Improved town property, 2 corners facing 2 streets. 140 and 96 feet, and Residence with 2 rooms. Dining room and kitchen, barn and stable. Carriage and garden, Pecan and fruit trees, facing Convent and Mrs. Beraud.
Lot 10 25 ft and 125 McComb addition.
Lot 11 25 ft and 125 McComb addition adjoining and corner lots. Facing R. R. on Grant Avenue, opposite corner to Paul Demanade.
Hotel with 22 rooms, large dining room, 2 large halls, one in each story of full length, kitchen and store room, well enclosed. Fronting R. R. well patronized.
Three Valuable Business lots adjoining each other, and fronting on Lincoln Avenue, each 25 and 125 feet and fronting on 3rd. street.
Three adjoining lots, fronting on Live Oak Lane, and opening on Convent street each lot 50 feet front.
One lot on Stewart St., Mouton's addition near Sproll Hotel. 50 and 100 feet.
One American horse, very gentle in harness and under saddle, 8 years old.
One Creole milk cow, fat, 2 gallons per day.
One year old calf, fat.
A one year old calf Durham and Jersey, good order.
Hand home made cypress cisterns of all sizes.
Part of lot 81, old town. on Jefferson St., Residence of 4 rooms, one out building of 2 rooms. One stable and crib, one large pecan tree. 50 and 100 feet.
A plantation 4 miles from town, residence and out buildings, teems, cows etc.
Two lots 100 feet front on third street adjoining Sterling Grove, one and half story residence, 7 rooms finished.
One lot in McComb addition, near depot, 50 and 125 feet. Cottage of 3 large rooms finished.
20 acres facing rail and public road, fenced, part in corporation, or one half of same.
Oak Grove near town, 4 acres enclosed small building, etc.
A 4 acre truck patch with improvements near town on shares.
One lot in Mills addition.
To rent, two double houses in Mouton addition.
A plantation, 68 arpents, good residence finished and many valuable out buildings, etc.
A plantation of 140 arpents good residence, etc., 25 arpents of same wood land.
(Date & Newspaper)??????
Mr. I. A. Broussard has sold his town residence to Mr. Aug. Verot, who will move to Lafayette about Feb. 1. The sale was made through the Broussard & Guilbeau Real Estate Agency and the price was $4,000 cash.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905.
Laf. Adv. 1/6/1904.
Real Estate & General Agency.
T0-day is Your Chance. To-morrow May be too Late.
Give me a chance to show you, free of charge, some of the best improved, high rolling and light SUGAR, COTTON and CORN plantations and farms in this State, near refineries and railroads. Cheap and easy terms. Also improved and unimproved property in the four additions to this rapidly improving and flourishing town, as follows:
Call for What you need or want to know.
AMBROISE MOUTON, Box 42, P. O. Building,
Lafayette, La.
Lafayette Gazette 1/7/1899.
Sold at Public Auction.
The property of the succession of the late Mrs. W. O. Smith was sold at public auction last Wednesday, and the prices brought were considered very fair. The "Dora Hotel" property was bought by Mr. L. Levy for $1,800, and of the two lots and improvements were bought respectively for $1,480 and $420 by Messrs. M. Henault and F. Lombard. We understand that these gentlemen intend to put their purchases in thorough repair. Much household furniture was also sold at fair prices. Lafayette Advertiser 1/7/1882.
FOR SALE. - A large property situated on Washington street with residence containing 4 bed rooms, one parlor, hall, kitchen, store and warehouse. Galleries on both sides of the residence, two lots of ground adjoining 100x140, with orchard. Terms very reasonable. Selling because of departure. Apply to Mrs. J. D. LAFOND or at the Advertiser office. Lafayette Advertiser 1/9/1897.
City Council.
Jan. 5, 1903.
Moved by Dr. F. E. Girard, seconded by A. E. Mouton, that the City Council buy for public use as may be determined hereafter for the sum of twenty-one ($2,100,) hundred dollars the two lots bounded north by Main St., east by Monroe street, west by Jefferson street, each of said lots measuring 96 ft. front by a depth of 140 ft. Yeas - A. F. Mouton, J. O. Mouton, F. Demanade, Geo. DeBlanc, H. Hohorst, F. E. Girard. Nays - None. Motion unanimously carried.
Laf. Advertiser 1/10/1903.
For the Week Ending Jan. 11, 1905.
Vordenbaumen Lumber Co., to Edwin Smith, 2 lots in Vordenbaumen Extension, $300.
Zulma Cormier, wife of Lazard Duhon, to Adam Cormier, 21 acres wood and prairie land and improvements, $700.
Eck Laughlin to Jno. W. Davis, 10 acres land 2d ward, $220.
Noah Hannon to W. J. Holmes, 25 acres of land and improvements, $287.50.
Vordenbaumen Lumber Co., to Wm. Montgomery, lot in Vordenbaumen Ext., $186.50.
Victor Breaux to Edmond Breaux, lot in Mills Addition, with improvements, $385.
Francois Rogeur to Kossuth Blanchet, 58 arpents of land with improvements, $1,700.
Felix Richard to Felix Richard, 29 arpents land with improvements, $881.
C. D. Caffery to Mrs. Louis Domengeaux, 33 arpents land, $2,500.
Geo. J. Melchoir to Alcee Brasseaux, lot in Carencro, with improvements, $400.
Mrs. B. Falk and I. B. Bendel to August Domingue, lot in Mudd Addition, $115.
Chas. O. Mouton to J. Berchmance Mouton, 25 arpents land with improvements, $1,800.
Clovis Breaux to Chas. A. Miller, 30 arpents wood and prairie land, $550.
Edmond J. Dupuis to Chas. A. Miller, 138.58 acres land, $2,900.
J. Clemile Bernard, Jr., to Leon Bernard, lot in Scott, $100.
Alex Guilbeau and wife to Jos. Martin, 2 fractional lots in McComb Addition, with improvements, $200.
J. G. Navaree and wife to Adely Navaree and Jno. L. Cain, 8 acres land $140.
Lezema Cormier, wife of Rodolph Pellet, to Oneal Sonnier, 3 acres of woodland, $200.
Cholasti Cormier to Francois Gaspar, 14 acres land, $300.
Jack R. Davis to Jas. Walsh, lot in Duson, $50.
Adam Cormier to Cholasti Cormier, 14 acres land, $300.
Vordenbaumen Lumber Co., to Albert G. Coosa, lot in Vordenbaumen Extension, $176.
Aurelien Domingue to Mrs. Alcide Alleman, 80 acres of land with improvements, $1,831.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1905.
Work on the Doucet brick building corner Lincoln avenue and Garfield alley is progressing fast. Laf. Adv. 1/11/1905.
There is considerable activity in real estate, but no big deals are recorded for the past week. Laf. Adv. 1/11/1905.
There is considerable activity in real estate, but no big deals are recorded for the past week. Laf. Adv. 1/11/1905.
The Robbins Suit. - Last Thursday afternoon, before the District court, was begun the trial of the suit instituted by the heirs of Mayor Robbins for the ownership of some 600 acres of land now in the possession of the estate of Ben Falk, Webber and others. The Robbins tract was sold at sheriff's sale years ago and the plaintiffs in the present litigation are claiming the property on the ground that the sale by the State was an illegal transaction. Judge E. T. Lewis, of Opelousas, is trying the case, Judge Debaillon having rec used himself. The heirs of Mayor Robbins are represented by Judge O. C. Mouton, Mr. Crow Girard, the other attorney for the plaintiffs, being absent on account of illness. The defendants are represented by Mr. Wm. Campbell, Col. Gus. A. Breaux and Mr. Thos. H. Lewis. Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1902.
Clerk of Court Voorhies and his deputy, Frank K. Hopkins, are kept busy recording the many real estate transfers now being passed. There seems to be quite a boom in real estate dealings in the last few weeks.
Laf. Gaz. 1/12/1901.
Mr. Alfred Hebert has bought the old Torian place near the refinery, recently belonging to Mr. A. B. Denbo, for $8,250. Laf. Gaz, 1/12/1901.
Mr. Martial Billeaud, Jr., and Dr. Geo. R. DeLaureal have bought the Laneuville plantation for $7,200 cash.
Laf. Gaz. 1/12/1901.
The City Council this week purchased from C. D. Caffery, I. A. Broussard, Dr. F. E. Girard, Felix Demanade and Wm. Campbell the two lots of ground situated near Castel's bakery for $2,100, for such public use as may be determined by the Council. Geo. A. DeBlanc accepted the lots for the town.
Laf. Gaz. 1/17/1903.
Real Estate Transfers.
Elie Roy to Elie David, lot in Royville, $400.
Leroy Porter to Jos. Thibodaux, 52 acres in second ward, $1,200.
Paul and Toussaint Joseph to Dr. Roy Young, 85 arpents in fourth ward, $1,500.
Remy Landry to Ogere Breaux, 10 arpents, $325.
Emetile Richard to Darneville Broussard, undivided interest in 56 arpents, $240.
Alcide Judice & Son to Omer Stutes, 40 acres in second ward, $750.
Henry Breaux to Simon Breaux, 34 acres in sixth ward, $1,200.
Josephine Latiolais to Frank Gilbert, 6 arpents in third ward, $60.
Mouton Bros. to Josephine Latiolais, 10 arpents in third ward, $100.
Edward H. Magnon to Henry Breaux, 24 arpents in sixth ward, $2,000.
Alexandre Hebert to Alcide Hebert, lot in Scott, $50.
Malanie Beard to Paul Bonin, 100 arpents in second ward, $1,300.
Dr. Webb to Charles D. Harrington, 192 acres in second ward, $3,000.
Camille Guilbeau to Ferdinand Breaux, 20 arpents in sixth ward, $500.
Alfred Parquien to Leo Doucet, interest in lot in Lafayette, $22.
Malanie Beard to Paul Bonin, 100 arpents in second ward, $1,300.
Dr. Webb to Charles D. Harrington, 192 acres in second ward, $3,000.
Camille Guilbeau to Ferdinand Breaux, 20 arpents in sixth ward, $500.
Alfred Parquien to Leo Doucet, interest in lot in Lafayette, $22.
Depleix& Roy to Venance Trahan, 39 arpents in fourth ward, $120.
Venance Trahan to Adonis Trahan, 15 arpents in fourth ward, $250.
Onezime Langlinais to Estorge & Billeaud, 40 arpents in seventh ward, $1,800.
Andrew Cayard to J. Arthur Roy, 200 arpents in seventh ward, $11,000. Lafayette Gazette 1/18/1902.
Venance Trahan to Adonis Trahan, 15 arpents in fourth ward, $250.
Onezime Langlinais to Estorge & Billeaud, 40 arpents in seventh ward, $1,800.
Andrew Cayard to J. Arthur Roy, 200 arpents in seventh ward, $11,000. Lafayette Gazette 1/18/1902.
For Sale. - Lot near Industrial School. Apply at The Gazette Office.
Laf. Gaz. 1/11/1902.
The Lafayette Clothing House has leased the Bacquet building near the Century Club building and will open a shoe store there in the near future. Laf. Adv. 1/12/1901.
Mr. T. M. Biossat and Dr. F. E. Girard were in New Orleans during the week.
Lafayette Gazette 1/12/1901.
Mr. Frank G. Mouton has purchased Mr. Eugene Trahan's plantation where he will locate. Laf. Adv. 1/13/1900.
Mr. E. J. Higginbotham has sold to Mr. Felix Demanade the residence property in the Mouton addition which he acquired from his brother Mr. C. C. Higginbotham. Price $1,000. Laf. Adv. 1/13/1894.
Real Estate Transfers.
Elie Roy to Elie David, lot in Royville, $400.
Leroy Porter to Jos. Thibodaux, 52 acres in second ward, $1,200.
Paul and Toussaint Joseph to Dr. Roy Young, 85 arpents in fourth ward, $1,500.
Remy Landry to Ogere Breaux, 10 arpents, $325.
Emetile Richard to Darneville Broussard, undivided interest in 56 arpents, $240.
Alcide Judice & Son to Omer Stutes, 40 acres in second ward, $750.
Henry Breaux to Simon Breaux, 34 acres in sixth ward, $1,200.
Josephine Latiolais to Frank Gilbert, 6 arpents in third ward, $60.
Mouton Bros. to Josephine Latiolais, 10 arpents in third ward, $100.
Edward H. Magnon to Henry Breaux, 24 arpents in sixth ward, $2,000.
Alexandre Hebert to Alcide Hebert, lot in Scott, $50.
Malanie Beard to Paul Bonin, 100 arpents in second ward, $1,300.
Dr. Webb to Charles D. Harrington, 192 acres in second ward, $3,000.
Camille Guilbeau to Ferdinand Breaux, 20 arpents in sixth ward, $500.
Alfred Parquien to Leo Doucet, interest in lot in Lafayette, $22.
Malanie Beard to Paul Bonin, 100 arpents in second ward, $1,300.
Dr. Webb to Charles D. Harrington, 192 acres in second ward, $3,000.
Camille Guilbeau to Ferdinand Breaux, 20 arpents in sixth ward, $500.
Alfred Parquien to Leo Doucet, interest in lot in Lafayette, $22.
Depleix& Roy to Venance Trahan, 39 arpents in fourth ward, $120.
Venance Trahan to Adonis Trahan, 15 arpents in fourth ward, $250.
Onezime Langlinais to Estorge & Billeaud, 40 arpents in seventh ward, $1,800.
Andrew Cayard to J. Arthur Roy, 200 arpents in seventh ward, $11,000. Lafayette Gazette 1/18/1902.
Venance Trahan to Adonis Trahan, 15 arpents in fourth ward, $250.
Onezime Langlinais to Estorge & Billeaud, 40 arpents in seventh ward, $1,800.
Andrew Cayard to J. Arthur Roy, 200 arpents in seventh ward, $11,000. Lafayette Gazette 1/18/1902.
Mr. J. I. Bell and family moved into the residence formerly owned by Mr. L. Durham, last week. Laf. Adv. 1/19/1895.
Decision in the Cooper Case.
The State Supreme Court has affirmed Judge Lewis' decision in the land suit of John R. Cooper and others against the estate of B. Falk and others. A tract of land, situated in the second ward, containing 645 acres, was involved. Too late, B. Falk and Martin Weber has purchased it a tax sale, and subsequently sold to different persons.
Judge C. Debaillon recused himself, and Judge E. T. Lewis of St. Landry replaced him. The attorneys for the plaintiffs were Mr. Crow Girard and Judge Orther C. Mouton and the defendants were represented by Col. G. A. Breaux, Mr. William Campbell and Mr. Thomas Lewis of Opelousas. The decision of the court awards ownership of the whole tract to the plaintiffs.
Lafayette Gazette 2/7/1903.
Clerk of Court Voorhies and his deputy, Frank K. Hopkins, are kept busy recording the many real estate transfers now being passed. There seems to be quite a boom in real estate dealings in the last few weeks. Laf. Gaz. 1/12/1901.
Mr. Alfred Hebert has bought the old Torian place near the refinery, recently belonging to Mr. A. B. Denbo, for $8,250. Laf. Gaz. 1/12/1901.
Mr. Martial Billeaud, Jr., and Dr. Geo. R. DeLaureal have bought the Laneuville plantation for $7,200 cash. Laf. Gaz. 1/12/1901.
Real Estate Stir.
During the last thirty days there has been quite a stir in real estate transfers. Since the 1st of January the number of land sales recorded in the clerk's office has exceeded seventy. In several cases large tracts of land have changed hands, and in every instance the price paid has been unusually high, showing a marked increase in real estate values.
The largest sale effected during the past week was that of the Beausejour plantation, which was sold by Mr. W. V. Nicholson to Mr. J. A. Roy. The plantation contains about 166 acres of land and sold for $11,400, but of this amount $1,400 was implements and other movable property. Mr. Nicholson had bought the place two years ago for $6,000.
Lafayette Gazette 1/19/1901.
Mr. J. A. Roy has purchased the Nicholson farm near town for $11,400. This estate formerly known as "Beau Sejour" and is a very valuable tract of land.
Laf. Adv. 1/19/1901.
Many New Buildings.
The number of buildings going up in town and the continuous demand by people who want to rent dwelling houses, may be taken as a sure sign that Lafayette is forging ahead very rapdily. Lafayette is the coming town of Southwest Louisiana. There isn't the least doubt about it in the minds of those who take notice of current events. It isn't McKinley's spasmodic wave of prosperity that has struck us, it is a healthy, steady and substantial growth that Hanna himself couldn't stop if he dared. Lafayette Gazette 1/21/1899.
In another column will be found the advertisement of Mr. Sam'l Levy, offering the residence now occupied by Judge Bowen for sale.
Laf. Adv. 1/21/1893.
Mr. Flavius Thompson has nearly completed a very neat cottage in Mills addition. He will occupy it himself. Laf. Adv. 1/24/1891.
A highly improved farm of 58 arpents, with improvements consisting of a residence of 5 bed rooms, hall, dining-room, kitchen, pantry with cellar, a barn 50x40 and sheds 15x50, race track with grand stand, slaughter house and pen, 2 tenant houses, a stable 18x75 etc., all within half a mile of Church, Convent, School, Refinery and R. R. Depot, partly in the corporation. Many nut and fruit trees. This is an exceptionally fine and desirable place.
Lafayette Gazette 1/26/1901.
Sold Farm. - Mr. P. D. Judice has sold his farm near Lafayette to Mr. Alcee Landry and has moved to Jeanerette with his family. Mr. Judice leaves many friends here who wish him much prosperity in his new home.
Lafayette Gazette 1/26/1901.
Mr. Romain J. Francez, of Carencro, has been engaged for several days past in laying out a site for the town of Duson, in this parish, on a fine and very suitable tract of land belonging to Judge J. G. Parkerson. We learn that Judge Parkerson has already received several applications for lots from persons intending to engage in business there. Considering the great desirability of that locality, both from a business and health standpoint, it is safe to predict that a town will soon grow up at Duson. Laf. Adv. 1/28/1899.
Two Big Real Estate Deals.
The past week the Falk Mercantile Co., Ltd., purchased from J. E. Trahan the corner property on Pierce and Congress streets, across from the Bank of Lafayette, 66x96 feet, for $7,000., possession to be given at the expiration of one year when a lease now on the property terminates.
During the week also, Mr. F. Demanade bought 50 arpents of land and improvements for $6,500. The property purchased is generally spoken of as the Torian place, beyond the Protestant cematary on the Pin-hook Rd. Lafayette Advertiser 1/30/1907.
Monday our good neighbor, J. C. Nickerson, the real estate agent, got together all his paraphernalia and appliances with which he sells the earth, and moved into the corner office of the Gordon Hotel, where environ-ed with all the modern comforts, accessories, etc., he will offer prettier bargains than ever in houses and lands. Laf. Adv. 2/1/1905.
FOR SALE. - A fine plantation situated about four and a half miles from the town of Lafayette, La., on the public road to Opelousas, La., containing 125 arpents of prairie land and 45 arpents of wood land; and being about a half a mile from the Morgan's rail road. The land is of first quality for the cultivation of corn, cotton or sugar cane. Said property will be sold on easy terms. For further particulars address Wm. Campbell, lock box 26 Lafayette, La.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/2/1895.
For the Week Ending February 8, 1905.
Horace Landry to Ulysee Fabre, lot in Broussard, $125.
Mrs. Alcide Alleman to Ford Hoffpauir, 10 arpents land, $154.50.
Augustus Perry to Veranus Spell, 10 acres land, $250.
Ludovic Billeaud to Arthur Billeaud, 70 arpents land with improvements, $1,400.
J. Felix Smalley to Arthur Prejean, 10 arpents land, $1,600.
Heloise Bourgeard, wife of Jean Carret, to Hypolite A. Savoy, 1292 arpents, land, $350.
J. Edmond Martin to O. C. Mouton 9 arpents land near town limits of Lafayette, $3,000.
Adelard Baudoin to Leo Doucet, 1/4 acres land, $30.
J. C. and L. D. Nickerson to Eugene J. Olivier, lot in Nickerson addition, $450. Leonard Coles to Robt. Cockerham, 1 lot in Parkerson addition, $180. Lafayette Advertiser 2/8/1905.
FOR SALE:One certain tract of land situated in this Parish, on the East side of the Bayou Vermilion, containing Eight acres, bounded North by land of widow Michel Trahan, South by land Adelaide Hebert, wife of Hypolite Savoie, East by land of Ursin J. Broussard and west by land of Valsin Vincent.
Terms and Conditions : All sums under Twenty dollars payable Cash on the day of sale, and all sums of Twenty dollars and over on a credit of one, two and three years from day of sale. Purchasers to furnish their notes with two good and solvent securities in solido to the satisfaction of the administrator, payable to his order, at the office of M. E. Girard, Esq., conditioned to bear eight per cent interest per annum from maturity till paid. The property susceptible in mortgage, remaining specially hypothecated in favor of said succession until the purchase price and interest if any shall have been paid. No purchaser of moveable property shall have the right to dispose of the same until paid for, otherwise the full amount will become immediately due and demandable.
A. MONNIER, Clerk.
Laf. Adv. 2/13/1869.
For Sale:
A certain tract of land 6 by 20, bounded by lands of Gideon Richard, Neuville Broussard and Zenon Broussard. Dwelling House - Kitchen - Cotton house - Corn crib - Fencing - Work Oxen - Cows and Calves - Horses and Mares - Hogs - Ox cart and horse cart - Ploughs and Harrows - Tools - Household Furniture and kitchen utensils - Corn - Cotton in the seed - One Gun - One Rifle.
Terms & Conditions : All sums of five dollars and under CASH on the spot. All sums that amount on a credit of one, two and three years from the day of sale. Purchasers furnishing their notes with two or more good and solvent securities in solido, to the satisfaction of the parties interested, notes to bear eight per cent interest per annum from maturity until paid, and to be payable to the order and at the domicile of the administrator. Property susceptible of mortgage remaining specially hypothecated with vendor's privilege in favor of said succession until the purchase price and interest if any, shall have been paid. No purchaser of moveable property shall have the right to dispose of the same until paid for otherwise the whole amount of the purchase price will become due immediately.
A. Monnier, Clerk. Laf. Adv. 2/13/1869.
We have been informed that Mr. Backer has purchased some very fine fruit trees which he will plant on his place at the end of Lincoln Avenue.
Laf. Adv. 2/17/1894.
Mr. Ambroise Mouton spent two days in Vermilion parish, this week attending to real estate business. Laf. Adv. 2/19/1898.
Century Club.
The stockholders of the Century Club met at the club rooms Tuesday evening, and it was decided to sell one-half of the lot purchased from Dr. F. R. Tolson several months ago. The whole lot was paid $2,300, and the club will realize $2,100 from the half of it. It is the purpose of the club directors to erect a two-story frame building on the remainder of the lot. Laf. Gaz. 2/21/1903.
Wednesday Proves a Success. Two Hundred and Nine Lots Sold.
Last Wednesday the day of the big auction sale of lots in the Mudd addition dawned fair and bright. A large crowd was present to take advantage of the sale, some to buy on speculation and others to secure building lots, and when the lots were offered there was a prompt response from bidders. Land in Lafayette is valuable and a chance to purchase at auction prices was taken eagerly. From the first of a brisk competition for the lots developed and within the short space of one hour and fifty-five minutes 209 lots 25x125 were sold, ranging in price from $35 to $110 and averaging about $56 each.
The auction sale was managed by J. C. Nickerson, real estate agent, and conducted by A. Harris & Co., New York, auctioneers. Sontag's Military Band furnished music for the occasion. Free carriages were run from the center of town to the grounds to transport all those desiring to attend the sale. All present were given a chance for a free lot, which was won by Capt. J. C. Buchanan.
The following is the list of purchasers and number of lots bought by each:
Douglas Singleton, four lots; J. E. Trahan, two; A. Butcher, two; J. Breaux, six; Albert Theall, four; Mrs. Swift, two; Wm. Campbell, ten; Mrs. Nicholls, six; S. R. Parkerson, four; W. H. Adams, three; J. McNaspy, three; Nelson Higginbotham, two; Dr. G. A. Martin, six; Chas. S. Landry, seven; F. G. Mouton, eleven; I. Bendel, twenty-two; O. B. Hopkins, twenty-two; J. Arthur Roy, eleven; Wm. G. Fritz, two; S. Kahn, eight; Mrs. B. Falk and I Bendel, six; J. C. Buchanan, two; Albert Doucet, two; Geo. H. DeClouet, five; W. S. Torian, fourteen; Trahan & Bendel, two; Mrs. Delhomme, eight; P. Kraus, four; A. Bacque, four; Jos. Dauriac, two; J. Constantin, two; F. H. Mouton, two; T. J. Sullivan, two; Rev. Father Roguet, ten.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/2/1904.
For the Week Ending March 22, 1905.
Dame Annie Petro to Alcide Nomie, lot adjoining Mouton addition and improvements, $1,566.31.
Farmers' Building and Loan Association to Alcide Babinneaux and Elina Silvege, lot in McComb addition, $400.
Alexandre Hoffpauir to Adam Foreman, 20 acres of land, $600.
Mrs. Rosa Roy, wife of J. Omer Broussard, to Francois Rageur, 80.74 acres land, $2000.
Southern Development Co. to Jos. Gallien, lot in McComb addition, $90.
Jos. Gallien to Mary Macy, 1/2 two fractional lots, $45.
Kaliste Saout to Rose Joseph, widow Jim Jackson, lot in Trahan extension, $160.
Louis Turpin to Carnes Bass & Beckenstein, 2 acres, $450.
Alexander Mouton and Dame Mathilde Mouton, widow Frank Gardner, to Bruno N. Coronna, lot on Johnston street, $1,200.
Leo Decou to Boniface Bodoin, 2 arpents land, $100.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/22/1905.
Property Sold. - Last Monday Dr. F. S. Mudd sold to Mrs. S. F. Givens two and three-fifths acres of land, adjoining the property of Mr. John Nickerson on the North. Mrs. Givens will at once erect a fine residence on the property, the cost of which, we understand, will be about $3,000. The price paid for the land was $925, cash. Laf. Adv. 4/5/1893.
Real Estate Stir.
During the last thirty days there has been quite a stir in real estate transfers. Since the 1st of January the number of land sales recorded in the clerk's office has exceeded seventy. In several cases large tracts of land have changed hands, and in every instance the price paid has been unusually high, showing a marked increase in real estate values.
The largest sale effected during the past week was that of the Beausejour plantation, which was sold by Mr. W. V. Nicholson to Mr. J. A. Roy. The plantation contains about 166 acres of land and sold for $11,400, but of this amount $1,400 was implements and other movable property. Mr. Nicholson had bought the place two years ago for $6,000.
Lafayette Gazette 1/19/1901.
A highly improved farm of 58 arpents, with improvements consisting of a residence of 5 bed rooms, hall, dining-room, kitchen, pantry with cellar, a barn 50x40 and sheds 15x50, race track with grand stand, slaughter house and pen, 2 tenant houses, a stable 18x75 etc., all within half a mile of Church, Convent, School, Refinery and R. R. Depot, partly in the corporation. Many nut and fruit trees. This is an exceptionally fine and desirable place.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/26/1901.
Sold Farm. - Mr. P. D. Judice has sold his farm near Lafayette to Mr. Alcee Landry and has moved to Jeanerette with his family. Mr. Judice leaves many friends here who wish him much prosperity in his new home. Lafayette Gazette 1/26/1901.
FOR SALE. - A fine plantation situated about four and a half miles from the town of Lafayette, La., on the public road to Opelousas, La., containing 125 arpents of prairie land and 45 arpents of wood land; and being about a half a mile from the Morgan's rail road. The land is of first quality for the cultivation of corn, cotton or sugar cane. Said property will be sold on easy terms. For further particulars address Wm. Campbell, lock box 26 Lafayette, La.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/2/1895.
NOTICE. - Having made other business arrangements, my General Agency for Real Estate &c., is discontinued. Parties desiring to sell property are referred to W. B. Bailey Esq., whose terms will be moderate and liberal. Laf. Adv. 2/8/1879.
In order to facilitate parties who wish to dispose of lands or other property, the undersigned will advertise and assist in selling them, on very moderate and satisfactory conditions. Call a the office of the ADVERTISER.
Laf. Adv. 2/8/1879.
That most desirable tract of land known as the Hawley land, containing about 280 acres, situated south of the S. P. Railroad and within a quarter of mile of Scott Station. Upon this land is the well known grove of Live Oaks, Isle Navarre. For further information apply to the undersigned or to Chas. D. Caffery, Attorney, Lafayette, La.
THOS. F. WEBB, Agent.
Laf. Advertiser 2/15/1890.
Real Estate Agency. Mr. J. C. Nickerson has opened a real estate agency as may be seen on this page of The Gazette. Mr. Nickerson will give much attention to the business of selling real estate and will do all in his power to bring the great advantage of this parish within the knowledge of home-seekers. Those who have property for sale will do well to communicate with Mr. Nickerson. He will defray all expenses of advertising and will charge only a reasonable commission. The more property Mr. Nickerson will have on his list the easier it will be for him to suit prospective buyers.
A progressive town can not get along without a live real estate agency, and for that reason The Gazette is pleased to note that Mr. Nickerson has decided to engage in that line of business. Lafayette Gazette 2/16/1901.
Dr. G. A. Martin recently purchased from Mrs. J. A. Veazey, a lot of ground on Lincoln ave., measuring 45 x 125 feet, on which he intends building a residence and (unreadable word) at an early date. Laf. Adv. 2/17/1894.
The corner lot near the courthouse, owned by Mr. Chas. A. Mouton, has been bought by Sheriff Broussard, who has had some repairs made to the buildings which will be offered for rent. Laf. Gaz. 2/19/1898.
Sheriff Broussard and Harry Durke Sell 846 Acres of Land for $21.50.
Sheriff Broussard returned from Abbeville Wednesday where he had gone to sell a portion of the rice land owned by him and Mr. H. M. Durke. The day before Sheriff Broussard and Mr. Durke closed a deal, selling 846 acres to Wesley Shriefer and J. T. Alvez, of Illinois, for $21,150. The rice lands in Vermilion are the biggest kind of a boom and this is one of the money deals which show the great demand for real estate in that parish. Messrs. Broussard and Durke still own several hundred acres in that section which they cultivate in rice.
Sheriff Broussard informs us that Marsh Island, which he and Mr. Fabacher purchased some time ago, is attracting the attention of investors everywhere. Every mail brings inquires as to the adaptability of the island to stock-raising. A recent cash offer shows how rapidly it is increasing in value since its advantages have been given publicity.
Lafayette Gazette 2/22/1902.
Northern Prospectors. - A. E. Hobbs, of Chicago, were in Lafayette this week looking at the country with a view of investing in real estate. Through the efforts of J. C. Nickerson, the local real estate agent, the Messrs. Hobbs were enabled to see Lafayette and surrounding country. Before leaving they expressed themselves greatly pleased with Lafayette, and stated that they would return probably to remain permanently.
Lafayette Gazette 2/23/1901.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following real estate transfers were recorded in the clerk's office during the past week:
Alice Winston, wife, to Horace Meaux, 220 acres in the second ward, $1,980.
Lessin Dugas to Eugene LeBlanc, 21 arpents in first ward, $400.
Leo Doucet to E. C. Deniston, 30 arpents in second ward.
Isadore Broussard to Alcide Broussard, 20 arpents in fourth ward, $400.
Theovide Vincent to Ovide Trahan, 7 arpents in fourth ward, $70.
S. Locke Breaux to Mrs. Antoine Delhomme, 35 arpents in first ward.
Corinne Domingue to Amedee Sonnier, 35 arpents in first, $55o.
C. O. and J. Alf. Mouton to Wm. Couret, 28 arpents in third ward, $700.
Eulalie Potier, to Joseph Castelle, in sixth ward, 30 arpents, $400.
Henry G. Foreman to George Foreman, third interest in 40 acres in second ward, $93.33.
Adam Foreman to Cornelius Spell, 93 acres in second ward $930.
Cornelius Spell to Adam Foreman, 40 acres in second ward, $480.
Cornelius Spell and H. Meaux to Adam Foreman, 100 acres in second ward.
Mrs. F. S. Mudd to P. L. DeClouet and others, 16 lots in Mudd's addition, Lafayette, $800.
Lafayette Gazette 2/23/1901.
The undersigned has embarked in the Real Estate business, for South Western Louisiana. Parties having property for sale will do well to call on or write to me. Taxes paid and rents collected for non-residents, a specialty.
P. O. Box, 82 Lafayette, La.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/23/1901.
Real Estate Agents. - J. S. Martin, a former citizen of Kansas, has entered into a co-partnership with E. Constantin of this place and J. O. Bourdier of Breaux Bridge, to deal in real estate and they will soon open an office in Lafayette. The Gazette welcomes Mr. Martin and wishes him abundant success. A live real estate firm is much needed in this section and we have no doubt that Mr. Martin, with the assistance of Messrs. Constantin and Bourdier, will be the means of bringing to our parish many home-seekers from other States. Mr.Martin has had wide experience in the real estate business and it is indeed fortunate for us that he has selected this section as a field for his future labors.
Lafayette Gazette 2/23/1895.
Bought Property. - Judge C. Debaillon purchased last Thursday the property of Jean Breaux, fronting on Madison St., between the properties of Mr. Gus. A. Breaux and Mrs. Homer Bailey. The Judge is to be congratulated on the acquisition of this property which is one of the most desirable residence properties in Lafayette.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.
Ambroise Mouton, the only real estate agent in our parish, has had several visits of late from men with large means from other parts of our State, to examine our beautiful country. He drove them around for three days at a great expense to himself, but he is confident that sooner or later these men will invest here as they promised they would. Laf. Adv. 2/26/1898.
The following real estate transfers were recorded in the clerk's office during the past week:
E. C. Deniston to Wm. G. Burke, 75 acres in second ward.
Victor M. Blot And Gaston Blot to C. C. Brown, 61 arpents in sixth ward, $1,800.
Drs. N. D. and R. O. Young to Mrs. Valsin Wilson, 100 arpents in fourth ward.
Mrs. Valsin Wilson to Toussaint and Paul Joseph, 85 arpents in fourth ward, $1,473.
Minor heirs of Francioni to Dr. Thos. B. Hopkins, right and interest on lot in Lafayette, $100.
Benjamin Griffin to P. L. Revillon, lot in Lafayette, $100.
Eloi Broussard to Fernest Meaux, half interest in 40 arpents woodland in second ward, $663.
Alcide Judice to Gustave Duhon, 75 acres in second ward, $1,136.
Placide Breaux and Theophile Breaux to C. C. Brown, 6 arpents in sixth ward, $150.
Alex Delhomme to Antoine Bacquet, lot in Scott, $120.
A. J. Ross to Edward A. Hanson, 3 lots and improvements, $2,500.
Lafayette Gazette 3/2/1901.
The undersigned has embarked in the Real Estate business, for South Western Louisiana. Parties having property for sale will do well to call on or write to me. Taxes paid and rents collected for non-residents, a specialty.
P. O. Box 82. Lafayette, La.
Dr. Roy W. Scranton, the popular Royville citizen and physician, was in Lafayette for a few hours Tuesday.
Mr. A. L. Dyer, of Royville passed through town Tuesday on his way to the city.
Mr. Dupre Bernard as accepted a position with the Southern Nursery Co.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/2/1901.
Property Sold. - Last Monday Dr. F. S. Mudd sold to Mrs. S. F. Givens two and three-fifths acres of land, adjoining the property of Mr. John Nickerson on the North. Mrs. Givens will at once erect a fine residence on the property, the cost of which, we understand, will be about $3,000. The price paid for the land was $925, cash. Laf. Adv. 4/5/1893.
We understand that several real estate deals are about to be closed, and a new addition to Lafayette laid out. Laf. Adv. 4/5/1893
Real Estate Transfers.
Reported by J. C. Nickerson, Real Estate Agent.
For the week ending April 4th:
Mrs. Herpeche to Mrs. S. B. Kahn lot and residence...$865.00.
Mrs. M. T. Mudd to Miss Virgie Younger 4 lots in Mudd's Addition. $225.00.
Mrs. M. T. Mudd to Mrs. Mary E. Davis 4 lots in Mudd's Addition. $200.00.
Frank K. Hopkins to Lafayette Building Association, lot in Lafayette. $800.00.
Mrs. Charlie Martin to Phrosin Stupid one arpent in 3rd ward. $80.00.
R. O. Young to Jules Mallet, 38 arpents. $250.00.
Crow Girard to Dr. A. C. Durio, lot in Girard Addition. $150.00.
Maurice Francez to Alcide Broussard, 40 arpents. $125.00.
Gaston Francez to Alcide Broussard, 40 arpents $200.00.
Mrs. M. T. Mudd to Mrs. W. V. Nicholson, 8 lots in Mudd's Addition. $400.00.
Wm. Peters and other to Ignace Meleton, lot and improvements $3079.96. Lafayette Advertiser 4/6/1901.
Fourteen valuable building have been added to the real estate's worth of Lafayette, which conclusively shows that this town is on the up grade. Laf. Adv. 4/8/1899.
A complete ice manufacturing plant with capacity of ten tons per day. Situated on lots No.'s 11, 12, 13, 14; Section 24-McComb addition, and being 200 feet from Southern Pacific depot. Buildings are large enough to increase capacity.
Lot and cabin in McComb additon for sale cheap. Price $350.
Lot No. 146, Mouton addition- $200.
Lot No. 61, Mouton addition - $225.
Lots No. 186, 202, 203, Mouton addition - $225.
Lots in Girard, Mouton, Mills, McComb, Mudd, Doucet-Trahan and S. R. Parkerson additions for sale cheap and on terms to suit the purchaser.
Lots No. 3, 4, & 5 on Grant avenue, with hotel and other improvements - Price 4,725.
Five lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Sq. S. McComb addition fronting Lincoln avenue with all improvements and fine home, price $4,200.
Lots No. 119 on Vermilion and Madison Sts. with an up-to-date baker shop and other improvements. Price $3,500.
Lots 171 and 180 corner Congress, Douglas and Buchanan Sts., with improvements. Price $5,000.
Lots Nos, 92 and 63, Mouton's addition, corner Lee Avenue and Stewart St. with two houses. Price $650.
Lot no 230, 50 feet fronting on Vermilion St, by 170 feet on Adam St, with all improvements. Price $2,500.
Lot No. 208, corner Pierce and Congress Sts. with or without improvements.
Lots Nos. 16 and 17 corner Lincoln avenue and Chestnut St. with all improvements at $6,000.
Lot No. 62 and part of 61 on Madison St. with all improvements, a fine home. Price $5,000.
Lots Nos. 113, 165, 166 with all improvements, Mills addition also lots Nos. 323, 342 & 343, Mouton addition. Make me an offer on them.
Two large lots, Nos. 6 and 7, in Mills addition with good residence, cheap at $1,600.
Lot No. 3 on St. John street, 81 feet front by a depth of 625 feet, with one of the most comfortable houses in the town on it, beautifully shaded. Price $6,500.
Lots Nos. 73, 74, 90 and 91 Mouton addition, corner Lee avenue Main and Stewart Sts. with large hotel and residence and other improvements. Price - $6,000.
Country Property For Sale.
471 arpents two miles northeast of Lafayette with brick residence, six large rooms. A frame residence for overseer, three negro cabins, two large barns, 70 arpents of cane on place, under good fence.
J. C. NICKERSON, Real Estate.
Lafayette, La.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/18/1903.
Reported by J. C. Nickerson, Real Estate Agent.
For the week ending 4/18/1901.
Louise Mouton to Adol Picard the 2nd, 112 arpents - 4th ward, $30.00.
M. Perry to P. Montezum land in 2nd ward, $25.00.
I. A. Broussard to Jno. R. Verret, 315 acres in 3rd ward, $7,250.
James Barry to Moys Stutes, 10 acres in 2nd ward, $90.00.
Dominic Arceneaux to Lucien Arceneaux, 1 lot in Lafayette, $200.
Anastasie Bernard to Edgar Guilbeau, 40 arpents in 6th ward, $375.
A. D. Verrot to Ovey F. Comeau, 100 arpents in the 4th ward, $600.
P. A. Duplex and P. R. Roy to Louis Mouton, 25 arpents in the 4th ward, $350.
P. A. Duplex and P. R. Roy to Adolph Gilbert, 50 arpents in the 4th ward, $700.
P. A. Duplex and P. R. Roy to Alexis Guilbut, 125 arpents in the 4th ward, $609.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1901.
It will pay you to visit the Voorhies Addition before buying elsewhere. Mouton & Leblanc.
Laf. Adv. 5/3/1905
Messrs. Bertand & Barras, Contractors, have just completed an addition to the home of Mrs. Eugene Trahan. They will also complete Mrs. Cleophas Broussard's house near the Catholic cemetery this week. Laf. Adv. 5/4/1904
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