Tuesday, July 23, 2013



 Our readers have no doubt noticed for some time past that The Gazette has furnished them with a rather meagre service. We will not apologize for short-comings, but will state that in the future will try to do better. We have bought of the American Type Founders' Company, of St. Louis, a modern press to take the place of the rather primitive "Washington hand-press" and on next Saturday we will begin the publication of a seven-column folio, set up and printed in our office. We will try to give Lafayette a good country weekly and hope to merit their patronage. Lafayette Gazette 1/7/1899.

The Gazette invites its friends to call at its new office in Pierce street. Some new material has recently been added to the plant and those who need any printing will do well to call on us. Laf. Advertiser 1/10/1903.

 Notice. - The Gazette moves to-day into new quarters. Hereafter the office will be in the Deffez building, in Pierce street, where we will be pleased to meet our friends. Laf. Advertiser 1/10/1903.

Next week the office of the Parkerson and Mouton Insurance Agency will be ,moved into the building now occupied by The Lafayette Gazette.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/10/1903.

Gazette Changes Hands - Messrs. R. C. Greig and Phillip Mouton have purchased the Lafayette Gazette, Mr. Greig to have editorial charge. We extend to both of them our best wishes for a full measure of success. Mr. Jerome Mouton, who has had charge, has been a most pleasant and agreeable confrere during his short newspaper experience. He will now devote himself to his profession, the law, and our best wishes attend him.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1905.

 For Sale. - Lot near Industrial School. Apply at The Gazette Office.
Laf. Gaz. 1/11/1902.

The Gazette learns from Prof. LeRosen that about twenty more names are needed for the petition to be presented to the Council asking that body to call the election relative to a special tax.  Laf. Gaz. 1/11/1902.

A Regular Peach. - The Southwestern Oil Company, of Houston, Texas, will please accept the thanks of the staff for a most beautiful and artistic calendar, adorned with the picture of a divinely beautiful girl. Her eyes would be described by the poets as "soulful, and heavenly blue," her neck irresistibly fair, her cheeks - well, she's what George Ade would call a regular peach. Lafayette Gazette 1/12/1901.

 The Gazette learns with pleasure that its former editor C. A. Thomas, has been appointed assistant cashier of the St. Martinville Bank.
Laf. Gaz. 1/13/1894.

 Jno. Greig has resumed his former position in the Gardebled drug-store. John requests The Gazette to state that he will be pleased to wait upon his friends.
Laf. Gaz. 1/14/1899.

Under New Management.

After to-day The Gazette will be under the editorial management of Jerome Mouton. This change is explained by my acceptance of a position in the office of The Baton Rouge Advocate.

It is with regreat that I leave my work here, and with sincere appreciation of the generous support I have received at the hands of this community.

My going away will not interfere with the publication of The Gazette. It will continue to be published as heretofore, at all times doing its best for this town and parish.


Lafayette, La., Jan. 10, 1903.

The Insurance firm of Parkerson & Mouton will soon be located in the building lately occupied by the Lafayette Gazette. Their office will be handsomely furnished and will be be up to date. The firm is doing a very prosperous insurance business and they represent the strongest companies of the world.
Laf. Adv. 1/17/1903.

To the Editor/Laf. Gazette:

I have been reliably informed that the town has long since obtained final judgement in the suit against the Consolidated Engineering Company and that the only thing now to be done to satisfy the judgment is the execution of a writ directed to the proper officers. As some time has elapsed since final adjudication of the case, and as there appears no good reason for delay in this important matter would you kindly inform the public what prevents the execution of the judgement. Delays are dangerous it is said and I believe especially so in litigation, besides the town certainly needs all the money available. Would it not be a good idea to use the sum realized in the extension of water and light facilities.

... the Gazette's Reply ...

Owing to the fact that no property is known to be possessed by the Consolidated Engineering Company the town would, in order to recover the damages granted, have to sue on the bond. This would necessitate another lawsuit which would have to be instituted in the courts of New Orleans, at the domicile of the Surety Company, entailing the expenditure of so much money that the "game would not be worth the candle." Were the town to proceed against the sureties case would have to be tried on its merits, as the judgement against the Consolidated Company does not carry with it a judgement against the Surety Company. The question of whether or not the contractors did their work according to stipulations would have to be tried anew. The decision of the court against the Consolidated Company has secured the town in the possession of the amount of $1,000 which had been retained. It seems to be the intention of the municipal authorities not to proceed any further in the matter. Lafayette Gazette 1/20/1900. 

Competition For The Advertiser? - Lafayette is to have a new paper in the near future. Messrs. Homer J. Mouton and C. A. Thomas will be at the helm. We extend our hand in fraternal greeting and wish them success in their new undertaking. Lafayette Advertiser 1/21/1893

New Paper in Laf.
Lafayette is to have a new paper in the near future. Messrs. Homer J. Mouton and C. A. Thomas will be at the helm. We extend our hand in fraternal greeting and wish them success in their new undertaking. Lafayette Advertiser 1/21/1893.


Entertainment at St. Martinville.

(The Gazette visits this "quaint," "old" town.)

 Newspaper writers have often referred to St. Martinville as that "quaint old town." It is old, no doubt, and perhaps in some respects it is quaint. But it is not a sin to be old, neither to be quaint, when, as in this case, age is accompanied by worth and quaintness consists in sincere affection for good, old customs, which like the juice of the grape, improve with time. A visitor to St. Martinville can not fail to be impressed with the evident disinclination of her people to sever the ties which hold them to a glorious past. Though fully alive to the exigencies of the living present, they refuse to crook the knee to the new dispensation, but cling with an honest fealty to the customs and manners of their forefathers. Genuine progress does not mean to be inhospitable and uncongenial. That is a wrong, though popular, interpretation of the term; for St. Martinville is progressive, and yet retains her old-time geniality and open handed hospitality, which are hers by inheritance, and preserved by her sons and daughters with becoming pride.

 The foregoing were among the thoughts which arose in the mind of the writer upon a recent visit to St. Martinville. The occasion afforded a splendid opportunity to see the town as she really is. It was a sort of family festival. An audience of about 400 people had gathered to witness a musical performance - a most admirable entertainment it was, in every respect. The program, which had been prepared under the direction of Mr. P. D. Olivier, was carried out in a highly creditable manner. The music, both instrumental and vocal, possessed decided merit, and fully sustained the enviable reputation of the local musical talent. While the limited scope of this article does not permit us to do justice to every one deserving of praise, we can not well refrain from mentioning Mrs. Lorena Simon and Mrs. Edmond Voorhies, who sang with exceptional brilliancy, and Mrs. Akren whose execution on the piano was splendid. It is needless to say that the deservedly popular band of Prof. Carlos Greig made as sweet music it has ever been our privilege to hear. Prof. Greig's band is easily the most skillful amateur musical organization in the State.

 The Gazette congratulates Mr. Olivier upon the success of his entertainment.
Lafayette Gazette 1/26/1901.  

To Our Patrons.
 The Gazette office has been moved to the second story of the Lacoste Building, corner Jefferson and Vermilion streets. If you want to subscribe for the paper, or if you desire to insert your advertsisement in our columns call on us and we will do our best to please you. We are turning out all kinds of job printing at city prices. Lafayette Gazette 1/27/1894.

To Our Patrons. - The Gazette office has been moved to the second story of the Lacoste Building, corner Jefferson and Vermilion streets. If you want to subscribe for the paper, or if you desire to insert your advertsisement in our columns call on us and we will do our best to please you. We are turning out all kinds of job printing at city prices. Lafayette Gazette 1/27/1894.

Sugar Refinery.
We have not heard any body talk refinery lately. Perhaps this apparent indifference on the part of the people is due to the uncertainty of future sugar legislation. It is a matter of utter impossibility to say what Congress will do with sugar. At any rate let the people of the parish, and especially those living near this town, keep their eyes wide-open. The Gazette is in receipt of a letter from a gentleman engaged in the manufacture of sugar, who visited this parish several times and expressed himself as most favorably impressed with the advantages offered by this section for a sugar refinery. Among other encouraging words the letter contains the following: "Expect to be in your town at an early date, and we will talk refinery again. Do not let the interest in that direction die out. Congressional action and inaction will cause delay, of course, but need not prevent success, if we do our part. Your section is too fine a one to be longer overlooked." Lafayette Gazette 1/27/1894.


 In the last issue of The Advertiser " ' Democratic Voter' informs us that the "People's Ticket" simply signifies candidates chosen by white Democratic voters in meeting assembled, but not by a few politicians, office-holders or ring.' " This definition is as ludicrous as it is absurd. Everybody knows that the parish executive committee ordered white Democratic primaries on the 14th of December when two-thirds of the white voters of this parish expressed their choice at the polls and nominated the ticket printed at the head of this paper, and everyone is aware of the fact that the so-called "People's Ticket" is the choice of that acrobatic institution known as "the committee" the leading members of which are not office-holders, but inveterate office-seekers whose insatiate desire to serve their country their country is painfully evident. When "Democratic Voter" intimates that the regular Democratic ticket has been chosen by a "few politicians, office-holders or ring' " he is simply declaring through his old hat. Such a statement sounds so much like a joke and is so absolutely at variance with the facts that it needs no refutation. Had our anonymous friend said the "People's Ticket" was patched together by a handful of would-be politicians, used-to-be bossed and office-seekers, he would have hit the nail squarely on the head.
If the Democratic ticket was chosen by politicians and office-holders" as intimated The Advertiser's correspondent, their must be a very large number of office-holders in this parish (1200 out of the 1700 voters nominated that ticket) and with so many officers to be filled, our esteemed friends, the Googoos, must be terribly unpopular that they have not yet succeeded in being elected to any of them. It is surely not because they don't try, for like the patriots of old they were never known to anwer to their country's call.
We are told that the gentlemen forming the "People's Ticket" have always been true and tried Democrats from their infancy." If they were baptized with the holy water of Democracy, it is high time for their political godfathers to be doing something. If they have been Democrats for so long a time greater is the crime is the crime they are committing against Democracy by running on a ticket which is neither "fish nor foul."
They were probably Democrats "before the young editor of The Gazette saw the light of the sun." There is nothing strange about that. But having been Democrats so many years, they should be acquainted with the duties of a Democrat and the principle of Democracy and not allow their names to appear on a so-called "People's Ticket" especially at a time when all the enemies of Democracy and white supremacy have combined for the sole purpose of defeating a Democratic governor and electing in his stead a Republican.
If they were young and unacquainted with the political history of this State since the war and had not "been true and tried Democrats since their infancy," their undemocratic course by utterly disregarding Democratic authority, might be excused on account of their age, but having been Democrats "before the young editor of The Gazette saw the light of the sun" and having actually grown grey in the service of the grand old party, their action to-day in leading an independent movement is inexcusable and incrompehensible.
We repeat we have the utmost respect for those gentlemen and appreciate the fact they are men of honor, but when we think of their many good qualities both of mind and heart, their suicidal politics and great inconsistency appear to us exceedingly deplorable.

Lafayette Gazette 2/1/1896.

Be Fair, Brudder. Our esteemed neighbor, The Advertiser, is not at all satisfied with the location of the Western Union telegraph office. Our confrere should be more liberal minded and take a broader view of such matters. The telegraph office was removed from the depot with a view to expedite the telegraphic business of this town and not for the purpose of benefiting any locality. Mr. Clegg was asked to give the free us of an office and he kindly consented to do so. Major West, of the Western Union, visited the town and after consulting with a number of business men, concludd to accept Mr. Clegg's generous offer. The Advertiser seems to labor under the impression that the corporate limits of this place extend only a few yards from its office and that the people living outside those sacred precincts are not supposed to come in for any recognition and are simply "not in it."
In all matters that concern the community at large the interests of no special locality or circle should prevail.
Why, dear brudder, you have the post-office, the telephone office, and other good things right by you and judging from your article your eagle eye is set on the telegraph office. Unless you become just a little more magnanimous people around the Court-house will actually have to get a permit from you folks in order to be able to breathe.
Lafayette Gazette 2/1/1896.

A Plea for Pure Milk.
To the Editor of The Gazette. 

Why our milk men, the world over, persist in diluting their nice rich milk with so much water as to cause such universal complaint? Would not ordinary business policy, if not honesty, dictate a more straightforward and honorable course? It it not downright theft to sell a man water instead of milk? Almost every household has a capacious cistern from which an inexhaustible supply of pure water may be obtained simply by turning the faucet, without money and without price, but it seems to be that rule among milkmen to attempt the usurpation of the functions of this time-honored institution. I propose, Mr. Editor, we call a convention to remedy this crying and watery evil.
Yours, RIGHT.
Lafayette Gazette 2/2/1895.

Homer Mouton, editor of the Gazette is back at his post after a prolonged absence of some weeks at St. Martinville where the typhoid fever had a claim upon him. Laf. Adv. 2/12/1898.

The Gazette is fully equipped to do all kinds of job work. Prices reasonable.
 Miss Lou Gardiner, of Grand Coteau, was visiting friends in Lafayette last week. Laf. Gaz. 2/29/1896.


T0-day The Gazette issues the first number of its tenth volume. In other words, the paper is nine years old.

 The Gazette enters upon its tenth year with confidence of increased prosperity. It has, since its foundation, enjoyed a fair measure of success as a public journal. We believe its growth has been commensurate with the advancement of the community, and we hope it has merited, if it has not always received, the approbation of well-thinking people. It claims no great credit for having contributed its humble efforts toward the success of worthy movements, but it feels a reasonable degree of pride that it has espoused every cause which, in its opinion, was calculated to benefit the people.

 During the last nine or ten years Lafayette has forged to the front in rapid strides. In that period the people have awakened to a realization of their opportunities. In a material sense this community has more than kept up with the pace of progress. The establishment here of a cotton seed oil factory by local capital was a splendid beginning. Later on New Orleans capitalists availed of the advantages afforded by this section and built the sugar refinery which is easily one of the largest manufacturing plants in the State. Then came the compress which has been such a powerful factor in the increased commercial prosperity of the town has made in recent years, are the large number of new store building and residences. The improved quality of these structures maybe taken as an indication of the prosperity of the people. Excepting Crowley, Lafayette has put up more buildings in the past five years than any other town in this section of the State.

 The erection by the town of a system of waterworks and electric lights was a long step forward. Nothing has done more to secure for this town its rightful position among the progressive communities of the State than the building of these improvements. Without them the town might have jogged along in poky sort of way, but it could never hope to take its place in the front rank of up-to-date municipalities. All this and much more is to the credit of Lafayette, but the culminating point in its growth - one which is not be considered from the standpoint of dollars and cents but to be measured by a higher standard - was reached when the Industrial Institute reared its walls in mute but eloquent tribute to that new spirit of progress which had quickened the slumbering intelligence of the people and marked out for them the path which leads to intellectual development. Henry Watterson said that the idiosyncrasy of the nineteenth century was liberty and that of the twentieth century is commerce. If Lafayette is to have an idiosyncrasy let it be education and let it be given expression in a new modern school building. The past decade has been a notable one in the history of the town, but let it be only a forerunner of what is to come. Lafayette Gazette 3/1/1902.

From the Lafayette Gazette of March 2nd, 1901:NO. 1, VOL. IX.

The Gazette is eight years old to-day. It enters upon its ninth year a fairly prosperous journal. Its advertising patronage has increased considerably during the last two years. It has a good local circulation and a well supported job printing department. The best evidence that the paper is appreciated is that it does not carry a single "dead head" on its subscription list and that every inch of its advertising space is paid for.

We trust that every subscriber feels that the paper is worth one dollar a year and that no one receives it through any philanthropic motive. No self-respecting newspaper solicits the patronage of the man who subscribes or advertises merely "to help the thing along." The Gazette most assuredly does not care for that kind of patronage. It wants every one to feel that he gets his money's worth.

During the eight years of its uneventful career The Gazette has tried to contribute its share toward the advancement of the community. Whether it has succeeded or not in making its influence felt, it is not for us to say. We will state, however, with a pardonable degree of pride, that we have done the best we could.

It is a quite difficult task to run a country newspaper to the satisfaction of a reasonably large number of people. In passing judgement upon the worth of a small weekly few persons consider the difficulties with which the publisher has to contend. The necessarily limited field must be taken into the account as well as the scanty revenues.

It is the earnest desire of The Gazette to grow with the town - to when it is here of usefulness in proportion to the advancement of the community. It will always be the aim of the publisher to give to the people of Lafayette a paper which will, at all times, be deserving of their support.

Lafayette Gazette 3/2/1901.

Jas. Breaux, who has been connected with the Lafayette Gazette for some time, has resigned and taken a position with the Southern Pacific Railroad.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/4/1904.


The editor of the Advertiser unnecessarily allowed his temper to get the best of his judgement, and indulged in language extermination, in the last edition of his paper, because the Gazette saw fit to make some remarks on an article of his published in a preceding issue of his paper.

 To show the public that The Gazette was within the lines of legitimate journalism, we shall quote from the record. In its issue of the 12th., the Advertiser said:

- The Clerk of the Police Jury, Mr. R. C. Greig, in utter disregard of his duty delays giving us the Police Jury proceedings -

 Why did it not stop there? The sentence would have been complete, and the whole matter, as a result, would have been one between it and Mr. Greig, and had The Gazette taken exceptions thereto, it could, with some reason, be called a "gratuitous inter-meddler." They why did the editor add, and we call special attention to the words italicized:

- owing to the fact that his personal friends in the office of The Gazette have to be served first.

 This last clause we considered an unnecessary interpolation, and we did not so characterize it at the time simply because the intelligent readers could see it for themselves ; and upon this uncalled for sentence The Gazette felt it its right to comment, and in doing so, let us repeat, we were within the bounds of legitimate journalism.

 We beg the readers to notice well these words of the Advertiser:

 * * * owing to the fact that his personal friends in the office of The Gazette have to be served first.

 In our rejoinder, Aug. 19, we said in substance that the write got mad -
- because the Secretary gave The Gazette the proceedings of the Police Jury first.
Any discrepancy between the two statements? Is not the meaning, - and the wording nearly, - the same. Yet the editor of the Advertiser has the brazen assurance to say in its issue of the 26th:

The statement there is any other motive for our complaint is untrue.
Who said there was? It is true we added near the end of our article the words "and lead us to believe that every one not biased saw through the pretext," which was a corollary to the article commented a charge, therefore when the editor commented upon, and in nowise contained a charge, therefore when the editor said that "the statement that there is another motive for our complaint is untrue," he was only "talking in his hat and interviewing his whiskers."

 The editor then solemnly proclaims war. We presume, war to the knife, and the knife to the hilt.

 Now, in reviving and assuming the the role of the gaunt knight Don Quixotte de la Mancha - a character evidently not ill-suited to him - the editor of the Advertiser has scored a decided hit. The next time that he feels the "heat running down his collar band," and nothing but read, yea, red gore will appease his fiery and sanguinary ardor, he can don his armor and sally forth, cap-a-pie, and make a dash on the flock of sheep that occasionally browse on the court house green, but if the game is too tame, he can rein about his old war steel, Rosinante, and charge the wind mill close by, dismount, ascend, dampen the forefinger, rub it against the red paint, glare around, and like Father Boniface, imagine it is blood, then shriek out : "b-l-u-d, b-l-u-d." He will surely bring down the house.

 And by all means let Sancho Panza, at the same time, make a flank movement on the depot windmill.
P. S. - Brother, don't kill us all; please leave one behind to tell the tale.
Lafayette Gazette 9/2/1893.


Back Home Again. - Homer Mouton resigned his position with the Baton Rouge Advocate and returned to Lafayette to resume charge of the Gazette. We extend to him a warm welcome home. Laf. Adv. 6/13/1903.


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