Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 7th, 1903.

Submits Report on Schools to the Grand Jury Oct. 2, 1903.

 To the Foreman and Gentlemen of the Grand Jury:--Only a few days ago I had the pleasure of representing Lafayette parish in the Superintendent's convention held in New Orleans. In this convention Lafayette parish presented a good report showing more progress than any other parish. However, this does not mean that the school system of our parish if perfect nor that it is even as good as some of the leading parishes of the state. We have made great strides in our school system and it should be the aim of every good citizen to see it that the parish makes no backward step in school matters from now on. It is gratifying to see that the whole state is awake to the necessity of better school facilities and the people of Louisiana have made it distinctly understood in the present campaign that education is the most important issue at stake. Nothing can be of more importance to us than the proper education of our children. The most sacred duty of the state is to provide adequate education for all its children. Education is the birth right of every American born child.

 It is with great satisfaction that I submit the following report of progress made during the past two years, together with the recommendations for needed improvements.

 The enrollment attendance two sessions ago was less than 1000; last session it was 2,000. Next session it will not be less than 2,500. Here is an increase of over 1oo per cent in tow year,


 Our school fund has necessarily increased, but it has not kept pace with the increased demands made upon it. Two years ago we employed 40 teachers at an average salary of $39.00, only 2 were trained for the work. This session we have 55 teachers at an average salary of $46.60. This increase in the salary has enabled the board to employ 32 trained teachers for the coming session. These trained teachers have done excellent work wherever sent, and the communities have been quick to appreciate their superior work. A healthy sentiment exists throughout the parish in favor of good teachers.

 There are nearly 9,000 school children to educate in Lafayette parish. Up to the present session the taxpayers of the parish have been contributing directly $4,000 per year, or 44 cents per child for one year of education. This is less than 5 cents per month. The available school fund from all sources is as follows: From the State, $8,000; parish $6,000; poll tax $2,000; school lands, $2,000; town of Lafayette $2,000; total $20,000.

 To maintain the schools of the parish 9 calendar months for the present session, it will require $26,100. There is a deficit of $6,100 which be supplied by the parish and town of Lafayette, and I would therefore urge upon you the necessary for laying this matter before the public jury of Lafayette, calling upon the town council of Lafayette, calling upon them to do all in their power for the children who must be educated.

 It will be noticed that no mention has been made of the special tax recently voted by the people of the parish. The reason is that the tax will be collected only in the fall of next year and will therefore not be available for the present session. Besides we are in absolute need of thirty-four school houses the construction of which will absorb every cent of the special tax money. What we need now is money with which to run the schools.

 The capacity of our school-houses is about 800. Last year we tried to accommodate 2,000 children and this session the average school-house of the parish will have three times more children than it can comfortably seat. The demand from all parts of the parish is for more space in the school-house.

 The school board is now preparing to build four comfortable school-houses. Last year one school-house was built, and one thoroughly repaired. In a short time the parish will have six comfortable school-houses.


 There are three sections of school land in the parish. Two and a half sections are rented at prices ranging from 75 cents to $2.50. Two years ago the same land was rented at 10 cents and 50 cents. As nearly all the land is rented there is no possibility of there being any squatters on the land.


 Last session the school board expended about $18,000 on making on 2,000 children for nine months, making the cost of educating 1 child $9.00 per year or $1.00 per month. Instead of being an extravagant expenditure it will be seen the board had not an adequate fund. The parish of Lafayette paid $2 out of every $9 spent. The other $7 spent on each child was derived from other sources principally from the State. Our system of education will never be adequate until we can spend more than $1 per month on each child. It costs the parish not less than $9 per month to keep a criminal.


 It is with pleasure that I can report a steady improvement in the public roads of the parish during the past two years. We now have the foundation of a good system of public roads and the foundation of a good system of public schools, and these two institutions are so important and closely interdependent as to demand the support of all citizens in order that each system might be built up to its highest standard of excellence. Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1903.

Motion Made to Cut Down Appropriation for Schools Defeated.

 The Police Jury met last Thursday will all members present.

 The Grand Jury waited upon the jury in a body and requested on advice of Judge Debaillon that an extension of time be granted to the people of the parish for payment of the special road tax. The Jury granted the petition and extended time to October 10 inst.

 By motion of Mr. Whittington the road overseers were instructed to notify all delinquents of road tax after October 10 to perform their road duty in default of penalties provided by law.

 Mr. J. R. Davis asked that the Rayne and Crowley Realty Company be notified to open drain to public road in Duson, La. Ordered.

 In the matter of licenses due by Ralph Foreman and Alton Foreman, it was decided to place the entire case in the hands of District Attorney Campbell and Attorney C. H. Mouton.

 Messrs. Blanchet and Whittington reported that through Mr. Williams, of Vermilion, a ferryboat had been secured for the D. O. Broussard crossing, but owing to unknown cause the boat had not been put in service necessitating the temporary abandonment of the transfer.

 The committee was continued and urged if possible to secure another boat. The secretary was instructed to notify the Vermilion jury of the appointment of Messrs. Whittington, Landry and Mouton as a conference committee on the rebuilding of the bridge at or near the D. O. Broussard crossing.

 Mr. Buchanan moved to fix the rate of taxation for 1903 at 8 mills on the dollar. Mr. Mouton moved as a substitute to fix the rate at 10 mills and the substitute carried by the following vote: Ayes - Billeaud, Mouton, Landry, Blanchet and Broussard. Nays - Buchanan, Alex Broussard, Lacy, Whittington.

 In making the motion to reduce the rate from ten mills to eight, Mr. Buchanan contended that the people were entitled to a reduction, owing to the additional special taxation they had recently imposed upon themselves for school purposes; that retrenchment in expenditures should be made, and, if necessary, the appropriation for schools should be cut down. Mr. Buchanan proceeded to criticize many school practices and methods in vogue, and argued that the best way to correct laxity and abuse upon the part of the school authorities was to reduce the appropriation made. Mr. Mouton and others contended on the other hand that the items of expenditures for 1903 had already been fixed; that there had been no increase in the assessment, and, therefore, any reduction of the rate was impossible. The parish has assumed certain obligations and the Assessor's books showed that the amount of revenue at 10 mills is barely sufficient to meet the budget estimate. The schools in particular needed all that had been allowed and more, and the Jury stood pledged to appropriate every cent possible for their maintenance and improvement.

 President Billeaud appointed Messrs. Mouton, Landry, Blanchet and Greig to make budget for 1904, and expressed the earnest hope that no reduction would be made in the items for schools.

 The donations for the Carencro road were accepted and ordered recorded.

 The treasurer's reports showed cash balances, general fund, $437.70; special road fund. $1,033.49.

 The Jury then adjourned.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1903.

New Business. - We call attention to the advertisement elsewhere of the New Continental Stable. The manager, Mr. Wm. Montroy, is from New Iberia where he has been in the same business the past year, and the year previous at Breaux Bridge. He has leased the old Constantin Stable on the court house square, to which he has made extensive repairs, and renamed the New Continental. We extend Mr. Montroy a cordial welcome to Lafayette and trust that his stay among us may be both profitable and pleasant.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1903.

Miller-Brian Company.

 This company, which is now on its annual tour, has just closed an engagement of 16 weeks at Battle Park, Baton Rouge. Their stay there was very successful and they left having won the esteem of the people of the city. They will open here with "A Legal Wrong," which is a play of great interest and merit. Don't forget the date, Monday, Oct. 12. Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1903. 

[From the New Orleans States.]

 It appears that ex-Gov. Northen of Georgia is opposed to the plan to solve the negro problem by separating the races, and he assumes that the South is not in sympathy with any scheme for the deportation of the blacks. He seems to have as much faith in the loyalty of the negroes in the Southern States, for recently he spoke as follows:

 "I have lived among negroes all my life, and I don't want to live where there are none. I will trust them in every relation far more confidently than I would the mongrel population of self-announced Socialists, Anarchists and outlaws who do the menial service of other sections. We do not want to deport the negroes and we could not if we so desired."

 Gov. Norther when he spoke was no doubt thinking of the old negroes of slavery times, and the tribute he paid to them will be heartily applauded by every white person in the South who is old enough to remember the darkies of ante-bellum days. But fine as is Gov. Norther's sentiment it is punctured by the Richmond Times-Dispatch as follows:

 "Good Mr. Northen, like some of the balance of us, is getting along in years. He is talking about the good old negro of long ago, the dear old 'mammies' and the noble old 'uncles' that we older folks of the South knew so well and loved so tenderly. "Trust them in every relation - certainly we would; trust them with our lives and the lives of our loved and dependent ones. God bless their memory forever more.

 "But, alas, they are too fast becoming a memory only. The old 'mammies,' and old 'aunties" and the old 'uncles' are fast passing away, and soon there will be none of them left. And when they are gone and their influence shall have passed away with them, what will become of the new generation of negroes, God only knows."

 It is the new and not the old generation that the South now has to deal with. The new generation is composed largely of worthless vagabonds, crapshooters and "razor toters," who live by stealing from the communites in which they reside. This is the class of negroes that the South desires to get rid of by desperation, deportation or any other means, and they are a very different class from the negroes that Gov. Norther speaks of so eloquently. The insolent and shiftless darkies born since the close of the Civil War, or shortly before the beginning of it, constitute the race problem, and the sooner the South is rid of them the better. It may be that Gov. Northen has an admiration for them, but it is safe to say that it is not shared by the vast majority of white people of the Southern States. From the New Orleans States and in the Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1903.


Lafayette, La., Oct. 2, 1903.

 To the Hon. C. Debaillon, Judge of the 18th Judicial District Court, in and for the parish of Lafayette, La.

 The Grand Jury empanelled for the regular term of court beginning September 28, 1903, begs to present the following report of its investigations and findings:

 We have diligently inquired into all actual or alleged violations of the law brought to our attention, and have given our careful consideration to questions affecting the public welfare coming within the scope of our duties and powers.

 As the result of our deliberations we beg to report the finding of 22 "True Bills," and 10 "Not True Bills," and deem it incumbent upon us to make the following suggestions and recommendations in the public interest, and with a view of diminishing crime in our parish;
   We strongly condemn the form of amusement among the people known as the public ball, as being a common and fruitful source of crime and great demoralizer of labor, and we recommend its abolishment, if possible, or their restraint by a license sufficiently high to discourage these kinds of gatherings. The presence of a police officer should be required at such places under a heavy penalty, as means of preventing disturbances when possible. Although present regulations of the Police Jury provide for police protection at this class of public entertainments, we have ascertained that there is great negligence and abuse displayed by the ward constables in the discharge of their duties in this regard. A license of at least ten dollars should be imposed by the Police Jury for each ball or occasion where refreshments of any kind are sold, so as to remove the incentive for making money of these affairs, which appears to be the principal if not the sole motive for giving public balls in this parish. The license in such cases should be paid directly into the public treasury, and the officer on duty at a ball should receive compensation for his services by warrant, for in this way would be removed the bad practice of issuing simple permits for some slight money consideration, by ward constables, as we developed in the course of our investigations of the numerous crimes committed at public balls.

 We have given thoughtful consideration to the vexations but all important questions on the all important question of public roads, and at the same time that we must candidly admit the great general improvement of our highways under the earnest efforts of the Police Jury, we are convinced, nevertheless, that better results might be obtained by a more businesslike disbursement of the road funds in certain wards in the parish.

 We recognize the advantages of the present system of working the roads as a step in the right direction, but this system is singularly defective in the fact that it does not impose the tax or expense of building the roads where it properly belongs - on the farms and lands in the parish. Good roads are of great benefit to the farming interests and contribute in no small way to the value of lands, and to raise funds for road purposes by levying a special road tax on the assessed valuation in the parish would be a much more equitable plan than that o the vehicle tax. Why? Because then all property benefited by a system of good roads would contribute its just proportion of the cost in return for the benefit received, and non residents and railroads and telegraph and telephone lines, which all share these benefits in common with the local interests of the country would, in this way, be made to bear their fair proportion of the costs of such benefits.

 The amount of money now available for the building and maintenance of the public roads is insufficient to accomplish more than what is now being done, and the conclusion is forced on our minds that the most reasonable solution of the road problem lies in substituting a special property or land tax for the present vehicle tax, and the retaining of the present per capita tax of one dollar in the case of the non-property holders who are also the beneficiaries of public roads.

 We believe the trial of such a plan would quickly demonstrate its merits, and we present the proposition of a special property or land tax for road purposes for the favorable consideration of the public, in the assurance that the first wave of opposition this plan will be succeeded, in due time by sober thought following an intelligent discussion of the subject, with the result that the common sense phase of this plan will finally dawn on the minds of the people and insure the adoption of the property and land tax system at last.

 Impressed with the great and growing importance of the question o public education in all its bearings upon the progress and happiness of the people and the development of the country, we have made particular inquiry into the condition of the public school system of the parish of Lafayette. The report of the superintendent of the public schools submitted for the information of the grand jury contains so much matter of public interest, we have ordered its publication in full, with our hearty endorsement, and we invite the special attention of the Police Jury, School Board and City Council of Lafayette, asking these public bodies for a favorable consideration of the recommendations contained in the report. And we specially urge the Police Jury and the City Council to make increasing appropriations and provisions for the public schools, to meet the evident and continually increasing demands for educational facilities among our people; and in doing so these public bodies will be subserving the highest of all public interest and will receive the approbation of all patriotic and right thinking citizens.

 In this connection we desire, also, to direct the special attention of our school authorities and teachers to the wise laws of our State requiring the regular instruction of school children o all ages in the harmful effects of alcohol and narcotics on the human system. Brains and bodies that are weakened and diseased and demoralized by the use of alcohol and narcotics tend toward a decaying manhood and the undermining of society and good citizenship; and the State has adopted the most rational and effective means o dealing with these evils and promoting sobriety among the people, by teaching the children the injurious effects of alcohol and narcotics before they have fallen under the power of these evil influences, so that the children growing up in the full knowledge of the benefits of abstinence will abstain from choice.

 In the public interest we therefore strongly recommend the faithful observance of this course of instruction in our schools, on the part of the school authorities and teachers.

 We inspected the parish jail and noted with satisfaction the air of cleanliness which pervaded the place, and we ascertained from the prisoners privately, that they received reasonable and proper attention while in custody. We commend Deputy Sheriff Trahan for his faithful services as parish jailer.

 We visited the office of the sheriff and made a thorough examination of his books and accounts, and it gives us pleasure to testify to the careful and business like manner in which the affairs of this office are conducted.

 The sheriff exhibited to us receipts and vouchers from the parish treasurer and from the State auditor showing regular and punctual settlements for all funds collected by him.

 We have pleasure likewise in highly commending the excellent system and intelligent methods employed in handling the public business in the office of the clerk of court and recorder.

 We recommend that the certified poll list prepared by the sheriff each year and filed with the clerk of court, be arranged in alphabetical order for greater convenience in the future.

 We also direct the attention of the Police Jury to the urgent need there exists of repairing the clerk's office, in consequence of the extensive cracking of two partition walls and a serious leak in the roof of the building.

 The books and papers of the parish treasurer were ascertained are properly kept now as always, by that officer.

 The office of the assessor received a due share of our attention and needed improvements that we might suggest in the premises we understand have already been fully considered by the Police Jury.

 We were favorably impressed by the work we saw going on in the Primary and High Schools in the town of Lafayette, but it is very necessary that other and better arrangements be made for the housing and the comfort and convenience of the children.

 Our visit to the Industrial Institute by special invitation of President Stephens was attended with pleasure and interest, and only served to strengthen our opinion of this good institution which is calculated to bestow such lasting benefits to the children of the town and parish of Lafayette.

 Following the suggestion of the Honorable Judge of this District Court, we waited in a body on the Police Jury to recommend that the limit of time for the payment of road taxes be extended to October 10th for the convenience of the farming class, on account of the great press of work at this particular season, and we are pleased to state that the Police Jury acted favorably on the recommendation.

 In the case of Jean Baptiste Duhon, now confined in the parish prison, from information received, we consider that the crime committed by him sometime ago was due to his mind being in such a state that he could not do well be held responsible under the law, from the fact that he has been interdicted and sent to the Insane Asylum, and therefore should be released and turned over to the care of his family.

 In conclusion we wish to say that as the law imposes upon the Grand Jury the obligation of not only indicting violators of the law, but of suggesting remedies for public abuses and recommending measures for promoting the public welfare, we have deemed it our duty to discuss and to consider the various questions covered by this report as affecting the public good, even at the risk of causing criticism for the great length of our report.

 Our arduous duties and difficult labors have been facilitated in a large degree by the thoughtful, exhaustive and explicit charge delivered to us by the Honorable Judge of this court, and by the cheerful, intelligent and valuable assistance and counsel of District Attorney Campbell, and we hereby make our grateful acknowledgements to these two faithful officers of the Court.

 Respectfully submitted,
            N. P. MOSS, Foreman.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1903.


Miller-Brian Company.

 This company, which is now on its annual tour, has just closed an engagement of 16 weeks at Battle Park, Baton Rouge. Their stay there was very successful and they left having won the esteem of the people of the city. They will open here with "A Legal Wrong," which is a play of great interest and merit. Don't forget the date, Monday, Oct. 12. Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1903.

  Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 10/7/1903.

 The rain last Thursday put a stop to cotton picking for several days, and the farmers were rushing in their cotton to the gins, and the saws can be heard humming night and day. Miss Annie Bell left yesterday for Natchitoches to attend the Normal.

 Swiss, Brick and Cream Cheese just received by John Bunt.

Flinch, a game ever popular, and just the thing for an evening of pleasure, at Lafayette Drug Store. 

 Mrs. H. P. Fortune, of Berwick, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, H. Jagou. Mrs., Geisler, Mrs. Jagou's sister, after spending a week with her, left for home Saturday.

 Sauer Kraut and Pig's Feet just received by John Bunt.

 Miss Gertrude Coronna left last week  for New Orleans to enter Miss Sophie Wrights' school. 

 Trix, the game of the season, delightful to old and young, at the Lafayette Drug Store.

 Misses Ruth and Julia Huff and Mrs. C. P. Moss of New Iberia were among the excursionists to Alexandria Sunday. 

 Ping Pong sets, $1.00 to $4.50 at the Lafayette Drug Store.

 Paul Guilbeau, the accommodating clerk at Prejean & LeBlanc's, is expected back from Avoyelles to-day.

 Harris Business College, Jackson, Miss., will take your note for tuition, payable when you secure a position. They guarantee positions under reasonable conditions. They cannot supply the demand for bookkeepers and stenographers. 

 Misses Lucy Vigneaux, Marie Castel and Horta Lombard spent a week in New Orleans returning home with Mr. Vigneaux whom they met in New Orleans on his return from France.

 Gent's furnishings of all kinds, the kind that last and look well at the Lafayette Clothing Store. 

 Mr. and Mrs. Martial Billeaud returned Thursday from San Antonio, Tex.

 A good shoe with shape and style gives a man a neat and dressy appearance. The Lafayette Clothing Store sells the right kind.

 John Vigneaux returned home from Europe Saturday after a delightful visit of four months to his brothers in France. 

 A good dresser knows that the Lafayette Clothing Store is the place to buy.

  Rena Durand went to Eola Sunday.

 Fall and winter clothing, tasteful patterns, dressy, and well made. Schmulen. 

 W. J. Howell visited friends in Alexandria Sunday.

 Outing and dress hats, latest styles and shapes, and you will be surprised at our low prices. Schmulen.

 Mrs. G. R. Tolson, of Covington, La., is visiting Dr. F. R. Tolson's family. 

 Ladies' dress goods with trimmings to match, beautiful patterns and latest fabrics. Laces, embroideries and ribbons in new designs. - A. L. Dyer, the Royville merchant.

 Corn meal, grits, and feed stuffs - Adolph Mouton will fill your order on short notice.

 Several weddings are set for the near future. 

 Ludovic Gulibeau paid a visit to Royville Friday on business.

 WANTED - A cook, white or colored. Apply to Mrs. Hector Prejean. 

 If you are short of stove wood, just ring up Adolph Mouton and he will supply you at once. He has coal, too.

  A. L. Dyer, of Youngsville, was a visitor to Lafayette Friday.

 An ice-cream or delicious soda at Yandle's is something worth having. 

 A. T. Comeaux, of Youngsville, was in town Friday.

 Shoes, the kind that look well, wear well, and last well, at Broussard Bros.' 

 Richard Mills left for Lake Charles last week where he has secured a good position.

 Ladies and misses trimmed and outing hats, something nice and stylish. A. L. Dyer, the Royville merchant.

 The Red Store, which is always an attractive place has been made more attractive by a new coat of paint. 

 Invitations are out for the marriage of Mr. Leo Judice to Miss Hunter Ferguson, of Richmond, Va., which will take place at Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, in that city on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1903.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1903.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of October 7th, 1899:


Although the special tax has been levied by a vote of the tax-payers in the town and parish there is yet much to be done.

 The Gazette calls upon the citizens of the town of Lafayette to take immediate action in this matter. There is not time to lose. The other competing towns are active and we can not afford to be inactive if we propose to get the school. The people of Lafayette should not allow themselves to be lulled into sleep by a sense of mistaken security. The school is not yet ours by a long shot. We have some thoroughly wide-awake competitors to fight, and we must be up and doing. We unquestionably have the ideal site, but that's not all. We must be prepared to make known our unparalleled advantages and we've got to put up the most cash. Facts, cash, hard work and efforts exerted at the proper time and where they will do good are bound to win. Wind-jamming and rainbow-chasing will not avail. This is a case where the longest pole will get the fruit. We have the pole and we ought to have sense enough to use it. Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1899.

Meeting Called.

 In our advertising columns appears a notice calling upon those who are opposed to the local administration to meet at Falk's hall on Saturday, October 7. The voters who are deluded into the belief that the object of this movement is to knock the alleged ring into smithereens should think awhile before attempting to carry out such a visionary scheme. Admitting for the sake of argument that there is a ring, some of the present ring demolishers were at one time in the not too remote past members of a certain ring to which the judgment of endless generations will concede the blue ribbon for having been the most autocratic political organization that ever existed in this or any other parish. The enmity that these gentlemen have for rings is painfully sudden. At one time we believe they really loved the things; not their very sight conjures up in the minds visions of ghastly and horrid nightmares. What a change hath come over the spirit of thy dreams. O reformers !
Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1899.    


Julia Morrison James Must Remain in Jail.

 Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 4. - Judge Floyd Estill, in the circuit court, this morning rendered his opinion on the application of Julia Morrison James for bond, refusing the application. In rendering his decision the court said:

 "There is nothing in this case that would justify the court in admitting the defendant to bail. It is true the physicians say she is in delicate condition, but they do not say the confinement in jail will injure her health. It at any time it should appear that the imprisonment is endangering her life, then the court will cheerfully allow bond. Counsel yesterday argued that the deceased Leidenheimer treated the woman outrageously, but there was nothing in the proof to indicate that he did so. It was shown to the court that they had a quarrel on the day of the murder, but that the defendant was the aggressor, calling Leidenheimer a liar and slapping his face. The proof as to the deceased ever having attempted to assault here is conflicting.

 "This appears to the court to have been a willful, premeditated and malicious murder and one on which the defendant is not entitled to bail. The application of the defendant's attorneys is denied." Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1899.


 Last Saturday Judge Debaillon pronounced the sentences on the persons convicted during the last term of court. They are as follows: Jos. Daily, $10, or ninety days jail; Tommie Gulofie, stabbing with intent to commit murder, 9 months State penitentiary; Armand Francois, assault with a dangerous weapon with intent to commit murder, 16 months penitentiary; David Witney, $10 or 90 days jail; Bamos Valentin, assault and battery, $10 or 90 days jail; Jean Bte. Grant, larceny, 9 months penitentiary; Jules Figaro, larceny, 2 years penitentiary; Etienne Simon, burglary, 3 years penitentiary; Maxime Foote, $2 or $30 days jail; Edward Jasmin, 9 months penitentiary; William Green, larceny, 12 months penitentiary; Harry Landry, violating fish law, $15 or 90 days jail; Paul Williams, larceny, 12 months penitentiary; Adam Audley, Deguise Paddio, Emile Augustine, $10 and ten days, in default of fine 90 additional days; William Babie, $10 and costs or 90 days jail; William Hawkins, $10 and costs or 90 days in jail; Jules George, $10 and costs or 90 days jail; Sunne Victor, $15 and costs or 4 months jail. Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1899.

Clegg to Tulane.

 Philip Clegg left for New Orleans last Sunday night, so as to be present on the opening day at Tulane University. Philip completed his course of studies at Ferrel's last year - a preparatory school for Tulane, and was one of the two from that school who received a scholarship to Tulane. We trust that he will do as well in the future as in the past. Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1899.

Meeting at Scott.

 In response to an invitation issued by Mr. Alcide Judice five or six hundred people met at Scott last Sunday afternoon for the purpose of taking measures to secure the Industrial School for Lafayette parish. Mr. Judice, who opened the meeting, stated that he had called it, first: to get the school for the parish; second: to get the school for that point in the parish which would make the best offer. We judge from Mr. Judice's remarks that he will try to win the prize for Scott, but in doing so he does not wish to interfere with the success of the parish.

 Hon. Alex Delhomme was called upon to preside and Mr. F. V. Mouton to act as secretary.

 Col. Gus. A. Breaux was the first speaker. He first referred to the marked progress made by that section since his boyhood days. He congratulated Mr. Judice and the other citizens of Scott upon the many evidences of thrift and public spirit noticeable everywhere. He dwelt upon the advantages of education and impressed his hearers with the great boon conferred by a course of study pursued in an industrial college. He said he was for the parish first and then for that point which would show itself worthy of having the school. The colonel made a good speech and was listened to very attentively. He was liberally supported applauded.

 The next speakers were Messrs. Ben Avant, J. Omer Broussard and Dr. Fred Mayer. Their remarks were in line with the views expressed by Col. Breaux. Dr. Mayer was particularly eloquent in his appeal to the people to stand together in this fight for the advancement of the whole parish. Being an old resident of Scott he was a little partial to that place, but was fair to all. The doctor is always ready to make a good talk and it is needless to say that he made an excellent speech last Sunday.

 At the conclusion of Dr. Mayer's speech the following named gentlemen were appointed on a committee to carry out the purpose of the meeting: Dr. A. O. Clark, Dr. G. W. Scranton, Alcide Judice, Dr. P. M. Girard, Col. G. A. Breaux, J. R. Davis, M. Billeaud, Sr., Dr. N. P. Moss, Dr. W. W. Lessly. Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1899.


 Wednesday, Oct. 4, at the Catholic church in Mauriceville, Mr. Eloi Broussard and Miss Aurelia Broussard.

 Wednesday, Oct. 4, at the Catholic church in Lafayette, Mr. Simon Boudreaux, Jr., and Miss Rose Boudreaux.

 Messrs. E. G. and Felix E. Voorhies went to New Iberia this week to attend the marriage of their brother Dr. Robt. D. Voorhies to Miss Maggie Davis.
Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1899.

 Kitchen Girl Wanted.

 To look over our stock of tinware and tell her mistress to make the work easier. Flour sifters, pot cleaners, surprise egg beaters, etc., at Moss & Co.s. Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1899.

Police Jury Notes.

 The Police Jury met last Thursday with all the members present except Mr. Billeaud, Jr.

 The Board of Supervisors of Election submitted a report of the special election held on the 26th of September for the Industrial School. Approved and ordered filed.

 A number of citizens of the ward petitioned for an appropriation to build a schoolhouse at Alex Martin's. Action thereon was postponed until January.

 Clerk of Court Voorhies here appeared and represented that the old marriage index was in a dilapidated condition and asked that the Police Jury order its transcription. Postponed.

 Assessor Martin was authorized to copy the special road tax list for 1900 from the rolls of 1899.

 The insurance policies on the court-house were renewed for three years through Mr. Felix Mouton, agent.

 An ordinance levying a special tax of two mills on the dollar or the Industrial School was adopted to take effect in 1900.

 Rodolph Prejean was granted free a license to keep a fruit stand, and the appropriation for indigence canceled.

 After approval of accounts the Jury adjourned. Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1899.

 City Council Proceedings.
Lafayette, La., Oct. 2, 1899. - The city Board of Aldermen with Mayor Wm. Campbell in the chair met in regular session with the following members present. F. E. Girard, J. O. Mouton, C. O. Mouton, F. Demanade, Geo. A. DeBlanc, H. Hohorst. Absent: J. E. Martin.

 The assessment roll of 1899 was submitted to the Council and was accepted.

 Moved by C. O. Mouton, seconded by J. O. Mouton that Dr. Girard be appointed as a committee of one to have the Waterworks water analyzed. Motion carried.

 Moved by Mr. DeBlanc seconded by C. O. Mouton that Engineer Melchert be made to open all fire plugs in the corporation once a month. Motion carried.

 On motion made and duly seconded, the following ordinance was unanimously adopted:

 AN ORDINANCE to levy and collect a special tax of two mills on the dollar of the assessed value of property in the corporation limits of the town of Lafayette, La., annually for a period of ten years, beginning with the year 1900 and ending with the year 1909, to secure the location in the parish of Lafayette, La., of the State Industrial Institute provided for by Act No. 162 of the Acts of the Legislature of this State of the year 1998; the title of said Institute to be in the public and said special tax when collected, shall be used for the benefit of said Industrial Institute to be located in the parish of Lafayette, La. All in accordance with the petition of the property tax-payers of said town of Lafayette, and the election thereon, under the provisions of Act 232 of the constitution and Act No. 131 of the Acts of the Legislature of 1898. Whereas, upon a petition signed by more than one-third of the property tax-payers of the town of Lafayette, La., and there was ordered to take the sense of the property tax-payers of said town on the proposition to assess, levy and collect a special tax of two mills on the dollar of the assessed value of property in said town of Lafayette, La., annually, for a period of ten years, beginning with the year 1900 and ending with the year 1909, to secure the location in the parish of Lafayette, La., of the State Industrial Institute, provided for by Act 162 of the Acts of the Legislature of 1898, and whereas on ordinance was adopted ordering said election, in accordance with the terms of said petition and the same then published for thirty days, and said election duly held according to law, and a majority of the property tax-payers of said town of Lafayette, La., entitled to vote under the general election laws of the State, in numbers and in value, having voted in favor of said tax of two mills for ten years. Therefore

 -------------------p. 4-----------

 The following bills were approved:

 --------------p. 4------------------

 There being no further business the Council adjourned to meet in regular session the first Monday in November.

Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1899.













 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 7th, 1893:


 Trust worthy information gathered by the Times-Democrat and other New Orleans papers shows conclusively that the storm of Sunday night is by far the most appalling calamity that has ever visited this State if not the entire South. The loss of life and suffering among those who escaped actual death is almost incredible. The loss of property will easily aggregate several millions. The work of destruction as far as has been learned at this time, extended from the Mississippi sound East of the river to Grand Isle on the West. No doubt there was great loss of life at other points, difficult of access, not yet taken into account. Women and children suffered largely and in many instances they escaped in most miraculous ways. The settlement of Cheniere Caminda was near annihilated. Grand Isle, well known to some of our people, was more fortunate ;  on this attractive little island there was great loss of property but the warring elements seem to have spared its inhabitants. Pity it is that such visitations should come upon us for they are not foreseen and therefore cannot be provided against. Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893.

Perished in Storm.

 It is with feelings of much regret the Advertiser announces the sad intelligence that Miss Octavie Vavaseur, a sister of Mrs. Edward Mouton of this parish, was one of the large number of persons who perished at Chenier Caminda during the disastrous storm of last Sunday.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893.


 The regular fall term of the District Court was opened here last Monday by Judge Allen.

 Mr. P. E. Couvillon was appointed foreman of the grand jury and the other fifteen members were then drawn in the usual way. In point of intelligence it is above the average grand jury and no doubt has done its work well. The Judge's charge to the grand jury was a masterly and comprehensive statement of the duties and the scope of the powers pertaining to said body and seems to have created an excellent impression in favor of law and order on many who were present and heard it. He referred to recent disturbances and violations of law in other parts of the State and intimated that the disposition sometimes shown by the people, to take the law in their own hands, was attributed in many instances to a failure of officers inclusive of grand juries, to do their duty.

 The grand jury went to work immediately and made their final report on Wednesday morning, and were discharged after being thanked by Judge Allen in the name of the people, for their promptness and thoroughness of their work. The report is found in another column.

 On Thursday, after arraigning parties accused and fixing cases for next week, Court adjourned until Monday, the 8th inst. In the mean time the Judge and District Attorney will hold the preliminary examination of Martin Bagley at Abbeville for the killing of John Ford. Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893.


 On motion of the District Attorney the following cases were on Tuesday last ordered by the Court to be placed on the "Dead Docket:"

  State vs. John Solari, Manslaughter.
  State vs. Lastie Bourke & als, Assault with intent to commit Murder.
  State vs. William Harness, Assault and Battery.
  State vs. Andre Dixon, Larceny.
  State vs. Paul DeBlanc, Defamation of Character.
  State vs. Isaac Dugas, carrying concealed weapon.
  State vs. Gustave Broussard, Assault and Battery.
  State vs. Louis Jenkins, Horse Stealing.
  State vs. W. B. Erwin, Larceny.
  State vs. Cleri Hebert, Assault and Battery.
  Adam Glover, Assault with a Dangerous Weapon.
  State vs. Narcisse Semair & als, Trespassing.
  State vs. Jean Balisse, Carrying Concealed Weapons.
  State vs. Robert H. Palfrey & als, Manslaughter.

 There are old cases in which, on account of the death or disappearance of witnesses or other similar circumstances there is no likelihood of a conviction being bad and the order to place on the dead docket virtually puts an end to them.

 In the following cases a nolle prosequi was entered on motion of the District Attorney:

  State vs. Kerlogan & als, Rape.
  State vs. C. H. Saloman, Conspiracy to Murder.
  State vs. Frank Riddle, Conspiracy to Murder.

 The case of State vs. Joseph Choat stabbing with intent to murder, was fixed for Wednesday 11th inst.

 The grand jury returned not true bills in the following cases:

  Francois Bache, Assault with Intent to Rape.
  Theodore H. Theriot, Assault and Battery.
  John Brown, Assault with Intent to Kill.
  Smith and Matthews, Horse Stealing.
  Sidney Albertson, concealed weapon.
  Ellen Sonnier, Assault with the Dangerous Weapon.
  Joseph Breaux, Defamation of Character.
  Finley Floyd, Stabbing with Intent to Kill.
  Henf Benton, Assault with Intent to Kill.

 The grand Jury returned true bills in the following cases: Fannie Foot, Larceny; Albert John, violation of Labor Contract; Henry Benton, carrying concealed weapon; Sosthene Bill, Larceny; Alice Thomas, violation Labor Contract; Jim Bailey, violation of Labor Contract; Lastie Bourque, driving horse without consent of owner; Gistine, Larceny; Pierre Poydras, violation of Labor Contract; P. L. Guilbeau, carrying concealed weapon; Leonard Latiolais, stabbing with intent to kill; Clotio, horse stealing; Alphonse Briscoe, et als, using obscene language; Dan Dugas, Larceny; Jean Baptiste, cutting with intent to murder; Albert Chargois, shooting with intent to murder, and carrying concealed weapon; C. F. Clark, alias Eddy, entering without breaking and larceny.

 On Thursday cases were fixed for next week as follows:

 Fannie Foote, Larceny, fixed for Monday, 8th.

 Clark, entering without breaking and larceny, fixed for Thursday.

 Albert John, violation of Labor Contract - laid over.

 Chas. Abrams, violation labor contract, fixed for Monday.

 Sosthene Bill, Larceny, fixed for Monday.

 Alice Thomas, violation of Labor Contract, fixed for Monday.

 Gistine, Larceny, fixed for Monday.

 Leonard Latiolais, stabbing, fixed for Thursday.

 Albert Clotio, Horse Stealing, fixed for Friday.

 Jean Baptiste cutting with intent to murder, fixed for Thursday.

 Sam Dugas, Larceny, fixed for Monday. Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893.

Old Negro Dies in Field.

 On Tuesday last an old negro by the name of William Green, living on one of Gerac Brother's places near town, went out to work in the field, near the house, and a short time afterward was found dead. He had gone out to cut hay and was discovered near his sythe and apparently had not started to work. He was well thought of by those who knew him. The Coroner viewed the body and certified that death resulted from heart disease. Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893.

Gibbs Brought Back to Vicksburg.

 On last Wednesday, Deputy Sheriff C. J. Young, of Warren County, Miss., came here and taking in charge the negro Jeff Gibbs, returned to Vicksburg. Gibbs is the negro, it will be remembered, was was arrested by Sheriff Broussard some days ago and who has since been taken to be a murderer who is wanted in Warren County. Sherif Broussard sent on Gibb's picture but it would seem that the man wanted was known to but few people and the identification is not yet complete. The Mississippi, however, sufficiently convinced that he is the man they want to go to the expense and trouble of sending for him. Should he prove to be the right man Sheriff Broussard will receive a reward of eight hundred and odd dollars for the arrest. Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893.

Grand Jury Report.

 The Grand Jury duly empaneled and sworn in and for the parish of Lafayette, beg leave to submit this, our final report:

 We have examined the parish jail and find it in good condition, with the exception of the sewerage, in the principal steel cell, where if larger pipes were used and a grate about two feet long at the opening, the now unsanitary and unhealthful condition caused by said sewerage would be remedied ;  the prisoners therein are well treated and cared for, but are complaining of not having sufficient bedding.

 We would recommend to the Police Jury to take immediate steps towards furnishing a good water supply to the Court House, and to the Jail and would suggest a windmill and tank be erected in the Court House yard, on the order of that one used by Mr. Vigneaux, for his own use.

 We also recommend to the Police Jury to take some action towards erecting an iron fence around the Court House yard and Jail.

 We further recommend to the Police Jury the necessity of having a full set of Louisiana Annual Reports ;  a set of the acts of the Legislature up to the present year and to keep said books in the court room of this parish. In view of the prevalence of disorder at the Public Balls which are frequently given in the parish, we specially recommend and insist that the Police Jury require all parties who wish to give public balls to take out a license from the Sheriff of the parish, the amount of said license to be fixed by the Police Jury ;  and the money thus received from the balls to be used for paying a constable or deputy sheriff, whom it shall be the duty of the Sheriff to appoint and send to the collation or ball, for the purpose of keeping the peace.

 We furthermore call the attention of the Police Jury to the necessity of having the parish titles to the public roads recorded according to law.

 We have carefully examined into the books of the Sheriff's office and Tax Collector, which we found to be well kept, and all moneys collected accounted for, by productions of receipts by the Parish Treasurer, and State Auditor as required by law.

 The Clerk's and Recorder's offices are well kept and the public records well preserved.

 We would however suggest that if a coat of paint be applied to the porches outside and inside this office it would greatly improve the general appearance and at the same time preserve it from decay. We will also call the attention of the Police Jury to the bad condition of the windows of said offices, which suggestions have already been made by previous grand juries.

 We have also examined the books and vouchers of the Treasurer, and after a count of the cash in the Treasury, found the same toi conform with the book and vouchers.

 The clear, able and impressive charge of the Court on our general duties has materially assisted us in the performance of our duties.

 The wise reference of your Honor to the dangerous tendency of the times to Mob rule or Lynch law, which is gradually spreading in this and other States, has induced us to state that no disposition to public violence, for the punishment of crime exists in our community, but on the contrary, the well marked and prevailing sentiment of our people is to apply and rely upon the courts for redress of all public wrongs, but in furtherance of a healthy to assist in the execution of the law, we take occasion to condemn any disposition to mob rule or violence, whenever it may spring up as a destructive of the primary ends of Government, which is for the security and protection of the persons and property of men, the true basis of prosperity and civilization of any country.

 We find the public schools of the parish are steadily progressing as will be shown by the facts, that three years ago there was only one public school in the town of Lafayette with a few others, which were under leased buildings, today there are 16 school houses belonging to the Parish and two other schools which are leased, making 17 white schools and 1 colored school in operation. Also a High School Building which is now completed, and which cost $3,000 and is paid for ;  and which is intended to be put under the administration of the School Board.

 The thanks of the people of the parish are due to the Police Jury and Town Council of Lafayette for liberal contributions in aid of building said High School.

 In conclusion we must say that the people have a zealous, able and fearless District Attorney, and to whom is due in large measure the prompt and energetic execution of the law in this parish.

        P. E. COUVILLON,
Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893.

Tramps Being Utilized. - Town Marshall Vigneaux and his deputies have been utilizing tramps and prisoners to a good purpose for several days past, and the appearance of the side-walks that have felt the touch of their hand is much improved in consequence. Let the good work go on.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893.

Fakirs Bad for Local Merchants. - Fakirs were the drawing card in the Court House yard during the week and seemed to do a lively business. We cannot help but think that the operations of such people result in injury not only to legitimate business as done by our merchants but to the mass of buyers who patronize them, and that they ought to be controlled or regulated by the highest possible license. 
Laf. Advertiser 10/7/1893.

MARRIED. - On Tuesday the 3rd, inst., at St. John;s Catholic Church, Mr. Ernest Francez, of Carencro, and Miss Nidia Guchereau, of this place. Rev. E. Forge officiated and many relatives and friends were present to congratulate the newly wedded couple. The Advertiser extends to Mr. and Mrs. Francez its best wishes for a happy and prosperous future. Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893.

Horse Stealing.

 Another lover of horse flesh has come to grief. On Monday Sheriff Broussard arrested here one Joseph Andrews, a negro charged with stealing a mare in St. Landry parish from the Frozard plantation. The animal, we understand, belonged to another negro. Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893.

Gardebled Back in Bay St. Louis.

 No young man who was born and reared at Bay St. Louis ever enjoyed the respect and esteem of those who knew him to a greater extent than Mr. D. V. Gardebled, after an absence of several years, he has returned to the Bay and assumed control of the drug store at the corner of Main and Toulone streets, and is stocked with a full line of every thing usually found in a well ordered pharmacy.

 Being a first-class prescriptionist and supplied with none but the purest and freshest of drugs he asks a share of the patronage of those who need anything in that line. From the Gulf Coast Progress and in the Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893. 


Baker's Row Settled.

 It is now a thing of the past - the baker's row. As intimated by the Advertiser in its last issue, the very nature of the competition doomed it to be short lived. The participants, after playing a week's engagement of "fun for the boys, but sure death to the frogs," baked over their differences in a manner satisfactory to themselves and beneficial to the people, as in lieu of fifteen ounces of bread for 5 cents, (the weight given before the declaration of war,) the loaves are now twenty ounces.

 All parties at interest are to be congratulated on the outcome of this unpleasantness.
Laf. Advertiser 10/7/1893.

Our Butcher's Turn?  - Now that the bakers have made peace, our butchers might meat over any bone of contention, existing between them and make matters gristle for awhile. Possibly this class of citizens have so much brain they are wise enough to hide their differences from the public and thereby kept out of the "soup." Somebody ought to give us a horn on this be(e)fore we gore our readers further. What a slaughter?
Laf. Advertiser 10/7/1893.

Cremation in Front of Moss Pharmacy. - One day this week a reporter of the Advertiser was attracted by the presence of a number of persons grouped around a small burning pile in front of the Moss Pharmacy, and by inquiring learned from Mr. Athey, a traveling salesman for D. Landreth & Son, that he was just then cremating all of the garden seed of the last consignment his firm made to Moss Bros. & Co. The burning up of old seed, Mr. Athey explained, was the only absolute guarantee that seed-growers could offer to prove they do not place on sale again unsold, or old seed returned to them at the close of every season by merchants, as is commonly done. The "cremation" plan ensured fresh seed, he said, and it was to their constant freshness Landreth & Son's garden and field seeds owed their world wide reputation for being reliable seed.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893.

Police Jury Proceedings.

         Lafayette, Oct. 2nd, 1893.
  The Police Jury met this day in regular session, with the following members present: Ford Hoffpauir, J. G. St. Julien, W. B. Torian, A. A. Delhomme, R. C. Landry, A. D. Landry, H. M. Durke.  Absent: C. C. Brown.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 The following report of the committee on public road titles, was read and by motion accepted, and the recommendations therein contained, acted upon favorably :
            Lafayette, September 2nd, 1893.
   Your undersigned committee appointment to examine into the titles of all public roads of the parish, would respectfully report that they have faithfully discharged the duty imposed and submit the following or your consideration.

 That the record shows that few if any of the public roads have been traced and laid out in conformity with legal requirements, and as in many instances, no evidence of titles exist at all, it behooves the Police Jury to take immediate steps towards remedying this defect, and perfecting existing titles to public highways, many of which have been recognized as such for forty years or more. It is respectfully suggested, that the Police Jury employ some competent attorney for advice in the matter, and proceed to the legal establishment of the main thoroughfares, the width of which should not be less than forty feet.

 Appended hereto, find a complete list by wards of all records relative to public roads found on file in the Recorder's office.      Respectfully submitted, W. B. TORIAN, R. C. LANDRY, R. C. GREIG.

 By motion the President was appointed to consult with an attorney and secure legal advice in reference to perfecting titles of the public roads as recommended by the committee.

 Mr. Julian Mouton, president of the School Board, here appeared and requested an appropriation in aid of the High School.

 By motion the sum of $150.00 was appropriated for the purpose of furnishing the High School, provided that the city council of Lafayette appropriate an equal amount for the same purpose.

 Mr. St. Julien reported in behalf of the committee appointed to receive the Index Book, transcribed by Dr. H. D. Guidry, that the committee found the work well and neatly executed and therefore recommended that the book be received and the contract price paid. The report of the committee was accepted and approved.

 The following preamble and resolution duly offered and made was adopted :

 Whereas the extension of time granted unto I. N. Satterfield, road contractor, wherein to fulfill the terms of his contract, has expired on the first day of October, 1893, and whereas, the said I. N. Satterfield has utterly failed in complying with his contract, and has no neglected the public roads provided for in his contract as to render traffic both difficult and dangerous therefore Be it Resolved that President Hoffpauir be and hereby authorized and empowered to employ counsel and to institute suit, if in his judgment necessary against all parties in interest and surety for the annulment of the said contract and the recovery of damages sustained by the parish.

 Messrs. Wm. Clegg and R. C. Greig were appointed and authorized to re-insure the Court House on the best terms obtainable, or a period of three years, in the sum of $5,000.00.

 Messrs. Torian and R. D. Landry were authorized to purchase lumber for the repair of bridges in the respective wards.

 Constables Geo. Malagarie and S. J. Breaux, submitted statements of stock sold, exhibiting a balance in favor of the parish of $4.70 and $1.23 respectively.

 The following was adopted: Resolved that the road overseers be required to have their quarter salaries approved by their respective ward members and upon such certificates the Clerk is authorized to issue warrants in payment or services.

 By motion of Mr. Delhomme the sum of $25.00 was granted unto widow Jos. Hebert on account of two helpless children upon her care.

 District Attorney Gordy here appeared and signified his desire to attend the sessions of the Police Jury as legal adviser and requested that he be notified of the wishes of the Jury in advance in order to be at its service.

 By motion the sum o $150.00 per annum was granted and allowed District Attorney M. T. Gordy for the purpose of defraying the necessary expenses incurred in his attendance upon the sessions of the Jury.

 By motion the regular meeting of the Police Jury was changed from the first Monday of each month to the last Monday of each month.

 The following account was laid over:

 A. Cheffer, lumber ... $88.28.

 The following account was rejected:

 Dominique Arceneaux, nursing Louis Martin ... $20.00.

 The following accounts were approved:

 -----------------p. 4-----------------

 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned until October 30th inst. at the usual hour.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 10/7/1893.

 A cold streak of weather struck us this week, which looked, for awhile, like the crispy end of autumn. It is predicted that we will have an early winter this year, besides being a degree or more severe.

 Mr. Henry Gankendorff has accepted the position of fireman on Locomotive 515 running on the Alexandria Branch, Mr. Aug. Maitre having been transferred to Locomotive 533 of the local service between this point and Morgan City. 

 There are several places on the plank walks that need fixing.

 Mrs. T. M. Biossat and children are visiting relatives in Alexandria.

 Dr. N. P. Moss made a business trip to New Iberia, last Thursday.

 Mr. D. V. Gardebled now of Bay St. Louis was in town during the week.

 Dr. F. S. Mudd went to New Orleans Monday and returned Wednesday night.

 John Vigneaux has been making improvements to his stable, notably in his little office.

 Mr. Ed. Murphy, formerly with Mr. Leopold Lacoste but now employed in New Orleans, was on a visit here last Monday and Tuesday.

 Mr. Labe is having some repairs made upon his store. The shed roof is being torn away, and replaced by a new one, and other minor changes.

 Survey of the extension of the Teche Railroad from Huron plantation to Breaux Bridge is in progress and as the distance is short is likely to be completed at an early date.

 The long haired medicine man whose coming we announced, arrived here Thursday and cast anchor on the vacant lot of ground adjoining the Presbyterian Church.

 The opera season is drawing near, and as Lafayette is one of the favored feeding grounds for the migratory portion of the human family, we can look for a good many - some of which are worth going to see, of course, while others are worth less. Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1893.





 From the Lafayette Gazette of October 7th, 1893:

 The Sheriffs.

 A special to the Times-Democrat from New Iberia, says :

 Sheriffs Cade and Broussard, of Iberia and Lafayette, respectively, were here to-day in conference relative to the organization of an association issued a call to all sheriffs of Louisiana to assemble in convention at Lafayette, La., on Saturday, October 14, 1893, at the Court House, at 4 o'clock, p. m., to effect an organization of sheriffs. Any sheriff holding office in Louisiana is eligible to membership.

 Among the proposed objects are to mutually aid assist each other in enforcing the penal laws of the State ;  to arrest and bring to trial criminals and fugitives from justice ;  to suppress lawlessness and crime ;  to bring to bear all lawful and reasonable means to exercise their duty, and to accomplish that end by prompt and energetic action ;  to meet and discuss subjects of interest to officers, and the adoption of such methods that will improve the present system.

 The sheriffs of Texas have a similar organization, and after a practical test, it has proven its value. The idea is to keep sheriffs fully posted on the movements of suspicious people, and by some adopted system be in communication with each other constantly. The organization will be non-political, and if successful in its primary organization, it is proposed to get all the police officers throughout the State to join, and by that means work together in enforcing the laws and capturing criminals. The organizers have been encouraged in this move, and a full attendance is assured. From a special to the New Orleans Times-Democrat from New Iberia and in the Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1893.

 Found Dead.

 A colored man, William Green, was found dead in a field near Mr. Gerac's place last Tuesday. The coroner held a post mortem examination and decided that the man died from heart disease. Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1893.

 Died at Cheniere Caminada.

 Miss Octavie Vavasseur, sister of Mrs. Edward Mouton, formerly a resident o this place, and recently engaged in teaching, was one of the unfortunate victims of the destructive storm that swept over the Cheniere Caminada. Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1893.

 Suspect Brought Back to Mississippi.

 O. J. Young, deputy sheriff of Hazelhurst, Miss., was in Lafayette Wednesday and left on train for his home, having in charge the negro thought to be Jeff Gibbs, who was captured by Sheriff Broussard some time since and was held until the arrival of the Mississippi officer. Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1893.

 Arrested by Broussard.

 Joseph Andrews, a gentleman of African descent, was arrested by Sheriff Broussard, held under the charge of horse stealing in St. Landry. Andrews admits his guilt, and further admits that he has been engaged in this line of business for some time, and it has proved quite successful. It is said that several horses have been recovered through his confession. He might have continued his depredations a while longer, had he kept out of Lafayette parish. Sheriff Broussard gets them every time. Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1893.

Basket Picnic.

 Last Sunday, after low mass, the members of the Magnolia Base Ball Club, of Carencro, (who are also members of the string band) and their friends, assembled at Mr. F. A. Guilbeau's residence, and then started for the Couvillon grove, with music at the head. Reaching the place a nice spot was selected, and the party proceeded to enjoy a basket picnic. The day was most agreeably spent, and games of tennis, croquet, ball, etc., were among the features that afforded amusement. The contents of the many baskets being emptied into a common fund, as it were, when spread out on the snow white cloths, made a most tempting and elegant feast, which was thoroughly appreciated. At sunset the merry party left the picnic grounds and wended their way to Mr. F. A. Guilbeau's residence, and spent the balance of the evening in dancing. The party was composed of some 70 people, and all expressed themselves as having had a most enjoyable time. Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1893.


 The Creole Company.

 On Thursday, October 19, Sam T. Jack's Creole Company will positively appear at Falk's Opera House in all its entirety. This celebrated company is positively the very best on the road this season and is the Big City Show, but through an error in booking have a week's open time between Galveston and New Orleans. Manager Falk is to be congratulated on securing this the premiere attraction of the coming season. You can't afford to miss it. Lafayette Gazette 10/8/1893. 

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/7/1893.

 Dr. F. S. Mudd was in New Orleans the fore part of the week.

 The Gazette hopes that its friend Claude Latiolais will be successful in his application for a position in the New Orleans post office. Claude has a petition numerously signed, and, besides, is a most deserving and competent gentleman.

 New syrup at Mouton & Salles.

 Dr. Gladu left Monday with his sons, Leonce and Gonzales, who have entered the University at Baton Rouge.

 Mr. S. J. Serret, day telegraph operator at this place, returned Monday from a visit to the World's Fair, New York, Toronto and Montreal.

Mrs. John O. Mouton returned from Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. Mouton stopped over in New Orleans to purchase an elegant line of the latest millinery goods.

 We were very much delighted yesterday to meet Miss Clye Mudd, in our city. She had come thus far with here sister who was on her way to New Orleans. Miss Clye returned by the 2:56 passenger, to her home in Lafayette. From the Daily Iberian and in the Lafayette Gazette 10/7/1893.








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