Tuesday, January 13, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 23rd, 1903:


 Another year has almost completed its circuit; and once again has the happy Christmas time rolled around, the time of peace on earth, good will to men, when the heart opens under the witchery of the Festal season and in its gladness radiates the kindly feeling and generous impulses which have their birth in the cheer inspiring yule tide.

 And out of this gladness springs the beautiful custom of remembering friends and loved ones with tokens of esteem and love, knitting closer the bonds of affection, which have sweetened each others lives through the passing year, and binding them stronger and firmer that whether the coming year may be weal or woe, the chain of friendship or love may hold taut and bring comfort and joy.

 Christmas what a world of pleasure has the Christmas time brought to each of us! How we longed for its coming when children! What joys have been ours from infancy in this happy time! And as the years have unrolled for us, what keen enjoyment have we derived from this pause in the rushing events of time. Once again the happy Christmas time is with us, and although some of us may have journeyed far on the road of life; yet in our hearts let there be the beautiful bloom of gladness and the flower of love, reaching out and scattering things about us, kindliness, love and sweet charity, carrying with us a Merry Christmas indeed.
 Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.

A Suggestion To Our Readers.

 It occasionally happens that in reading through a paper, one will items of special and personal interest, and frequently such items are found in the advertising columns. This week we present to our readers a special holiday number, and a special feature of this edition is the advertising columns, which contain most excellent and profitable reading matter. Our readers are specially advised to read them over carefully. The progressive merchants of Lafayette have something to say to the readers of The Advertiser, which is to their mutual advantage, and if any of our readers neglect to see what these merchants have to say, it will be a decided loss to them. Business men who advertise are wideawake and want your trade, and you will find that they are always on the alert to offer you the best they have in the latest and most desirable articles in their several lines. You will find too, that in the matter of prices, they give you the lowest that can be reasonably given together with the most courteous treatment, which in itself is always appreciated by a customer. Again permit us to advise you to read carefully the advertising columns as we are sure you will obtain pleasure and profit from so doing. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.

Closed Sunday After Affording a Week of Clean, Wholesome Amusement.

 The Street Fair closed Sunday night and now Lafayette has again settled down to ordinary business after a week's enjoyment and bustle. The Fair kept things lively, something doing all the time, and excitement seemed to permeate the air. In the morning it was talk about the excellent and entertaining exhibitions given by those splendid entertainers, the United States Carnival Co., and in the evening it was the balloon ascension and the high dive which absorbed attention. For the night, a visit to the Fair and a round of the attractions. It is difficult to say which pleased most. Lovers of curiosities found Cleo, the wonderful little horse, only 28 inches high, a marvel, other grazed in rapt astonishment upon the moving pictures in the electric show, as the fascinating wonders of the Fairy's Realm unrolled before their eyes, or stood in trembling suspense listening to the decree of Fate as disclosed by the gypsies. Across the grounds the perilous feats of the Whirling Wheelers claimed its crowds, who saw with bated breath their giddy ride up the side of a huge basket shaped affair. The House Upside Down gave a startling sensation, and the Old Plantation has its share of attention. The Hindoo Mystery is still a mystery, but those who gazed upon it are still trying to solve it, and altogether the Street Fair has given plenty of entertainment, and furnished a topic for conversation for some time to come.

 Financially the Street Fair was a success, and the Fire Department, for whose benefit it was given, will net a neat sum. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.


 For one week, commencing Sunday, Dec. 20, the celebrated McDonald Stock Co. will hold the boards at the Opera House in a series of magnificent attractions, comprising comedy, drama, music, dances, interspersed with up-to-date specialties, introducing new magnificent scenic and mechanical effects at every performance. The best show of the season at popular prices. 15, 25 and 35 cts. Seats now on sale at usual place. Matinee Friday and Saturday. Prices for matinee 10 and 20 cts. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.


 Pierce and Jefferson Streets Ordered Widened at the Instance of the Property Owners.

Pierce and Jefferson streets commonly called Lincoln avenue, are to be widened ten feet on the west side, the work to begin at once.  

 It was so ordered at an enthusiastic meeting of the City Council called Thursday night to consider the petition of a of a number of the property owners that the street be widened, and offering to donate the ten feet. A few, who refused to donate, have agreed to sell at a reasonable figure, and in order to assist the Council property owners on the east side have contributed various sums. A reference to the proceedings published in another part of this paper will give the names of those donating and of those contributing with the amounts contributed.  This is a splendid move on the part of the property owners and the Council.

 The street is entirely too narrow for a business street as it stands; but with the extra ten feet, it will make Pierce and Jefferson streets the proper location for the business center, and here will be the heart of town.

 The move is a public spirited one, and will be received with appreciation by all who feel an interest in the welfare of Lafayette.

 Those who so generously gave land and money for this purpose will lose nothing; for it can but redound to their advantage in increased valuation of their property; and they will also receive something even more valuable, and that is the high esteem of their fellow citizens.

 Every person who contributed or donated deserves the highest praise, for it is such acts of good citizenship that makes a town alive and prosperous; but we think one firm merits even more praise than the others, and that the others, and that is the progressive firm Pellerin & Declouet. We make special mention of these gentlemen, because they have just recently built a large three story store, and notwithstanding the difficulty in moving or cutting off the building, they were among  the very first to offer to give the ten feet, and they further lent their assistance in carrying the matter through.

 The widening of this street is only another instance of the progressive kind of people in Lafayette. Anything for the good of the town always get their support, and having such people Lafayette has a bright future ahead.
   Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.

Rent Houses Needed.

 Building continues active, quite a number of houses being under construction, some being brick business houses, which all speaks for the activity and growth of the town. In the matter of rent houses, however, there is very little doing, and yet it is quite important that rent houses should be built, numbers of people are constantly moving in and find great difficulty in securing houses, and provision should be made to accommodate all desirable people who wish to settle among us. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.

A Thoroughly Equipped Sanitarium.

 Among the institutions which every town should possess, none is more beautiful or calculated to be of more than a good sanitarium.

 Dr. Felix Girard, one of Lafayette's progressive citizens, recognizing the need of one here as lately opened thoroughly equipped sanitarium, in which patients may receive the best of medical attention and best scientific treatment. Dr. Girard is a specialist in the treatment of eye, ear, nose and throat affections, which adds greatly to the potentiality of the sanitarium for benefit to this entire section.Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.


 One of the most promising industries of Lafayette is the Syrup Factory established by Mr. Alex Mouton last fall. 

 The factory has just closed a very successful season, and the product is a high grade of pure cane syrup which has received the endorsement of Dr. Stubbs. A letter of inquiry from New York received by Mr. Mouton states that Dr. Stubbs had highly recommended the syrup to the writer, who was in search of a fine article of syrup. There is strong demand for pure syrup and the Lafayette Syrup Factory is preparing an article which exactly meets this demand, and for that reason it is sure to grow and expand rapidly and become one of the leading industries of the town. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903. 

Louis Malagary Kills Himself at Boeuf Station.
[From the N. O. Picayune.]
 Franklin, La., Dec. 16. -There was much surprise here yesterday at the announcement that Louis Malagary, one of the most popular railroad agents and operators on the Morgan Road, had been shot at Boeuf Station, at which place he was agent. At first the current report was that he had been killed by hoboes, but all latter reports were to the effect that he had shot himself, either accidentally or with suicidal intent. Mr. Malagary was well known here and at Baldwin, where he worked a long time, and no possible reason was thought to exist for any rash acts on his part. His home was at Broussardville and his parents are well-to-do. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.

Louisiana's World's Fair Notes.

 A six foot statue of Mephistopheles in pure sulfur will be on exhibition at the World's Fair in Louisiana's state mining exhibit.

 The oyster industry, an important thing in Louisiana, will be thoroughly represented in an interesting display at the World's Fair.

 The importance of Louisiana's lignite deposits in the Dolette Hills will be shown at the World's Fair by blocks of the dimensions of 8x2x2 feet.

 In a prominent position in Louisiana's cotton exhibit at the World's Fair will be a life-size statue of a negro and King Cotton on a throne made of cotton.

  Louisiana has already raised a fund of $130,000 for her participation in the World's Fair. At the Columbian Exposition at Chicago the sum of $40,000 was expended.

 A striking feature of Louisiana's sugar exhibit in the Palace of Agriculture at the World's Fair will be a life-sized statue of Miss Louisiana, chiseled from pure white sugar.

 A relief map of the City of New Orleans will be exhibited at the World's Fair. The map is 12 by 15 feet, and shows the wharves facilities for shipping, railroad approaches, elevators, prominent buildings, streets, basins and other features. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.

Woman's Literary Club.

 Saturday the Woman's Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. G. C. Comstock. The meeting was unusually pleasant, all seeming to be infected with the good cheer of the approaching holidays. The program was short but greatly enjoyed, both papers and music being excellent. The subject at this meeting in the series of American Authors, which the Club has assigned for consideration this year, was Hawthorne. Miss (unreadable name)  prepared a paper on Hawthorne and Mrs. T. B. Hopkins Jr., on the Great Stone Face. Miss Horn rendered several beautiful piano selections. At the close of the program the members were invited into the dining room, which was artistically decorated in the club colors, white and purple, where dainty refreshments were served. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. F. E. Davis on Jan. 2.    
Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.

 A Dainty Invitation.

 The Advertiser acknowledges receipt of a dainty little bell shaped invitation from the little folks at the Masonic Hall school to be present at their exercises Dec. 22 at 1 p. m. The invitations reads as follows:

        Ring, bells, ring! We "tots" of the                smallest year
       Send Xmas greetings far and near,
          And ask you all to join us here
       And ask you to join us here
          With your brightest smiles and best of cheer. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.

 Seemed to be Interesting.

 It was a free show, didn't cost a cent, and yet it seemed to be highly interesting to the small crowd who stopped to watch the performance, which was taking place on the street. The central performer was a horse and the rest of the show was trying to persuade the horse that the right and proper thing for him to do, was to stand still and let them hitch him up to a convenient buggy. The horse appeared to be two or three minds about it. He would stand still until the buggy was almost drawn upon him, then, as if reconsidering the matter, would gracefully step aside and shake his head with an emphatic dissent. Some more encouragement and he would take position, only to discover at the last minute that he didn't care to do any time up act just then, followed promptly by a cake-step waltz from under the threatening shafts. A gentle persistent influence was brought to bear upon the vacillating mind of his horseship, and time and time again he stood under and pranced away, until at last, rather than be disagreeable in good company, he yielded to the inevitable, and went off like a well-behaved horse should. The audience, drawing a relieved sigh then dispersed and took up the affairs of the day. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.

Fine Window Dressing.

 Show window dressing is an art that few possess. It does not only require taste, but originality, and he who has both of these is sure to make a success in this line, which is now considered one of the necessary modes of advertising. Considerable attention is now being paid to show window advertising in Lafayette and many of the merchants have both beautiful and original displays. Among a number of fine displays Pellerin & DeClouet's windows showing dining room and bedroom artistically furnished, is one of the best; also the displays of T. M. Biossat's jewelry establishment, Lafayette Drug Co. and P. Krauss. But the most novel and attractive window of all is that of Levy Bros., designed and dressed by Paul Cousson, an employe of the store. It represents a house with gables, doors, windows and chimney, and is made of handkerchiefs, the trimmings being artistically brought out by colored silk handkerchiefs. Above and all around the house handkerchiefs are disposed in handsome designs, making the whole harmonious and tasteful. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.

Elect Officers.

 The Masonic Lodge at its meeting on Dec. 18 elected the following officers to serve for the ensuing year:  C. D. Caffery, W. M.; M. Rosenfield, S. W.; V. L. Roy, J. W.; J. W. Chambers, Treasurer; L. O. Emes, Secretary; F. E. Girard, S. D.; C. H. Melchert, J. D.; S. Mayor, Tyler.

 The installation of the new officers took place Tuesday evening, and a spread was given in honor of the occasion, which was a most enjoyable affair. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.



 The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Lafayette to elect a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, will be held at the banking house Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1904, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.
S. R. PARKERSON, Cashier.
Lafayette, La., Dec. 7, 1903.

Exercises of Literary Societies Friday night - Annual Exhibition Saturday.

 And the Hayden Concert. All Well Attended and Very Entertaining.

 The Industrial Institute has been having a series of interesting exercises just before closing for the holidays. Last Friday night was held the annual joint opening meeting of the two literary societies. The program proved most entertaining and indicated a high order of ability among the students. The most attractive features were the chorus songs by the girls, and by some of the boys, and the mimic representation of various incidents in their school life. The president of the Avatar society, Miss Eleanor Compton, presided over the joint meeting with excellent ability and presence.

 On the following afternoon, Saturday, the annual winter exhibition and sale of products took place. This also proved a pronounced success. There were on exhibit a great many useful, attractive and well-made articles from nearly all departments of the school. The sewing school presented all manner of handsome articles of dress, dainty lacy things made by hand, finished dresses, hand made baskets, and other useful and beautiful things. The cooking school girls had jams, jellies, candy made and put up in boxes, preserves, and then served cake and chocolate, all of which were pronounced to be excellent by the many visitors who examined and inspected the exhibit. The workshop exhibited a great quantity of useful and well made furniture and other substantial articles made of wood and iron. And the art department presented a very handsomely decorated art room, exhibiting most attractive drawings and water colors made by the students and many of the plaster casts and models used in that department. There were, besides, a number of attractive photographs made in the Institute dark room; among them a large 17x26 print of main building, framed and placed conspicuously in the hall. Through all these rooms a stream of visitors passed during the entire two hours of the exhibit, and many of the articles in each department were purchased by them at a fair price above the cost of material. The profits made on the sale of all the articles were shared evenly between the students who did the work and the department where the work was done. The department's share is to be used in the purchase of more and better materials.

 The third event of general interest was the benefit concert to Mr. William Hayden, the young blind Louisiana musician, who has made such wonderful progress in his study of the pipe organ in New York during the past five years. Mr. Hayden was assisted on the program by Miss Lucille Revillon, Mrs. Vavasseur Mouton, Prof. Sontag and students of the Institute. He played with remarkable skill and appreciation of his music, and gave the greatest pleasure to all his hearers, who entertain for him the highest regard and good wishes for continued success.

 The Institute closed for the holidays yesterday afternoon and will resume work on Monday morning, Jan. 4. Several of the faculty will attend the Teacher's Convention in Ruston, where Dr. Stephens is booked for an address on School Buildings. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.

Parish Democratic Executive Committee.

            Lafayette, La., Dec. 19, 1903.
  Pursuant to a call the democratic executive committee of the parish of Lafayette met this day at the Court House and was called to order by its chairman, John Hahn.

 On roll call by the secretary the following members answered to their names to-wit:  Jean Begnaud, Elias Spell, John Hahn, P. L. DeClouet, Albert Guidry, Moise Brasseaux, R. H. Broussard, Jos. O. Girouard by proxy to R. U. Bernard, absent R. O. Young, John Whittington.

 P. L. DeClouet then presented the following resolutions which after reading and on motion duly seconded were unanimously adopted:

 Resolved, That a white Democratic Primary election be, and is hereby called for the nomination of candidates for Parish and Ward Officers, and for the nomination of ten members of the Parish Democratic Executive Committee, as follows:

 1st ward, one member; 2nd ward, one member; 3rd ward, two members; 4th ward, one member; 5th ward, one member; 8th ward, one member.

 Said election to be held on the 19th. day of January 1904.

 The polls shall be opened at 7 o'clock p. m., at the polling places throughout the parish, as established by the Police Jury as follows: 1st ward, J. B. Perez; 2nd ward, at Burton Smith; 3rd ward, Court House; 3rd ward, Mouton Switch; 4th ward, Harrison Theall; 5th ward, Broussardville School house; 6th ward, H. Simoneaux, A. C. Guilbeau Hall; 7th ward, Pilette hall; 8th ward, Cyprien Montet.

 There shall be three commissioners and one clerk at each polling booth. These commissioners shall preside over and conduct the election in their respective polling places, and they shall have the same qualifications as are required of the voters at the precincts over which they preside.

 These commissioners and clerks shall be appointed by the chairman of the Parish Executive Committee, on the recommendations of the opposing factions. These recommendations must be in writing and must be handed to the chairman at least ten days before the election. The Lacoste-Voorhies faction shall be entitled to two commissioners at each polling booth, and the Broussard-Scranton faction to one commissioner and a clerk at each polling booth.

 The chairman shall without delay, make the appointment and publish the names, together with the precinct and polling booth at which they are to serve.

 The publication must be at least seven days before the day of election.

 The qualification of voters at said primary election shall be that they are white Democrats and have paid (when required by law so to do so) their poll taxes for the years 1902 and 1903 in the years in which the same became due.

 The Sheriff of the parish of Lafayette is requested to furnish, to the commissioners at each polling booths, voting lists alphabetically arranged, and in the event said lists are not furnished as requested, the commissioners of election are required and instructed to use duly certified copies of the official lists of record in the office of the Clerk of Court, alphabetically arranged for the purposes of the election.

 If any one offering to vote shall be challenged, he shall not be permitted to vote, unless being sworn by one of the commissioners, he shall make and subscribe to the following oath:

 I, ____________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a white democrat, that at the last congressional election, in which I participated, I voted for the Democratic candidates; and at the next regular election to be held, according to law, I will vote for the Democratic candidates who may be selected at this Primary election or at a subsequent one, should such become necessary by failure to nominate at this primary election. So help me God."

 This affidavit shall be attached to his ballot, which shall be deposited in the ballot box.

 The Chairman shall make up a budget of probable election expense in detail and publish same at least three weeks before the election. Each faction shall, at least two weeks before the day of the election, deposit with the Chairman its proportion of these expenses.

 Each faction shall provide their own tickets.

 Should any faction refuse to pay its proportionate share of such expenses, no ballot cast for the candidates of such faction shall be counted.

 There shall be two tally sheets kept by the commissioners in each polling precinct, also duplicate lists of voters numbered consescutively. Immediately after the closing of the polls, the commissioners shall proceed to publicly canvass the votes and make proclamation of the result; said tally sheets and lists of voters shall be duly signed and sworn to by the commissioners. One of said tally sheets and one list of voters shall be delivered by at least two commissioners to the Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee without unnecessary delay, one tally sheet and one list of voters together with the ballot box shall be delivered to the Clerk of Court.

 The Democratic Executive Committee shall meet in the town of Lafayette on the 22nd day of January 1904, or as soon hereafter as practicable, to compile the returns and proclaim the result of the election.

 The candidates receiving the majority of the total votes cast shall be declared the nominees of the Democratic Party. In the event of no one receiving a majority of the votes cast for the office for which he runs, then two candidates receiving the highest vote for such office shall run in a primary, which shall be held on a date to be fixed by this Committee at its meeting Jan. 22nd 1904.

 Notice of the calling of this election shall contain a copy of these resolutions and be signed by the Secretary of this committee and shall be published in a newspaper of the parish of Lafayette at least two weeks prior to the time fixed herein for the primary. The following report is hereby made by the committee appointed by the Chairman of the Parish Democratic Executive Committee to establish the budget of necessary expenses for the primary election for parish officers to be held on the 19th of January 1904, to-wit:

-----------------p. 4--------------------

 In case the above amount be not sufficient each candidate shall contribute his proportionate share of the additional amount required. If the above amount is more than sufficient the remainder shall be proportionately distributed among the candidates.
    Respectfully submitted,
         JOHN HAHN,
            Chairman Democratic Executive Committee: ALBERT GUIDRY, ELIAS SPELL, R. H. BROUSSARD. 

 The following was then presented by Mr. Crow Girard, representing the Lacoste-Voorhies faction:

 To the Hon. John Hahn, chairman of the Parish Democratic Executive Committee: - You are hereby requested to make appointment of commissioners for the Lacoste-Voorhies faction for the primary election to be held on the 19th day of January, 1904, as follows:

 1st ward, Felix Bernard, Jos. B. Dugas; 2d ward, Clarence Avant, Verance Spell; 3d ward, Court House, R. H. Broussard, P. B. Torian; 3d ward, Mouton Switch, J. Horace Mouton, Edmond Martin; 4th wd, Lucien S. Broussard, Alcin T. Comeau; 5th ward, J. G. St. Julien, Sr., R. U. Bernard; 6th ward, Carencro, G. H. Guilbeau, Odon Guidry; 6th ward, at Simoneaux, H. E. Toll, Alexandre Brasseaux; 7th ward, Aymar Comeau, O. F. Comeau; 8th ward, Edward E. Mouton, Leo Judice.

 The foregoing commissioners of election Jan 19, 1904, for Lacoste-Voorhies faction are hereby appointed to serve as appointed.
JOHN HAHN, Chairman Democratic Executive Committee.

 There being no further business on motion the committee then adjourned.
JOHN HAHN, Chairman Democratic  Executive Committee.
P. L. DECLOUET, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.

City Council Proceedings.
Lafayette, La. Dec. 17, 1903. 

 City Council met this day in special session with the following members present: C. D. Caffery, mayor, A. E. Mouton, Felix Demanade, G. A. DeBlanc, D. V. Gardebled, M. Rosenfield. Absent, H. L. Fontenot, J. O. Mouton.

 The following petitions were submitted:
Lafayette, La., Dec. 16, 1903.

 To the City Council of the town of Lafayette, La.:

 Gentlemen -
We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the west side of Jefferson and Pierce streets, hereby petition your honorable body to widen the said street between Vermilion street and Lincoln avenue ten feet, and, for that purpose, we donate and dedicate to the public use the necessary width of ground for that purpose, provided said street is widened ten feet by the City Council between points named on a straight line and uniform width on said west line, provided the city council will establish a sidewalk at least six feet wide, to be taken from the width of the street. Provided, also, that costs of removal of the buildings and fences, made necessary by this change, shall be borne or paid by the city council, and delivered to us in their condition at this time.

Lafayette, La., Dec. 16, 1903.

Council Reply:
 Having considered the foregoing petitions, the following was adopted:
 Be it ordained by the City Council of Lafayette, La., that this Council (unreadable words) it to be a matter of public importance and utility that Jefferson and Pierce streets be widened in manner proposed in said petitions (unreadable word) for that purpose be and the same is hereby accepted, and, Be it further ordained, that in order to effect the widening of said streets that this Council will expropriate thereon portions of lots of other abutting corners as may be necessary for that purpose; and moreover will meet such additional and reasonable expense necessary in the premises not covered by the above donations. 
Adopted unanimously.Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/23/1903.

 A Merry Christmas filled with sunshine and happiness is our wish for each and every reader of The Advertiser.

 The frame building on the lot purchase by S. Kahn was bought by J. A. Delhomme who began moving it Friday over to his lot.

 Pay your poll tax if you want to vote in the primary Jan. 19.

 Christmas turkeys, fat and fine at Broussard Bros.

 Mr. and Mrs. Louallier, who have been living in Houston, have returned to Lafayette.

 W. W. Duson and A. Allison, of Crowley, spent between trains in Lafayette Thursday.

 A. V. Labbe, agent for the Waters-Pierce Oil Co. here, left Friday for Marshall, Tex., on business.

 Dr. G. W. Scranton, of Youngsville, was in town Sunday.

 Dr. Zack Francez, of Carencro, attended the McDonald Stock Co. show, Sunday night.

 Dr. P. M. Girard and Crow Girard left for Corpus Christi, Texas, Sunday. They will be absent two weeks.

 Sidney Moise who is attending the High School, left for his home in Houma Saturday to spend Xmas.

 T. J. Singleton has sold his farm to J. A. Roy, and will move into town. He will occupy Dr. P. M. Girard's residence.

 Victor D. Levy, and Prof. Pate, of Abbeville, paid The Advertiser office an appreciated visit Thursday. Mr. Levy is an agent for high grade pianos and organs.

 Retiring from Business. - L. J. Cunningham has sold his grocery and fruit business to W. J. Shows, who will take possession on Jan. 1.

 The Red Men will give a New Year's eve ball and euchre at Falk's Opera House Dec. 31. The public is cordially invited.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.



 From the Lafayette Gazette of December 23rd, 1899:

Christmas Time and the Lost Cause.

 Merry Christmas and all the good things and happiness a Christmas should bring, is the wish of The Gazette to all of its readers. And may Santa Clause fill the stockings of its little readers with all those delightful things they have been wishing for so long.

 The following letter received by Judge Moss from Col. Hall, will be of special interest to the surviving members of the "26th Louisiana" by recalling the stirring times of the early sixties, and is illustrative of the spirit and the lasting devotion of the men who sacrificed all in the defense of the "lost cause;"

 "MY DEAR CAPTAIN: -- The approach of Christmas Festivities seems a time when it is natural to think of absent friends.

 To you and I, and all of "the 26th" it is not only a religious and social, but patriotic event. We celebrate it in memory of the Christmas week we passed at Chickasaw Bayou. We now approach the 37th anniversary of the time we crossed swords there with our Great Enemy. It seems far enough away to think over it, divested of any feeling of the time. Looking at it now, soberly, I consider it a point of disparity of numbers one of the most remarkable battles of the war; although it is not what is termed a decisive battle; still it drove the enemy off the land, to their security on the water, and ended ingloriously to them a deliberately planned campaign, with Grant and Sherman, their greatest Generals to map it out; and to execute it.

 Think of our thin line of scant 3,000 opposed to over 30,000 requiring 76 transports to move. Remember these are official figures. Our position, naturally, was not strong. It afforded us no advantage whatever. Artificially, our rifle pits were our sole reliance, and was a labor of two hours' time. The pits held by the 26th on Sunday were a trap -- although the necessity of the situation compelled Gen. Lee to hold them as long as they could be held. With the indomitable pluck that permeated every soul of his command, we must remember too, that General never made a false move on that chess-board. Put all these facts together -- was not the battle as wonderful as it was glorious and triumphant?
   *         *         *         *         *         *         *

 What have you done about getting up relics of the 26th for the Confederate Museum at Richmond? Do try to interest the members of your camp to make up a good parcel. When you will have done so, let me know and I will give you the proper address, in order that you may send them direct if you desire to do so, or if you send them to me I will have the pleasure of a look at them, and will try to add something, although the bulk of what I had to spare from my boys, has been sent to the Memorial Hall of the Louisiana Historical Association at New Orleans.

      *         *         *         *         *         *         *

 I passed my 80th birthday on the 12th of November, and the 50th anniversary of my marriage on August 15th last !
                                      Truly your friend,
                                          WINCHESTER HALL.

Roanoke City, Dec. 10, 1899.

Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.


 For Governor, W. W. HEARD, of Union.

 For Lieut-Governor, ALBERT ESTOPINAL, of St. Bernard.

 For Secretary of State, JOHN T. MICHEL, of New Orleans.

 For Attorney General, WALTER GUION, of Assumption.

 For State Treasurer, LEDOUX SMITH, of Rapides.

 For Auditor, W. S. FRAZER, of St. Landry.

 For Supt. of Education, J. V. CALHOUN, of New Orleans.


 For Judge 18th District, C. DEBAILLON.

 For District Attorney 18th District, WM. CAMPBELL.

 For Sheriff,

 For Clerk of Court, 

 For Representatives, 

 For Coroner, Dr. J. F. MOUTON.
Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.


 On last Sunday, Dec. 17, Mr. C. Auguste Mouton, aged 58 years, departed this life at his home a few miles from Lafayette. Deceased was a brother of the late Major J. S. Mouton, and General Alfred Mouton, serving with the latter in the operations of the Confederate army in North Louisiana. On the death of Gen. Mouton at the battle of Mansfield he subject of this sketch returned to private life and cared for Widow Alfred Mouton during the remainder of her life. He had no family and has lived a quiet and unobtrusive life, content to remain in the seclusion of a quiet home life, rather than to enter the restless and turbulent contest incident to public career. Mr. Mouton was a man of blameless character and held the esteem and respect of all who know him. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.

Mrs. H. M. Durke.

 Died, at her late residence near Royville, Thursday, Dec. 21, Mrs. H. M. Durke, aged 32 years, beloved wife of H. M. Durke had been in failing health for some time previous to her death, but hopes were confidently entertained for her recovery. Pneumonia, however, attacked the weakened constitution and quickly proved fatal. The remains were interred in the Protestant cemetery Friday evening, Rev. C. C. Wier performing the funeral services. To the bereaved husband and children The Gazette extends sincere condolence and sympathy. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.

THE CONVENTION. - The Democratic State Convention met last Wednesday in Baton Rouge and nominated the ticket which appears in another column. The nomination of Auditor W. W. Heard for governor deserves the highest commendation and will secure for the ticket the support of the united Democracy of the State. Mr. Heard's unimpeachable character and sterling worth eminently fit him for the high position with which he has been honored, and the State Democracy may well feel proud of the selection made.
Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.

 New Residences. - A large number of residences have been erected in Lafayette during the past year, besides several stores, and the building continues. At present time there are several houses in constructions, and still the supply of houses for rent does not meet the demand. Lafayette is growing rapidly and is now one of the most substantial little towns in the State. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.

Merry Christmas.

 Merry Christmas and all the good things and happiness a Merry Christmas should bring, is the wish of The Gazette to all of its readers. And may Santa Claus fill the stockings of its little readers with all those delightful things they have been wishing for so long. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.

Christmas Exercises.

 The public is invited to the Christmas exercises to be given at the Presbyterian church, Monday evening, Dec. 25, at 7 o'clock. In connection with the Christmas tree a cantata, "Santa Claus Dream," will be rendered by the children. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.

Methodist Pastor Arrives.

 Rev. C. C. Wier, who has been appointed pastor in charge of the Methodist church at this place, arrived last Wednesday and assumed his official functions. Rev. Wier, while young in the ministry, is well and favorably known in this community, and has already won the respect and esteem of the Methodist clergy and layman, by the assiduous and intelligent discharge of duty, and the sincerity and uprightedness of character. The Gazette bespeaks for Rev. Wier and his congregation a year of pleasant and aggressive co-operation in Christian endeavor. The new minister will preach to-morrow at 11 a. m., and all are invited to attend. Let the pastor receive the loyal support of every Christian in the performance of his responsible duties, and great blessings to all will surely result.
Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.

 Rev. I. T. Reams.

 As has already been announced in these columns Rev. Reams, who has served as pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Lafayette for the past four years has according to the regulations governing the itinerary of the Methodist ministry, been transferred to White Castle some twenty-miles below Baton Rouge on the Mississippi river. In obedience to the decision of the conference Rev. Reams and family left last Monday for his new field of Labor. A number of friends accompanied their beloved pastor to the train and with sad hearts bid him farewell and Godspeed. Rev. Reams and family have endeared themselves to the people of the entire community irrespective of creed commanding the respect and admiration of all for the un-ostentatious purity and simplicity of their Christian characters. With ever a kind word for the sad and afflicted, a helping for the needy and hearts overflowing with kindness for all God's creatures and especially for poor erring humanity, Rev. Reams and family have set an example of practical Christianity worthy of all imitation.

 While his private life has exhibited so many traits of true manhood and noble generosity, Rev. Ream's official administration of his ministerial functions has been no less commendable and deserves most favorable mention. The church membership under his efficient pastorate has largely increased and the institution may now be considered upon the most substantial basis, since its organization, numerically and financially; and under his wise energetic management the congregation now worship in a beautiful and commodious edifice, an ornament to the city and a source of pardonable pride to the membership. The structure must ever stand as a monument to the indefatigable zeal and perseverance of this devoted and self-sacrificing pastor. In addition to the church Rev. Reams, secured the donation of a fine lot from Mrs. M. E. Girard, a devout member of his congregation, and erected thereon mainly through his own workmanship, a roomy and extremely comfortable parsonage, fitted and furnished in artistic style. The actual value of the improvements mentioned may not be less than $5,000, but dollars and cents can never measure the good accomplished by this unassuming Christian man.

 The impetus imparted to Christian work along various lines, spiritual and temporal, will not doubt redound in the future to far greater results than may at present be indicated. The Gazette would heartily join in bidding to Rev. Reams and family and wish them abundant success in their new field of labor. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.     

 Hope Lodge 145.

 The following officers were elected last Thursday evening for the ensuing year: C. D. Caffery, Worshipful Master; Jack Nickerson, Senior Warden; F. E. Girard, Junior Warden; Leo Judice, Secretary; M. Rosenfield, Treasurer; John Brun, Tyler. The installation will take place Jan. 27, 1899. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.

An Excellent Organization.

 It is seldom that our theatre-goers have an opportunity of witnessing a production of a farce comedy that contains as many pleasing and novel features as those promised by the management of "Two Merry Tramps" which will be produced here on Sunday, December 24.

 While the play is a broad-gauge farce written for laughing purposes only, it is a clean, wholesome satire on the social conditions of the present day, and while the fun is fast and furious it is never offensive. During each act many novel and pleasing musical numbers are introduced by the big company - a special feature being the musical portion of the program, every member of the organization being a skilled vocalist. Expert dancers also contributes to the general amusement. A fine brand and orchestra accompany this play and some new and novel instrumental selections will be rendered. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.

Deb's Lecture.

 Mr. Eugene V. Debs, the great labor agitator and lecturer, will deliver a lecture in Lafayette, Jan. 26, on the subject: "Liberty and Labor." Mr. F. C. Triay has just received a letter from L. W. Rogers, manager of Debs' lecturing tour, giving assurance that Mr. Debs will certainly be here on the date indicated. Further notice on the subject will be given next week. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.


 The people of the town and parish are today confronted with a situation concerning public health, of a very grave if not serious character. For some time there has existed in this and neighboring parishes a contagious disease resembling small-pox and so pronounced by some physicians while other declare it to be nothing more than chicken-pox. So mild has been the type that up to this date no deaths have been reported, many of the afflicted recovering without confinement or even medical attention. Nevertheless it cannot be denied that the disease whatever its real character is very contagious and although confined almost exclusively to the negro race it behooves the health authorities to take some precautionary measures to protect the mass of the people. This is rendered all the more imperative when it is considered that small-pox is a winter disease and though now in attenuated form may at any time develop into a malignant type.

 The measures adopted and now being pursued are not calculated to prevent the spread of the disease and in fact may be considered absurd in the extreme. Simply to place a yellow flag over the infected premises and then trusting to "luck," that the surrounding community shall escape contagion might be denominated the height of the ridiculous, were not the matter of so serious import. No attempt whatever has been made to isolate or restrict the malady and owing to the negro's well known gregarious proclivities large numbers have become affected throughout the parish and some few cases are reported in town.

 While The Gazette does not wish to be unduly harsh in criticism, it does seem that the health authorities both municipal and parochial have totally failed to cope with the situation through mere lack of a little judgment and power to effectively grasp the conditions which presented. Had the few cases first appearing been promptly isolated and all precautions taken to destroy the clothing, bedding, etc., of the patients no epidemic would have threatened and much loss and inconvenience would have been avoided. As it is today the people of the town and parish are menaced with a disagreeable if not dangerous epidemic because the authorities did not or could not cope with the very simple matter of prompt and effective isolation of a few cases at the beginning.

 The parish is fully able to bear the expense incident to an effective restriction of the disease and it is understood that the Board has been authorized by the Jury to carry out any policy deemed best to protect the people. The city should be as well able to disburse a few dollars in this cause inasmuch as the property tax-payers have for several years been saddled with a special tax of 2 1/2 mills for quarantine purposes. A few hundred dollars or a thousand even, disbursed in an effort to stamp out the disease would prove highly satisfactory to the average citizen. No vacillating or impotent policy however should be pursued. Let there be a thorough comprehension of the situation and then strong and vigorous measures inaugurated to eradicate the pest from the community. The cost must not enter into the solution of a problem which so vitally concerns the lives and well being of every man, woman and child in the corporation.

 Until some much effective measures as above outlined are adopted and the disease at least curbed vaccination should be resorted to by all as the only sure preventative. No charge is made by either town or parish and the resulting inconveniences to the subject is so slight, that no person can afford to run even the slightest risk of taking the disease. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.

 Police Jury Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., Dec. 7, 1899. - The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present:  R. C. Landry, C. C. Brown, J. E. Primeaux, Alonzo Lacey, Alfred Hebert, Ben Avant and John Whittington. Absent: M. Billeaud, Jr.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 By permission the secretary called the attention of the Jury to the charge made by Mr. J. O. Broussard to the effect that the secretary had suppressed a resolution adopted by the Jury Nov. 19, 1898, granting one-half of the liquor licenses of 1899, to the parish schools. By motion duly made the following was unanimously adopted:

 Resolved, That the minutes of the Police Jury under date of Nov. 19, 1898, be and are hereby declared correct, and that no resolution granting half the liquor licenses of 1899 to the parish schools was ever adopted by this body. The secretary, R. C. Greig, is hereby exonerated from any and all charges affecting his honesty and integrity in the premises.

 By motion the sum of $40 was appropriated to build a bridge at Howard Hoffpauir's, second ward.

 By motion Messrs. John Whittington, Alfred Hebert and R. C. Greig were appointed to estimate and report the probable expenses of the parish for the calendar year of 1900.

 The Jury hereby declares Celeste Howard and Emma Andress, colored, and interdicts without property and in indigent circumstances.

 The following communication was read:

 Lafayette, La., Nov. 6, 1899. - To the Hon. R. C. Landry, President of the Police Jury: - Desiring to return to school in order to pursue a special course, I hereby tender my resignation as the official stenographer of the 17th Judicial District, in and for the parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana. Thanking you for the many favors conferred by your honorable body, I am,
     Respectfully yours,
             ABY DEMANADE.

 The death of Master Demanade at Centenary College caused the most profound expressions of regret and sorrow and the Jury unanimously adopted the following resolution as expressive of the high regard entertained for this worthy young man:

 Resolved, That the Jury hereby expresses the profoundest sorrow and deep sense of loss at the intelligence of Master Demanade's death and hereby tenders to his bereaved parents sincere and heartfelt sympathy in the loss of a devoted and affectionate son. Resolved further, That the Jury recognized the eminent ability and high moral character of Master Demanade in his private and official life and hereby testifies to his official duties.

 Mr. J. E. Primeaux was appointed and authorized to effect by donation a change in the public road around and through the property of Nelson Higginbotham. Said change to be made free of all costs to the parish.

 The following report was ordered spread upon the minutes:

 Lafayette, La., Dec. 7, 1899. - To the Hon. President and Members of Police Jury of Lafayette Parish. Gentlemen: - I beg to submit to your honorable body my statement, for use of road tax fund in the 3rd ward from March 4, to-date:

 ------------------p. 3--------------------


 The sum of $12.50 was granted Euzebe Mouton, indigent.

 The committee appointed to estimate the probable expenses for the year 1900, submitted the following which was adopted and ordered published thirty days: - To the Hon. Police Jury: - Your undersigned committee appointed to estimate the probable expenses of the parish for the calendar year 1900, would respectfully submit the following for your adoption:

  -------------------p. 3--------------------

 Respectfully submitted, 

         Lafayette, La., Dec. 7, 1899.
  The treasurer submitted the following report:

 To the President and Members of Police Jury, Parish Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of the special road tax since my last report:

 -------------------p. 3------------------

 Respectfully submitted,
        J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.

        Lafayette, La., Dec. 7, 1899.
  To the President and Members of Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of parish funds since my last report.

 --------------p. 3--------------------

 Respectfully submitted,
      J. E. MARTIN, Treasury.

          Lafayette, La., Dec. 7, 1899.
  The sum of $6.00 was ordered paid to L. Alleman of the 3rd ward, special road fund.

 The following account was rejected.

 Dr. F. W. Courtney, vaccination and expert services $50.

 The following accounts were approved:

 ----------------p. 3---------------------

 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.
R. C. LANDRY, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1899.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 23rd, 1899:


 Closed Sunday After Affording a Week of Clean, Wholesome Amusement.

 The Street Fair closed Sunday night and now Lafayette has again settled down to ordinary business after a week's enjoyment and bustle. The Fair kept things lively, something doing all the time, and excitement seemed to permeate the air. In the morning it was talk about the excellent and entertaining exhibitions given by those splendid entertainers, the United States Carnival Co., and in the evening it was the balloon ascension and the high dive which absorbed much attention. For the night, a visit to the Fair and a round of the attractions. It is difficult to say which pleased most. Lovers of curiosities found Cleo, the wonderful little horse, only 28 inches high, a marvel, others gazed in rapt astonishment upon the moving pictures in the electric show, as the Faries Realm unrolled before their eyes, or stood in trembling suspense listening to the decree of Fate as disclosed by the gypsies. Across the grounds the perilous feats of the Whirling Wheelers claimed its crowds, who saw with bated breath their giddy ride up the side of a huge basket shaped affair. The House Upside Down gave a startling sensation, and the Old Plantation had its share of attention. The Hindoo Mystery is still a mystery, but those who gazed upon it are still trying to solve it, and altogether the Street Fair has given plenty of entertainment, and furnished a topic for conversation for some time to come. Financially the Street Fair was a success, and the Fire Department, for whose benefit it was given, will net a tidy sum. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1899.


Train No. 10 leaves 12:35 p. m.
Train No. 6   leaves   1:54 p. m.
Train No. 8   leaves   2:46 p. m.
 Trains  6 and 10 have 20 minutes for dinner. No. 6 is a fast train only stopping at New Iberia, Franklin, Morgan City and Gretna. No. 10 does the local work.

Train no. 9 leaves at 2:35 p. m.
Train no. 5 leaves at 3:35 p. m.
Train no. 7 leaves at 1:58  a. m.
 Train No. 5 is North Texas fast train only stopping at County Seats on our line. No. 9 does the local work.

ALEXANDRIA BRANCH.Train 73 leaves 3:05 p. m.
Train 72 arrives 11:59 a. m.

Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1899.

SMALL POX. - General complaints come to us daily about small pox. It is a true dilemma. Sometimes we are informed that there are only three or four cases, while at other times we are met with the the cry "it's all the town and parish" and the whole thing is thereby limited. We have no knowledge that the Board of Health ever met to take measures to prevent the dissemination of this disease. It is a fact that the President of the Board gave notice that all school children must be vaccinated, but we would like to see some more energetic measures adopted.

 Since the promulgation of the first quarantine (in yellow fever time) the citizens of the corporation have been paying a special tax of two and half mills especially devoted to quarantine purposes. It seems to us that this surplus of taxation comes in the right time. There was no use to make so much noise when the yellow fever raged over hundreds of miles from Lafayette, then, do nothing when a disease more loathesome is among us, when by adopting some energetic measure the disease could nbe circumscribed successfully.

 Sample bottle of Bochee's German Cough Syrup and Green's August Flower, given away at LAFAYETTE DRUG. CO.

 Rev. C. C. Wier, the new Methodist minister has arrived in Lafayette and will preach to-morrow Sunday at 11 a. m. Rev. Mr. Wier has been transferred from White Castle, La., where he has been for the last four years.

 While you are making preparations for the new year, why not start it with a new Cash Book, Journal and Ledger. You are sure to get the right one if you pick it from the stock at the Moss Pharmacy. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1899.

At Opera House Sunday Dec. 24.

 "Oh, this sad, sad world" was sung for a few nights last season with "Two Merry Tramps," but even a comic ditty with sad, sad words were so foreign to the general atmsophere of this jolly farce that it was discarded. There is no possible chance for an argument as to the style of performance of this comedy. It is clean, pure, wholesome fun from 8:15 to 10:40. People are expected to laugh every minute during that time, and if they do not should consult a doctor.

 The company engaged this season in the presentation of this play is composed of the best talent procurable and numbers 20 people, among whom are some of the leading lights of the comedy, opera and vaudeville world. Special attention has been given the musical contingency and every member is required to be a vocalist of ability. A splendid orchestra and band is being furnished by the management insuring us that all musical numbers will receive proper treatment both from  a vocal and instrumental point of view.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1899.

At Falk's Opera House.

 Mr. Junius Howe will this Evening Dec. 23rd. again present to the theater going public of this city his bright and clever star, Corinne, at Falk's Opera House in an especially elaborate production of Smith and De Lange's funny creation "The Little Host."

 The supporting company is an excellent one, the roster embracing the names of the following well known artists: R. E. Graham, Wm. Pruette, John J. Raffael, Louise Le Lange, Arthur Villars, Paul Brackett, Ruth White, Genevieve Reynolds, Natalia Olcott, and Emily Francis. Besides these prominent people, a well drilled chorus has been supplied which is supplemented by the famous "Keystone Quartette."

  At a regular meeting of the Board of the First National Bank of Lafayette, held this day, a semi-annual dividend of five per cent was declared, payable after Jan. 1st. 1900.
S. R. Parkerson, Cashier.
Lafayette La. Dec 5th, 1899.

 J. C. Couvillon and all Dealers in medicine guaratee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to any one who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of the contents. This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe coughs, colds, crup and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia.

 Have your Xmas turkey carved with a carving set bought at Biossats' jewelry store. Lowney's Best Candy at DeLaHoussaye
 Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1899. 

Eugene V. Debbs. We give below some clippings from various newspapers throughout the United States in regard to Eugene V. Debbs who will lecture in Lafayette at Falk's Opera House January 26th, 1900.
 Some of Debs' utterances were of so lofty and ennobling nature that they would not have disgraced a Philip Brooks. At the end of his lecture many hundred people stopped to shake hands with him. - Boston (Mass.) Advertiser.

 - Debs is doing a grand work for humanity. His great heart is bound up in the welfare of the people. -- Portland Sun.

 - Debs is doing more to advance the cause of the brotherhood of man than all of the big city newspapers in the country. - Clevland Forum.

 Eugene V. Debs possesses those characteristics that will cause his name to be written in the history of great men and will cause future generations to point to him as one of the most able, distinguished and honest statesmen of the age. Washington (D. C.) Democrat.

 Debs stands higher today in the hearts of the masses than any man in America. All friends of humanity and justice delight to do him honor. - St. Louis Evening Journal.

 Galveston, Texas, Daily Press, "Mr. Debs" was one of the finest it has been our pleasure to listen to." Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1899.


Last Minute Gifts?

 Elegant painted puff and jewel boxes at Biossat's jewelry store.

 Gifts for Ladies is a special feature of our beautiful holiday stock. Just what they want.

 Beautiful gifts for your sister or sweetheart.

 Many things that would delight your wife. Selections that would please your dear old mother. All of our elegant goods are marked at the fairest figures. - MOSS PHARMACY.

Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1899. 

DIED. - CHARLES AUGUST MOUTON -  at the residence of Mr. Sidney Martin on Sunday, Dec. 17th, 1899 at 2 o'clock p. m.

 Mr. Charles August Mouton was a native of this parish, being the son of John Sosthene Mouton, and led an exemplary life since childhood. At the beginning of the civil war he volunteered in the Acadian Guards, which were organized in this parish by his brother in law, captain Alfred Mouton, who was a graduate of West Point, and which subsequently became company E of the 18th regiment of Louisiana. He served four years and only returned home at the end of the hostilities and always saw active service.

  At the battle of Mansfield where Gen. Mouton was killed, standing before the prostrate form of the dead general he made a secret vow to devote himself to the family of the deceased, and the whole community can testify better than pen can relate, that Mr. Mouton fulfilled this vow in a most disinterested manner ; and, when the general's wife died, her family being all grown up, he selected one of the daughters' home (Mrs. Sidney Martin) where she went to love and there he ended his days surrounded by all the cares and attentions bestowed upon him by the whole family not only in recognition of his past devotion but also of his high qualities both as a gentleman and christian. His life and  his death he told Father Bollard that during his life as a soldier he had served under two banners, one, the Confederate's, the other Jesus-Christ's, and that he was now willing to surrender to his Creator. Funeral services were held at the Catholic Church on Monday Dec. 18th. at 2 p. m. A large concourse of people assembled together to pay their respects to the deceased one. The pal bearers, all confederate soldiers-in-arms were Messrs. Wm. Butcher, August Albarado. L. F. Rigues, Simon Boudreaux, Roche Mouton and Ambroise Mouton.
   We extend our sympathy to the family.  

From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 23, 1899.

 Christmas at St. John's.

 The order of masses at St. John's Catholic Church on Christmas Day will be as follows:

 First at 6 a. m.; Second at 6:30 a. m., Third at 7 a. m.; Fourth at 7:30 a. m.; Fifth at 8:30 a. m.; Sixth at 9:30 a. m. 
Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1899.

Transferred to this Place.

 Rev. C. C. Wier, the new Methodist minister has arrived in Lafayette and will preach to-morrow Sunday at 11 a. m.

 Rev. Mr. Wier has been transferred from White Castle, La., where he has been for the last four years. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1899.

Celebrating Piano.

 On last Thursday night Mr. B. J. Pellerin the winner of the Piano offered a punch to the members of Home Fire Co., which was greatly enjoyed by those present. A number of toasts were made and then to crown the occasion the members of Home Fire Co., presented to the editor of this paper a neat engraved gold charm with diamond pin for his generous help on Dec. the 7th.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1899.


 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/23/1899.

With all the bad weather we have had a rush at the MOSS PHARMACY for Christmas presents. This is self-evident that the price and holiday goods suit the people. Will you be one in the crowd to visit today?

 The frame building on the lot purchased by J. A. Delhomme who began moving it Friday over to his lot.

 Ringslide in St. Martin parish last Saturday. 

 Turkeys for Christmas at Peck and Broussard.

 Billy Kersand at Falk's Opera House Jan. 2, 1900.

 Hot Coffee and Chocolate with whipped cream at MOSS PHARMACY.

Rev. I. T. Reams, left Lafayette last Monday, having been transferred to White Castle, La.

 Manicure and Toilet sets in ebonoid and silver trimmed at Biossat's. 

 Miss Alma Robichaux, of St. Martinville, is the guest of the misses Robichaux.

 For neat engraving upon silver, gold, etc., go to P. Kraus. You will be satisfied with his work.

 Have you heard? It is heard now and and may be Heard next April, and all the votes will be heard then.

 Messrs. Frank Mouton, Thomas DeBaillon, Joseph Lacoste and Paul Robichaux went to St. Martinville last Sunday.

 Mr. J. R. Domegeaux, went over to St. Martin's, to help the patriots to get in and the ringsters to get out. A good day's work.


 Fancy hand painted Plaques at T. M. Biossats.

 A large assortment of fancy Christmas candies at S. E. Yandle's.
 There will be services at the Presbyterian Church to-morrow Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. All are invited to attend.

 Misses E. Castille and M. Francez of Carencro, spent hapy hours at the Abbeville Fair last Sunday.

 As previously announced Mr. Eugene V. Debbs will lecture at Falk's Opera House on January 26th. His subject will be Labor and Liberty.

 We have an elegant line of Xmas and New Year goods - T. M. Biossat. 

 The order of masses at St. John's Catholic Church on Christmas Day will be as follows : First at 6 a. m.; Second at 6:30., Third at 7 a. m.; Fourth at 7:30 a. m.; Fifth at 8:30 a. m.; Sixth at 9:30 a. m.

 Beginning on the first of next January, Miss Estelle

 Misses M. Broussard and L. Gladu, in company with Miss Sarah Brown of Carencro, took in the Abbeville fair on last Sunday and returned next day, with the exception of Miss Brown who remained for a few days longer.

 Dr. H. P. Beeler and Edward Mouton left last Wednesday for Louisville, Ky., to spend the holidays. The Dr. will be back some time next month.


 On Monday evening, Dec. 25th. at the Presbyterian Church, Christmas exercises will be given. In connection with the Christmas tree a cantata "Santa Claus' Dream" will be rendered by the children. The public is invited.

 The City Marshal was compelled to call the attention of the Racket Man upon a city ordinance forbidding the blockading of side walks, The guilty ones were the public crowding the Racket Store to make their Christmas purchases. 
Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1899. 

From the Lafayette Advertiser December 23rd, 1893:

Brilliant Wedding at Lake Charles.

 Lake Charles, La., Dec. 18. -One of the most brilliant weddings that ever took place this city occurred last evening, the contracting parties being Mr. Samuel Bendel, of Lafayette, La., and Miss Rosa Reims, of this city. The groom is a successful business man of the first mentioned place, well known here, as also in New Orleans and other cities in this State. The bride is the daughter of one of Lake Charles' most prominent merchants, Mr. David Reims, and has grown up here beloved and esteemed by a large circle of friends. Naturally brights, vivacious and attractive, she has had every advantage that wealth could confer. She graduated at Markey-Picard Institute, afterward visiting France and Germany in company with her father. The bride's dress was a "creation" of the modiste's art. This but served to enhance the natural charms of the bewitching and charming bride.

 Little less elaborate was the costumes of the bridesmaid, Miss Mrya Reims, and the little flower girls.

 Phoenix Hall did duty, pending the erection of a synagogue at this place, and was elaborately decorated for the occasion with a profusion of flowers and evergreens. Soft carpets covered the floor, and at the raised platform at the north was a silken canopy from which depended a large bell constructed from satin ribbon, lace and other gauzy material interspersed with bright flowers. At the appointed hour the groom and Rabbi Leucht having already taken their respective places under the canopy, the bridal party entered in the following order: First was the little flower girls, the Misses Estelle and Carrie Frank, Josie Moch, Bessie Kaufman, Carrie Reims, Wilhelme Schwellen, Blanch Reims and Amy Ongler. Next came the bride, leaning on the arm of her father, followed by Miss Myra Reims and Mr. Henry Bendel, the orchestra meanwhile playing the wedding march.

 After the ceremony congratulations were in order, and the entire assembly personally paid their respects to the newly wedded pair. Shortly before 8 o'clock the banquet was announced, and the 225 guests, comprising most all the prominent people of the city, sat down to a most elaborate dinner.

 25th of December.
 The twenty-fifth of December, which is Monday next, is the anniversary of an event which has played no small figure in the history of the world, and Christmas need not to be reminded of its importance. It is a fact which proclaims itself that the celebration of the birth-day of Christ, the son of God, and the redeemer of mankind, goes on from year to year with increasing fervor and meaning. The beautiful traditions that have grown up around this event and became inseparably entwined with its communication seem to be wonderfully appropriate. The story of the Nativity, a side even from its divine attributes, is at once beautiful and pathetic. Every incident of it is well calculated to attract attention and interest and in its original form is painted with magnificent effect. "Even the most learned and eloquent divine of to-day could not with all the power of logic, or the aid and embellishment of rhetoric add a single charm to the narration." At His nativity a glorious choir of angles, in the fields of Bethlehem sung to the shepherds, watching at their folds by night. Hence it is that the ADVERTISER ventures to wish one and all a merry Christmas and to express the hope and the belief that there is much to be merry for. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1893.

 Unknown Assassin.  - John Richardson, an Express messenger running between New Orleans and Houston, met his death at the hands of some unknown assassin, about 10:40 o'clock Monday night. It appears as though the latter secreted himself in the Express Car and immediately after the train left Houston committed his hellish deed and securing his booty left the train at Green Bayou, a blind siding where the train side tracks to allow passing of the opposite train which leaves here at 3:55 p. m. The murder was not discovered until 26 miles this side of Houston, at Liberty Station where the Agent had some express to forward and could not succeed in arousing the messenger. The train porter jumped in the car and to his astonishment found the messenger dead, with a fracture in the skull and five bullet holes in his body. Strange to say all this occurred without attracting the attention of any of the train crew. The remains of the murdered messenger were taken off to Liberty, for coroner's inquest and afterward carried back to Houston on No. 18 and prepared for shipment to New Orleans. Mr. Richardson was much respected and loved by his associates and enjoyed the confidence of his employers. His home is in New Orleans and he leaves a wife and  and brother to mourn his loss.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1893.

The Germans Are Coming.

 We received during the week, under the date of Dec. 13th, a letter from Mr. Adolph Pfund of Belvidere, Ill., who writes in the interest of a number of law-abiding German Catholic families of that State who desire to locate in Southwest Louisiana, and incidentally requests "all information regarding your country." We have no hesitation in saying to Mr. Pfund that the people of Lafayette parish, and in fact we believe of the entire of Southwest Louisiana, anxiously awaits all law-abiding industrious people of whatever religion or creed. In so far as local religions are concerned it may be said that Catholics predominate, and therein the conditions would suit the good people to whom he refers. Mr. Pfund says: "If arrangements can be made for a tract of land near Lafayette or, between Lafayette and Abbeville, for an exclusive Catholic or mixed (colony)" he would like to know the terms that might be obtained. We have not the information at hand but we feel quite sure that such a tract can be obtained between these points on reasonable terms. In other respects we remark that Lafayette is one of the garden spots not of the South but of the world. There is no place on earth the aggregate advantages of which are superior to those of this parish. In health, climate and soil, we are blessed by nature far beyond many other sections. Some have more of one perhaps but, with it, much less of another.

 The town of Lafayette is the natural center of an immense area of country and is an ideal location for dozens of manufactories.

 Its prosperity advancement and values rest upon a solid foundation. There are no inflated artificial values here. The movement in prices is slow but always upward and sure, and in conclusion we desire to emphasize the manifest advantages offered by Lafayette as a manufacturing center, and to invite a survey of the situation.
Mr. Pfund requests the address of the Catholic priests here and at Abbeville, we append them:
Rev. E. Forge, Lafayette, La.
 Rev. Mehault, Abbeville, La.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1893.

For St. John's Church.

 Several well disposed people are putting things in order to give a grand dramatic representation at an early date for the benefit of the Catholic Church of this place. The play is already chosen and the rehearsals will commence at once. The work is one in which, we have no doubt, Catholics in the community will be much interested as well as others who believe in helping along a good cause.

 The interior of the Catholic church edifice here has never been painted. It aims to some architectural effect, and it is universally conceded that the designer has not altogether failed. In fact, it must be admitted that there is much to admire in the interior work of this church, which can only be finished by the proper coloring. Father Forge inform us that to this correctly would require the sum of $1,200, of which he would willingly give one half. It seems to us that this is an extremely liberal offer on his part, and, we have no doubt the announcement of it at this time will stimulate in a marked degree the efforts of those whom we first referred to. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1893.


In Negotiation.

 Mr. B. Falk, proprietor of our Opera House, informs us that he has of late been negotiating with the Heywood Celebrities," a musical company which is now performing in New Orleans, to have them appear here, and after reading the reports concerning them we have no hesitation in expressing the hope that they succeed. The entertainments which they have given in New Orleans are spoken of in the highest terms by people who know what they are talking about. They are put down as a first class company of lady and gentlemen artists. Their performance at the Seamen's Bethel was endorsed by Rev. Dr. Markham without reserve. Mr. Falk informs us they require a guarantee of $150.00 for their appearance here, of which he has secured $80.00.

 Since writing the above we are informed by Mr. Falk that he is now engaged in placing tickets to make up the sum asked by the Heywoods as a guarantee, and if tickets enough are taken the company will be here on the 28th and 29th, inst. being Friday and Saturday next. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1893.

THIS N' THAT 'Round the Ole' HUB TOWN.

The weather of the past week has been superb. Glorious days of balmy sunshine and nights of incomparable moonlight, and may the same be with us for Christmas. 

 Mrs. E. McDaniel went to Opelousas last week.

 Christmas joys and noise got a very fair start during the week. 

 Mr. Willie Clark is a sufferer from erysipelas in his left arm.

 Judge Parkerson was in San Antonio during the first part of the week.

 Flower vases, cups and saucers and other Holiday goods at F. Demanade's.

 Mr. H. L. Fontenot is spending the holidays with relatives in Washington.

 Miss Virgie F. Younger, of Avoyelles Parish is on a visit to her Sister Mrs. F. C. Triay.

 Dr. M. R. Cushman and wife of Milton, La., were visitors in town last Wednesday.

 The town is full of that instrument of probable harm and no possible good known as the nigger-shooter, and really we see no reason why the the town council should not regulate against it.  

 Mrs. Overton Cade and Miss M. C. Smedes were doing holiday shopping in town Wednesday.

 Mrs. J. T. Skipper and sister, of Opelousas, honored Lafayette with her presence, Monday.

 Messrs. J. P. Tierney, and Thos. Rogers went to Opelousas Monday, and returned the next day.

 Dr. P. M. Girard and wife, and Mr. Albert Singleton, left for Leesburg last Sunday, on a pleasure outing.

 A single man of experience wants position as manager of plantation. Address, R. H. Thomas, this office.

 Solid gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses in all styles at T. M. Biossat's Jeweler.

 Miss Lizzie and Master Sterling Mudd have come home from school to spend Christmas week with their parents.

 Miss. Lea Robichaux of St. Martinville La., has for several days been a guest of Miss. Modeste Robichaux.

 The nuptials of Mr. Samuel Bendel and Miss Rosa Reims were celebrated with much eclat at Lake Charles, on the 17th., instant.

 The Pay Car did not arrive until Thursday, being detained on account of the serious illness of pay master Huder's wife. 

 A Christmas tree at Falk's Opera House to-morrow evening would prove a source of great joy to the wee folks of this community.

 Mrs. A. M. Caffery returned from Alexandria, where she has been for some months, during the week, and is shopping with her son, Chas. D. Caffery.

 Gold and silver watches, fancy clocks and other desirable ornaments suitable for Christmas and New Year's presents can be had at E. Priollaud's jewelry store. 

 Prof. R. C. Greig has informed us that the Southern Pacific Company has made a concession of one fare in favor of the teachers attending the Convention at New Iberia.

 Please don't forget that I will be in Lafayette, Jan. 2nd., to remain one week to make first class photographs of a persons desiring my services.
W. A. Bonnet

 At Moss Brothers & Co., you will find most beautiful Christmas cards, as well as the most inexpensive kind.

 Several public school teachers of this parish have expressed to The Advertiser their intention of attending the sessions of the State Teachers' Association at New Iberia next week.

 Some unknown party or parties entered a box car Thursday at midnight, or early Friday morning last, and stole several suits of clothes and sampled a box of oranges. No clue to the theft, yet.

 Four sections of No. 19 passed through Wednesday morning, the three last sections consisting of 25 coaches of Tennesseans, Alabamans and Georgians, returning from the West to their former homes to spend the holidays.

 Mr. J. E. Lalanne of this place will lead to the altar on January 4th; 1894, Miss Myra Boudreaux of Washington, La. The ceremony will be performed at the Catholic church in Washington at 8 o'clock a. m.

 Messrs. Moss Bros.& Co., announce to the public in this issue that they will keep their store open till 12 o'clock to-night for the accommodation of those who cannot make it convenient to call during the day for Christmas presents.

 Dr. F. E. Girard returned from New Orleans during the week, having dissolved all professional relations there and we hear will open an office either in Houston or San Antonio, for the treatment of eye and ear troubles, of which he has made a specialty.

 Mr. Felix Martin and Miss Regina Guidroz both of this parish will be united in marriage at St. John's church on the 28th instant.

 Fire! Fire! Fire works of every description at Moss Bros. & Co., Japanese Lanterns also.

 We thank our friends for the prompt manner in which they have responded to our call for payment of their dues to the ADVERTISER. The few who have been prevented from coming forward until now, we hope will find it convenient to pay up before next Saturday.

 Mr. B. Falk informs us that he has recently purchased a new brick machine for his yard near town which has a capacity for manufacturing from eight to ten thousand bricks per day, and from a sample which we have on exhibition, there is reason to believe it does first class work.

 A grand fancy dress ball will be given by the young gentlemen of the town Christmas night in the elegant and spacious dining hall of the Crescent Hotel by courtesy of the obliging manager Mr. John Hahn. A most enjoyable time is anticipated.

 Mr. James Higginbotham of our town passed the 82nd. mile post of his life yesterday, and in spite of the (unreadable word) hair and beard of many a year he still appears to be as young as ever. The Advertiser hopes uncle Jim may yet live to see a goodly number of happy returns of the day.

 On Sunday December 31st there is to be a race meeting on Cleopa Broussard's track near town for which several important races have been arranged one of which will be contested by Nellie, belonging to Omer Chiasson and Maggie owned by Alphe Fontellier. May the best horse win. Gumbo and other refreshments will be sold on the ground. Gate - fee 25ct.

 Citron, currants raisins, cranberries, fruit cakes, fine bonbons, almonds, etc., at Moss Bros. & Co.

 We read in the last issue of the Lafayette Gazette, that editor C. A. Thomas has sold out his interest to his partner Mr. Homer Mouton, and that the latter will in the future have sole charge of the paper. Mr. Thomas has gone to St. Martinville for a brief stay. We do not know whether our confrere will again enter journalism, but in whatever sphere he may cast his lot we trust he may have a full measure of success.

 From Mr. Valery Boudreau, of Duson, we learn that on Monday night last his neighbor, Mr. Ashe, living on Mr. Hugh Hutchinson's place, was the victim of a considerable fire. His crib containing a large quantity of corn and other provender for stock, also a number of sacks of rice, plows and other implements was destroyed. Mr. Ashe says he can imagine no reasonable way in which the fire could have originated accidentally. Although he had gone to bed he was fortunate enough to discover the fire before everything was burnt, and owing to Mr. Boudreau's assistance was enabled to gather several sacks of rice and other articles from the flames.

 Have you seen those beautiful Hall Lamps at Moss Brothers & Co? They are ornamental as well as useful, and not as expensive as you might think. This firm is also showing a very pretty line of Ceiling and Parlor lamps, suitable for holiday presents.

 The ADVERTISER is delighted to notice signs of some intelligent work on the streets of late, which is to be hoped, will not be abated. It is not indiscriminate depth of ditches that affords drainage. 

 On Thursday morning last, Marshall Vigneaux arrested for some minor offense one George Washington White, colored, a stranger in the country, and on searching him found in his possession one gold watch, one gold filled watch and two silver watches. Believing that his apparel hardly justified such a lavish supply of time-pieces, it was ascertained upon further search that he hailed from Thomasville, Alabama. Marhall Vigneaux then telegraphed a full description of White to the authorities at Thomasville and received in reply a message requesting that the prisoner be held. Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1893. 

 From the Lafayette Gazette of December 23rd, 1893:

Wanted for Burglary.

 In its last issue The Gazette announced the arrest by Marshal Vigneaux of a suspicious negro named George Washington White, in whose valise the officer found four watches and a small clock. White was setained awaiting identification. On the 15th Marshal Vigneaux received the following telegram from the mayor, of Thomasville, Ala., who had probably read of White's arrest in the New Orleans Picayune which contained an account of his arrest and detention. Here is he telegram:

 "Hold George W. White for requisition papers.     J. N. CAMMACK, Mayor."

 On the next day Marshal Vigeaux, received a telegram from Sheriff Waite, of Clarke County, Ala., stating he was coming with the requisition papers to take White to the scene of his crimes. White is charged with burglary and grand larceny of some watches and some money. When informed of the expected arrival of the sheriff, White expressed his willingness to go to Thomasville without the requisition papers. He claims that he will be able to prove his innocence. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1893.


 Wednesday night, at about 10 o'clock, Sheriff Broussard received a telegram from Mayor Dimitri of Carencro, stating that Mr. Louis Deleglise, a merchant at that place, had been robbed of some $1,500 or $2,000. The sheriff immediately went to Carencro, began an investigation of the case, and after being advised of all the facts, informed Mr. Deleglise that it was his belief that the money had been stolen by some one familiar with the surroundings, and that the money was either hidden in the store or not very far from it. With his usual activity and skill, Sheriff Broussard started to work and examined a number of witnesses. On the next day, when the sheriff was still at work trying to unravel the mysterious disappearance of the money, he was informed that his belief of the day before was well founded, as the money had been found under the icebox near the desk from which it was stolen. Evidently the money was placed there by some one who intended to take it away at a more convenient time. Mr. Deleglise kept his money and valuable papers in a tin box which during the day was placed in the desk.

 Much credit is due the town authorities and citizens of Carencro for their prompt and well directed efforts in trying to find out the perpetrators of this robbery. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1893.

Should be Stopped.

 This week while at the depot we were surprised to see a number of people carrying in their arms stalks of sugar cane, some having as many as six or seven stalks, and upon inquiry we were informed that they were taken from the cars of cane in transit to the refineries. We were told that a certain negro had taken enough of them to sell to the passengers on one of the excursion trains which passed here Tuesday. Thirty-five stalks were counted near the waiting room and, if our information is correct, this is only a repetition of what has been going on for a long time. It appears to us that the railroad company ought to put a stop to this reprehensible practice. The planters ship their cane to the refineries and they expect to get paid for them, and it is certainly doing an injustice to allow this thing to go.
Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1893.   


Martin Snags a Kentucky Trotter.

 At the sale of Kentucky trotters which took place in New Orleans last Monday, Dr. G. W. Martin, of Arnaudville, brother to Dr. G. A. Martin of this place, bought the star of the collection of standard bred horses which were offered to the highest bidder. The bidding of Uhlan, Dr. Martin's choice, was very brisk and it cost the Doctor $710 to get him. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1893.


 Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Edward E. Mouton, son of the late Judge Edward Mouton, and Miss Alexine Robichaux, an estimable citizen of St. Martin parish. The marriage will take place at St. Bernard's church Breaux Bridge, at half past four o'clock on Dec. 28. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1893.


 The marriage of Mr. Sam Bendel formerly of Lafayette, and Miss Rosa Reims of Lake Charles on the 18th of December at the last mentioned place was a brilliant affair. After the ceremonies which were performed by Rabbi Leucht of New Orleans, over 200 guests sat down to a banquet. The bride and groom have many friends here, some of whom attended the wedding.
Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1893.

"Heywood's Celebrities."

 In order to secure this splendid company for the patrons of this Opera House, Manager Falk has guaranteed to the management $150 for the two nights, and for this reason it is hoped that the theatre goers of Lafayette will show their appreciation of Mr. Falk's efforts, in securing a good show by attending the performances advertised for Dec. 28 and 29. We give below the opinions of competent judges on the character of the troupe:

-------------------p. 3-------------------

Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1893.

Falk's Bricks.

Mr. B. Falk brought to The Gazette office a sample of the bricks which were manufactured at his brick yard near town with the improved machinery that he has recently purchased. The sample is unusually large and is almost as hard as adamant, and Mr. Falk claims it is of more than ordinary durability. Mr. Falk informs The Gazette that the will turn out 8 or 10 thousand bricks daily. To do this will require the help of eight hands.
Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1893.

Rev. Armstrong Transferred.

 The conference of the M. E. Church, which met at Homer La., appointed on Monday last the preachers and presiding elders of the various churches and districts for the ensuing year 1894. Rev. H. Armstrong, our local pastor has been transferred to Franklin, La., and Rev. T. S. Randle of Opelousas will serve the Lafayette charge, Rev. J. M. Beard will replace Rev. John Miller as presiding elder of this the Opelousas district. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1893.

 American Legion of Honor.

 At the regular meeting of Harmony Council No. 1055 of the American Legion of Honor, held last Tuesday, the following officers were installed to serve one year:

 A. Delahoussaye, commander; W. W. Lessley, vice-commander; B. Falk, treasurer; A. Labe, collector; J. T. Allingham, recording secretary; E. Constantin, guide; Dimitry, chaplain; A. A. Guidry, orator; S. H. Goldberg, warden; J. Kallitz, sentry. Auditing Committee: Dr. F. J. Mouton, A. Delahoussaye, D. A. Dimitry.

 Two applications for membership were read and placed in the hands of the investigating committee. The council is in a flourishing condition. The initiation fee has been reduced for a limited time in order to give all a chance to join this excellent order. There is one lady member of the council and an invitation is extended to the ladies to join. Applications will be furnished by the collector or secretary. The next regular meeting will be held at Falk's Hall, Jan. 21, 1894. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1893.

Railroad News.

 Last Wednesday morning the boys at the railroad yard noticed a smile of contentment on the genial countenance of Judge Bowen and upon inquiry as to the cause, ascertained the fact that "Billy" had just been presented with a bouncing baby boy. Mother and child are doing well.

 Wm. Holleman, assistant section foreman at this place was promoted last Monday to the position of section foreman on the Cypremort branch.

 Mr. J. Weigle, section foreman of the Southern Pacific at this point, has planted some oak trees along the front and south side of the Crescent Hotel and along the west side of the railroad track.

 Conductor Mayfield and family, of Cypremort, are spending the holidays with relatives in Lafayette.

 Sneak thieves entered a box car in the yards and stole some clothes and few dozens or oranges, which were consigned to E. H. Vordenbaumen of this place.

 Several excursion trains passed through this week for South and Southeastern points. Most of the excursionists were people going to spend the holidays at their former homes in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi.

 Mr. C. C. Mabray, assistant agent at the Southern Pacific depot, has had a severe attack of the grip, but is doing better and will soon be at his post of duty. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1893.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/23/1893.

 Frank Pray, the well known horse dealer from Kansas, is in Lafayette.

 Judge Debaillion spent part of this week in Abbeville.

 We acknowledge a pleasant call from Warren Gardiner, of St. Landry parish.

 The Gazette is requested to state that thye Rev. H. Armstrong will preach at the Methodist church tomorrow (Sunday) at 11 o'clock.

 Henry Church yard master of the Southern Pacific yards, "laid off" this week on account of sickness.

 J. B. Hamilton and family, of Eldora, Iowa, arrived last Friday and are located on the Moses farm on the bayou.

 We call attention of those needing the services of a competent tinner to the notice of Mr. Wm. Graser in another column.

 Lincoln avenue has received the attention of the street gang and the residents on that popular thoroughfare are happy.

 Dr. Felix Girard, recently connected with the Eyes, Nose and Ear Hospital at New Orleans, was in Lafayette this week.

 A young lady suggests that a "tacke" party would be very amusing and much enjoyed by our young people - What you say boys?

 Don Greig, and Sterling Mudd son of Dr. F. S. Mudd, both the Hunt-Chamberlain Academy, Port Gibson, Miss., are at home to spend the holidays.

 Miss Lizzie Mudd, a student at the Home Institute at New Orleans, arrived Friday and will be home during the holidays.

 The enterprising young sugar planter, Ove Savoi, from Near Royville was in town this week with some fine syrup for which he found a ready sale.

 Mr. Ernest Constantin spent several days of the past week in New Orleans, and while there bought some fine American mules, which he has placed on sale at his livery stable in this town.

 Rev. H. Armstrong, the beloved pastor of the Methodist church, has been quite sick with the grippe. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Lafayette Gazette 12/23/1893.



Crazed by the Annexation Fever.
[From the N. O. Picayune.] 
 It is funny how the little States of the Union are heated up to the boiling point in favor of annexing other countries.

 For instance, there is United States Senator Francis G. Newlands, of Nevada, who has offered in the august body of which he is a member a joint resolution providing for the annexation to the United States of the Republic of Cuba, while Senator Heyburn, of Idaho, has offered a joint resolution providing for the annexation of the Island of Santo Domingo, including its two negro republics of Santo Domingo and Hayti.

 The State of Nevada had by the last census 42,335 inhabitants, a population equal only to that of a city like Saginaw, Mich. The State of Idaho had by the census a population of 161,772, city of Rochester, N. Y., and yet these little far-Western commonwealths, hid away in the fastnesses of the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains, are foremost in demands for the acquisition, how is not stated, but by war possibly, of islands and countries largely inhabited by negroes, just as if we did not already have enough black, brown, red and yellow people in the country to make no end of race and political trouble. The fact stated is funny in the in the extreme.

From the N. O. Picayune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 12/23/1903.        

Lagniappe #2.
The Range of the Turkey.

  In a discussion as to the northern range of the wild turkey, it is asserted that in the old times they were not met with north of Hampden County in Massachusetts. Against the writer the New York Sun has the testimony of the late Gen. John A. Dix, who was born in New Hampshire, and as a boy recollected seeing many flocks of that bird there. He told a story of a certain man in his town known as Turkey Bill. He was a noted trapper of wild turkeys. These he captured in a small log house, fitted with a door, sprung by the hunter in concealment. On a certain occasion Turkey Bill, having  located a flock of twenty birds, set his trap. He scattered a trail of corn leading to its entrance. The turkeys approached. One entered, then a second, and so on until nineteen of them were in the structure. The twentieth lingered, loath to enter. Turkey Bill patiently waited for him to join the others. He was sure of nineteen, but wanted them all. Soon the nineteenth, and so on until but one remained within. Then Turkey Bill sprang the door. He was at one time sure of nineteen, but in his greed he overreached himself, and in the end secured but one. Gen. Dix was disposed to apply the moral of the story to the methods of certain contemporary statesmen. 

 From the New York Sun and in the Lafayette Advertiser 12/21/1878.

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