Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of October 3rd, 1903:


 Increased Attendance During Second Week - Preparations for Auction of Furniture Made in the Workshop - Athletic Organizations at Work - Camera Club Organized.

 New students have been coming in to enter the Institute every day since the opening. Many more from a distance have entered this term than ever before.

 The furniture made by the students in the workshop last session is being put into shape for exhibition and preparations are being made for a grand sale of it at auction in a few weeks. Mirrors have been ordered for the dressers and chiffoniers, and all shrunken places are being taken up - now that the wood is thoroughly seasoned. Many applications for this furniture have been coming in, and it is expected to be quickly taken. There are also several pieces of ornamental iron work, such as tables, umbrella racks, etc., made by the boys in the forge shop. The revenues from the sale of these pieces will be invested in hard wood and new raw materials.

 There is talk among the girls of the Domestic Science Department to have a fair just before Christmas, when an exhibition will be made of the sewing done by the department; and completed articles will be placed on sale. The cooking school has begun its work, two classes being organized, which meet twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

 The Athletic Association met during the week, and all the various athletic clubs have started into training for their season's work. The prizes in athletics offered by Dr. F. E. Girard are doing much to stimulate athletics among the boys; while the girls are taking their gymnasium work and also exercise in basket-ball and tennis. The football team has received a challenge from the team of the Lake Charles High School.

 Dr. Stephens has organized a camera club among the students and teachers. Some dozen or more members have come in. Materials and outfits have been ordered, and a good and enthusiastic group of amateurs is expected by before very long.
 Prof. Sontag being now the whole department of music at the Institute all his pupils including the Lafayette band, are quasi members of the Institute. The concerts of the band will be given at the Institute during the winter; and it is also expected that an orchestra will be organized among the regular students, uniting with the Juvenile Orchestra already begun.
Lafayette Gazette 10/3/1903.

Regimented Adjutant Will Act as Umpire in War Maneuvers.

 The following newspaper mention and letter of commendation will be read with interest and pleasure by the friends of Capt. Moss in Lafayette:

 Captain James A. Moss, acting regimental adjutant of the Twenty-fourth infantry stationed at Fort Harrison, has been ordered to report to Major General John C. Bates of the United States Army at West Point, Ky., Sept. 26, to act as one of the umpires in the war maneuvers which will take place there.

 The staff of umpires consists of eighteen officers, one colonel, two lieut. colonel's, three majors and twelve captains. The choice is made from the officers of the entire United States army so that the selection of Captain Moss to act in the capacity is a marked compliment to his ability.

 Capt. Moss expects to leave for the South Sept. 22 or 23.
                       Aug. 16, 1903.
  Lafayette Gazette 10/3/1903.

Died in the Parish Jail. - Arthur Arceneaux, a negro, died in the parish jail on the 30th. He was charged with burglary and larceny and he was kept in confinement to await the action of the grand jury. But he had first to answer to a higher law. He died friendless and his body found a last place of rest in Potter's Field in the Catholic cemetery.
Lafayette Gazette 10/3/1903.  


New Building for the Century Club.

 The stockholders of the Century Club held a meeting on the 29th to determine the question of the proposed liquidation of the corporation. A large majority of them voted against the proposition and practical steps were taken toward the construction in the near future of a handsome building on the club's lot next to Pellerin & DeClouet's, which the club will occupy.

 Mr. F. V. Mouton was chosen temporary secretary and treasurer and will take charge of the club's affairs, the secretary, Mr. H. A. Van der Cruyssen, being unable at present to do so on account of ill health.
Lafayette Gazette 10/3/1903.

Barbers Unite. - Several of our local barbers, appreciating the advantages to be derived from concerted action, and the establishment of union prices for labor, have announced their determination to exact a minimum increase of pay from customers. They are modest in their claims and are satisfied by a nominal addition only to the usual price for the cutting of hair.   Lafayette Gazette 10/3/1903.

Circus Licenses. - An erroneous idea has crept into the minds of some of out citizens in regard to the license exacted by the town from visiting circuses. Our council was charged with preventing their visits to Lafayette by imposing a prohibitive license. This is in error as the maximum amount charged is only one hundred dollars. Lafayette Gazette 10/3/1903.

Races at Surrey Park. - Mr. Chas. Cochrane, of the Racing Committee of the Surrey Park Association, informed The Gazette that races will be run at the Park on Oct. 24 and 25. Standard Association rules will prevail and the lovers of horse flesh are promised a fast exhibition of the sport of kings. Lafayette Gazette 10/3/1903.

Meeting of School Board.

  At a regular meeting held on Oct. 1, the following members were present: A. Olivier, president, Alex Delhomme, Jasper Spell, A. C. Guilbeau, A. D. Verot and S. J. Montgomery, Committees representing the Bertrand and Burke school communities appeared before the board and asked for an additional schoolroom as each school had two teachers and 75 pupils in one small room. The matter was referred to the building committee.

 The board decided to build a school-house at Duson where there has been no school for the past two sessions.

 Dr. Moss was authorized to receive for the board a whole block of land situated in Duson for a school site. The land is donated by the Crowley-Rayne Development Co., T. J. Toler, president.

 The country schools were ordered to open on the first Monday in December, the seventh.

 The secretary was authorized to rent the school land (6 acres) in the eighth ward to the highest bidder at or above the minimum price fixed.

 Mr. Buchanan made sundry complaints before the board, the principal of which was against the use of books not on the adopted list.

 The treasurer was authorized to discount school land notes in order to raise funds for meeting our rent expenses.

 The board adjourned after approving accounts and hearing the report of the treasurer. Lafayette Gazette 10/3/1903.

Police Jury Notes.

 The Police Jury met last Thursday in regular session with all members present.

 The Grand Jury waited upon the Jury in a body as requested on recommendation of Judge Debaillon that an extension of time be given to the people of the parish for payment of the special road and per capita tax. By motion the time was extended until Oct. 10th.

 By motion of Mr. Whittington all roadoverseers were instructed to notify after Oct. 10, all delinquents of the special road tax to appear and perform the twelve days' duty fixed by law.

 Mr. J. R. Davis asked that the Rayne, Crowley Realty Company be notified to open drain to public road in Duson. So ordered.

 District Attorney Campbell and Attorney C. H. Mouton were authorized to take legal steps for the collection of peddler's licenses from Ralph Foreman and Alton Foreman.

 Messrs. Blanchet and Whittington reported that a new ferry boat had been secured for D. O. Broussard crossing, but owing to some unknown cause same had been put in service. Secretary Williams of Vermilion phoned that no interruption in the transfer would occur but the new ferry boat had as yet failed to materialize.

 The Jury appointed Messrs. Whittington, Landry and Mouton to confer with the Vermilion Jury relative to rebuilding the D. O. Broussard bridge, and the secretary was instructed to communicate with the said Jury and for a conference in the subject.

 Mr. Buchanan moved to the rate of taxation for 1903 at 8 mills on the dollar. Mr. Mouton moved as a substitute to fix the rate at 10 mills and the substitute prevailed by the following vote: Ayes - Mouton, Blanchet, S. Broussard, Landry and Billeaud.   Nays - Buchanan, Whittington, Alex Broussard and Lacy.  Mr. Buchanan ordered to reduce the rate on the ground of relieving the people who had recently burdened themselves with special taxes for school purposes; that retrenchment in expenditures could be made, now that the parish was practically on a cash basis. Mr. Buchanan proceeded to criticize the methods in vogue in the public schools and suggested that while he was not opposed to public education the most effective way to right matters would be to reduce the budget allowance. Per contra, it was held that the budget of expenses for 1903 had been fixed at $30,ooo, and as there had been no increase in the assessment it was impossible to meet the obligations of the parish with less than a ten mill rate. Further, that the Jury had pledged the sum of $6,000 for schools and had declared unequivocally its power to advance public education.

 President Billeaud appointed Messrs. Mouton, Blanchet, Landry and Greig to estimate the probable expenses of the parish for 1904. The president expressed the hope that no reduction would be made in the appropriation for schools.

 Mr. Mouton submitted donations for the Carencro public roads, duly signed and attested. Same was accepted and ordered recorded. After approval of accounts the Jury adjourned.

 The treasurer's report showed cash balances, general fund $437.7o, special road fund $1,033.49. Lafayette Gazette 10/3/1903.

Lafayette, La., Oct. 2, 1903.

 To the Hon. C. Debaillon, Judge of the 18th Judicial District Court, in and for the parish of Lafayette, La.

 The Grand Jury empaneled for the regular term of court beginning September 28, 1903, begs to present the following report of its investigations and findings:

 We have diligently inquired into all actual or alleged violations of the law brought to our attention, and have given our careful consideration to questions affecting the public welfare coming within the scope of our duties and powers.

 As the result of our deliberations we beg to report the finding of 22 "True Bills" and 10 "Not True Bills: "and deem if incumbent upon us to make the following suggestions and recommendations in the public interest, and with a view of diminishing crime in our parish;
   We strongly condemn the form of amusement among the people known as the public ball, as being a common and very fruitful source of crime and great demoralizer of labor, and we recommend its abolishment, it possible, or their restraint by a license sufficiently high to discourage these kinds of  social gatherings. The presence of a police officer should be required at such places under a heavy penalty, as a means of preventing disturbances when possible. Although present regulations of the Police Jury provide for police protection at this class of public entertainment, we have ascertained that there is a great negligence and abuse displayed by the ward constables in the discharge of their duties in this regard. A license of at least ten dollars should be imposed by the Police Jury for each ball or occasion where refreshments of any kind are sold, so as to remove incentives for making money out of these affairs, which appears to be the principal if not the sole motive for giving public balls in this parish. The license in such cases should be paid directly into the public treasury, and the officer on duty at a ball should receive compensation for his services by warrant, for in this way would be removed the bad practice of issuing simple permits for some slight money consideration, by ward constables, as was developed in the course of our investigations of the numerous crimes committed at public balls.

 We have given thoughtful consideration on to the vexations but all important question of public roads, and at the same time that we must candidly admit the great general improvement of our highways under the earnest efforts of the Police Jury, we are convinced, nevertheless, that better results might be obtained by a more businesslike disbursement of the road funds in certain wards in the parish.

 We recognize the advantages of the present system of working the roads as a step in the right direction, but the system is singularly defective in the fact that it does not impose the tax or expense of building the roads where it properly belongs - on the farms and lands in the parish. Good roads are of great benefit to the farming interest and contribute in no small way to the value of lands, and to raise funds for road purposes by levying a special road tax on the assessed valuation in the parish would be a more equitable plan than that of the vehicle tax. Why? Because then all property benefited by a system of good roads would contribute its just proportion of the cost in return for the benefit received, and non-residents and railroads and telegraph and telephone lines, which all share these benefits in common with the local interest of the country would, in this way, be made to bear their proportion of the costs of such benefits.

 The amount of money now available for the building and maintenance of the public roads is insufficient to accomplish more than what is now being done, and the conclusion is forced on our mind that the most reasonable solution of the road problem has in substituting a special property or land tax for the present vehicle tax, and the retaining of the present per capita tax or one dollar in the case of the non-property holders who are also the beneficiaries of public roads.

 We believe the trial of such a plan would quickly demonstrate its merits, and we present the proposition of a special property or land tax for road purposes for the favorable consideration of the public, in the assurance that the first wave of opposition this plan will evoke will be succeeded in due time by sober second thought following an intelligent discussion of the subject, with the result that the common sense phase of this plan will finally dawn on the minds of the people and insure the adoption of the property and land tax system at last.

 Impressed with the great and growing importance of the question of public education in all its hearings upon the progress and happiness of the people and the development of the country, we have made particular inquiry into the condition of the public school system of the parish of Lafayette. The report of the superintendent of the public schools submitted for the information of the grand jury, contains so much matter of public interest, we have ordered its publication in full, with our hearty endorsement, and we invite the special attention of the Police Jury, school board, and City Council of Lafayette, asking these public bodies for a favorable consideration of the recommendations contained in the report. And we specifically urge the Police Jury and the City Council to make increasing appropriations and provisions for the public schools, to meet the evident and continually increasing demands for educational facilities among our people; and in doing so these public bodies will be subservingthe highest of all public interest and will receive the approbation of all patriotic and right thinking citizens.

 In this connection we desire, also, direct the special attention of our school authorities and teachers to the wise laws of our State requiring the regular instruction of school children of all ages in the harmful effects of alcohol and narcotics on the human system. Brains and bodies that are weakened and diseased and demoralized by the use of alcohol or narcotics tend forward a decaying manhood; and the undermining of society and good citizenship; and the State has adopted the most rational and effective means of dealing with these evils and promoting sobriety among the people, by teaching the children the injurious effects of alcohol and narcotics before they have fallen under the power of these evil influences, so that the children growing up in the full knowledge of the benefits of abstinence will abstain from choice.

 In the public interest we therefore strongly recommend the faithful observance of this course of instruction in our schools, on the part of the school authorities and teachers.

 We inspected the parish jail and noted with satisfaction the air of cleanliness which pervaded the place, and we ascertained from the prisoners privately, that they received reasonable and proper attention while in custody. We commend Deputy Sheriff Trahan for his faithful services as parish jailer.

 We visited the office of the sheriff and made a thorough examination of his books and accounts, and it gives us pleasure to testify to the careful and business like manner in which the affairs of this office are conducted.

 The sheriff exhibited to us receipt and vouchers from the parish treasurer and from the State auditor showing regular and punctual settlements for all funds collected by him.

 We have the pleasure likewise in highly commending the excellent system and intelligent methods employed in handling the public business in the office of the clerk of court and recorder.

 We recommend that the certified poll list prepared by the sheriff each year and filed with the clerk of court, be arranged in alphabetical order for greater convenience in the future.

 We also direct the attention of the Police Jury to the urgent need there exists of repairing the clerk's office, in consequence of  the extensive cracking of two partition walls and a serious leak in the roof of the building.

 The books and papers of the parish treasurer we ascertained are properly kept now as always, by that officer.

 The office of the assessor received a due share of our attention and needed improvements that we might suggest in the premises we understand have already been fully considered by the Police Jury.

 We were favorably impressed by the work we saw going on in the Primary and High Schools in the town of Lafayette, but it is very necessary that other and better arrangements be made for the housing and the comfort and convenience of the children.

 Our visit to the Industrial Institute by special invitation of President Stephens was attended with pleasure and interest, and only served to strengthen our opinion of this good institution which is calculated to bestow such lasting benefits to the children of the town and parish of Lafayette.

 Following the suggestion of the Honorable Judge of this District Court, we waited in a body on the Police Jury to recommend that the limit of time for the payment of road taxes be extended to October 10th for the convenience of the farming class, on account of the great press work at this particular season, and we are pleased to state that the Police Jury acted favorably on the recommendations.

 In the case of Jean Baptiste Duhon, now confined in the parish prison, from information received, we consider that the crime committed by him sometime ago was due to his mind being in such a state that he could not be held responsible under the law, from the fact that he has been interdicted and sent to the Insane Asylum and therefore should be released and turned over to the care of his family.

 In conclusion we wish to say that as the law imposes upon the Grand Jury the obligation of not only indicting violators of the law, but of suggesting remedies of public abuses and recommending measures for promoting public welfare, we have deemed it our duty to discuss and to consider the various questions covered by this report as affecting the public good, even at the risk of causing criticisms for the great length of our report.

 Our arduous duties and difficult labors have been facilitated in a large degree by the thoughtful, exhaustive and explicit charge delivered to us by the Honorable Judge of this court, an by the cheerful, intelligent and valuable assistance and counsel of District Attorney Campbell, and we hereby make our grateful acknowledgements to these two faithful officers of the Court.             
                 Respectfully submitted,
                         N. P. MOSS, Foreman.
Lafayette Gazette 10/3/1903.

City Council Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., Sept. 8, 1903. - A regular meeting of the City Council was this day held, Mayor C. D. Caffery presiding. Members present: J. O. Mouton, A. E. Mouton, F. Demanade, H. L. Fontenot, M. Rosenfield, G. A. DeBlanc. Absent: D. V. Gardebled.

 The chairman of Water and Light Committee reported progress in the matter of the new work at plant, reservoir being nearly completed, and also that of the pump. And everything in readiness for the pump which is due to arrive by Sept. 15, that the latest informations from the builders of pump is that same was completed and same was not in test shop.

 The chairman of this committee also reported an accident to one of the dynamos, which had been sent to the Johnson shop for repairs at a cost of $173.00, and the foundry promised to return same as soon as possible.

 Petition of Mr. L. Domingeaux by Mr. J. A. Van Dyke was refused.

 Dr. F. Mayer asked for an appropriation for the reception of the State Medical Association, during the month of May next. Action on the matter was deferred to next regular meeting.

 Bill of Dr. F. E. Girard for $46.oo for wire bought for street fair and turned over to town, was referred to Water and Light committee for adjustment.

 Communication of P. L. Breaux, principal of colored school requesting an appropriation for erecting a public school in Mills addition was accepted. On motion of A. E. Mouton, seconded by M. Rosenfield and carried, the sum of $100.00 was appropriated for that purpose.

 Mayor Caffery's report was accepted as follows:

 Bazaars ... $5.00
 Stock fines ... $3.00
 Mayor's court ... $17.00
 Total $25.00

 Petition of Mrs. L. F. Rigues for a permit to build an addition to her residence 12 x 14 in lumber was rejected.

 The following bills were approved:
 Lafayette Gazette ... $44.00
 Cleophas Richard ... $4.50
 V. Duhon ... $6.50
 A. E. Mouton ... $9.96
 A. E. Mouton ... $51.31
 B. Miller ... $2.50
 V. Duhon ... $2.60
 V. Duhon ... $23.50
 Advertiser ... $25.00
 A. Hirsh ... $31.20
 V. Duhon ... $4.55
 W. U. Tel. Co. ... 0.60
 Electric Appliance Co. ... $57.75
 Fairbanks Co. ... $70.00
 Fairbanks Co. ... $14.00
 Fairbanks Co. ... $10.75
 Fairbanks Co. ... $17.15
 Fairbanks Co. ... $9.00
 Lafayette Brick & Tile Co. ... $75.00
 The Fairbanks Co. ... $17.73
 A. E. Mouton ... $9.99
 A. E. Mouton (for reservoir) ... $1,214.07
 Cumberland Tel. & Tel. Co. ... $1.50
 V. Duhon ... $3.30
 E. T. McBride ... $15.70
 A. E. Mouton ... $19.46

 It was moved by G. A. DeBlanc and duly seconded, and carried that the following ordinance be adopted:

 An Ordinance, providing for the construction and paving of side walks along the streets of the town of Lafayette, La., and for keeping same in repair.

 Section 1 - Be it ordained that the City Council shall hereafter, whenever in its judgment the public interest requires it, build and construct along the streets of said town, side walks and curbing, concrete, brick or plank, as said Council may determine, and same shall be built according to plans and specifications be adopted by said Council.

 Section 2 - Be it further ordained, that said walks may be built under the direct supervision of the Council, or by contract, and in the event the same is to be built by contract, this said work shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder from whom there shall be exacted satisfactory security of the faithful execution of said contracts, that fifteen days notice for bids for said work shall be given in an official journal of said town; provided in the event no satisfactory bid is received, then that said Council shall have the right to reject any and all such bids, and thereupon to exercise its original rights to cause said work to be done under the supervision of the street Committee of said town.

 Section 3 - Be it further ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall also apply to all repairs to be hereafter made upon the side walks of said town.

 Be it further ordained that the cost of all work done under the provisions of this ordinance shall be borne as follows; two thirds by the owners of the lot abutting the side walk, curbing or portion therof to be paved, improved or repaired, and one third by said town.

 Section 4 - Be it further ordained that whenever said Council shall determine to enter upon the construction of any work under this ordinance the cost thereof shall be determined as soon as practicable, and thereupon said Council shall provide by ordinance for the assessment of all real estate abutting the side walk or curbing to be built or repaired to cover two thirds of said cost; said assessment to be upon the basis of the respective frontage of said properties on said walk.

 Section 5 - Be it further ordained that the sum assessed against the lot or real estate so abutting shall be due and collectable within ten days after the completion of the work and its acceptance by the Council, and if not paid within that time, the City Council shall have the power to proceed by suit against the said owners and said real estate to collect the delinquent assessment, and the said municipality shall have a special privilege on said property or prosperities to secure the sum assessed against it, with six per cent per annum interest thereon from the expiration of the said ten days until paid, which lien shall be the first privilege over all other claims except taxes; said privilege shall affect third persons from the date of the registry of the assessment in the mortgage book of the parish in which said real estate is situated, provided that the town Council, instead of enforcing the said assessment as above fixed upon the payment in cash by the property owner of twenty-five per cent of the amount due by the said property owner, may in their discretion, authorize the mayor to approve notes or certificates signed by said owner, showing the amount respectively due by the persons and properties on said side walks or curbing so paved or improved, which shall be payable in one, two and three years, or sooner at the option of the property owner, with six per cent interest per annum, interest payable annually, which said notes or certificates (when a copy of the same is recorded with the assessment aforesaid) duly paragraphed as being recorder of mortgages, shall be secured by privileges, on the property, prior to all other charges, except taxes, and may be transferred, carrying the lien, and privilege herein above provided for, to any contractor or other person provided than when the work is done by the town, said certificates may be made to bearer or any person who may desire the same, and they shall enjoy the lien and privilege aforesaid.

 Section 6 - Be it further ordained that this ordinance shall take effect forthwith.

 Be it further ordained that in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance this day adopted relative to side walks, that Shillinger pavement 6 feet wide including the curbing be built, starting on Grant avenue at the center line of Crescent News Hotel, running to the corner of Lincoln Avenue to Pierce street, thence along the south east side of Pierce street to Vermilion street, thence along the north side of Vermilion street to Lafayette street, thence along the east side of Lafayette street to north Main street.

 Be it further ordained that the street committee be and is hereby empowered to have specifications prepared for said walk, and thereon to call for bids for said work to be submitted within 15 days notice, contractor to furnish bond in the sum to be hereafter determined, for the faithful compliance of his contract. Adopted unanimously.

 Moved and duly seconded that the City Council meetings be held hereafter on first Monday of each month at 7:30 p. m. Carried.

 There being no further business Council adjourned.
Lafayette Gazette 9/26/1903.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/3/1903.

  Mrs. W. V. Nicholson returned Monday from San Angelo, Tex., where she had been spending some time for her health, and we are pleased that she has greatly improved by her trip.

 For Sale. - One pair young mules. One 3 years and other 4 years old. About 13 hands high, $125 for both; apply at The Gazette.

 We regret very much our inability to publish in this issue Superintendent Alleman's report to the Grand Jury on the condition of schools in the parish. The report of the Jury together with this one were placed in our hands late yesterday afternoon, and it was impossible for us to print both.

 The new post office building is rapidly nearing completion and promises to be quite a handsome structure.
 Lafayette Gazette 10/3/1903.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 3rd, 1891:


Died, at the residence of her parents, in Lafayette, La., on Sunday, September 27th, 1891, at 8:50 o'clock p. m., Miss LENA, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Plonsky, aged 23 years, 1 month and one day.

 The death of this estimable young lady has cast a gloom over this community where she was raised and has so long held the high regard of all with whom she became associated, and the bereaved family have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends. She was endowed with many sterling qualities of head and heart, possessed a confiding and winning disposition, and was devoid of malice or un-charitableness. Young, of strong constitution, full of hope, firm in the love and pride of her parents, with the future holding for her bright promises, her untimely end was one of those inscrutable visitations of God which He has promised are always for the best.

 The funeral took place Monday afternoon at "Hebrew Rest," and was attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends. Mr. Henry Bendel read the simple but deeply impressive funeral rite of the Hebrew faith, and Julian Mouton, Esq., delivered a short but fervent ornation extolling the good qualities of the deceased. Lafayette Gazette 10/3/1903.

She Absented Herself.

 Last Saturday Miss Emma Meyer, of Shilou, Ill., arrived in our town ostensibly on a visit to the Misses Otto, daughters of Mr. F. Otto, with whom she was familiar. The day before they had received a letter from her announcing her coming, and were expecting her. Mr. Otto, having for years known both her father and grandfather and their families, and having discovered that she in childish passion had left home from real or fancied mistreatment, welcomed her kindly, and next day wrote to her telling him the circumstances attending her arrival here, and assuring him of her safety while awaiting his action. Tuesday Sheriff Broussard received a telegram from Sheriff A. Dawson, of Belleville, Ill., to arrest Miss Meyer, as she had absented herself from the home of her parents without their knowledge or consent and against their will, and that she was supposed to be in Lafayette. Sheriff Broussard went before Justice R. C. Greig and procured the proper papers. He then visited Miss Meyer at the residence of Mr. Otto and made known to her the object of his visit. Of course, the young lady was frightened and much troubled at being thus interviewed by the high sheriff, but upon being assured that it was mere formal proceeding, etc., recovered her spirits and composure and became reconciled to the idea of having to return. She was taken in charge by Sheriff Broussard, and has received every consideration and attention as the guest of his family. Miss Meyer is a rather pretty blonde, with sprightly manners, and is said to be quite a pleasant companion. She is in her 16th year. Probably, ere our readers see this she will be speeding back to her Northern home, but we trust that some day she will be allowed to return and gratify her longing for the soft skies and balmy breezes of the Sunny South. Lafayette Advertiser 10/3/1891.

Central Sugar Refinery.

 We have not been able this week to gather much information concerning the Central Sugar Refinery project, but we know that the matter is occupying the thought of our sold and progressive citizens, and feel assured that the leaven of enterprise and improvement is working, and will show itself in deeds. Without a doubt, there is no measure of vital interest to our parish that can take precedence of it. It recommends itself to every thoughtful mind, and the benefits to accrue to the whole parish from its successful carrying out are so patent that its establishment is but a question of agreement upon location. If the citizens of our town do not come forward, and by their decided action show that they are willing to meet and overcome objections to the location upon the East bank of Vermilion Bayou, near the railroad bridge, (which is manifestly the most advantageous location, and would command the most patronage for the institution,) then they are not alive to their interests, and can only blame themselves for the loss of this golden opportunity for the stable betterment of our town. Lafayette Parish has got to have a central sugar refinery. All of its best interests demand it. Cotton production is overdone in the South. Sugar production is growing in demand, and the soil and climate best adapted for this purpose is engaging universal attention. Lafayette Parish of one of the favored spots in the United States. Everything points to a brilliant  future for Lafayette as a sugar parish. Cannot its central town, and seat of justice, be the centre of this great and growing industry?

 A grand vocal and instrumental concert, for the benefit of the Lafayette Amateur Brass Band, will be given at Falk's Opera House Saturday, October 10th. There will be refreshment of all kinds and a grand ball after the concert. Admission, 50 cents; children, 25 cents. This is the first move the boys of the band have made to reimburse themselves for the heavy outlay they have made to perfect an organization which will be an advantage and a constant source of pleasure to the citizens of our town. They deserve hearty support and encouragement, and we trust the liberal patronage of an appreciative and generous public will not be found wanting. Turn out and the boys a handsome "blow out!"

 Judging from the large stocks of goods that are being received by our merchants there is no anticipation of a falling off in business here this winter. The fact is, the business of our town is constantly increasing, and Lafayette is coming into prominence as a business centre. Messrs. Felix Demanade, Hebert Bros. and  A. Labe have just completed extensive additions to their storehouses. Lafayette Advertiser 10/3/1891.

 Glove Contests.

  The Lafayette Athletic Club held a meeting Tuesday night, and are taking steps to arrange for what will be one of the finest glove contests that can be secured in the State. Thursday night nearly everything had been arranged, and next week we expect to announce the time when the exhibition will take place. The parties are Harney and Cavaness.

 Prof. John F. Cash goes to Charenton to-morrow to fight a glove contest to a finish with a local prodigy there, named Lyons, for a purse of $200.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/3/1891.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 10/3/1891.

  A fine shower Wednesday night cooled the atmosphere, laid the dust and proved a delightful change for our town folks, but was not enough to be of much benefit to the crops in this vicinity.

 Misses Martha Mouton and Alix Judice visited Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Scranton, at Royville last Saturday.

 A regular term of the District Court for this parish will begin next Monday, 5th inst.

 Board of School Directors for this parish will hold their regular quarterly meeting at the Court House to-day.

 The Police Jury and the City Council will hold regular meetings on Monday next, 5th inst.

 Capt. Ed. Steele, of the Aransas Pass Railroad, ran over Monday night and spent Tuesday with his family at the Racket House, returning that night.

 The ginning season with us has fairly begun, and the scream of the numerous gin whistles about town is pleasing and cheering music to all our business men.

 A loan of $1,000.00 was made to Mr. Dominique Arceneaux, at the last meeting of the Lafayette Building & Loan Association.

 Mr. W. D. Southwell, contractor of the bank building, was here last week arranging preliminaries for beginning work. It is probable that work will be commenced by next Wednesday.

 Richards & Pringle's renowned Georgia Minstrels gave a highly enjoyable entertainment to a crowded house at Falk's Opera House Tuesday night. They are "immense!" This is one of the troupes that are always welcome and always draw good houses in our town.

 Judging from the large stocks of goods that are being received by our merchants there is no anticipation of a falling off of business here this winter. The fact is, the business of our town is constantly increasing, and Lafayette is coming into prominence as a business centre. Messrs. Felix Demanade, Hebert Bros. and A. Labe have just completed extensive additions to their storehouses.

 Our farmers should endeavor to gather in as much cotton as possible before the 15th of October, as about that time the sugar planters from below will be sending up here and gobbling up their laborers. Lafayette Advertiser 10/3/1891.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 3rd, 1874:

Democratic Parish Convention.

 On this the 26th day of September, 1874, a Parish Convention composed of different Wards was had and held at the Court House in the Town of Lake Charles, when the following wards were found to be represented :

 Ward. No. 1. - Maxile Marcantel, William Langley and Valcour Manuel. Present, M. Marcantel.

 Ward No. 2. Not represented.

 Ward No. 3. Jacob Ryan, Henry Gray, Louis Leveque, A. H. Moss, M. J. Rosteet and Thomas Hensen. Henry Gray, absent.

 Ward No. 4. - William Vincent, E. H. Moes and Dosite Vincent, all present.

 Ward No. 5. - J. M. Fountain, C. Prater and J. H. Canter. Present, J. M. Fountain.

 Ward. No. 6. - M. T. C. Loftin, J. D. Cole and Wiley Gill. Present, M. T. C. Loftin.

 Ward. No. 7. - H. W. Iles, T. L. Lewis, I. Gilly, and W. P. Simpson. Present, H. W. Iles and W. P. Simpson.

 On motion of Jacob Ryan duly seconded Louis Leveque Esq., was called to the chair to organize the Convention and M. J. Rosteet to organize the Convention and M. J. Rosteet was appointed temporary Secretary.

 On motion of Jacob Ryan the chair appointed the following names a committee on credential, one from each ward, viz:

 Maxile Marcantel from ward No. 1.
 Jacob Ryan from ward No. 3.
 William Vincent from ward No. 4.
 J. M. Fountain from ward No. 5.
 M.T. C. Loftin from ward No. 6.
 H. W. Iles from ward No. 7.

 Committee reported wards represented as above.

 On motion of A. H. Moss, the Convention was permanently organized by the election of Jacob Ryan to the Chair and M. J. Rosteet as Secretary.

 On motion it was resolved that the choice of the Convention for a candidate from this parish for the Tenth Senatorial District be taken by the credentials of the different wards which were represented.

 The Chair appointed Messrs. Iles and Louis Levque to count the votes, which resulted as follows: 12 votes for Dr. William H. Kirkman and 10 votes for George H. Wells, Esq.

 On motion of Louis Leveque, after balloting, Dr. Wm. H. Kirkman was unanimously declared the choice of the parish of Calcasieu, as a candidate for the 10th Senatorial District of Louisiana from this parish.

 On motion of Louis Leveque the Chair appointed H. W. Iles, M. T. C. Loftin, M. J. Rosteet and Louis Leveque, a committee to draft resolutions to express the sense of this Convention.

 The Convention then took a recess of one hour to give the committee time to draft resolutions.

 On the return of the committee on resolutions, the Convention was called to order, when the committee submitted the following resolutions, which, on motion, were approved. viz:

 Be it resolved, that the Democratic  Conservative parties of St. Landry have pledged themselves to support the candidate elected by the Parish of Calcasieu for the State Senate at the next election and as the people of Calcasieu in two conventions have expressed their choice for Dr. William H. Kirkman and as we, this Convention at this late day is calculated to defect our candidate whoever he might be.

 Therefore, be it resolved, that we decline sending delegates to a District Convention from this parish, relying on the faith of their promise to support the man of our choice as Senator from this parish to represent the Tenth Senatorial District in the State Senate.

 On motion, resolved that the Convention adjourn sine die.
         JACOB RYAN, Chairman.
 M. J. ROSTEET, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/3/1874.


 Last Thursday, a number of delegates met here in the Court House and after organization, it was discovered that the body was composed entirely of White Leagues from St. Landry and Lafayette. Calcasieu had refused to send any delegates and them representing the Democracy of Cameron and of the People's party of Lafayette declined to take part in a convention which represented so small a portion of the conservative voters of the District. The delegates participating association Mr. John I. Gardner, of St. Landry, as a candidate for the State Senate for the Tenth District.

 The whole thing regarded as a failure and of no significance whatever, except perhaps, as reflecting the choice of the White Leaguers of St. Landry and Lafayette. Lafayette Advertiser 10/3/1874.

 Register! Register!! - Let no one who is entitled to vote fail to register. The Second of November is fast approaching and no one will be allowed to vote on that day unless he has a new certificate of registration, old certificates are worthless. Remember that the office of Registration will close on the 24th of this month. Therefore we say to you, do not delay, register immediately. Lafayette Advertiser 10/3/1874.

Police Jury Proceedings.

  Vermilionville, La., September 7, 1874.Regular Session of the Police Jury - Parish of Lafayette.

 Present: G. Dubau, Esq., President and Messrs. R. C. Landry, Jean Bernard, Rosemond LeBlanc and S. J. Montgomery.

 On motion of Mr. R. C. Landry, the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.

 On motion of Mr. Jean Bernard, the District Attorney pro tem, was allowed to October 5, 1874 to make his report of delinquent taxpayers.

 On motion of same, the special committee on cancellation of warrants was equality allowed to October 5, q874 to make their report.

 The President informed the Police Jury that he had used all amicable means in his power to compel the State Tax Collector to furnish bond, but to no avail, upon which the District Attorney pro tem, enjoined the Tax Collector from the collection of the Parish Taxes until he furnish bond as required.

 Whereupon Mr. Rosemond LeBlanc offered the following resolution :  Resolved, That the resolution of this body passed July 13, 1874. directing the State Tax Collector to furnish bond before proceeding to the collection of the Parish Taxes be and the same is hereby repealed, and that the Tax Collector is hereby ordered to proceed with the collection of said taxes.

 Which said resolution of Mr. Rosemond LeBlanc was lost by the following vote :

 Yea: R. C. Landry, Rosemond LeBlanc.

 Nay: J. Bernard, S. J. Montgomery, G. Dubau.

 There being a tie, the President gave his casting vote against the passage of said resolution.

 On motion of Mr. G. Dubau, Resolved, That the members of the Police Jury from the 4th and 5th wards suggest the names of freeholders to compose Jury to lay out road in 5th ward.

 When on motion of Mr. R. C. Landry, John R. Creighton, Perry Moses, Clairville T. Patin, Marcel Melancon, Alexandre Meaux and Lessin Guidry, are appointed a Jury of freeholders to trace and lay out a road from Broussardville or Cote Gelee P. O. to the line of St. Martin Parish, to be designated as the road from Broussardville or Cote Gelee P. O. to New Iberia, and to assess such damage as may be sustained.

 On motion of Mr. G. Dubau, Resolved, That the committee on Public Works are authorized to make a half moon near Pin Hook Bridge on Bayou Vermilion to facilitate the Steamboats in turning, provided the cost does not exceed three hundred dollars, and make their report on October 5, 1874.

 On motion of Mr. S. J. Montgomery, the following accounts were allowed, and that warrants issue for the same :

 Levi Columbus, costs crim. case ... $1.1o
 Isan Chadwell, costs crim. case ... $6.50
 Ben Avant, costs crim. case ... $6.50
 Isam S. Brown, costs crim. case ... $3.20
 Isam S. Brown, costs crim. case ... $3.20
 Isam S. Brown, costs crim. case ... $3.20
 Mrs. I. S. Brown, costs crim. case ... $3.20
 Clemile Trahan, juror's fee, transferred ... $5.00
 Eloi Vincent, fee as grand juror ... $7.00
 Lessin Abshire, witness crim. case ... $6.40
 S. Landry, witness fees, transferred ... $3.80
 H. Eastin, Sheriff, costs crim. cases ... $153.20
 Delia Lockley, witness fees ... $3.2o
 Mme. Devigne Guidry ... $1.90
 Wm. Stutes ... $2.20
 John Comeau, ... $3.50
 Joseph Navarre, ... $5.50
 R. F. Grier, juror's fees ... $8.10
 Syphroyen Landry, grand juror, trans. ... $6.50
 H. M. Bailey, Justice of the peace ... $5.75
 Plonsky & Rogers, wit. fees trans. ... $2.20

 Camille Roos, witness fees ... $3.50
 Wm. Stutes, witness fees ... $8.20
 Treville Guidry, witness fees ... $2.2o
 Therence Toups, grand juror ... $7.50
 Alcide Judice, talis juror ... $1.30
 Alcide Judice, witness fees ... $1.30
 Edouard Fabre, ... $4.00
 Joseph Guidry, ... $4.50
 Alex O. Guidry, ... $1.60
 Geneus Boudreaux, ... $1.50
 Geneus Boudreaux, ... $1.60
 Alex Billaud, ... $1.10
 Rene Gagneaux, ... $1.1o
 Edgar Mouton, ... $1.10
 Austin, witness fees ... $3.50
 Edgar Mouton, witness fees transferred ... $4.20
 L. Levy, witness fees ... $3.00
 L. Levy, ... $3.00
 Sevigne Guidry, ... $2.2o
 Joseph N. Guidry, ... $3.50
 L. Levy, ... $1.1o
 G. C. Salles, ... $1.10
 Numa Chachere, ... $6.00
 Henry Anding, ... $4.00
 L. Levy, witness fees transferred ... $2.60
 Plonsky & Rogers, ... $2.60
 Plonsky & Rogers, ... $1.50
 Mathias Arenas, ... $6.00
 Joseph N. Guidry, ... $3.50
 Joseph Guidry, ... $4.50
 Edmond Landry, Juror de Talibus ... $2.30
 Joseph Pothier, Juror ... $5.20
 W. S. McBride, witness fee ... $4.o0
 J. O. Girouard, Jailor ... $53.00
 Placide Hebert, witness ... $3.oo
 Ben Babino, witness ... $3.50
 Eusebe Thibodeaux, witness ... $4.50
 Sarrazin Trahan, witness ... $5.80
 Joseph N. Guidry, witness ... $3.50
 Joseph Louviere, witness ... $3.00
 Plonsky Rogers, witness, transferred ... $5.60
 L. Levy, witness, transferred ... $18.00
 John Green, witness, transferred ... $1.50
 Alexander Daniel, witness, transferred ... $1.50
 Therence Celestin, witness, transferred ... $1.5o
 Rosemond Benoit, witness, transferred ... $1.60
 L. F. Rigues, witness transferred ... $1.1o
 Francis Hebert, Juror ... $5.30
 Clemile Trahan, witness, transferred ... $5.80
 Damoville Bernard, witness, transferred ... $3.80
 A. S. Johnston, witness, transferred ... $2.20
 Sarrazin Trahan, witness transferred ... $2.20
 Sazzarin Trahan, Juror, transferred ... $4.50
 H. M. Bailey, Justice of the Peace ... $11.25
 Leopold Hirsch, Constable ... $10.20
 Marie, witness ... $1.30
 H. Eastin, Sheriff, attending court ... $15.00
 Ambroise Mouton, work on public road ... $25.00
 Edouard, witness ... $1.40
 Sidney Greig, witness ... $3.00
 Alex Breaux, Talis Juror ... $2.40

 And the following accounts were rejected:

 J. F. Knox, J. P. St. Landry ... $13.50
 S. M. Peters, Constable St.Landry ... $13.50
 A. J. Moss, Parish Judge cost crim. ... $57.75.

 On motion of Mr. Rosemond Leblanc, Police Jury adjourned to Oct. 5th, 1874.

 (Signed.) G. DUBAU, President.
 Attest, C. DEBAILLON, Clerk pro tem.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/12/1874.




 Speech is a very complicated process. Many muscles, and as many nerves, are concerned in it, with a delicacy and rapidity of movement truly wonderful. The whole process is presided over by cerebral centres, which supply and co-ordinate or harmonize the various movements. We learn to use our vocal organs so early that our attention is not called to the difficulties involved, and we are much surprised at occasional failures.

 In stammering, the trouble may be said to be in the brain. but there is no organic injury. Something so interferes with the normal outflow of motive force from the nervous centre, that some of the muscles concerned in speech act spasmodically. The spasm may be in the larynx, or in the muscles of respiration.

 The difficulty rarely occurs in pronouncing vowels or in singing, since singing has mainly to with the vowel sounds. The chief difficulty is with consonants, especially with the explosive consonants, b, p, d, t, g (hard) and k.

 The trouble generally shows itself between the ages of four and fourteen. Many causes may originate it, and it may pass away with the cause. Even confirmed stammerers commonly improve after maturity.

 Medical treatment is of little avail. The main reliance is on educational methods. The patient must train himself to speak with calm deliberation ;  to keep his lungs well filled with air, and to check himself and begin the sentence again, instead of struggling with the impeding letter. He should also give much attention to deliberate reading.

  An eminent physician, who had been a terrible stammerer in boyhood, and who never fully overcame the defect, says that the letter "m" gave him special trouble. But he could speak it readily, if her uttered the letter "o" before it. His upper teeth would wound his lip in an effort to speak the word "method" in public.

 He found great difficulty in saying "good morning," the "g" as well as the "m" troubling him, but he could say it if, at the same moment, he raised his hat. He could easily read a lecture in public, if he had carefully read it over beforehand, and thus secured calmness. Sometimes finding himself about to stammer over a particular word, he would substitute an equivalent expression, and thus escape.

 From the Youth's Companion and in the Lafayette Advertiser 10/3/1891.

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