Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of October 9th, 1897:

To Resume Railway Traffic Adopted by the Conference.

FRANKLIN, LA., Oct. 7, 1897. - The committee appointed by the general conference convened to-day at Franklin on board the special car of Mr. W. F. Owen, superintendent of the Southern Pacific Railway, for the purpose of putting in operation a plan formulated by the general conference, which plan carries out the suggestion of Dr. Carter, of the Marine Hospital service.

 At this committee meeting were present, as invited guests, Dr. C. M. Smith, parish health officer of St. Mary; Dr. D. M. Foster, health officer of the town of Franklin; Dr. S. J. Gates, of Franklin; Mr. W. F. Owen and Mr. J. G. Schriever, of the Southern Pacific; Mr. John Day, of the railway mail service.

 On motion, Dr. Gates was made chairman and Dr. Smith secretary of the committee, and its number was increased to four, Mr. Owen being a member. After discussing the plan proposed by Dr. Carter and the general conference, the committee decided to adopt Dr. Carter's suggestion regarding freight and passenger traffic in the several parishes, and to carry out his plan to the fullest extent. Dr. Carter assured the committee that the United States Government would lend its aid in every possible way in the establishment of a detention camp and would bear the expenses of said detention camp in every detail.

 Mr. Owen, as a member of the committee, was authorized to interview the authorities of Jefferson parish with a view of procuring a site for the detention camp, and he and Dr. Carter were to proceed at once toward the establishment of such a camp in order it might be in operation within seventy-two hours. The committee also concluded to be guided by the opinion and the directions of Dr. Carter in that matter. It was further agreed in order that the fears of the laity of the several parishes concerning any risk that they might run through the establishment of this camp might be allayed, a responsible person be appointed by each of the Boards of Health, if they think it necessary, to go to the camp immediately after it is placed in operation, and to co-operate with the officers there placed in charge, and inspect its workings.

 The committee voted that the proceedings of their meeting of this day be made known at once through telegraphic correspondence to the different Boards of Health of the several parishes - St. Martin, Iberia and St. Mary, also to the Boards of Health between St. Mary and New Orleans, asking their co-operation.

 It was stated at the meeting that the Western Union Telegraph Co. had kindly permitted the use of their wires in carrying on such telegraphic correspondence as might be necessary in order to carry out the plan adopted.

 On motion, the committee heartily thanked the Southern Pacific Company, the Western Union Telegraph Company and Dr. Carter for their co-operation in a matter that is to work good to every man having in interest at stake in this action of the country.
Lafayette Gazette 10/9/1897.

 The Present Situation.
To the Gazette:
LAFAYETTE, LA., Oct. 7, 1897.

 A continuation of the present quarantine regulations will cause great loss to the people of this section. It will cause great loss to the people of this section. It will cause considerable damage to all, total ruin to some. It will cripple every industry and strike a death-blow to several interests. This is admitted by all, those who advocate absolute non-intercourse and those who oppose it.

 We are told by men who have made sanitary science a life-study, that we may have intercourse with infected points without endangering in the least the health or life of any one.

 This is true or is not true. Learned men who sho should know what they are talking about tell us it is true. Some one who did not pretend to understand sanitary science tell us it is not.

 Whom shall we believe?

 Are we to trust the wisdom of the civilized world, the best thought of scientific men and rely upon the advanced methods of modern times?

 Or, are we to thrust aside the dictates of the mind, shut our eyes to the progress of science and cling to the antediluvian methods of a past age?

 Eminent gentlemen, who are thoroughly informed upon everything that pertains to the process of fumigation and disinfection, assure us that railway communication can be had with New Orleans with absolute safety.

 As rational and intelligent beings can we refuse to believe them, when experience teaches that is has been done.

 All right-minded men believe that our first duty is to protect ourselves from the invasion of the dreadful pestilence whose visitation is even too terrible to contemplate, and should we fail to employ the best means of protection we would be criminally guilty.

 But we would be equally culpable if we should fail to use those methods which, though just as safe and efficient, are certain to save thousands of people from great suffering and hundreds from almost total bankruptcy.

 From all indications the quarantine will have to be kept up until perhaps the middle of December. A good freeze before that time is hardly probable.

 Hence, the situation is very serious and calls for the ripened judgement of thoughtful and scientific men.

 Gov. Foster has taken the matter in hand and will try to afford the people some relief. He has wired the parish authorities to meet the  State health board with a view of devising some plan that will result in the common good.

 Let us hope he will succeed in bringing about an agreement which will mitigate the hardships resulting from present quarantine regulations.
Lafayette Gazette 10/9/1897.

Scott Fair Postponed. - The Gazette is requested to announce that the Scott fair will not take place on the 9th and 10th of October as had been advertised. Messrs. Judice and Budro, the managers of the fair, were compelled to indefinitely postpone it on account of the present yellow fever situation. The people of Scott had already made extensive preparations for their fare, which promised to be a brilliant success, and the failure of the fair to come off means a great loss to them.
Lafayette Gazette 10/9/1897.


 "...Iowa's Attorney General has been hailed up for traveling on railroad passes, which is against the law, and then charging up to the State five cents per mile mileage. All he says is that it is nobody's business whether he travels on passes or not, and that as the State allows him five cents per mile mileage he proposes to collect it. There is official Republicanism for you in the rough. - Westing (W. Va.) Register. ..."

 Perhaps no State in the union has suffered more from this abuse than Louisiana. Men Occupying judicial and legislative positions should not accept passes from railroad companies and if it is permitted by the laws of the State.

 Railroad companies give out passes to public officials in the hope of being benefit. Whether or not judges and legislators are influenced by these passes is not the question to be considered. Some may be influenced and others may not be. But it is bound to have a demoralizing influence. Those who frame and interpret our laws should be above reproach and should not place themselves in a position where their integrity may be questioned. People know that rich corporations are not out for their health and do not give passes as an expression of esteem or respect. It is with a mercenary motive that this is done. As a return for these "courtesies" they extend to the public men corporations expect favorable legislation, and if they did not believe that they are fully compensated there would not be any public men traveling on passes. The proper remedy should be applied to this evil. In some States where the railroads do not control legislation laws that have been passed making it a crime for the company to give passes to persons holding legislative and judicial offices. Lafayette Gazette 10/9/1897.


[N. O. Times-Democrat.]

 The results of the military cycling trip of the Twenty-fifth Infantry from Fort Missoula, Mont., to St. Louis, Mo., last summer have been made public through report of the commander in charge, James A. Moss. The document is very complete and exact and will be of much interest and value to  touring cyclists as well as to army officers and soldiers. The trip was an experiment to test the utility of the bicycle as an adjunct to the army, and as such was a complete success, demonstrating the advantages and disadvantages of the bicycle under varying conditions and circumstances.

 The United States army has been slow to recognize the worth of the bicycle in military operations. American bicycle makers and riders have long been convinced that the machines would prove especially efficient in courier work, reconnoitering, patrolling and for the speedy transport of troops or detachments in cases of emergency. The authorities, however, with the exception of a few strong advocates of the wheel, such as Gen. Miles, have apparently paid but slight attention to the possibilities of the bicycle as a military adjunct. The French and German, and even the Russian governments are away ahead of us in this respect, have been experimenting with cycle corps in military work for several years. It is not to be supposed that the bicycle can entirely take the place of the horse in the army, since, owing to their wholly different natures, each may be used to greater advantage than the other under certain conditions.

 The bicycle is superior to the horse in that it requires less care and no feed, travels faster over fair roads, is less conspicuous and easily hidden from view, makes no noise and raises less dust; moreover, its track does not betray the direction in which it is moving and the fighting strength of the bicycle corps is not weakened by "horse holders." Says Capt. Moss, in summing up his conclusions:

 "A bicycle corps as an adjunct to infantry or cavalry could render excellent service where speed rather than numbers is required, such as taking possession of passes, bridges and strong places ahead of the command and hold them until reinforcements could be got from the main road. On the other hand, in rainy weather, over bad roads, etc., the horse is superior.

 "The very thought of the bicycle doing away with the cavalry altogether is ludicrous. Each has peculiar functions of its own - a particular field in which under certain conditions the one is superior to the other. The question, therefore, which confronts us is: Should not a modern, up-to-date army have both, that it might avail itself of the advantages of the one or the other, as the proper conditions present themselves.?"
Lafayette Gazette 10/9/1897.



{To the Lafayette Gazette.}

 The Legislature of 1896, by act No. 85, providing for the submission to the people of a proposition to hold a convention for the purpose of framing and putting into effect a new constitution and to provide for the election of delegates thereto, have muzzled the people by exacting of each delegate to make oath no to enact, ordain or frame any article or ordinance, touching, concerning and affecting subject matters specified and enumerated in said act; condescending however, to trust their wisdom in regard to all others.

 Under this law the people must be contented to have a muzzled convention and a bob-tailed constitution, as a result. Notwithstanding, we must be thankful for small favors, for as it is better to have a bob-tailed horse even during fly times, than to have no horse at all, so it is better to have a bob-tailed constitution during troublesome times than to be without one.

 We must do the best we are permitted to do under existing circumstances, to extricate the State from the embarrassment and the political meshes in which she finds herself presently entangled. All agree that some change in the exercise of the elective franchise and in the judiciary principally in the country parishes, is necessary.

 By a sentiment of preservation against a revival and recurrence of the degraded condition to which the State had been reduced by the amalgamation of carpetbaggism with negroism, the whites in some parts of the State have boldly driven negro voters from the polls and in some other parts they have unscrupulously utilized their votes. Such means of protection are not only dangerous to the peace and quietness of society, but are destructive of the principle upon which our government is founded, and they cannot long be resorted to without bringing evil. It is to be hoped that the convention will able to fix and settle the elective franchise and to regulate its exercise in such a manner as to away with the necessity of resorting to violence, intimidation and other less commendable means to preserve the State against the pollution of negro rule !

 The judiciary ought to be so arranged as to secure a prompt and expeditive administration of justice. Under the present system people pay too much to get their dues and the violators of the law suffer too long before they set that speedy trial for which they crave. We do not feel competent to suggest how and in what manner these desirable results can be obtained. The subject is pregnant with difficulties and requires thorough discussion and mature reflection before it can be solved.
      (Signed)   OLD TIMER.
Lafayette Gazette 10/9/1897.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/9/1897.

The town of Rayne has quarantined against us. This action of Rayne may be attributed to the unfortunate manner in which our parish authorities handled the Royville matter. However, we will inform our Rayne friends that we are just as free from yellow fever as the Klondike valley.

Mrs. Wm. B. Bailey desires to inform the public that her stock of millinery consists of all the new and late styles. The ladies of Lafayette are invited to visit her store.

 Married. - Mr. Alcide LeBlanc, of Broussard, was married to Miss Elina Peck, last Monday evening at the Catholic church in this town.

 George Pefferkorn is holding down one of the chairs in the Railroad Exchange Shaving Parlors and he will be pleased to have his friends give him a call.

 Challenge. - We will play the Pilette Base Ball Club any day and anywhere with two umpires for a purse of $25 or more. Lafayette Gazette 10/9/1897.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 10th, 1908:


 The remains of Judge Clegg, who died in New Orleans Monday, arrived in Lafayette Tuesday on the 1 p. m. train and were met by a large number of friends and acquaintances who assembled to pay the deceased the last sad tribute. Interment took place in the Protestant cemetery and Rev. H. T. Carley, of the Carrolton church read the burial service and paid a tribute to the worth and character of the distinguished jurist and citizen. As a mark of respect the New Orleans School Board of which he was a member sent a beautiful floral offering which was placed in the bier.

 Among those who attended the body on the train were: Mrs. Clegg, Mr. William Clegg, Attorney L. C. Quintero and Rev. Carley, Mrs. Wm. McColliam, Mrs. H. C. Reese, Edmond McColliam, Attorney Phillip Gidiere, of New Orleans; Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Kemper, Miss Lollie Robertson, Miss Mary Frere, H. P. Frere, of Franklin. Lafayette Advertiser 10/9/1908.

More on Judge Clegg from the Report of the American Bar Association. - Vol. 33 - 1908.


 Judge John Clegg, a distinguised lawyer and citizen of New Orleans, La., died in that city October 5, 1908.

 He was a native of North Carolina and was born in 1852. He removed to Louisiana with his parents in 1859. His father was Rev. Baxter Clegg and his mother was before marriage Miss Collins, both being natives of North Carolina.

 John Clegg was educated by his father, and in 1872 began the study of law in the office of M. E. Girard of Lafayette, Louisiana, later studying law in the Tulane University, being graduated in 1874, and being admitted to the Bar before the Supreme Court at Opelousas in June of that year.

 Mr. Clegg began the practice of law at Lafayette and very soon began to take an interest in political matters. He was secretary of the Senate from 1877 to 1881, and was then made district judge at the age of thirty-one. He served three years and was then elected by the General Assembly judge of the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. He was married in 1882 to Miss Mary Cage, the daughter of Albert C. Cage, of Terrebone Parish.

 In 1892 Judge Clegg came to New Orleans and formed a law partnership with Thomas H. Thorpe, and in 1895, on the dissolution of that firm, he formed a partnership with Lamar C. Quintero. Judge Clegg continued the practice of law since that time in this firm. Judge Clegg's health became impaired from overwork. He was principally a civil lawyer, but occasionally appeared in criminal cases. He was a devoted friend of young lawyers, and was always willing to assist them, and his friendships with them were the features of his legal life.

 He was particularly strong as a jury lawyer, though not voluminous as a speaker. His treatment of the jury was that of a confidential friend, who was willing to leave the facts to them and trust their judgment to do right.

 Judge Clegg always took a lively interest in political affairs. He was usually on the side of reform, and took part in the Citizens' League and Jacksonian fights in his city and in a number of other efforts to establish independent party rule.

 In social affairs he was both brilliant and popular, and was admired and respected wherever he appeared. He was a great clubman, being at the time of his death vice-president of the Pickwick Club, a member of the Boston Club and of various intellectual and social organizations. He was also an Elk and a prominent Mason, having been at one time an officer of the Grand Lodge. He was always interested and out-of-door sports, and was president of the Southern Athletic Club for several terms.

 He was a member in the State Society of Engineers and various similar organizations. He always devoted considerable attention to school matters, and was in 1907 appointed by Governor Blanchard a member of the New Orleans School Board, although he had opposed Governor Blanchard's election.

 Judge Clegg leaves his wife, a brother and a sister.

 From the Report of the American Bar Association, Vol. 33 of 1908.


Editor Brann Mobbed.

 A special from the Waco, Tex., says:

 W. C. Brann, editor of Brann's Iconoclast, was the victim of a mob of 200 students of Baylor University, a Baptist institution, this afternoon. Mr. Brann was seated in the office when the young men, students of the university, called him to the door, where they seized and thrust him into a hack, which was rapidly driven to the college campus. His captors were armed with revolvers. At the campus a mob of 200 students were gathered, a majority of whom were armed. They seized Mr. Brann, pulled him here and there and threatened to shoot him. A rope was produced and cries of 'hang him' arose on all sides. Brann, under threats of death, was compelled to sign a statement declaring that an article appearing in the October number of the Iconoclast and reflecting on Baylor University was untrue, and promised that he would leave town. Great excitement has been caused by the incident, and crowds are discussing it on the streets. The action of the mob of students is generally condemned. By the expressions heard here to-night, it is thought that the matter is not at an end. Mr. Brann declares he can not be driven from the city, and will continue his paper. Lafayette Gazette 10/9/1897.    

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