From the Lafayette Gazette of December 26th, 1903:
The Removal of the Railroad Shops?
Again the rumor of the threatened removal of the railroad shops from Lafayette to some other town, gained currency. Envious towns have continuously for the last ten years spread such rumors in the hope of retarding the growth of Lafayette, and though it might be better to ignore the unfounded statements emanating from our less fortunate neighbors, definite steps should be taken to discredit them finally.
The local shops are being improved in every way, and no reason exists for the alleged removal.
New Iberia for a long time systematically gave credence to the old hoax. Now Franklin, in some mysterious manner, has given forth to the world the startling announcement, as if the affairs of the Atlantic System were transacted in St. Mary's parochial seat.
Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903.
A Talented Young Louisianian. - The musical entertainment by the friends of Mr. Wm. Hayden at the auditorium of the Industrial Institute last Monday night was a delightful success. Mr. Hayden, who numbers his friends in Lafayette by the legion, played with the exceptional skill which has placed him in the front ranks of Louisiana's musicians. Several of our local musicians. Several of our local musicians contributed to the success and pleasure of the evening, and the audience expressed itself in a hearty manner for the success of the talented young Louisianian. Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903.
A New Stable. - Mr. L. R. Domengeaux has opened up a first-class livery stable in connection with his sales stable near the court-house square. Mr. Domengeaux is an up-to-date livery man and is in a position to meet the demands of the public. He also has on sale two carloads of fine horses, mules and cows. Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903.
A High Recommendation. - Prof. Stubbs, of the Louisiana Sugar Experiment Station, has recommended to the International Commission Co., of New York, Alex Mouton's process of manufacturing cane syrup and his out put, as pure sugar cane syrup of a high grade. Mr. Mouton feels justly proud of the endorsement thus given him by such a qualified critic, especially as it was done voluntarily on Prof. Stubbs' part.
Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903.
Jefferson Street Evolves. - Pierce and Jefferson streets present an animated appearance. The removal of frame houses, the erection of the Century Club., Doucet and Kahn buildings, and the rapid progress made in the construction of the cement walk, give it an air of activity seldom before ever in Lafayette.
Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903.
At Mt. Carmel. - Appropriate Christmas exercises were held during the week at the primary and high schools and the Mt. Carmel Convent which large numbers of interested patrons attended. Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903
A Good Show. - The McDonald Stock Co., which has been playing at Falk's opera-house all this week will give its last performance to-night at 8 o'clock. It is a high class attraction and deserves the patronage of the public. Popular prices, 25, 35 and 50 cents. Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903.
Executive Committee Meets.
The Democratic parish executive committee met Saturday last and promulgated a notice of the primary election to be held on the 19th of January for the nomination of parochial officers. The committee practically adopted the rules recommended by the state executive committee of the State central committee on appeal to that body by the Broussard-Scranton faction. The rules as finally adopted are fair and in perfect accord with the law, and no reason exists why the primary should not record the untrammeled vote of the suffragists of the parish. The proceedings of the local committee were altogether harmonious, both factions having expressed themselves satisfied with its action.
Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903.
Negro Killed. - Alfred Anderson, a negro, was shot and killed Friday morning at 1 o'clock in Bodenheimer's saloon near the railroad depot, by an unknown negro, who escaped immediately after the shooting and has not yet been apprehended. The two negroes quarreled over a dime for which they were playing a game of cards.
Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903.
Louis Lacoste for Sheriff. - We are authorized to announce the name of Louis Lacoste as candidate for the office of Lafayette parish, subject to the will of the democratic primaries, Jan. 19, 1904.
Laf. Gazette 12/26/1903.
A New Firm. - J. Dauriac and W. H. Adams & Co., have founded a partnership which will go under the name of Adams, Dauriac and Co., blacksmiths and wheelrights. The services of an expert horse-shoer has been secured. Reparing sewing machines will also be in their line. Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903.
Euchre and Dance.
The Aibamas Tribe of the Improved Order of Red Men will give a euchre and dance at Falk's hall on Dec. 31. Pretty music will be played for the occasion and refreshments will be served. Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903.
Officers Elected.
The following officers of the Masonic Lodge were elected at a meeting held on Dec. 18:
C. D. Caffery, W. M; M. Rosenfield, S. W; V. L. Roy, J. W.; J. W. Chambers, Treasurer; L. O. Emes, Secretary; F. E. Girard, S. D.; C. H. Melchert, J. D.; S. Mayo Taylor. Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903.
Democratic Parish Executive Committee.
The Democratic parish executive committee met Saturday last and promulgated a notice of the primary election to be held on the 19th of January for the nomination of parochial officers. The committee practically adopted the rules recommended by the executive committee the State central committee on appeal to that body by the Broussard-Scranton faction. The rules as finally adopted are fair and in perfect accord with the law, and no reason exists why the primary should not record the untrammeled vote of the suffragists of the parish. The proceedings of the local committee were altogether harmonious, both factions having expressed themselves satisfied with its action. Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903.
Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/26/1903.
Supt. Alleman and family left Thursday to spend the holidays with relatives in Jeanerette.
Alfred Hebert returned last Monday from Mississippi and brought back to Lafayette a carload of Jersey cows with which he is ready to supply the local market at very reasonable prices. Anyone wishing to buy a good cow should see him.
Mrs. H. Cohn, who had been spending a few weeks in town as the guest of her daughter Mrs. V. Levy left last week to spend some time in New Orleans.
Mr. Joseph Ducote has accepted a position as traveling salesman for the well known firm, the Louisiana Clothing Co., of New Orleans.
Martial Boudreau of Sunset stopped in Lafayette Thursday on his way home from the Tulane Medical College.
Miss Edith Dupre left for Opelousas last Wednesday to spend the holidays.
Mrs. Isaac Broussard has returned home after a visit to relatives in Texas.
Dr. P. M. Girard and Mr. Crow Girard left Sunday for Corpus Christi, Texas.
Mrs. Crow Girard is spending a few days in New Orleans.
Mrs. A. Abbadie and grand daughter, Leona, of Carencro spent a few days in town this week visiting relatives and friends.
Miss Gertrude Coronna returned home Wednesday after spending a few days in New Orleans. Lafayette Gazette 12/26/1903.
From the Lafayette Advertiser from December 26, 1891:
Santa's Visit to Lafayette a Pleasant One.
Santa Claus was on hand at the Moss Business Emporium, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings of this week, as promised. His receptions were largely attended by the children, the majority of whom appeared to be friendlily disposed toward Santa Claus. All in all, the affair proved quite entertaining to the little folks, and we know Messrs. Moss Bros. & Co. have their warmest thanks for the kind interest in their behalf.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/26/1891.
Substantial New Building. - On last Monday the directors of the People's State Bank received from the contractor, Mr. W. D. Southwell, the substantial and very neat bank building constructed by him. The officers immediately took possession and are now comfortably quartered in their own home. The building is a typical banking house, very complete in all its appointments, and is provided with all the safe-guards known to the banking fraternity. It pleases us to add that this institution, just three months old, on the 8th inst., is steadily moving forward, and is destined to occupy a front rank among the banks of the country, at no distant day. Lafayette Advertiser 12/26/1891.
For Governor, MURPHY J. FOSTER, Of St. Mary.
For Lieut. Governor, CHARLES PARLANCE, Of Pointe Coupee
For Sect. of State, THOMAS SCOTT ADAMS, Of East Feliciana
For Auditor, W. W. HEARD, Of Union.
For Treasurer, JOHN PICKETT, Of Bossier.
For Attorney General, M. J. CUNNINGHAM, Of Natchitoches.
For Supt. of Public Education, A. D. LAFARGUE, Of Avoyelles.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/26/1891.
For Clerk of Court, EWD. G. VOORHIES.
Having been earnestly requested by many friends and fellow citizens of the parish of Lafayette, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Clerk of the 25th Judicial District Court, in and for the Parish of Lafayette, subject to the decision of White Democratic Primaries. Respectfully, E. G. VOORHIES. Lafayette Advertiser 12/26/1891.
Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/26/1891.
Miss Rose Bendel left Sunday for a visit to friends in Morgan City.
Rev. B. Branche, of Chataigneir was in town on a visit to friends this week.
DOCTORS, subscribe for the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal.
Mr. H. Durio, of the Carencro section of our parish, was here this week for want of space.
Miss Martha Mouton left Thursday for St. Martinville, where she will spend the holidays.
Messrs. Warren Gardiner and Carroll Barry, of Grand Coteau, were pleasant visitors to Lafayette last Sunday.
The members of the Parish of Lafayette are hereby notified that a regular meeting of the Board will be held in the town of Lafayette on Saturday.
Rev. Mr. Miller will hold services at the Methodist Church to-morrow (Sunday) morning at 11 o'clock and also at night. The public is invited to attend.
Mrs. H. D. Guidry accompanied be her little daughters Misses Cecilia and Alida, spent a few days in New Orleans during the week.
Miss Ada Moss, who is attending school at the Dominican Convent at New Orleans, is home spending the holidays with her parents.
Mrs. P. A. Dupleix, accompanied by her charming sister, Miss Althea Roy, of Royville,were among the visitors to our town this week.
Mr. Hugh Hutchinson called in to see us this week, and we are glad to say that he is in his usual vigorous health, and long may he remain so.B. C. Elliot, Esq., of New Orleans, and R. W. Elliot of this parish, favored us a visit last Monday. Mr. R. W. Elliot and his sisters have removed from Carencro the the Mrs. J. M. Martin place, near town, which they have recently purchased.
Special attention is called to the advertiser published in this issue of "Rice Lands to Rent." This is the finest lands in the country for the cultivation of rice, and everything near at hand for the working of the land.
Pure Drugs and Reliable Medicine at the Moss Pharmacy.
It is said that the new epidemic of la grippe, recently imported into the United States from Europe, minus the McKinley tariff duties, is very aristocratic in its selection of victims, having a decided preference for the aristocracy and the very rich. As the very wealthy people seem to have a monopoly of everything else, why not let them have a monopoly of the grippe? We are sure there will be no "kick" in this case from the poor.
We received a pleasant call last Monday from our old friend Mr. B. Avant, who brought us a lot of old relics, which consisted in an old queer shaped bottle which was found on the sea coast about fifty years ago, and which is said to be from 300 to 400 years old, also an iron Indian hatchet, very old and rusty, and which was probably used by them as a battle ax, and also a number of Indian arrow points, all well preserved, and with a good bow could do considerable damage now; these arrow points were picked up in Mr. Avant's field in the western part of our parish.Lafayette Advertiser 12/26/1891.
Elsewhere in the issue we publish the ticket nominated at Baton Rouge by the Anti-Lottery Democratic State Convention for state officers, and also the platform adopted by them.
In this parish we hear on all sides universal expressions of satisfaction at the section of the convention and in the ticket it put into nomination. "A good, strong ticket and an honest, straightforward platform," is the general remark.
The Anti lottery convention which met in Baton Rouge last week was not called together in the interest of any one man or clique of men, but to select men who, if elected would faithfully represent the interests of all the people of Louisiana ; to insure to the people good, honest government, and to organize for the destruction of the lottery and all other monopolies. In the selection of candidates to carry out these objects we believe the convention has been very successful. But, as we have said, this is not fight on the part of the Anti lottery Democrats for men, it is a battle for principle. And, we believe the moral support of the entire country irrespective of party, and the material support and aid every voter of Louisiana who has the true welfare of his state at heart.
The lottery faction have entered the fight solely in the interest of a few men, and not in the interest of all the people of the state. They depend entirely for success upon the immense corruption fund of the lottery and the plausible lies of its hired advocates.
It is useless to speak further of their methods in the late primary elections. It may be expected that that their bribery fraud and bulldozing will be attempted on a still larger scale in the final struggle. Without thorough organization on the part of the friends of good government, the result will be doubtful. With good organization in every parish there will be no doubt as to the result.
Let the fight include parish offices as well as state. Let every man show his colors, whether he be for or against the lottery. Let it be "war to the knife and the knife to the hilt." This is no friendly contest between rivals, it is a death struggle. Let the friends of honest government see to it that no man with the stain of lottery boodle on his hands shall hold office by the the aid of their votes.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/26/1891.
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"...This train's got the disappearing railroad blues..." Arlo Guthrie. |
The following is from the Alexandria Times and re-printed in the Lafayette Advertiser of December 26th, 1891.
Great God! has it come to this, that white professing Democrats in Louisiana are willing to turn the state over to the Republicans, and merely to gratify a lust for office, or under the madness of fanaticism prove base traitors to their brethren of the South, and invite the consummation of the force bill, which means even more than the infamous returning board of reconstruction days? - Alexandria Times.
And here is the Lafayette Advertiser's reply to their article:
The above, coming as it does from a newspaper established by lottery money, for the sole purpose of perpetuating a fraud and swindle ten times greater that was ever dreamed of by any Republican congress, is the most sublime exhibition of "gall" and brazen effrontery we have ever seen. It would put to shame even the devil himself. Go and hide your head, you shameless hired assassin of liberty, virtue and honor. Lafayette Advertiser 12/26/1891.
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