Of New St. John's Catholic Church - His Grace Preaches Eloquent Sermon Previous to Ceremonies.
Sunday the laying of the cornerstone of the New St. John Catholic church by Archbishop Jas. Blenk, took place in the presence of a large concourse of people. The day was beautiful.
At 9:00 a. m. the Knights of Columbus assembled at the Presbytery and led by the Lafayette Concert Band, accompanied the Archbishop and clergy to the church. At the church entrance Grand Knight F. V. Mouton formally welcomed the Archbishop. Solemn high mass was celebrated by Rev. Leo Gassier, vicar general, assisted by Revs. Peter Wynhoven, Grace, Kelly and Mollo. The Archbishop then ascended the pulpit and delivered a scholarly and eloquent sermon on the text, "The church is the house of the living God, which is the pillar and ground of truth."
A special musical service led by Rev. Teurlings, was rendered. At the close of the sermon a procession was formed proceeding to the grounds in the following order: Knights of Columbus, acolytes, priests and Archbishop, Sisters and school children, Children of Mary, Happy Death Society, band, singers, Altar Society and Apostleships of Prayer, Ladies' Auxiliary and Congregation.
A large tent had been erected over the foundations where the cornerstone was and the services of blessing the sanctuary and the cornerstone were held by His Grace. A number of documents and coins were placed in the stone which was put in position by Tom Porter.
At the close of the services, which were very interesting and impressive offerings for the new church were made by the congregation. This closed a most important and interesting event in the history of the city.
In the afternoon the Archbishop was banqueted by the Knights of Columbus in their spacious hall, the wives and daughters of the members attending the table. Grand Knight F. V. Mouton acted as master of ceremonies. His Grace made a forceful and interesting talk which was responded to appropriately and entertainingly by Past Grand Knight J. G. St. Julien and C. O. Mouton.
The Archbishop and his party, attended by local priests, went on a special to Grand Coteau, where he was to officiate at the unveiling of a statue.
The Archbishop and his secretary, Rev. Jules Jeanmard, Rev. Leo Gascler, Vicar General and Rev. Peter Wynhoven arrived Saturday and were met by Father Teurlings and a number of citizens who gave them an informal welcome. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1913.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 2nd, 1903:
Central School Needed - NOW!
The necessity of providing a new central school building is becoming more pressing every day.
The present buildings are not large enough, and with the constant increase in attendance, seating the children is becoming a problem. Some action should be taken at once, as delay has been too long already. There is no doubt but that the people are perfectly willing to do their part, and some one should take up the matter and push it through now, so that we may have the building in time for next session. The city has secured a fine lot in the center of town and with the proper effort a large and handsome brick building of modern design can be put on it, which many are impatient to see.And while making provision for a central high school building, we would suggest that provision also be made for a small school building across the railroad to accommodate the small children who live there. The walk will be too long for them, and besides crossing the railroad, and by providing a school for them it will relieve parents of much anxiety. We want the new central building and we want the small building across the railroad, and let whoever will volunteer to make the effort provide for both, as we must have both.
The schools have already added largely to Lafayette and will even add more largely still. We have a complete system now, only lacking proper facilities in the way of accommodation. A new building will supply this, and by all means let us begin work now and keep at it till we secure it. There is no possible use in delaying, for by doing our best we can but complete in time for next session.
Let us begin now. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
Thanksgiving Exercises.
The exercises at the high school and primary school Wednesday were very entertaining and we regret that we can not give an extended account of them. The programs were all appropriate to Thanksgiving and were rendered very creditably. Only a few visitors were present, but the quality of the exercises really deserved a large audience. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
Will It Be Formed?
The wish to "get on" in the world is perfectly natural and quite laudable. It springs from the desire to have more and do more than one's present condition permits, and is the mainspring that moves the wheels of progress. With an individual "getting on" in the world may mean more wealth social position, gratified ambition, or various things; but with an entire community it means expansion. The town or community becomes too small, its wealth insufficient, for its ambitious citizens and they begin to exert themselves to accomplish growth.
It is not always easy, for often the field is very unpromising; yet even under most unfavorable conditions, success has been achieved. But there is no special road, the way must be blazed by the untiring persistence of a few earnest men, who fully comprehending all possibilities, grasp them and utilize them to the fullest extent. One of the best illustrations of this is the splendid little city of Crowley. Planted in a wide prairie, it has grown and prospered, because its founders and citizens realized the capacity of the soil for rice culture, and with resolute determination against discouragement have persevered and made the Prairie city a Gem.
We, of Lafayette, have no such hard conditions to face. Nature has been bountiful indeed, bestowing upon us lands of marvelous fertility, forest of valuable woods, and a climate exceptionally fine. Lafayette should flourish and prosper exceedingly. The germ of a fine city is here, and all it needs is proper cultivation, and the first step is the formation of a progressive league that will diligently study conditions and discover the lines along which we must cultivate. Will such a league be formed?
Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903
One of the most notable society events of the season was the wedding of Miss Clara Hebert, the charming daughter of Mr. Alfred Hebert, a prominent planter of this parish and Mr. Joseph Lacoste, who is a rising young business man connected with the Lacoste Hardware Co., of this place. The wedding took place at St. John's Catholic church Thursday at 5:30 p. m. Long before the ceremony, a large crowd of friends had gathered at the church to witness the arrival of the wedding party and to be present at the marriage. The bridal party attended by a large number of friends arrived promptly on time. The strains of a beautiful wedding march were played as they entered the church, which was brilliantly lighted by the many colored electric globes dotting the altar. The groom attended by his best man, Mr. Richard Mills, met them at the altar rail, and immediately Father Crozier performed the impressive marriage service of the church.
The attendants were: Miss Bertha Hebert, maid of honor; Miss Agnes Breaux, bridesmaid, and Mr. Rousseau Dugas groomsman.
After the ceremony a reception was held at the bride's home.
The following presents were received:
Silver tea pot, Mrs. Priolland and sister; 2 rugs, Miss Rose Abramson; 1 rug, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Abramson; 1 Italian statue and pedestal, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hebert; 1 hand satchal, Mr. and Mrs. Emile Mouton; 6 silver tea spoons, Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Salles; 6 silver soup spoons, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosenfield; 6 silver forks and knives, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Revillon; parlor lamp, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Duhart; 6 silver forks and 6 silver teaspoons, Mrs. S. Abramson and family; 1 pair California blankets, Mr. N. Abramson; silver sugar bowl, Mr. S. J. LeBlanc;silver and crystal sugar bowl, Mr. Maurice Hyman (Heymann?); glass water set, Mr. and Mrs. N. Broussard; glass sugar bowl and glass dish, Mrs. T. Hebert, Sr.; manicure and toilet set, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Landry; 1 dozen linen towels, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Laurents; woolen shawl, Miss vallie Rosenfield; 1 dozen linen napkins, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Laurents; silver waiter, Miss Maxim Beraud; covering set, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Laurents; 2 cake stands, Mrs. H. Hebert and family; silver waiter, Mr. L. Prudhomme; 2 statues, Miss Elva Brun; flower vases, Miss Ray Broussard; silver water pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hebert; 1 liquor set, Mrs. Camille Salles; 1 silver soup ladle-gold lined, Mr. A. B. Chopin; 1 silver butter knife, Mrs. G. Laurents; 6 silver coffee spoons-gold lined, Mr. A. B. Chpoin; 1 silver syrup pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Broussard; sofa cushion, Miss Louise Nollive; parlor lamp, Mr. R. H. Comeaux; 1 rug, Levy Bros.' dinner set, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mouisset; carving set, Mr. Lionel Bienvenue; coal bin, Miss Anais Courquet; 1 pair spitoons, a dozen glasses, 2 water pitchers and washstand set, Mr. and Mrs. J. Colomb; 3 fine valencienne handkerchiefs, Mrs. M. Gardner; 1 dozen embroidered handkerchiefs, Miss Hilda and Mr. Nate Rosenfield; jewel case, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lacoste; 1 rug, Mr. Isaac Bendel; 6 linen napkins, Mrs. Habut; hand embroidered sofa cushion, Mrs. A. Kaufman and family.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
Mrs. Alma McBride, who was a resident of Lafayette for a number of years, was married in Houston Wednesday to Mr. E. Harris, of Jennings. They left the same day for Jennings, which will be their future home. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
Miss Louise Guidroz, daughter of Mr. Alexis Guidroz, and Mr. Eloi Broussard were married Thursday afternoon at St. John's Catholic church, Father Crozier officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Broussard left on the 5 p. m. train for Beaumont for a short bridal trip. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
Tuesday, Dec. 1, 1903 at 1 o'clock p. m., Mr. John Givens and Miss Anna Hopkins were married at the home of the bride. Owing to the recent death of Mrs. Hopkins the wedding was a very quiet affair, none but relatives being present. Mr. and Mrs. Givens left on the afternoon train for New Orleans on a short bridal trip. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
At half past ten o'clock Tuesday morning, Mr. A. L. Preager and Miss Cora Martin were united in marriage at the home of the bride. Miss Martin is the daughter of Mr. Andre Martin, and one of Lafayette's most charming young ladies. Mr. Preager is an energetic young business man. Mr. and Mrs. Preager left on the noon train for New Orleans, where they will spend a few days. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
Billy Kersands' Minstrels. - Billy Kersands and his own big Minstrel Company will appear at Falk's Opera House Wednesday, Dec. 2. Kersands' Minstrels this season is larger, better and greater than ever embraces some of the best known names in the Minstrel world. The usual daily street parade will be made as near noon as possible each day. A free concert by Jas. S. Lacy and his challenge solo band at 7:15 p. m., daily, in front of the theater. Nothing has been left undone to make the greatest of all minstrel aggregations now before the American Public, headed by the famous original and only Billy Kersands, the best known Minstrel Star in America. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
Industrial and Lake Charles High School Meet.
The Lake Charles Press gives the following account of the football game played in that city between the Industrial Institute and the Lake Charles High School eleven. The game in detail as given by the Press is omitted for lack of space.
"Before the largest crowd which ever witnessed a football game in Lake Charles with one exception, the first game which was ever played in the city, that between the old college, under Dr. Hubbell, and the High School being the exception.
Yesterday was a magnificent day to play football, the weather being sharp and crisp, the ground in fine condition and well marked off, the officials good and the audience full of pretty girls who did not fail to root. In fact the girls just discounted the boys when the time came to root.
Colors were in abundance, the crimson and blue predominating, horns were blown and the afternoon was a gala one at the park.
For the High School the stars were on the defensive. Newland and Moss, the defensive playing of Newland being of the highest amateur order, his breaking through the line and tackling the runner before he was off was excellent. On the offensive McNeese, Braden and Sale were the advancers. Slawson also deserves credit for advancing the ball. Sale's fifty yard run for the only touchdown, McNeese's hurdle of the line, causing the Industrial right half back to lose the ball. Braden's line hurdling and find bucking, Moss end work, Broussard's fullback playing, and McNaspy, the little left end for Lafayette all made good plays.
Promptly at two forty-five the High School arrived on the grounds in charge of coach McNeese, and trotted to the east side of the grounds, where they were given a few instructions by their coach. The Lafayette boys arrived on the grounds at two-ten, and after choosing the officials the game started at two twenty-five.
The elevens were pretty evenly matched in weight, Lake Charles having about three pounds the best of it. Lafayette played without their captain, he having been injured recently in practice.
At the toss up, Capt. Braden won the toss and chose the kick off, Lafayette choosing to defend the goal. Twenty minute halves were played and the Lake Charles boys suffered more from wind than did Lafayette.
----------------p. 1------------------
Officials: Referee, Ed Gorham; umpire, J. W. Lillibridge; G. Funks (L. S. U. '02) official linesman; I. Schwing and Sidoux, linesmen. Timekeepers, Newton Longanecker and B. Perkins. Times of halves, twenty minute. From the Lake Charles Press and in the Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
In Joint Debate in Lake Charles Thursday, With the High School.
Both Sides Displayed Great Earnestness and Ability.
[From the Lake Charles Press.]
Sometime after the challenge to play football with Lake Charles on Thanksgiving had been accepted by Lafayette, the idea was conceived by Prof. Gale to challenge them also to a debating contest. The matter was put up before the Literary Society and acted upon at once. Lake Charles presented Lafayette the question for consideration and asked them to reply, stating which side they wanted and the terms upon which the contest should be conducted. They accepted at once every one started to work at once. Several out of each class entered and a preliminary hearing was given. Finally Miss Epler and Mr. Wm. Braden were selected with Mr. Elie Kaufman as substitute.
That this movement was appreciated by the Lake Charles people was surely demonstrated by the crowded house that greeted the speakers last night and also by the most liberal applause they received.
The question contested was: "Resolved, that labor unions are a benefit to the laboring classes." Lafayette supported the affirmative.
Mr. Potier Voorhies, the leader of the affirmative, was surely a surprise to the audience. His arguments were good and couched in beautiful English. The picture drawn of the condition of the laboring man previous to the establishment of the unions was a masterly sketch and appealed strongly to the sympathy of the listeners. And his delivery was most pleasing. Slow, graceful and direct, he carried his hearers along with him from start to finish.
Miss Clara Epler, the leader of the negative, presented a most logical and well arranged discourse. It showed careful study into the principles of political economy and sociology, and was not only interesting in the extreme, but scientific and instructive. Her delivery was straightforward, forcible and elegant. She talked directly and appealingly to the audience and fully convinced them of the sincerity of her convictions.
The assistant, on the affirmative, Miss Leah Carter, considered the historical side of the question, and ably was it handled.
The skillful way in which she refuted the arguments of the negative was also noticeable.
Miss Carter's stage presence is fine, and her delivery all that could be desired.
The last speaker, Mr. Braden, took up the side of the question relating to the mismanagement of unions, the undue authority exacted by labor bosses and the disastrous results of strikes.
These matters were clearly and concisely dealt with and presented in such a manner that they reached home every time. Mr. Braden showed clearly that we may expect to hear from him in matters of political importance and the manner in which he handled his subject leads us to believe that his work will carry with it decided results.
His delivery was strong and to the point, his voice modulating with each shade of feeling presented and his whole manner indicating that he is perfectly at home before an audience.
The decision of the judges was received with murmurs of satisfaction when it was announced as unanimously in favor of the affirmative.
A slight hesitancy in delivery on the part of the speakers of the negative may account somewhat for their defeat. But the question was so closely contested that we need not feel at all chagrined at our failure. And Lake Charles has well as Lafayette has every reason to be proud of their speakers.
This inter-school debate is an innovation which promises to become a regular with promises to become a regular annual occurrence and we sincerely hope that such may be the case. There is a certain healthy rivalry produced by such contests that is beneficial to the whole educational community.
A movement is also on foot to start in inter-school oratorial association comprising the various high schools of the State, and in this manner contesting for oratorical honors.
An account of the entertainment would be incomplete without mentioning the musical numbers on the program.
The High School Orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Ernest Taylor, presented two most excellent numbers. This is a comparatively new organization and deserves special mention and praise for their most successful performance.
The Glee Club, under Miss Besscher's care, also gave us several beautiful songs. The school has been proud of this music for some time and last night's performance only helped to increase our pride.
The school and the community at large appreciate the interest shown by Lafayette on this occasion and were most pleased to welcome the large delegation sent over by them and hope to have another occasion before long to welcome them again.
A most hearty vote of thanks is extended to Messrs. A. V. Eastman, C. D. Moss and Winston Overton for their kindness in acting in the capacity of judges. From the Lake Charles Press and in the Lafayette Advertiser of 12/2/1903.
Reception of Institute Party by Lake Charles.
The teachers and students of the Industrial Institute who went to Lake Charles on the occasion of the football game and debate Thanksgiving day, report having been hospitably entertained by the people of our sister city and having had the best kind of a time. At the station they were received by the teachers and students of the Lake Charles High School, and were then assigned to their several places of entertainment.
On Thursday morning the two teams and their rooters formed in a procession such as Lake Charles had never before seen; and they then repaired to the new High School grounds to practice.
On Thursday afternoon all the stores and business houses of the town were closed in order to allow clerks and owners to attend the game.
The crowd at the game, which numbered between 400 and 500, was an enthusiastic as ever beheld a football game.
Every condition was most favorable for the game; but the Principal of the Lake Charles High School informed the manager of the Lafayette team that the Lake Charles merchants had guaranteed a subscription more than sufficient to cover all expenses of the game.
At the debate on Thursday night enthusiasm was quite as great as at the game. The judges were: Messrs. Winston Overton, C. D. Moss and A. V. Eastman, the last of whom broke an engagement to serve on the committee, and none of whom hesitated in accepting to act as judge.
The reception to the Lafayette people, who numbered thirty, given after the debate, was an eminent success and showed a spirit on the part of Lake Charles, here people and her schools, that may well be emulated by other towns of Louisiana. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
Let Us Make an Exhibit.
To the Press of Lafayette.
I am in receipt of the following communication which explains to-wit:
-------------------p. 3--------------------
I have already taken the liberty of urging upon the farmers and business men of the parish the advantage of having the resources of Lafayette placed on exhibit at St. Louis, and I now make the final appeal to all public spirited citizens at Scott, Carencro, Broussard, Royville and Lafayette to make up a box of exhibits at their respective shipping points, consigned to Dr. Wm. C. Stubbs, State Commissioner La. Purchase Exposition, of the varied products, agricultural, industrial, and artistic of their respective localities, particularly samples of cotton, African, Cuban, Upland prairie and bottom grown cotton, long and short staples, in neat samples of not less than one pound, each with name and data attached, product per acre (not arpent), old or new ground, fertilized or not. Corn of ll colors and varieties, imported or domestic seed, care being taken that all samples should be of uniform color; i. e; not mixed colors on same samples, attention being paid to size and weight of grain and smallness of cob. Cane, each cane carefully wrapped in paper, this in bundles.
Tobacco cured, leaf and carrot, sirop de baterie, and cooler molasses in not less than gallon lots, or in bottles, (5 or 19 to the gallon). Mr. Pierre Gerac with characteristic public spirit, has written Dr. Stubbs that he would lend the Commissioner for Louisiana a round bale of clean picked cotton. It is now "up to" the square balers to lend a square bale of the same which, as stated in a former communication, will be covered with silk and bound in brass, and form part of the pediment of the monument "to King Kotton."
In view of the fact that Lafayette can boast of two broom factories, where home grown broom corn is worked up, it would be wise to have a good broom corn exhibit. This useful plant may yet take the place of cane, when Cuban reciprocity makes the culture of the latter unprofitable. In view of the growing demand for pepper ketchup, an exhibit of this condiment and of different varieties of sweet peppers, which yield a revenue of from $200 to $500 per acre, would redound to the financial advantage of the exhibitor.
The varied resources of this parish have but to be properly advertised in order to turn the attention of capitalists to their development. They are ever on the qui vive, for profitable investments, and a few factories to work up the raw material and the by-products of the farm, that now go to waste, would add greatly to the wealth of the community, and open up a score of avenues to employment of idle labor.
Very respectfully,
Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
Death of Benager Spell.
On Tuesday evening, Nov. 17, at four o'clock, Benager Spell (father of Jasper Spell) passed away, surrounded by his children, grand children, great grand children and his devoted wife, who for over sixty years has been a partaker of his joys and sorrows. Uncle Ben, as he was called by almost all who knew him, was a man of sound mind and good judgment and hence a safe counselor. He was a man who interested himself in public affairs, and represented the second ward of this parish for one term as a member of the Police Jury. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South for over half a century, and served on the official board of the church as a steward and trustee for several years.
Notwithstanding he was one of the oldest citizens of this parish, up to a month before his death, he could be seen going about looking after the interests of this farm. He retained the activity of his mind almost to the last minute of his life, being submissive to God's will. He said he would like to live longer; but if it was not the Lord's will, he was ready to go.
He leaves behind him seven children, five sons and two daughters, and a host of grand and great grand children and his aged wife to mourn his loss; but they are not as those who have no hope, being assured that in the morn of the resurrection they shall come up together at the great judgment day to meet to part no more.
(Signed.) A. H.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
(From find-a-grave)
irth: May, 1822Death: Nov. 18, 1903

died Nov. 18, 1903, age 85
Name: Benager Spells
Residence: 2nd Ward, Lafayette, Louisiana
Birthdate: 1821
Birthplace: Louisiana, United States
Relationship to Head: Self
Spouse's Name: Drusila Spells
Spouse's Birthplace: Louisiana, United States
Father's Name:
Father's Birthplace: Mississippi, United States
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace: North Carolina, United States
Race or Color (Expanded): White
Ethnicity (Standardized): American
Gender: Male
Martial Status: Married
Age (Expanded): 59 years
Occupation: Farmer
David Spell (1842 - 1912)*
Jasper Spell (1848 - 1935)*
Oron Spell (1851 - 1922)*
Augustus Spell Perry (1855 - 1952)*
*Calculated relationship
Indian Bayou Methodist Cemetery
Indian Bayou
Vermilion Parish
Louisiana, USA
Plot: ROW 7---# 71
Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/2/1903.
Henry Pomeroy, of Lowery, came to Lafayette Thursday to attend the wedding of Mr. Joe Lacoste and Miss Clara Hebert.
Miss Bessie Cornay, who is teaching in the Patterson schools, spent Thanksgiving with the home folks.
Miss Ida Robicheaux, who has been employed in the Cumberland Telephone office has resigned her position.
Hon. Overton Cade was in town Thursday.
Eben Morgan has accepted a position with the Vordenbaumen Lumber Co. He began his new duties on the first.
John Torian went to New Orleans Monday on the night train on business.
Mrs. H. A. Van der Cruyssen and children moved to Breaux Bridge Saturday where she will live with her father, Mr. Broussard.
W. B. Parker, of McComb City, Miss. came to Lafayette last week to take a position with the Cumberland Telephone Co. He will be located here permanently. We extend Mr. Parker a cordial welcome to Lafayette.
John Torian and Leonce Gladu spent several days during the week in Avoyelles parish talking insurance.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
From the Lafayette Gazette of December 2nd, 1899:
A Very Strange Accident.
Mr. H. M. Durke was the victim of a very strange accident. The other day while Mr. Durke was seated before a fire with some friends, a cartridge was discharged from the fireplace, the ball striking against his frontal bone and it was thought to have penetrated his head. Physicians were called and after probing for the ball decided that it would be inadvisable to extract it. Mr. Durke came to Lafayette the next day and consulted Drs. J. D. and A. R. Trahan who concluded that it would be best to take the ball out. Mr. Durke was placed under the influence of chloroform and the doctors operated upon his forehead, but failed to find the ball. A thorough investigation convinced them that the ball did not enter the head but bounced out; hence their inability to locate it. At his writing Mr. Durke is doing well and his many friends will be pleased to learn of the happy termination of this affair which it was feared would have caused some trouble. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1899.
Continuing to Improve. - The Gazette is informed that Judge Octave P. Guilbeau continues to improve and it will not be long before he will return to his home in Carencro. His wounds were of a serious and painful nature and he has had to go through much suffering. With a robust constitution, aided by good nursing and the best medical attention, he overcame the weakness caused by the injuries he had sustained. The Gazette hopes to report in its next issue the complete recovery of Mr. Guilbeau.
Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1899.
Ike Nabs Another One. - Acting under instructions from Chief Gaster of New Orleans, last Thursday Sheriff Broussard arrested Jerry J. Cahill charged with abduction. Cahill came here a few days ago and was employed as electrician at the Lafayette Refinery. An officer came up from New Orleans yesterday and returned with Cahill.
Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1899.
Be Registered. - Let all the voters remember that the primaries will be held Saturday, December 9, and that in order to cast their ballots they must be registered. The registration office will close at 5 o'clock Wednesday, December 6. Laf. Gazette 12/2/1899.
Small-Pox. - A negro woman in Freetown was found with a mild case of small-pox. Precautions have been taken and it is not believed the disease will spread. Laf. Gazette 12/2/1899.
Run Over And Killed.
[From the Algiers Herald.]
Mr. Armand Delboss, a well-known and esteemed brakeman in the employ of the Southern Pacific Company was fatally injured at Olivier switch, a short distance above New Iberia, on the Southern Pacific railroad, shortly before two o'clock on Tuesday morning. Mr. Delboss is supposed to have missed his footing while passing from the first car of the train to the tender of the engine, falling with one leg across the rails, which was severed by the wheels of the moving train. He was discovered by the rear brakeman of the train, Mr. Ed. Spahr, and taken to New Iberia where his injuries were attended to by one of the local physicians. He was placed on board of the morning passenger for Algiers, but died before reaching the city. The remains were taken to the undertaking establishment of Mr. Jno. A. Barrett and prepared for burial, after which they were conveyed to his home No. 727 Elmira avenue.
Mr. Delboss was forty-one years of age, and leaves a wife, as well as a host of friends to mourn his loss. He was a member of Magnolia Lodge No. 214, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, the members of which attended the funeral yesterday evening at 3 o'clock. A numerous body of friends accompanied the body to its last resting place in St. Bartholemew cemetery. Among the many floral offerings, that of Magnolia Lodge was particularly noticed for its beauty. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1899.
Next Saturday the Democrats of Lafayette parish will be called upon to choose their nominees for Judicial, parish and ward offices.
There will be two tickets in the field for Judicial and parish offices.
We think the regular ticket, on which will be printed the names of Debaillon for judge, Campbell for district attorney, Cade and Durio for representatives, Broussard for sheriff, Voorhies for clerk and Mouton for coroner, is entitled to the support of the voters.
Judge Debaillon's eminent fitness for the bench needs not to be dwelt upon by us. It is well-known by all, not only here but throughout the State. There is no doubt of his nomination, but Lafayette should give him a large majority.
Mr. Campbell was born and reared in this town. He has served the people before and his great popularity is the best proof that he had done his duty well. He too, should get a big vote, not because he needs to be elected, but because he is entitled to it. Mr. Campbell's experience and well-known integrity are a guaranty that he will make a successful and fearless prosecutor.
Messrs. Overton Cade and Homer Durio are the candidates for representatives. Mr. Cade has held offices of honor and trust and his record has never been assailed. He is a practical man, well informed in legislative matters, and is in every way qualified for the office to which he aspires. Mr. Durio will make a very valuable colleague of Mr. Cade. He is a successful merchant of the sixth ward. He is held in the highest regard by those who have dealt with him and who know him well. He is a man of un-impeached honesty and the interests of his constituents will be safe in his keeping. With Cade and Durio the parish will be well represented at Baton Rouge.
The name of Mr. Edward G. Voorhies will be presented for clerk of court. No higher compliment can be paid to Mr. Voorhies than to say that he is an efficient, accomodating and painstaking official. Under his administration the clerk's office has been admirable conducted. The bar will testify to this fact. During the four years that he has been in office Mr. Voorhies has done his duty with unremitting attention. The people of this parish know and appreciate a good officer and they will doubtlessly say so by giving Mr. Voorhies a majority of which he will be justly proud.
And what about Ike Broussard? His record as a criminal sheriff and tax-collector is second to none in the State. His re-election next Saturday will be a complete and absolute refutation of the disparaging reports circulated by mudslingers and assassins of character, who resorted to the foul methods of the dishonest demagogue to accomplish his defeat. Sheriff Broussard, will, from all indications, carry every ward in the parish. The sensible people have not been misled by the absurd opposition to Mr. Broussard. The law-abiding population know his worth as a preserver of law and order as will be shown by his majority next Saturday.
For coroner Democrats are asked to vote for Dr. Frank Mouton, one of the ablest young physicians in the State. Dr. Mouton has forged to the front ranks of the medical profession and he enjoys to-day the esteem and confidence of a large clientele. No man is better qualified that he to fill the office of coroner. He is a young man, born and reared here, and by voting for him our people will recognize ability and worth in a home boy.
This, in short, is the ticket the citizens of Lafayette should vote. It is composed of men, true and tried. Vote it straight and help to secure the blessings of good government for the next four years. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1899.
The reformers have swallowed up a portion of the ring which they have denounced so bitterly. They took it down in one un-coated dose without even a murmur of dissent. How it will settle on their delicate stomachs is not our business to find out.
When our local political saviors started out to break what they chose to call a machine, they opened their campaign with a most bitter denunciation of an alleged combination which was said to have been formed by Judge Debaillon, Messrs. Campbell, Isaac Broussard, Edward Voorhies and others. This unholy combine was likened to all kinds of mythological monsters and held up before the people of this parish as the thing which would oppress them and rob them of their rights. One esteemed member of the reformation even hinted that if so damnable a conspiracy were permitted to succeed the people would have to resort to physical force to rid themselves of their oppressors. Young orators with good intentions and loud voices invoked the aid of all the gods of old Olympus in this grand and glorious struggle for freedom. The good people were told in threatening tones that if they failed to down these bold villains who had conspired to enslave them they would never be free again. Debaillon, Campbell, Broussard and Voorhies were the ambitious Caesars who were doomed to political annihilation. It was deemed that these four gentlemen comprised this monstrous ring and all had to walk the plank. Past services, former political and social ties, would not entitle them to any mercy. The fierce and wild-eyed reformers were hell bent on demolishing the machine and saving the country.
But suddenly there came me a change over the spirit of their dreams! The monster was only half-bad. Only a part of the horrid machine was objectionable. The combine was wicked in spots. What a cruel waste of eloquence? How much oratory and perspiration were expanded in a vain effort to destroy a thing which it is now admitted never visited.
Now that Messrs. Cochrane, Martin and St. Julien have endorsed the candidates of Judge Debaillon and Mr. Campbell what becomes of all their empty talk about the combine and the ring?
The Gazette has always contended that this howl against the "ring" was pure rot, and now that the howlers themselves have admitted the correctness of our contention by swallowing half of the imaginary "ring" the only decent and manly thing for them to do is to swallow the other half, and by so doing partially regain the esteem of their friends and avoid the humiliating defeat which surely awaits them on the 9th of December. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1899.
Arrested at Lafayette Refinery.
Acting under instructions from Chief Gaster of New Orleans, last Thursday Sheriff Broussard arrested Jerry J. Cahill charged with abduction. Cahill came here a few days ago and was employed as electrician at the Lafayette Refinery. An officer came up from New Orleans yesterday and returned with Cahill.
Run All Over Again.
[From the Algiers Herald.]
Mr. Armand Delboss, a well known and esteemed brakeman in the employ of the Southern Pacific Company was fatally injured at Olivier switch, a short distance above New Iberia, on the Southern Pacific railroad, shortly before two o'clock on Tuesday morning. Mr. Delboss is supposed to have missed his footing while passing from the first car of the train to the tender of the engine, falling with leg across the rails, which was severed by the wheels of the moving train. He was discovered by the rear brakeman of the train. Mr. Ed. Spahr, and taken to New Iberia where his injuries were attended to by one of the local physicians. He was placed on board of the morning passenger for Algiers, but died before reaching the city. The remains were taken to the undertaking establishment of Mr. Jno. A. Barrett and prepared for burial, after which they were conveyed to his home No. 727 Elmira avenue.
Mr. Delboss was forty-one years of age, and leaves a wife, as well as a host of friends to mourn his loss. From the Algiers Herald and in the Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1899.
Judge Guilbeau Improving.
The Gazette is informed that Judge Octave P. Guilbeau continues to improve and it will not be long before he will return to his home in Carencro. His wounds were of a serious and painful nature and he has to go through much suffering. With a robust constitution, aided by good nursing and the best medical attention, he overcame the weakness caused by the injuries sustained. The Gazette hopes to report in its next issue the complete recovery or Mr. Guilbeau. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1899.
Just about a month ago Aby Demanade walked into our office to tell us that he was going to school. He had made up his mind to resign his position as court-stenographer to take a special course at Centenary College. We were pleased to shake the hand of this excellent young man and to wish him good luck in his search for knowledge, little thinking at the time that the day was fast approaching when we would be called upon, not to tell of some scholastic honors which had been bestowed upon our young friend, but to perform the unpleasant task of chronicling his death. He was leaving his home and friends to spend some time at Centenary. In his face was the buoyant vigor of youth and from his eyes shone the bright light of a laudable ambition. He had graduated with honors from Chenet's in New Orleans, but he had accepted an offer made to him by his father to better store his mind with information which would more thoroughly equip him for the battle of life.
Aby Demanade was stricken down with a malignant fever shortly after his arrival at college. His mother, Mrs. Felix Demanade, was summoned to his bedside several days ago and his father left Wednesday for the same place in answer to a telegram announcing the precarious condition of his son. The next day a message addressed to Mr. Paul Demanade announced the death of the young man. The sad news produced a shock on the whole community and an expression of sincere regret was on the face of everyone. Aby was reared here and he was liked by young and old for a finer boy never drew the breath of life. He was a favorite among the boys and the girls and the old people too. His was the nature of the broad-minded, generous youth and his manner was that of the well-bred gentleman who is considerate of the feelings of others and uniformly courteous and respectful toward all, the high and the lowly.
The officers of the court, where he served as stenographer with much efficiency, had learned to look upon him as one of their own and the lawyers at the bar liked him no less and agreed that Nature seemed to have marked him out to shed lustre some day upon the honorable profession of law, for it was the goal of his ambition to become a good lawyer. He possessed in an eminent degree the instincts of the true gentlemen and the endearing qualities of a stout heart and bright mind shone forth conspicuously from his splendid young manhood. Although he was not quite 18 years of age no one within our experience has more completely won the esteem and confidence of his fellows than this young man whom the icy hand of Death has taken away just at the time when every indication pointed to his entrance upon a useful and honored career. Modest, kind and courteous, his demeanor was that of the genteel young gentleman. His death his indeed a cruel blow to his parents by whom he was greatly loved. He never failed to fulfill the duties imposed by filial affection and his death comes as a fatality at this time when he held out to his devoted mother and father the promise of the realization of their fondest hopes.
All that was mortal of Aby Demanade was laid to rest in the Protestant cemetery. Over his bier many wept in bitter sorrow and invoked the kind intervention of Providence to assuage the intense grief of his parents. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1899.
Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/2/1899.
The Gazette is pleased to state that James Davidson, who has been critically ill at his home in this town, is doing better and is on a fair way to recovery.
Miss May Bailey left last Sunday for New Orleans to enter Sophie Newcomb. Miss Bailey will live with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Roy.
Mrs. John Snelling, of Avoyelles parish, is visiting Mrs. T. N. Blake at the Cottage Hotel.
The Postal telegraph office at this place has been closed for want of business.
Col. Joel Moody, editor of the Republican Idea, of Abbeville, came up Thursday to eat some Thanksgiving turkey with his friend, Col. Gus. A. Breaux. Col. Moody was over 30 years a resident of Kansas but is now thoroughly identified with the interests of Louisiana. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1899.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 2nd, 1899:
The Bare Facts About Home Fire Company.
When this town finally came out victorious and obtained a fine system of WATER WORKS, undoubtedly the main result desired by each and every one, was the protection of life and property from the cruel power, at times, of the great element known in science as Fire. But this population as a whole, must remember that in order to get the full benefit of the use of this other no less terrible element, Water, the natural enemy of FIRE, another system known as a Fire Department had to be organized and it was out of the question for this town to have a paying Fire FORCE; so, a good many of the citizens of this town organized themselves into a Voluntary Fire Department, consisting of three different companies. We must not lose sight of the fact that the members of these companies imposed a monthly tax upon themselves to keep up the organization in a fine condition. But as the expenses are more, than those who are not members may imagine, The Home Fire Company, has undertaken to raise some funds, and decided to give every one interested, in the protection of life and property against Fire a chance to assist in the good cause. So over a year ago they procured a most elegant and stylish and one of the very best make Pianos, the world famous Fisher Piano from the reliable House of Grunewald & Co. with the intention to make a grand Raffle in a limited time. But the people somewhat have not as yet fully appreciated this move for a common cause and there are not as yet enough tickets sold to justify the drawing of the Piano. But as the time allowed Grunewald & Co. has been extended for payment of said Piano, the Home Fire Company desiring to settle the matter will on the 7th of December, give a fine local theatrical performance, to get the crowd together and to let the people themselves witness this grand drawing. Now Mr. Editor, I think it behooves us who are not, or who can not be a fireman on account of age, infirmary or any other reason to there in a crowd, fill every chair that the able manager of Falk's Hall can procure, see that performance, take a ticket, endeavor to win that Piano, and thereby helping a most worthy cause. Do not forget the date Dec. 7th, at 8 p. m. at Falk's Hall and do your duty. These few lines, I sincerely trust Mr. Editor you will print in your valuable paper, and if you think proper to add a few words from your devoted pen.
A great admirer of the Noble efforts of the Fire Department.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1899.Lagniappe:
News reached Lafayette on last Thursday afternoon, announcing the death at Jackson, La., of Aby Demanade, son of Mr. Felix Demanade, of Lafayette.
The young man had left about three weeks ago for Jackson, La., to enter Centenery College where he intended to pursue his studies.
A week after his arrival he became ill and his sickness soon developed into typhoid fever.
His mother joined him on the first news of his sickness and remained with him until the last. His father was telegraphed for on Wednesday morning and left on the noon train for Jackson.
The mortal remains of Abey were brought to Lafayette yesterday on the afternoon train and the funeral took place at the residence of his father at 4:30 p. m.
The young man had a promising life open before him, which by his indomitable energy and knowledge would have been, no doubt, a successful one; but, He rules the destiny of all mankind called him up higher.
Though hard it may seem for father and mother who had centered their affection upon him, yet to Him whose will is supreme we must submissively bow.
Our tenderest sympathy is extended to the sorrowful parents in their deep bereavement. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1899.
Cleaning the Vermilion. - The government boat cleaning our bayou is now at Mr. Breaux opposite Mr. Christenier. We are reliably informed that it is doing good work and will have ample time to reach the Rail Road bridge.
Laf. Advertiser 12/2/1899.
Concluding my former communications: - It shall be the duty of every local road overseer as soon as appointed, to take charge and have a general supervision over his beat. It shall be his duty when any unexpected break in a bridge, culvert, or sink hole becomes dangerous for the public travel to call at once any man living in his beat liable to do roadwork and repair the break, and to give each man a receipt for his work. It shall be his duty, when the most suitable time comes to work the roads, (say when the farmers laid by their crops) to notify every man living in his beat liable to do road work, that on a certain day he is going to commence working the roads. If they all turn out with their men, teams, wagons and plows, the work can all be done in 3 or 4 days. It shall be his duty once a year, the time to be set by the Police Jury, to make a full return under oath to the parish clerk or treasurer of all the delinquents in his beat. He shall be credited for his services which will be short and light with all his assessed road work that year, (honors of course included.)
It shall be the duty of the parish to furnish all timber, lumber and materials for building culverts and bridges, build the same and keep them in repairs.
Now gentlemen I have given you through the press, the general outline of what is called the Farmer's system of working public roads. If you see fit to adopt it, the regulations can be published with all the police laws and details of working the system, in a small pamphlet form.
If any police juror or outsider wishes to ask any question for information concerning this system, through the press or by private letter, I will be glad to discuss the matter with them in a friendly and business like manner.
Address FARMER,
P. O. BOX 82.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1899.
Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/2/1899.
Reserved Seats for the performance under the auspices of Home Fire Co., at Falk's Opera House on December 7th, are on sale now at the Moss Pharmacy.
Mrs. J. O. Mouton left for New Orleans last Sunday.
Mr. Ike Bendel returned from New Orleans last Wednesday.
Our jeweler, Mr. P. Krauss, returned from New Orleans last Wednesday.
Rev. Father Forge went to New Orleans last Sunday and returned last Tuesday.
Mr. Leonce Gladu with his friend Mr. Fernand Labauve of Abbeville drove to Lafayette last Sunday and spent a pleasant day.
Mr. Leon Mire, of Duson, has bought through Ambroise Mouton, the home of August Albarado, on Grant Ave. containing six lots, upon which he will build houses to rent. The purchase price was $110. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1899.
From the Lafayette Gazette of December 2nd, 1893:
Shooting Was "No Joke."
As the result of a practical joke, a young negro named Joseph Jackson was shot last Saturday night at Broussardville, by the brother Aristide. Joseph threatened to break into his brother's house, if the door was not instantly opened, his brother not recognizing his voice, fired a pistol through the door, and in consequence Joseph is seriously wounded. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1893.
Louis Sonnier, an old citizen of this parish, aged about years, committed suicide near Scott last Tuesday by hanging himself in his barn house. The unfortunate old man had for some time past showed signs of a deranged mind. Dr. Gladu, the coroner, viewed the body and made a report in accordance with the facts. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1893.
Western Union Should "Centralize."
There can be no doubt that if the Western Union would establish an office in the centre of town, to handle only their business, it would prove a great convenience. As it is now, the railroad operator attends to both railroad and Western Union business, and the former always has precedence, thereby sometimes delaying private dispatches to the extent of time given to railroad matters. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1893.
Bad Weather. - A terrific thunder storm visited this section on the morning of Sunday, the 25th ultimo. An old darkey was heard to remark, that "sumting was sure to happen, 'kase he had neber before heard thunder in winter." Supersitious people may have some grounds for meditation over this saying.
Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1893.
Coming to Falk's.
Mr. B. Falk has received a letter from Duncan Clark, stating that his burlesque company will play here on the 14th of next month. The management claims to have a better show than ever. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1893.
The Roger Sisters.
The four Roger sisters are billed to play this week at Falk's Opera House commencing to-morrow. This troupe is reported to be composed of meritorious players, and have been playing to crowded houses. They have just concluded a fine week's business at Crowley. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1893.
Will Take in Sewing Work.
We call the attention of the lady readers of The Gazette to the card of Mrs. H. L. Monnier, who announces to them, especially her old patrons, that she is prepared to take in sewing; being au fait in all the latest fashionable styles, she solicits orders for fine dresses. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1893.
Sent Home on Account of Contagious Disease.
John Greig has returned from St. Stanislaus college, Bay St. Louis, that institution having closed until after Christmas, and the boys sent home on account of some unknown disease breaking out, and causing two deaths, and prostrating several of the students. The origin and nature of the sickness seems to be unknown. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1893.
Appointed to City Council.
We notice with much pleasure in a Picayune special from Baton Rouge dated last Wednesday that our friend Albert Delahoussaye had been appointed a member of our city council in place of Mr. Fred Mouton, resigned. The friends of the governor could not have recommended a better man, and one more fitted for the position. That Albert will keep an eye singly on the welfare of the people of the town, goes without saying. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1893.
Lafayette, La., Nov. 27, 1893.
The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: Ford Hoffpauir, J. G. St. Julien, R. C. Landry, A. D. Landry, H. M. Durke and Alfred Hebert. Absent: C. C. Brown and A. A. Delhomme.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
In order to rectify any and all informalities and discrepancies that might exist here in the titles to the public roads of the parish, the Jury proceeded to appoint, Jury of freeholders, to retrace the main thoroughfares as follows: Be it resolved that the following named Jury of freeholders viz: Thos. F. Webb, Jr., Chas. O. Mouton, J. O. Broussard, Albert Landry, Don Louis Herpin, J. E. Bonin, Marcel Melancon, S. C. Landry, R. U. Bernard and Lucien St. Julien, be and are hereby appointed to trace and lay out a public road forty feet wide according to law, on the old public road lines, starting from the court house at Lafayette, leading to St. Martins parish, at a point known as St. Julien's bridge, on Bayou Tortue, adopted.
Be it resolved, that the following named Jury of freeholders viz: Alex Verrot, Chas. V. Comeaux, Darmas Broussard, Sarrazin Trahan, Sigismond Bernard, Adrien Theall, Prosper Broussard, Eugene Baudoin and Lucien Broussard be and are hereby appointed to trace and lay out a public road forty feet wide, according to law, on the old public road lines starting from the Lafayette, and St. Martins public road, at a point between the properties of J. O. Broussard and Francois Comeaux and running South to the limits of Vermilion parish, said road, being known as the Abbeville road, adopted.
Be it resolved, that the following named Jury of freeholders viz: A. A. Morgan, Emanuel A. Domingue, Ernest Constantin, Oscar Daigle, Ernest Bernard, Valery Guilbeau, Maurice Francez and C. C. Brown be and are hereby appointed to trace and lay out a public road, forty feet wide, according to law, on the old public road lines, starting from Lafayette, running north to the limits of St. Landry parish, at a point known as Carencro bridge. Adopted.
Be it Resolved, That the following named jury of freeholders viz: Joseph Breaux, Jean Begnaud, P. A. Chiasson, P. A. Chiasson, Olivier Chiasson, Louis Sonnier, Vincent M. Domingue, Simeon Begnaud, and John Billaud, be and are hereby appointed to trace and lay out a public road, forty feet wide, according to law, on the old public road lines, starting on the Opelousas public road, at a point known as the Rosemond Dugas place, and tracing west to the limits of Acadia parish. Adopted.
Be it Resolved, That the following named jury of freeholders, viz: Jasper Spell, Starcus Hoffpauir, Phineas Hoffpauir, C. Doucet, J. S. Whittington, Onezime Trahan, Edw. E. Mouton, Joseph Alvarido, Malachie Perry, and William Foote, be and are hereby appointed to trace and lay out a public road, forty feet wide, according to law, on the old public road lines, starting from Lafayette running to the limits of Vermilion parish, at the bridge of Coulee Isle des Cannes, near Onezime Trahan's place. And also to trace and lay out in the same manner a connecting road, starting from Clemile Simon's and Desire Monte's lands and extending to the long bridge on Bayou Queue Tortue near Alex. Hoffpauir's rice farm. Adopted.
To the President and Members of the Police Jury -
Gentlemen - The following is a statement of receipts and expenditures of parish funds since last report:
----------------------p. 2------------------
Respectfully submitted,
WM. CLEGG, Parish Treasurer.
Lafayette, La., Nov. 25, 1893.
The following accounts were approved:
-----------------------p. 2-----------------
There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned until the last Monday in January, 1894, at the usual hour.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1893.
School Board Proceedings.
Lafayette, La., Nov. 27, 1893.
The Board of School Directors of the Parish of Lafayette met this day with the following members present: Julian Mouton, president, Jasper Spell, H. Theall, D. Bernard, J. O. Broussard, and J. S. Whittington. Absent: Dr. W. W. Lessly and A. C. Guilbeau.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Mr. P. A. Chiasson was commissioned and duly qualified as member of the School Board.
On motion of Mr. J. S. Whittington duly seconded the resolution of Mr. H. Theall's offering the school lands for rent was amended so as to read as follows:
That the school lands Sec. 16., T. 9, S. R. 3 E. containing 624.04 acres situated in the 1st ward; Sec. 16 T. 11, S. R. 5 E. containing 556.12 acres situated in the 4th ward and Sec. 16, 10, S. R, 3 E. containing 645.36 acres situated in the second ward be rented at public auction at the Courthouse at Lafayette on Saturday the 16th day of December, 1893, at 11 o'clock a. m. in 40 acre of lots to highest bidder, after publication in the Lafayette Advertiser, Lafayette Gazette and by posters in the several townships during 30 days as required by law, provided that no bids be accepted for less than 50 cents per acre; said lands to be leased for a term of four years from Jan. 1, 1894, payable in yearly installments with eight per cent interest from maturity, lessee to furnish good and solvent security.
On motion duly made, it was resolved that Mr. Theo Hirsch be paid $2 per quarter for keeping School Board room in order, commencing from July 1, 1893, the time he took charge of said room.
The contract with Mr. Jules Guidry for the use of his hall for a school room was accepted.
The following account was approved:
Joseph Hebert, work on school house and making desks and benches ... $16.10
The Board then adjourned to the next regular meeting, Jan. 6, 1894.
H. E. TOLL, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1893.
Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/2/1893.
Mr. Wm. Clegg made a flying trip to New Orleans this week.
Judge Debaillon and little son, Paul, went to New Orleans Saturday, and returned home Tuesday.
Mr. W. B. Bailey, our esteemed clerk of court, made a flying trip to Broussardville Thursday.
Mr. F. C. Bowen, formerly of this place, but presently employed in the New Orleans mint, is in town on a visit.
Mr. Albert Delahoussaye went to New Orleans Tuesday, and it would be safe to say that when he returns he will have something to say about the great French artists Coquelin and Mrs. Jane Hading, and also the Black Crook spectacular play.
The Gazette acknowledges receipt of an invitation to attend the marriage of Mr. Sam Bendel formerly of this town and Miss Rosa Remer, at Lake Charles on the 17th of December.
Mr. Numa Broussard completed a few days ago a cabinet for the use of Mr. Leon Bagary in his barber shop. It is a fine piece of work and well finished as can be done anywhere. Lafayette Gazette 12/2/1893.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of November 2nd, 1893:
Day before yesterday was thanksgiving day and we have no doubt it was properly celebrated throughout the country. It is worthy of note that this day is becoming more generally recognized in the South of recent years. In modern recognized authority we read : "Thanksgiving day, a day set apart for a public celebration of divine goodness; specially in the United States, an annual festival appointed by proclamation, and held usually on the last Thursday of November. It is celebrated with religion services and social festivities. The first celebration was held by the Plymouth Colony in 1621, and the usage soon became general in New England. After the revolution the custom gradually extended to the middle States, and later to the west, middle States, and later to the west, and more slowly to the South."
The custom is well founded in common sense and reason and is associated with no particular church. It is but neat and proper that the people of this great country should set apart one day for the acknowledgment of the goodness and power of the Almighty Creator.
In this immediate part of the country we have much to be thankful for. Disasters of one kind and another have fallen upon the people in different sections of the country and even in our own state there has been great loss of lice and property. We know nothing of submerging floods or devastating winds, or the blighting drought. Our crops are good, no people enjoy better health than we do. Truly we have much to be thankful for. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1893.
Omitted to Mention.
We omitted to to mention last week the loss suffered by the Sells' Bros. show whilst here, of a pelican and and a fine trained horse. The horse accidentally fell into the large well on the Canning factory premises, and although rescued before drowning, the animal sustained injuries from the effects of which he afterward died. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1893.
Not Dead After All.
A colored man arrived here on No. 17, from Jennings and immediately went to the telegraph office and wired his relatives to come after his body, he was dead. He said he had heart trouble and would die in ten minutes, but fortunately Dr. M. S. Alexander, the Postal clerk was on hand and administered to his wants, and he immediately relived him. The negro then went back to the telegraph office and advised his relatives not come, he was not dead and would return home on the next train, and he accordingly boarded train No. 20 for Jennings at 4 p. m. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1893.
Will Take Place To-night.
The theatrical representation which was to have been given last Saturday evening at Falk's Opera House did not come off, owing to unfortunate illness of one of the little girls who participates in the play. We have been requested to inform the public that the entertainment will take place this evening at Opera House without fail. The ADVERTISER bespeaks that courtesy and attention to our visitors which is justly and properly due them. It may be that owing to the unexpected circumstances owing to the unexpected postponement of the play last Saturday, some were in inconvenienced, but we are quite sure this little mishap will not interfere with anyone attending this evening. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1893.
Accidental Shooting.
On Saturday night last at Broussardville, Joseph Jackson, colored, was shot by his brother and mortality wounded. It appears that Joseph is a lover of practical jokes and thinking he would indulge his weakness in this regard, went to his brother's house sometime in the night and personated one who was about to make a forcible entry. He knocked and threatened if the door was not opened immediately to break it open. Achille, the brother, not recognizing his voice reasonably concluded he had to deal with a robber or other person intending harm, fired through the door and the hall struck Joseph in the side. He was immediately attended by Dr. Latiolais who pronounced the wound mortal. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1893.
Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/2/1893.
Thanksgiving day was a foggy day in Laafayette, but that did not prevent Mr. Gobbler from suffering the customary penalty for bearing such an epicurean distinction.
The heaviest rain of the season fell here last Sunday evening.
Miss Adelaide Lovenskjold, of Corpus Christi, Tex., is visiting Miss Louise Givens.
Messrs. Wm. Campbell and Crow Girard went to Crescent City on Thursday and returned the next day.
Judge and Mrs. Felix Voorhies of St. Martinsville, spent Thanksgiving day here with their son Edward G. Voorhies, Esq.
Dr. N. D. Young was in town last Monday and on his return home was accompanied by his niece, Miss Effie Young.
Mr. Albert Delahoussaye has been appointed member of the City Council of Lafayette, to replace Mr. Fred Mouton resigned.
Very Rev. Moreau, Canon of the Cathedral of Montreal, is visiting Father Forge and will remain sometime. We trust that his stay in our midst may be a pleasant.
Some good street grading was done on our streets during the past week; by boarders of the corporation prison under the supervision of Marshall Vigneaux and deputies.
The nine year old son of Mr. J. S. Whittington, Jr., had the misfortune of fracturing one of his legs above the knee joint, on Thanksgiving day. He was thrown from a horse.
Mr. Louis Sonnier, a citizen of Scott, committed suicide last Wednesday, by hanging himself. He concluded all the details of a hog killing at which he was engaged, before taking his own life.
One of these bright, glorious mornings old Lafayette will WAKE UP and make things hum so its own citizens will will rub their eyes in wonderment. Lafayette is not dead - it is only ASLEEP. Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1893.
[From the N. O. States.]
The Boston Transcript recently published the following letter on the race question from one of its readers:
"Objectionable as is the obtrusive negro, to intelligent white men, there seems to be but one way of even partly suppressing him (unless we take the backward approach of placing greater restrictions upon the race), and that is by making a rigid distinction between the vicious negro and the upright negro; the refined negro and the well-bred negro - by making it apparent to negroes in general that any recognition of their race, whether social or otherwise, is a recognition solely of individual worth, and a rebuke to those which qualities which can only find expression in vulgar display."
It appears that the people of Boston are beginning to understand something about the negro character and to realize that there is a very great difference between the respectable and law-abiding negro and the insolent and obstreperous negro. The South has understood and recognized this difference, hence negroes of the former class enjoy the esteem of their white neighbors and are fully protected in all their rights under the law. In its comments on the letter published by the Boston Transcript our esteemed contemporary, the Washington Post, makes it clear that it is the negroes themselves who are constantly raising the race question. It calls attention to the fact that if a Caucasian writes a poem of real merit the people do not point to the work as evidence of the greatness and glory of their race, nor do the whites when a Caucasian commits a fiendish crime and is put to death by a ferocious mob, rush together in churches and hall and make the heavens ring with wild complaint that the race is being persecuted. This is quite true, and it is constantly asserting that there is a prejudice against him without realizing that he more than any one else is responsible for that prejudice. In this connection the Washington Post says:
A few nights ago in Washington, a negro robbed an eating house cashier at the muzzle of his revolver. He was pursued, and in his efforts to escape with the plunder he shot two policemen and threatened the lives of others. At last they captured and subdued him necessarily with some attendant severity. What followed? Every negro in the crowd that gathered instinctively took the part of the criminal. Everyone hanged himself against the law and clamored for rescue and reprisal.
"It is all very well to prate about race hatred and race prejudice, and the rest of the mischievous and foolish nonsense, but who is at the bottom of it if not the negro himself?
Our Boston writer declares that the obtrusive, ill-mannered, and objectionable negro is offensive to the intelligent negro. If that be true, why does not the intelligent negro assert himself; why does he forever take the part of the rowdy and the criminal, and denounce as cruelty the punishment inflicted on them? The whites do not identify themselves with crime and criminals. The negroes do. There is your race issue. Mr. Boston man - what are you going to do about it?"
The Post has stated a truth very clearly.
Whenever a negro brute commits some peculiarly atrocious crime and is put to death by frenzied mob there are no expressions of sympathy for the victim of the criminal heard from the leaders of the negro race, but on the contrary they immediately manifest their sympathy for the criminal by holding indignation meetings and denouncing as barbarous and outrageous the punishment he was made to suffer for his crime.
Long-winded and frothy resolutions are adopted declaring that the negroes are being cruelly persecuted by the whites and calling on Congress and the President to come to the rescue and throw a protecting arm around the black man. The Washington Post in saying that the negro himself is at the bottom of the race hatred and race prejudice in this country. We are glad to note, however, that this fact is beginning to dawn upon some of the more intelligent negro bishops and ministers and that they are urging their people to give no shelter or aid to criminals, but to assist in the apprehension and punishment of all guilty wretches who bring discredit upon their race.
"The so-called leaders of the blacks vociferate from stump and rostrum, and load the columns of the newspapers with their eternal agitation.
An illiterate and worthless negro is disfranchised in some Southern States, and lo! the race is outraged and insulted. An ill behaved black rowdy is refused admission to a theatre or restaurant, or railway coach, and at once the dignity and honor of the race have been assaulted. From the New Orleans States and in the Lafayette Advertiser 12/2/1903.
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