Monday, January 12, 2015


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 19th, 1904:

 The grand Fair to be held at Scott for the benefit of the Catholic church October 22 and 23 promises to be one of the largest affairs of the kind ever held in the parish. Over 5,000 people are expected to attend each day and great preparations are being made for their entertainment. Two hundred and fifty people are on the different committees and they are all making strenuous efforts to render the Fair a big success. Various kinds of amusements will be provided, among them a guessing contest. Five cents will be charged for a guess at the amount to be realized by the Fair. the winner to receive a handsome prize. Everybody who attends will have a fine time, that is assured, and will remember the Scott Fair as one of the pleasantest events in their lives.

Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.

First Entertainment of the Lyceum Course, October 20, 1904.


 On to-morrow night the initial attraction of the Institute Lyceum Course will be held in the Auditorium of the Institute. Fully two hundred citizens have subscribed to a guarantee fund of $337.00, for which the Rice Bureau, of Nashville, Tenn., has contracted to furnish for the season of 1904-05 five good, clean attractions, beginning with the Concert Company to-morrow night, composed of a baritone singer, lady reader and pianist, and a violinist. A large crowd is expected out.  Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.


 Dr. and Mrs. Stephens entertained a number of friends at a delightful progressive euchre Friday night, given complimentary to Miss Randolph, of New Orleans, sister of Mrs. Stephens.   Dr. and Mrs. Stephens and Miss Randolph were assisted I receiving by Miss Morris of New Iberia. Eleven games were played. Mrs. J. A. Martin captured the ladies' first prize, a beautiful jewel case; Mrs. L. W. Mayer, the second, a lovely brooch; and Mrs. Ashby Woodson received the consolation prize, two unique hat pins. Mr. T. M. Biossat was the lucky winner of the gentlemen's first prize, a fountain pen; Prof. F. Sontag, the second, a cigar stand with cigars; and Mr. Leo Judice carried off the consolation, a red bandanna handkerchief.

 Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Judice, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Biossat, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. LeRosen, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Pellerin, Mr. and Mrs. Ashby Woodson, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Martin, Misses Holmes, Julia Tolson, Christian, McLaurin, Gladu, Frith, Dupre, Leftwich, Morris, Riis; Drs. Girard, Beeler, John Tolson, Trahan.  Messrs. Middlemas, Charles Debaillon, Sontag, Henry Young, Dunn, Jerome Mouton, Gayle, O'Donoho, Whittington, Fred Voorhies, Potier Voorhies, Pink Torian, Marshall, Dr. and Mrs. Stephens and Miss Randolph.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.


School Houses and the Bond Issue.
[To the Lafayette Advertiser.]

 In the opinion of the writer, Louisiana's greatest educational need at the present time is comfortable, commodious and well-equipped school houses. If one doubts this statement, let him travel through the different parishes and visit the schools. He will find, with only few exceptions, all of the buildings in which the children are now being taught to be unpretentious, and at the very best but second class barns. Most of them are too small, and the great majority do not even afford protection against the inclemences of the weather. The desks are awkward in construction. The walls and ceilings are bare of all decorations; more than that, are sometimes black and dingy. The apparatus consist of wooden black boards, chunks of chalk, and sometimes one or two soiled maps. The grounds are denuded of all natural attractions, save tall weeds and grass.

 Now, it is plain, that with such environments the children cannot imbibe a taste for the holy and beautiful, as it is doubtless within the domain of truth to say that, as a child's environments are, so will be his aspirations. Surely it is high time that the little shanties heretofore used as school houses in this fair State be replaced by large, well painted buildings constructed according to modern architectural designed, located on attractive and well fenced grounds; buildings that would be furnished with patent iron desks and supplied with a full paraphernalia of school apparatus, such as maps, globes, charts, musical frames, library cases and books, mineral collections, pictures and pieces of statuary.

 Imbued with a sense of this necessity, our wise legislators, at the last session of the General Assembly, resolved to submit to the electorate of Louisiana an amendment to Article 46 of the Constitution so as to empower the State to issue one million dollars worth of bonds, said money to be used exclusively for the purpose or erection of school houses and buildings and their equipment.

 The election will be held on the eighth of next November, and it will then be up to the people to decide whether their children should continue to be educated in the antebellum huts or should have decent modern school houses. May Heaven direct the decision in favor of the children.
    (Signed)   CREOLE.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.


Proclamation of Election.

 Proclamation of election and appointment of Commissioners. - On this, the 6th day of October, A. D. 1904, the Board of Supervisors of this Parish met in the assessor's office for the purpose of selecting and appointing commissioners of election for the presidential, congressional and judicial election to be held on November 8, 1904.

 The following members being present: Alfred A. Delhomme, president of said Board and M. Melancon, assessor and registrar.  Absent: Arthur Comeaux.

 The Board then proceeded to appoint the following commissioners and clerks to wit:

 1st Ward - Scott, at J. B. Perez's Jean A. Begnaud and Jos. B. Dugas. Democrats; Louis Dubernard. Republicans; Chas. A. Boudreaux, Clerk.

2nd Ward - Holmes' Store, Clarence Avant and Eli Spell. Democrats: John Nugent, Jr.  Republicans: M. F. Broussard, Clerk.

 3rd Ward - Court House, Jos. Ducote and Galbert Comeaux. Democrats, J. A. Delhomme. Republicans, Felix Mouton, Clerk.

 3rd Ward - Mouton Switch, Horace Martin and Gaston Mouton. Democrats, Gabriel Martin. Republicans. Claude Martin, Clerk.

 4th Ward - Youngsville, J. E. Pellerin and Ferdinand Trahan, Jr. Democrats, Eugene Landry. Republicans, Edw. Parent, Clerk.

 5th Ward - Broussardville, Aurelien Olivier, and Andre Billeaud. Democrats, Napoleon Breaux. Acting for the Republican party, Raoul Malagarie, Clerk.

Charged with Forgery.  - A white man giving his name as Dan McNamara was arrested Saturday by Deputy Sheriff Alphonse Peck and placed in jail on the charge of forgery. It is said McNamara represented himself as a veteran and called on several veterans to assist him in getting to his home in Waco. Later he went to Sharashewsky's store and succeeded in inducing him to let him have $6.00 on a $16.00 check, on the First National Bank signed Dan Henderson. Mr. Sharashewsky was to keep the check and when cashed the following day, pay over the balance; but the check proved worthless, and when the officers went to look for McNamara he was not to be found. He was soon located, however, in New Iberia and Deputy Sheriff Peck went after him and brought him back.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.

"Uncle Josh Perkins."  - "Uncle Josh Perkins" is the title of a play that has scored a success this season unprecedented in recent years. It is to be given here in all its entirety by the original company which first carried it on to prosperity and popularity. It will be produced October 20th at Falk's Opera House and it is certain to be a packed house. Uncle Josh Perkins is a comedy drama; there is a touch of tragic nature in it that excites to an intense pitch the emotions of the spectators but all ends happily. The play is also livened up by the excellent comedy and then the spectators are not in tears over the misfortune of the beautiful young heroine and the shadows that appear to threaten her future, they are laughing and applauding uproariously at the funny antics of the comedians. Some new and exceedingly clever songs and specialties are also introduced at appropriate stages of the play, a vast amount of new and magnificent scenery is used for the impressive stage pictures presented in each of the four acts of the piece.   Lafayette Advertiser of 10/19/1904.  

The Floto Show. - The Floto Show gave an exhibition in Lafayette Thursday and fully measured up to the standard of a first class show. The menagerie was a fairly good one and all of the ring performances were high class. The work of the Japanese acrobats was particularly good. The only poor feature of the show was the bum clowns, who don't even serve as an excuse for clowns. However, the show is worth seeing and everyone who attends gets the full value of his money. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.

Painfully Hurt. - Mr. Gus Schmulen happened to a very painful accident Thursday. While on a step ladder, he lost his balance reaching for an article on the top of one of the shelves in the store, and fell, hurting his side. No bones were broken, but he was confined to his bed several days. We are glad to state that he is again able to be up.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.

 Negro Killed on Excursion. - A Negro by the name of Murdock Williams, of Huntsville, was killed Sunday on the excursion from Alexandria. The negro murderer jumped from the train and got away.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.

A Popular Place. - The Rice Kitchen at the Worlds Fair seems to be a very popular place. A member of The Advertiser staff visited it a number of times during his stay at the Fair, and always found it crowded, and was told that on Ohio day they fed over 1,700 people. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.

Woman's Club.

 The Woman's Club held the first meeting of the season with Mrs. T. M. Biossat on last Saturday afternoon. This reunion evidenced renewed activity and enthusiasm and the winter's work was entered upon with interest. The Club scholarship at the Industrial Institute was won by an intelligent, deserving orphan boy in whom the Club members are much interested. Committees were formed, which will shortly report upon an entertainment to be given by this organization, the proceeds of which will be used to make the scholarship a permanent one. The lesson at this meeting was on Civil Government and was led by Miss Riis, after which Miss Lea Gladu and Miss Randolph, gave beautiful instrumental selections from Mac Dowell, whose life was the subject of a paper. Autumn foliage and fruits were profusely used in the decorations and the souvenir cards were hand painted autumn leaves, each containing a seasonable quotation. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.

Invited by National Democratic Campaign Committee to Make Addresses in French in Eastern States.

 Judge Julian Mouton, nominee for judge of the circuit court, has been invited by the National Democratic Campaign Committee to deliver addresses in French in the Eastern and Middle States. He left Friday for Indianapolis, where he will meet Secretary Wm. O'Brien, who will assign his field of work. Judge Mouton is a fluent speaker and will do valuable work for the Democratic cause. His selection by the National Committee is quite a compliment.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.

 A Popular Place.

 The Rice Kitchen at the World's Fair seems to be a very popular place. A member of The Advertiser staff visited it a number of times during his stay at the Fair, and always found it crowded, and was told that on Ohio day they fed over 1,700 people. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.


 Over the Mobile and Ohio.

 A member of The Advertiser staff traveled over the Mobile and Ohio Railroad from New Orleans to St. Louis, on a visit to the Fair, returning last week, and was much impressed with the splendid equipment of the road. Every convenience is afforded passengers, the road bed is fine, the cars strictly first-class, and the time between St. Louis and New Orleans only 23 hours. The road passes through a fine section of Mississippi and Tennessee and in Illinois crosses the Murphysboro Mountains, affording some beautiful scenery. Its a good road to travel on. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.

Purchased Huron Plantation.

 The Huron plantation, situated in St. Martin parish and one of the largest in this immediate section, was recently purchased by M. Billeaud, Jr., of Broussard, for $51,500. The place was owned by a Shreveport company and has been allowed to lie fallow for several years. It is a very fertile tract and will be thoroughly cultivated by Mr. Billeaud, who is a practical and progressive farmer. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.


 Eighty Years Young.

 Mr. and Mrs. Onezime Hebert of this parish illustrate the saying eighty years young; for notwithstanding Mr. Hebert was born in 1815 and his wife in 1814, they are both hearty and strong and exceedingly well preserved for their age. They have passed 70 years of married life together, and are the parents of eight children. They are now both enjoying excellent health and Mrs. Hebert enjoys chewing cane, which she does like a young girl. They were both born and raised near Youngsville, and their many friends hope to see them celebrate their hundredth wedding anniversary.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.

For All-Saints Day.

 J. Vigneaux has just received a fresh assortment of grave ornaments for All-Saints Day; Beads and Metal Works Crowns. Cross, and Wreaths. Call at the Undertakers Establishment, examine the goods, at North Main street opposite the court-house.

 Miss Cecilia Guidry returned Saturday from St. Louis where she went as delegate to the meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy. She was accompanied from New Orleans by Joe Molaison, who spent Sunday in Lafayette.

 Eben Morgan, who has a fie position in Bunkie, La., spent several days with the home folks during the week. He returned Monday.

 Claude Smith, who is stationed at Echo, was in town Tuesday greeting his many friends.

 Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Parkerson left Saturday for a visit to the World's Fair.

 Frank T. Mouton left yesterday to attend the New Orleans College of Pharmacy.

 Mrs. J. Doucet and Miss Philomene Doucet spent Sunday in Breaux Bridge.

 Miss Tunnage, who has been teaching the Begnaud school near Scott, spent Wednesday and Thursday as the guest of Mrs. Alphonse Peck and then left Friday for her home in Bayou Sarah.

 Hector Prejean and Paul Cousson spent Sunday in Carencro.

 Dr. L. A. Prejean, of Scott, was a visitor to Lafayette Friday.

 Miss Zuluma Prejean, of the Grand Coteau Convent, was in Lafayette Friday.

 Mrs. A. H. Cooper and little son, of Dallas, Texas, arrived in Lafayette yesterday to join Mr. Cooper, who is here waiting to begin work on the Boy's Dormitory.

 Miss Irma Voorhies, after a stay of several weeks in Lafayette, left last night for her home in Houston.

 Mrs. John Manville, of Beaumont, arrived in Lafayette Saturday afternoon to visit her parents, Mr. an Mrs. J. A. Robichaud. Lafayette Advertiser 10/18/1902. 

 Death of Mrs. Ard.

 We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs. J. B. Ard, which sad event occurred Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ard was a lady of many charming qualities, and was a devoted wife and mother She leaves a husband and four small children to mourn her loss. The remains were taken to Belleview yesterday for interment. The Advertiser joins with their many friends in sincere sympathy with the bereaved husband and children. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.

 School Houses and the Bond Issue.

 [To the Lafayette Advertiser.]

 In the opinion of the writer, Louisiana's greatest educational need at the present time is comfortable, commodious and well-equipped school houses. If one doubts this statement, let him travel through the different parishes and visit the schools. H will find, with only a few exceptions, all of the buildings in which the children are now being taught to be unpretentious, and at the very best but second class barns. Most of them are too small, and the great majority do not even afford protection against the inclemencies of the weather. The desks are awkward in construction. The walls and ceilings are bare of all decorations; more than that, are sometimes black and dingy. The apparatus consist of wooden black boards, chunks of chalk, and sometimes one or two soiled maps.

 The grounds are denuded of all natural attractions, save tall weeds and grass.

 Now, it is plain, that with such environments the children cannot imbibe a taste for the holy and beautiful, as it is doubtless within the domain of truth to say that, as a child's environments are, so will be his aspirations. Surely it is high time that the little shanties heretofore used as school houses in this fair State be replaced by large, well painted buildings constructed according to modern architectural design, located on attractive and well fenced grounds; buildings that would be furnished with patent iron desks and supplied with a full paraphernalia of school apparatus, such as maps, globes, charts, musical frames, library cases and books, mineral collections, pictures and pieces of statuary.

 Imbued with a sense of this necessity, our wise legislators, at the last session of the General Assembly, resolved to submit to the electorate of Louisiana an amendment to Article 46 of the Constitution so as to empower the State to issue one million dollars of bonds, said money to be used exclusively for the purpose of acquiring school sites, and the purchase or erection of school houses and buildings and their equipment.

 The election will be held on the eighth of next November, and it will then be up to the people to decide whether their children should continue to be educated in the antebellum huts or should have decent modern school houses. May Heave direct the decision in favor of the children.
     (Signed) CREOLE.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.



 Police Jury Notes.

 The Police Jury met Thursday, Oct. 6, with Messrs. Begneaud, Spell, Boudreaux, Mouton, Theall, Connolly, Landry and Breaux present. President Billeaud was absent.

 In the absence of the President, Mr. L. G. Breaux acted as president pro tem.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 Moved and seconded that the Parish Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to borrow sufficient money to cover the current expenses of the parish up to Dec. 1, 1904. Motion carried.

 The special committee appointed to investigate the dam placed by F. Thibodeaux along the public road in 1st ward reported through Mr. Begneaud that the dam in question had been removed by the said overseer for said ward.

 The special committee composed of Messrs. Mountain and Spell, appointed to investigate the books of the sheriff and parish treasurer reported that the same were correctly kept.

 The said committee was thanked and discharged by the Jury.

 On motion duly seconded Messrs. R. W. Elliot and Fred Webb were appointed a special committee to investigate and report on a dam alleged to have been placed by Mr. Louis Cunningham along the public road near his place. Motion carried and it was so ordered.

 Moved and seconded that Hon. V. Mouton and L. G. Breaux together with the road overseer for 8th ward be appointed as a special committee to investigate a dam alleged to have been placed by Octave Bertrand along the public road near his place. Motion carried and it was so ordered.

 Moved and seconded that Messrs. C. Spell and P. R. Landry be appointed a special committee to investigate the drainage of the public road near John Landry's place in 4th ward. Motion carried and it was so ordered.

 Moved and seconded that upon the adjournment of the Police Jury that the President be requested to call a special session to consider the road and license question.

 On motion duly carried, a recess was taken until 2 p. m.

 The Jury re-assembled at 2 p. m. and proceed to business.

 The bill of Sheriff Badon of St. Martin was laid over until next regular meeting.

 Mr. Theall announced the appointment of Eupheomon Broussard as overseer of 4th ward vice Robert Hebert, resigned.

 Moved and seconded that J. E. Primeaux be appointed member of the returning Board of the parish, vice Arthur Comeaux member of the School Board.

 Moved and seconded that Placide Breaux be authorized to continue the cement walk around the jail. Motion carried.

 After approving accounts an receiving the treasurers report, which showed a balance of $37.89 in the parish finds and a balance of $2,016.25 in special road fund, the jury adjourned subject to call by the president.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 10/19/1904.

 The Lafayette refinery will begin grinding October 26, and will be ready to receive cane that day.

 We have just opened up with a complete line of clothing, shoes, hats and gent's furnishings. Give us a call. - L. Levy & Son.

 Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Parkerson left Saturday for a visit to the World's Fair.

 Mrs. A. H. Cooper and little son, of Dallas, Texas, arrived in Lafayette yesterday to join Mr. Cooper, who is here waiting to begin work on the Boys' Dormitory.

 P. Krauss made a business trip to New Orleans Sunday, returning Monday night.

 Rev. F. J. Grimaud, of Carencro, paid The Advertiser office a welcome visit Monday. Father Grimaud stated that the Fair given by the colored people for the benefit of the Church, was a big success and realized about $875.

 Jack Preager, who has been spending some time at Boerne, Texas, for the benefit of his health, returned Friday much benefited by his stay.

 The Lafayette refinery will begin grinding October 26, and will be ready to receive cane that day.

 Gaston Mouton, who is employed in the Calcasieu Iron Works, Lake Charles, arrived Wednesday on a visit to his parents, and will remain several weeks.

 L. Levy left Monday for a short visit to his children in Lake Charles.





  From the Lafayette Gazette of October 19th, 1901:

The Man is Said to be of Unsound Mind.

 A small woman, with a frail body and care-worn features which indicated that life's struggle had been a hard one for her, entered District Attorney Campbell's office Thursday morning.

 She was accompanied by her father, and old white bearded man. The little woman carried in her arms a puny babe and another child of the same age and size was in charge of a young girl of about 8 years of age. The little ones were twins and the three were children of the diminutive specimen of womanhood who had traveled many miles to tell the State's attorney as sad a story as was ever told. Mr. Campbell sent for Judge Bienvenu of the third justice's court to hear what the woman had to say. Mrs. Hebert then told the officers that her husband, Clercy Hebert, had ill-treated her, beating her almost into insensibility. She said that her body bore the marks of his brutality and that the injuries she sustained were so serious that she was unable to come to town until to-day to report the case to the authorities. A warrant was issued for the arrest of the unnatural husband who will have to answer to the court for the heartless cruelty charged against him. Some people seem to think that the man is mentally irresponsible for his acts, and it is charitable to presume that such is the case, for it is inconceivable that a man with a sane mind could be cruel enough to beat that poor, defenseless creature.
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1901.

The Breaux Bridge Wells.

 The following from the St. Martinville Messenger will be of interest to a number of our readers who have investments at Breaux Bridge.

 Work has been entirely suspended at Anse la Butte, and will be for a few days. We learn, however, that in the course of a month or so, that drilling will be resumed on the Anse la Butte Company's and by three other drillers making in all, four wells going down at the same time. The officers of the Company are certain they have a clogged gusher, and the under pressure is so great that it keeps the pipe at the bottom clogged with sand and gravel. The other drillers of experience who have studied the conditions at the Butte, did not hesitate to contract to bore wells there, as they are all sure the gushers are there, and they are going to get them. It is hard work and requires lots of tedious labor, but the drillers who will go there in a short time are going to work until the holes will gush. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1901.    

Painting His Hearse. - Mr. Vigneaux has secured the services of H. White, an expert and skillful carriage-painter, and is having the hearse used in his undertaking establishment thoroughly renovated. Mr. White is an expert in his line of work and those who need his services will do well to call on him at Vigneaux's stable. 
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1901.

Young Man Stabbed. - As a result of a difficulty between Caro Raggio, a young white man, and Eddie Gath, colored, the former was seriously stabbed. The difficulty occurred at Gerac's gin late yesterday afternoon. Deputy Sheriff Trahan and Officer Campbell arrested Gath and placed him in jail.
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1901.

New Crossing. - The crossing over the railroad, near Mouton's lumber yard, has been completed. The street leading to the crossing has been drained and graded and it is now one of the principal thoroughfares in that section of the town. 
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1901.

Trial of Misdemeanors and Arraignment of Other Cases.


 Fernest Jean Baptiste, charged with burglary in the night and assault with intent to commit rape, was arraigned. He pleaded not guilty and his case was fixed for Nov. 21.

 Elie Foreman, charged with shooting with intent to murder, was arraigned. He pleaded not guilty and his case was fixed for Nov. 22.

 Several parties indicted for violating the law relative to vital statistics, pleaded guilty and each was fine $5 and costs.

 Alcee and Ambroise Fils and Avery Robertson, charged with lying in wait and shooting with intent to commit murder, were arraigned. They pleaded not guilty and the case was fixed for Nov. 26.

 Abram Seems, indicted for larceny, pleaded not guilty and the case was fixed for Nov. 29.

 Ignace Williams, charged with violating labor contract, pleaded not guilty. The case was fixed for Oct. 16.

 Emetile Jefferson, assault and battery. Pleaded not guilty and the case was fixed for Oct. 16.


 Peter Lavague, charged with larceny, pleaded not guilty and the case was fixed for Nov. 27. The court appointed R. W. Elliot, Esq., to defend Lavague.

 James Buchanan, Rodolphe Simon, Pelton Jones, charged  running horses on public road, pleaded guilty and each was fined $50 and costs.

 Charles Padio, charged with assault and battery, was arraigned. He pleaded guilty and his case was fixed for Oct. 16.

 Cora Lizzie pleaded guilty to the charge of larceny. She was sentenced 60 days in parish jail, subject to provisions of act 29 of 1894.

 John Bruce pleaded guilty to assault and battery. He was sentenced to six months in jail.

 Philibert Crouchet pleaded guilty to violation of Sunday law. He will be sentenced Nov. 13.

 Charles McDaniel, assault and battery. Pleaded guilty and was fined $50 and costs.


 Walter Williams, Jr., who had pleaded guilty of manslaughter, was sentenced to 20 years in the State penitentiary.

 Eloi LeBlanc, pleaded not guilty to the charge of assault with intent to rape. His case was fixed for Nov. 20.

 Ignace Williams pleaded guilty to violation of labor contract. Fined $10 or three months imprisonment.

 Emetilde Jefferson was tried by the judge for assault and battery, found guilty and fined $10 and costs or three months imprisonment.

 Chas. Padio was tried by the judge for assault and battery, found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs or sixty days imprisonment.

 Albert Willis was tried by the judge for carrying concealed weapon, found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $75 or six months imprisonment. Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1901. 

[From the Baton Rouge Advocate.]

 Some time ago the Advocate entered at some length into a description of the commanding advantages of Baton Rouge, and it unhesitatingly asserted without fear of contradiction that they were unsurpassed by any other town or city in the United States. The Advocate showed that Baton Rouge offered at its front and its contiguous bank facilities for a sea and river port of seven miles in length, where wharves and other landing facilities of an absolutely permanent character could be erected. When it is considered that the Mississippi is as deep between Baton Rouge and New Orleans as it is from the mouth of the river to New Orleans, and that a steam vessel can ascend the 130 miles of river intervening between the two points, in 10 or 12 hours, it is in now way extravagant to assert in these days of progress that there is no good reason to contend that Baton Rouge cannot be a seaport as well as New Orleans. Baton Rouge lies on the first elevated plateau on the Mississippi and it offers unquestionable advantages for a bridge across the Mississippi. It enjoys an exceptionally superb and healthful climate, by reason of the fact that, on air line, from the east, it receives the breezes of Lake Pontchartrain and the gulf across not more than 65 miles of country; and from the gulf, on the west, from about the same distance. It has artesian water of unsurpassed quality. It stands on an air line for a railroad that will some day be built between Mobile and Lafayette, from which points great interests will seek connections with the Mississippi for, these interests will not be content very long to stand the unnecessary expense and loss of time that the great curve by way of New Orleans now imposes these interests.

 From Lafayette to New Orleans, by the Southern Pacific route, the distance if 144 miles. From Lafayette to Baton Rouge it is only 52 miles. Hence the oil interests of Beaumont and Jennings would save 95 miles of rail transportation by a road from Lafayette to Baton Rouge that would put their product on the Mississippi at a point 130 miles above New Orleans. Thence it could be distributed up and down the Mississippi and, by a rail connection going eastward from Baton Rouge, to markets reached by the main trunk of the Illinois Central, the Queen and Crescent, the Ship Island and Gulf, the Louisville and Nashville, and finally to Mobile and all the roads and sea routes at that port. A glance at the map will best show the possibilities to which we have reference to be as plain as day that every mile of railroad that will be built from Baton Rouge in an eastward direction, will become a growing inducement for the large interests centering at Mobile on one side and Lafayette on the other, to connect with such a line. So that, if the people of Baton Rouge wish to hasten the consummation we have briefly outlined, they must help to start this line, the completion of which will mean the growth of Baton Rouge to proportions that may well dazzle the imagination of the most sanguine believers in the splendid future of our city. - Baton Rouge Advocate.

 The Gazette has had occasion several times to refer to the advantages of a railroad from Lafayette to Baton Rouge. The Advocate does not exaggerate the great benefits which would accrue to the capital city of the State if such a road were built.

 The people of Lafayette and Baton Rouge and intermediate points should employ the most practical means to make know the splendid opportunity offered to the capitalists by the proposed railway.

 The road suggested by the Advocate would place this town within two hours' reach of the Mississippi river at Baton Rouge and the Illinois Central and Texas Pacific railroads. The benefits to this section of direct railway connection with Baton Rouge are incalculable.

 An air line between Lafayette and Mobile has been thought of before and it is no pipe-dream of Col. Jones. On the contrary, many railroad men have expressed the opinion entertained by Col. Jones that this railroad "will some day be built." Of course, no one can tell exactly when that will be, but the people who are interested in it can do much better to hasten its coming.

 The Gazette hopes that the people of this section will think of the suggestion thrown out by Col. Jones, for they can not give their attention to a project of greater importance to their welfare and the prosperity of the country.

Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1901.


 In this report of the Grand Jury, which was printed in last Saturday's Gazette, the following appears:

 "...Several methods have been suggested for the improvement of the public roads of the parish, and especially by the Grand Jury making its report on March 25, 1899, but in spite of all the suggestions and of general public complaint the same old state of affairs exists, and there has been little if any improvement. ..."

 Conceding to the Grand Jury the purest of motives and an honest purpose, The Gazette believes that its report is unintentionally unjust to the present and preceding Police Juries.

 It is granted that the present system is not faultless and that no one familiar with it will proclaim it the acme of wisdom. Like all things a human it is susceptible of vast improvement, but we believe that it is immeasurably superior to the former system. We are also of the opinion, and we believe that many people will bear us out in this opinion, that the present system, however inefficient might have been in operation, has given the parish the best roads that it has had during the last 25 years.

 Possibly in certain sections of the parish the "same old state of affairs exists," but in most of the wards of the roads are much better than they were under the former system.

 No doubt the Police Jury has much to learn and we are sure it is a willing, if not an apt, scholar. And we are satisfied it will be glad to receive suggestions from the Grand Jury should that body have any to make after it shall have concluded its investigations.

 Far be it from our purpose to belittle the efforts of the Grand Jury toward the improvement of our highways. The Grand Jury is composed of intelligent and practical men and we hope that after thoroughly looking into the road question it will be able to give good and sound advice to the Police Jury.
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1901.


 Remember that 150 premiums, including 20 watches, copper and French plate mirrors, hat racks, pastels, colorgraphs, colored lithographs, sepias, chalk engravings, carbo-platinum prints, mounted photos, pocket pens, dictionaries and other books will be distributed to successful competitors, free of all charge, except that exhibitors shall declare (under affidavit if necessary) that articles exhibited are raised or made at home, the idea being to encourage home industry.

 All agricultural products should be in place not later that the evening of the 26th. The live stock can be brought the day of the fair. No committeeman will compete for an article of which he is to serve as judge, but judges are urged to bring out their produce and live stock for the inspection of the farmers.

 Music will be furnished by the Broussard band and speeches in French and English will be delivered by the following able speakers: Judge Julian Mouton, Robt. Bruce Martin, Prof. Alleman, Prof. Lionel Mayer, John Kennedy, Esq., and others.

 The prizes will be awarded that evening. The entertainment will conclude with a grand ball. Every lady in attendance will be entitled to draw for a handsome watch, after which the gentlemen will be accorded the same opportunity for another watch.

 It has been suggested that in the live stock department a special prize should be offered for Lafayette's favorite and most successful crop - one that rain or drought never effects, viz: the babies. A handsome prize, therefore, will be offered for the handsomest, healthiest and smartest baby, and the following special committee will declare the contest: Simeon Begnaud, Homer Mouton, George Lessley.

 Among the other live stock attractions on exhibition will be the wonderful 3-legged calf of P. A. Chaisson, Esq., who will deliver a humorous address describing the life and history of this unique tripod.
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1901.          

S.P. Officials Have High Mortality Rate.

 General Passenger and Ticket Agent of the Southern Pacific in Texas Expires at Liberty, N. Y.

 Houston, Tex., Oct. 16. - News was received here early to-day of the death of L. J. Parks, general passenger and ticket agent of the Southern Pacific lines in Texas, at Liberty, N. Y., where he had gone for treatment. His wife was with him. Mr. Parks had attained to a good position on the Southern Pacific system in Texas despite the handicap of ill-health, but recently he had become practically an invalid. It is understood the remains are to be interred in New York.

 There seems to be a fatality among the officials of the Southern Pacific system in Texas. Invalids and apparently well men have died at a very rapid rate during the past year, and hardly has the grave closed over one of them until another is reported ill. The death roll includes Collis P. Huntington, the founder of the system, who died not quite a year ago; J. T. Mahl, chief engineer; J. B. Malvey, division superintendent of the Atlantic system; C. W. Bein, general manager freight traffic manager; G. A. Qunilan, vice-president and general manager of the Houston and Texas Central, and now L. J. Parks.

 Mr. Parks was born in Louisiana on the 15th day of July, 1860 and his boyhood was spent on Bayou Teche, near Franklin. He began his career as a railroad man as a telegraph operator for Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railway.

 After three years in a telegraph office he was made clerk and stenographer to the assistant manager of the Atlantic system of the Southern Pacific Railway. In January, 1888, he was made superintendent of telegraph, and in December of the next year he was appointed chief clerk to the general superintendent. In 1893 he was made assistant general passenger and ticket agent of the Southern Pacific Railway. In December of 1899 General Passenger Traffic Manager Morse again promoted him to the office of general passenger and ticket agent of the Atlantic system of the Southern Pacific Railway, which office he acceptably held to the day of his death. On Feb. 22, 1898, Mr. Parks was married in Austin to Miss Rosine Meillot.
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1901.     

Brass Band Has a Ball.

 The Gazette is pleased to learn that the fund of the brass band has been considerably increased by the "benefit" of last Monday at the flying horses and the ball given Wednesday night in Falk's hall. Both entertainments were very liberally patronized and the band boys are much encouraged by the results. The ball was an elegant affair socially and from a financial standpoint it was very much of a success. It is needless to say that the music was excellent and that everything else was of the best. The success of its initial effort as a promoter of the "light fantastic" should be an inducement to the band to give many more balls. It is a splendid way to raise money.
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1901.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/19/1901.

 W. V. Nicholson is handling the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines. No. 9 has the latest improvements, is noiseless, light running and has no equal for quality and quantity of work.

 The refinery of the Lafayette Sugar Refining Co. began the grinding season last Monday.

 Mr. B. A. Salles is very ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. C. Salles, in Lafayette that he will recover.

 The Gazette is requested to state that on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday of each week, subscribers to the circulating library will be able to secure or exchange books. On those days Miss Betts, the librarian, will be at Demanade's store and will be placed to attend to all business connected with the library.

 Married. - Mr. Hebert Mouton, of Lafayette, and Miss Bertha Richard, of Grand Coteau, were married at the Cathedral in New Orleans last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mouton will live in Lafayette, Mr. Mouton being an employe of the Southern Pacific Company at this place.

 Veterinary Surgeon. - Mr. Edward P. Halstead, veterinary surgeon from Hereford, England, now located at New Iberia, will attend Lafayette on Thursday, October 31, one day only, for the treatment of lame and sick horses and mules.

 Deputy Sheriff Thomas Mouton went to Jackson last Sunday. Mr. Mouton had charge of two unfortunate white women, Mrs. Devalcourt and Mrs. Sebatier, who were interdicted some time ago, but were not taken to the asylum before on account of the crowded condition of that institution.

 One grocer's platform computing scale and one No. 600 Buffalo platform scale for sale cheap at J. O. Mouton's. Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1901.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 19th, 1901:

Caracristi's Charges.

 Says Standard Oil Co. Dominates Geological Survey. - STIRS HORNET'S NEST - Ask That the Washington Correspondents Investigate. -  AN INJURY TO THE SOUTH. - Senators and Congressmen Should Have It Removed.

 Prof. C. F. Z. Caracristi, the petroleum expert, who is now in Lafayette, the seat of Lafayette parish, completing the survey of the gulf plateau of Louisiana makes the open accusation that the United States Geological Survey is controlled and dominated by the Standard Oil Company to the detriment of the oil and mineral interests of the Southern States.

 "My accusation may stir up a hornet's nest." Prof. Caracristi said to the writer, "but it will result to the benefit of the South.

 Says Prof. Caracristi :

 "Every one who knows me and my record will appreciate the fact for publication, at least, I am not given to idle talk; nor do I devote myself to antagonizing any person or interest. Especially is this so in my relations and expressions with regard to the Standard Oil Co. Both in a personal way and in my professional life I have been friend of the Standard as far as my client's interests would permit. I this preface what I am going to say because I do not wish to be classed with those cranks, who knowing nothing about this great institution, make it their business to assail it at every turn, generally without a tenable cause or reason.

 "It may not be generally known that the southern oil field, that of Kentucky, was the first oil field discovered in North America. Have you ever thought that the civil unpleasantness broke out just after the discovery of petroleum in the East, and that by powerful influence over America's commerce the petroleum trade was zealously kept to benefit the East, and every time a move was made to bring forward Southern and Southwestern oil, the combined forces of the East and Northeast were brought to bear against the investment of capital.

 "Naturally you will ask what power brought about this condition, and in reply I will state that in late years the Standard Oil Company of the United States Geological survey has been able to suppress the development of the Southern oil fields.

 "Before the Southern oil avalanche startled the world, did any one ever hear of the possibilities of Southern petroleum except it was ridiculed or ignored by the United States Geological Survey? Read the report and see."

 "The time has come when every Southern Senator and Congressman should ask what the mineral resource division of the Geological Survey has actually done for the South outside of copying the State reports and taking the credit. The South is interested in having its resources known and a small-sized kindergarten should not stand in the way.

 "The division of mineral resources of the Geological Survey should be abolished and be made a part of the United States census, which in turn should be made a permanent bureau governed by a non-partisan commission.

 "The Southern petroleum industry demands that the United States reports should not be dominated by the Standard Oil Company through its influence with the Geological Survey. I am sounding not for my own good, but in the interest of the great petroleum interest of the South, and I ask the Southern press to investigate the logic of my position through their Washington correspondents.

 "The sooner the Geological Survey is reorganized the better for the South."
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1901.

The Breaux Bridge Wells.

 The following from the St. Martinville Messenger will be of interest to a number of our readers who have investments at Breaux Bridge.

 Work has been entirely suspended at Anse la Butte, and will be for a few days. We learn, however, that in the course of a month or so, that drilling will be resumed on the Anse la Butte Company's and by three other drillers making in all, four wells going down at the same time. The officers of the Company are certain they have a clogged gusher, and the under pressure is so great that it keeps the pipe at the bottom clogged with sand and gravel. The other drillers of experience who have studied the conditions at the Butte, did not hesitate to contract to bore wells there, as they are all sure the gushers are there, and they are going to get them. It is hard work and requires lots of tedious labor, but the drillers who will go there in a short time are going to work until the holes will gush. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1901.    

The Side Walk to the School to be Built Soon.
Work Shop Nearly Completed.
Glee Club Organized by Prof. Sontag.

 We have been informed that one of the side walks leading to the Institute will be begun soon ;  the contract as we understand has been let, and the walk is to be completed within the next few days. It will be a blessing to the pupils, teachers, patrons, and visitors of the school, only let us have more side walks. Why not one from Moss's Pharmacy to the Institute.

- The day is coming hurriedly when the Work Shop will have the right to rear her head aloft, and, with a sneer, shout aloud "I am finished." Perhaps she will not do this, however, but be satisfied with only whistling some old melody to the same effect. During the week she has been putting on a jacket of galvanized iron to protect herself against the ardor of the sun, the beating of the rain, the blowing of the wind. Her cap has been ordered, modeled after the latest fashions in head-gear, and will be donned as soon as it arrives.
 - The Manual Training Department made a long stride forward last week on receiving a lot of work benches. These were immediately set up in one of the large basement rooms, and class work in manual training begun. Each boy has his bench to work at, with none to say him nay. Mr. Woodson's smile had broadened perceptibly since the benches came. He feels now as though he had been installed in office. His gait is also livelier.

 - The lecture which is to be given at the Institute during the next month will probably consist in an impersonation of "David Harum." The representation of this character by Edw. P. Elliot has been very successful and has met with plaudits wherever given.

 - Miss Beverly Randolph's draughting room has been much embellished during the past week by a large supply of beautiful casts. These were received from the famous Boston firm of Caproni, and will be used as models for free hand drawing. Aside from the casts, however, Miss Randolph's class room is a pretty and cheerful sight to see. There, for example you behold designs of ancient decorations, executed in the same bright hues loved so well in the old days ;  here you see designs of book covers, of which, in our humble judgment, we have not yet seen the equals. Then, yonder you may gaze at the studies in crayon all so well done, all so like they had life. We like the Art Room of the Institute.

 - The youngest organization at the Institute is the "Glee Club." The students have formed this club under Mr. Sontag's direction, and have shown interest in the work. The club will begin its rehearsals at once ; and, unless we are greatly in error, will contribute greatly to the entertainments before very long. The singing of merry college songs is one of a few things we have not heard often in Lafayette, and hence the Glee Club has a wide and fertile field in which to operate. And when their notes begin to harmonize and become like unto the nightingale's they will be listened to gladly and always welcomed by The Advertiser. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1901.



Dobbins Gets Another Contract.
[From the Jennings Times.]

 E. E. Dobbins, the genial driller of the Jennings No. 1, last night closed a contract with the Lafayette Oil and Mineral Company of Lafayette, to sink a well on their McFarlain tract holding north of the town. This tract embraces something over 1,300 acres and is though to be as good a proposition as can be found anywhere. Mr. Dobbins contract calls for the commencement of drilling operations within ninety days, though he confidently expects to get to work inside of a few weeks, probably no more than three. His intentions now are to bring a rig he has at Beaumont over here for the work and it may be released very soon. Mr. Dobbins is to select the site for the well and to have entire charge of the drilling. His past experiences have made him fully capable of doing this in a satisfactory way.

 The contract for the drilling with Mr. Dobbins was let by a committee from the directors, consisting of President Leo Judice of Scott, La., and Dr. N. P. Moss, a director from Lafayette. These gentlemen have been here several days closing up the arrangements. The Lafayette Oil and Mineral Company was organized primarily to develop their home field, but the bright prospects in this vicinity induced them to commence operations here. The company is strongly backed by the best business men of Lafayette and vicinity and has a capital stock of $100,000. Shares are $1.00 each and none have been sold under par. Dr. Moss said to a Times representative last night that the company was organized to develop lands and to make money for the stockholders, and that they were doing all they could to carry out this intention. The contracting well with Mr. Dobbins was only one evidence of the sincerity of purpose.

 The Lafayette Oil and Mineral Company is the first outside company to enter into a definite arrangement to assist in the most complete development of the field and they deserve credit therefore. Anything that has this end in view should meet with the hearty approval of all of our citizens. - Jennings Times.


The Poll Tax.

 The citizens of Louisiana who expect to exercise their constitutional privilege of participating in the congressional election in November, 1902, in the State elections in April 1904, should take notice that the poll tax provision of the Constitution will come in force before those dates, and the tax must be paid as a prerequisite to voting. The special requirements made of all voters under 60 years of age is that, before exercising the privilege of suffrage in any such election, they must have paid the poll tax for the two years preceding the election ; and in each case the tax must have been paid on or before the 31st day of December of the said two years, and the voter must be able to show his poll tax receipts.

Thus it is that, in order to vote at any election in 1902, the poll tax for this year (1901) must be paid before the expiration of the present year, and that for 1902 must be paid before the November election in that year, so that the evidence can be presented at the polls.

It, therefore becomes an absolute necessity that the poll tax for this present year, and the tax for 1902 must be paid in that year before the November elections.

This is something which must be complied with by every qualified citizen who is under 60 years of age, or else cannot vote. Bear it in mind as a solemn duty, not to be neglected on any account.

From the N. O. Picayune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1901.

Sontag Band Benefit. - Notwithstanding the coolness of the evening a large crowd turned out to give the Band a warm support by their liberal patronage of the flying horses. Young and old entered heartily into the spirit of the occasion and everybody had a nice time. The proceeds netted the Band over $34.00. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1901.

Gave Old Negro Reward. - Last Sunday Mr. Sebastien Albarado had a narrow escape. He was driving along the road when the horse took fright at a bicycle and ran. Old man Albarado was unable to check the horse and would probably have been seriously injured had not Nicholas Fish, a colored man 54 years old, grabbed the horse and stopped him at the imminent risk of his own life. Mr. Albarado gave the  old negro a reward.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1901.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 10/19/1901.

 We regret to state that Mr. B. A. Salles is very ill.

 Rev. Fathers Forge and Bolard went to New Orleans this week.

 Dr. J. Cheston King and Misses Eliza and Anna Hopkins spent Monday in Crowley, the guests of Mr. W. W. Duson and family.

 We have a big rush of job work this week and have been unable to give the paper as careful attention as usual. If there are any shortcomings we trust our friends will overlook them.

 Moresi has contracted with the Anse LaButte Company to bore for them in 90 days. We understand however, that he will begin at once. This will make the third well on the Anse la Butte field.

 The ball given last Wednesday for the benefit of the Sontag Military Band was a grand success. Over one hundred dollars were realized.

 C. P. Scribner, chief engineer of the Gulf and Interstate Railroad of Texas was in town Thursday to confer with Dr. Caracristi. It is the intention of the company to build a road from Beaumont to Dallas. Mr. Scribner paid the Advertiser an appreciated visit.

 Mr. Jos. Dauriac, the blacksmith, who is now in New Orleans, under treatment for typhoid fever, is improving rapidly, and will be able in the course of two weeks to return to Lafayette and resume work.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1901.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of October 19th, 1895:

For Water Works and Electric Lights.

 The committee appointed by the B. M. A. and the City Council met last Monday in Judge O. C. Mouton's office and organized by electing T. M. Biossat chairman, and J. I. Bell secretary. There was a marked enthusiasm and sincerity of purpose in the deliberations of the committee.

 It was decided to advertiser in the Times-Democrat, of New Orleans, for estimates, and the secretary was requested to open correspondence with contractors, with a view of ascertaining the probable cost of the erection of the contemplated improvements. It is proposed to find out what the expenditure will be, and then other steps will be taken toward the completion of the project. Of course, the only way to raise the money is by taxation ;  and before the tax-payers will vote on the question it is well that they be thoroughly informed as to costs, etc. The gentlemen interested in this movement have been at work with a vim that is really commendable, and is is to be hoped that they will continue to show the same public spirit which has so far characterized their efforts. We say let the good work go on !
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.    

Repeal the STOCK LAW? 

 As may be seen in another column the City Council of Lafayette has instructed the mayor to call an informal election to be held on Nov. 9, to obtain the sense of the white voters on the stock law. This action was taken by the Council at the request of a petition, signed by 120 voters, alleging that a majority of the voters are in favor of amending the law, so that stock be prohibited from roaming at large in the night time only. We believe that the petitioners are mistaken in this allegation and we are confident that the law will be maintained as it now stands. We have failed to hear of a single reasonable argument against the law, while we could advance, if necessary, any number of valid points in its favor. In this article we will confine ourselves to only a few of them, leaving the balance for future issues.

 The first and foremost reason why the law should stand is - protection to the ladies and children. With cows, mules and horses grazing along the gutters it is dangerous for them to venture on the street without a protector. They are often compelled to wade in the mud across the street to avoid coming in contact with some ferocious-looking brute, running the risk of being hooked by a cow or kicked by a vicious mule. This alone should be sufficient to convince the voters of the un-wisdom of the move to repeal the law. Who would not prefer to do without milk and suffer the high weeds forever, than be responsible for the death of a single woman or child? And it is no exaggeration to say that the repeal of the stock law may lead to such a serious calamity. And again what right have we to endanger the lives of the ladies and children? They too, have rights as well as men and stock.

 Taking a cold, business view of the question we see nothing against the law and everything for it. What would be the use of building plank-walks to be broken down by horses and cattle? The Police Jury has built a brick-walk around the court-house square. It is a rather poor piece of work, but it is immeasurably better than none, and should be protected; to allow stock to roam on the square will be practically turning the brick-walk over to our brute population, transforming the grounds around our temple of justice into a sort of Pawnee Bill Wild West Show.

 As the law is rigidly enforced in the parish we are informed that persons living near town are anxiously waiting for the repeal of the law to drive their stock to the corporate limits for grazing purposes. Our town will then be a vast pasture for the horses, mules, cows, sheep of the country people as well as those of the townspeople.

 The repeal of the stock law would be a step backward, and Lafayette can not afford to retrograde. She is already too slow in the march of progress.
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.

The Martin Bagley Trial.

 The case of Martin Bagley was called up for trial before Judge Allen Thursday morning. Judge Jno. Clegg, of New Orleans, Hon. Lucius, of Terrebone, and Charles Fontelieu, of Iberia, appeared for the defense and M. T. Gordy represented the State. The defense made a motion for continuance on the ground that two of their counsel, Judge. C. Debaillon and Jos. A. Chargois, were sick and could not take part in the trial. Mr. Gordy insisted upon a trial and made a strong plea against another continuance. The judge took the matter under advisement and at 2 o'clock gave his decision overruling the motion for a continuance, and the trial was immediately begun. The empaneling of the jury was commenced at 5 o'clock when the venire was exhausted ten jurors had been sworn in. The judge ordered the sheriff to summon ten tallesmen and the court took a recess until 7 o'clock p. m., when the jury was completed. The following gentlemen compose the jury: Arthur Greig, Sarrazin Broussard, Mr. Dupuis, Arthur Bonnet, Paul Billeaud, Oscar Couvillon, Lewis Whittington, Alb. Landry, Joe Girouard, Simon Boudreaux, Felix Begnaud, Philibert Crouchet. The court then adjourned until Friday morning. Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.


Third Time a Convict.

 For the third time in his life the negro, Sam Dugas, stands convicted of larceny. The last offense for which eh will serve his country is the stealing of two cattle hides. His case came up for trial last Wednesday, and, contrary to expectation, he pleaded guilty. Last year he was tried for stealing a calf, and pleaded his own case and was acquitted. It was thought that he would again attempt to prove his innocence, but he unexpectedly came forward, entered a plea of guilty and asked for the mercy of the court. 

 "Big Sam" is well, if not favorably, known by nearly every person in this parish. He is a notorious thief, and, yet, he is not considered a particularly vicious or dangerous negro. Innumerable petty thefts may be safely charged to him, but he has never been caught stealing anything of much value. His forte is the chicken-coop, and he is probably the most successful and experienced chicken thief in the South. This is, perhaps, an extravagant assertion, but Sam is undoubtedly entitled to the distinction. He says that his fingers have a peculiar fascinations for chickens, hogs, calves and hides, and that he is in nowise responsible if they cling to them. He says in the present case he is the victim of circumstances, and, although he plead guilty, is innocent. He has hopes that the judge will sentence him to the parish prison, and that he will not be sent to the penitentiary ;  however, should the judge deem proper to confine him to the walls of the State prison, he does not anticipate the trials and sufferings than necessarily attend the life of a stranger in so gloomy a place. He has been there twice, and the "pen" has no terrors for him. He is a good cook and, with his natural cunning and his reputation as an epicure, he will, in all probability, be put to work in the kitchen.

 It remains to be seen whether a third term of imprisonment will have a reforming influence on Sam. He is a rather hard subject, and his conversion would be little short of  a miracle. He is one of the thousands of unfortunate negroes who are born and reared in crime, and who live and die in it. From childhood they are taught to look at the neighbor's chicken as public property, and the penitentiary is a natural sequence to their early training. Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.


A Serious Accident. - Paul Castel, the well-known young butcher, met with an accident last Monday which came near resulting fatally. While making his usual rounds in the morning, the horse hitched to his cart became frightened and ran away, throwing him to the ground with such force that he was unconscious for several hours. The most serious wound that he sustained was on the head. Dr. Frank Mouton was called and rendered medical help and we are pleased to say that he has about entirely recovered from the fall. 
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.

At Falk's Hall. - The Hilton Comedy Co. opened the theatrical season in Lafayette with a performance at Falk's hall last week. Some of the actors were quite clever while others were of a decidedly inferior class. Owing to the lack of advertising and to other causes the audience was very small. Taking it altogether the opening of the season was not attended with any great success. Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.

About Lafayette.

 We find the following in the columns of that excellent little magazine, "Salve Regina," edited, printed and published by the young ladies of the St. Mary's Dominican Academy of New Orleans. Miss Mary Scranton, the author of the article, is the daughter of the well-known physician, Dr. G. W. Scranton:

 A bright August morning, a spirited span of bays, an open carriage, a trio of happy girls - a dash and away from Youngsville to Lafayette !  The roads are dusty !  You should see the hats and dresses, the bays and harness when we drew rein in front of a handsome, unpretending residence, near the entrance of the town.

 The ride was short and pleasant, in spite of the dust !  Girls are easily amused and each darkey child at its door waving its chubby hand and smiling or dashing out to cheer us, furnished matter for laughter !  Great wagons passed us laden with cotton; the negro hands, half hidden in its snow peeped at us with a pleasant smile and gracious nod. They are happy, devoted race. Their love for their masters life long, their fidelity to his family unchanging.

 We spent a whole week at Lafayette, an aristocratic inland town, too dignified to grow faster and yet too proud to lose prominence in trade. It stands about a junction of the Southern Pacific Railroad and is named from the young Marquis Lafayette, who was so generous to America in her time of need. Like its name-sake, the town may some day come into prominence and become the right-hand of its State. Who knows? Until then we can enjoy her green lanes and broad streets, and believe she has no equal this of the Atlantic, in the pleasures she secures to us, and we are logically correct !

 Why the town of Lafayette moved up from the banks of the Vermilion we are at a loss to say, but that is has moved is a fact patent to those long acquainted with the town and its ways.

 It may be Vermilion and itself did not "get along well" together, the river may have encroached on the rights of the town, and like the dwellers on the banks of a river in old Saxon times, they became rivals.

 Their disagreement, whatever the origin, must be interesting to the people long acquainted with both. To us, comparatively new arrivals, it is a subject of great curiosity !  which so far has not been satisfied.

 The Catholic Church at Lafayette promises to rank among the prettiest of the parish. The park, too, with its accommodations is well kept. Here in the shade of great trees, children enjoy fresh air at noon, old people in the early evening and young people in the magic tints of artificial lights.

 The limitless woods on the outskirts of the town are resorts for holidays and picnics, and are always cool and pleasant. One week of pleasure here and then - home again  -  shortly    after  -  back    to school.
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1901.


From the Sugar Cane State to the Golden Gate.

 A ride of Three Thousand Five Hundred Miles (3,500) made in five days in a Pullman Tourist Sleeper through the great States of Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, to Portland, Oregon, with only one change of cars. This is what the Traveler, Sight-seer or Homeseeker can do. Sights of mountain grandeur, superior in vastness to any in the known world, open upon the vision, changing with kaleidoscopic rapidity from the last beautiful bit of  scenery to new ones even more so. The Southern Pacific Railroad the artery over which the finest trains run over the best track of steel rails in the South, reaching from Gulf to Ocean. Her equipment is modern, her road-bed magnificently ballasted, and her motive power is unequalled south of the Ohio river. All these qualifications are facts. Her employes always courteous. A trip from "The Land of Sugar Cane, Rice Fields and Cotton" to the Pacific Coast is an education in itself never to be regretted. Write for any information to the nearest representative of this great system of railroads and steamship lines, and receive in return your question answered, reliable and to the point. Any of our readers contemplating a trip will do well to inquire of the nearest Southern Pacific System's Agents before buying elsewhere. S. F. B. Morse. General Passenger and Ticket Agent, New Orleans, La.
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895. 

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 19th, 1895:

The New Light  "Electro-Gas."

 We have seen on exhibition at the Moss Bros. & Co. store, Mr. Hilbert Falk's ingenious invention for generating gas for illuminating purposes, which bids fair to become a powerful rival to electricity as an artificial light. The illuminating properties of this new gas-generator are truly remarkable, surpassing in brilliance the incandescent electric light. The claim of the inventor that the light thus produced is cheaper than what is obtained from the common oil lamps cannot fail to greatly popularize the "Electro-gas" system of illumination. From the favorable expressions we have heard of this new and very captivating light, on the part of several local merchants, we judge that a goodly number of "Electro-gas" plants will be in full blast in Lafayette at an early date. It is a light that forcibly commends itself to the public on account of its great brilliancy and cheapness and we expect to see it very generally adopted. In anticipation of the extensive demand that it is safe to assume will follow the introduction of the Electro-gas machine, the inventor, with whom is associated Dr. N. P. Moss of our town, will perfect all the necessary arrangements at once for manufacturing machines of any capacity of prompt delivery.

 The Advertiser feels a pardonable pride in stating that the credit of inventing the "Electro-gas generator belongs to a native of Lafayette, whose undoubted inventive genius may yet give the world a great and valuable surprise.

Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1895.

The Bagley Case.

 The Bagley case was begun last Thursday and the following Jurors were chosen:  P. Crouchet, Olivier Couvillon, A. Greig, Albert Landry, Simon Boudreaux, Arthur Bonnet, Louis Whittington, Chas. Dupuis, P. Billeaud, Zar. Broussard, F. Begnaud, Jos. Girouard. Court then adjourned, till Friday morning when the case opened with examination of witnesses for the defense, which continued through the day. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1895.

   Scott, La., Oct. 18, 1895.
 MR. EDITOR: - Our planters of this section have made, and are now harvesting a splendid crop of rice, fair crop of cotton and an excess crop of corn, and are getting fair prices for all, and therefor in high glee of contentment.

 One man, Mr. Eugene Trahan, with his son, 18 years old, turns out with 615 sacks of rice, and a large excess of corn; the rice he sells in our young and energetic friend B. Clegg for $1,230 cash in hand at Scott. Our worthy and popular friend Baxter, of genial habits, represents a firm in Opelousas.

 Scott is wearing all the signs of prosperity just now; from early morn till nightfall we have an endless train of wagons loaded down with rice.

 Car after car is continually being loaded with this last staple and shipped, to be immediately replaced with other cars that go through the same routine of being loaded and shipped again, etc.

 The busy hum of the cotton gins in and about Scott may be heard day and night, turning out the fleecy staple.

 The people of this section of our Parish is alive, and wide awake, and up to the times (do not deal much in politics).

 Twenty odd years ago, when we lived out this way, near a generation since this same people though apparently contented then, appeared shiftless and laggard - the same people of to-day with the advent of railroad, its accrued facilities an infusion of new blood, improved agricultural implements, etc., is more contented, much more prosperous and far more enlightened in every material way.

 Even the normally indolent and improvident negro is up, and emulating his white neighbor in the way of material progress. These latter receive very little fair treatment at the hands of their white employers in the way of honest division of the crops, we have never heard of a single complaint to the contrary.

 Education is more sought after by our planters for their children, (a most healthy sign, for the future growth and prosperity of our section) and with Professor Simmons our zealous public school teacher in Scott, they are delighted and likewise have just reason to be grateful to our efficient Parish School Board, still headed by the latent spirit of its enthusiastic President Julien Mouton, at their warmth pushing and promoting the education of the rising generation.

 Professor T. R. Simmons would be an ornament of refinement and and  literary acquisition any where, and we certainly hope to make a fixture of him out here, though we have to conspire against, and inveigle him in the toils of matrimony, to keep him in good correspondence with ourselves, and in kind humor with himself, and make him forego old ties for new and unexplored land of bliss.

 Kind sir, in our humble judgment, we believe that our planters should ship their produce of rice and cotton with deliberation and not glut the market with over shipment, thereby invariably causing a depression in prices ;  take heed friends, the planters, you hold the key to the situation and bound to win good paying prices, if you only would hasten slowly in the matter of selling your produce.

 Planters have the same right of forming combines in business, as any body else in the world, but yet, see how slow you are, gentlemen, in taking up to this protective idea.

 These few desultory remarks would be imperfect indeed, without due reverence paid to our veteran caterer of choice wines in Scott.

 Know ye all therefore, votaries of Bacchus, that our dear friend, the mild mannered Simeon Begnaud, champion dealer in soft and choice liquors, is still holding forth at the old stand, discoursing eloquently on the rare but desirable accomplishment of tipping gently and lightly, but often of the life giving tafia. "miyon dispenses this innocent beverage with the same knightly courtesy as of yore; give him a call and be convinced; two blocks from the depot, north side rail road track, next door from Martin Begnaud alias "Comprend" ! !

 "Comprend" and Simeon are two brothers - obdurate bachelors, and we feel we could say to our two unconverted friends:

   "Let sinful bachelors their woes deplore;
Full well they merit all they feel and more."

 Mr. Editor, with sincere kind wished, 
         Truly yours,
                     B. T. P.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1895.


"In the midst of life we are in death."

 The summons to Duchesne Courtney came thus suddenly without a moment's warning on the night of the 20th. of September, his birth day near the home of his brother Dr. F. W. Courtney, in Lafayette, Parish La.

 As the first faint tinge of morning began to dim the stars his gentle spirit went out and rose on high to greet the morning sun, and to pass on to the great beyond from whence none ever return. Though only twenty seven years of age, he had lived long enough to endear himself to a large number of friends who to-day sincerely mourn his loss. Gentle, amiable, noble and brave, in his manners and deportment ;  considerate and tender in his relations with his fellow men and thoroughly balanced and manly in his character.

 In life he challenged the admiration of all who knew him, and his death has elicited general expressions of regret and sorrow.

 To those brothers and sisters, relatives and friends who were so fond of him, in their great sorrow and disappointment, we should tender our affectionate sympathy and sincere condolence.

 And now with admiration for his character, sorrow for his loss and hopes for his happiness, beyond this life, we told him an affectionate and final farewell.
   (Signed) A. FRIEND.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1895.

Death of Charles Ed. de Busseuil.

 Died on Thursday Oct. 17th, 1895, Charles Ed. de Busseuil at the age of 66 years. He died at the F. Lombard plantation at 5 o'clock p. m.

 The funeral took place yesterday morning at 11 o'clock at the Catholic cemetery. Deceased was a native of Paris, France, and was an accomplished artist. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1895. 

City Council Proceedings.

Lafayette, La., Oct. 7, 1895.

 The city council met in regular session this p. m. and in absence of the secretary Hon. O. C. Mouton was elected secretary pro tem.

 The following members were present. Mayor A. J. Moss, Messrs. Leo Doucet, J. A. DeBlanc, Jos. Ducote, T. M. Biossat, B. Falk, and O. C. Mouton. Absent: Dr. J. D. Trahan.

 Moved by T. M. Biossat that reading of minutes be postponed until next meeting.

 The committee appointed by the Business Men's Association composed of Messrs. Campbell, Bell and Dr. Hopkins appeared before the council in behalf of said committee very forcibly explained the necessity of securing water and electric lights.

 The following resolution which was unanimously adopted was offered by T. M. Biossat.

 Resolved, that the City Council heartily concurs in the importance and necessity of securing water works and electric lights, and appreciate the interest manifested in the matter by the Business Men's Association.

 Resolved, that a committee of five be appointed by the Mayor, authorized to invite plans and specifications for the erection of a system of water works and electric lights, subject of the approval of the City Council, and the legal voters of the City.

 The Mayor appointed on said committee: Dr. T. B. Hopkins, Wm. Campbell, John I. Bell, T. M. Biossat and O. C. Mouton.

 Following petition submitted.

     Lafayette, La., Oct. 7th, 1895.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council.

 Inasmuch as our plant has been taken into the City limits, we the undersigned, petition your honorable body for a permit to continue to use our warehouse and town storage tank, situated between public road leading from Breaux Bridge and Carencro and the Southern Pacific Rail Road for the purpose of storing Illuminating Lubricating and other Oils, including axle Grease, for the sale and supply of the demand in Lafayette, La., and vicinity for a period of twenty-five years.

 As we have been located at above described place for some time, we trust your honorable body will consider above petition favorably and grant us the permission asked for.
      Very Respectfully Yours,
  Per Wm. Keltburg, Asst. Mgr.

 Resolved on motion of B. Falk and seconded by Leo Doucet that the Waters-Pierce Oil Co. or its assigns be and are hereby permitted to carry on their business for the purpose and at the location described in the foregoing petition for a period of ten years,  just as they have it now. Unanimously adopted.

 A petition signed by 120 odd citizens was presented asking that an election be held regarding the stock law and that the ordinance should be amended as to read; to prohibit the roaming of cattle, goats and horses during the night time only.

 Moved by Mr. Doucet seconded by B. Falk that the Mayor be and is hereby authorized to issue his proclamation calling an election at a certain date fixed, submitting to the white qualified voters the question whether they desire the stock law to remain or the amended to apply only during the night time.

 The Mayor to appoint these commissioners in said proclamation, provided however that petitioners pay all expenses of said election. Unanimously carried.

 Constable Veazey submitted the following:

 To the Hon. Mayor and members of the City Council of Lafayette:

 Since the enlargement of the boundaries of the town I have thought proper to secure the services of a good person to act as deputy constable, who under Sec. 11 of Act No. 111 of 1889 I have to appoint, and for those whose acts I am responsible. I have selected Mr. A. Burke. Mr. Burke is a man of good and sober character, for whose acts I feel I can well assume the responsibilities imposed by law. But as my salary will not justify me to pay for his services, I would ask that your Hon. body provide therefor, as the services of a deputy are now indispensable. I have secured him on a monthly salary of fifty dollars, with understanding that he must give 18 hours service in a day, and that he be wanted when necessary.
    Yours Respectfully,
         D. J. VEAZEY, Constable.

 Moved by T. M. Biossat that the appointment of A. Burke by and is hereby approved.


 Upon motion of Leo Doucet seconded by Jos. Ducote the salary of deputy constable be and hereby fixed at fifty dollars per month.

 Mr. Biossat submitted to the Council the petition being circulated to obtain location of W. U. Tel. office in the central part of town.

 Moved by T. M. Biossat and seconded by B. Falk that the City Council of the town of Lafayette do hereby join in the request of petitioners to the W. U. Tel. Company to secure a telegraph office for the handling of Commercial telegraph work of the town district from a railroad telegraph work and located in a central part of the business portion of said town.

 Resolved, that the mayor is requested to send a certified copy of this resolution to W. U. Tel. Co. at New Orleans, La. Unanimously carried..

       Lafayette, La., Oct. 7th, 1895.
 To the Hon. Mayor and members of City Council of Lafayette:

 I have collected the following sums since my last report as follows:


page 4 column 3


 Respectfully Submitted,
    D. J. VEAZEY,
      Constable & Collector.


       Lafayette, La., Oct. 7th, 1895.
 To the Hon. Mayor and members of City Council Lafayette, La.


page 4 column 3


 Respectfully Submitted,
     D. V. Gardebled,


 An ordinance to amend and re-enact an ordinance concerning the running of stove pipes through buildings within the corporation of Lafayette, adopted Dec. 11th., 1893.

 Section I.  Be it ordained by the City Council of Lafayette; that it is hereby prohibited for any person to place, or to cause to be placed, any stove pipe through any wooden wall, ceiling or roof of any building within the corporation of the town of Lafayette without either a brick, terra cotta or galvanized ventilated flue with at least four inches space for ventilation in case of galvanized flue; and provided further that said pipe be at least twelve inches from adjoining wooden walls.

 Section II.  Be it further ordained, etc., that any persons violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be notified by the Constable to remove or place same to conform to the provisions of this ordinance at his own expense, within five days.

 Section III.  Be it further ordained, etc; that any person failing to comply with the provisions of section two of this ordinance within the time therein specified after due notice shall on conviction pay a fine of $25.00 or be imprisoned 30 days or both at the discretion of the Mayor.

 The following accounts were approved:


 page 4 column 3


 There being no further business the Council adjourned to next regular meeting Nov. 3rd, Monday, 4 p. m.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1895.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 10/19/1895.

 Dr. Tolson visited Rayne last Saturday night.

 Many cases of fever are now reported in town.

 Dr. M. L. Lehman performed the rite of circumcision in Lafayette last Sunday.

 The most Rev. Janssens, Archbishop of New Orleans, will be in Lafayette on Oct. 29th, and will administer the confirmation on the 20th.

 Dr. Irion's dental parlors, over The Advertiser office, are always open from 8:30 to 1; from 3 to 5 p. m.

 Mrs. M. E. Simpson returned last Saturday from a trip "North," where she made large investments in ladies and misses fancy goods.

 Rev. R. W. Blocker is expected to conduct a series of meetings, at the Lafayette Methodist Church, beginning Sunday Oct. 20th, 1895. Public invited.

 We received an agreeable call from Mr. Solomon Wise of Abbeville Tuesday. Mr. Wise is one of our oldest subscribers and we were glad to meet him in good health.

 The water works committee appointed by the "B. M. A." and town Council, met Monday evening.

 T. M. Biossat chairman, Jno. I. Belle, Secretary.

 Mr. Monte Pullmaker, clerk in the store of L. Levy of this city, has been transferred to Orange, Tex., where he will resume duty in Mr. Levy's store at that place.

 Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert L. Falk, of New Orleans, are stopping at Mrs. Sprole's. They will return home to-morrow and will leave in a few days for the Atlanta Exposition.

 Sidney Alpha sustained a severe burn upon his hand Tuesday, caused by the accidental igniting of a vase of artificial flowers which he was holding. Dr. Tolson dressed the burns.

 Judge Allen's name appears on the program of the Soldier's reunion to be held next Saturday for an oration. Remember that the public is invited, and don't miss the occasion.

 Our young Mr. Paul Castell received very serious injuries about the head on Monday. His horse ran away and threw him from the vehicle, causing the unfortunate accident. Dr. Mouton was summoned.

 The store of Moss Bros. & Co., the First National Bank building, and the office of Dr. Girard, have all received a new winter coat from the brush of the painter and now present an inviting and attractive appearance. May the good work keep on. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1895.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of October 19th, 1895:

For Waterworks and Electric Lights.

 The committee appointed by the B. M. A. and the City Council met last Monday in Judge O. C. Mouton's office and organized by electing T. M. Biossat chairman, and J. I. Bell, secretary. There was a marked enthusiasm and sincerity of purpose in the deliberations of the committee.

 It was decided to advertise in the Times-Democrat, of New Orleans, for estimates, and the secretary was requested to open correspondence with contractors, with a view of ascertaining the probable cost of the erection of the contemplated improvements. It is proposed to find out what the expenditure will be, and then other steps will be taken toward the completion of the project. Of course, the only way to raise the money is by taxation ;  and before the tax-payers will vote on the question it is well that they be thoroughly informed as to costs, etc. The gentlemen interested in this movement have been at work with a vim that is really commendable, and it is to be hoped that they will continue to show the same public spirit which has so far characterized their efforts. We say let the good work go on !
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.

A Charming Composition.

 The following complimentary notice to a young lady well-known in Lafayette will doubtless be read with pleasure by many of our readers. It is taken from the September number of the "Salve Regina:"

 Just out, Paderwiski's Welcome, a beautiful waltz by Miss Genevieve Salles, of our city. Miss Salles has the soul of a genuine artist; her early work gives promise of great things to come. If her talent and the charm of her compositions fail to satisfy the expectations her work has already aroused, the cause must be sought outside herself. In her compositions one finds a plaintivenss, a weeting that are as touching as charming. Had her star risen under other auspices, she might have devoted her whole energies to classic music, as it is, she must divide attention and give time to that which is less subtle, but more pleasant to the public ear. We trust Paderwiski's Welcome shall find the sale it deserves. Any desirous to honor the great composer, who is expected to visit our city this winter, should purchase a copy of her Welcome. Its tones as he passes through our streets would give him pleasure. He is a great artist and will appreciate every token of esteem. Give him her Welcome !
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.

About Lafayette.

 We find the following in the columns of that excellent little magazine, "Salve Regina," edited, printed and published by the young ladies of the St. Mary's Dominican Academy of New Orleans. Miss Mary Scranton, the author of the article, is the daughter of the well-known physician, Dr. G. W. Scranton:

 A bright August morning, a spirited span of bays, an open carriage, a trio of happy girls - a dash and away from Youngsville to Lafayette !  The roads are dusty !  You should see the hats and dresses, the bays and harness when we drew rein in front of a handsome, unpretending residence, near the entrance of the town.

 The ride was short and pleasant, in spite of the dust !  Girls are easily amused and each darkey child at its door waving its chubby hand ad smiling or dashing out to cheer us, furnished matter for laughter !  Great wagons passed us laded with cotton; the negro hands, half hidden in its snow, peeped at us with a pleasant smile and gracious nod. They are a happy, devoted rae. Their love for their masters life long, their fidelity to his family unchanging.

 We spent a whole week at Lafayette, an aristocratic inland town, too dignified to grow fast and yet too proud to lose prominence in trade. It stands about a junction of the Southern Pacific Railroad and is named from the young marquis Lafayette, who was so generous to America in her time of need. Like its name-sake, the town may some day come into prominence and become the right-hand of its State. Who knows? Until then we can enjoy her green lanes and broad streets, and believes she has no equal this side of the Atlantic, in the pleasures she secures to us, and we are logically correct !

 Why the town of Lafayette moved up from the banks of the Vermilion we are at a loss to say, but that it has moved is a fact patent to those long acquainted with the town and its ways.

 It may be Vermilion and itself did not "get along well" together, the river may have encroached on the rights of the town, and like the dwellers on the banks of a river in old Saxon times, they became rivals.

 Their disagreement, whatever the origin, must be interesting to the people long acquainted with both. To us, comparatively new arrivals, is is a subject of great curiosity ! which so far has not been satisfied.

 The Catholic Church at Lafayette promises to rank among the prettiest of the parish The park, too, with its accommodations is well kept. Here in the shade of great trees, children enjoy fresh air at noon, old people in the early evening and young people in the magic tints of artificial lights.

 The limitless woods on the outskirts of the town are resorts for holidays and picnics, and are always cool and pleasant. One week of pleasure here and then - home again - shortly  after - back  to  school.
Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.

At Falk's Opera-house.

 The Hilton Comedy Co. opened the theatrical season in Lafayette with a performance at Falk's hall last week. Some of the actors were of a decidedly inferior class. Owing to the lack of advertising and to other causes the audience was very small. Taking it altogether the opening of the season was not attended with any great success. Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.

Base Ball.

 An interesting game of base ball was played at Pilette last Sunday between the Pelicans of Royville and a club from Breaux Bridge. It resulted in a victory for the former the score being five to ten in their favor. The Pelican is composed of the following well-known young men. L. Labbe, Robert Broussard, E. Langlinais, D. Comeaux, O. Langlinais, A. Meaux, A. Richard, G. Laviviere, E. Comeaux. The members of the Breaux Bridge club are: L. Belaire, A. Landry, C. Melancon, J. Hebert, E. Landry, S. LeBlanc, T. Melancon, E. Thibodaux, C. Landry. Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.    



 As may be seen in another column the City Council of Lafayette has instructed the mayor to call an informal election to be held on Nov. 9, to obtain the sense of the white voters on the stock law. This action was taken by the Council at the request of a petition, signed by 120 voters, alleging that a majority of the voters are in favor of amending the law, so that stock be prohibited from roaming at large in the night time only. We believe that the petitioners are mistaken in this allegation and we are confident that the law will be maintained as it now stands. We have failed to hear of a single reasonable argument against the law, while we could advance, if necessary, any number of valid points in its favor. In this article we will confine ourselves to only a few of them, leaving the balance for future issues.

 The first and foremost reason why the law should stand is - protection to the ladies and children. With cows, mules and horses grazing along the gutters it is dangerous for them to venture on the street without a protector. They are often compelled to wade in the mud across the street to avoid coming in contact with some ferocious looking brute, running the risk of being hooked by a cow or kicked by a vicious mule. This alone should be sufficient to convince the voters of the unwisdom of the move to repeal the law. Who would not prefer to do without milk and suffer the high weeds forever, than be responsible for the death of a single woman or child?  And it is no exaggeration to say that the repeal of the stock law may lead to such a serious calamity. And again what right have we to endanger the lives of the ladies and children?  They too, have rights as well as men and stock.

 Taking a cold, business view of the question we nothing against the law and everything for it. What would be the use of building plank-walks to be broken down by horses and cattle? The Police Jury has built a brick-walk around the court-house square. It is a rather poor piece of work, but it is immeasurably better than none, and should be protected; to allow stock to roam on the square will be practically turning the brick-walk over to our brute population, transforming the grounds around our temple or justice into s sort of Pawnee Bill Wild West Show.

 As the law is rigidly enforced in the parish we are informed that persons living near town are anxiously waiting for the repeal of the law to drive their stock to the corporate limits for grazing purposes. Our town will then be a vast pasture for the horses, mules, cows, sheep of the country people as well as those of the townspeople.

 The repeal of the stock law would be step backward, and Lafayette can not afford to retrograde. She is already too slow in the march of progress. Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.

 Serious Accident.

 Paul Castel, the well-known young butcher, met with an accident last Monday which came near resulting fatally. While making his usual rounds in the morning, the horse hitched to his cart became frightened and ran away, throwing him to the ground with such force that he was unconscious for several hours. The most serious wound that he sustained was on the head. Dr. Frank Mouton was called and rendered medical help and we are pleased to say that he has about entirely recovered from the fall. Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895. 

Third Time a Convict.

 For the third time in his life the negro, Sam Dugas, stands convicted of larceny. The last offense for which he will serve his country is the stealing of two cattle hides. His case came up for trial last Wednesday, and, contrary to expectation, he pleaded guilty. Last year he was tried for stealing a calf, and pleaded his own case and was acquitted. It as thought that he would again attempt to prove his innocence, but he unexpectedly came forward, entered a plea of guilty and asked for the mercy of the court. "Big Sam" is well, if not favorably, known by nearly every person in this parish. He is a notorious thief, and, yet, he is not considered a particularly vicious or dangerous negro. Innumerable petty thefts may be safely charged to him, but he has never been caught stealing anything of much value. His forte is the chicken-coop, and he is probably the most successful and experienced chicken thief in the South. This is, perhaps an extravagant assertion, but Sam is undoubtedly entitled to the distinction. He says that his fingers have a peculiar fascination for chickens, hogs, calves and hides, and that he is in nowise responsible if they cling them He says in the present case he is the victim of circumstances, and, although he plead guilty, is innocent. He has hopes that the judge will sentence him to the parish prison, and that he will not be sent to the penitentiary ;  however, should the judge deem proper to confine him to the walls of the State prison, he does not anticipate the trials and suffering that necessarily attend the life of a stranger in so gloomy a place. He has been there twice, and the "pen" has no terrors for him. He is a good cook and, with his natural cunning and his reputation has an epicure, he will, in all probability, be put to work in the kitchen.

 It remains to be seen whether a third term of imprisonment will have a reforming influence on Sam. He is a rather a hard subject, and his conversion would be little short of a miracle. He is one of the thousands of unfortunate negroes who are born and reared in crime, and who live and die in it. From childhood they are taught to look at the neighbor's chicken as public property, and the penitentiary is a natural sequence to their early training. Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.

The Martin Bagley Case.

 The case of Martin Bagley was called up for trial before Judge Allen Thursday morning. Judge Jno. Clegg, of New Orleans, Hon. Lucius Suthon, of Terrebonne, and Charles Fontelieu, of Iberia, appeared for the defense and M. T. Gordy represented the State. The defense made a motion for continuance on the ground that two of their counsel, Judge C. Debaillon and Jos. A. Chargois, were sick and could not take part in the trial. Mr. Gordy insisted upon a trial and made a strong plea against another continuance. The judge took the matter under advisement and at 2 o'clock gave his decision overruling the motion for a continuance, and the trail was immediately begun. The impaneling of the jury was commenced and at 5 o'clock when the venire was exhausted ten jurors had been sworn in. The judge ordered the sheriff to summon ten tallesmen and the court took a recess until 7 o'clock p. m., when the jury was completed. The following gentlemen compose the jury:  Arthur Greig, Sarrazin Broussard Mr. Dupuis, Arthur Bonnet, Paul Billeaud, Oscar Couvillon, Lewis Whittington, Alb. Landry, Joe Girouard, Simon Boudreaux, Felix Begnaud, Philibert Crouchet. The court then adjourned until Friday morning. Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/19/1895.

 Judge E. O. Bruner, of Acadia, was in Lafayette Monday.

 Miss Blanche Stagg, of St. Landry parish, is at the home of her sister, Mrs. Will Parrott.

 We are glad to hear that Mrs. Sidney Martin, who has been quite ill, is doing better.

 Dr. Tolson visited Rayne Saturday last.

 Masters Canedo and Gaston Mouton left Sunday for New Orleans to enter school, after spending vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mouton.

 Hilbert Falk, the well-known young inventor of New Orleans, has been in Lafayette several days. He is accompanied by his wife.

 Mrs. Alex Mouton returned to her home in New Orleans this week after spending some time at the home of Major J. S. Mouton.

 Edgar Delhommer, who was employed by the Southern Pacific Co., resigned his position and has left for New Iberia where he is permanently located.

 Miss Maud Boas and Master Eddie Mouton went to New Iberia Saturday and returned Sunday.

 Miss Lillie Kittridge, of Assumption parish, is visiting our town and is the guest of Miss Ada Moss. Lafayette Gazette 10/19/1895.





 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 19th, 1889:


 From the Ruston Caligraph:

 The Lafayette Canning Company are still at work canning okra. Notwithstanding the failure of the tomato crop and the many other disadvantages the company have had to contend with this year, they will close the year's work with the full purpose of going more actively and extensively into the business another year. Such business pluck and determination is what is necessary to insure success.

 From the Crowley Signal: 

 The Lafayette Canning Company has been engaged in canning okra for several weeks. The long drought and continuous rains cut off the tomato crops at least two-thirds, and consequently the business of the company has not been remunerative as might have been anticipated at one time. However, they have the promise of all the okra they can put up, and with a good tomato crop next year they will have excellent prospects on a paying business. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1889.

First 18 Months.
The Lafayette Building and Loan Association closed the first eighteen months of its existence on September 30th, with shares in force, as follows: First series, 253 1/2 shares - held by 42 shareholders, - $18.00 paid in and a book profit of $8.80;  Second series, 114 shares - held by 21 shareholders, - $12.00 paid in and a book profit of $6.40;  Third series, 53 shares held by 10 shareholders, - $6.00 paid in and a book profit of $2.80. The Association has loans on 12 pieces of property to the amount of $10,900.00.

 In spite of heavy payments during the past six months to withdrawing members, and liabilities about equaling two months receipts, to parties who have given notice of withdrawals, the Association makes a creditable showing in matter of profit and will soon be adding to its loan account. A fourth series is now open for subscriptions. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1889.

Crops at Royville Fair.

 Mr. P. B. Roy and Judge A. Koenig, of Royville, dropped in to see us last Wednesday afternoon. They report crops fair in their section, and the people generally contented with the outcome of their year's labor. Judge Koenig says that owing to the drought Col. Leather Breeches' pants have shrunk so that in walking he only touches the ground in high places. This is probably the reason we have not heard from him in several weeks, he cannot sit down to write. Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1889.  




        Friday, October 11th, 1889.
  The District Attorney filed the following information, to-wit:

 State vs. A. D. Walling, assault and battery.

 State vs. Mentor Rubin, petit larceny.

 The grand jurors submitted a partial report, to-wit:

 State vs. Eraste Patin, Charles Guidry and Alcee Landry, murder; not a true bill.

 State vs. Etienne George, attempt to rape; not a true bill.

 State vs, Ceasar William, illegal voting; not a true bill.

 State vs. Marcelite Smuthers, petty larceny; not a true bill.

 State vs. St. Clair Champagne, assault with a dangerous weapon; not a true bill.

 State vs. Joseph Ancelet (2 cases), assault and battery; not a true bill.

 And true bills in the following cases:

 State vs. Wm Mullen, petit larceny.
 State vs. Lynn Raglin, petit larceny.
 State vs. Starcus Huffpauir, neglect of duty as road overseer.

 SATURDAY, October 12th, 1889

 State vs. Charles H. Voorhies, Felix E. Voorhies, Charles Maraist, Ludge Fuselier, Adolphe Judice, Alcide Olivier, Frank Delahoussaye, George Delahoussaye, Pierre Olivier, Henry Fuselier, Louis Domengeaux and Dan B. Vanderwater, interrupting commissioners of election - motion to quash indictment filed; tried, and indictments quashed.

 State vs. same parties for intimidating voters - motion to quash indictment filed; tried and indictment quashed.

 The grand jurors submitted their final report, to-wit:

 To the Honorable Judge of the Twenty-fifth Judicial District Court, in and for the parish of Lafayette, we, the grand jurors drawn to serve for this October term of your Honorable Court, beg leave to submit this our final report:

 We find the jail in good condition, with the exception that the cell is broken, (but it could be easily repaired,) neatly kept, and the prisoners are well treated and have no complaint to make.

 We find the clerks' offices are well and neatly kept, but need a new desk, one desk chair and four ordinary chairs.

 While we deeply deplore the state of affairs now existing in this parish, especially the cowardly and brutal deeds lately committed by bands of armed men called regulators, who have in the nighttime committed murders, cruelly beaten others, and by their appearance in a body with masks on and carrying guns have caused terror among the women and children. After a tedious and searching inquiry we have been unable to bring the offenders to justice. We further submit that we have used all the means in our power to find out the offenders without avail, as there seems to be a disposition to screen the offenders.

 We have to complain of the manner in which the justices of the peace keep their records, but particularly to the reckless and neglectful manner in which Israel Falk, Justice of the Third Ward, keeps his archives and records in criminal cases, causing the loss of important documents.

 Hoping that the next grand jury which succeeds will be more successful in the examination of these recent outrages, we respectfully submit this our final report.
Foreman of the Grand Jury.

 Also, true bills in the following cases:

 State vs. Honore Manceaux, petty larceny.

 State vs. Joseph Andre, horse stealing.

 State vs. Ernest Savoie, discharging firearms on the public highway.

 And not true bills in the following cases: State vs. J. H. David, Eugena Vincent, Jean Dartes, Baptiste David, Ernest Hebert, Adrian Sellers and Desire Sellers, conspiracy.

 State vs. J. H. David, Francois Hebert, Desire Hebert, Louis Sellers, Ulysse Hebert, Ernest Hebert, Onezime Mouton, Jean Dartes, Euclide Sellers, Adrien Sellers, Kleber Savoy, Firmin Duhon, Julien Simon and Dolze Broussard, conspiracy.

 MONDAY, October 14, 1889.

 State vs. Joseph Arceneaux, petit larceny; trial; verdict, not guilty.

 State vs. Charles Thibeaux, shooting on public road; trial; verdict, not guilty.

 WEDNESDAY, October 16, 1889.

 State vs Pierre Olivier, intimidating voters; trial; verdict, not guilty.

 THURSDAY, October 17th, 1889.

 State vs. Rodolph Porter and others, larceny; trial; verdict, not guilty as to Porter and John Dean; Baptiste Martin, one of the accused, plead guilty.

 Another case against the same parties was nolle pros'd as to Porter and Dean.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1889.

Police Jury Proceedings.

      Lafayette, La., Oct. 7th, 1889.
  The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: Messrs. C. P. Alpha, J. G. St. Julien, C. C. Brown, A. A. Delhomme, Ford Huffpauir and O. Theriot.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted:

 The committee consisting of Messrs. C. P. Alpha, C. C. Brown and A. A. Delhomme, appointed to ascertain in regard to the Opelousas road, reported that a certain portion of said road, although having been donated to the parish, has never been recognized as such, and is now obstructed by a hedge which can be removed at small cost, thus opening up this highway to convenient traffic. The committee recommended a suitable appropriation for the purpose.

 On motion duly made the following was adopted:

 Be it Resolved, That the committee appointed at the last meeting of this body be empowered to contract with some responsible party to clear the Opelousas road of the above mentioned obstruction at a cost not to exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars.

 The committee appointed to trace a public road from Carencro Bridge to Bayou St. Clair made the following supplemental report:

      Lafayette, La., Oct. 6th, 1889.
  To the Members of the Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette, La.:

 According to your request we, the undersigned committee appointed by your Honorable Body, have laid out a road from Carencro Bridge, on Bayou Vermilion, to Bayou St. Clair, opposite DeClouet's road.

 From Carencro bridge, following the bayou Southward on the East side we found fronting on the bayou one arpent belonging to the heirs of M. E. Girard; then one arpent for heirs of H. Eastin; then one arpent for Numa Breaux, and others; then one arpent for the widow Rosemond Breaux; then three arpents for Mrs. O. C. Mouton; then three arpents for Mrs. Bertrand Grand; then six arpents for Armas Guilbeau; then, leaving Bayou Vermilion going East and following land of Armas Guilbeau on his South line a depth of about twelve or thirteen arpents; then South line of Sylvan Richard and others a depth of two and a half arpents to Bayou St. Clair. Mr. Sosthene Breaux has called on all of the above named parties, and they are willing to donate to the parish free thirty feet for a public road where above mentioned.

 All of which we respectfully submit.
(Signed) J. E. Mouton, Sidney Martin, Jr.  [Numa Martin, Edgard Martin, Firmin Guidry, Joseph Guidry - these parties are signed by C. C. Brown, by request of Sosthene Breaux, who authorizes said Brown to sign.]

 On motion of Mr. St. Julien the report was accepted, and the committee requested to obtain the signatures of all the donors of said road, and to file the same in the archives of the parish.

 The following communication was read:

 To the President and members of the Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette:

 Gentlemen: In answer to the petition addressed to your Honorable Body by Mr. Clemile Trahan, regarding a certain survey made by myself for the parish, I desire to say in justice to myself, and in order that you may fully, fairly and impartially comprehend the situation, that I did tell Mr. Trahan not to cut his hedge, that I thought that he had twenty feet from his hedge to the line, thinking that Mr. Trahan and the other party has each left twenty feet, which would have made the forty feet required for the public road in question; but I never told Mr. Trahan or Mr. Aime Landry that my survey was wrong, and how they got that impression is beyond my imagination to conceive, unless it was wafted to their minds on angels' wings during a mid-summer night's dream, and for which I know they nor your Honorable Body could not and would not hold me responsible.

 After I had made the survey for the parish, which I knew to be right, I received a communication from Mr. Clemile Trahan requesting me to change the line in order to give him forty feet, that would prevent the necessity of his having to cut his hedge. This mild request on his part most positively refused to comply with, but informed him that if he could get another surveyor to run the line and prove my survey to be wrong, it would be all right. That he had accepted the survey which I had made for him about nine years ago between himself and Mr. John Whittington, and which facts can be proved by Mr. Whittington. Taking these facts into consideration, I could not see the necessity or the justice in making another survey. As for Mr. Aime Landry, he had his land surveyed by Mr. Torrence, and I have passed my line about twenty feet West of his line, consequently I fail to see where he has any right to complain. I told Mr. Ford Huffpauir that I had started from a well known corner at the Southwest corner or Mr. Clemile Trahan's land and surveyed up to Coulee Isle des Cannes bridge, and found all the corners correct; and to satisfy myself I have run several concession lines to the bayou.

 Having utterly failed in his efforts to get me to do the parish an injustice that he might be benefited thereby, he now comes before your Honorable Body upon the soft falling slippers of pretended lamb like innocence with a statement designed to rob e of that which I hold far above anything Mr. Trahan could have offered.

 I have made the survey, put up the corner post, and if there is anything incorrect about it, it is in order for Mr. Trahan or any other interested party to prove the facts.
    (Signed) ROMAIN FRANCEZ,
                           Parish Surveyor.

 Mr. Huffpauir, road overseer for the 2nd Ward, reported that for the quarter ending September 1st he had built several bridges, fourteen levees and raised five miles of roadbed. His expenditures were $40 for lumber and $9 for nails.

 The following petition was read:

  {State of Louisiana,
  Parish of Lafayette.}

 To the Hon. President and member of the Police Jury of Lafayette Parish:

 We the undersigned citizens and property holders of the first ward, would respectfully ask that your Hon. Body appoint a jury of freeholders to lay out and trace a public road in the first ward to meet the Acadia road and to also connect with the Scott and Lafayette roads, and to make a straighter and more direct road. We are satisfied the contemplated road will cost the parish little or nothing in comparison with the benefits and advantages derived therefrom.

 (Signed) Bazile Sonnier, pere. John LeBlanc, Paul Morvan, Joseph Boudreau, Arthur Billeaud, and forty others.

 Agreeable to the above the following were appointed: Honore Hebert, Albert Arceneaux, P. A. Chiasson, John Billaud, Bazil Sonnier, Jr., and Jos. C. Broussard.

 The petition of Hubert Barrandeaux parying for aid by reasons of indigence and physical inability to earn a livelihood, was laid over for further consideration.

 By motion of Mr. St. Julien, the sum of $25.00 was appropriated to aid one Julien Lesieux, an aged and indigent person who has recently had both arms and legs broken, by an accident in a gin.

 By motion of Mr. Theriot the following was adopted:

 Be it Resolved, That the former public road existing between P. B. Roy and Francois Hebert be abolished and revert to its original owners, a new road having been laid out to replace the above.

 The following accounts were laid over:

 A. Gladu, coroner fees, $35.00; W. D. Huff, repairing jail pump, $5.50; G. Doucet, returning officer, $50.00; A. M. Martin, taking depositions, $25.00; A. M. Martin, affixing seal to tally sheets, etc., $10.00.

 The following accounts were approved:

 A. Gladu, coroner fees, $66.25; C. H. Bradley, Aime Landry, R. C. Greig, Marcel Hebert, Athanus Broussard, Frank Hamilton, Cleobule Doucet, coroner's jurors, $2.10 each; Simonet LeBlanc, Maurice Laverriere, D. Bonnemaison, Eraste Bonin, Leonard Broussard, Eloi Bonin, Cleobule Doucet, A. D. Landry, D. Cayret, R. C. Greig, Ford Huffpauir, Alcide Broussard, A. Olivier, Thos. Bower, Jos. Begnaud, I. Bernard, Antoine Guidry, Theophile Breaux, commissioners of election, $5.00 each; Horace Broussard, deputy sheriff, $5.00; Cornelius McBride, deputy sheriff, $5.00; T. Hebert, Jr., and A. M. Martin, jury commissioners, $10.00 each; Alcee Broussard, constable fees, $2.30; L. Hirsch, constable fees $9.20; I. Falk, justice fees, $13.93; A. C. Guilbeau, lumber , $211.92; A. J. Moss, lumber for public school, $143.00; Martial Billaud, labor for building school $40.33; John Landry, hauling lumber, $5; Nelson Higginbotham, hauling lumber, $5; Louis Rogers, repairing school house, $50; Simonet LeBlance, nails, etc., $15.10.

 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.
C. P. ALPHA, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary,
Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1889.        

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 10/19/1889.

 Rain is badly needed, and the drought is getting serious. In the country it is difficult to supply stock with water, and in town a great many cisterns are dry.

 A few wild ducks have been seen along the bayou. There is no water on the prairies now to induce them to stop here.

Mr. W. B. Lindsay has reopened his popular "Acme" oyster saloon near the depot. Col. Lindsay not only keeps fine oysters, and understands the art of shucking them, but has the well earned reputation of being one of the most expert and interesting "fish liars" in Southwest Louisiana.

Hotel de Broussard, commonly called the jail, looks lonely and deserted now. It will probably be a long time before it will experience such a busy season as the one just past.

 Gouaux's Asthma Remedies will surely cure all Coughs, Croup, Diphtheria, etc., it is guaranteed.

 Dust pervades our atmosphere, and everybody else, at the present writing. We have been trying to induce "Oberon" to tell the truth - so it might rain. 

 Mr. John Walters is erecting a cottage for his residence, east of the railroad, and fronting the residence of Mr. Henry Church.

 The court being in session, and the steady stream of cotton flowing into town daily, has made a pretty good business in Lafayette during the week. 

 We are glad to note that our genial and clever young friend Mr. J. D. Davis, night telegraph operator at the depot, has entirely recovered his health, and is now getting stout.

 Mr. George A. Bailey, lately of the connected with the "Red Star Store" here, has accepted a clerkship with Mr. Derouen, a leading merchant at Jennings, La., and last Tuesday to enter upon his new duties.

 The "oldest inhabitant" reports that is has been a long, long time since he has seen such a favorable fall for harvesting crops; and we are glad to note that the farmers generally have made good use of their opportunity. 

 We return our thanks to Mr. Philip Crouchet for a fine lot of crabs, which enabled us to enjoy a splendid gumbo. The fact that he stole the crabs from Joe Vallier, who had brought them up as present to Col. Cochrane, didn't make them taste bad at all.

 Mr. Joe Vallier has just completed a very handsome and commodious  residence building on his farm, fronting on the Morgan railroad about a mile north of town. Joe's energy and well directed enterprise have made his place one of the most valuable and desirable pieces of property in the vicinity of town. We are glad to note these evidences of his growing prosperity.
 Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1889.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 19th, 1878:


Writer Declares He Is Very Much More Knave Than Fool.

 To the uninitiated the opossum is a slow going, stupid beast, with hardly enough ambition to eat his food. But those who have studied his habits declare that there is more of the rogue than the fool in his make-up, and that his apparent stupidity is but a part of his business policy. He seldom goes hungry, and he always has a hole to crawl into when he is sleepy. And, in spite of the slowness, he manages to catch many animals much swifter than he is. It is said that even the brisk squirrel falls a prey to him in the open woods, where one would think the spry little creature had all the advantage. The opossum catches rats and mice, and eats ground birds and their eggs. He is not entirely restricted to a meat diet, however, but is fond of nearly all the berries and other wild fruits that grow in the woods and fields, and has been known to creep into orchards and berry patches to devour cultivated fruits.

From the Detroit News Tribune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 10/19/1904.

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