Tuesday, January 13, 2015


 From the Lafayette Gazette of December 17th, 1898.


 Lieut. James A. Moss spoke to a large and appreciative audience in Falk's opera-house last Tuesday night. At the request of the firemen Lieut. Moss consented that 25 cents be charged for admission for the purpose of raising some money to build a tower for the fire alarm bell. Lieut. Moss spoke for about an hour and half and during that time entertained his listeners with a very interesting narrative of the part played by his regiment in the battle of Santiago. He talked in a simple, unaffected manner and by means of several well gotten-up maps gave a clear and intelligible illustration of the assault of El Caney. He told of the splendid courage displayed by both the American and Spanish soldiers on that memorable occasion. He said that the last war had completely wiped out sectionalism and gave expression to broad and patriotic utterances upon this happy result of the recent conflict. We regret our inability to give a more extended notice of Mr. Moss' address, but insert below what he said about the negro soldiers whom he commanded upon the field of battle. We print this portion of the address in order that his position on this question is not misunderstood:

 When I graduated from West Point in 1894, the Secretary of War assigned me to a colored regiment, the 25th U. S. Infantry, stationed at Fort Missoula, Mont. Being a Southern boy I did not at first, I must admit, like the idea of serving with colored troops, but I was a soldier and had received an order from a superior, and there was but one thing 
for me to do - obey!

 After having been with the regiment for a while I found the men to be respectful, obedient and good soldiers, and I liked to have such men under my command.

 As you know, I went through the whole Cuban campaign in command of colored troops. I need not tell you how magnificently our colored regulars fought - their gallant and heroic conduct is now a matter of history.

 I have been recommended for two brevets for my services at El Caney, and I can feel that I owe these honors to some extent to the splendid fighting of the negro soldiers I that day commanded. Actually by a sense of justice, actuated by a sense of giving unto every man what he earns, I have, therefore, never let an opportunity go by without praising my black soldiers for their gallant behavior on that occasion. It is merely "Giving unto God the things that are God's and giving unto the Caesar the things that are Caesar's."

 If I should fail to give due credit to the men who did not hesitate to follow wherever I lead on the field of battle. I would not myself be a man - I would be a puppet and you yourselves could not help from thinking less of me and I could not blame you either.

 Do not, however, misunderstand my sentiments on the subject, and judge me to be what is popularly known as a "nigger-worshipper." I would like to say I am a firm believer in white supremacy, and there is no man south of the Mason & Dixon line who would resent quicker than I any act on the part of a negro implying social or political equality, but if a negro does anything deserving of praise and credit - in the name of civilization, in the name of all that is good, honorable and just, give him what he has earned. Lafayette Gazette 12/17/1898.

High School Concert.

 The Pupils of the Lafayette High School will give a concert at 7:30 o'clock on Friday night Dec. 23, for the purpose of raising money to build a plank walk to the school. A very interesting and entertaining program has been prepared. The Lafayette Orchestra has kindly tendered their services. Admission, 25 cents. Lafayette Gazette 12/17/1898. 



  We had a visit from him and has left us a complete line toys, of all kinds, and prices to suit the times. We can give you toys from 5 cents up; dolls of all kinds from 5 cents up; picture frames from 5 cents up. A full line of toilet cases, handkerchief boxes, cuff and collar boxes, albums, blocks, books an games. Japanese cups and saucers from 5 cents up. Also a fine line of dress goods, trimmings, capes, hats shoes etc.

next to Post-office, Lafayette, La.
Lafayette Gazette 12/17/1900.

To Run Millinery Store.

 Miss Mimie Cayret and Mrs. Charles Jeanmard have entered into a partnership and will run the millinery store formerly kept by Misses Cayret and Marsh who have dissolved partnership. The new firm will do a strictly up-to-date business and solicits the patronage of the ladies of the town and parish. Lafayette Gazette 12/17/1898.

 The Methodist Church.

 To the Lafayette Gazette:

 I wish, through the columns of your paper, to make a statement in reference to the valuation and financial condition of our church and parsonage property in the town of Lafayette. The estimated value of both buildings including the respective lots upon which they are situated reaches the neat little sum of $4,500. I consider this estimate moderate. As to the financial status am thankful so say, the property is entirely free from debt. The Auditing Committee consisting of Messrs. J. J. Davidson, Crow Girard and T. S. Singleton, have made their report, which has been adopted by the 4th Quarterly Conference of the Lafayette charge. I wish, hereby, to express my hearty thanks to all who have assisted in the erection of these two buildings and especially to those outside of our committee to those outside of our communion who have cheerfully contributed to this enterprise. I desire further to express my appreciation of the many favors received at the hands of those from whom building material, paint, etc., have been purchased.
      Yours respectively,
           I. T. REAMS.
Lafayette Gazette 12/17/1898.

Tramps Cut Each Other.

 Dan Burke and John Craig, two tramps, got into a fight over a tin can last Wednesday at a camp fire near the oil mill and cut each other pretty badly. Craig was cut in the back, chest and abdomen necessitating the assistance of the coroner, Dr. A. R. Trahan, who dressed his wounds. Craig is doing well but is not yet out danger. Lafayette Gazette 12/17/1898.

The Holidays at Carencro.

 There is a movement on foot to have in the week between Christmas and New Year a festival for the children and young people of Carencro, which will, it is hoped, be an occasion to be long remembered for its gaiety and amusement. A noble Christmas tree, resplendent with lights and tinsel, and beautiful fruit in the shape of holiday gifts, will be arranged in St. Peter's Hall, and the people of Carencro, and also those of the neighboring towns who will join them, propose having a jolly time. In order not to interfere with the fire side pleasures of either Christmas or New Year, it has been decided to have the affair between the two feasts on Wednesday night, Dec. 28.

 The tree will bear upon its branches gifts valued at 5, 10 and 25 cents, thus suiting the pockets of all that each may be able to purchase a souvenir of the occasion. It is desired to make this event essentially a children's festival, appropriate also to the happy Christmas time to the dawning of a bright and hopeful New Year. To this end the program of the entertainment will be carefully prepared. There will be a little one on hand, Miss Tealey Veazey, who will tell what took place on "the night before Christmas;" Miss Sarah Brown will give a recitation; the children of the convent will be trained by the capable sisters for a drill and a chorus;  a veritable Santa Claus, round, rosy and jolly, will lend his presence to delight the children so dear to his heart; eggnog, candy and fruit will be sold, and jollity and good-will to all, characteristic of this happy season, will prevail - and all this on the night of Dec. 28, the Feast of the Holy Innocents.

 A feature of the Christmas tree will be a pleasant surprise in store for a lucky few. In addition to the gifts drawn from the tree, a present may be hung upon its branches for a child or mother, or teacher, or friend, or perhaps something to gladden the heart of some poor little one who rarely receives the good things of life. The person wishing to make the gift will take it to the mother superior of the convent who will put it upon the tree with a card bearing the name of the donor, who will pay for the privilege of using this method, the modest sum of ten cents.

 The good friends of the Carencro people from the neighboring towns, who have on other occasions cordially united with them and helped in their success, are invited to attend, and as in the past the verdict has always been that of a pleasant evening spent, so Carencro hopes on this occasion to be able to make the same record. Lafayette Gazette 12/17/1898.

To Police Jury.

 To the Hon. Police Jury - Your undersigned committee appointed to estimate the probable expense of the parish for the year 1899, would respectfully report the following for your adoption:

 ------------------p. 2------------------

   Respectfully submitted,
       JNO. WHITTINGTON, A. LACEY, R. C. GREIG, Lafayette, La., Nov. 19, 1898.
Lafayette Gazette 12/17/1898.

 Council Proceedings.

 The City Council met this evening in regular session with the following members present: Mayor Caffery, A. E. Mouton, J. A. Landry, Dr. Martin and Dr. T. B. Hopkins.

 Absent:  John Hahn, A. J. Bru and J. J. Davidson.

 The minutes of the regular meeting of Nov. 7 and the special meeting of Nov. 17 was read and approved as read.

 Collector McFaddin reported the following collections.

 --------------------p. 2-----------------

 The treasurer submitted the following report on the special fund:

 ---------------p. 2-------------------

 The treasurer submitted the following report on the general fund:

 ----------------p. 2------------------

 Mr. Melchert submitted the following report:

 To the City Council of Lafayette - I have collected the month ending Nov. 30, 1898:

 -----------------p. 2-----------------

 The following accounts were approved to be paid out of the general fund:

 -------------------p. 2-----------------------

 The following account was laid over:

 Martin & Ducote, blankets for jail ... $5.10

 W. W. and E. L. accounts approved:

 -----------------p. 2---------------------

 Moved and seconded that the W. W. E. L. plant so far as the lights are concerned, owing to the extravagant consumption of coal be closed down on Dec. 8; that the superintendent be and is required to notify all subscribers immediately of this resolution, and that the W. W. and E. L. committee is authorized to make such arrangements as is necessary to keep up the water supply. There being no objection the mayor declared same adopted.

 Moved and seconded that the Council now adjourn.

 There being no objection the Council thereupon adjourned.
C. D. CAFFERY, Mayor.
BAXTER CLEGG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 12/17/1898.

 City Council Special Session.

          Lafayette, La., Dec. 8, 1898.
  The City Council met this day in special session.

 Present: Mayor Caffery, Messrs. Mouton, Hahn, Landry and Hopkins.

 The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was to consider the request of citizens to defer the closing of the plant.

 After discussion, Dr. Martin moved, seconded by Mr. Hahn, that the Council procure a new boiler without delay, and the motion was adopted by the following vote:

 Yeas - Hopkins, Landry, Martin, Hahn, Davidson, Mouton.

 Dr. Martin then moved, seconded by Mr. Hahn, to reconsider resolution to close the plant, adopted at regular meeting. The motion was adopted by the following vote:

 Yeas - Landry, Martin, Hahn, Davidson. Nays - Hopkins, Mouton.

 It was then ordered that the mayor in conjunction with the water and light committee procure one new 100 horse-power return tubular boiler for the plant without delay, on the best possible terms. Council then adjourned.
A. E. MOUTON, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 12/17/1898.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/17/1898.

 A chimney fire at Mrs. Jos. Plonsky's and one at Mrs. Revillon's should serve as a warning to our people that it is advisable just now to engage the services of the chimney-sweeper.

 The reading public are informed that they can buy the principal periodicals and magazines at The Gazette News Stand.

 Mr. Emile Talbot and Miss Leda Delhomme were married Wednesday evening at the Catholic church in Lafayette.

 The concert given Thursday night by the Lafayette String Band was a success, over $50 having been netted. The program was rendered in a very creditable manner.

 Sam Bendel, a former resident of Lafayette, was on a visit to relatives here this week.

C. D. Dimitri, the Southern Pacific agent at Carencro, and Mayor George Melchoir, took in Cooper's show Wednesday night.

100 Horsepower Boiler.

 Mr. Melchert returned from New Orleans this week with a proposition from a firm of that city to furnish the town with a 100-horsepower boiler. The Council will consider the proposition and will accept it if practicable. Lafayette Gazette 12/17/1898.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 17th, 1870:


 The taxpayers of the Corporation of Vermilionville, are hereby notified that the Assessment Roll for the year 1870, is now completed and deposited with me, at my Store. Persons wishing to examine the same must do so within 30 days of this notice.
       Mayor's Office, Vermilionville, Dec. 2d. 1870.
                W. O. SMITH, Mayor.

 Laf. Adv. 12/18/1870.

[From the Opelousas Journal.]

About five weeks since a lot of German families settled at Faquetaique, about twenty-five miles west of Opelousas, in this parish, (St. Landry) where they hadn't entered lands. The settlement has now, we are informed, sixty-eight families ;  and more are to come. They have erected a saw-mill which has already been in operation a week. These brisk proceedings of the Germans will astonish the natives of that section. A saw-mill might, and should have been built there many years ago. But even in our part of the parish, where there is an incessant demand for lumber, we have no public saw-mill. The market is very inadequately supplied at exceedingly high prices by lumber brought from New Orleans and the Atchafalaya and Grand Rivers. A Rip Van Winkle sleep seems to prevail in the land ;  and nothing but the noise of the steam car, and the bustle of emigrants, is likely to break it.  From the Opelousas Journal and in the Lafayette Advertiser 12/17/1870. 


 The following named game is permitted to be killed during the season hereon ONLY.

 Doves, Wood Ducks, Sept. 1 to March 1.

 River and Sea Ducks, Geese, Brandt, Rails, Poule D'eau, Gallinules, Tatlers, Curlew and Plover, Oct. 1 to March 10.

 Wild Turkeys (Cocks only) Nov. 15 to April 1.

 Teal Ducks, Snipe, Sand Pipers, Sept 1 to April 1.

 Florida Ducks or Black Mallards, Aug. 1 to March 1.

 Papabotte, Plover, Chorooks, July 1 to April 1.

 Woodcock Nov. 15 to Feb. 1.

  Red Wing Black Bird. All the year round.

 Quail. Nov. 15 to March 1.

 Sea Gulls. Aug. 1 to Feb. 1.

 Prairie Chickens, Kildeer, Pheasants and wild Turkey Hens; not allowed not to kill exceeding 50 ducks until December, 1915.

 The following game birds only are permitted by law to be bought and sold: Wild Sea and River Ducks, Coots or Poule D'eau, Snipe, Geese, Brandt and Rails and these only during the season for hunting these birds.

 Bag Limits.

 Professional hunters or those having a market hunter's license allowed not to kill exceeding 25 Ducks, Poule D'eau, Chorooks or Doves, or 50 Snipe or 15 of any other game birds in any one day during the open season.


 Open season begins July 1st and ends March 1st. 10 Squirrels the bag limit in one day.

 Fur-Bearing Animals.

 Open season begins November 1st and ends February 1st. Mink, Otter, Muskrat, Raccoon and Bear.


 North Louisiana, below the lower line of Vernon, Rapides, Avoyelles and Concordia Parishes. Open season begins September 16th, and ends January 15th.

 South Louisiana, below the lower line of Vernon, Rapides, Avoyelles and Concordia Parishes and all that part of the State South of the Mississippi State Line. Open season begins Sept. 1st and ends December 31st.

 No Fawns allowed to be killed at any time.

 No Deer allowed to be sold at any time.

 Five Deer allowed to be killed by one person during the open season.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/17/1912.

Total Eclipse of December 22, 1870.

This will be one of the greatest of modern total eclipses of the sun that has taken place ;  for not only does it occur when the moon is particularly near the earth, but at a period when the earth is nearest the sun, and also at the time of the winter solstice, the moon likewise occulting in the planet Saturn, the planet Venus on the same day being in configuration with the moon. 1 degree 6 minutes south, the moon at the time approaching her conjunction with the planet Mercury, which latter body will be only 1 degree 19 minutes south of the moon.

 In the opposite part of the heavens, both the planet Jupiter (lo 7' north) and the planet Uranus (only 56' south of the moon), at a period when the planet Jupiter is approaching in opposition to the sun, which will take place on the 13th of December, exercising a most powerful reciprocal attractive influence on each other, by the combined influence thus exercised by the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus and the earth, all being nearly in a right line, a configuration that has not taken place for centuries, and which seldom occurs. Consequently the effects on the earth will be considerable, creating earthquakes, tidal waves, storms hurricanes and cyclones. Similar configurations were present at the time of the total eclipse of the 16th of August, 1868, when Quito and Callao were destroyed by earthquakes and tidal waves, but even then the influences were somewhat less than they will be on the 22d. of December.

 The eclipse will begin in the North Atlantic Ocean, the central line moving in a southeasterly direction. Crossing one part of Spain and the Mediterranean Sea, it enters Africa near Oran, and soon afterwards attains its southern limits. The shadow of the moon now moves in a north-easterly direction and leaves Africa, and crossing the Island of Sicily, the south of Turkey, the Black Sea of Azof, disappears.

 The penumbra of the moon decreasing rapidly, leaves the earth with the setting sun in Arabia.

 The sun will be centrally and totally eclipsed at noon in latitude 36 degrees 38' north, longitude 50 1' west, a little to the northeast of Gibraltar, and near the Lisbon coast, creating tidal waves and earthquakes here of great severity, agitating the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Fundy, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Original source unknown. In the Lafayette Advertiser 12/17/1870. 

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