Tuesday, July 23, 2013



 That an exclusive crop of cotton has been one of the principal drawbacks to the prosperity of the farmers no one will deny. Recent years have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the most obstinate that cotton is too unprofitable to be entirely depended upon. It is a fact that well known to all of us that the prosperous farmer is the one who has diversified his crops and did not persist in the suicidal policy of planting cotton exclusively. In this parish those who were in a position to abandon cotton and replace it with cane have done it, and with favorable sugar legislation it is only a question of time when cane will be the principal crop of this section. But in the meantime let the farmers who can not plant cane, direct their energies toward the cultivation of other crops, if not marketable, for their own use. This is thought by many to be the only way to thwart the speculator and gambler in futures, and to put into effect the law of supply and demand. With a reduction in the crop the prices would necessarily be enhanced. It strikes us that it is more profitable to raise your own pork than to raise cotton and sell it at 6 1/4 and 7 cents and buy pork at 10 cents a pound. Instead of diversity of crops being the exception in this parish let it be the rule. Lafayette Gazette 1/6/1894.

Police Jury.
The following delegates were appointed upon request of Gov. Blanchard, to attend the Cotton Growers' Convention in New Orleans to be held Jan. 24-26; E. G. Voorhies, Chas. O. Mouton, S. R. Parkerson, J. E. Mouton and A. E. Mouton.
Laf. Adv. 1/11/1905.

Last Tuesday evening a carload of cotton in the Southern Pacific yards was considerably damaged by fire. The fire is believed to have originated from sparks from a locomotive. Laf. Gaz. 1/11/1902. Laf. Gaz. 1/11/1902.

Crop Prospects.

 A special to the Times-Democrat from Carencro says the Carencro Sugar Refining Company, of that place has closed down this week. On account of seed cane kept by farmers who purpose to increase their acreage next year, but a little more cane was sold to the refinery than last grinding; planters have abandoned the cultivation of cotton. The average yield per acre without fertilization has been eighteen tons. The correspondent is of the opinion that next season will show an increase of over fifty per cent, as compared with this in the amount of cane cultivated. The cane planters in that section are happy over the encouraging prospects for the coming year, and the probabilities are that they will discontinue the raising of "King Cotton." 
Lafayette Gazette 1/15/1898.

The Cane and Cotton Palace.

 We have received a communication from Mr. Chas. D. Sweet, representing the ladies of New Orleans who have the management of the gorgeous "Cane and Cotton Palace" now being erected on Lafayette square as an exhibition building during the Carnival, stating that the ladies desire to secure from this section as many specimens of agricultural and other products as possible. He says, "An enterprise of this kind is of vital importance to each and every section, which should be creditably represented. In order that others may learn of the inexhaustible resources of this State we must show them her products, that they may be convinced." The carnival will be attended by thousands of visitors from other States, and a creditable display there would be really far more beneficial than at a State fair. We trust that the people of Lafayette will look to their interests and respond liberally to this appeal of the ladies. Address all packages to "Cane and Cotton Palace," New Orleans, La. 
Lafayette Advertiser 1/19/1889.

The cotton has been nearly all picked, but we learn there is much in the fields. This will in most instances be abandoned, as the season is about closed.
Laf. Adv. 1/24/1891.

 Grants Right of Way for Pipe-Lines to Run from Jennings and Anse la Butte.

 At a special meeting Thursday, the Police Jury granted to Bass and Benkenstein, of Crowley the right of way through the parish for a pipe line, which will begin at Jennings. They also granted same right to Moresi Bros. and A. M. Martin, line to run from Anse la Butte. The Jury also increased the number of delegates to the the Cotton Growers' Convention, which is now in session in New Orleans, from five to twenty-five. The Jury will meet again to-morrow. Lafayette Advertiser 1/25/1905.

We Must Meet the Issue.

 In all seriousness, the people of this country are about to enter upon one of the most trying experiences it has been their fate to encounter for many years. A chain of circumstances for which no one in particular is responsible had brought about a condition of affairs that has served to throw the entire country out of joint, and, as men, everywhere, look the issue squarely in the face they cannot but feel apprehensive of the future for some months to come, at least. It is but natural, then, that in a contemplation of the unusual demands each one fears may be made on him by this new condition of affairs, everyone should be planning temper the wind of the approaching storm.

We, of Lafayette, form a part of the vast universe affected by the present order of things, and must submit to the common lot philosophically, if not willingly. One of the most bountiful harvests of which we have a recollection has brought money into our country, and in certain instances has been the means of plunging some of our people into debt. Whilst the resulting condition is not one of actual want, yet it presents an outlook that is far from being encouraging, and even when viewing the subject in its not darkest light, we feel called on to give a most careful consideration to the "what's to be done under the circumstances?" How can we best lighten the immediate burden as well as bring about an early and permanent improvement in our condition? That is the problem each one is now revolving in his mind, in the hope of discovering a logical solution. Men are so sensible of the gravity of the situation that they assemble in conventions to exchange views and make be undone, and without endeavoring to explain what causes may have operated to culminate the condition now calling so loudly concerned are satisfied to deal with the condition itself, and, accordingly propose certain plans appearing in their very nature capable of affording relief. One of the suggestions in the interest of the Southern States now largely devoted to the raising of cotton, is to make a positive decrease in the acreage for the crop of 1895, so as to reduce the world's supply of cotton and cause an advancement in the market value of the staple on account of its greater scarcity.

The advocates of a smaller acreage know that the cotton states cannot hope to control the world's supply of cotton and do not advise an adoption of the course proposed other than as expedient, and intend that future developments shall govern future action in this regard. There is every reason to believe that, as a palliative measure, the proposition is desirable one to enforce. If it accomplished no other good its adoption would have the effect of placing unused time and land at the disposal of the farming class, to be employed in other ways than raising cotton. The spare time and would be devoted to the cultivation of other crops, or to the pursuit of avocations bringing direct results in cash, or its equivalent. The cotton raiser would learn, under this new policy, the great error of depending almost entirely on the proceeds of his early crop for all the necessities of life. He will know the immense advantage of producing on the farm the commodities of life that, heretofore, he has always deepened on the North, East and West to furnish. Then cotton will be a surplus crop and, as much, can be profitably cultivated at 5 cents a pound, in Lafayette parish if no where else. The needs of the Lafayette Farmer, aside from what he can readily raise of produce of home, may be supplied without and great strain on the purse, and it is this end he should direct his mind and energies.

While it is our purpose to make no reference to the disastrous experience lately suffered by this industry, we proceed at once to the discussion of that feature of the sugar interests on which its emancipation from present thraldom principally depends. And again, we intend that our remarks shall find our most direct, if not exclusive, application to our immediate section of country. Naturally we feel a strong sympathy for other people in distress, but our own requirements have a first claim on us, and, besides, a policy that would be of advantage to one locality might not be so applicable to another in affording a remedy for a common evil. As regards sugar the problem confronts us: Is it possible to produce it at a profit, if the industry be stripped of every vestige of protection? Purposely, we take an exterior view of the subject. It is conceded on all sides that a bounty will never again be placed on sugar by any political party. It is contrary to American sentiment. And protection by tariff may not be of long continuance, although there is a general impression that sugar, being the ideal article for raising governmental revenue, will not be removed from the dutiable list by succeeding administrations. It will answer our purpose best, though, in the present consideration of the subject to treat of freesugar. It is maintained by persons of long and practical experience that under economical management and the system of factories, the culture of sugar cane can be profitably carried on in the sugar district of Louisiana, without bounty or protection. We have undoubted assurance that cane can be cultivated in Lafayette parish at a minimum cost. Central sugar factory facilities, then, is the only essential requirement to place can safely on a paying basis in Lafayette. That is the great desideratum, and it is a plane that can be easily attained by the co-operation of the business men and sugar planters of the parish.

We conclude, then, with the many things in our favor, we, of Lafayette, have much reason to base hope for better times. The hard lesson of the present is not void of redeeming features. If light is to come our of darkness, as there is every indication will happen, we will owe a large debt to the conditions we now bewail so loudly. The times have set us to thinking in a way we have never been compelled to do before. From the train of thought in which we find our mind engaged, fruitful action should result. The period of transformation should prove a rather trying one to the people, but the lesson learned will be of inestimable value hereafter. Our lot may not be such a bad one after all. Let us look at the bright side of it and act with intelligence and good will for a stable improvement in our ideas and our methods, and we shall not be disappointed in the end.

 Lafayette Advertiser 1/26/1895.  

FOR SALE. - A fine plantation situated about four and a half miles from the town of Lafayette, La., on the public road to Opelousas, La., containing 125 arpents of prairie land and 45 arpents of wood land; and being about a half a mile from the Morgan's rail road. The land is of first quality for the cultivation of corn, cotton or sugar cane. Said property will be sold on easy terms. For further particulars address Wm. Campbell, lock box 26 Lafayette, La.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/2/1895.

An Acceptable Contribution.

The following communication addressed to the committee or subscriptions, explains itself:

LAFAYETTE, LA., Jan. 30, 1900.

DEAR SIR: - I take pleasure in handing you within check upon the First National Bank, for fifty dollars, in behalf of Messrs. Lehman, Stern & Co., Limited; same to be applied towards the funds being raised for the benefit of the benefit of the Lafayette Industrial School.
Yours, very truly, B. N. CORONNA, Manager.

Lehman, Stern & Co., have important business interests in Lafayette represented by a cotton Compress and a cotton gin, and this prompts them to join hands with our citizens in matters calculated to advance the welfare of Lafayette. This is a commendable spirit, and it is the kind of a spirit which directly promotes the friendly relationship that ought always to exist between manufacturing and industrial institutions in a community by outside capital and the people of that community - a relationship that is certain to redound to the advantage of all persons concerned. Lafayette Gazette 2/3/1900.


 A number of prominent officials of the Lowry Compress Co., were in Lafayette during the week, visiting the Gerac Gin. They were Messrs. J. B. Macauley, patent agent at Washington; O. R. Mitchell, an attorney of Boston, district engineer, Memphis; and J. B. Leonard, inspector. Laf. Advertiser 2/4/1904. 


Of Business Men to Consider the Proposition Made by Mr. T. H. Leslie.

Almost an Assured Fact that a Railroad Will Be Built from Lafayette to Abbeville This Year.


Mr. T. H. Leslie, President and General Manager of the Stuttgart and Arkansas River Railroad, from whom we published a letter in last week's ADVERTISER, arrived in Lafayette Thursday afternoon, and called at this office. We soon discovered that Mr. Leslie meant business, and was a man who talked "straight from the shoulder."

He stated that he could remain only a short time in our city, and as he had several propositions to make to the people, requested us to call a meeting of some of our representative citizens to meet him at 11 o'clock Friday morning, which we agreed to do. Our own time was fully occupied, but we saw as many as was possible, and as possible, and as a result a number of business men congregated to the director's room of the People's State Bank, who kindly granted the use of the room for a meeting. Mr. Leslie submitted the following written proposition which was read to the meeting.

Lafayette, La., Feb. 3, 1893:
A. C. Ordway, Esq.,
Editor Advertiser,

DEAR SIR: - I would be pleased to submit through you, confidentially to some of your representative citizens, the following co-operative proposition.

In the event of your people being induced to vote the aid requested by me, I will at my own expense have issued a satisfactory pamphlet setting forth your advantages and resources ; and will offer a bonus of $20,000 to anyone who will establish a cotton factory, employing not less than 150 people, and $10,000 bonus for a good No. 1 sugar refinery, which I will pay upon the erection of one or both of the above-named plants. I will agree to bring about a reduction of an average of at least 10 per cent on all freight rates to and from this town, and also these representative men to select the Treasurer and two Directors of the road, thus ensuring many direct benefits to your city.
T. H. Leslie.

It may be well to explain here that the aid requested by Mr. Leslie and referred to in the above proposition is a 5 mill tax for ten years from the town and an 8 mill tax for the same period from the parish.

After the reading of the above proposition Mr. Leslie was introduced and spoke as follows:

"GENTLEMEN: In the event of your advocating and securing the aid requested by me, I will obligate myself to meet your city and parish in a co-operative spirit for the development of your country, by inducing the investment of capital in various enterprises calculated to promote the rapid development of your dormant resources. Among the number that I should aid and encourage would be the following:

A Sugar Refinery, An Electric light plant, A System of Water Works, A Cotton Factory and
A Street Railway,

As an incentive to establish the two most important industries named, viz: a Sugar Refinery and a Cotton Factory. I will give a bonus of $10,000 to the first named and $20,000 to the second, and with this encouragement and the general stimulation given by the building of a railroad to the coast. I do not question or doubt the future prosperity of your city. I have never seen greater average advantages than here, and they only need to be known to the outside world to be most wonderfully developed in the next few years. If by a liberal policy you can double your population in the next five years and increase the value of all property 100 per cent., at a nominal cost to yourselves, you are certainly the gainers by the transaction. My proposition contemplates mutual benefits and is all one-sided as is the case frequently in railroad matters. My theory is, and my experience has demonstrated the fact that a large tonnage and low rates are better for both the railroad and the people, as low rates encourages the people to handle many articles that otherwise would be impossible."

After his remarks were finished a general discussion of the matter took place, and Mr. Leslie convinced everyone present that he was thoroughly in earnest in the matter and was in a position to carry out every proposition made by him to the people. Arrangements were made for further correspondence with Mr. Leslie regarding the matter, and after receiving assurances from all present that they would support the matter earnestly and heartily, Mr. Leslie took his departure.

At the close of the railroad discussion advantages was taken of the opportunity afforded by the presence of the business men to take preliminary steps for the organization of a Business Men's Association, which in the future could take charge of any movement started that would benefit our town, and the following named gentlemen were enrolled as members:

Chas. O. Mouton, N. P. Moss, I. A. Broussard, Judge O. C. Mouton, T. M. Biossat, John O. Mouton, Julian J. Mouton, Julian J. Mouton, Alfred Hebert, J. Higginbotham, B. Falk, Wm. Campbell, Capt. J. C. Buchanan, A. J. Moss, A. M. Martin, A. C. Ordway, A. C. Guilbeau and Crow Girard.

On motion Messrs. O. C. Mouton, Alfred Hebert and A. C. Ordway were appointed a committee to draft a constitution and by-laws to be submitted to a meeting Monday evening, the Chairman to act as a member of ex-officio of the committee.

A motion was made and carried that a meeting be held at the Court House, next Monday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, and that all business men and citizens of Lafayette be urgently requested to attend with a view of affecting a permanent organization, after which the meeting broke up, and everyone present seemed to realize that if Lafayette was ever to advance in wealth and prosperity, the time had arrived for earnest work.

Let there be a large attendance on next Monday night. Everybody owes it as a duty to the community to attend.

Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1893.

Let Us Fall In Line.

We desire to direct the attention of the people of Lafayette to a fact over which there can not be any division of opinion: in just the same way we have found it possible to secure some substantial improvements by co-operative moves, in the recent past, we can add valuable acquisitions in the future. We have not unduly exerted ourselves along this line in times gone by and yet, within the comparatively short space of three years, we can point to no less than four very substantial enterprises that owe their existence in our midst to co-operative movements on the part of citizens. First came the Sugar Refinery at the eastern limits of the town; next followed by the Ice Factory; then, the Cotton Oil Mill and lastly the Water Works and Electric Light Plant. This is certainly a most gratifying showing and stands as indubitable proof of the great good to be accomplished by public spiritedness and co-operation.

If we have done well in the past may we not do even better in the future? The same forces we utilized before are still ours to command. They need only to be put in operation and kept in operation to bring grand results. Why not be up and doing then? Ours is a country of inexhaustible resources, a country of surprising possibilities - if the people who inhabit it will only develop the field.
There will be a good opportunity afforded to the citizens of Lafayette to come together next Monday night to make common cause of the future progress and prosperity of Lafayette town and parish. We refer to the meeting of the Business Men's Association announced to take place at Falk's Opera House, the 7th. instant. The efforts of this organization in the past have been of particular value to the community, and are fully recognized.

Every citizen of Lafayette who has the interest of the community at heart, should not fail to attend this meeting and join in the movement, well remembering the Providence only helps those who help themselves.

We must get in line, forthwith, in order that we may not get left in the rapid march of progress that has seized upon the entire country.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/5/1898.

The petition of the Lafayette Compress and Storage Company for the refunding of taxes paid the parish was refused. The treasurer's reports showed the general fund. $6,698.88; special fund, $1,819.91.
Laf. Adv. 2/8/1902


At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors, of the People's Cotton Oil Co., held Feb. 5th, 1901, the following was offered and adopted:

 RESOLVED: That in accordance with article 7 of the Charter, a special meeting of the stockholders of this Association be called April 2nd., at 3 p. m., at office, to consider the following amendment to Article 3rd, of this Company, to wit:

 Article 3 shall be amended to read as follows:

 "This Corporation is organized for the purpose of erecting and operating a Cotton Oil Mill for the manufacture of Oil and all other products from cotton seed, and conducting and operating all business incidental thereto, also to manufacture ice and to operate a cold storage business.

 Said corporation shall also have power to acquire, hold, receive, purchase and convey by and under their corporate name real and personal property. Said Corporation shall have power through its Board of Directors to pledge mortgage or hypothecate its real and personal property for the purposes of its business."
     C. M. PARKERSON, Sec'y
     Feb. 9th, 1901.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.



 The cotton mill industry in the South, is no more an experiment. At the present time in the State of North Carolina there are twenty-five mills in course of construction, with capital stocks ranging from $45,000 to $130,000. Last year there were 180 mills in that State. This year the number will be greatly increased. In Georgia also this industry has passed from the experimental stage and now offers a safe and very remunerative field of investment. While but few mills are being operated in Louisiana there is a strong sentiment among all classes that this State should follow the example of North Carolina from whose borders very little raw cotton is shipped. North Carolina manufactures a large portion of the cotton that it produces, thereby keeping at home millions of dollars which would otherwise go to build the prosperity of other States. There is no better point than Lafayette in the whole South for the successful operation of a cotton mill. Realizing this fact our people should make known the advantages of this place and hasten the arrival of the day when capital will be inclined to recognize Lafayette as a site most suitable to build a cotton mill.

 A Times- Democrat correspondent from Charlotte, N. C., writes as follows:

 "The most remarkable month of the cotton mill industry for this State that has ever been known has just passed. Six mills incorporated, seven more organized and at least six more that will soon be organized, besides a number that are being talked of is the unsurpassed record in milling circles for the month of January, the most remarkable stride ever known in the milling industry in the South.

 At the present time there are twenty-five mills in course of construction in North Carolina. The total capital of the mills incorporated during January is about half a million dollars, while that the seven mills organized during the month but not yet incorporated will reach nearly a million and half dollars. These figures do not include the half dozen mills which will soon be organized in the State.

 Taking the mills incorporated and those which will soon be organized in the State.

 Taking the mills incorporated and those organized or soon to be organized, the figures will reach the enormous sum of nearly two million dollars invested in the milling business during the last few weeks or since the middle of December."
Lafayette Gazette 2/10/1900.

Police Jury 1/5/1905.
 A report was received from Capt. J. C. Buchanan and Dr. F. J. Mayer, who went as parish delegates to the Boll Weevil Convention.
Laf. Adv. 1/11/1905.

Six Thousand Bales of Cotton Sold in Lafayette This Season. 

The Importance of Good Roads. 
 Many persons in Lafayette will no doubt be surprised to know the large number of bales of cotton ginned in this town during the season which is drawing to a close. The special advantage offered to farmers by the local gins have induced cotton-growers from adjoining parishes to haul their cotton to be ginned and sold. Then gins operated by the Lafayette Compress and Storage Company and Gerac Bros. are about to close a most successful season. The number of bales ginned by each nearly reaches three thousand. This speaks well for the management of both concerns. It is strong evidence that their methods are acceptable to the farmers. And it must not be overlooked that this record was made despite the shortness of the crop. Right here we desire to call the attention of the business men of Lafayette to the great importance of making a wagon market of this town. Only a few years ago little or no cotton was brought to this place to be sold, and if so much has been accomplished in so short a period without any effort on the part of the business community, it can easily be demonstrated how much can be done if the intelligent co-operation of the people is enlisted in a movement to make this point what it should be - the best wagon-market in South Louisiana. It is safe to say that every man who brings his cotton to this place does not leave without spending some money here, and if he is well treated, as he is sure to be, there is every reason to believe that he will come back to do his trading. Six thousand bales of cotton sold here means nearly $250,000 put into circulation at this place. It means that almost half of the crop of the parish was brought to be sold here. This, we submit is an item worthy of the most serious consideration of the business men of the town. But it should not be ignored that this could not have taken place it propitious weather and not given us good roads. There isn't a community on earth more interested in having good roads than Lafayette. Without them the trade of the town is deprived of its main sustenance, for even though cotton may be a dethroned monarch elsewhere, it still holds undisputed away in this bailiwick.

 Lafayette Gazette 2/16/1901


The establishment of a cotton and sugar refinery in Lafayette parish, together with the building of a railroad from here to Vermilion bay, via Abbeville, would without question bring other industries, build up the town of Lafayette and add a great deal to the taxable property in the parish, therefore we believe it to be a sound deduction that notwithstanding a tax of 3 mills be levied in favor of the railroad, that the amount of taxes the property holders would be less five years from now than at the present time.

The cost of running the parish would be no greater with these and other industries added than it is to-day, and as new industries would add to the assessable property of the parish, the percentage of taxation would be reduced. The assessed valuation of taxable property in the parish is now $1,894,572.00 and the tax levied 10 mills ; if the railroad is built, we are certain of having a cotton factory and sugar refinery, besides other industries and mercantile establishments, new residences in town and parish, which would add at least $1,000,000 to the assessable property, giving a total of say $3,000,000 as against $1,894,572 at present. The expenses of the parish are not increasing, the tax would be lowered and instead of paying 10 mills you would not pay over 6 or 7 mills, therefore, even if no other benefits were to be derived, it would be a paying investment to vote the railroad tax.

Lafayette Advertiser 2/18/1893.

    Cotton Oil. - What is the matter with Lafayette having a cotton-seed-oil mill ? It is just the place for one ; and experience has proved that they are the best paying investments in the country. It would pay our merchants well just for the money put in circulation among the laborers and the impetus given to our trade, let alone the handsome returns from the investment. Real estate and lumber interests would also be advanced. Don't squeeze your few dimes a little tighter, and say "we'll wait until some other place has tried it !" Some other place may draw all the strength away from your enterprise. Think about it seriously and act with energy. Lafayette Advertiser 2/18/1888.

The wind on last Saturday night was very disastrous on Cote Gelee, in this parish. The Royville church, with its high and commanding steeple was levelled to earth, likewise the residence of Dr. Young, the cotton gin of Messrs. Billaud & Pellerin, and several other buildings in the same neighborhood, too numerous to mention. We heartily sympathize with the sufferers. Fortune sometimes repays her frowns with many a smile. Lafayette Advertiser 2/20/1869.


 At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors, of the People's Cotton Oil Co., held Feb. 5th, 1901, the following was offered and adopted:

 RESOLVED, That in accordance with article 7 of the Charter, a special meeting of the stockholders of this Association be called April 2nd, at 3 p. m., at office, to consider the following amendment to Article 3rd., of this Company, to-wit:

 Article 3 shall be amended to read as follows:

 "This Corporation is organized for the purpose of erecting and operating a Cotton Oil Mill for the manufacture of Oil and all other products from cotton seed, and conducting and operating all business incidental thereto, also to manufacture ice and to operate a cold storage business.

 Said corporation shall also have power to acquire, hold, receive, purchase and convey by and under their corporate name real and personal property. Said Corporation shall have power through the Board of Directors to pledge mortgage or hypothecate its real and personal property being for the purpose of its business.
    C. M. PARKERSON, Sec'y.
  Feb. 9th. 1901.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/23/1901.

NOW, FOR A COTTON MILL. An invitation was extended by the Business Men's Association through the columns of this paper to the citizens of Lafayette to meet at Falk's Opera-house last Monday to take action upon a matter of vital importance to the community.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and consider the possibility of building a cotton mill at this place.


For some cause or other the meeting was so poorly attended that nothing was done.


A little energy and concert of action secured the refinery. All now admit that enterprise has done incalculable good to this town. We can not think of any thing which has benefited this community more than has the refinery. It is needless to add that if the public-spirited men of this town had not exerted themselves Lafayette would have no refinery to-day.


The co-operative efforts of a few enterprising men made it possible for Lafayette to have an oil mill. Who will attempt to estimate the amount of good resulting from this mill. Started by local capital, managed by home men, operated by home labor, the oil mill has been from the beginning a pronounced success.


At the earnest and urgent solicitation, if not with the help, of some of our progressive citizens the compress was built here. That the compress has been a great factor in the prosperity of the town in recent years is a well-known fact. Instead of reaching out for the compress had our people pursued a course of inactivity to think that the results would have been the same?


Had not the people of the town worked together in the (unreadable words) for light and water does anyone believe that we could boast to-day of one of the best and most modern plants in the State? Had the people failed to recognize the importance of these great improvements the town would not have forged along with the other progressive communities of this section. The electric light and waterworks were the forerunners of municipal prosperity, the handmaids of progress and industrial advancement.


When the State generously offered the Southwestern Industrial Institute to that parish in the eleventh senatorial district which would show itself worthy of it, Lafayette captured the prize by presenting a united front. The people responded to an appeal for progress and education and made as gallant a fight as was ever made as gallant a fight was ever made by any community in this or any other State.


With such an enviable record, gentlemen, are you going to stop at this point when the time is peculiarly ripe for the exertion of your best efforts? Now is the time opportune moment to put your brain and brawn together and for for the common weal. The B. M. A. wants you to meet at Falk's hall next Monday night to talk about the cotton mill. Your success in the past is proof enough of your ability to do in the future. The difficulties which at first appear insurmountable will be easily overcome when you are united.


The slogan should be, "Now, for a cotton mill." It is conceded that this is an understanding of great magnitude, a fact which makes it all the more important that an early start will be made. "Where there is a will there is a way" is a trite saying, but peculiarly applicable to this case and just as true in the affairs of communities as it is in the affairs of individuals.

Lafayette Gazette 2/24/1900.


Improvements the year 1893 will give Lafayette:

  A New Railroad,
  A Sugar Refinery,
  A Cotton Factory,
  A Street Car Line,
  A Graded School,
  A Rice Mill,
  A Cotton Seed Oil Mill,
  An Ice Factory,
and a dozen minor industries.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.


 Over Five Hundred Farmers and Others Meet at the Court House Saturday and Form Permanent Organization. Resolution Adopted to Plant Not More than Seventy-five Per Cent of Land in Cotton and Not Less than Twenty-five Per Cent in Corn and Other Produce. Between five and six hundred farmers, merchants and men interested in cotton met at the court-house Saturday morning at 11 o'clock in response to a call for the organization of a parish cotton growers' association to co-operate with and become part of the National Cotton Growers' Association, organized at New Orleans some months ago for the purpose of protecting cotton farmers by on organization, its immediate object being to effect a 25 per cent reduction in acreage for the year 1905 and its general object the special promotion of the cotton farmer's interests in all respects. Dr. Fred Mayer called the meeting to order and was made temporary chairman, with R. C. Greig and W. A. LeRosen as temporary secretaries. Dr. Mayer opened the meeting by explaining its object and aim in the course of his remarks read from the resolutions of the New Orleans meeting extracts presenting the condition of the cotton industry, and urging the necessity of a reduction in acreage for self-protection. He also read from the constitution of the National Cotton Growers' Association articles defining the scope, aim an d purpose of the Association. Dr. Mayer spoke of the great need of extending the market for cotton, one of the purposes of the organization, but urged the present necessity for reduction in acreage and the earnest co-operation of the farmers to that end. He mentioned some of the difficulties in getting the farmers to act in harmony which had been brought up at the Baton Rouge State meeting which he had recently attended, all of which had been settled by the Madison parish plan, namely that each man pledge himself to raise not more than 75 per cent of whatever land he might cultivate in cotton, and not less than 25 per cent in corn or other produce. He closed by stating that with the full co-operation of the farmers, merchants and bankers throughout the South the movement would be assured success.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/1/1905.

 Hold Meeting Monday Evening and Pledge Themselves to a Reduction of Cotton Acreage.

 Monday evening a meeting of the colored farmers of Lafayette was held in Trinity C. M. E. church for the purpose of considering the reduction of the cotton acreage, and the following resolutions were unanimously adopted.

 "Whereas, there has been an overproduction of cotton throughout the South, which has caused quite a depression in the price of that staple, and such depression has wrought a hardship up on the cotton farmers throughout the South.

 Therefore, be it resolved,

 1. That we the colored farmers of the Parish of Lafayette are in accord with the white farmers of the parish, pledge ourselves to reduce the cotton acreage twenty-five per cent and to plant a variety of other products to insure better prices from cotton.

 2. That we extend our thanks to President Roosevelt for his expressed determination to do everything in his power to enlarge the market for our cotton in the Orient.
J. W. GRAY, Secretary.

 Lafayette Advertiser 3/1/1905.

Two carloads of cotton near the depot caught fire Sunday about one o'clock and considerable damage was done before the flames were extinguished. Lafayette Advertiser 3/1/1905.

Cotton at 14 1/2 Cts.

 Last year, Olivier Levy, a colored man living at Mauriceville, brought to the Lafayette Advertiser Office eight pounds of long silk cotton seed. From these eight pounds he gathered 676 pounds, that is 2 bales of 338 pounds each. The cotton was shipped to F. Gumbel & Co., of New Orleans and on the 18th of Feb. 1901 was classed as "Strict Good Middling" and sold 14 1/2 cts. The 676 pounds about the weight of a large bale brought then, $98.00. It is many years since cotton has been sold a price and the high rate it has commanded proves its superiority in point of quality. We have at this office a sample of this cotton, and we do not believe any one can show a better grade. The cotton ginned at Mr. Treville Broussard's ginnery at Mauriceville, and here is what Mr. Broussard writes on the subject.

 Mauriceville, Feb. 4th, 1901.


 In answer to yours of the 1st of Feb., I can say that during my nineteen years experience as ginnery, I never received as good cotton as that brought by Olivier Levy. The silk is very long and very fine and the staple easily yields the seed. It gives a much better silk than the ordinary cotton, I encourage all my friends to plant this cotton and feel sure that they shall find the results most gratifying.



 Mr. Broussard is and favorably known and his opinion is conclusive.

 This long silk cotton is extremely prolific. Some so called Long Silk Cotton bears very little, but this one is an exception as is provided by the results obtained by Olivier Levy. Mr. Emile Cormier of Carencro sends the following:  This is to certify that last year I bought of Mr. Van der Cruyssen a small quantity of seed, to be more explicit, one letter envelope full of seeds and with that small quantity sold 150 1bs., in seed, of which 50 lbs., silk. The cotton is of an extraordinary quality.

 Mr. Gumbel's agent at New Orleans writes us as follows:  We sold Olivier Levy's 2 bales at 14 1/2 cts. You can judge of the excellent quality of this cotton by its price as we can not obtain more than 9 1/4 for ordinary cotton.

 We invite all planters to examine the sample of this cotton which we have at the Advertiser Office, and to any one showing a better quality we shall give gratis 2 pounds of this seed. Any one wishing to purchase seed can find same at the Advertiser Office. Lafayette Advertiser 3/2/1901.

Accepted a Position at Compress. - Mr. Baxter Clegg, who has been buying cotton in this parish for several years, and who for two years past has been with Gerac Bros', Ginnery, has accepted a position as a purchaser of cotton for Lehman, Stern & Co., and for the next year will be found at their office at the compress in Lafayette. Laf. Adv. 4/20/1903

A Cotton Seed Oil Mill. - A special meeting of the Business Men's Association was held Thursday night to take some action with reference to a proposition lately made to the citizens of Lafayette to erect a cotton seed oil mill at this point. No more advantageous location could be selected for an enterprise of this character, and this coupled with the fact that such an industry would prove of great direct benefit to the public, caused the gentlemen present to feel that the opportunity that now offered itself to secure a cotton seed oil mill should be cultivated and the new enterprise secured it possible. It was accordingly decided by the association to give the matter into the hands of a pick committee who would devote to the subject the immediate and serious attention its importance deserves. The following persons compose the committee in question: Messrs. Crow Girard, T. M. Biossat, S. R. Parkerson and Doctors T. B. Hopkins and N. P. Moss. Lafayette Advertiser 5/2/1896.

Cotton Compress.
 The contract for the cotton compress building has been awarded to Mr. B. F. Anderson, of our town, he being the lowest bidder. We are certainly gratified at this at it shows that Lafayette can hold its own in all branches of business. Mr. Anderson's bid was $7,150.00. The building is to contain a press room and boiler house, the press room to be 100 x 160 and the boiler house to be 25 x 50. Platforms surrounding the press room will be covered with Iron sheeting and the roof of the building will be made fire proof by a coating of composition roofing. The company will put in their own electric plant and water will be supplied by the water works of the town.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/21/1898.

We are glad to be able to say that the cotton and corn crops of this parish are very promising. In fact as far as we have never seen and learned, the prospect had never, in any previous year, been brighter. As there was no flood up here cane is also much better than usual, and if no untoward circumstance intervene the next harvest in Lafayette will be great.
Laf. Adv. 6/10/1882 

On last Friday night, the cotton compress was winding down the season, and as is very often the custom the engineer made his piercing whistle resound for a space of time. These shriekings were understood as an alarm of fire and therefore the fire bell was tolled. A great number of firemen with their apparatus responded to the call and hurriedly repaired to the cotton compress where they found out the facts as explained above. Laf. Adv. 6/10/1899

ICE. - The two handsome ice wagon's belonging to the People's Cotton Oil Seed Company have begun their daily runs and last Monday delivered "free ice." Laf. Adv. 6/15/1901.


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