Tuesday, January 13, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of December 18th, 1897.


 In another column of The Gazette, we publish the names of the men selected by the Baton Rouge Democratic convention as delegates to the convention. A careful scanning of the list by any fair-minded man will show that they are true representatives of the sections from which they will be sent. They are in perfect accord with the objects for which the convention was called, principally the elimination of the negro from the suffrage.

 The best of feeling prevailed during the sessions of the convention, and there was a total lack of dissensions and spirit of acrimony. Some of the brainiest men of the State were in attendance and lent their aid in forming a good ticket.

 At first, there was an honest difference of opinion as to the manner of choosing the delegates, whether to disregard geographical lines or not. This matter was amicably settled, a happy medium having been reached.

 The men chosen from this congressional district are well known, and their work will undoubtedly be equal to the expectations of the public. Among them we find the name of A. P. Pujo, of the parish of Calcasieu, who stumped the district for Congressman Broussard, at the last election. He belongs to a Creole family, was born and raised in a Creole community, and, no doubt, will look to the interests in the coming convention. There are, also, Judge A. V. Coco, of Avoyelles, and E. B. Dubuisson, of St. Landry, two lawyers of State-wide fame.

 The convention adjourned after having adopted the platform, a stirring Democratic address to the people of Louisiana, replete with the time-honored principles of that party.
 Lafayette Gazette 12/18/1897.


 Lafayette, La., Dec. 15, 1897. - The undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Election in and for Lafayette parish, met this day for the purpose and proceeded to appoint the following named commissioners and clerks of election, to serve at the election to be held the second Tuesday of Jan., (11) 1898, throughout said parish, in accordance with Act No. 52 of 1896:

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A. M. MARTIN, Assessor Lafayette Parish, La.
Lafayette Gazette 12/18/1897.


Hummel, Hamilton & Sells' Colossal Shows will Exhibit in Lafayette, Monday, December 27.

 This is a new show in this section, but it has already earned for itself a name and reputation that insures to it liberal patronage wherever it may go. Its active manager and director is Mr. William Sells, whose life-long experience in the circus profession is a guarantee to the public of the quality and magnitude of the performance put forth by this exhibition. Everywhere this season it has met with excellent patronage.
Laf. Gazette 12/18/1897.

 Negro Stabbed. - In a dispute over a game of craps Sunday, near Ilse Pilette, Albert Savoy, a negro, stabbed and seriously wounded another by the name of Gustave Broussard. They quarreled over 5 cents. Deputy Mouton arrested Savoy and placed him in jail. Laf. Gazette 12/18/1897.

 Christmas Vacation. - The public schools of Lafayette parish will be closed just before Christmas to resume the first Monday in January. The teachers of the parish have been doing some excellent work, and will doubtless welcome the few days of recreation.
Laf. Gazette 12/18/1897.

Fairs at Carencro.

 Extensive preparations are being made to make a success of the series of fairs which will be given by Father LeForest, at Carencro, for the purpose of paying the debt still due on the church blown down some time ago. On Dec. 25 and 26, the entertainment will be for the white people; on Jan. 1 and 2, for the colored folks. Lafayette Gazette 12/18/1897.

 Registration Notice.

 Assessor Martin issues his registration notice this week. Every voter should at once register. The coming election means more to good government in the State than any issue which has come before the people of Louisiana in the past quarter of a century. Be on hand when the assessor comes around. Be careful to notice the date that he will visit your section. Lafayette Gazette 12/18/1897.

Knights of Honor.

 At a regular meeting of Lodge 3194, K. of H., Tuesday Dec. 14, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Dr. J. F. Mouton, Dicatator; F. H. Clark, Vice-dictator; Alf. Hebert, Assistant Dictator; Geo. A. DeBlanc, Reporter; A. E. Mouton, Financial Reporter; B. Falk, Treasurer; T. F. Webb, Jr., Chaplain; Alb. Delahoussaye, Guardian; B. Miller, Sentinel; and Jacob Weigle, James T. Mulkern and D. Doucet, Trustees. Lafayette Gazette 12/18/1897.

The Land of the Fairest Flower.

 Though no local poet has hitherto sung its praises, Lafayette is truly the land of the fairest flower that blooms in the "Eden of Louisiana," the camelia. The crimson, immaculate white, or speckled beauties blossom in every parterre, in summer or winter. The gamins sell them on the street. They are not "born to blush unseen," for love-sick youths see in them missives of unspoken love. But they are dear. One of our embryo sovereigns muses thusly:

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 Lafayette Gazette 12/18/1897.

"Eagle Eye" Chevis.

 The eagle eye of Chevis of the Baton Rouge Advocate has evidently slept just a bit late or he would not have failed to note the entrance of his old friend Curley Duson into the fold of the black and tan, "trooly loil" State Central Committee. Duson was always regarded as belonging to the high toned sugar teat wing, but as he is a shrewd politician he soon perceived that these people did not much ice with the administration and he forthwith proceeded to get it on the ground floor with the gang who have a pull with McKinley's leg which is a dead sure thing for some pap. - Abbeville Meridional.

 If our confrere of the Meridional will allow us, we respectfully submit the following "notice" from the "eagle-eyed" Chevis anent Duson's latest jump into the camp of the black and tan.

 D. C. O'Malley and C. C. Duson probably the two most nigger-loving Republican thimble-riggers in the State were at Alexandria on Saturday conferring with the ropes and helping to set the triggers by means of which they hope to catch the support of the white populists of Louisiana for the combination ticket they will spring upon the public in a short while. This is indeed a sweet-scented pair for respectable populists to be caught conferring with; and the fact that they have been doing so is sufficient to damn, in the eyes of any self-respecting white man, any movement that may result from the meeting. All the talk about the "purification of politics" that the Pops can fire off from now until doomsday will amount to nothing so long as they continue to affiliate with notorious corruptions of the O'Malley-Duson stripe. Lafayette Gazette 12/18/1897.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/18/1897.

 The Christmas holidays are at hand, and the little ones will make the welkin ring with the sound of the fire cracker and Roman candle.

 Dr. Eloi Girard made a trip to New Orleans this week.

 Judge McFaddin, Wm. Campbell, Dr. Percy and Crow Girard went to Leesburg on a hunting trip the latter part of the past week.

 Mr. David Peltier will be married to Miss Yolande Rigues, Monday, December 20, 1897.

 Wilson Matthews has returned to Lafayette, and is now in the employ of the Southern Pacific. His many friends were glad to see him settle here.

 Dr. Franklin Mouton visited Homer Mouton in St. Martinville Tuesday.

 The editor of this paper has been sick for two weeks, and is still ill at the home of his parents in St. Martinville. We, therefore, beg the indulgence of our readers for any shortcomings that may result from his absence.

 A crowd of serenaders, under the leadership of Mr. Omer Patureau, were out discoursing sweet music Thursday evening. We were kindly remembered by the sweet-singers.

 We would like to see the people of Lafayette interest themselves in the establishment of a lecture association. The Gazette will be prepared to give some accurate information about the matter in next week's issue.

 Assessor A. M. Martin has published his registration notice in another part of this issue.

 Work is progressing on the electric light plant. Some trouble was occasioned by the bricks being alleged to be defective, but the matter was adjusted satisfactorily.

 Raoul Olivier, who has been working at the Carencro Refinery, is now at his home in Lafayette. He will leave in a few days for Louisville, Ky., where he goes to attend a dental school.

 Invitations have been issued to the marriage of our successful young merchant, Mr. Sam L. Plonsky, to Miss Sara Strauss, of New Orleans, Tuesday, January fourth, 1898, at New Orleans.
Lafayette Gazette 12/18/1897.





 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 18th, 1897:

Typhoid Fever and Water Supply.

 A gentleman who gives more than passing consideration to questions of so much seriousness, in commenting on our remarks last week on hog raising within the city limits, (remarkably that he endorses), took occasion to remind us in the same connection that the water works of the town would furnish a ready and valuable means of escape from the danger attending the use of well water that is always a standing menace to the health of persons deriving their supply of drinking water from this source. It is a well known fact that that the wells of this country are being constantly subjected to the contaminating influences of underground drainage and, it is equally certain, that such wells serve as sources of infection to the inhabitants. Physicians, who are most competent to speak on this subject, all recognize the danger and advise against the indiscriminate use of well water for drinking purposes. Whole epidemics of disease have at times been traced to a polluted water supply and a knowledge of the danger that lurks about the home from the source should be a warning to people generally.

 The Advertiser believes it is performing a duty in advising the residents of Lafayette to confine their drinking water to two sources - rain water contained in large tanks and filtered water of the kind that will be supplied by the town's water works. Well water coming from a great depth and naturally filtered by the sand beds it traverses becomes purified and suitable for drinking purposes, and such is the quality of water that will be supplied by the town's system of water works and that ought to prove such a valuable convenience to the large number of persons who are prevented from owning cisterns, and yet who can easily meet the cost of a water plug.

 Let everybody remember that pure drinking water is highly essential to good health and , remembering it, look carefully to the water supply. Lafayette Advertiser 12/18/1897.         

"A Monster Show."


On their own special train of twenty cars. 
 BIG CROWDS AT THE CIRCUS. Hummel, Hamilton & Sells draws the People. 

Will Exhibit in Lafayette on Dec. 27th!!! 

Read this review from the Arkansas Gazette: 

 Hummel, Hamilton & Sells circus drew another large crowd last night and the enthusiasm of the audience was fully as demonstrative as that of the previous evening.

 No cleaner, brighter or better show than this has ever visited Little Rock. It is honestly conducted by a capable and gentlemanly management, and the utter absence of any of the "fakir" class, or other disreputable people was a pleasure to all who attended.
 Messrs. Hummel, Hamilton & Sells are to be commended for the stand they take against anything partaking of dishonest practices.

 The circus exhibits this afternoon and evening in Argenta and then will several other towns in Arkansas before entering Texas for a tour of that state.   -- Arkansas Gazette, Nov. 11, 1897.

 This great show will Exhibit at Lafayette on Monday Dec. 27th.

A Christmas Tree.

 A Christmas tree entertainment will be held at Bertrand's School House on Dec. 23. We acknowledge receipt of invitation and wish much success to the bright little teacher, Miss Pearl Harmonson. Lafayette Advertiser 12/18/1897.

Disappeared from Parish Jail.

 Since the surreptitious disappearance of Mr. Thomas Mouton's turkey gobbler from one of the cells of the parish prison where he had been placed for safe-keeping awaiting the ax of the executioner, the question arises "of a turkey is not safe over in jail what other place on earth offers a more secure roosting place?" And this question is agitating the minds of many people in Lafayette to-day. Lafayette Advertiser 12/18/1897.


 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/18/1897.

 Fine line of harmonica's at Biossat's jewelry store.

 Grand Ball at Falk's Opera House Dec. 31st.

 X-mas presents in all styles at Biossat's.

 Cranberries, Mince Meat, Candies & Cakes at Mouton & Salles.

 We have Xmas presents for your Sister and your Cousins and Aunts. Biossat's jewelry store. 

 Our prices are the lowest in town for good goods. Mouton & Salles.

 Canned String beans, Peas, Sour Kraut and every other kind of canned goods. Mouton & Salles.

 Mr. J. J. Davidson has been succeeded by Mr. L. J. Serrett, as local agent of the Southern Pacific railroad at this place.

 Dr. J. F. Mouton paid a professional visit to Mr. Homer Mouton, at St. Martinville, last Tuesday, Mr. Mouton is laid up with typhoid fever. Late news about his condition is of a reassuring nature, we are glad to be able to state. Lafayette Advertiser 12/18/1897.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 18th, 1908:


 A Successful Firm in a Successful Business Guided by Successful Business Men.

 There is nothing that succeeds like success, is a trite saying, but few realize the essential factors that combine to render any business successful, but are wont to attribute the growth and enlargement of any business to the whims and caprice of Dame Fortune, The Lacoste Hardware Co., Ltd., presents a concrete example that success may be attained by intelligent management, persevering industry, strict attention to every detail and above all the honesty and fairness which characterize all dealings with customers. Ever alert to the needs of the people the company strives to satisfy all possible demands of a discriminating public by keeping in stock a full and complete supply of goods in every department of its large and well ordered establishment. Polite and accomodating salesman give prompt and efficient attention to patrons who once secured, find it to their interest to continue the patronage of this firm.

 In this brief sketch it is impossible to speak of the individual members of the company and their efficient corps of assistants, but it will be sufficient to say that all are gentlemen of honor and integrity, natives of the town and parish, thoroughly acquainted with the needs of the people and identified with the common interest and prosperity of the community.

 Established in 1897 by the late Leopold Lacoste, the well known blacksmith, the firm began its career on a limited scale in retail shelf hardware with present Sheriff L. Lacoste, manager. Gradually the growth of business necessitated a larger force and more ample quarters to facilitate the trade and so the present spacious store, extending across the block from Madison street (now Buchanan street) to Jefferson street, was erected, giving the establishment two fronts on principal thoroughfares. Numerous lines have been added until now the firm carries one of the largest and most complete stock of goods to be found in Southwest Louisiana. The working force consists of seven men, each having his special department requiring exclusive attention.

 The firm was incorporated under the style of Lacoste Hardware Company, Ltd., on May 21, 1904, and is officered as follows: Jos. A. Lacoste, president; Louis Lacoste, vice-president; J. P. Colomb, secretary and manager; E. Mouisset, treasurer. Owing to extensive trade and the large volume of business transacted the house has organized into several departments under heads as follows:  E. Mouisset, retail and hardware; Jos. A. Lacoste, farming implements and vehicles; J. P. Colomb, credit department in addition to regular lines of the trade the company carries a complete line of electrical supplies, paints, oils, pipes and fittings. Lafayette may well feel proud of this enterprising commercial establishment, whose history records the steady growth and substantial progress of the town and parish during the last decade. Lafayette Advertiser 12/18/1908.


 The true and only basis of any successful business is a thorough knowledge of its every detail and a familiarity with the needs of the trade. A forcible and practical illustration of the truth of this proposition is found in the growth and development of Mr. John A. Buquor's tailoring establishment on Jefferson street. From a small beginning and limited customers the business, under the able management of the proprietor, assisted by his brother, Mr. James Buquor, has prospered and extended until it has reached its present satisfactory proportions. Established in January, 1904, the house, in so short a period of time, has come to the forefront and may now be easily classed as one of the most complete and reliable tailoring establishments in Southwest Louisiana. By honesty in dealing, strict attention to every detail and first class workmanship, Mr. Buquor has won the confidence and esteem of a large and ever-increasing patronage and may justly feel proud of his well-earned success.

 Besides making suits and garments in the latest and most approved fashion the firm does a large business in cleaning, pressing and repairing of clothing and cleaning and blocking of hats. An investigation of the shop and conference with Mr. Buquor will satisfy the most skeptical as to his ability to please the most fastidious in all matters pertaining to dress. Lafayette Advertiser 12/18/1908. 





How a "Wicked Fraud" was put upon Mark Twain in Newark.
[From the Newark, {N. J.} Press.]

 It is seldom pleasant to tell on one's self but sometimes it is a sort of relief to a man to make a sad confession. I wish to unburden my mind now, and yet I almost believe that I am moved to do it more because I long to bring censure upon another man than because I desire to pour blame upon my wounded heart. (I don't know what balm is, but I believe it is the correct expression to use in this connection - never having seen any balm.) You may remember that I lectured in Newark lately for the young gentlemen of the Claytonian Society ? I did, at any vote. During the afternoon of that day I was talking with one of the young gentlemen just referred to, and he said he had an uncle who, from some cause or other, seemed to have grown permanently bereft of all emotion. And with the tears in his eyes this young man said :

 "Oh, if I could but do it! If you could but do it, all our families would bless you forevermore - for he is very dear to us. Oh, my benefactor, can you make him laugh ? can you bring soothing tears to those parched orbs."

 I was profoundly moved. I said :

 "My son, bring the old party around. I have got some jokes in that lecture that will make him laugh if there is any laugh in him - and if they miss fire I have got some others that will make him cry or kill him, one or the other."

 Then the young man blessed me, and wept on my neck, and blew his nose on my coat tail, and went after his uncle. He placed him in full view, in the second row of benches that night, and I began on him. I tried him with mild jokes; then with severe ones; I dosed him with bad jokes and riddled him with good ones ; I fired old stale old jokes into him, and peppered him fore and aft with red-hot new ones ; I warmed up to my work, and assaulted him on the right and left, in front and behind. I fumed and sweated, and charged and ranted, till I was horse and sick, and frantic and furious - but I never moved him once - I never started a smile or a tear ! Never a ghost of a smile, and never a suspicion of moisture ! I was astonished. I closed the lecture at last with one despairing shriek - with one wild burst of humor - and hurled a joke of supernatural atrocity full at him. It never phased him. Then I sat down bewildered and exhausted.

 The President and of the society came up and bathed my head with cold water and said :

 "What made you carry on so toward the last?"

 I said : "I was trying to make that confounded old fool laugh, in the second row."

 And he said : "Well, you were wasting your time - because he is deaf and dumb, and as blind as a badger."

 Now was that any way for that old man's nephew to impose on a stranger and an orphan like me ? I simply ask you as a man and a brother, if that was any way for him to do?"

 Lafayette Advertiser 2/20/1869.

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