 Moss Bros. & Co. believing themselves to be acting clearly within their rights in this matter informed Mr. Hogsett that as there was no other alternative, the box would have to go.

 From the Daily Iberian and in the Lafayette Advertiser 11/20/1897.

 About the Drummers. - Abbeville will not allow drummers to come in with or without certificates. If there ever was a to keep the drummers out that time has passed. Drummers are entitled to the same privileges accorded to other citizens and it is grossly unfair to deprive them of the means of the earning a livelihood. Some of the best citizens of the State are among the genial knights of the grip and for the life of us we can not understand whey they should be treated in this manner. To shut out a drummer who comes from an infected town is eminently proper, but it is neither sensible nor fair for a board of health to arbitrarily exercise the autocratic power of telling to a class of citizens that they shall not be permitted to pursue their legitimate vocation. To prevent a drummer from visiting his customers is equivalent to depriving him perhaps of the only way he has of providing for himself and family. Most of them are men who depend upon their salaries for existence and those who unnecessarily discriminate against them to satisfy a popular whim are not only personally offensive to them and unquestionably rank unjustice.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/20/1897.



 Races will take place at Aurelien Primeaux's track near Youngsville, Sunday, November 28th, 1897, between Lotie, belonging to Prosper Broussard. Distance: 4 arpents and purse of $50.00. Same horses will run again on the same track on December 6th. Distance: 6 arpents and purse of $50.00. Lafayette Advertiser 11/2o/1897.

City Council Proceedings.

              Lafayette, La., Nov. 1st, 1897.
  The City Council met this evening in regular session with the following members present, Mayor Chas. D. Caffery presiding. Members present: Hahn, Hopkins, Martin, Mouton and Landry. Absent: Bru and Davidson.

 The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

 The following accounts were approved:

-----------------p. 2------------------

 The reports of officers were called.

          Lafayette, La., Nov. 1st, 1897.
  To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of Lafayette:  I have collected since my last report. Fine on stock $9.00
     Respectfully submitted,
      D. J. VEAZEY, Marshal.

       Lafayette, La., November, 1897.
  To the Hon. Mayor and members of the City Council of Lafayette, La.
     I have collected since last report following amounts to-wit:

 -----------------p. 2----------------

 Very respectfully submitted,

          Lafayette, La., Nov. 1st, 1897.
  Chas. D. Caffery Mayor, in account with Corporation of Lafayette, 1897.

 ------------------p. 2--------------------

 Respectfully submitted,

  To the Hon. Mayor and members of City Council, Lafayette, La., Nov. 1st, 1897, Baxter Clegg, treasurer Corporation of Lafayette General Fund.

 -------------------p. 2--------------------

 Respectfully submitted,

 An application from E. Marquis, was ordered filed for reference.

 Dr. Martin then offered the following resolution.

 Be it resolved, that the thirty dollars that was to be paid to a fourth deputy marshal, he equally divided among the present regular police force, yeas 3, nays 2, adopted.

 There being no further business the council adjourned.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/20/1897.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 11/20/1897.

"Jack Frost" is too much for "yellow Jack" when they meet in the ring, the former knocking out the latter, invariably. Thursday morning's frost was a full grown one. 

 The hotels of Lafayette are putting on new life since the advent of the "drummer boys" in our midst, once more.

 A grand ball will be given at Falk's Opera House Nov. 27th. Good music will be furnished for that occasion. The public is cordially invited to attend a gay time is expected.

 Business is improving every day.

 If the cotton farmers of Lafayette are faring poorly on account of the low price of cotton, it is not so with the sugar cane growers, who are being much better remunerated for their labors. Lafayette Advertiser 11/20/1897. 

A First-Class Hotel.

 A circular addressed to this paper brings the information that extensive improvements and repairs have been made to the Denechaud Hotel of New Orleans. The Denechaud is deservedly one of the most popular hotels in the Crescent City. The genial manager, Justin Denechaud, has many friends throughout Louisiana who will be pleased to learn of this marked evidence of prosperity of the Denechaud Hotel. For the people from the parishes, this hotel is an ideal place. Although devoid of ostentation, it gives to its guests all the comforts offered by more pretentious competitors -- to say nothing of the difference in the rates. The Gazette would advise its readers to stop at the Denechaud when visiting New Orleans. It is conducted on both the American and European plans -- just as you wish.     Lafayette Gazette 11/20/1897. 

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