Tuesday, July 23, 2013



Deputy Thomas Mouton arrested Willie Brown and Edmond Breaux, two negroes, charged with picking Ben Giraud's pocket on X-mas in a nigger dive near the depot. Giraud hails from Alexandria.

Deputy Thomas Mouton and Constable Hirsch arrested Daniel Moses Thursday charged with the stealing of a watch from a dusky damsel by the name of Mathilde. Lafayette Gazette 1/1/1898.


One of our colored evangelists, bearing the name of Tillman, was stabbed in the face, Saturday by another negro, named Louis Oby. It appears that the disciple of Fred Douglas made remarks derogatory to Oby's character in one of his morals to his congregation, which insinuations engendered Oby's ire. The latter was lodged in jail by Deputy Mouton. Lafayette Gazette 1/1/1898.

Arrested for Burglary. - Villemont Hubac's store near Sunset Hotel was broken into early Friday night. He promptly reported to the officers stating his suspicions as to who the guilty parties were. They at once arrested Eddie and Jim Brown, whose names were given and immediately confessed to the burglary. The pocket book taken was recovered. 
Lafayette Advertiser 1/3/1906.

Frightened the Neighbors. - New Year's eve Chief Chargois was summoned by a frightened negro to go and arrest a crazy man. Following his informant he found a big negro, known as Lewis, shut up in house with a double-barreled shot gun, frightening the neighbors and raising a "rough house" generally. The chief went to the door, when the officer promptly "covered" him and forced him to submit to arrest. 
Lafayette Advertiser 1/3/1906.

[Abbeville Meridional.]

 There are crimes which are so horrifying to the moral sense as to arouse the righteous indignation and wrath of every decent man. Yes, to cry aloud to high Heaven for punishment. Such indeed, it the latest outrage which liquor and debauchery afford to shock the public sentiment.

 Last week a ball was given at a public dance hall at Kaplan, this parish. Among those who attended was the thirteen year old daughter of a worthy farmer of the neighborhood, who was at the time absent in another parish. The child was plied with liquor and "kop kop," a sort of knockout drop specially concocted in Kaplan, and when properly dosed was assisted into a buggy by the proprietor of the dance hall and driven by her abductor - a young man about twenty-five years old - to a house on the other side of Gross Isle, where she was subjected to indignities that can better be imagined than described. Here she remained for several days, until her anxious mother discovered her whereabouts and Sheriff Hebert arrested them and returned the child to her family.

 We refrain from mentioning any names as we do not care to prejudice the case. It is just such crimes as this which the vile liquor of the viler cross roads doggeries incite in the depraved wretches who hang about them like flies on a festering carcass. Take away the opportunity to fill up on mean rotgut whiskey at every corner and you will remove from many the temptation to idleness and crime. From the Abbeville Meridional and in the Lafayette Gazette 1/3/1903.   


 "Farmer" Complains of An Abuse Which has Become Very Serious to the Cane-growers.

To the Editor of The Lafayette Gazette:

 The-grinding season for cane is
now about over. I finished shipping to-day, and whilst the tonnage is satisfactory, it is the reverse as to the price  received -- nearly sixty
cents per ton less than we received last year. Yet, we have paid more
for labor than in former years,
which still brings us to a farther
loss than last year,  and as I made'
an average of twenty tons per acre
it means a loss of fifteen dollars per
acre to myself, and the same in
proportion to all other cane-growers
The question now is how much more
of this can we stand, and if there is
a remedy, and will the farmers apply
it. In my opinion there is
no success without organization.
Through the cowardice or inefficiency of the law we are subject to another heavy  loss that comes from the stealage  of cane from the fields and in transit to market. From the time cane begins to ripen until the
season closes there is a continual
loss from this stealage.  We, that control switches are entrusted by the farmers and refineries to weigh
their cane correctly, etc To show
you the extent of this stealage in reports received from the refinery, the loss in weight on one car sometimes is from one to five thousand pounds. In your town negroes not only carry it off by the armfuls, but have been seen hauling it off in wagons.  I write this to ask your assistance in helping to break up this crime against a poor. tired and inert set of farmers, such as we are, that won't help or protect themselves.
selves. Can we not go in a body
before the Police jury and ask P
them to pass an ordinance making
it a misdemeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment to take cane from
the fields or cars, and that any one seeing this stealage  may report it and that the justices and constables hi be asked to enforce the ordinance?

 If there is no law to cover this case then we must ask our representative to be elected next spring to work for legislation to this effect. Then, finally, if there can be no protection under the law, we are brought face to face with a serious proposition, for  self-preservation is a powerful factor when men realize they have no protection save that which they themselves can enforce. This is an evil which can and ought to be remedied by law.

With a hearty endorsement for, B
much that you have said and done a
during this closing year, and with
best wishes for the coming new the
year. I am, yours truly,

Gazette replies....

 The Gazette is satisfied that
"Farmer" does not exaggerate the
extent of the loss caused to the
cane-growers by the stealing of cane either in the field or in transit. It is a well-known fact that some people do not hesitate to help themselves from the fields and cane-cars and the abuse has grown to such proportions that the law applicable to it should be enforced. We understand that the taking of cane from the cars constitutes the crime of larceny and that there is a statute covering the other offense -- that of taking the cane while in the fields.
If these laws are permitted to be dot violated with impunity the farmers are at the mercy of a large class of people who seem to think that sugar-cane is not entitled to the protection of the laws which regulate the right of property. We hope that by calling attention to this evil, "Farmer" will secure for the cane growers the protection which they should receive at the hands of the authorities. Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1902.

  [From the Morning Star and Catholic Messenger]

 The Weekly Messenger, of St. Martinville, in its last issue has a welcome article headed  'Anti Regulators.' It therein announces that a call has been issued by twenty-eight influential citizens of Lafayette, for a meeting of respectable inhabitants in the interest of good order and tranquility.  They represent that property interests are unsettled by reason of prevalent lawlessness in that country, that confidence among neighbors is shaken and that, through perjury and criminal combinations, the efforts of the judicial authorities are thwarted and flagrant crimes go unpunished. Hence the necessity for energetic and organized action on the part of the law abiding citizens.

 We agreed with the Messenger when it says, "
Such organizations of law and order should exist in every parish where lawlessness has prevailed, not to make their own justice, but to help and assist the officers of justice."

 It would, indeed, be of no special benefit that one lawless organization had been crushed by another equally devoid of authority. The stability of the law would be thereby in no degree vindicated.

 But a lawful organization, to act within the law, and in aid of its officials, might indeed be productive of the happiest results. The law officers would feel their hands strengthened by it while the evil doers would be to a like extent discouraged. Perjury, would become, more or less abashed under a hostile public scrutiny and society would soon find itself redeemed from its former condition of chaos and decay.

 Organization is the key-note of strength and progress to-day. The civilly disposed do not fail to combine to effect their purposes, for they are fully aware of the efficacy of such a policy. They ride in bands through the gloom of night, gaining courage, for themselves by their numbers and taing terror into scattered communities of twice of thrice their numerical strength. Through the same unity of purpose, they become a potent political factor in their region and exert a commanding influence over jurors, if not judges.

 If combinations is in itself such a power, why not invoke it in behalf of right and justice and decency. A band of twenty white caps or nighthawks will rule boldly and insolently over a whole parish of non-combatants when they would be very prudent if fifty determined men are pledged to capture or exterminate them under the orders of the sheriff.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1890. 

Assault and Battery. 
Charles J. Ranlett, a representative of the Ferris Sugar Manufacturing Company, appeared before Justice McFadden Friday morning and made an affidavit against Mr. John Vigneaux for assault and battery. As soon as Mr. Vigneaux was informed of the charge against him he presented himself before Judge McFadden, pleaded not guilty and asked for a speedy trial. The case was fixed for 2 o'clock, when the trial was commenced. The testimony adduced went to show that Messrs. Vigneaux and Ranlett were engaged in a conversation in the bank when the difficulty arose. After hearing all the evidence pro and con the judge took the case under advisement and will give his decision today. Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1895.

Officer Killed at Rayne.
 The news of the killing at Rayne of Officer Mac Lyons was received with deep regret by a number of people who knew him and appreciated his many good qualities. His genial disposition and uniform cordiality had won for him the esteem and friendship of many wherever he was known. Mr. Lyons was a cousin of Sheriff Broussard, who was much pained by his death.
Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1895.

We regret to learn of an unfortunate shooting affair which occurred at Broussardville the day following Christmas. While engaged in a dispute Mr. Joseph Anselet shot Mr. Nicolas Delahoussaye, of St. Martin parish, through the cheeks. We were glad to hear that Mr. Delahoussaye is in a fair way to recovery. Mr. Anselet, as the wound is not fatal, will undoubtedly be admitted to bail. Laf. Adv. 1/5/1889.
Badly Cut. - Mr. Chas. Lusted, Sr., while returning home from a supper given by the local lodge of K. of P. was assaulted by a negro on horseback and dangerously cut Friday morning about 1 o'clock. A few minutes after the occurrence a negro on horseback rode up to Mr. Ben Schmulinksi, who was standing on the corner at Moss Pharmacy, and grabbed his hat. Mr. Schmulinski fired twice at him, but missed. Later the negro was arrested by officer Campbell on Octave Bertrand's plantation, and lodged in jail. The negro is supposed to be the same who cut Mr. Lusted. Lafayette Advertiser 1/6/1904

Assaulted by "Hobos." - A stranger with an ugly cut on his head called on Marshal Vigneaux and stated that he had been assaulted by tramps. The officer, accompanied by the railroad men, who are always ready to volunteer their services for anything of this kind, went to the brick yard where the "hobos" generally congregate. They surrounded the yard and captured ten tramps and marched them to the jail where the wounded man identified two of them as his assailants.    Lafayette Gazette 1/6/1894.

Constable Hirsch arrested and jailed a negro named Randle on a charge of wife-beating. Laf. Gaz. 1/6/1894.


Last Thursday night while ALL the citizens of our good town of Lafayette were slumbering in the arms of Morpheus and the police force were doing duty in some quarters, several night marauders feeling buoyant and full of energy resolved to have a funny time in the good city of Lafayette.

The robberies committed during that memorable night reminds one of the good old times in the middle ages.

These night birds were men of deep knowledge, committing robberies systematically.

They must have been in a nudity state as their first visit was to the well supplied establishment of the Lafayette Clothing House where they knew where everything was kept and without any fear of being disturbed by any passers by they threw a stone at the show window to try their dexterity. A big hole having been made and though the noise was terrific, not fearing the consequences force, they with a stick helped themselves to shirts, umbrellas and shoes, the whole amounting to $30 without estimating damages.

Having supplied themselves with necessary apparel, the band thought that gentlemen could not do without the time and as the town of Lafayette does not have a town clock they resolved to supply themselves with a watch to know exactly when the day would dawn upon them; and thinking that is where justice resides, time must be there, they proceeded to the home of Judge C. Debaillon where they borrowed forever his son's watch.

The possessing the time enabling them to get out of the beat of our officer, they became hungry and not having the necessary cash to partake of a meal, they paid a visit to Mr. Numa Judice and relieved his son of $2.50.

Now came the royal time, they went to the American Exchange where that prince of caterers, Lee Walker, filled their empty stomachs with the delicacies of the season.

They drank, we suppose to their success and while enjoying themselves, their consciences smote them for their deeds, they saw all the punishments awaiting them in the future world for such as they were and at once decided to go see Rev. Forge, make a clean breast of the whole business and seek his counsels and advice:

Off they went for the presbytery, but after vain efforts to wake up the occupants of the priestly residence and being bent to see the Fathers, they effected an entrance into the kitchen and seeing before them a whole cheese, some bread and sausages, the temptation came back and they relieved Rev. Forge and partook of a lunch.

They must have eaten too much and felt very uncomfortable as their next visit was for Dr. Gladu, probably to relieve him of some of his active medicines, but peeping to a window and seeing the doctor in deep study seated by a Winchester rifle they left hurriedly leaving upon the ground the print of their shoes.

There is one thing they forgot to do, paying a visit to either one of the editors requesting them to publish the above facts.

These are truly remarkable incidents for all in one night.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/7/1899

  Burglars at Work.

 The attempts at burglary show that there is an organized band of thieves in this town. Tuesday night the show-window of the Lafayette Clothing House was broke into and about $30 worth of goods were stolen. The same night the home of Judge Debaillon was entered into and a watch was carried away. The residence of Mr. Numa Judice was also visited by the robbers who got away with several dollars of Mr. Judice's cash. Several other burglaries were reported the same night. Thursday night Ed Lehman shot at a man found prowling in Leon Plonsky's yard. Lafayette Gazette 1/7/1899.

Mayor's Court.
 VERMILIONVILLE, Dec. 29, 1881.
 George Johnson and Jules Arceneaux, disturbing the peace; Johnson was discharged and Arceneaux fined five dollars and costs or five days. jail. 

Dec. 30, 1881.
  Wm. Howard, vagrant, sentenced ten days jail and to work on the streets.
  Joseph Watson, vagrant, ten days jail and to work on streets.

January, 2, 1882.
  Baptiste Doucet, drunk and disturbing the peace, fined five dollars and costs or five days jail.
  Alfred Veazey, drunk and disturbing the peace, fined five dollars and costs or five days in jail.
  Narcisse Jones, carrying concealed weapons and inciting to riot, fined five dollars and costs are five days in jail.
  Fritz Bratke, vagrant, five days jail and to work on the streets.
  Julius Blooms, vagrant, five days jail and to work on the streets.
 John Gaffery, vagrant, fined five dollars and costs or five days to work on the streets.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/7/1882.

A Woman Thief.

 A colored damsel by the name of Therese Watson, charged with the stealing of some thirty dollars from Mrs. Degrez, was brought to Lafayette from Iberia Sunday by Sheriff Broussard. She managed to escape from the authorities, who misled by her seeming helplessness, did not think she would take advantage of any lack of extra vigilance. Deputy Mouton went in search of her and will probably have her in charge very soon. Lafayette Gazette 1/8/1898.

Our Next Sheriff.

 The question of who is going to occupy the important position of sheriff in Lafayette parish for the next four years is a question which deeply concerns the whole people. The duties and responsibilities of the office are of a serious and difficult nature, and for their proper fulfillment require a high degree of courage and fearlessness, in addition to the qualities of intelligence and honesty.

 The safety and protection of individuals and of whole communities are thrown upon the sheriff with such great suddenness and force at times as to completely daze the ordinary man. Under those circumstances, unless the sheriff be a very cool-minded and courageous man of undoubted bravery, murderers and law-breakers escape arrest and punishment, and many lives may be uselessly sacrificed.

 Also, in discharging the multifarious and grave responsibilities connected with the office of sheriff and the tax collector, the quality of EXPERIENCE is one of very great value in just the same way that an extended experience in the practice of law, of medicine or any other line of work is counted to be of material advantage. It is because of their want of experience that the services of very young doctors and lawyers are always appraised lower than the services of the older members of the profession who have been adding to their store of knowledge for a longer term of years. And for the same reason much weight and importance is attached to the views and conclusions of persons of wide experience in any field of work in the world.

 The correctness of the conditions and qualifications we have laid down can not be disputed, as being very essential to a proper and satisfactory discharge of the duties of the office of sheriff and tax collector. These are the facts of the case and we believe there is not one fair minded man in the whole parish of Lafayette, except he be blinded by prejudice, who will not cordially admit that Sheriff Broussard fully measures up to the standard laid down by us for the office of sheriff and tax collector.

 It is upon this ground, and no other, that The Advertiser advocates the re-election of Mr. I. A. Broussard, and we predict his re-election in the full confidence that a large majority of the fathers and sons and mothers and daughters in Lafayette parish look upon this question with unbiased minds and only from the standpoint of the public interest, and that they will cheerfully and lend their influence to secure the re-election of sheriff Broussard, because he has served the people of the parish so creditably and so faithfully in the past. Lafayette Advertiser 1/9/1904.



Our entire population too well remembers the atrocious crime that was perpetrated during the night of April the 22nd 1896 at Scott, and which deprived us of one of the best citizens of that locality, a man admired and respected by all who knew him, this excellent man was Martin Begnaud.

Monster assassins, with barbarous characters, and with hearts as blackened in iniquity with a craving for gold, having robbed from his family a loving brother, a loving son, so much loved by these.

With no pity, and without mercy, the incarnate devils plunged the death instrument 52 times in the body of their poor, helpless victim, and not satisfied with having him at the first blow, were frenzied and maddened at the sight of the flowing blood and they turned into enraged brutes, his blood they must have, and to the last drop.

God be praised however, the murderers are now in the meshes of the law, and swift, summary justice will soon be meted out to the monsters, and the wretches have now but to prepare for death.

This crime has been the source of many conjectures, two men thus far innocent, have lain in Parish dungeons for nine long months, clothing saturated with blood, and an instrument said to answer to the description of that used, it has been asserted to have been found among the effects of one of the accused, and with ever so many more et ceteras thereto. Even, the grand jury had found a true bill against these two parties. With the lapse of time, everything connected with the crime became shrouded in mystery ; every one seemed to be at sea when all of a sudden the inscrutable hand of an all just and all wise Providence, guided back to the scene of the crime, the two assassins who had been traveling far and wide over the world.

Friday night last, the 1st of January, two Frenchmen, brothers, by name of Ernest and Alexis Blanc, arrived at the small station of Scott, and betook themselves to the plantation of Col. A. D. Boudreaux where they had worked last year. These young men having worked together on this plantation, their sudden departure shortly after the assassination raised many doubts against them.

After much vain research to find their whereabouts, the task of locating them was given up.

Upon leaving the Parish they furnished as pretext that they had received $50 from their tutor in France, as as theirs was a hard lot at best here, thought to ameliorate their condition by going to New Orleans where they were promised employment by a friend living on Toulouse Street. However, upon inquiry, it was ascertained they never been to the place indicated.

As above stated, their sudden set off was looked upon as mysterious, and many were the conjectures raised against them.

They not even took the trouble or precaution to sell their share of the crop.

Two or three days prior to their departure these young men called at the office of Dr. Salles to have a day fixed for dental work, remarking that the price was no object to them, and that they wished to have first class work and material. The dentist was somewhat surprised at the mark of liberality on the part of men he knew to be in humble circumstances.

Immediately upon arrest, they were separated, one being placed in the Corporation jail, the other in the Parish jail.

This took place Sunday night. The day following, ex-sheriff Campbell, now an Atty-at-law called Sheriff Broussard, and Simeon Begnaud, called at the Corporation jail for an interview with Alexis Blanc (youngest of the two.)

Campbell propounded the question; "What have you been doing (unreadable words) ...dreaux?"

"First we traveled to New Orleans, then to St. Louis, where we secured some employment in a hotel, from then to Mexico and the West, and we have tramped back here."

"How much money did you have on leaving here.?"

"We had $50, sent us by two friends, Mesdames Norris and Fevre."

Thereupon he fell to thinking, saying of a sudden, - "have you seen my brother?" Having been answered in the negative, not one word thereafter could be gotten out of him.

"Very well" says Campbell, "we know enough to condemn you, we are willing to grant you more time for reflection, it is now 10:30 o'clock and we will return here by 12 o'clock."

"Very well," says he, "come back."

At this Sheriff Broussard, Campbell and Begnaud betook themselves to the cell of the older brother, who was taken out of jail and brought to the Court House.

The same questions were put to him. Give us an account of yourself since your departure. The same answers were made, with the difference they had been in France.

"As for the $50 we received these of a friend in two 20 and one green bank note of $10."

Campbell told him that he was lying, and promised him protection in case of a confession on his part. "Tell us where is the money?"

"We have spent it all" blurted out the man.

"Since you admit having spent all the money, relate to us how you killed Begnaud?"

"Being only day laborers on a plantation we had many hours of leisure, and employed this spare time reading.

"Through the courtesy of Mr. Charles Breaux, a neighbor, we secured the loan of a book treating the daring deeds of Jesse James. From reading this book originated the idea and our plans for the murder. Seeing how poor we were, and how difficult to otherwise better our situation, we made up our minds to emulate the examples inculcated by the book.

"With this determination we set about about the following as near as possible the precepts therein laid down, and which are to the effect that, as common day laborers, it were hardly possible to arrive at much in this world, less we resorted to the commission of crimes.

"For two nights we laid in wait round the store of Martin Begnaud with the idea to take his money, but met with obstacles to both occasions.

"The third night having repaired to the spot again, we found the store closed, with Martin Begnaud in the saloon of his brother only a few steps from his store we could with ease see all that was transpiring in the above saloon while we lay concealed in some tall weeds that grew in the vicinity of the store.

"From our place of concealment we could see all such as were leaving the saloon, but Martin Begnaud was the one we waited to see leave. At last this latter was left alone in the saloon with his brother, and was soon on his way to his store. Our intention had been to overtake and walk in with him, but he was in the store ere we could reach the door, which he had bolted; we feared to have missed our chance again, when one of us said, suppose we could ask him for a package of tobacco.

Upon knocking at the door, Begnaud asked who was there, the answer was, Ernest and Alexis Blanc. Begnuad opened the door. As you had just come in we thought likely you might open the door to give us a package of tobacco.

Certainly answered Begnaud laughing and opening the wide the door. Come in. The tobacco was near enough to Begnaud he could reach same without turning his back to us. Our intention had been to seize a hold of him at this juncture, but he having failed to turn his back we thought (unreadable words) again escape us.

It is getting on late says Begnaud jestingly, and it is about time I put you fellows out the store as I am sleepy. He accompanied us to the door, but my brother cast a look of reproach unbraiding our cowardice and I made up my mind to act. Says I, I thought I had forgotten something, we have not had any supper and am hungry, can you let us have a box of sardines? Why of course said Begnaud, come in and you may have all the sardines you please. Again thought our courage would fail us. I noticed my brother make several futile attempts to attack. While Begnaud was wrapping up the box of sardines, my heart beat wildly, as we walked up and down the store, watching one another. We were nervous and weakened, still we were ready to pounce onto our victim.

At this juncture, my brother picked up a mouse trap and asked Begnaud to explain the mechanism of it, which he did readily, after stepping out from behind the counter. Glancing at my brother, I saw in his eye that he had decided to attack, and we both drew our pistols simultaneously and covered Begnaud, saying, make no outcry or you are a dead man. What do you wish asked Begnaud, in a quiet tone of voice. Your money open your safe at once. Begnaud seemed to think were joking, but soon made up his mind to the contrary and opened the safe.

While my brother covered him with his pistil, I rifled the safe. I asked for the keys of the drawers but Begnaud answered there was no money. You lie says I, give up the keys at once. Without further parlaying we secured a rope with which we tied his hands behind his back. We then ordered him to walk to his bed, and then tied his legs as well. A handkerchief having been placed over his mouth and eyes, again I asked him where are your keys? In a small box to the right, said he through a gag. I found the key and the amount of money obtained was $3,100 and some odd dollars.

I killed Begnaud, my hand trembled. The triangular instrument burned my hand. I shut my eyes, held firmly the instrument, and plunged it into the heart, it went deep and met with no resistance. A deep sigh or groan was heard, and the poor man keeled over, dead. Again and again, I plunged the instrument, but he never once moved. We found sacks in the store which we used in carrying away the money.

The instrument used a a three cornered file, found on the premises at Col. Boudreaux, which we sharpened to a keen edge.

After the crime, the file as well as the box containing the money we secreted under a building in the yard of Col. Boudreaux. This box we buried awaiting developments.

For three weeks we laid our plans for this crime.

Ballain and Benton having been accused and arrested for this crime, we deemed ourselves safe from all suspicion, and decided to leave the country.

Campbell and Begnaud having apprised Alexis of the confession made by his brother, he also made a full confession, saying he did not care to live longer and that trouble and sorrow had been his only portion since he had taken Begnaud's money.

Ernest and Alexis have been transported to New Orleans, for safe keeping, and will be tried here this February.

The file has been found in the place indicated by the murders. The box also has been recovered and found buried, but suspended in a way that the paper money should not suffer from the dampness. The money they carried in belts around their bodies.

Ernest is 20 years, and Alexis 19 years of age.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/9/1897.

Wrongfully Accused.

Lake Charles. - Jan. 6 - Parish prison inmates are not usually a happy lot but there is one man in the Lake Charles jail to-night, who is congratulating himself and clapping his long slender hands in pure delight. He is Gustave Ludovic Balin, arrested on April 24, 1896, charged with the atrocious murder in the little town of Scott, near Lafayette, on April 22 of the same year. He has been incarcerated ever since, under this charge, the officers having spirited away from Lafayette and brought here to avoid a lynching. Balin saw a copy of the Times-Democrat early this morning and read of the capture of the two French peasant boys, Ernest and Alexis Blanc, and of their having confessed to the fiendish work of murdering the bachelor storekeeper, Martin Begnaud. He read a little further and saw the account of his own arrest. Then it dawned on him that he would be free. He threw the paper in the air and he shouted for joy. A smile came over the pale lips that had been almost bloodless for nearly one year. At that moment there was a rush at the door and the sound of many feet. Balin was frightened. He thought it was a mob come to lynch him. But they proved to be friends. There were twenty of them, and they filed into the corridor shaking hands and congratulating him on his good fortune. When the Times-Democrat correspondent arrived he said:

Yes I'm glad. I always asserted my innocence, and could not see how they arrested me on such a charge. I was in Carencro the night the crime was committed. Scott and Carencro are miles apart. I was employ by Mr. Guilbeau, in Carencro, and did some oil painting for him. I was arrested on the 24th, two days after the deed, and placed the in the parish jail, where I was subjected to all the indignities possible. When arrested they searched me and found no weapon, and in order to prove that I did have not have any dangerous weapon whatever, I took my captors to my shop and showed my putty knife, which is a flat instrument and could not harm a babe. I have been in jail for nine months now and can hardly realize my good fortune."

Gustave Ballain is a French artist and is 30 years old.

Benton arrived in Lafayette Thursday and Balin Friday afternoon to be released on bond.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/9/1897.

Parish Court. - Our Parish Court is now in session Judge A. J. Moss presiding. There is a disposition on the part of the Bench and of the bar to clear the Docket of as many cases as possible. The criminal Docket will not be touched at this term of the court, all parties accused having claimed trial by Jury; we were happy to see on our side walks and in the Court room Col. A. DeBlanc of St. Martin. Lafayette Advertiser 1/9/1869.

Stolen. - A bay horse with a white spot on his forehead. He has one of his ears split, is branded, which brand can be seen at the Advertiser office, and is 8 or 9 years old. He, together with a saddle, was stolen at Scott, 3 or 4 weeks ago. Bennet Duhon, Scott, La. Laf. Advertiser 1/10/1903.

Surrendered. - Adrien Breaux, the young man who killed John P. Duffy on Christmas eve, surrendered himself to the authorities on the 7th inst., and was placed under bond of $10,000 to appear before Judge Mouton, on Thursday next for preliminary examination. 
Lafayette Advertiser 1/10/1874.

Violated Fish and Game Laws.

Thursday evening Sheriff Lacoste arrested Victorin and Bernard Bourque two young white men from Vermilion parish for violating the fish and game laws passed by the last Legislature. They had brought a wagon load of fish to town and were offering them for sale.

At certain seasons of the year it is against the law to have certain kinds of fish in one's possession or to offer them for sale.

Judge Pugh fined them $23.50 each, which they promptly paid and still had $7.50 each left from the proceeds of the sale of the fish. Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1905.

Negro Arrested.
 Monday Sheriff Lacoste gathered in a bad negro, who was raising several kinds of disturbances on the west bound Southern Pacific train, and gave him free lodgings in jail. The negro had a big gun on him and he will have to answer for carrying concealed weapons. Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1905.

Clerk Voorhies has received from Gov. Blanchard the commission as constable of the second ward of Andrew Cummings vice  Eck Laughlin. Laf. Adv. 1/11/1905.

Deputy Peck arrested a hack peddler Tuesday, who failed to produce a license for 1905 when called upon. He was fined $15.00, which he promptly paid.
Laf. Adv. 1 /11/1905.

Monday Sheriff Lacoste gathered in a bad negro, who was raising several kinds of disturbances on the west bound Southern Pacific train, and gave him free lodgings in jail. The negro had a big gun on him and he will have to answer for carrying concealed weapons. Laf. Adv. 1/11/1905.

A Mysterious Character. -There is considerable excitement being caused by a mysterious character known as the "buggerman", who has been seen in different parts of the town after dark, and is said to enter yards and walk slowly around the houses. This "buggerman", it is asserted by those who claim to have seen him is a man disguised as a woman. He is tall, dressed in black, and wears a black sun bonnet. No harm has been reported of him, beyond having followed and frightened a number of ladies and children, and caused a great many others to be very much alarmed over the chance of his molesting them or prowling about their houses at night. The police should look for the "buggerman" at once and thoroughly investigate the matter.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1902.

The store of Sonny Landry was broken into last Wednesday night and a lot of merchandise stolen. Among the articles stolen were two pistols. Lafayette Gazette 1/11/1902.

Drew Their Guns.

 Last Wednesday Samuel Foreman, accompanied by two other persons, entered a restaurant near the depot and without any provocation drew a pistol on Mr. John Greig, who was there for the purpose of getting a meal. Officer Hebert heard of the affair, arrested Foreman and locked him up. The next day he was charged with two offenses - carrying  a concealed weapon and making an assault with a dangerous weapon. Friday morning Foreman was brought before Judge Debaillon and bills of information were filed against him by District Attorney Campbell. When arraigned he pleaded guilty to both charges. He will be sentenced on Jan. 27.

 Last Thursday night a white man named Joe Trahan imbibed too freely of the juice that is red and displayed his pistol. He was arrested by Deputy Alb. Trahan and put in jail. The next morning District Attorney Campbell filed a bill of information against him and he was arraigned before Judge Debaillon. He pleaded guilty. He will be sentenced Jan. 27. Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1902.   

 The store of Sonny Landry was broken into last Wednesday night and a lot of merchandise stolen. Among the articles stolen were two pistols.
Laf. Gaz. 1/11/1902.


Lafayette, La., Jan., 4, 1890.

 Pursuant to adjournment the Law and Order Association of Lafayette parish met his day, Mr. W. B. Torian in the chair.

 Reading of minutes of the last meeting dispensed with,
  Mr. Torian stated here that he was not a native to the parish, and had only been in this Congressional District forty-two years and nine years in the parish, and probably the Association had better select some one more closely identified with the people as chairman.

 Mr. Bailey objected, saying he was a native, and the prejudice existing here against a man's taking part in public affairs because he was born elsewhere was silly, unreasonable and could only be entertained by narrow minded men.

 A motion was made and carried continuing Mr. Torian as chairman.

 The following agreement was signed by those present.

 The undersigned agree to form an association to be known as the Law and Order Association of Lafayette Parish, the purposes on which are to use every lawful effort to obtain truthful testimony and honest verdicts at the courts and support the law officers in the performance of duty, thereby suppressing and preventing crime and giving security to property and for no political purpose whatsoever.

 A. J. Moss, Thos. B. Hopkins, D. A. Cochrane, Thos. F. Webb, Sigismond Bernard, J. F. Parkerson,
Jno. C. Buchanan, Crow Girard, John Clegg, J. D. Trahan, W. B. Bailey, R. B. Martin, F. S. Mudd, J. H. Martin, Arthur Greig, C. H. Bradley, E. Bernard, Chas. D. Caffery, N. P. Moss, Louis Queillbe, A. M. Martin, Ed. Pellerin, W. B. Torian, A. Primeaux, T. A. McFadden, Robert Thomas per A. M. Martin.
Jos. A. Chargois, Robert Harry.

 The following was presented and ordered spread on the minutes:

 We the undersigned acknowledge ourselves members of the Law and Order Association of Lafayette, Louisiana.

 W. W. Wall, J. J. Davidson, J. W. Clifford, L. A. Delhomme, H. Church, S. R. Parkerson, F. C. Triay, T. J. Boudreaux, L. W. Merchant, A. F. Church, Sidney B. Lanire, P. B. Jouan.

 On motion of Mr. Bailey the following committee was appointed to prepare an address to the people explaining the purposes and objects of this association - same to be printed in French and English. John Clegg, Dr. J. D. Trahan, Dr. T. B. Hopkins, Dr. F. S. Mudd, D. A. Cochrane, J. A. Chargois, C. H. Bradley and John S. Whittington.

 On motion, the chairman was added to the committee.

 On motion, the following committee on finance was appointed: John Clegg, A. J. Moss, Crow Girard, Ed. Pellerin, J. C. Buchanan.

 The following was adopted:

 Resolved, That this association meet two weeks from date at 11 o'clock a. m., and thereafter on the first Saturday of every month at 11 a. m.

 The committee of twenty-five to meet on call of the chairman.

 And the association then adjourned.
W. B. TORIAN, Chairman.
CHAS. D. CAFFERY, C. H. BRADLEY, Secretaries.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1890.


City Council 12/7/1872. 
On motion it was resolved, That from and after the first publication of this resolution, any and all persons are hereby prohibited from firing off fire-crackers, rockets, roman candles, &c., &c., within the limits of Vermilionville, and any person or persons violating the provision of this resolution, will be fined in the sum of Five Dollars, for each and every offence.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1873.

Sheriff Broussard returned home Thursday from Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Laf. Gaz. 1/12/1901.

Officer Campbell arrested Paul Toll during the week on a charge of stealing a lot of umbrellas from the store of Levy Bros. Laf. Adv. 1/12/1901.

Police Jury 1/3/1901.
Mr. A. C. Guilbeaux representing the citizens of the town of Carencro appeared and prayed that the Jury make sufficient appropriation to pay for the services of a town marshal. The town of Carencro could not maintain its municipal government unless assisted by the parish. By motion action on the matter was postponed. Lafayette Gazette 1/12/1901.

Joseph Breaux, alias Derbes, a notorious negro character from this place, has been arrested in New Iberia on a charge of breaking open a freight car and stealing therefrom. Officer Edwin Campbell arrested Manuel Jones here during the week as an accomplice, A lot of shoes were recovered, in the possession of Jones. Lafayette Gazette 1/12/1901.

Calf Theft.

Last Monday was the date fixed for the preliminary trial of Mr. Ad. Von Kalkstein, against whom Franklin Steiner had lodged the charge of the larceny of a calf. After hearing the evidence Justice McFadden ruled that the charge was not supported by proof. After being exonerated the defendant swore out an affidavit against Mr. Steiner for criminal libel. Lafayette Advertiser 1/12/1895.

Dealing With Tramps.
Marshal Vigneaux is making it pretty hot for the tramps. He wants these worthies to distinctly understand that they must make their stay in this town as short as possible. The cold weather has brought to this section the real hungry, lazy, dirty tramps, who will rather starve than work and the marshal is right to order them away from the corporation limits of the town.
Lafayette Gazette 1/12/1895.

Raid on Vermilion St;
(A Hot-Bed of Vice and Debauchery.)

The police made a raid on the whiskey dive opposite the masonic building, Wednesday night, for disturbance of the peace, and two of the parties at the trial before acting Mayor A. M. Martin Thursday morning were given five hours to leave town. The place in question is notorious as a resort for the lowest class Arabs, negroes and whites that infest this community and has come to be justly regarded as a public nuisance. Marshall Vigneaux is determined to rid the town of this den and its cohorts of debased revellers and will request the city council to refuse to issue the owner of the place a license for 1895. At the mitigation of the marshal, and to support him in his purpose, several residents in the neighborhood of the dive testified at the trial of Thursday that they and their families were frequently disturbed by the orgies and carousing enacted there and asked they be abated in the interest of decency and public peace. Such hotbeds of vice and debauchery should not be allowed to exist and flourish in a respectable community, and the sooner they are throttled by the officers of the law, the better it will be for the public peace and morality. Lafayette Advertiser 1/12/1895.

Mr. Kalckstein Discharged. - Judge McFadden tried a number of cases during the past week. The most important trial and the one which attracted the largest crowd of spectators was the preliminary examination of Mr. Ad von Kalckstein. Owing the prominence of the parties involved the case may well be termed the cause celebre of of the week. It will be remembered that an affidavit was made against Mr. Kalckstein by Mr. Franklin Steiner for the larceny of a calf. The case was fixed for the 7th of January and the witnesses were notified to appear before the justice's court on that day. A number of witnesses were examined and after listening to the evidence offered by both sides Judge McFadden exonerated Mr. Kalckstein of all culpability in the matter and discharged him. Judge O. C. Mouton appeared as counsel for the defendant. Immediately after the decision was rendered by the court Mr. Kalckstein swore out an affidavit against Mr. Franklin Steiner for criminal libel, and The Gazette is informed that a suit for damages will be instituted. Lafayette Gazette 1/12/1895.

The case of the Vigneaux-Raulett assault and battery has been sent up to the district court by Justice McFadden. Laf. Adv. 1/12/1895.

Petty Thefts.
We have to record several instances of petty thieving in the neighborhood of the depot lately. On last Tuesday night some one burglarized the barber shop of Mr. C. C. Higginbotham, and took from there all his razors, some towels, soap and other small articles. It is very convenient for tramps who stop off at the railroad to raid buildings in that vicinity, and a strict watch should be kept until the tramp season slacks up. Lafayette Advertiser 1/12/1889

A ROBBERY. - On last Monday night, robbers gained access to the office of Mr. A. E. Mouton, broke open his safe and secured about $60 in cash, besides several notes and checks. The day before a quartet of tramps were seen lounging around the lumber yard probably studying the ways and means to effect an entrance into the office. These gentlemen of the highways roomed in a box car located on switch as the morning after the robbery, several papers secured by them were found on the way to their lodging probably lost by them in the excitement. During the day a telegram came from Jeanerette to Marshall Peck, conveying the information that two suspicious were apprehended there; the energetic Marshall accompanied by Mr. A. E. Mouton who then returned to Lafayette the same night with the two men who were given a free berth in the Parish Jail. It remains to be seen if these are the guilty ones. Lafayette Advertiser 1/13/1900.

Young White Man Arrested. - Officers Hebert and Hirsch arrested a young white man Monday who was attempting to dispose of a lady's cape and skirt, both of good quality. He was brought before Mayor Caffery, and when questioned failed to give a satisfactory account of his connection with the garments. He was therefore turned over to the sheriff. Lafayette Advertiser 1/13/1904.

Break-In. - Last Saturday night the office of Moss & Mouton was forcibly entered for purposes of robbery. The firm never keeps money in their office over night, so other property in the building was left undisturbed by the miscreant.
Laf. Advertiser 1/13/1894.

Moss Burglarized. Sometime after 12 o'clock last Friday night one of the show windows of the hardware department of Moss Bros. & Co.'s store was burglarized, three revolvers and a combination knife and fork having been the only articles stolen, as far as could be learned. On being apprised of the fact early Saturday morning Marshall Vigneaux immediately set in motion the usual machinery for capturing evil-doers with the result that Tuesday morning two burly negroes, not of this community, were delivered to him as being directly implicated in the theft. They were arrested in Lake Charles and as soon as was practicable after arriving here were given into custody of Sheriff Broussard by Marshall Vigneaux, on an affidavit made before Judge Martin, by Mr. F. E. Moss of the firm of Moss Bros. & Co. The stolen property has been recovered and will be held by the sheriff in evidence at the trial of these pillagers at the next criminal term of the district court. One of the negroes arrested made a full confession of the deed in which he implicates the comrade with him. The second negro, however, strongly disowns any connection with the affair.

The ready apprehension of the miscreants should serve as another warning to evil-doers in this community, that they cannot easily escape the vigilance and clutches of our local police officers. Lafayette Advertiser 1/13/1894.

Stole $10 from his Friend. - Last Thursday, Marshal Vigneaux arrested a negro named Albert Davis on a charge of stealing $10 from another negro. It appears that the two negroes, apparently on friendly terms, went to bed in the same room Wednesday, and during the night Davis relieved his roommate of $10. When arrested Davis admitted that he had comit ed the theft and he his now behind the bars awaiting the next session of the district court.Lafayette Gazette 1/13/1894.

Petty Thefts.We have to record several instances of petty thieving in the neighborhood of the depot lately. On last Tuesday night some one burglarized the barber shop of Mr. C. C. Higginbotham, and took from there all his razors, some towels, soap and other small articles. It is very convenient for tramps who stop off at the railroad to raid buildings in that vicinity, and a strict watch should be kept until the tramp season slacks up. Lafayette Advertiser 1/12/1889.

School Board Meeting.
Directors from wards where school lands are now located, were authorized to notify parties occupying those lands, that they must either make satisfactory arrangements to rent the lands or vacate them, and if neither is done, that measures will be taken legally against them as trespassers. Laf. Adv. 1/12/1878. 

A ROBBERY. - On last Monday night, robbers gained access to the office of Mr. A. E. Mouton, broke open his safe and secured about $60 in cash, besides several notes and checks. The day before a quartet of tramps were seen lounging around the lumber yard probably studying the ways and means to effect an entrance into the office. These gentlemen of the highways roomed in a box car located on switch as the morning after the robbery, several papers secured by them were found on the way to their lodging probably lost by them in the excitement. During the day a telegram came from Jeanerette to Marshall Peck, conveying the information that two suspicious were apprehended there; the energetic Marshall accompanied by Mr. A. E. Mouton who then returned to Lafayette the same night with the two men who were given a free berth in the Parish Jail. It remains to be seen if these are the guilty ones. 
Lafayette Advertiser 1/13/1900.

 Sheriff Broussard went to Houston this week.
Laf. Gaz. 1/13/1894.

Burglar Armed with a Shot-gun Frightens a Lady and Three Little Children.

Mrs. Sue Spell and her children had quite an experience one day last week with a very bold scoundrel who, it is to be hoped, will be caught and made to pay the full penalty for his infamous conduct. Mrs. Spell lives in the Ridge neighborhood alone with three small children. At about dark she discovered a man armed with a shot gun prowling around her house. The lady was naturally frightened and ran to her first neighbor for assistance. When she returned to the house with a gentleman who had volunteered to accompany her, the culprit was gone. Mrs. Spell, however, did not care to remain the whole night with her children and went over with her little ones to the neighbor's house to spend the night. The next morning she returned home and found that it had been entered by the thief who had evidently gone back to the house. Some four or five dollars in cash were stolen. We are informed that other thefts have been recently committed in that vicinity.

Lafayette Gazette 1/14/1899. 

The Thieves Still at Work - More Burglaries Reported.

Thursday night Gus Siadous' bedroom was entered by thieves who stole $25 in cash from under the young man's pillow. The thieves then raided the saloon down-stairs and carried away several small articles. The same night the culprits tried to break into Mrs. Landry's boarding, but failed as they were heard and chased away.

Despite the efforts of the officers, these audacious robbers continue their nefarious work with impunity, and it seems impossible to capture them. Should they be caught, however, it would not be surprising if some of them are found dangling at the ends of ropes as the people of the town are highly incensed at the scoundrelism displayed by these criminals. Hardly a night passes without the commission of some burglaries. Every citizen should take the necessary precautions to be able to give the burglars a dose of lead.
Lafayette Gazette 1/14/1899.

Shooting with Intent to Kill.  
John Tillman, who came here a year or two ago and passed off for a deaf mute and who left town subsequently returned and to the surprise of his friends showed that the possessed the sense of hearing and the faculty of talking in an eminent degree, has gotten himself into a bad row of stumps and if the facts are as they are reported he may have a hard time of it before he regains his freedom.

Last Saturday while Constables Veazey and Hebert were making their usual round they were attracted near Leon Plonsky' s store by the loud talking of some men one of whom, John Tillman, was particularly boisterous. The officers drove on to where Tillman was to quiet him, when one of his companions told him, to be still as the officers were approaching. To this Tillman is said to have replied: "Let 'em come. I will shoot 'em," and the same time drawing a 38 caliber Colt revolver and firing one shot. The horse upon which both officers rode was frightened by the shot and it was perhaps due to this fact that the officers did not return the fire. Had they been less nervy men Tillman's reckless act might have cost him his life. Officers Veazey dismounted as soon as possible and pluckily stepped up to Tillman who was standing on the platform with a pistol in his hand. The officer succeeded to disarm his man and conducted him to jail where he still is under a charge of shooting with intent to kill which was made against him Monday morning.

Tillman had been drinking heavily before the shooting. This is not the first time that he has been arrested since his residence in Lafayette. Twice before he appeared before the mayor for minor violations of the law.

Tillman belongs to the sporting fraternity. He appears to be a man of some intelligence. He certainly has a most wonder serf-control, as was shown by his successful impersonation of a deaf-mute. For months, he pretended to be deaf and dumb and although put through some severe tests at no time did he betray and indication that he could either speak or hear. Lafayette Gazette 1/14/1899.

Police Record.

 The following is the report of Police record, of December 1899:

 4th. Rich McElligat, $5 fine or ten days.

 4th. Paul Vicerme fine $5, or ten days.

 6th. T. V. Driette, fine $5, or ten days.

 9th. Jos. Romero, fine $5, or ten days.

11th. Jas. G. Davis, vagrant, ordered to leave.

 11th. O. Riley, nuisance, ordered to leave.

 13th. George W. White, suspicious character, kept for informlty.

14.th Jos. Guidry & Arnesia Gabriel, disturbing the peace $2.50 fine or five days jail.

 14th. Tom McCoy drunk and disturbing the peace, ordered to leave.

 16th. Sam Dugas, using obscene language 5 days jail.

 16th. George Selma, drunk nuisance, fine $2.50 or 5 days.

 26th. Albert Stewart, disturbing peace, fine $2.50 or five days.

 26th. Valsin Dickerson & Robt. Aime, fighting discharge as to Dickerson and ten days to Aime.

 27th. Salomon Jackson, fighting and disturbing the peace, fine $250 or 5 days.

 27th. Winfield Johnes, fighting, disturbing peace, $2.50 or 5 days.

 30th. Thos. Handall, using vulgar language, fine $5 or ten days.
                              John Vigneaux,
                                      City Marshal.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/13/1894.

Burglars Break Into Advertiser Office.
 It seems that we have a few night marauders among us but so far we have not missed any types. The only thing that is scarce around here is ----------------. If you know what is missing in our office, bring, bring it to us. Lafayette Advertiser 1/14/1899.

Accidentally Killed His Friend.

 Last Saturday, while Ed. Vincent and Camille Caruthers were out hunting near their homes in Cote Gelee, the latter was accidentally killed by the farmer.

 Vincent came to town the same day and surrendered to the authorities. Judge Debaillon, knowing the accidental nature of the killing fixed Vincent's bond at nominal figures. The relatives of Caruthers exonerate Vincent of all blame in the matter. Caruthers and Vincent were close friends and the occurrence if greatly regretted by the friends and relatives of both. Lafayette Gazette 1/14/1899.


 Last Saturday night the peace officers landed in jail a fellow named John Tillman, alias "Dummy." They had quite an exciting time as the fellow pulled out a large pistol and fired point blank at the officers, cursing and swearing that he would make away with them. The fellow had partaken of too much low license whisky and he will now have the time to see the evils of it. Too much praise can't be afforded the officers for their cool demeanor. 
Lafayette Advertiser 1/14/1899.


 The chief of police in Shreveport has issued positive instructions to his subordinates to arrest any and all persons, white or black, who were without any occupation and had no income, or other means for a livelihood. The city of Shreveport is determined to clean up, and clear out all those who live by their wits, gambling, begging, or other rascality, and let some other town furnish a support for them.

 Lafayette in common with other towns could spare a few of this class of people.  Lafayette Advertiser 1/14/1899.   

Hoboes at Work.

 Chief Chargois and his deputies have corralled a number of the knights of the road and are putting them through an excellent system of physical culture on the streets. The gang is in charge of Special Officer Primeaux, who is putting them through various stunts that may prove to be of mutual benefit to city and tramp alike. A sad feature noted by the officers is that many of the prisoners appear to be actual workmen thrown out of employment and under stress of the times forced out on the road. Lafayette Advertiser 1/15/1909.

 Blanc Brothers' Photographs. 

 Moss Bros. & Co., with their usual intrepidity for securing the public attention, have obtained for display, two splendid photographs of Ernest and Alexis Blanc, the self convicted murderers of Martin Begnaud. The photographs are on exhibition in a show window and one or more persons may constantly be seen standing at this window, studying the physiognomies of the two young fiends.
 Lafayette Advertiser 1/16/1897.  

Jules Hubert, a french peddler, was held up Wednesday by two negroes near Carencro, in this parish. One of the negroes struck Hubert with a hatchet, inflicting an ugly wound about the shoulder. Then he was robbed of $10 in cash and of about $40 worth of goods. This evening a negro named Marius Mamen was arrested by Constable S. Breaux, and subsequently identified by Hubert as the person who assaulted him with the hatchet. The other negro has not yet been caught. Lafayette Advertiser 1/16/1897.

Sheriff Broussard returned Sunday after spending several day in New Orleans. Lafayette Gazette 1/17/1903.


 The case of the State vs. Adrien Breaux who killed J. P. Duffy on the 24th of December last, came up before Judge Eraste Mouton on Thursday the 15th instant for preliminary examination. The District Attorney being absent, the Court appointed L. P. Revillon, Esqr., to represent the State in his absence. The accused was represented by Ed. E. Mouton, and Col. Wm. C. Crow. The examination commenced at an early hour on Thursday and continued until evening, when District Attorney J. A. Chargois, who had just arrived from New Orleans, made his appearance in Court and asked that the case be continued until the following day. On Friday, the case was proceeded with by the District Attorney, assisted by Mr. Revillon, and Messrs. Mouton and Crow for the defence.

 Notwithstanding the extreme inclemency of the weather, the Court House was crowded with spectators attentively listening to this testimony of the different witnesses. The testimony was closed at a late hour last evening, an after eloquent and able arguments by the District Attorney and Col. Crow the case was submitted, and the Judge fixed the bond of the accused at $10,000 to answer to the charge of homicide at the next term of District Court. The required bond was immediately furnished.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/17/1874.

At a meeting of citizens, for the purpose of proposing means for stemming the tide of lawlessness that threatens disaster to the material and moral interests of our community, this statement and the resolutions annexed were adopted. To carry into effect these resolutions an organization was completed, and its purpose declared as follows:

Your committee submit the following statement and the resolutions below:

We view with apprehension of evil the want of confidence and the danger of permanent division that now exists among the white citizens of this parish, brought about by the acts of an organization or combination of individuals commonly called "Regulators." We cannot see how peace and order can be upheld, and material and moral progress continue, as long as this menace to every interest is joined in or tolerated by any considerable proportion of our citizens. In disjointed times, or in new countries where laws exist but the executive power is weak, combinations of individuals have sometimes been temporarily tolerated for the purpose of preserving human life and property, and then only with reluctance and debating for the shortest period. Now, in this State and parish, under laws of our own making administered by white officers of our own choosing, the history of the past year shows, to our shame, the existence here of an organization or combination of individuals, the consequences of whose acts have been a series of crimes that have cost the parish large sums of money, and have heaped upon it loads of shame. The bare remembrance of these crimes, without their recital, thrills with horror. We repudiate the pretense that our white supremacy is in need of such support, or can be upheld by crimes that disgrace humanity. Whenever a race issue, socially or politically, is presented, we can meet it firmly and as becomes brave men, without degrading and debasing the white men. An organization which participates in the destruction of the right of a community to choose its own officers; an organization which assumes to decide the matters of private right between individuals, and to execute its judgments; an organization which arrogates to itself the right to put into execution a criminal code of its own making, and brutally beats citizens in execution of pretended sentence thereunder; and organization which perpetuates fiendish murders, or seeks by every means to protect and defend those charged with murder, can have no rightful excuse for being in this community, and is to be borne with no longer than is required by a vigorous administration of the criminal laws of the State to put an end to it. We recognize that some of our friends, with the purest motives, have entered these organizations. We are persuaded they sympathize not with crime and lawlessness, and we now invoke their influence and active aid in loyally supporting the laws of our State in suppressing crime; therefore, it is

Resolved, That we expect hereafter speedy indictment and trial of the conspirators against public order and justice.

Resolved, That we will aid in every becoming way to the public officers in a faithful performance of their duty.

Resolved, That we will watch narrowly the conduct of jurors and witnesses, and will use all lawful means to procure truthful testimony, and honest, righteous verdicts. Lafayette Advertiser 1/18/1890.

Inflicted Injuries. - Last Wednesday evening Deputy H. Billaud arrested and jailed a negro named Bob Alexanders, who, in a fight which occurred on Mr. Billaud's plantation, struck one Willie Brown with a stick inflicting very serious injuries.
Laf. Gazette 1/19/1895.

Interesting Sight at the Depot.

 Quite a sensation was created among the sight-seers about the depot, last Wednesday morning, by the apperance of two men chained together by the neck, who got off the morning train from Texas for breakfast and "refreshments." We learn that it was the famous train robber, F. E. Bunch, and his companion, who robbed the express and killed a passenger, who was assisting the conductor in a fight with them, at Duck Hill, Miss., a few weeks ago. They had been captured in Texas, and were being conducted back to the scene of their crime. Mr. Bunch was most probably making for Mexico, but if the Duck Hill crime is fastened to upon him, he will take a trip still "further South." Lafayette Advertiser 1/19/1889.

Physician Arrested. - Dr. J. R. Hanks, a physician practicing at Garland station, this parish, was arrested by City Marshal Vigneaux, at Lafayette on Tuesday, and lodged in jail here the same day, on an indictment of the late Grand Jury for practicing medicine without a diploma. - Opelousas Clarion & Laf. Gazette 1/19/1895.

 Last Wednesday evening deputy H. Billaud arrested and jailed a negro named Bob Alexanders, who, in a fight which occurred on Mr. Billaud's plantation, struck one Willie Brown with a stick inflicting very serious injuries.
Laf. Adv. 1/19/1895.

Infanticide. - Last Wednesday Capt. Ed Lenormand, of the government boat now dedging Vermilion river, found floating near the craft the body of a newly born white child of the feminine sex. The body was buried on the bank of the stream and the authorities were informed of the facts. Yesterday morning acting Coroner Gladu exhumed the body and held an inquest but nothing was brought out to dispel the veil of mystery which seems to cover this crime. Lafayette Gazette 1/20/1900. 

Escaped Convict Captured. - Dave Harmon, an escaped convict wanted in Acadia for horsestealing was captured by Sheriff Broussard a few days ago. Harmon is said to be a very smooth negro, but he displayed poor judgement in coming to this parish. He was taken to Crowley by Sheriff Lyons. Lafayette Gazette 1/20/1900.

Hog Thieves Caught. - Bill Dean and Jack Bellony, who relieved Ex-District Attorney Chargois of two fat hogs, were run down by Sheriff Broussard and are now in jail. The sheriff did some clever work in the case. With what appeared an insignificant clue he traced the meat to a cabin in Freetown and fastened the guilt upon the two negroes, one of whom confessed. Lafayette Gazette 1/20/1900.

Partial Recovery.

Mr. A. E. Mouton recovered a part of his valuable papers which were stolen from his office. They were found on the trucks of a freight car in the railroad yards at Lake Charles by a night watchman. The car was set into the yard from Texas. Thus while the officers were going East, the culprits traveled west. Lafayette Advertiser 1/20/1900.

Hoodlums on the Train. - Last Wednesday afternoon, while returning from the Sheriff's meeting in New Orleans, sheriff Broussard was a passenger on the train and during the trip chanced to observe that three individuals, passengers on the train, would get off at stations and gather rocks and pieces of coal, and while the train was running on its way, they would throw at people along the track for amusement. So when the train crossed the line into this parish he paid close attention and saw the same three young hoodlums apparently trying to leave their mark in this part of the State. One little negro was sitting on a fence post, and one of the throwers sent a piece of coal after him which struck the post and scattered into the smallest pieces. On arrival of the train here the sheriff placed them under arrest without ceremony, and brought them before Judge Martin, where the proper charge was made against them and the case fixed for hearing at eleven o'clock Wednesday morning.

 The prisoners were all young men and gave their names as J. T. Martin, E. S. Summerford and F. M. Saurrels. Bond was fixed at twenty-five dollars for each accused, and we learned was procured by placing the sum of forty-seven dollars and two silver watches in the hands of a citizen who signed as security. On Wednesday morning however, the prisoners were conspicuously absent, but as they did not say "farewell" to any one so far as we know, we are unable to give their present address, and likely they will never be heard of again, especially throwing at people from a train. We desire to commend the course of sheriff Broussard in this matter. He did just what an officer should do under the circumstances. The result of the missiles thrown by these people might have been most serious; it is said that a missile thrown from a running train moves with a peculiar velocity. When rocks are thrown at trains much indignation is felt and justly so. The reason is the same when the conditions are reversed. Lafayette Advertiser 1/20/1894. 

Paid High For Their Fun. - Sheriff Broussard is always on the lookout for violators of the law. While on the train last Wednesday he noticed a party of young men amusing themselves by throwing chunks of coal and stone at people standing along the railroad. The sheriff did not interfere with their "sport" until the train reached Broussardville, in this parish, where they provided themselves with a fresh supply of pieces of coal and stone and when the train was passing the big pond near that place they threw several chunks at a party of women and children engaged in fishing. When the train stopped at this place Sheriff Broussard arrested three young men named J. T. Martin, E. S. Summerford and F. M. Sorels, and made affidavits against them in accordance with the facts. Judge Martin fixed their appearance bond at $25, which was singed by Henri Crouchet to whom the accused turned over $47 in cash, and two silver watches. Thursday at 11 0'clock the hour fixed for trial, the young men failed to show up. They had left during the night. The money goes to the public school fund.
Lafayette Gazette 1/20/1894.

The Sheriffs' Convention. - The Louisiana Sheriff's Association of which Sheriff Broussard of this parish is the originator, met in New Orleans Monday, and from accounts published in the city papers it is a success, Governor Foster was present and delivered a brilliant and interesting address. Mayor Fitzpatrick also spoke. Most of the parishes in the state were represented, not excepting Lafayette. Or course, Ike was on hand and, as usual, took a prominent part in the proceedings. Tuesday;s Picayune contains his picture and has this to say about him: "The treasurer of the association is Mr. I. A. Broussard, of Lafayette. He is one of the most jovial of the members. He was born in Calcasieu parish in 1857, and before entering public office had been engaged in raising stock and trading cattle. He was elected sheriff in 1888. Yesterday, at the Crescent Club, Mr. Broussard took great pleasure in introducing his friend, Mr. Julian Mouton, of Lafayette, as a "sure winner" to become the successor of Mr. Overton Cade as representative from Lafayette in the legislature."  Lafayette Gazette 1/20/1894.

In the Second Ward of this Parish, near the Acadia Line.

Just as we are going to press the news reaches us that John Luckley was shot Thursday night at or near Arsene Spell's in the second ward of this parish. It is impossible to ascertain if Luckley was killed or not. Sheriff Broussard left late yesterday evening for the scene of the shooting. It could not be learned who did the shooting.
Lafayette Gazette 1/21/1899. 


And Robbed - Locked in Box-Car and Shipped Home.

The headlines of this article tell the story of which Felix Jacquet, a resident of this town, was the unwilling victim. Mr. Jacquet is a poor man and sells patent medicines for a livelihood. The other night while walking near the track of the Southern Pacific road at Crowley he was set upon by two negro tramps, who knocked him down, after which he was dragged into a boxcar where he was robbed of several dollar and left in a senseless condition.

The negroes then got out of the car and locked the door, thus making Mr. Jacquet a passenger on a freight train which was bound east. When the train reached this point some railroad men heard an unusual noise in a car which upon investigation proved to be the appeals of Mr. Jacquet to be liberated. Mr. Jacquet was pretty badly injured about the face, but fortunately was not seriously hurt. Lafayette Gazette 1/21/1899.

Vigneaux Heading to Washington. - Ex-Marshal John Vigneaux left this week for Washington, D. C. The friends of Mr. Vigneaux, headed by Judge Alex Boarman, are pressing his claims upon the party to have him appointed United States marshal, for this, the western district of Louisiana. Tom Brooks, of St. Landry, is said to be slated for this position, but the slate is alleged to be still in a formative state. Mr. Vigneaux was United States marshal under Harrison. Lafayette Gazette 1/21/1899.

Resisted the Officer.
Officer Himel had quite a tussle Monday night in arresting three young men from Carencro. The officer used his club with telling effect, being compelled to do so by the hostile demonstrations of the men. He received a slight blow on his face and was struck upon the arm with a chair. He succeeded, however, in arresting the three men who were subsequently paroled. The next morning they appeared before the mayor, plead guilty and were fined each $4.50 and costs. Lafayette Gazette 1/21/1899.

Post Office Robbery.

Sheriff Broussard arrested last Saturday two men named Peter Plant and Kelly Kannette who answered to the descriptions of parties wanted at Crowley for breaking into the post office. Sheriff Lyons came to Lafayette the next day and identified the men as the ones he was looking for. Kanette has a peculiarly shaped artificial foot whose imprints upon the floor of the office the morning after it was robbed furnished the clue which led to his arrest. Sheriff Lyons is sure that Kanette is the right party and he has every reason to believe that Plant was with him when the robbery was committed. Lafayette Gazette 1/21/1899.

And Robbed - Locked in Box-Car and Shipped Home.

 The headlines of this article tell the story of which Felix Jacquet, a resident of this town, was the unwilling victim. Mr. Jacquet is a poor man and sells patent medicines for a livelihood. The other night while walking near the track of the Southern Pacific road at Crowley he was set upon by two negro tramps, who knocked him down, after which he was dragged into a boxcar where he was robbed of several dollar and left in a senseless condition.

 The negroes then got out of the car and locked the door, thus making Mr. Jacquet a passenger on a freight train which was bound east. When the train reached this point some railroad men heard an unusual noise in a car which upon investigation proved to be the appeals of Mr. Jacquet to be liberated. Mr. Jacquet was pretty badly injured about the face, but fortunately was not seriously hurt.  Lafayette Gazette 1/21/1899.

Our worthy young sheriff, Mr. Isaac Broussard, was in New Orleans for several days the early part of this week attending to official business.
Laf. Adv. 1/21/1893.

Pair Wrongly Indicted,
In the Murder of Martin Begnaud. 

A mistake that needs ventilating, and wherein lies the safety or security of every man's rights, is the palpable error made by the Grand Jurors who returned a true bill against Gustave Ballain and Hamp Benton for the murder of Martin Begnaud. Personally unacquainted with these two individuals, we propose, to set forth the principle involved in their case and the dangerous precedent established thereby.

That grand jury is being roundly scored on all sides, for that which now appeals to the judgement of all, as having been high-handed, unwarrantable action on its part.

In the light of the late disclosures, these two citizens, their families, and their friends, in fine, the entire community it strikes us, have the right to demand of these inquisitor's the causes which led them to formulate a bill for murder.

Else, wherein lives the safety or freedom of any man, if one can thus be jerked up, on more suspicion thrown into a dungeon, and there months after months, to be left to endure untold moral suffering, let alone the physical punishment incident thereto such incarceration.

We submit, that the 15 men composing the said Grand Jury, owe it to themselves first, as much to the world how could they, in the face of the late developments, the self-confession of Ernest and Alexis Blanc, have fallen into the cruel blunder of finding true bills against two innocent men?

Thus far, the cause leading them into this error is concealed, the effect, notoriously inhuman.

Speak gentlemen, for "Tis better far, to be right, than to have-might"!    
Lafayette Advertiser 1/23/1897.

Mr. Harmon, the representative of the Pauly Jail works, is pushing the repairs rapidly on the parish prison. Lafayette Advertiser 1/23/1897.http://www.paulyjail.com/about/history.html

A Negro Killed.

Saul Babineaux shot and killed a negro by the name of Jim Andrus, Alias Lomonte, near the town of Carencro last Tuesday. Mr. Babineaux, who is constable in that ward, had a warrant for the arrest of of Andrus. Anticipating trouble in the arrest, he sought and obtained the assistance of Laurent Arceneaux. They met Andrus on the public road near the plantation of Romain Francez, and the officer told him he was a prisoner.

Andrus immediately showed resistance and said no man would arrest him and that he would prefer to die than to surrender. He got off his horse and made a motion to draw a weapon from the hip pocket. Babineaux thereupon fired one shot from his pistol and killed the man.

Andrus was a brother of Petit Marie who shot at Babineaux a few months ago when the latter made an attempt to to put him under arrest. Marie is a fugitive of justice.

Coroner Mouton made an inquest Tuesday afternoon, and the jury exonerated Mr. Babineaux, and concluded that the shooting was justifiable. The coroner's jury was composed of the following persons: F. C. Latiolais, Laurent Noel, Anatole Trahan, John C. Sonnier and Gaston Begnaud. There were several witnesses to the shooting, and the testimony of all, irrespective of color, is the same in the main.
Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.

The Trial of McCoy.

The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer recently printed the following choice sample of a lie. When it is considered that Lafayette Parish gave the strongest evidence of an abiding trust in the legal administration of justice in allowing the wretch McCoy to be regularly tried for the commission of a damnable crime, one can hardly understand to what limits the Northern press will go in misrepresenting the Southern people. The Gazette does not in the least desire to interfere with the cause of McCoy, which is not terminated, but we can truly say that at all times he was safeguarded by every means within the power of the court officers, executive and judicial. As soon as he was indicted by the grand jury, Judge Debaillon appointed three members of the bar to assist the accused in his defense. These gentlemen withdrew only when McCoy employed counsel.

At the trial of the case, the strongest evidence in his behalf was given by a white man, a cousin of the injured person, whose sympathies could hardly have been with the negro. McCoy was found guilty by a jury of unprejudiced men. His counsel took an appeal which is now pending before the State Supreme Court. No one can say with any degree of truth that the trial of this negro was interrupted by evidences of mob violence. Yet in spite of these facts, the Enquirer with the consummate nerve of the liar, publishes this absurd story said to have been sent from New Orleans:

Awaiting death on the gallows in the Parish Prison here is a man who was saved from lynching, and probably from frightful torture, at the hands of a mob by so slight an incident as the accidental scratching of a match.

William McCoy, who has been guilty of assaulting a woman in Lafayette parish, was on trial there. His victim had identified him, and the townspeople decided to lynch him. Threats of burning were openly made, and McCoy expected to be taken out and horribly used. On the last day of the trial a mob entered the courtroom with the avowed purpose of attacking the prisoner's guards as soon as the verdict was read and lynching him, whether he was found guilty or not.

The Sheriff had extra deputies, but the mob was so large that there seemed no hope of saving McCoy. The Judge received the verdict and read it. The mob started forward. At that instant, when the fight was about to begin, some one stepped upon a match, which made a loud report, and it was mistaken for a pistol shot. Mccoy fainted, and the mob, believing he had been shot, stampeded. The Sheriff hustled him away and locked him up, putting the key of the jail in the bank vault. Later McCoy was brought to this city, and now awaits death. He has been refused a new trial.
Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.

N. A. Walton and W. A. Leoyd, two Southern Pacific brakemen, were arrested Friday by Sheriff Lacoste at Bayou Sale for breaking into and robbing a car of a lot cloaks, shoes, etc. Both prisoners confessed.Lafayette Advertiser 1/25/1905.

Shooting. - Felix Hidalgo, an old white man, was shot by a negro named Eraste Baumont, in the second ward, on the 17th of this month. The shooting was done with a shotgun loaded with birdshot. The negro claims that the shooting was accidental.  Lafayette Gazette 1/25/1902.

 Disappears Mysteriously - Package Contained Nearly Two Thousand Dollars.
 The officials of the Southern Pacific Railroad and of the Wells-Fargo Express Company are greatly puzzled over the disappearance of a package of money containing $1,950, which was shipped from Lafayette on January 11th. The news of the mysterious affair reached New Orleans immediately, but the railroad men and the express officials kept the matter very quiet, and only yesterday did the story leak out.

 Up to date the investigation, which is being made for the purpose of trying to trace the missing package, has been conducted by the express officials, as the railroad is safe-guarded by the receipt of the express messenger to whom the agent at Lafayette turned over the package. Several of the Wells-Fargo people, including Assistant Superintendent McKenzie, whose headquarters are in Houston, and Auditor Ott, have personally visited Lafayette and made investigations from every standpoint, but so far they have gleaned no facts definite enough to warrant action. Mr. McKenzie, with Auditor Ott, was in New Orleans yesterday, and a three-cornered conference was held with J. C. Stuart, the agent in this city, upon the subject.

 B. J. Pellerin is the agent at Lafayette of both the Southern Pacific and the Wells-Fargo Company. On January 11 he had four packages of money for New Orleans, including the package which disappeared. This package contained $1,950, to be shipped to New Orleans for account of the railroad. He delivered them to Messenger Page, of the Wells-Fargo Company, and Page duly receipted for them. When the train on which Page was running reached Iberia, twenty miles this side of Lafayette, Page wired back to Pellerin that he could only find three packages, while the bill called for four. According to Page's story, as developed by the investigation, he discovered that there were only three packages of money soon after leaving Lafayette. He claims that only three packages were delivered to him. Agent Pellerin, however, holds Page's receipt for four packages, so the responsibility for the loss seems to rest on the express company.

 Ever since the loss of the package the special agents of the express company have been working day and night to try and clear up the mystery surrounding the case. The Southern Pacific officials have the most implicit confidence in Pellerin, and Page enjoys the confidence of the Wells-Fargo officials. A solution of the affair is eagerly awaited. From the N. O. Picayune and in the Lafayette Gazette 1/26/1901. 

Negroes Whipped.

 A special from Breaux Bridge to the Times-Democrat of Jan. 22 says: "The Pleasant View plantation, near this place, was the scene of an outrage, perpetrated upon two negroes by whipping them severely and threatening others with the same fate. The plantation is owned and operated by Dr. F. R. Martin, of this place. Alfred Melancon, Felix Wietz, Octave Champagne, Edward Thibodeaux, Joe LeBlanc, Joseph Landry, R. Bertran, Ernest Landry, Joe Laveolette, Jr., Telesphore Fredericks and Pierre Theriot, all of St. Martin parish, are charged with the outrage, and affidavits were made out against them by the owner of the plantation and they were promptly arrested by Deputy Sheriff Frank Gallager, and the parties named, with important State witnesses, were placed in jail in St. Martinsville to await the action of the grand jury, which is in session now at that place."

 From the Times-Democrat and in the Lafayette Gazette 1/26/1895.

Eleven men were arrested for having cow-tied and otherwise abused two negroes on Dr. F. R. Martin's plantation. The men will be prosecuted at the term of court now in session. Laf. Adv. 1/26/1895.

The town has been virtually overrun with tramps for some days past. The officers should see to it that this class of gentry do not tarry long in our midst.
Laf. Adv. 1/26/1895.

Wanted for Murder. 

Marshal Vigneaux arrested last Saturday a young negro giving his name as James Lewis on a charge of being a dangerous and suspicious character. Lewis is about 24 years old, 5 feet 11 inches high, rather light in color, and weighs about 145 pounds. He has a scar on the left leg just above the ankle, this wound was doubtless inflicted by a bullet. Lewis answers very strongly to the description of Willie Green, wanted in Talluloh, La., for the murder of Mitchell, near Davis Bend, Mississippi. So firmly convicted in Marshal Vigneaux of the identity of his prisoner, that he has communicated with the authorities of Tallulah, and will hold Lewis until satisfied that he is not the murderer wanted. A reward of $500 is offered for the capture of Green.

Lafayette Gazette 1/27/1894.

To New Orleans for Sugery. - The Gazette regrets to state that it was necessary for Mr. O. P. Guilbeau to go to New Orleans to undergo a surgical operation on account of the injuries he sustained some time ago at the hands of rowdies on the excursion train between Duson and Crowley. This affair has caused much suffering to Mr. Guilbeau, to say nothing of the expense and trouble, and we are sorry that his condition is such as to necessitate another surgical operation . Reference to this matter will recall to the minds of many people the outrage which perpetrated on the night Mr. Guilbeau was so mercilessly shot. The shooting took place on the 17th of last November, over two months ago, but nothing has yet been done looking toward the punishment of the guilty. The question of jurisdiction has not ever been settled and there is a large number of people who still believe it was done in this parish. It is not for us to say who is or who are guilty in this affair, but there was unquestionably enacted on that night in this country, which boasts of law, order and civilization, a scene which would have disgraced the most barbarous of savage tribes.   Lafayette Gazette 1/27/1900.

A Negro Robbed. - A young negro, named Massie, who was returning from one of the sugar plantations in St. Mary parish where he had worked during the sugar rolling season, was held up by other negroes near Jeanerette and robbed all of his earnings. Besides being relieved of all his hard-earned money Massie was beaten almost to death. He was brought here the following day in an unconscious condition. Although one of the robbers is known the officers have so far failed to find him.
Lafayette Gazette 1/28/1899. 

The Shooting of Laughlin.

John Laughlin was shot by Arsemus Spell Thursday, Jan. 19, at the home of the latter in the second ward of this parish. It appears that both men, who were apparently on friendly terms, went to Rayne on some business, where they drank freely. They returned to Spell's home in the afternoon. When they arrived at the house Spell proceeded to exhibit his pistol, frightening his wife and children out of the house. Laughlin remonstrated with him whereupon he (Spell) fired two shots at him, one entering his back and following the abdominal wall and lodged itself near the eight or ninth rib.
The next day Sheriff Broussard arrested Spell and brought him in town and placed him in jail.
Dr. Trahan visited the wounded man last Sunday and reported him as doing well. He was attended by Geo. C. Mouton, of Rayne. Lafayette Gazette 1/28/1899.


The killing of the negro child by a white man in St. Martin parish, is, from all accounts, a most deplorable tragedy. If the killing of this negro boy is accidental, of course there can be no guilt attached to it. If it is not accidental no plea can be advanced which justifies the killing. We can not conceive how the willful killing of a 12-year old child by a man can be justifiable. That is all there is to it.
Politically speaking the negro is where he should be. He has no business in governmental affairs and his disfranchisement by the constitutional convention was, as all good people will concede, a most salutary measure. Experience proves and every law of nature shows that the Caucasian is immeasurably superior to the negro race. But now that the white men of this country are in charge of every branch of government, the courts especially should deal out even-handed justice to all, regardless of their color or social standing. We are no negro lovers, nor are we a sentimentalist, but we do believe that a plain sense of human justice should behoove every white citizen to exert himself toward the condign punishment of the guilty no matter what be the color or condition of the victim.
Lafayette Gazette 1/28/1899.

Work For Hoboes. - It is a very noticeable fact that since the mayor has provided the hoboes with work on the streets, the burglaries have ceased, and our peripatetic friends are making themselves scarce. Lafayette Gazette 1/28/1899.

Something We Need.

Of all the necessary buildings erected by a State or Parish tending to the betterment of a certain class of its population, there is none which represents so highly its morality as the place where moral law breakers are confined.

Therefore to our mind anyone confined in a jail ought to be barred from the possibility of corrupting outsiders by inciting them to disrespect that very same law which they themselves, disregarded.

On the other hand outsiders and especially boys and young men ought to be prevented in their endeavor to communicate and parleying with those on the inside.

Our Police Jury ought to put their thinking cap on this important question and remove the temptation standing in the way of our young manhood.

It is no secret to anyone that lewd, unprincipled females are sometimes confined in our jail and that any casual observer can at any time find loitering around it, young men parleying, exchanging glances, exchanging jokes with such moral law breakers.

Some even bring easy chairs to be comfortable during the social chat.

Gentlemen of the Police Jury remove this temptation and disgrace to the community-at-large by placing a high fence around the moral building. This would be money well invested, it may not be quite to the taste of the occupants but it will be a safeguard and protection to our weak young manhood. Let us have the jail fenced and soon.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/28/1899. 

An Important Capture.

On the 24th inst., Marshall Bradley made what may prove to be an important capture. It seems that on the evening of the 23rd, a negro woman named Lucy was standing in a coffee house near the depot when she was accosted by a white man. At the time she had in her hand a pocketbook containing about $6, and after talking a few moments the stranger requested her to let him look at the pocketbook saying, "I don't want your money, I only want to see the purse." he very foolishly granted his request but as soon as it was placed in his hand he darted out of the door and taking to his heels made his escape.

Marshal Bradley was at once notified and started out in search of the robber, but his efforts to locate the thief were of no avail until the next evening, when he ran across him near the depot. He arrested him, and was fully identified by the woman. When questioned he made evasive answers, first claiming that he came from Owensboro, Ky., but later said he was a gambler and lived in New Orleans. He gave his name as Wilson Anderson. Marshall Bradley had his photograph taken, as he thinks he is a professional criminal and is wanted elsewhere. He was given an examination and bound over to the district court, and in default of bonds was committed to jail to await trial.

Lafayette, owing to its present effective police force, is a very unhealthy place for the light fingered gentry.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/28/1893.
Sheriff D. J. Raid, of Lake Charles, was in the city last Wednesday, shaking hands with old friends and acquaintances. Laf. Adv. 1/28/1899.

"Getting Gay." - The niggers of the parish are still "getting gay" and cutting affrays are of frequent occurrence. The sheriff and his deputies are kept busy making arrests. Laf. Gazette 1/29/1898.

Burglarized - Tanner's store was burglarized last Saturday night. The place was robbed of a lot of merchandise. A number of other burglaries were reported during the past week. John Moise a negro, was arrested by officer Campbell on suspicion of being implicated in the robbery. Lafayette Gazette 1/31/1903. 

...Fatal Train Accident...
Should Be Investigated.

 As usual with railway accidents it is impossible to know the facts connected with the Raceland collision which caused the death of Robert Bailey of this town and seriously injured another employe of the company. We have failed to see an authentic account of the accident published in any of the New Orleans papers, and so far the only we know concerning the unfortunate occurrence is that it resulted in the death of young Bailey. From the fact that there was a collision it is clearly evidenced that there was negligence, carelessness or disobedience of orders on the part of the company or some of its employes. Somebody was at fault. When two trains, going in opposite direction, collide, there is something wrong somewhere. There may or may not be criminal negligence, but we submit as a plain proposition of common justice that whenever an accident causes the death of a human being there should be a judicial investigation, ascertaining the cause, if possible, and putting the blame where it belongs. Is human life such a trifle that it is not worth the attention of the constituted authorities? Are railroad companies amenable to the laws which are supposed to govern this country?
If we understand the jurisprudence of this country, the act of any individual or corporation which causes the loss of human life should be investigated by the State. If a citizen accidentally kills a fellow-being he is held accountable to the courts and the searchlight of judicial scrutiny must establish his innocence beyond doubt before he is liberated. Does this principle of justice apply to the acts of corporations? Or, have we one kind of laws to deal with the citizens, and another kind, or none at all, for corporations?

Lafayette Gazette 2/1/1902. 

Open a School-Close a Jail. 

 It is a blot on the intelligence of civilized communities that its criminals should be housed in palatial jails of preserved brick, well ventilate, well-lighted, supplied with waterworks and other conveniences, while the future citizens, the school children, are crowded into miserable huts that do not admit of even the ordinary comforts of life. And who is to blame?
Why is it that the parish of Lafayette has a well-ventilated, well lighted brick jail - a jail which has cost $12,000.00 - and that the thirty-one or more schools of the parish are meagre shanties, the best of which cost $200? Here we behold the sad spectacle of a community expending on its jail $12,000, and on thirty school houses about $6,000. The yearly appropriation of this parish and of many others of its type about twice as much for criminal expenses as the yearly appropriation for public schools. Yet in the face of these facts, should the question be put in a direct way to the men of the helm, "which do you consider more important to the future welfare of the parish, the blood-stained criminal of the educable youths of the parish; the man who is lost, perhaps irretrievably, or the developing child, the possibilities of whom are practically unlimited?" The answer is, the child; and yet how sadly neglected is the child of the school age in the poltical economy of our statesmen!
Is it the fault of the governor or of the Legislature; is it the fault of the School Board, or of the Police Jury?
The blame lies with neither of these, but altogether with the people themselves. For there never was a community that was served by a corps of officials of a higher order, mental or moral, than the average citizen, and an officer may be taken as type of citizen. Hence, if we have no better schools it is because the people have never demanded better schools, and it is not the fault of any officer, nor of any set of officers.
We have no complaint to lodge against sanitary jails, brick or marble, but in the name of common education let us have good school houses, and means with which to keep them open at least ten months of the year. It is time for the voters to demand schools and school facilities first, then criminal expenses and jails will take care of themselves to a large extent.
Victor Hugo says, "Open a school and you will close a jail."

Lafayette Gazette 2/1/1902.  

Gambler's Luck Holds Out. - John Tillman, the gambler, has been arrested in New Iberia on suspicion of being implicated in robberies committed in this town some time ago. Marshal Peck visited New Iberia last Saturday and was shown a lot of goods found in Tillman's possession, but the officer failed to identify any of the articles. Tillman is said to have sold about $100 worth of goods in this town. Lafayette Gazette 2/1/1902.


 Charles Davis, the notorious robber, houseburner and murderer, who made his escape from the parish prison on several months ago, was recaptured in New Orleans on Monday last, after a most exciting chase, by Sheriff Easton and deputy sheriff Edgar Mouton and was brought to Vermilionville last Wednesday evening and lodged in the parish prison, where we hope he will remain until he is dealt with according to law. As most of our readers are aware, this man Davis was the captain of the band of outlaws who infested the Attakapas country a few years ago, and is a most desperate and daring character.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/1/1873.

City Council of Vermilionville.

 At a special meeting of the City Council of the Corporation of Vermilionville, held December 7th, 1872, were present: W. O. Smith, Mayor, and Messrs. J. J. Revillon, H. Landry, J. N. Judice, Aug. Monnier and R. Gagneaux. Absent: B. A. Salles and R. L. McBride.

 The reading of the minutes were dispensed with, and 
  On motion it was resolved, That from and after the first publication of this resolution, any and all persons are hereby prohibited from firing off fire-crackers, rockets, roman candles, &c., &c., within the limits of the Corporation of Vermilionville, and any person or persons violating the provisions of this resolution, will be fined in the sum of FIVE DOLLARS, for each and every offence.

 The following account was presented and approved :

 W. O. Smith,       $6.80.

 On motion the Council adjourned.
  H. BAILEY,               W. O. SMITH,
    Secretary.                            Mayor.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/1/1873. 


 Acting upon the unanimous recommendation of the Board, Gov. Heard has granted a pardon to Willie Foreman, who was convicted of manslaughter in this parish in April, 1893.
Willie Foreman was indicted for muder by the Grand Jury on Oct. 8, 1892. He was charged with the killing of J. G. Bertand, at Duson, on May 13, 1892. The trial of his case was taken up on Oct. 17, 1892, before the district court with the Hon. A. C. Allen as the presiding judge. District Attorney Gordy represented the State. The jury failing to agree, a mistrial was entered.
The trial of the case was resumed on April 17, 1893. On the 19th the jury returned a verdict of guilty of manslaughter and recommended the prisoner to the mercy of the court. Judge Allen sentenced Foreman to nineteen years in the penitentiary. An appeal was taken to the Supreme Court, but that tribunal affirmed the judgment of the lower court and on the 21st of July, 1893, Foreman began to serve out his term. Four years later, in August, 1897, he made his escape from the camp at Lafourche Crossing. On Dec. 17, 1898, he was captured by Sheriff Broussard. From that time to the day of his pardon he was incarcerated in the State penitentiary.
As was stated in the beginning of this article Foreman's pardon was recommended by the three members of the board - the lieutenant-governor, the attorney-general and the district judge. The petition asking for his pardon was signed by the surviving members of the jury that convicted him, and it was also signed by a large number of representative citizens of the parish. Among the signers are many prominent professional and business men of this town and parish. Regardless of what may be said to the contrary we accept a man's signature as his approval or disapproval of a thing.
It is therefore self-evident that the action of the Board and the governor is in accord with the wishes of a large portion of the people of the parish expressed in the petition asking for the pardon of this man.
The Gazette, however, does not wish to be understood as approving this pardon. We have often stated as our opinion that judgements of the courts should stand, unless it is shown by additional evidence after the trial that the verdict of the jury is unjustifiable. Otherwise, we believe that the exercise of the pardoning power is subversive of the cause of justice. Far be it from our purpose to withhold from any one a tithe of mercy, but we believe it is the duty of the State to be just before being merciful A strict and impartial enforcement of the laws is necessary to the well-being of any community. The protection of life and property can be secured of the law, though its decrees may at times seem extremely harsh.

Lafayette Gazette 2/2/1901.  

Struck With a Bottle. - "Elo" Comeaux is in jail charged with having struck Alcide Cormier on the head with a bottle. Both were at a ball in the sixth ward on Jan. 24, and became involved in a quarrel which ended with Cormier being knocked on the head with a bottle in the hands of Comeaux. It appears that the injuries inflicted were considered dangerous as the skull of the wounded man was fractured. An affidavit was made against Comeaux before Judge Galbert Bienvenue. Lafayette Gazette 2/2/1901. 

Sugar Refinery Owner Shot. 

An incident of unusual interest was the shooting of Mr. Ferris at Franklin, last Tuesday, by Mr. Payne, of Barbreck. The latter had become exasperated at the great monetary loss occasioned him by the failure of the Ferris Sugar Refinery Co. and sought to obtain satisfaction of some kind from the person he regarded as the author of the whole affair. At the meeting that took place between the two men Mr. Payne became excited to the pitch of drawing a pistol which he began firing at Mr. Ferris, with deadly intent. One bullet only took effect, inflicting a painful flesh wound. Lafayette Advertiser 2/2/1895.


Ben Lafargue Hires a Team at Veazey's Stable and Pawns in at Scott. 

Ben Lafargue, a stranger, came to Lafayette and hired a buggy and horse at Veazey's stable, stating that he wanted to drive out in the country to attend to some business pertaining to the sale of sewing machines. Instead of being a sewing machine agent Lafargue turned out to be a crook. He went to Scott, pawned the team to Mr. Felix Begnaud for $5, stating that he would redeem it in the morning. He failed to show up and Mr. Begnaud, thinking there was something wrong, telephoned Sheriff Broussard the suspicious circumstances of Lafargue's visit. Mr. Veazey, who had begun to feel uneasy about his team, reported the facts to Sheriff Broussard who told him that his property was in Mr. Begnaud's possession. The sheriff started out after Lafargue, located him at Crowley and returned with him on the afternoon train. Lafargue is now in jail.
Lafayette Gazette 2/3/1900.

Nabbed By Sheriff Broussard.
The young negro, Derbes, who is wanted for waylaying and robbing in Iberia parish, is, from all accounts in jail at Crowley. Yesterday morning Sheriff Broussard heard that Derbes was in town and at once started out to catch him. He heard that Derbes had boarded a freight train, and communicated with the authorities of Acadia by whom he was arrested at Crowley.
Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1899.

Back in Jail.

One Adler, recently out of the State penitentiary through executive clemency, was arrested a few days since by Constable Falk on a charge of horse stealing. After remaining in jail for several days he was let to bail in the sum of $125.00. Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1882.

A Serious Difficulty.

 A difficulty occurred Tuesday evening on the Long plantation, in which Mr. C. C. Mabry, manager of that place, shot a negro by the name of Jean B. Daigle, and slightly wounded him. Mr. Mabry was assaulted by the negro with brick-bats and had to defend himself with his revolver. Daigle was armed at the time of the shooting. Affidavits were made before Judge Verro: by both parties.
Lafayette Gazette 2/5/1898.

Pardoned: Darzia M. Broussard who was convicted at the last term of the District Court, of larceny, and sentenced to one year's imprisonment in the penitentiary, has been pardoned by Gov. Kellogg, and was set at liberty on Thursday. Lafayette Advertiser 2/7/1874.

Last Monday the case of the State vs. Martin, charged with rape came up before Judge Moss, and after hearing of the testimony and the law. the Judge remanded the accused to jail, without benefit of bail, to answer to the said charge at the time of the next term of the District Court. Laf. Adv. 2/7/1874. 

Court Items.

 The following cases were disposed of during the session of court last week and sentences passed:

 W. A. Brown, colored, embezzlement, 6 months in the penitentiary.

 Charles Thompson, alias Simon, colored, stabbing Mr. Chas. Lusted, 15 years in the penitentiary.

 Zacharie Veazey, colored, horse stealing, 2 years in the penitentiary.

 Ben Young, colored, entering in the night time with intent to steal, 5 years in the penitentiary.

 Frank O. Smally, colored, grand larceny, 3 years in penitentiary.

 George Lester, colored, shooting at with intent to murder, 3 years in penitentiary.

 A. P. Richard, white, petit larceny, 1 year in penitentiary.

 C. A. Lloyd, white, entering a box car without breaking and grand larceny, 2 years in penitentiary.

 N. A. Walton, white, entering a box car without breaking and grand larceny, w years in penitentiary.

 Chas. Richmond, colored, using obscene language near private house, $50 fine or 30 days in jail.

 Geo. Williams, colored, carrying concealed weapon, $75 fine or 60 days in jail.

 The two following cases were tried and acquitted:

 Adam Otto, white, larceny.

 Alex and Henry Navarre, colored, stabbing with intent to kill.

 Monday Eraste Courtier, colored was convicted of stabbing with intent to kill. Sentence will be passed Saturday.

 Tuesday morning, owing to the heavy rain, no session was held. In the afternoon the case of Bertmance Guidry, charged with manslaughter, was taken up, but not finished.
 Laf. Advertiser 2/8/1905.

Thibodaux Captured.

 Sheriff Broussard received a telegram Thursday from Sheriff Fontenot asking him to go to St. Landry to assist in the capture of Octave Thibodaux who was seen near the Coulee Croche section. The sheriff left on the afternoon train and on his arrival at Sunset he learned that the fugitive had been caught by Deputy Sheriff Pintard Williams.

 Sheriff Broussard stopped at Sunset and came back to Lafayette with the prisoner, who was in charge of Deputy Williams.

 Thibodaux broke out from the Crowley jail last December and has been at large since that time. He is under sentence of death for having wrecked the train at Eunice, causing thereby the death of the fireman. He will be hanged unless the verdict is reversed or executive clemency is ordered. Lafayette Gazette 2/8/1896.

 Half Dozen chickens were stolen from the yard of Mr. L. F. Rigues Tuesday night. Laf. Adv. 2/8/1896

 A thief entered the premises of Mr. F. Thompson last Saturday and carried away a large kettle. Laf. Adv. 2/8/1896

New received from the hospital at New Orleans is favorable to the complete recovery of B. H. Wilkins, who was sent there some time ago to be treated. Wilkins, it will be remembered, was struck on the head by Dan Keeshen during the month of December of last year. Laf. Adv. 2/8/1896


Inflicted With a Bottle - Placide Cormier Dies From the Effects of His Wound.

 Placide Cormier, who was struck with a bottle by Elo Comeau on the 24th of January, at Ophe Melancon's, near Carencro, died last Monday.

 The coroner, Dr. J. F. Mouton, held an inquest Monday afternoon, the verdict of the jury being that the death of Cormier was caused by the injuries inflicted by Comeau on the night of jan 24.

 The testimony of the witnesses at the coroner's inquest proved little beyond the fact that Cormier and Comeau became involved in a difficulty and that Comeau knocked his adversary on the forehead with a bottle, the blow causing injuries which resulted in his death.

 From what The Gazette is able to learn both men enjoyed a good reputation. Cormier was a married man and had a wife and several children. Comeau is not married and is quite a young man.

 Comeau, who had been released on bail, was re-arrested and placed in jail by Sheriff Broussard.  Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1901.

Captured. - Mr. Horace Broussard of this parish delivered to the sheriff, last Wednesday, a negro man whom he accused of having burglarized his residence during the night of the 1st instant, whilst he, Mr. Broussard, and family were absent from home in attendance at the bedside of Mr. Narcisse Dugas. Several articles of clothing were stolen, and among these was a certain cost that Mr. Broussard promptly recognized on the person of the negro in question when passing the latter on the public road whilst on his way to town on the date named. The negro stoutly denied this completely and refused to give himself up as prisoner until Mr. Broussard threatened to shoot him unless he surrendered.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1895.  

He Carried a Gun. - One Fourcade, a negro living in the country was arrested by Sheriff Broussard Tuesday for carrying a concealed weapon. He appeared before Justice Mcfadden and furnished appearance bond. It seems that Fourcade was in the habit of coming to town armed with a pistol and gave as an excuse that some parties had threatened his life and he carried a weapon to protect himself, but Sheriff Broussard did not take the same view of the matter and placed Fourcade under arrest. It is hardly probable that he will make a walking arsenal of himself in the future.
Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1895.

Making a Record. - Ben Young, the young negro who was sent to the penitentiary last year for stealing a canary bird with the cage from Dr. Frank Mouton, will,  in all probability, spend another term in the service of his country. He was arrested by Constable Hirsch Thursday on a charge of breaking in the house of Mr. Horace Broussard and carrying away a coat and other articles, several of which were found on his person, making the chances decidedly good for a long term at Baton Rouge. Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1895.  


Lafargue's Record.

 Sheriff Broussard has received a letter from Mayor Labbe, of St. Martinville, giving the record of the man Ben Lafargue, who was arrested last week by the sheriff for the theft of a horse and buggy from Mr. Veazey. It appears that Lafargue was made to leave St. Martinville by the authorities of that town. A letter written to Mayor Labble by Chief Gaster states that Lafargue served three terms in the penitentiary for thefts committed in New Orleans. He is said to be wanted in New Iberia.
Lafayette Gazette 2/10/1900.

Ephege Coatt, Alb Vincent and Leon Provost became too boisterous last Monday and were run in by Marshal Peck. They appeared before the mayor the next morning and each was fined $5 and costs. Laf. Gaz. 2/10/1900.

 Some mischievous persons, or persons, stole a fine turkey gobbler from widow T. Herbt last Monday night. Those who suffer losses of this kind fail to see the funny point said to belong to such doings and we will yet hear of some person engaged in this evil practice becoming the receptacle of a load of buck-shot. Of course, the buck-shot will be fired in "fun" only, even though the amateur thief should die from the effects. Laf. Advertiser 2/10/1894. 

A Turkey Stolen.

 While in Georgia a few weeks ago Mr. C. C. Mabry visited Colonel B. G. Swanson's "Cormerson Race Horse Farm" at LaGrange and purchased a trio of fine "Mamouth Bronze" turkeys and brought them to this town. Mr. Mabry was justly proud of his turkeys and watched over them with a jealous eye. Tuesday morning when he went to the coop to feed them, he found to his great surprise that the largest one, the gobbler, was conspicuous by his absence. Some sneak thief had entered during the night and relieved him of his precious fowl. Experience teaches that turkey-raising in Lafayette is a very unsafe investment. Lafayette Gazette 2/10/1894. 

A $40 Hog Stolen.

 Mr. Alfred Hebert is in hand luck. Some time ago he purchased a fine sow in Kansas at a cost of $40. He had the sow brought to his farm near town and put it in a pen, but subsequent events proved that the costly swine was not destined to remain there long. A few days ago thieves entered the pen, killed the sow and carried her away. Mr. Hebert searched the houses of several parties, and had one negro arrested, charged with the theft. Laf. Gazette 2/10/1894.

Pardoned. - Elijah Hornsby, who, it will be remembered, was captured in this parish about a year ago by Sheriff Broussard, has been granted a full pardon. Hornsby had several years more to serve out his sentence.
Laf. Gaz. 2/11/1899.

 Elijah Hornsby, who was convicted of murder in 1879 in Iberia and sentenced to life imprisonment in the penitentiary has been pardoned by Governor Foster, upon the recommendation of the full board of pardons.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/11/1899.

Railroad Burglar. - On Thursday night about 1 o'clock an attempt was made by unknown parties to burglarize a car of the Southern Pacific. The night watchman, Mr. William Graser, discovered them as they were carrying off some of the goods and fired at them. The robbers dropped the goods and returned the fire of the watchman, but without wounding him. They made their escape.
Laf. Advertiser 2/11/1893.

Railroad Burglar. - On Thursday night about 1 o'clock an attempt was made by unknown parties to burglarize a car of the Southern Pacific. The night watchman, Mr. William Graser, discovered them as they were carrying off some of the goods and fired at them. The robbers dropped the goods and returned the fire of the watchman, but without wounding him. They made their escape.
Laf. Advertiser 2/11/1893.

Police Jury.
Jan. 7th, 1882.

 Among other business....

 On motion, the following was adopted :

 Ordered, that the Sheriff be instructed, as keeper of the Parish Jail, not to permit the Town authorities hereafter to have the use of the jail but upon the distinct understanding and condition that the Town Council be responsible for all damages done by individuals incarcerated therein by the Constable, and under no circumstances is the Sheriff to permit the use of the blankets and other property therein belonging to the Parish to any other than Parish prisoners.

 Ordered further, that the Sheriff is hereby instructed to demand of the Town Council payment for all damages to the jail, heretofore committed by prisoners incarcerated by the corporation authorities.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/11/1882.

Prison Escape. - Honore Joe, the negro who escaped from the prison at St. Martinsville passed through Lafayette, last Tuesday in charge of Sheriff Rees, who gave us the following information: It seems that Joe resisted the officer who arrested him in Texas, and he pulled a knife, but the latter got entangled in his pocket before he had a chance to use it. Sheriff Rees says that Joe's wife was in the custom of coming to see her husband every two or three days and that the turnkey had no mistrust whatsoever. When Joe came out of the cell disguised in his wife's clothes, he way crying (imitating his wife) with a pocket handkerchief to his eyes which hid his face (a smart trick) and the turnkey though that it was the wife who vented to her feelings.  Lafayette Advertiser 2/12/1898.

Had Jail Cleaned. - News items around the sheriff's office have been exceedingly scarce the past week, in fact yesterday the office was so quiet that Deputy Sheriff Saul Broussard thought it a fine opportunity to give the jail a thorough cleaning, especially as the bright sun-shiny weather just suited for the work, and he did. There are only two inmates in the jail now.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905. 

Was Hungry. - It was pretty cold Sunday night and the cold weather must have been responsible for an irrepressible hunger about the waist line of somebody, for C. A. Miller's butcher shop was broken into some time between suns and about six or seven pounds of meat appropriated. The hungry man also seemed to have an inclination for cash money or legal tender, evidenced by his smashing the money drawer, but his inclination is still inclining, for he got $0. Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905. 

Sheriff Lacoste left Saturday for Baton Rouge with the following convicts: Will Brown, 6 months; Charles Thompson, alias Simon, 15 years;  Zack Veazey, 2 years; Ben Young, 5 years; Frank O'Smalley, 3 years; A. P. Richard, 1 year; Eraste Damon, 3 years; Geo. Lester, 3 years; C. A. Lloyd and N. A. Walton,  2 years; Thad Cantine and Erastus Contier, each 3 years. Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905.

Last Wednesday evening the following telegram was received by the authorities here: 
New Orleans, Feb. 13. Sheriff, Lafayette, La. -- Arrest J. W. Edwards. Left on morning train. Has a small boy-child with him Age 34, height 5 feet 8 inches, slim built, black hair, eyes and moustache, side tips, sallow complexion. Has two overcoats. Charge, grand larceny.
Chief of Police.
In accordance with the above instructions, Marshal Vigneaux and Deputy Sheriff Billaud went to the depot and immediately after the arrival of the train they noticed a passenger carrying a child in his arms and answering to all the descriptions given in the telegram. He was placed under arrest and readily admitted that his name was J. W. Edwards, but disclaimed all knowledge of having committed any crime. The news of the arrest was wired to Chief Gaster and Detectives Kerwin and DeRanee arrived here on the midnight train and left with the prisoner the next morning for New Orleans. Edwards seemed to be very much affected by his arrest and broke down and cried. He was neatly dressed and had the appearance of a man in good circumstances. The story of his crime, as told by the detectives, is about as follows:
Edwards made the acquaintance of a New York drummer on one of the trains running to New Orleans, and made known to him his misfortunes and soon gained the sympathies of the New Yorker who assisted him financially and when they arrived at New Orleans they occupied the same room at the Grunewald Hotel. Early Wednesday morning Edwards stole his benefactor's gold watch and overcoat and left the city on a Southern Pacific train.

Lafayette Gazette 2/16/1895.

For Assault and Battery. - An affidavit was made before Judge McFadden last Tuesday charging a negro named Alexandre Bob with having committed an assault on another negro, Wm. Brown. Constable Malagarie of Broussard made the arrest. Laf. Gazette 2/16/1895. 


 Tries to Rob the Scott Post-Office, and is Caught in the Act.

 A white man, giving his name as James Riley, was brought from Scott, Saturday, by Deputy Trahan and lodged in jail on the charge of attempting to burglarize the post-office at that place. The attempt was made Friday night. Postmaster Alex Hebert was awakened by hearing a noise as of someone breaking into the office. He quietly arose, called a young man sleeping near by, and together they started to investigate. One went one way around the house, another the opposite way, and came upon a man in the act of going through a window. They ordered him to throw up his hands promptly which he did. They detained him until an officer came for him. The prisoner claims to be from Houston, and states that his object in entering the building which is used as a grocery and post-office, was to get something to eat.Lafayette Advertiser 2/17/1904.

Post-office Burglary at Grand Coteau. - Burglars broke into the post office at Grand Coteau last Tuesday night and with the use of dynamite or other explosive entered the safe and got away with a considerable booty. Over $200 belonging to the government and $295, the property of Lehman, Stern & Co.,, were stolen. There does not seem to be any clue to the crime. Lafayette Gazette 2/17/1900.

A dozen or more little poor blacks who had been warned several times to desist from blockading one of main sidewalks playing marbles, &c., were placed under arrest by deputy Marshal  Romero last Thursday for refusing to heed the warning. They were conducted as far as the lock-up, but on promising with great earnestness they would not repeat the offence the deputy Marshall released the gang. Laf. Adv. 2/17/1894.

Snowballing Almost Ends in a Tragedy. 
 Opelousas, Feb. 15 - Snowballing by the young boys came near ending in a tragedy yesterday evening at a late hour. Carlton N. Ogden, a young man of this town, was holding a negro, while the young boys were pelting him with snowballs, when Webster Castain, one of the ward constables, came up and interfered. An altercation ensued and Ogden struck Castain with a whip, and witnesses claim that at this moment Castain jumped back into the street and made a movement as if to draw a weapon, and Ogden opened fire on him with a 45-calibre Colt pistol. Castain, who, as it subsequently developed, was unarmed, broke and ran, Ogden firing in the meantime. Castain slipped and fell in the middle of the street, and Ogden thinking that he had struck him stopped shooting. The shooting occurred in the heart of town, and created intense excitement. One of the bullets went through a window of the court house. Ogden fired three shots, none taking affect. He surrendered and is out on bond.

 Lafayette Gazette 2/18/1899.

Postmaster Labit Shoots a Negro. 
Crowley, Feb. 15. - Postmaster Frank C. Labit shot a colored man to-day by the name of John Moore. The shooting took place on Second street, near the Crowley State Bank. Moore, on several occasions, abused the postmaster. The trouble first started several days ago when the negro called at the postoffice for mail. On being told by the postmaster that there was no mail for him, he began cursing, and said that "woman in there," meaning the postmaster's wife, who is the assistant, had been telling him for a week there was no mail, when there was a letter advertised. Labit told him the letter advertised was for a white man of the same name, and to satisfy him showed him the letter. The negro snatched the letter and tore it open, threw it on the desk and went off. T0-day more trouble occurred. This evening the negro followed Labit to the office of W. W. Duson & Brother, where an altercation took place. The negro got possession of an iron stove poker, and H. B. Thayer came to the postmaster's aid with a chair and probably saved his life. Labit borrowed a pistol and shot the negro in the thigh. Moore has just sent word that he would kill him the first chance he got.  Lafayette Gazette 2/18/1899.


LARCENY. - Augustin Zenon, colored., was also furnsished board and lodging lately at the expense of the parish. He was escorted to town by Constable Calvin Moss, on a warrant charging him, the accused, with the theft of a lot of goods at Royville. (Now Youngsville) Lafayette Advertiser 2/18/1882.  

HOMICIDE. - On Thursday the 9th inst., at about 4 o'clock P. M., one Eugene Casimire, colored, was shot and killed at Carencro, in this parish. The following named parties are charged with the killing : Adolphe, Ben and William Glaude and Onezine Siner, all colored, and are now in jail awaiting a preliminary examination, which is fixed for to-day. Laf. Adv. 2/18/1882.


Request the Police Jury to Investigate a Complaint Against Juror Avant. 

The grand jury's report was read in court Thursday afternoon. The jurors report the offices of the sheriff, clerk and treasurer in good order and all public documents well kept and public funds correctly accounted for. The attention of the police jury is called to the general condition of the court-house. The building needs to be painted and other repairs are deemed necessary. An inspection of the parish jail showed it be well kept and the prisoners properly cared for. The attention of the Police Jury is called to the unsatisfactory results obtained from the use of the heating process used to do away with the offal.,
In regard to the public roads the jury made the following report:
"That Mr. Ben Avant, member of the police jury of this parish, who has in his care oxen belonging to the parish, did on the 9th day of this month, refuse to turn over the said oxen to Mr. Foreman who had instructions from the road overseer of that ward to go to Mr. Avant and get the oxen to do some work on the public road. The reason given by Mr. Avant for not turning over the oxen was that they were not strong enough to do public work, while he, on that very same day was using the oxen to break new land for his own benefit. We would further state that Mr. Forman said that he was satisfied that had he got the oxen he would have been able to do the work required on the public road. We, therefore, request the police jury at their first meeting to give this matter a rigid investigation and have Mr. Avant render an account of his action in refusing to comply with the request of Mr. Foreman"
The jurors concluded that their report by tendering their deliberations.

Lafayette Gazette 2/19/1898.

Convened on Monday Morning -- Criminal Court Unusually Small.

 A regular criminal term of the District Court convened Monday morning, Judge Debaillon presiding.

 The judge appointed Mr. Auguste Mouton foreman of the grand jury and the names of the following gentlemen were drawn out of the box to serve as jurors for this term: Paul Castel, Charles Cochrane, Wm. G. Bailey, Alfred Chargois, Preston Benton, Luc Doucet, F. G. Mouton, Ralph L. Foreman, Arthur Couret, Fedorin Estillette, Willie Creighton, Placide Guilbeau, Frank Guidry, Chas. Jenkins, Ralph Duhon. The jury remained in session until Thursday afternoon, returning fourteen indictments and nine "not true bills." Nearly all the cases examined were for minor offenses. The following indictments were brought in; Joseph St. Julien, using obscene language; Ben Avant, embezzlement; Simeon Bergeron, defamation of character; Joseph Edmond, entering a house without breaking; Tinomme Burnette, stealing a ride; Sidney Foreman, striking with intent to murder; Jno. Baptiste Daily, carrying concealed weapon; Willie Brown, larceny; Teresia Watson, obtaining money under false pretenses; Albert Duhon, selling liquor without license; Fernest Kelly, carrying concealed weapon; Florestal Guidry, malicious slander; A. O. Patureau and Geo. Pefferkorn, carrying concealed weapon.

 In the absence of District Attorney Gordy who left Wednesday to attend the constitutional convention, of which body he is a member, Col. Breaux was appointed district attorney pro tem.

 The petit jurors for the first and second weeks were finally discharged. District Attorney Gordy will  be back in court Thursday when indicted parties will be arraigned, and cases will be tried on the third week of the term.
Lafayette Gazette 2/19/1898.

Police Jury.
(This is part 2 of Police Jury business involving a jail built by the Pauly Jail Building Co. appearing in the Advertiser of 2/20/1897. Unfortunately, the issue of the week prior is not available. But, this pretty descriptive in itself.)  Upon completion of said equipments and appurtenances as required by said specifications, and its acceptance by said party, the said party of the second part shall pay to the said party of the first part the sum of $1,295.00 and balance as follows: $1,500 twelve months, and $1,500 twenty-four months after completion and acceptance of said work, with interest rate of eight per cent per annum from date of acceptance until paid, interest payable annually.

 It is hereby further agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:

(1.) Said party shall appoint a Superintendent or Committee, qualified to judge as to the quality and character of the material and work required  by this agreement, whose duty it shall be to inspect and report upon the work and material during the construction of said building, and make and furnish estimates of the value of the material furnished for and labor performed thereon from time to time and should any material be furnished therefor, or work be done thereon, which, in his or their opinion, is not in accordance with the requirements of the plans and specifications therefor, it shall be his or their duty to notify said first party thereof, in person or by or by a written notice forwarded by registered mail to its proper address, unless (unreadable words) they and said or its agent or sub-contractor can agree upon the subject in controversy, and the part of the work affected by such notice shall cease and not be resumed until and agreement is reached upon the subject in controversy, or settled by competent authority, and should said Superintendent  or Committee permit any part of the work on said building to be completed without objecting thereto and giving notice to said first party as aforesaid, it shall be taken and considered the (unreadable word) as an approval thereof, and said first party shall not thereafter be held responsible therefor, nor be required to reconstruct the same without full and adequate compensation therefor.

 (2.)  Should any misunderstanding in this agreement arise between the parties hereto in relation to any part of the work or material provided for or embraced under the terms of this agreement, or in relation to any of the stipulations hereof, which cannot be settled between themselves, the matter in controversy shall be referred to two disagreement between said two arbitrators the they shall jointly choose a third, and their decision in the matter shall be final and binding on both parties hereto, and any time lost in the prosecution of the work on said building or its equipments by reason of controversy as to the material or work thereon, shall be allowed to said first party in the final completion thereof.

 (3.) Upon final completion of the work embraced in this agreement, the said second party shall examine the same, and if completed according to contract, shall immediately accept the same and make final settlement with said first party therefor, as hereinto fore provided and stipulated; but no such settlement shall be made with, nor any payment be made hereon to any agent of said first party or any other person whomsoever, except to an officer of said party, or upon written order of said first party signed by one of its officers and bearing its corporate seal.

 (4.) The foregoing contains all the understandings and agreements had between the parties hereto in relation to the erection and completion of said building and its equipments and appurtenances, and the payments therefor, and neither of said parties is to be held to the performance of any supposed understanding or agreement not herein expressed, or set forth in the specifications referred to herein and made a part thereof.

 In testimony whereof, the aforesaid parties hereto have caused duplicate copies hereof to be signed by the proper and duly authorized agents or representatives of the said principles, and attested by the signature and official seal of Clerk of Court of said Parish on the date first written herein.

 Chas. D. Caffery, Orther C. Mouton; witnesses.

 The Pauly Jail Building & Manufacturing Co.
               F. B. Hull, Contracting Agent,
                           Lafayette Parish, La.


                     R. C. Landry,
                     Alfred Hebert,
                            Com. from Police Jury,
                                  Lafayette, Parish, La.
     Attest :
                  E. G. Voorhies, Clerk of Court,
                                   Lafayette Parish La.

 AND WHEREAS, said above articles of agreement are in accord and comply fully with the bid made to the police jury by said Pauly Jail Building & Manufacturing Company to construct certain repairs to the Parish Jail of Lafayette Parish, in the plans and specifications attached to and made part of said agreement;
       AND WHEREAS, the proposed repairs to said parish prison are absolutely necessary for the safe keeping of parish prisoners and the proper sanitary condition of said parish prison.
 THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Parish of Lafayette in the State of Louisiana, in legal and regular session assembled (a majority of all the members elect of said Police Jury concurring); that the articles of agreement fully set out in the preamble of this ordinance, be, and the same is hereby accepted for and in the name of the Parish of Lafayette, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Louisiana.

 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, ETC., That the sum of twelve hundred and ninety-five dollars, be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of money in the treasury and out of the first money collected out the revenues of 1896 and 1897, not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of said sum to said Pauly Jail Building and Manufacturing Company on the completion and acceptance of the work provided in the contract set out herein and made part hereof.

 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, ETC., That as only nine mills on the dollar of the assessed value of the property in Lafayette Parish is required to meet and pay the annual current expenses thereof, leaving one mill on the dollar of the ten mills allowed by law still assessable and collectible annually for other purposes now, in order to provide for the payment of the indebtedness contracted herein for the repairs of the Parish Prison, as aforesaid, and the payments stipulated of fifteen hundred dollars twelve months and fifteen hundred dollars twenty-four months after the completion and acceptance of said proposed work and repairs, with interest at eight per cent per annum from date of completion and acceptance, a tax of one mill on the dollar of the ten mills allowed by law for parochial purposes on the assessed value of taxable property in Lafayette Parish for the years 1897 and 1898, be, and is hereby appropriated, levied and set apart, or enough thereof to pay said debt and interest contracted for the construction of said repairs to the Parish Prison of Lafayette Parish.

 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, ETC., That the Parish of Lafayette, is hereby instructed, and it is made his mandatory duty to keep apart and separate from other funds of the Parish coming into his hands as such, the sum of twelve hundred and ninety-five dollars out of any money now in the treasury and out of the funds coming into his possession and not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of said sum upon the completion and acceptance of said proposed work and repairs; and to also keep apart and separate from other funds of the Parish out of the revenues of the years 1897 and 1898 from the property tax for said years one mill of the taxes of said years to be applied to the payment out of these revenues of the debt and interest contracted for the work and repairs on the Parish Prison aforesaid.

 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, ETC., That any ordinance or part of any ordinance contrary to or in conflict with this ordinance, be, and the same is hereby repealed.

 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, ETC., That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage.

 President Landry reported that in conjunction with Mr. Alf. Hebert he had appointed Mr. Wm. Clegg as supervising architect of the repairs and alterations of the Parish Jail. By motion the action of the committee was approved and ratified.

           R. C. LANDRY, Pres.
         R. C. Greig, Sec.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/20/1897.

The McCoy Case Remanded.

The Supreme Court of Louisiana has rendered a decision annulling the verdict of the jury in the McCoy case, and remanding the case for a new trial before the District Court. The opinion was handed down by Associate-Justice Monroe last Monday. It is probable that the trial of McCoy will be proceeded without delay and that his case will be called up during the next jury term to be held in March. McCoy, who is a negro, was found guilty of criminal assault on a white lady, and the crime was committed in the second ward of this parish during the fall of last year. Judge Debaillon called a special term of court to try him. He was found guilty and sentenced to be hanged. His counsel, John L. Kennedy, took an appeal from the verdict, which was annulled by the Supreme Court.

The following is taken from the syllabus of the court, and gives in brief the reasons for the reversal:

"Where in a prosecution for criminal assault, the prosecutrix has testified that she made complaint to persons whom she names, and the persons so named have testified as State witnesses, in corroboration, it is error to deny to the defendant the right to bring out, on cross-examination, the details of the complaints so testified to in chief.

Where, upon the whole examination, upon his voir dire, of a person summoned as a juror; the most that can be of it is, that he had formed and expressed an opinion upon the merits of the case, that would require strong evidence to overcome, that his mind is not in such a condition as to be influenced, solely, by the evidence to be submitted on the trial, and that it would be influenced, to a great extent, by the opinion already formed, but that, nevertheless, he could go into the jury box, and, if the evidence should prove strong enough, disregard such opinion and decide the case upon such evidence, a challenge, for cause, should be sustained."

Lafayette Gazette 2/21/1903.

Insane or Drunk.

 An unfortunate man, either insane or drunk, entered Prof. W. A. LeRosen's yard Monday afternoon, tried to force entrance into the house, and failing in this attempt, bombarded the house with brick-bats. When seen, he escaped but was overtaken and jailed. Laf. Gaz. 2/21/1903. 

Grand Jury Report.
To the Honorable Judge of the Twenty-fifth Judicial District in and for the Parish of Lafayette:

 We the Grand Jurors, duly empaneled and sworn to inquire in and for the Parish of Lafayette, beg leave to submit this as our final report.

 We have carefully and impartially examined into all infractions of the law, that have been submitted for our consideration by Justices of the Peace, as well as all others, that came to our notice from other sources; we find that crimes are diminishing in our midst:

 We have examined all violations of the Sunday Law, that have come to our knowledge; there is but little doubt, but that the law has not been enforced, but that we believe, if the Parish officers, will make it their duty, to make complaint before a magistrate of all the violations of the aforesaid law, that before long the Sunday Law will be as strictly observed as any other criminal statutes. We would suggest, that the different Peace officers throughout the parish, to watch all places of business on Sundays with an eye, solely to oppose the supremacy of the Sunday Law statutes.

 We the Grand Jurors, duly empaneled and sworn to inquire in and for the Parish of Lafayette, beg leave to submit this as our final report.

 We have carefully and impartially examined into all infractions of the law, that have been submitted for our consideration by Justices of the Peace, as well as all others, that came to our notice from other sources; we find that crimes are diminishing in our midst:

 We have examined all violations of the Sunday Law, that have come to our knowledge; there is but little doubt, but that the law has not been enforced, but that we believe, if the Parish officers, will make it their duty, to make complaint before a magistrate of all the violations of the aforesaid law, that before long the Sunday Law will be as strictly observed as any other criminal statutes. We would suggest, that the different Peace officers throughout the parish, to watch all places of business on Sundays with an eye, solely to oppose the supremacy of the Sunday Law statutes.

The parish jail, as far as we can learn from the inmates thereof, is not properly kept, the prisoners complain of their food, their bedding, and clothing are not sufficient to make them comfortable, the jail in its present condition, is hardly the place for human beings. We would suggest, that all parties imprisoned for misdemeanors be incarcerated down stairs; the sanitary condition of the jail could be very much improved on, and for very little expense, the door sills on the back part of the jail are rotten, should be built in bricks and cemented; there is a large desk in the water closet, which prevents parties from entering near different sewers, and this desk ought to be removed, a pipe and faucet needed upstairs at the east corner; there is a leak in one of the pipes in the cage, which should be stopped, the ceiling, and in fact, all the iron work about the jail would be better preserved if painted.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/21/1891.

Rosenfield's Store Robbed. -  Thieves broke into Rosenfield's dry goods and clothing store Wednesday night and helped themselves to some clothing, shoes, fine cutlery and small change found in the cash register. A pane of glass was broken out of the front door opening into the grocery department and then the thief very leisurely helped himself to a suit that fitted him and a pair of shoes the right number as was evident from the disarranged stock, and the shoes and clothing left in the grocery side. Two large cartoon boxes were missing and it is supposed he filled them and carried them off. There is no clue to the robber as yet. Lafayette Advertiser 2/22/1905.

Hurt by Hoboes. - Conductor Jim Whitmeyer was injured Monday night at Rayne by a hobo whom he had ordered off the train. Mr. Whitemeyer was struck on the head by a brick or rock, knocking him senseless for a few moments. When he recovered consciousness he returned to the caboose and was immediately brought to Lafayette, when Dr. F. R. Tolson gave him all the necessary medical attention. Examination disclosed that the skulk was not broken, but there was a long scalp wound.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/22/1905.

 Sold Liquor on Sunday. - C. W. Mapes appeared before Mayor Caffery yesterday morning on two charges -one for violating the Sunday law and the other for selling liquor without a license. He pleaded not guilty but was convicted and fined $35 and costs for both offenses. His attorney, Mr. Jos. A. Chargois, has taken an appeal and will carry the case to the district court. Mapes claims that he has been running a club-room and did not sell, but gave away, the goods. If the matter is taken to the court it is believed that the decision of that tribunal will settle the question of whether or not alleged club-rooms have a right to serve drinks and cigars to their patrons, without rendering themselves amenable to prosecution.
Lafayette Gazette 2/22/1902.

The regular criminal term of the District Court convened last Monday, Judge W. W. Edwards presiding. District Attorney R. C. Smedes was on hand. The grand jury was duly drawn, empaneled and charged, as follows: J. M. Jones, Foreman; John Marsh, Alexander Verrot, Simon Boudreaux, Adolphe Girouard, Morris Rosenstein, Odillon Broussard, Vilmond Hubach, Oscar Lyons, Alfred Hebert, Sigismond Bernard, Alcide Judice, Valery Boudreaux, Numa Broussard, J. C. Buchanan, Dupre Hulin. This week was devoted to civil business. Laf. Adv. 2/22/1890

Colored Man Killed.

 A colored man named Isaac was killed during the night of 19th inst., on the plantation of Mrs. Placide Guilbeau, in this parish. Isaac has been for many years the house servant and carriage driver of Mrs. Guilbeau, and has always had a reputation as a true and faithful servant. We have not been able to learn the full particulars of the murder, not hope that the case will be thoroughly sifted and ! the murderer brought to justice. Laf. Advertiser 2/22/1873.

Mr. H. M. Payne, wanted for the murder of Mr. L. M. Ferris, is still at large. Until now it has been found impossible to locate his whereabouts. His friends state that he is in bad health at present and that as soon he recovers intends to surrender himself to the law. Laf. Adv. 2/23/1895

An individual from Vermilion parish, a few days ago, undertook to test the quality and strength of Lafayette whiskey. The consequence was, that he became boisterous and disturbed the peace and finally sobered down in the calaboose. He must know something about such hospitality for he was formerly a Constable of Abbeville.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/23/1878.


Pelican Grist Mill Completely Destroyed Last Saturday Night, and An Attempt to Burn Mr. F. Demanade's Store.  

Last Saturday night at ten o'clock fire broke out in the Pelican Grist Mill near the depot and before the department could respond had attained such headway as to be beyond control. The building, contents and machinery were entirely destroyed and will prove almost a total loss as there was but $1000 insurance on the establishment which was owned by Mr. George DeBlanc and occupied by Mr. Adolph Mouton as a feed store and fuel supply. Mr. DeBlanc';s loss will aggregate $2000, but Mr. Mouton will lose but little as there was only a small lot of hay and feed-stuff on hand at the time. The firemen saved a carload of wood just switched into the yard.

Hardly had the flames been subdued than a second alarm was sounded about midnight and Mr. F. Demanade's store was discovered afire. This, however, was put out before serious damage, but on close examination it was found that the fire had been set by some miscreant, a lot of oil and cotton waste being discovered on the spot. No doubt exists that both fires were of incendiary origin and the only regret generally expressed was that the friends escaped detection. It is to be hoped that the officers may yet find some clue to fix responsibility for the crimes that the criminals may receive their just deserts.

Lafayette Advertiser 2/24/1904.  


 Truant Captured. - Prof. Young had three detectives on the look out last Friday for a truant, and after a chase of two hours they cornered him at the Southern Pacific Railroad depot, and after considerable resistance he was over powered and taken back to school.
 Lafayette Advertiser 2/24/1904.


Last Wednesday morning, no little commotion was created in town by the escape, or attempt to escape of a prisoner from Deputy Constable Romero, who was taking him to jail. It appears that the man, whose name we learn to be Eli Royland was arrested by Constable Vigneaux near the depot on the complaint of certain people in that vicinity, charging him with shooting into their house some time in the night previous. Constable Vigneaux then turned the prisoner over to Deputy Romero to be taken to jail, and so while going along the street the prisoner said to the officer "good bye, partner" and taking to his heels developed the qualities of a first class sprinter. The officer gave chase and fired several shots in the air, but these only seemed to give wings to the fleeing prisoner. An escape, however, under the circumstances, in broad daylight was difficult to accomplish and the fugitive was shortly arrested on the outskirts of town, vainly trying to hide himself. The prisoner is said to be Royland, member of the railroad bridge gang; two others, Hagan and Hines were also arrested under same charge, all of whom now repose in the parish jail.

Lafayette Advertiser 2/24/1894.

More Clever Work by Sheriff "Ike."

Sheriff Broussard did some clever and quick work last Monday. One Jacob Buack, an agent for a patent spring lock, who was stopping at one of the principal hotels, had left an east bound train without settling his board bill. The sheriff boarded the 1:10 train and located him at New Iberia where he was arrested. The sheriff returned on the 3:35 train having in custody the man Buack who paid his bill and was released. Immediately upon his arrival the Sheriff received a telegram from Deputy Sheriff Read, of St. Landry, telling him to watch for Batiste Hill, wanted for horse stealing. Before 4 o'clock Hill was behind bars. Sheriff Broussard had found him seated in one of the coaches of the west-bound train having a ticket for Lake Charles. Lafayette Gazette 2/24/1894.


  A Fleet-Footed Prisoner. - The report of two pistol shots Wednesday morning attracted quite a large crowd of people at the corner of Vermilion and Jefferson streets. Officer Romero was conducting Eli Royland to jail and was walking immediately behind the prisoner who showed no desire to run away until he reached the Lacoste corner where he made a break for liberty and started down the street as fast as his legs could carry him. The officer followed and fired two shots in the air to frighten the prisoner, who did not stop bet continued to run and being a very fast runner distanced his pursuer. Mr. Romero mounted a horse, overtook and captured the fleet-footed prisoner near Dr. Hopkin's field. Royland was arrested by Marshal Vigneaux as he was thought to be implicated in the shooting through the house of Dick Richey Tuesday night, but evidence in possession of the police proves that he was not with the party that did the shooting.
Lafayette Gazette 2/24/1894.



Which the Police Jury Should at Once Have  Removed.

We wish to call the attention of the Police Jury to the filthy conditions of the jail surroundings. When the jail was built, a complete system of sewerage was provided, which led to the bayou, but it has been allowed to become stopped up, and at the present time it is useless, and in consequence the sanitary condition of the jail could not be worse. A couple of holes have been dug in the jail yard, between the jail and city Marshall's office, into which all the offal and refuse is dumped, from the jail, which as soon as warm weather sun beats down upon them cannot fail to become pest of corruption that will breed disease and pestilence.

Besides this, refuse from the jail has been dumped in the corner of the jail until a large mound of decaying matter is now built up against the city building. It seems to us that the Police Jury are very neglectful of their duty in allowing matters to continue, as they are endangering the health of our city.

The force pump in the yard is out of order and should be repaired at once and the system of sewerage put in good order and used; the holes in the yard should be filled up at once and the refuse matter that has accumulated in the yard should be hauled outside the city limits.

If the Police Jury will not act out of their own accord, then the City Council should take the matter up, and see if they cannot be compelled to remove the source of danger which at all times threatens the health of our city. Many fear that the United States will be visited with an epidemic of cholera the coming summer, and if it should be, we could hardly escape the siege of with such inviting inducements held out as is offered by the pest holes mentioned.

We trust that at its next meeting, the members of the Police Jury will look into this matter and take speedy action. If they do not, they will deserve the censure of the public generally. Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Marshal C. H. Bradley deserves credit for the condition in which he keeps the city jail. Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Sheriff Isaac A. Broussard.

Elected President of the Sheriff's Association of Louisiana.  

 [From the Daily States.]

  Popular and fearless Isaac A. Broussard will preside over the Sheriffs' Association for the ensuing year. The organization held its annual election of officers in the rooms of the Jefferson Club yesterday, and Ike's popularity among his colleagues was demonstrated by their making him their chief executive unanimously and by acclamation. It were just as superfluous to state that "Ike" Broussard is sheriff of the parish of Lafayette as it would be to set forth that William McKinley is president of the United States. His people have shown their esteem and confidence in him by re-electing him to this responsible office for many terms past an has faithfully discharged the duties thus imposed upon him, gaining new friends, not only in this parish, but throughout the State and in the adjoining ones for that matter, during every successive term.

 Aside from the election of officers, there was considerable discussion of the lessening of the expense of the different parishes in respect to criminals.

 The new officers are: Isaac A. Broussard, president; C. T. Cade, vice-president, and Frank Marquez, secretary and treasurer.

 Among those present were : R. F. Pleasant, Union parish; L. H. Marrero, Jefferson parish; A. V. Saucuier, Avoyelles parish; W. S. Franzee, St. Landry parish; J. V. Young, Baton Rouge parish; Chas., I. Frische, Assumption parish; Frank Marquez, Orleans parish; Louis Ory, St. Charles, parish; J. W. Connerly, Sabine parish; A. R. Thompson, Bossier parish; J. W. Womble, Franklin parish; J. W. Freeman, Natchitoches parish; Chas. Kilbaum, East Feliciana parish; L. D. Allen, Livingston parish; D. A. Johnson, Quachita parish; Frank C. Mercers, Plaquemines parish; E. W. Lyons, Acadia parish; F. J. Davis, Vernon parish; C. H. Lucas, Madison parish; W. F. Pegues, De Soto parish; J. H. Crawford, Winn parish; W. E. Uniacks, Orleans parish; Joihn Doehr, Catahoula parish; A. L. Lyons, Calcasieu parish; I. A. Broussard, Lafayette parish; John J. Stroble, St. Tammany parish; C. T. Cade, Iberia parish.

 Lafayette Gazette 2/26/1898.

Brought for Identification. - Friday Sheriff Murrell and Deputy LeBlanc brought over two men giving the names of Joe Clinton and Isaac Friedman, supposed to be the ones who assaulted Conductor Whitmeyer, for identification. He identified Friedman as the man. Both were taken back to Crowley and placed in jail.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/1/1905.

Fined Fifty Dollars. - J. A. Delhomme appeared before Mayor Caffery Tuesday morning on a charge of having violated the Sunday law. As this was the second time that he was brought before the mayor for Sunday violation he was fined $50, which were paid. Lafayette Gazette 3/1/1902.

Wanted to Sell a Mule.

 Willie Gill, a negro, came to town yesterday morning and tried to sell a large mule for $50. Feeling confident that there was something wrong Marshal Peck and Constable Hirsch arrested Gill and took possession of the mule which they will hold until further information is obtained.

 Gills says the mule was given to him by his grandfather to be sold. He says his grandfather lives on Octave Darby's plantation near the Segura refinery.
Lafayette Gazette 3/1/1902.


 Having examined the jail, we find that is in pretty good condition, and we believe that the prisoners are kindly treated. We would certainly recommend that the corrugated iron ceiling of the jail be painted with some substance which will have the effect of arresting the corrosion which is now going on; also, that the jailer be furnished with disinfectants for use in the vaults and urinals. And we would further suggest that it might be well to have a plumber examine the pipes leading from vaults and urinals.

 We would also call attention to the bad condition of the furniture in the grand jury room, and to the door of that room.

The windows of the clerk's and recorders offices should be provided with rubber strips, and the recorder's office should have another desk and chairs.

There should be a railing put in the sheriff's office to prevent too free access to his desks. There are also several panes of glass broken in said office; also, some of the floor joists should be renewed. We would also suggest that the court house should be generally overhauled and painted.

 We beg that this, our final report be accepted, and we finally discharged.
Very Respectfully,

J. M. Jones. Foreman.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/1/1890.

A Negro Killed. - A negro, named Raymond, was shot at a ball near Duson on Mardi Gras. He died a few days later. Dr. Mouton, the coroner, held an inquest but no evidence was adduced throwing any light on the homicide and Raymond's slayer is still unknown.  Lafayette Gazette 3/2/1901.


 Merchants, Bankers, etc., are warned not to cash the following drafts which were stolen on train from Carencro to Lafayette, on Feb. 17th, 1901.
$33.00 check C. C. Brown, favor Clovis, draft on First National Bank, endorsed in favor of A. Guidry.
$50.00 check C. C. Brown favor Albert Guidry, on First National Bank.
$38.00 check C. C. Brown, favor Jno. Johnson, on First National Bank, endorsed in favor of A. Guidry.
$34.05 check C. C. Brown, favor A. Berthelot, on First National Bank, endorsed in favor of A. Guidry.
$75.00 check C. C. Brown, favor Dupuis, on First National Bank, endorsed in favor of A. Guidry.
$718.08 check Charleville, favor Adam Guidry on H. Lichtenstein & Son in favor of A. Guidry.
$246.70 check Duffy, favor Adam Guidry on Andy I McShane, in favor of A. Guidry.

Lafayette Advertiser 3/2/1901.

Burglars at Work. - During the night of Wednesday burglars effected an entrance into Bob Richard's store on Lincoln Avenue and stole $10 in cash and about $20 worth of goods. This is the second time Mr. Richard has been troubled by burglars and it is to be hoped that the authorities will succeed in apprehending the culprits.
 Lafayette Gazette 3/2/1895.

 Brutal Negro. - A little negro named Valmont, in company with his father, Baptiste Breaux, appeared before Justice McFaddin Wednesday morning and swore out an affidavit against another negro, Edgar Dugas. The boy Valmont had been most cruelly dealt with by Dugas. His chin and mouth were in a painful condition, and his jaw bone was broken. He says that Dugas inflicted these injuries by kicking him without provocation. The boy was badly bruised up and bore evidence of Dugas' vicious attack upon him.
Lafayette Gazette 3/2/1895.

 Shot in the Face. - Adlar Boudain, a white man, has been charged by an affidavit before Justice Mcfadden, with having shot a negro named Alexis Gilbert. A few birdshots took lodgment in the negro's face. It seems that Baudain was hunting in the negro's field and the difficulty grew out of this fact. Lafayette Gazette 3/2/1895.

A gent of the colored persuasion was tried during this week for stealing a turkey, weighing twenty-three pounds only, and then in a bony condition. His case appeared before Judge A. J. Moss. The bird, without attorneys, and other legal trimmings cost Cuffee a bond of one hundred dollars to appear at next term of the Court. Dear Turkey!  
Lafayette Advertiser 3/27/1869.

 Last Saturday night Mr. J. O. Mouton's branch store, near the depot was broken into, and the mode of operation leads one to believe that a master-hand was employed. We gather the circumstances of the affair as these : On the night in question Mr. C. T. Perkins' shop, near his lumber yard, was also entered and a tool chest rifled of part of its contents ;  with these is is believed the marauders worked their way into the store. A hole was cut in the door sufficiently large for the body of a man to enter ;  it was clean cut, not haggled, clearly showing the operator to be no novice in such works. It is passing strange, however, that after thus exerting their skill and ingenuity to effect an entrance, they took but a small consideration for it ;  the money drawers were taken out and carried into the store year and the contents, a few dollars in change, was appropriated. It could not be discovered that anything else was taken. Lafayette Advertiser 4/1/1882.

Negro Escaped. - Last Tuesday night a negro, who had been arrested by the city marshal and confined in the corporation jail; tore up a portion of the floor of his cell and dug his way through a brick wall and escaped. He gave his name as Frank Wissen, and the marshal thinks he is wanted in Greenville, Alabama. Laf. Adv. 4/5/1893.

The Rape Case.

 The preliminary examination of the case of Vincent, a young colored man, eighteen or nineteen years old, charge with rape upon the person of a white girl of twelve of thirteen years of age, was held before the Hon. A. J. Moss, Parish Judge, on last Wednesday and Thursday, and after a patient and thorough examination, the Judge decided that the evidence amply justified the holding of the accused for trial before the District Court.

 An incident occurred during the proceedings which was highly creditable to our community and evidencing their invariable respect and obedience to law and authority. Upon the suggestion of the Attorney representing the State and the Attorney for the defence waiving any right to the contrary, the Judge through motives of arriving at truth and justice and for reasons of sound policy, informed the large assembly at present, that the principal witness being a timid girl of tender age, who would likely be greatly awed and confused by their presence, requested their withdrawal from the court room during the taking of her testimony, which was promptly done. The evidence being taken in the presence of the accused, the Attorneys and officers of the Court. The public returned and the Judge remarked that the community have the right and very properly feel a deep interest to see the saw faithfully executed, directed the reading of the testimony, after which the case was proceeded with.

Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1873.

 Robbed The Post-office. - Saturday night a burglar entered the post-office through a back window and made an effort to break open the safe. He broke hinges and battered it up somewhat, but did not succeed in opening it. He robbed the cash drawer of sixty cents, and walked off with Assistant Post-master Domengeaux's overcoat. He also attempted to enter Doucet's drug store from the rear. The burglar gave his identity by trying to sell the overcoat. He is a negro whose name is known, and not it is only a question of locating him. Lafayette Advertiser 4/6/1904.

 Colored Man Shot and Killed. - A colored man by the name of Stephen Spuney was shot by Joseph Mouton, also colored, last Saturday night, at this place. The ball penetrated the lung and the wounded man died the following day of internal hemorrhage.

 An investigation of the affair before the Parish judge, resulted in requiring the accused to appear before the district court to answer to the charge of manslaughter. The amount of bond was fixed at five hundred dollars which was furnished. Lafayette Advertiser 4/6/1878.

 Sound the tymbals, ring the bells, let joy be unconfined, for a new era of cleanliness has been inaugurated around the jail. After numerous consultations a decision has at last been reached and District Attorney Gordy has decided that it is the duty of the janitor of the court house to keep the yard clean, and with his usual energy Marshal Bradley went to work as soon as the opinion of Mr. Gordy had been made known to him by the Police Jury, and now the jail yard looks as clean and nice as one could wish. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1893.

An Important Capture.

 The horrible murder of Mrs. Robertson and her niece by three colored men, at St. Martinsville about two years ago, is again brought to light in an unexpected and strange manner. It appears, from the evidence introduced by the prosecution, that there were three negroes implicated in the murderous assault, but although every means known to the police and detective force of the state were engaged in the capture of the miscreants, but two were arrested, and a short time since of them Louis Michel extirpated his crime upon the scaffold, his companion being respited by Gov. Foster.

 Yesterday morning as the Southern Pacific train was entering Houston from the west one of the news boys noticed a strange negro loitering about and upon closer examination the boy became convinced that the negroes featured were familiar and that he had known him as Paul Cormier in and about St. Martinsville, and being fully acquainted with the Robertson murder, he recollected that Paul Cormier had disappeared from that place about the same time that Mrs. Robertson lost her life, while in defense of her home and property.

 The boy told his tale to the depot police, who believing in the truth of the lads statement at once arrested her negro on the charge of "soliciting for hotels on railroad lands" and placed him in jail. About an hour later the boy was placed in the same cell on a charge, as he told Paul Cormier, of fighting in the streets, the real object being however to obtain further evidence of the negroes identity, but the man refused to talk even to his cell-mate. Later in the day the boy was released and telegraphed to his father in Galveston, who immediately came to Houston and at once identified the negro as Paul Cormier whose whereabouts has been a deep mystery for the past two years.

 Sheriff David Rees went to Houston last night and it is hoped that Paul Cormier will suffer the full extent of the law in a short time, as evidence is at hand to show that he was the man who choked Mrs. Robertson to death.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1893.

Incredibly Quiet Burglar. 

 One of the most deliberate and audacious burglaries and larcenies was committed in our town on last Thursday evening. The store of Mr. Jean Gerac was forcibly entered by the boring of a three inch sugar and the opening of one of the windows.  The loss of Mr. Gerac was one hundred dollars in United States currency and specie, and goods as far as ascertained to the amount of at least one hundred or more. The burglar and rogue must have been most bold and expert, without noting perhaps past experience. The family and other parties connected with the establishment slept under the same roof as the store, but a thin wooden partition separating the sleeping rooms from the store; a lot of ready made clothing shelved but a few feet from the bed of the owner, was taken and all went off unheard and unknown until morning when the proprietor awakening found the doors and windows wide open and after due examination ascertained the above approximate amount of his losses. The key of the strong box, wherein a considerable amount of money was deposited, had been removed and was found on the counter, where the well marked tracks of naked feet were to be seen.

 It is high time that such impudent and reckless violations of the law should cease; they are lately, of very frequent occurrence, and we do say on the part of the whole community, that they shall and must cease.

 In connection with the above we would remark; that such violations of the law should now and then, and even frequently occur, is not at all astonishing! What police have we? Where are our patrols, which once gave us peace, quiet and security of property! We should respectfully call upon the Police Jury and Town Council to take the matter into consideration.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/10/1869.

Shrewd Detective Work. 

 Deputy Sheriff Robt. Broussard has a neat peace of detective work to his credit in the capture of Cadet Lewis, colored, who plead guilty and was sentenced to the penitentiary Saturday. 

 A robbery of two plows, a cultivator and some harness was reported to the sheriff's office as having been committed Thursday at Mr. Wm. Broussard's place in the seventh ward. Deputy Robt. Broussard went down at once to investigate. No information as to the identity of the thief could be gotten; but on carefully inspecting the ground where the stolen articles had been, he noticed cuts in the ground giving evidence that they had been dragged. He followed the cuts which led over plowed land to a place in a nearby field where the trampled ground and wagon tracks showed that the implements had been loaded on a wagon. He measured the wagon track and then followed it finally reaching Broussard's crossing. Here he found a negro, who, on being questioned, told of having seen the wagon containing the missing articles and gave the name of the driver and his place of residence as on the plantation of Mr. Joe Broussard in the second ward. He hastened on there, found his negro and the stolen goods in his possession. He was Cadet Lewis, a negro employed last year by Mr. Wm. Broussard. He brought him to town and lodged him in jail. Next morning the negro expressed his desire to plead guilty, so he was taken into court and sentenced to five years in the pententiary.

 Deputy Broussard is to be complimented upon his shrewd and rapid work.

Lafayette Advertiser 4/12/1905.

No More Banana Stalks in the Street. - We beg to call the attention of the officers to the practice of some parties of throwing banana stalks in the middle of the streets. They certainly add nothing to the beauty of the streets, and are scarcely to be considered a disinfectant. Indeed, while the officers see to this they might turn their attention to the throwing of paper and other things in the streets. These ought to be kept as clean as possible, and all parties prevented from throwing refuse of any kind on the streets.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/12/1902.

Recovered His Overcoat. - Assistant Postmaster Frank Domegeaux has recovered his overcoat which was stolen last week by the burglar who robbed the post-office. It was returned by Conductor Williams, who took it from a negro passenger. Mr. Williams intended to have the negro arrested upon the train's arrival in New Iberia, but when that station was reached he had disappeared and Mr. Williams supposes he jumped from the train while it was in motion. Lafayette Advertiser 4/14/1904. 

The district attorney filed the following information, April 11th, 1893. 

Tate vs. Edgar Doucet, carrying concealed weapons.

 State vs. Joseph Dolze, carrying concealed weapons.

 State vs. Anatol Breaux, carrying concealed weapons.

 State vs. Marcel Baptiste, carrying concealed weapons.

 State vs. Louis Judice, carrying concealed weapons.

 State vs. Jules Baptiste, carrying concealed weapons.

 State vs. Frank Robertson, assault and battery.

 The Grand Jury returned the following true bills, on April 12th, 1893.

 State vs. Frank Redie, conspiracy to commit murder.

 State vs. Clemile Simon, assault with dangerous weapon with intent to murder.

 State vs. Elie McDaniel, violation of Sunday law.

 State vs. Isaac Guidry, disturbance of the peace.

 State vs. Irwin Meaux.

 State vs. Joseph Derousel, violation of labor contract.

 State vs. Jules Souve, violation of labor contract.

 State vs. Geo. Derouen, violation of Sunday law.

 State vs. Adolph Guidry, et als, assault and battery.

 State vs. Jack Foreman, carrying concealed weapons.

 State vs. Paul A. Martin, embezzlement.

 State vs. C. H. Solomon, conspiracy to commit murder.

 State vs. Constant Tria, discharging pistol across public street.

 State vs. Philogene Williams, stabbing with intent to murder.

 State vs. Joseph Choat, stabbing with intent to murder.

 State vs. Isaac Guidry, carrying concealed weapon.

 State vs. Numa Kerlegan, Arcade Savoir, Desire Breaux, rape.

 State vs. Peter Crone, robbery.

 State vs. James Haley, burglary and larceny.

 State vs. Pierre Zenon and Victor Doron, murder.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/15/1893.

Dr. Plough's Burglarized. - On last Thursday evening, in our town Dr. A. L. Plough's room was entered by thieves; he was robbed of the sum of forty dollars in currency, a valuable diamond ring, and other small articles. The Dr. had left his lamp burning, but the audacity and shrewdness of the robbers, seem to have been equal to all emergencies. As we have before remarked, crime is too rife in our midst, and if the law cannot vindicate itself or protect our citizens, the community will take the matter in hand. Lafayette Advertiser 4/17/1896.

Jail Breakers Captured.

 During the storm, last Saturday, three prisoners confined in the prison at Lake Charles made their escape - one white man and two negroes. The white man was being held for extradition papers, being wanted in Houston, Texas, for safe breaking ;  one of the negroes was under sentence of death for rape and other was awaiting trial for robbery. The news of their escape was telegraphed up and down the road, and train crews notified to keep a watch for them and one night before the No. 21 pulled into Crowley, on top of a box-car brakemen found an old man and questioned him and found that he came out of the box car that had two negroes and a white man; they were talking about jail and he didn't want to be mixed up with such a crowd.  The brakeman at once notified Conductor Vosburg who had charge of the train, and when the train pulled into Crowley the train crew went to the car to capture the trio, but just before they reached it the three men jumped out and the two negroes made their escape, the crew capturing only the white man. Conductor Vosburg locked the man in a car and telegraphed to Judge Bowen that he had him and to be prepared to receive him. When the train came in he was turned over to Judge Bowen and Marshal Veazey, who locked him up in the parish jail, and notified the Lake Charles authorities. When the train crew attempted to arrest him he fought like a tiger, it taking the united efforts of the crew to subdue him. Sheriff Broussard was notified of the capture of the white man and escape of the negroes, and immediately took the necessary steps to have the negroes caught if they came to Lafayette Monday. Two strange negroes showed up and were captured by Messrs. Henry Church and Chas. Olivier, and turned over to Sheriff Broussard, who telegraphed the authorities at Lake Charles to come and get their men. In answer to the telegram, deputy sheriff M. O. Andrus came here Monday, identified the three men and took them back to Lake Charles on the night passenger train the same evening. Those who effected the capture deserve a great praise and sheriff Broussard informs us that if their was a reward offered it will be given to the gentlemen who were instrumental in making the arrest, as he makes no claim to it. Very few criminals escape being captured if they show up in Lafayette, owing to the vigilance of our police force who are always seconded in their efforts by the railroad employees. Lafayette Advertiser 4/19/1893.

 Wednesday night Sheriff Broussard arrested and lodged in jail a negro named Jones, who had burglarized the residence of T. Figue, in Freetown, and stolen a lot of clothing and other articles.  Laf. Adv. 4/19/1890

 A Lively Time. - Quite a commotion was caused at the Southern Pacific depot Tuesday night by a fist-fight between three of the town boys and about the same number of railroad men. It seems as though the trouble was the outcome of the actions of the clerk the night before in performing his duties as night clerk. One of these town boys came into the passenger waiting room Monday night, almost senseless from excessive use of strong drink, and began a disturbance. The clerk attempted to gently eject him from the place, but he resided and insulted the clerk, who then struck him and drove him out of the room. The following night about 8:30 o'clock this same man returned to the depot with two of his companions to renew the trouble. The man who was drunk the night before first addressed in very insulting terms and then struck him. This the young man would not stand and he bravely started in to give them the "best he had in him." Pistols were drawn, but not used, and after a few knock-downs the fight was stopped and the matter is to be finally settled by Justice McFadden. Several railroad men who were near assisted the clerk. It is quite right that the waiting room should be kept clean of drunken men and we are glad to see the night agent so prompt to attend to his duties.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1895.

Swift Justice.
 New Iberia, April 14th, 1878. About 12 o'clock last Friday night the cotton gin and sugar house on the plantation of J. D. Olivier, five miles below New Iberia, were fired and entirely destroyed. The incendiary, a colored ex-preacher named Isaac, was discovered, torch in hand, going toward the stable to set it on fire, when he was arrested. The people of the neighborhood assembled en masse, Saturday morning, and executed him near the scene of his last crime.

 Before his execution some doubts having been expressed regarding his sanity, in view of the wholesale destruction contemplated and heretofore executed by him, he was examined by several physicians, who pronounced him perfectly sane, but imbued with a deep feeling of hatred and revenge towards both white and black. He confessed to his guilt in the present case, and even regretted he had not completed his work by burning the stable and dwelling of Mr. Olivier; also, the colored church in New Iberia, from which he had been expelled. He also confessed having set on fire five sugar houses on Bayou Teche last fall - one of which (Mr. Fays') was entirely destroyed, the others having been extinguished by the officers and crew of the steamer Mary Lewis. 
From the N. O. Picayune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1878.

Surrendered to Sheriff. - Some five or six persons, accused of being implicated in the hanging of a colored man some time ago, near Royville, surrendered themselves to Sheriff Eastin last Thursday and were taken before Judge Mouton. Considering that the affidavit made against them was from information received and their voluntary surrender, the Judge fixed the bond at five hundred and five dollars to be furnished by each, for their appearance next Thursday to undergo a preliminary examination.Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1878.

Game Laws. - The game law now in force provides that no person shall catch, kill or pursue with such intent, deer from February 1st to August 1st; quail, partridge, or pheasant from April 1st to September 15th; whippoorwill, sparrow, finch, oriole, bluebird, swallow, nighthawk or blackbird, except the same shall be destructive to the fruit or grain crop. Nest of eggs of all wild birds except those of a predatory nature shall not be robbed or destroyed. The penalty shall not exceed twenty-five dollars for each offense and should be strictly enforced. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1878.

In Court:
Judge Allen on yesterday evening sentenced prisoners as follows:

  Baptiste Martin, larceny, two years State penitentiary.

 Henry Griffin, shooting with intent to murder, five years in State penitentiary.

 John Senegal, stabbing with intent to kill, three years in State penitentiary.

 Alcee Andrus, assault with intent to rob, two years in State penitentiary.

 Edward Davis, assault with dangerous weapon, and assault and battery $25 or thirty days in parish prison in each case.

 Louis Stafford, cutting with intent to kill, State penitentiary for two years.

 Robert Aime, assault and battery, $50 or six months parish prison.

 Albert Davis, larceny, two years State penitentiary.

 Mack Sellers burglary and larceny, five years of burglary and two for larceny in State penitentiary.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/21/1894. 

Homicide in Vermilionville.

 Thursday night, 20th inst., one Jack or John Farrell was killed by Thomas Duffy alias Murphy. The circumstances as developed by the Coroner's inquest, held not two hours after the killing took place, point to a cold and deliberate murder. The two men had been employed for some time by the street committee of our Town Council, and though they were given to excess in drink were generally regarded as orderly and peaceably disposed men. The crime was committed between 11 and 12 o'clock P. M., in a house on Mr. A. Poinbeauf's premises, in this town, where the two men slept, and was the outcome of a previous quarrel. It was done with a hatchet, the deceased having received several blows, the head and forehead being fractured and cut. A quarrel and accused a few minutes previous to the killing aroused Mr. John Rand, living near, who proceeded to awake a deputy constable, Mr. Louis Ouiella who on reaching the premises, arrested the accused in the act of dragging the body out into the streets. The accused has lived about here for two years back; he came from New Orleans; the deceased came here about two months ago from Lake Charles. The former claims to have been born in Natchez, Miss., and is of Irish descent, the latter is said to have been a native of Ireland. Lafayette Advertiser 4/22/1882.

Attempted Robbery. - An attempt was made to rob the post office Sunday night, but proved unsuccessful. The thief or thieves in order to get tools first made a raid on Dauriac's blacksmith shop. Then they entered the post office from the rear by prying the door open. Their attempt on the safe proved a failure or else they were frightened away by some one passing. Two holes were bored in the safe door, one above and one near the combination neither of which aided the robbers, but on the contrary, locked the safe still faster, so that when Monday morning, Mr. Joe Mouton, the assistant postmaster, tried to unlock the safe, he could not do so. All efforts have failed. Messrs. Dauriac and McBride were called in, and they effected an entrance by breaking the door of the safe. Nothing was taken except three or four dollars in a side drawer, so that the robbers took the risk and had only their trouble for their pains. Lafayette Advertiser 4/26/1902.

Resisting Arrest.
Constable Romero encountered much difficulty in conveying a prisoner to jail about 10 o'clock Wednesday night. The man under arrest was of heavy build and quite powerful, and with nippers on, succeeded in releasing himself from the power of the officer and made a dash for liberty as they were nearing the corner of Moss Brothers & Co.s store. Mr. Romero, failing to bring the prisoner to a halt by discharging his revolver in the air, fired a second shot directly at him, the bullet missing the man but crashing a large glass of one of the side show windows in the Moss store. With the assistance of citizens the officer soon got a fresh grip on his prisoner and finally landed him in the calaboose. When inside of the jail the prisoner grappled the officer and for a few moments made things very lively for the latter, biting his hand, tearing his clothes in an endeavor to overpower the officer. The belligerent law-breaker was overcome at last and got his reward in the end.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/28/1894.

A Good Haul. - Last Monday night at the homes of two of hour prominent citizens were visited by night marauders who must have been quite low as to financial ammunition, relived Mr. A. B. Denbo, of a lady gold watch worth $100, a solitary diamond ring, a pearl cluster diamond center,  a gold band, a scarf pin and a breast pin the whole thing being valued at $300, besides $40 in cash.

 This is a costly misfortune to fall on one man.

 Mr. A. M. Martin lost a gold watch, valued at $150 also $10 in cash.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/29/1899.

Death Warrant of Jos. Padillo.

 The Governor has issued a death warrant addressed to the Sheriff of the parish of Lafayette, to carry into execution the death sentence which was pressed upon Joseph Padillo, on the 23rd day of March, 1882, in the parish of Lafayette. He was tried and convicted on the 22d day of March, 1882, before the District Court of the parish of Lafayette, and sentence of death pronounced upon him on the 23d day of said month. That the day of execution is fixed for Friday, the (unreadable) day of June, A. D., 1882 between the hours of 11 a. m. and 2 p. m.  Lafayette Advertiser 4/29/1882.

Fixing the Jail. - The repairs on the jail upon which all passers by and visitors looked upon with tremor and awe were completed on Saturday evening, and on Sunday morn ere old Sol had chased the shades of night, two you fearless American citizens of most unqualified African descent, under the influence of liquor were inducted, for breach of the peace.
We have taken a look at the cell since its completion, and if it was meant as a test confinement, we have no doubt, that the hopeful young couple were fully satisfied with their experience as to the means of exit from the new dungeon.
We would, in a spirit of charity and good will tell this young twain, as well as that class to which they belong, that it is as easy to do right as to do wrong and only a little more so. They should profit by the kindly feelings of justice and generosity which actuates the owners of real estate in our Parish, to make themselves happy and comfortable, and not fritter away their time in dissipation, in quarrels and broils, and thus lose the confidence of those to whom they must naturally look up for labor and their livelihood. Lafayette Advertiser 5/1/1869.

Hold Up at the S. P. Yard. - Last Sunday night an old negro was held up in the R. R. yard near the round house by a young negro highwayman who becoming angry because he got only $1.75, shot the negro. Several of the yard men gave chase, but the robber escaped. Lafayette Advertiser 5/2/1903.

Landed in Jail. - Adam Jim, a negro, got into considerable trouble last week by trying on authority that didn't belong to him. He went into the sheriff's office and stated that he knew where Ozaire Jasper, colored and wanted for murder, could be found. Sheriff Lacoste is anxious to get Jasper he gave Adam a note addressed to any sheriff or deputy instructing him to accompany Adam and arrest Jasper. But Adam immediately assumed that the note made him a deputy and instead of going to an officer and pointing out Jasper as told to do so, he proceeded to hold a ball and gather in $2.50 as deputy in charge. Sheriff Lacoste sent for him and he came in promptly, walking in to the office with a big .44 in his pocket. Now he is in jail and will have to answer the charge of impersonating an officer and carrying concealed weapons. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.

Conductor C. H. Lusted and Brakeman R. L. Cochrane left Sunday for Marksville to serve as witness before the Grand Jury at that place in the case of a negro charged with shooting into a Southern Pacific train.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.

Arrested Thursday. - Three brothers, Robert, Felix and Clesmaire Girouard, prominent young farmers living near Bayou Tortue, were arrested Thursday night by Sheriff Broussard on a charge of shooting into the dwelling of a white man named Jeff Carlin. They were released on bond. The trouble is said to have originated over some missing pigs.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/4/1904.

5 Years - Hard Labor. - In the case of the State vs. Celestin, colored, indicted for horse stealing, the accused having waived the jury, was tried by his Honor Judge Mouton, Saturday the 2nd instant. After argument of counsel for the State and for the defence, Celestin was found guilty and sentenced to five years imprisonment at hard labor in the State penitentiary. Laf. Adv. 5/9/1874.

Night Watchman.

 A number of business houses have jointly employed Mr. Mentor Richard as a night watchman. He will watch the business section extending from the Lacoste Hardware Store to Mr. Rosenfield's. Laf. Adv. 5/10/1905.

Negro Killed.

 Saturday about one p. m. a negro named Ephrain Lane was shot and killed at Herpin's Saloon by Mr. Ovey Herpin. The negro was drinking and was very abusive. Mr. Herpin tried to quiet him, but failing, attempted to eject him whereupon the negro seized a bottle to attack Mr. Herpin who shot in self defense. He surrendered to the sheriff immediately afterwards. A coroner's jury was empaneled within an hour and after hearing the evidence, rendered a verdict of justifiable homicide. Mr. Herpin was released. Lafayette Advertiser 5/10/1905.

Charged With Horse Stealing.
Friday Sheriff Broussard arrested at Baldwin a young negro named Zack Veazey charged with stealing a horse from Mr. Onezephore Comeux. The horse was found in the negro's possession.
Laf. Adv. 5/11/1904.


In the following letter to the Editor of the Advertiser, Sheriff Vigneaux Calls it a  "Cowardly Act."
It reads as follows: --- Thursday morning the better class of citizens of this town were shocked at the scandal caused by a band of cowards and malicious and prejudiced idiots, who by taking advantage of the obscure veil of the night, showed their vengeance by hanging me in effigy. The greatest reason these cowards have for disliking me is the fact that I make mockery of their cowardice. Their cowardly act was supposed to humiliate me and glorify themselves over an election in which there was no opposition. My duties as city marshal have not been favorable to these cowardly curs  and therefore they show their vengeance in their usual coward way.

 On my usual round about town as marshal I came upon this attractive spot at about 6 o'clock and at once proceeded to remove the obstruction by cutting down the puppet (mannequin) and clearing the public ways. This obstruction was placed here during the early hours of the morning, the low-down curs expecting the quiet hours of the night to shield their identity. It did not take long to find a clue which led to the discovery of the dark actors. A small scrap of paper in a pocket of the puppet gave sufficient evidence to begin the investigation, which, step by step led to the detection.

 The following are the names of those engaged in this cowardly act: Henry Church, Augustus Albarados, Wilfred Riu, (Dids) E. Mouton, (Charlo) Alcide Mouton, Bud Triay and John Vandergriff. Three of these pall bearers were the only ones that could be found. To these I publicly gave my opinion and to all others connected in this affair I want to say that they are capable of stealing, robbing, murder, or anything else that can be accomplished in the in the dark and secretly. They are a set of miserable, cowardly curs and to those whom I had the pleasure of telling this, took it like the curs which they are.

  I await anxiously to be politically buried, but object to be carried to rest by such a set of cowards. J. VIGNEAUX.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/11/1895.

Wants His Pistol Back. - Oliver Trahan, who was arrested here about three months ago for carrying concealed weapons and gave bond for his appearance at the district court, failed to appear and Tuesday wrote to Sheriff Broussard to send him his pistol to Eunice. His chances for being re-arrested are a great deal better than those of getting his revolver. Lafayette Advertiser 5/11/1895.

Horse Stolen. - Saturday Sheriff Broussard received a telephone message from Judge Guilbeau, of Carencro, informing him that a negro was at that place, offering to sell him a good horse for $12. The sheriff asked them to hold the negro and at once went to Carencro. When arrested a revolver was found on the negro and he was held on a charge of carrying concealed weapons and brought to Lafayette and lodged in jail. On Monday Mr. Onezine Drouet came to Lafayette looking for a horse which had been stolen from his place about six miles out of town. He identified the horse which the negro had as being his property, and the State will doubtless have another negro convict for a number of years.
Laf. Adv. 5/11/1895.

Excitement At the Depot.

 Last Thursday there was quite an excitement around the depot for a little while, upon the arrival of the afternoon train from New Orleans. Sheriff Broussard had received a dispatch from Jeanerette to arrest a negro on the train, by the name of Noyes Archez, who had a ticket for Duson. The sheriff in company with Marshal Veazey met the train and boarded it in search of the negro. The negro became alarmed and jumped from the train before it stopped and attempted to escape. He could not have known Isaac very well or he would have known how futile would be his attempt. Sheriff Broussard and Marshal Veazey immediately started in pursuit, but he proved very fleet of foot, and the Sheriff after calling him to stop, was compelled to fire at him. The negro was about 800 yards in advance when he when he fired, but notwithstanding the distance his aim was true and he struck the negro in the heel, which brought him to a sudden stop, when the Sheriff arrested him and placed him in jail. Lafayette Advertiser 5/13/1893.

The Notorius Sallie Davis House.  
 A bloody tragedy which (unreadable)..ated for one of the participants in being deprived of his eye-sight, for the other being thrown in jail; also plunging in sorrow and despair a wife and three children, occurred last Sunday night in the North-West section of our town.

 About midnight four shots fired in rapid succession rang loudly into the air. Marshal Veasey and one of his deputies heard the reports and in less than ten minutes they were on the scene of the shooting which had been done near a notorious house kept by a woman named Sallie Davis.

 There on the ground not far from the house laid a prostrate form which was recognized to be Frank Printz, the machinist who supervised the erection of the water works and electric light plant.
 Two loads of No. 5 shot fired in his face, from a gun in the hands of a young man Ignatius Weigle did the work.

 Drs. Tolson and Martin were summoned at once after having dressed the wound pronounced it would be very serious.

 The physicians directed that the wounded man be sent to New-Orleans, and Sheriff Broussard left on the early morning train with him. The wound caused total blindness in both eyes.

 His wife and three children live in New-Orleans.

 Of the wounded man, we will not say anything; what he soweth he has reapeth.

 Of the young man who handled the murdering weapon the Court will decide his fate.

 But is no one responsible for such tragedy?

 It seems that the trouble between the two men began in Sallie Davis' house, and it may be that one of the inmates of that place was the cause of it.

 Let this be as it may. Could not the shooting been prevented?

 Are there any police regulations regarding these notorious houses?

 Impossible to regulate them, they are located in so many quarters. Concentrate them all together, then you can have not only police regulations but night watchmen to enforce them especially as to minors visiting those dens.

 This reminds us that a few weeks ago, a certain "dead committee" reported, at a session of our City Council that after investigating this very subject about locating the "tenderloin section" as it is called, that the only favorable location ...

Lafayette Advertiser 5/14/1898.

Last Saturday night Sheriff Broussard accompanied by deputy sheriff Anderson, of New Iberia, arrested in our town a negro named Lewis Linden. The latter one was wanted in New Iberia for rape committed upon two young girls aged respectively 12 and 14 years, both orphans, living with their uncle, in New Iberia, to enable them to attend school. Signs of pregnancy appearing, suspicion was awakened and the truth followed about the  very shocking assault. Lafayette Advertiser 5/14/1898.

Convicts Transported. Sheriff Eastin and deputy Edgar Mouton left this place last Saturday morning for Baton Rouge, with the two convicts, Martin and Celestin, (colored) who were convicted and sentenced at last terms of the District Court to hard labor in the State penitentiary ;  the former for life and latter for five years. Laf. Adv. 5/16/1874.


- Recommends Construction of New Court House, Finds Roads in Five Wards Generally Bad Without Excuse -

 List of Indictments Returned and Sentences Imposed by Judge Pugh Friday.

 To the Honorable Philip S. Pugh, Judge of the 18th Judicial District Court, Lafayette Parish, La. - After a session of four days and after diligent investigations and the performance of the other duties incumbent upon us, we, the Grand Jury empanelled for the present term of this honorable court, beg leave, through its undersigned foreman, to submit to your honor this report. 

 We have examined the parish jail, and from the questions propounded to and answered by the prisoners, therein confined, we find that they are treated with kindness and properly cared for.

 The jail itself was found in a good sanitary condition, but we urgently recommend that the iron and wood work of the jail be painted at once to preserve it from rust and rot. We also find that several places in the wall need repairs.

 We have examined the offices of the sheriff and clerk of court and found them in a most satisfactory condition; the books of the sheriff showing monthly settlements made with the parish treasurer and auditor of public accounts.

 We, the Grand Jurors, taking in view the progress of our parish and our city, and the present useless and dilapidated condition of the court house, and the dangerous condition of the present office of the clerk of court, and that said court house, is to-day unfit for the purpose for which it was built 45 years ago, would specially recommend to the Police Jury, the construction of a new and modern court house in which the clerk's office should be. The two present structures, the court house and clerk's office, are a shame to our parish and city.

 As to the condition of the public roads throughout the parish with some exceptions, the information we receive shows that the roads are generally bad, especially so in the first ward, second ward, third ward, fourth ward and sixth. The fifth, seventh and eight wards are in good condition.

 There is no excuse for bad roads in the parish of Lafayette, and unless their condition is materially improved within the next three months, it is the intention of this Jury, with the permission of your honor, to hold another session, and make further investigation into this matter.

 Concerning the management of the school lands of this parish, we find that they are all rented and that a satisfactory revenue is derived therefrom.

 The condition of our public schools throughout the parish, from the clear and elaborate statement made to us in writing by Mr. L. J. Alleman, superintendent of public schools, is satisfactory. We feel satisfied that all of said public schools throughout the parish and town are in a most flourishing condition and this is due to the efficiency and work of said superintendent. We would, however, recommend better and larger school houses for the pupils, they being in most of the schools crowded.

 We also favor and recommend centralization of the schools with proper transportation whenever practicable.

 We would also recommend that the Police Jury take immediate steps to remove a slaughter pen on the property of Mr. J. D. Mouton, which is in close proximity to the public road and which is a menace and of great danger to the travelling public.

 After an examination of all the cases brought before us and the finding of 39 true bills and 13 no true bills, we beg to be discharged.

 We also beg to extend to your honor our thanks for the assistance which your intelligent and clear charge, rendered us in the discharge of our duties, and we also desire to express our thanks to the district attorney for his valuable assistance and guidance during our session, and to the officers of the court.

 Respectfully submitted,
       J. O. BROUSSARD,
 Foreman of the Grand Jury May 11, 1905.

The following are the indictments returned by the Jury and sentences imposed by Judge Pugh Friday.

 F. Thiboduax, shooting into house; T. James, embezzlement; Frank Johnson, stabbing to kill; Lizzie George, striking to kill; Joe Dugas, P. James, Henry Alexandre, disturbing peace; Alton Wyat, stabbing to kill; Isaac Broussard (colored) killing horse; Martial Bernard, obscene language; Adam William, R. Sve, Paul William, obscene language; Col. Boudreaux, disturbing peace; Eugene Domingue, assault and battery; J. O. Herpin, man-slaughter - bond $1,000 and furnished; Nicholas Berard, stabbing to kill; Chas. Thomas, contract labor.

 Sentences imposed by the court:

 Antoine and John Conques, Jos. Gondoor, P. H. Mouton, Jules Guilbeau, G. Blot, Pellerin Bros., P. Crouchet, L. F. Salles, Don Louis Herpin, E. Bodenheimer, Simeon Begnaud, Rachid & Kaliste, operating slot machines, each $25 and costs; Robt. Jones, (colored), criminal assault, 2 years pen; Jos. Andress, larceny, 6 months jail; Jos. Gondoor,  Sunday closing law $40 and cost; Richard & Kaliste, selling liquor to minors, $25 fine; Jos. Gondoor, selling liquor to minors, $25 fine; Jean Sonnier, Sunday law, $40 fine; Jos. Guidry, obscene language in public place, $25; Jos. Dugas, disturbing peace, $25 and ten days jail; Ophe Hernandez, concealed weapon, $25 fine; Julien Gallier and Earnest Green, obscene language, $25.

 Court then adjourned until Monday, May 22. Lafayette Advertiser 5/17/1905.

Sheriff Broussard went to Baton Rouge last Saturday to take two prisoners to the penitentiary. Laf. Adv. 5/17/1893.



The prisoners incarcerated in our parish jail made an attempt to escape on Friday evening, the 9th inst., but owing to the vigilance of the Sheriff and his deputies they were completely foiled in their attempt, and are now secured in a matter that is utterly impossible for them to make another attempt to escape.

 The particulars of the attempted escape are as follows: The sheriff every morning allowed the prisoners to leave their cells and go to the upper portion of the prison, so as to give them all the liberty in his power and at the same time, to keep them free from the foul air of the cell, but they are taking advantage of his leniency, imagined they could effect an escape, and procuring from an outsider a file and a monkey-wrench went to work and in a short time, had cut from their feet the chains which bound them, and from the doors of the cell the hinges and bolts that held them; all this done, they quietly returned to their cell and anxiously awaited the coming night, but alas, ere the sun set, the sheriff and his deputies paid them a visit, and their tricks were discovered.

 The individual who, it is said, furnished them with the instruments for their escape, has been arrested and is now in the cell with his friends, where they will remain until their cases are finally disposed of by the proper authority. Lafayette Advertiser 5/17/1873.

Arrested. - Last Monday Deputy Sheriff Edgar Mouton, arrested Victor Sylvan and George, of the Parish of St. Landry, and lodged them in our parish jail where they remained until Tuesday when they were handed over to officer Smith of St. Landry, who took them home to answer to the charge of larceny.

 On Wednesday Deputy Mouton arrested Julien Foreman, charge by Terrence Nunez with intent to kill him. The case will be investigated to-day.
Laf. Adv. 5/17/1873.

The work of the District Court after our report last week was continued as follows:

 Friday 12. - Augustin Duhon, larceny, guilty. Thephile, (colored) larceny, guilty.

 Saturday 13. - Cessaire Landry petit larceny, pleaded guilty. Narcisse, (colored) carrying conealed weapons, pleaded guilty and fined $5 and costs or 10 days jail.

 Monday 15. - Thomas Riddo, assault and battery, pleaded guilty and fined $5 and costs or 10 days jail. Adolphe Andrus, assault and battery, guilty. Francis Daniel, carrying concealed weapons, not guilty.

 Tuesday 16. - Martin Guilbeau, assault, pleaded guilty. Homer Martin, carrying concealed weapons, not guilty.

 Thursday 18. - Sam, (colored) larceny, guilty.

 A number of the convicted have not yet been sentenced.

 The trial of criminal cases was concluded on Thursday and the remainder of the term will be devoted to civil business. Lafayette Advertiser 5/20/1882.

Last Sunday night an old frenchman was gagged and robbed by two tramps, in a box car on Pellerin's Brick yard track. Laf. Adv. 5/26/1894.

Jailhouse Riot. 

 The quietness of the Sabbath was disturbed last Sunday morning by a row of considerable violence which occurred in the parish jail, between several of the negro prisoners; in which one, transferred to this jail from Franklin, charged with murdering his child, was mortally wounded by a blow on the skull inflicted with a bucket. The victim also received knife wounds about the throat. Dr. Gladu was immediately summoned and the wounds dressed. The assailant when informed that he had inflicted injuries upon his victim which would probably result in death, gruffly responded that he "didn't care." The participants are all bad characters, and they will no doubt receive their just deserts, at the next convening of the court. Lafayette Advertiser 5/30/1896.

Charges Dropped. - A colored stranger named Armstrong, charged with mule-stealing, was discharged last Wednesday by Judge Moss, the evidence not being sufficient to hold him for trial. Being a suspicious character, he was advised to emigrate instanter, which he did.  Laf. Adv. 5/30/1874.

The thief who robbed several rooms at the Crescent hotel last Saturday night also paid his compliments to Dr. Mouton. He too with him as a souvenir of his visit to the doctor a case of fine surgical instruments. Laf. Adv. 6/3/1893

Our new city marshal, Mr. John Vigneaux, has been inducted into office, and has appointed Messrs. Emile Romero and William Graser as deputies. One deputy will be on from 12 noon till 12 at night, when he will be relieved by the other who will remain on duty till 12 noon. This gives us police patrol all the time, as the deputies are mounted they are able to visit every part of the city several times during their watch. Mr. Vigneaux will be on duty during the day, and it is safe to say that the police surveillance of our town will be thorough and effective.
 Laf. Adv. 6/3/1893

Our New Sheriff. -  On Wednesday last, Sheriff-elect Louis Lacoste qualified and assumed the office of sheriff of Lafayette parish. Sheriff Lacoste deserves and is entitled to the hearty support of every citizen of the parish. Every assistance should be given him in his efforts to fulfill the duties of his office in the best and most efficient way, and we feel assured that such will be the case. Sheriff Lacoste has selected Saul Broussard as jailer and Aphonse Peck as criminal deputy.  Lafayette Advertiser 6/8/1904. 

Sheriff I. A. Broussard. - Last Wednesday after a continuous service of sixteen years, Sheriff I. A. Broussard turned over the sheriff's office to his successor. Mr. Broussard withdraws to private life leaving a splendid record of efficiency behind him, both as a criminal officer and a tax-collector. As sheriff he has done his duty fearlessly and conscientiously, and the wholesome terror in which law-breakers hold him testifies to the thoroughness with which he performed the duties of his office.

 As a tax-collector he has made one of the best records for the State, always collecting closely and accounting for every dollar collected. He leaves the office with his books in fine order, and has unfailingly received a complete quietus for every year of his long term. He becomes a private citizen with every obligation of his office discharged and with a record perfectly clean in every particular.

 Mr. Broussard has been a good officer, and it gives us pleasure to make this expression of our appreciation of his services, and wish him the fullest measure of success in whatever new line of business he may engage.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/8/1904.

Negro Cut. - Sunday night as the excursion train was pulling into Lafayette two negroes got into a fight on the cars and one was cut severely on the forehead, shoulder and hand. He was attended by Drs. G. A. Martin and Jon Tolson. The negro who did the cutting was promptly arrested by Deputy Saul Broussard and Marshal Veazey.

Lafayette Advertiser 6/8/1904.

A CASE FOR THE COURTS. - Last Monday the City Council declared the office of Chief of Police vacant and elected Henri Hebert instead of Chief Alphonse Peck. For two years Peck had been filling this office and two weeks ago received a re-election for anther term. Now he claims his salary as Chief of Police, besides the emoluments of the collectorship which last claim is based on the charter provision that the constable or chief shall be ex-officio tax collector. Two years ago, the offices were separated by special resolution of the town Council, and Peck served as Chief only. His re-election was understood to be on the same terms, though no agreement was made, and considerable surprise was excited when lawyers O. C. Mouton and Crow Girard claimed the salary of the collector, eight or nine hundred dollars a year, for their client ex-chief Peck. The case will go to the courts and will arouse much interest. Lafayette Advertiser 6/8/1901.

  Murder in Carencro. -  A murder most heinous was committed in Carencro last Saturday night, and the good citizens of that place feel justly outraged at the blackness of the crime. B. J. Pope, of obscure character in that neighborhood, but bearing a harmless reputation, was made drunk first and then murdered in cold blood. A coroners inquest, held after the routine method of the country failed to criminate any person, but it is openly asserted by prominent citizens of Carencro that there are circumstances connected with the killing that will bear more close investigation that the officers have given the matter so far, that would result most probably in ferreting out the murder. The midnight assassin must not be allowed to loiter among us, and the people look to it, that he be hunted down by the officers of the law, without fear or favor and be placed out of the way if shedding more innocent human blood. Lafayette Advertiser 6/9/1894.

 A BAND OF ROBBERS CAPTURED.- Within the last twelve months several robberies of the most daring character have been perpetrated in this community, by a band of organized robbers whose deeds had become so frequent, bold and mysterious that they became a terror to the country. On Saturday the 5th inst., information was received by Deputy Sheriff Elmer, from private sources, of the place of concealment of merchandise stolen from different stores in this place. The Deputy Sheriff immediately went to Justice Salles, procured a search warrant, and with a posse proceeded to the plantation of Edgar Martin, and arrested Charles Davis, Paul Davis, Despalliere and David John, freedmen; upon searching their cabins, large quantities of dry goods were found and recognized to be the goods of Messrs. W. Bendel, A. Haas and Jean Gerac, merchants in Vermilionville. The robbers were brought to jail; on Monday they were taken before Justice Salles, who, after due investigation of the case, sent them up to the parish Court, to be dealt with according to law. Lafayette Advertiser 6/12/1869.   

Fatal Shooting. - A fatal shooting occurred on last Saturday night between Damonville Babineaux and Albert Arceneaux, both colored, which resulted in the latter's death on Sunday. It is said that Babineaux's wife, at whose house the killing occurred, was the cause of the difficulty. Babineaux was brought here on Monday by constable Somonet Breaux and lodged in jail. Lafayette Advertiser 6/13/1896.

A Negro Shot. - Thursday in the second ward, a young negro named Caeser Buchanan shot his father, Columbus Buchanan, breaking one leg and badly fracturing the other, for whipping his mother. Laf. Adv. 6/13/1903.

Robbery at Voorhies House. - Robbers have again made their way appearance in Lafayette. This time they entered the residence of Mr. Ed. G. Voorhies and secured a pair of suspenders, seventy-five cents, and some shirt buttons. They next tried the home of District Attorney Campbell, but were frightened off after cutting two slats from the blinds, as there were no further traces of damage. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1902.

A Young Colored Woman Mistaken for a Robber and Killed.

  Wednesday night at 11:45, a young colored woman by the name of Louisa Thomas was killed in the yard of Mr. H. K. Ruger, by Tom Pizzo, a young man about 18 years old. The particulars as developed at the coroner's inquest show that a colored man, Adolph Lessin, had noticed a person standing at Mr. Ruger's corner, had seen the person enter the yard and had reported it to Young Pizzo, who hastened to the Gordon Hotel and informed NightWatchman Mentor Richard. Then they both at once went and searched Mr. Ruger's yard for the robber, as they supposed the individual to be, at last finding someone in the woodhouse, all wrapped up and apparently crouching against the wood. Mr. Richard called him to come out. Receiving no answer he called again, when the person rose up suddenly and started forward, and at that moment young Pizzo fired. The person dropped the quilt and stepped forward, when they discovered it was a woman. Not knowing she was hit, Mr. Richard asked her what she was doing there and she answered, "Looking for my husband" ; He told her to come and go with him, and she asked, "Where are you going to take me?" He repeated, Come, and the girl made two steps forward, staggered back and fell, dying in a moment or two. Mr. Richard at once telephoned Sheriff Lacoste who came promptly and placed Pizzo under arrest. The coroner was also notified and within a short time came and empanelled a jury, which after hearing testimony, rendered a verdict of justifiable killing, whereupon Pizzo was released from custody. Thursday, however, an affidavit charging him with manslaughter was made before Judge Monnier and he was rearrested and placed in jail, but released on $1,500 bail Friday.

  The presence of the girl in the yard is explained, that for some reason she was prevented from sleeping at the home of her relatives where she usually stayed, and being employed as cook at Mr. Ruger's home, she went there and went into the woodhouse to sleep.  Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.

MURDER. - On Friday night, the 6th instant, Joeph Dupuy, a teacher of a colored school, was killed on the plantation of Mr. Zenon Broussard at Carencro, in this parish, by two young negroes, Toussaint and Jim, aged 18 and 20 years. It seems that they went to the house of the deceased about 8 1/2 o'clock P. M. and called him out behind an out-house where they put in their work. The weapon used was a knife ;  two wounds were inflicted, one in the left breast and the other in the head just over the left ear, causing death in about 15 minutes. The accused were apprehended the day following and placed in jail. The preliminary examination will take place next Monday, 16th inst., when all the facts relative thereto will be brought forth. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1879.

Believed to Be the man Who Robbed The Post Office Here.

 Wednesday Deputy Alphonse Peck returned from Franklin, bringing a negro by the name of John Harris, charged with having robbed the post office here about two months ago. The Lafayette officers have been on his trail for some time. Sinday a week ago Sheriff Lacoste and Deputy Saul Broussard boarded the excursion and went as far as New Iberia, but owing to the pack and jam on the train overlooked him. They notified the Franklin officers to be on the look out, and sent a man there to identify him. The following dispatch to the Picayune tells of the negros arrest:

 Franklin, La., June 8. - A very important capture of a desperate negro was made here last night by Deputies Charles Pecot and Philip Albares, aided by Deputy Sheriff Peck, of Lafayette. The negro's name is given as John Hays, but this is known to be an alias. The negro was heavily armed, having a big revolver and a dirk, and made every effort to use both on the officers, who were, however too foxy for Hays and succeeded in knocking him down and disarming him before he could do any injury. The negro is wanted at Lafayette for robbing the United States post office at that point a few weeks ago, and also is suspected as one of the gang who robbed the Catholic parsonage of some $8,000 last week. He admits that he has had a number of scrapes in Arkansas and Texas, and claims that he is a native of Alabama. The negro is a heavily pock-marked and very black-looking villain and has all the usual evidences of depravity and viciousness. He has nine buckshot wounds in the body, which he claims her received while stealing watermelons in Texas. The officials think he is wanted at Corsicana, Tex., on a murder charge. Deputy Sheriff Peck who has been on his trail for a week, took him to Lafayette this morning.
From the N. O. Picayune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

Hungry Intruder.

A good natured night marauder made himself quite at home in the residence of Mr. Maurice Mouton, last Saturday. To appease his hunger appeared to be the sole purpose of his unbidden visit to the house, for after helping himself to all available food within reach he departed without committing further molestation, and members of Mr. Mouton's family were not made aware of the happening until the following day.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.  

Break In at E. Mouton's. - A few nights ago the dwelling of Mr. A. Emile Mouton, near Moss & Mouton's lumber yard, was entered by force by a house thief who appropriated to himself a small sum of money before taking his leave of the family. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

       A Bloody Affray. - A bloody affray took place a few days ago at a Public Ball, between two freedmen named Charlot and Gabon, when after a heated dispute, the former stabbed the latter several times in the abdomen. The wounds are considered as most serious, and by most considered mortal, though we are happy to learn that his attending physician has hopes of his recovery.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/19/1869.

Last Saturday the preliminary examination of the case of Jean Louis Andrus, Walter Foreman, Carrie Goldstein, and others on the charge of having robbed the old man Henry Chase of some $300, was tried by Judge O. C. Mouton, and after a thorough examination the Judge ordered that Carrie Goldstein, Philogene Williams, Jean Louis Armstrong and Adele Squire, furnish bond to appear at the next term of the District Court. Laf. Adv. 6/20/1891

Candidate For the Pen.

Thursday night Mr. Leon Plonsky's store was burglarized and a number of articles taken. Early in the evening while the children were talking of meeting some friends on the 12 o'clock train Mrs. Plonsky told them that she would leave the hall door unlocked that they might enter home upon their return with disturbing Mr. Plonsky and herself. When closing up time came Mr. Plonsky could not find the key to the door leading from the store-room to the hall, but thinking that it would only be a short time before the hall door would be locked, he latched the store-room door and retired. Later in the night Mrs. Plonsky felt someone touch her feet and she awoke to find the room in darkness, although a lamp was always left burning. She awoke Mr. Plonsky and he went into another room for his revolver and at the same time heard some one going down stairs and slam the hall door when down. It seems that a negro was near when Mrs. Plonsky made the remark about leaving the door unlocked and this lead to trouble. Yesterday morning a new pair of pants and fan were found on Mr. Salles' lot, which Mr. Plonsky's coat-mark upon them.

 About nine o'clock Sheriff Broussard arrested two negroes named Desire and Edward Arcenaux, father and son, for the crime. He searched the son and found a pair of pants, two cravets and two rings which were recognized by Mr. Plonsky as his property, while searching the son the old man mnade his appearance at the back door. He had an overcoat rolled up under his arm and at being questioned he said it contained old clothes to be used in working in the swamp. The sheriff was a little curious as to how swamp clothes looked and made him unroll the overcoat. The "swamp-clothes" consisted of a new coat and vest, neckties, etc. The coat and vest matched the pants found in Mr. Salles' yard and were recognized by Mr. Plonsky as his property.

 While searching the house of the suspects a pair of pants, gloves and shoes were found which were identified by Mr. Henry Crouchet, of Carencro, as his property. He was robbed about midnight April 27th. A foot print left on a counter by the burglar measured 11 inches, which is just the size of the son's foot.

 It looks like a clear case and the father and son will doubtless be doing some time for the state for sometime to come.

LATER - The son confessed that he broke into Mr. Plonsky's store at Carencro April 27th. He gave Mr. Plonsky's servant, a negro boy, 50cts. to steal the store key for him, the boy has also been arrested.  Lafayette Advertiser 6/22/1895.

Regulators Inflict Terrible Whipping. - On Tuesday about fifty regulators at Breaux Bridge took an old negro to the woods and gave him a terrible whipping. It is reported that the negro is in a critical condition and that the population of Breaux Bridge are very indignant, and if possible, will impeach the mayor for refusing to allow the town constables to arrest a part of the mob. All the regulators who participated in the whipping have been arrested by warrants issued by Judge J. O. Boudier.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/22/1895.

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