Tuesday, January 13, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of December 8th, 1900:


Jury Decides to Open the Street and Fixes the Value at $318.

 After a trial lasting nearly five whole days the suit of the town of Lafayette vs. Alex Mouton for the expropriation of a street to the Industrial Institute was concluded yesterday afternoon by the jury returning a verdict in favor of the town and fixing the price of the land at $318. The contention of the town was that the sum of $300 was a fair compensation to the owner, who denied the necessity of the street and estimated the value of the land desired to be expropriated at $1,500. The case was closely contested from start to finish. The town was represented by Messrs. C. D. Caffery, O. C. Mouton, Crow Girard and Wm. Campbell and the interests of the defendant were looked after by Col. G. A. Breaux.

 The jury was composed of the following gentlemen: Overton Cade, foreman; A. J. Ross, Alcide Judice, F. E. Davis, Homer Durio, Joseph Potier, W. B. Torian, P. A. Chiasson, J. A. Landry, Olivier Boudreaux, Alcide Broussard, Cleophas Broussard.

 A number of witnesses were examined to prove the necessity of opening the street and the value of the land sought to be expropriated.

 Judge Debaillon and the jury listened patiently to what seemed the interminable examination of witnesses and when the attorneys concluded their decidedly able arguments there was an expression of satisfaction on all faces because of the approach of the end.

 Col. Breaux argued the case for the defendant and Judge Mouton and Mayor Caffery for the plaintiff.

 After hearing Judge Debaillon's clear and exhaustive charge the jury retired to its room of deliberation and in less than an hour returned into court with a verdict.

 Before adjourning Judge Debaillon complimented the jurors upon the manner in which they had discharged their duty and expressed the hope that they would some time in the near future have occasion to enjoy the benefits of the street in the establishment of which they had played so important a part.

 The Gazette is reliably informed that the attorneys who represented the town in this suit will not charge anything for their services.

 Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1900.


The First "Horseless-Carriage" made its appearance in Lafayette! Go and see it at Schmulen's Racket Store!!! 


 Another Important Enterprise Soon to be Started in Lafayette.

 A few weeks ago The Gazette stated that Lafayette would, in all probability, have a new ice factory in operation next summer. Well, what was then a probability is now a reality. A contract has been signed for the construction of the plant which is to be completed on the 15th of next April.

 O. J. Morris, representing the Frick Company, of Waynesboro, Pa., was in Lafayette this week for the purpose of contracting with T. M. Biossat, manager of the People's Cotton Oil Company, for the building of a large ice plant. The contract calls for a thoroughly modern factory with a daily capacity of twenty tons.

 The factory will be built near the company's oil mill. Mr. Biossat informs The Gazette that it is the intention of the management to supply points in contiguous parishes as well as the local demand.

 The construction of this ice factory is a notable event in the advancement of the town.   Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1900.   


 Adopted by a Lafayette Merchant.

 Increase of Business Necessitates the Change.

 The rapidly increasing business of L. Lacoste necessitates the enlargement of his store. In order to meet the demands of the trade Mr. Lacoste has contracted with Emes & Broussard for the extension of his store to Jefferson street. This addition will make the length of the building 360 feet. When completed the store will have openings on both Madison and Jefferson streets. An alley will run along the building directly across the block, thus greatly facilitating the loading and unloading of materials.

 The Gazette is pleased to note this evidence of progress on the part of this enterprising and up-to-date firm. The change will enable Mr. Lacoste to handle a very large stock of goods and to successfully compete with any firm in the State.

 Wishing to be in line with the new conditions Mr. Lacoste has just bought a decidedly swell delivery wagon. Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1900.  

Enjoyed by the Inmates of the Lafayette Jail.
A Splendid Meal Served.

  Last Saturday we omitted to include in our Thanksgiving article a decidedly interesting feature of the day's observance. While religious congregations met in prayer to give thanks to God and grateful offerings went up from many happy homes there was  a small group of men within the walls and bars of the parish prison, who, through the kind offices of Mrs. Isaac Broussard, were made to feel as contented as their unhappy lot would permit.

 At about 2 o'clock in the afternoon the white prisoners were told to come downstairs and walk into the room which is sometimes used to store provisions. One can well imagine their joy when their eyes feasted upon a most tempting Thanksgiving dinner. The sudden change from the ordinary prison fare to a menu consisting of turkey, cranberry sauce, celery, and innumerable other good things, tastily arranged on a table cloth of spotless white, was enough to cheer up the most morose inmate of a prison. There were bouquets of natural flowers to drive away the gloom of the cells and nothing was lacking to make things look cheerful as possible. When the white men had indulged to their hearts' content in the splendid meal, they were replaced by the colored prisoners who also gave every evidence of their appreciation.

 Judge Leopold Hirsch kindly consented to officiate as master of ceremonies and the success of the occasion is partly due to his efforts. 

 The diners are under obligation to Messrs. Louis Herpin and J. P. Revillon for valued contributions to the menu.
  Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1900.

The Ladies Club.

 Tuesday, Dec. 4, there was enthusiastic and profitable meeting of the Ladies Club at the lovely home of Mrs. F. E. Davis.

 The lesson was made very interesting by the leader, Mrs. C. D. Caffery. It extended from the reign of William the Conqueror, 1035, to death of Henry I, 1135. "The Manners and Customs of the Early Normans" was the subject of an instructive paper by Mrs. B. J. Pellerin. The feudal system was at its height at this period. Miss Mudd ably defined "Feudalism."

 After the discussion of these blood thirsty Normans, "Somnambula" was beautiful rendered by Mrs. Blake.

 Following the program a social half-hour was enjoyed. The club adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs. Delaney. Lesson: Rise of the Barons, 1135 A. D., 1216 A. D. From the accession of Stephen to the death of John. Mrs. Raney, leader. Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1900.    

A Sensible Suggestion. - A citizen of the town suggests that the local authorities build a couple of troughs and furnish drinking water for the horses of the country people who visit the town. As it is farmers who haul their cotton to town have no means of watering their stock. We do not think that such an improvement would cost much nor would a daily supply of fresh water. We believe this matter is worth the attention of the Town Council.
  Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1900.

The Results of Good Roads.

 During the past month the streets of Lafayette have been crowded with vehicles from the various wards of the parish. From all accounts the local commercial houses have transacted an unusually large volume of business. One of the reasons for this increase in the town's trade is the improved condition of the public roads. The present system of working the roads is immeasurably better than the one formerly employed.

 Were it not that the public highways are in good shape it would be wee nigh impossible for the hundreds of farmers living at remote points to come to town to dispose of their cane and cotton and enjoy the advantages afforded by the local market. Never before have our streets contained so large a number of wagons with their loads of cotton, cane, corn, etc.

 This is at it should be. Lafayette in naturally the trading point of the people living within a wide scope of country. The road should not be permitted to again become impassable and we are pleased to say there is no reason to believe that they will ever be in the disgraceful condition of a few years past.

 The Gazette believes that the advancement of this town has been greatly hampered by bad roads. We remember the time when it was absolutely impossible for country people to reach this town.

 We were constrained to write these lines on this trite subject by a desire to impress the people of the town particularly with the necessity of having good roads. It is well to call their attention to a matter with which their prosperity is so closely connected.  
Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1900. 


In Good Condition.

 Frank Printz, who was employed by the Town Council to look into the condition of the machinery at the power-house, has completed his work and reports everything in good order. Engineer Melchert is a careful and painstaking man and under his surveillance the town's property is in safe hands. Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1900.


Church Notices.


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Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1900.

Meets in Special Session and Investigates a Number of Cases.

 The grand jurors were called to meet in special session this week. They met Monday morning and made their report in the afternoon. They brought in the following true bills: Gilbert Joseph, larceny; E. Palfrey, violating labor contract; Edgar Richard, larceny; J. L. Loller, larceny; Henry Bucklin, murder.

 Bucklin is a young negro charged with killing a Mexican, Antonio Martinez, at Scott, on Sept. 23.

 The men indicted for the violation of a labor contract pleaded guilty and were sentenced to 30 days' imprisonment, beginning at the time of their incarceration. As they had been in jail exactly one month they were released.
Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1900. 


Selected News Notes.

 Prof. E. L. Stephens, Dr. F. E. Girard and Mr. J. A. Roy, of this town attended the Industrial Convention in New Orleans.

 Mr. W. W. Duson and daughter, Miss Maimie Duson, of Crowley, were in Lafayette this week.

 Mr. M. E. Girard and Mrs. P. D. Beraud and children are visiting in New Orleans.

 Fire Company No. 1 met last Monday night. Some $12 in cash were collected, making over $80 in the treasury. A committee was appointed to extend assistance to a fellow-member, Geo. Scherer, who is quite ill at his home in this town.

 At the meeting of the Police Jury held Thursday a motion was made to raise the liquor license to $1,000, but it failed. The license remains at $200.

 Mr. J. King Grier has moved to Acadia parish with his family. Mr. Grier has disposed of his farm in this parish and has purchased a home in Acadia. Mr. Grier was one of Lafayette's most worthy citizens and The Gazette regrets to note his removal to another parish.

 Mrs. M. E. Girard and Mrs. P. Beraud and children are visiting in New Orleans.

 Numerically speaking Lafayette was poorly represented at the Industrial Convention in New Orleans. The presence of several of the delegates being required in court. Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1900.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 8th, 1900:


 But twenty-one days remain in which the poll taxes of 1900 may be paid in Louisiana. If not paid within that time the voter so failing disfranchises himself for the next two years and cannot vote at the congressional election of 1902, nor at any other election held to fill vacancies, etc. He disfranchises himself as thoroughly and effectively as the Constitution disfranchises the illiterate and property-less negro. Experience warns us that once the suffrage is lost it is difficult to get the voter back to it again. He becomes accustomed to staying away from the polls, loses his interest in elections and drops out of sight as far as politics are concerned. The evil grows steadily; that is, the number of self-disfranchised men increases from year-to-year. In Mississippi nearly half the white voters have surrendered their suffrage through carelessness and a failure to pay their poll taxes; and the press of the State is having hard work to get the other half to pay.

 There is every reason, therefore, why Louisiana should make the most strenuous exertions to induce all its white citizens to pay their poll taxes and thus qualify themselves to vote. The new system goes into effect this year, and if we start out badly, if only a fraction of the white voters pay their taxes and thus hold their suffrage it will be a bad contaminating influence.

 It must be admitted that the outlook is promising, at least in New Orleans. Less than one-fourth of the voters have paid their poll taxes, and the number of payments made each day indicate that a half, two-thirds of even more will voluntary disfranchises themselves. The ward leaders some time ago, it will be remembered, held a conference to consider the question, and resolved to make an earnest canvass of their several wards, each leader pursuing whatever policy he might deem best, to get their backers to pay up their poll taxes. The movement has met with some little success; that is, they have succeeded in getting their strikers and backers to fit themselves for the suffrage; but the general mass of the voters have not been reached, and consequently are not paying their poll taxes, but are disfranchising themselves.

 At the present moment the indications are that the electorate after Jan. 1, will consist either of real estate owners, who generally pay their poll taxes when they pay the other taxes on their property, or of the political classes, the ward leaders and their immediate followers and supporters; and the average voter who, although he may not be a property taxpayer, is deeply interested in the government and prosperity of New Orleans, will be shut out entirely. This means that the political control of the city wholly into the hands of the ward politicians, free from any restraint.

 This will be a pity, indeed, and those who contribute to it by disfranchising themselves rather than pay a dollar for the support of the public schools will have good cause to regret their neglect and carefulness, and will find that it costs them a great deal more in the end than the dollars they now grudge. Unfortunately, there is no one to stimulate them and they have the press alone to point out that it is not only their duty but to their interest to make sure of their votes and not place themselves on an equality with illiterate negroes. It is to be hoped that the next twenty-one days will show some improvement in the payment of poll taxes. From the N. O. Times-Democrat and in the Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1900.  


News Notes from 12/8/1900.

A New Ice Factory. - T. M. Biossat, manager of the People's Cotton Oil Company has contracted with O. J. Morris, agent of the Frick Company of Waynesboro, Pa., for the construction of a twenty-ton ice factory. This factory is to be completed April 5th, next. 

 During the Holidays the columns of the Advertiser will be reserved to our merchants.

 Just received a fine assortment of elegant jardinieres and pedestals, at Lafayette Drug Co.

 How many delegates from Lafayette went to the New Orleans Industrial Convention?

 B. Falk will have Holiday bargains in furniture.

 Mr. A. V. Labbe was all smiling during the week. - A big boy was the cause of it.

 The Xmas., toys displayed in the show windows throughout the town make one feel the importance of the approach of the Holidays.

 Mrs. Tom Hopkins is visiting relatives in Arkansas.

 Miss Alice Mouton has secured employment at Mouton & Salles store and will be pleased to attend to her many friends.

 After a six weeks stay in Lafayette the charming Miss Louise Robins left for her home at Stamford, Conn.

 New Iberia was given a two column "write up" in Monday's Picayune.

 Our stores are all packed with Christmas goods and all indicate that business will be brisk in our town. Among the prettiest show windows are those at Mouton & Salles and our friend Leonce Gladu is "right in it" when it comes to decorating.

 Dr. F. E. Girard was a New Orleans visitor this week.

 Sup't. Wallis inspected the 8th ward school Monday and found Miss P. Doucet school progressing nicely.

 As we go to press we learn that the Jury in the case of Lafayette versus Alex. Mouton has been decided in favor of the Corporation and awarding Mr. Mouton the sum of $318.00 as damages. Therefore the new street will be opened.

 Monday's term of Court was the occasion of having many people from the country visit town.

 Judge Blackman of Alexandria and Mr. E. Dubuisson, of Opelousas were in Lafayette Wednesday.

 Both Representatives Durio and Cade were taken as jurors on the Council-Mouton expropriation suit.

  Mr. Paul Bailey becomes sole owner of the Bailey & Greig Drugstore at Carencro, having bought out Mr. Greig's interest in the business.  Mr. Bailey will continue business at the same stand, and as he is a Pharmacist of knowledge and reputation we bespeak for him a continuance of good and prosperous business.

 Mrs. R. O. Young and Miss Beulah Young of Royville, were shopping in town Monday.

 Mr. Paul Krauss returned from New Orleans Wednesday, where he had gone on business.

 Prof. Stephens visited the Crescent City during the week.
 At Vordenbaumen's lumber yard can be found all grades of pine and cypress and all kinds of lumber at prices lower than ever. For surveying of lands contact Mr. Chas. Babin, a civil engineer of experience.

 Citrons, currants, seedless raisins and all kinds of spices for fruit cakes, at
Tanner's grocery.

 Our stores are all packed with Christmas goods and all indicate that business will be brisk in our town. Among the prettiest show windows are those at Mouton & Salles and our friend Leonce Gladu is "right in it" when it come to decorating.

  The Tea Club held another of its meetings at the beautiful home of Mrs. F. E. Davis. It was decided to join the State Federation of Women's Clubs and application to that effect will be made in the near future.

 Some of the Christmas presents you will find at T. M. Biossat's Jewelry Store.- Statuettes, Jardinieres, Medallions, Silver forks, Silver spoons, Oyster forks, Carving sets, Toilet sets, Shaving sets, Powder Boxes, Smoking sets, Tobacco boxes, Ice cream spoons, Traveling portfolios, Music portfolios, Cold meat forks, Cream ladle, Fancy bowls, Umbrellas, Rose jars, Pipes, Clocks, Watches, Diamonds, Spectacles, Razors, Broches, Rings, Silver shaving mugs, Shaving brushes, etc., etc., etc.

 Schmulen received a large menagerie for Christmas. He says the animals are very cheap and don't need any food. He will sell them on same conditions.

 Mr. W. W. Duson and Miss Mayme Duson paid Lafayette a flying visit during the week.
 Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1900.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of December 8th, 1894:

Railroad Accident. - Charles Devoe, an old and experienced engineer on the Southern Pacific and well and favorably known in Lafayette, had his arm badly broken in an accident which happened at Raceland a dew days ago. It appears that his train ran into the rear car of a cane train which had been switched into a siding to clear the main track for the passenger. The railroad employees had incorrectly gauged the distance of the last car from the main track, and the rear car projected just enough to encounter the engine of the passenger and the engineer was caught in the debris with the result stated above. Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1894.

An Editor's Prayer For His Delinquent Subscribers.

 May he never be permitted to kiss a handsome woman; way 250 nightmares trot quarter races over his stomach every night; may his coffee be sweetened with flies and seasoned with caterpillars; may his boots leak, his gun hang fire, and his fishing line break; may his wife run off with his best friend, and his children have the whooping cough; may the famine stricken ghost of an editor's baby haunt his slumbers and whisper murder in his dreaming ear; may his cattle have wolves in 'em; may his mules have the blind staggers and the pigs destroy the garden; may a troop of printers' devils lean, lank and hungry, dog his heels each day, and a regiment of cats eternally caterwaul under his window each night, may his cows give sour milk and churn rancid butter, and in conclusion, good Lord, may his daughter marry a one-eyed editor and his business go to the -- Amen.
Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1894.

Mrs. Gen. Tom Thumb. - Mrs. Gen. Tom Thumb and her company of Lilliputians performed Wednesday and Thursday at the Opera House and played to good houses each time. The entertainment was very interesting and novel. The little people made quite a creditable appearance and showed considerable histrionic ability. The performance was worth the price of admission and was fully up to expectation of the (restigilator?) and funny man, whose tricks were hoary with age and whose jokes tottered with years. He told worm-eaten chestnuts with admirable nerve. But let's not be too hard on the funny man; he did his best and was quite comical and made everybody laugh. Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1894.

Heywood at Falk's. - Albert Heywood, the popular young comedian appeared in Falk's Opera House last Saturday night. Mr. Heywood had never played in Lafayette and was not known by our people, and for these reasons the audience was not as large as his extraordinary talent entitled him to. Mr. Heywood is supported by a strong company and his show was one of the best that has one of the best that has visited Lafayette for some time. We understand that it is his intention to return here and it is hoped that he will. Now that the people know him they will doubtless show their appreciation of his merits.
Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1894.

Real Estate Agent Wanted.

 Lafayette needs a live, hustling real estate agent. Such a person would be the means of bringing to our section a desirable class of emigrants, as the following letter addresses to the postmaster will show. As will be seen by the first part of the letter, the writer is a breeder of hogs in Iowa, who desires to move South. There is no better field for hog raising than this to be found in this parish, and should Mr. Sweeney conclude to come here he will soon see for himself. We do not know of any real estate agent in Lafayette but should there be one let him write to Mr. Sweeny and give him the information about the price of lands, etc.:

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 Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1894.

 Teachers' Institute.

 The first meeting of the Parish Institute was held at Prof. Greig's school house Dec. 1, with the following teachers present: Messrs. B. F. Toler, R. C. Greig, W. Webb, W. A. LeRosen, Claude Latiolais, Claude Martin, Chas. Boudreaux, J. Fletcher, Alex Meaux, Robert Broussard, Misses Kate Rand and Lily Olivier, and Mrs. E. W. Glenn.

 There being no special exercises for the occasion, it being the first meeting after vacation, the Institute proceeded to organize.

 The following officers were elected: President W. A. LeRosen; vice-president, R. C. Greig, secretary, Mrs. E. W. Glenn; and treasurer, Chas. Boudreaux.

 Porf. Greig, who has long and faithfully served the Institute as its president, and has made a good executive officer, declined being re-elected, but consented to serve as vice-president. At the next meeting on Dec. 29th, at 11 a. m., at Greig's school house, Mr. Chas. Boudreaux will read a paper on how to teach arithmetic to small children; Mr. Ben Toler, one on how to present restlessness; and Mr. LeRosen, one on grammar.

W. A. LEROSEN, President.
MRS. E. W. GLENN, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1894.  

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/8/1894:

 The teachers held a well attended meeting last Saturday. The proceedings of their deliberations are inserted in this paper.

 Mr. Jno. J. Bell will replace Mr. C. B. Porch as agent of the Water Pierce Oil Company at this place. It will be remembered that Mr. Bell held that position before and is well known by our people.

 Jack Allen, a man who was working at Oxnard & Sprague's in St Mary parish, called at Dr. Mudd's office Wednesday to have his arm bandaged, it having been broken by an accident which occurred in the refinery.

 Dr. Raney went to New Orleans this week to stand an examination before the State Board of Medical Examiners (homeopathy). He returned Tuesday.

 The genial Bob Cunningham, ex-editor of the Rayne Ranger, passed through Lafayette Sunday on his way to Rayne. He returned Monday morning to St. Mary parish to resume his work in a refinery. 

 The governor has appointed T. A. MFadden Justice of the Peace for this ward, vice-W. E. Bowen, resigned. Mr. McFadden's appointment is an excellent one and meets with the approval of the people. Lafayette Gazette 12/8/1894.

  From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 8th, 1894:

Painful Accidents on the Railroad- Robert Salsman, a brakeman belonging to conductor Pefferkorn's crew, was the victim of a serious accident the 3rd instant. Whilst in the act of making a coupling his right hand was caught between the two drawbeads and mashed into a jelly. Conductor Pefferkorn is especially grieved over the misfortune of young Salsman who has won his superior's admiration by his manliness and devotion to duty.

 Another casualty on the "tap" of recent occurrence was the painful injury of one hand received by Mr. Edward Judice of our town. We are not acquainted with the details of this last accident. Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1894.

Emigration to Lafayette 

 A party of prospectors consisting of Messrs. Van Allen, Lorson and James Burrows of the firm of Moffet and Burrows, arrived here on the first instant, bearing a letter of introduction to Mr. J. Nickerson. 

 They composed a committee representing a colony of hardy and practical Nebraska farmers in quest of Southern homes. In spite of the inclement weather Mr. Nickerson managed to show them around enough to send them home with only words of praise for it. Being men of good sense and judgement, they became readily convinced of its incomparable resources and assured Mr. Nickerson when taking leave of him, that they would return ere long accompanied by many others of the same inclination.

 On the 3rd instant Mr. Nickerson received a visit from Mr. Frank Calkins and Mr. Oscar Calkins and family, who came to gain some personal knowledge of this most favored section of the country. They hailed from South Dakota from whence Mr. Nickerson informs us he expects many families in the course of time. The little party referred to above, remained here three days as the guests of Mr. Nickerson, Mr. O. Calkins then returning to Jennings to which point his stock, farming implements and personal effects had been shipped. So well pleased they were with this country the Messrs. Calkins have rented Dr. Girard's farm near Pin Hook and will at once move to this place from Jennings, their household furniture, livestock and farming implements, consisting of 12 fine northern horses, 4 farm wagons, 2 large gang plows, one large drill, 2 mowers, etc., and seed potatoes, grain and horse feed.

 Mr. Nickerson expects the arrival of several more families and all their farm and other belongings, from North Dakota, in a few days.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1894.


 As a community do we wish to prosper? If we would, we must cultivate those relations that exert effect on the upbuilding of every individual composing the community, engaged in a laudable enterprise. The prosperity of the individual must, of necessity, reflect itself on his neighbor. That is an inevitable result, and it is bound to follow that what benefits the one is also, of profit to the other. it is a natural law whose immutable operations cannot be doubted or prevented. The acts of men may limit its field of usefulness, but cannot completely stay its workings. An individual may impede the advance of another, by ungenerous demeanor toward him, but in doing so likewise retards his own progress. The difference is only one of degree. Thus it happens that the antagonism one member of a community offers to another, though they be rivals, reacts not only to the injury of both but, in a like manner, is obstructive of the interests of the entire community in which they live. In view of the far reaching effects of such a baneful influence, supreme importance attaches to the life and conduct of every person forming an integral part of the commonwealth. For his own sake, if not through nobler impulses, each member of the community should strive to elevate the condition of others, for it is in that way they can render most assistance to themselves. Any course opposite to this cannot be justified by any process of reasoning. Try to pull down your neighbor and his falling weight will drag you down with him. By your words and acts applaud and encourage your neighbor's laudable efforts to rise, and in the exact ratio he will be successful will your own elevation be effected.

 We will present a homely illustration of the identicalness of the interests of individuals associated in the same community. The example we submit, with slight modifications can be made to cover a multitude of cases that have actually transpired in this locality, as the tardiness of the town abundantly testifies.


Mr. B. Falk is an active, pushing business man of Lafayette. He is the owner of the only brick manufactory in the parish and in that line is competing with no other person residing here. It happens, though, he is engaged in the mercantile pursuit, and here there exists an individual conflict of interests with other merchants. One of these merchants we shall call Mr. Pennywise, for convenience. Mr. Pennywise is one of those selfish persons whose contracted vision does not permit him to see ten feet beyond the four walls that encase his stock of merchandise. It comes to pass that a resident of another locality is desirous of purchasing a large quantity of brick and quite properly wishes to become informed of where he can buy to the greatest advantage. He learns that brick is manufactured in our town by a Mr. Falk and concluded to correspond with the latter with a view of closing a business deal. He decides to obtain some private information referring to the proposed transaction and addresses himself to Mr. Pennywise, who happens to be a personal friends besides being a man of standing(?) in the community. All that is expected of him is to tell the truth in the matter and, without intending it in that way, culminate a large contract for bricks that means a considerable sum of money to Mr. Falk. The latter would need to employ a large number of men to comply with the terms of the contract, and these men are residents of this place and spend their earnings at home for the commodities of life. One of the men to be given employment is an honest, hardworking man who has had to run a grocery bill on time with Mr. Pennywise because he has no money on account of being out of work at present, and welcomes an opportunity to earn wages with which he will be able to pay his grocery bill due Mr. Pennywise. Another laborer to be employed owes two months rent that he will now be in a position to pay to his landlord who in his turn, needs the rent due him to meet a debt of his own. A physician who, has been compelled to incur obligations because so many of his patients cannot pay their medical bills for want of funds, would receive partial payments from three of the men that it happens will be engaged to assist in making the brick under the contract assumed by Mr. Falk. There is no limit to the number of applications that might be made of the good effects that would follow the circulation of money which would result from the manufacturing of this same quantity of brick for the man from another locality but his morbid nature will not allow Mr. Pennywise to take this broad and sensible view of the subject. Selfishness and prejudice rule his mind and control his actions, so he does not care to consider in what way this prospective contract for bricks might benefit him. It suffices his purpose to know Mr. Falk's hands will be the ones through which the purchase price of the brick will past first, and Mr. Falk is a competitor of his in the mercantile business, and this constitutes sufficient reason for making such replies to the inquiries he has received from a confiding friend or acquaintance, will certainly cause the local brick-yard to fail to secure the contract.

 This is but one example of many that will occur to every person reading this sand should act us all to thinking of what a ruinous policy it is to allow passion and prejudice, instead of reason, to guide our everyday action. It should make little difference who first receives a sum of money that is paid into a community. That money will eventually find its was around from baker to butcher, from butcher to grocer, from grocer to physician and lawyer, and from the latter to the mechanic or tradesman. The real and only benefit to be derived from money is its circulation and none should miss a single opportunity of putting some in circulation. And all this brings us back to our original text that to be prosperous and contented we must "live and let live." If the goal of each one's ambition, if the single purpose of your life and mine is simply to live, ourselves, and do all in our power to prevent others from earning an existence, we shall continue to be but a drag to each other. If we wish to obstruct our own progress and material advancement no known means will better accomplish the end than for us to employ our time and energy in throwing impediments in the way of the progress and material advancement or our neighbor. Such is the problem of life and it is for that reason individuals composing a community are known by the position or standing of the community in which they have their being. How is it with Lafayette? Do the individual members of the community practice the golden rule "live and let live?" If they do not is there visible evidence of the absence of its practice? If this last be true can we not be honest with ourselves and abandon a policy so obstructive of our common prosperity and atone for resolving on a general practice of the magnanimous rule we have chosen for out text.

 Let each individual propound the question to himself and decide as his sober judgment will dictate, remembering that in helping others we are really helping ourselves, and that it is those of liberal and magnanimous spirit who succeed best in this world. Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1894.

Automatic Photographic Machine.

 Those desiring to have a picture of themselves made by the automatic photographic machine located next to the post office would do well to call at once, for the owner of the machine intends to leave town within a very few days. The price of a picture is only 5 cents. Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1894. 

Teachers Due Salary.

 The teachers of the public school of the parish are due three months' salary and most of them justly complain of a strained condition of their finances. However, they all take it good-naturedly, knowing full well that superintendent Toll is not personally to blame for the existing state of affairs and that the money due them is perfectly secure. But, as one of that worthy class remarked to us, "its awfully inconvenient," The teachers have the sympathy of scores of other persons in the parish, afflicted with the same ailment. Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1894.


Vordenbaumen Back in Lafayette.

 Mr. E. H. Vordenbaumen arrived from New Orleans last Tuesday, his presence here being required by the death of Mr. L. Boulanger who was in charge of his lumber yard at this place. The interests or Mr. Vordenbaumen in Lafayette will be represented by Mr. A. D. Martin in the future. Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1894.


Heywood Comedy.

 The Alba Heywood Comedy Company delighted theatre goers in Lafayette last Saturday night. Mr. Heywood, the star of the company, will rank favorably with the best comedians of the day. His character impersonation is perfect and he possesses an individuality that is most captivating. He has a splendid, support, the company as a whole being about the best that has ever played the boards in Lafayette. Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1894.


 Miss Mary Louise Mouton, daughter of Hon. Ambroise Mouton of Lake Arthur, was wedded to Mr. Howard Zike, a resident of Iberia parish, on the 5th instant. The happy young couple passed through Lafayette a few hours after the nuptial ceremony, en route to their future home Olivier Station. Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1894.

City Council Proceedings.

              Lafayette, La., Dec. 3rd, 1894.

 At a regular meeting this day following members were present: Wm. Campbell, Mayor, Alb. Delahoussaye, John O. Mouton, Felix Demanade, Andre Martin.  Absent: A. T. Caillouet, Alb. Cayard and Henry Church.

 The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Also the report of Finance Committee accepted and ordered to be placed on the minutes book.

 To the Hon. Mayor and Council of Lafayette. We the undersigned Finance Committee, having examined the books and reports or the Treasurer and Collector for quarter ending Oct. 31, 1894, beg leave to make the following report to wit:

 --------------p. 4----------------

 The Mayor's report shows that he has collected the following amount during the quarter ending Oct. 31, 1894.

 -------------------p. 4---------------

 Respectfully submitted,
    A. DELAHOUSSAYE, ALB. F. CAYARD, Finance committee.

 On motion the following accounts were approved:

 ----------------------p. 4-----------------

 On motion the council adjourned to next regular session.
A. NEVUE, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1894.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/8/1894.

 To-day the feast of Immaculate Conception will be celebrated by the catholic church, the day being observed after the manner of Sunday, in every respect.

 Mrs. F. Belloeq, left Lafayette the 4th instant to become a permanent resident of New Orleans.

 His father and his family have taken charge of Mr. A. J. Ross' farm, acquiring from Mr. A. Brower. We welcome them in our parish and trust that they will be well pleased with their new home.

 Local masons indulged in conviviality last Saturday night, the occasion being an elegant banquet prepared and served under the able direction of Orleans Hotel.

 "Vieux Jacques", for many months the man-servant of Rev. E. Forge, departed this life on the 1st instant, in New Orleans, where he had gone for medical treatment.

 Have your picture taken for 5 cts next to the post office. You simply
drop a nickel in the slot" and a machine does the rest.

 Some good work is being done on the corporation streets of late.

 Dr. F. R. Tolson made a flying visit to New Orleans in the first part of the week.

 Prof. W. A. LeRosen was on the sick list in the beginning of the week, which fact forced short interruption in his school duties.

 Traveling Car Repairer J. D. Ducharme has been kept quite busy lately. Mr. Ducharme's former position in the yard has been filled by Mr. P. T. McCann, one of the gentlemen who lately arrived from Dakota. Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1894.








Experience of a New York Fisherman on the Pacific Coast.

 A New Yorker who is an angler and has killed many a swordfish of Block island and the Massachusetts coast was rather surprised the other day, when fishing in a forty-foot yacht at Coronado islands, then miles off San Diego, to have a sharp fight with a three hundred-pound swordfish, which nearly resulted disastrously for the fisherman. The fish attacked the boat and ran his sword clean through the bottom. The sword was broken off, but before the struggling fish could get away he was successfully harpooned. It is only occasionally that swordfish are seen about the Coronados, and the mere good luck of having a harpoon aboard enabled the anglers to secure this prize. Lower down the California coast these fish are plentiful far out at sea. The largest one captured is estimated to have weighed from nine hundred to one thousand pounds.

 The pugnacity of the swordfish is amazing and many authentic accounts of its attacks upon vessels have been substantiated by mutilated hulls, with the sword sticking in them. In the British naval archives is a report on the sword of a fish taken from the bottom of her majesty's ship Leopard. This sword had penetrated the sheathing, planking, and into the timber to the depth of eight and one-half inches. Not many years ago the yacht Rehot, off New Bedford, ran afoul a swordfish and lanced at the it. The fish pieced the side of the boat and sunk it.

 The ship Priscilla, a new boat when near the Azores was struck by a swordfish one night with such force as to bring all hands from below under the impression that the ship had struck a rock. In 1871 the English ship Queensburg was struck by a swordfish the sword penetrating thirty inches causing a leak which necessitated the discharge of the cargo.

 Of the many records of an attack on a ship by a swordfish only one is found where the fish escaped by withdrawing its sword instead of having the bony protuberance broken off in the effort to get away. The crew of the ship Dreadnaught hooked a swordfish. The creature jumped from the waters as if to get away from his attackers and then broke the line. At four o'clock next morning it ran its beak through three inches of stout planking in the ship's bottom. The leak compelled the ship to seek port for repairs. As attacks by swordfish were included among the sea risks, the insurance company was willing to pay the three thousand dollars damages if the ship's owners could prove that the leak hole was made by the sword fish. Experts were called to examine the hole. They said the swordfish had no power of backing. One expert thought he could hold a big swordfish by its beak but he was compelled to admit that the fish had considerable lateral power, and might so wiggle its sword out of the hole in the ship's bottom. Consequently the insurance company paid the bill for damages caused by an angry fish which had taken its revenge by running full tilt against copper sheathing and oak planking.

 An instance of the tremendous force of the swordfish's thrust is given by a whaler. The ship was struck on the bottom. The sword was driven through the copper sheathing, an inch board under sheathing, a thick three-inch plank of hard wood, the oiled white oak timber twelve inches thick, then through another two and half-inch hard oak ceiling, and lastly penetrated the head of an oil cask, where it stuck, not a drop of the oil having escaped when it was discovered at the end of the voyage.

 From the N. Y. Times and in the Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1894.           

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