Tuesday, January 13, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser from November 22nd, 1905:

A RASH ACT ! ! !                                                  

 Tuesday evening of last week about 8:30 o'clock John Quinn a Southern Pacific brakeman, mounted an engine in the yard and running it on the mainline, pulled the throttle wide open and went at full speed up the Alexandria branch, blowing the whistle as he went. At Sunset he ran into a freight, but fortunately did slight damage as the water supply of his engine had failed and steam was almost exhausted.

   Sheriff Lacoste and Superintendent Shackford with several railroad men and deputies at once followed the wild steam engine. On reaching Sunset they found that Conductor Crouch of the freight train, had arrested Quinn, who was returned here and placed in jail under a serious charge.

 It is supposed that Quinn's rash act was committed while under the influence of drink

Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905

 Night Trains Resumed.
Last night the No. 8 east bound train was put on and tonight No. 7 will begin, which will make the service the same as it was before quarantine.Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905                                                              

Derailed. - Monday night two oil tank cars jumped the track near the compress, while they were being switched. No damage done except the delay and trouble of re-tracking them.       Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905



 As will be noticed by a reference to the proceedings of the City Council published in another column the question of providing funds for the right of way for the Baton Rouge-Lafayette road has been solved. The Committee on Right of Way have arranged for the entire right of way excepting crossing the Compress property and it is hoped that an agreement with the Compress people can be reached promptly. With the funds provided, deals for the right of way will be closed and the right of way turned over to the Southern Pacific by December first, by which time the entire right of way practically if not entirely, acquired, and the Southern Pacific will at once begin active construction.

 This assures Lafayette the Lafayette-Baton Rouge road, and the citizens of the town are under obligations to the Committee on Right of way for their valuable services in the matter. Their work has been done promptly and effectively and without hope of reward except to share with the whole town in the benefits which are bound to follow.

 The Mayor and City Council also deserves appreciative commendation for their readiness in aiding in the cause and their unhesitating willingness to act when their assistance was needed in arranging for funds.

 The satisfactory handling of this matter should be a source of satisfaction to everybody for several reasons, principal among which is the splendid demonstration of unity of purpose among the citizens and their fine pull all together, aided as assisted by a City Council that does not fail to respond right where the situation requires it.

 There are other things waiting to which Lafayette must turn her hand, things that are urgent, pressing, things that mean added vigor and substantiability to our little city and with such a spirit prevailing, no doubt need be felt as to the happy issue in each case
 Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905

Closing for Right of Way.                                                        
Valley of the Teche.

The new railroad committee has been right busy all this week going over the line getting the deeds to the land for the right of way for the Southern Pacific extension from Lafayette through this town and the fourth and fifth ward to Baton Rouge. They are meeting with nice success and by December 10 at which time the S. P. is desirous of commencing work, they are confidant that they will have the deeds to hand over to the railroad officials. At present there are but two land owners that have refused to donate  or sell at a reasonable price. These two are Alcide Webre and Joe Jean Louis, the latter a colored farmer. These tracts will have to be had by expropriation proceeding in the courts. Two other land owners have not yet given their deeds that fact owing to those owners being non residents of the state. Reprinted from the Valley of the Teche in the Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905

To Pay for Right of Way for Baton Rouge-Lafayette Road.

 City Council Appropriates Fourteen Thousand Dollars Payable in Annual Installments of $3,000.

 A joint meeting of the City Council and the Committee on Right of Way was held Friday night at the Gordon. Mr. Crow Girard explained the object of the meeting to be to consider means for providing funds to pay for right of way on which the Committee had promises of sale. Mr. Caffery suggested a method of raising money and to put it in shape suggested the appointment of a committee of three from the Council and three from the Committee on Right of Way to draw up resolutions and pledges acquired.

 The suggestion of Mr. Caffery was acted on by the appointment of Judge Debaillon, O. C. Mouton and Crow Girard on the part of the Committee on Right of Way. Mr. Caffery was added by special motion. O. B. Hopkins, P. Krauss and C. D. Boudreaux with Mayor Mouton ex-officio, were designated members for the Council.

 The Committee as above named met Saturday morning and drew up the following resolutions which were passed the same night by the City Council at a special meeting called for the purpose.

 Be it ordained by the City Council of the town of Lafayette, La., that there shall be and is hereby appropriated and set apart and dedicated to the payment of the expense incurred for the right of way in the Parish of Lafayette for the branch road of the Morgan L. & T. R. R. from Lafayette, La., to Baton Rouge the sum of Fourteen thousand dollars, ($14,000.00) or as much thereof as may be necessary.

 And be it further ordained, that said amount shall be payable annually, out of the general fund of said town, in sums not less than Three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) which shall be attributed to the payment of the interests annually fixed at five per cent, and then to the principal until the first above mentioned amount is paid in full with the interests thereon, in accordance with act No. 32 of the acts of the Legislature of this State of 1902.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905.  


S. P. Gasoline Powered.

 The Southern Pacific officials have decided to assign two of the gasoline motor engines which have been ordered, to the branch lines in Louisiana. This announcement will be received with pleasure by the people along these branch lines, and will mean a much improved service for the towns on these branches. One of the new engines will be used on the Lafayette branch out to Opelousas, and the other will be used on the Houma branch.

   It was first believed that these engines would be tried out on the Texas branch lines, but through the efforts of Superintendent E. B. Cushing two of the engines will be assigned to this State. - From the N. O. Picayune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905.



 The natural advantages of climate and soil enjoyed by Lafayette count for a great deal, but in the marked spirit of co-operation which permeates the fiber of our people lies a force that represents an asset of incalculable value.

 It is due to this splendid spirit of unity in all things affecting the public welfare that so much of substantial progress can be credited to Lafayette within the past ten years, because it was just ten years ago that out people as a whole learned for the first time the great practical advantage of co-operative effort, when everybody joined hands in securing a system of electric light and water-works for the lethargic old town.

 The notable success of the first undertaking of public works on a large scale, with its resulting benefits, served to open wide the eyes of our people to the possibilities of united and harmonious action, and having once learned the lesson no opportunity was ever was ever lost afterward to utilize this all-powerful force for furthering the common welfare.

 It was this particular force at work which caused that magnificent educational plant, the Southwestern Industrial Institute, to rise up in our midst with its influence for good that it beyond computation.

 Later on we saw large buildings and three stories high roll-back from their original foundations as by magic, in obedience to this same subtle force now engaged in widening the business streets of Lafayette and bordering them with cement sidewalks, to meet new public necessities.

 The determined concert of action of our people proved a veritable bulwark in the trying yellow fever and quarantine experiences from which we have lately emerged.

 Within the past few weeks this characteristic trait of the people of Lafayette has found very tangible expression in the matter of securing the right of way for a new line of railroad, an acquisition which is going to prove of inestimable value to our town and parish.

 In the success of the recently started movement for good roads, a step of great public importance, we recognize in still another form the old-time "all-pull-together" feeling that compels things to happen.

 It was the germination of this identical force (the spirit of progress fortified by united public sentiment), that placed at the disposal of the school authorities three years ago, a special tax of 3 mills in aid of the public schools, marking a distinct step forward in the parish of Lafayette.

 And it is through this same forceful spirit of co-operation before whose irresistible power all obstacles must give way, that great things are going to be accomplished in the future for our people, such, for example, as the proposed new bond issue for needed permanent public improvements - if only the spirit of harmony is allowed to flow on uninterruptedly. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905.


Charivari Party Fired Upon by Constable Constanin and a Number Slightly Hurt.

 Tuesday evening about 9 p. m. a party of young men in accordance with time honored custom paid the home of Mr. John Constantin a visit on the occasion of his marriage charivari him and his bride. The din of horns, drums and other noise making instruments brought Mr. Constantin to the door, who after a few words, told the crowd to go to a saloon near by and take a treat on him, he would foot the bill. The charivari party then turned and started off, but renewed the racket as they went. They had gone but a short distance when they were astounded by hearing two reports in quick succession. Mr. Constantin had fired twice with a double barrel shot gun directly into the crowd which scattered at once, wounding about fifteen of the party. Investigation showed that the wounds were slight as the gun was loaded with small shot.

    Soon after the unfortunate occurrence Mr. Constantin was arrested by deputies Peck and Broussard upon an affidavit charging him the shooting with intent to kill. He was released on bond shortly after. The following day he was again arrested and let out on bond.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905

Syrup Factory Burns.
Sunday morning about 2 o'clock the Lafayette Syrup Factory was discovered to be on fire. Notwithstanding the efforts made to save the building it burned to the ground. The loss is estimated at $5000 with no insurance.

Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905

Effie Ellsner in "Hazel Kirk" at Jefferson Theatre.

 One of the most beautiful pictures in the gallery of stage portraiture will be soon at the Jefferson Theater on Wednesday, November 22, 1905. Miss Effie Ellsler then and there will reappear in the title role of Steele Mackay's immortal comedy drama, "Hazel Kirke" the play she made famous and which helped her attain worldwide celebrity. This beautiful old play, which has no villain, no adventuress and no awkward suggestiveness, but which has good will, a few tears, and hearty laugh for every man, woman and child in the land, was never before presented with as fine a cast and as handsome a production as those which now surround Miss Ellsler. Reports from other cities indicate that never in the past did this handsome and gifted actress invest the title role of the play with as much sweetness, charm and nobility as she is doing this year. These are good reasons why none should miss the coming performance - and there is another: Miss Ellsner never play "Hazel Kirke" again after this year. From the Press Agent and in the Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905. 

 Trip to Egypt.

 The first original production at $1.00 prices. Heretofore the theatrical managers of the United States have not been willing to offer the public an entirely original production at prices less than $1.50 and $2.00 a seat. The public have therefore had to accept only second hand productions at prices less than these. Among the first to realize that productions could be made and presented to the public in a first-class manner at $1.00, was Mr. C. Hebert Kerr and accordingly a number of excellent musical shows bearing his name and trade mark are now en-tour and are eminently successful.

 "The Beauty Doctor," "Papa's Baby," "Over the Fence", and lastly "A Trip to Egypt" have all been successful because they are large shows, well mounted and capably cast without raising the prices out of reach of the average theatre-goers. "A Trip to Egypt" comes to Jefferson Theatre on Friday, Nov. 24, as an example of the best original production and the largest and most expensive company ever offered at prices ranging from 50c to $1.00. Don't miss it. A clean comedy. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905.

At the Jefferson.

 The following are some of the attractions that will appear at the Jefferson Theatre this season:

 Dec. 2. - Hans Hanson.
 Dec. 4. - Bunch of Keys.
 Dec. 18. - Dora Thorn.
 Dec. 19. - Donley & Hatfield Minstrels.
 Dec. 21. - Sign of the Four.
 Dec. 24. - City Spats.
 Jan. 6. - Pumpkin Husker.
 Jan. 14. - Her Only Sin.
 Jan. 16. - W. B. Patton in Last Rose of Summer.
 Jan 18. - Adelaide Thurston.
 Jan. 24 and 25. - Albert Taylor.
 Jan. 27. - Floradora.
 Jan. 28. - Moonlight Maids.
 Jan. 31. - Barlow Minstrels.
 Feb. 2. - David Harum.
 Feb. 4. - Al Reeves Company.
 Feb. 17. - Mildred Holland.
 Feb. 18. - Hans & Nix.
 March 14. - What Women Will Do.
 March 19. - Man in Black.
 March 22. - American Tramp.
 March 31. - Odeon Quartette Co.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905.

A Surprise Party.

 Friday night a few young people enjoyed a surprise party in honor of Miss Robbie Faulk at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kelly.

 Euchre was a most enjoyable feature of the evening; after ten closely contested and exciting games were played, the tally cards of Mr. Eben Morgan and Miss Faulk showed them to be the most successful players. Mrs. Kelly then served delicious refreshments to the following guests: Misses Dickson, Larche, Cockerham, Shannon, Faulk, Estelle Mouton and Lucile Mouton; Messrs. Harris, Morgan, Avery, Chas. Debaillon, Chas. Muller, F. E. Davis and Dr. A. R. Trahan. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905. 

Dr. A. Gladu

 Died at his residence in this city Monday, Nov. 20, at 8:30 p. m.  Dr. Alphone Gladu, born in St. Antoine, Vercheres County, Canada, Jan. 15, 1846. His death was very sudden coming as a terrible blow upon his bereaved family. He was taken with a stroke of apoplexy Monday evening about half past six, and not withstanding all efforts he never rallied and died at half past eight. Dr. Gladu was a good citizen, a kind father and most devoted husband and possessed many warm friends all over the parish who will learn of his death with sincere regret.

 He was acting coroner at the time of his death.

 Funeral services were held at St. John's Catholic church, which were largely attended, yesterday at half past three p. m.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905

D. A. Cochrane.

 Died at his residence near Lafayette at 12:20 p. m. Sunday, Nov. 19, 1905.  Douglas A. Cochrane, aged 64 years and 8 months. Mr. Cochrane was native of Avoyelles. In 1861 at the outbreak of the civil war he enlisted in Company C. under Col. Alcibiades DeBlanc, Stonewall Jackson corps, and served until the close gallantly. He took an active and prominent part in politics having served at various times as member of the State Legislature, deputy clerk, tax collector and clerk of the Police Jury. He was a member of Mouton-Gardner Camp 580, U. C. V., and was its first sergeant. At his death he held the rank of first lieutenant. He was also a member of the Masonic Lodge of Lafayette.

 Funeral services were conducted at the Catholic cemetery Monday by the Masons at 3:30 p. m., which were attended by a very large concourse of friends and relatives which showed the high esteem in which he was held. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905.


 We present below the list of subscribers to the road-building fund, complete up to four o'clock yesterday. The list shows a gratifying response to the appeal made by the Citizens' Road-Building Association for money to carry on successfully the work of making good roads for the use of the public in Lafayette parish, beginning with the 3rd ward:

 This move is one of great practical value to the business interests of Lafayette and to the public in general, and it is entitled to the full support of all those who are going to be its beneficiaries. It is the purpose of the association first of all to make good roads, and in the next place to prevent bad roads. To do this work properly in the beginning is going to require a considerable outlay of money, and it is but fair that this expense should be distributed over as large a number of interested persons as possible, so that the cost may not fall too heavily on just a small number of the more willing ones. And it is not correct to speak of this outlay of money as an expense either, because it is really an investment of money in way which will pay substantial profits, for good roads do undoubtedly promote business most effectively.

 At the last meeting of the  Board of Directors of the association it was decided to call in the first installment of 20 per cent on subscriptions for December first. It is the intention of the Association to make calls for money no faster than it will be needed and for no more money that what is actually required. By this plan the larger the total amount of subscriptions will be, the smaller in proportion will be the percentage paid by each subscriber on his subscription, and hence it is to the advantage of everybody concerned to run up the total subscriptions to as large an amount as possible.

 Good roads help business greatly, and they are of great held to the schools also, - and there are no two other factors that will do more to build up a country than good schools and good roads. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905.       

 Chargois Office Rented. - Messrs. St. Cyr and Fontenot, attorneys-at-law, of Opelousas, rented the Chargois office on Madison street. Mr. Leo St. Cyr of the firm will have charge of the Lafayette office and Mr. Austin L. Fontenot will remain in Opelousas. The Advertiser extends a cordial welcome to Mr. St. Cyr, and trusts he will find Lafayette a pleasant place to live. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905.

Martin Corner Sold. - Yesterday A. M. Martin passed the sale of his property on the corner of Garfield and Lincoln avenue to Arthur Angelo, for $5,600. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905.

Appointed Court Stenographer. - Roland Triay, a graduate of the Industrial Institute, was appointed court stenographer for Lafayette parish by Clerk of Court Voorhies and qualified Saturday.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905.


To Organize Survivors of Hood's Immunes into an Association.

 First Sergeant J. R. Domingeaux of Hood's Immunes has received a letter from J. E. Glisson, of New Orleans, notifying him of a call for a meeting to be held in New Orleans, Nov. 30, at 8:30 p. m. at the Masonic Temple for the purpose of organizing the survivors into an Association. All members of Hood's Immunes surviving are urged to attend. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905.

Aid for Russian Jews.

 In response to a call issued by Jacob Shiff of New York for assistance to the persecuted Jews of Russia, the following have responded with the amounts opposite their names:

 Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905.

The Cane Crop.
[La. Planter and Sugar Manufacturer.]

 Good weather has prevailed throughout the sugar district since the beginning of the current week. It has been clear, dry and comparatively cool, though the temperature has scarcely been as low as is to be expected in the middle of November. The favorable change in the weather conditions has greatly encouraged our sugar planters and they have made fair progress, while this good weather prevailed, in the harvesting of their crops.

 The tonnage is still reported to be disappointing and of course no amount of good weather can change this condition, but the sugar contents of the cane is susceptible of improvement, and is increasing under the favorable atmospherically conditions. The planters have so far been working their most inferior canes and we may be able to chronicle an improvement in the situation when they get fairly to work on their plant cane. From the Lafayette Sugar Planter and Manufacturer and in the Lafayette Advertiser of 11/22/1905.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 11/22/1905.

 Alfred Whittington, of the second ward, left Thursday for Texarkana, Texas, where he will attend the Morse School of Telegraphy.

 Supt. Ed. Daspit and Dr. Olivier, of Breaux Bridge, attended the funeral of D. A. Cochrane Thursday.

 Jno. Faulk, of Broussard, was in town Saturday and reported that the Broussard School was flourishing.

 John O'Donohoe returned Monday from Houston where he has been attending the carnival. He has accepted a position with the Evangeline Oil Co., to begin on December 1.

 Gen. Manager Fay and Gen. Supt. Cushing passed through Lafayette Monday en route to New Orleans in private car Teche. They were accompanied by Div. Supt. Shackford.

  S. G. Reed, D. F. & P. A., (S.P.) returned from a tour over the line in company with the former D. F. & P. A. C. P. Ellis, now chief clerk in the traffic department at New Orleans.

 A. J. McFee is now holding down the "tonnage desk" in (S. P.) superintendents office.

 On account of the Texas quarantine against New Orleans, it is necessary for railway postal crews and express messengers to break at this point and as a result 4 or 5 mail clerks and same number of express messengers are laying over here.

 Sam Levy, of Lake Charles, stopped over Sunday with his brother Mose, on his way to New Orleans.

 L. D. Nickerson, returned Sunday from Houston, Tex., after spending a week with relatives.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1905.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of November 22nd, 1902:


Engineer and Fireman Sustain Fatal Injuries.

 Train No. 10, Sunset Limited, which was due here Tuesday afternoon at 1:21, was badly wrecked at Devers, five miles east of Houston at 9:37 in the morning. The engine was overturned, causing injuries to Engineer J. E. Burts and Fireman W. A. Floyd which resulted fatally in both cases. A passenger named Walton was was seriously hurt. Others were slightly injured.

 The track was torn up for six or eight rail lengths, the engine badly damaged, the mail and express car demolished completely, and the other day-coach equipment slightly damaged, so much so, however, that it must go into the shop. The heavy composite observation, dining and sleeping car and the compartment car of this magnificent train held upon the rails and were uninjured. Upon the train was Charles B. Handford's company, with Manager F. Lawrence Walker, who telephoned T. J. Anderson, assistant general passenger agent, that none of his party had sustained injury. The relief train leaving Houston at 11 o'clock carried day equipment and made up with the Pullman equipment of the wrecked Sunset limited. The train then proceeded east, about four hours late.

 The following injured persons, besides the trainmen, were taken to the Houston Infirmary:

 W. T. Walden, back injured; not necessarily fatal.

 John S. Duffie,  a traveling man from St. Louis, badly injured; extent could not be learned to-night.

Mrs. Charles Coleman, a passenger, bruised; continued her journey to her home at Corsicana.

 W. Sneed, Liberty, head cut; went on to his home.

 Henry Burnett, colored, Cuero, ankle hurt.

 The cause of the wreck is believed to have been an open switch or an obstruction in the frog. It is suspected that the switch was thrown by some unknown person. Engineer Burts and Fireman Floyd, who were the victims of the accident, were well known in local railroad circles. Lafayette Gazette 11/22/1902.


 The voters of the State have decided by a large majority that the poll tax clause of the constitution shall remain in force. It is not true that the advocates of the amendment repealing the poll tax requirement were inspired by selfish motives. They were honest in their support of the amendment. They were certainly as honest as the opponents of the measure, the Times-Democrat not excepted. But whatever we may think of this law, it is a law and we are not now called upon to discuss its wisdom or un-wisdom. The period of discussion has passed. We must accept the law as a condition and make the best of it.

 But one alternative confronts the man who is too miserly or indifferent to pay his poll tax. He disfranchises himself. By his own apathy or stinginess he shorns himself or the greatest privilege of citizenship. If we may use the expression, he makes himself an alien in his own country, incapable to exercise the one political right which distinguishes the citizen of a republic from the subject of an absolute despotism - the freeman from the serf.

 The Gazette did its humble best to repeal the poll tax clause of the constitution, but it did not do so through sympathy for the man who does not think his vote is worth to him the paltry sum of one dollar a year, particularly when the payment of that amount benefits so great a cause as public education.

 The man who places the proper estimate upon his right of suffrage need not be urged to pay his poll tax. All that should be necessary is to call his attention to it. The Gazette is loath to believe that there is one white voter in Lafayette who cares so little for the franchise that he will not pay annually into the school treasury the insignificant sum of one dollar.
Lafayette Gazette 11/22/1902.      


 Mrs. N. P. Moss' palatial residence was thronged with guests on Wednesday afternoon, the occasion being  a Progressive Nilo party, given complimentary to Miss Gertrude Carey. The decorations were in white and yellow. The mantles were banked with chrysanthemums and the snowy damask on the luncheon table was completely covered with a wreath of these flowers. The color scheme was carried out even to the dainty refreshments which were not only pretty to look at, but were particularly pleasing to the palate. A most animated scene was presented in the 16 games of nilo, during which the "revised method of orthography was much in evidence. The first prize was won by Mrs. Victor L. Roy, the consolation by Miss Parkerson and the booby was given to Mrs. J. A. Martin. Mrs. Moss was, as usual, a most charming hostess and her guests fully appreciated the pleasures accorded them. Those present were Mmes. W. A. LeRosen, J. C. Nickerson, Victor L. Roy, J. Arthur Roy, C. G. Comstock, B. J. Pellerin, J. A. Martin, T. M. Biossat, C. D. Caffery, C. M. Parkerson, E. P. Mills, F. V. Mouton, Arthur Bonnet, George DeClouet, L. J. Alleman, A. Doucet and Misses Gertrude Carey of Atlanta, Margaret Robertson of Mississippi, Lizzie Parkerson, Zerelda Bailey, Viola Young, Eliza Hopkins, Jennie Torian, Louisa Tolson and Zelia Christian. Lafayette Gazette 11/22/1902.

To the Public.

 I have sold my livery stable business to Mr. Ed. Martin. I thank those who patronized me during the many years that I have been in business, and while thanking them for past favors I wish to recommend my successor to them. Mr. Martin is an experienced livery stable man, worthy of the public patronage.

 I will continue my undertaking establishment and will in the future, as in the past, be ready to serve those who may be in need of my services. In a few days I will move into the Antonio building, a short distance from my former stand.
                J. VIGNEAUX.
Lafayette Gazette 11/22/1902.

Police Jury Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., Nov. 6, 1902. - The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: J. C. Buchanan, F. G. Mouton, J. A. Labbe, I. O. Blanchet, Alonzo Lacy, Jno. Whittington, Alex M. Broussard and Saul Broussard.  Absent: M. Billeaud, Jr.

 By motion of Mr. Whittington the following report submitted by the Budget committee was adopted and ordered published thirty days:

 To the Hon. Police Jury: Your undersigned committee appointed to estimate the probable expenses of the parish for the calendar year 1903 would respectfully report the following budget for your approval:


Lafayette, La., Oct. 11, 1902.

 J. A. LABBE, President, pro tem.
 R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
 Lafayette Gazette 11/22/1902.

A Thanksgiving Dinner.

 Heavy eating is usually the first cause of indigestion. Repeated attacks inflame the mucous membranes lining the stomach, exposes the nerves of the stomach, producing a swelling after eating, heartburn, headache, sour risings and finally catarrh of the stomach. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia, all stomach troubles by cleansing and sweetening the glands of the stomach. Lafayette Drug Co.     Lafayette Gazette 11/22/1902.

Select News Notes (Gazette) 11/22/1902.

 Episcopal Fair. - The ladies of the Episcopal congregation, are busy preparing for a fair, which they propose having about the middle of December. An important meeting to further the movement will be held at the residence of Mrs. J. G. Parkerson, on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 25, at four o'clock.

 Died-At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. F. F. Carter, Saturday, Nov. 15, Mrs. H. M. Neblett, born Annie W. Wilkins, aged 66 years.

Charles Comeaux, an old and highly respected citizen of this parish, died Thursday at his home near Pilette, at the age of 78 years.

 Judge Gordy, of Abbeville, arrived here yesterday evening to hold a session of the Circuit Court with Judge Julian Mouton.

 The Gentry show was well patronized and as usual satisfied the people.

 The convention of parish superintendents to be held in New Orleans, Nov. 25, 26 and 27, will be an event of the greatest importance to the educational interests of this State. We are informed that the following gentlemen from Lafayette will attend the convention: Supt. Alleman, Dr. N. P. Moss, Judge Julian Mouton and Mr. Alcide Judice.

 Father Grimaud requests The Gazette to thank the members of the Sontag Band and all others from Lafayette who contributed to the success of the fair last Saturday and Sunday.

 Judge A. J. Lafarque, a leading member of the Avoyelles bar, was in Lafayette this week on business.

 Lafitte of Louisiana, by M. Devreaux; Two Vanrevels, by Booth Tarkington; Temporal Power, by Marie Corelli; Out of the West, by Elizabeth Higgins; are the latest circulating additions to our Circulating Library. Moss Pharmacy.

 Notice: No hunting or trespassing allowed on my place. O. CADE, per S. Cade. Lafayette Gazette 11/22/1902.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of November 22nd, 1902:

A Bad Practice. - A number of young boys are carrying toy pistols which are made to fire a blank .22 cartridge; but a loaded .22 can be fire in them equally as well. Boys should not be allowed to carry these as they are dangerous, and in the hands of children are likely to do damage. The police should see that the practice is stopped. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1902.

Poll Tax. - At the recent election the repeal of the poll tax qualification for voting was defeated, and it therefore, becomes the duty of every patriotic citizen to pay his poll tax and take part in the selection of the officers of the government. Not only is it imperative that every man take his proper share as a citizen, but inasmuch as the poll tax goes toward the maintenance of the public schools, he should cheerfully add his dollar to the fund for this purpose.

 Don't neglect to pay your poll tax before the 31st, of December, and thereby disqualify yourself from participation in public affairs. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1902.

Thanksgiving Service.

 According to our custom we will hold Thanksgiving services at the Methodist church next Thursday morning at eleven o'clock.

 We invite all to come and join us in giving thanks to our gracious Heavenly Father for his manifold blessings during the year. Surely all of us ought to pause for a few hours, and quietly retire to some place or worship in recognition of his goodness and mercy to us.
          A. C. SMITH.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1902.


 The Tolson Stock Co., will open a three nights engagement at Falk's Opera House commencing Monday night Nov. 24. This company is beyond doubt the strongest company playing in the South this season, coming highly recommended from the different southern cities.

 They will open in Jesse MacHall's beautiful southern romance "The Princess of Patches". This is a beautiful story of the south with lots of comedy in it. This company has the exclusive right to play this piece in the south, paying a big royalty for the same. They carry ten high class specialty people, no waits between acts, the show goes merrily on. An entire change of program each night.

 Reserved seats now on sale at Mrs. B. Falk's store. Matinee, Wednesday at 3 p. m.

 The Lyman Twins are coming in the big musical comedy "A Merry Chase," at Falk's Opera House Dec. 6th.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1902.

At Surrey Park.

 SUNDAY, Nov. 23, 1902.
 Between May D., and Alphe Fontelieu's Colt. Distance 5 arpents. Purse $400.

   SUNDAY, Nov. 30, 1902.

 1. Race - Half a mile heat, best three in five, between Beauty of Lafayette and Gray Jim of Sunset. Purse $400.

 2. Race - One mile heat, best three out of five. Between Lilly belonging to Dr. Guilbeau of Sunset and Bonita More of Lafayette. Purse $400.

 SUNDAY, Dec. 7, 1902.

 Between Mignonne of Anse La Butte and Alphe Fontelieu's Colt. Distance 5 arpents. Purse $500.

 All races to start at one o'clock. Admission 25 cents. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1902.


Let's Get Things Clean.

 We would suggest to the City council that some action should be taken towards keeping the streets and banquets clean, both of which are in an unsightly condition, and in some places really give off a most disagreeable order. In fact a thorough cleaning of the town would not be amiss, as the closets in different parts of the town ought to be cleaned and kept so. There is really no excuse for dirty premises, as any one can keep his own yard clean at a very small expense. If the council would make some arrangement to have garbage carts, it would be a decided improvement.   Lafayette Gazette 11/22/1902.


Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 11/22/1902.

 Died at his residence at Lafayette, Wednesday, November 19, 1:30 p. m., Mr. J. A. Boyer, aged 76 years. The funeral was held at St. John's Catholic church, Thursday Nov, 20th at 3 o'clock p. m.

 Take your girl to see "A Merry Chase" at Falk's Opera House, Dec. 6th.

 The Lily Whites have opened a poll tax campaign.

 An opera house company was organized at Alexandria.

 The State Board of Health has asked district attorneys to proceed against physicians practicing without authority.

 Strayed or Stolen. - Red pointer dog. 18 months old, answer to name of Rayne. When last seen had feather collar locked on with small brass lock. Return to G. C. Comstock Lafayette, and receive a suitable reward.

Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1902.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of November 22nd, 1890:

Cool Weather Good For Cotton.

 The cool weather of late seems to have given new life to the cotton pickers, and the good work goes steadily forward. There can be no possible objection to this. Every pound of cotton picked is that much more for all of us. More than that, we take pleasures in noting that many children from town (besides scores of adults) get substantial money from this source. Early risers report that planters with their wagons make a descent on the town about daylight, and they say sometimes, from the merriment of the parties, you might thing  a pic-nic was on hand. Our reporter some time back has complained of unusual noises in the early morning, but our powers of persuasion have failed to induce him to investigate the matter. No doubt he heard these wagons. He is afraid of thunder and lightning and is known for as a prudent man. But all the same, may the cotton-pickers go "early and often" until
     There is no more cotton in the of
          the row,
     The place where the cotton used to grow.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1890.

Storm Caused Damage.

 Quite a storm prevailed over this section of the State last Sunday night, and some damage to property is reported from neighboring towns. The tempest here raged for several hours with much fury, the winds at times attaining a high velocity, but so far as known did no material damage. Farmers report some cotton beaten to the ground; this, however, will not be of much significance from the fact that the rainfall was light the subsequent dry weather has enabled the gatherers to save much of that portion which under different circumstances would have proven an entire loss. Altogether the prospects for the agricultural interests of the parish are very encouraging indeed.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1890.


 Rice News From Rayne. - A dispatch from Rayne, La., to the N. O. Picayune of the 18th, says: Conservative estimates place the yield of rice in Acadia parish this season at not less than an quarter of a million of barrels. Most of this crop is harvested, but comparatively a small portion has been marketed to date. Terrific storms swept over this section last night, blowing down houses, fencing and trees to a considerable extent. The wind was from the southeast and continued for over two hours. The large warehouse belonging to Mr. Kahn of this place was blown down; beyond loss of building little damage was sustained.   Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1890.


A High School. - The Police Jury has under consideration a resolution appropriating $500 for the purchase of a suitable site for a graded or high school in Lafayette, and there appears to be some objections to its passage. In view of the public utility and pressing necessity of such a school, it is difficult to understand how any valid opposition could be advanced against the measure, designed as it is to benefit not only the town but the entire parish. We hope to see the resolution adopted. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1890.

Sunday Law. - The Merchants Association organized sometime since for the purpose od seeing that the Sunday law be properly observed in this town and parish, appears to be in a thorough working order and seems to mean business. The Sunday law as long as it does it exist as a statute, should receive the undivided support of our citizens, and it is to be hoped that its observance will be secured without the disagreeable necessity of instituting any prosecutions. We feel certain that the Merchants Association in question, would greatly regret to be forced into invoking any such means.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1890.

Trainmen's Ball. - Remember that to-night at Falk's Opera House will take place the 2nd grand dress and calico ball by Morgan Lodge No. 317, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. Preparations are being made that will be pleasant and agreeable to all who attend. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1890.

To Benefit Catholic Church. - Entertainments will be given on the 29th and 30th, at Falk's Hall, for the benefit of the Catholic Church fund. A grand concert will be given by our "Amateur Artists" on the first evening, and the next, they will treat the audience with a play, tableaux and music. Programmes for both evenings will be out in a few days. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1890.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 11/22/1890.

 Work upon the plank walk on Washington street, From John O. Mouton's (unreadable word) leading to the Methodist Church is progressing rapidly, under the supervision of Mr. L. Durham.  

Mr. John Kennedy of New Orleans,is here, the guest of Dr. T. B. Hopkins and family.

 When you build your gates why not have swing them inside and not obstruct the sidewalks.

 There are a number of teachers waiting patiently for the report of the committee on examination.

 Judge Orther C. Mouton returned home on Wednesday from Abbeville, where he has been holding a term of the District Court.

 Mr. Joseph Begnaud, from near Scott Station, paid us a call last Tuesday. He says the storm of Sunday night did considerable damage to the cotton crop in that section of the parish.

 Mr. L. Brower brought to our office last Tuesday a lot of turnips, which were as large as we have ever seen, some of them weighing from 2 1/2 to 3 pounds each. These turnips were grown on Mr. Brower's farm on the west side of bayou Vermilion.

 The Council should see that the streets are not obstructed by high road-beds across them. They are dangerous to vehicles, and uncomfortable to the occupants thereof. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1890.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of November 22nd, 1879:


 The recent change in the weather was rather unexpected and sudden. In a most unceremonious manner and without admonition, Jack Frost was ushered in, and no doubt found many unprepared for the visit. The change, however, was desired - for while it tends to mature the growing cane - - it checks the threatened outbreak of yellow fever at Morgan City and other places. We say, welcome, Jack Frost.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1879.

Trains To Run Again on Morgan Line. - Daily Trains will run on the Morgan Louisiana and Texas road, between New Iberia and Morgan City, as soon as the quarantine in St. Mary's parish is raised. This train will connect with the regular Eastern train at this city, and will have attached to it an elegant passenger coach. It will be ferried over the water at Berwick, thus doing away with the annoyance of changing cars at that point.
Laf. Advertiser 11/22/1879.

Laborers Want More. - It appears that last week the laborers on this road struck for higher wages. They were being paid one dollar and a-half, less forty cents for board. They were working ten hours a day. Their places have been taken by less exacting workers. The discontented laborers made a demonstration but did not resort to violence. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1879.

From Lake 'Charley.'

 News from Lake Charles states in brief the condition of things in which the new railroad finds itself. From Lake Charles east the track is laid out sixteen miles, and extending west the road is finished a distance of three miles. The central pier of the Sabine river bridge is nearly completed and the casing is being put on. The piling in the Sabine and West Lake Charles is nearly finished. The tubing for the Calcasieu bridge has arrived at Lake Charles, also several hundred barrels of cement for the name, and something over one thousand steel rails.

 From the N. O. Times, 18th inst., and in the Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1879. 


 In accordance with Section 53 of Act No. 96, Extra Session of the Legislature of the State of Louisiana, approved April the Twentieth, 1877, I will proceed to sell at the Court House of this Parish, in the town of Vermilionville at public auction FOR CASH, on the 2d day of December, A. D., 1879, and from day to day thereafter, the property of the following named Delinquent Tax-payers upon which the following amounts of Taxes are due for the year 1878, and also for Taxes due for previous years. Said property will be offered for sale in the order in which it appears on the following list.

 No adjudication of said property will be made except to the State, unless the same shall equal all State and Parish Taxes due on the same, together will all costs. (An A-Z list of delinquent tax-payers follows.)
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1879.

Register. - The Registrar of voters has opened his office at the Court House and will remain there until the 27th inst. It is hoped that those who have not registered will avail themselves of this opportunity.

 The election of the Democratic ticket and the adoption of the constitution and the debt ordinances by no means be regarded as certainties. The dissentions existing in the Democratic party and the zealous opposition of Beattie and his party give a color of truth to this assertion and make it the duty of every true citizen to register and vote. Let none of those who have not registered miss this opportunity. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1879.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 11/22/1879.

 The water in Vermilion bayou is at its lowest stage and steamboats can only reach centreport.

 The Steamer Exchange, direct from New Orleans, will come up the Bayou Vermilion as far as Centreport to to-day.

 The candidates who have not already put in their orders for tickets, had better do so at once in order to avoid delay occasioned by crowding at the last moment.

 Mr. J. J. Harell having purchased the "Michell's House" from Mr. Albert Judice, informs the public that he will keep on hand the best liquors, wines, etc., that the market affords.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1879.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of November 22nd, 1873:


Last Tuesday, a young man, Mr. Albert Delahoussaye, brother-on-law of our fellow citizen, M. F. Rigues, Esq., met with a severe accident, whilst hunting by the bursting of one of the barrels of his gun, which shattered two of the small fingers of his left hand. Dr. Hopkins was immediately called upon and amputated the shattered fingers, and we learn that at the present time the young man is doing well. Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1873.

Editor of the Lafayette Advertiser :

 DEAR SIR. - Please allow me, through the columns of your valuable paper, to answer, as briefly as possible, to an editorial article which appeared Nov. 6th, 1873, in the "Louisiana Sugar Bowl" edited at New Iberia by Mr. J. Y. Gilmore, a highly educated gentleman, led astray, I presume by false reports.

 Mr. G. is also the editor of the "Cotton Boll" published in your town.

 The article referred to sir, is headed "Bloody Murder."

 Now Mr. Editor, please not to misunderstand me, and that I intend to palliate or apologize for the crimes of any man or set of men;  But, sir, when the "blood thirsty parish of Vermilion and its semi-civilized citizens" are at stake in "dastardly crimes" any one in its circle, has the right to pick up the gauntlet, thrown at us, indiscriminately by the "Sugar Bowl" or any other "Bowl."

 In order that Mr. G. should know who is picking up the gauntlet thrown at this "semi barbarian parish," I must inform him that the present writer is "Hard Worker" of the "Cotton Boll" who wrote three articles congratulating the Vigilant Committees in their course of action ;  and the writer in this article regrets very much that he is unable to extend the same congratulation to Mr. G. for the uncalled for outbreak he made against this whole community, in a strain of typocosmy.

 Now, sir, ir Dr. Kibbe has committed an offence against the laws of his country, why not have him before the tribunals of justice, to be dealt with accordingly? He is at home, peaceably following his avocations, shirking not and fearing not the judgment of his peers to pass upon his actions, in the matter referred to in the "Bloody Murder" article.

 Now, Mr. Editor, we come to reasoning matters and things with Mr. G.

 It would seem that, if a crime is committed in the poor out cast parish of Vermilion, by any one, the saints, the angels and the devils are doomed to go down together in a common grave, or sink into the same abyss. This is the evident reasoning of the "Sugar Bowl." Why, and by what evidence Mr. G. or any other man can judge or pre judge such a case and at such a long range, as the one at issue. But suppose that Mr. G. had formed an opinion and put in his mind a "res judicata" judgment in this particular case, why should he accuse the whole people of this parish of being semi-barbarians? Have we accused here, in this parish, all your people (civilized, too you are) of the burning of houses, the murders, rapes, &c., which lately occurred in your Civilized Parish ! !  No sir, we have not even cast any blurs or slurs at you, as a community, neither had we the least thought, that all the citizens of your Civilized Parish were involved in the abominable crimes committed in it, no sir, I repeat that we, of this parish, have never passed such a premature judgment upon the people of your parish. We do not call you "semi-barbarians" for the misdemeanors of some persons.

 Now, Mr. Editor, I will close by stating that the writer knows Mr. G. personally, and if he (the writer) has not prejudged him, he is of those gentlemen of the high school of honor, who have no more fear to maintain an honorable ground than to retract or apologize when discovering their errors ;  so I think Mr. G. will make amende honorable for the premature castigation he has thrown broad-cast on this whole community.
                  "HARD WORKER."
Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1873.

 Messages Transferred to Paper from the Wires at Any Distance.

 The printing telegraph, though a device of comparatively recent development, has been the subject of ceaseless investigation, and practical workers in electricity have directed their whole attention, in some instances, to the transmission of messages and the recording of them in plain Roman characters. A very complimentary notice to a new system has recently appeared in various electrical papers as the most perfect and seemingly only practical system known.

 Its advantages are simply those of an electrical typewriter, by means of which the message is printed in the presence  of the transmitting operator in page form, and a duplicate of the same printed at all the receiving stations on the line, whether it be a long or short circuit. The benefit of such an apparatus to the press at large can be readily seem, especially for the distribution of current news in the various newspaper offices. A single transmission prints it simultaneously, in page form, ready for the compositor's case in all the newspaper offices of many cities.

 It is said to differ materially from every other know means of telegraphy in one essential particular. In it the impulses move the instruments, whereas in other systems the instruments move the impulses - that is to say, the transmitter of the message is caused to run by a separate power. No combination of electrical impulses or currents is employed. An even succession of dots or impulses, which operate the polarized relay armature at the receiving station, places the revolving type wheel in the required position, when the local mechanism causes the letter to be printed.

 The apparent impossibility of transmitting printed characters 500 or 1,000 miles over a single wire at once presents itself to the mind, and it is overcome in this system, it is assorted, in a very simple way. Each letter of the alphabet is represented by a certain number of impulses, which revolve the type wheel to the required position, when the letters are struck by the local mallet.

 Fourteen impulses represent the entire alphabet, making a complete revolution of the type wheel, which may be turned 200 revolutions per minute, thus securing very rapid printing. Its advantage also is that of absolute secrecy as a means of communication. The advantages of the printing telegraph for the transmission of news to newspaper offices is unquestionably a subject commanding attention on the part of progressive proprietors. From the trade publication 'Paper and Press' and in the Lafayette Advertiser 11/22/1890.

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