From the Lafayette Advertiser & Gazette:
The first Thanksgiving differed very materially from its successors in that it was proclaimed as a fast and not as a feast. Supplies had run short, the ships expected from England were delayed, and extinction threatened the "governor and company of Massachusetts bay in New England." Winthrop and his council decided to hold a day of prayer and abstinence, "so that ye Lord be propitiated and looked upon his servants with favor, in fact that they have humbled themselves before Him." Accordingly a crier was sent about the primitive settlement of Charlestown, and the colonists were each and all invited to take part in the fast. Their sacrifice met with speedy reward.
Scarcely had the noon hour of the allotted day arrived when the long hoped-for ship made its welcome appearance in Massachusetts Bay, the cargo was landed, and the fast was succeeded by a banquet of a sort which must have seemed sumptuous indeed to the exiles so recently plunged in hunger and hardship. On the threshold of dreaded winter Winthrop and his followers found what had been a prospect of fear and peril changed into one of happiness and hope. Such was America's first Thanksgiving, as celebrated 260 years ago. Thereafter such succeeding November was marked in the annals of the colony by a similar festival of gratitude.
But Thanksgiving in the early days of hour history was not confined to the New England pioneers alone. Just fifteen years after Winthrop's proclamation, i. e., in 1645, Gov. Kieft of the Dutch colony, then known as New Amsterdam, but now as New York, ordered the observance of a day of rejoicing and thanks, "for the rest and peace which God had been pleased to bestow upon his servants." Thus we see that the feast of Thanksgiving is not as generally supposed, a peculiarly Puritan institution from the stalwart of burghers of Manhattan island.
The next notable Thanksgiving day in history fell in 1758. On that date the British and colonial army, numbering 80,000 men, and commanded by Gen. Forbes, attacked and captured
from the French, after a fierce struggle, Fort Duquesne, at the junction of the Allegheny and Monongaheia rivers. The name of the place was changed to Fort Pitt, and was the nucleus of the city of Pittsburgh. Thus in a special sense the history of the great capital of the coal and iron industries is connected with the celebration of Thanksgiving day.
But meanwhile, in New England, what had been begun as an occasional day of pious rejoicing had assumed the proportions of a fixed national holiday. In Massachusetts and New Hampshire it was especially popular. There was at first great latitude in regard to the day selected for the feast. Governors proclaimed the chosen date arbitrarily, and no effort was made to keep the anniversary of Winthrop's proclamation. Sometimes Thanksgiving occurred in July, sometimes in midwinter. At length, through the efforts of the president and professors of Harvard college, it was practically fixed upon the last Thursday of November.
The college faculty were moved to interest themselves in the question by the fact that the uncertainty regarding the date caused considerable disorder among their pupils. Boys from different states celebrated on different days, many of them returning home to eat the Thanksgiving meal under their own roof-trees. This very undesirable state of affair could only be put a stop to, said the grave Harvard dons, by the formal establishment of a uniform date for the feast. The last Thursday of the eleventh month suited the collegers, and influence being brought to bear upon the colonial governors
of New England, proclamations were issued making that day the regular Thanksgiving.
In the South Thanksgiving, as an annual festival remained practically unknown until, in 1855, the curious Virginian controversy on the subject was precipitated. This controversy, which is not generally known, deserves a brief notice. The governor of Virginia at the time was one Gov. Johns, a patriotic and broad-minded gentleman, who had always entertained a reverence for the Puritan anniversary which was by no means common below Mason and Dixon's line. Gov. Johns, in a letter to the state legislature, urgently recommended the recognition of Thanksgiving in Virginia, and offered in case his recommendations proved satisfactory, to at once issue a proclamation.
But the legislature of Washington's state did not look upon the New England holiday with favor. Gov. Johns was advised not to make the Thanksgiving proclamation; and, as he did not do so, the matter was allowed temporarily to drop. But public interest had been awakened, and before long a fierce debate was raging in Virginia between the opponents and supporters of the proposed southern Thanksgiving. At last, in 1857, Gov. Wise - Johns' successor - took the metaphorical bull by the horns, and issued a proclamation setting apart a day for the feast. His action caused much angry criticism, and several southern newspapers declared that Thanksgiving was simply "a relic of Puritanical bigotry." In spite of this, the innovation was warmly welcomed. The hospitable southerners greeted gladly another holiday, and the northern feast soon ranked among them as second in importance only to the "glorious Fourth itself. In 1858 - the year after Wise's proclamation - no less than eight governors of southern states proclaimed Thanksgiving in their sections. The war, however, coming shortly afterward, practically extinguished the popularity pf the holiday in Dixie.
But it has become a loved institution in the middle, western and northwestern states. Exiled Americans, too, cling to its celebration, and every November sees Thanksgiving dinners in London, Paris, Berlin, Rome - or wherever some of the scattered children of Uncle Sam may chance to sojourn. Indeed, Mr. William Astor, Chanler, the well-known explorer, tells of a Thanksgiving dinner which he enjoyed in the very heart of darkest Africa.
An extensive and highly interesting volume might be compiled on the subject of Thanksgivings and the events which have signalized them. For instance, on Thanksgiving day, 1788, the British army evacuated New York, while Washington and Clinton marched into the city at the head of the continental army and took formal possession in the name of the young republic. Festivities and a grand display of fireworks closed that memorable day. Thanksgiving had fallen that year on December 25, and the combination of evacuation day and that festival was long jointly honored in New York.
The Thanksgiving day of 1816 is memorable as the occasion upon which an American theatre was first illuminated with gas. This event happened in Philadelphia. The experiment was a complete success, and the manager of the affair was Dr. Kugler. During the war, of the battles and skirmishes fought on Thanksgiving, the most notable was that of Lookout mountain (1863).
A few odd and distinctive methods of celebrating the great holiday still survive in different parts of the United States, although the tendency is toward a uniform manner of rejoicing. In sections of Connecticut, for example, the "Thanksgiving barrel burning" is a time-honored institution. For a month before the day Connecticut boys diligently collect and store in a place of security all the barrels, old or new, which they can find. All barrels are regarded as the property of whomever can carry them away. On thanksgiving night the barrels are piled in a huge heap and ignited. Boys and girls then dance around the bonfire until the very last barrel has gone up in smoke.
From the Lafayette Gazette of 11/19/1898.
And now a few tasty tid-bits about Thanksgiving from the Advertiser and Gazette:
Before another week passes the legal Thanksgiving day will have come, says the Dallas, Tex., Farm and Ranch. There are other days on which we may nourish our sense of gratitude, but next Thursday is one day singled out by state and national governments in which we should cultivate both feelings and expressions of thankfulness.
Man is more and more the master workman, the governor of his own movements, the architect of this own fortunes, the intelligent co-operator with the Great Architect of the Universe. Man is rapidly subduing the earth and will finally master himself, by reason of the strength begot in battle with the external things of his life. We must feel a sense of gratitude because of the progress of humanity and its inherent ability to maintain the positions gained while planning for future development.
Let the Southwest keep step with the marching columns of civilisation's forces, not for purposes of conquest, but that our people may be qualified in every way to rule over themselves, supply their own wants, and give freely to needy peoples of earth both moral and physical lite the more abundantly. For our blessings our opportunities, our needs, our daily cares, hours of toil and seasons of harvest let us be sincerely thankful.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/23/1904.
Thanksgiving Services. - Special Services will be conducted by Rev. C. C. Kramer, in the Episcopal church, at 11 o'clock, to-morrow morning, to-morrow morning, to which the public are cordially invited. Laf. Adv. 11/23/1904.
Thanksgiving at Milton.
To the Lafayette Gazette:
Please tell the people to come to the Thanksgiving exercises at Theall school house, Thursday evening, Nov. 28, promptly at 6 o'clock, or before. "Ike" and "Willie," "Judge" and "Juba," all the candidates and others will be invited to speak on subjects appropriated for the occasion, and those who can't speak may sing.
Cake, coffee and gumbo will be served at moderate rates. Proceeds for improvement of the school house. Bring your families, your sweethearts, and your friends. Come all. Let's have a good time, be patriotic, be thankful.
Ben F. Toler, Milton, La., 1895.
Lafayette Gazette 11/23/1895.
Thanksgiving services will be held at the Methodist church Thursday morning at 11 a. m. by Pastor, Rev. J. D. Harper. A cordial invitation is extended to all who may wish to attend. Laf. Adv. 11/23/1904.
Next Thursday, November 28th, will be generally observed throughout the United States as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, in obedience to the President's proclamation. Lafayette Advertiser 11/23/1878.
Proclaimed: In accordance with President Cleveland's proclamation, there will be Thanksgiving service in the Methodist church on the 30th instant at 11 o'clock a. m. All are invited.
Lafayette Gazette 11/25/1893.
The Old Darky.
He always prays Thanksgiving eve
Will be both dark and murky,
For then he'll have no cause to grieve
He couldn't get no turkey.
Lafayette Gazette 11/19/1898.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of November 24th, 1908:
Clerk of Court J. G. St. Julien has received a communication from Sam Park, president of the Beaumont Good Roads Association, which may be of some interest to the people of Lafayette parish generally as the question of good roads is a most vital one to the progress and development of this section of the State in particular. The letter reads as follows:
"Undoubtedly you have noticed recent press reports anent the inauguration of a movement to build from New Orleans to San Antonio via Beaumont, a shell or macadamized wagon road; and I write to ask that you advise me of the approximate valuations of properties in your parish as well as the amount of your outstanding debt for road and bridge improvements, if any; also whether or not you think the taxpayers of your community could be induced to call a meeting to discuss voting on the issue of bonds for the construction of such a road through your parish.
Yours truly,
Mr. St. Julien has furnished the information desired and has also referred the letter to the Police Jury and City authorities of Lafayette, Carencro, Broussard and Youngsville and Scott.
This seems to be the beginning of a movement destined eventually to embrace the States in a system of great public highways, whose influence was recognized by the Romans, and whose extension now conduces so much to the welfare of European countries to-day. The matter is entitled to serious consideration whatever be the ultimate decision of the proposition. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1908.
The proposition to establish a Catholic Chapel on the northside of the railroad for the benefit and convenience of the people of that section of the town still occupies the care and thought of Father Teurlings and his faithful assistants in the work and towards the latter part of next month some definite measures may be anticipated. Just as soon as sufficient funds are in hand to justify a neat little chapel will be erected and conducted under the supervision of St. John's Church. The site for the chapel has already been offered by donation and some money raised toward the building fund. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1908.
The local service passenger train between Lafayette and Houston known as the Oriole train was reinstated last Sunday morning and hereafter a regular schedule of daily trips will be maintained leaving Lafayette at 7 o'clock a. m. and returning at 6:20 p. m. Ever since its inauguration the Oriole has proved of great convenience to patrons of the road generally, especially for local traffic and the management deserves thanks for its consideration of the public comfort and accomodation. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1908.
The new post office quarters in the Century Club building are almost ready for occupancy; only one or two minor installations now being lacking. The new office is large and roomy and admirably arranged for convenience and dispatch of public business. The fixtures are all new and present a neat appearance. A fine array of lock and call boxes indicates the growing demand for this form of mail delivery and show a marked improvement over the cramped and crowded receptacles now in use. Postmaster Domengeaux says he will move into the new office Dec. 1, and is quite certain of no further delay.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1908.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of November 24th, 1900:
A meeting of Gen. Gardner Camp No. 580 U. C. V. was held at the Court House in Lafayette on Saturday the 17th., inst. The camp was called to order by L. G. Breaux captain Commanding, Adjutant P. L. DeClouet being absent, D. A. Cochrane was asked to act in his place - after role call J. K. Grier treasurer of the camp submitted his annual report showing that after playing all annual dues to head quarters there was left balance of 13c., in the treasury.
The treasurer then offered his resignation for the reason that he had removed from our Parish, but not relinquishing his membership to the camp, his resignation was accepted with regrets. The selection of a successor was declared in order, and D. A. Cochrane was unanimously elected treasurer of the camp.
The following named members contributed to the Camp's funds viz: J. K. Grier, 25c., John Hahn, 50c., Gus. A. Breaux, 50c., J. C. Buchanan, 25c, Wm. Clegg, 25c., C. Stiner, 25c., L. G. Breaux, 25c., J. A. Laneuville, 25., D. A. Cochrane, 25., making a total of $2.75. The adjutant was requested to collect 25c., from each absent member.
The Camp resolved to meet on the first Saturday of each and every month, instead of on the 1st., of every month. Quite a number of old veterans from St. Martin Parish, attended the meeting and were heartily welcome by Col. Gus. A. Breaux in a sentimental address in english and french, urging the veterans to close their ranks by organizing into camps, as they were being thinned out every day, he said that a confederate veteran reunion would soon be thing of the past, among those white heads from St. Martin he recognized many who had served under him as Col., of the 3rd, La. Regiment, 38 years ago.
By motion of comrade Clegg and seconded by comrade Buchanan that the camp break ranks and proceed to Herpin's saloon where the clink of glasses sounded memories of the lost cause.
L. G. BREAUX, Capt. Com'g.
D. A. COCHRANE, Act. Ajt.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1900.
The census bureau had made public the population of Louisiana cities and towns and we find Lafayette credited with 3,314, a fact we must admit meeting with much disappointment. The natural advantages this town possess with the magnificent prospects for manufactures in the future seem as though Lafayette's population should not have been less than 5,000. The census figures will materially retard the progress we are entitled to, and seriously endanger the introduction of foreign capital. There is but one thing left for the people to do and that is to work in harmony and restore confidence. Let all good citizens come the rescue and labor assiduously for the welfare of Lafayette and then place the town in the front ranks to which it is entitled to. Our business men can accomplish this all if they so wish it and we fail to see why they should not. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1900.
The people of this town were accorded an agreeable surprise Wednesday evening in the person of Mr. Bolling Arthur Johnson and his wonderful stereopticon views of Paris and the 1900 Exposition. For two solid hours were were in the beautiful French City, at times in the "Champs Elysee," then ascending the "Eiffel Tower," again at the Trocadero" and the "Art Palaces," a ride by moonlight on the Seine with a good time seeing the Parisiens at the Alexandria Bridge. Mr. Johnson entertains his audience with his travels in Paris and as he is a lecturer and elocutionist of national reputation, our readers will readily understand that there is not a scintilla of exaggeration when we claim that at Falk's Opera House Wednesday we actually visited and seen what Paris is. Mr. Johnson will reproduce the Passion Play Sunday night and we feel sure his audience will be a large one. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1900.
Rang Softly and Sweetly This Week.
Mr. Felix Mouton was married to Miss Adele Young, by Rev. Father Baulard. The bride was beautifully attired in a navy blue costume, and was assisted by her lovely young sister, Miss Viola. The groom was dressed in the regulation black and had for attendant, Mr. Chas. Debaillon. Mr. Mouton is a prominent young Insurance man of this town, and his charming bride one of Lafayette's fairest daughters. Both are very popular and number their friends by the score. The Advertiser is pleased to extend congratulations, and wishes its young friends fair sailing over the waves and billows of matrimonial sea.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1900.
To be held to-day. President Caldwell will be present and will make two addresses.
The Parish Teachers's Institute has had the good fortune to enrich its program for to-day with two addresses by President B. C. Caldwell of the State Normal School at Natchitoches. The first will be given at the morning session which meets at 10 a. m., at the Public School and the second will be an address to the public in general at the night session, to be held at the Court House at 7:30 p. m.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1900.
The Convent boys defeated the High School team in a hotly contested game of foot ball Saturday. The score stood 20 to 9 in favor of the former. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1900.
Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 11/24/1900.
These well known drummers were taking orders this week: F. A. Dicks, N. J. Otis, O. Goldsmith, L. Ricaud, Paul Villermin, L. Jaufroid, Lionel Bienvenu and A. Jollissaint.
Dr. H. D. Guidry from Scott was in town Sunday.
Mrs. James E. Mouton of St. Martinville, attended the Mouton-Young wedding.
Chas. Young and sister, Miss Beulah, were in Lafayette Tuesday.
President Caldwell of the Normal School and President Stephens of the Industrial Institute, and Dr. Girard went to Jefferson's Island this week for a hunt.
Dr. G. W. Scranton was in Lafayette Monday, and honored the office with a pleasant call. The Doctor says business is good in his neck of the woods and although he feels a little "blue" over Bryan's defeat yet he is satisfied with the results.
Amongst some of the former Lafayette pupils attending the Sacred Heart celebrations at Grand Coteau Wednesday, were Mrs. Wm. Campbell, Sr., Mrs. Dr. Frank Mouton and Misses Philomene Campbell, Aimee Mouton and Marie Revillon.
Quite a number of young men visited New Orleans Sunday taking advantages of cheap excursion rates.
Mr. Nathan Broussard of Ridge, was a pleasant visitor Monday.
Mrs. F. Hoben of El Paso, Tex., is spending some time with her sister, Mr. Geo. W. Scranton, at Royville. Mrs. Hoben was formerly Miss Julie Olivier, of Lafayette, and this is her first visit to Louisiana since her marriage. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1900.
From the Lafayette Gazette of November 24th, 1900:
Shows a Large Increase in the Population of the Town and Parish of Lafayette.
The census returns have, as usual, been a source of disappointment to those who take a too roseate view of things. There are some persons, and the writer confesses having been among that number, who believed that Lafayette's population exceeded 4,000 souls. That estimate was entirely too high as is shown by the published reports from the census office. Knowing the efficiency of both the district supervisor and the local enumerator, The Gazette does not hesitate to accept the figures as most accurate and reliable.
Lafayette has cause to be satisfied with the census. A net gain of 1,208 in population is a very good showing. The town's population in 1890 was 2,106. This year it is 3,314, an increase of 57.35 per cent. This is better than most of the towns on the list published by the New Orleans papers. When it is considered that this is an agricultural country, the increase shows a considerable advancement. Another feature which should not be overlooked is that there has been no boom here, but it is a steady and substantial gain. A boom is always in danger of being punctured, in the event of which the re-action is attended by the most disastrous results.
Lafayette's growth and Lafayette's prosperity are founded upon the most stable conditions.
Lafayette parish has also made notable progress. In 1890 there were 15,966 persons in the parish. This year the population reaches 22,825.
When complete returns of the census are had, giving the population by ward and statistical information about the various industries, it will then be possible to know exactly the extent of the progress made by the town and parish during the last decade. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
Dollars for the Public Schools of the Parish.
Messrs. J. A. Labbe, F. G. Mouton, and R. C. Greig members of the committee appointed by the Police Jury to prepare the budget for 1901 held a meeting this week. The budget has not yet been adopted by the Jury but it is safe to say that it will be at the next meeting. The Gazette is pleased to state that the committee has set aside $4,000 for the public schools. This is $1,000 more than the appropriation of last year.
Now it is up to you, gentlemen of the City Council. What can you do for the town schools? Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
Compliment Lafayette Officials Upon the Arrest and Conviction of Lovell Jeansonne.
The readers of the The Gazette will remember that a few months ago Sheriff Broussard effected the capture of one Lovell Jeansonne in Sabine parish. The arrest of Jeansonne was followed by his conviction for cattle stealing. He is now serving a ten-year sentence in the penitentiary with an accomplice named Vine, convicted at the same term of court.
Jeansonne was an escaped convict and had the reputation of being a dangerous character. He was an experienced out-law and the manner and circumstances of his capture reflected credit upon Sheriff Broussard.
The following letter relative to the arrest and conviction of Jeansonne explains itself:
Office Of Mayor,
Logansport, La., Nov. 15, 1900.
To the Hon. District Judge and District Attorney of Lafayette, La., also the Efficient Sheriff:
We, the undersigned take pleasure in congratulating you upon your success in convicting one, Lovell Jeansonne alias Joe Labaff, who has been in this region in the theft of cattle. We thought at one time we had a dead case against him, but on account of a material witness being absent failed before the grand jury to get an indictment. We feel grateful that one of the links of a chain of cattle and horse thieves extending from Texas to your section, has been broken, and sincerely hop that the State authorities will hold them the full time of sentence.
Very respectfully,
W. E. OGLETREE, Mayor Logansport, La., W. P. TANNES, City Marshal; W. A. REYNOLDS, Merchant; J. R. VANCE, Merchant; J. K. PYLE, Justice of the Peace; W. L. PARKER, Postmaster.
Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
The "Modern" Water Filter.
Mr. W. J. Shows, of this town, has been appointed agent to sell the "Modern" water filter in the State of Louisiana. This filter is attached to the faucet and is made of nickel-plated brass with the outside well polished. It is highly recommended and is guaranteed to thoroughly filter all the water which passes through it. The price is $1.50. Mr. Shows will be pleased to call on any one and explain all about this meritorious invention. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
Prof. Caldwell.
Prof. Caldwell, the well-known president of the State Normal School at Natchitoches, will deliver a lecture during the day to the teachers of Lafayette parish. At night Prof. Caldwell will speak at the court-house for the benefit of all the people of the town. Prof. Caldwell is a most entertaining lecturer, and The Gazette needs not tell the people of Lafayette that there is every reason why they should be at the court-house to-morrow night.
Not only will the lecture be an intellectual treat which they can not well afford to miss, but their failure to be present will show that they have not properly appreciated the favor so generously conferred by Prof. Caldwell. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
Moss Bros. Book Department.
There is only one way for a woman to be beautiful; it is an old-fashioned way, but effective. It consists of being born so. Of course she should always choose her parents with great care. But is is different with a well-stored mind. That can come only from observation and study. The child, the youth, the young man and the young woman, and persons of all ages, can employ no more useful way of gaining knowledge and developing the mind than by reading good books. We are continually adding to our stock of good books, and we are now offering a very choice collection of authors and titles to the reading public. A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit our Book Department of the Moss Pharmacy whenever in search of "something good to read."
F. E. DAVIS, Manager.
Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
For Lafayette - Will Be Built by the People's Cotton Oil Company.
Mr. T. M. Biossat informs The Gazette that it is the intention of the People's Cotton Oil Company to build an ice factory which will be completed in time for next season's trade. The new factory will be constructed near the oil mill and will have a daily capacity of ten tons.
It is intended to make the factory thoroughly modern in every respect, equipped with the best machinery.
Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
To the Public.
We will consider it a favor to be furnished with any item for publication. Reports of deaths and marriages will be received and printed without charge.
We desire to publish all the news of the locality, but it is impossible to do so without the assistance of our friends. If you know anything of interest to the people, write to us, or ring up Cumberland phone No. 17. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
To be taken to the Asylum.
Sheriff Broussard has received a letter from Dr. Hays, stating that there was now room to accommodate the young men, Elmer Hill and Joseph Malapart, who have been incarcerated several months.
No time will be lost to send these unfortunate young men to the asylum where they will be properly cared for.
Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
The Gazette is informed that the authorities of St. Martin parish claim the right to collect taxes on the property of Mr. P. L. DeClouet and other citizens living on the east side of Vermilion bayou. We understand that the action of St. Martin is based upon a recent of the Legislature. Owing to Mr. DeClouet's disinclination to yield to the demand of St. Martin's tax-collector, the matter has been submitted to the court of that parish for adjustment.
A considerable area of land is involved in this controversy to Lafayette, will also entail the loss of a number of worthy and desirable citizens.
We believe the territory which St. Martin would like to have, is, by every principle of law and equity, the property of Lafayette parish. We are reliably informed that in 1823, when the parish was carved out of St. Martin, these lands were included with the borders of the new parish and they have been so considered from that time until very recently.
The Gazette calls upon the Police Jury to leave nothing undone to assert the rights of the parish in this matter and not give up an inch of ground unless forced to do so.
Through the laissez faire policy of a former administration this parish was hoodwinked out of a large tract of land and it can ill afford to spare more territory to increase the revenues of other parishes.
As it is, Lafayette is one of the smallest parishes in the State and if this carving-out process continues, it will, in the course of time, be an insignificant strip.
We are not a lawyer, but it seems to us that the Legislature does not possess the power to take any portion of a parish and transfer it to another, without consulting the wished of either. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
Mr. Bolling Arthur Johnson's "The Passion Play of 1900."
From the Houston, Post, Nov. 21.
Despite the inclement weather an audience which was quite complimentary as to size and quality gathered at Sweeney & Coombs' theater last night to witness Mr. Bolling Arthur Johnson's last illustrated entertainment, "The Passion Play of 1900." This was unanimously voted to be the best of the course and that is saying much. The pictures shown were easily the best things of the kind an audience in Houston ever had the pleasure of seeing and, for the matter of that, it is doubtful if any genuine pictures of the Passion Play were ever shown in Houston before. Those used by Mr. Johnson were taken and arranged under his personal supervision at Oberammegau last summer and it is difficult to imagine how a better selection could have been made. Particular attention had been paid to the coloring of the various "still" pictures, the tints having been put on the plates from samples of the clothing of the performers appearing in the play. In addition to the "still" pictures some very interesting ones were shown by the kinetoscope.
Mr. Johnson's descriptive matter showed the result of a great deal of careful attention and study on his part and was in every way up to the high standard of all his entertainments. It is safe to say that a better pleased audience never witnessed a similar entertainment in this city.
Don't forget that this entertainment is to take place at Falk's hall Sunday night. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
Bills will be mailed or presented to our subscribers for subscriptions due now and which will become due within the next six months. The fact that the term of your subscription is not ended should not stand in the way of a settlement whenever a bill is received. We will take advantage of the present season to make our collections. We urge our subscribers to be prompt in settling for the paper. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
Mouton - Young Wedding.
Mr. Felix Mouton and Miss Adele Young were married at the Catholic church last Tuesday evening. Father Bolard spoke words of advice to the young couple and according to the law of the Mother Church pronounced them man and wife. There were a large number of people present. The groom and bride are among the most popular and estimable members of this community and the church was filled with friends who had come to see them united in marriage. The bride was tastily dressed and looked very lovely. She walked to the altar accompanied by her stepfather, Dr. Babcock, and was joined there by the groom. Mr. Charles Debaillon and Miss Viola Young were the attendants.
At the conclusion of the ceremony relatives and a few friends met the home of the bride where an informal reception was held.
The writer begs to be included among the well-wishers or Mr. and Mrs. Mouton. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
Church Notices.
There will be services at the Presbyterian church Sunday at 11 a. m.
Methodist Church.
C. C. Weir, pastor, Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Epworth League, Sunday evening 6:45. Prayer meeting, Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Song service, Friday 7:30 p. m.
Bishop Sessums, of the Episcopal church, preached a sermon at the Presbyterian church last Wednesday night. Members of the various denominations availed themselves of the opportunity to hear the distinguished prelate, who has few equals among the pulpit orators of the South.
There will be Thanksgiving services at the Methodist church, Thursday, Nov. 29, 1900, at 11 a. m.
Services will be held at the Presbyterian church to-morrow (Sunday), at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E., every Wednesday evening at 7:30. Sunday at 9:45 a. m. Prof R. C. Greig, superintendent. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
Selected News Notes (Gazette) 11/24/1900.
J. A. Mestayer, of Sunset. was on a visit to relatives in Lafayette this week.
Judge Caillouet, of Lafourche, was here this week on legal business. While here the judge was the guest of his relative, Mr. A. T. Caillouet.
Prof. E. L. Stephens, Mr. Wm. Clegg and Dr. F. E. Girard accompanied Prof. Caldwell to Jefferson's Island last Thursday. The were joined at New Iberia by Mr. M. F. Myles. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1900.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of November 24th, 1894:
Through the instrumentality of Mr. John Nickerson two cars containing a number of settlers and their belongings, arrived here last Tuesday. The new-comers are represented as being thorough farmers and the good character of the live-stock and farming implements they brought with them give out the impression that they belong to that hard-working and intelligent agricultural class of people that obtain from the soil the most it can give and cause a country to prosper. This is the class of emigrants that is eagerly sought after in every part of the world where bone and sinew is wanted to cultivate lands and develop latent resources, and our people should gladly welcome them in the parish.
Men, active and industrious, who arrive in our midst with their families to become permanent and substantial citizens should be shown every consideration by the home people with whom they mean to till the soil in common and contribute in every way to the material welfare of the country. The settlers in question come from blizzard-stricken North Dakota in quest of a more congenial clime. They are the advance guard, as it were, of many looking toward the South for a new home with Lafayette parish as an objective point.
To show there is a trend this way, we publish by the kind consent of Mr. Nickerson, excerpts from one of a number of letters of the same kind he has received in the past few weeks:
La Moure, N. D., Nov. 13th, 1894.
To John Nickerson, Esq..
Dear Sir;
Your favor of the 7th instant is to hand and accept many thanks for your kind advice. *** I think that Lafayette parish will have a great many emigrants from North Dakota. Over 100 people have come to me to say that if I liked the country down there they would come, also, next season, and if an effort were made all of these could be induced to locate in Lafayette parish. *** Our car left the morning of the 12th billed for Lafayette, in my name. McCaun's family will leave here next Monday, I would like, if not too much trouble, for you to secure for Ryese and myself a place with two house on it as we intend to farm together. *** Mr. Nickerson informs us that he expects several more families to arrive here in the near future and he is busying himself making arrangements to locate them as fast as they will arrive. Much credit is due Mr. Nickerson for having attracted this way, through his personal efforts, a class of emigrants of desirable character, and citizens of Lafayette should extend Mr. Nickerson every facility for receiving and caring for settlers who come among us to help build up our country. There are hundreds and hundreds of acres of good land in this parish not producing a penny toward the wealth of the people because of a lack of bone sinew to convert these broad and rich acres into blooming fields of cane, corn, rice, potatoes and fruits and vegetables of all kinds. Let us invite and let us welcome in our midst honest and thrifty farmers from less favored sections, coming to the garden spot of the South to join hands and fortunes with the native people, and together work for the common prosperity of the country.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1894.
For Charity's Sake.
To the Editor of The Advertiser,
Lafayette, La.,
Dear Sir:
We herewith furnish you with a copy of a letter to the Police Jury of the State of Louisiana.
We not request you in the name of Charity to give publicity to this communication in the columns of your valuable paper.
Hoping that you will help the Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Hospital to further its charitable object by your kind comments, etc.
Jos. A. Hincks,
New Orleans, La., Sept. 25th 1894.
To the Honorable Members of Police Juries of the State of Louisiana.
The Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Hospital of New Orleans, not being a State Institution, cannot under our Constitution participate in the Charities of the State. In response to its petition for assistance in the Legislature has, therefore, adopted House Concurrent Resolution No. 22, which I commend to your special attention, and trust you may be able to render assistance to this Noble Institution, which is of great benefit to our suffering poor throughout the state and which requires financial aid to continue its benevolent mission.
Murphy J. Foster,
New Orleans, La., Nov. 9th, 1894.
To the President and Members of the Police Jury of the Parish of Lafayette.
Dear Sirs:
I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of a letter addressed to you by Gov. Murphy J. Foster, and copy of the last annual Report of this Hospital, to which I refer you for particulars.
This Hospital has been giving free treatment to the poor of this city and country Parishes of Louisiana for the past five years without a cent of contribution from this State and its scope of usefulness has been extended to such a point that we find ourselves compelled to appeal to you for whatever contribution you may feel able to give annually.
Since the opening of the Institution in December 1889 up to the 1st inst. 172,366 consultations were given and 3,977 operations performed; we have given treatment to 24, 574 persons of which 2,960 were from parishes of Louisiana outside of this City.
Should you act favorably upon our appeal kindly transmit the amount you may desire to donate, to Mr. Walter P. Stauffer, Treas. No. 29 North Rampart cor. Customhouse Street, New Orleans, La.
We deem it proper to add that none of our Officers and Surgeons are paid.
Jos. A. Hicks,
Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1894.
S. P. Visits Lafayette Merchants.
Mr. Jno. E. McDonald, the advertising agent of the Southern Pacific Company, visited our merchants last Thursday in the interest of the official time table of the Southern Pacific Co. Mr. McDonald is one of the advertising hustlers of this country, well informed as to the business requirements of a community and his visit to us will be fraught with much benefit to the mercantile industries of Lafayette. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1894.
Malagarie Bros.' Business Building.
In a quiet and unassuming way Messrs. Malagarie Brothers are building up a business of no mean proportions in fresh meats such as mutton, pork and veal, at the neighboring town of Broussardville. They have fattened cattle on sale, also, and make shipments to all points. The firm is composed of R. J. Malagarie an Geo. Malagarie, who has several times distinguished himself as an officer of the law in the capacity of deputy sheriff. The Advertiser hopes to not a continued advance in the business of this sterling and enterprising firm. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1894.
Arrested by Sheriff Broussard.
Mr. W. F. Dewberry, acting as salesman for Mr. H. C. Hebert in the disposition of blooded horses at Vigneaux's branch stable, was arrested last Tuesday on information received by Sheriff Broussard, on the charge of receiving money under false pretenses. It appears that he sold to a third party a note of a worthless nature. Dewberry was locked up awaiting the action of Texas authorities. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1894.
The Breaux Tramway.
The new Breaux tramway has not been without its special incidents, of late. A lot of young boys have been indulging in the dangerous amusement of pushing along some of the cars standing on the track, until they attained a rapid speed and then endeavor to jump on them whilst running. As a consequence of such foolhardy doings little Leo Alpha received a painful but not serious injury of the foot, last Saturday, and the very next day young Ashton Chargois, son of Mr. Alfred Chargois, sustained most serious bodily injuries, a leg and an arm being fractured and severely bruised. Drs. Tolson, Martin and Raney attended the unfortunate boy. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1894.
Resisted Being Arrested.
A scene of great excitement followed the attempted arrest by Sheriff Broussard, of two negroes at the railroad station Thursday night. The negroes answered the description of fugitives wanted for murder at Thibodeaux, La., and when the sheriff ordered them to surrender one of them offered deliberate resistance striking the officer two blows with his fist. Then began a lively chase after the pair of darkies who were endeavoring to escape arrest by fleeing. Sheriff Broussard at once opened fire on the two fleeting forms and deputy marshal E. Romero, who happened to be near by, joined the sheriff in a hot pursuit. Under orders of the sheriff, officer Romero began firing also, and it was at the third discharge of Romero's revolver that the nearest fugitive, with whom this officer and now almost caught up, dropped a valise he held and called on his partner ahead to stop because he was shot. The officers assisted by citizens quickly closed in on the two men that they shortly afterward landed safely behind he prison bars. The negro who was shot received a flesh wound only, in the upper part of the arm. According to one account i was a ball from the sheriff's fire-arm that took effect, but according to the action of the wounded negro detailed above it appears as most probable that it was the third shot by deputy marshal Romero that brought the fleeing negro to bay. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1894.
Miss Ida Hopkins' School.
Isabelle Mouton, John Bachert, Ida Ducharme, Bessie Miller, Moore Biossat, Maxim Beraud, Willie Mills, Lillian Ducharme, Celeste Lafond, Harold Demanade, Sallie Randle, Marie Mouton. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1894.
Recovering Rapidly.
Mr. Floristal Guidry, brother-in-law of Mr. Philbert Crouchet, who had the misfortune last week of losing the index and middle finger of his left hand in consequence of the accident that befell him in coupling cars, is rapidly recovering we are glad to learn. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1894.
Bright Social Affair.
A recherche social affair in Lafayette last Sunday was the brilliant dinner Miss Yolande Rigues tendered friends in honor of her guest, Miss Anna Garmard of New Orleans. The favored ones on this occasion were Miss Anna Garmand, Josephine Hitter, Estelle Gerac, Dora Jauroid and Ada Moss, and Mesdames M. Rigues and F. Bellocq, Messrs. A. Jamard, Ed. Delhoomer, Henry Gerac, Pierre Gerac, Alex. Delahoussaye, F. (unreadable last name), Williams, Flood and Hermann.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1894.
A grand fair will be given at Mauriceville on the 6th and 8th of December, for the Catholic Church of this new and progressive little town. A variety of outdoor amusements and diversions, and theatrical entertainments by amateurs will be provided for the occasion. A feature of the day will be the presentation of a rifle to the best target shot competing for that honor. A balloon ascension will be another great attraction and at night a grand fire-works display. An enjoyable time is assured to all who many attend. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1894.
Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 11/24/1894.
New moon on the 27th instant.
Police Jury meets on next Monday.
Next Thursday, the 29th instant, is Thanksgiving day.
Miss Maud Young of Royville, visited our town in our town, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Salles made a flying trip to New Orleans this week.
Mrs. C. C. Brown and Miss Antonia Melchoir, of Carencro, were fair visitors in our town last Tuesday.
Miss Josephine Hitter of St. Martinville, is the guest of Miss Estelle Gerac.
We had the pleasure of meeting on the street last week, Dr. F. R. Martin and Mr. W. Begnaud, of Breaux Bridge.
The Southern Pacific pay-car was most welcome visitor in Lafayette, the (unreadable date), instant.
Remember the grocer, Felix Demanade, when in need of fancy and staple groceries and fine wines and liquors.
The public school teachers will meet next Saturday in Mr. Greig's school house for the purpose of holding a Teachers' Institute.
Miss Annie Bagnal returned home the 22nd instant, from Chicago, where she had been visiting relatives since September of 1893.
After a sojourn of a few weeks with her sister Mrs. F. Salles, Miss Lou (unreadable last name) left yesterday for her home in Opelousas.
There will be a grand auction sale of Kentucky horses and mares at Vigneaux's branch stable, on December the first.
The Barlow Bros. Minstrel Co. played to a large and appreciative audience at Falk's Opera House, last Monday night. They gave a good show.
The fair given for colored people at Carencro for the benefit of the Catholic Church of that place, last Saturday and Sunday, proved a success financially, as is evidenced by the resulting proceeds of $376.00.
Miss Lizzie Parkerson has been on a visit to the family of her brother, Mr. W. S. Parkerson, at New Orleans since last Saturday.
Archbishop Janssens, of New Orleans, passed through Lafayette last Sunday on his way to San Antonio to participate in the funeral obesquies of Archbishop Neraz of the latter place.
A party consisting of Misses Marie Barry, Yolande Rigues, Ann Gamard and Ada Moss, and Mr. Marcy Barry; chaperoned by Mrs. F. Bellocq, spent Wednesday afternoon very pleasantly visiting the Monnot sugar house and refinery at Jeanerette, and were very cordially entertained by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Monnot.
Mr. J. B. Benoit was an agreeable caller at our office last Wednesday and we are please to say that he has almost entirely recovered from the serious and painful injuries of the foot sustained lately from the falling doors of a cotton compress.
Don't forget the great auction sale of Kentucky horses and mares that will take place Dec. 1st, at Vigneaux's branch stable, near the railroad depot. The animals will be knocked down the highest and best bidder regardless of the offer made.
Rev. Father Maltrait has been sent to the catholic community of Lafayette to assist Rev. Forge. He officiated at Low Mass last Sunday. Father Maltrait will remain in our midst only six weeks and we trust his stay will prove an agreeable one.
Dr. R. B. Raney of Chicago, a homeopathic physician, is now located in Lafayette. He occupies the office of the late and much lamented Dr. Beraud.
Master George Creswell presented us this week with a small collection of stones containing traces of gold ore and brass, and several fragments of rock, all of which he brought with him from Dakota on his return home recently.
Drop a nickel in the slot of the automatic photograph machine next to the post-office, and in less than a minute you will be presented with a finished picture of yourself, to take home. Lafayette Advertiser 11/24/1894.
From the Lafayette Gazette of November 24th, 1894:
Tuesday night Sheriff Broussard was wired to look for two negro fugitives and finding two strangers who corresponded with descriptions, he arrested them and conducted them to the Crescent News lunch stand to be examined more closely. After entering the room with the officer, the negroes started to run out and as the sheriff held on to them and refused to let go his grip, he was struck with a powerful blow near the ear. The sheriff was stunned, but soon recovered and drew his pistol in time to escape another blow from the negro, who, frightened by the weapon, took to his heels and followed his partner, but both were soon captured. During the chase the sheriff fired two or three shots one ball striking the arm of the negro who made the assault. The negroes gave their names as George and Joseph Guice. One of them was found with a pistol. Proper charges were made and they were locked up awaiting further developments. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1894.
Southern Pacific Advertising.
Mr. Jno. E. McDonald, the advertising agent of the Southern Pacific Company, was here last Thursday visiting our merchants in the interest of the new Official Time Tables of the Southern Pacific Company. Mr. McDonald is one of the live, progressive newspaper men of this country and has a thorough knowledge of the section which he visits. The Southern Pacific have the right man for the work which they are doing. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1894.
New Comers.
Through the persistent efforts of that progressive gentlemen, Mr. J. R. Nickerson, a number of sturdy farmers of the west will find homes in our parish. Three families arrived Tuesday from North Dakota and Mr. Nickerson is about to locate them in different parts of the parish. A. Riryerse, Patrick McCann and J. Riryerse are the names of the gentlemen who have already come and judging from their fine stock and improved farming implements they are practical farmers of some means. A letter from Mr. J. A. Ellis, of the same State, says that he soon will lead another party, and should they find suitable places here The Gazette is informed that 200 or 300 families, who are dissatisfied with their present homes, are desirous of coming to Lafayette in search of a milder clime and better soil. Mr. Nickerson tells us that he will do all in his power to induce these people to settle in our parish as they are industrious and intelligent and will prove desirable citizens. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1894.
Fair at Mauriceville.
There will be a grand fair at Mauriceville on the 8th and 9th of December for the benefit of the Catholic church. Besides the theatrical entertainment consisting of comedies, dramas, pantomimes, numerous other attractions will be prepared for the occasion. Among them are a shooting gallery with a rifle as a prize, balloon ascensions and fireworks. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1894.
E. H. Avery, of St. Louis, traveling auditor of the Waters-Pierce Oil Company, was in Lafayette last week. The Gazette was pleased to learn that the auditor's report of the local office showed splendid management and a remarkable increase in the sales, which was quite a compliment to Mr. C. B. Porch, the industrious and hustling agent at this place. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1894.
Selected News Notes (Gazette) 11/24/1894.
Judge Debaillon spent several days this week in Lake Charles.
John Fredger, the old negro who was struck with paralysis a few days since, died Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Salles went to New Orleans Monday for a short visit.
Mrs. Emile Pefferkorn went to Opelousas Wednesday and returned home Thursday.
J. R. Domegeaux and little Miss Ruby Scranton, visited friends in Lafayette Wednesday afternoon.
Paul and Arthur Voorhies, the well-known drummers, were in Lafayette several days this week.
Mrs. O. H. Simpson and Miss Mamie Singleton went to Arnaudville Wednesday to visit the family of Dr. Simpson.
The public school teachers will meet next Saturday in Mr. Greig's school house for the purpose of holding a Teachers' Institute.
As announced in last week's Gazette the Barlow minstrels played at Falk's Opera House Monday night. The audience was an exceptionally large one for Lafayette.
Deputy Sheriff H. Billaud arrested W. F. Dueberry last Wednesday on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses in the parish of St. Landry. Duberry was taken to Opelousas.
Hon. Thos. H. Lewis, of Opelousas, passed through Lafayette Wednesday on his way to Crowley to attend court.
Messrs. D. A. Dimitry and Couvillon, of Carencro, came to town Monday night and took in the Barlow minstrels.
The popular triumvirate, Messrs. Domegeaux, Duvernet and Capdau, were in Lafayette this week, all as genial as ever.
Joseph Angeran has opened an oyster saloon opposite the store of A. M. Martin. Bayou Cook and Berwick Bay Oysters sold at all hours and in all styles.
Col. A. R. Mitchell, a leading member of the Calcasieu bar and a lawyer of profound learning and great ability, died at his home in Lake Charles a few days ago. Judge Debaillon attended the funeral.
We read in Saturday's N. O. Picayune that the governor had appointed our townsman, Mr. Wm. Clegg, one of the delegates to represent Louisiana at the anti-options convention at Vicksburg, but on account of private business which required his presence, he was unable to attend.
Little Ashton Chargois who was run over by one of the cars at the switch last Sunday is doing as well as could be expected, no amputation having been necessary. Drs. Tolson, Raney and Martin are attending to the little fellow, who showed wonderful nerve and bore his sufferings with great fortitude.
Mrs. Scranton and daughters were visiting friends in Lafayette Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alciatore, of New Orleans, are now in Royville. They are called at the bed-side of their sister, Mrs. Dupleix, who is seriously ill.
The lovely Miss Heloise Olivier, accompanied by her charming friend, Miss Marthe Mouton, of Lafayette, were pleasant callers the past week.
P. R. Roy and Jack Domengeaux, were in Lafayette Saturday. Lafayette Gazette 11/24/1894.
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