Tuesday, January 13, 2015


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 7th, 1904:


 For the Entertainment of the State Teachers' Association. Liberal Appropriations by the Police Jury and City Council. Citizens Also Contribute and Various Committees Actively at Work. Hotel Space Large, But Citizens Will Probably Have to Open Their Homes to the Teachers.

 Active preparations are being made to entertain the State Teachers' Association which will meet here in a little less than three weeks. All the committee are at work carrying out the special duties assigned them. Thursday the Ways and Means committee appeared before the Police Jury and asked for an appropriation of $150 which was readily granted. The same committee went before the Council Monday night and secured an appropriation for $300. These two appropriations, while a very large and present help, will not be sufficient and it will be necessary for our  citizens to assist with the same commendable spirit with the same commendable spirit of readiness and willingness manifested by these two public bodies.

 That they will do so is manifest from the large success Mayor Caffery of the Ways and Means committee is having in soliciting subscriptions.

 The Teachers' Association of Lafayette parish have also shown their deep interest in the success of the meeting and their desire to help by assessing themselves one dollar a member which will amount to about $35. They also offer their services to State the various committees to assist in any way needed.

 But while it is evident that sufficient funds will be readily raised for hospitable purposes, the problem of finding homes for all who may come is pressing and it will be very necessary for our citizens to open their homes to the teachers; for notwithstanding the new hotel will be ready to lodge a large number and arrangements have been made to take as many as possible at the dormitories, the hotel space left will not be able to accommodate such a large number, and it becomes a matter of necessity to place some of the teachers in private houses. We are sure that as soon as the committee makes the request for names of those willing to open their homes to the teachers, that there will be a prompt response.

 This meeting of the Association promises to be the largest and best attended in its history, and it is the plain duty, and we believe pleasure, of the people of Lafayette to add as largely to its success as a warm welcome and bountiful hospitality can add. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904. 


Police Jury Sets Aside $9,000 for the Schools. - $2,000 More Than Last Year.

 President N. P. Moss of the School Board and Supt. Alleman appeared before the budget committee of the Police Jury Thursday and represented the need of an increased appropriation to meet the larger expenses of the School Board owing to the increased attendance requiring more schools and more teachers. The committee, readily appreciating the necessity for assisting the school authorities as greatly as the finances of the parish would permit, set aside $9,000 for the schools, an increase of $2,000 over last year. When the budget was submitted to the Jury they unanimously granted the increase. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904.    

Store Burglarized. - The store of A. Durio & Bros. near Carencro bridge was burglarized the night of Nov. 29 and $985 secured. The officers were notified and they have been exerting every effort to get trace of the robbers.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904.

A Delightful Euchre.

  One of the pleasantest social affairs of the week was the delightful euchre given last Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. T. M. Biossat complimentary to her sister, Mrs. L. Campbell of Bunkie, formerly Miss Inez Rushing. The house was prettily decorated for the occasion with white and yellow chrysanthemums. Seven games were played and at the close it was found that Mrs. W. A. LeRosen was the lucky winner of the first prize, a handsome souvenir spoon. Mrs. B. J. Pellerin won the second prize, a very pretty little silver tray, and the booby, a cute little china figure, became the property of Mrs. J. A. Martin. After the award of the prizes a dainty two course luncheon was served by little Misses Martha Pellerin and Inez Biossat.

Those present were Mmes. F. E. Davis, T. N. Blake, B. J. Pellerin, W. A. LeRosen, J. S. Givens, J. A. Martin, J. I. Hulse, Simons, Thos. Hopkins, Alfred Mouton and E. L. Stephens and Misses Lea Gladu, Edith Dupre, H. D. McLaurin, Edith Trahan and M. C. Rus(so?).

Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904. 

The Woman's Club.

 The Club members were delightfully entertained last Saturday afternoon by Misses Riis and Leftwhich. Enthusiasm ran high over the successful preparations for the Club Scholarship Fair, which takes place next Saturday night in the Century Club building.

 An interesting programs was given, as follows:


 Chapter IV ... Miss McLaurin
 Chapter V ... Mrs. Biossat
 Mural Decorators ... Mrs. Davis
 Crawford's sculpture at the Capital and the Statue of Liberty ... Mrs. Pellerin
 Instrumental Solo ... Miss Ella Montgomery
 Miss Leftwich sang very sweetly, "Dream," by Bartlett.

 A dainty chafing dish luncheon was then served, after which the Club adjourned to meet Dec. 17, with Misses Dupre and McLaurin. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904

Uniforms For Institute Boys - The uniforms ordered for the boys of the Industrial Institute came last Thursday and are very handsome. They are of Confederate gray and give the boys a fine soldierly appearance. Some time ago professor Gayle organized the boys into military companies, and the military feature proved so satisfactory and attractive it was decided to send for uniforms, which was done. The boys are attracting a great deal of attention and their appearance on the street is a reminder that Lafayette is becoming a college town.     Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904.

Scholarship Fair Saturday Night.

 Next Saturday night the Woman's Club will give a Fair in the Century Club building to raise money for the scholar whose expenses they are paying at the Industrial Institute.

 This is a most worthy undertaking on the part of the ladies and deserves a liberal support from the people. The young man, who is the beneficiary of the scholarship is very deserving and is in need of money, which is the reason for the Fair. Don't forget the date, Saturday night, Dec. 10, and be sure to attend.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904.

Street Fair Opens To-day. - The Street Fair was to open Monday afternoon and continue until Sunday night. So far the weather has been so cold and threatening that the opening has been delayed until to-day. The attractions supplied by the U. S. Carnival Co. are of a very superior character and a large attendance is expected while the Fair continues.    Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904.

Fell From the Third Floor. - Late Monday afternoon Felix Duhon, aged 11, son of Mrs. Felix Duhon, while playing in the new hotel building, fell down the back stairs from the third floor, sustaining severe bruises, but fortunately not breaking any bones. Dr. G. A. Martin was called and rendered all necessary attention to the suffering boy. A number of boys have been in habit of playing about the building and although forbidden by contractor Knapp, have persisted. This accident should serve as a warning as it is a miracle that the little fellow was not seriously injured, perhaps killed.

Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904.

Post Office Inspected. - Post Office Inspector George Lewis, headquarters New Orleans, was in town Thursday, and inspected and audited the Lafayette post office. He found that office in first class shape and complimented Postmaster J. R. Domengeaux upon his excellent management of the office.  Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904.

Fire Near Scott.

 H. H. Hays, who has been an earnest teacher in the parish schools for several years, had the misfortune to lose his home near Scott by fire last week. Mr. Hays and family were away at the time and he can not account for the fire, as there had been no fire in the house for quite awhile. There was no insurance and he lost everything. Lafayette Advertisement 12/7/1904.

Left A Card at Mammoth Cave.

 Found by An Enterprising Blue Grass Girl Who Applied for a Reward for Returning It.

 A certain young man of Lafayette went traveling last summer before returning home paid a visit to the celebrated Mammoth Cave of Kentucky. While far underground among the stalagmites and stalactites, moved by a sudden impulse he left a business card with his address on it lying upon one of the stone altars so plentiful in the many chambers of this marvelous cave. He returned home and the incident of the card had passed away from memory until recalled a few days ago by a dainty note from the far away blue grass country with his card tied neatly with white ribbon in the upper left hand corner, and written below in a pretty feminine hand:

 "Found. - Three hundred and fifty feet below the surface of the earth.

 Reward applied for by Marie --------------, Campbellsburg, Ky."

 He says he will investigate and find out the kind of reward expected. He isn't married. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904.  

Council Asked for Appropriation for Public Schools.

 President Moss of the School Board and Supt. Alleman went before the Council Monday night and requested an approbation for the public schools, after showing the urgent need of the school board for more money than it at their command to meet the growing demand for more teachers caused by large increase in attendance. The Council was perfectly willing to do all in their power, but could not set aside any definite amount without a careful inspection of their finances. They will act later. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904.   

Police Jury Notes.

 A regular meeting of the Police Jury was held Thursday, with all members present except J. E. Mouton.

 J. O. Trahan was appointed game warden for the seventh ward.

 A delegation from the Ways and Means Committee for the reception of the Teachers' Association Christmas week, appeared and requested an appropriation to help defray expenses of entertaining the teachers. The Jury appropriated $150.

 The following committee on budget was appointed; Billeaud, Landry, Spell, Connolly and Breaux. The committee reported at afternoon session. They allowed $9,000 for public schools, $4,000 for bridges and roads and $2,400 for drainage.

 L. G. Stelly, Numa Breaux, Alcee Delhomme, J. D. Breaux and Dr. Geo. Courtney were appointed to trace a road from Carencro to Bayou Vermilion.

 A part payment of $150 was allowed Contractor Comeaux in charge of building approaches to the D. O. Broussard bridge on Bayou Vermilion, balance to be paid on completion of work.

 The Boll Weevil Convention to be held at Shreveport in a few days was discussed at length, and the following delegates appointed: Capt. J. C. Buchanan, Overton Cade, Valery Boudreaux, C. Spell, A. Theall, L. G. Breaux and J. E. Mouton. Twenty dollars was appropriated to pay expenses of each delegate.

 The claim of the election commissioners who served at the last election for $6, was referred to the parish attorney.

 Messrs. Breaux and Mouton were appointed to settle with the parish treasurer.

 The licenses were fixed same as last year.
 Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/7/1904.

 A welcome cold wave arrived Sunday and relieved the unpleasantly warm weather. It was ushered in by a steady drizzling rain that made it decidedly comfortable to remain indoors and sit by the fire.

 Walter Singleton has taken a position in the post office. He entered upon his duties Thursday.

 Pres. N. P. Moss of the School Board and Supt. Alleman went Monday to receive a donation of two acres of land from Mr. Jean Simon school in the fourth ward three miles west of Royville.

 Mrs. Howard Zike, of New Iberia, and Mrs. Felix Laurents, of Lake Arthur, are visiting their Mother Mrs. Ambroise Mouton, for the wedding of their sister, Miss Aimee Mouton.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1904.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of December 7th, 1901:


Let Us Communicate Telephonically!

 Yesterday afternoon Lake Charles said "hello" to Houston, Texas, the trunk line between the Cumberland and the Southwestern companies completing their connection.

 The line was brought through on the poles of the Postal telegraph Company. W. W. Williamson, the local manager of the Cumberland here, enjoyed a chat with Houston. Mr. Williamson says that all the intermediate points will be placed on the line of communication as soon as the metallic circuit to Shreveport is completed, which will be done at once. J. M. Smith, chief proprietor of the trunk line, was in the city seeing to the finishing touches. -- (Lake Charles Press).

 Mr. Broussard informs us that the Lafayette exchange has been connected with Texas for some days. The growth of the Cumberland system in this section during the past two years not only speaks well for the service but is an evidence that the country is building up very rapidly.

 Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1901.

Vacation Time for S. L. I.

 A visitor at the Industrial Institute on any one of the school days is forcibly impressed with the fact that the great educational mill which was put in motion last September is moving along in a manner that proves that the engine and the other departments of the machinery are in splendid hands. The discipline among the boys and girls in the various class-rooms, the clock-like regularity with which the daily program is carried out, the college spirit which prevails, the many evidences of an earnest desire on the part of the teacher and student to do the best, are clearly apparent on every hand and even the most inexperienced eye can see that the youngest of the State's educational institutions, is, despite its youth, a giant in strength and influence.

 On Friday, Dec. 20, will be the first interruption since the opening of the Institute. On that day the holiday vacation will begin. It will last until Friday, Jan. 3, 1902. No students will avail themselves of the opportunity to visit their homes. There is reason to expect a marked increase of attendance at the reopening on Jan. 3.

 On Thursday, Dec. 19, a concert will be given in the auditorium. The Literary Society, the Institute Glee Club, the Glee Club of the town, the Lafayette Brass Band and the Lafayette Orchestra will join forces to make the affair a success. There is much talent of a high order among the members of these societies and the entertainment on the 19th will be worthy of a generous patronage.

 The boys of the foot-ball team have ordered some very fine suits and expect to be fully equipped for a warm game before long.

 President Stephens returned last Saturday from Lake Charles where he had gone upon the invitation of the Calcasieu Teachers' Association to deliver an address on the subject of industrial education. The progressive people of Calcasieu are agitating the question of increased taxation for school purposes. They are also engaged in a movement to establish a Chautauqua. Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1901.

To be Held at the Lafayette High School, Monday, Dec. 9, at 4 o'clock.

 The Gazette is requested to state that there will be a mother's meeting at the High School next Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. It is important that the mothers of children attending the school should be present.

 To-night, Tolson-Miller Company at opera-house. Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1901. 

A Fatal Accident. - Fils William, a colored man employed at the Compress gin was the victim of a very sad accident last Monday morning. It appears that William was in the act of oiling the machinery when his clothes were caught by the shaft. His body was found almost in a nude condition, his clothes having been torn off by the machinery. His head was very badly mangled. Death was instantaneous. Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1901.

Pay Your Poll Tax. -

 Under the law every voter who fails to pay his poll tax before December 31, 1901, will be disfranchised during the year 1902.

 Every voter who fails to pay his poll tax before December 31, 1901, and for the following year before December 31, 1901, and for the following year before Dec. 31, 1902, will be disfranchised during the year 1903.

 Therefore, he who wishes to exercise the franchise during the years 1902 and 1903 must pay his poll tax before the 31st day of December, 1901.

 There will be a congressional election in November, 1902, and persons who wish to vote at that election must be sure to pay their poll tax before the last day of this month.

 An election will be held in this parish in 1902 to elect a representative. To take part in that election the voter will have to show that he has paid his poll tax before December 31, 1901.

 A municipal election will be held in the this town in May, 1903. To participate in that election voters must hold their poll tax receipts for the years 1901 and 1902. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1901.

Hold a Short Session and Make a Report on the Subject of Roads.

 The Grand Jury was in session this week. Two criminal cases were examined and the road question was looked into Wednesday, the members of the Police Jury and road-overseers of the various wards appeared before the Grand Jury and furnished this body with information relative to the working of the public roads. Wednesday the following report was presented to the court:

        LAFAYETTE, LA., Dec. 4. 1901.

 To the Hon. C. Debaillon, Judge 18th Judicial District Court, Lafayette, La.:

 The Grand Jury beg to leave to make this their final report. We have summoned before us the members of the Police Jury, and after consultation and obtaining from them all information concerning the working of public roads and disbursement of road funds, we have arrived at the conclusion that the Police Jury are using their best efforts to give as good roads as possible to the parish with the funds at their disposal under the present system; and it affords us pleasure to give them due credit in the premises; but whilst doing so the Grand Jury is of the opinion from what it has ascertained that a change in the system would be beneficial; and as the Police Jury agrees with the Grand Jury that the contract system is the one by which most could be accomplished, we hope that said system will be adopted and the desired end reached.

 Respectively submitted,
            P. L. DECLOUET, Foreman.

 After the reading of the foregoing report Judge Debaillon thanked the Jury in behalf of the court for the faithful and impartial performance of his duties. He expressed the hope that his labors in the interest of law and order would bear good fruit. He discharged the Jury for the time being and concluded by expressing the hope that as each member returned to his satisfaction which is born of the consciousness of duty well done. The judge stated that he would again call the Jury together if the necessity arose.
Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1901.


For a Pipe Line Asked by the Pioneer Oil Co.

 The Pioneer Oil Company, which is operating at Anse la Butte, has asked the Police Jury the right of way along the public road to run a pipe line for the conveyance of oil. The Jury did not decide the matter at last Thursday's meeting, preferring to obtain legal advice on the subject before taking definite action.

 It is reported that the Pioneer Company has found oil in paying quantities and that it is making preparations to bore several more wells. The Gazette is not able to verify this report. In this, as in all other reports pertaining to alleged oil discoveries, it is impossible to secure any authentic information. Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1901. 

Fatal Accident. - Fils William, a colored man employed at the Compress gin was the victim of a very sad accident last Monday morning. It appears that William was in the act of oiling the machinery when his clothes were caught by the shaft. His body was found almost in a nude condition, his clothes having been torn off by the machinery. His head was very badly mangled. Death was instantaneous.
   Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1901.

Died. - Miss Viola Kelley died at the home of Judge J. G. Parkerson last Wednesday after a long illness. Her funeral took place Thursday morning, the services being conducted by Rev. C. C. Kramer of New Iberia.
Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1901.

Peck is Marshal Again.

 The City Council held a regular meeting last Monday and succeeded in effecting a compromise with Alphonse Peck whose claims to the office of marshal and collector had been the cause of a law suit. It will be remembered that the matter was decided by the district court adversely to the plaintiff and that the judgment of the lower court was subsequently reversed by the circuit court. But as the question was not finally settled, both parties desired to end the controversy and an amicable adjustment was agreed upon. Mr. Peck resumes his duties as marshal, disconnected from the collectorship, and the sum of $150 is allowed for him for back salary.

 Mr. Peck proved himself a good officer and The Gazette is pleased to note that he has been reinstated. Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1901.

Broussard in Abbeville.

 Sheriff Isaac Broussard, of Lafayette, was seen in Abbeville again last Monday, after having bought another 150 acres of Vermilion's best rice land. He bought it of District Attorney J. N. Greene. It is located in the Lake Marceaux region, southwest of Perry. Sheriff Broussard as we stated before is figuring with consummate skill to become a valuable citizen of Vermilion parish. When he does we will write him up in full with a fine cut of his features at the head of it. From the Abbeville Republican Idea and in the Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1901.

Committee on Fair.

 The committee to devise ways and means to hold a parish fair will meet at the court-house next Monday. It is not too early to begin if it is desired to make a success of the fair. Dr. G. A. Martin, the chairman, will be pleased to hear from any one on this subject.
Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1901.    

Almost Complete. - The plank walk from the Industrial to the court-house is nearly completed. What about the movement to build a walk along Johnston street? 
 Laf. Gazette 12/7/1901.

McIlhenny Was Rough Rider. -  It is stated that John A. McIlhenny, of Avery's Island, has been mentioned as a probable successor to President Taft of the Philippine commission. Mr. McIlhenny was a lieutenant in the Rough Rider regiment.  
Laf. Gazette 12/7/1901.

Regular Meeting Held Thursday, December 5.

 The Police Jury met last Thursday Dec. 5, with the following members present:  J. C. Buchanan, J. A. Labbe, John Whittington, J. O. Blanchet, F. G. Mouton, Alex M. Broussard and A. Lacy. Absent: Messrs. Billeaud and Saul Broussard.

 The secretary called the meeting to order and Mr. Labbe was elected president pro tem in the absence of President Billeaud.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 By motion of Mr. Mouton a resolution was passed prohibiting the blockading of public highways by railroad trains for a longer period than ten minutes under penalty of a fine of $25.

 Mr. Lacy was appointed to confer with section boss as to grades of the public roads at Mr. Zepherin Broussard's and at Gerac's ginnery.

 By motion of Mr. Lacy the salary of the president of the Board of Health was fixed at $100 per annum owing to the increased duties and responsibilities.

 By motion of Mr. Mouton the Jury resolved to employ an attorney and Judge C. H. Mouton was unanimously elected to the office at a salary of $200 per annum.

 The Jury then adopted the regular license ordinance for 1902. The ordinance will be published next week.

 The treasurer's reports showed the following cash balances: General fund, $398.46; special road fund, $662.92.

 After approval of accounts the Jury adjourned.
Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1901.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/7/1901.

 George Whittington, son of Mr. John Whittington, is the possessor of the only yellow coon ever captured in these parts. It is only in color that this coon is different from any other coon. He is strictly and distinctly yellow.

 H. D. Mars, of Michigan, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Nicholson. It is the intention of Mr. Mars to remain permanently in Lafayette.

 The Tolson-Miller Company will appear at the opera-house, to-night, (Saturday), and continuing four nights, at popular prices 25-35 and 50 cents.

 With a new school building Lafayette will be an educational center.

 Barring New Orleans, Lafayette has the best fire department in the State and will soon have the best brass band.

 Jim Harris, the negro who shot and killed John Landry, another negro, surrendered to the authorities Monday morning. The following day Harris was indicted for murder by the Grand Jury.

 Ed McBride, who is a skillful and experienced workman, has opened a blacksmith shop near the post-office.

 Jennings has just been the victim of a $25,000 fire. Jennings as no waterworks system.

 Sunday night, the new sensational comedy drama, entitled "The Young Hero" by the Tolson-Miller Company.

 Work for the proposition to have an extension of the water and light plant and new school building.

 The plank walk from the Industrial to the court-house square is nearly completed. What about the movement to build a walk along Johnston street?

 There were many people in town this week. From all accounts the merchants did a good business.

 Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Biossat left Thursday for New Orleans.

 Sheriff Broussard will leave to-day or to-morrow with a pretty big batch or prisoners for the penitentiary.

 Assessor Martin, who has been quite sick, is much better.

 A local politician suggests that Lafayette be put in the new congressional district.

 An election will have to be held in this parish before next May to elect a representative to succeed the Hon. Overton Cade who was appointed on the railroad commission.
Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1901.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser published on December 7th, 1901:

Adding to Prosperity.

 Nothing adds to the prosperity and growth of the town like having a number of industries located in it. They supply labor with employment and distribute money weekly in the way of wages that go straight into circulation, making it easy for all to secure a share, conditions are such now that no town can afford to depend entirely on the surrounding country; for the trade from that source is not sufficient to support the retail stores. The retail merchants represent the bone and sinew of a town, and where they lack business, then the town is bound to become weak and non-progressive.

 Lafayette is a good town and has promise, but it will be all the better for it, if the citizens build a cotton factory or offer inducements for some one else to do so. The industries we have now, have added greatly to the business and wealth of the town as well as to the population. A cotton factory added would increase this prosperity to a very large extent. There is no need to give reasons why a cotton factory would be a success, anyone interested sufficiently to consider the matter can get complete information by reading the report to the Picayune made by the H. H. Hargrove, who made an exhaustive investigation of southern cotton mills.

 This is a subject that should seriously occupy the attention of the Business Men's League, the more especially since we now have cheap fuel almost at our doors.
   Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1901.       


 Education is defined as the process by which human beings are developed in all their parts so as to be able to live completely. Not only are all the faculties of the mind to be exercised and brought out in a strong and well rounded manner, but the morals and sentiments are also to be trained up to the highest civilized standard and the body is to be developed into a fit dwelling place for an immortal source. To expand these ideas would lead us far beyond the limits of the this short approach. Suffice it is to say that no education is up-to-date which does not attend to this three-phase training.

 As to the mental education at the Institute our people are now informed in a measure; but little is know of the strong efforts being put forth for the moral, aesthetic, and physical discipline of the young ladies and young gentlemen entrusted to this institution.

 By means of a carefully and, we believe, most wisely devised system of discipline, it is continually sought by the faculty to show the students the supreme value of doing what is right as against what is wrong, and to lead them to discover that a just and moral course results in greatest good to the individual and the community.

 The aesthetic development of students is obtained through happy surrounding, by means of objects of beauty and grace which come under his observation, and from the valuable lessons given in the class room, especially in the last classes, and by the morning exercise by the President and faculty.

 The training and development of the body receives perhaps a greater share of attention at the Institute than at most schools in the state; and this is as it should be. It is the special province of the industrial and manual training schools to see to it that the growth and discipline of the body keep pace with other forms of development. This physical training is obtained at the Industrial by many agencies, chief among which the draughting, patterning, designing and sewing in the sewing school; the cooking in the domestic science department; the gymnastics exercises in the gymnasium, the typewriting under L. W. Mayer, the foot-ball training under Mr. Woodson, the free hand drawing for young ladies under Miss Randolph and the mechanical drawing and work in wood in the well equipped shop; to which are to be added laboratory exercises in the science. All this training, it must be observed, result in giving to the student either a better mastery of the muscles of his body or a proper growth of them.

 Mr. Woodson is installing his steam saw, lather and scroll saws this week, and the boys are watching his progress carefully and anxiously.

 The foot-ball team is made up of right material. Their practices are regular and faithfully attended. Let us hope when this team will bring credit to our school and town.

 The morning exercises during the past week have been in charge of the Third Year class and have been executed gracefully and in an interesting manner.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1901.

Pay Your Poll Tax. - The Advertiser urges upon all who have failed to pay their poll tax to do so at once. The time expires Dec. 31, and if you wish to vote, you must secure your poll tax receipt before that time. The law requires that each one must have paid his poll tax before he can vote, so pay up, and do your duty as a citizen at the polls. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1901.


Threw Himself in Front of a Morning Train. - A white man about thirty-five years of age committed suicide this morning at Duson Station by throwing himself beneath the wheels of a passenger train. Coroner Mouton held an inquest, but failed to find any article or papers that would lead to identification. The unfortunate seemed a person above the average in intelligence and character. A verdict was returned of death by suicide.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1901

To Benefit Home Fire Co.

 Mrs. S. Mouton has kindly donated to the Home Fire Co., an elegant silk quilt, the work of her own hands, and on which she has worked for 7 years. The quilt, which can be seen at the Advertiser office, will be raffled at 50 cents a chance. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1901.

At Falk's.

 At Opera House, for 4 nights, commencing this Saturday night, will appear at the Tolson-Miller Co. opening in the drama "Brother Against Brother," Sunday night, the new sensational comedy drama, "The Young Hero," Monday, "The Prisoners of Algiers," closing Tuesday night with the spectacular drama "Faust." Strong and first class specialties are introduced between acts each night. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tolson are well known favorites in this city and we bespeak for them a full house, as they play prices within reach of all. 25, 35 and 50 cents. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1901.  

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/7/1901.

 The City Council at its regular meeting on Monday reinstated Mr. Alphonse Peck as city Marshall, and allowed him back pay in full.

 A large crowd of Lafayette people intend going to the Carencro Bazaar to-morrow.

 The negro who killed another negro in Free Town last week, came in and surrendered to the officers.

 Miss Viola Kelly died on Tuesday, the 3rd inst. at the home of Judge J. C. Parkerson. The funeral took place from Judge Parkerson's residence on Wednesday. The Advertiser extends to the bereaved family sincere sympathy.

 Fils Williams, a negro laborer at the compress, met a horrible death last Monday. In some way he was caught by one of the bands and drawn between the band and the wheel. His body was mashed to a jelly. The unfortunate man leaves a wife and eight children.

 To-night at the Opera House, "Brother against Brother" by the popular Tolson-Miller Co.

 All those indebted to the estate of the late B. Falk are most urgently requested to settle same in 30 days from date.

 J. Dauriac will open his blacksmith shop next Monday. Full satisfaction guaranteed for all work entrusted to him. Wagons and buggies manufactured by hand as cheap as the manufactories.

 Court closed during the past week, and this session has prove a record breaker in the number of convictions. This speaks well for the zeal and ability of our able prosecuting attorney, Mr. William Campbell.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1901.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of December 7th, 1895:


"Mr. T. Paddio, a colored Republican leader from Lafayette parish, said yesterday that his parish was "all right." The parishes of Tangipahoa, St. Helena, St. Tammany, Washington and Livingston, with Lafayette, have organized as a unit. According to Mr. Paddio, no arrangements made in our chamber will obligate these parishes; but to defeat the suffrage amendment every nerve will be strained."

 The foregoing was clipped out of last Sunday's Picayune. We would like to know what Paddio means in saying that this parish is "all right." Probably he has been reading about the recent bolt and he is in hopes that party division in this parish will give the nigger a chance to come in, but the dusky politician who claims to be a "Republican leader from Lafayette parish" needs entertain no such hope. The white people of this parish know that the safest way to keep the coons out is to remain united, and this they propose to do, bolt or no bolt. They know what a split among the Democrats will inevitably entail, and knowing that as well as they do, they will turn out on the 14th of December and nominate their candidates, who will doubtless be elected at the general election, as the parish is overwhelmingly Democratic. In this way they will crush the last, lingering hope which may yet spring in the breast of the once mighty Paddio. Some years ago Paddio sunk into what Mr. Cleveland would term "innocuous destitute" and his unexpected appearance at this stage of the game may be the forerunner of the proverbial nigger in the wood-pile. We note in the interview that Paddio says that "Lafayette has organized as a unit." This timely warning from so influential and intelligent a negro as Paddio should set the white Democrats of this parish to thinking. Let them bear in mind that division is dangerous and in unity lies safety. Let them remember that by standing together they will exterminate the last ghastly remnants of Paddioism in Lafayette. In the mean time it might be well for Paddio and his motley gang to take notice that the white people of this parish don't intend to put up with their nasty politics any more. Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1895.


 Mass meetings were held this week at Scott, Carencro and Pilette. Speeches were made by the local speakers who explained the situation clearly and thoroughly to the voters. The attendance was large at every meeting, showing that the Democrats of the parish have taken the correct view of the recent bolt. A full vote will be polled on the 14th and it is safe to say that the candidates nominate on that day by the primaries will have a walkover at the general election in April. The action of the bolters is severely denounced by the Democrats throughout the parish.

 The bolters have ordered primaries on Wednesday the 11th of December, to send delegates to the nominating convention at Shreveport. The Gazette certainly has no objection to the gentlemen making a trip to Shreveport. On the contrary it can but do them good. There will be afforded an opportunity to learn some things which may be of use to them in the future. They will be shown that minorities don't rule in meetings or conventions. They seem to be ignorant of this fact and we sincerely hope that while at the convention they will make it their especial mission to ascertain that majorities rule and that minorities can have their opinions, but that there is no law to compel the majorities to entertain the same opinions. As our friends, the bolters, know very well that their action is so clearly undemocratic, rebellious and arbitrary, they will not have the slightest chance of being seated; however a little trip to Shreveport won't hurt them and we are glad to see them go. We would advise them to take "Jim Coon" along to make the presentation of their case. He is such a luminous writer, a powerful reasoner, and he is so funny, that should he be persuaded upon to deliver one of his characteristic addresses there is no telling what might happen - he may be put on the ticket against his will - for all we know he is no politician and does not want office. By all means, the bolters should see that "Jim Coon" is a delegate. The Gazette is really surprised and somewhat pained to see so intelligent a gentleman as "Jim Coon" allign himself with the rump Democracy of this parish. If we are not mistaken "Jim Coon" is more of a "fox" than a coon," though in his recent actions he has not displayed a superior quality of "foxiness." Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1895.      

For the Legislature.
To the Editor of the Lafayette Gazette: 
ROYVILLE, La., Nov. 15, 1895.
   SIR - You are hereby authorized to announce me as a candidate for the House of Representation at the election of 1895, My name subject to the Democratic white primaries.
Very respectfully, G. W. SCRANTON.
Lafayette, La., Nov. 26, 1895.
   I am a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the White Democratic primaries called for Saturday, December 14, 1895. J. O. BROUSSARD.

For District Judge. Lafayette, La., Nov. 12, 1895.
  I am a candidate before the Democratic primaries called for Saturday, Dec. 14, 1895, and subject to the judicial convention to meet at Lafayette, Dec. 21, 1895. JULIAN MOUTON.

For Clerk of Court,
Lafayette, La., Nov. 22, 1895.
I am a candidate for clerk of court for the parish of Lafayette, subject to the Democratic primaries called for Saturday, Dec. 14, 1895. EDWARD G. VOORHIES.

For Sheriff.
Lafayette, La., Nov. 22, 1895.
This is to announce my candidacy for sheriff of this parish subject to the white Democratic primaries called for Saturday, Dec. 14, 1895, by the Democratic Parish Executive Committee which met at the court-house at Lafayette on the 21st of November, 1895. I. A. BROUSSARD.

For Justice of the Peace.
Lafayette, La., Nov. 22, 1895.
I am a candidate for justice of the peace of the 3d ward, subject to the white Democratic primaries called for the 14th of December, 1895. T. A. MCFADDIN.

Thursday, Nov. 28, 1895.
I am a candidate for Justice of the Peace of the 3d ward, subject to the Democratic primaries called for the 14th of December, 1895. J. CLAUDE MARTIN.

For Constable.
Lafayette, La., Nov. 22, 1895.
I am a candidate for constable of the 3rd ward, subject to the white Democratic primaries called for the 14th of December. L. HIRSCH.

Lafayette, La., Dec. 4, 1895.
I am a candidate for constable of the 3d ward, subject to the Democratic primaries called for the 14th of December. THOMAS MOUTON.

 For District Attorney.
Abbeville, La., Nov. 25, 1895.
I am a candidate for District Attorney of the 17th Judicial District before the Democratic primaries called in Lafayette parish for Saturday Dec. 14, 1895, and subject to the judicial convention to meet at Lafayette on the 21st of December next. MINOS T. GORDY.

 For Coroner.
Lafayette, La., Dec. 5, 1895.
I am a candidate for coroner, subject to the Democratic primaries called for Saturday, Dec. 14, 1895. A. R. TRAHAN, MD. Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1895.

Meeting at Scott.

 A meeting was held at Scott last Saturday afternoon. The old Democratic war-horse, Hon. Alexander Delhomme, was elected president and the following gentlemen served and the following gentlemen served as vice-presidents: B. Hernandez, Alf. Delhomme, Judge Gustave Mouton, Frances Alvorado, Jacques Mathew, Adam Bourgeois; Toledane Begnaud, secretary; Antoine Pellissier, sergeant-at-arms. Messrs. Julian Mouton, J. O. Broussard, E. G. Voorhies, A. L. Guilbeau and Sheriff Broussard addressed the meeting.

 Mr. Alfred Delhomme offered the following resolutions, which were adopted:

-----------------p. 3-----------------

 Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1895.




A Colored Woman Travels From Oklahoma to see her Grandson in the Lafayette Jail.

 Bertie Debaptist, the young mulatto who is charged with assaulting and robbing John Rosenski, some days ago near the railroad yards, is not as friendless as might have been believed from his appearance and mode to traveling. Wednesday evening a woman giving the name of Mrs. S. J. Sandridge called at the home of Mr. Billaud, the jailer, and stated that she was the grandmother of Debaptist and wanted to see him. Mr. Billaud complied with the woman's request  and conducted her to the jail and brought her face to face with her grandson who was in the cell. There was a striking contrast between the grandmother and child. The former's complexion is white and no trace of the negro can be detected on her features, while the latter is a dark mulatto and looks more like an African than a Caucasian. The woman was neatly dressed and her general appearance and manner of speech betokened a marked superiority over the majority of females of her race. She broke down and cried several times while in the presence of the prisoner and seemed to feel keenly his position. She is a resident of Little Rock, Ark., but was in Guthrie, O. T., when she heard of Debaptist's arrest and came from that city to this town to do something to assist her grandson out of his present troubles. Debaptist seemed to be glad to see her, but he coolly remarked that tears would do no good and that the best thing to do was to get a lawyer and try to get him out. Before leaving the jail the woman gave Mr. Billaud some fruits and cakes which she had brought for the prisoner.
Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1895.

A Pick-Pocket. - A slick-looking youngster who claims to be from St. Louis and who bears the name of Mitchell Hickley, is one of the prisoners in the parish jail. He was put there Monday night and before he will gain his liberty it is very likely that he will spend some time at Baton Rouge. It appears that Hickley met a stranger at the depot and asked him for a dime to get something to eat. The stranger kindly consented to help the boy and took from his purse ten cents which he gave him to buy lunch. Unfortunately for Hickley he saw a few bills in his benefactor's purse and he thought he might secure some of them before going away. He accordingly stayed around the sitting room and watched for an opportunity. The man who was waiting for a train went to sleep on one of the benches and while asleep his purse was taken from him. He suspected that Hickley was the thief and took the necessary steps to have him arrested. Thinking that he would beat his way out of town on the first train, the man found Hickley on what the bum fraternity call the "blind" and proceeded to search him. Two ten-dollar bills were found in the leggings of the drawers and five dollars in the lining of his coat. As $25 was the sum stolen there was no doubt that the thief was caught. Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1895.


For the Jewish Cemetery.

 The entertainment given by the company composed of local talent and for the benefit of the Jewish cemetery was a most brilliant success and reflects great credit upon the performers as well as the manager. "Dollars and Cents" was the title of the play and it was rendered in a manner that would do honor to professional performers. The success achieved by the young ladies and gentlemen who kindly volunteered their services for this very laudable cause, will, we hope, serve as an incentive so that in the future the people of the town will be affected the opportunity to witness many more such entertainments. To Mr. B. Falk, manager of the Opera-house, is due no little credit for the success of the affair. Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1895.


 William D. Huff, aged 56 years, died at his residence, in this town, last Tuesday, at 5 o'clock a. m. He was a native of Baltimore, Md., and had been a resident of Lafayette for a number of years. He leaves a wife and several children. He was a member of the local lodge Knights of Pythias under whose auspices the burial took place. In another column appear the resolutions adopted by the lodge in reference to his death. Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1895.


Roll of Honor.

 The November roll of Honor of Miss Boas' school was as follows:

 ---------------------------p. 3------------------

 Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1895.

  Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/7/1895.

 Mrs. Jno. O. Mouton visited New Orleans this week.

 Mrs. O. J. Sprole is critically ill at her home in this town.

 Mrs. Triay, wife of Mr. F. C. Triay, is reported seriously ill.

 Miss Gamard, of New Orleans, is the guest of Miss Yolande Rigues.

 Louis Stelly and Judge O. P. Guilbeau, of Carencro, were in Lafayette Tuesday.

 Sidney Mouton, who has been very ill, is now much better and is improving rapidly.

 Dr. G. W. Scranton, the popular physician of Royville, was in Lafayette Thursday evening.

 Now that the refinery is running carts loaded with cane are hauled through the streets at all hours of the day.

 Rev. John Jasper, the colored divine of Richmond, Va., who made himself famous by expressing the opinion that "de sun do move," is being urged as a chaplain of the House of Representatives.

 Both passenger trains - one from the tap and the other from the west - pulled at this station last Thursday exactly at the same time.

 Misses Nite and Ruby Scranton and Mr. R. J. Domengeaux, of Royville, attended the play at Falk's Opera-house last Thursday.

 Isaac Heyman, the genial representative of Isaac Frieburg & Bro., distillers of Cincinnati, was in Lafayette this week selling liquors and telling jokes to his many friends.

 Hon. Ambroise Mouton, member of the Legislature from Vermilion, was in Lafayette this week. He was summoned here by the serious illness of his son-in-law, Sidney Mouton.

 The following mass meetings are announced: Saturday, Dec. 7, 3 p. m., at Mrs Ford Hoffpauir's; Sunday, Dec. 8, 11 a. m., at Royville; Sunday, Dec. 8, 3 p. m., at Broussardville. Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1895.









 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 7th, 1889:


 Pursuant to announcement, the Association convened in the parlors of the Star and Crescent Hotel, in evening session, lasting from 5 to 7 o'clock. There were present: Drs. T. J. Wolff, H. A. King, of New Iberia; Drs. T. T. Tarleton, B. Guilbeau, of Grand Coteau; Dr. C. D. Owens, of Eola; Dr. A. C. Durio, of Arnaudville; Drs. J. P. Francez, P. D. Roussel, of Carencro; Dr. W. W. Leslie, of Church Point; Dr. M. B. Tarleton, of Jeanerette; Dr. Fred J. Mayer, of Scott; Dr. M. R. Cushman, of Olidon Ferry; Dr. W. D. Roussel, of Patterson; Dr. J. W. K. Shaw, of Loreauville; Drs. F. S. Mudd, J. E. Tolson, T. S. Rand, N. P. Moss of Lafayette. Much interesting and instructive discussion was indulged in until the banquet was approached. Upon this subject there was a unanimous agreement that if possible it surpassed in excellence and variety the one enjoyed there by the same body last year, and was an additional honor to the prestige enjoyed by Mr. Kalckstein and the famous "Crescent." The following gentlemen were duly elected and enrolled as members of the Association: Doctors J. E. Tolson, Fred J. Mayer, T. S. Rand, W. W. Leslie, M. R. Cushman and George Sabatier. The meeting was very interesting, successful and gratifying to the Association, in that it showed the warm interest of its members, its rapid advancement and its auspicious prospects in the future. The next meeting will be held at New Iberia, in May, 1890. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1889.

To Benefit Children of the Town.

 There is a very laudable and benevolent move now inaugurated by the ladies of Lafayette, which should be warmly supported by our kind and generous citizens; which is, to give a Christmas tree for the benefit of the children of our town, on the night of Christmas eve, at some public place, probably Falk's Hall, where a nice present will be given to every child whose name can be ascertained. The fund for this purpose is to be raised by the ladies soliciting subscription. Parents will have the privilege of furnishing presents to be put on the tree for their own children, and it so hoped that they will generally do so, as this will leave a larger fund to be applied to the benefit of those children whose parents can not so well afford to make Christmas as joyous as little children deserve to have it be. A meeting of the ladies will be held at the residence of Mrs. W. W. Wall, in the afternoon of next Wednesday, for the purpose of organization and appointment of committees, when it is hoped that all interested in this beneficent enterprise will attend.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1889.



Adventure at Vermilion Bay.

 Among those who accompanied Col. W. B. Lindsay and party on their sporting tour to Vermilion bay we noted Maj. Louise Oueilhe and Capt. Dick Sprole. Capt. Dick hopes to "knock down" some of the feathered bipeds in that locality, while Maj. Oueilhe expects to "take 'em in." We will bet "seven or eleven" the whole party "take something" while on the trip.   
 Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1889.

Public Sale.
Succession of M. P. Young, deceased.
 By virtue of an order from the Honorable 25th Judicial District Court, in and for the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana, and to me directed, I will offer for sale at public auction to the last and highest bidder, on the premises, in the town of Lafayette, on Saturday the 4th of January, 1890, the following described property belonging to the above named succession, to-wit :

 A certain lot of ground situated on the corner of Lafayette and Vermilion streets and is bounded North by Vermilion street, South by lot of Mrs. A. Hirsch or assigns, East by Lafayette street and West by lot of John O. Mouton, with all and singular the buildings and improvements thereon.
                     ADA C. YOUNG.

 Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1889.

 Will Remain in Lafayette.

 We are glad to learn that our esteemed farmer friend, Mr. H. D. Owen, who during the fall had determined to leave the parish, has concluded to remain. He has rented Mr. Maurice Mouton's place, about two and a half miles North of town, and has already set to work improving it. Mr. Owen is a farmer of wide experience, is full of energy and had advanced ideas about farming. In addition to farming he will engage in market gardening and dairying. We wish to him success. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1889.


 The expert optician, Mr. J. A. Nabb, of Austin, Tex., will arrive in Lafayette shortly, and will remain only a few days. Mr. Nabb is thoroughly conversant with the errors of refraction and diseases of the eye; adjusting eye-glasses to the sight on scientific principles. He guarantees a fit. By consulting him you will be able to arrest, relieve and possibly restore your failing vision. Due notice of his arrival will be published. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1889.   

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/7/1889.

 The weather for the past two weeks has been extraordinary for this section at this season of the year. It has been cool and delightfully fair, with heavy frost after frost but no rain. The prairies are again brown and there is little or no water in the stock ponds.

 We had the pleasure of a call last Thursday from Judge W. W. Edwards, who held a civil term of the District Court here this week.

 Owing to the unusual number of visitors to our town during the week Lafayette has been quite an attractive and busy little city.

 Somewhat to our surprise wagons loaded with seed cotton continue to roll into our gins about town, and it looks as if the season would tail off far into the present month.

 The "Pair of Kids" performance here this week drew a large audience which was kept in a continual roar of laughter. This is one of the best comedy troupes now traveling.

 Get your Roaster and Baker Pan from J. E. Neveu. It is unequalled for roasting poultry, meats, fish, and for baking bread, cakes, etc. Try one.

 The recent performances given here by the Lilliputian Wonders company were very creditable and entertaining. Several of our citizens drew useful prizes. Mr. A. M. Martin drew a gold watch.

 All members of Lafayette Lodge 3194, Knights of Honor, are requested to attend the meeting Tuesday, December 10th, 1889. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected at this meeting and every member should be present.

 Members of Hope Lodge No. 145, F. & A. M., are hereby reminded that the regular stated meeting takes place at the usual hour to-night. Business of importance will be transacted and every member should be present.

 Mr. C. A. Reed is resident agent at this place for Junius Hart, of New Orleans, a large and well known dealer in musical instruments, etc. We are glad to welcome this gentleman and his family into our community.

 We are glad to learn that the rice crop in the western portion of the parish has turned out splendidly, and our farmers in that section all have plenty of cash. This paving industry will be largely increased in that section next year.

 The Building and Loan Association progresses steadily. Has issued quite a number of shares in the fourth series and has liquidated about one-half of the withdrawal claims shown on September statement, besides having made a loan which is being utilized in the erection of a very neat cottage.

 Mr. L. S. Drickard, formerly of St. Landry parish, but recently doing business in Texas, has opened a family grocery in the Moss building just North of the Racke House. We are glad to welcome substantial citizens to our community, and wish Mr. Drinkard success.

 The shipments of lumber constantly received and disposed of by our lumber merchants here is the best assurance of substantial improvement going on in and about town. Our lumber men are all doing well.

 Business over Southern Pacific Railroad continues to be unusually heavy, even for this season of the year, and indicates general prosperity throughout this great southwestern portion of our Union. The company at this point have been compelled to add greatly to their yard facilities at this place.

 During the absence of our popular town marshall, Mr. Louis Oueilhe (who has gone to Vermilion bay to give moral tone to the hunting party), his efficient deputy, Mr. Philip Crouchet, will have charge of the marshal's office and the big keys, which grate so harshly on the ears of the evil doer while "showing him a fine opening."

 Prof. Julian Ostendorff, an experienced tuner of pianos, organs and musical instruments generally, is here with his family, and will make this place headquarters for the future, while at intervals visiting neighboring towns. We extend them a cordial welcome.

 Wide awake business men are beginning to realize the superior advantages Lafayette offers as a residing and distributing centre, and we may confidently expect the coming of many more commercial gentlemen with their families to add to the prosperity and social attractions of our fast growing town.

 Judging from the fine stocks of goods our merchants already have on hand, and the large shipment received daily, the prospects for a fine winter trade are unusually good. Lafayette is the best point now at which to make your purchases. Make a note of this.

 Misses Alix and Louise Judice will leave to-morrow for Washington, La., where they have been invited to a sacred concert, to be given there next Wednesday night. Lafayette talent, you see, is appreciated elsewhere. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1889. 

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 7th, 1878:

 We are pleased to see that a petition is being circulated among our business men, asking the Post Office Department to establish a post office at this place, on the "New Iberia and Orange, Texas, mail route. The mail route from New Iberia to Orange passes through Vermilionville, and immediately by the door of our post office; yet to forward mail matter from this place to Lake Arthur, Mermentau, Lake Charles and Orange, it must first go to New Iberia and then returns through this place, before reaching any of the above points. We hope that the Department will take the petition into favorable consideration and give us a post office on this route without delay.Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1878

 We are requested to announce that a meeting of Lafayette Fire Company No. 1., will be held at the Truck house, on Thursday, the 12th inst., at 6 o'clock P. M.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1878

The New Orleans Road a Certainty.
{Houston Age.}

 There is now an absolute certainty of the very early completion of direct rail road communication between Houston and New Orleans. To afford our readers a clear idea of the work to be performed, it may be stated that the gap between Orange and Vermilionville, the terminus of Morgan's operations, is 104 miles. The cost of building this gap is $9,000,000 to $10,000,000, including rolling stock and all equipments, which amount is raised, deposited and within every convenient striking distance of Houston. A surveying party is now on the route from Vermilionville to Orange, locating the route. So soon as their report is accepted, work will commence on the road at Orange and Vermilionville, simultaneously; and several thousand men will be employed. The distance from Morgan City to Vermilionville is 60 miles, and work on this gap is now being vigorously pushed forward by Mr. Whitney of the Morgan steamship line, and now it is calculated will be completed in January. The question is frequently asked, what effect will the consummation of this most important work have upon the commerce of Houston? Interviews with the clearest and oldest commercial heads in Houston, the answer is that it will be immensely beneficial. With its consummation Houston will be in direct and untrammeled communication with Liverpool, New york and New Orleans.

{Special Telegram to the Galveston News.}  ORANGE, Nov. 19--Major G. W. Polk, civil engineer, arrived last night with a full equipment of tents and men to make the preliminary surveys and locate the New Orleans railroad from this place to Lake Charles. Work will be commenced as soon as the route is located.
{Lake Charles Echo, Nov. 30}

 OUR RAILROAD.-- With the cessation of the yellow fever, work has been resumed on the New Orleans and Orange, Texas railroad. Engineers last week were selecting the site of the railroad bridge across the Sabine river, at Orange, Texas, and are expected here next week. Texas newspapers say the work will be pushed simultaneously from Morgan City to Vermilionville, and from Orange to Vermilionville.Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1878


 Mr. Will G. Rogan has opened a grocery store in the Salles building on the corner of Lafayette and Vermilion streets, where he will keep constantly on hand a choice assortment of fresh family groceries. The public in general, and the ladies in particular, are invited to call and examine his stock. Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1878.

City Council of Vermilionville.

          Regular Session, Dec. 2d, 1878.
  The City Council met this day, the Hon. J. O. Mouton, Mayor presiding and the Councilmen present.

 The minutes of the last meeting were read, corrected and adopted.

 The committee appointed at the last meeting for the purpose of fixing the rate of taxation, &c., presented the following report to-wit:

 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Town Council of Vermilionville, La.

 The undersigned committee appointed by your Honorable body to recommend the levying of a tax on the movable and immovable property situated within the limits of said Town and of a License Tax upon persons pursuing their professions, trades and occupations within said limits for the year 1879, respectfully submit the following:

 1. They recommended that the Corporation tax for the year 1878 and collectible in the year 1879, be and remain as it is now fixed by the Charter of the Corporation, to-wit: 2 1/2 mills on the dollar.

 2. They further recommend that the following License Tax be passed for the year 1879 upon all persons (unreadable words) their professions, trades and occupations to viz:

 From each and every:

(unreadable) ... $15.00
(unreadable) ... $15.00
(unreadable) ... $20.00
Livery Stable ... $15.00
Cake Stand ... $6.00
Coffee House ... $40.00
Billiard Table ... $10.00
Circus or Menagerie, for each day they perform ...  $100.00
Show or Exhibition, for each day they perform ... $5.00
Theatre, Concert or other performance per day ... $5.00
Side Show to Circus and Menagerie ... $25.00
Peddler for each and every five days ... $2.50
Attorney at Law ... $10.00
Physician ... $10.00
Ice Cream Stand ... $5.00
Notary Public ... $10.00
Coffee, Fruit or Soda Stand ... $5.00
Inn, Hotel or Boarding House ... $10.00


 On motion of Mr. Alpha, seconded by Mr. Lindsay, it was unanimously
   Resolved, that the report of the committee be taken up by action.

 On motion, Resolved, that there shall be levied and collected for the year 1879, the following licenses, to-wit:

From each and every:

Merchant ... $15.00
Grocer ... $15.00
Drugstore ... $20.00
Livery Stable ... $15.00
Cake Stand ... $5.00
Coffee House ... $40.00
Billiard Table ... $12.50
Circus & Menagerie, each and every day they perform ... $100.00
Show or Exhibition, each and every day they perform ... $5.00
Side Show for Menagerie or Circus, per day ... $25.00
Peddler for each and every five days ... $2.50
Attorney at Law ... $13.50
Physician ... $12.50
Ice Cream Stand ... $5.00
Notary Public ... $(unreadable)
Coffee, Fruit or Soda Stand ... $5.00
Hotel, Boarding House ... $10.00

 On the motion to adopt the report of the committee on the Drugstore license of $20.00; the Livery stable license of $15.00; and the Coffee House license of $10.00; the motions were adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Lindsay, Alpha, Landry, and Ed McBride. Nays: R. L McBride, Hebert and Vigneaux.

 On motion of Ed McBride, seconded by Mr. Lindsay, the license of $10 on Billiard Tables as reported by the committee, was increased to $12.50 by the following vote. Ayes: Ed McBride, Lindsay, Alpha, Vigneaux and Landry. Nays: R. L. McBride and Hebert.

 On motion of Lindsay seconded by Mr. Alpha, the license of $10 on attorneys as reported by the committee was increased to $12.50, by the following vote: Ayes: Ed McBride, Lindsay, Alpha and Landry.  Nays: R. L. McBride, Hebert and Vigneaux.

 On motion of Mr. Lindsay seconded by Mr. Alpha, the license of $10 on Physicians, as reported by the committee, was increased to $12.50 by the following vote: Ayes: Lindsay, Alpha, Landry, and Ed McBride. Nays: R. L. McBride, Vigneaux and Hebert.

 On motion of Mr. Alpha seconded by Mr. Lindsay, it was
   Resolved, that the report of the committee be and is hereby adopted as amended as a whole; and that all former laws on the same subject matter be and are hereby repealed. Upon which motion the following vote was taken. Ayes: Landry, Alpha, Lindsay and Ed McBride. Nays: R. L. McBride, Hebert and Vigneaux.

 On motion of Mr. Vigneaux seconded by Mr. Hebert, it was
   Resolved, that the tariff on meats passed by the Council at its session of June 14th, 1875, be amended so as to read as follows: For retailing a beef or cow, 50 cents; per quarter 12 1/2 cents; a calf 2 years old and under, 25 cents, per quarter 6 1/4 cents. Motion lost by the following vote: Ayes: Lindsay and Vigneaux. Nays: Alpha, R. L. McBride, Landry and Hebert.

 On motion of Mr. Alpha seconded by Ed McBride, it was
   Resolved, That the Corporation Attorney be and is hereby requested to wait upon the Hon. H. D. Guidry, the Representative from this Parish in the next General Assembly of the State, and solicit his action upon the question of having the Corporation Constable be hereafter voted for and elected to his office by the people of the Corporation at the yearly elections held for Mayor and Members of the Council of this town instead of being appointed to said office by the members elect of said Council. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Alpha, Landry, Ed McBride, Lindsay and Hebert. Nays: R. L. McBride and Vigneaux.

 On motion the Council adjourned.
J. O. MOUTON, Mayor.
H. M. BAILEY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/7/1874.

The First National Bank of Lafayette.

{From the publication Mercantile and Financial News, N. Y. City.}

No State has more splendid natural resources, or more encouraging prospects in regard to their development, than Louisiana, as we are reminded through noting the establishment of various new banking institutions in that commonwealth. The latest addition to the list of these is the First National Bank, La., which received its charter under date of October 24, ult., its number on the "Official Roster" at Washington being 5023. It succeeds to the business heretofore carried on by the People's State bank of the same place, which has just closed a useful and honorable career.

 The First National starts in with a capital of $50,000, (near 1.3 million today's money) which is deemed sufficient for its present needs. It is organized on a thoroughly substantial basis, and the fullest confidence is felt throughout the community in the able men who represent and control its affairs. Mr. Crow Girard, who was cashier of the old bank, has been elected to the presidency, the duties of which he is in every respect well fitted to discharge. He has been identified with the management from the first, and has proved himself a faithful, conscientious and reliable official and a thoroughly competent financier. The cashier is Mr. S. R. R. Parkerson, who was assistant cashier of the old bank. He is popular in both business and social circles, and has a wide acquaintance with leading business men throughout that section, and is a man of long experience in the banking business and is looked up to and respected by all who know him. The board is made up as follows:

 Crow Girard, P. B. Roy, C. C. Brown, J. G. Parkerson, N. P. Moss, J. S. Whittington, Alcide Judice, F. Demanade and A. J. Moss.

 This is the only bank in Lafayette and it is evidently a strong, well managed and useful institution, and there is no doubt but Louisiana will continue to sustain her honorable record as long as her business men have such institutions to aid them in their legitimate undertakings of one kind and another.

 That the banks of Louisiana are able to make such an excellent showing as they do is the best indication in the world of the prudence, wisdom and conservatism brought to bear in their management, and of the communities in which they do business. High praise is due to the officers and directors of the institutions that have been able to make satisfactory progress in the face of an almost unprecedented depression in business affairs in general.

 From the Mercantile and Financial News, N. Y. City and in the Lafayette Gazette 12/7/1895

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