Tuesday, January 13, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of November 10th, 1904: 


A Sweeping Victory for the Republicans. Every Doubtful State Carried. Democrats Elect Governors in Massachusetts, Minnesota and West Virginia; Republicans Retain Control of House of Representatives. 

 New York, Nov. 8th. Theodore Roosevelt was elected President yesterday for the term beginning March 1 next by an overwhelming majority in the electoral college and by a majority in the electoral college and by a majority of the popular vote, greater than that of any President in recent years. 

 He carried every Northern and Western State, every doubtful State and everything but the so-called Solid South.

 He will have 325 electoral votes to 151 (as of mid-night) for  Judge Parker, Electoral majority for Roosevelt 174.

 His greatest plurality is in his own State New York. At midnight the figures in hand indicated that he will have 230,000 votes more that Parker. His vote in Illinois, in Massachusetts and in most of the Western States was larger than that of McKinley did four years ago.

 I'm the other hand, Judge Parker did not get as many votes in New York as Bryan did four years ago, and seems to have run behind the Bryan vote in all parts of the country.

 In 1872 the electoral vote was Grant 292. Greeley and other Democrats (unreadable); Grant's plurality 218.

 In 1892 it was Cleveland 277, Harrison 145. Weaver (Pop.) 22; Cleveland's plurality 132.
 In 1896 it was: McKinley 271, Bryan 176, McKinley's plurality 95.

 The Republicans retain control of the House of Representatives by an increased majority. The indications at midnight are that they will have from 220 to 230 members. They now have 210 members.

 It was apparent within an hour after the polls closed that Roosevelt had received tremendous vote. As early as 6 o'clock it was seen that his election was certain unless there should be some tremendous change.

 The returns at midnight indicate that about the only successes the Democrats have had in the country are in West Virginia, Massachusetts and Minnesota. They elected their Governors in each if these States, although the Republicans carried them by increased majorities for the electoral ticket.

 In most of the States where United States senatorships were at stake the Republicans have elected their Legislatures. The Senators elected to begin their six-year on March 5, 1905, will practically be in the same proportion as to party affiliation as those now sitting, thus continuing the Republican control of the Senate.

 At midnight William J. Bryan claimed Nebraska for the fusion candidate for Governor. This probably means that a fusion legislature has been elected. Bryan made his campaign in Nebraska in the hope of securing the Legislature and his election to the United States Senate.

 In Wisconsin Gov. La Follette was elected over the Democratic and stalwart or bolting Republican candidates. The result on the Legislature is in doubt at midnight. Unless La Follette carries the Legislature is in doubt at midnight. Unless La Follette carries the Legislature he will not be able to put his taxation theories into effect.

 President Roosevelt announced at 11 o'clock that under no circumstances will he be a candidate for re-election in 1905. This leaves the field open to the many Republicans who have presidential aspirations, including Vice-President-elect Fairbanks. Senator Foraker and Secretary Taft of Ohio. Secretary Shaw of Iowa and Gov. La Follette of Wisconsin.

 There are a few returns as yet on Socialist and Popular vote. (Unreadable) ran exceedingly well in some parts of the South, but most of his expected strength in New York seems to have gone to Roosevelt.

 Debs, the Socialist candidate, received (45,000?) votes in Chicago and was heavily supported in many of the cities. It is expected that his vote will appropriate half a million.

 The election of Douglas, for Governor in Massachusetts, was the greatest surprise in the East. Douglas received (unreadable #) plurality in Boston to 10.874 for Parker in the same city. He carried the State by 20,000 while Roosevlt's plurality was 80,000.

 In Indiana, where the Democrats made one of the fiercest fights, the results are fully as remarkable as in New York. Roosevelt carries the State by 40,000. Chairman Taggart spent the three last weeks of the campaign in Indiana. Marion county, which contains Indianapolis, and which is Taggart's home county, gave Roosevelt four times the plurality which it gave McKinley four years ago.

 The possibilities in the Southern States are about the same size as they were four years ago.

From the N. O. Tines-Democrat and in the Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1904.  


 For Lafayette Parish - A Light Vote Polled. 
 The election Tuesday passed off very quietly and only a light vote was poll. No incidents of any special moment occurred. The commissioners of election met yesterday morning and canvassed the returns. 

The following are the official figures for Lafayette Parish:

Alton B. Parker, Democrat - 487
Theodore Roosevelt - 41

Eugene V. Debs, Socialist - 21 

Henry G. Davis, Democrat -  487
 Charles W. Fairbanks, Republican - 41
 Benjamin Hansford, Socialist - 38

  Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1904


 One Million Dollar Bond Issue.

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 Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1904.


 The growth and development of Lafayette in recent years is a matter of much gratification to all of us, and we feel a natural pride in being citizens of such a progressive little town; but we must not sit down quietly and contemplate with contented satisfaction our achievements so far. Rest means stagnation. We must in the words of the poet be "still achieving, still pursuing" if we would hold our footing and stepping higher.

 There are other things for us to do that need doing badly, and the principal one is to secure a railroad from here to Baton Rouge. A beginning and a very encouraging  was made several months ago, but for good and ample reasons, the matter had to incubate. In our opinion it has incubated long enough and now is a first-class time to start the ball rolling.

 A business league of a number of our representative citizens was organized when the Baton Rouge road question was taken up and the proper thing to do is to call them together at once and get to work with a will. Such a thought as failure should be barred out. Faith backed by hustle will accomplish wonders, and it is a true saying, if you want anything you must go after it with a will and that is exactly what we want to do, go after the road with a will.

 Now let the president of the progressive league call the members together and all take off their coats, roll up their sleeves and get down to earnest work. Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1904.  


S. L. I. vs. Franklin.
[For The Advertiser.]
The boys of the Industrial Institute began the season with a great victory in Franklin last Saturday.
 By heroic playing only could the Franklin giants have been defeated. The superiority of careful training and good head work over mere weight and strength was clearly demonstrated. The Franklin team outweighed the gritty Industrial boys twenty pounds to a man, and numbered among its players such veterans of the grid-iron as Richie Gates, Jack Bell and Lester Brown, the latter of whom was for several years a star player on a college team.
 During the first ten minutes of the game Franklin played wonderful ball. After a series of plunges through the line the ball was given to Brown who made the sensational run of the day, scoring five points for Franklin - Richie Gates failed at goal. The ball was again kicked from the center of the field and secured by Franklin on Lafayette's forty-five yard line. The terrible weight and strength of the Franklin boys carried them within two yards of the Industrial's goal, when the Lafayette boys rallied and began to play ball. They took the ball away from Franklin on downs and carried rapidly down to the middle of the field, and things looked like a touch town for the Industrial, when the whistle sounded for the end of the first half. Score: Franklin 5, Industrial 0.

 In the second half the Industrial boys lined up as fresh as if they had not been in the game. The way they handled the great big two hundred and ten pound men on the Franklin team was pitiful to see. They contested the ground like tigers, and nothing could stop the onward march of the Industrial boys for a touch down; McNaspy ripped through the center for ten yards, Chiasson took twelve out of right tackle, Talbot went round end for twenty, McNeese tore through the right tackle for eight, Lingstrom took six out of left tackle and Chiasson carried the ball to the goal line on an end run. The referee declared that the ball was not far enough so McNaspy tore the line wide open and placed the ball squarely behind the goal posts. Score: 5 to 5, and eight minutes to play. The Industrial boys trotted off down the field for another touch down. Talbot carried the ball over the line and McNaspy kicked goal. Score: Lafayette 11, Franklin 5, and three minutes to play. The Industrial started briskly down the field for another touch down, but the whistle blew for the end of the second half with the ball in the center of the field.

 The Franklin boys are great big-hearted fellows and their defeat good-naturedly. They recognized their defeat was due to lack of training and practice. The Lafayette boys will long remember the courtesies and the chivalric hospitality extended to them by the members of the Franklin team.

 The Institute team is practicing hard to get in shape for the game with Lake Charles High School next Saturday.

 This will undoubtedly be the greatest game of the season. Both teams are practicing to win. The Lake Charles boys are faster and full equal to our boys in weight. If we win this game there is a strong probability that we shall win every game this season.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1904.

Lafayette Teachers' Club.

                  November, 5, 1904.
  The Lafayette Teachers' Club held its first regular meeting for the autumn to-day at the Industrial Institute with a fairly good attendance of teachers who afterwards joined.

 The Club is very glad to welcome the new teachers to the parish and hope they will join in to help make the work of the Club a success.

 The election of officers was held, and resulted in the choice of Supt. L. J. Alleman for president; W. J. Avery, secretary; and Miss Fadra R. Holmes, correspondent for the Louisiana School Review.

 There being no programme prepared, the Club informally discussed the Bond Amendment and the present literacy in the State. The meeting of the State Teachers' Association to be held here in December was discussed also, after which the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

 "Resolved, that the Lafayette Teachers' Club, of Lafayette, hereby strongly endorse the proposed Million-Dollar Bond Amendment, and appeal to all voters who love their children or their neighbors' children, and who wish to see the standard of citizenship raised to a higher plan, to vote for the bond amendment."

 "Resolved, that the Lafayette Teachers' Club heartily welcome the teachers to the meeting of the State Teachers' Association in December, and that this organization will do all in its power to make the meeting a success and the stay of the teachers as pleasant as possible.
DR. E. L. STEPHENS, President.
W. J. AVERY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1904.

 Regular Examination of Teachers.

 On Thursday and Friday, December 8 and 9, there will be a regular examination of applicants for certificates to teach in the public schools or this parish.

 Applicants and holders of expired certificates will note that an unexpired certificate is a pre-requisite to appointment in the public schools of the State.
           L. J. ALLEMAN,

Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1904.


A New Supply of Home Safes. - The little home safes which the First National Bank introduced in connection with their savings department, proved very popular and the supply on hand was soon exhausted, resulting in disappointment to many. To supply these The First National Bank at once placed a second order, which has arrived, and all those wishing one of these little home safes can have one by calling at the bank.  Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1904.  

Broke His Leg. - Mr. Francois Gueblet, an aged citizen of Lafayette, suffered most unfortunate accident Monday. While walking on the plankwalk on the east side of the court house square, he caught in a loose board, tripped and fell, breaking his leg.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1904.

For Rent or Sale. - The Sunset Hotel, furnished is for rent or sale at reasonable terms. Apply to Mrs. F. Otto, corner Lincoln ave. and Magnolia streets.
Laf. Advertiser 11/10/1904.

 The James Boys in Missouri.

 There is always something picturesque about highwaymen and that is probably the reason they are so often selected as the theme for stage production, but in "The James Boys in Missouri" probably the best drama ever built around the lives of highwaymen, real or mythical, is offered. Truth is stranger than fiction and that is the reason that incidents historically correct from the lives of these noted bandits, staged with sumptuous effects, constitute one of the most sensational plays of the year. This play will appear at Falk's Opera House, Saturday, Nov. 12. Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1904.

The James Boys.

 We have seen the James Boys portrayed in various roles by companies who have chosen dramas built about these picturesque robbers, but in "The James Boys in Missouri" we see the real bandits accurately portrayed by a strong company and wonderful scenic effects. The production has none of the common claptrap, but is very high class in every respect and is clean and wholesome drama abounding in excitement and interest. Falk's Opera House, Saturday, Nov. 12. Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1904.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 11/10/1904.

 Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Martin and children left Tuesday for St. Louis to see the World's Fair.

 Regular services on the second and fourth Sundays of each month at the Episcopal Church, will be resumed next Sunday at 4:30 p. m.

 Mr. Luc Doucet brought to this office yesterday an immense cane raised by him. It is 9 1/2 feet long and weighs 9 1/2 pounds. It is an exhibition in The Advertiser window.

 The Woman's Club will give a Fair at Falk's Opera House Dec. 10, to raise money for the Scholarship given by them at the Industrial Institute.

 Miss Edith Dupre, Mrs. L. Brown, her guest, and Mrs. J. A. Martin left for Jennings to attend the meeting of the Women's Federation of Clubs. Miss Dupre went as representative of the Women's Club of Lafayette.

 Misses Aimee and Agnes Martin and Louise Nollive left yesterday for New Orleans to remain until to-morrow.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1904.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of November 10th, 1900:


 In Lafayette Parish -- Despite the Efforts of Local Republicans The Majority is Largely Democratic.

The result of the election in Lafayette parish was disappointing to the Republicans who had exerted all their energies during the campaign in the hope of reducing the Democratic majority, but as will be seen by the returns the Democrats of the parish were not led astray by either Republican sophistry or Republican promises. The vote was very small. The apathy was due no doubt to the fact that the Democrats felt confident of winning. It is safe to say, however, that the Republicans polled their whole strength. The local leaders of that party worked hard and got their men out to vote, but they failed to make many converts. The election throughout the State was most discouraging to the Republicans who had made ridiculous predictions. In the first and second districts the Republicans were as badly beaten as they were in the third. During the campaign the Lily Whites had much to say about what they were going to do now that they are recognized by the National Party, but when the election day came they utterly failed to sustain their boasts.

 The result in Louisiana shows that the voters are not yet ready to embrace Republicans as their political faith, even though it assumes to be white and pure as the lily.

The returns in this parish are as follows:


Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1900.

Delegates to the Industrial Convention.

 Acting in accordance with a resolution adopted by the City Council, Mayor Caffery has appointed the following delegates to the Southern Industrial Convention to be held in New Orleans next December:  Dr. N. P. Moss, D. V. Gardebled, Crow Girard, Wm. Clegg, E. L. Stephens, C. O. Mouton, B. N. Coronna, J. Arthur Roy, T. M. Biossat, F. Demanade, Other C. Mouton. Mayor Caffery is ex-officio chairman of the delegation. Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1900.


Thanksgiving Services.

 The 29th of November, the day set apart by the president for thanksgiving, will be observed at the Methodist church with ceremonies benefiting the occasion. Prof. E. L. Stephens will read the president's proclamation and Mayor Caffery will read the governor's. The ceremonies will close with a sermon by Rev. C. C. Wier. Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1900.

 Christmas Tree. -  It has already been announced that the ladies of the Sunday school will have a Christmas tree at the Methodist church. Every child of the Sunday school class will be the recipient of a present. This does not mean, however, that others will not be permitted to give and receive presents. On the contrary all are invited to join in commemorating the day and participate in this most beautiful custom.
Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1900.

Epworth League Entertainment.

 The Lafayette Epworth League held a very interesting and well attended meeting in the Methodist church Thursday evening. The exercises were opened by Mr. John L. Kennedy, who made a few appropriate remarks. The musical part of the program consisted of some selections by the choir and vocal solos by Mrs. Crow Girard, Miss Lizzie Mudd and Challie Tolson. Readings by Mrs. Crow Girard, Mrs. F. E. Girard and Miss Virgie Heard, followed by an address delivered by C. C. Wier, concluded the entertainment. Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1900.


 Now that the excitement of the campaign has subsided the business men of Lafayette should look to their interests.

 It seems to us that the most desirable thing just now is a cotton factory. With a factory here to weave the staple into a finished article the future prosperity of our growing town will be assured. Lafayette has never made an earnest effort to build a cotton factory. It is true some of our people have indulged in talk, but aside from a mere waste of breath little has been done.

 The people of Lafayette should not forget that whenever they have gotten together to carry any movement to a successful termination they have succeeded. Organization is needed. Unity of action insures the success of any practical move.

 If the people of the town will work together with the one purpose of getting a cotton factory, none who appreciates the effectiveness of the organized efforts of a community will doubt the results. Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1900.

Real Estate Transfers.

 A promise of sale of the plantation of the late T. D. Weir was made to Raoul Jeanmard of Thibodaux. This transaction amounts practically to a sale as there is a forfeit of $1,000. The price is $10,000 cash. The plantation consists of nearly 500 acres of very valuable land.

 The local real estate agent, Mr. Amb. Mouton, has made the sale of the Magenta plantation, situated in St. Martin parish and owned by the heirs of the late General DeClouet. The purchasers are Mansur Tibbetts & Co., of St. Louis, Mo., and the price paid is $10,500 cash. The Magenta is a very fine tract of about 1,600 acres of land.

 The sale of 161 acres of land situated near Duson, and belonging to J. G. Parkerson, was made through the agency of Amb. Mouton. The land is near Duson and the price is $2,000.
Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1900.

Died. - Mrs. G. W. Scranton, died last Monday at the home of her son, Dr. G. W. Scranton, in the town of Royville. Mrs. Scranton was born in this parish 74 years ago. Her maiden name was Nathalie Breaux; she was a sister of Col. G. A. Breaux and Mrs. Alexander Delhomme.

 Mrs. Scranton's remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery Tuesday. They were followed to the grave by a large number of people.
Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1900.

 A Larger Switchboard. - L. Pradel, traveling electrician of the Cumberland Telephone Company, has been in Lafayette during the past several days working on the switch-board of the local exchange. An increase of business necessitated the addition of 50 more "drops" to the board making the whole number 200. Under the efficient management of Mr. Broussard the business of the exchange increases daily.
Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1900.


 On Friday, November the 16th, A. D. 1900, there will be a service at 9 o'clock a. m. at the Catholic church at Lafayette, La., for the repose of the soul of the late Col. A. D. Boudreaux, and friends, acquaintances, and especially the Veterans of the Confederacy, are invited to attend.
Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1900.

City Council Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., Nov. 5, 1900. - The City Council met this day in regular session, Mayor C. D. Caffery presiding. Members present: Geo. A. DeBlanc, J. O. Mouton, C. O. Mouton, F. Demanade, J. E. Martin, H. Hohorst, F. E. Girard.

 Minutes of previous meetings were adopted as read.

 Mr. F. Demanade, of the street committee, reported that Mr. DeBlanc would accept $100 and Mr. B. Shepard $125 for land necessary to widen street next to Methodist church.

 Mr. J. O. Mouton, chairman of Water Works & Electric Light committee, and asked that further time be granted to report on hydrant at or near the power-house.

 The finance committee's report was accepted. As follows:

 Lafayette, La., Oct. 3, 1900. - To the City Council of the town of Lafayette:  Gentlemen - your finance committee respectfully report that they have this day examined the books of the collector and treasurer, checked off and cancelled the warrants of the latter office, finding all correct. The collections and disbursements since our last preceding report, July 31, have been as follows:


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-------------------p. 6----------------------

 The collector has collected and paid into the treasury in taxes and licenses $415.05; which amount Council should issue warrant in payment to date.

 The following bills were approved:

 ---------------------p. 6-----------------

 Moved by F. E. Girard, seconded by J. O. Mouton, that the mayor appoint ten delegates to the Southern Industrial Convention and that the mayor be ex-officio chairman of said delegates. Carried.

 Moved and duly seconded that the tax rolls prepared by Mr. F. V. Mouton under supervision of the finance committee be accepted and approved and that the rate of taxation for the current year 1900 for general expenses is fixed at the same rate as last year, to-wit:  7 1/2 mills on the dollar. Motion carried.

 Moved by Geo. DeBlanc, seconded by J. O. Mouton that the mayor appoint a committee to purchase 300 feet of fire hose to be divided between three different fire companies. Carried.

 The mayor appointed Water Works & Electric Light committee to purchase same.

 There being no further business the Council adjourned.
Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1900.   

Police Jury Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., Nov. 1, 1900. - The Police Jury met this day with the following members present:  J. C. Buchanan, F. G. Mouton, Alonzo Lacy, Saul Broussard, Alex M. Broussard and J. A. Labbe.

 The president being absent Mr. Labbe was chosen president pro tem.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 Messrs. Mouton and Buchanan asked to have their votes recorded as voting nay on the resolution of Oct. 4, granting T. J. Breaux exemption from penalty and interest in the matter of the judgement against him for delinquent liquor licenses.

 Mr. Saul Broussard reported progress in constructing and repairing bridges in the 6th ward.

 By motion of Mr. Mouton a reward of $10 was offered for the conviction of any person guilty of injuring any bridge or other public property or of placing obstructions in the public highway.

 A communication from Dr. Hays, superintendent of the Insane Asylum, setting forth delicate condition of one, Emilie Hebert, colored, was read, and by motion Deputy Thos. Mouton, was instructed to proceed to Jackson and return said insane person to this parish for safe keeping and care.

 The resignation of Dr. LeLaureal as member of the parish Board of Health was accepted, the doctor insisting upon this action.

 By motion of Mr. Buchanan, Sheriff Broussard was instructed to proceed forthwith to the collection of all delinquent special road and per capita taxes, and that the sheriff be allowed same costs as in the collection of delinquents of regular taxes.

 By motion of Mr. Mouton the drainage fund the respective wards was placed to the credit of the special road tax fund of the various wards.

 The petition of the citizens of the 2d ward praying for the opening of a public road between the properties of Burton Smith, Oneal Foreman, W. T. Nickels and Girard Foreman and Baptiste Lagneaux, was read and by motion the said road was ordered opened provided that no costs accrue to the parish. Donations of right of way were ordered recorded when properly drawn and signed.

 Messrs. J. A. Labbe, F. G. Foreman and R. C. Greig were appointed to estimate the probable expenses of the parish for the year 1901.

 Messrs. J. A. Labbe, F. G. Mouton and R. C. Greig were appointed to check up the tax collector's account of taxes collected for the year 1899 and if same be found correct the committee was authorized to grand quietus.

 The treasurer submitted the following reports:

 To the President and Members of Police Jury, Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of parish funds since my last report:

 ------------------------p. 4----------------

 Respectfully submitted,
    J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.


------------------P. 4---------------

 To the President and Members of Police Jury, Lafayette parish, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of road tax funds since my last report:

----------------p. 4-----------------


 --------------------p. 4----------------

 Respectfully submitted, 
      J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.
 Lafayette, La., Nov. 1, 1900.

 The following accounts were laid over:

 J. A. Landry, sundries for jail ... $81.90
 Waters Pierce Oil Co., oil ... $6.31

 The following accounts were approved:

-------------------p. 4---------------------

 There being no further business the Jury adjourned.
J. A. LABBE, President pro tem.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1900.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 11/10/1900.

 Judge Debaillon was busy holding court in Crowley during the week. 

 The ladies are again reminded that A. T. Caillouet's is the headquarters for the New Idea Patterns.

 Come up to the Century Club Tuesday night where you will be permitted to read the election bulletins for 50 cents.

 Citron, currants, seedless raisins and all kinds of spices for fruit cakes, at Tanner's grocery. 

 The result of the election in Louisiana affords The Gazette a solid chunk of Democratic comfort, anyhow. Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1900.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of November 10th, 1894:


 The election in Lafayette parish passed off very quietly and peaceably Congressman Price receiving 1,117 votes and Judge Taylor Beattie 126. Mr. Price was re-elected by an overwhelming majority and completed returns from other districts of the state show victory for all Democratic nominees. The National Republican State Executive Committee have announced their intention of filing contests in the first, second and third congressional districts, that they count on a Republican House of Representatives to sustain. Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1894.


 With but little exception the plank walk system of the town is rapidly approaching a state of chaos that will completely destroy its usefulness to pedestrians. The local authorities do not appear to take the amount of interest in matters of this kind that their importance demands. If this and similar conveniences intended for the benefit of the public cannot be properly maintained on account of an insufficiency of the town's revenues, let the necessary showing be made to the tax payers who, it is fair to presume, would agree to a reasonable additional rate of taxation in order to fully enjoy indispensable conveniences. Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1894.


 For the Ladies.

 For the greater convenience of their numerous lady patrons, the enterprising firm of Moss Bros. & Co. have recently had a large sky-light placed in the roof of their store. A perfect flood of light now pours into the dry goods and millinery department's offering an advantage in selecting dress goods and all colored fabrics that the ladies will not fail to appreciate. Shopping in the store of Moss Bros. & CO. will now be found a greater pleasure than ever. Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1894.

Christmas is Coming.

 Whether or not the times be hard Christmas comes once a year and the year 1894 will prove no exception to the rule. Acting on this knowledge and being firm adherents to the belief that it is the duty of all mortals to make Christmas a distinctively enjoyable occasion. Messrs. Moss Bros. & Co. have gone to work with their usual earnestness to provide for friends and patrons a magnificent collection of toys, dolls, holiday goods and art novelties. Their holiday stock will soon commence to arrive and its variety and extent will be a pleasant surprise to people of all ages. Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1894. 


Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 11/10/1894.

 It is to-day that Mercury is billed to move across the sun's disk. It's motion will be from east to west across the sun's face. The placing of a piece of smoked  glass across the eye-piece of a telescope will enable a person to observe the transit. 

 Rev. E. Forge is having important additions and improvements made to his residence, under the direction of contractor Fred Mouton.

 Manager John Hahn, of the Crescent Hotel, returned on the 3rd instant from a short but enjoyable conge spent in New Orleans and Biloxi, Miss.

 Mr. G. C. Bienvenu has our thanks for several fine stalks of sugar cane left at our office. One of the stalks weighed 10 1/2 pounds. 

 Miss Nellie Bailey left Sunday to visit friends in the Crescent City.

 Judge A. J. Moss went to New Iberia on business, Thursday.

 Mr. J. Rene Bonnet, the energetic manager of the N. O. Brewing Association's branch agency at Lafayette, has placed a substantial and attractive delivery wagon in use here recently.

 The Lafayette Rice Mill is turning out some grades of rice that the owners are offering at lowest market quotations. Other things being equal the home merchants should give preference to a home industry in placing their orders for rice.

 At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the People's State Bank held the 7th instant, Mr. Chas. O. Mouton was elected to fill the vacancy on the board caused by the resignation of Mr. E. H. Vordenbaumen on account of the latter's removal to New Orleans.

 There has been much complaint for several days past on account of the unreasonably long lapse of time between the arrival of the west bound train and the distribution of the mail it brings from the east. The present arrangement is not the most convenient for the public.

 Judge and Mrs. Blackman were the guests of the Rigues hotel this week.

 There was a sitting of the Circuit Court here, this week. Judges Perry and Blackman being on the bench.

 Mr. William Eves, of Lake Charles, visited last week his brother Mr. Willes Eves, the assistant section Foreman at this place.

 Mr. P. B. Roy, was in town last Wednesday to attend a meeting of the Directors of the People's State Bank.
Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1894.





 From the Lafayette Gazette of November 10th, 1894:


While the election news from different parts of the union are not such as to cause jubilation among the Democrats of Lafayette, it should be a source of genuine pleasure to them to know that their own parish has remained true to the cause of Democracy and white supremacy.

 The white people of this parish have spoken and in no unmistakable terms they have recorded a strong and solemn protest against the action of the bounty people to turn this State over to the Republicans. Some too sanguine Republicans had indulged in the fond hope that this good old Democratic parish would give a big vote to Beattie and for bounty, and some of them were bold enough to commit the unpardonable sin of placing it on the doubtful list. The result proves the political sagacity of these gentlemen. They were away off and evidently did not know the people of this parish. Because a few erring, but honest Democrats, had expressed their willingness to vote for Beattie, these mistaken prophets foresaw a large Republican gain. "Just wait until the election and you'll see!" And what did we see? The most complete snowing under of the Republicans in the history of our parish. In two of the largest wards they did not get a single vote, not even one for seed. In another precinct one lonely Republican ticket kept company to 47 Democratic ballots. Right here in the town of Lafayette, the so-called strong hold of the Republicans which is said to have been promised to Beattie, the Democrats scored a glorious victory, getting a majority of 163 out of the total vote of 299.

 Although our pleasure has been marred by the landslide in other States our own State and particularly our parish, have given us ample cause to rejoice.

 One of the encouraging features of the election was the absence of the negroes from the polls. It was a white man's fight from start to finish, and no good citizen, Republican or Democrat, will regret it. Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1894.

The Vote.

 The following is the vote of this parish by precincts:

 ------------------p. 3-----------------

 Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1894.

 Southern Pacific Time Tables.

 The Southern Pacific Co. will issue in a few weeks, the first number of their new publication entitled "Official Time-tables, of the Southern Pacific, Atlantic System." This book will embrace the local timetables of each division of the road and of all connecting lines and will be of value to the traveler. Embodied in the publication will be a description of the towns on the road, the commercial importance, business interests, points of interest to the traveler and to the other settler. A birds-eye view of the city or a view of the principal business street, a write-up of the advantages each place possesses and a classified business directory of the merchants in each city on the line of the road. As an advertising medium for the merchants that work will especially commend itself and will show to other places what we have in our own city. It will be interesting to the prospective settler and will show the progress we have made in our business enterprises. Mr. J. E. McDonald, an experienced newspaper man, has this work in charge for the Southern Pacific Co. and will be here in a few days and we trust that our merchants will give him such encouragement as this publication merits. Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1894.


Fifth Ward Democrats.

 Resolved that we the democrats of the 5th ward, Parish of Lafayette in mass meeting assembled, having this day elected Mr. A. A. Labbe as member of the Democratic Executive Committee of said parish, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. F. C. Latiolais, declare our unanimous preference for white primaries by direct vote of the people for all candidates for ward and parochial offices, and for white primaries for the selection of delegates to State nominating conventions.

 Resolved that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the chairman of Parish Executive Committee, and a copy to the Lafayette Gazette and Lafayette Advertiser.
     (Signed) ED. L. ESTORGE, Chairman.
Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1894.


New Grocery. - One of the best arranged groceries that we have ever seen is the one recently opened by Mr. Henry Hohorst at the corner of Lafayette and Vermilion, where a fresh supply of first-class goods is always on hand. Mr. Pellerin, the accommodating and ever-courteous clerk, invites the public to call and get his prices before purchasing elsewhere.  Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1894.

Another New Store. - Attention is directed to the advertisement of Paul Demanade & Co., who have opened a store in the building formerly occupied by A. Labe. Paul has served the public as post-master for several years and now he proposes to provide them with groceries, liquors, wines, oysters and hot and cold lunches. Mr. Demanade's bar is thoroughly assorted with the best brands of the different drinks.
Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1894.

W. F. Beatty, Dentist.

  For three years a resident of Crowley, Dr. W. F. Beatty, dentist, has made permanent arrangements to be in Lafayette the first week in each month. He will be in Lafayette on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th of December next. All work guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Office: Next door to the bank.
Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1894.

Painful Accident.

 Miss Aimee Martin, the young daughter of Mr. A. M. Martin, fell from a horse last Sunday and broke an arm. Dr. Martin was called and he bandaged the arm of the unfortunate little girl, who, we are pleased to say, is doing well. Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1894.

An Omission.

 We omitted to mention in our last issue a pleasant visit from our ever-genial friend, David Mouton who is now employed as locomotive engineer on the Northbend plantation in St. Mary parish. Dave is well pleased with his present home. Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1894.

 Back in N. O.

 Hon. O. Cade returned Wednesday to resume his official duties as superintendent of the New Orleans Mint, satisfied with the result of the election in his (Lafayette) parish. Mr. Cade is very popular with the people of this parish, and is every ready to work for the success of the Democracy and his earnest efforts in behalf of the party were instrumental in achieving the brilliant victory of last Tuesday. Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1894.


 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 11/10/1894.

 Three cheers for Broussardville.

 Mouton's Switch did its whole duty.

 Carencro has dealt a death blow to Republicanism in this parish.

 Royville did very well and "Cherokee" is happy.

 We return thanks to the author, Mr. Van der Cruyssen for a copy of his latest musical composition, the "Eunice Polka."

 Mr. H. A. Eastin, the painter, has been at work in the store of Gerac Bros. where a decided improvement is noticeable.

 Judge Perry and Blakeman held a short session of the circuit court Thursday, decided a case from St. Landry parish and adjourned.
Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1894.





1894: Southern Pacific Time-Tables.

The Southern Pacific Co. will issue in a few weeks, the first number of their new publication entitled "Official Time-tables, of the Southern Pacific, Atlantic System." This book will embrace the local time-tables of each division of the road and of all connecting lines and will be of value to the traveler. Embodied in the publication will be a description of the towns on the road, the commercial importance, business interests, points of interest to the traveler and to the settler. A birds-eye view of the city or a view of the principle business street, a write up of the advantages each place possesses and a classified business directory of the merchants in each city on the line of the road. As an advertising medium for the merchants this work will especially commend itself and will show to other places what we have in our own city. It will be interesting to the prospective settler and will show the progress we have made and will show the progress we have made in out business enterprises. Mr. J. E. McDonald, an experienced newspaper man, has this work in charge for the Southern Pacific Co. and will be here in a few days and we trust that our merchants will give him such encouragement as this publication merits.

Lafayette Gazette 11/10/1894.

The Fighting in Port Arthur. 
 [From the Picayune.] 

 The action of the Japanese authorities in permitting the publication of many of the details of the fighting around Port Arthur since the commencement of the siege, has thrown a flood of light upon the events which have accompanied a siege which promises to prove the most memorable in modern times. It is true that but little is known as to the results achieved by the fighting of the past week or ten days other than the Japanese have made steady progress, and that the last stages of the defense have undoubtedly commenced, but the real situation is now much better understood.

 The only parallels that can be found in comparatively recent history where the operations can be considered to have been upon a similar scale have been Sebastopal and Plevna. It is true that there have been other sieges equally memorable, but they presented fewer common features, and therefore furnish no good comparisons. Thus, for instance, there was the siege of Vicksburg and that of Petersberg during our Civil War, the siege of Paris and that of Metz during the Franco Prussian war, and finally the siege of Ladysmith in the war in South Africa of but a few years ago. All these sieges were of the first magnitude, both as to attack and defense, but neither at Paris nor at Metz, nor even at Vicksburg were the fortifications of the permanent and formidable character which those at Port Arthur can justly be claimed to be. Even the siege of Plevna can only be accepted as a poor comparison because of the tremendous defense which the Turkish commander, Osman Pasha, made, and the frightful loss which the Russians sustained in subduing the place. The siege of Sabastopol during the Crimea was the principal event of that war, and the fall of the fortress marked the practical end of the struggle. The capture of Plevna was the turning point in the war between Turkey and Russia, whereas the siege of Port Arthur promises only to prove a memorable incident in the existing war. The fall of the fortress will not decide the contest. The capture of this mighty stronghold, justly considered as near impregnable as a fortress can be made, will afford Japan no real advantage which she does not now possess, and had the Russians abandoned it without a fight they would probably have acted wisely. In the one case the fortress is being attacked as a matter of national pride, and in the other it is being defended for identically the same reason. 
Lafayette Advertiser 11/10/1904.

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