Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of September 26th, 1903:

Assuming Publication of The Lafayette Gazette.

                   TO THE PATRONS OF THE GAZETTE:
 The death of my brother, Homer Mouton, the former editor of this paper, has enjoined upon me a continuation of his work so sadly ended. With this issue I will assume the publication of The Gazette.

 While the field of endeavor offered a country weekly is necessarily limited, I believe it was the earnest wish during the ten years that Homer Mouton published this paper to promote the welfare of the town and parish of Lafayette by his editorial utterances. That end, it shall be my humble effort to advance.

 The cause so near his heart, that of the public education of the children, always evinced his undivided co-operation, and The Gazette will continue to lend its assistance in every way to its furtherance.

 Though the political policy of The Gazette will be controlled by my own political opinions, still the democracy of Homer Mouton was broad enough and his faith in government of the people strong enough to justify my promise that the political course which he pursued will remain unchanged.

 In local political matters, where principles are not violated, pledges are sacred, and these will be kept. But I will honestly endeavor not to be blinded by partisan contentions.
I thank those who have so generously given their support to The Gazette, and I hope my efforts will merit their approval in the future.
Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1903.



Homer Mouton, journalist, logician, loyal friend, died Sept. 15th. 1903, at the age of 34 years.

 He was a man of simple tastes, sturdy virtues, and broad religious mind.

 Duty in all the relations of life was the standard to which he endeavored to raise his conduct. He made his mark upon his time in the short while allotted to him on earth, and in his name will be commemorated among his native people for whom he labored, by association with their institutions of commerce, education and charity, of which he was ever the steadfast and generous friend.

 Of good habits, clear head, and honest purposes, his actions always proceeded upon high planes and with a fidelity which won him the respect of friend and opponent alike, and secured for him also the gratitude and affection of his associates.

 He was strongly impressed with the seriousness of life, and he possessed a keen sense of the sublime in human nature. During his lifetime it was our habit (and our pleasure,) notice writings containing a rare idea or some beautiful thought, and I remember that only a short time before his death I laid on his desk the following little poem, which he afterward published.

 It is hard to shout when things go wrong,
    And the world seems a heartless place;
It is hard, indeed, to whistle a song,
    Or go with a smiling face;
It is hard, I know, to endure, ah, me!
    When we feel the javelin;
But if all things went right there would be
    No victory to win.
And so, I think, 'twere better to take
    The bitter, as well as the sweet,
And bravely Lear, though the heart must
  And sore must be the feet;
For, were life all felicity,
    With never a cross for men,
Oh, where would be the victory.
    Or need of heaven, then?

 His mind quickly seized the deep meaning of these lines, and as if to echo the lofty sentiment to which they gave expression he handed to me to read with his approval, this other little poem dealing likewise with man's immortality.

Out of the night that covers me,
    Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
    For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance,
    I have not winced or cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
    My heart is bloody but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
    Looms but the horror of the shade.
And yet the menace of the years
    Finds and shall find me unafraid.

 It matters not how straight the gate,
    How charged with punishments the school;
I am the master of my fate;
    I am the captain of my soul.
      -By William E. Henley.

 At peace with a man, trust in God, he met death with the composure of a brave soul. We weep over the grave of our friend, but how consoling the divine assurance that what we call death only opens to the freed spirit of the just and the good, the highway to a life immortal, un-weighted by sorrow.

 Some time the secrets of this overwhelming mystery of death shall we know. But now, it is enough that in faith we trust that whatever this be given, or that withheld, yet are all things done in wisdom and justice, as in love and mercy, to the sons of men. And this was the belief and the hope of him whose loss we mourn.

 The deceased was my friend, and with reverent hand I lay on his tomb the garland of this humble tribute to his memory for

 His life was gentle, and the elements
    So mixed in him, that Nature might stand up
And say to all the world, This was a Man!

(Signed) A. Friend.
Lafayette, La., Sept. 23, 1903.



 Appropriate Ceremonies Mark the Auspicious Beginning of the Year's Work.

 The following special to the New Orleans Times-Democrat gives an account of the opening exercises of the Industrial Institute held last Tuesday evening.

 "...The formal opening exercises of the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute, celebrating the beginning of the third session of the school, took place last night in the auditorium before an audience of nearly five hundred persons. A review and summary of the work accomplished by the institute during the first two years of its life were made by President E. L. Stephens, and appropriate addresses were made by Hon. Charles D. Caffery, mayor of Lafayette; Judge Julian Mouton of the Circuit Court of Appeals, and Rev. Dr. C. C. Kramer, of New Iberia. Music was rendered by Sontag's band, directed by Prof. Florent Sontag of the Institute.

 "In recounting the progress of the past two years, President Stephens stated that during that time near three hundred students of both sexes to have been to the Institute, and have found there opportunities for effort and study in manual training, with work in wood and iron, in drafting and mechanical drawing; in domestic science, with work in sewing, cooking, household sanitation and domestic economy; in the commercial course, with the art of bookkeeping, accounting, writing, and the practical conduct of business; in the stenography, typewriting, dictation, reporting; all courses, including work in English, in mathematics and in other selected academic branches; and, finally, in a regular academic course of four years, preparing the student for the more advanced work of a collegiate and scholarly career. At the end of the second year eighteen students graduated, eight in the academic course, seven in the commercial, one in domestic science, one in stenography and one in manual training. Of these, seven have come again to the Institute to pursue more advanced work and take special courses in other institutions; six have found useful employment in lucrative positions. And with sadness and the sense of a great loss throughout the school, it was announced that Jacques Domengeaux, the first graduate in manual training, had died during the summer at his home in Carencro, La.

 "The following changes were announced in the faculty: Prof. Florent Sontag of Lafayette succeeds Miss Ella Montgomery in the department of music; Miss Christine Riis of Massachusetts, graduate of Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, succeeds Miss Gertrude Mayfield in the department of domestic science; Miss Frances Ware Blocker of Marshall, Tex., pupil of Ellsworth Woodward in Newcomb Art School, succeeds to the work of Miss Emily H. Huger in the art department, and Prof. Edmund B. Smith is succeeded by Miss Mabel Wharton Leftwich of Virginia, graduate of Mary Baldwin Seminary at Staunton, in the work of Latin and mathematics.

 "Since the close of the last session there have been founded in the institute two medals in athletics by Dr. F. E. Girard of Lafayette - a gold medal for the best all-round athlete and a silver medal to the winner of the 100 yards dash on field day. An annual cash prize of $15 has been founded by Dr. James A. Martin of Lafayette for the student attaining to the highest average of scholarship and deportment in school.

 "Mayor Charles D. Caffery, on behalf of the town and people of Lafayette, extended a cordial welcome to the new pupils and teachers of the institute, bespoke for them a successful and prosperous year, and gave assurance of the continuance of that popular favor and good spirit which made the institute's establishment and its rapid progress possible. He urged that the attention of patrons throughout the section and the State should be called to the excellence of the work being turned out by the workshop and the other various departments of the school. A public auction sale of furniture made by students was proposed, and an effort to get all workshop products marketed advantageously.

 "Judge Julian Mouton, who has himself founded a medal for excellence in debate in the institute, expressed the warmest interest in the success of the students, and spoke words of the highest cheer for the educational advancement of the entire section of Southwestern Louisiana. It was noted that all things are now working together for the advancement of the schools. Not only has a great State institution been established, but the public schools have been improved correspondingly and an opportunity is being made by the people for every boy and girl.

 "Rev. C. C. Kramer of New Iberia delivered the principal address of the evening. He had worked untiringly to have the institute established in New Iberia, but having failed in this, he was ready to take hold and help the school develop itself. He delivered a scholarly, instructive and helpful address, voicing an irrepressible optimism upon the progress and advancement of the present age over all others in the history of the world - morally, intellectually and industrially.

 "The institute has begun regularly upon its work, having enrolled 140 students at the start, and the outlook for next year is most flattering. ..."

Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1903.

It Helps a Town. - Good streets and good sidewalks are important arteries of trade, and The Gazette is glad to note the recent action of the City Council looking to the construction of a stretch of cement walk from the railroad station to the court-house, as the first serious move forward toward providing for our rapidly growing town a really serviceable system of sidewalks that will be in the nature of a permanent public improvement. The proposed innovation is meeting with the approbation of our business men and property-holders in general, because they understand that it is only by such means as these that Lafayette can expect to make substantial headway and become one of the best business and social centers in this country - and that its what we want Lafayette to be.
Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1903.

 A Good Sign. - The new barber's pole adorning the front of Mr. C. C. Higginbotham's shop is unique and artistic, and it is not inappropriate to speak of it as "a good sign," and, we may add, the shop is in keeping with the sign.
Laf. Gazette 9/26/1903. 

 Business is Booming. - There is a strong movement in the Lafayette cotton market in consequence of the attractive price that the fleecy staple is commanding, and our farmers are reaping a well earned harvest. Cotton selling at 11 cents and upward makes times lively in every line of business, and the merchants of Lafayette are having a thriving trade at this time with every indication of one of the most prosperous seasons in the history of this section.  Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1903.

 Doing a Big Business. - The large two-story brick building of the Merchant's Grocer Co. is a center of great activity these days, and all hands are kept busy filling the orders that are coming in daily in constantly increasing numbers. With its large and well assorted stock of groceries, and wooden and woolen ware, the Merchants' Grocer Co. of Lafayette is now fully prepared to supply the needs of the trade, and the concern is being well patronized not only by the home merchants, but dealers in several of the neighboring towns are also finding it to their advantage to draw the regular supplies from this market.

 President Demanade and his business associates feel highly gratified with results so far, and the large volume of business transacted during the first month gives strong assurance of the bright future in store for the Merchant's Grocer Company and in every way justifies the good business judgment and foresight of the promoters of this new enterprise in our progressive little city.   Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1903.


Death of Thomas Nelson Blake.

 Mr. T. N. Blake, an estimable and honored citizen of Lafayette, died at his residence in this town last Thursday the 17th. The sorrowful news of his sudden death came as a surprise to the community, as though his ill health for the past two weeks was known among his friends, no one expected his end was so near. During the time he lived here Mr. Blake had won a host of friends by his kindly traits of character. In his death, the community loses a worthy citizen and his business associates an energetic and earnest co-worker. To the bereaved family, to whom he was so passionately devoted, sincerest sympathies are tendered.

 The excerpt reproduced below is taken from the New Orleans Picayune. It gives a brief sketch of his life.

 "...Mr. Blake was born in New Orleans about forty-five ago. The most of his boyhood was spent here. Hardly had he attained his majority when he went to New York city, where a considerable portion of his early manhood was passed in the commercial world.

 "After a wide experience in the great 'metropolis of America,' Mr. Blake returned to New Orleans, and immediately turned his talents into the drug line, securing employment with Messrs. L. N. Brunswig & Co., the predecessors of the firm of which he was vice-president. He gradually went from step to step in the firm with which he had cast his fortune, until he had worked himself up to the most successful travelingman in the employ of the company who interest he had at heart. Through his energy and marked ability, the title of 'Dean of Drummers' soon began to be applied to him. It was not long before he came to be looked upon as one of the most popular men on the road.

 "When Messrs. Brungwig & Co., sold out and were succeeded by the Parker-Blake Company, Limited, Mr. Blake became a stockholder, and was made vice-president of the new company, and his services and popularity among the retail druggists of Louisiana, and, in fact, among all with whom he came in contact, were deemed so valuable that he continued at this position as head of the travelingmen up to the time of his death, despite the fact that the office he held was next to that of the president.

 "Mr. Blake, a man entirely self-made, good, pure and sincere in all things, was one of those characters about whom the best that might be said of him would seem weak and short of the point. Only those who knew what it was to be in his company, and know his lofty views and ideals concerning all things of life, and those who worked and labored with him, seeing his sweetness, gentleness and tenderness of disposition, and the absolute fairness that was in him. He had mingled with men and matters much, and if he came in contact with sin, it did not contaminate him, but seemed to leave him purer. Surely did nature set her seal upon him as if to say to the world that this is a man in whom I am well pleased. When he passed away everyone lost a good friend, the company one its most faithful and efficient officers, and the world a man of the purest moral worth and integrity."   

 From the N. O. Picayune and in the Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1903.

Jacob Brobsky buried in the Hebrew Rest.

 Last Monday afternoon the Jews of this community, impelled by the benevolent spirit typical of their race, buried with customary religious exercises the body of Jacob Brobsky, an unfortunate who was the victim of a railroad accident at Lacassine on last Tuesday. After the accident he was taken to Welsh to receive proper medical attention but to no avail.

 Brobsky has no acquaintances in this section, but in the hour of misfortune willing and helpful hands were offered by his religious brethren to alleviate his sufferings.

 The deceased leaves a brother, a resident of New York.
Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1903.

Camp Mouton-Gardner U. D. C. Euchre.

 The local organization of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, the Mouton-Gardner Camp, gave a euchre party last Wednesday evening to realize funds for the treasury of the camp. The progressive firm of Pellerin & DeClouet generously tendered the use of their new building in process of construction, and the lower floor of the building was prettily decorated and presented an attractive appearance for the occasion.

 The seventeen tables prepared were all occupied and thirty-four couples engaged in a spirited series of euchre until the contest was decided and the prizes awarded. Very handsome presents were given the lucky winners and appropriate ones as booby prizes to those who were not so fortunate.

 The first prizes were won by Mrs. D. Schwartz, Mrs. O. T. Ford, Mr. John Hahn and Mr. G. B. Harris. The winners of the consolation prizes were Mrs. B. N. Coronna, Miss Louise Doenges, Mr. Eddie McBride and Mr. A. L. Bourgeois. The prizes for lone hands were awarded to Mrs. J. A. Martin and Mr. Rene Durand. The booby prize winners were Misses Corinne Guidry and Gertrude Coronna and Messrs. Ben Schmulinski and Mike Crouchet. A guest prize was also given which was won by Miss Louise Doenges. The guests were Misses Clara LeBlanc, of Abbeville, Louise Donges, of St. Louis, Cessa Fuller of New Iberia and Miss Silvernigle of New Orleans. Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1903.


 Mr. Martial Billeaud, Sr., the well know sugar manufacturer of Broussardville and Mrs. Antone Guidry were married last Thursday afternoon at the residence of the latter in Lafayette. Rev. Father Crozier performed the marriage ceremony. The contracting persons left the same day on the Sunset Limited train for San Antonio and other places in the West. Many friends were present at the ceremony, and The Gazette joins these in extending the best of wishes. Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1903.

Home Charity Association.

 The Home Charity Association was organized three years ago as the result of a conference held between a number of persons in Lafayette actuated by feeling of philanthropy to provide some ready and permanent means of relieving poverty and suffering among deserving members of the community overtaken by misfortune.

 The association is supported by small monthly dues of 25 cents paid by its members, which creates a regular fund for carrying on the work of the association systematically and unobtrusively. The treasury of the association is augmented from time to time by contributions made by charitably inclined persons outside of its membership, who desire to extend a helping hand to their fellow beings through the medium of the association.

 There is a great deal of well-meaning but misdirected charity in this world, and it is in preventing waste and misapplication of means of relief that organized charity has found a field of great practical usefulness. Individual charity is not to be discouraged, but it is true that much of the good that is intended by the exercise of this form of charity is lost, and often proves harmful to those it seeks to benefit by encouraging idleness and pauperism among a class who have no rightful claim on the sympathy and consideration of their fellow-men. And it is for this reason that many persons prefer to extend help to suffering humanity through the agency of established organizations, which carry on the relief with system, intelligence and fidelity; for such societies do not dispense charity blindly, taking no though of what will become of the recipients when the coal or clothing or food received now is gone, but will visit needy individuals and families next week and the week after - and long after present popular interests in these cases has subsided organized charity will still remember and see that the family entrusted to it during the winter storm is steadily helped to a better prosperity. Organized charity in its holy mission of alleviating human sufferings takes into careful account the difference between poverty and pauperism, showing every consideration for the former and very properly discouraging the latter, and exerting all its philanthropic effort in the direction of uplifting and ennobling human nature.

 Remembering that of all virtues charity is the greatest, The Home Charity Association was founded in Lafayette to serve as a convenient and ready medium for relieving want and suffering among worthy but destitute members of the community, and throughout the three years of its existence the association has been the means of bringing relief in not a few homes in the toils of sickness and hunger and helplessness. To be able to have a share in this noble work is truly to be regarded as a privilege, and the association is in every way entitled to the generous support of our people.

 The present official staff of The Home Charity Association is composed of the following well-known persons: Dr. N. P. Moss, president; Mrs. F. Demanade, vice-president; Mrs. J. O. Mouton, treasurer; Miss Marie Josse, secretary. The only condition of membership is the payment of the regular monthly dues of twenty-five cents, and a simple verbal or written request addressed to any officer of the association is the only requirement for enrollment as a member. Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1903.

City Council Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., Sept. 8, 1903. - A regular meeting of the City Council was this day held, Mayor C. D. Caffery presiding. Members present: J. O. Mouton, A. E. Mouton, F. Demanade, H. L. Fontenot, M. Rosenfield, G. A. DeBlanc. Absent: D. V. Gardebled.

 The chairman of Water and Light Committee reported progress in the matter of the new work at plant, reservoir being nearly completed, and also that of the pump. And everything in readiness for the pump which is due to arrive by Sept. 15, that the latest informations from the builders of pump is that same was completed and same was not in test shop.

 The chairman of this committee also reported an accident to one of the dynamos, which had been sent to the Johnson shop for repairs at a cost of $173.00, and the foundry promised to return same as soon as possible.

 Petition of Mr. L. Domingeaux by Mr. J. A. Van Dyke was refused.

 Dr. F. Mayer asked for an appropriation for the reception of the State Medical Association, during the month of May next. Action on the matter was deferred to next regular meeting.

 Bill of Dr. F. E. Girard for $46.oo for wire bought for street fair and turned over to town, was referred to Water and Light committee for adjustment.

 Communication of P. L. Breaux, principal of colored school requesting an appropriation for erecting a public school in Mills addition was accepted. On motion of A. E. Mouton, seconded by M. Rosenfield and carried, the sum of $100.00 was appropriated for that purpose.

 Mayor Caffery's report was accepted as follows:

 Bazaars ... $5.00
 Stock fines ... $3.00
 Mayor's court ... $17.00
 Total $25.00

 Petition of Mrs. L. F. Rigues for a permit to build an addition to her residence 12 x 14 in lumber was rejected.

 The following bills were approved:
 Lafayette Gazette ... $44.00
 Cleophas Richard ... $4.50
 V. Duhon ... $6.50
 A. E. Mouton ... $9.96
 A. E. Mouton ... $51.31
 B. Miller ... $2.50
 V. Duhon ... $2.60
 V. Duhon ... $23.50
 Advertiser ... $25.00
 A. Hirsh ... $31.20
 V. Duhon ... $4.55
 W. U. Tel. Co. ... 0.60
 Electric Appliance Co. ... $57.75
 Fairbanks Co. ... $70.00
 Fairbanks Co. ... $14.00
 Fairbanks Co. ... $10.75
 Fairbanks Co. ... $17.15
 Fairbanks Co. ... $9.00
 Lafayette Brick & Tile Co. ... $75.00
 The Fairbanks Co. ... $17.73
 A. E. Mouton ... $9.99
 A. E. Mouton (for reservoir) ... $1,214.07
 Cumberland Tel. & Tel. Co. ... $1.50
 V. Duhon ... $3.30
 E. T. McBride ... $15.70
 A. E. Mouton ... $19.46

 It was moved by G. A. DeBlanc and duly seconded, and carried that the following ordinance be adopted:

 An Ordinance, providing for the construction and paving of side walks along the streets of the town of Lafayette, La., and for keeping same in repair.

 Section 1 - Be it ordained that the City Council shall hereafter, whenever in its judgment the public interest requires it, build and construct along the streets of said town, side walks and curbing, concrete, brick or plank, as said Council may determine, and same shall be built according to plans and specifications be adopted by said Council.

 Section 2 - Be it further ordained, that said walks may be built under the direct supervision of the Council, or by contract, and in the event the same is to be built by contract, this said work shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder from whom there shall be exacted satisfactory security of the faithful execution of said contracts, that fifteen days notice for bids for said work shall be given in an official journal of said town; provided in the event no satisfactory bid is received, then that said Council shall have the right to reject any and all such bids, and thereupon to exercise its original rights to cause said work to be done under the supervision of the street Committee of said town.

 Section 3 - Be it further ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall also apply to all repairs to be hereafter made upon the side walks of said town.

 Be it further ordained that the cost of all work done under the provisions of this ordinance shall be borne as follows; two thirds by the owners of the lot abutting the side walk, curbing or portion therof to be paved, improved or repaired, and one third by said town.

 Section 4 - Be it further ordained that whenever said Council shall determine to enter upon the construction of any work under this ordinance the cost thereof shall be determined as soon as practicable, and thereupon said Council shall provide by ordinance for the assessment of all real estate abutting the side walk or curbing to be built or repaired to cover two thirds of said cost; said assessment to be upon the basis of the respective frontage of said properties on said walk.

 Section 5 - Be it further ordained that the sum assessed against the lot or real estate so abutting shall be due and collectable within ten days after the completion of the work and its acceptance by the Council, and if not paid within that time, the City Council shall have the power to proceed by suit against the said owners and said real estate to collect the delinquent assessment, and the said municipality shall have a special privilege on said property or prosperities to secure the sum assessed against it, with six per cent per annum interest thereon from the expiration of the said ten days until paid, which lien shall be the first privilege over all other claims except taxes; said privilege shall affect third persons from the date of the registry of the assessment in the mortgage book of the parish in which said real estate is situated, provided that the town Council, instead of enforcing the said assessment as above fixed upon the payment in cash by the property owner of twenty-five per cent of the amount due by the said property owner, may in their discretion, authorize the mayor to approve notes or certificates signed by said owner, showing the amount respectively due by the persons and properties on said side walks or curbing so paved or improved, which shall be payable in one, two and three years, or sooner at the option of the property owner, with six per cent interest per annum, interest payable annually, which said notes or certificates (when a copy of the same is recorded with the assessment aforesaid) duly paragraphed as being recorder of mortgages, shall be secured by privileges, on the property, prior to all other charges, except taxes, and may be transferred, carrying the lien, and privilege herein above provided for, to any contractor or other person provided than when the work is done by the town, said certificates may be made to bearer or any person who may desire the same, and they shall enjoy the lien and privilege aforesaid.

 Section 6 - Be it further ordained that this ordinance shall take effect forthwith.

 Be it further ordained that in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance this day adopted relative to side walks, that Shillinger pavement 6 feet wide including the curbing be built, starting on Grant avenue at the center line of Crescent News Hotel, running to the corner of Lincoln Avenue to Pierce street, thence along the south east side of Pierce street to Vermilion street, thence along the north side of Vermilion street to Lafayette street, thence along the east side of Lafayette street to north Main street.

 Be it further ordained that the street committee be and is hereby empowered to have specifications prepared for said walk, and thereon to call for bids for said work to be submitted within 15 days notice, contractor to furnish bond in the sum to be hereafter determined, for the faithful compliance of his contract. Adopted unanimously.

 Moved and duly seconded that the City Council meetings be held hereafter on first Monday of each month at 7:30 p. m. Carried.

 There being no further business Council adjourned.
Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1903.


Selected News Notes (Gazette) 9/26/1903.

 John Tolson and Octave Duhon returned from Sewanee, Tenn., this week, where they completed their medical studies.

 The Lafayette Building Association is having three pretty homes built for three of its members. If you are renting, join the Association and become your own landlord. A new series will open Oct. 1st.

 Mrs. C. Jeanmard wishes to announce to her patrons and the public that she is back from St. Louis with a new and fresh line of Fall and Winter Millinery, such as hats, both Ladies and Misses dress goods, ribbon, laces and etc. Call and see them.

 Miss Alta Caston, who has been teaching the Verrot school for the last eight months, left Saturday for her home in Summit, Miss., where she will remain until the reopening of the school after the harvesting season.

Regular services will be held at the Episcopal church to-morrow evening at half past five o'clock.

 For Sale - One pair young mules. One 3 years old. About 13 hands high. $125 for both; apply at The Gazette.
Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1903.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of September 26th, 1896:

Attempted Incendiary.

A. L. Brown, the Engineer, attempted to burn down the ice factory.

At about 3 o'clock last Tuesday morning the vociferous blowing of the Lafayette Ice Factory whistle quickly followed by signals of distress from the railroad yard engine gave notice of the attempted incendiary of the ice factory. Simultaneously with the shrieking of the whistles the loud report of firearms served to intensify the excitement that followed. An investigation of matters on the ground by The Advertiser revealed the fact that a well laid out plan had frustrated the attempt of the engineer of the ice factory, Mr. A. L. Brown, from burning down the factory according to a black plot he had carefully arranged beforehand.

 It appears that for three weeks past, engineer Brown had been scheming to fire the factory, and to carry out his nefarious purpose sought the assistance of Mr. Andre (Coucou) Mouton, of whom he made a confidant, the latter consenting to cooperate with Brown ostensibly for a money consideration, but in truth only that he might be informed of the intentions of Brown and utilize that information, as he did from the very beginning, to thwart the plans of Brown by disclosing to the proprietors of the factory every movement of the would-be incendiarist from the incipiency of the plot. Thus it was that all necessary measures were provided to guard against the impending calamity, resulting in the arrest of engineer Brown whilst in the act of firing the factory building, it may be said, as appears from the following acount :

"..Saturday night (19th.) was the time fixed by Brown to burn down the factory, so the proprietors of the factory to make matters doubly certain, established nightly secret watches beginning a few nights previous to Saturday, Messrs. Sonny Landry, Henry Hebert, Arthur Hebert and Joe and Aymard Guidry being trusted aide in the work of watching. The presence of visitors interfered with the plans laid by Brown for Saturday night so he decided to postpone the application of the torch to the following Monday night, and the three succeeding days Brown called at the telephone exchange to request the operator to make a connection between the ice factory and the Cottage Hotel where he occupied a room, and to allow the connection to remain all night so that he might be called up in case the machinery broke down during the night. It had been arranged between Brown and Mouton that the latter would telephone Brown at a favorable hour that the engine pump was not working at which Brown was to get up from bed and go and join Mouton at the factory and together "do the job." And it was in response to the summons from Mouton Monday night that Brown hurried down from his bed-room to (unreadable words) made the necessary preparations to set the building on fire in a way to lead to the impression that the origin of the fire was accidental and unknown. Mouton was instructed to remain near the pump where Brown would join him immediately after igniting the oil applied to the wood work of the factory, and together they would both simulate being intently absorbed in working at the pump where they would be found on the arrival of the first person or persons discovering the blaze. Mouton had no hesitancy in following minutely the instructions of Brown, in the full knowledge of the presence of watchers waiting on every movement of Brown's and well prepared to deal with the expected emergency, so he did exactly as bid. Mr. Henry Hebert had been assigned the duty of watching the interior of the factory from a point commanding a full view and it was understood that if Brown fired the building from the inside Mr. Hebert would give the alarm as soon as the fire was started by discharging a revolver sky-ward. Mr. Alfred Hebert, one of the proprietors, and Joe Guidry concealed themselves under a stairway, and sheriff Broussard and constable McFadden occupied a cabin in close proximity to the factory. All was in readiness for the arrival of Brown, who after carefully surveying the premises to make certain the way was clear for accomplishing his diabolical deed, appeared to decide on the most suitable spot for starting the blaze. A second reconnoitering of the surroundings satisfied Brown that the favored moment was at hand, for he at once proceeded to pour coal oil in a liberal quantity on the wood work at the spot previously selected in the north end of the factory. In the next place he covered the saturated timbers with fragments of wood and paper and a moment later stuck a burning match into the heap. At the same instant Mr. Henry Hebert blazed away with his gun thereby giving the signal to bring together the several watchers, some of whom were deputized to extinguish the fire, whilst others were charged with capturing Brown and making him a prisoner. The plans of the watchers and law officers were neatly carried out, the fire was promptly extinguished and the fire-bug was safely behind the bars before the following crowd arrived at the jail. The fear of lynching proved to be unfounded. ..."

Since writing the above we have obtained the following notes:

Gaston Landry slept regularly at the ice factory, which caused Mouton to remark to Brown: when you set fire to the factory what are you going to do about Gaston? Brown replied "Let him roast the ........ .

In anticipation of the incendiary every provision had been made to promptly extinguish the blaze. Wet blankets, etc., being kept in readiness for immediate use, Mr. Aymard Guidry being in special charge of this feature of the arrangement.

Sheriff Broussard not being well acquainted with the environments of the ice factory narrowly escaped falling into the factory's big well when running to the rescue in answer to the signal given.

For at least three weeks past engineer Brown manifested indifference and negligence in the discharge of his duties at the factory, causing a loss in this way to the factory, amounting to at least $100, the proprietors estimate.

It is rumored that Brown has been in correspondence with the former proprietor of the factory, with relation to the burning down of the factory, but we have been unable to trace this statement to an authentic source.

The ice factory was insured for $7000, $5000 of which amount being in favor of ex-proprietor Mr. J. W. Jr. (We have been informed that A. L. Brown, the engineer, and J. W. Brown, the ex-proprietor are not related to each other).

A. L. Brown, the prisoner, has a wife and two children now sojourning at Hot Springs, Ark., and he intended joining his family at that place, in the near future. Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1896. 

New Schedule.
Southern Pacific going East, arrives at 12:45 p. m. Leaves at 1:05 p. m.
Going West, arrives at 2:45 p. m. Leaves at 3:05 p. m.
Alexandria Branch, arrives at 12:35 p.m. Leaves at 3:10 p. m.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1896.

 Mrs. Bailey Opening Store.

 Mrs. W.B. Bailey desires to inform her friends and the public in general that she will open a store, in the old Advertiser building near the Catholic Church, and will keep on hand a fine selection of stylish Millinery and fancy goods, which will not fail to please the most fastidious. Those who need anything in this line should call and examine her stock. She will be ready for customers about the 10th of October and guarantee entire satisfaction to all who favor her with their patronage.

 Miss Bailey left Sunday for New Orleans, where she goes to select the assortment of Millinery and fancy goods for her mother's new store. Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1896.

Honor to Whom Honor is Due.
[To the Editor:]

 We have noticed, in several recent issues of the Lafayette Advertiser, a controversy pending between Messrs. Breaux and an anonymous correspondent signing himself X. Y. Z., and others, as to whom the credit is due for erecting the Lafayette refinery, in which controversy the name of Mr. Wm. R. Taylor, the engineer whose brains designed and energy built it and who secured four fifths of the capital to pay for it, is conspicuous by his absence.

 When Mr. Taylor signed the contract, on Aug. 2nd, 1895, to build this refinery, cane was growing in the field on the present factory site. Engineers said that he had undertaken to accomplish an impossibility, but he went to work with characteristic energy and pushed the work to completion, finishing the job in three and one half months time the quickest on record, with the exception of Gladys central refinery, which Mr. Taylor also, built in 1892, on the Morbihan plantation, in Iberia parish, where he started, on July 14th, to pull down the wreck of a fire and built from the ground up by Nov. 5th, the then largest sugar house in Louisiana.

 It is time for the people of Lafayette and elsewhere should know who is really entitled to the credit, in this case, not only for building the refinery but for negotiating loans to enable the company to complete its plant saving in its infancy from total destruction.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1896.

Presbyterian Concert.

 The Concert given last Friday night by the Presbyterian ladies and their generous friends deserves special mention, embracing as it did many features that called forth repeated applause from the large and appreciative audience. Long before the curtain rose the hall was well fitted, and the murmur of praise that greeted "The Old Woman in the Shoe" with her many little ones, attested to its success. On account of the beauty of pose and feature, two tableaux were compelled to respond to the encore, they were, "The Soldier's Dream" in which Miss Haydee Trahan took the prominent part, and so sweetly impersonated the Soldier's sweet-heart the other, "Music, Song and Dance" by Misses McFadden, Young and Cornay, which was to all minds present a perfect picture of youthful loveliness.

 The "Carnival of Commerce" made a splendid "hit." The baker, blacksmith, tinner, dentist, etc., elicited rounds of applause. The Gazette and Advertiser were represented by Misses Mouton, two charming brunettes, who did credit to our local papers, being dressed as they were, in entire paper costumes. Misses Huff and Pefferkorn, as the Dry Goods and Millinery stores were charming. Miss Leila Cornay shone resplendent in gems and precious stones, representing the jewelry store of T. M. Biossat.

 Misses Young and Hopkins as the Ice Factory and Oil Mill, were much appreciated. There were others too, who should be mentioned could their costumes be recalled, for they all served to make up a grand and striking parade led by Master and Miss Schmulen as the Gold and Silver Question.

 Interspersing the whole were Solos, Duets and Quartettes, by Misses Boas, Revillon and Mr. Van der Cruyssen, whose sweet voices blended so charmingly that the audience were loth to see them leave the stage.

 Instrumental solos by Misses Lea Gladu and Martha Mouton, were rare treats, as the honor is accorded them of being the finest performers in town.

 After the performance, all repaired to the dancing hall, where delicious confections were served by the ladies in attendance.

 The Concert is a "thing of the past" but will long be remembered. $60.00 are the proceeds, with which they hope to partially seat their church. Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1896.

High Hats at Falk's.

 At the last concert at the Opera House we noticed a number of ladies who still cling to those view obstructing, space filling high hats; this week for their benefit and for the enlightenment of the manager of the Opera House we publish the law passed by the legislature relative to the high theater hats.

No. 62.

 Making it a misdemeanor for any owner, lessee, proprietor or manager of any Theater, hall, place, opera-house or building where theatrical or other performances are given and where an admission fee is charge, to permit any person or persons to wear, during the performance in such theater, hall, opera-house or building, a hat, requiring such owner, lessee, proprietor or manager, to provide a safe place to keep hats or head-gear, and to furnish an attendant therefore, and providing a penalty for violation of this act.

 Sec. 1 - Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, that any owner, lessee, proprietor or manager of any theater, hall, place, opera-house, or other performances are given and where an admission fee is charged, who permits or suffers any person or persons during the performance in such theater, hall, place, opera-house or building, where such performance is given to wear a hat or any kind of head gear, opera or evening bonnets excepted; provided the same shall not obstruct the view of persons sitting behind wearer of same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction be subjected to a fine not exceeding Twenty-Five Dollars for each violation thereof, or imprisonment for not more than Thirty days at the discretion of the court in whose jurisdiction the offense was committed.

 Sec. 2 - Be it further enacted, etc., that every such hat or head gear permitted to worn in violation of the provisions of this act shall constitute a separate offense.

 Sec. 3 - Be it further enacted, etc., that every owner, lessee, proprietor or manager of any theater, hall, place, opera-house or building, where theatrical or other performances are given and an admission fee is charged shall provide a safe and proper place for the sake keeping of all hats or other head gear of any person or persons attending such performance, and shall also furnish an attendant at his, or their own expense, who shall take care of all hats or other head gear entrusted to him without expense to the person or persons attending such performance; and each violation of the Section shall be punishable by fine or imprisonment as provided in Sec. 1 thereof.

 Sec. 4 - Be it further enacted, etc., that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1896.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 9/26/1896.

 We noticed Dr. J. A. Martin of Breaux Bridge in town Wednesday.

 H. L. Curtis of New Orleans is the guest of A. B. Denbo, Secretary of the Lafayette Refinery.

 Sidney Veasey, left Monday for Kansas City; he expects to bring back a car-load of fine horses.

 Some of the young ladies of Lafayette will tender their friends a dance at Falk's Hall to-morrow night.

 Bro. J. M. Andrus of the Crowley Creole-American, and Mr. W. M. Egan were in Lafayette on business Thursday and gave us a call.

 The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church South will serve refreshments to all their friends, on Mrs. Girard's lawn, on next Tuesday from 4 p. m. till 11:30 p. m. Proceeds to be devoted to the new church fund.

 The date of the Grand Jubilee of the Mount Carmel Convent is approaching let every one prepare to celebrate the day of rejoicing on October 15th. This should be a gala day in the annals of Lafayette, and if our merchants would suspend business as a mark of respect while the services are in progress, they will receive the sincere thanks of the Sisters.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1896.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of September 26th, 1891:

Good Fight at Athletic Club.

The Lafayette Athletic Club christened its spacious and handsome new building by a most interesting glove contest last Sunday.

 The match was made between Joe Jackson, of California, and P. J. McAlister, of Tennessee, and was set to a finish. Jackson had the misfortune to sprain his foot during training, and could not fight. The Club substituted John F. Cash, of New York, who has for several months been a resident of Lafayette. To this arrangement McAlister graciously consented, and the large crowd that had assembled were not disappointed in witnessing a fine glove fight. Owing to the change in programme the parties did not weigh in, but we learn Cash's weight was 154 pounds and McAlister's 168. Mr. A. T. Smithy, of the Columbia Club, of New Orleans, was chosen as referee. About 500 persons had assembled in the club building and this demonstrated the fact that there were ample accommodations for nearly as many more. The first round showed that it was an open fight, with no decided advantage on either side. As the fight progressed it became evident that Cash was the cleverer boxer and got in most of the licks, while McAlister was the stronger, and a man that it wouldn't do to "hot on the fist with your eye." At the end of twenty hardly contested rounds Cash had slightly the advantage, having swollen McAlister's left eye and bruised his face, while he himself had received no apparent punishment. In the 23rd round McAlister made a heavy swing at Cash's head with his right, when "Uncle Johnny" handed him a neat little short stop on the forearm, which temporarily disabled that member. McAlister, knowing the folly of continued fight with a disabled limb, threw up the sponge. The fight was gamely contested throughout, and gave entire satisfaction to the audience. The audience would have been much larger but from the fact that Jackson's disability had been circulated, many were deterred from coming. Altogether, the Club have reason to congratulate themselves upon this auspicious beginning, and the pronounced success of this exhibition cannot fail to secure them liberal patronage in the future. Col. D. A. Cochrane acquitted himself remarkably well as timekeeper, and the Club owes him that permanent position. The sterling and already popular home institution, the Lafayette Amateur Brass Band, had tendered their services and discoursed excellent music. Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1891.     


 Last Tuesday, Sept. 14th the Public Schools of the 7th ward conducted respectively by Profs. Alex Meaux and J. C. Martin, entertained their friends and patrons to a most pleasant and instructive exhibition held at Prof. Meaux's school house at Isle Pilette.

 The exercises were opened by reading selections of historical narratives relative to the early occupation of Louisiana by the French and Spaniards. Misses Onesia Landry, Louise Broussard, Carmelite Broussard, Elia Broussard, Rita Broussard, Bella Bonin, Cecile Sonnier and Master Michael LeBlanc, between 12 and 13 years of age, participated, and by their expressive manners, distinct enunciation of words and the delicate touches to inflection and modulation of the voice, exhibited very plainly the attention they have bestowed upon this important branch of study as well as the care and painstaking earnest, zealous teachers. Various other subjects formed part of the reading exercises and were highly appreciated by all present, being rendered both in French and English.

 The spelling matches, and exercises in dictation, grammar, history, geography, composition and arithmetic, also manifested considerable merit on the part of the pupils, some of whom although quite young, displayed proficiency in several of the studies mentioned, especially in the solution of difficult problems in interest and fractions, both vulgar and decimal.

 Masters Robt. Broussard, Overton Comeau, Dupre Bernard, Roussaux Langlinais and Kossuth Comeaux distinguished themselves in declamation. The young gentlemen acquitted themselves very creditably by their self possession and mastery of the many difficult parts of the art of elocution. Without doubt, some of these boys have caught the inspiration of the poet, that

    "We can make our lives sublime,
And departing leave behind us
Footprints on the sand of time."
    In conclusion, a very interesting dialogue in English between Masters Robt. Broussard and Albert Meaux, as principles, and Misses Onesia Landry, Carmelite Broussard, Edna Langlinais and Masters M. Bernard and Adonis Bernard as participants, was well received and much praised by the school officers and patrons.

 Addresses were made on the occasion by President Julian Mouton, of the School Board, and H. E. Toll, Superintendent of Public Schools. The officers complimented the teachers and pupils upon the favorable progress made, and spoke most earnestly of the great importance of public education to the people of this parish. They impressed upon the patrons the necessity of hearty support and co-operation of the teachers and officers in improving educational facilities as well as securing proper school government.

 Profs. Meaux and Martin have a total enrollment of over 100 pupils, about evenly divided between the two schools, and of whom 78 were present. They have just finished a long session of study and will now enjoy a much needed vacation.

 An agreeable feature of the day was bountiful picnic spread by that whole-souled organization the Isle Pilette Club. The good things were spread out under the shade of the large Pride of India trees, and were partaken of with relish by all. The Club is to be praised for its liberality in this matter, as it bore the entire expense of the occasion. Such acts reflect creditably upon the public spirited citizens and will lend impetus to the educational movement there and all over the parish, as others seeing the good work will do likewise.

 If some of the Lottery advocates whose hearts are bleeding (?) for the poor uneducated children of Louisiana would visit this section they would open their eyes at the sentiments entertained by the people who take matters in their own hands, donate the lands, build the school houses, (of which there are two new and commodious,) and if necessary make no ceremony about opening their purses in support of any laudable undertaking.

 All honor to the 7th ward schools, boys and girls included, and when another such occasion arrives may they not only maintain the honors they have already won, but add new laurels to their wreaths. Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1891.


 Sunday, in anticipation of the joyous, solemn and impressive ceremony of confirmation to be administered by His Grace Archbishop Janssens, a multitude of people from every section of the parish, fully 3,000 in number, assembled about St. John's Church, presenting a most animated and attractive scene.

 The throng was far too great to find room in the church, and hundreds were content to remain in the vicinity. At 7:30 o'clock a. m. the Archbishop preached an eloquent and interesting sermon in English from Matthew, 19th chapter and 2nd verse, the subject being the paralytic healed. He was assisted in the services by the Rev. Fathers Forge, Langlois, McElligot and Healy.

 At 9:30 a. m. the Archbishop, assisted by the Rev. Father Healy, celebrated high mass. The church had been beautifully and fittingly decorated, and the solemnity and impressiveness of this grand ceremony was heightened by the exquisite musical accompaniment rendered by the really excellent choir, under the direction of Miss Alix Judice, composed of the following ladies: Misses Martha Mouton, Estelle Gerac, Mimie Cornay, Nita Hohorst, Gabrielle Reybaud, Mrs. Edward E. Mouton and Mrs. Louis G. Stelly, of Carencro, assisted by the following quartette from the Lafayette Amateur Brass Band: Messrs. H. A. Eastin, Henri Gerac, Walter J. Mouton and Gaston Gladu. Immediately after high mass the grand confirmation procession, heralded by the Lafayette Amateur Brass Band, paraded the shaded green in front of the church, and into the church, where the Archbishop administered the sacrament of confirmation to 543 devout recipients. After confirmation the procession again paraded the green, and meeting the Archbishop in front of the church greeted him with addresses of welcome delivered by Miss Laura Melancon, of Mount Carmel Convent, and Master Pierre Gerac, of St. Aloysius Sodality. The addresses were made in most pleasing style and were received by His Grace with his most affable expressions of appreciation. The special correspondent of Picayune, in commenting upon this momentous occasion, very happily says:

 "The perfect order and solemnity which characterized the celebration throughout reflects very creditably upon all concerned in its management, but more particularly upon Rev. Father Healy, to whose indefatigable efforts in the preparation of the applicants for confirmation much praise is due. The Archbishop was most agreeably impressed with the results to-day, and several times expressed his great pleasure and satisfaction for the warm reception tendered him, as well as for evidences of the prosperity of this church, as was manifested on this occasion.

 Monday the Archbishop, accompanied by Rev. Father Langlois, went to Breaux Bridge, where he confirmed 500 applicants. On Wednesday His Grace, accompanied by Rev. Fathers Langlois and Forge, went to Abbeville, where he confirmed 396 applicants Thursday. Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1891.

Serenaded the Archbishop. - Friday night, 18th. inst., the Lafayette Amateur Brass Band serenaded Archbishop Janssesns, at the Presbytery. The Archbishop was well pleased with their performance, and complimented them upon the proficiency, attained in so short a time by the young organization. Rev. Father W. J. Kennely, President of St. Charles College, Grand Coteau, called for a cornet solo, often played for him by his old pupil, W. J. Mouton, which was charmingly rendered and highly applauded. The band then serenaded several of their friends about town, all of whom were surprised by their fine music and congratulated them upon their success.   Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1891.  

Murder on the Bayou.

 A lamentable homicide at a festal gathering occurred on the farm of Mr. D. Clavery, on Bayou Vermilion, about 15 miles below Lafayette, last Monday night, Clavery shooting and instantly killing one of his tenants, J. A. Thibodeaux. One of Clavery's daughters was to be married next day, and that night he had given a party in honor of the approaching occasion. No doubt a too free imbibing of liquors was the cause of the fatal catastrophe. Remy I. Hebert, the main witness examined by the coroner, testified as follows:  "Jean Arthur Thibodeaux, Dominique Clavery and Paul Cazenu left the house and walked in the direction of a certain coulee. After some time I saw Dominique Clavery returning, and in about ten minutes after Cazean and Thibodeaux came back; but before they entered the yard I saw Clavery with his gun. I then asked the two men which of them was Clavery angry with? To which Clavery answered that he did not know Clavery then said something about shooting, when Thibodeaux said "shoot!" at the same time putting his hand on his breast. It was then that Clavery fired the fatal shot, the contents of which lodged in Thibodeaux's left breast instantly." Coroner Gladu held the inquest. The jury returned a verdict to the effect that Jean Arthur Thibodeaux Clavery, and that the killing was felonious. Clavery surrendered to the Sheriff, and is now confined in jail. Dominique Clavery is a native of France, and has resided in this parish for a number of years. J. A. Thibodeaux was a native of this parish, about thirty-six years old, and leaves a widow and two small children.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1891.

Tragic Accident at Carencro.

 There was a sad accident at Carencro bridge last Thursday, 17th inst., in which a young boy named Jules Guidry was instantly killed. He was out in the woods with his uncle to show him where to chop wood, when a tree fell upon him and his horse, killing him and badly injuring his horse. His head was crushed, one arm and one thigh broken, and body badly mangled. He was 13 years of age, and was the son of Mr. Chas. O. Guidry and Laura Guilbeau. The Advertiser extends its deepest sympathy to the afflicted parents.
Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1891.

 Imposing and Ornamental. - Bricks are being hauled upon the lot preparatory to work upon the People's Bank Building. Mr. B. Falk furnishes the brick from his yard near town. Work will be under way next week. The building is to cost $3,900.00, and will be imposing and ornamental.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1891.

Selected News Notes.

 Our town was visited by several light showers during the week, which added much to the comfort of our citizens, but not enough rain fall to be of much benefit to the crops.

 Mr. Thos. B. Hopkins, Jr., left this week to enter school at Clinton College, Clinton, Miss.

 Prof. John Vandergriff, the old reliable barber, is still in the ring, ready for all corners.

Messrs. Gerac Bros. are keeping march with the progressive spirit of Lafayette. They have just created a telephone line from their store to their ginning establishment, one mile distant.

 Remember that the Third World Democratic Anti-Lottery Club will meet at the Court House this evening, at 3 o'clock. The public is invited to attend.

 Last Monday Mr. Cleophas Broussard, residing near town, brought to our office two splendid specimens of sugar cane grown on this place.

 A grand ball will be given at J. B. Peres' hall near town, on Saturday, October 3rd. Music by the Broussardville String Band. Everybody cordially invited to attend.

 See J. P. Buhler's ad. He has opened an exclusive boot and shoe store on Vermilion street. Ladies' and Misses', Gents' and Boys' shoes of all styles and at all prices can always be found.

Richards & Pringles famous Georgia Minstrels to play at the Opera House, for one night only, next Tuesday, Sept. 29th. Billy Kersands will "be there," so don't fail to come.

Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1891.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of September 26th, 1874:


 We are compelled this week, to serve our readers with only half a sheet, owing to the failure of receiving our paper from New Orleans in time for this issue. We hope to present to our patrons a full and interesting sheet next week.
Laf. Advertiser 9/26/1874.

RAIN. - On Wednesday and Thursday we were visited by copious rains, which, although not beneficial to the cotton crop, was very acceptable in other ways, it having filled the ponds and coulees in our prairies, and replenished our cisterns with fresh water.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1874.

NEW GROCERY. - Mr. B. A. Salles, has opened a new grocery adjoining his hotel, on Lafayette street in this place. He has a select assortment of all kind of groceries generally to be found in a country grocery store. His goods are fresh and cheap, and he hopes to obtain a liberal share of the public patronage. Give him a call. Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1874.

 City Council of Vermilionville.

 Regular Session, Sept. 7th, 1874.

 Present: A. Monnier, Mayor and Councilmen Revillon, Mouton, McBride, and Bourges. Absent: Landry, Salles and Chargois.

 The reading of the minutes of last meeting were dispensed with.

 On motion it was resolved, That the Constable be and is hereby authorized to make a bridge over the big ditch, fronting on Washington Street.

 The following accounts were presented and approved:

 Alex. Billeaud, for repairing bridge etc., $26.50; Dick, for making ditch $2.50.

 On motion the Council adjourned.
A. MONNIER, Mayor.
H. M. BAILEY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1874.

Notice to the Voters of the Parish of Lafayette.

 The undersigned Supervisor of Registration, gives notice to the voters of this Parish, that in compliance with election 24 of the Registration Act, to better enable electors to register with as little inconvenience as possible, etc. The Supervisor will repair to the following places on the following dates to-with :

 At Broussardville, on the 14th Oct, Neuville Broussard's store, the 15th, Nugent's, on the 16th, Clemille Trahan, on the 17th.

 J. N. JUDICE, Supervisor of Registration Sept. 12, 1874. Parish of Lafayette.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/26/1874.

 Police Jury Proceedings. 
  Vermilionville, La., September 7, 1874.

 Regular Session of the Police Jury - Parish of Lafayette.

 Present: G. Dubau, Esq., President and Messrs. R. C. Landry, Jean Bernard, Rosemond LeBlanc and S. J. Montgomery.

 On motion of Mr. R. C. Landry, the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.

 On motion of Mr. Jean Bernard, the District Attorney pro tem, was allowed to October 5, 1874 to make his report of delinquent taxpayers.

 On motion of same, the special committee on cancellation of warrants was equality allowed to October 5, q874 to make their report.

 The President informed the Police Jury that he had used all amicable means in his power to compel the State Tax Collector to furnish bond, but to no avail, upon which the District Attorney pro tem, enjoined the Tax Collector from the collection of the Parish Taxes until he furnish bond as required.

 Whereupon Mr. Rosemond LeBlanc offered the following resolution :  Resolved, That the resolution of this body passed July 13, 1874. directing the State Tax Collector to furnish bond before proceeding to the collection of the Parish Taxes be and the same is hereby repealed, and that the Tax Collector is hereby ordered to proceed with the collection of said taxes.

 Which said resolution of Mr. Rosemond LeBlanc was lost by the following vote :

 Yea: R. C. Landry, Rosemond LeBlanc.

 Nay: J. Bernard, S. J. Montgomery, G. Dubau.

 There being a tie, the President gave his casting vote against the passage of said resolution.

 On motion of Mr. G. Dubau, Resolved, That the members of the Police Jury from the 4th and 5th wards suggest the names of freeholders to compose Jury to lay out road in 5th ward.

 When on motion of Mr. R. C. Landry, John R. Creighton, Perry Moses, Clairville T. Patin, Marcel Melancon, Alexandre Meaux and Lessin Guidry, are appointed a Jury of freeholders to trace and lay out a road from Broussardville or Cote Gelee P. O. to the line of St. Martin Parish, to be designated as the road from Broussardville or Cote Gelee P. O. to New Iberia, and to assess such damage as may be sustained.

 On motion of Mr. G. Dubau, Resolved, That the committee on Public Works are authorized to make a half moon near Pin Hook Bridge on Bayou Vermilion to facilitate the Steamboats in turning, provided the cost does not exceed three hundred dollars, and make their report on October 5, 1874.

 On motion of Mr. S. J. Montgomery, the following accounts were allowed, and that warrants issue for the same :

 Levi Columbus, costs crim. case ... $1.1o
 Isan Chadwell, costs crim. case ... $6.50
 Ben Avant, costs crim. case ... $6.50
 Isam S. Brown, costs crim. case ... $3.20
 Isam S. Brown, costs crim. case ... $3.20
 Isam S. Brown, costs crim. case ... $3.20
 Mrs. I. S. Brown, costs crim. case ... $3.20
 Clemile Trahan, juror's fee, transferred ... $5.00
 Eloi Vincent, fee as grand juror ... $7.00
 Lessin Abshire, witness crim. case ... $6.40
 S. Landry, witness fees, transferred ... $3.80
 H. Eastin, Sheriff, costs crim. cases ... $153.20
 Delia Lockley, witness fees ... $3.2o
 Mme. Devigne Guidry ... $1.90
 Wm. Stutes ... $2.20
 John Comeau, ... $3.50
 Joseph Navarre, ... $5.50
 R. F. Grier, juror's fees ... $8.10
 Syphroyen Landry, grand juror, trans. ... $6.50
 H. M. Bailey, Justice of the peace ... $5.75
 Plonsky & Rogers, wit. fees trans. ... $2.20

 Camille Roos, witness fees ... $3.50
 Wm. Stutes, witness fees ... $8.20
 Treville Guidry, witness fees ... $2.2o
 Therence Toups, grand juror ... $7.50
 Alcide Judice, talis juror ... $1.30
 Alcide Judice, witness fees ... $1.30
 Edouard Fabre, ... $4.00
 Joseph Guidry, ... $4.50
 Alex O. Guidry, ... $1.60
 Geneus Boudreaux, ... $1.50
 Geneus Boudreaux, ... $1.60
 Alex Billaud, ... $1.10
 Rene Gagneaux, ... $1.1o
 Edgar Mouton, ... $1.10
 Austin, witness fees ... $3.50
 Edgar Mouton, witness fees transferred ... $4.20
 L. Levy, witness fees ... $3.00
 L. Levy, ... $3.00
 Sevigne Guidry, ... $2.2o
 Joseph N. Guidry, ... $3.50
 L. Levy, ... $1.1o
 G. C. Salles, ... $1.10
 Numa Chachere, ... $6.00
 Henry Anding, ... $4.00
 L. Levy, witness fees transferred ... $2.60
 Plonsky & Rogers, ... $2.60
 Plonsky & Rogers, ... $1.50
 Mathias Arenas, ... $6.00
 Joseph N. Guidry, ... $3.50
 Joseph Guidry, ... $4.50
 Edmond Landry, Juror de Talibus ... $2.30
 Joseph Pothier, Juror ... $5.20
 W. S. McBride, witness fee ... $4.o0
 J. O. Girouard, Jailor ... $53.00
 Placide Hebert, witness ... $3.oo
 Ben Babino, witness ... $3.50
 Eusebe Thibodeaux, witness ... $4.50
 Sarrazin Trahan, witness ... $5.80
 Joseph N. Guidry, witness ... $3.50
 Joseph Louviere, witness ... $3.00
 Plonsky Rogers, witness, transferred ... $5.60
 L. Levy, witness, transferred ... $18.00
 John Green, witness, transferred ... $1.50
 Alexander Daniel, witness, transferred ... $1.50
 Therence Celestin, witness, transferred ... $1.5o
 Rosemond Benoit, witness, transferred ... $1.60
 L. F. Rigues, witness transferred ... $1.1o
 Francis Hebert, Juror ... $5.30
 Clemile Trahan, witness, transferred ... $5.80
 Damoville Bernard, witness, transferred ... $3.80
 A. S. Johnston, witness, transferred ... $2.20
 Sarrazin Trahan, witness transferred ... $2.20
 Sazzarin Trahan, Juror, transferred ... $4.50
 H. M. Bailey, Justice of the Peace ... $11.25
 Leopold Hirsch, Constable ... $10.20
 Marie, witness ... $1.30
 H. Eastin, Sheriff, attending court ... $15.00
 Ambroise Mouton, work on public road ... $25.00
 Edouard, witness ... $1.40
 Sidney Greig, witness ... $3.00
 Alex Breaux, Talis Juror ... $2.40

 And the following accounts were rejected:

 J. F. Knox, J. P. St. Landry ... $13.50
 S. M. Peters, Constable St.Landry ... $13.50
 A. J. Moss, Parish Judge cost crim. ... $57.75.

 On motion of Mr. Rosemond Leblanc, Police Jury adjourned to Oct. 5th, 1874.

 (Signed.) G. DUBAU, President.
 Attest, C. DEBAILLON, Clerk pro tem.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/12/1874.

5,000 Phone Numbers Get CE 2 Prefix 
Daily Advertiser September 27, 1959.

At 1:01 A.M. this morning Southern Bell completed the installation of central office equipment at their building location of 520 S. Buchanan Street. The additional 5,000 telephone numbers will use the prefix of CE 2. At the time of cut-over more than 1,000 telephones were assigned the CE 2 prefix and of this number approximately 350 were new subscribers.

 The new telephone directory which has been delivered contains these new numbers. Beginning today, Sunday, the new directory will be used on all calls.

 The new office CE 2 is known as the number 5 Crossbar Dial Office and ultimately may handle long distance calls. It is imperative that the two letter, CE, and five digits be dialed to completion to assure correctness of a call
Lafayette Daily Advertiser 9/27/1959.

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