Wednesday, July 24, 2013


At the annual election of Lafayette Lodge No. 37 K. of P., held on Thursday Dec. 27th, 1888, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Wm. Campbell, P. C.; J. Hannen, C.C.; A. Cayard, V. C.; W. D. Huff, Prelate; Chs. H. Lusted, M. of A.; B. falk, K. of R. & S.; E. McDaniel, I. G., A. V. Jeffers, O. G.; Representative to the Grand Lodge B. Falk; Alternate, W. Campbell.
Laf. Adv. 1/5/1889.

Bear in mind that to-night the Knights of Labor Ball invites your sympathy and attention. The net proceeds go to our street lamp fund. Every citizen is individually interested in the success of this entertainment and should lend his aid to it. It will be no gratuitous contribution on the part of those who attend; besides future benefits, they will be fully remunerated by taking advantage of the opportunities for enjoyment which will be offered them on this occasion.
Laf. Adv. 1/5/1889.

Members of Lafayette Lodge 8194 K. of H., are requested to be in attendance at the meeting Tuesday, 8th inst. Officers for the ensuing year will be installed on that date and a delegation from the Grand Lodge will be in attendance. We hear it whispered that there will be roast turkey and other good things to wind the evening up. Laf. Adv. 1/5/1889.



 Hope Lodge No. 145, F. & A. M. - Meets first and third Friday of each month in Masonic Hall corner Vermilion and Monroe. (Now Polk St.) .. C. D. Caffery, W M L O Emes , Secretary.


Lafayette Lodge No. 37 K. of P. -- Meets every Thursday night in Castle Hall over First National Bank, Vermilion St. W. H. Alexander, C. C. ;   Geo. W. Knapp, K. of R. and S. -- Section 1336. Endowment Rank -- Henry Gankendorf, President; Joe. P. Colomb, Secretary.


Ideal Lodge, No. 25, A. O. U. W. -- Meets first Wednesday of each month in Hall over First National Bank, C. O. Mouton, M. W. ;   J. T. Allingham.


Lafayette Lodge, No. 3194, K. of H. -- Meets the second and fourth Friday of each month over First National Bank. Dr. J. F. Mouton, Dictator; F. C. Triay, Reporter.

Lafayette, La., Local, No. 91. --  Meets over First National Bank first and third Saturday of each month at 8 p. m. P. B. Torian, C. C. ;  C. R. Schmidt, R. C. and C.


Morgan Lodge, No. 317 -- Meets every Monday at 7:30 p. m., except last Monday at 8 a. m. at K. and P. hall above First National Bank. J. B. Coumes, M. ;  Lock Nevue, S. ;  Don A. Greig, F. ;  M. L. Boudreaux, C. ;  A. A. Mouton, A.


Alibamas Tribe, No. 58, -- Meets every Friday at 7:30 P. M. in K. of P. hall. L. F. Guerre, P. S.;  C. J. Young, S.;  Dr. H. P. Beeler. S. S.;  I. B. Bendel, J. S.;  J. O. Herpin, C. of R.;  Galbert Comeaux, K. of W. Lafayette Advertiser 1/6/1904.

Red Man's Euchre.
 The progressive euchre given by the Red Men at Falk's Hall New Year's eve was a decided success socially and financially. The following is a list of the prizes and their winners.

 In game A. the first prizes were won by Mrs. S. Kahn and Mr. Lucious Prudhomme; consolation, Miss Aimee Martin and Mr. Ed Higginbotham; booby, Miss Delhomme and Mr. A. Clark. In game B. first prizes were won by Miss Ruby Scranton and Mr. J. O. Donohoe; consolation, Miss L. Bailey and Mr. Marshall; lone hand, Mrs. D. Schwartz and Mr. Marshall; booby, Miss Irma Voorhies and Mr. B. J. Pellerin. Lafayette Advertiser 1/6/1904. 

Badly Cut.

 Mr. Chas. Lusted, Sr., while returning home from a supper given by the local lodge K. of P. was assaulted by a negro on horseback and dangerously cut Friday morning about 1 o'clock. A few minutes after the occurrence a negro on horseback rode up to Mr. Ben Schmalinski, who was standing on the corner at the Moss Pharmacy, and grabbed his hat. Mr. Schmalinski fired twice at him, but missed. Later the negro was arrested by officer Campbell in Octave Bertrand's plantation, and lodged in jail. The negro is supposed to be the same who cut Mr. Lusted.   Lafayette Advertiser 1/6/1904. 

Important Meeting. - We are informed by J. T. Allingham, the affable secretary of the American Legion of Honor, No. 1055, that this council held a very important meeting at their hall last Tuesday. Three applications were received and sent to the medical examiner. Another meeting will be held on Jan. 16, at 7:30 p. m. All members are earnestly requested to attend. 
Lafayette Gazette 1/6/1894.


The Young Hyperions.

 A beautiful and well merited compliment is paid to the Hyperion Brass Band of Vermilionville, on Wednesday evening at Hebert's Hall, by the Masonic Fraternity of Hope Lodge, in the presence of a large and appreciative audience.

 M. E. Girard, Esq., by request, presented the following preamble and resolution, together with a slight token of friendship and esteem, in an able and appreciate address to the young Hyperions, which were accepted and responded to by their honored and worthy President, F. F. Mouton, Esq., in his usual happy style.

 We are sorry that we are unable to give the speeches of these gentlemen ;  but we can safely say, that all present will long remember the pleasant evening of Wednesday last at Hebert's Hall.

HALL OF HOPE LODGE, NO. 145, F.A. M., Secretary's Office.

 At a meeting of Hope Lodge No. 145, F. A. M., at their Lodge room at Vermilionville, La., on the 22nd day of Dec., 1873, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted.

 On the part of Hope Lodge, No. 145, F. A. M., we the undersigned very respectfully take occasion to offer our most grateful thanks to the Hyperion Brass Band of Vermilionville, for the able manner in which they have so cheerfully made themselves agreeable to as on several occasions.

 They may rest assured that such complaisance on their part has not remained unduly appreciated.

Be it Resolved, that a copy of the above be transmitted to the Hyperion Brass Band.
  (Signed.) J. M. BROWN, J. D. TRAHAN, L. M. ROGEE.

 I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy from the original on file in my office.

 Witness thy hand and the seal of office this day of Dec. A. D., 1873.
  JOS. A. CHARGOIS, Secretary.

 After the reading of the foregoing preamble and resolution, on motion of Mr. J. D. Palmer, Leader of the Band, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted :

 Resolved, That the members of the Hyperion Band tender their heartfelt thanks for the high compliment paid them and the flattering honor conferred upon them to-night by the Masonic Lodge of this place.

 Resolved, That the members of said Band gladly avail themselves of this opportunity to present to said Lodge the offer of their gratuitous services whenever needed.

 Resolved, That the best thanks and wishes of the Band are hereby tendered to Mr. T. Hebert, Jr., for his kindness and courtesy in placing the Hebert Hall at the disposal of the Band on this occasion.

 Resolved, That the foregoing proceedings and resolutions be published in the LAFAYETTE ADVERTISER and the Cotton Boll.
    ED. EUG. MOUTON, President.
J. D. PALMER, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/10/1874.

K. of P. Annual Banquet.

 Thursday night Lafayette Lodge No. 37, K. of P. gave their annual banquet at the Gordon Hotel. It was a most delightful affair. The supper was elegant, and notwithstanding the gloomy weather outside the atmosphere inside the spacious dining hall was permeated with brightness and good cheer.

 Lafayette Lodge K. of P. knows how to entertain royally and Thursday night was most agreeable illustration. Mr. Levi Emmes presided at one end of the table and Mr. C. Lusted Sr., at the other. After full justice had been done to the many good things served for the pleasure of themselves and guests, toasts were called for and some more good things were added to the enjoyment of the evening. A number of gentlemen were present as guests and they will remember for a long time the delightful evening spent at the annual banquet of Lafayette Lodge No. 37, K. of P. Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1905.

Knights of Honor.
Tuesday night, the Knights of Honor held their annual installation of officers at Falk's Hall. After the ceremony, they sat down to an elegant supper, and enjoyed themselves immensely. Of course it was a family affair, and no outsiders were admitted; but we learn from one of the members present that the question asked the Governor of North Carolina by the Governor of South Carolina was the subject of frequent discussion, and was finally settled in a manner highly satisfactory to all the brothers. Lafayette Advertiser 1/12/1889.

Death of T. P. Caillouet.

 At a special meeting of St. Hohn's Branch, 792, Catholic Knights of America, Sunday Jan. 9, 1898, the following resolutions were adopted:

 Whereas, It has pleased God in His inscrutable wisdom, which passeth human understanding, to call from our ranks, our brother Knight and vice-president, T. P. Caillouet and

 Whereas, This branch loses by the death of brother Caillouet, an active and devout Catholic Knight, a kind and true friend, possessed in an eminent degree of all moral and social qualifications which made of him a loved and loving, devoted father, and a Christian gentleman  of the truest type.

 Be it resolved, That whilst bowing to the will of Him who doeth all things well, we here record our sense of profound sorrow at the death of our beloved brother and express our respectful sympathy and condolence to his bereaved family.

 Be it further resolved, That a mass be said for the repose of his soul.

 And that these resolutions be spread on the minutes of the meeting, that a copy be engrossed and sent to his widow, and a copy furnished to the local papers for publication.

 That the charter of this branch be draped in mourning, and that the members wear the usual mourning badge during thirty days.

 CHAS. O. MOUTON, Chairman,
 L. F. RiGUES,
 F. V. MOUTON, Committee.
Lafayette Gazette 1/15/1898.

 The Knights of Pythias.

A banquet was given at Domengeaux's restaurant last Tuesday evening by the Knights of Pythias. The installation of officers took place a few days ago and the banquet was given to commemorate that event. The installation ceremony was conducted by District Deputy John Vigneaux and the following officers were installed: T. J. Breaux, C. C. H.; W. C. H.; W. H. Alexander, V. C. H.; W. V. Nicholson, P. Felix Mouton, M. E.; Levi Emes, M. F.; C. E. Casey, K. R. S.; C. Lusted, M. W.; W. L. Lacoste, I. G.; W. E. Johnson, O. G.

The banquet was splendidly gotten up, everything being calculated to make the occasion a most pleasurable one. The victuals and wines were of a high degree of excellence and the service was faultless. The lofty ideals of Pythianism and the unselfish spirit of brotherhood which characterizes the order throughout the world afforded fruitful themes to the toast makers. The Lafayette lodge of Knights of Pythias is in a most prosperous condition. Its membership is large and continually increasing. Lafayette Gazette 1/18/1902.

To the Public. - This is to certify that I have received from Lafayette Lodge No. 3194, K. of H., the sum of $2,000 in full payment of the death benefit of my late husband, Chet. LeBlanc, Jr. - Mrs. Clet. LeBlanc, Jr.
Lafayette Gazette 1/19/1901.

Knights of Honor.

Lafayette Lodge, Knights of Honor, held a very interesting meeting at Falk's Opera House, their usual place of meeting, on Wednesday evening last. Ass announced, it was a special meeting held for the purpose of installing officers for the ensuing year, and so fixed that certain officers of the Grand Lodge who were to be at Opelousas on the 16th, might likewise visit the brethren here. The Lodge was called to order at eight o'clock by Dictator J. D. Trahan with a full attendance of Sir Knights and the following grand officers present:

Eugene F. Dyer, Grand Dictator; D. T. Weil, Past Grand Dictator, Edward Demikamp, Grand Treasurer and D. J. Searcy, Grand Reporter. After some little preliminary work the doors were thrown open and a number of visitors in waiting, invited for the occasion, entered the lodge room and the installation ceremonies were proceeded with, Past Grand Dictator Weil and Grand Dictator Dyer, officiating. The officers elect, a list of whom we published not long since, were then duly installed. The installation ceremony is short but the same time quite impressive. At the conclusion of this part of the work Grand Dictator Dyer addressed the Lodge and guests on the merits of the order, and was listened to with marked attention. He made no claim to oratory and spoke without ostentation. His remarks were plain and sensible and we are quite sure produced a very favorable impression for the speaker individually as well as the cause he advocated. Past Dictator Weil also spoke with marked effect and Judge A. C. Allen also present made an appropriate and eloquent address, and was followed in turn by Judge Debaillon and Dr. Trahan. At the conclusion of the evenings work the members of the lodge and their guests descended to the room below and sat down to an excellent supper gotten up for the occasion, during which a number of toasts were drunk and all seemed to have a pleasant time. Altogether the meeting was a success and we have no doubt produced a very favorable impression for the benovolent order under whose auspices it was held. We understand that several applications for membership were signed on the spot. The Grand Officers left by the early morning train for New Orleans. Lafayette Advertiser 1/20/1894.

A. O. U. W. Officers.
 At a meeting of Ideal Lodge No. 25 A. O. U. W., last Monday, the following officers were elected: C. O. Mouton, master-workman; H. A. Van der Cruyssen, foreman; J. E. Weigle, Jr., overseer; Ben Falk, guide; J. T. Allingham, financier; Thomas Rogers, inside watchman; Joseph Rogers, outside watchman; J. J. Davidson, Sidney Mouton, H. A. Van der Cruyssen, trustees, C. O. Mouton, reporter to grand lodge; Dr. F. R. Tolson, medical examiner.
Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.


Knights of Pythias.

Lodge 37 of the Knights of Pythias, the local organization, met Thursday last in regular session, and the officers of the lodge lately elected were installed with the usual ceremonies. The lodge was honored by a visit from Grand Chanellor Commander W. L. Erwin, accompanied by Acting Grand V. C. Brother F. C. Marsh of St. Mary 44; Acting Grand P. Brother C. C. Kramer of New Iberia 39; Acting M. at A. W. J. Compton of Ibeia 39.

The following officers were installed: W. H. Alexander, C. C.; J. Campbell, P.; G. B. Knapp, K. R. S.; L. O. Emes, M. F.; Hyman Plonsky, M. E.; J. Colomb, M. A.; W. E. Johnson, I. G.; P. Cockerman, O. G.; J. Vigneaux, Representative to Grand Lodge; J. T. Breaux, Alternate.

A delightful lunch was given at Domegeaux's Restaurant Thursday evening in honor of the visiting Pythians. Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.

A regular meeting of Hope Lodge F. & A. M., No. 145, will be held at the Lodge room this evening at 6:00 o'clock. All members are earnestly invited to attend. Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.

The "C" Social.
 The people of Lafayette are reminded that the "C" social will take place at Falk's hall on next Tuesday night. Beginning at 6 o'clock, an elegant supper will be served at popular prices. At 8 o'clock the rendition of the following program will begin.

 Piano duet ... Clara Clark, Clarissa Coleman.
 Song ... CeceliaClayton.
 Recitation ... Cynthia Crow
 Piano solo ... Clothilde Chachere
 Mandolin and Guitar duet ... Cora Caldwell, Clara Carey.
 Recitation ... Celia Curtis.
 Piano duet ... Cleopatra Carrington, Cleopatra Conway.
 Song ... Clavie Cumington.
 Violin solo ... Carmen Cousa.
 Admission 10 cents.
 Lafayette Gazette 1/26/1901.

The Knights of Honor.

 The local lodge of Knights of Honor had a very fine banquet at Falk's Opera-house last Tuesday night. The banquet was given to celebrate the installation of the following officers who were elected on the 13th of last December to serve during the ensuing term: Dr. J. Franklin Mouton, dictator; F. H. Clark, vice-dictator; Alfred Hebert, assistant dictator; George DeBlanc, reporter; A. E. Mouton, financial reporter; B. Falk, treasurer; Albert DeLahoussaye, guard; F. V. Mouton, chaplain; B. Miller, guardian; Louis Lacoste, sentinel; J. WEiggle, F. H. Clark, Alfred Hebert, trustees. All the officers were present at the banquet and the following members were there: Desire Doucet, P. A. Delhomme, Cyprien Montet and Gus Schmulen. The rotund and genial knight, Isadore Isaacs, represented the Opelousas lodge in a very creditable manner both from a culinary and social standpoint. The dinner was prepared and served under the efficient supervision of Vice-Dictator Clark who earned the thanks of all the diners. The lodge is in a very prosperous condition and numbers on its list of membership some or our best and most substantial citizens. Lafayette Gazette 1/28/1899.

K. OF H.

 At the regular meeting of Lafayette Lodge 3194 K. of H. the following officers were installed by Past Director Chas. D. Caffery to serve for the year 1899.

Dictator,Dr. J. F. Mouton,
Vice Dictator, F. H. Clark,
Asst. Dictator, Alfred Hebert,
Reporter, Geo. A. DeBlanc,
Finan. Reporter, A. E. Mouton,
Treasurer, B. Falk,
Guide, Alb. Delahoussaye,
Chaplain, F. V. Mouton,
Guardian, B. Miller,
Sentinel, Louis Locoste,
Trustees, Jake Weigle,
Alfred Hebert, F. H. Clark.

K. OF P.

 At a meeting held on Saturday January 21st, Lafayette Lodge No. 37, K. of P. elected the following officers to serve for the present year.

 B. Falk, C. C.
H. Gankendorff, V. C.
J. Walters, M. of W.
C. H. Lusted, P.
J. Hannen, M. of Ex.
D. H. Delahoussaye, I. G.
G. Poinboeuf, O. G.
E. Lehman, K. R. & S. I. of F.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/28/1899.

Last Tuesday night, the officers recently elected, whose names were published, at the time, of Lafayette Lodge No. 3194, K. of H., were duly installed. Past Dictator B. Falk officiating. Laf. Adv. 1/28/1899.

An elegant and substantial banquet was given at Falk's Opera House on last Tuesday night by the lodge of Knights of Honor No. 3194. Visiting brethren from New Orleans were in attendance. A good many applications for membership were received. The cheapest life insurance to be gotten now, is by membership in the K. of H. Laf. Adv. 1/29/1898.

The Gazette returns thanks to the A. O. U. W. Lodge for a very handsome invitation to a ball given by them at Falk's hall to-night. Laf. Gaz. 1/29/1898.


The following officers-elect of Lafayette Lodge No. 31, K. of H., were duly installed Tuesday night; C. D. Caffery, dictator; Dr. J. F. Mouton, vice-dictator; A. Hebert, assistant dictator; Dr. J. D. Trahan, past dictator; Geo. A. Leblanc, reporter; A. E. Mouton, financial reporter; B. Falk, treasurer; J. E. Weigle, guide; T. F. Webb, chaplain; Alex Delahoussaye, sentinel; B. Miller, guard; Dr. J. D. Trahan, representative; B. Falk, alternate representative; F. Demanade, J. Weigle and F. C. Traiy, trustees. Lafayette Gazette 2/1/1896.

Castle Hall Lafayette Lodge 37.

 Whereas by decree of the Almighty God Supreme Chancellor of the Universe, our late brother, Eli McDaniel has been taken from this earthly life and it is meet that we should put upon record an expression of our appreciation of his virtue and our sorrow for his loss, therefore be it.

 Resolved that the death of Bro. Eli McDaniel struck from the roll of the Knights of Pythias and Lafayette Lodge 37 the name of one whose kindly disposition an genial manner, won him the fraternal regard of his brother knights and the good opinion of his friends and fellow citizens generally

 Resolved our heart-felt sympathies are extended to his bereaved wife and sorrowing children bereft by his untimely taking off and that in token of our condolences and regard copies of this memorial be forwarded to the family by the keeper record, and seals and entered in the minutes of the Lodge.
         W. H. ALEXANDER,
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.

M. E. Girard, Esq., left for New Orleans yesterday, to attend the annual convocation of the Grand Masonic bodies of the State, in which he occupies important positions.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1878

We have learned of a movement that is now being agitated by members of the order to bring together in general convocation, every six months, the membership of the several local lodges Knights of Honor, of adjoining towns for purposes of sociability and improvement. We consider the suggestion a good one and believe that both the order and its members would be directly benefited by regular conferences of this kind as the natural consequence of the travel and interchange of ideas that would be occasioned by this means. Also, closer friendly and business relations would be established between members residing in neighboring towns, the results of which would prove of mutual advantage. The ADVERTISER wishes success to the movement. Laf. Advertiser 2/10/1894.

We are requested to remind members of Hope Lodge that a stated meeting will take place on the 17th. inst. Laf. Adv. 2/10/1894.

Twelve New Applications. - Since the installation of the officers of the Lafayette Lodge Knights of Honor twelve applications for membership have been filed with the secretary. Laf. Gaz. 2/10/1894.

Knights of Honor. - Tuesday night, the Knights of Honor held their annual installation of officers at Falk's Hall. After the ceremony, they sat down to an elegant supper, and enjoyed themselves immensely. Of course it was a family affair, and no outsiders were admitted; but we learn from one of the members present that the question asked the Governor of North Carolina by the Governor of South Carolina was  the subject of frequent discussion, and was finally settled in a manner highly satisfactory to all the brothers. 

Lafayette Advertiser 1/12/1889.

Lafayette, La., Feb. 11, 1901.
Castle Hall,
Lafayette Lodge, No. 37.

 Whereas by a decree of Almighty God, Supreme Chancellor of the Universe, our late brother, Elie McDaniel, has been taken from his earthly life and it is meet that we should put upon record an expression of our appreciation of his virtues and our sorrow for his loss:

 Therefore, be it resolved, That the death of Brother Elie McDaniel, struck from the roll of the Knights of Pythias, Lafayette Lodge No. 37, the name of one whose kindly manner and genial disposition won him the fraternal regard of his brother knights and the good opinion of his friends and fellows citizens generally.

 Resolved, That our heartfelt sympathizers extended to his bereaved wife and sorrowing children, bereft by his untimely taking off, and that in token of our condolences and regard copies of this memorial be forwarded to the family by the keeper of records and seal and entered upon the minutes of the lodge.
    John Vigneaux, W. H. Alexander, Albert Delahoussaye,  (Committee.)
Laf. Gazette 2/16/1901.   

Dr. J. D. Trahan and Chas. D. Caffery, Esq., left Monday for New Orleans to attend the meetings of the Grand Lodge of the Masons. Laf. Gaz. 2/17/1894.

The Knights of Honor. 

Lafayette Lodge, No. 3194, Knights of Honor met last Tuesday and initiated two new members. Eight applications were read and referred to the investigating committee. The members of this lodge are very enthusiastic over the prospects of capturing the prize of $30 offered by Supreme Dictator Marsden Bellamy to each lodge initiating ten full-rate members before March 1. Judging by the number of applications received the "goat" will have a good deal of work at the next session, on the 4th Tuesday of this month. Lafayette Gazette 2/17/1894.

At their regular meeting on the 16th inst., Lafayette Lodge K. of H. operated on two candidates. Eight applications for membership are pending. Laf. Adv. 2/17/1894.

A regular meeting of Hope Lodge will be held at the lodge room this evening at the usual hour. Members are requested to take notice. Laf. Adv. 2/17/1894.

Judge A. C. Allen, of St. Mary, former Judge of this district, has been elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana Masons. Laf. Adv. 2/19/1898.

Mardi Gras Ball. - The ball given by the Benevolent Knights of America on the evening of the 16th proved a most highly enjoyable and successful affair in every respect. Many ladies and gentlemen from Breaux Bridge and other towns were present and lent beauty and charm to the happy occasion. Refreshments were served and social intercourse added to the many pleasant features of enjoyment. The Association extends its hearty thanks to the ladies who so kindly served at the tables.  Lafayette Advertiser 2/24/1904.

Ice Cream Festival. - Ice cream and cake will be served by the young people of the Methodist church on the lawn of the Masonic Hall Tuesday night. Come out and have a good time. Laf. Adv. 5/17/1902.

The regular meeting of Hope Lodge No. 145 A. F. & A. M. will be held this evening at 7:20 o'clock. Important business will be transacted.
 Laf. Adv. 5/27/1893

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