Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 22nd, 1898:


 In the last few days, cool weather, has been welcomed.

 A light frost made its appearance on last Tuesday morning.

 In the more Northern region of the State, frosty mornings, have occurred.

 Last Thursday morning the day was heralded in by a flood which lasted several hours filling up the streets and making Lafayette a new Venetia.

 It is to be hoped that all quarantines will soon be raised and that the wheels of commerce and industry will be unclogged and that we will reenter into our normal state.

 This is truly rejoicing, specially for the districts so infected with the scare of yellow fever. Lafayette Advertiser 10/22/1898. 

A New Restaurant.

 Opening Nov. 1st. 1898.
Lee Walker, our young townsman, will open up a hotel and first-class restaurant on the first of November at the old Racket building. Everything will be in first-class order, every thing the market affords will be served in first-class style at any hour night and day. Boys remember Lee, and look for his ad in the next issue of The Advertiser.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/22/1898.

Lafayette, La., Oct. 18th. 1898.
   Mr. Editor:
   It has been by good fortune to see the greater part of the sugar cane crop of our parish this week, and I am pleased to state, without the least possible chance of contradiction, that we have as fine a crop of cane as was ever seen in this parish. The natural outcome, at existing prices, will be one the best paying crops ever raised in this parish, and the best returns ever realized by our cane growers.
   Truly Yours,

 Good news, when the farmers are prospering, there is no danger for the town folk to starve. Lafayette Advertiser 10/22/1898.

To Land Owners.

 It is not an easy job to find dwelling houses to rent in Lafayette. During this week, several of our people came to inquire of our real estate agent Ambroise Mouton where to find such commodity, but, in each case it was impossible to satisfy them.

 If some of our rich land owners would be willing to circulate their wealth more freely in building up Lafayette, they would find it to their financial advantage.

 All we need is dwelling houses to rent at prices in keeping with the times.

 Who will build it?
Lafayette Advertiser 10/22/1898.

As We See Some Things.

 While it is always very entertaining to read the various country newspapers, especially when one takes in the column showing the names of candidates for various offices either in the gift of the people or of the governor, or those who have been nominated or appointed. Just as soon as a candidate is before the bar of public opinion, or as soon as he steps into office, fit or unfit for the office which he fills, flattering editors or better hypocritical writers, burn the midnight oil to find the most pompous and sonorous words to praise the new incumbent. And the ____ fool, unthinking, new public servant, does not perceive that Mr. Editor is seeking only a favor, and he takes in all praises as ready cash. Mr. Editor puffs him so much, that he believes that he fills his office to the highest notch and that there is no mortal living that could step into his shoes, and then step by step he neglects or forgets his duties and then - what? Well, the same Mr. Editor, who has, from the beginning is obliged to acknowledge  that his editorials have paved the way to the candidate's obituary.

 The people, who themselves, are good judges, can just as well, appreciate the efforts of a public servant, and the have no need to be pushed into it by a newspaper, known to them, for its back water quality, and furthermore each praise is one more thorn in the crown of the poor suffering, too much praised new incumbent. Lafayette Advertiser 10/22/1898.

No Hogs in Lafayette!
[From the Opelousas Tribune.]

 The Board of Health of Lafayette has declared the keeping and raising of hogs within the corporate limits of the town a nuisance, and has absolutely prohibited either, the ordinance taking effect Oct. 15, and remaining in force thereafter. All persons know that it is practically impossible to keep hog pens clean, and from exhaling the most offensive odors, and ordinarily there is no attempt made.

 An ordinance of this kind is of more beneficial effect than twenty-five ordinances fining twenty-five dollars for than having a health certificate signed by twenty-five physicians of twenty-five different places on twenty-five different days to be presented to twenty-five health officers.
 From the Opelousas Tribune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 10/22/1898.

To the Board of Health.

 We are glade that the action of our Board of Health has been well seen in other parishes, the few lines printed above shows that our board is on the right way to protect the health of their fellow citizens.

 Now, gentlemen, we as well as you are guardians of the public health, and while we have neither authority nor power to do as it should be done, yet; it belongs to us to point out what could be done and how.

 There is not the least doubt, that if you gentlemen as a Board would make a visit to all the back yards in the town of Lafayette, the spectacle which would present itself before your eyes of sensible men and and of guardian of the public health would be appalling.

 Day after day all sorts of refuses and  waste matter finds its way towards the back yard. Carelessness and unconcern and sometimes un-thoughtfulness allows the rays of the sun to decay all these matters, then humidity absorbs them and the result is sickness.

 Why, would not your Board pass a garbage ordinance, and adopt regulations for removing of the same.

 Request everybody to dump all garbages in a box to be placed either in the back yard or the front yard and let a garbage wagon pass in each street daily, or twice a week and collect all such.

 The cause then would be removed. The expense would be very light and the benefit to be accrued would be incalculable.

 We think this is a proper measure to remedy this evil and we hope that the Board of health will grant it.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/21/1898.

Board of Health Meeting.

 At a meeting of the Municipal Board of Health held the 19th instant, the following action was taken respecting the hog ordinance recently adopted by that body:

 If having come to the knowledge of the Board of Health that there was a municipal ordinance already in existence covering the ground for which our ordinance was passed relative to the keeping of hogs in the corporation of Lafayette, and not wishing to conflict with ordinances already in existence, we hereby instruct the sanitary officer of this body to postpone the execution of the order for removal of hogs from the town and we request the town authorities to rigidly enforce the municipal ordinance already existing on the same subject. Lafayette Advertiser 10/22/1898.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 10/22/1898.

 To Be Done. - We were glad to see that out city fathers have borrowed $500 to be expended in putting up our streets in apple-pie order. We hop that the good work will commence at the very earliest time. We are in need of a general cleaning up to keep in progress with the civilization of the present century.

A Correction. - By an incorrect phraseology in our last number we wrote Dr. A. R. Trahan as dead. We tender the doctor our sympathy and hope that no unpleasantness has resulted from that living death.

Lost! Lost! Lost! - The one who has lost a bunch of keys with chain can apply for same at The Advertiser. They were found between the stores of John Whittington and Cleobule Doucet.

A New Building. - Mrs. Ernest Constantin is building a dwelling house opposite the bakery of Castel Bros. When completed it will be occupied by Mr. J. C. Caillouet.

A Removal - J. C. Caillouet's drug store will be removed, about Nov. 15th, to the new building belonging to Mr. Gustave Lacoste on Vermilion street.

 New Goods. - New goods are arriving daily for Levy Bros. who will open their new store in the building just completed by Mr. Gustave Lacoste. Everything will be new and stylish and on-shelf goods will be on hand.

 Postponed. - The Fifth Annual Fair, to have been held at Jennings, Oct. 26-29, 1898, has been postponed to November, on account of the yellow fever. As soon as dates are selected we will let our readers know.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/22/1898. 

 From the Lafayette Gazette of October 22nd, 1898:

Lafayette Sugar Refining Co. Nearly Completed.

 Those who have visited the refinery which is being completed near this town have been impressed with the magnitude of the enterprise.

 The building of the refinery is of great importance, not only to the the town of Lafayette, but to a large area of surrounding country. The discouraging results obtained from the cultivation of cotton have caused many of our farmers to turn their attention toward sugar-cane. Hence, the satisfaction with which our people have heard of the determination of a wealthy corporation to build right at the gates of our thriving little city, one of the largest and most modern sugar mills in the State.

 Three years ago Col. Gus. A. Breaux, realizing the necessity of a refinery in this section, started a movement to build one. He was considerably handicapped by adverse circumstances, but succeeded in surmounting numerous difficulties, and saw his efforts crowned with a certain measure of success. The mill was rather small and the enterprise struggled along the best way it could. But this modest beginning was the means of attracting large capital, and now Lafayette can boast of one of the most thorough and complete sugar manufacturing and refining plants in Louisiana.

 The heaviest stock-holders in the new corporation are Messrs. S. Gumbel & Co., of New Orleans, a firm well and favorably known throughout the South. The other stock-holders are men who also possess unlimited capital.

 About the 20th of last June work was begun on the mill. Since that day a large force of men has been employed in building the houses and putting up the machinery. At times as many as 200 men were at work and the weekly payments for labor averaged fully $2,000. It is fair to suppose that the greater portion of this money has found its way to our town. The "ghost," as the men call the fellow who handles the "dough," made his appearance every Saturday evening and there was unalloyed joy in many hearts and the merry jingling of silver coins was heard among the workmen. The merchant got his share of this pile, the hotels got some of it, the restaurants, the lunch-stands, the saloons, the sovereign of the "seven or eleven: table, all got a whack at it.

 We will not attempt to give a minute description of the refinery and the process of sugar-making. Reference to a few points of interest will give one an idea of the size of this plant. There is a main building, 300 feet long by 90 feet wide with an all extending 60 feet on each side, four scale houses and three boarding houses.

 There is a pump house at the bayou which is connected with the tower-tank by a 10 inch pipe. The tank is at a height of 90 feet and the water is supplied by either steam or electricity. The same can be said of all the pumps in the refinery as they can in an emergency be operated by electrical or steam power.

 With a capacity of 800 tons a day our farmers can depend upon a sage home-market. As the bearings are of the unusually large dimensions of 20x14 inches a break-down is not within the range of probabilities. The machinery is modern in every way particular. Especially so is the clarifying apparatus which has been arranged under the efficient direction of Mr. L. von Treschow, the manager. Mr. von Tresckow is not only a good chemist, but has had much experience in the management of sugar estates in Europe and America. A new double effect and vacuum pan, centrifugals and three crystalizers are among the important parts of this magnificent refinery.

 A cane carrier 250 feet long will be fed this season by hand as owing to quarantine restrictions it was impossible to get the necessary appliances for a better system.
As the work of putting up the machinery required the services of a thoroughly competent machinist, Mr. John Walters, of New Orleans, was engaged for this portion of the work.

 The houses and the yards are lighted by electricity, there being ready for use 200 incandescent and eight arc light. Two K. W. generators furnish the light and at the same time are utilized to run certain portions of the machinery.

 It is believed that on the 1st of November the refinery will make its first run.
   Lafayette Gazette 10/22/1898.

The Hog Ordinance.

 At a meeting of the Municipal Board of Health held the 19th instant, the following action was taken the hog ordinance recently adopted by that body.

 It having come to the knowledge of the Board of Health that there was a municipal ordinance already in existence covering the ground for which an ordinance was passed and relative to the keeping of hogs in the corporation of Lafayette, and not wishing to conflict with ordinances already in existence, we hereby instruct the sanitary officer of this body to postpone the execution of the order for removal of hogs from the town, and we request the authorities to rigidly enforce the municipal ordinance already existing on the same subject. Lafayette Gazette 10/22/1898.

New Restaurant. - Lee Walker wishes to inform the public that he will open a restaurant on the 1st of November in the Racket building. He will run a first class establishment and will remain open day and night. Read his advertisement in The Gazette next week. Lafayette Gazette 10/22/1898.

 Stuck in Lafayette. - About forty Texans, employed on the Louisiana Western and running between Houston and Lafayette, have been here for some time being prevented from going to their homes by the quarantine regulations enforced by the State of Texas. It seems unfair to inflict this hardship on these men, as they have not been exposed to the fever and could not be the means of spreading it. But Texas quarantined against the whole State of Louisiana and there is no use to kick.
Lafayette Gazette 10/22/1898.

Mosquitoes. - The following tip is for those who are worried by those very troublesome creatures, mosquitoes: - "Throw a bit of alum, about the size of a marble, into a small bowl of water, and wet the hands and face and any exposed parts lightly with it. Not a mosquito will approach you. They hum about a little and disappear. I never had any occasion to use a mosquito curtain, and am glad to think that I can perhaps benefit others (travelers in particular) by this little bit of information."

 From the Bombay Guardian and in the Lafayette Gazette 10/22/1898. 

 Time to Begin. - Upon two or three occasions we stated that the municipal authorities had made certain arrangements by which the streets would be worked. We have failed, however, to see any evidence of the Council's determination to repair our public thoroughfares. We have been treated to a superfluity of promises, but that's all. It is useless to speak of the condition of our streets. They are in an awful shape and unless attended to at once they will be impassable. After a rain they look more like vast ponds than anything else. Something must be done at once or it will be too late. Lafayette Gazette 10/22/1898.

Indignation Meeting.

 Some Republicans met in Bodenheimer's hall last Saturday and held a sort of indignation meeting. The cause of these gentlemen's indignation is the appointment of Paul Demanade as postmaster of Lafayette. The meeting was preside by John Price of Scott and Cleobule Doucet was secretary. A committee was appointed to work against the confirmation of Mr. Demanade. We have not been informed of the nature of the protest. Lafayette Gazette 10/22/1898.

Well Done, Franklin.

 It is a matter to be commended that the physicians of this town have been straight and almost severely fair to other sections of Louisiana, although at the expense of the town and people of Franklin. Every case of fever with suspicious symptoms have been made known to the health authorities of the State, thereby putting all near cities and towns on their guard.

 The fairness and patience of the people deserve the praise of the whole State. The nearness of pestilence does not daunt the Franklin people, Our little town has developed many a hero. There is plenty of material here for the sinking of any future Merrimac or Albemarle. At every turn are met courage and fortitude, not stoical and physical like the Romans, but cheerful and elevated like that of the knights of the true faith.

 Mr. John Frere, one of the heroes of the epidemic, is about to enter the little army of immunes, and will soon be at his post of duty, which has been a general all around worker for the sick and all the town in general. John has been a trump.
 From the Franklin Vindicator.

 The Lafayette Gazette replies....

 The people of Franklin are certainly to be complimented upon the splendid courage displayed by them during the epidemic through which they have just passed. When the admirable behavior of Franklin is known no one will wonder that it is the home of so many distinguished men. A town that will make so good a record can always be depended upon to furnish more than its quota of governors and senators. Three cheers for Franklin !
Lafayette Gazette 10/22/1898.


        Lafayette, La., Oct. 8, 1898.

 The Board of Health duly appointed by the Police Jury in and for the parish of Lafayette met this day at the court-house pursuant to call.

 The secretary called the meeting to order and by motion Dr. Geo. DeLaureal was elected president.

 There were present:  Dr. Geo. DeLaureal, U. Prejean, R. O. Young and Messrs. J. O. Broussard and D. A. Cochrane. Absent:  Dr. H. D. Guidry, Jasper Spell and L. G. Breaux.

 By motion duly made the following resolutions were adopted:

 1.  Resolved, That a quarantine is hereby established against all points most infected or that may hereafter become infected with yellow fever, and no person or persons from any such infected districts shall be permitted to enter within the limits of Lafayette Parish.

 2.  Any and all persons coming into the parish shall be required to exhibit health certificates duly issued by the proper health officials of the parish city or town, from which said persons may come.

 3.  All persons coming into the parish in violation of the regulations of the board shall be forewith arrested and rejected from the parish, or confined in the detention camp for a period of ten days.

 4.  The sheriff, his deputies and all constables and peace officers of the parish, are hereby notified to aid and assist the health authorities or this parish in arresting and apprehending all persons violating any ordinance of this Board or of the State Board of Health, as per provisions of Act No. 192 of 1898.

 5.  Resolved, That the Southern Pacific Railroad Company be and is hereby notified neither to sell nor issue tickets to any person or persons destined for any point in Lafayette parish, unless said persons be provided with proper health certificates. The secretary shall notify the company's agent at Lafayette of the adoption of that resolution.

 6.  Resolved, That the respective members are authorized to appoint with consent of the Board, competent guards at any points considered as endangering or threatening the public safety from the introduction of yellow fever or other contagious or infectious diseases and shall exercise supervisory powers in all matters pertaining to local sanitary measures. It shall be the duty of each member to report instantly to the president of this Board any information concerning the introduction of any contagious disease into the parish.

 7.  This board shall act in conjunction with the municipal board of Lafayette, in quarantine regulations and the president is authorized to exercise the full powers of this Board in any emergency demanding immediate attention.

 8.  Drs. U. Prejean, R. O. Young, Geo. DeLaureal and H. D. Guidry are empowered to issue health certificates for which no charge shall be made.

 9.  Messrs. D. A. Cochrane and J. O. Broussard are hereby appointed a committee to act in conjunction with the city authorities in procuring and locating a detention camp. Report at next meeting.

 10.  Guards shall be placed at Broussard and Bayou Vermilion and shall receive pay not exceeding $1.50 per day.

 The president shall call a special meeting or that secretary on petition of two members.

 The board then adjourned until Friday Oct. 14 at 11 o'clock.
GEO. DELAREAL, M. D., President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 10/22/1898.

        Lafayette, La., Oct. 14, 1898.
 The Board of Health met this day pursuant to adjournment with the following members present:  Drs. Geo. DeLaureal, U. Prejean, R. O. Young, and J. O. Broussard and D. A. Cochran. Absent:  Jasper Spell.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 The committee appointed to secure a location for the detention camp submitted a partial report, showing progress but asked for further time. Granted. The committee was further authorized to secure by donation or purchase the right of way to the proposed camp.

 By motion of the guard on Vermilion River was ordered abolished if quarantine be maintained by the authorities at Abbeville.

 The secretary shall notify all absent members of the Board of their appointment and ascertain acceptance or non-acceptance of the commission.
GEO. DELAUREAL, M. D., President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 10/22/1898.  

 Relics of the War.

 Among the relics which Judge Moss will encase and present to Camp Gardner are two newspapers published at Vicksburg during the war. The names of these interesting mementos are the Daily Whig and the Daily Citizen; the former is dated Jan. 10, 1863, and the latter July 2 of the same year. The Citizen is printed on wall paper.

 The Whig contains the following complimentary notice of the 26th Louisiana Regiment, of which two companies from this parish, commanded by Col. Wm. C. Crow and Judge Eraste Mouton, formed a part. The notice reads:

In our notices of different regiments that recently participated in defending Vicksburg, it was not our intention to withhold due credit from the 26th Louisiana, Col. Winchester Hall. It was among the first to come to the rescue - arriving here on the 18th of May last - the day that the "advance division" of Com. Lee made its appearance. Their aid and presence during the summer were of great value. On the 24th of December this regiment marched to meet the enemy on the Yazoo. Some of its companies were sent to engage the gunboats, and others were thrown out as skirmishers, which detachments returned in time to rejoin the reserve companies who occupied a dangerous and important position in the trenches on Chickasaw bayou. The gunboats were engaged and annoyed - the skirmishers did good service, and the fortitude of the regiment in the trenches deserves great praise. In justice to the 26th, it must be said, it was the first to exchange shots with the insolent invaders after their landing. For several days it was exposed, and on Sunday to a fierce and heavy fire of artillery and musketry; and on Monday took a prominent part in the general engagement, during which nine were killed, including Capt. C. J. Tucker, of Company I, and six seriously wounded. During the ten days that this regiment was on the battle field, it was distinguished for its strict and prompt obedience to orders, cheerful endurance and gallantry, for which it was complimented by Gen. Lee.

 In the second column of the Daily Citizen the following item appears:

 ON DIT - That the great Ulysses - Yankee Generalissimo, sur-named Grant - has expressed his intention of dining in Vicksburg on Sunday next, and celebrating the 4th of July by a grand dinner, and so forth. When asked if he would invite Gen. Joe Johnston to join, he said "No! for fear there will be a row at the table." Ulysses must get into that city before he dines in it. The way to cook the rabbit is "first catch the rabbit, etc."

 Before the Citizen was printed it seems that the Federals captured Vicksburg, as the following explanation which is the last item in the paper, shows:

 NOTE. - July 4, 1863. - Two days bring about great changes. The banner of the Union floats over Vicksburg. Gen. Grant has "caught the rabbit;" he has dined in Vicksburg and did bring his dinner with him. The Citizen lives to see it. For the last time it appears on wall paper. No more will it eulogize the luxury of mule meat and fricasseed kitten - urge Southern warriors to such diet no more. This is the last wall paper Citizen, and is, excepting this note, from the type as we found them. It will be valuable hereafter as a curiosity.
Lafayette Gazette 10/22/1898.  



Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/22/1898.

 We are reliably informed that there was frost Tuesday morning, and from a source not as reliable we learned that there was a light freeze Friday morning.

 The Lafayette Board of Health met Wednesday night and considered the advisability of acceding to President Souchon's proposition to raise all quarantines on Oct. 25 or Nov. 1. The Board decided not to commit itself as to when it will agree to raise the quarantine and so informed Dr. Souchon.

 The many Lafayette friends of Miss Florence Chase are pleased to learn that she has received the appointment as adjustor at the United States Mint in New Orleans.
John A. Hunter, of Rayne, was in Lafayette Wednesday.

Lafayette Gazette 10/22/1898.


 The indecent flight of the extremely timorous chief executive of Mississippi, the exhibition of pigheadedness by the unreasoning health officer of the great State of Texas, and other remarkable incidents which have transpired in the South during the present epidemic of yellow fever, have convinced many sensible people of the advisability of a national system of quarantine. Independent State action, it is clearly evident, is not only ineffective, but greatly injurious to the commercial interests of the whole country, and when we say commercial interests of every man, rich and poor.

 It is needless to speak of the mildness of the present type of yellow fever, and it serves no purpose to dwell upon the question of whether it is exotic or recrudescent. Its unquestioned mildness does not prevent the people from being afraid of it, while few care to know if it is a home product or foreign foe. Scientific education on the origin and nature of the disease will not do much toward enlightening the people in this matter, for the physicians themselves are as far apart as the antipodes on anything that pertains to Yellow Jack, his origin, habits and natural proclivities.

 With the annexation of Cuba and Porto Rico, and the unrestricted commercial relations which will follow, the danger of the introduction and propagation of the disease will be largely enhanced. There is no question about this. They may fumigate and disinfect to their hearts' content, but those familiar with the characteristic obstinacy of this particular microbe know that it will take a long time to persuade it to abandon its favorite haunts in the Antilles. With the bright light of experience to illuminate our path, and viewing the future as people with ordinary common sense should view it, we ought to prepare to meet the foe in a sensible manner and make the best of its invasion. To paraphrase Ex-President Cleveland the people of the South are "confronted with a condition and a multiplicity of theories." They must meet them in a practical way and deal with them as practical men should.
The most perfect system of State quarantine, in the hands of competent and patriotic officials, can not be depended upon to give the people the relief which is so badly needed. What avails the wise policy of one State when the adjoining commonwealth pursues a course both unreasonable and unnecessary? Had the Louisiana Board been composed of modern Solomons and the health laws be the quintessence of legislative wisdom, could they have accomplished anything, handicapped as they were, by the panic-stricken authorities of Mississippi and the stupid obstinacy of the wild medical mustang of the Texas Pan Handle? Without the intelligent co-operation of the Boards of Health of the adjoining States, our State Board was absolutely helpless, driven to the painful necessity of throwing itself upon the tender mercies of unreasoning mobs, backed by the unbending arms of State governments, directed by narrow-minded and time-serving officials.

 The Democrats of the South are loath to look to Washington for relief; but in the present instance what are they to do? The principle of State's Rights is as dear to them as it was to the fathers in the good old days of Jackson and Benton, but the dire consequences of an absurd quarantine have made them think with Senator Caffery that only the Federal power can give them a system, which, while affording reasonable protection to the people, will not block the wheels of the car in progress, which will not only be retarded in its march by the existing methods, but will be set back to where it started after the crucial period of reconstruction.

 Lafayette Gazette 10/22/1898.

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