Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Cemetery Cleanup. - The cleaning up of Catholic cemetery has been in progress for a few days under the supervision of Rev. Father Forge and ere long this last earthly residence will be in.... (rest unreadable) 
Lafayette Advertiser 1/20/1900.

Death of Uncle Coco. -   Friday, January 16th, one of the old landmarks and characters of our community was obliterated in the death of old Uncle Coco. He was an old freedman, whose history runs back into obscurity. He is said to have been born in St. Martinville parish, and to be 118 years old. He could talk readily and intelligently upon matters reaching far back of the life of the  present generation, and in which he claimed to have taken part. He claimed to have been present at the battle of New Orleans, and could describe it vividly. He also claimed to have been a soldier in Gen. Jackson's army. He could relate incidents occurring in this section of the State both while it was under Spanish and French rule, and was familiar with the history of all the old families. Altogether, Coco was a wonderful man - a second "Wandering Jew." He was a Catholic, and funeral services were held at St. John's Church last Saturday. Coco's wonderful longevity is only one of many instances of the healthfulness of our country and climate. By scanning the list of mortalities recorded in our columns the past few weeks it will be seen that several had reached the age of 80, and beyond.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.

A large number of friends and acquaintances attended the funeral of Mr. Antoine Domingue which took place at St. John Catholic church last Wednesday. Mr. Domingue was an old resident of this parish living near Scott.
Laf. Adv. 1/29/1898.

The Catholic Cemetery.

The Catholic Cemetery has been cleaned and is now in better condition than it has been for many years. An association has been formed by the members of the Catholic congregation for the purpose of keeping the cemetery in its present condition and to improve it if possible. The small monthly fee of 5 cents will be paid by each. This may seem like a mere trifle, but it is not so small when it is considered that there is such a large Catholic congregation at this place. It is to be hoped that all who have relatives buried in the Catholic cemetery will contribute their mite toward the success of this most worthy undertaking. Lafayette Gazette 2/3/1900.

Rev. Father Forge, of Lafayette, went to New Orleans to welcome the new Archbishop, having been appointed on the reception committee.
Laf. Adv. 2/12/1898.

Workmen have been engaged during the week putting up lightning rods on the steeple of the Catholic church. Many have watched the workers with interest in their position at the top of the high steeple.
Laf. Adv. 2/25/1893.


Last Sunday after high mass, several ladies and gentlemen repaired to the presbytery to organize an association whose object will be to take care of and improve the Catholic Cemetery.

Messrs. L. F. Salles, F. V. Mouton, Chas. O. Mouton, F. G. Mouton, Albert Landry, Ludovic Billeaud, Sidney Martin and Aladin Broussard.Chas. O. Mouton, President H. A. VanderCruyssen, Vice-President, F. V. Mouton, secretary, Rev. E. Forge, Treasurer. The committee on resolutions is as follows :

The committee will meet next Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m., and all the members are earnestly required to attend. Those who wish to join the association will please give their name to the secretary. Lafayette Advertiser... 2/3/1900.

Remains Moved.

 Mr. J. D. Mouton caused the remains of his father, Gen. Alfred Mouton, to be moved from where they were placed when brought here from Mansfield after the war, as the grave in which they rested had been partially covered by an annex which was made to the Catholic church some years ago. While it will serve no purpose at this late date to speak of the lack of respect for the memory of the gallant general shown by those who placed this annex over his grave. The Gazette is pleased to note the change as it was eminently proper to inter the mortal remains of the brave soldier in a more suitable spot. Lafayette Gazette 2/25/1899.

The Police Jury and City Council have jointly agreed to purchase a piece of ground for Father Forge, on which to bury the unknown dead. The price to be paid is twenty dollars and the square of ground is 40X60 feet.
Laf. Adv. 4/5/1893.

From the N. O. Picayune;
Murder of Martin Begnaud.

Sheriff Broussard arrested a man named Ellias Ballin, who at one time lived with Mr. Begnaud, and who is regarded as a desperate character. The arrest was made in Carenro, and the prisoner is now lodged in jail at Lafayette. Ballin is a Spaniard, and passed some time as a quack doctor, but his principal occupation appears to be that of a painter.

 Mr. Begnaud's funeral was held at St. John's Church, and the ceremonies were conducted by Father Forge. The church was packed to its utmost capacity by a sympathizing community. Father Forge took opportunity to address the people on the subject of the crime and administer the consolation of religion, as well as to impress wise counsel as to the duty of good citizens. The reverend father said:

 "This large assemblage has congregated here, actuated by two sentiments; affection and regret for the victim of the most atrocious crime in the annals of this parish; second, a sentiment of protestation against so heinous a deed. Here lies before us the inanimate body of him you loved so well, stricken down in the prime of manhood by the foul blows of midnight assassins."

 At these words the entire audience were melted to tears.

 "Religion," said the reverend father, "is the basis of society and all good government. Take away this basis and human affairs descend into a state of revolution and anarchy. The evil deeds of men often go unpunished in this world and we cannot believe that crimes such as this shall fail to receive terrible retribution at the hands of a just God. This inherrant belief in future retribution of crimes and the uncertainty of human justice is one of the strongest grounds of the Christian religion. If this is not true there is no God. It is a foul blot on the fair reputation of the parish and every law abiding citizen could not help but feel a deep sense of shame that any citizen should be implicated. Should the villains be captured justice should be meted out by constituted authority and not by unlawful proceedings. If otherwise the people should rely upon the certain vengeance sure to be administered in the next world."

 The earnest and eloquent words of Father Forge, combined with the impressiveness of the attending circumstances, made the obsequies an occasion of sublime solemnity. The good father himself was so overcome at times by emotion as to fail of utterance. The sound advice given will doubtless have a beneficial effect in allaying to some extent the intense excitement aroused by the crime and prevent any acts of violence should the officers uncover the crime and apprehend the fiends.

From the N. O. Picayune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 5/2/1896.

Fair to Benefit St. John's Church.

A committee of ladies connected with the Catholic Church are preparing for a fair to take place on the 13th, 14th and 15th insts., the proceeds to be applied to the completion of the new church. The success of previous similar entertainments under the same management warrants the belief that another harvest - so to speak - for the church, and an enjoyable  occasion for the public is approaching. The liberal spirit usually manifested by the people of this and neighboring communities in matters of this kind obviates the necessity of any comment on our part urging patronage. The refreshments will be various and will consist of a restaurant, lemonade and ice cream tables, &c.

 Another feature of the entertainment will be the appearance of the boys of St. John school in "The Old Man's Legacy," a drama of no inconsiderable merit, the acting of several of the boys in the play, as we saw them in rehearsal of several days ago was good, and enables us to say latent histrionic power was manifested; altogether, the play is done in style much above ordinary school boy acting. As amateurs they are worth seeing and we have no doubt the "old man" will draw much. Lafayette Advertiser 5/6/1882.

    First communion services will be held a the Catholic church on Thursday, May 22nd.
 Laf. Adv. 5/17/1902.

First Communion Services. First Communion services were held at St. John's Catholic Church on last Thursday. The altars were tastefully decorated for the occasion and the church filled with children all clothed in white presented a beautiful appearance.

 The Sontag Military Band was present and led the parade of the children which took place before they entered the church, into which they filed in order and occupied the seats assigned. The services were beautiful and impressive and the special song service added greatly to the significance of the occasion Rev. Father Forge conducted the services assisted by Rev's Dontre, Rayne; Giraud, Patoutville; Jouan, Iberia; Bardy, Jeanerette; Rochard, Mauriceville; Louis Castel, New Orleans; Bollard, Charenton, Roger, Church Point; Peeters, Jennings; Placiduszarn, Loville; Stockalpher, Grand Coteau; Grimaud, Carencro; Thebault, St. Martins; Vanderbilt, Delcambre; Vanderbrook, Cypremort; Mertens, Loreauville; Engerink, Opelousas; Also Jules Jenmard Jr., prospective vicar for St. John's Church after his ordination to the priesthood next month. Lafayette Advertiser 5/30/1903.

Crowning of the Virgin at St. John's.
  The last day of the month of May was fittingly celebrated at St. John's Catholic Church.

 At 5 p. m., a large congregation assembled to assist in the crowning of the Virgin, a great many children taking part in the ceremonies of the Crowning.

 At 8 p. m., another large congregation assembled to receive the benediction of the Holy Sacrament.

 Very fine music was rendered at this service.

 An exquisite solo was sung feelingly by Miss Marthe Mouton.

 The Church was lighted by several hundred electric lights which added to the solemnity of the occasion. Lafayette Advertiser 6/3/1899.

Statue of St. Anthony at St. John's.  On Sunday, the twenty-third instant at eight-thirty p. m., an imposing ceremony will be the blessing of the beautiful statue of St. Anthony of Padua, in St. John's the Evangelist Church. An appropriate sermon will be delivered by Rev. Father Peters. The Church will be illuminated by electricity and the music for the occasion will be particularly good. Useless to say that Rev. Fathers Forge and Baulard will perform with all the solemnity with which the Catholic Clergy invests its exercises. Laf. Adv. 6/15/1901.

First Communions and Confirmations.

 Bishop Rouxel will arrive in Lafayette on Friday, June 23rd. He is coming from Alexandria, La., and will be met at the depot by the Lafayette Fire Department and by all other citizens who will be willing to meet him and escort him to the presbytery.

 The children of the first Communion and confirmation will remain on the church square.


 The mass at which the first communion will be administered will take place at 7 a. m. The children of the first communion will escort Mrg. Rouxel from the presbytery to the church where he will be the celebrant of the Mass.

 At 10 a. m., renewal of covenant, followed by the benediction of the Holy Sacrament and the remittance of scapularies.

 First Mass at 5 1/2 a. m.
 Second Mass at 6 a. m.
 Third Mass at 7 a. m.
 Mgr. Rouxel will be the celebrant at this Mass.

 Last Mass at 8 a. m.

 At 10 a. m., the sacrament of Holy Confirmation will be administered by the bishop.

 At 8 p. m. Benediction of the Holy Sacrament. The church will be lighted by electricity.

 It is good to remember that Mgr. Rouxel was once the parish priest at Lafayette, therefore it is proper that our people should turn out en masse to welcome him to his old rectorship of by-gone days.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/17/1899.




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