Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Temperance Lecture. - Rev. David Tatum, a celebrated Quaker temperance evangelist, will lecture at the court house Sunday Feb. 14, at 3 p. m. Everybody is invited, especially the young people.  Lafayette Advertiser 2/10/1904.

Temperance Lecture. - On next Thursday evening, Feb. 16th, a meeting will be held in the court house, in Lafayette, in the interest of temperance. Mrs. J. N. Pharr and Mrs. Snell, of Mississippi, will be the speakers. A cordial invitation is extended to all to be present.
Laf. Adv. 2/11/1893.

Temperence Lecture. - Last Thursday evening a temperance meeting was held in the upper story of the court house, under the auspices of the National W. C. T. U. The speakers of the evening were Mrs. Snell, of Mississippi and Mrs. J. N. Pharr. A temperance lecture being something of a novelty in Lafayette quite a large crowd had turned out to hear what the ladies had to say. The ladies proved to be rather interesting speakers, handling their subject well, and by a display of their remarkable powers of penetration and wit (?) created considerable amusement for the audience. We hope that good result from the meeting, but think it rather doubtful. They were more severe in their denunciation of the firms that sell liquor in Lafayette than facts would warrant, for although there are many places that sell liquor here, one sees fewer drunken men than in most places of its size; but we presume the remarks were not made especially for Lafayette, for temperance lecturers have certain stereotyped expressions that they use on all occasions, whether they are appropriate or not. Lafayette Advertiser 2/18/1893.

Relief Society. - A local assembly of the "Equitable Relief Society" was organized at this place on the 9th inst., with the following named gentlemen as charter members and officers : A. VonKalckstein, President; J. Vigneaux, Vice President; S. R. Parkerson, Financial Secretary; Dr. N. P. Moss, Medical Examiner. Messrs. J. Vigneaux, F. Demanade and P. C. Moss were constituted a Membership Committee. The purpose of the Equitable Relief Society is to give white persons between the ages of eighteen and fifty years an opportunity of associating themselves together in a Benevolent Society, having for its object the encouragement of temperance, morality and thrift, and the relief of suffering humanity in cases of sickness and distress, old age and death. It possesses several distinctive features, making it a very commendable association and deserving of the careful consideration of all interested in institutions of its kind. Lafayette Advertiser 2/18/1888.

Harry Watkins will lecture on the horrors of delirium tremens, at the Methodist Church, Friday, the 24th inst. He is said to be very eloquent. Laf. Adv. 2/18/1888.

HIGHLY APPRECIATED. - The West bound train being quite late on last Thursday gave us the pleasure of a call from ladies en route to the Women's Christian Temperance Union, State Convention which met at Crowley, La.

Mrs. I. I. Field, whose home is in Marksville, Avoyelles Parish being assistant editor of the Marksville New Enterprise decided to fill up the time by calling on the fraternity. We were pleased to meet her. Mrs. Field represents the Union of her town of which she is the vice-president; she was accompanied by Mrs. E. S. Gaines, the corresponding secretary of that Union.

 Mrs. M. H. Burch, of Shreveport, and Miss Lousina Holladay of Marthaville both delegates to the convention completed the party.

 We enjoyed their visit greatly.

 Our gallant real estate agent Mr. Ambroise Mouton took the ladies in his charge and showed them the sights around Lafayette.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/28/1899.

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