Monday, January 12, 2015


  From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 8th, 1898:

The Weather.

 Again we have been the recipients of more wet weather. Showers upon showers have fallen upon us until the atmosphere is damp. It seems to us that we are retrograding towards the season of St. Medard, but, even, in the period of this patron, whose power consists, so it is said, in sending torrents of rain to relieve the dryness of the atmosphere, we have never partaken of such floody time as the one witnessed since the last two weeks.

   The present weather is a boon to lazy people, "more rain, more rest," and for some time rest has been the order of the day in this parish.

 But we are not the only ones to suffer by excessive rains, and while the troubles and sufferings of others won't alleviate ours, we must be thankful that it is not as bad with us as it has been with others.

 The stormy weather of the last week or so has been more or less general throughout the Southern States, principally near the coast.

 South Carolina, as well as Calcasieu parish, suffered extensively, their rice crop being damaged.

 A whole island near Savannah, Ga., was caught in the hurricane, submerged by the waters of the sea, and completely swept away, causing the drowning of fifty or more of its inhabited.

 This is a hard time for business men, as well as for the farmers, the former ones have counted upon a good crop to be made, heavy stock goods have been laid in, provision of a good Fall trade, year's accounts were expected to come in, but disturbing elements of Nature have brought all to naught, and yet, looking upon the countenance of our business men, they seem cheerful and we have never heard any of them to complain.

 To our eyes, this stormy weather may be a blessing in disguise, at least, we hope so and with so much cotton rotten in the fields and damaged by the rains, prices are bound to go up.

 Therefore to "more rain, more rest" we will add "more sunshine, more work." Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1898.

A Sprout of Water.

 Quite a stir was created last Monday morning on ________ street, as the early risers noticed the thoroughfare flooded with water. From side to side the street was filled with the wetty element. Upon inquiry, it was found that a water pipe had busted during the night, and that while the pipe was laid about three feet deep into the ground, the pressure of the water had forced this weight of earth sending out a sprout of water resulting as above. The accident was repaired in a few hours. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1898.

 To the Board of Health:

 The Board of Health will please call the attention of the City Council to their sanitary regulations. If a citizen is to obey these regulations, more so is the City Council who are the guardians of the people at large. Let the holes be filled in the streets and let the horses and cows return to their stables. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1898.

Scales Past Muster.
Lafayette, La., October 4th, 1898.

 To Whom It May Concern:-
     This is to certify that I, the undersigned, Inspector of Weights and Measures in and for the Parish of Lafayette, as such duly commissioned and sworn, that after having very carefully examined and verified the scales used by the Lafayette Compress and Storage Company, have found and hereby declare said scales to be absolutely correct.

 I further certify that I have made no change on said scales as none were needed.
    Dated Lafayette La. October 4th, 1898.
      Signed:-F. ESTILETTE, Inspector of Weights and Measures.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1898.

 Another One.

 On last Saturday October 1st., Miss Marie Revillon and Mr. Joseph Martin were united in marriage, at the bride's home.

 The Advertiser sends its very best congratulations and hope that the married life of the young couple will be an endless chain of happy happenings, without a cloud of sorrow or unhappiness. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1898.

Business Courtesy.

 Business N. B. Coronna, of a Cotton Compress, has sent the (unreadable words) few days cards of invitation to visit the compress while in full working order. This is an invitation which was well appreciated by the parties receiving it, and it shows how wide-awake manager Coronna is concerning the prosperity of the business entrusted to his keeping and at the same time reveals the courteousness of the business man par excellence. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1898.

 Criminal Carelessness.

 In entering our office yesterday morning we were surprised to see it flooded by water. Upon inquiry we found that when Mr. Rudger came to to open the jewelry store of Mr. Biossat he noticed a great quantity of water in the side ditch, and Mr. Biossat's boy who was along discovered that the water was still flowing from the floor occupied by the Century Club. Running up stairs he discovered that the faucet of the pipe which supplies the shower bath with water was wide open, and he shut it off. There was about two inches of standing water in the room of the Century Club where the shower bath is located, and the water filtering through the floor filled the types cases, damaging the press, rollers, and a quantity of job work already done without counting the loss of time to put our office in good order again.

 The cause of this internal flood is not known.

 But be it as it may, it is no less than gross criminal negligence. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1898.

 City Council Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., Sept. 16th, 1898.

 The Council met this day in special session. Present: Chas. D. Caffery, Mayor; Dr. Hopkins, A. E. Mouton, J. J. Davidson, I. A. Landry, Dr. G. A. Martin.  Absent: (unreadable name).

 The mayor informed the Council that Doctors J. D. Trahan and P. M. Girard had declined to accept the appointment as members of the municipal Board of Health heretofore tendered them.

 On motion of Dr. F. E. Girard and Mr. C. O. Mouton were chosen to fill the vacancies thus created, and the secretary was instructed to notify them of their appointment immediately. Adopted unanimously.

 Messrs. Allingham and Felix Mouton appeared before the council and requested permission to erect the fire-alarm belt at the corner of Congress and Monroe streets. It was moved and adopted that permission be granted to erect the same provided said work does not interfere with the public use of said streets.

 The Council then adjourned.
DR. G. A. MARTIN, Acting Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1898. 

  Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 10/8/1898.

 A friend of ours says that we were blessed with a big shower on last Tuesday, which washed out the stagnant water and decaying grass on our streets.

 If you want a small or large farm, near the railroad, or a choice business or residence let in town, or cheap second hand boilers, engines or a small sugar mill, call on Ambroise Mouton.

 There are good many obnoxious back yards that need a special visit of the sanitary inspector of the Board of Health. Posters won't do a bit of good with careless people. Constancy and important unity will do a great deal better.

 At a meeting of Home Fire Company it was decided to build an engine house.

 Miss Cora Martin has accepted a position with Lehman Stern & C0.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1898.





 From the Lafayette Gazette of October 8th, 1898:

Says the Lafayette Board of Health.
An Important Ordinance.  

The hog must go. The Lafayette Board of Health has so decreed. Our late foes, the Spaniards, have charged that there was a  certain well-developed affinity between the American sovereign and the fretful porcupine, but the naughty Dons have said a whole lot of mean things about us that are not true. The cultured American appreciates the noble qualities of the hog, understands his use, his instincts and outstincts, and is the last being on earth who would do him an injustice, but with the kindest feelings for him, the Board has decided that he must go.

 He must migrate to places more congenial to his tastes and habits. He can abide with us no longer. He has been deemed a nuisance. His mode of living is such that his presence endangers the health of the community. He is a generator of microbes, a breeder of infectious diseases and his haunts are a perpetual incubation of the foul stuff upon which Yellow Jack is supposed to feed. Hence the necessity of sending him away. The enforcement of this ordinance will work a hardship on some of our citizens, but The Gazette believes that all will recognize the wisdom of such a measure. It is a notorious fact that in some parts of our town the keeping of hogs has gotten to be an unbearable nuisance, and a positive danger to the health of the neighborhood. Let those who have hogs within the corporate limits of the town proceed to act at once in conformity with the ordinance of the Board of Health. The members of the Board have thoroughly considered this question before acting upon it, and it is only after being firmly convinced of the urgent need of such an ordinance that it was adopted. Lafayette Gazette 10/8/1898.

May be Worked and the Ditches May be Dug.

 Things have gotten to such a pass that the work of repairing the streets can not be postponed. It must be done now or it will be too late. The streets have not been in such condition for a long time and the people are all after the Council to have the work done. The town's treasury is at a low ebb and money will not be coming in before November or December. There's the rub. A depleted treasury and an increasing indebtedness confront our municipal law givers and they are in a quandary. If the streets are worked the Council must find the means to pay the laborers. At its last meeting the Council, appreciating the urgent necessity of immediate action, authorized Dr. Martin to contract or the working of the streets, the money to be paid when the taxes are collected. The doctor is limited to one thousand dollars. Beyond that he can not go. There is a vast amount of work to be done and it is questionable if the money allowed for that purpose will be sufficient. Let the Council do what it can. Some of the main thoroughfares of the town are in a terrible condition and if not attended to before winter season sets in, they will be impassable. Dr. Martin feels the importance of immediate action and he will exert all his energy in that direction. The doctor is accosted every day by some tax-payer who wants to know if some particular piece of road will not be worked. These inquiries have become so frequent of late that Dr. Martin would seriously consider the propriety resigning, but as he is not a quitter and never gives up, he has made up his mind to stand the brunt and wait for better times. The doctor has informed The Gazette that he will give the matter his attention at once, and if there is any way to give the people better roads for their money it will be done without any unnecessary delay. Lafayette Gazette 10/8/1898.

 A Very Unique Certificate.

 Dr. F. E. Girard, our health officer, has a gem. It's a health certificate presented to the doctor by a colored passenger who arrived on the Alexandria train a few days ago. When the ingenious son o Ham handed his certificate to the doctor he expected to be permitted to stop with us a while, but he was surprised when informed that while the literary merit of his bill of health was fully appreciated, its authenticity was seriously questioned. It was as follows:

          Sept. 29, 1898.
  Elijah Hunter, well and harty never have been exposed to no Bad dezeases.

 The name of a prominent physician of a neighboring parish was signed to the certificate, but as it is evidently a forgery the name is not printed. The holder of this unique document was politely but firmly urged to seek other climes, as his health would have to be certified to in better English if he desired to spend some time in Lafayette. Lafayette Gazette 10/8/1898.

Undisguised Blessing.

 The absence this year of the panic which the announcement of Yellow Jack's appearance last year is an undisguised blessing for which we should not fail to extend our heartfelt thanks to a kind Providence. The erstwhile monster has ceased to be the death-dealing, relentless enemy of humanity that he used to be. He is now hardly deserving of more consideration than an ordinary microbe. His name is about the only thing which yet causes people to get out of his way. Statistics show that he isn't a bit dangerous. If her were baptized again and given a Christian cognomen he would not be talked about at all and would not annoy the folks more than dengue or the mumps. He seems to have changed his methods of doing business, and we believe with the Baton Rouge Advocate that "it has become the part of wisdom to revise our estimate of this ancient bugaboo, to catalogue him anew, to dislodge him from his ancient seat as a prince of horrors and to set him upon his proper pedestal as a hygienic scarecrow, the biggest and most unconscionable fake of the nineteenth century." Lafayette Gazette 10/8/1898.

 City Council Proceedings.

          Lafayette, La., October 3, 1898.
  The Council met this day in regular session with the following members present: Mayor Caffery, Hopkins, Martin, Landry, Mouton and Davidson. Absent: Bru.

 Minutes of Sept. 5, were read and approved.

 Following report of treasurer was read, ordered recorded, filed and spread on minutes:

        Lafayette, La., Oct. 3, 1898. - To the Hon. Mayor and Members of the Council of Lafayette, La.  Following are receipts and disbursements since last report:

--------------p. 4--------------------

   Respectfully submitted, BAXTER CLEGG, Treasurer.


      Lafayette, La., Oct. 3, 1898. - To the Hon. Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen:

 I have collected the following amount:

 ------------------p. 4---------------------

 Respectfully submitted,
           CHAS. F. MELCHERT.

 The following general fund accounts were approved:

 --------------------p. 4---------------------

 Following is a report of the Board of Health.


     Lafayette, La., Sept. 22, 1898. - To the Hon. Mayor and Members of the City Council of Lafayette, La.:  We, the undersigned, beg to inform you that we have effected the organization of a Municipal Board of Health for the town of Lafayette, La., Sept. 14, 1898, and in conformity with Act No. 192 passed by the General Assembly, Dr. F. E. Girard was elected chairman and health officer of the Board, and Judge T. A. McFaddin, secretary and sanitary inspector.

 We respectfully submit for your information and approval the following measures already put in force by the Board, with the view of protecting and preserving the public health.

 (1)  The establishment (Sept. 21,) of quarantine against all places infected with yellow fever, or other infections or contagious disease; the said quarantine being in conformity with the requirements of the State Board of Health.

 (2)  NOTICE - To the Citizens of the Town of Lafayette, La.:  The sanitary surroundings in this place being in such a deplorable condition, you are requested and required to take means at once to put your residences, outhouses and yards in a proper and cleanly condition. Failing to comply with this notice, prompt measures will be taken to have same done at the expense of householders.

 By order of the Board of Health,
           T. A. MCFADDIN,
                  Sanitary Inspector.

 Being desirous of utilizing every means provided by Act No. 192 of the General Assembly for enforcing the powers of Municipal Boards of Health, we urgently request that the mayor, or the City Council, specially instruct all police officers of the town that is is made their duty to co-operate with, and directly support, the sanitary inspector in the execution of all sanitary regulations adopted by the Board of Health in the interest of the public health.

 We trust that our action will receive the approval of your honorable body.
        Very respectfully,
              F. R. TOLSON, F. E. GIRARD, N. P. MOSS, CHAS. O. MOUTON, WM. CLEGG.

 The report of the Board of Health was approved and the marshal is instructed to give the Board all the assistance in his power to carry out the system they have inaugurated.

 A communication from Mr. J. Nickerson was read and noted.

 A petition praying for the opening of the ditch starting from the head of Julia Avenue at intersection with the railroad crossing of the L. W. R. R. and running in a Southeasterly direction, was read.

 Dr. Hopkins consented to the opening through his place as prayed and the street committee is authorized to enlarge said ditch at once to its full length.

 Moved by Emile Mouton and seconded, that street committee be authorized to contract for the cleaning and digging of all ditches in the corporation and streets put in order, provided it does not cost over $1,000 and to be delivered as soon as practicable.

 Mr. Mouton of W. W. and E. L. committee, announced that the 2 last coal bills were unpaid and supply exhausted, whereupon the committee was instructed and authorized to obtain, if possible, the needful money to operate the plant, upon the individual signatures of the members of the Council, such as they were able to obtain. Same to be reimbursed upon receipt of the taxes.

 There being no further business the Council adjourned.
C. D. CAFFERY, Mayor.
BAXTER CLEGG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 10/8/1898.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 10/8/1898.

 Miss Lou Gardiner, of Grand Coteau, was on a visit to friends in Lafayette this week.

 Dr. Ducros, of Raceland, is the guest of Dr. J. D. Trahan's family.

 Mrs. Emile Pefferkorn was called to Beaumont, Texas, last Wednesday on account of the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs Charles Harnisch.

 Cotton buyers will be at Gerac's gin to-day and will buy all the cotton for cash.

 Mr. Renaud, the young man who has been staying with his uncle, Mr. F. Lombard, left Wednesday for California. Lafayette Gazette 10/8/1898.





 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 8th, 1887:


 A stranger got off the east bound passenger train here last Saturday night and registered at the Crescent Hotel as Custer Gray Gordon, Savannah, Ga., and, after addressing some incoherent remarks to one or two gentlemen, who were in the hotel office, returned and boarded the same train from which he had just alighted. The fact of his being a through passenger, and going into the hotel simply to registers was remarked upon at the time as being singular and unaccountable, nothing further was noticed until the train was pulling out, when he attempted to draw a revolver and created considerable consternation amongst the passengers by his warlike demonstrations. The conductor, however, succeeded in pacifying and disarming him after a while, to whom he remarked that he was being pursued by a band of ruffians, who wanted his life. The man was evidently laboring under a hallucination, as it turned out afterward that he was being conveyed to an asylum in Georgia, where he has relatives by the name of Gordon, and is himself a nephew of the present Governor of that State. Considering the condition of the man, it is to be wondered how he became entrusted with a weapon that is dangerous to fool with, but extremely so when in the hands of a dangerous lunatic, in a crowded car. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.


 Public attention has been to some extent during week past engrossed over the homicide on the night of the 1st inst. The circumstances, as we gather from their rumor, are these: On Saturday evening between 7 and 8 o'clock, Venance, the colored man who was killed, was walking along the public road, about three miles south of town, in the neighborhood of Mr. C. Doucet's place, when he was overtaken by four men on horseback. Venance's wife accompanied him. As the horsemen rode along one of them so near to her as to cause Venance to remonstrate with him. A quarrel ensued, resulting in the shooting of the former. He was shot through the neck and lived until Monday morning when he died.

 When questioned as to whether they knew the men, they (the man and woman) stated that they did not, but would recognize the man who did the shooting should they seem him again. Accordingly a number of suspected parties were shown the woman on Tuesday and she pointed out young Theophile Breaux as the man who did the shooting, who was immediately arrested and locked up. It is claimed by his friends, however, that he will have no difficulty in establishing an alibi. As regards the shooting it is probable that it was preceded by a heated controversy between the parties, as we understand that the man Venance admitted that he was in the act of getting a pieux out of the fence, with which to strike the horseman, when he was shot.

 We desire to refrain from comment, letting the law take its course. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.

District Court.

 The regular Fall term of our Court was opened last Monday with a good attendance of attorneys, jurors and witnesses. Mr. H. Jamieson was appointed foreman of the grand jury and the full complement of sixteen being drawn and sworn, they were charged by Judge Debaillon at length, in regard to their powers and duties, - and also, as to all laws specially required to be given in charge.

 The case of Charvey Barbe vs. S. D. Read & als., was taken up on Tuesday morning and was concluded by a finding from the jury of "verdict for plaintiff without interest."

 The same plaintiff vs. Thomas Hanson & Als., was taken up Wednesday morning. This case was tried by the Judge, and judgment was given for the plaintiff.

 The grand jury made a partial report Tuesday morning, returning "not a true bill" as to Nancy Foreman on the charge of infanticide. The accused was promptly discharged from jail, where she had been since the early part of July.

 Also a true bill for manslaughter as to John Solari, for the killing of John Pierson, colored.

 And William Law, for breaking open cars.

 Court adjourned Thursday morning until Friday evening to allow attorneys and officers of Court to attend the funeral of the late Judge B. A. Martel, which took place at Opelousas on Thursday evening. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.


 Clock for the Depot.

 A very large standard clock has been received by the Southern Pacific Co., and will be put up in short order, in the sitting room for the convenience of passengers and others wanting to know the time of day. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.


 The enterprising and energetic Vermilion street druggist, N. P. Moss, has established a letter-box at his corner for the accomodation and convenience of the public, and postal matter deposited there will be mailed in ample time for all outgoing trains.

 A letter-box attached to one of the telegraph poles at the depot would be an accomodation to residents of that portion of town, who reside some distance from the post-office. Washington and Opelousas have letter-boxes, and there is no reason why Lafayette should not have the same privilege. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.

 Done by Local Artist.

 The scenic work and decorations that adorn Falk's Opera House, are entirely the work of a local artist, and for beauty of conception and realistic effect will, without doubt, compare favorably with the work of the best scenic artists elsewhere. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.

 Terror to the Evil-Doers.

 It would be hard matter to find a more efficient officer than Marshal Vigneaux, whose name is a terror to all evil-doers. He has done more to suppress vice and promote peace than any other officer who has yet filled that position. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.

To Be Transported.

 There are three lunatics confined in the parish jail awaiting transportation to Jackson, but as the asylum at that place is already overcrowded and it is likely they will remain in jail for some time. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.

The Alexandria Tap.

 For the first time in several days the Alexandria Tap came in on time last Monday, but during the past few days they have again become irregular and missed connections, causing no little inconvenience to passengers destined for Texas, who are compelled to lay over here and take the night train. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.

Train Disabled.

 The engine in the east bound Pacific express last Monday got disabled the other side of Pine Grove, and a freight engine brought in the train, occasioning some delay by the change.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.

Partnership Dissolved.

 The firm of Trahan & Moss has been dissolved by mutual consent, N. P. Moss assuming charge of the Vermilion street establishment, and Mr. Trahan will continue in the drug business at the old stand on Washington street.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/7/1887.

 Population Growing.

 This is perhaps the most prolific climate in the world, and it's every man's own fault who does not keep a baby in the house. A few nights ago the wife of Jacob Buchert gave birth to a bouncing boy, and three or four other households were similarly blessed the same day. At this rate of increase Lafayette will soon become a populous town. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.

Plank Walks.

 If the property holders and citizens living in the vicinity of Lincoln avenue and the depot would take hold of the matter, the much desired plank walk could be put through at an expense which would be but comparatively of no consequence, when the benefits of that project is taken into consideration. The matter is already being talked of, and it is hoped decisive action will soon be taken. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.

 Too Much Benzine. 

 Not long ago a railroad man with entirely too much benzine aboard, concluded he would impersonate a revenue collector, and in that role went over to Mrs. Nicholl's grocery store, and succeeded in meeting with a warm reception in the nature of a severe rap over the head with a chair, administered by that irate and plucky lady, which completely sobered him up and caused the would-be inspector to beat a hasty retreat. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.

"Reserved Seats" for Coloreds.

 There seems to be some misinterpretation of the posters put up around town by the Georgia Minstrels, who appear at Falk's hall t0-morrow night. The notice "reserved seats for colored people," as a matter of course, does not apply to the usual reserved seats immediately in front of the stage, but in a certain portion of the hall which has been set aside for the colored people exclusively. This explanation would be unnecessary, were there not some who seek to purposely misconstrue its meaning. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.

Self Defense.

 A brakeman by the name of Bennett, committed an unprovoked and altogether uncalled for assault on a negro section hand the other day, while the latter was attending to his work on the track, and in return received a cut in the neck and back, with a knife that the negro had to defend himself with. Bennett then preferred charges against him for assault, but after a hearing before Judge Falk, the case was dismissed, the evidence adduced tending to show conclusively that the negro endeavored in every way to avoid a difficulty, and was perfectly justifiable in defending himself. Green is looked upon as a peaceable and un-offending negro. Bennett has figured in numerous scrapes before this, and has the reputation of being somewhat of a bully. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.


 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 10/8/1887.

 The weather prophet up around the depot, Mr. H. Frint, predicts an unusually severe winter.

 Work on the Catholic church steeple has begun. It is to be 125 feet in height.

 Fun at the rink to-night.

 Trade is picking up.

 More buildings are being erected.

 Speculation in real estate continues.

 The receipts for cotton are growing heavier every day.

 A visit to the railway office revealed every one busy getting off their monthly reports.

 Vermilion street is now considered the business street of the town.

 The Georgia Minstrels are billed to appear to-morrow night.

 There are comparatively but few vacant houses in town.

 Fall overcoats will soon be in demand.

 Better sidewalks are needed in certain localities of town.

 Several Lafayetteans took in the Jeanerette Fair and pronounced it a success in every way.

 Monday night a man going to the Roundhouse fell into the ash pit, but fortunately sustained no serious injury.

 The lot adjoining the residence of Mr. Higginbotham has been sold to Mr. Paul Demanade, who has already erected a building thereon.

 The Knights of Labor in this town will pay no attention to a boycott circular unless officially promulgated.

 There are a broken bridges over culverts in different portions of town should be repaired.

 When idlers and loafers about town begin to diminish it is a decided sign of prosperity. Men who have work to do and are earning a competency have not time to loaf or hang around.

 The health of the town is distressing and the doctors will either have to run for governor or open a gorgeous peanut stand, if things don't get better.

 Winter is fast approaching, but the fellows flatly refuse to call on Clerk Martin and take out a marriage license and consequently but few are issued.

 The traffic in eggs, chickens and other country produce, as carried on in Lafayette is something immense.

 There will be services at the Washington street Methodist church to-morrow.

 The grand jury failed to find a true bill against Nancy Foreman, accused of infanticide, and she was released Tuesday from custody.

 News items were so scarce during the week that the reporter almost decided to throw his $5,000 a year position and seek employment less remunerative, but more in comport with his religious predilection.

 It is hinted that there is to be a marriage in town before long, the parties whom Dame Rumor has hit upon being a prominent young disciple of Blackstone and a popular Madison street belle.

 A pleasant dance and social party was given by Miss Ada Olivier one night last week at her home on Lincoln avenue. An agreeable time was spent by those present.

 Mr. C. Lusted had the misfortune of having his fine mare break one of her legs last Tuesday. The animal was being harnessed up and in some manner got entangled in the harness and was thrown down, resulting in injuries as above. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1887.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 8th, 1870:

 An Act to Regulate the Conduct and Maintain the Freedom and Purity of Elections.

Sec. 8.  - That in all cases the vote of the person offering to vote shall be taken from the hand of the voter by one of the commissioners of election, and any commissioner of election receiving a vote from the hands of any person other than the voter, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than one hundred, and not more than three hundred dollars; and any person taking a vote from a voter for the purpose of handing the same to the commissioner of election, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than three hundred dollars; Provided, That any voter shall have the right to deposit his own vote in the ballot box with his own hand.

Sec. 9. That any commissioner of election, constable, police officer or election officer, who shall see any person taking from the hands of a voter his ballot with intent to pass it to the commissioners of election, or attempting so to pass such ballot, shall forthwith arrest such person and convey him at least one quarter of a mile from the polls, and keep him there under guard until the close of the polls.

Sec. 10. That the commissioner of election shall preserve order and decorum at the election, and shall commit to prison or if at any place over one mile from the parish prison, to the custody of the officer, who shall convey the prisoner to a place of least a quarter of a mile from the polls, any disorderly person or persons for a term not to extend beyond the hour of closing the polls, provided he be permitted to vote before being imprisoned. It shall be the duty of the commissioners of election, or any of them, to issue a warrant forthwith for the arrest of such person or persons, and the officer making the arrest shall commit such person or persons as above provided until the close of the polls. Such warrants may be directed to any sheriff, constable or police officer, and shall be executed immediately by such officer. As soon as practicable after the closing of the polls, such person or persons shall be brought before the proper magistrate for examination. who shall proceed forthwith to examine the case.

Sec. 15. That any person duly appointed as a commissioner of election, who should refuse of fail to serve as such, shall be fined in the sum of one hundred dollars, to be recovered by prosecution before any court of competent jurisdiction.

Sec. 16. That no person shall be permitted to vote at any election to be held in this State, who has not been duly registered as a qualified voter in accordance with law.

Sec. 18. That all names of persons voted for by each voter shall be written or printed on one ticket, on which the names of the person voted for, together with the office for which they are voted for, shall be accurately specified ; and should (2) or more tickets be folded together, the tickets so folded shall be rejected. The commissioners of election shall require every person offering to vote to exhibit his certificate of registration, and when the vote of such person is received, the commissioners of election shall write on or stamp on such certificate of affidavit the word "voted," and the date of the vote, which shall be signed by one of the commissioners; and any person being guilty of erasing or altering any stamp or mark thus made by the commissioners of election, or any one of them, shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined and imprisoned at the discretion of the court.

Sec. 19. That the commissioners shall have the right to require that any person attempting to vote shall be put on his oath, and made to declare whether or not he has voted at another poll or voting place, and in case such person shall make a false oath, he shall be subjected to the penalties provided by law for perjury. And it is hereby made the duty of any commissioner of election, upon the request of any voter, to administer to the oath herein required, and any commissioner of election refusing or neglecting to administer the oath, when so requested, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less that one hundred dollars, and by imprisonment for a term of not less than three months.

Sec. 20. That any person offering to vote may be required by the commissioners to make oath and declare that he is the person to whom was issued the registration certificate, or other paper upon which he offers to vote, and that he has not voted at any other poll or voting place ; and in case he shall make a false oath, he shall be liable to the pains and penalties of perjury prescribed by law.

Sec. 20. That in any parish, precinct, ward, city or town, in which during the time of registration, or revision of registration, or on any day of election, there shall be any riot, tumult, acts of violence, intimidation, armed disturbance, bribery or corrupt influences, at any place within said parish, or at or near any poll or voting place, or place of registration, or revision of registration, which riot, tumult, acts of violence, intimidation, armed disturbance, bribery or corrupt influences, shall prevent, or tend to prevent, a fair, free, peaceable and full vote of all the qualified electors of said parish, precinct. ward, city or town, it shall be the duty of the commissioners of election, if such riot, tumult, acts of violence, intimidation, armed disturbance, bribery or corrupt influences, occur on the day of election, or of the supervisor of registration, or any assistant supervisor of registration of the parish, if they occur during the time of registration or revision of the registration, to make in duplicate, and under oath, a clear and full statement of all the facts relating thereto, and of the effect produced by such riot, tumult, acts of violence, intimidation, armed disturbance, bribery or corrupt influences in preventing a fair, free, peaceable and full registration or election, and of the number of qualified electors deterred by such riot tumult, acts of violence, intimidation, armed disturbance, bribery or corrupt influences, from registering or voting, which statement shall also be corroborated, under oath, by three respectable citizens, qualified electors of the parish.

When such statement is made by a commissioner of election or assistant supervisor of registration, he shalt forward both copies to the supervisor of registration, immediately on the close of the election. The supervisor of registration shall forward one copy of all such statements, whether made by himself or by the commissioner of election, or by an assistant supervisor of registration, to the Governor and shall deposit one copy with the clerk of a District Court of the parish.

Sec. 30. That no parish or district judge shall interfere, by writ of injunction or mandamus, or order of court to compel any commissioner of election to do any act or prohibit him from doing any act in his official capacity as commissioner of election, or relating in any manner to the conduct of the election. Any judge so interfering shall be guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and imprisonment in the parish prison for not less than three months ; Provided, That nothing in this section shall be so construed as to exempt any commissioner from a suit for damages or prosecution for violation of the law.

Sec. 41. That the supervisors of registration, or commissioners of election, shall, on the day of election, close all drinking saloons, drain shops, groggeries or places where liquor is sold by the glass or bottle, situated within a radius of two miles of any poll or voting place. And said supervisors or commissioners shall have the power to call on any sheriff, constable or police officer to enforce this regulation. If such sheriff, constable or police officer shall refuse to obey any order issued under the authority of this section, the commissioner or supervisor giving the order shall summarily arrest and imprison such sheriff, constable or police officer, such imprisonment not to extend beyond the hour of closing of the polls. And such sheriff, constable or police officer refusing to obey such order shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term not to exceed six months, nor less than three months, and by a fine of not more than ($500) five hundred dollars, nor less than ($100) one hundred dollars.

Sec. 42. That the Governor, any justice of the peace, alderman, mayor, judge, or any State officer who may be present at, or have knowledge of any drinking saloon, dram shop, groggery, or place where liquor is sold by the glass or bottle, which is open contrary to the provisions of the foregoing section within the limits therein prescribed, may in writing order any police officer or constable to seize any such liquors, or any carriages or vessels containing the same, or any booths or tents erected within said limits for the purpose of exposing such intoxicating liquors for sale.

From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 8th, 1870.

 For State Senate.

 At the request of citizens of the Parishes of Calcasieu, Lafayette and St. Landry, I have consented to become a candidate for the State Senate.

 At the request of many friends I have consented to become a candidate for the State Senate, for the Senatorial District comprising the parishes of St. Landry, Lafayette and Calcasieu.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1870.

 For Parish Judge.

 We are authorized to announce A. J. MOSS, present incumbent, as a candidate for Parish Judge. Election is November.

 Editor Advertiser: Be pleased to announce that I am a candidate for the office of Parish Judge of this Parish, the election to take place in November. And am announcing myself resectfully solicit the suffrages of my fellow citizens.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1870.

 For Representatives.

 We are authorized to announce Mr. D. A. Cochrane as a candidate for State Representative. Election in November next.

 Mr. Editor - Please announce Mr. J. N. Judice, as an Independent Democratic Candidate for the Legislature, at the next election. (Signed) MANY FRIENDS.

 Mr. Editor - Please announce me as a candidate for the Legislature, for the Parish of Lafayette, subject to the decision of a Democratic Convention.
   Very Respectfully, JEAN BERNARD.

 Dear Sir: - Enclosed please find $10, and announce me as a candidate for Representative of the Parish at the next November election.
     Respectfully, B. A. SALLES.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1870.

 For Sheriff.

 We are authorized to announce GERARD LANDRY, present incumbent, as a candidate for Sheriff, at the election in November.

 We are authorized to announce MR. ALEXANDER MEAUX, as a Democratic candidate for the office of Sheriff of the Parish of Lafayette. Election in November next. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1870.



Probate Sale.
Succession of Ursin Langlinais.
There will be offered for sale at Public Auction on Thursday the 10th of November, 1870, by the Sheriff on the Plantation of the deceased in this Parish the following property to wit:

 One certain tract of prairie land, being the North half of the Plantation situated in the Parish of Lafayette, containing about one hundred and sixty, more or less, bounded North by land of Widow Desire Roy and Public School land South, by the succession, East by land of Mrs. Valiere Babineaux and West by land of Onezine Trahan.

 One certain tract of prairie land situated in the Parish of Lafayette, containing one hundred and fifty arpents, more or less, bounded North by land Mrs. Desire Roy, South by land of Mr. Heliare David, East by land of Rosemond Leblanc and West by land of Mrs. Desire Roy.

 One certain tract of wood land situated in the Parish of Vermilion, containing one arpent front by six arpents deep, more or less, bounded North by land of Severin Leblanc and South by land of Don Louis Langlinais.
 One certain tract of wood land situated in the Parish of Vermilion at a place called "Grosse Ile" on the East side of Bayou Vermilion, containing forty arpents, more or less, bounded by_______ and South by_______.

 One certain tract of Cypress Swamp situated in the Parish of Vermilion, measuring one arpent face by twenty arpents in depth, more or less, bounded North by land of Hilaire Broussard, South by land of Dr. Antoine Mouchet.

 One certain tract of prairie land situated in the Parish of Vermilion at a place called "Coulee Quincy" measuring four hundred arpents, more or less, bounded East by land of Roisemond Leblanc, South by land of Joseph Harrington. Also - about 1900 panels cypress fencing, Garian fence, 14 head of gentle and unbroken mules, American horses and colts, Creole work horses and creole mares and colts, Gentle cows and calves, Wild cows, Work oxen, Bulls, Sheep, Hogs, Two wagons, Ox cart, Ploughs, Harrows, Yokes, Harness, Two dwelling houses, Two corn cribs and grist mill, Blacksmith shops and tools. Three cotton houses, Cabins, Hen house, Hog pens, Kitchen and kitchen utensils, Household furniture, Lumber, Saddle and bridle, Watch, Gun, Pistol, Iron safe, Loom. The cotton and crops in the field.

Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1870.

City Council of Vermilionville.

 By order of the Mayor, a special session of the City Council was held on Monday the 29th day of August 1870.

 Present: W. O. Smith, Mayor. Members: Messrs. H. Landry, J. H. Wise, R. L. McBride, Wm. Brandt, B. A. Salles, R. Gagneux and A. Monnier.

 The Mayor called the meeting to order.
 WHEREAS the Mayor having been informed that the Yellow Fever has made its appearance in the Town of Washington, Parish of St. Landry, La.

 Therefore be it resolved, That the resolution relating to infections or epidemic diseases, adopted October 12th, 1854, and re-enacted August 7th, 1867, be and is hereby declared to be in full force, and the Constable is hereby ordered to proceed to the execution of said resolution.

 Be if further resolved, that all persons residing within the limits of the Corporation of Vermilionville, be and are hereby ordered to see that their yards are cleaned of all trash, and that lime is thrown in their privies at once, and those neglecting to comply with said resolution, shall be fined in the sum of Two ($2.50) dollars and Fifty cents.
W. O. SMITH, Mayor.
H. M. BAILEY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1870.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of October 8th, 1912:

Passenger Train No. 8 Leaves Track at Midland - Twenty Persons Injured - None Killed.

 The Southern Pacific local train No. 8 was wrecked about a quarter of a mile east of Midland, eight miles west of Crowley Saturday morning at 1:10 o'clock, injuring twenty persons, several probably fatally, and derailing all but one engine, tender and three Pullmans. No person was killed. A physician, Dr. H. C. Webb of Crowley, was on the wrecked train, and although injured slightly, was able to administer to the wants of the injured passengers until the arrival from Crowley of Drs. Hoffpauir, Cross and Hyde.

 Lafayette was notified of the wreck and a relief train was sent out, arriving upon the scene of the accident at 5 o'clock. It carried all passengers, wounded having been taken off and placed in the sanitarium at Crowley.

 The injured are:  J. C. Cross, Houston, conductor, bruised and cut on hip and leg, back injured.

 W. R. McClellan of New Orleans, mail clerk, badly bruised and internally injured; condition serious.

 W. Singleton, New Orleans, assistant mail clerk, gash above the knee, bruises on left hip and arm badly hurt; not serious.

 S. C. Hughes, New Orleans, assistant mail clerk, gash in back and arm injured; not serious.

 R. G. Oughton, Lafayette, baggage helper; hand cut and hit in back with trunk; not serious.

 W. R. Thomas, Lafayette, baggage-man, left shoulder hurt, arm and leg badly bruised.

 Martin Comeaux, Rayne, arm badly cut; not serious.

 Joe Mossa, Houma, scalp wounds; not serious.

 O. Derouen, Lake Charle, bruised shoulder, elbow and hand cut; not serious.

 Martin Bates, Patterson, scalp wounds; condition not serious.

 Mrs. T. A. Meyers, Mamou, ankles badly bruised, internal injuries, condition very doubtful.

 Arthur Naro, Lafayette, sprained arm; not serious.

 Mr. S. D. Andrus, Iota, badly bruised and shaken up; condition very doubtful.

 H. Gandy, Mamou, bruised about body and left leg; condition serious.

 Andrew Galabar, New Orleans, news agent, bruised ankle; not serious.

 Dr. H. C. Webb, Crowley, both legs bruised; not serious.

 Mrs. Shanklin, Houston, knee wrenched.

 A. B. Winter, New Iberia, arm and head cut.

 T. Keller, Shreveport, arm and head cut.

 Oscar Pressler, New York, knee wrenched, side hurt, slight.

 B. Kutzara, Rosenburg, Tex., back wrenched, slight.

 J. B. Williams, colored, New Orleans, three ribs broken; condition serious.

 Albert Hines, colored, Powell, Tex., scalp wounds; condition not serious.

 Engineer E. N. Williams, of New Orleans, and his fireman, name unknown, escaped without injury.

 The cause of the wreck cannot be learned, although Engineer E. N. Williams is of the opinion that a spread rail derailed the cars. The train was running over forty miles an hour, and was trying to make up twenty minutes lost time. The engine left the track first, carrying with it the tender. The mail car was torn from the tender and the engine and tender tore up the track of a distance of over 100 yards before coming to a halt. The engine did not leave the roadbed. The mail car was thrown down a steep embankment, and, after turning completely over twice, landed in the ditch on its side. The baggage car struck the mail coach, which was built of steel, and was shunted to the right, where it dashed out upon the public highway, 125 feet away, almost blocking the road, where it fell upon its side. The negro day coach and two white day coaches were carried with the baggage car and were thrown into the ditch, badly smashed; one tourist and one Pullman were derailed, but the three last Pullman coaches remained on the tracks and were not damaged.

 All injured were in the first five coaches.

 A wrecker arrived late in the morning and the wreckage was rapidly cleared away and the track repaired. Traffic temporarily was carried around the wreck over the Midland-New Iberia branch, although the mail and passengers were transferred at the point of the wreck. Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1912.  


 New System to Be Installed on Lines of Southern Pacific in La.


 Rules and Regulations in Handling Train Orders Practically Same as Under Telegraph.

[From the New Orleans Times-Democrat.]

 The telephone is to take the place of the telegraph in dispatching trains of the Southern Pacific along the lines in Louisiana as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made. This system of handling trains has been adopted by several of the principal trunk lines, and owing to the fact that it was found to work successfully the officials of the Harriman lines have decided to use these instruments instead of the telegraph now in operation.

 For many years the telephone has filled a minor but nevertheless important place in the communication system of railroads. Its principal uses have been in connecting outlying switches with telegraph offices and the yardmaster's office with various other places with which communication is often held. This system of handling such matters in large railroad yards could not be dispensed with nor replaced at the present time with anything that would answer the purpose as well as the telephone.

 In handling train orders by telephone the rules and regulations governing train movements are practically the same as under the telegraph system. Orders delivered to conductors and engineers are in the same form and handled exactly as the by the telegraph operators.

 One of the great advantages the telephone system has, railroad operating officials have determined, is the fact that the train dispatcher is able to converse directly, when necessary with those concerned. Such conversations between the train dispatchers, operators and other employes are more of personal character than is afforded by telegraph, resulting in closer working relations, and co-operation among the men.

 Another advantage is that trainmen on the ground are able to explain questions in their own way and more can be accomplished in a few minutes then could be done by the use of the telegraph. More trains can be handled in a given time, more prompt movements and emergencies attended to in much less time and better, it is claimed, because every one is placed in close touch with each other.

 The Southern Pacific officials of the lines in Louisiana expect great improvement in the operation of trains by telephone, and will endeavor to put the new system in working order as soon as the telegraph instruments can be replaced. From the New Orleans Times-Democrat and in the Lafayette Advertiser 10/8/1909.



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