Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Welcome to 1898!

Good morning!
A happy New Year to you!
Turn over a new year, to-day!
Don't forget to write in 1898.

At precisely twelve o'clock last night mid the booming of canon and other eclat the old year became a thing of the past and the new year was ushered in. This is in accordance with the law of mutation which no man can stay.

Of the old year we have compiled a record, the experience of each day, week and month being added to those gone before, and with respect to the "bitter and sweet" of this life the world has probably not fared any worse at the hands of the year 1897 than with many of its predecessors. The law of compensation, which is immutable, maintains the equipoise of the human race, making man's loss another man's gain. By some the old year will be remembered mostly on account of the blessings it gave and to others recollection of it will ever be attended with pain on account of the sorrow it brought. This is life, and it will never be thus.

Of the new year we can know nothing further than what will be learned day by day as time glides along. The veil that screens the future from view is absolutely impenetrable, the Omniscient having is ordained and it is well to have it thus, for it is quite enough to look after the present, that requiring our undivided attention if we would have things well done.

As it is not optional with us and we must part with the old year, let us do so with all the good grace at our command, and so it is we now do take leave of it. To the New Year we should extend a hearty welcome and all hope for the best. In accordance with the old custom it is in order to make new and good resolutions for the future. We should not only resolve to do better, each one acting for himself, but we should carry out the resolution. On this day that marks the birth of a new year, let everyone one of us resolve to cultivate a deeper feeling of charity to-ward each other and we will find life all the happier. This is a great, big world and there is plenty of room in it for us all if each one will allow to his neighbor but his just dues.

The Advertiser hopes the New Year will contain much of blessings and little of sorrow for the people of Lafayette , in particular, and to mankind in general.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/1/1898.

Mouton & Hopkins wish you "A Happy New Year." 

Laf. Adv. 1/1/1898.

Kind readers and subscribers, the year has drawn to a close, and as one disappears from the Calendar of time, another is ushered in - It is useless to dwell upon the miseries, vexations and tribulations of the past, but on the contrary, draw strength and fortitude from our own past sufferings and trusting in the boundless power and wisdom of Him who ruleth all things aright, hope to see brighter days in the present year, may those who have the political power in their hands know their error towards a noble and and down trodden people, may their eyes become opened to the iniquity of their rule, may their minds become impressed with the patent truth that southern men, nay, constitutional men, are true and loyal to the constitution and to the interests of the country at large, may they finally be convinced that we ask no favors, but simply demand the enjoyment of our just and unalienable rights, and that generosity which a civilized victor is in honor bound to extend his conquered foes. Kind readers and subscribers - we wish you a happy new year - may joy ever gladden our hearts, many plenty smile upon your labors - may happiness dwell beneath your roof and with yours, and should death lower his hand on the family circle, may the twilight of life, be to the stricken, but the dawn of eternal bliss. Lafayette Advertiser 1/2/1869.

The Ball.

The New Year's ball given by the Jewish Ladies on New Year's eve was a very pleasant affair, was well-attended, and realized a nice sum. The ball was prettily decorated for the occasion. The young people danced till a late hour, and all who were present had a delightful time. Miss Watson of New Iberia was the prize for the best lady dancer, a handsome pin. Mr. Ben Schmulensky, the gentleman, received a silver shaving set. Lafayette Advertiser 1/3/1903.

Rainy New Year's Day.

 On New Year's day it rained all day long beginning early in the morning and continuing till night. Of a necessity most people stayed in doors, only a few of the young men being brave enough to venture out to pay New Year calls.

 However, the rain may have helped a few since it forced them to remain indoors, this giving them plenty of time to reflect on the past year and form resolutions of amendment for the future. Lafayette Advertiser 1/3/1903.

 At exactly the first moment of the new year, the railroad men here opened up the whistles of all their live locomotives, fired off anvils, howled, and made themselves heard; showing their joy at the birth of the new year. This has a particular meaning with them. Every day they take their lives in their hands and offer them for bread, and the fact that so many of them can welcome a new year is naturally a joyous occasion. Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1890.

Tuesday night Arthur Martin's right hand was seriously injured by the accidental discharge of a large fire-cracker. Three fingers were completely severed from the hand and it is feared the thumb will have to be amputated. The wound is necessarily very painful. Laf. Gaz. 1/4/1902.

Became Too Gay.

New Year's day passed off in an unusually quiet manner in Lafayette. Only one arrest is reported and it was in the case of a negro who became too gay. 
Laf. Gaz. 1/4/1896.

Band Performance.
The Pelican band treated the townspeople to some choice music Tuesday night. The boys were in a happy mood and they played music until the midnight hour told of the advent of the new year. Laf. Gaz. 1/4/1896.

The first day of the New Year is always an occasion for congratulation, hopefulness, and enjoyment. We wish our friends and patrons a realization of their fondest wishes for the present year, and assure them that the ADVERTISER has their best interests at heart, and will work faithfully to promote our mutual happiness. Laf. Adv. 1/4/1890.

Last Wednesday night a party of young people called at the hospitable home of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Trahan to pay their respects to them and their charming daughters Misses Stella and Haydee and to wish them a most happy and prosperous new year. Among the number were Misses Alix and Louise Judice, Anita Hohorst and Zerelda Bailey, and Messrs. V. D. Gardebled, J. Comeaux, Alfred and Sidney Mouton, Raoul Gentil, J. P. LeBesque, George Richard, Felix Girard, Ned and Felix Mouton. The compliments of the season over, the young folk proceeded to amuse themselves to their hearts content, and only when the hour of midnight was reached did they bid their kind hosts good night, and retired gay and happy. Laf. Adv. 1/4/1890.

Lafayette is to be congratulated upon the good order, general happiness and comparative exemption from accidents, which marked the holidays. Our merchants also are satisfied with the trade. Laf. Adv. 1/4/1890. 

How many "new leaves" were turned over on the 1st of January? They say "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," and we suppose is littered with "new leaves." Laf. Adv. 1/4/1890.


 If the closing century has been signalized by great events, peering into the future as we stand upon the boundary line of time we are justified in the belief that the dawning century is fraught with great promise.

 The assertion is made, and not without good reason, that the world is growing better. As an indication of this fact may be pointed out the charitable movements of the times - the world wide effort to alleviate human suffering. The number of hospitals, asylums and homes that have been erected during the past century, surely indicate that there is more compassion, more sympathy and brotherhood than ever before. This tendency is accentuated by the special efforts that have been made in recent years to mitigate the suffering from calamities such as the Johnston flood, the great famine in India and the Galveston storm. These and similar occurrences have been the occasion for manifestations of charity and human sympathy as the world has never witnessed before.

 Public opinion also furnishes an indication in the same direction.

 The world's conscience is quicker than of yore, as was well exemplified in the late Dreyfus affair. It demands cleanliness of life in public men, and it is prompt to condemn on abstract principles of right and wrong the wrong-doing of a man or a nation.

 The century just closed has been well named the "wonderful century," for it has witnessed a remarkable advancement in scientific development and educational progress, and looking forward one year there is presented a most hopeful outlook for the future of the human race.

 Some of the reforms and improvements it is believed that will be realized during the 20th century are : the abolition of war,  and this would seem to leave very little more to be desired.

On one can speak with certainty of the future but the world does not go backward, and it is not unreasonable to anticipate with assurance the extension and fruition during the new century of reforms and good movements cradled in the century just closed. And with this belief to inspire us, let us tread into the 20th., century with firm step and unreserved confidence in the plans of the omniscient God, and let each one of us to be resolved to do his honest part in the up building of home and country, for there is work for everybody to do in the grand scheme of the universe.

 The Advertiser wishes to all a very happy New Year in the new century, and predicts that the year 1991 will see the realization of important movements in our midst for the advancement, prosperity and happiness of our people.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1901

Messrs. Begnaud & Comeaux remembered the Advertiser in their New Year presents. "Old Charter" of Kentucky is the name of the brand. Thanks.
Laf. Adv. 1/5/1901.

It Was Loaded, Too.

 It was stated last week that young Lilian DeLahoussaye was shot in the face with a toy pistol loaded with a blank cartridge. It has since been ascertained that such was not the case. The cartridge contained birdshot, one of which lodged near the eye, but fortunately caused no serious injury. Children caught shooting loaded cartridges ought to be religiously spanked by their parents. Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1901.


The birth of the new century is suggestive of better things. It seems to offer to every community a golden opportunity to improve -- to hasten along the highway of progress. During the last decade of the nineteenth century the South has astonished the world in industrial development. Social or political conditions had placed the Southern States at the mercy of more fortunate sections, and it required almost superhuman energy to overcome difficulties which appeared well nigh insurmountable, and, as was aptly described by the editor of the Daily States,

 "to-day a regenerated South lifts her radiant face to the smiling sunrise and bids welcome to the new century. Her burdens of war lifted, her sorrows past, her energies quickened and her capacity broadened by the first ray from the sun of progress of the young century falls athwart her vigorous form, and every emotion of her nature is vibrant with the thrill of a new life."

 In all the South no section is more favored by nature than that of which Lafayette parish is the garden spot. Its natural advantages are unsurpassed and properly developed would yield sustenance for many thousands more.

 The opening of the century should serve as an incentive to our people. It is the most opportune moment for them to shake off what an eminent educator has called "hindering traditions." Let them keep step with the music of progress and when the band-wagon passes by they will be able to get into the front seats of the vehicle.

 Lafayette has done well in recent years but it can do better. It is strong enough now to accelerate to speed and move along with the swiftest in the race. Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1901.

 The Ball of New Year's Eve.
 The ball at the Crescent Hotel New Year's eve was worthy of its mate of Christmas eve and will always be regarded some of the most brilliant social events the experience to be experienced by Lafayette. No detail had been overlooked that most contribute to the success of the occasion and all preparations were carried out on an elaborate scale. The patrons of the ball had come hither to dance and have a royal good time and in this they were not disappointed. An old year went out and the New Year ushered in a midst a scene of gaiety and merriment long to be remembered with happiest recollections by all the participants. A most pleasant episode of the evening was the presentation of a handsome pair of napkin rings to Mr. and Mrs. John Hahn by the company, their guests. The napkin rings were of sterling silver and on them were mounted in beautiful design the monograms of the recipient in gold. In well choice words Mr. Crow Girard presented, in the name of the donors, this testimonial of their regard and esteem for their amiable host and hostess. Taken by such complete surprise, words for the recipients for the first few words failed the Mr. and Mrs. Hahn. Their appreciation was  visible (unreadable word) in the pleased circumstances, and following this period of silence Mr. Hahn recovered his self-possession sufficiently to assure the company that he and his wife were highly sensible to this mark of attention showing they  would always greatly treasure their beautiful mementos. Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1895.

For once the deaf man had the advantage of his more fortunate brother. One slept soundly whilst the other raved and pitched and roared during the interval of time last Monday night marking the departure of the old year and the birth of the new, made hideous by the attending howlings and uproarious noises and sounds coming from restless mankind. Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1895.

An Elegant Dance Given by the Young Men of Lafayette on New Year's Eve.

 One of the most enjoyable social events of the season was that tendered the young ladies of Lafayette by the young men on New Year's eve. The night was clear and fair and the temperature for dancing just at the right point.

 Through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Hahn the large and spacious dining hall of the Crescent News Hotel was had for r the purpose, and it is undoubtedly an ideal place for a dance. The floor was waxed until one could almost see himself reflected therefrom, and gliding over its smooth surface to the entrancing strains of an elegant string band from Morgan City, the feet of the dancers moved without an effort.

 Fair lads and lassies were present in full number, and many of our fair neighbors assisted in welcoming young "'95" as old "'94" gently faded away into the misty past.

 The ball-room presented a pretty sight. Many handsome toilets were noted, and Lafayette girls did themselves credit. The grand march, led by Mr. Ed Givens and Miss Lovenskiold,  was a lovely sight, more than 30 couples taking part.

 A little after 12 o'clock an elegant and substantial supper, prepared by Mrs. Hahn with excellent taste, was served. It is needless to say that all did full justice, and many a happy new year New Year's bumper was quaffed in sparkling wine. After supper the young ladies and gentlemen surrounded by Mr. and Mrs. Hahn, and Mr. Ed Givens, in a neat little speech, presented them with a handsome pair of silver napkin rings, as a slight testimonial of the high esteem felt for them by the young people of Lafayette.

 The band began to play, and the dancers alone once more whirled in the mazy waltz. No stop was made until 5 0'clock warned them that day was just ushering in another year. Regretfully all began preparations for going home, with many a sigh that the night was so short:

 Those present were:

 Mmes. T. M. Biossat, F. Demanade, Jno. Hahn, Lettie Collins of Virginia, Emma Frere and Mary E. Saint of Franklin, Leah LeBlanc, Bettie Rainer and Octavia Broussard of Abbeville, Adelaide Lovenskjold of Corpus Christi, Octavie and Louise Cayret of Scott, Stella and Haydee Trahan, Mattie and Jennie Torian, Clye and Lizzie Mudd, Martha Mouton, Ida Hopkins, Bessie and Leila Cornay, M. L. and M. J. Bagnal, Adele Young, Louise Givens; Messrs. Howard Saint of Franklin, W. N. Gooch of Patterson, L. J. Broussard, T. M. Biossat, Jno. Hahn, Ad. Mouton, Edwin Givens, John Givens, Crow Girard, O. B. Hopkins, Baxter Clegg, Leo Judice, George Guidry, P. B. Torian, J. J. Davidson, W. A. LeRosen, Emanuel Pellerin, D. Doucet, G. L. Conniff, Robert Conniff, Paul Bailey, Drs. F. S. Mudd, D. S. Weir, R. B. Raney, A. R. Trahan, Messrs. J. Nickerson, P. Gerac, I. A. Broussard, T. S. Foley.
Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1895.        

A number of young people were entertained at the home of Mrs. Jas. Mouton where a very enjoyable party was given on New Year's eve. Mr. Mouton was assisted in receiving by Miss Rose Duhon.
Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1895.

  Lafayette enters upon the new year with brighter prospects than ever before in its history. It has made rapid and substantial improvement in the past twelve months, and not one step towards retrogression. There seems to be nothing to hinder the fruition of the building promises for future advancement and increased prosperity. While we appreciate this condition of things fully, we rejoice also in the fact that our neighboring towns keep even stride with us. Like blood - soil, climate, natural advantages and generous rivalry are bound to tell; and the ci-devant "Great West" must look well to its laurels, else South Louisiana will gain the lead in the future.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1889.

 Just as the hands of the clock pointed to midnight, on the 31st of December, every live engine on the tracks in the Lafayette yard of the Southern Pacific Railroad lifted up his voice (or whistle) and sent forth its welcome to the New Year. The effect was startling, and many in the town misconstrued its meaning, thinking it was the alarm for a fire in the neighborhood of the depot. But when they learned that it was merely the railroad boys' greeting to the New year, all joined in the welcome, and exclaimed, "Bully for the railroad boys." Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1889.

The weather on New Year's day was quite a disappointment to many, who had become spoiled by the beautiful weather of Christmas week. The anticipated pleasures of many a social visit melted beneath the downpouring rain, which lasted until late into the afternoon. However, there was many a good dinner eaten, and many a happy home circle congregated; and everybody wished everybody else a happy new year, even if they not get the opportunity to tell them so. In the afternoon all the business houses were closed, to "give the boys a chance." Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1889.

How many of you wrote 1888 on the first day of January? Now don't say you didn't, because if do you are a liable to be mistaken ; its so natural you know.

Laf. Adv. 1/5/1889.

Mr. Steven F. Read, of Chataignier, son of our old friend Dr. H. O. Read, spent a few days in town during the holidays, and paid us a call. Laf. Adv. 1/5/1889

The first day of the year was clear, pleasant and lovely. There was much friendly greetings and social cheer. Laf. Adv. 1/5/1878.

The first day of the year was clear, pleasant and lovely. There was much friendly greetings and social cheer.

 We are requested to announce that Prof. F. A. Rogan will open a private school, next Monday the 7th inst. The Professor's tact and ability in conducting a school and imparting knowledge to his pupils is well known in this community.

 The procession and ball of our Fire Company on last Saturday, was quite a success, considering the disagreeable weather which prevailed on that day and and previously. The neat uniform, and handsome truck of the company, attracted general attention and admiration. The juvenile firemen with their little truck, were entitled to and received also, due attention. The attendance at and success of the ball exceeded all expectations.

 Valuable assistance was contributed by many friends at home and abroad, for which we are requested by Lafayette Fire Co. No. 1, to extend many thanks, and that their kindness will be remembered and appreciated. 
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1878  

A Handsome New Year's Gift. - Aurelien Primeaux, an old planter of this parish, and his wife donated to each of their six children, as a New Year's gift, three thousand dollars in property. Mr. Primeaux began life after the war with nothing and has by industry, without edification, accumulated a comfortable fortune.    Lafayette Advertiser 1/6/1904.

Red Man's Euchre.
 The progressive euchre given by the Red Men at Falk's Hall New Year's eve was a decided success socially and financially. The following is a list of the prizes and their winners.

 In game A. the first prizes were won by Mrs. S. Kahn and Mr. Lucious Prudhomme; consolation, Miss Aimee Martin and Mr. Ed Higginbotham; booby, Miss Delhomme and Mr. A. Clark. In game B. first prizes were won by Miss Ruby Scranton and Mr. J. O. Donohoe; consolation, Miss L. Bailey and Mr. Marshall; lone hand, Mrs. D. Schwartz and Mr. Marshall; booby, Miss Irma Voorhies and Mr. B. J. Pellerin. Lafayette Advertiser 1/6/1904.

The New Year was ushered in by the blowing of whistles and the firing of guns.
Laf. Adv. 1/6/1904.

We are glad to state that Master Wartell Salles, who was injured by an explosion of powder Saturday evening, is not hurt much, the injury being trifling. Laf. Adv. 1/6/1904.


Increased facilities for public education and good public roads- this is what we mean to preach most obdurately. Better educational facilities and better public highways are the two greatest needs of this parish at this time, and these must and shall be secured, cost what it may. Whilst the Advertiser in no wise means to undervalue the decided advantages to be expected from the construction of railroads and the operation of factories in our midst, it does believe that the two factors forming the text of this article, are capable of more immediate as well as prospective good to our people, and promises more lasting benefit. In the future, as in the past, we will lend our support to each and every public undertaking having the common good for an ultimatum; but we shall exert our greatest influence toward those measures especially that may have for an effect on the improvement of our present educational status and public roads, as well, two of our most crying needs. Given per-(unreadable) in these two directions and (unreadable word) this will country will require little else to place it in the very foremost rank.

We call on the people of Lafayette town and parish to join hands on these two highly important questions, that we may work with a single eye to reaping such great boons as these will certainly prove a benefit to ourselves and children.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/6/1894

1894 Probabilities for Lafayette.

A central sugar factory.

A railroad to Breaux Bridge.

An ice factory.

A graded school in complete operation.

A better system of public roads.

Water works for the town.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/6/1894

Have you turned over a new leaf?
Laf. Adv. 1/6/1894.

 Let us all put the right foot forward early in the New Year.
Laf. Adv. 1/6/1894.

Mr. O. H. Simpson of this place, and Miss May Arms of New Orleans, were united in marriage on New Year's day.
Laf. Adv. 1/6/1894.

Miss Lizzie Mudd returned to New Orleans last Tuesday, to resume her studies, after the enjoyments of the holidays. Laf. Adv. 1/6/1894.

New Year's day passed off pleasantly and quietly. It was a magnificent mid-winter. Opening with a hoary white frost, the king of day soon took command and no year ever had a fairer commencement.
Laf. Adv. 1/6/1894.

Bringing In The New Year.
 The first of the year was celebrated in a very effective manner at the railroad yards. At midnight Masters H. B. Allingham and L. Nickerson caused engine 705 to whistle as a signal to the others, and in less time than we can tell it, the other engines followed. The noise produced can better be imagined than described. Lafayette Gazette 1/6/1894.

The Ball on New Year's Eve.
 The young men who gave the ball at Falk's Hall last Sunday night may justly feel proud of the success which crowned their efforts on this occasion, as the ball proved a most brilliant affair, and will long be remembered by those who attended as one of the most enjoyable social events of the year 1893. At an early hour people from this and adjoining  towns began to arrive, and at 9 o'clock over sixty couples, led by Mr. Emanuel Pellerin and Miss Aline Richard, placed themselves in position for the opening march, which presented a most charming spectacle. Exactly at midnight the sweet strains of the Breaux Bridge band summoned the dancers to a second grand march, with Mr. R. B. Martin and Miss Octavie Cayret in the lead. During and after the march the guests were treated to a display of fireworks. Refreshments were of the best, the decorations were neat, the music was excellent, and all seemed to enjoy themselves to their hearts' content. It was late in the night when the band played "After the Ball," which the dancers understood to be a gentle reminder that the time to go home had come. The Gazette compliments the young men on their success and desires to express the hope that they will give many more such balls during 1894. Lafayette Gazette 1/6/1894.

New Years Accident.

 While rejoicing over the advent of the New Year Hamilton Riu was pretty badly injured on the face by the explosion of a tin-can which was being used as a cannon. Young Riu was the only one hurt the other boys escaped injury. Lafayette Gazette 1/7/1899.

Call at the Moss Pharmacy for a package of 1899 almanacs, free.
Laf. Gaz. 1/7/1899.

A Boy's Composition on the Holidays.

 The following was written by Albert Boudreaux, who is attending the Lafayette High School. Albert is 11 years of age and is in the sixth grade. He is one of the brightest pupils in the school:

 The holidays have come and gone and only the memory of them is left. Owing to my father's busy work we were unable to take a trip so spent the holidays in Lafayette. All was quiet, but we youngsters hoped to have a good time with our fireworks, of which we had a liberal supply. But the police soon put an end to our fun. Christmas morning I was up bright and early, greeted everyone in the house and then went out to the barn to see my favorites, Rex and Croesus, giving them a Christmas gift in the shape of corn and oats, and afterwards I had a romp with my dog, Bryan. Then to breakfast we came prepared for church. When services were over, we took a walk through town, visited several stores, bought presents for all the family and then home we went in time to do justice to our good Christmas dinner. In the afternoon one of my friends called and we amused ourselves with various games, shooting firecrackers and blank pistols? My blank got out of order and in trying to adjust it it was discharged in my hand burning it considerably and giving me a good reminder of Christmas frolics.

 New Year was ushered in with loud greetings, but I was in dreamland and knew nothing of it until told so. The day passed very pleasantly and very soon the holidays were a thing of the past.

Lafayette Gazette 1/10/1903.    

What's In A Name?

New Year's Quotes from Various Sources.

From the Complete Speaker’s Almanac.

  "Here we are in a month named after the Roman god Janus, an appropriate personification of the start of the new year. This particular Roman god had two faces so that he could look ahead toward the future and back at the past at the same time. As we get rid of an old year and look forward to a new one, we all try to be a little like Janus. We know through experience what we did wrong and what we did right, and hope to do better this year. Some people make ambitious new year’s resolutions; others just take a deep breath and hope for the best.…"

To Start A New Year.

"A new year is unfolding—like a blossom with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within.

Lord, let this year be filled with the things that are truly good—with the comfort of warmth in our relationships, with the strength to help those who need our help and the humility and openness to accept help from others.
As we make our resolutions for the year ahead, let us go forward with great hope that all things can be possible—with Your help and guidance."

Recipe for a Happy New Year

 Take twelve fine, full-grown months; see that these are thoroughly free from old memories of bitterness, rancor and hate, cleanse them completely from every clinging spite; pick off all specks of pettiness and littleness; in short, see that these months are freed from all the past—have them fresh and clean as when they first came from the great storehouse of Time. Cut these months into thirty or thirty-one equal parts. Do not attempt to make up the whole batch at one time (so many persons spoil the entire lot this way) but prepare one day at a time.
Into each day put equal parts of faith, patience, courage, work (some people omit this ingredient and so spoil the flavor of the rest), hope, fidelity, liberality, kindness, rest (leaving this out is like leaving the oil out of the salad dressing— don’t do it), prayer, meditation, and one well-selected resolution. Put in about one teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkling of play, and a heaping cupful of good humor.

I Am the New Year
From the Bible Illustrator

 I am the new year. I am an unspoiled page in your book of time.
I am your next chance at the art of living. I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned about life during the last twelve months.
All that you sought and didn’t find is hidden in me, waiting for you to search it but with more determination.
All the good that you tried for and didn’t achieve is mine to grant when you have fewer conflicting desires.
All that you dreamed but didn’t dare to do, all that you hoped but did not will, all the faith that you claimed but did not have—these slumber lightly, waiting to be awakened by the touch of a strong purpose.
I am your opportunity to renew your allegiance to Him who said, "Behold, I make all things new."  ????

 Chas. Lusted and family returned Monday from New Orleans where they spent the holidays. Laf. Adv. 1/9/1897.


 The year 1906 with its growth and achievements has closed. We are now just entering a new year, 1907, and it should have several items to the credit of Lafayette, among them, a parish fair, good roads and either an electric or gasoline motor railroad system connecting the town with various sections of the parish.

 All of these things will cost money, in fact a great deal of it. Nevertheless, that does not signify that they are either difficult or impossible. With the right man in charge, backed by the united efforts of the citizens of this town, all three objects can be accomplished. And all three will prove paying investments.

 It is simply a question of deciding we want these things, then get together, get the right man in the lead, and push.

 We did exceedingly well in 1906. We have a right to gratified over securing the Baton Rouge branch and voting the hundred thousand dollar tax to build to modern school houses and extend the water and light service - they are notable achievements. The fact, however, that we did these things by our united efforts, should encourage us to stay united and strive for other things; for in addition to the three items already mentioned, we need good water, sewerage, concrete walks all over town streets paved, and  more besides.

 We put the parish fair, good roads and motor railroad system first, because having these will assist in getting others, for they will increase the business of the town and make it better able to pay for the other improvements.

 These matters should be taken up at once by the business men of Lafayette with a "go-in-to-win" spirit and when 1907 has run its course, there is no doubt but that tow of the objects will have been attained and the third, the electric or motor car railroad system will be under way. 
Lafayette Advertiser 1907.

Holiday Business. - Our merchants did decidedly well in disposing of their stocks of holiday goods, and but small remnants were left on their hands. This shows good taste and judgement on the part of our business men and a proper appreciation on the part of their customers. 

Lafayette Advertiser 1/12/1889.

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