Tuesday, January 13, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of December 24th, 1898:


...Of Willie Foreman by Sheriff Broussard, at Gueydan, Last Saturday.

 Willie Foreman is again behind bars the bars safe and sound.

 And due to the skill of the officer no one was hurt.

 Ike Broussard went out after him Friday night.

 Saturday afternoon Broussard returned with Foreman who was a wiser if not a freer man.

 The Gazette in common with the law-abiding citizens of Lafayette parish, desires to extend to Sheriff Broussard its earnest felicitations upon the splendid capture of Willie Foreman.

 Foreman, who has for years, been an element of trouble in this parish as well as agent of the devil in the commission of a foul murder which sent to eternity a peaceable citizen whose death robbed a mother and several little children of their rightful protector. This man Foreman not only had the devilish effrontery to return to the place where he had shed blood of a fellow-being, who, perhaps in an unthoughtless moment, had incurred his murderous hate, but not satisfied with that, he led the law in utter contempt and openly defied its officers, going about with a Winchester rifle, ready at any time to shoot and kill anyone whose oath compelled him to enforce the laws of the country. That's the kind of man Sheriff Broussard had to deal with.

 It is needless to go over and again recite the criminal career of Willie Foreman. Suffice to say that while serving a term in the State penitentiary he took advantage of the notoriously lax methods of that institution and bade a hasty farewell to his guards. This happened in August, 1897. After securing his liberty he came to the Western part of this parish where he was born and reared. Some time after it became to be rumored about that Foreman was at his old home. Later it was learned that he would at times venture out, always carrying his Winchester, in the handling of which he is known to be adept. Then on Sheriff Broussard had his wide-awake eye on him. He kept his own secrets and made known his plans to but few friends. To catch Foreman without killing him, being killed or getting some good men killed, was as big a job as any officer ever had upon his hands.

 To go where Foreman was without being noticed by any of his large number of relatives and friends who were always on the qui vive, lest Mr. Broussard would quietly make his way to the fugitive and bag him a la Old Sleuth as he had done upon former occasions with other desperate characters. It was out of the question to secure the services of a posse. That means might have entailed the shedding of too much blood. The sheriff concluded that the only practical and sensible way was to try it alone. And that's what he set out to do.

 He did or said nothing that would excite suspicion. He allowed Foreman and his relatives to make their boasts.

 Some time ago he thought the propitious moment had arrived to get his man. He armed himself and procured some food, as it would have been unwise for him to have stayed at the house of any one of the neighbors.

 After a futile attempt to effect the capture, he returned to Lafayette, but not in the least daunted he went back after his man. Again after spending several days and nights in an ineffectual hunt for Foreman he temporarily gave up the job and waited a few weeks. 

 So skillfully had he worked that Foreman evidently concluded that the authorities didn't want him, and got a little bolder.

 A few days ago the sheriff obtained the information that Foreman was working on the Hoffpauir farm near Gueydan. Thinking this was as good a time as any to make a move he left town Friday night, Dec. 16, taking along with him a double-barreled shot-gun and a Winchester rifle - the former weapon to be used at short range and the latter at a longer range. He also carried a spy-glass and several rations. He drove to Midland station on the main line of the Southern Pacific, and from there walked to Gueydan, a distance of 12 miles carrying the shot-gun in one hand and the rifle in the other. Arriving at Gueydan at about 2 o'clock and leaving his weapons there in order not to arouse suspicion in case he was seen in the neighborhood of Foreman's camp, he continued his peripatetic journey until he reached the tent on the Hoffpauir rice farm where Foreman and several companions lived. He approached the tent near enough to hear a conversation among the men who were engaged in making some coffee. He overheard a statement that they (the men) would go to Gueydan in the morning with some rice for shipment. He then hurried back to Gueydan reaching that little village about the dawn of day. He hid himself under a building in the course of construction, situated a few yards from the railroad depot. He remained in his hiding place until about half-past eight o'clock when with the assistance of a spy-glass he saw a wagon advancing in the distance. When the wagon got nearer he recognized Foreman as one of the seven or eight men riding on it. The wagon stopped and after a while the men all walked into Leblanc's saloon, opposite the depot, to take a drink. The sheriff then moved out of his hiding place and took a position on the side of the saloon building. A few minutes later the men walked out, Foreman being along with them. At this juncture the sheriff found himself within ten feet of Foreman whom he covered with his shot-gun, commanding him to at the same time to throw up his hands. This Foreman did after being told a second time. Holding his gun with one hand the sheriff drew from his pocket a rope which he threw out to the crowd of men standing near the saloon. One of the men kindly complied with a request of the officer and walked up to Foreman and tied his hands. In one of Foreman's pockets a :38 Smith and Wesson was found, but the sudden appearance of the sheriff and his gun made Foreman's revolver a useless thing.

 Sheriff Broussard arrived Saturday evening with Foreman and Monday left with him for the convicts' camp from which he escaped in August, 1897.

 Lafayette Gazette 12/24/1898.           



The Moss Pharmacy News-Stand.

 "Something to read" is what many people want, and it is to meet this legitimate demand that we have decided to extend our list of newspapers and magazines so as to embrace all the principal publications of the times -- such as McClure, Munsey, Metropolitan, Outing, Scribner, Frank Leslie, Current Literature, Cosmopolitan, Self Culture, St. Nicholas, Harper, Century, Scientific American, Review of Reviews, Ladies Home Journal, North American Review, Judge, Puck, Sunday World, Sunday Journal, etc.

 We will continue to carry a full line of paper-covered novels, as also works of standard authors in the more substantial bindings.

 We wish to state further that we have completed arrangements to take subscriptions for all American and foreign newspapers, periodicals and magazines at publishers' rates.

 We will take great pleasure in serving our friends and the public in the matter of "something to read."

Lafayette Gazette 12/24/1898.


Wedded. - Last Monday Judge C. Debaillon exercised the authority vested in him by the Constitution and united in the holy bonds of matrimony Mr. S. Yandle and Miss Rosa Mitscher. Mr. Yandle is an experienced confectioner and will in the near future, do business in the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Landry. The Gazette welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Yandle to Lafayette.    Lafayette Gazette 12/24/1898.

 The Holidays at Carencro.

 We present this week the programme of the Carencro Christmas Festival which is to be held in St. Peter's Hall Carencro, on the night of Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1898, and which promises to be a most enjoyable occasion.

 The performance will commence at 7:30 p. m., the admission fee being put as low as ten cents, so as to be within the reach of all. This ticket of ten cents will admit the bearer, not only to the entertainment but also to the hall wherein will take place the full evening's pleasure.

 Refreshments consisting of oysters, raw and fried, coffee, wine, beer, fruit and sweets will be sold at reasonable prices.

 The great attraction of the night will be the gorgeous Christmas tree prepared by the ladies who have spared no pains to make it perfect, scintillating color-bedecked and beautiful, such a tree as once seen in happy childhood lingers in our memory a charming picture through maturer years.

 The articles for sale upon the tree will be disposed of by lottery, separate boxes being provided for boys and girls, as also for young ladies and gentlemen, so that nothing inappropriate, and consequently useless, will be sold.

 All gifts are new and fresh and having been bought at wholesale prices, and in many instances donated, need not be sold at an extravagant rate. There will be ten cent toys for boys and girls and other gifts at 25 and 50 cents, suitable for young ladies from young gentlemen, or as presents to older persons. Those who wish to present to some friend or relative a gift or their own choosing may take it to ladies in charge who will hang it upon the tree with card attached for the sum of ten cents which will help the worthy object which the projectors wish to assist. These gifts will be distributed to the lucky recipients by a jolly Santa Claus.

 During the evening music will be rendered, on the piano by several ladies and by both the Carencro and Grand Coteau bands who have kindly lent their assistance.

 We append the programme:

 Chorus, Christmas Bells, by the children of the Convent. Recitation, "How Jane Conquest Rang the Bell," by Miss Sarah Brown. Scarf Drill by young ladies of the Convent. The "Maniac," song, accompanied by Capt. Anthony Muller of New Iberia. Lafayette Gazette 12/24/1898.

Probable Expenses for 1899.

 To the Hon. Police Jury - Your undersigned committee appointed to estimate the probable expenses of the parish for the year 1899, would respectfully report the following for your adoption:

 ------------------p. 2-------------

 Respectfully submitted,
Lafayette, La., Nov. 19, 1898.
Lafayette Gazette 12/24/1898.

Low License Wins.

 The result of the election held last Saturday is as follows:

 ------------p. 3-----------------

 Lafayette Gazette 12/24/1898.


 Last Monday Judge C. Debaillon exercised the authority vested in him by the Constitution and united in the holy bonds of matrimony Mr. S. Yandle and Miss Rosa Mitscher. Mr. Yandle is an experienced confectioner and will be in the future, do business in the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Landry. The Gazette welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Yandle to Lafayette. Lafayette Gazette 12/24/1898.


 Another of the old heroes of 61' is dead. One by one the men who earned for the Southern Confederacy the admiration of the world, drop out of the ranks. One by one they join the majority of that irreproachable army of patriots who knew not fear and would die for a principle. The beginning of the new century will be honored with but comparatively few of those splendid specimens of American manhood, for every day, aye, every hour, records the passing away into the "valley of the shadow of death" of one or more of these sturdy Southrons, who offered to the world one of the most sublime spectacles in the history of ancient or modern times. To-day we mourn in the death of Thomas D. Wier, and well may we mourn for him, because in his death we lose as good and as brave a Confederate as ever marched with the gallant followers of the immortal Lee. It was neat that in his remains were laid to rest in the presence of his comrades, for had he been consulted, what other request would have been more natural to him? To be buried by those who shared with him the miseries of those troublous times is perhaps the dearest privilege of the Confederate soldier.

 Mr. Wier was born sixty-five years ago in Green County, Alabama. But shortly after the Civil War he moved to Avoyelles parish, this State, where he engaged in the cultivation of cotton. About five years ago he settled in Lafayette parish, purchasing a plantation a few miles from this town. A short residence in our midst was sufficient to bring the splendid qualities possessed by the deceased to the notice of those who appreciate rectitude and honor.

 The innate modesty of the old Southerner was so pronounced in him, his demeanor so unassuming, and his simplicity so unaffected, that to know his full worth one had to know him well. He loved to tell of his reminisces of the war and though he clung with religious fervor to the memories of that crucial period, he was as loyal to the Stars and Stripes as he was to the Stars and Bars when it fluttered in the glorious days of the Confederacy.

 Going to the front with Company B, Fourth Mississippi Regiment, he served with conspicuous gallantry in some of the hard-fought battles of that hard-fought war. Though wounded at Atlanta he survived and when Lee laid down his sword at Appomattox Court-house he, with the other sturdy men who had enlisted at the outbreak of the war, returned to the devastated fields of the South and started on that magnificent struggle against adversity, the like of which has never been known in the history of a conquered people. These men, who had won imperishable fame on the "tented field," went to work to rebuild the fortunes of the South, and how well they succeeded there is ample evidence in the prosperous condition of the country to-day. When one of those patriots passes away let there be mourning throughout the land, and let every true Southerner shed upon his bier tears of regret and place upon his coffin the sweetest of flowers, for his deeds of valor and patriotism will be immortalized in song and poetry so long as man loves what is good and true.

 The following pretty tribute was paid to the deceased by his comrades of Camp Gardner of United Confederate Veterans:

         LAFAYETTE, LA., Dec. 20, 1898.
 A. J. Moss, Commander Camp Gen. Frank Gardner, U. C. V., No. 580:

 Your committee, appointed to express the sentiments of the Camp on the death of Comrade T. Wier, submit as follows:

 Camp General Frank Gardner mourns the loss of another of its members. It has pleased the Great Commander to order from our midst to answer the last roll call, Comrade T. D. Wier. He has "crossed over the river." With reverence we bow, and with sorrow close up ranks and await the next call. The Camp loses in Comrade Weir an earnest member, a once devoted follower of the "Lost Cause" and an old soldier without fear and without reproach - always doing his duty - the community a worthy citizen, a blameless, upright man. The Camp begs to extend to the family its heartfelt sympathy in their great affliction and irreparable loss.

 We recommend this be recorded and a copy sent to the family, and the usual badge of mourning worn by the Camp for thirty days.
     (Signed)  W. B. TORIAN, JNO. C. BUCHANAN, WM. CLEGG, Committee.
Lafayette Gazette 12/24/1898.

  Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/24/1898.

 The Council has purchased a new 100-horsepower boiler from Gustav Maas for $1,400. The boiler is to be ready for use within 30 days from Dec. 19.

 Under the new law notices mailed to tax-payers must be registered and the cost will be 25 instead of 10 cents as formerly. Hence all who wish to avoid this additional cost will do well to settle with the tax-collector on or before the 1st of January.

 H. L. Monnier, notary, will apply for pensions for Confederate veterans.

 Lieut. Jas. A. Moss lectured last night to the New Orleans Press Club.

 A. T. Renfroe, traveling agent of the Wrought Iron Range Co., is in Lafayette selling the "Home Comfort" stoves.

 Editor Van der Cruyssen spent the week in New Orleans.

 Something should be done by the authorities to rid this community of the army of tramps who are making this town their headquarters.

 The Gazette acknowledges receipt of a handsome Christmas card from the Mount Carmel Convent of Rayne, La.

 The new bank building near the court-house is one of the neatest in State.

 Arthur Billeaud, Adam Bourgeois and Eraste Patin, while working on the church building at Scott, fell from a scaffold fifteen feet high and sustained light injuries.

 One carload of rice & sugar mules for sale at Jean Vigneaux' Branch Stable, on Lincoln Avenue, near Railroad Depot, Lafayette, La. Lafayette Gazette 12/24/1898.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 24th, 1870:

Dec. 10th, 1870.

 The Police Jury met pursuant to adjournment.

 Members present: J. J. Caffery, President, R. C. Landry; All the others absent.

 There being no quorum, the meeting was adjourned to next Saturday the 17th inst.
J. C. CAFFERY, President.

December 17th, 1870.

 The Police Jury met pursuant to adjournment.

 Members present: J. J. Caffery, President, and Messrs. M. G. Broussard, Landry and Hebert.

 The minutes of the two preceding meetings were read and approved.

 The Committee appointed to examine the Treasurer's Semi-Annual Statement, reported that they had done so, and found it correct, which report was received and adopted.

 The Committee appointed to make an estimate on the probable expenses of the parish for the next year, made the following report, which was received and adopted, to-wit:

 To the President and Members of the Police Jury:

Your Committee appointed to make an estimate of the expenses of the parish for the coming year, beg leave to report the following:

-----------------p. 1-------------------

 Respectfully submitted,
         M. E. GIRARD, A. J. MOSS.

 The following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

 Resolved, That the President and Clerk are authorized to cut up and issue small warrants, in place of large ones already issued, to facilitate tax payers.

 Resolved, That M. E. Girard is authorized to procure the necessary cancelling apparatus for Treasurer and Committee.

 Resolved, That F. Martin is hereby authorized to purchase a stove and one hogs head coal for the Court Room.

 Resolved, That the Clerk of Court is authorized to place a suitable lock of the outer door of the vault of his office.

 Resolved, That the salary of the District Attorney, pro tem, shall be increased up to six hundred dollars per annum.

 Resolved, That R. C. Landry be authorized to change the public road to New Iberia on the Simon tract, to correspond with the change lately make on A. N. Guidry's land, so that the line of the road will be continued; provided, the proprietor of the land Northward does not object and provided further, that the parish shall be at no expense for the same.
J. J. CAFFERY, President.
A. J. MOSS, Clerk.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/24/1870.

Almost to Scott Station! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Here's a sampling of various Christmas Related Ads from different years in the history of Vermilionville and early-Lafayette.

 THE undersigned has just received and now offers for sale at greatly reduced prices, a large and complete assortment of Fire Crackers, Fireworks, and Christmas Toys and Presents for the Old and young Folks, - together with a full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Stationary, Fancy Soap and Toilet Articles, School Books, Song Books, Novels, Etc.
Call and look at the stock before going elsewhere.

Dec. 24, R. C. Latiolais.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/24/1870.   

SANTA CLAUS Has on exhibition a lovely line of ....Hand-cars and Toys TO PLEASE... Little Girls and Boys.ATYANDLE'S.Lafayette Advertiser 12/6/1905.

For the HOLIDAYS,We have just received for the Holidays 50 cases of Murry Hill Whiskey and a splendid assortment of Liquors; such as, Parfait amour, Creme de Vanille, Creme de Noyaux, Creme de Rose, Pousse Cafe Frappe. Also California Wines, Haut Sauterne, St. Julien, Pontecane, Medoc at moderate prices. All orders delivered at domicile,Pellerin Bros.Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1901.

"I am here and have made the Racket Store my headquarters for the Christmas and New Year Holidays.
  Let the Children and their Papas and Mamas call on me and look over all the pretty things I have brought for them. TOYS, VASES, WAGONS, DOLLS, HARDWARE, GUNS and thousands of all sorts of nice things." Lafayette Advertiser 12/8/1900.

CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!!!And a large stock of novelties for the HOLIDAY TRADEGlasses Fitted, All Repair Work Guaranteed.H. K. RUGER,
 Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician. Lafayette Advertiser 12/9/1903.

Christmas Bells!
ST. NICK Surprised At our Nerve in Buying and Our Prices in Selling. GOOD TIMES because of the GOOD THINGS you can buy WITH LITTLE MONEY.
C. K. Darling.Lafayette Advertiser 12/12/1896.

TOYS!In Abundance,All the latest Novelties.

     Being always on the alert, we have secured a BIG BARGAIN; The balance of a Jobbers Sock of Ladies Capes, 116 of them. LATEST STYLES, FINE QUALITY.PRICES REDUCED one third 75 CTS., to $6.50.
    Just received a Large Assortment of WHITE GRANITE CROCKERY, best quality,
    Remember our Standard Patterns
Are the most popular price of Magazine reduced to 85 cts. per year.COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES.Mouton & Salles.Lafayette Advertiser 12/12/1896.

CHINA. Cut Glass and Bohemian Glassware...AT...TANNER'S

Lafayette Advertiser 12/13/1905.

Christmas is Coming
and LEVY BROS is the place to find suitable presents for young and old.
  A full variety of dress goods, an immense stock of clothing, an elegant line of shoes and hundreds of novelties.
  Full value for your money.Lafayette Advertiser 12/13/1902.

When Kris Kringle Holds The Reins... 
you may rest assured the vehicle is right as a trivet.  When he's the buyer the is brought right here "Safe Sound Reliable" is writ all over every carriage, run-about, BUGGY and SURREY that leaves our establishment. Give Santa Claus free rein.
W. V. Nicholson's.Lafayette Advertiser 12/13/1902.

just what you want
For the little folks, Dolls ranging from 5 cents up to $5.00, Toys of all descriptions and prices are right. Call and look at our stock before you buy.Shoes, Shoes, Shoes,Don't forget we carry the two leading brands of shoes, for young and old every pair guaranteed.
   Yours to serve,
C. E. TAYLOR & Co.Lafayette Advertiser 12/14/1904.

Santa Claus never fails to look over Moss & Company's stock of Christmas Goods because he knows that he will always fond something to help fill his list of wants for the little tots. We have a new and up-to-date selection of CHRISTMAS PRESENTS For Young and Old Folks.

Lafayette Advertiser 12/14/1904.

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