Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of September 25th, 1897:

Microbes Carried In Pullman Sleepers and Box Cars?

                       Not to Lafayette ! ! !

 To the great satisfaction of a large majority of the people of this town, the City Council held a meeting Wednesday and adopted a resolution prohibiting the stopping of trains in the corporate limits of Lafayette. Dr. A. R. Trahan, health officer of the parish, adopted the same measures and for a time at least not train will be allowed to stop at any point in the town or parish of Lafayette.

 In the opinion of many of our citizens this action should have been taken by the authorities some days ago, but the gentlemen in whose hands have been entrusted the lives of this community, were evidently of a different opinion.

 The news that Texas had quarantined against Louisiana brought matters to a crises. The action of the health authorities of the Lone Stat State made it impossible for Southern Pacific to run its trains west of here, which necessarily made this the terminal point of the road. This was not at all in accordance with the agreement entered into with Mr. Owens the day before, and it was feared that the new arrangment would be accopanied by an element of danger to this community.

 The Board of Health was called together and the question as to whether or not railway communication would be discontinued, was taken up. A large number of citizens were present and awaited the result of the meeting with great anxiety. Some feared that the board would again postpone the settlement of the question.

 In the absence of Dr. Mudd, Dr. Girard was elected temporary president. The board lost no time and took up the question for the consideration of which they had been called together. Dr. Martin presented a resolution recommending to the Council the adoption of an ordinance declaring that no train should be stopped in the corporate limits of the town. Dr. Martin's resolution was seconded by Dr. Trahan, put to vote and unanimously carried. The board then adjourned, subject to call.

 After the adjournment of the board, Mayor Caffery called the City Council together. The recommendation of the board was submitted, and upon motion, promptly adopted. The enforcement of the ordinance means that not train will be allowed to stop in the corporation. An exception was made at the request of a railroad employee, permitting the pay-car to stop. It was agreed that the ordinance would not interfere with the stopping of the trains already on their way here.
Lafayette Gazette 9/25/1897.


 Every time the authorities of this town or parish adopt any ordinance which incurs the displeasure of the Southern Pacific Company, some wiseacre cooly informs the community  that the railroad people will take the round-house away from here as a retaliatory measure. The recent quarantine regulations of this town and parish have necessarily caused no little trouble to the railroad company, and people who know all, or think they do, are circulating the worm-eaten chestnut about the round-house.

 The Gazette appreciates the fact that the railroad company has been of incalculable good to this town. That is undeniably true. The Gazette is, however, pleased to state that the people of this town are disposed to also recognize this fact and to accord to the company all that it is entitled to. But those who believe this community can be bluffed by such a ridiculous threat have evidently formed a very low estimate of the character of our people.

 The people, through their representatives, have taken the necessary precautions to protect themselves against yellow fever. It was not only their right, but it was their duty to do so. The question was not to show the their gratitude to the railroad corporation. The question was to do what they deemed necessary to avoid the epidemic of a dread disease, and because they acted as intelligent and sensible communities the world over would have acted, they are told that the railroad company will take away its round-house and in this way deal a death blow to the town.

 All this talk is the veriest nonsense. The Southern Pacific Company is neither a philanthropic nor a sentimental concern. So long as it sub-serves its interests, the round-house will remain here. When it will better suit its business to have it somewhere else the removal will take place, regardless of our wishes in the matter.

 In the meantime let us continue to deal fairly by the company and let our esteemed friends allow the round-house spook to enjoy a much needed rest.

Lafayette Gazette 9/25/1897.

A Tough Job. - This is the "toughest" job we have ever undertaken. The town is securely bottled up. No one coming in. No one going away. No mail from the east and none from the west. Everything dead as Hector's ghost. Publishing a paper under such circumstances is exceedingly exasperating. Lafayette Gazette 9/25/1897.

 Wanted to Admit Herrings. - Col. C. C. Brown, of Carencro, is one of the persons who is always ready to accord merit where it is deserved. In making up the list of goods to be admitted into this parish unhindered by quarantine regulations he expressed the opinion that herrings should be allowed to come in. The colonel stated that any audacious microbe who would venture to travel one hundred and forty-four miles closed up in a box of herrings ought to be admitted if only to recognize its merit. It should not only be permitted to enter, but the proper steps should be taken by the authorities to have it fittingly decorated. Lafayette Gazette 9/25/1897.

We Won't Starve. -  The people of Lafayette can't starve as long as Moss Brothers & Co's. supply of fresh family groceries holds out. This store that is always kept well stocked up with a dozen or more different lines of merchandise, finds itself fully prepared to serve the community to great advantage in the present emergency we have been called on to meet. The people will learn to appreciate more than ever the advantage of among them the splendid business establishments as that of Moss Bros. & Co's.
Lafayette Gazette 9/25/1897.

Mail Service. - The Gazette is informed that the probabilities are that within the next two or three days arrangements will be made by the post-office authorities to have daily mail service.
Laf. Gazette 9/25/1897.

Back Home.

 Alfred Hebert arrived in Lafayette Thursday night from Grand Chenier. Mr. Hebert had several narrow escapes and he is be congratulated for having successfully scaled the quarantine walls of Crowley, Rayne, Duson and Scott without sustaining any injury or getting locked up in some melancholy pest-house. Mr. Hebert says he was stopped seventeen times between Mermentau and Lafayette and had to use a great deal of diplomacy to get through the lines. At Crowley he was advised to leave town as the presence there of a stranger from any point would very much likely cause much excitement. Even to enter Lafayette he was required to produce the regulation certificate and to give a satisfactory account of himself.

 Mr. Hebert's wife and children are at Grand Chenier and will remain there some time.   Lafayette Gazette 9/25/1897.

The Fever. - The latest reports from the infected places are not of the most cheerful kind, but the disease has not spread very fast. The last bulletin received at Lafayette a few minutes after 12 o'clock yesterday, is as follows:

 Past 24 hours - New Orleans, 9 new cases, four deaths; Mobile, 2 new cases, 1 death; Biloxi, 3 new cases, no deaths; Ocean Springs, 2 new cases, no deaths; Atlanta, 1 new case brought from Mobile by refugee.
Lafayette Gazette 9/25/1897.

Must Do Your Part.

 Every citizen of this town should volunteer his services for quarantine duty. There is quite a number of able-bodied men in this town who have yet failed to respond to the call. It is unfair to compel a certain class of citizens to do all the work when the quarantine is for the protection of all.

 Under the regulations recently adopted by the City Council, any known resident of an adjoining parish will be admitted into town after establishing his identity to the satisfaction of the authorities. The old rule which kept out any from an adjoining parish was unnecessarily severe.

 The quarantine regulations of New Iberia not being as strict as those of this town and parish the railroad company is running a mixed train as far as that place.

 The Daily American alleges that a certain hotel keeper in Lake Charles keeps health certificates signed in blank by the health officer and fills them out for his guests. The laxity of quarantine in Calcasieu parish has caused Alexandria to quarantine against Lake Charles and parish.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/25/1897.

Attempted Suicide.
A special from Opelousas to the N. O. Picayune of Sept. 18 says:

 "This evening the community was startled by the news that Lucius G. Dupre, an esteemed young man of this town and a bright young lawyer, had attempted to take his life. At 4 o'clock he went to the office of Dr. James O. Ray, and while the doctor was away shot at himself four times, only one bullet taking effect in his leg, the three others going wild. Medical assistance was at once summoned and the unfortunate young man removed to the residence of his brother, Laurent Dupre, Esq. He is not badly hurt and will recover. He had been drinking, and it is supposed that while in a state of intoxication he planned to take his life. He is a brother of Gilbert L. Dupre, the present judge of this district."
 Lafayette Gazette 9/25/1897.

Colonel Moody's Idea. - Col. Joel Moody, of the Abbeville Idea, wants the negro to vote because this is a free country and the negro has the constitutional right to vote and should not be disturbed in the exercise of this right by any Democratic bulldozer. But Moody has an idea which is peculiarly his own. He is in favor of the negro voting, simply because it is his right and should not be denied him. But wise is Moody. The negro's right must consist only in voting and not in holding office. That part of the business will be attended to by white Republicans. Col. Moody's plan may not stand the constitutional test, but no intelligent and patriotic Republican will fail to recognize its merit, especially at this time when the niggers seem to have the ear of Markinley.
Lafayette Gazette 9/25/1897.

Posed as Friend. - The Republican party has always posed as the friend of the colored man, and as a general rule the colored brother has proven a faithful adherent to its destinies. The colored voters in the border States hold the balance of power and for that reason the Republican leaders are anxious to conciliate the colored brother as much as possible. They have patted him on the back and encouraged him in the South by giving him office that they might retain his vote in the border States. They care not a fig for the party in such States as Louisiana, Mississippi, and others which they know to be safely Democratic, and in the distribution of offices in these States they have an eye to the effect their appointments may have upon the African votes in some close Northern and Western States where the negroes hold the balance of power. It is upon this theory that negroes are appointed to office in the Southern States; that Georgia has a negro marshal and Louisiana a negro naval officer. Other Southern States must except some similar appointment, that the brothers in black may be conciliated. 

From the Thibodaux Sentinel and in the Lafayette Gazette 9/25/1897.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 9/25/1897.

 The only mail received here this week was from Breaux Bridge. 

Major C. C. Mabry was in town yesterday. He reports good crops and no yellow fever on the Long Plantation.

 The suspension of railway traffic will entail a great loss on the egg industry of this parish. We understand that eggs are selling at cents a dozen at Carencro.

 The cotton buyers have been instructed to stop buying cotton until traffic is resumed. 

Chief of Yard Inspectors Onell Baron has performed his duties with credit to himself and satisfaction to the town authorities. Mr. Baron says the town is now in a thoroughly clean condition.

 The boys of the quarantine force have given names to the various roads leading into town. Among them are Despair Alley, Tin Can Alley, Shirt-tail Avenue, Hogan's Alley, Buma' Retreat, Cocktail Avenue, Cat-fish Alley and Klondike Road. Lafayette Gazette 9/25/1897.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of September 25th, 1869:

Pay Your Taxes. - The inhabitants of the Parish of Lafayette, who have not yet paid their Internal Revenue Taxes and Licenses should bear in mind that Mayor L. C. ALLISON is now in town for the purpose of collecting the same. He will remain in our midst, about fifteen days, delinquents should call upon him immediately, if they wish to avoid cost and trouble. His office is adjoining the Grocery Store of Mr. L. E. Salles.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/25/1869.

Jail Crowded. - The Parish Jail is still crowded with the  same colored parties accused of Arson, Burglary, Larceny and accessory before and after the fact, and being present aiding and abetting, etc.
Laf. Advertiser 9/25/1869.


The New York Express, in commenting on the surrender of Sedan, alludes to Gen. R. E. Lee in the following complimentary manner:

 "We can only infer what might be done from what really was done during our rebellion. The Confederate General Lee, with a half naked, half starved army, or remains of an army, of some forty of fifty thousand men, for all we known held Gen. Grant at bay for some six months with 200,000 men, more or less, and only surrendered when the commissariat had distributed the last crust and the last ounce of powder. If that French army at Sedan had had leaders with some of Lee's brains and pluck, Frenchmen would not have had to blush to-day for so inglorious a surrender." 

 From the New York Express and in the Lafayette Advertiser 9/24/1870.  

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