Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of October 20th, 1900:



  No feature of the Buffalo Bill's Wild West spectacle will better repay a visit to that world famed production, or be more timely and up-to-date, than the additions made by Messrs. Cody and Salsbury to the anthropological department of their exhibition. The new arrivals from foreign lands include a number of natives of Porto Rico, the Hawaiian Islands and the Philippines, the latter of whom graphically illustrate their methods of warfare which our soldiers have had to contend. This feature is entirely new, and is as instructive as it is exciting to boty young and old who take an interest in our country's contemporaneous history. Fifteen different races and nations will be seen in the street parade.
Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1900.


 Our Recently Acquired Territory Now Represented in Buffalo Bill's Wild West.

 There is not a more welcome visitor here than is Col. Cody (Buffalo Bill) and his Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World. Every year there is plenty in this exhibition to warrant a visit, and the new features added always prove of an educational merit. This season is no exception to the past and the management announce many of the new things from a historical point of view. The exhibition appears here on October 24.

 There will be a grand production of the heroic charge up San Juan Hill. In order that this event shall be made as realistic as possible, Col. Cody has secured a detachment of Roosevelt's Rough Riders who took part in this battle and who will appear in the New York production. Among those who will take part are Tom Isbel, whose name is in history as having fired the first shot at Santiago, and who received in return eight bullets and was thought to be dead; William McGinty, whom Col. Roosevelt in his magazine articles refers to having showed much bravery, and who was also wounded; Bill Clime and Walter M. Cook, a scout, who also carry scars from the Spaniards; Sergeant Gerald A. Webb, who was injured, will also participate, in addition to many others, all of whom took a prominent part in this memorable battle, and all of whom served under the command of Col. Roosevelt. The entire force of the company will be brought together in this latest addition to the Wild West.

 For the first time Philippine horsemen and women will be seen in their own style of riding and sport. The Hawaiians, composed of men and women, have a peculiar style of riding and whose religious dancing is a revelation to the American public. Porto Ricans and Cubans, who have fought in different battles the Queen's Own Lancers, German Cuirassiers, Arabs, United States Artillerymen and Cavalrymen, South American Gauchos, Cowboys on bucking broncos, Sioux Indians, and others. Annie Oakley, who will do some new tricks in the shooting line; Johnnie Baker, who is an expert marksman, and the only Buffalo Bill. There will be a grand street parade on the morning of the exhibition. One performance only, afternoon at 2 o'clock.  Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1900.

FNB to Close for Wild West Show.

 The doors of the First National Bank will be closed at 12 o'clock next Wednesday to give an opportunity to the various employees of the bank of witnessing the afternoon performance of Col. Cody's Wild West show. An exhibition of this magnitude and importance will be seen in Lafayette very rarely, and no one should miss the present opportunity for unusual enjoyment and instruction. Other places of business in town will no doubt close during the performance to enable clerks and others to share in the pleasure and interest of the day.
Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1900.

Uncle Sam's Artillerymen.

 In all the world's fighting men there are none more celebrated for dash, daring and skill than Uncle Sam's artillerymen who operate those death-dealing cyclones, known to the world as Gatling guns. They are a product of American inventive genius. They are among the most deadly weapons of to-day, and the old style cannon requires the most daring acts of horsemanship in their operation. Only few, comparatively speaking, ever see and fully appreciate these deadly "dogs of war." An opportunity will be afforded for our citizens to see the flower of Uncle Sam's Artillery operate these guns at Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" which visits us in a few days. This exhibition is the most imposing and instructive ever placed before the public. The manipulation of the old muzzle cannons will be given as an especially interesting number previous to the Gatling handling in the Battle of San Juan.
Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1900. 


 The case of the State vs. Carlton Ogden and C. E. Colgin, which was fixed for trial at Crowley last Wednesday, has taken an unexpected turn. The case will not be tried in Acadia. It will be tried in Lafayette.

 When court convened at Crowley Wednesday morning the case of Ogden was called for trial, but before proceeding further Judge Debaillon stated that owing to the absence of certain witnesses and to the temporary discharge of some jurors who were on duty the preceding night, it would be advisable to adjourn until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Judge O. C. Mouton, who was there to assist District Attorney Campbell in the prosecution, suggested that the court adjourn until 3:30. Mr. Pugh, of counsel for the defence, acceded to the suggestion and an adjournment was taken.

 At the appointed time in the afternoon the court met and the case was called up. District Attorney Campbell then stated that he would enter a nol pros in the case. The judge ordered that the nol prose be entered and the prisoners be released. This unexpected action on the part of the State was received by the counsel and sympathizers of the defense with mild demonstrations which the judge quickly suppressed. The evident satisfaction of the friends of the accused was short-lived, for immediately after the adjournment of the court, Sheriff Broussard appeared with warrants for the arrest of Ogden and Colgin charging them with the commission of the crime in Lafayette parish. This afforded an explanation of the State attorney's motion to the lawyers of the defendants, who had not yet understood the tactics of the prosecution.

 Ogden and Colgin furnished bond to appear before the court at this place and they were released from custody.

 We are informed that the State attorney is satisfied that Mr. Guilbeau was shot in Lafayette parish, hence his action in the matter.

 A large number of witnesses from this parish who had gone to Crowley to testify returned home Thursday morning. Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1900.


 At the Republican meeting last Sunday Mr. W. E. Howell, one of the ablest Republicans in this State, was one of the speakers. From a Republican standpoint Mr. Howell's speech was a good one. But, like a consistent Republican, Mr. is an unqualified advocate of the infamous doctrine that the dollar comes first, and then the man.

 One would think from the utterances of the latter-day followers of Lincoln that this government was instituted not to secure life, liberty and the pursuits of happiness, but to enable a privileged class to grow rich at the expense of the masses. According to this new idea everything should be measured by the dollar. Intellect, patriotism and principle do not count. The sordid materialism of Hanna seems to have taken the place of everything which made American citizenship admired throughout the world wherever human liberty found no exponent.

 When our forefathers built this government they did not think of making any special provisions to enable men to accumulate wealth. Nothing was further from their minds. Ben Franklin, Jefferson and most of the statesmen of those times were poor men who valued liberty more than money. Had it been the purpose to make this a nation of money-worshipers whose only aim in life is to become rich, the work of framing a constitution would have entrusted to shy-locks, money-lenders and traders. That kind of government would no doubt have suited the Republicans of to-day, who speak to us of the dinner pail and the treasures in the Philippines to justify an unjust and inhuman war.

 In the opinion of the present-day Republican Jay Gould was a greater man than Jefferson and Rockefeller has done more for humanity than Washington. A statesman who did not die rich receives but scant admiration at the hands of the average imperialist.

 An advocate of Republicanism at the Falk hall meeting, who paid a very high compliment to Mr. Williams, prefaced his remarks with the statement that the Republican nominee would no doubt make an excellent Congressman because he had displayed his ability in statesmanship by making a large fortune for himself; that a man who could make money possessed the qualities of a statesman. The Republican party's fondness for men of wealth has been betrayed many times since the war, but we do not think that party has, before this campaign, so completely delivered itself over to the money power. It has abandoned its former pretensions to being a "party of moral ideas." It has thrown off its mask of hypocrisy and it can now be seen in its true colors as a champion of the the interests of the favored few; it is the accomplice of the trusts and corporations that furnish the corruption fund without which Republicanism would soon fall to pieces. Under the leadership of Hanna, the Republican party has become indissolubly wedded to the idea that alone is that a good government which helps its favorites to amass wealth; that a man's liberty is a commodity for trade and barter. Heretofore the Republican party assumed a lofty position and through class legislation feathered the nests of its proteges, but the present leaders of that party do not even try to save appearances. They boldly proclaim their faith in the doctrine that governments are created to protect a man's dollar and to multiply it, no matter what becomes of the owner. Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1900.


 Held in the Court-house - Several Hundred Democrats Listen to the Speeches.

 The meeting held at the court-house last Sunday was largely attended. Mr. Overton Cade called the meeting to order and requested Mr. Edward G. Voorhies to preside and Mr. Chas. O. Mouton to act as secretery.

 The first speaker was Mr. R. P. LeBlanc, of Vermilion. Mr. LeBlanc spoke in French. He discussed the issues of the campaign and paid a high tribute to the Democratic nominee for Congress.

 Mr. LeBlanc was followed by Congressman Broussard whose appearance was greeted with a spontaneous ovation. Mr. Broussard spoke in French and English. His speech was a complete refutation of the charge that the Democrats are unfriendly to the sugar industry. His arrangement of McKinley's imperialism was thorough.

 Mr. Broussard dwelt in a most able and convincing manner upon the paramount issue of the campaign - imperialism. He showed how the president had ignored the plain letter of the constitution in declaring and conducting a war without the authority of Congress. He pointed out the danger of an imperialistic or colonial policy and demonstrated how this government could not long survive with half republic and half monarchy and how such an anomalous character would soon destroy our free institutions. Already, said the speaker, have the imperialists shown an utter disregard for the constitution. The applause which greeted the utterances of Mr. Broussard's indicated how thoroughly in accord was with the views expressed. The palpable injustice of the Porto Rican bill was clearly shown and the hypocrisy of the administration in its relations with the islanders was exposed. Mr. Broussard's reply to the attacks of the Republican spell-binders was caustic. He explained to the evident satisfaction of his hearers his efforts in behalf of the industries of the district. With facts and figures he showed how impossible it would be for Louisiana planters to successfully compete with sugar from the islands where the cost of production is less and the yield greater than here. He pictured the disaster to the sugar industry that would follow the annexation of these islands. Mr. Broussard was at his best and he made a forcible, convincing and eloquent speech. He closed with a beautiful tribute to the character of the leader of the national Democracy.
 The meeting was brought to an end by a few appropriate words from Chairman Voorhies who urged all Democrats to put their shoulders to put their shoulders to the wheel to give the ticket a rousing majority next month. Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1900.

So Bad Even the Gazette Censures Em'? 

Judge Dupre said in his speech at Falk's hall that the Democratic party was so bad that even the Gazette was censuring it. Not so, judge.  

 The Democratic party is all right. The Gazette has found fault with the action of certain members of the party. We do not swallow a thing merely because it happens to be labeled "Democracy." Democrats do not believe in intellectual serfdom. A Democrat may criticize the leaders of his party without being considered a heretic. It is hard for a Republican to understand this. A Republican is not permitted to do his own thinking. He must have unquestioning faith in the divine word of McKinley, who gets his inspiration from the trusts through their only begotten son, Marcus Aurelius. Democracy is broad-minded and abhors enslavement of the mind as well as of the body. Republicanism is the party of force and bribery. Those it can not coerce it would bribe. It preaches Christianity in the Philippines but practices the gunpowder gospel. Under the leadership of Bryan the Democracy encourages independence of thought and admires freedom of speech. Under the bossism of Hanna a Republican is a sort of automaton which registers the will of its boss.
Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1900.

Of the Sixth Ward Meet to Hear the Issues of the Campaign Discussed.
[To the Lafayette Gazette.]

 Carencro, La., Oct. 14, 1900. - About three hundred Democrats met at Sybille's Hall, Carencro, to-day at 11 a. m. Hon. Albert Guidry called on Dr. J. P. Francez to preside and on Geo. Melchoir to act on secretary. The meeting was then called to order by the president and Hon. Romeal LeBlanc, State representative, was the first to speak. The honorable gentleman addressed the meeting in French and ably argued why the Democrats were worthier of the national confidence than the Republicans. Then was introduced Hon. R. F. Broussard the present congressman for the third congressional district. The honorable congressman spoke also in French. He masterly reviewed the national policy and the evils of imperialism or of annexation; drew a paragon between the Republican and Democratic systems of governmental administration; logically proved the fallacies of Republican protection and triumphantly concluded that, with W. J. Bryan as president of the United States the sugar, rice and all southern agricultural pursuits would be better protected. Long live Bryan and Broussard!
                   GEO. MELCHIOR,
Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1900.   

Of Mr. Adam Bourgeois Falls Into a Wash-tub and Swallows a Poisonous Solution.

 A boy of Mr. Adam Bourgeois, aged 2 years, was the victim of a most painful accident yesterday evening. It seems that the child fell into a wash-tub containing considerable water mixed with soap and lye. When the child was found he was in a very precarious condition having swallowed some of the poisoned water. Physicians were called and did all that could be done to relieve the unfortunate child who died at 2 o'clock after suffering very much.
Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1900.

To be Tried in Lafayette Parish for the Shooting of Mr. O. P. Guilbeau on the Excursion Train Last November.

 The case of the State vs. Carlton Ogden and C. E. Colgin, which was fixed for trial at Crowley last Wednesday, has taken an unexpected turn. The case will not tried in Acadia. It will be tried in Lafayette.

 When court convened at Crowley Wednesday morning the case of Ogden et al was called for trial, but before proceeding further Judge Debaillon stated that owing to the absence of certain witnesses and to the temporary discharge of some jurors who were on duty the preceding night, it would be advisable to adjourn until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Judge O. C. Mouton, who was there to assist District Attorney Campbell in the prosecution, suggested that the court adjourn until 3:30. Mr. Pugh, of counsel for the defence, acceded to the suggestion and an adjournment was taken.

 At the appointed time in the afternoon the court met and the case was called up. District Attorney Campbell then stated that he would enter a nol pros in the case. The judge ordered that the nol pros be entered the prisoners be released. This unexpected action on the part of the State was received by the counsel and sympathizers of the defence with mild demonstrations which the Judge quickly suppressed. The evident satisfaction of the friends of the accused was short-lived, for immediately after the adjournment of the court, Sheriff Broussard appeared with warrants for the arrest of Ogden and Colgin charging them with the commission of the crime in Lafayette parish. This afforded an explanation of the State attorney's motion to the lawyers of the defendants, who had not yet understood the tactics of the prosecution.

 Ogden and Colgin furnished bond to appear before the court at this place and they were released from custody.

 We are informed that the State attorney is satisfied that Mr. Guilbeau was shot in Lafayette parish, hence his action in the matter.

 A large number of witnesses from this parish who had gone to Crowley to testify returned home Thursday morning. Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1894.


Invest Your Money.

 A small sum of money laid by once a week accumulates at a surprisingly rapid rate at compound interest, and a well-invested safety fund gives a man or woman contentment in the present and comfort in the future.

 A few shares of stock in the Lafayette Building Association will enable you to put aside a few dollars each month without being burdensome to you - the payments are small and the interest is large.

 If you would like to own your own home this association will build or buy one for you, and you can pay back the association in moderate weekly or monthly installments - not much more than you are now paying for rent.

 Now is a good time to join the Lafayette Building Association, as a new series of stock has just been opened. You can get full particulars by calling on, or writing to, D. Schwartz, the secretary, or S. R. Parkerson, the treasurer, of the association. Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1894.

Meeting at Royville.

 A well-attended Democratic meeting took place at Royville last Thursday evening. Mr. Harrigan Theall called the meeting to order and nominated Hon. O. Cade to preside. Speeches were made by Congressman Broussard, Messrs. Ed. G. Voorhies and Gilbert St. Julien. Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1894.



 Mr. Aurelien Dugas, a native of this parish and aged 52 years, died in this town at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. He was buried Monday at 4 o'clock, his funeral being attended by a large number of friends and relatives. Mr. Dugas was sick for several years and his life was despaired of some time ago. He leaves a widow to mourn his loss.
Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1894.

Louis Dupleix Dead.

 The old citizens of Lafayette will be pained to learn of the death of Mr. Louis Dupleix, who lived here many years. Speaking of his death the Shreveport Times says:

 At 4:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon Louis Dupleix die at his residence on Marshall street, after an illness of two weeks' duration. The deceased was, at the time of his death, in his eighty-second year. Mr. Dupleix was born in Bordeaux, France, and has been a resident of Louisiana for sixty-four years. He first settled in Natchitoches and was a resident of that city up to five years ago, when he came to Shreveport and resided here continuously ever since. The deceased was, at the time of his death, a member of the firm of Dupleix and Slattery. His grief stricken wife has the sympathy of may friends in her sad loss. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the late residence on Marshall street. Interment in the Catholic cemetery.
Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1900.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/20/1894.

 The Mahara minstrels are billed for Falk's opera-house Wednesday night.

 Don't you fail to attend the circus Wednesday. It will be as grand as our fall stock of buggies and wagons. L. Lacoste.

 Remember that Col. Cody will be here in person next Wednesday, and that 600 men and 500 horses will be with the show.

 News from the various parishes in the third district is very encouraging to the Democrats. The sugar planters know that Williams has no possible chance to win and they are not spending any money. Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1894.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of October 20th, 1894:

 Eagle-Eyed Ike Does it Again.

 When Sheriff Broussard starts out after a criminal you may bet your last dollar that he'll get him.

 The sheriff of Calcasieu, one of the best officers of the state, with the assistance of two or three sheriffs from Texas, failed to capture Mitchell, but it took the eagle-eyed Ike to locate him and effect his capture. If there be a sheriff in the State whose record as an officer will compare with that of I. A. Broussard. The Gazette would like to hear from him.
Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1894. 

Mitchell's Capture.

 The Gazette is not given to praising anybody for performing his sworn duty, but when an officer shows the zeal and detective skill displayed by Sheriff Broussard in the capture of Mitchell, the murderer, it considers itself duty-bound to record the fact and to give credit where it is due.

 Through the efforts of Sheriff Broussard, principally, one of the most desperate criminals in the country has been caught sixteen years after the commission of his crime and brought back to stand trial. Mitchell arrived Tuesday at the depot at this place in the custody of Sheriffs Reid and Broussard. Sheriff Broussard stopped here while Sheriff Reid continued with the prisoner to Lake Charles where there is an accusation of murder against him. Sheriff Reid stated to a Gazette reporter that eye-witnesses to the murder of which Mitchell is charge are still living, and it is believed that it will be an easy matter to prove his guilt. He killed a man named Guidry about sixteen years ago and since then he has lived in different parts of Texas, finally moving with his family to Leesburg, Fla., where he had accumulated a considerable amount of property.

 A number of people entered the car Tuesday to take a look at Mitchell. Among those who saw him were several who had known in this parish twenty years ago. He was quiet and had nothing to say to anyone. He is about 40 or 45 years of age, of small built and has a keen eye and looks very intelligent. Mitchell has a son in the jail of this parish, serving a sentence of three months' imprisonment for having horse-whipped a man. He is a bright lad and it is to be hoped that his present punishment will serve as a good lesson to him in the future. Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1894.

A School Boy on the Roads.

LAFAYETTE, La., Oct. 4, 1894.
Prof. Greig, Lafayette, La.

 Dear. Prof. - This is written because my teacher told me to, therefore this letter. I go to school five days in a week or should do so. I have to ride to school and have a nice pony. Just a splendid traveler with a long and flowing mane. I don't know when I would get to school if she did not travel so fine. I live about one and half miles from town but have to go nearly four miles to get there. It is too bad for I can stand on the front gallery and look across some fields right into town but I have to go all around the fields to get to it. The people ought to straighten the roads so we could go to school, church and post office quick.
Yours truly, T. P. Wier.   Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1894.

Increased Rail Traffic. - Owing to the increase of freight traffic, two crews were put on the Alexandria branch and two cane trains between this point and Morgan City. An extra switch engine is used at the yards here. Laf. Gazette 10/20/1894.


 Judge Allen adjourned court last Tuesday after disposing of twenty-four criminal cases, pleas of guilty being entered in all of them, except in the case of Melancon, who was tried by a Jury and convicted. All the prisoners were sentenced Saturday with the exception of Melancon, who received his sentence Tuesday. During his trial Melancon stood the ordeal with apparent sang-froid and manifested little or no anxiety, but when the jury returned a verdict of guilty, he broke down and cried, and when taken to jail, he presented a pitiful sight. His net attire and downcast look offered a striking contrast  when seen in the jail with his ragged cellmates, who seemed indifferent to their own fate, while showing much sympathy for their new companion.

 The following parties were sentenced to the penetentiary: Leonce Perron, larceny, 9 months; Joseph McCoy, larceny, 1 year; Joseph Broussard, larceny, 9 months; Louis Jean Baptiste, larceny, 1 year; Eraste Baptiste, larceny, 9 months; David Harrington, larceny, 9 months; Edmond Perry, larceny, 9 months; Pierre Jenkins, entering a dwelling house without breaking and larceny, 4 years; Paul Melancon, larceny, 9 months.

 Those convicted of misdemeanors were sentenced as follows: Pierre Lambert, concealed weapon, $75 with costs; Jack Mitchell, assault and battery, 90 days; Treville Narcisse, concealed weapon, $75 or 30 days, and for keeping a disorderly house, $25 or 30 days; Jack Foreman, concealed weapon, $75 or 30 days.

 Fines of $25 and costs were imposed on the following persons for violating the Sunday law; Elie Bernard, Eloi McDaniel, Felix Begnaud, Maurice Francez, Gaston Blot, D. M. Landry, Anatole Breaux, S. F. Floyd, Pierre Guidry, Philibert Crouchet.
Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1894.


 It becomes our painful duty to chronicle the death of Dr. Felix C. Latiolais, one of our best and most widely known citizens, who died at his home in Broussardville last Thursday, surrounded by his family and numerous friends. The lamented doctor had been very ill several days preceding his death, and bore his sufferings with Christian fortitude and resignation.

 Dr. Latiolais was born in this parish 43 years ago, and resided here continuously to the time of his death. He was an honored descendant of one of the oldest families of this section. Among the first settlers in Louisiana was his great-grandfather, who founded an institute of learning known as the "Coquelin College," of New Orleans, when that metropolis had not yet grown to the size of a city. The paternal grandfather of the doctor served as a soldier in the battle of New Orleans, and was selected by Gen. Jackson among many daring men to carry a very important dispatch, which he successfully transmitted as directed by that famous commander.

 From his earliest manhood Doctor Latiolais showed a very decided taste for the profession of medicine, which he subsequently followed. By constant application to his studies and devotion to the profession of his choice, he had established a very lucrative practice, and was recognized as one of the leading and most successful physicians in this parish.

 Felix Latiolais was a man of very pronounced characteristics; open and fearless in his convictions and capable of the truest friendship. In politics no one ever had reason to doubt his sincerity in the cause that he espoused, as he always enlisted himself with his whole heart and his whole mind. As a citizen he never shirked his duties, however irksome they might be. At the time of his death he was chairman of the Democratic Executive committee, and resolutions passed by that body expressive of his sterling worth, shows the high esteem in which he was held by his fellow-Democrats.

 This distinguished citizen, good father and husband, was daily growing in the love, respect and confidence of his countrymen, when the untimely summons gathered him to fathers, and well may those who knew him sincerely regret his departure. Death is always sad, but sadder still when it takes away one in the prime of manhood and in the days of his usefulness.

 Dr. Latiolais was buried yesterday in the Catholic grave-yar, being laid to rest in the presence of a vast concourse of friends and relatives. Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1894.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/20/1894.

 A wreck at Ramos station delayed the west-bound passenger train thirty minutes Thursday evening.

 J. P. Revillon and Abram Hirsch went to Jeanerette, Saturday.

 Miss Marie Castel returned home Monday after an extended visit to Donaldsonville and Natchitoches.

 Superintendent Owens came up from Algiers on a special Friday.

 Dr. F. R. Tolson leaves today to spend several days in New Orleans.

 Mrs. Wm. Kelly returned home Thursday after a visit to relatives in Alexandria.

 Mrs. E. McDaniel, and daughters, Misses Isaure and Lydia, returned Monday from Opelousas.

 Prof. R. W. Kone the dancing master, has left Lafayette and also some unpaid bills.

 Robt. Grier, an old an respected negro, died in this town Wednesday.

 Ed. Von Eye has been transferred to the telegraph office at this point and is now assisting Operator Serrett.

 Dr. Mouton was called in consultation with Dr. Strohmer near Broussardville Tuesday on the case of a young negro who was run over by a cart loaded with corn.

 Conductor C. H. Lusted, of the tap, who had "laid off" on account of injuries received on the 10th of September, resumed his work last Monday.

 H. Jagou was promoted to the position of yard master at Barbreck, and J. B. Coumes was appointed to the same position at Franklin.

 Mrs. J. F. Mouton returned Tuesday after an extended visit in Galveston. Mrs. Mouton was accompanied home, by her relative, Mrs. Chambodut, who will remain several days in Lafayette.

 Owing to the increase of freight traffic, two crews were put on the Alexandria branch and two cane trains between this point and Morgan City. An extra switch engine is used at the yards here.

 Capt. A. J. Ross and his men went up to Opelousas Wednesday to clear the debris of the recent fire there and to build a new depot in the place of the one that was burnt. The damage caused by the fire is estimated at $20,000.

 The Gazette omitted to mention in its last issue the visit of Prof. Ben F. Toler, now teaching the Milton public school. Prof. Toler was looking exceedingly well. He is pleased with his new home and speaks highly of the people of the Milton neighborhood.

Messrs. Paul Demanade and Ed. Higginbotham have opened a first-class store in the building formerly occupied by A. Labe. These gentlemen deal in choice groceries, fine liquors and fresh oysters. Give them a call. Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1894.



 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 20th, 1894:

Grand Democratic Mass Meeting
At the Court House in Lafayette.

 Hon. Andrew Price, Senator Caffery, and Local Speakers Will Address the Meeting.

 Devotees of the ramie are jubilant over the successful working of the ramie decorticator invented by Capt. Allison of New Orleans. The thoroughness  of the work done by this machine during a recent competitive experiment surpassed the highest expectations of the inventor, himself, and, it is said, fully meets every requirement of the ramie plant and commerce. The Advertiser called the special attention of its readers, not long ago, to the subject or ramie in connection with Capt. Allison's decorticator, believing that the future of ramie held out a bright hope to Louisiana farmers. With one of the chief, if not the only remaining obstacle removed in the way of reaping the highest results from the cultivation of this wonderful plant whose fibre is employed in hundreds of ways, we are well adjusted in the expectation of seeing cotton and similar unprofitable crops completely supplanted by endless fields of ramie, in the near future. Lafayette Advertiser 10/20/1894.





 In the issue of The Advertiser of the 6th. inst. a correspondent appropriately applies the epithet 'obnoxious' to the street crossings of the town. The high and abrupt embankments indiscriminately thrown up across some of the principal thoroughfares come clearly under the definition of public obstructions.

 The species of breastwork constructed without the slightest regard for the requirements of vehicles and teams are the source of no little inconvenience and discomfort to the traveling public and, withal, are a very considerable strain on vehicles passing over them. Street crossings should be built with a view of meeting the wants of the pedestrian without prejudicial to the convenience and interests of teamsters and drivers and the nature and location of such crossings within the jurisdiction of the town council, should be determined and enforced by an ordinance specially framed for the purpose. We submit the question as one needing the serious attention of the city fathers.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/20/1894


 District Court.

 Parties convicted at the late term of Court were sentenced by Judge Allen as follows:

 To the state penitentiary :

 Minos Garret, placing obstruction on railroad, 20 years.

 Joseph McCoy, larceny, 1 year.

 Pierre Jenkins, entering dwelling house without breaking and larceny, 3 and 1 years.

 Joseph Broussard, larceny, 9 months.
 Jean Baptist, larceny, 1 year.
Eraste Foreman, larceny, 9 months.
David Harrington, larceny, 9 months.
Armand Perry, larceny, 9 months.
Napoleon Melancon, larceny, 9 months.
And the following to imprisonment in the parish prison or fine:

 Treville Narcisse, 1st Carrying Concealed weapon, $75 or 30 days; 2nd Keeping disorderly house $25 or 30 days.
 Pierre Lambert, carrying concealed weapon, $75 or 30 days.
 Coquelin Latiolais, assault and battery $100 or 3 months.
 Jack Mitchell, assault and battery, 3 months.

 And the following parties for violating Sunday law twenty-five dollars fine or 30 days, parish prison each :

 Maurice Francez, Felix Begnaud, Eli McDaniel, L. Delaglise, Gaston Blot D. M. Landry, Anatol Breaux, Eli Bernard, F. Estilette, Pierre Guidry, Philip Crouchet.

 Court adjourned finally on Tuesday.
Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1894. 

 Local News Notes:

   Fireman L. Ledet of the Salt Mine Branch was in town Saturday.

  Mr. A. E. Gauthier of St. Martin Parish visited in town last week.

   Mrs. Willis Eves left Sunday on a visit to relatives in Lake Charles.

   Mrs. Dan Voohries of St. Martinsville visted relatives in town Sunday.

   Messrs. James Mitchell and J. A. Buckholder went to New Iberia last week.

   Mrs. S. T. Givens is visiting in Corpus Christi, Texas, since last Monday.

   Miss Ida Lester, returned home Sunday, from a three months' visit in Houma.

   Mrs. S. L. Bailey, left for the home of her son W. G. Bailey, near Duson.

   Mrs. D. Gonsoulin, of Rayne, has accepted a position at Vandergrift's barber shop.

  Police Juror C. C. Brown of Carencro, was as serene and genial as ever when in our town last Saturday.

  The charming Miss Maud Young, of Youngsville, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Effie Young, Monday.

  Mr. George E. Brown, one of Carencro's leading businessmen, came through Lafayette Tuesday morning.

  Mr. Paul Mouton is filling the position of fireman on Locomotive 622 running on the Cypremort Branch.

  Miss Alice Moss, and her aunt, living near Royville (now Youngsville), visited relatives here last Wednesday.

  Engineer J. Has. Hannen returned to this place last week, from New Iberia and has accepted a position on the Alexandria Branch.

  After having spent over three weeks in town visiting friends, Miss Lea Robichaux left Sunday for St. Martinsville.

 Engineer R. J. Tanner has been chosen to succeed engineer Coleman on Locomotive 544 runing between this place and Morgan City.

  Conductor Jagou, Brakeman Landry, Engineer W. Lauman and Foreman Pefferkorn left Monday for Barbreck Switch.

  Mr. John A. Smith, representing the A. A. Woods fire insurance agency, was in Lafayette several days this week in the interest of his firm.

  Ladies who are in quest of the latest styles in hats, bonnets and the season's novelties, will find a surfeit  of these displayed in the Millinery Department of Moss Bros. & Co.

  Messrs. Telsmare Guidry and J. E. Daigle of Church Point were visiting relatives in this parish last Sunday and Monday. They were the guests of Mr. Simon Boudreaux.

 A grand horse sale is advertised to take place next week at E. Constantin's livery stable. Horses ranging in age from 3 to 5 years and weighing from 900 to 1000 pounds will be offered.

  Mr. T. D. Coleman, has been appointed engineer on Locomotive 516 running on the Alexandria Branch, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of engineer Tierney.

  Messrs. Harrington & Co. will conduct an auction sale of 25 hends of well bred saddle and harness horses, at John Vigneaux's livery stable, on Tuesday the 23rd. instant. The sale will be for cash or bankable paper.

  A grand calico ball is announced to take place to-night, at Falk's Opera House, under the auspices of young ladies of Lafayette. Misses Octavia Cayret, Laura Lester, Flora Plonsky and Isaur McDaniel compose the invitation committee.

  Mr. V. E. Dupuis, Carencro's pioneer cane grower, was attending to business matters in Lafayette last Saturday. Mr. Dupuis believes the future of sugar is secure in the hands of the national democratic party, as future events will prove.

  We understand that Mr. Hilbert Falk has disposed of his invention, the electric motor to a local syndicate for $100.00 payable in one, two and three years. The machine was described in our New Year number. - The Jewish Times.

 Several new bicycles have arrived in town recently. Cycling is a healthful, exhilarating exercise when not carried to excess. It is a pretty sight to see the wheelman go by at lightning speed, especially now when the roads are in such a dry condition for a "spin."

 Gen. G. B. Gordon, will deliver his famous lecture on "The Last Days of the Confederacy" at Opelousas to-night. We have been informed that a party of gentlemen from this town will go to hear the eloquent piece oration full of history very to lovers of the lost cause.

 Mrs. M. E. Simpson has just returned from her trip north and invites her lady friends to visit her Millinery store for the purpose of inspecting the many new styles of hats and bonnets and other novelties she now has on hand. See Mrs. Simspson's announcement in another part of the paper.

  Robert Grier, colored, and old landmark of Lafayette, died on the 16th. instant. For many years he plied the avocation of "cobbler" in this town, and in that way became widely known. At one time he filled the unique role of the only outspoken negro democrat in the parish. As far as we know he never professed any other political faith.

  Our attention being called to the fact that the prescription counter and show cases in the drugstore of Mr. D. V. Gardebled was of homemanufacture, we felt a special interest in inspecting them and confess we were most agreeably surprised at the workmanship and appearance of the fixtures named. They are a credit to Mr. Numa Broussard, by whose hands they were wrought, and the Advertiser takes pleasure in thus publicly complimenting him.

  We present our readers this morning with two bouncing b-bo-, we mean g- git-oh, fiddle sticks. We mean with two fresh and crisp advertisements; that or Mr. D. V. Gardebled and Messrs. Paul Demanade & Co. These two new business firms of Lafayette have acted wisely in availing themselves of the columns of the Advertiser to at once place themselves in touch with the people. It gave us great pleasure on a previous occasion to announce Mr. Garbdebled's intention of engaging in the drug business in this community. During a residency of several years here he has formed a wide circle of friends and acquaintances who wish him success in his new venture. Mr. Gardebled will give special attention to the filling of physician's prescriptions, day and night. The members of the firm Demanade and Higginbotham, are widely known in this section and their patrons may rest assured they will be cared for when visiting the place of business of this new firm.

  Mrs. Wm. M. Kelly came home Thursday, after an absence of several weeks in Alexandria.

  Mrs. W. H. Parrot returned last Wednesday from a short visit to her mother at Whiteville.

  Messrs. F. Lombard and Henry Gerac, made a short business trip to New Orleans, yesterday.


 The election notice and proceedings of the Parish Democratic Committee were received too late for publication in this issue of The Advertiser. We regret the circumstances but a great rush of job work made it unavoidable.

 Doctors J. P. Francez and F. W. Courtney of Carencro, and Dr. Geo. W. Scranton, of Royville (now Youngsville), attended the funeral obsequies of Dr. F. C. Latiolais, yesterday morning.

  We had the rare pleasure this week of making the acquaintance of the artist and authoress, Miss Marie Roussel, of New Orleans, who is in Lafayette visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. C. Cornay. We trust it will not be a vain hope on our part to see impressions and reminiscences of Miss Roussel's sojourn in the land of the Acadians perpetuated in rhyme and by the mystic brush and palette.

 Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Savant of Grand Cheniere were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hebert during the week.

 Miss Emma Miller of Ruston, La., afforded her Lafayette friends much pleasure by a several days visit this week. She departed for home Thursday. Whilst here Miss Miller was the guest of Dr. Hopkins family.

 We were much pained to learn of the death of Mrs. J. B. Pelham, at Orange, Texas, last Sunday. Although in ill health for several days previous to that time, her demise was altogether unexpected. Mrs. Pellham was the grand mother of Mrs. Andrew Cayard, Jr., of this parish.

 Jet is again fashionable and Velvet is all the rage this season. Moss Bros. & Co. have all the leading novelties for the Fall and Winter of 1894.

  The death of Dr. F. C. Latiolais Thursday morning of this week, cast a deep gloom over the little town of Broussard, where the deceased resided for several years, and filled the entire parish with sorrow and regret. His mortal remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery in this town, and followed to the last resting place by a large concourse of sorrowful relatives and friends. A wife and several children were left to mourn in irreparable loss. The Advertiser offers its condolences to the family.

 We call the attention of our readers to the testimonials published in another column, bearing on the qualifications of Mr. G. E. Von Hofe as tuner and repairer of pianos, organs, etc. Mr. Von Hofe is now making a short stay in our town and offers his services to the public. Our personal knowledge of Mr. Von Hofe justifies us in recommending him to this community as being a competent and conscientious workman in his chosen line.

 Gov. McKinley of Ohio, high priest of protection and prospective republican candidate for next president of the United  States, will deliver one of his characteristic speeches in New Orleans, to-night. It required a great deal of persuasion to induce him to come down for the occasion, but the governor yielded to the request, at last. Doubtless all of the new converts of the g.o.p. will span whatever distance separates them from New Orleans, to hear the sweet promises the author of the McKinley tariff bill will grindout to the people of Louisiana, with double-pan-effect.Lafayette Advertiser 10/20/1894.


Romantic Stories Recalled by a British War Office Incident.

The late Col. Burnaby told of the discovery of a woman who served as a soldier in the ranks of the army of Don Carlos in 1874. She wore the uniform and lived and fought just as the other soldiers, but a priest in whose parish she had lived identified her. Don Carlos removed her to the nurses' quarters, but she begged to be sent back to the ranks. He laughed. "Not to the regiment of men, but when I form a battalion of women you shall be colonel."

 In Australia not so many years ago there was a woman who traveled under the alias of Edward de Lacy Evans. For years she was a miner at Bendingo. She is stated to have been married as man three times. Her true sex was discovered upon her reception into Kew lunatic asylum. She eventually recovered her reason and returned to the outer world.
The career of Mary Ann Talbot contains a still further flavor of romance. She was the reputed daughter of the earl of Talbot, and at fourteen years she fell into the hands of a certain Capt. Bowen of the royal navy. The captain, being ordered to San Domingo, took her with him, disguised as a page boy. When Capt. Bowen was killed in action Mary Ann changed her flag and joined the French navy. She then entered the American merchant marine. She quickly - of course, still in male disguise - became a favorite with the captain of the vessel, and he took her home with him. His niece fell in love with the pretty sailor boy, as she considered him, and proposed marriage herself. The proposal Mary Ann deemed it prudent to accept, and it was arranged that the marriage should be celebrated on the sailor's return from the next voyage. It is hardly necessary to say that this gay deceiver had no intention whatever of going back. Landing in England, Mary Ann was arrested as a deserter from the British navy, and, to escape further service, she confessed her sex. The story of her adventures immediately spread abroad and created a considerable sensation at the time. The then duke of York procured for her a pension, and she received numerous and handsome presents from him and from others.

 It is strikingly noticeable that many of these Amazons were fatally attractive to their own sex. As we have seen, Mary Ann Talbot unwittingly captivated the heart of the American captain's niece, while "Edward de Lacy Evans," who married three wives, must also have been a very pretty fellow.

From the London Truth and in the Lafayette Gazette 10/20/1894.



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