Tuesday, January 13, 2015


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 21st, 1904: 


May Build from Lafayette to Baton Rouge. Prominent Railroad Official States a Bridge Will Be Built at Baton Rouge,

 And Right of Way Has Been Secured to Lafayette. A Big Railroad Deal in Sight, as Shown by Special Below, Reproduced from the Picayune.

 The Southern Pacific Railroad will not be satisfied until it secures an outlet to both  the gulf at Gulfport, Miss., and to the Atlantic at Pensacola. This was the opinion expressed by a prominent Southern Pacific official who was in the city yesterday, and for the present does not wish to have his name used in connection with the matter. He also gave out the information that the recent purchases of land which the Southern Pacific has been making in the vicinity of Baton rouge are for the purpose of securing adequate facilities for a bridge which will give not only the Southern Pacific, but also a number of lines, easy access to this side of the Mississippi. The plans for this bridge are already under consideration, and although it will take from three to five years to build this bridge, arrangements are already said to be made by which not only the Southern Pacific, but also the Texas and Pacific, the Frisco and the M. K. and T. will have use of the bridge.

 Within the past two weeks the Southern Pacific has secured the entire right of way from Lafayette, La., to Port Allen, on the west side of the Mississippi, directly across from Baton Rouge. This will give them the right to build a line from Lafayette to the river bank. At that point the river is less than 2000 feet wide, and almost in the middle is a sand bar, over which the depth of water does not exceed twenty feet. The Southern Pacific representative who was spoken to in regard to this matter said that the building of the bridge over the Mississippi was a comparatively easy matter from an engineering standpoint, and that up to the present time the principal difficulty had been in securing the financial support which was necessary for such a project. This difficulty, he now intimated, had been arranged, and he said that there was no doubt that the work on the bridge would be started within a short time.

 Under the plans which we have in mind, the bridge will cost considerably over a million dollars, and had it not been for the startling change in conditions which have taken place in the past few months, I doubt whether the Southern Pacific, or any other east and west road, would have ever undertaken the gigantic scheme, which in the end will probably unite the two oceans under one great railroad system.

 But with the building of the Panama Canal and the concentration of a number of the greatest railroad systems of the country on the port of New Orleans, all the railroad men of the country believe that it will be a paying investment. Two years ago one of the greatest financiers of the country figured on this proposition, and he expressed it as his opinion that a bridge across the Mississippi at this time, even if all the East and West systems made arrangement to use if jointly, would not pay more than one-half of 1 per cent. Now all this has been changed, the ablest railroad financiers of the country believe that with the amount of business which is being concentrated in New Orleans that a bridge over the river at some point where it could be used by all the lines, would be a paying proposition.

 Although I am not authorized to make any official announcement, I can say that the Southern Pacific had studied every arrangement to build a bridge across the Mississippi, to be (unreadable word) with its mainline at Lafayette. The purchase of eighty-five acres of land at Port Allen has just (unreadable words), and I understand that one of the high officials of the company that this land is to be used for freight yards and for the
 - (unreadable words for about a paragraph then we pick back up with) -

 ...people who sold the property believe.

 Now that all the deeds have been recorded there is no harm harm in letting it become known that this property was wanted by the Southern Pacific, and is now owner of said property. Premature publications of the fact that they have been buying property in that section of the State have already hindered us to a considerable extent.

 There is an old line of railroad from Lafayette to the vicinity of Port Allen, which has not been operated for several years. In our surveys we have departed from this old line to a considerable extent, as we believe that as many of the prosperous towns along the line as possible should be touched. We may use a part of the old line which has already been built, but for the most part of the fifty-two miles we will take an entirely new right of way which will touch at a number of towns which now have no railroad facilities.

 Up to the present time we have surveyed three rights of way from Lafayette to the river. Which one of those of those will finally be adopted is yet to be decided upon by the officers of the company.

 The right of way along all three of these routes has already been secured, and when the officers decided to build the fifty-two miles of track there will be the least delay from litigation or other sources which usually embarrass a railroad in matters of this kind.

 As to what the Southern Pacific will do when they get on this side of the river, I am unable to say. At Baton Rouge direct communication will be made with the Valley Road into New Orleans or northward. But I believe that when the bridge is completed the Southern pacific will not be satisfied with connections of this kind, but will at once build a sufficient amount of line to connect with the main line of the Illinois Central. This would enable passengers coming west via New Orleans to make the transfer at this point and thus save many hours travel. It would also bring the Southern Pacific near to the gulf, and I would not be at all surprised within the next two years to see this line have its own road into Gulfport and Pensacola. It is simply the old plan of a through line from the Atlantic to the Pacific except that the line is run a little further south than others which have been planned in the past. Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1904.  


Popular School.

 That Lafayette Home Institute, Prof. R. C. Greig principal may be justly declared one of the most popular and meritorious educational institutions in the town or parish, is evidenced by a constantly increasing enrollment and the general esteem and recognition accorded it. Established in 1896, the school has won its way to the front rank under careful supervision and efficient training and may now be considered a permanent and essential factor in the progress and advancement on the city.

 Situated on St. John's street near the Catholic church, in a quiet pleasant location with ample grounds and delightful shade, the Institute possesses all the exterior influences that could be derived to promote its work and afford pupils proper recreation. Large well ventilated rooms, equipped and furnished with patent desks of finest grade and all the necessary modern appurtenances combine to render pupils every comfort and facility for study and demonstration.

 Prof. Greig's well known ability as a teacher hardly needs commendation to the people of this community, for his work here during the past twenty years speaks for itself and gives assurance of yet larger measures of success in his chosen profession. Thorough instruction, which enables many pupils to enter second year courses of the Industrial Institute, and the Christian atmosphere which pervades the school are paramount considerations and induces The Advertiser thus to express its heartiest approval and endorsement.

Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1904. 


 All Committees called to Final Meeting as Committee of the Whole, to be Held at the Court House Tomorrow Night, Thursday, Dec. 23, at 7:30 Promptly.

 The Final Meeting of all the committees of the local organization to provide for the great Convention of the Teachers has been called to assemble as a Committee of the whole in the Court House tomorrow night, Thursday, promptly at half-past seven o'clock. All the members of every committee are requested and urged to be present and the entire public is cordially invited to attend. Ten minute talks will be made by the chairman of the various committees, including a definite statement of what each committee has done, is doing, and is going to do, and outlining details and particulars as to just how, just when, just where, and under just what circumstances each member of the each committee is to perform his part, so that the entire citizenship can do its power to make up the Convention a success worthy of our town our parish, and our good name for hospitality and educational progress.

 The Committee requests us to announce their call for volunteers to offer rooms and board, or rooms without board, or board without rooms, for the teachers. Those who can do so will please report to Mr. Biossat or to Dr. Moss. Same request applies to those who can offer carriages.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1904.    

For the Meeting of the Teachers' Association at Lafayette Dec. 27-29.


In behalf of the State - Gov. Newton C. Blanchard.
In Behalf of the Citizens of Lafayette - Mayor Charles D. Caffery.
In behalf of the South Western Louisiana - Pres. E. L. Stephens.
Response in behalf of the La. S. P. S. T. A. - Jno. R. Conniff, Asst. Supt. Public School, New Orleans.

President's Annual Address - T. H. Harris, Principal Baton Rouge High School, Baton Rouge.

 Reception tendered by the citizens of Lafayette to the visiting delegates.

 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 1904 9 a. m.

 Business Session - Reports of Officers and Committees, Amendments, Appointment of Committee, etc.
Address by Hon. James B. Aswell, State Superintendent of Education, on the Present Status of the Rural School.

 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 1904, 1:30 p. m. Department Meeting of Ungraded School Teachers, Miss Julia Harelson, Baton Rouge, Chairman.

 DEPARTMENT MEETING, 3 p. m, Kindergarten - Miss E. A. Waldo, New Orleans Chairman.

 Primary - Miss Pearl Larche, Lafayette Chairman.
 Grammar - C. C. Whisenhunt, Shreveport, Chairman.
 High - W. J. Avery, Lafayette, Chairman.
 Music - Miss M. Conway, New Orleans, Chairman.
 Drawing - Miss D. Zena Thompson, Lake Charles, Chairman.
 Chairman - Board of School Directors will organize a department.

 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 1904, 8 p. m. - Address, The Relation of Parent and Teacher, From the standpoint of the parent, by Dr. C. Menville, Houma.

 From the standpoint of the teacher - Albert J. Dupuy, Principal Guion Academy, Thibodaux.

 Address, The Work of Mothers Clubs - Miss E. A. Aitkows, Principal F. T. Howard No. 2, New Orleans.

 Address, The Work of the Women's Club.

 THURSDAY, DEC. 29, 1904, 9 a. m. - Address, Local Taxation for School - Supt. L. J. Alleman, Lafayette.

 Discussion led by Geo. Wallace, Cheneyville.

 Address, Consolation of Rural Schools - President H. C. Caldwell, State Normal School, Natchitoches. Discussion led by Supt. John Marks, Napoleonville. Address, The Rural School House; where to place and how to build - Wm. Woodward, President La. Art Teachers' Association.

 THURSDAY, DEC. 29, 1904.

2 P. M. - A visit to the Industrial Institute.
4 P. M. - An athletic meet or an excursion to an oil well.

 THURSDAY, DEC. 29, 1904 8 p. m.

 Address, Our Rural Population - Dr. E. B. Craighead, President Tulane University, New Orleans.
 Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1904.


 Will Be Ready for Teachers' Association Unless Some Unforeseen Delay Occurs. 

Work is being pushed as rapidly as possible on the new hotel. The second and third floors are finished and carpet laying and the placing of furniture began Saturday. These two floors will be ready for occupancy for the Teachers Association unless something occurs to cause delay. The steam heating plant is in position and a trial will be given it on Friday, perhaps sooner. Last night the electric lights were turned on and the house illuminated for the first time. It was a beautiful sight.

 The furnishings of the hotel are tasteful and elegant and every room will be fitted up very attractively. When finished there won't be a nicer, more convenient or more comfortable hotel in the State, and Manager Salles states that the table service will be our best. Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1904.

Fine cloth bound books make a very attractive Christmas present. You are invited to examine our display of Christmas books. Moss Pharmacy.


Wolf Got Loose - A wolf belonging to the animal show at the Carnival got loose Wednesday and bit several people before he was caught.


THE HOLY SEASON - The holiday season is again with us, leaving behind another mile stone on the journey of life with our hopes and fears realized or disappointed. Before us stretches the view of another year, the veil closely drawn and showing snow which upon each life's daily history will be written as it rolls slowly upward. Between us and the new year's curtain spreads the beautiful Christmas time, the time of peace on earth, good will to men, when the heart should expand and cast out all hardness, selfishness and envy and fill up with gentleness, love and generosity. Little acts of kindness, pleasant words of cheer and thoughtfulness and those less fortunate than ourselves should mark this this holy season and leave us with clean (unreadable word) to write upon the spotless curtain of the New Year.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1904

The Woman's Club.

 Mrs. T. N. Blake was the hostess of the Woman's Club on Saturday afternoon, when she entertained delightfully at the home of Misses Riis and Leftwitch. All reports from the Club Scholarship Fair, were given, and it was found that eh proceeds were $177.20. This was very gratifying to the club members, who worked so earnestly for the Scholarship fund. The program was begun with the sixth chapter of Fiske's Civil Government, followed by an interesting paper. Works of Margaret Ruthvem Lang, by Mrs. Hulse. "Innocents Abroad" was a most pleasing account of European travels by Miss Edith Dupre, which added much to the enjoyment of the meeting.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1904.

Bold Burglary.

 Biossat's jewelry store was burglarized Wednesday night and goods to the value of between $300 and $500 secured. The robbers effected an entrance through the back door by boring holes with a brace and bit taken from Adams & Dauriac's blacksmith shop, and knocking out the square bordered with auger holes. The robber, who entered the store must have been a small man or had a boy with him as the hole through which he crawled was quite small. The goods stolen consisted of gold brooches, scarf, pins, cuff and collar buttons, bracelets, chains and fine razors. The officers promptly started to work on the case and are making every effort to get trace of the thieves.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1904.  

Public Roads.

 To the Editor of The Lafayette Advertiser.

 In your issue of November 23 you state that the St. Martinville Banner says that the (unreadable words) parish has adopted a new system of working the public roads as follows:

 The contract is to be sold at auction to a contractor, the maximum price to be paid is $4,000.00 a year. The contractor is to furnish 8 mules, one road roller and one road plow. He is to make a daily report of the work done to the secretary of the Police Jury. The ordinance provides that the contractor is to pay a forfeit of $12.00 per day for every day in the year that he and his crews fail to report for work.

 After I read the publication I handed it to two of our most prominent business men who happened to be present and asked them what they thought about it? They said they hardly knew what to think about it. They said it certainly was a move in the right direction. They asked me what I thought about it? I tld them that I disapproved of it very much. That I thought it was a much poorer system for working the roads than our present system, if possible. They looked at me not a little surprised as I had always been such a strong advocate of good roads. I told them that any man who has had any experience in working public roads knows that no three men and an overseer who is not supposed to work can with 8 mules, a plow, scraper and roller can possibly work more than one gang of men to any advantage, for it requires four men and six mules to make one full gang, and 8 men and twelve mules to make two gangs to work the road profitably.

 But according to the St. Martin ordinance one road gang of four men would have to work all the roads in the parish including cross roads - for I claim that it is just as necessary for the prosperity of the parish and the people who live in it that the cross roads should be built and kept in repair, as it is the main roads - or otherwise the parish would lose more than half the benefits derived from the main roads for the want of cross roads to get to them.

 I told them if the parish of St. Martin was as large as the parish of Lafayette it would take four men with teams from six to eight months or a year, it depended on a wet or dry season. If wet like the ones we had in 1892-3-4, it would take fully a year for four men and teams to work all the roads in the parish once over. In 1892 in June and July it rained 63 days without missing a day. The whole country was flooded.

 During that time and for a week after until it dried up it was impossible for any body to work the roads with plows and scraper. But according to St. Martin's new system of working the roads the contractor has to report every day in the year ready for work or pay a forfeit of $12.00 per day. Of course he would have to pay $12.00 for every day in the year whether he worked or not, which would be a dead loss to the parish. I told them that the worst feature of the St. Martin system of working the roads was - If we should have three or four weeks of rain just at the commencement of the cane and cotton harvest (which we are liable to have any year) all the roads in every ward would require to be repaired as soon as possible so that the farmers in every ward could haul their crops to market and not have to wait two or three months for one gang of four men to work the roads in the first five or six wards before the last two or three wards could have their roads repaired. In such a case many of our farmers would be ruined.

 The above are some of the objections that I have to St. Martin's new system of working the roads.

 I claim that every ward in the parish should have at least one or two road overseers to look after the roads and see that they are kept in a passable condition the year round  and that all contracts are strictly carried out and that every able bodied man over 21 and under 60 pays his per capita tax for on one do that as effectually as the road overseers.

 I hold that all the roads should be built by contract and that each ward should control the letting of contracts for building and repairing its own roads, and have their pro rata share of the road taxes collected for the purpose of improving their own ward.

 (Unreadable words) have large boards, small cities and towns have small boards to suit their circumstances. For example Lafayette has a board of works (called by a different name) composed of two or three of its councilors and the mayor for its head.

 Every important organization must have a head or it can never prosper. The chief overseer of the parish would be the head of the board of works. It would be his duty to call the board together at least twice a year and not oftener than once in three months except in case of Emergency can he call a special meeting of the board. It would  be his duty to make out a full report of the proceedings of each meeting of the board and present it to the police jury at its first regular session after the meeting of the board.

 For further particulars in reference to his duties see Advertiser March the ninth and April the thirteenth. If the above system of a board of works that I have suggested is adopted and judiciously carried out it will not cost the parish any more than our present system of working the roads, and it will be far more efficient.

 There is no subject more worthy of consideration and attention of our police jury than that of having a better system of working our public roads.
                            J. NICKERSON.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1904.


Those Who Come and Go. 

 Nicholas Hebert went to New Orleans Monday on business.

 Handmade cisterns, guaranteed - J. C. Broussard.

 Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Torian of Carencro, visited relatives in town Sunday.

 See Biossat's line of diamond and set rings.

 Do you shave yourself? If so have your razor sharpened by A. J. Bonnet the bicycle Dr.

 A good suit of clothes that will fit you and wear well, at a low price, that is what we give you. - Schmulen.

 Lewis Durocher, of Jeanerette, spent Sunday with friends here.

 L. M. White of New Orleans, was here Sunday shaking hands with his friends.

Get your Christmas turkey in time. Bunt has a fine lot. Harry Thoens, of New Orleans, visited friends here Friday.

 S. L. I. I. souvenir spoons at Biossat's.

 Dr. F. R. Tolson and daughter. Miss Julia, went to New Orleans Saturday, returning Monday.

 Miss Louise Oliver, of St. Martinville, spent Saturday and Sunday with the Misses Robicheaux and cousins.

 Fine cut glass at Biossat's. 

 Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Parker who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Tom Hopkins, will leave to-day for Many, where Dr. Parker has been assigned as pastor of the Methodist Church.

Fruit cakes and other kinds of cakes, jellies, preserves, cranberries etc., at Morgan & Debaillon's. 

 Miss Thursday Stanley will leave Friday for Houston to spend the holidays with Miss Irma Voorhies.

The finest line of Toilet articles, such as Extracts, Toilet water, Soaps, Powders, etc., is displayed at the Moss Pharmacy for Christmas gifts. 

 See Biossat's line of Meerschaum pipes.

 We have just what you want if you want an overcoat. - Prejean & Leblanc.

 It is money well invested when you buy your Christmas presents at the Moss Pharmacy, we have only useful and ornamental presents in our stock this season.

 Miss Attie Clarke went to Opelousas Saturday to spend a day with friends.

 Overcoats to suit anybody and any occasion, at Prejean & Leblanc's.

 Buy your best girl a gold watch for Christmas at Biossat's.

Saw filing one of my specialties A. J. Bonnet the bicycle Dr. 

 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bienvenu spent Sunday with his father Judge G. Bienvenu.

You will have no trouble in selecting Xmas presents, at the Lafayette Drug Co.'s. They have something appropriate and suitable for every body, little and big.

 Austin Fontenot, of Opelousas was in town Sunday.

 The celebrated Manhattan shirts in all styles, at Levy Bros.

 Begin the New Year with a new Day Book and Cash Book. We have the stock at the Moss Pharmacy.

 Rudd Dorsman, of Opelousas, visited friends here Sunday.

Everything pertaining to Ladies or Men's winter wear at sacrifice prices. Levy Bros. 

 All coupons bearing the name F. F. Carter are good for a life size crayon and one dozen photographs for $3.00, taken at Carter's studio at any time.

 Mr. and Mrs. Jno. LeBlanc became the happy parents of a fine boy on Friday night.

Christmas cards and souvenir calendars, one of the prettiest and most tasteful assortments ever shown here, at the Lafayette Drug Co. 

 For fine scissors go to Biossat's.

 Alphe Benoit, of Youngsville, was in Lafayette Friday and Saturday.

 For a real serviceable overcoat at a very reasonable price, go to Prejean & Leblanc's.

 Little Miss Laurence Doucet is spending a while in Abbeville.

 Sterling Silver Christmas spoons at Biossat's.

See F. F. Carter for crayons and frames. Will make very close figures on frames made to order. A variety of mouldings to select from. 

 Mr. J. Armas Guilbeau, of Breaux Bridge, was a pleasant caller at the Advertiser office yesterday afternoon.

 We have just received a beautiful line of neckwear for the holidays - L. Levy & Son.

 Mrs. Jno. Gantenbaun and baby, of Houston, are visiting her mother Mrs. G. B. Knapp.

 We have several new parlor games for young and old people in our stock of Holiday goods at the Moss Pharmacy. 

 Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Rodick of the city of Mexico are spending the holidays with their sister, Mrs. C. F. Melchert.

 F. F. Carter will make special prices on full length cabinet photographs on Institute boys in uniform.

 Miss Cecilia Guidry and brother, Maxim, visited at the home of their uncle, Dr. G. C. Mouton, in Rayne, Saturday and Sunday.

 It is no longer an experiment on the part of those that patronize the Moss Pharmacy in buying their Stationary, Day Books, Journals and Ledgers. They find that they save time and money by ordering from them.

 Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1904.


  Mr. Claude Landry, of Youngsville, and Miss Emma Breaux, of the eighth ward, were married at St. John's Catholic church Saturday afternoon. The young couple will make their home at Youngsville.

WANTED - Board and room in private family by gentleman and wife after Jan. 1. References exchanged. Apply to this office.

Services Sunday. - Next Sunday at 11 a. m. there will be services at the Presbyterian church by the pastor, Rev. Roger, and hereafter morning and evening services every Sunday, as Mr. Roger will devote his entire time to the Lafayette church.

 We are offering our suits and overcoats at very low prices. - L. Levy & Son.

C. W. Owen Promoted. -
C. W. Owen, division freight and passenger agent at Lafayette has been promoted to assistant general freight agent with headquarters in New Orleans. Donald P. Stubbs will replace him here. Mr. Owen's many Lafayette friends will hear of his promotion with much pleasure.

 A fine collection of New Year calendars at the Moss Pharmacy.

 Notice. - There will be a meeting of the Progressive League at the court house at 8 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 24, 1904.
ROW GIRARD, President

  Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1904.

A Bold Burglary.

 Biossat's jewelry store was burglarized Wednesday night and goods to the value of between $300 and $500 secured.

 The robbers effected and entrance through the back door by boring holes with and brace and bit taken from Adams & Dauriac's blacksmith shop, and knocking out the square with auger holes. The robber, who entered the store must have been a small man or had a boy with him as the hole through which he crawled was quite small. The goods stolen consisted of gold broaches, scarf pins, cuff and collar buttons, bracelets, chains and fine razors. The officers promptly started to work on the case and are making every effort to get trace of the thieves.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1904. 

 From the Lafayette Gazette of December 21st, 1901:


The School Closes for the Holidays - Short Interruption on Account of Cold Weather.

 History says that the population of Attica and of Athens was essentially Ionian in race, with strains of other Hellenic stocks, besides some blood that was not Hellenic. This mixed origin of the inhabitants is doubtless one of the causes of their versatile yet well-balanced character which distinguished this people above of all other branches of the Hellenic family, and perhaps above all peoples of the world of which there is any record. They are spoken of as a many-sided and imaginative people who developed every part of their nature, and reached an excellence in art, literature, statesmanship and philosophy that has never been surpassed and stands as an everlasting monument to the greatness. Some of their philosophy was so potent and far reaching and asserted with positiveness that even we of this day are but beginning to realize how juvenile we are in its contemplation of a civilization that produced a Plato.

 Our present-day methods of education are slowly but surely bringing us up to this standard of the Athenians. We are becoming a "many-sided people. We now not only educate the head, but the hand and heart as well. Modern education means moral, intellectual and physical development - to be more specific, also the education of nerve force and energy; that is, the proper direction of nerve for and energy. Co-ordination is the key note. To make the hand express perfectly or near to perfection as possible what one feels but does not always know how to give expression to be the great desideratum - and all education should this for its aim and end.

 One of the most important factors for the consummation of this plan is the up-to-date manual training school, or Industrial Institute, a shining example of which we have in our midst, and a school if we mistake not, which is destined in the not very distant future to rank next to importance and worth to  none in the South. Work at the Institute is progressing with wonderful rapidity, despite the many difficulties that must necessarily be met in inaugurating the work of a new school.

 Some little difficulty was experienced this week with the steam-heating plant our there, and as the weather was unusually cold and come on so suddenly work was somewhat retarded.

 There was no school on Wednesday and not a whole day's session on Monday because of the inadequate steam heat.

 This week the morning exercises were conducted by Dr. Stephens. Wednesday morning's program was particularly interesting as it consisted of the reading by Dr. Stephens of the names of those who passed in their class standing during the past month.

 Manager Meriweather of the foot-ball team has been quite busy making the arrangements for the game which will take place at Opelousas to-day. The contest will be between the Institute team and the boys of the St. Landry High School. The railroad company will attach a special coach to the train which leaves the station at 8 o'clock this morning and will give reduced fare. A large delegation will go from the Institute to "root" for the boys and it is hoped they will be joined by many people of the town. The line-up of the Institute team will be as follows: Pothier Voorhies, center; W. Tilley, right guard; Fred Voorhies, left guard; Claud Martin, right tackle; Henry Young, left tackle; Perry Singleton, right end; Jack Domengueaux, left end; M. Meriweather, quarter; Ashby Woodosn, full-back; John Torian, right half-back; Rex Domengeaux or Clay Miller, left half-back.

 A number of large photographs of famous painting have been received and will soon adorn the library. A splendid selection of the works of the masters has been made. Among them are Millet's "Les Glaneuses," "The Madonna," "Le Chant de L'Alonette" and many others of equal merit.

 To Mrs. John Clegg, of New Orleans, belongs the honor of making the first donation to the library. Mrs. Clegg is a staunch friend of the Industrial Institute and this substantial manner in which she has manifested an in interest in the welfare of the institution is greatly appreciated by the faculty and students. Mrs. Clegg's gift to the library consists of Hallum's works, Green's History of the English People and Dante's Divine Comedy.

 Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1901.          


Institute Library.

 A splendid selection of the works of the masters has been made. Among them are Millet's "Les Ganueuses," "The Madonna," "Le Chant de L'Aolouette" and many others of equal merit.

 To Mrs. John Clegg, of New Orleans, belongs the honor of making the first donation to the library. Mrs. Clegg is a staunch friend of the Industrial Institute and this substantial manner in which she has manifested an interested in the welfare of the institution is greatly appreciated by the faculty and students. Mrs. Clegg's gift consists of Hallam's works, Green's History of the English People and Dante's Divine Comedy. Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1901. 

Appraised at $2.50, $1.00 and 75 cents - Teachers Paid up to Holidays.

 Lafayette, La., Dec. 16, 1901. - At a called meeting of the Board of Directors the following members were present: A. Olivier, president; Alex Delhomme, A. C. Guilbeau, S. J. Montgomery, Jasper Spell and Dr. N. P. Moss, Absent: R. O. Young, H. Theall, Pierre Landry.

 The president explained that the meeting of the Board was called principally to appraise the school lands and incidentally to attend to minor matters. After considerable discussion the Board decided to avail itself of its rights in the premises, as explained by the District Attorney, by appraising the land to be offered on Dec. 21, 1901. The secretary was accordingly instructed to inform the parish treasurer of the following appraisements for his guidance on the day of the lease.

 Moved by Mr. Guilbeau, and seconded by Dr. Moss, that the section in the fourth ward be appraised at $2.50 per annum per acre. Carried.

 Moved by Mr. Delhomme, seconded by Mr. Montgomery, that the west half of the school section in the first ward be appraised at $1.50 per annum per acre and east half at 75c per acre. Carried.

 Moved by Mr. Spell that the arable land of the section in the second ward be appraised at $1.50 and the so-called low land at 75 cents. Seconded by Dr. Moss and carried.

 Mr. Spell move that the public  schools of Lafayette be closed Dec. 20, 1901, and reopened Jan 3, 1902; that the teachers be allowed one week's pay during the holidays;  that the teachers be urged to attend the convention of the Louisiana State Teachers' Association, to be held at Franklin Dec. 26, 27, 28, 1901. Mr. Montgomery seconded this motion which was unanimously carried.

 Dr. Moss moved that the president be authorized to borrow $600 in the name of the Board, in order to pay the teachers up to the holidays. Being duly seconded by Mr. Delhomme, it was so ordered.

 Mr. Montgomery offered the following resolution:

 Whereas the sheriff of Lafayette parish, Mr. Isaac A. Broussard, has been so public spirited as to offer to have the floors of the directors' room matted at his own expense.

 Therefore, be it resolved by the Board of School Directors that they gratefully accept the gift and tender him their sincerest thanks, and,
  Be it further resolved that a copy of these resolutions be sent to Mr. Broussard.

 Mr. O. B. Hopkins appeared before the Board to make an offer for a certain lot of ground in the Mills addition belonging to the school property. Mr. C. D. Caffery appeared for the same purpose. Written bids were handed in, and the property was sold to Mr. Hopkins for $100.75, Mr. Caffery's bid was $96.

 Mr. Spell moved that the president be authorized to sell the lot to Mr. Hopkins and to sign the deed of sale for the Board. This motion was carried after being duly seconded by Dr. Moss.

 There being no further business the Board adjourned.
A. OLIVIER, President.
L. J. ALLEMAN, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1901.


Southern Pacific Helping to Develop this Section of the Country.

The following letter explains itself:

Houston, Tex., Dec. 15. 1901.

 To the Honorable Mayor of the City of Lafayette, La.

 Dear Sir: - At your earliest convenience would you kindly indicate on the enclosed sheet, the industries most needed to further development of your city and to induce a prosperity the existing conditions would warrant.

 The inquiry is prompted by a desire, on the part of the company, to assist in the work of general development, as far as we can, and to this end we would solicit your assistance.

 Kindly include in the list, mercantile, manufacturing, public industries, and all openings for the employment of capital, stating in this connection the possibilities at present for skilled labor and labor in general.

 Appreciating your co-operation and thanking you in advance, I am
                Very truly yours,
                          S. F. B. MORSE,
                           Passenger Traffic Manager.

This movement on the part of the Southern Pacific is most commendable and if intelligently carried out, as it no doubt will be, can not fail to result in much good to this section. This town and parish offer exceptional inducements to capital which seeks remunerative investment. The desirability of this point for a number of industries is appreciated here, but for lack of advertising is not widely known. Hence the importance of the work undertaken by the Southern Pacific. This company has already expended much labor and money to make known to the world the natural advantages of certain portions of the country and its efforts in that direction have been fruitful of good results. Mayor Caffery has replied to Mr. Morse giving the industries needed to develop this section. Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1901.

Concert at the Institute. - Despite the cold weather the concert given in the auditorium of the Industrial Institute last Thursday night for the benefit of the football team was largely attended by the people of the town. Though it was very cold outdoors, the auditorium was well heated and the audience was made comfortable.

 The splendid manner in which the entire program was rendered reflected much credit upon Prof. Sontag the indefatiguable music teacher of the Institute. The Glee Clubs, the brass band and the orchestra did admirably well. The members of these associations deserve great praise for the excellent musical treat of Thursday night, and Prof. Sontag is to be congratulated on his success.

 The singing of Misses Mabel Alford, Ula Coronna and Alma Gulley was a delightful feature of the concert. These young ladies possess the exceptionally sweet voices and the applause which they elicited showed how well they pleased the audience.

 The solo was sung by Miss Mabel Alford so charmed the audience that the young lady was encored several times. Misses Coronna and gulley also entertained the audience with vocal solos. Miss Edith Trahan performed on the piano in a most skillful manner.
Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1901.

Everything New This Season. - The Climax of all tented amusements, A. G. Allen's Big Original New Orleans Colored Minstrels will appear here Monday night Dec. 23d. Under canvas. The company includes some of the best singers, dancers, cakewalkers and colored specialty artists known among the colored race. This is the only Minstrel Company in the United States that shows under canvas. Mr. Allen is the originator of the idea and he has succeeded in getting together a minstrel organization of such a size and magnitude that would be impossible to be produced in an opera-house. Owing to the large seating capacity of his tent he is enabled to place the price of admission at 15 and 25 cents. Show ground near depot. Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1901.

Will Raise Garlick. - Gerac Bros. are going to engage in a new industry. They are making preparations to plant four acres of garlic on one of their farms near town. Of course, the first year's crop will be somewhat in the nature of an experiment, though it reasonably certain that it will be successful from the start. It appears that garlic growing is a profitable business and wherever tried it has proved a remunerative crop. Should the Messrs. Gerac succeed in this venture, we have no doubt that garlic-growing will become an important industry in this parish. Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1901.

Louis Thibodaux is Delayed a Day in New Orleans.
 Louis Thibodaux of Sunset, La., the thirteen year old boy who was bitten by a mad dog and sent by the Times-Democrat to Atlanta for treatment, was met at the L. and N. morning train yesterday by a representative of this paper, but as the train was two hours late, and missed connection with the Southern Pacific, the little fellow was taken in charge until the train leaves this morning.
 Louis Thibodaux left here about twenty-one days ago. He is pronounced entirely cured, and will rejoin his people free from any of the effects of a bite of a mad dog. During his stay in New Orleans the little fellow was rather reticent, mainly because of strange surroundings and the fact of traveling such a distance alone. - Times-Democrat.
 Louis Thibodaux, the boy mention in the foregoing item, passed through Lafayette Thursday on the way to his home at Sunset. The Times-Democrat wired its representative here to meet the boy at arrival of the New Orleans train and to have him transferred to the Alexandria train. It is needless to say that the little fellow was happy to return home where his parents awaited him, having been informed of his coming. He was in splendid health and seemed to enjoy the trip. Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1901.  

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/21/1901.

 Thursday night the store of Gerac Brothers was entered by thieves. A small quantity of merchandise was stolen.

 Last Wednesday night burglars broke into M. Rosenfield's store and carried away about $75 worth of dry goods. The entrance was made through the door in the rear of the grocery. No clue to the theft.

 E. L. Powell, state superintendent of the Cumberland, was in Lafayette Thursday. He was on his way to Opelousas.

 Rev. Mr. Sutton, chaplain at the Angola convict camp, was in Lafayette this week. He was the guest of Mr. F. Demanade.

 At a meeting of Hope Lodge, No. 145, of the F. & A. M., held last week, the following officers were elected: Chas. D. Caffery, M. W., Jos. A. Chargois, S. W., Leo Judice, J. W.; J. C. Nickerson, treasurer; F. E. Girard, secretary; Wm. Campbell, S. D.; M. Rosenfield, J. D.; John Brun, tyler. The officers were installed by the District Duputy Grand Master C. C. Kramer of New Iberia.

 Dr. Moncla, of Chataigner, St. Landry parish, was in Lafayette this week. In order to take advantage of the educational facilities afforded by this town the doctor has decided to move his family here in January. His family will occupy the Church property.

 The McDonald Scott Co. will be at Falk's opera-house for a week commencing Sunday, Dec. 22, with "Felicia." Prices: 15, 25 and 35 cents. Ladies free Monday night if accompanied by one paid reserve seat ticket.

 Services will be held in the Presbyterian church to-morrow Sunday, Dec. 22, Rev. Dr. Geo. Fraser, of Crowley, in the pulpit. Sermons at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7:30 p. m.

 Albert Coumes, who was injured by an incoming passenger train on the 13th, is still suffering the effects of the accident. Though his injuries are not considered serious, Mr. Coumes was pretty badly hurt.

 Dr. H. P. Beeler has returned from Kentucky where he had gone on account of the death of a brother.
Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1901.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 21st, 1901:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New.

 Another year has rolled around and its good and bad are things of the past, The Christmas season is again with us, when all are expected to lay aside for one day at least, the cares and troubles of daily life and indulge in merriment and happy exchanges of greetings, and it is the pleasant privilege for the Advertiser to offer to all of its readers its best wishes for their future and wish them a happy New Year.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1901

New Orleans Minstrels Coming to Lafayette.
[From the Memphis Commercial Appeal.] 
 The New Orleans Minstrels gave a performance in their canvas theater at the corner of Fourth and Court streets last night. The tent was packed and many were turned away because there was no more room. The idea of presenting a minstrel performance under canvas is quite original, and judging from the crowd last night we judge that it is a paying venture. The tent is arranged with stage scenery and curtains the same as an opera house.

 The performance as a whole was meritorious. The sayings and gags were all very good, as well as the choruses, ballads, and other singing. The orchestra was also good. In the olio the male electrical dance the "Black Eight regiment," the terpsichorean artist and "Pastimes of the Levee" were amusing, and the rip-roaring farce presented as a finale was a highly ludicrous and mirth-provoking piece of extravagance. -
Memphis Commercial Appeal, April 10, 1900. The above will appear here Dec. 23rd, 1901. Admission 15 & 25.
Show grounds near the depot. 
 Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1901.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/21/1901.

Dr. H.  P. Beeler returned Tuesday after a visit home, where he was called on account of sickness.
 Mrs. Dr. Pierce, or Orange, Texas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. N. Blake.

 A large and well selected stock and prices to suit all at Schmulen's.

 Rev. Robt. Randall and wife paid a short visit to friends in Lafayette during the week.

 Rev. I. T. Reams stopped over in Lafayette Monday, on his return from the conference which was held in New Iberia.

 We have the nicest Xmas Goods in town. Give us a call. We don't charge for looking. Lafayette Drug Co.

 Supt. Sutton of the State Penal Farm spent between two trains in Lafayette Tuesday.

 Rev. C. C. Wier pastor of the Methodist church will not return. He has been transferred tp Coushatta. Rev. Smith of Abbeville will succeed him.

 A nice comfortable pair of house slippers would be acceptable present for husband, wife, sweetheart, or friends. An elegant line at the Lafayette Shoe Store.

 The Lafayette Glee Club has rented Lacoste's hall, and will fit it up for their use. A piano will be purchase, and all the things necessary for a cozy, comfortable, and satisfactory club room.

 A very decided change in the weather occurred on last Sunday, the temperature dropping to 25 degrees before midnight. Monday (unreadable words) mild days for this (unreadable words) could have lasted several days.

 Toys, Toys, Toys, big ones, little ones, fine ones, cheap ones, headquarters for Santa Claus at Schmulen's.

 Pellerin Bros. will move into the John O. Mouton building, where they will be open for business Jan 1st, 1902.
 Rev. Geo. Fraser of Crowley, will preach at the Presbyterian Church tomorrow December 22, at 11 o'clock a. m., and at 7:30 p. m. All are invited.


MARRIED. - In Crowley, by Rev. Father Van Allen, Mr. Geo. A. houk and Miss Lorena Marsh. Miss Marsh is well known in Lafayette where her many friends wish her happiness and plenty.

 A real nice line of clothing, the latest style, quality and prices all right at Schmulen's.

 Our specialty is Shoes. We have an immense stock. You can find what you want at the Lafayette Shoe Store. You must remember that we are selling out.

 Dr. R. B. Raney and wife left this week for Crowley where they will make their future home. Both Dr. and Mrs. Raney have a host of friends who regret to see them leave. Dr. Raney has been a citizen of Lafayette for the past three years practicing his profession and during that time won the esteem of our people. In his new home the Advertiser wishes him great success and trusts that the fullest anticipations may be realized. We commend Dr. and Mrs. Raney to the people of Crowley, and hope that his residence among them will rebound to the pleasure and profit of both parties.

 The attention of the proper officers is called to the condition of various street and side walk bridges. Some (unreadable word), while others are dilapidated and planks are lying in the street around them. Some horse is liable to step on a nail and be injured badly, besides the bridges are unsightly and should be repaired.
 One of the needs of Lafayette is a garbage system. As it is, there is no way for householders to dispose of garbage, and necessarily it has to be dumped about the premises. This, of course, is not at all conducive to the health of the town. The city council should take the matter up, and arrange that one or more wagons should pass around each morning and collect the garbage. This could be done at a very small expense, and would be of very great advantage to the people.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1901

Midnight Mass. - At midnight on Christmas eve a solemn high mass will be celebrated at St. John's Catholic Church. For this occasion the whole church will be decorated in a fitting manner, and be illuminated by electricity. Most impressive and solemn services will be held, and the choir composed of 30 members under the direction of Prof. Sontag, will render Farmer's beautiful mass, and also a number of other selections.

 The concert given last Thursday at the Industrial Institute for te benefit of the Foot Ball team was a splendid success. It was indeed a musical treat in which every member of the organization took part; the Military Sontag Band, the Lafayette Glee Club, the Institute Glee Club and the Lafayette Orchestra. The solos by Misses Corrina Guelly and Alford were well rendered. Great credit is due Prof. Sontag for his excellent method in perfecting in so short a time the the program successfully rendered. The President, Prof. Stevens closed the entertainment with an impromptu speech of things in which he hastily covered the onward march the Institute has made in its first half (unreadable words). Prof. Roy was (unreadable words) harmonies and his able (unreadable words) made him appear a veteran (unreadable words) of pleasant recreations.

 The Industrial Institute Foot Ball team departed this morning for Opelousas (unreadable words) they will play against (unreadable word) St. Landry High School team. Extra passenger coaches will be added to the regular Alexandria freight train and all those wishing to witness the contest are invited to join the excursionists. It behooves the people of Lafayette to encourage the Institute foot ball team as this important athletic feature always build ap a college both at home and abroad.

 The Women's Literary Club held a very interesting meeting with Mrs. F. E. Davis, last Saturday afternoon. Roll call was answered with quotation from Milton, and Mrs. B. J. Pellerin read a selection from Milton. Mrs. C. K. Dling favored the club with an instrumental solo. The subject of the history lesson was Charles the First, Mrs. W. A. Lerosen conducted the lesson, after which Inez Biossat, Alice Moss, and Annie Merriweather, three charming little girls, passed around dainty refreshments. The meeting then adjourned to meet Dec. 28.

 Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1901

Coming to Falk's Opera House.

 In a long program of vaudeville acts to be seen nightly with Richard & Pringles Famous Georgia Minstrels is the Famous "Billy Kersands," Clarence Powell, the up-to-date black jester ; Dick Thomas, the most original of all comedians ; James Moore, Will Cooper and Charley Friday, the cleverest of end men. The olio is made up of the following big acts : Moore & Thomas, the side-walk jesters ; Begilow & Spiller, musical artists ; Toledo, the juggler ; Tio Kitchie, the Japanese equilibrist ; Cooper and his wooden figurines ; Graig, the Boneless Wonder ; Billy Kersands the old favorite, in a new act ; closing with the uproariously funny after piece, "The Darktown Policy Players." Falk's Opera House Sunday December 29, 1901. Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1901.

Lots in the Girard, Mudd and Nickerson additions.

 Lots in Mouton addition corner of Jefferson, Lee, and Convent streets with store, Residence and all other improvements thereon. Price $3000.

 A bargain 10 acres on Lincoln Ave. Can be laid out in town lots and big money made out of same. Price $2000.

 One corner lot on Vermilion St. 50 x 170 feet with residence, barn and out houses. Price $3200.

 Lot No. 146 Mouton addition. Price $160.

 10 lots on Lincoln Ave. with large residence, barn and out houses. Price $3200.

 Corner lot, Sixth, Cypress St., with improvements, Price $1600.

 Lot and fine large residence on Cypress street. Price $1100.

 Cottage on Cypress St. Price $1300.

 Lots numbering 186, 187, 202, 203, 204 in Mouton addition at $200 per lot.

 43 arpents of high rolling land, with good improvements one mile East of Lafayette.

 80 acres six miles West of Scott and 5 miles from Duson Station, good for cotton, cane, corn and rice raising.

 160 acres one mile East of Scott with good improvements and all the crops now growing on said land. All stock and implements valued at $2000. Price $10,000.

 9000 acres of high rolling land 3 miles from Alexandria, can be bought within the next ten days at $2.50 per acre.

 100,000 acres five miles east of Breaux Bridge at $5.00 per acre.

 Cypress Swamp between Breaux Bridge and Little Bayou Vermilion, containing 250 arpents. Trees are all large, 2 1/2 miles from railroad and is a good opening to go into the shingle business.

 A beautiful Oak Grove, would make one the prettiest building spots in the town. 4 acres of land goes with it. Situated on Sterling Avenue and is cheap, $3000.

 One lot 100 x 250 feet with a two story rice mill 30 x 50 feet with all necessary machinery for milling 25 sacks of rice for market per day, 3 horse power Boiler, 25 horse power Engine. Huller, polisher and separator.

 8 acres in 3rd ward near Mouton's Switch, at $12.50 per acre.

 50 arpents 1/2 mile East of Lafayette, with good improvements thereon. Price $4000.

 80 acres farming land with good prospects of oil and good improvements, one mile from Breaux Bridge.

 FOR RENT - Store corner of Vermilion and Washington Streets, large show windows, counters, and shelves $15, per month.

 4 lots on Buchanan St., with residence and improvements.

 One half lot on Buchanan St.

 For sale, lots 150, 151, 152, 153, and 288, Mouton Addition.

 For sale, four lots on Buchanan St. with good residence and other improvements at $1,800.

 For sale, a good business corner in the town of Carencro, with store and other improvements at $1,500.

 For sale, Corn sheller, capacity 350 to 450 bushels per 12 hours, price $25.

For sale, 100 acres with residence and other improvements near Scott, La. north side of railroad track, one block from the depot.

 Five arpents land with a complete brick making outfit, with a capacity of 20,000 bricks daily situated one mile east of Lafayette on the S. P. R. R. with plenty of switch room. Easy Terms.

 For sale, Corner lot and improvements on Vermilion and Madison st. with a fine established bakery business, withy an up to date oven and everything necessary to carry on the business. 

 For sale. One of the most comfortable residences in the town, corner of Buchanan and Congress street, two large lots with three cabins and other improvements also go with it.
                 J. C. NICKERSON,
        BOX 82,          LAFAYETTE LA.               

             Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1901.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/21/1901.

Dr. H.  P. Beeler returned Tuesday after a visit home, where he was called on account of sickness.
 Mrs. Dr. Pierce, or Orange, Texas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. N. Blake.

 A large and well selected stock and prices to suit all at Schmulen's.

 Rev. Robt. Randall and wife paid a short visit to friends in Lafayette during the week.

 Rev. I. T. Reams stopped over in Lafayette Monday, on his return from the conference which was held in New Iberia.

 We have the nicest Xmas Goods in town. Give us a call. We don't charge for looking. Lafayette Drug Co.

 Supt. Sutton of the State Penal Farm spent between two trains in Lafayette Tuesday.

 Rev. C. C. Wier pastor of the Methodist church will not return. He has been transferred tp Coushatta. Rev. Smith of Abbeville will succeed him.

 A nice comfortable pair of house slippers would be acceptable present for husband, wife, sweetheart, or friends. An elegant line at the Lafayette Shoe Store.

 The Lafayette Glee Club has rented Lacoste's hall, and will fit it up for their use. A piano will be purchase, and all the things necessary for a cozy, comfortable, and satisfactory club room.

 A very decided change in the weather occurred on last Sunday, the temperature dropping to 25 degrees before midnight. Monday (unreadable words) mild days for this (unreadable words) could have lasted several days.

 Toys, Toys, Toys, big ones, little ones, fine ones, cheap ones, headquarters for Santa Claus at Schmulen's.

 Pellerin Bros. will move into the John O. Mouton building, where they will be open for business Jan 1st, 1902.
 Rev. Geo. Fraser of Crowley, will preach at the Presbyterian Church tomorrow December 22, at 11 o'clock a. m., and at 7:30 p. m. All are invited.

Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1901.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of December 21st, 1895:


 Soon the joyous shout of the children and the merry chime of bells throughout Christendom will again proclaim the advent of another Christmas day, - a day whose hallowed associations, while inspiring the heart of every Christian with its deep religious signification, also affords the occasion for an overflow of innocent pleasure and amusement for old and young. Whose heart does not gladden and leap with joy when fortunate enough to witness a child's ecstatic delight in exploring the depths of his Christmas stocking to ascertain what good old Santa has bestowed? When fond recollection presents these scenes of childhood to view, what emotions thrill the soul and we live o'er years of bliss again!

 The Pagan origin of day, does not in the least detract from the propriety of its observance. Merged and blended as it is with the nativity of the Savior its celebration has assumed a character in consonance with the teachings and principles of divine revelation. The sacred ivy and mistletoe have become fitting emblems of that immortality which is the essence and inspiration of Christian civilization.

 Christmas is coming. The jolliest, the happiest, the oldest and most widely observed of all the holidays draws, nigh, and like coming events casts its brightness before. All the little folks are on the tiptoe of expectancy - the old folks are conferring secretly and wear mysterious expressions, which if read aright portend a jolly time for all true votaries of Santa Claus, the jingle of whose sleigh bells are even now heard in the distance. The children rejoice in anticipation of gifts and those who are older, in the pleasure they may confer on others. The season is one peculiarly appropriate for gifts and deeds of charity, and this phase of the celebration deserves especial consideration, for "It is better to give than to receive."

 The Gazette would join in the felicitations of the gladsome Christmas tide and to wish in advance a "Merry Christmas" to all. Let every heart forgetting its woes and wrongs be filled with hope, faith and love - supreme to the end that every home may be brighter and more radiant under the sway of these graces. Let every sould waft above Tiny Tim's Christmas prayer: "God, bless us, every one."
Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1895.


The Democratic Primary.

 The Democratic primary held last Saturday, December 14, resulted in a most satisfactory manner and fully evidenced the general approval of the people as regards the action of the regularly constituted party authorities. As will be seen by the official returns published in another column a total of some 1200 votes was cast and a full ticket for district, parochial and ward officers nominated. A full set of delegates was also nominated to the State Nominating Convention and ten members to constitute the next Parish Democratic Committee.

 The Democrats of the parish are to be congratulated upon the thorough party discipline manifested by the returns, and should feel proud that all political differences and aspirations may be settled honorably and decently within the party ranks by means of the primary. Democratic ascendancy is synonymous with white supremacy, and that white supremacy is essential to the peace and prosperity of our country needs but a slight retrospect for confirmation. Party organization has placed the State upon the high road of prosperity, and the Democrats of Lafayette may well boast of the beneficent results attained in local matters through the same agency. Let out good people stand together and secure the election of the regular Democratic nominees next April. Let no personal difference or prejudice cause any Democrat to hesitate in the discharge of an honorable and patriotic duty. Every nominee has been fairly and honestly selected and is entitled to the active support of every true Democrat. The ticket claims recognition not only by party sanction and endorsement, but stands forth upon its personal merit. The nominees are all men of known probity and integrity and justly command the respect of the community.

 If there are those in our parish who entertain false hopes of defeating the will of the party as expressed last Saturday, let them beware that in so doing they weaken their cause and are doomed to certain and disastrous failure. In the aspiration for office let no true Democrat place himself without the pale of party ranks and endeavor by unholy alliances to gratify selfish ambition, but let him stand shoulder to shoulder in the rank and file and render sincere and hearty support to the ticket. When a majority of Democratic voters of this parish shall reverse the present political status, The Gazette will, as it does now urge loyal acquiescence in the will of the majority.

 In conclusion, let it be said that the white Democrats of this parish are competent to run their own affairs, and by the grace of God are fully determined to continue in the business yet a little while.

Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1895.     

Laf.'s  "Cowboy Sheriff." - The Lafayette Gazette tells of a large mass meeting held in that parish recently at which Governor Foster was endorsed and "Ike" Broussard, the "cowboy sheriff", was most enthusiastically endorsed for re-election. "Ike" bears the general reputation of being one of the very finest officials in Louisiana, and one of the nerviest and most resourceful detective officers in the South, and from what we know of him we'll wager a ginger snap that his opponents will never get near enough to hear the bell tap on election day.

 From the Baton Rouge Advocate and in the Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1895.  


Marshal Veazey Removed. - The City Council in special session last Wednesday removed City Marshal D. J. Veazey for gross misconduct. Deputy Marshal Alcee Bourg was elected to fill the vacancy created by the dismissal of the chief police officer and will qualify as marshal. The new marshal has the power to appoint a deputy, but it is understood will not fill the office permanently until next month. Whether ex-Marshal Veazey will abide the action of the Council in his removal from office before the expiration of his term next May does not yet appear. A full Council determined the matter.
Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1895.


 Last Thursday at noon a very serious and probably fatal affray occurred between Dan Keeshen, a stranger here, and B. H. Wilkins, a German and well-known milkman of this place. Keeshen was in charge of Mr. Vigneaux's branch stable near the depot when Wilkins entered and desired his horse be stabled. A boy took the animal in charge and Keeshen inquired what was wanted, whereupon Wilkins began a tirade of gross and abusive language toward Keeshen. The latter in a fit of passion, struck Wilkins a fearful blow on the back of the head with a heavy broomstick, inflicting a dangerous fracture of the skull and felling his victim unconscious to the earth. Drs. Martin and Tolson were called and did all in medical skill to afford the unfortunate man relief, but expressed grave doubts of recovery. Deputy Sheriff Thos. Mouton promptly arrested Keeshen and lodged in jail.

 Keeshen stated that he is a native of New York, 53 years of age, unmarried and has been South for the past ten years working in San Antonio, Houston and other places. He came to Lafayette about the first of July last and has been employed in the livery business. He claims this is his first serious trouble, having never before been incarcerated.

 At last accounts Mr. Wilkins was still unconscious and not expected to live more than a few hours. Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1895.

Protection to Game and Poultry.

 The undersigned will pay $50 bounty to the persons making the highest number of points by killing predatory animals and birds of prey in the parish of Lafayette, La., before the 1st day of January, 1896, as follows:

 $25 to the one making the greatest number of points.

 $15 to the one making next greatest number of points.

 $10 to the one making next greatest number of points.

 Value of different heads are to be counted by points as follows:

 Heads of birds of prey and scalps of animals to be delivered to Wm. Clegg who will give receipt for points, no bounty to be paid for less than five hundred points.
                                F. F. MYLES.
Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1895.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/21/1895.

We were treated to a very disagreeable rain Thursday.

 After a week's illness, Alley Sprole has recovered and is now all right.

 Remember that next Wednesday is Christmas.

t Thursday was pay on the S. P. - and many hearts were gladdened, you bet.

 Dr. Irion's Dental Parlors, over post office, are always open from 8:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m.

 Don't put your foot into that hole in the sidewalk near the building recently vacated by the Creole-American. If you do you run the risk of getting it hurt.
Lafayette Gazette 12/21/1895.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 21st, 1889:

Train Accident.

Under the new schedule of the Southern Pacific railroad the two day passenger trains meet at Scott station. Last Tuesday the West bound pulled out of here on short time, and when approaching the switch at Scott the airbrakes failed to work and a collision occurred. A special from Scott to the Picayune, from a witness of the accident, says: "The West bound passenger train at 1:35 p. m. collided with the East bound passenger train, owing to the defective working of the air brakes. Both engines were greatly damaged. The tenders telescoped into the mail cars. One brakeman in jumping sprained his ankle severely. Mr. Dougherty, assistant baggage-master, struck on his arm, which perhaps was broken. Mr. Meyers, postal clerk on the Westbound train, stuck to his charge heroically. Shortly after the collision he rushed, ax in hand, to the eastbound train to liberate Mr. Cary, his brother postal clerk, whom he feared was jammed in between the debris of the wreck, but Mr. Cary, having taken in the situation, jumped in the nick of time at the moment the trains met. Sheriff Broussard, who was on board the East bound train, narrowly escaped being run over by the running gear of the postal car, which had become detached. The engineers, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Ritchie. deserve great credit for their coolness, both sticking to their post, which came near being one of death. By 5 o'clock both trains pulled out, engines having been sent here for this purpose." We learn that no blame can be attached to Mr. Anderson on account of this accident. He is an experienced and careful runner, and as this was his first stop after leaving Lafayette, he had no opportunity of testing his brakes. It is a subject of congratulation that the accident was without loss of life.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1889. 

Suicide On St. John Street. 

 Our community was shocked last Tuesday morning by a tragic suicide. A Swiss gardener, named Daniel Deserant, who was working with Mr. Deglise on Joe Vallier's farm, near town, about 3 o'clock in the morning went to the residence of Dr. Gladu, the coroner on St. John street, and seating himself on the front steps killed himself, as appearances indicated, in the following manner:

 He tied a string to the trigger of a double-barreled shotgun, with a loop in the other end. Putting his foot in this he placed the muzzle of the gun beneath his foot blew his entire head off. The scene presented by his remains was horrible and sickening. The only reason which has been advanced for this maniacal deed is that last Spring, while working on Dr. Gladu's place, he shot and killed a couple of horses, belonging to a negro, which were constantly into his field. For this he had been sued, and was also threatened with criminal prosecution. It is supposed that this preyed upon his mind until he became demented. The reason (or rather the lack of reason) for his going to the residence of the coroner to suicide, is attributed to the fact that when he was sued, as above stated, Dr. Gladu went upon his bond, and he had deposited with Dr. Gladu as security. He probably meant to indicate that he wished that money applied to his to his funeral expenses. Mr. Deserant was about 40 years of age, and unmarried. He bore the reputation among those with whom he associated of being an honest, quiet and industrious citizen.

  Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1889.

Back From the Hunt.

 Col. W. B. Lindsay returned with his squadron last Thursday from Vermilion Bay, having accomplished the expedition without the loss of a single meal. The whole party gained in flesh and health; but we regret to note that Maj. Oueilhe had developed into "somewhat of a fish liar" himself, while Capt. Dick Sprole is swelled out of proportion with vanity because he proved to be the mightiest hunter of the party.    Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1889.


 On the 13th of January next the Southern Sportsmans' Association hold a Field Trial at this place. The prizes offered are sufficiently tempting to bring here many of the finest setters and pointers of the United States and the leading sportsmen as well as the finest handlers. Opportunity is presented to witness the best work of the crack dogs, and many of our local sportsmen may have to change their ideas of what a trained bird dog should be, though we are informed they will see much that may be criticized adversely from the standpoint of an amateur.

 The trials will bring here many prominent gentlemen from different sections, and in following the Trials these gentlemen will be compelled to ride over our beautiful country and to some extent be brought into direct communication with our people.

 We welcome these gentlemen and the opportunity to show them the parish. We trust our people will offer them every facility for the enjoyment of the sport, - and contribute in every practicable way to the success of the Trials.

 In the main race the prize is $400 to 1st, $150 to 2nd and $50 to 3rd. There are two other stakes in which large prizes are offered. Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1889.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/21/1889.
It looks very much as if we were going to have a dry Christmas - we mean so far as the weather is concerned.

A little rain to lay the dust would add to the pleasures of the holidays. Let us all pray for rain; we mean all editors! "The prayers of the righteous availeth much."

We have been trying to get a pumpkin to kill Christmas. Who is going to send us one? 

 Miss Mary Clavery, Messrs. Charles Clavery and Foren Lyons, of Rayne, were in town last Monday, and favored us with a pleasant visit.

 Hall's Hair Renewer is free from alcohol and dyes that injure the skin. It is scientifically prepared, and will restore gray hair to its original color and vigor.

Owing to the fact that the District Court will be in session, the mass meeting called for to-day will take place at 11 o'clock a. m. at Falk's Hall, instead of at the Court House as previously announced. Let every white citizen who is in favor of law and order attend the meeting.

 Master Mechanic Mitchell and his efficient corps of assistants deserve much credit for their rapid and thorough work in clearing the wreck at Scott last Tuesday, and forwarding the trains. A delay of a few hours only was experienced, when, considering the extent and condition of the wreck a much longer delay might have been expected. An experienced man in the right place makes quick and easy work.

 A delay of a few hours only was experienced when, considering the extent and condition of the wreck a much longer delay might have been expected. An experienced man in the right place makes quick and easy work.

Exquisite Christmas and New Year cards at Clegg's. 

 We acknowledge receipt of an invitation to attend a grand calico ball to be given at Breaux Bridge on Monday, December 31st, 1889, for the benefit of the Breaux Bridge public schools.

 Presents for children to be found at Clegg's to make them happy the year round.  

 We had the pleasure of a visit last Saturday from Mr. Starcus Huffpauir, the efficient road overseer of the Second ward. He informed us that there was considerable sickness in his section, principally among the children; that he had had the misfortune of losing two children week before last, and that his neighbor Mr. Alcide Foreman had lost two children in one week, all from diphtheria and whooping cough.

Beautiful and really artistic Christmas cards at the Moss Pharmacy. All new designs this season. 

 Our old friend Prof. J. L. Flechet paid us a pleasant visit last Saturday and presented us with a lot of pears from his place on Bayou Vermilion, about three miles below town. Mr. Flechet informs us that the pears were from the second crop of a fine Leconte tree growing in his orchard. Last August he gathered 850 large pears from the same tree.

 We are glad to note that the Methodist Conference, in session at Baton Rouge last week, has returned Rev. Robert Harry to Lafayette for another year. Mr. Harry is an ardent and successful worker, a genial and clever gentleman, and has won many warm friends in Lafayette.

 The Christmas Tree to be given by the Ladies Christmas eve promises to be an enjoyable affair. Each child on entering the hall will be given a number calling for a present on the tree. All parents are invited to bring their children. Admission will be free for both young and old, and each child present will get something off the tree. Doors open at 7 p. m. 

 Chamberlain's Cough remedy is made especially for acute throat and lung diseases, such as coghs, colds and croup, and is admitted to be without an equal for those ailments. It's effect is to loosen a cold and relieve the lungs, open the secretions and and free the entire system of all symptoms of the cold. 50 cent and one dollar bottles are for sale at Moss Pharmacy.

A pretty Christmas card always proves a most pleasing Souvenir. A very unique and attractive collection may be found at the Moss Pharmacy. 

 Last Tuesday night a party composed of the following young ladies and gentlemen : Misses Eliza and Mattie Hopkins, Stella and Haydee Trahan, Zerelda Bailey, Bertha Erwin and Anita Hohorst, and Messrs. D. V. Gardebled, Alfred Mouton, Sidney Mouton, Felix Girard, Ned Mouton, Mr. Davidson and Mr. McFadden, tendered a social soireeto Misses Alex and Louise Judice at the home of their mother, Mrs. Albert Judice. It is needless to say that the party were highly entertained and heartily enjoyed themselves. 

 Anyone in search of elegant Christmas goods should visit Clegg's drug store. He has a splendid assortment of holiday goods from the simplest and cheapest child's toy to the most valuable present you could select. 

 We understand that several of our drummer friends, whose interests require their frequent presence in Lafayette (in fact, they are here much oftener than they are in New Orleans,) intend next year moving their families here and making Lafayette their place of residence. This is good news and all will meet a wagon welcome from our people who have learned to know well and appreciate these gentlemen. Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1889.

 MARRIED. - Koch - Clark - At the residence of the bride's parents, near Duson, La., by Rev. R. Harry, Mr. H. P. Koch to Miss Eula Clark; both of Lafayette parish. The Advertiser extends congratulations and wishes the young couple a long life of happiness and prosperity.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/20/1889.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 21st, 1878:

Parish Funds.

 Although Lafayette Parish has little territory and a short assessment roll, a debt of seven thousand dollars will be in ten years be looked upon a mere bagatelle ;  yet the Parish is wholly unable to meet its present debt which does not probably reach $7,000. The fund known as the "Old Debt Fund" does not pay twenty per cent of the claims against it, and these claims will be increased by operation of that statute which requires the revenues of each year to be devoted first to the claims and expenses of that year.

 We are persistent in calling attention to this subject in order to awaken the Police Jury to a lively interest in the matter. The Police Jury is without power to effect any great change in this behalf, but a memorial from them setting forth the facts and the nature and character of the relief desired, would seem more authoritative and would be listened to the General Assembly.

 An act containing provisions as follows would meet the case, viz: 1st. That the Parish be allowed to issue bonds in exchange for outstanding warrants and indebtedness to the amount of six thousand dollars. The bonds to be of the denominations of $10, $25 and $50 payable in ten years, and to bear five per cent interest, reserving to the Parish the right to call in any and all the bonds of any time by the payment of their face value and accrued interest.

 2d.  That a tax be levied annually to meet one tenth of the bonds and interest and costs of collection, and that the fund so raised should be used only for the purpose of retiring the bonds. A two mills tax would give a surplus.

 3rd.  The Board to issue those Bonds to be composed of the President of the Police Jury, the Clerk of the Police Jury. The Board should be required to keep exact minutes of the its proceedings. Each warrant or certificate of indebtedness presented for exchange for Bonds shall be accurately described in the minutes and the Bond or Bonds for which they are exchanged shall be identified with them. Each taxpayer should have the right, under the bill, of contesting before the courts the payment of any Bond issued for invalid claims, or in contravention of the provisions of the act.

 The members of the Board should serve without pay, and should  be required to complete and wind up the affairs of the Board within six months from their assuming the functions.

 Here are briefly suggested the main features of a bill - detail has not been gone into - that would relieve the Parish of Lafayette of an incubus of debt, which to put it very mildly, is keeping about one-half of the people in a bad humor. Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1878.

South Western Louisiana. - In legislatures, conventions, indeed, in any political body, when sections desire to make themselves felt, or even to reap the fruits of service and fealty to party, well organized effort within the party is absolutely necessary.

 The section of Louisiana bounded on the north by the Rapides line and lying west of the Bayou Lafourche, has not since the war made any great claims or laid any burden upon the Democratic party; but, on the other hand, the members of the General Assembly, members of State conventions, etc., have held themselves quietly in the back ground, and have generously devoted themselves to the carrying out of the policy of the party and to the support of candidates of other sections.

 In the matter of the election of a U. S. Senator by the General Assembly in January, it will be a privilege, a right, and the duty of the members from our part of the State to present a candidate and to use all honorable means to secure his election.

 Putting aside all questions of material interests, of geographical position, of long continued loyalty and service to the Democratic party, we can claim the Senatorship upon the individual merits of our men. And when we present the names of such men as the Hon. F. S. Goode, of Terrebone, Don Caffery, of St. Mary, Robt. S. Perry, of Iberia, Hon. Alcibiades DeBlanc of St. Martin, M. E. Girard, of Lafayette, Henry L. Garland, W. A. Robertson and E. T. Lewis, of St. Landry, we can confidently challenge the production of a brighter galaxy by any section.

 We heartily join the St. Landry Democrat in calling the attention of the members of the General Assembly representing South Western Louisiana to their unique position and in reminding them of their power
  Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1878.

Let's Build This Thing.
  [From the Valley of the Teche.]

 Some of this article is unreadable but I can tell you that it starts out mentioning the rich fertile soil of our area... and that there's "something about Crowley"... then we we move into the more readable portions and we see that it is an editorial reprint about the need for a Breaux Bridge to Lafayette Railroad..So, let us join the article, word for word, ---already in progress.

 ...and great energy of its people. Chance has no more to do in the (unreadable word) of the world, as was in olden times, nearly every things was ascribed to chance, but now pluck has taken its place, and dormant energy is no stock to indulge in at present.

 For a number of years, our people have been looking for a railroad connection with the outer world. It is a rich and beautiful sugar cane country, susceptible of immense development, which requires but little inducement to interest the Southern Pacific railroad in building a branch road.

 We need and want a railroad, and by all means, we will have it, and in accordance with business principles we think that a line built from here to Lafayette, which is a prominent railroad center for going any way, West, East or North, would be better for us. But should we not be successful in getting it there, we must look elsewhere. So we ask all those interested in this move to give us a pull. Says the Attakapas Vindicator, "Brains mixed with printer's ink makes the most powerful compound known to the civilized world." So, let us all follow this and ask our Brothers to give us help. Let us start the ball rolling and keep it rolling. Let us all pull together and the long needed railroad will come out sure. Let us not stop here.

  The Advertiser voices the sentiment of the entire population of Lafayette in expressing the hope that our worthy and struggling little sister town of Breaux Bridge will realize at an early day it heart's greatest desire - railway communication with the world, via the town of Lafayette. 

 An effort was made by citizens of the two towns, several months ago, to interest the Southern Pacific Company in the building of a branch road from Breaux Bridge to Lafayette, but the effort proved of no avail, the company assigning no special reason for declining all propositions submitted in aid of the enterprise. In view of the great mutual benefit that would result from connecting Breaux Bridge with Lafayette by rail it behooves the property holders of both of these towns to bend their combined energies toward welding so important a commercial link, at the earliest date possible, and to that end The Advertiser will contribute in every way with its province. Lafayette Advertiser 12/22/1878.

The Old Red Cent.

The history of the red cent, in such common use before the war, is attracting much attention at this time. The honor of the invention of this species of coin is given to Robert Morris, the great financier of the Revolution. These coins were first issued from the Mint about the year 1792, and they are now very rare. Since the dawning of the centennial year, one or two of them have made their appearance, and recently it was the fortune of the writer to see one. The particular coin in question is the property of M. S. D. Sholes, of the Alleghany Council. On the obverse, or front, it has an impression of the sun and dial, underneath which are the words "Mind your Business," and on the other side "Fugio" and "1787." On the reverse side a circle of thirteen rings on which is stamped "United States," and in the centre "We are One." It has always been understood to have been designed by Dr. Franklin. Such is a correct description of the first cent. In this centennial era correctness in matters of history is important.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1878.

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