Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of October 23rd, 1897:

The Trains.

 Since Wednesday the Southern Pacific has been running a train from Carencro to Cade which places this town in daily communication with New Orleans.

 Several carloads of freight consisted mainly of machinery and hardware. The people of the town, were pleased to receive the mail.

 A train is being run between this place and Crowley but Rayne still refuses to receive goods under any circumstances; however, it permits the train to stop. There is no mail service on the Crowley train and unless some arrangements are made, mail for points west of Lafayette will have to be sent out through New Orleans.

 Agent Davidson informs The Gazette that the present arrangement will probably continue until quarantine is raised. 

 Lafayette Gazette 10/23/1897.


 It is our painful duty to announce to the readers of The Gazette the death of Charles A. Thomas, who died at St. Martinville, on Saturday morning last. We cannot make this sad announcement without expressing something of the sorrow this intelligence has brought to his friends, and we offer to our readers a plain tribute to the life and character of a man, who was for a long number of years and to the time of his death, a friend as dear to us as life itself. As will be remembered by many of our subscribers, Charles A. Thomas was one of the founders of this paper. He it was who wrote the modest salutatory which known to the public the humble part the paper would endeavor to play in the industrial, social and political life of this town and parish. That salutatory was characteristic of the man who wrote it. It contained the views of a broad-minded, sincere and fearless man, expressed in clear, un-ostentatious language. He meant every word, and what, he honestly conceived to be right, he did not hesitate to say. No one who knew him ever charged him with insincerity. Every word that the wrote came from his heart, the promptings of which were always honest and pure. No mercenary motive ever caused him to prostitute the noble profession of which he was but an unpretentious member. Although a constant sufferer from disease, he performed the duties of the journalist with commendable energy, and let it be said to his everlasting credit that he never, at any time, used his pen in a revengeful spirit, or to wound the feelings of a fellow man with whom he might have differed on questions of a public or personal character. All his acts, to the smallest detail in his intercourse with his associates, formed an unbroken lesson of good will toward men - he believed in, and practiced the broad philosophy of universal brotherhood. It is not necessary for us to speak here of his religious belief, but suffice to say that he possessed as big a heart as ever beat in mortal frame, and in his broad charity he looked beyond the narrow bounds of creed. He was profoundly conscientious in all his dealings, sincere in his affections, and truthful at all times. He abhorred hypocrisy and pitied the hypocrite. He lived as he died, true to himself, to his conscience and to his God.

 Charles Thomas who knew him felt the currents of his generous heart and his loving soul. No one in his position in life had more disinterested friends and fewer enemies. All those who came in contact with, and understood him, soon became attached to him.

 Although a sufferer for perhaps more than a decade, none thought that his end was so near, and it was but a day or two before the fatal hour, he spoke to his devoted sister of the terrible separation with a courage born only of a fervent soul and a brave heart. He bore it all heroically, and entered into the shadow of the valley of death with the contentment which is alone the result of a well-spent life.

 Happy in his death is the man who is followed to his "narrow house" by the spontaneous tributes of his fellow men, whose tenderness of memory, born of an intimate acquaintance, throw a halo of saddened sentiment over his grave, far worthier than "storied urn or animated bust."

 Charles Thomas was a kind, sympathetic friend, a devoted, tender brother. Free from bigotry, true to his convictions, he respected the religious belief and political views of everyone.

   No further seek his merits to disclose;
   Or draw his frailties from their dread abode-
   There they alike in trembling hope repose-
   The bosom of his Father and his God.
Lafayette Gazette 10/23/1897.

 City Council Proceedings.

         Lafayette, La., Oct. 15, 1897.
  The City Council met this day in special session with the following members present:  Mayor Caffery, Councilmen Davidson, Hahn, Hopkins, Mouton and Martin. Absent: Bru and Landry.

 The object of the meeting was to consider the resolutions adopted by the health conferences held at Franklin on Oct. 5, 1897 and at Lafayette on Oct. 5, 1897 a resolution adopted by the Board of Health of Lafayette, as follows:

 Be it resolved by the Board of Health of Lafayette that the resolutions formulated and adopted at the conference held at Franklin Oct. 5, 1897, same having been adopted at the conference held in the town of Lafayette, on Oct. 14, 1897, by the Board of Health, we do hereby recommend their adoption by the City Council of Lafayette.

 Moved and seconded that the recommendation of the Board of Health as set forth in the above resolution, be and is hereby ratified and adopted.

 Therefore be it ordained that the City Council put in force the following regulations:

 Be it ordained that the City Council hereby accepts the generous offer of the United States through Dr. H. R. Carter, of the Marine Hospital Service, to establish a camp of detention and disinfection whereat skilled and other labor can be held under a thorough probation, before being transferred to non-infected districts, to assist in the saving of the present crop of sugar, so essential to the material prosperity of Louisiana. And we recommend that the Southern Pacific Company adopt a system of relay stations at which exposed crews and officers will be exchanged for non-exposed, to proceed from the relay station, to non-infected points; the relay stations to be subject to the same rules and regulations adopted by the U. S. Hospital Service, for camps of detention  and disinfection.

 We recommend that all through freights coming from non-infected localities be transported without interference (subject only to local inspection by health authorities) to destination. Unbroken carloads, destined to pass through an infected locality, should pass through such localities at a speed of 20 miles. The cars containing merchandise and commodities destined for healthy localities, should be sealed and disinfected. Upon their arrivals at the relay station, such trains are to be subjected to the same rules and regulations of passenger trains, to-wit: Before proceeding to destination, their crews should be exchanged for a non-exposed crew.

 Be it further ordained, That goods be received from New Orleans after having passed through the disinfecting within the 1st of goods prescribed by the Board of Health of this city.

 Be it further ordained, That persons be permitted to enter this town from New Orleans after having been ten days in the detention camp, which fact must be evidenced by a certificate from the chief officer of said quarantine station. And that no persons, baggage, freight or mails be received from St. Mary parish of the present. And further that trains be permitted to enter this town on condition that they do not stop at Franklin at which place they are required to pass at the rate of 20 miles per hour, and that persons from non-infected points be allowed to enter the city of Lafayette by train, with the proper health certificate. That as regards, the public roads the ordinance heretofore adopted remains in force.

 Moved, seconded and adopted that the mayor appoint a committee to visit the detention camps to see how it is conducted.

 The council then adjourned.
J. J. DAVIDSON, Secretary, pro tem.
Lafayette Gazette 10/23/1897.

Durand Down With Yellow Jack in New Orleans.
[From the N. O. Times-Democrat.]

 Walter Durand, of No. 635 Carondolet street, had a hard time yesterday. He left New Orleans on the 8 o'clock Southern Pacific train for the detention camp at Avondale, La. When he reached the camp he was a very sick man, and was sent back to New Orleans. At 11:30 o'clock the Board of Health experts said he was suffering from yellow fever, and Durand, who is only nineteen years of age, was taken in an ambulance to No. 425 Bourbon street, where he will be treated for the disease. N. O. Time-Democrat.

 The Gazette replies...

 Young Durand is the son of Conductor Ben Durand of the St. Martinville branch. It is sincerely hoped that Yellow Jack will deal gently with him. Lafayette Gazette 10/23/1897. 


Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/23/1897.

 A girl was born to Mrs. Ed Lehman last Monday.

 A shave at Patureau's can not fail to suit the most fastidious.

 Mr. and Mrs. E. Mouisset are now the proud parents of a little girl. She was born Sunday morning.

 Last Wednesday night Officer Himel bagged eleven coons and locked them up for fighting and disturbing the peace. Himel is a hustler and when he is around the boisterous niggers had better keep quiet.

 For a shampoo go to Patureau's barber-shop near Southern Pacific depot.

 Paul Bailey informs The Gazette that his youngest brother, Homer, is down with yellow fever in New Orleans, but a late telegram brings the good new that the nature of the attack is mild and no fatal results are expected to follow.

 The friends of Sheriff Broussard will be pleased to learn that he is doing well. It is believed that before many days Mr. Broussard will be able to leave his bed.

The Mutual, Liverpool and London and Globe, British America, Phoenix, Mechanics and Traders, London and Lancashire, are among the companies represented by Felix Mouton.

 Soda water improves the tone of the health. The soda water at the Moss Pharmacy is fine.

 The work of placing the pipes for the water-works is nearly completed. Were it not for the delay caused by the quarantine the plant would have been in operation at an earlier date.

 The Daily States very correctly says that the white man who is not alive to the importance of a clause in our State Constitution that will eliminate the negro from Louisiana politics has less pluck, less sand in his gizzard, less manhood than a cornfed negro.

 Lafayette Gazette 10/23/1897.

 School Board Proceedings.

  Lafayette, La., Oct. 4, 1897. - The School Board met this day with following members present:  Messrs. Alex Delhomme, W. G. Bailey, Baxter Clegg, A. Olivier, V. E. Dupuis, J. O. Broussard, J. S. Whittington and Dr. Hopkins.

 The reading of the minutes was dispensed with.

 The financial committee reported that they had examined the treasurer's books and found everything correct.

 The treasurer's report was accepted as follows:

 To the President and Members of the School Board, parish of Lafayette, La.:  Gentlemen - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of parish school funds since my last report:

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 Respectfully submitted,

 On motion of Mr. Clegg, seconded by Mr. Bailey, the appointment of Miss Kate Rand to the Whittington 8th ward school made at the July meeting is hereby sustained by the Board, notwithstanding all petitions to the contrary.

 A new school was declared open in the 1st ward, provided that the school-house be erected by the patrons of said school and provided also that Mr. Delhomme obtain permission from the party renting school land upon which said school is to be erected to build the school-house there on.

 The action of Mr. Olivier in closing the Comeaux school on account of too small an attendance was approved by the Board.

 On motion, duly carried, $40 a month was appropriated for another teacher in the Broussardville 5th ward school, provided said school be converted into a graded school.

 The following accounts were approved:

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 On motion, duly carried, $6 were granted for a fence around the Burt Smith School

 It was resolved that five per cent of the entire school funds be turned into a contingent fund for incidental, expenses.

 The Board then adjourned to Monday Oct. 11, to hear the report of the committee appointed to examine the sheriff's collection of poll taxes.
C. F. LATIOLAIS, Secretary.

 Monday Oct. 11, the sheriff being very ill there was no meeting.
Lafayette Gazette 10/23/1897.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 23rd, 1908:


 Big Purchase for Equipment of Louisiana Lines of Morgan Roads - Baton Rouge Branch Difficult Piece of Work. Vice-Pres. Fay Unable to Say When it Will Be Finished.

 Supt. Shackford returned yesterday from Morgan City where he had been since Monday, and reported that the fine new traffic bridge at that city had been successfully swung into place, and the old one removed. The swinging was done so on pontoons and required six hours. The bridge is now in use and is one of the finest in the United States.

 The Times-Democrat of yesterday states that Vice-president and General Manager Thornwell Fay has announce the purchase of more than $2,000,000.00 worth of equipment for the Morgan lines in Louisiana and Texas, this amount to be spent for 1,800 freight cars, five combination mail and baggage cars and ten steel passenger coaches. The steel coaches will be quite a novelty in this part of the country, but passenger men are expressing themselves as delighted in having them as they are regarded as almost indestructible. They are so constructed as to be difficult to derail and it would be almost impossible to set them afire.

 Mr. Fay said that the Louisiana lines had encountered a most difficult piece of work in the construction of the Baton Rouge branch from Lafayette through the Atchafalaya swamp. The trestle west of the Atchafalaya had been completed after months of hard work and great expense. Work of grading on the east bank had been commenced. He said that this would be through about eight miles of swamp, and that the grading would probably be as difficult and costly as had been encountered in many years. He was unable to say when the branch would be completed for the operation of trains. Lafayette Advertiser 10/23/1908.  

Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth Returns to Old Policy.

 The Barnum and Bailey Greatest Show on Earth has returned to its old policy of giving a street parade as a part of its daily program. Upon its visit to Lafayette on Tuesday, October 27, it will present in the forenoon perhaps the greatest parade that has been witnessed at any time.

 It is now learned that the reason for the commission of this feature of the past several years was owing to the scarcity of strange attractions to be found throughout the world. Rather than repeat itself the circus decided to drop the parade until such a time as something new and more wonderful could be devised. That time has come this season after three years' hard labor by corps of artists, designers, artisans and mechanics at the foreign quarters of the show in Stock on Trent, England.

 There is not a large city anywhere on earth but an agent of the circus is stationed there. These agents have been on the constant lookout for novelties. They have gathered together for this year's parade the strongest types of the human race, their peculiar vehicles, rough implements of war and musical instruments. The artists of Italy have wrought in bronze replicas of the gods of mythology and the heroes of child-romance, and for these ornate floats  of burnished gold have  been designed in France.

Tableau wagons, band chariots, howdahs, floats and thrones were built in Germany, the costumes were originated in Japan and France, the scarfs, flags and banners are from the looms of China and the rugs and tapestry came from Persia and Turkey.

 In the parade will be seen 1,500 men women and children, 700 horses, droves of camels, a complete menagerie, and nearly all the elephants in America.

 The performance has been given even more strength and novelty. Its acts are those which have recently organized in European arenas. The program is introduced by a new spectacle more ornate than of old and vastly of more interest. The acts are given on two stages, in three rings, on the hippodrome course and in the immense dome of the canvas. The most striking number of the elaborate bill is the act know as "Autos That Pass in the Air." It is the mid-air passing of two automobiles which have been launched into space by a plunge from the dome of the tent down a steep incline. Two girls do the act and it is a thousand-fold more thrilling than anything else ever presented. Lafayette Advertiser 8/17/1908. 


   Old Maids.
       [From the Daily States.]

 We find this paragraph in the columns of our usually courteous contemporary, the Homer Clipper:

 Endeavoring to write weighty editorials for a large paper like this with a table full of exchanges and none younger than a week old, is like kissing an old maid - it's devilish hard for a sensible man to do.

 Why should our good friend class kissing an old maid among the disagreeable duties of life? In our time we have known and met many maiden ladies of an uncertain age, and among them many women of great personal attractiveness, loveliness of character, sweetness of manners and unfaltering devotion to all the duties of life.

 Most old maids are old maids from choice. There are very few of them who have not had the opportunity of marriage, but their hearts have not been captured, and they have preferred to live through life in loneliness to giving their hands without their hearts. Many an old maid carries within her bosom the memory of a life tragedy too deep for tears, too sweet and tender for stranger ears. Yet if told, would put to the blush those who scoff at "old maids."

 We knew an old maid in Virginia during the war. She was mis-shapen, dark-hued and without a personal attraction. At first she appeared to us extremely ugly. But as we came to know her and to learn something of the story of her life, she first became passable in appearance, and when her noble, womanly heart gradually shone in supernal beauty, through her ugly form a strange beauty seemed to gather about her and a light to follow her footsteps. In time she seemed to us perfectly beautiful, and when seeing her for the last time we bent low and kissed her dark and wrinkled brow, we felt that we had kissed a saint.

 Let our good friend not speak in ribald derision of old maids. Many of them are noble, true and devoted women, fit to be the brides of kings and princes; nay, more, of noble, chivalrous, true and pure men.

 From the Homer clipper, reprinted in the Daily-States and in the Lafayette Gazette 10/23/1897. 

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