Monday, January 12, 2015


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 4th, 1905:


A Number Ordered for Use of Southern Pacific, One from Lafayette to Opelousas.

 General Passenger Agent Batturs, who has just returned from the north on being asked about the new motor cars for the Southern Pacific, said:

 "The new motor car? Yes, they have proven in every way successful. They are being constructed at Omaha under the eye of the superintendent of motive power of the Union Pacific, who originated them. Cars 1 and 2 have been completed and the tests have been most satisfactory. On the trial trip over the regular line of the Union Pacific, one of the cars carrying fifty-six passengers ran thirty-four miles on a faster schedule than the famous 'Overland Limited,' and that, you know, is 'going some.' Cars 3, 4, 5 and 6 are on the wheels and will be sent to Texas or Louisiana is not yet certain, but in any event the Louisiana lines will be supplied with one of these cars, to be operated between Lafayette and Opelousas, before a great while."  Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.


 For the purpose of determining whether there was any necessity for the Parish of Lafayette to quarantine the town of Lafayette, Judge Pugh of the 18th Judicial District, appointed Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1905, a commission of six physicians to investigate the health conditions of the town of Lafayette. The report of this commission was submitted to the Court Thursday, Sept. 28, 1905, and upon the showing made the Court felt entirely justified in granting the relief prayed for by the citizens of Lafayette by ordering the raising of the quarantine.


              LAFAYETTE, LA., Sept. 27, 1905.
 To the Hon. Philip S. Pugh, Judge 18th Judicial District Court in and for Lafayette Parish, La.:

 Your committee appointed for the purpose of ascertaining the sanitary conditions of the town of Lafayette and especially with reference to the existence or non-existence of yellow fever, beg leave to report:

 That the committee was called to order and organized by the selection of Dr. Geo. DeLaureal, President of the Parish Board of Health, as chairman and Dr. F. J. Mayer as secretary.

 On motion of the secretary the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

 Resolved, That in order to facilitate the work of the committee on investigation of the health condition of the town of Lafayette, every practitioner of medicine, every minister of the gospel or any other person or persons who may in any manner throw light upon the sanitary and health condition of the town be summoned before this Board and required to testify under oath as to any knowledge of the existence of any contagious or infectious disease within the corporate limits of the town.

 Under this resolution the following persons were examined under oath administered by the Hon. Ed G. Voorhies, Clerk of Court:

  REV. F. E. ROGERS, of the Presbyterian Church; REV. J. I. KENDRICK, of the Baptist Church; REV. GEO. W. LANDS, Pastor of Col. M. E. Church;  REV. T. J. JAMES, Pastor Good Hope Col. Baptist Church; REV. H. W. WELSH, Pastor Free Town Col. M. E. Church;

and the following druggists:


 and the following citizens:


 who one and all have testified that they knew of no cases of yellow fever or suspicious cases within the corporate limits of the town nor of any cases of yellow fever whatever unattended by any physician.

  The following physicians of the town, after being sworn, testified as follows:

 Drs. T. B. HOPKINS, A. R. TRAHAN, J. D. TRAHAN, F. R. TOLSON, A. GLADU, JOHN TOLSON, L. O. CLARK, GEO. BABCOCK, R. D. VOORHIES, J. L. DUHART, reported no cases of yellow fever nor any suspicious cases in their practice; DR. G. A. MARTIN reported no cases of yellow fever, but asked the committee to examine a case of fever under his care. The committee made an examination of this case and the consensus of opinion of the majority was that it was a case of typhoid fever.

 Your committee finds the sanitary condition of the town unusually good and remarkably free from mosquitoes, the premises of all cases, suspicious or otherwise, that have occurred in the past, have been fumigated, water containers oiled and screened and gutters and ditches throughout the town oiled. Your committee further begs leave to report that in view of the sanitary condition herein set forth, it is entirely unnecessary at this time to further surround the town with a sanitary guard.
              Respectfully submitted,
  G. R. DELAUREAL, M. D., Chairman; FRED J. MAYER, Secretary; R. D. VOORHIES, M. D., THOS. B. HOPKINS, M. D., F. R. TOLSON, M. D.,  J. D. TRAHAN, M. D.

 Sworn to and subscribed before me this Sept. 27, 1905.
    Ed. G. Voorhies, Clerk of Court.

 In view of the very favorable report and the action of the court, there should be no hesitation on the part of any citizen of the parish about entering this place as he would be absolutely at no risk of infection. Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1905.


Police Jury Ordered by Court to Discontinue Quarantine, Upon Report of Commission of Doctors.

 Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, the time set for a final hearing by Judge Pugh in the suit for a permanent injunction against the Police Jury and guards maintaining a quarantine against the town, the court house was crowded with citizens of the town and parish. The report of the Commission of Doctors appointed by the Court was called for and Dr. F. J. Mayer, the secretary, submitted it. The Judge then asked the attorneys for plaintiff if they wished to submit any evidence. Judge Julian Mouton stated that they submitted the report and had no further evidence to offer. District Attorney Campbell for the defendant stated they had no evidence to offer, and were willing under the report to leave the court to act.

 Before rendering decision, Judge Pugh briefly spoke of the police duties of police juries and municipalities stating that their powers were large and it was difficult to define the limits. In quarantine matters, while large power was given them to act for the public health, yet still this power must be exercised with due discretion and mindful of the rights of those quarantined. He cited an instance of an attempt on the part of the health authorities of San Francisco to shut in 10,000 people because of several cases of bubonic plague in their district, which the Federal courts prevented, holding the quarantine unnecessary and oppressive. He further said that when in want of law knowledge he went to a lawyer, when in want of medical knowledge, he went to a doctor, that the medical fraternity were agreed that yellow fever was neither infectious or contagious, but was propagated by a mosquito. Such being the case the Court was of the opinion that one case or two or even more of yellow fever did not constitute sufficient reason for quarantining a whole town.

 In an extra judicial way he spoke of the urgent necessity of every physician immediately reporting any case of yellow fever or suspicious case. Also referred to the fact that Lafayette like many other towns had become panicky on the report of yellow fever in New Orleans and in his opinion this had had considerable influence in shaping opinion in the parish. Further that indiscreet talk on the part of the citizens had much to do with the state of affairs in the parish.

 The Judge then stated that he had examined the report of the six physicians whom he had appointed to examine the health condition of the town. They were unanimous in saying that no yellow fever existed in Lafayette nor even a suspicious case, and all united in the opinion that a quarantine was unnecessary. Accepting the report, he rendered his decision, making the injunction permanent, but reserving to the Police Jury the right to quarantine should Lafayette become infected again.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.

Will Remove All Quarantine On Oct. 15 as Suggested by State Board, Retaining Proper Restrictions.

 Lafayette was the first town in the State to express itself in accord with the suggestion of Surgeon J. H. White of the Marine Hospital that quarantine against New Orleans and other infected places should be raised under proper restrictions Oct. 15. The following telegram was sent to Dr. Souchon Sunday by Dr. Babcock:
      Lafayette, La., Oct. 1, 1905.
 The Board of Health of the town of Lafayette is in entire accord with your suggestion in regard to raising quarantine against New Orleans, Oct. 15.
                  GEO. C. BABCOCK,
     Secretary and Sanitary Officer.

 By Oct. 15 all danger of infection will practically be eliminated and a further continuation of the quarantine is therefore unnecessary. Of course,  a certain amount of caution must be used. It is possible, though hardly probable, that fever might be brought to Lafayette by opening up, and for that reason the Board of Health will take full precautions. No person will be admitted from an infected place or district without a certificate showing he was well when he left and had not been in an infected house or locality within six days before leaving. Upon admission here, he will be met by an inspector, and required to at once report to a member of the Board of Health for examination, and he will then be further required to report daily for three days to the health officer who will take his temperature. In event anyone admitted shall show fever within three days he will be at once isolated and quarantined. In this way even should a case develop, it could not possibly spread. Besides frost will in all probability occur between Oct. 15 and Nov. 1. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.

Removes All Quarantine Against Lafayette - When Trains Will Stop Could Not Be Ascertained.

 In reply to a letter from the Board of Health presenting conditions existing in Lafayette with report of the Commission of Doctors appointed by Judge Pugh to examine the health conditions of Lafayette, the following telegram was received Monday from Dr. Souchon:

       New Orleans, La., Oct. 2, 1905.
Dr. Geo. C. Babcock, Secretary Board of Health, Lafayette:
   Quarantine against town of Lafayette raised to-morrow, Oct. 3.
              EDMOND SOUCHON, M. D.,
   President State Board of Health.

 The following telegram was also received from Supt. Shackford:
                      Midland, La., Oct. 2, 1905.
 Dr. Babcock:
     Am sure all join me in congratulating Lafayette upon being freed from quarantine.
                        E. E. SHACKFORD.

 Inquiry was made yesterday as to whether the trains would begin stopping at Lafayette as the State quarantine was raised, but no definite answer could be obtained. The matter is indefinite and from the best information at hand this company will not move its division headquarters here for the present nor order the trains to stop, because of the objection of Dr. Tabor, health officer of Texas who threatens to stop the trains at Echo if the cars stop at Lafayette. Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1905.


 It is always possible to draw a salutary lesson from every form of human experience, and it is always of advantage to do so.

 A case in point that is of particular interest to the people of Lafayette, is furnished by the quarantine which was enforced against the town during a period of six week. The cessation of regular intercourse and communication between the town and parish, even for so short a time, demonstrated in a practical and forceful way the absolute interdependence of the two communities technically separated by a political division for the convenience of government.

 The residents of the parish and the residents of the town were made to realize keenly the great need they had for each other socially and commercially, and the lesson learned at such heavy cost should be turned to good account by a stronger determination than ever on the part of the town and of the parish to work unitedly and harmoniously under all circumstance, inasmuch as they know that whatever is for the benefit of one is bound to be of benefit to the other also.

 If feelings of dissention and discord be aroused at times by excesses committed under stress of fear or excitement, as may happen under the influence of abnormal conditions, we should be willing to hear and forbear for the conservation of the public interest, remembering always that time and effort spent in quarrel and conflict can only result in harm, and would be much better utilized in encouraging and strengthening good feeling and a spirit of co-operation between the various elements composing the population of the town and parish and cementing them together for more effective improvement and advancement in the future.

 "United we stand, divided we fall."
Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1905.


 State Board Issued Letter Signed by President Souchon and Countersigned by Surgeon J. H. White Calling on Parish Officials to Consider That Date as Wise and Proper Time to Lift the Bars - Surgeon White Undertakes Tour of the Parishes.

 [From the New Orleans Times-Democrat.]

 Surgeon J. H. White will leave the city this morning for a tour of those towns and parishes in Louisiana where the greatest concern and trepidation has been shown over the yellow fever situation. Both Dr. White and the State Board of Health have undertaken a propaganda to convince the various towns and parishes that were in no danger from freight traffic properly regulated, and none from passenger traffic when properly looked after by informed supervisors.

 Dr. White's trip will probably occupy several days, and may last until well into the coming week.

 His visit will be coincident with the receipt by the various parish authorities of the following letter issued by the State Board of Health and countersigned by Dr. White, suggesting Oct. 15, as the proper time or the removal of the quarantine restrictions on both passenger and freight traffic in all save supervision for infected travelers.

      "New Orleans, Sept. 29, 1905.
  "To the Health Officers of the Parishes:

 "Gentlemen - Permit me to suggest to you that on the 15th. of Oct., the frost line is so near at hand that the introduction of a case of yellow fever into a parish would amount to practically nothing, inasmuch as a secondary case could not develop until two weeks later; it is therefore, distinctly advisable that these parishes, most of them having patches of infection themselves, should raise their quarantine against the city and accept mechanics and laborers from New Orleans, in accordance with the same broad principles under which the city is now receiving travel from the parishes, simply observing the people who come in, for a few days, to see whether they develop sickness after their arrival, and should they do so, to have them taken to the proper place. The city authorities will, of course, see that no one leaves here who is actually sick.

 "I wish to say right here, that we are accepting an average of three or four cases a day from the parishes, and making no complaint about it, simply because we take all proper precautions with regard to them, caring nothing about it, a case know being a case neutralized.
        "Your very truly,
               EDMOND SOUCHON, M. D.,
  "President Louisiana State Board of Health.

  "I thoroughly approve of the foregoing.
                      "J. H. WHITE,
  "Surgeon P. H. and M. H. service,"
  This letter, it is supposed, will precipitate discussion by the parishes, and will bring out whatever views, for or against the proposition, the parish authorities hold.

 It is presumed that most of the parishes will accept the suggestion, made in all good faith, and bearing the countersign o Surgeon White, whose only interest in the situation is his professional reputation.

 In discussing the letter of suggestion, the authorities brought out the point that the system of health certificates and supervision of travel would, of course, be continued, but that by the middle of October the situation was sure to be improved that the strenuous quarantines now existent would simply be ridiculous, and would continue to strangle intercourse at a time when it would be just as important or the parishes to have travel and commerce uninterrupted as it would be for the city. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.  


The Cane Crop.
[La. Planter & Sugar Manufacturer.]

   The situation in the country has been seriously modified by the storm that prevailed during the several days. There was an immense rainfall throughout the sugar belt and much of the sugar cane has been blown down. This ordinary does but little harm to the cane crop, but occurring now, as it does, just on the eve of the grinding season, it is possible that the resulting harm may be very serious.

 The storm in September, 1877, about the middle of September, was followed by a severe freeze year, but the fact that our cane fields have been inundated by torrents of rain and considerable of the heavy cane blown down places the crop in a perilous position when we consider the present late date in the season.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.

Work Room Added. - In order to improve the appearance of his shop and provide better facilities for turning out work, Jno. A. Buquor, the tailor, has had an addition built to his shop for the work room and the whole front is now used as a fine show room in which he has displayed a large stock of handsome suit and trouser patterns. Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1905.

Accidentally Shot in Leg. - Ulysee Meaux, son of Jules Meaux, constable of the eighth ward, was accidentally shot in the leg on Saturday Sept. 23, suffering a very painful, but not serious wound. The accident was a peculiar one. Mr. Meaux and his two sons, Ulysee and Paul, were at home at the time, the two young men, sitting just behind their father. Mr. Meaux had his pistol in his pocket, and as he rose to leave the room the weapon caught and fell to the floor. As it struck, it discharged and the bullet pierced Ulysee's leg, and had it not been for the fact that Paul had moved at the instant of the explosion, he too would have been wounded, perhaps seriously.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.

Laundry for Lafayette. - Thos. Burke, of Houston, Tex., will open a steam laundry in the building next to the Sunset Hotel next Monday. Mr. Burke is an experienced laundry man, having had over twelve years experience in the business in Houston, Dallas and other cities. He proposes to give the people of Lafayette first-class service, and solicits a trial. Every new enterprise added to the town adds that much, and if deserving should receive generous patronage. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.

The Baton Rouge Railroad.

 If the people of Lafayette let the Baton Rouge railroad side track our town after the very liberal offer that the company has made them, I think they will make one of the greatest mistakes that they have ever made, and one that they will ever after regret. There is nothing that they can possibly do that will bring such wealth and prosperity to the parish and town as to accept the railroad company's offer, and go to work at once and carry it out. There is no time to lose. I understand that the road only runs about three miles through the parish, and that all the land owners along the line have offered to give the right of way the company will commence the work at once and build the road as soon as possible. The above offer very forcibly reminds me of a parallel case that took place in Canada a few years before I moved. The circumstance are so similar that I will state them here.

 Simcoe, Canada, where I came from, had a population of over 2,000 people. It was an inland town, but the parish had no less than four great through railroads, the Grand Trunk, the Canada Southern, the Wabash, and the Air Line running through from Detroit to Buffalo and Niagara Falls.

 The Wabash and Air Line ran through the town only stopping long enough to take off and on passengers, the other two lines (unreadable word) one night and the other (unreadable word) miles north of the town. A few enterprising individuals (unreadable words) a charter to build an (unreadable words) .. railroad, the railroad company wanted money and they offered to pass through the town that would pay the most money for it. Tilsonburg was poor, they offered to give the right of way through the parish, twenty miles. Simcoe had a bonded debt of $35,000.00 given for a high school, grammar school, and a public school. They offered to give the right of way through the parish, and a bonus of $10,000.00. There were a good many kickers. We called an election and took a vote of the people. The bonus was carried, the road was built and every body rejoiced. We issued bonds bearing six per cent interest payable in 20 years, they sold at par. That road to-day is worth to the town of Simcoe than all four of the great through lines, for it gives the people their choice of either of the four roads and opens the town up to the markets of the world. The road could not be bought off to-day for three or four times its cost, which was only from 50 cents to one or two dollars a year to each individual rate payer.

 Simcoe, Canada, at that time was placed in the same position that the Parish of Lafayette is to-day. It is to be hoped that our people will take the same wise patriotic view of the case that the people of Simcoe did. They gave the right of way fifteen miles through the parish and a bonus of $10,000.00 payable in twenty years. Now they say they don't feel the expense, it is the best and most remunerative money that they have ever spent. We are only asked to give the right of way three miles through our Parish for one of the greatest roads from ocean to ocean that there is in the South, as soon as the connections are made; which will bring the markets of America to our doors for a mere nominal cost. No town, city or country can prosper without railroads and we can't expect to have them without paying something for them. What would the Parish of Lafayette be to-day if it was not for our railroads. Look back over the Parish 15 or 20 years and you will see the answer. Give us the Baton Rouge road which can have a cost of about 50 cents to one or two dollars a year to each payer.

 Then turn and look ahead a few years and you will see a mammoth railroad bridge across the Mississippi River and all the great connecting iron links that will bind the Atlantic and the Pacific ocean together. You will see a great traffic and through passenger route from Florida through Alabama, Mississippi, Lafayette, Louisiana, to San Francisco, California, and back without change of roads, Give is the great through route from ocean to ocean and we will very soon see Lafayette one of the large inland cities in the State of Louisiana. Then capitalists and home seekers from New York and other northern States can come direct to Lafayette without going 150 or 180 miles around by New Orleans to get here, which is a great drawback to this section of the country. If we lose the Baton Rouge road it will be our own fault and we will lose one of the greatest chances of sources of wealth and prosperity to our parish and town that we have ever had or ever will have again.
                               J. NICKERSON.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.

A Fine Louisiana School.
[Crowley Signal.]

 One of the most attractive school catalogues received this year is that of the Southwestern Industrial Institute at Lafayette. This catalogue contains the usual calendar of the school year, lists of faculty, trustees and students, description of courses of study and other general information usually given in school catalogues; but in addition to all this the book is profusely illustrated with excellent view of the interior and exterior of the school and its surroundings.

 There are several fine views of Lafayette that make the book of great interest even aside from its value as a catalogue.

 The Southwestern Industrial Institute in the few years since its establishment has grown to be one of the most notable institutions of its class in the South. Practical, useful education as distinct from mere academic learning, is its mission. The higher branches are taught, but only after the student has received training in the practical and useful course of study. There is an excellent manual training school, fitted with all the modern appliances, a workshop where the elements of the useful trades are taught, a commercial department for training future business, a school of stenography, an art department and a school of telegraphy. Besides the common branches, Latin and French are taught and instruction is given in music and drawing. The girls are taught cooking and sewing and the boys are taught to use their hands in many ways.

 The Industrial Institute under President E. L. Stephens is doing a fine educational work and it deserves the patronage of the people of Southwest Louisiana. A glance at the roll of students shows about 300 enrolled from the Southern Louisiana parishes, with only seven from Acadia, Crowley sends two, Rayne, Iota, Morse and Evangeline each one. Lafayette, Calcasieu, St. Landry, Vermilion and Iberia parishes are well represented, and there are several students from New Orleans.
 President Stephens announces that the opening of the Institute has this year been postponed to October 18th, on account of quarantine. In case further postponement is made it will be announced in the Times-Democrat and Picayune of October 10.

From the Crowley Signal and in the Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.

A Public Nuisance.

 One of a number of annoyances incident to walking the ancient and venerable side walks of the quaint and pleasing town of Lafayette is having to close so many people's gates. Possibly some of Lafayette's citizens do not object to performing this duty about a dozen times during an evening's walk. It breaks down the monotony, you know. But this task becomes burdensome and annoying to one who does considerable walking, especially is it so with women and children. Lafayette was muddy once upon a time, even within the recollection of some of her present inhabitants, though that was away back before the time of quarantine, before the Yellow Peril bestirred some of these inhabitants to use the shovel and hoe, Beaumont oil and brimstone. And that same condition is liable to prevail again some time in the future. All of these evils would hardly come upon us at once. Sometime the children will be going to school, and will have to close some people's gates many times a day. It is a curious fact that all gates have a tendency to swing out and monopolize that which properly belongs to the public, to push ladies and children out into the grass of a dewy morn or into the mud of a rainy eve.

 Think of a child's going to school with damp feet and sitting there for hours in that condition, should it not be cold enough to cause the child to go to the fire or should the teacher be informed of this fact. (next 2 sentences unreadable)...
...closing some good natured but thoughtless man's front gate or worse still, a heavy wagon gate that always monopolizes the whole of the walk. Ask your physician about the result of the first; the ladies about the latter. Ask the mayor if there is an ordinance providing that all gates should be hung so as to be swung inward, and if there is any way of enforcing that ordinance. If there is not such an ordinance, there should be; if there is one, it certainly ought to be enforced.

 Going the distance of one block on one street there are to be found twelve gates; ten swing outward, and two go both ways. The next block has thirteen gates, all opening outward, and some of them are open nearly all the time, and the other two of them are fastened in such a manner as to swing out over a foot or two of the best part of the side walk.

 Will we forever pass along content with this sort of affairs? Will the good people endure such always?
           (Signed)  CITIZEN.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.

Distressing Accident.  -  Jas. Guidry. son of Mrs. Jules Sevat, was the unfortunate victim of a most distressing accident Saturday morning. He was employed in a gin owned by Adolph Dejean, of Duson, and while attempting to unchoke the gin, his left arm was caught. In trying to extricate himself with his right arm, it also was seized by the gin and if weren't  for a colored man, working near him, who pulled him away from the gin he would have been cut to pieces. He was at once taken to Gaston Chiasson's home and Drs. Cunningham, Webb, and Hunter immediately called in. They found it necessary to amputate the left arm but are trying to save the right arm, which is badly crushed. Mrs. Sevat and his brother, Clifton, left at once for Duson.   Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.

Light in Post-Office Lobby. - The need of a light in the lobby of the post-office has been evident for some time, especially since the mail has been arriving so late in the evening, and in order to supply the need, Postmaster Domengeaux applied to Chairman O. B. Hopkins, of the Water Works and Light Committee to place a light in the lobby and also one under the shed in front of the office. The request was granted. The Lacoste Hardware Co., with commendable public spirit donated the fixtures free. The lights were placed Saturday and are a great convenience.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905. 

A Growing Evil.
 Re-printed from the Baton Rouge Times.

 As far as the decision goes in effect, nothing but good can result to the general public from the announcement of the Department of Internal Revenue that all patent and proprietary "medicines" containing large amounts of alcohol must be rated as liquor, pay license taxes as such and be sold only by persons having retail liquor licenses.

 This federal decision, however, is based primarily, if not entirely, on the internal revenue tax aspect of the goods affected, and does not, per se, reach an essential evil that has either grown out of disguised alcohol or else become so closely interwoven with the sale of stimulating patent medicines as to make one evil of the whole rotten system. We have special reference to any and all of the many non-alcoholic, but none the less viciously stimulating concoctions that are to be found at practically every soda fountain in the land, which are sold daily to women and children, and which are sowing in the children a love of habitual stimulation that may well reap a harvest of national drunkenness in the growing generation of both sexes.

Baton Rouge is not exempt from this danger.

 Not alcohol, but the overstimulation by alcohol is the evil of alcoholic intemperance, and overstimulation by any other stimulant, or the intemperate use of sedatives, is equally an evil. In our complex, frenzied modern life the normal American runs by preference to excitement. The national temperament finds a reflection to-day in women and children in their too general, and constantly growing, use of non-alcoholic drinks that are a little, if any, less stimulating than whisky, and the use of which in any degree of of excess is as much an individual and public evil as is the use of whisky to a corresponding extent.

It is to be hoped that the next session of the Legislature will recognize the seriousness of such a state of affairs and enact severe and practicable laws for the regulation, if not the suppression, of the sale to women and children of any beverage which, because of its composition, produces marked stimulation. They are pernicious because they are stimulating, and their general sale should be severely regulated, the more so because they strike at the hearthstone of the home itself by making women and children victims of the habit of constant overstimulation by artificial means.

From the Baton Rouge Times and in the Lafayette Advertiser of 10/4/1905.

The Local Newspaper.

 It is to the interest of every town to support a good newspaper, says the Atlanta Constitution, not through local pride alone, but for practical business reasons. A newspaper is constantly doing ten times as much for its own town as it could ever hope to get pay for - more than it could charge for, if it would.

 The more prosperous a newspaper is the more it is liable to do. Show us a good weekly paper, full of live local ads., with a general circulation throughout the country, and we will show you an up-to-date prosperous, progressive community.

 Show us a community that persistently proceeds on the idea that the editor of the home paper can live on the "pi" that accumulates in the office, whose official bodies think it a waste of public money to throw him a bit of public printing occasionally at living prices, whose citizens have come to regard it as one of their inalienable rights to work him for long-winded obituary notices and "in memoriams" with three inches of hymn book and poetry at the end, to say nothing of a lost cow or some cottonseed sale, and we will show you a community that is living from hand to mouth and is always on the ragged edge of adversity.

 People ought to stop to think about those things. It is an important matter. It is their own good that is involved, the welfare and progress of their community therefore of themselves.

 A local newspaper is absolutely necessary to any community. No merchant, no grand jury, no town council that spends every year all it can afford with the home paper, whether that expenditure is absolutely necessary or not, make a wiser, more profitable investment.

 They are not "giving" the home paper something. On the contrary, it is earning every cent it gets, and more, providing it is a paper worth picking up in the road.

 And if it isn't that sort of a paper it is usually the fault of the town in which it is published. From the Atlanta Constitution and in the Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.

Their Cool Promptness Saves a Companions Life.

[From the Crowley Signal.]

 Bertrand Burleigh, the ten year old son of Policeman J. G. Burleigh was bitten by a moccasin snake while playing in the woods near the Roller pumping plant Saturday and but for the heroic conduct of his two companions Ernest and Morell Deblieux, ages eleven and thirteen years respectively, would doubtless have lost his life. The boys were going through a patch of brush when young Burleigh stepped in the snake. The reptile struck at the boy and sunk his fangs in the lad's leg below the knee. The Deblieux boys with rare presence of mind took a piece of rubber from a "nigger shooter" and wound it tight around the injured limb above the knee and then took turns and sucked the poison from the wound. This done they carried the boy about a mile to the road where they got a team and brought him home.

 Master Burleigh was pretty sick for about twenty-four hours but has now nearly recovered. The cool headedness of the youngsters was remarkable and deserves the highest praise. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.     

 An Artist in Lafayette.

      Lafayette, La., Oct. 4, 1905.
Editor Advertiser.

 Dear Sir: - I have had occasion to observe that the busy delegation of young railroad clerks and attaches of the superintendent's office who came to Lafayette with the transfer of division headquarters from New Orleans to this point are a clever bunch. And among them I have chanced to discover a talented and accomplished musician - in fact, an artist no mean ability and one having possibilities of becoming a virtuoso - whose work, it seems to me, ought not to be withheld from our music-loving community. I could give you seventeen guesses and you would never hit it right as to what is his instrument; so, to announce it flatly, it is no other that THE BANJO!

 Before this time I had always classed the banjo with the "juice harp", the minstrel bones, the tambourine, and the tin can; I had thought of it in much the same spirit as that of Kipling when he made the Tommy Atkins banjo say o itself:

 "I'm the prophet of the utterly absurd, Of the patently impossible and vain,
And when the thing that couldn't has
Just give me time to change my leg
         and go again."

 But now I am convinced that this instrument has all the pay-check possibilities of either the violin or the 'cello! Had anybody told me that the Overture to the Opera "Poet and Peasant" or "William Tell" could be rendered acceptably on the banjo, I would have given him a stony stare and would have felt in my heart a sense of pity too deep for speech. But the keeps on turning around on the (about 2 sentences unreadable) now prepared to assert, incredible as it may seem, that this young fellow can and does play the scores of these two operas in a very satisfactory manner on the banjo - even when unaccompanied by any other instrument; and I firmly believe that he could do the Twelfth Rhapsody or the Sonata Pathetique in a way just as pleasing as they could be rendered on the piano-forte. And at the same time he is perfectly familiar with the more popular music of the day, including all kinds of "rag" - and in one piece in particular, poetically entitled "Woe! You Heifer!", he can almost make the strings articulate these words. But it is in the soft Lydian airs, the old time love songs, drunk with moonlight and filled with the infinite passion and the pain and the pain of finite hearts that yearn - it is in these that he is supreme. The harmony with with which he can intone the immortal strains of "Annie Laurie" or "The Last Rose of Summer" would bring tears to all the Love Sprites that ever flitted along the moonlit banks of Bayou Vermilion.

 The young man's name is Edward J. Dowling, and, on further inquiry as to "how he happened," I've learned that he is really a professional musician and has played on the Orpheum Circuit and the best Lyceum Bureaus in the country. He went to railroading in order to be with his family in New Orleans, his native place, but now since his job has side-tracked him here (though surely he could not deny that he is now in a much better place) he has decided to do as Supt. W. F. Owen did - drop out. He will leave in about two weeks.

 So what I propose, and my purpose in addressing you this letter, is that we make an opportunity for Lafayette to hear Mr. Dowling play before he leaves. The Sontag Concert and all individual musicians in town would be interested and it is practically certain that a large audience would be present for such an occasion. A small admission feel (say 25 cents) might be charged and the gate receipts divided between Mr. Dowling and some benefit or other; if no one suggests better, the Library Fund of the Industrial Institute would be a good enough beneficiary (though I don't stipulate this at all, and should be ready to yield to any other suggestion). Suppose we have it in the opera house next Wednesday, the 11th inst.? What do you say?
     (Signed) E. L. S.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.     


City Council.
Water and Light Rates Increased Twenty-Five Per Cent to Make Revenues and Meet Expenditures. 

 A regular meeting of the City Council was held Monday night with all members present except Girard and Boudreaux.

 The minutes of the previous meetings were read, but before adoption it was decided to make part of the minutes the opinions of the lawyers given as to the right of the Council to have brought injunction proceedings against the Police Jury to abolish the quarantine of the parish against the town. The opinions were ordered published.
 An immense quantity of bills, aggregating over $1200, were approved and ordered paid.

 A report was then read from Supt. Muller of the power plant, advising the purchase of some new equipment, which Mr. Muller estimated would cost about $150, but were badly needed. It was decided to order it. He also advised the increasing of the rates to place the plant upon a self-sustaining basis. This was discussed and also the question of lights for the Jefferson Theatre, Industrial Institute, and electrical piano rates. Mr. Coronna, moved that no electric lights be furnished the Jefferson Theatre until satisfactory arrangement be furnished for light service for the past and future, and that the collector be instructed to collect $5 per month for service to electric pianos up to Sept. 1 and $3 for night service only, both of which motions were carried.On motion of Mr. Coronna, also, the secretary was instructed to notify Dr. E. L. Stephens to confer with the water and light committee with a view to putting the institution on the same basis as other consumers.

 The fact that the income of the plant was less than the expenditures, there being a considerable difference, was considered and a way to correct it was discussed and finally agreed that a raise in rates was necessary. Accordingly Mr. Hopkins moved that the rates be increased 25 per cent uniformly, which was carried.

 Mr. Coronna stated that it was only a short time before the bonds outstanding would be due, the date being March 1, and that the matter should be taken up with the holders to ascertain if they would consent to an extension or what their wishes in the matter were. Also to learn something as to the wishes of the holder of the $1000 note due on public school grounds. The chairmen of the finance committee was instructed to take charge of the matter.

 Mr. Hopkins brought before the Council the request of Mr. Breeding that they instruct the Superintendent to cut out the lights of the Moss Pharmacy because Mr. Davis refused to pay for some wiring work done by him. The Council decided that the matter was a private one between Mr. Breeding and that they could take no action.

 A second communication from Mr. C. J. Muller stating conditions under which he took charge of the plant, was read and ordered placed on the minutes.

 The proceedings of the Board of Health, imposing a fine of $25 on all physicians who failed to report a case of yellow fever, were read and made part of the minutes.

 Dr. Thos. B. Hopkins was refunded $5, having paid license twice.

 Mr. Hopkins called the attention of the Council to the fact that the police were failing to round up loose stock, mentioning instances. It was also stated by several members that a (unreadable word) officer had been guilty of sleeping on duty. It was decided to meet again Thursday night and have the officers (unreadable word) and take up the matter of their properly enforcing all ordinances.

 Mr. Coronna also objected to the amount of money paid the sanitary inspector, alleging he was overpaid for the service rendered. This matter is also to be considered.

 Mr. Hopkins, of the Finance committee, laid before the Council the roll book for 1905 compiled by H. H. Hohorst with bill for same. He was instructed to examine books and report to the Council.


 Total assessment ... $1, 519, 825.00
 General tax ... $15,498.25
 Water and Light tax ... $7,749,02.00
 Industrial school tax ... $3,099

 Total taxes for 1905 ... $26, 347,99.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 10/4/1905.

 Saturday, notwithstanding the cloudy weather, the streets presented a lively appearance. It looked somewhat like time before the quarantine, and it won't be many days now before business will resume its normal course.

 Last week the work tearing down the Moss Building began. The hardware store and part of the other two buildings will be torn away first and a building of cement blocks be erected at once, which as soon as completed, will be occupied by Moss & Co. Then the remaining part will be demolished and a cement building erected for the Moss Pharmacy.

Notice. Guards whose bills were approved at the Police Jury meeting held Sept. 7, can now get their money.

 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Judice were in town during the week.

 Window dressing has become fashionable with the merchants since the abolishment of the quarantine and soon again Lafayette will show a number of handsome windows for the inspection of passers by, which would do credit to a city of considerably larger size.

 Groups of interested talkers are no longer to be seen on the streets. The occasion and the topics are matters of the past.

 Relief from the mosquitoes during the past two months has been a pleasurable sensation. Why not enjoy it every summer? It would be a fine thing if the Council would pass an ordinance requiring all cisterns to be (unreadable word) from April to November of each year and also that all premises be kept clear of breeding places of the pests. Then enforce it strictly.

 For Rent. - House with three bedrooms, hall, dining room, kitchen and pantry. Apply to Dr. T. B. HOPKINS.

 Say if you want to see a sight stop at Fortune's News Stand and see his line of Burnt Leather Postal Cards, they are hard to beat.

 Moved Quarters. - Saturday the Evangeline Oil Co., formerly Carnes, Bass & Benckenstein, moved its quarters from the building next to the First National Bank, into the offices above Mouton Sisters' Millinery Store.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of October 4th, 1902:


Not Large in Area, but Among the First in Wealth and Industry.

After Orleans and St. John Lafayette is the smallest parish in the State. Though poor in area it is rich in the things which make up solid wealth.

  In proportion to area this parish has the largest number of farms in the State. Of the sixty parishes in Louisiana it is tenth on the list. In this respect it is far ahead of parishes which have two and three times its area. The following figures showing the ten parishes which contain the greatest proportion of farms, are taken from bulletin No. 227 of the twelfth census, a copy of which has been sent to The Gazette by the census bureau:

Number of Farms.
St. Landry - 7549
Avoyelles - 4674
Natchitoches - 4262
Rapides - 4249
Caddo - 4648
Pointe Coupee - 3772
Claiborne - 3595
DeSoto - 3865
Bossier - 3212
Lafayette - 3088

 It must not be overlooked that Lafayette is one of the three smallest parishes in the State, and that is quite a distinction for it to stand tenth on the list. It is certainly worthy of note that in number of farms it exceeds, Calcasieu, Vermilion and other big parishes. It proves the land here is pretty equally divided and that people who work the soil own their homes. It is a most healthy condition, and one which is to be envied by every progressive community. Small land-owners are the mainstay of the country, while the ownership of great tracts of land has a tendency to create the two extremes in society - the very rich and the very poor- a condition which is always deplorable. Large plantations are not only not conducive to the prosperity of the people, but they are a serious obstacle in the way of the material and intellectual development of communities.

 But Lafayette not only fares well in the number of farms. Despite its comparatively diminutive area it is the fifteenth parish in values of land and improvements (except buildings), this item reaching the sum of $,851,600.

 In live stock values Lafayette has reason to be proud of its record.  The following figures show the ten highest parishes:

Number of Live Stock.
St. Landry - 1,484,950
Calcasieu - 1,204,191
Rapides - 1, 017, 682
Vermilion - 973, 197
St. Mary - 816,902
Natchtoches - 794,684
Caddo - 875,953
Avoyelles - 838, 812
Acadia - 906,171
Lafayette 767,498

 In considering Lafayette's status in the foregoing column, the reader must not forget that there are sixty parishes in the State and that Lafayette is, in size, one of the baby parishes - but a fine lusty virile infant it is. Lafayette makes a good showing in "value of products not fed to live stock" - $1,400,472 - seventeenth in the race.

 In expenditures for labor it is way down - No. 32. It pays for labor only $91,600. As strange as this may seem, it is a good sign. It is explained by the large number of small farms, worked in most cases, by there owners.

 This system is immeasurably better than the one which prevails in the sugar parishes.
St. Mary has 184,126 acres in farms. All this land is divided into 609 farms. Lafayette has 154,921 acres in farms. Its number of farms is 3,088.
Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1902.

Railroad Enterprise.

 The New Steel Ferry Boar "Pelican" now under construction at the Dubuque Iron Works for the Queen & Crescent Route will be completed and leave Dubuque about October 15th and be in service between Vicksburg and Delta about Nov. 1. This is the largest, strongest, and every way the best boat of its kind every built for operation on the Mississippi river. It will fill a long-felt want as the Delta, now in operation, is no longer of sufficient capacity to properly handle the growing traffic. The Pelican is much larger and will doubtless handle the growing traffic. The Pelican is much larger and will doubtless be ample to accommodate all the business for several years. The Passenger and freight traffic through the Shreveport gate-way has grown to immense proportions the increase during the past two years having been phenomenal. The establishment of the fast train and dining car service has made the route very popular. Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1902.


Patronize Home Industry.

 There is a marked tendency among a certain element in every community to send away for things which can be had at home. This is as true of Lafayette as it is of every other town in the State. This policy, if it may be termed a policy, is excusable when pursued by persons who are independent of local aid or whose occupation is of a character which does not depend upon the patronage of the community for success. But it is vastly different with the individual who has to look to the community for support. It would seem that a mere selfish motive would cause him to "patronize home industry." He has everything to win and nothing to lose by trading with the people among whom he lives and from whom he earns his livelihood and it is to his interest to cultivate reciprocal relations with these people who are in a position to help him. And aside from the material consideration, such a policy should appeal with peculiar force to all fair-minded people.

 It is a fact that the corporation and the more pretentious institutions do not, as a rule, patronize local enterprise. These seem to be inclined to trade away from home. We know of many instances where this inclination to do business with the larger centers was clearly apparent. We do not refer to these things in the hope of bringing about a change but we do so just to show that there are people whose only interest in a community lies in what they can make out of it.  Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1902.

Looks Gloomy for Rice.

 Jennings, La., Sept. 30. - The situation in this vicinity, as effecting the rice industry, has a very gloomy outlook at present. At the Government Observatory, in this city, 6.75 inches of rain has fallen since 1:30 Monday morning up to 6 o'clock this morning. A slow rain is still falling, and no doubt will reach over seven inches before it ceases. Rice planters coming to town from every direction report water in the fields nearly up to the bands of the rice that is standing in shocks. The roads leading to the city from every direction are all inundated, making hauling of rice to market almost an impossibility. The rain of Sunday night was accompanied by a heavy wind, which did a small amount of damage to the rice that had not been cut.

 The mills of this city have sufficient rice in their warehouses to run them for, possibly, a week longer, and unless the situation improves wonderfully they will have to close down by that time.
Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1902.

A Reception.

 Mrs. Biossat entertained her many friends in her usual charming manner at an elegant tea on Wednesday afternoon.

 The evening was one long to be remembered and the reception was one of the most brilliant ever given in Lafayette.

 Dainty refreshments were served  by Mrs. N. P. Moss, Mrs. S. R. Parkerson, Misses Eliza Hopkins, Bessie Caffery and Edith Trahan.

 Mrs. Biossat was assisted in receiving by her sister, Mrs. F. Bradt of Alexandria, Mrs. B. J. Pellerin, Mrs. G. Comstock and Miss Parkerson.

 Among the guests present were: Mmes. L. J. Alleman, A. Bonnet, T. N. Blake, C. D. Caffery, W. B. Coulter, B. Clegg, G. DeBlanc, G. DeClouet, C. Darling, A. B. Denbo, O. B. Hopkins, W. A. LeRosen, E. P. Mills, J. A. Martin, V. Mouton, A. Mouton, V. Roy, D. Schwartz, M. Meriwether, E. Trahan; Misses Z. Bailey, Mary Littell, Anna Hopkins, Jennie Torian, Louisa Tolson, Clye and Lizzie Mudd, Miss Robertson of Tennessee. Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1902.  

Makes Its Final Report Thursday Afternoon.

 The Grand Jury, which was impaneled last Monday, was composed of the following gentlemen: Harrison Theall, foreman; Alfred D. Breaux, Luc LeBlanc, Jean A. Begnaud, T. S. Singleton, J. M. Jones, Cleobule Doucet, J. Gilbert St. Julien, Norbert Reau, Sr., Lucien S. Broussard, Albert Theall, Jasper Spell.

 The Jury reported the following true bills:

 Marquis Mouton, three indictments, assault with intent to rape; Jean Livings, A. Kilchrist, Saul Cinquieme, larceny; Alb. Martin, larceny; S. S. Simms, manslaughter; Alexander Dugas, assault with a dangerous weapon; Saad Abdalha, striking with intent to murder; Jean O'Brien, Jno. Buddy, Richmond Davis, Bete Obey, Aymar Broussard, Willis Boudreaux, burglary and larceny; Anita Chapman, murder; Walter Keys, alias Hebert, assault with intent to rape; Walter Hebert, larceny; Hebrard Chiasson, cutting with intent to kill; Willie Foreman, assault with a dangerous weapon; Willie Foreman, resisting an officer; Honore Joe, carrying concealed weapon; William Robert, larceny; Joseph Ancelet, Jr., assault with a dangerous weapon; Antoine Guillotte, concealed weapon.

 The district attorney filed the following bills of information: John and William Laughlin, larceny; Morris Dugas, carrying concealed weapon; Edgar Bailey, carrying concealed weapon.

 The following cases were fixed for trial: Marquis Mouton, Oct. 7; S. S. Simms, Oct. 15; Anita Chapman, Oct. 8.
Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1902.

Mr. Simms Bailed. - The grand jury having indicted Mr. Simms for manslaughter, a bailable offense, he was releases on a $1,000 bond. Messrs. Overton Cade, A. M. Martin and Paul Martin signed as bondsmen. The case is fixed to be tried on Oct. 15. Mr. Simms will be defended by Judge O. C. Mouton. Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1902.

Man Falls From Train. - Rayne, La., Sept. 30. - A white man named George Smith, who claims Groveton, Tex., as his home, fell from the fast mail train this evening, about one and half miles east of here, and was seriously injured.   Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1902.

Large Number of Representative Citizens Ask Police Jury for More Funds for Schools.

 In response to the invitation, issued by President Olivier of the School Board, a meeting composed of a large number of representative citizens of the parish, was held in the City hall Thursday morning. Mr. Olivier explained that the object of the meeting was to appoint a committee to appear before the Police Jury to ask that body to increase the annual appropriation for the public schools.

 Mr. Alcide Judice was chosen chairman.

 The following gentlemen were appointed on a committee to appear before the Police Jury, then in session at the court-house: Alcide Judice, M. Billeaud, Sr., J. O. Broussard, C. C. Brown, Julian Mouton, Gus. A. Breaux.

 Messrs. Breaux, Mouton and Judice, acted as spokesmen for the committee, and stated briefly the sense and object of the meeting. The speakers made forceful appeals to the Jury to increase the school appropriation.

 The Jury assured the committee that it would do all in its power to give more money for educational purposes. President Billeaud and Mr. F. G. Mouton spoke on behalf of the Jury. Mr. Mouton said the Jury had always done all it could for the schools and could be depended upon to always do its best, but he would like to know what the City Council of the town of Lafayette was doing for the schools. He said that so far the Council had done nothing.

 After appearing before the Jury the committee held another meeting in the City Hall, where a permanent organization to promote the public education was effected with Alcide Judice as president and L. J. Alleman as secretary. The name of the organization will be the "Educational Association of Lafayette Parish." Its object is to work for the public education. It will meet on the day that the Police Jury will hold its next regular session.

 Before adjourning Mr. Alleman made some pertinent remarks and Mr. Judice made one his characteristic talks. Mr. Judice said a lot of good things and it is a pity there were not more people present to hear what he said. Mr. Judice has way peculiarly his own to discuss the need of improved facilities. He gives powerful reasons for vigorous and concerted action on the part of the people. The committee could not have selected a better man to serve as president. He not only believes in talking for schools, but he is intensely in earnest. He believes in doing things. He is an advocate of the strenuous life - not in the prosecution of war like Roosevelt, but in the arts of peace.

 The city hall meeting was one of the finest demonstrations ever made in the parish for better educational facilities. It is evident of the most conclusive kind that the cause of education in Lafayette parish is making rapid strides. Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1902.



Regular Meeting - Election for School Tax Ordered in First Ward - Other Important Business.

 The Police Jury met last Thursday with the members present.

 A committee of citizens from the various wards of the parish headed by Judge Julian Mouton, Col. G. A. Breaux, Alex Delhomme, Sr., C. C. Brown, A. Judice and others waited upon the Jury and urged increased appropriations for the public schools. The object of the movement was to secure an appropriation of eight thousand dollars per annum for the schools. The Jury while not pledging any definite amount adopted resolution responsive to the petition, promising to make as large an appropriation as will be consistent with a proper administration of the public business. The amount allowed would be commensurate with the ability of the Jury to grant.

    Agreeable to a petition of tax-payers of the first ward the Jury ordered a special election Dec. 1, to take the sense of the citizens on the question of levying a special tax of 1 1/2 mills on the dollar to be applied for school purposes in that ward.

 On petition of the citizens of the 4th ward the Jury took action looking to the reopening of the public road on the property of Mr. Alb. Laurent, abandoned at last meeting. It appears that contrary to representations made before the Jury the road is of great public utility and its abandonment has inflicted much hardship upon the people directly interested. Mr. Laurent has consented to reopen the road until such time as the Jury shall definitely ascertain its exact status.

 The following committee was appointed to estimate the probable expenses of the parish for 1903 and to effect a settlement with the treasurer: Messrs. Labbe, Mouton, Buchanan, Whittington and Greig.

 The treasurer's report showed balances; special road fund, $1,092.76; general fund, $192.47.

 After approval of accounts the Jury adjourned.
Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1902.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/4/1902.

 A pretty strong gale blew over this section yesterday, a heavy rain falling at the same time. A chimney on the property of Ed Higginbotham was blown down. We have not heard of any serious damage.

 Road Tax. - The Grand Jury made the following recommendation regarding the public road tax: "We would suggest that the Police Jury make the road tax payable in the fall and that they make all taxes, road and property, collectable at the same time."

 Mr. Vital Arnaud and Miss Mary Whittington were married Saturday evening at the Catholic church in Lafayette.

 Notice. - The first meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary Club will be held at the home of Mrs. B. J. Pellerin on Thursday, Oct. 9, at 4 p. m. Lafayette Gazette 10/4/1902.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 4th, 1890:

Counterfeiter Arrested.

 Thursday afternoon our efficient sheriff, Mr. Isaac Broussard, although just convalescing from a serious illness, after a tough and dangerous struggle, in which he received brave and timely aid from Messrs. E. Constantin and T. Hebert, captured a powerful and desperate counterfeiter who gives his name as D. A. Campbell, and says he is from Campbell's Bridge, Vermilion Parish, where he nanufactured the money. He had put his horse in Mr. Constantin's stable, and himself stopped at Mrs. Livron's hotel, adjoining. When he settled to leave he tendered to each in payment of his bill counterfeit silver, which was immediately detected by Mr. Constantin, who called Sheriff Broussard's attention to it, as he happened to be near by. The sheriff called the stranger back and questioned him, whereupon the man put spurs to his horse and attempted to make a break to get away; but Isaac grabbed the bridle and Constantin grabbed the fellow, and horse and all went into the ditch together. During the struggle which followed the stranger drew a splendid Colt's revolver 18 inches long (Isaac, who was entirely unarmed, said it looked to be 18 feet), but was prevented from using it by the timely arrival of Mr. Hebert, who assisted in lodging the prisoner in jail. Upon the person of the prisoner was discovered about $85.00 in counterfeit silver. This is an important capture for the U. S. Government, and may lead to the breaking up of a band of counterfeiters. Our sheriff, and the gentlemen assisting him in this capture, should receive full credit. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.    

Screw Worms Kill Negro. - Thomas Jordan, a colored blacksmith residing and running his shop on the North edge of town, died from screw worms in the head, Tuesday night. Several similar deaths occurring in North Louisiana have recently been reported in the papers. Every precaution should be taken against the exposure of fresh cuts or abrasions of the skin, to fly bites.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.

Postal Suggestion.

 At the request of our efficient and wide-awake postmaster, Mr. Paul Demanade, we publish on our first page a circular letter from the Post-Office Department which contains many valuable suggestions as to the use of the United States mail service. Give it a carful reading. One feature of it shows the usefulness of having your business and residence printed on the envelopes you use. It insures a safe return of letters in case of misdirection or failure of delivery. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.

Dead Letter Department.
Washington, D. C., Sept. 1, 1890.

 Over six million pieces of mail matter are sent annually to the Dead Letter Office by reason of incorrect, illegible, or deficient address, insufficient postage, insecure inclosing, whereby matter mailed becomes separated from the envelope or wrapper, or the failure to be called or delivered to the person addressed. This is a daily average of over twenty thousand pieces.

 If these the greater portion either are not called for at the post office to which they are directed, or, in case of free delivery offices the address cannot be found, notwithstanding every known means is resorted to on the part of the postal officials to effect delivery.

 Matter sent to the Dead Letter Office, which cannot be delivered to the person addressed, is required to be opened in its treatment for the purpose of return to the sender; and if the name address of the sender be not shown, or cannot be ascertained from the contents, and it contains no valuable enclosure, it must be destroyed.

 Letter opened and found to contain any enclosure of obvious value are entered upon proper records, and, of such, those which do not disclose sufficient information to enable them to be returned are filed, subject to reclamation upon proper application and identification.

 Letters which contain no enclosures of obvious value are not recorded.

 Packages and parcels are recorded, and where they do not disclose the name and address of the owner are filed; and if not called for or claimed within two years they are disposed of at public auction, and the proceeds covered into the United States Treasury.

 A large portion of the packages and parcels sent to the Dead Letter Office fail to be restored to the owners, because of the absence on the wrappers or enclosures of anything to indicate ownership thereof.

 Information as to the character and nature of the matter thus received at the Dead Letter Office, and the conditions and influences which occasion its failure to reach the persons to whom the senders designed it to go may be of interest, and the mere statement of it carry with it suggestions which may serve the public in its exercise of postal privileges.

 Of the unclaimed and undelivered mail matter received at the Dean Letter Office during the past fiscal year, four hundred and fifty-one thousand letters misdirected, or only partially addressed - that is, not addressed to a post office, or addressed to post office not in the State named. etc., etc., - while twenty-four thousand were entirely blank, bearing no address whatever. Among the latter were frequently found the correspondence of business men, of which a large portion contained enclosures of money, drafts, checks, etc.

 Ninety-eight thousand were letters to domestic addresses, "held for postage," together with letters, etc., addressed to Canada and Mexico, matter to those countries being unmailable except upon full prepayment of postage.

 One hundred and sixty-five thousand were letters mainly addressed to persons in care of hotels. The guests to whom the letters belonged having departed without leaving their address, or forwarding orders for their mail, they were returned to the post office by the hotels, and thence sent to the Dead Letter Office.

 Forty-two thousand were letters to fictitious addresses, and principally correspondence relating to what is known as "green goods," or "saw-dust swindles," etc., many of them containing money with orders for the purchase of these fraudulent goods. Parties engaged in these fraudulent and unlawful enterprises invariably do so under an assumed name, and when the character and business of such persons is discovered by the postal authorities, such matter addressed to them is declared "fictitious," and delivery withheld.

 Eighty thousand were parcels of merchandise, books, clothing, needle-work, jewelry, etc., many of which were misdirected, while others were without wrapper, having been insecurely enclosed, and others from which the address had become separated and lost.

 A large proportion were those upon which the required amount of postage to entitle them to transmission through the mails has not been prepaid, insufficient payment being due to improper enclosing, whereby a higher rate of postage was required.

 Twenty-eight thousand contained money, amounting in all to $48,542.00.

 Four thousand had enclosures of postal notes in small sums under $5, aggregating $5,300.

 Twenty-seven thousand were found to contain drafts, checks, notes, commercial paper, etc., etc., in the sum of $1,471,871.00, while forty-eight thousand contained paid and cancelled obligations, receipts evidencing payments of money, deeds, mortgages, general miscellaneous papers, etc.

 Forty-two thousand contained photographs, one thousand contained articles forbidden to be transmitted through the mails; and eleven thousand upon being opened were found to contain lottery tickets which under the terms of the law are declared unmailable.

 One hundred and sixty-two thousand contained postage, stamps, and were enclosures to secure return answers to the correspondence they accompanied, or were the remittances in payment of small balances, or accompanying orders for small purchases or merchandise, subscriptions, etc.

 Five hundred and thirty-one thousand were letters, and forty-one thousand parcels of printed matter, samples, etc., which had been mailed in foreign countries to post offices within the United States, and failing of delivery were sent to the Dead Letter Office, and thence returned to the postal administrations of their respective countries or origin, unopened.

 Two hundred and five thousand were letters, and forty-seven thousand were parcels, books, samples of merchandise, etc., which had been mailed within the United States addressed to foreign countries, and having failed or delivery at their destination, were sent to the Dead Letter Office by foreign postal administrations.

 Over five million of the letters received at the Dead Letter Office contained no enclosure of obvious value, although doubtless many of them were quite as valuable and important to both sender and addressee as thousands of other letters containing money, checks, stamps, etc.; and yet of this immense number of letters over three million bore within either no definite or sufficient address of the writer - in most cases no address whatever - or there was no signature whereby the writer might be identified or determined, without which the Dead Letter Office could not make return.

 Misdirection, incorrect, illegible and deficient address are given as leading causes which occasion the failure of mail matter to reach its proper destination, and effect alike that which is so addressed to either city, town or village.

 In addition to these, in the case of matter mailed to cities of free-delivery offices, are the failure to give street or number, business or occupation, or some designated place of delivery of the person addressed; inability to find transient people, and their neglect to give forwarding orders for their mail; the neglect of permanent or temporary residents to notify the carriers or post office of change of place for the delivery of their mail matter upon moving from one part of the city to another, together with the failure of newcomers to furnish the post office with their names and places of address. It is to these causes, with others of more or less consequence, that the non-delivery of mail matter is, in the main, attributable; and they are conditions over which the postal service has no control, and may alone be remedied by the people themselves.

 The following suggestions, if observed, will aid the dispatch and delivery of matter sent through the mails, or its return directly to the sender in the event of non-delivery, and thus prevent the annoyance, delay and embarrassment caused by sending matter to the Dead Letter Office:

 Mail matter should be plainly and correctly addressed, the name of the post office to which it is to be sent should be clearly and distinctly stated, and to avoid confusion from the similarity of abbreviations, as frequently used, the name of the State should be given in full. In the case of mail addressed to small offices, or where there are offices of like names in different States, the name of the county should be added.

 As the immense quantity of matter sent through the mails is necessarily required to be handled rapidly by the railway mail clerks and at the post office in the cities, too much care cannot be exercised in addressing mail matter clearly, plainly and correctly.

 Where mail matter is addressed to cities or free delivery offices the street and house number or post-office box number of the person addressed are important, and should always be given when it is possible to do so.

 Where this cannot be done, the business or employment of the person, if stated, will often secure delivery.

 The free-delivery offices, being in the cities and larger towns - the trade centers of the country - have a large, varying and transient population which cannot be known to the post office officials in the same degree as in the smaller places, and delivery is, therefore, made the more difficult; and where recourse must be had to city directories they are often found imperfect and incomplete, so that the means of ascertaining the location of the addressee frequently is found wanting, and delivery fails because the persons is not known or cannot be found.

 A small proportion only of the mail received at the free-delivery offices is called for at the general delivery of the post office, the public expecting delivery by the letter carriers; and hence the importance of giving street and number, or some other designation whereby the person addressed may be found.

 Matter mailed to cities and free-delivery offices, addressed without street and number, or some other designation enabling delivery, goes into the general delivery, subject to be called for; and of such matter, the statistics of the post offices of some of the larger cities show that not more than 25 per cent is called for.

 Letters addressed to persons temporarily sojourning in a city where the letter-carrier system is in operation should be marked "Transient," or "General Delivery," if not addressed to a street and number, or some other designated place of delivery.

 The name and address of the sender, either printed or written, should be placed upon the upper left-hand corner of the envelope or wrapper of all matter mailed.

 This will secure its immediate return to the sender from the mailing office for correction if improperly addressed, insufficiently paid, or otherwise defective; thus affording opportunity to comply with the postal regulations and requirements, and place the matter in proper condition to entitle it to all the privileges of the mails, and is especially useful in the case of packages and other matter mailable at less than letter rate of postage; which is restricted to certain conditions and requirements as to weight, size and manner of enclosure, etc.

 Letters and all other matter mailed, so marked with the name and address of the sender, that should fail to be called for or delivered to the person addressed, and upon which full letter rates of postage has been paid are not sent to the Dead Letter Office, but are returnable to the sender directly - without additional charge, and with the reason of non-delivery endorsed thereon.

 The above suggestion in respect to the return of unclaimed and undelivered mail matter directly to the sender from  the post office addressed, refers  only to letters and other mail matter upon which full letter postage has been paid.

 Packages and all matter mailed at less than letter rates of postage should, in addition to the name and address of the sender upon the envelope or wrapper bear in connection therewith a request for its return in the event of non-delivery, in which case it is also returnable directly to the sender, from the post office addressed, with return postage at the rate required for the class of matter to which it belongs.

 The distinction, under the postal regulations, as regards the return of unclaimed and undelivered matter is, that letters and other matter prepaid at full letter rates are returnable free, whereas matter mailable at less than letter postage requires the payment of return postage.

 If it be borne in mind that only such unclaimed and undelivered letters and other matter prepaid at full letter rates of postage as do not bear the name and address of the sender, and such other matters mailed at less than letter rates of postage as does not bear a request for its return, is required to be sent to the Dead Letter Office, the importance of the suggestions in respect to placing the name and address of the sender, etc., on all matter mailed, is apparent.

 All matter mailable at less than letter rates of postage must be so wrapped or enclosed that it can be readily examined at the office of delivery, as well as at the mailing office, without destroying the wrapper; otherwise it is subject to letter postage.

 Much of the package and parcel matter received at the Dead Letter Office is that which has been deposited for mailing sealed and closed against inspection, and prepaid at less than letter rate; being unmailable in such conditions, and the name and address of the sender not appearing upon the cover, whereby it might be returned for correction and proper compliance with postal conditions, it necessarily is sent to the Dead Letter Office.

 A large proportion of the packages sent to the Dead Letter Office are addressed to foreign countries.

 In addition to being sealed or closed against inspection and deficient in postage, many of them contain articles that are unmailable through the post because of customs, regulations and conditions of the countries to which they are addressed, or exceed the limit of size and weight.

 In such cases, if the name and address of the sender does not appear, the parties addressed are notified that the package will be forwarded by express at their expense, or returned to the sender if they will furnish the proper address in this country.

 With no knowledge of the value of the package of by whom mailed, the addressee often declines to direct it to be forwarded and pay the charges; and the sender being unknown to the Dead Letter Office, it eventually takes the course for other unclaimed matter of its class.

 In mailing packages addressed to foreign countries, care should be taken to ascertain whether they are prohibited from transmission to the country of destination, or can only be forwarded when the postage is fully prepaid at foreign letter rates - 5 cents per half ounce.

 Only bona fide trade samples are transmissible at reduced rates of postage.

 Persons desiring to mail matter other than letters to foreign countries should consult their postmasters, who, being provided with the postal laws and regulations are enabled to give proper information respecting conditions, etc., of mailing to foreign countries.

 All valuable matter to be sent my mail should be registered. It will thus receive such protection as it is not always possible to give to matter sent in the ordinary mails. Money should be sent by money order or registered letter.

 Proprietors of hotels should omit the return request from envelopes supplied gratuitously to their guests; and guests using envelopes furnished by hotels should be careful to designate what disposal should be made of letters sent by them in case of non-delivery.

 Of mail matter to foreign countries, especially Canada and England, in which many post offices have the same name as offices in the United States, the name of the country, as well as the post office, should be given in full.

 In sending packages and parcels - books and pamphlets and other articles - by mail, the address should be placed on the article enclosed as well as on the wrapper.

 Should the wrappers become detached, as they frequently do, through the handling incident to mail transportation by sea or land, it may still be possible to restore the article if this precaution is taken.

 While the efficiency of the postal system and service has attained high standard, the public may materially aid in the fuller and more complete delivery of its mail matter, or the prompt return of the same to the sender in cases where delivery from any cause cannot be effected, if the foregoing suggestions are conformed to.
                             D. P. LEIBHARDT,
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.

An Old Fable

 Mr. Editor:  Seeing in your paper some sage discussions on "Scientific Politics" brings to mind the following fable:

 Once upon a time, (probably about dinner time), an old owl was sitting on "the ragged edge of Poverty" picking his teeth with the photograph of a dead mouse. Just then a plump and Proud Hawk came flying by, and suddenly pounced down and grabbed an unsuspecting woodcock who was busily engaged in searching for a worm. "Great God!" said the woodcock when the Hawk attacked him; but his was foreign language to the Hawk, and he proceeded to and male a meal of the woodcock. Glancing up the Hawk espied the owl, and smilingly remarked: "Ah! this is a fine piece of scientific politics." But it happened that just a fowler, who had been creeping up on the woodcock, discharged the gun and filled the exultant Hawk full of "mustard seed."  "Didn't I tell you so? exclaimed the owl, as the Hawk "kicked the Bucket;" and at the same time he semi-partially eclipsed one of his optics.

 MORAL. - Well, to tell the truth, there is very little morality in "Scientific Politics."
       (Singed) LAMANTINE.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.

K. of P. Ball. - Knights of Pythias, propose giving one of their elegant and ever enjoyable balls, at Falk's Hall, on the night of Thursday, October 23rd, 1890, for the benefit of their Relief Fund, and are making preparations to eclipse any of their previous entertainments.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.

Circus. - John Robinson's celebrated circus will exhibit in Lafayette on Saturday, the 1st of November. This mammoth concern requires four or five acres upon which to spread their tents. We understand that they have secured the spacious grounds between the Canning Factory and the Roundhouse. Look out for their advertisement next week.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.


 Our jury term of the Lafayette District Court convenes on next Monday, October 6th. We would respectfully suggest to Hon. Judge O. C. Mouton that a majority of the jurymen summoned are farmers, who are now busily engaged in saving their crops, the rich fruit of year's labor; and that their time just now is something more to them than could ordinarily be calculated in money. To require it of them would work a hardship and great loss. If he could, consistent with justice to prisoners and litigants, adjourn his court to a time in the future which would leave room for the transaction of the business of the present term before he is called to act elsewhere, we believe it would work a public benefit, without prejudice. We act in this suggestion as amicus curiae, and in behalf of our agricultural interests. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.

Pickers Needed. - We again suggest that Lafayette parish needs a great many more cotton pickers. An inspection of our splendid crops shows that the staple is not being housed as fast as it should be. We made a trip into the surrounding country Sunday, and were impressed with the magnificent view of fields white and drooping with this valuable product, and wondered how it could all be gathered.    Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.    

At the Convent.
 We are happy to announce that the entertainment given by the Children of Mary, on the beautiful Mt. Carmel Convent grounds last Sunday, for the benefit of St. John's Church, was a splendid success, in every sense of the word. The grounds were thronged from shortly after High Mass until about 11 o'clock at night, and at all times presented a gay, pleasant and attractive scene. At night they were brilliantly illuminated by different colored lanterns, the effect being very beautiful. The affair was a most harmonious and happy gathering for pleasure and amusement. Our generous community were liberal with patronage, and these enterprising young ladies realized from their entertainment the handsome sum of $228.00 for which they express their grateful acknowledgements. The Children return their thanks to all the ladies who were so kind in rendering them valuable assistance, and especially to Mother Patrick, Superior of the Convent, for her generous permission of the use of the grounds, and other kindness.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.  

 Approaching Completion.

 Mr. Albert Doucet's cottage residence on the lawn in front of Judge Parkerson's residence, is rapidly approaching completion. Mr. Fred Mouton, our popular builder, informs us that in three weeks from now he will be ready to deliver the building complete, painted, etc. This is quick work - and when Fred delivers a job it is O. K. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.

 New at Lacoste's.

 In addition to a large lot of improved farming implements and vehicles, the enterprising and solid firm of Messrs. L. Lacoste & Bro., of this place, have just received an assortment of the celebrated "Rice Coil Spring Buggies, Surreys, Jump-Seats, Park Wagons, Road Wagons," etc. Give them a call and examine their immense stock. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.

 Beyond Medical Help.

 A dispatch to the Picayune, from Lafayette, September 29th, contains the following sad news: "Saturday night young Charles Burgess, aged 23 years, in the employ of Dr. N. P. Young, at Royville, as drug clerk, went off, it is supposed, on a social visit and returned rather late during the night. Sunday morning he was roused from bed, and although responding never left his room. It is supposed that upon retiring he took the drug, evident morphine, and when his real condition was discovered the poison had placed him beyond medical skill. All efforts to relieve him proved futile, and that evening he breathed his last. The parents of the deceased reside in New Iberia, and his remains will be interred there. Mr. Burgess was well known for his genial and kindly nature, and being a young man of talent had a bright prospect before him. His unfortunate demise has cast a gloom over a host of his friends in this parish." Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.

 School Board Proceedings.

             Lafayette, La., Sept. 25, 1890.
  Pursuant to a call the Board of School Directors of the Parish of Lafayette met this day, with the following members present: Dr. J. P. Francez, Jasper Spell, M. Billaud, T. Begnaud, J. O. Broussard, S. LeBlanc, J. S. Whittington and J. Mouton. Absent: D. Hulin.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 On motion of Mr. J. Mouton, seconded by Mr. Whittington, the following gentlemen were appointed as a committee to examine the teachers:  Dr. F. J. Mayer, C. N. Landry, and R. W. Elliott.

 On motion duly seconded, the Secretary was instructed to notify the examining committee of their appointment, and request them to meet at their earliest convenience.

 On motion of Mr. Mouton, seconded by Mr. Broussard, the Directors of the several wards are authorized to open and close the schools in their respective wards at their discretion, provided that no school shall be closed for more than two months while there is money to the credit of said school, and that the Directors shall notify the Superintendent of the opening and closing of said schools, and give the teachers one month notice of the closing of their schools.

 On motion of Mr. Mouton, duly seconded, it was resolved, that the teachers shall be paid for their passed services since July 18th, 1890 according to the certificate they may obtain after being examined.

 On motion of Mr. Mouton, duly seconded, the Secretary was instructed to issue a warrant in favor of R. C. Greig, for fifteen dollars, being for passed services as teacher for the month ending July 18th, 1890.

 Mr. C. Martin was assigned as teacher for the 7th ward school, to be opened as soon as the school house is finished.

 On motion duly seconded, the Secretary was instructed to purchase a table and twelve chairs for the use of the School Board.

 The resignation o Miss F. Grieg, as teacher of Torance School in 3rd ward was received and accepted.

 On motion of Mr. Billaud, duly seconded, Julian Mouton, Esq., was appointed to act in conjunction with the President and Superintendent in selecting a teacher for the Torance School in the 3rd ward, closed for one month, and the schools in the 4th ward to be closed for two months.

 The election of a permanent President being in order Mr. J. Mouton nominated Dr. J. P. Francez, and Mr. J. O. Broussard nominated Mr. J. Mouton. Dr. J. P. Francez withdrawing, Mr. J. Mouton was unanimously elected President of the Board.

 There being no further business the Board adjourned to meet on the first Saturday of Oct., 1890.
J. P. FRANCEZ, President.
H. E. TOLL, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 10/4/1890.

 The weather during the week has been dry and favorable for gathering the crops. During the first part of the week was quite chilly; and gave a forecast of the early winter which is predicted.

  Fall vegetables are now plentiful in our market.

 Mr. J. G. Davis, the clever and accomplished telegraph operator, has returned, and will again take charge o the day office at this point.

 Mrs. Eliza Breaux, widow of Mr. Donat Breaux, died at her residence in the country, near town, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, aged 72 years and 3 months.

 Miss Elia Vigneaux left last Saturday for New Orleans to attend the Ursuline Convent.

 Miss Lena Plonsky left for New Orleans Sunday, where she will be a student at the Simon Institute.

 "When the Leaves Begin to Fall" is now, and the china, catalpa, and other trees, show golden patches of foliage among the green.

 We understand that the Caffery sugar refinery has sent out notification to this parish that they will not receive cane from here for awhile, having contracted for all they can handle for the present.

 We are glad to see that our efficient and popular sheriff, Mr. Isaac Broussard, who was confined to his room several weeks with fever, is able to be about again. He has our congratulations upon his recovery from a serious illness.

 Mrs. John O. Mouton left Wednesday for New Orleans, to be present at the opening and grand display of novelties in the line of millinery goods for the fall and winter trade.

 Mrs. Chas. E. Carey (nee McDaniel), of Waco, Texas, accompanied by her son Lee, is here visiting here father's family, Mr. E. McDaniel, at the Racke House.

 Tuesday Mr. Charles A. Mouton sent us some fine specimens of well developed red sugar cane, containing twenty-four joints. There are fair specimens of the crop he has this year upon his place about a mile from town.

 Mr. Felix Girard left last Wednesday for New Orleans.

 The friends of Miss Lizzie Parkerson will be pleased to hear of her safe return from Canada, this week.

 Judge A. J. Moss has been confined to his home for several days, by illness. We hope to see him out again, soon.

 Highest practical price paid by the undersigned for cotton, the public in general is solicited to call at his residence near Gerac Bros. & Pellerin's ginnery. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1890. 



 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 4th, 1879:

OUR  RAILROAD                                                              

 The track is laid about eleven miles east and two miles west of Lake Charles. The steamer Col. Hooker arrived yesterday with 180 tons of steel rails from Calcasieu Pass. The Pearl Rivers has delivered at Orange her cargo of rails, and has returned with trucks for twenty flat cars. The ship Melrose from New York has nearly discharged her cargo of steel rails at Calcasieu Pass. The iron bridge for the Sabine river and a number of cars for our road are at Houston. Chas. R. Adams, assistant manager of the L. W. R. R. Co., is expected to arrive at Houston next Monday. Laborers are coming in daily to work on the road; the weather is cool and pleasant for work, and everything goes ahead steadily as usual. 

'From the Lake Charles Echo and in the Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.


 From the Morgan City Review: Fever convalescents are on our streets and being congratulated by their thankful friends. Many who were ill last Saturday are now out of danger. There have more cases and fewer deaths this week than last, and those afflicted are tenderly guarded by experienced nurses.

 We shall at the proper time, publish full details of the names and matters of public interest in connection with those who have been attacked. At this time it is considered best not to add to the general distress by a public parade of misery. Everything is being done to alleviate the suffering, strengthen the weak, and husband the health of those who have escaped thus far.

 Our citizens unite heartily in the good work. The citizens of Berwick are grievously afflicted - and, we understand, need more nurses. Our physicians are meeting with success in treating the fever and there is little anxiety felt where attention to directions and close nursing are conscientiously observed. From the Morgan City Review, Sept. 27 and in the Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.

 More Yellow Fever Correspondence.

 We have been shown a private letter from Bayou Boeuf Station, on the Morgan Railroad, dated September 28th, from which we quote as follows: "The yellow fever has at last reached Bayou Boeu. That Cooper who lives just below Dellucky's store has lost his wife and two children since last Sunday. That is the only house it is in so far."

 By a private letter from Pattersonville, we learn that fatal cases of yellow fever occurred in Centerville last week, the victims being Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Hottendorf.

 The fever still continues its ravages at Memphis. The report for the week ending Sept. 27 is not indicative of any abatement ;  total number of new cases reported for that week is 63 - whites, 41 ;  colored, 22.  Total to date, 1,279 ;  total number of deaths for the week, 31 ;  total deaths to date, 382.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.


       VERMILIONVILLE, Sept. 29, 1879.
  The Convention was called to order at 11 o'clock A. M., by John Clegg, Esq., Chairman of the Parish Executive Committee.

 The roll of delegates elected was called, as follows:

 ---------------------p. 2----------------

 On motion of D. A. Cochrane, Sidney Greig was called to the chair, and Theo. H. Theriot, Secretary.

 The objects of the convention having been explained by the Chair.

 Mr. Girard proposed the following persons as delegates to the State Convention to meet in Baton Rouge on the 6th of October, to-wit :  Ernest Potier, Ed. A. Guilbeau, D. A. Cochrane, Therance Girouard, Overton Cade, John S. Whittington, and moved that they be declared elected delegates to said Convention.

 Mr. Whittington moved to amend said motion by striking out his name and inserting the name of John Clegg.

 The resolution as amended was adopted by a rising vote of 28 yeas to 6 nays.

  On motion of Mr. Girard,
  Resolved, That the delegates this day elected be and are hereby instructed to cast the vote of this parish as a unit on all questions brought before the convention. Carried.

 On motion of Mr. Clegg, it was resolved, that the six delegates this day chosen for the State nominating Convention to be held at Baton Rouge, are hereby authorized and empowered, if they see proper, to join the other parishes of this Third Congressional District in making the nomination or member of the 47th Congress of the United States, and are authorized to cast the vote of this Parish in a Congressional convention of one be held at the same time and place as the State Convention.

  On motion or Mr. Martin, it was
  Resolved, that the Parish Executive Committee be authorized to select delegates to Senatorial convention whenever held.

  On motion of Mr. Clegg,
  Resolved, that the delegates from the different wards elect two members from each ward to constitute the Parish Executive Committee and that the convention elect five for the Parish at large.

 The convention then took a recess for the purpose of allowing the ward delegates to elect the members of the Parish Committee.

 The convention being called to order the following persons were announced as elected from the different wards, to-wit :

 --------------------p. 2------------------

 The committee then proceeded to elect five members for the parish at large, with the following result:

 --------------------p. 2------------------

  On motion o Mr. Martin,
  Resolved, that the Parish Executive Committee be authorized to fill all vacancies that may occur in the committee.

 Mr. Martin proposed the name of M. E. Girard as member of the State Central Committee, and on motion the nomination of Mr. Girard was made unanimous.

 There being no further business on motion, the convention adjourned subject to call of the Parish Committee.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.

Convention Concluded.

 After the adjournment of the Parish Convention on Monday last the assembly was addressed by M. E. Girard, Esq., our delegate in the late constitutional convention. With his usual energy. Mr. Girard advocated the adoption of the constitution and particularly of the debt ordinance as being the best settlement that could be made, under the circumstances, of that knotty question.

  The great improvement of the new over the old constitution is evident - the immense saving in the expense of the government alone is a sufficient recommendation for its adoption. As to the debt ordinance, the strongest argument that can be used in its favor is that the men who voted against it in the convention are now advocating its adoption. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.


Meeting at Court House.

 We are requested by the Chairman of the Parish Convention to state there will be a meeting of the Parish Executive Committee lately elected on Saturday next, the 11th of October, at the Court House, at 11 o'clock A. M.

 The list of members elect will be found in the proceedings of the Parish Convention published in another column.

 A full attendance is requested.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.

 For District Judge.

 To my fellow citizens of the Parishes of Lafayette and Vermilion :  I am a candidate for the office of District Judge for the 25th Judicial District, composed of the parishes of Lafayette and Vermilion ;  and, pointing to my past record as your Judge, brief as it is, I solicit your support and your votes, at the election on the 2nd day of December, 1879.
                     ED. EUG. MOUTON.

 We are authorized to announce M. F. RIGUES as a candidate for the office of District Judge of 25th Judicial District, composed of the parishes of Lafayette and Vermilion. Election on the 2d of December, 1879. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.

 For District Attorney.

 To the Voters of the Parishes of Lafayette and Vermilion : - I am a candidate for District Attorney of the 25th Judicial District, at the election on the 2nd of December next. You all know my past record as District Attorney of this District. I refer to it as the best guarantee I can give for the future, and solicit your votes.
             JOS. A. CHARGOIS.

 We authorized to announce CHARLES A. MOUTON as a candidate for the office of District Attorney for the 25th Judicial District, composed of the parishes of Lafayette and Vermilion, at the election in December next. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.

 For Representative.

 We are authorized to announce JOHN CLEGG, as a candidate for Representative to the lower House of the General Assembly, at the election in December next. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.

 For Clerk of Court.

ANDRE M. MARTIN, the present incumbent of the office of Clerk of the District Court, announces himself to the voters of the Parish of Lafayette as a candidate for that office, at the election to be held on the 2nd day of December next.

 We are authorized to announce WILLIAM BRANDT, the present incumbent of the Recorder's office, as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the District Court for the Parish of Lafayette, at the election in December next.

 ONES BROUSSARD is a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court, at the election in December next. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.

 For Sheriff.

 To the Voters of the Parish of Lafayette :  I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff of this Parish. My record of seven years as Chief Deputy Sheriff is before you. Upon it I stand and solicit your support and your votes. Election on the 2nd of December, 1879.
                    EDGAR MOUTON.

 To the Voters of the Parish of Lafayette :- I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff of this Parish. Election on the 2nd of December, 1879.
         R. C. LANDRY.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.

Justice of Peace, 3d Ward.

 AUGUSTE MONNIER, SR., has consented to become one of the candidates for Justice of the Peace for the Third Ward, at the election in December next. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.

 For the Church Spire.

 The ladies of our parish are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to collect a sum sufficient to rebuild our church spire. The were appealing to the charitable and the religious in almost every way. On the 15th instant, at the Court House, they propose to give a musical soiree and at the same time some of the amateurs will play a comedy. This in principle may seem odd that people require to have a dollar back, or a chance for it, for every dollar given in charity, yet such is often the case ;  and the purchaser of every ticket to the concert who attends, will receive, in pleasure and amusement, full value.

 Those who cannot enjoy the concert should contribute anyhow, remembering the injunction respice finem.

 We hope the efforts of our ladies will be crowned with success even beyond their expectations. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.

Lafayette Parish, La.

 [From the Louisville (Ky.) Home and Farm.]

 Editor Home and Farm:

 A few lines from this parish may be especially interesting to some of the readers of your most excellent paper, inasmuch as we are now able to report the rapid construction of the long projected railway from New Orleans to Orange, Texas, which, when completed, will open to us communication with the outside world, from which we have been comparatively cut off, having an imperfect transportation by steamboat through Vermilion bayou and overland staging and wagoning. Thus it is confidently expected that by October next this beautiful and most desirable section of country will be possessed of ample facilities for trade and travel.

 Persons in other States looking for new homes abroad, would do well to turn their attention in this direction. They will find here one of the most attractive and fertile countries in the world. The soil yields readily to the plow, and is rich without the objectionable feature of being sticky, like sticky nature of some prairie lands. The prairies are smooth, without grubs, and do not wash. Pure water is everywhere obtained in wells, while cisterns are also extensively used, especially in towns, by preference. The seasons are remarkably regular. The climate is delightful, almost entirely without winter, and in health, will compare favorably with any other country. The heat of the summer is so modified by the cool breezes blowing almost continuously, that we have but little oppressively warm weather. The evenings and nights are always pleasant.

 From the map of Louisiana it will be seen that the parish is one of the most favorably situated parishes of the Attakapas country, which consists of the parishes of Lafayette, St. Mary, Vermilion, St. Martin and Iberia. Its area is 300 square miles, about one-eighth swamp and timber land, the rest prairie. The products are corn, cotton, rice, sugar cane and all kinds of vegetables. Gardening is carried on the year round, and fruits grow in great variety.

 Mr. Dennett, of New Orleans, in his "Louisiana As It Is," says, in speaking of this parish :

 "Some of the most beautiful settlements yet made in Attakapas are upon Vermilion bayou. If situation favorable to health, united to the most agreeable prospects which are bounded but by the horizon, should be sought after ;  were taste to select sites or buildings, its research would here be required and gratified by the breezes which come directly from the Gulf Of Mexico. Fancy, itself, could not form a more delightful range that the Carencro and Cote Gelee settlements." Again, from the opinion of an Illinois farmer :  "I have heretofore thought that Central Illinois was the best farming country in the world, but since I have seen the Teche and Attakapas country, I do not see how any man who has seen this country can be satisfied to live in Illinois." Quoting from the editor of the Chicago Times, he says of our country, in general :

 "If by some supreme effort of nature, Western Louisiana with its soil, climate and productions, could be taken up and transported north to the latitude of Illinois and Indiana, and there be set down in the pathway of Eastern and Western travel, it would create a commotion that would throw the discovery of gold in California in the shade at the time of its greatest excitement. The people would rush to it in millions."

 No description of the physical or natural features of the country can be over done. I have seen many other choice portions of the South and West, but none for which nature has done so much as for this. A failure in crops are rare, and at present they are very promising, good rains have just fallen through the country. Stock o all kinds does well here.
        Vermilionville, La.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1879.






 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 4th, 1873:


 Hypolite A. Savoie surrendered himself last Tuesday, alleging that in defending himself against Joseph O. Landry, he was forced to use a knife. The certificate of the attending physician shows that Landry received simply a flesh wound and that he is doing well. Savoie was required to furnish bend, in the sum of one thousand dollars, to appear when notified. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1873.

Property Sale.

 The sale of the property being to the succession of widow Baptiste Sonnier will take place at the last residence of the deceased, in this parish, on Monday the 6th inst. Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1873.

Good Molasses. 

 New molasses of a very fine quality was sold on our streets this week. It was made on Mr. Ozeme Leblanc's plantation west of Vermilionville.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1873.

 Fresh Groceries. Mr. Gagneaux, grocer on Lafayette street, has received a large stock of groceries of all kinds.

 Mr. Conally, grocer near the Catholic Church, received this week a select assortment of family groceries.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1873.

An Artist in Lafayette.
Lafayette, La, Oct 4, 1905.

To the Advertiser Editor.

 Dear Sir: I have had the occasion to observe that busy delegation of young railroad clerks and attaches of the superintendent's office who came to Lafayette with the transfer of division headquarters from New Orleans to this point are a clever bunch. And among them I have chanced to discover a talented and accomplished musician - in fact, an artist of no mean ability and one having possibilities of becoming a virtuoso - whose work, it seems to me, ought not to be withheld from our music-loving community. I could give you seventeen guesses and you would never hit it right as to what is his instrument; so, to announce it flatly, it is no other than THE BANJO !

Before this time I had always classed the banjo with the "juice harp", the minstrel bones, the tambourine, and the tin can; I had thought of it in much the same spirit as that of Kipling when he made the Tommy Atkins banjo say of itself:

"I'm the prophet of the utterly absurd,

 Of the patently impossible and vain,
And when the thing that couldn't has
Just give me time to change my leg and
and go again."

But now I am convinced that this instrument has all the psychic possibilities of either the violin or the 'cello ! Had anybody told me that the Overture to the Opera, "Poet and Peasant" or "William Tell" could be rendered acceptably on the banjo, I would have given him a stony stare and would have felt in my heart a pang of pity too deep for speech. But the world keeps on turning round on its axis or something and we find out a few things nearly every day. And I am now prepared to assert, incredible as it may seem, that this young fellow can and does play the scores of these two operas in a very satisfactory manner on the banjo - even when unaccompanied by any other instrument; and I firmly believe that he could do the Twelfth Rhapsody or the Sonata Pathetique in a way just as pleasing as they could be rendered on the piano forte. And at the same time he perfectly familiar with the more popular music of the day, including all kinds of "rag" - and in one piece in particular, poetically entitled "Woa! You Heifer!", he can almost make the strings articulate these words. But it is in the soft Lydian airs, the old time love songs, drunk with moonlight and filled with the infinite passion and the pain of finite hearts that yearn - it is in these that he is supreme. The harmony with which he can intone the immortal strains of "Annie Laurie" or "The Last Rose of Summer" would bring tears to all the Love Sprites that ever flitted along the moonlight banks of Bayou Vermilion.

The young man's name is Edward J. Dowling, and, on further inquiry as to "how he happened." I've learned that he is really a professional musician and has played on the Orpheum Circuit and with the best Lyceum Bureaus in the country. He went to railroading in order to be with his family in New Orleans, his native place, but now since his job as side-tracked him here (though surely he could not deny that he is now in a much better place) hge has decided to do as Supt. W. F. Owen - drop out. He will leave in about two weeks.

So what I propose, and my purpose in addressing you this letter, is that we make an opportunity for Lafayette to hear Mr. Dowling play before he leaves. The Sontag Concert Band and all individual musicians in town would be interested and it is practically certain that a large audience would be present for such an occasion. A small admission fee (say 25 cents) might be charged and the gate receipts divided between Mr. Dowling and some benefit or other; if no one suggests anything better; the Library Fund of the Industrial Institute would be good enough beneficiary (though I don't stipulate this at all, and should be ready to yield to any other suggestion). Suppose we have it in the opera house next Wednesday, the 11th inst.? What do you say?

Lafayette Advertiser 10/4/1905.

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