Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of October 27th, 1900:


 Two Trains Meet Near the Refinery - Engineer Whelan has a Leg Broken.

 The excursion train bearing several hundred New Iberia people who had come here to see Buffalo Bill's show, collided with an incoming freight train near the refinery last Wednesday night. The people were badly shaken up, some had their faces bruised while some received other injuries of a slight character.

 It appears that the freight train, on which were Engineer Whelan and Conductor Budge, failed to correctly read an order and instead of stopping at Landry's switch, hurried on to Lafayette. When a point near the refinery was reached both trains met. John Watters saw it in time to reverse the engine of the excursion train thus lessening the approaching danger. He and the fireman then stepped off the engine and sought a place of safety. The freight came down at a pretty fast speed and just before the collision Engineer Whelan and the fireman jumped off the engine. Engineer Whelan had a leg broken near the ankle as a result of the jump.

 The clash is said to have been terrific. The engines were greatly damaged. The wreck delayed a few trains several hours.

 "I did my best," said Whelan in speaking to a Times-Democrat reporter, "but the effort was unsuccessful. Both engines came together with a crash and I lost consciousness. I did not know I was hurt until I came to sometime later and found myself in charge of physicians and friends. Drs. Rupp and Guluke attended to me.

 "No, I do not know what became of my fireman, Landry. He disappeared and I have not seen him since the accident. I hope that he was not injured in the wreck. The railroad officials were very kind to me, and I am deeply grateful. I heard that a lady on the excursion train had her arm broken, but I am unable to verify the report. The accident happened at 6:50 o'clock.

 Whelan is very popular young man and well liked in railroad circles where the accident is greatly regretted.

 Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1900.

Buffalo Bill's Wild West.

 Show Plays to a Very Large Audience - 5,000 to 10,000 Present.

 Buffalo Bill has come and gone. It is safe to say that those who saw the performance are grateful to the famed frontiersman for several hours of pleasure. It was what it was advertised - a wild west show. It was both interesting and instructive and pleasurable from start to finish. The people were looked after with order and system and every one was given the full value of his money.

 There were from 8,000 to 10,000 people. Some say 12,000.

 Though the town was crowded all day and the saloon did a good business there was not a serious disturbance of the peace. This fact proves that Lafayette is not only the ideal place on the Southern Pacific road for the assembling of large crowds but it is another evidence that the town is happily free from hoodlumism.

 Opelousas, Crowley, Rayne, Abbeville, St. Martinville and New Iberia helped to swell the crowd. New Iberia was particularly well represented.

 The hotels were taxed to their full capacity during the day. Capt. Hahn, of the Star and Crescent, kindly entertained a large number of the visitors at this place.

 The managers of the show were pleased beyond expectation with the size of the crowd. They said the advance man was wise in selecting this place to give an exhibition, for no other town between Houston and New Orleans was situated for the gathering of so vast an audience. Our business men will do well to make note of this when contemplating the holding of fairs and things of that sort. Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1900.

Opening of Street to S. L. I.

 As will be seen by reading the proceedings of the City Council published elsewhere in this paper the matter of opening the street to the Industrial Institute is yet unsettled. Judging from the resolution adopted by the Council there is no doubt that the differences existing between Mr. Mouton and the Council will have to be adjusted by the court. Another effort was made to arrive at an amicable settlement but we are informed that the parties to the controversy are further apart than ever before. The way it looks now no amount of parleying will do any good. The Gazette is not prepared to say which side is right, but it will express hope that the matter will be settled as soon as possible and that the street will be opened in due time. A shorter route to the institute is needed and the one proposed is the best that we know of. As to the value of the land that is a question for the court to decide.
Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1900.

A Prompt Settlement.

 On the 20th of September fire destroyed the lumber yard of Mr. A. J. Ross, of this town. Mr. Ross held a policy in the Royal Exchange of London, through the local agency of Messrs. S. R. Parkerson and Felix Mouton, for the amount of $1,375. On the 12th of the following month, October, the amount was paid in full. When it is considered that an adjustment of the claim had to be made and other details attended to before a settlement was effected, the promptness with which the matter was settled speaks well for the company and its local agents. Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1900.

 Commissioners of Election.

 Lafayette, La., Oct. 2, 1900. - By virtue of the authority vested in us by law, we, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors in and for the Parish of Lafayette, La., do hereby appoint the following commissioners of election and clerk at the presidential election to be held on Tuesday, the 6th day of November, 1900, as follows:

 -----------------p. 2---------------

 (Signed)  ARTHUR COMEAUX, Member appointed by Police Jury.
                    A. M. MARTIN, Assessor and Registrar.
Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1900.

 Election Bulletins.

 Those who want to get the election bulletins on Nov. 6 should call at the Western Union Office. Fifty cents will entitle one to read the bulletins at the Century Club on the night of election day. A few dollars are necessary to make up the amount. Call at once or you will be too late. Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1900. 

B. M. A. Meeting.

 A meeting of the Business Men's Association was called last night mainly for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Southern Industrial Convention to be held in New Orleans on the 4th of December. It is very important that this town should be represented in that convention which promises to be one of the greatest industrial gatherings ever held in the South. Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1900.

 Mail Delays.

 It is inexplicable to many people why the mail is not brought to the post office immediately after the arrival of the train. Some way or other the mail is delayed a long while after the train has reached the station. We are told that the mail-carrier must attend to the transfer of the mails from one train to another before he is permitted to take the local mail to the post office. Surely this is a very unsatisfactory arrangement. Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1900.


 Preliminary Trial.

 A preliminary trial of the case of the negro, who killed the Mexican at Scott some time ago, will take place next Monday before Judge Debaillon. An examination of this case is had at this time because of the fact that certain evidence obtainable now may not be within reach of the court at a later day, owing to the migratory character of some of the witnesses. Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1900.


 Mr. Rodolph Roy and Miss Heloise Olivier were married last Wednesday afternoon by Judge C. Debaillion. Mr. Roy is a well-known young man of Royville and Miss Olivier is a most accomplished young lady of this town. She was one of the parish's valued school teachers and Mr. Roy's gain is quite a loss to the pupils of the Blanchet school, by whom she is held in great esteem.

 Mr. and Mrs. Roy left Wednesday night for New Orleans to be gone for some time on a bridal trip. The Gazette's fervent wish is that heaven may bless them with a long and happy life. Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1900.


 Ladies Club.

 The Ladies' Club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. T. M. Biossat.  A very excellent and interesting program was given as follows:

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 Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1900.

 City Council Proceedings.

          Lafayette, La., Oct. 23, 1900.
 A special meeting of the City Council was held this day, Mayor Chas. D. Caffery presiding. Members present: Geo. A. DeBlanc, John O. Mouton, C. O. Mouton, F. E. Girard, F. Demanade. Absent: J. E. Martin, H. Hohorst.

 On motion of Geo. A. Deblanc, seconded by F. E. Girard, the following resolution was adopted.

 Be it ordained, That the public utility requiring that Johnston street of the Mouton addition be opened and continued through and upon the land of Mr. Alex Mouton in said corporation on the west line thereof, for a width of 50 feet to the road or street in front of the Industrial School property, and having failed to agree with the said owner as to the value of said strip of 50 feet, that expropriation proceedings be entered to obtain said land necessary for said street.

 There being no further business the Council adjourned.
Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1900.


 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/27/1900.

 Alfred Voorhies, formerly of Lafayette, but recently manager of the Windsor Hotel at Sabine, has taken charge of the Howard House at Lake Charles. The Gazette wishes Mr. Voorhies success in his new venture.

 For fresh, clean, seed oats go to D. L. Caffery's. He has just received a car-load.

 Judge Julian Mouton has returned from Lake Charles where he and Judge Don Foster held a two-week term of the court of appeals.

 Felix Mouton will write an insurance policy on your life or property.

 Prof. Arthur LeRosen, of Shreveport, spent a few days this week on a visit at the home of his brother, Prof. W. A. LeRosen. He was on his way to Ville Platte, St. Landry parish, where he holds the position of principal in a public school. Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1900.



 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 27, 1894:


 If "whatsoever  ye soweth that shall ye reap, also"; if the future of Lafayette must be largely determined by the conduct and actions of the town's own citizens, there should be no difference of opinions as to what course is the best to pursue.

 The Advertiser has striven on many occasions to arouse the residents of this community to their sense of duty, with only indifferent results. This has been chiefly due to the fact that the masses have not fully realized that what is best for the common good is best for the individual as well. We blush to say it, but it is true that in this frame of mind they have been encouraged by those having private ends to serve in opposition to the general prosperity of the people. That there has been to much animosity and divisions in the past, purposely and systematically cultivated for selfish and ulterior motives, every thinking person in this community is ready to admit. That this fact has been dire-fully effective in obstructing the progress and prosperity of the town, no one here will undertake to deny. Such a calamitous circumstance should not be allowed again to operate against the welfare and advancement of this community. The poisonous spirit must be weeded out by an enlightened and healthy public sentiment, and about the best way to implant the first seeds of such a sentiment is to agree right now that "bygones must be bygones, forever". We, for one, heartily enter into the covenant, without any mental reservation whatsoever. Let everybody else do likewise, forthwith, and the immediate and ultimate effect of the change of feeling will receive a full attestation in the grand and brilliant results the future will unfold to an energetic and companionable people.

 Opportunities as good as we have failed to improve in the past will come up again for our consideration and action in the hereafter. Under as spirit born of our new determination we will not refuse to join hands to secure enterprises capable of upbuilding our town and parish. In such matters our interests are so closely identified as to make it impossible for one individual to prosper without his neighbor being correspondingly benefited. With this understanding we are bound to succeed in anchoring one prize after another, because in these hustling times it is the long pull, the strong pull, and above all, the PULL ALL TOGETHER, that wins.

Lafayette Advertiser 10/27/1894                  



 Sturdy democrats from every portion of the parish hied themselves to the court house last Saturday to hear sound democratic doctrines expounded by tried and true leaders. The assemblage was of a very representative character and additional tone and refinement was lent to it by the presence of a bevy of winsome ladies. There was an air of earnestness pervading the large concourse of people that bore a very deep significance and stamped the meeting as being (unreadable word) through harmony with its present national Democratic administration (unreadable words) or good government against the heavy odds massed against the party by designing politicians of the Republican faith.

 The meeting was called to order by Hon. J. O. Broussard who invited Mayor Wm. Campbell to preside. Mr. E. G. Voohries was unanimously chosen  as secretary and the following named gentlemen were called on in service as vice presidents: Dr. M. L. Lyons, Judge C. Debaillon, Alex Delhomme, D. A. Cochrane, P. L. DeClouet, J. O. Broussard, Dr. F. S. Mudd, J. G. St. Julien, Lewis Whittington, S. J. Montgomery, R. C. Landry, Overton Cade, Julien Mouton, and A. C. Guilbeau.

 The first speaker introduced was Senator N. C. Blanchard, who was received with great enthusiasm. Senator Blanchard spoke with great fervor and earnestness, and explained in a lucid manner and with unanswerable logic, the great questions affecting the common interests of the people. He made it plain that the Democratic party was the best friend of the workingman especially and showed conclusively that the Democratic policy of government promised the greatest good to the greatest number of the American people. The fallaciousness of the ground of contention at the bolting sugar planters was fully exposed and the senator called on all lovers of peaceable government and white supremacy to rally to the party standard and roll up a crushing majority for the nominee in the third Congressional district, Hon. Andrew Price. The speaker was frequently applauded during his discourse and his remarks met with the hearty approval of the assembly.

 ANDREW PRICE, the distinguished party candidate, and Louisiana's favored son was next introduced by chairman Campbell as "our present standard bearer and also the one who will lead us to victory next November 6th." This was the signal for a long and wholesome applause which was acknowledged with becoming appreciation by Mr.Price.

 The nominee's address was eloquent and forcible and had special reference to the contrasting attitude of the two great parties toward Louisiana's principal industry, sugar production. He proved by facts and figures that the national Republican party is entirely to blame for all damage sustained by the sugar interests of the state, inasmuch as it was due to the unwise and unamerican McKinley type of legislation, that sugar became a shining target for tariff consideration. The duty (or protection) placed on sugar by the national Democratic party ought never to have been replaced by so evanescent a thing as a bounty. The want of wisdom of such a course was fully attested by later developments that were bound to follow as something inevitable. The speaker, who is one of the largest sugar producers in the state, expressed his conviction that the sugar industry was safe only in the hands of a Democratic administration and urged its followers to believe in the sincerity and truthfulness of representations made by the men whose influence was so paramount in shaping the policy of the Democratic party, President Cleveland and secretary Carlisle. The remarks of Mr. Price were well received and made a profound impression on his hearers and it is safe to say that the true sons of Democracy and upholders of white supremacy of Lafayette parish and throughout the third Congressional district will do their full duty on the 6th. day of November and book Hon. Andrew Price for another term in the office in which he has served his people so long and faithfully.

 The five Landry band discoursed sweet strains of music at intervals throughout the evening to add to the zeal and enjoyment of the occasion. The meeting was a most satisfactory one and will bear healthful fruit.

 Julien Mouton, O. Cade, O. C. Mouton, W. B. Bailey and D. A. Cochrane were selected as a committee on resolutions which were read and adopted, as follows:

 Resolved, that we are the Democrats of the Parish of Lafayette in a mass-meeting assembled, reaffirm our allegiance to the Democratic Party, State and National.

 Resolved further, that in view of the late defection in the Democratic ranks, caused by the sugar planters of this District going over to the Republican party as as dangerous, and eventually subversion of good government in this State ; that we condemn the action of these sugar planters in refusing to accept the proposition made to them by the Democrats, to submit to white primaries, thus showing their design, to bring back into politics, the negro contingent ; and that we have made too many sacrifices for the cause of white supremacy, to ever again submit to negro rule and domination, with the necessarily attendant and untold horrors of the reconstruction period.

 Be it further resolved, that we pledge our undivided support to the Hon. Andrew Price, who represents the manhood and material interests of this district.

Lafayette Advertiser 10/27/1894.

Bridge Completed.

 Contractor Fred Mouton has notified the committee appointed by the Police Jury to receive the work, that the bridge he was authorized to construct across Bayou Vermilion at Beausejour park, is completed and ready for delivery into the keeping of parish authorities. An Advertiser man who inspected this bridge pronounces it an excellent piece of workmanship, quite substantial and in every way suitable for the requirements it is intended to meet. As the new public road lately traced by the Police Jury in line with the above mentions bridge is going to greatly benefit a considerable number of property holders along the route besides proving itself a desirable public convenience, no time should be lost in throwing the new road open to the public. Lafayette Advertiser 10/27/1894.

Successful Dance.
 The dance given by the young ladies last Saturday proved to be the grandest event of the season. Misses Flora Plonsky, Laura Lester, Octavie Cayret, Isaur and Lydia McDaniel cannot be too highly praised for the complete management of the happy occasion. Cakes, liquors, and other refreshments were served in abundance. The hall being nicely decorated added very much to they completeness of the affair. Lafayette Advertiser 10/27/1894.

 Election Notice.

 Pursuant to the provisions of Act 181 of 1894, the qualified electors of the Parish of Lafayette, La., are hereby notified that an election will be held throughout the Parish, on Tuesday the 6th day of November 1894, from 6 o'clock in the forenoon, until 7 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of electing a Representative to the 54th, congress of the United States, from the Third Congressional District.

 The following polls will be opened in each election precinct from and to the hours above mentioned, for the purpose of receiving the votes of the qualified electors of the Parish of Lafayette, to-wit:

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 In testimony whereof we have hereto affixed our signatures, at the town of Lafayette, on this 18th day of October, 1894.
  (Signed)    ARTHUR GREIG, HARRISON THEALL, Supervisors of election parish of Lafayette, La.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/27/1894.




Selected News Notes (Advertiser)

 The Police Jury meets next Monday.

 For fire insurance see S. R. Parkerson at the People's State Bank.

 Next Wednesday, is November 1st. And Nov. 1st. is "All Saints Day."

Miss Mathilde Thoures, of Breaux Bridge, was the guest of Mrs. H. Van der Cruyssen, Monday.

 A CARLOAD of Stoves and one of Furniture has just been received by L. LEVY & SON. Another Car-load of furniture will arrive for this enterprising firm, soon. If this don't mean business, what does it mean? See L. LEVY & SON when wanting stoves and furniture, if you want to at bed-rock prices.

 Mr. Jos. Guidry has accepted the position of fireman on Locomotive 504 at Oxnard's Refinery.

 Don't forget the play at the Opera House to-night by the pupils of the Ile Pilette school, and take your best girl.

 F. S. C. stands in this case for Fresh Soda Crackers - the freshest in town. They are always to be had at Moss Bros. & Co.

 The Nickerson switch recently completed by the Southern Pacific Co. will be of great utility in moving the present crop of cane.

 Mrs. C. K. Darling of Abbeville, who has been on a visit to her parents for two weeks, expects to leave for home to-morrow.

 Capt. J. T. Dowdwell is rushing work on the Breaux trainway. At the present rate of progress the trainway will soon be in readiness for use.

 Mr. John Hahn, the efficient manager of the Star & Crescent Hotel, is off for a few days recreation. His nephew, Mr. Couiff, is in charge of  the hotel. The Advertiser hopes Mr. Hahn will have an enjoyable trip.

 Mr. John Graser of our town has been engaged for several days past, laying a tin roof on Mr. A. E. Broussard's store building at Breaux Bridge. John is a careful and conscientious workman and residents of our sister-town will want to avail themselves of his services again.

 Gerac Bros. are having the office space in their store enlarged and renovated. The change promises to be a decided improvement and with the amiable Miss Estelle Gerac as a prominent feature of the office furnishings, much charm is added to the tout ensemble.

Lafayette Advertiser 10/27/1894.


 From the Lafayette Gazette of October 27th, 1894:

Attacked While Returning from Breaux Bridge.

 This community was shocked to hear that in the latter part of last week whilst Mr. Joseph Guidry, one of our esteemed citizens, was peacefully returning to his home from Breaux Bridge, when on this side of Pont des Mouton's at 8 o'clock at night, he was met by three or four negroes, and was abused, insulted, brutally assaulted and beaten by them without the least provocation, and for what motive or cause he is at a loss to know; and strange to say that Mr. Patin who coming back of Mr. Guidry, in a buggy with his wife, was also stopped on the highway by these night marauders, and was abused and insulted by them in the most offensive manner. Again were the people astounded to learn, that on last Tuesday night, three or four days only after the Guidry occurrence, Mr. Benton whilst riding toward Lafayette, was met on the highway leading to Scott within a mile from town, by two or three negroes and was actually shot through the thigh by them, inflicting upon him a very painful, if not dangerous wound, and again without the least provocation. Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1894.

 Resolutions Adopted at Saturday's Meeting.

 Resolved that we the Democrats of the Parish of Lafayette in mass meeting assembled, reaffirm our allegiance to the Democratic party, State and National. Resolved further, that we view the late defection in the Democratic ranks, caused by the Sugar planters of this District going over to the Republican party as dangerous, and eventually subversive of good government in this State; that we condemn the action of these sugar planters in refusing to accept the proposition made to them by Democrats, to submit to white primaries, thus showing their design, to bring back into politics, the negro contingent; and that we have made too many sacrifices for the cause of white supremacy, to ever again submit to negro rule and domination, with the necessarily attendant and untold horrors of the reconstruction period.

 Be it further resolved, that we pledge our undivided support to the Hon. Andrew Price, who represents the intelligence, the manhood, and material interests of this district.
Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1894.

 Entertainment at Falk's Hall.

 The complimentary dance given by the young ladies last Saturday evening was a grand success. Too much praise cannot be given. Misses Isaure and Lydia McDaniel, Flora Plonsky, Laura Lester, and Octavie Cayret, for the complete management of this affair. Refreshments and cakes were served to the gay participants, and it was not until 2 a. m. that "Home Sweet Home" was played, and all departed with the happy thought of "when shall we meet again."

 The following are the names of those who attended: Mmes. E. McDaniel, E. Pefferkorn, E. Constantin, U. Hebert, A. Doucet, A. Peck, E. Mouisset, A. Abbot, A. Maitre, J. Reaves, J. Pointboeuf, H. Billaud. Misses Laura and Ida Lester, Isaure and Lydia McDaniel, Fedora Pellerin, Flora and Rose Plonsky, Maude Coke, Sallie Effermen, Mary and Alice Abbott, Anita Lacoste, Ida, Eunice and Ezora Pefferkorn, A. Reaves, Fannie Eves, Lucy Chopin, Carrie Graser, Della Hill, A. and L. Locker, L. Gauthier, Virginia and Pearl Hebert, Victoria and Pearl Hebert, Victoria Rin, O. and L. Cayret, Julia and Sylvia Burque, Louise Guidry, Jane Doucet, Nina Doucet, S. Theriot, Lucy Prudhomme, Martha Mouton, Cecile Veazey, D. Deville and Arsene Duhon. Messrs. H. A. Van der Cruysen, Wm. Campbell, H. A. Von Hoff, Paul Bailey, E. Romero, E. Campbell, G. Comeau, E. Mouisset, E. and A. McBride, Pierre and Paul Doucet, L. Gillard, C. Duhon, C. Bienvenue, L. and E. Prudhomme, E. Couret, S. Mouton, E. Pefferkorn, C. Boudier, O. Riu, D. Doucet, L. and C. Bonin, L. Labe, J. G. Billaud, E. Delhomme, D. Gousoulieu, S. Begnaud, H. Matthew, O. Mouton, R. and G. Broussard, A Whittington, J. Doucet, L. Butcher, J. Graser, L. Basin, E. and O. Bertand, A. Delhomme, J. Avery, J. Tessaro, L. and V. Chopin, J. Pointbouef, F. Landry, Wm. Walker, W. J. Eves, Emmanuel and Roaul Pellerin, L. Lacoste, J. Guidry, F. Ledet, W. Hill, Geo. Simpson, A. Cournes, T. Eves, A. Maitre, A. Theall, Joe LeBlanc and J. Lacoste.
Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1894.


 The Gazette Correspondent's Weekly Resume of Items of Interest in and About Carencro.

 - Last week, while working at Guilbeau's gin, Mr. Oneil Breaux, one of the ginners, in cleaning or attending to one of the stands, had his right hand badly lacerated by the saws.  Doctors Francez and Lessley were called in attendance, and found it necessary to amputate two of the fingers. This is the first serious accident that has occurred at that gin.

 - Mr. M. D. Coleman has been appointed assistant agent at the Southern Pacific depot.

 - Mr. Clebert Melancon, a leading merchant of Breaux Bridge, was a visitor in town last Saturday.

 - The sugar Republicans, are fixing up a nice little scheme to get some of their colored friends and confreres in trouble.

 -  Not being very well posted ourselves, we inquired of a friend some days ago, to explain to us the difference between a sugar republican and the old time republican. His reply was: that "the" difference was merely a question of odor."

 - If your correspondent has done the Lafayette base ball club any injustice, he certainly regrets it. The article appeared in our last letter, was based on information received from the members of the bayou Carencro club. They seemed to feel that they had been very badly treated, and it was from their statement that we drew our conclusions; which we admit was naturally one-sided. Let the Lafayette and bayou Carencro clubs test their strength on the Carencro grounds, select an umpire who is not particularly interested in either team; and your correspondent promises that both sided will be fairly treated, and no interference permitted.

 - The average yield of can per acre, will this year run far below that of last season.

 - On the 15th of this month a number of young gentlemen of this place chartered a train on the Teche railroad for the purpose of attending a "ball" to which they had been invited, and which was given some distance this side of Huron. They were accompanied by a number of young ladies. When the party reached the place, they found that they were in a crowd of drunken rowdies, who having no respect for themselves, could hardly be expected to show any for others. All sorts of vile language and numerous fights was the order of the night. The presence of ladies, and a fear of worse behavior, prevented our boys giving the hoodlums a lesson that they would have remembered for some time. A little law, and a few missionaries might prove of benefit in that locality.

 - Mr. A. I. Guilbeau intends moving his store to the building formerly occupied by Mr. G. H. Guilbeau.

 - Miss Lizzie Smith of Sunset and Miss M. L. Casse of New Orleans, were the guests of Mrs. A. Dugal a few days ago.

 - The town council intend to widen the town bridge, and provide a protected foot walk. This is an improvement much needed and will be appreciated.

 - Mr. Henry Crouchet went to New Orleans last Sunday on business bent.

 - Dr. Lessley and Dr. F. W. Courtney, attended the Gordon lecture in Opelousas last Saturday.

 - Reports show that the several Carencro boys attending college elsewhere are doing remarkably well.

 - Mr. Ed. Perrault left for New Orleans last Sunday, where he will commence his second session at Tulane Medical University. Our best wishes go with him.

 - Mr. A. C. Guilbeau, was in the city this week.

 - The household of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Frances has been gladdened by the advent of a little girl baby.

 - The Carencro Sugar Mill will commence to grind out the "sweetness" on Monday, Oct. 29th.

 - It requires something more than the argument of a McKinley or the sophistry of a few wealthy sugar mill men, to make the whites of this State forget the past history of the Republican party.

 - The price controlling power seems to be trying itself, as far as cotton is concerned.

 - Mr. J. R. Jeanmard of Breaux Bridge was in town a few days ago.

 - Dust, dust, dust.
Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1894.



 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/27/1894.

 Messrs. Baxter Clegg and Albert Theall, spent Sunday in Royville.

 J. P. Nolan, Master Mechanic of Algiers, was in Lafayette Wednesday.

 Judge C. Debaillon, made a flying trip to Franklin Tuesday, on legal business.

 Miss Louise Bendel, left Friday for Lake Charles, on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Levy.

 Miss Lena Levy, a charming Lafayette belle, left Sunday for Orange, Texas.

 Hon. Overton Cade, Superintendent of the New Orleans Mint, was in town Saturday.

 Mr. Samuel Plonsky is recuperating in Lafayette on a ten day furlough.
Lafayette Gazette 10/27/1894.

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