Tuesday, July 23, 2013


A Garbage Cart.

This town needs the services of some man whose duty will be to haul the garbage out of town. As it is, people have no means of getting rid of the refuse from their kitchens, and the result is that there is an accumulation of offensive matter in the yards and in the streets. A man who owns a horse and a cart could be engaged to do this work. When not occupied in the removal of garbage, he could be employed in repairing the streets. The gutters should not be used as a dumping place the offal of the town. A councilmen, expressed himself as being very much in favor of employing a man to haul the garbage and to keep the streets in a cleanly condition. One day in each week could be occupied in doing the hauling. A dumping ground would have to be selected for that purpose. To facilitate the work of the garbage cart it would be well to have the people gather the refuse from their yards and place it in the street from where it can be easily taken. The Gazette hopes that the Council will give its attention to this matter. Lafayette Gazette 1/10/1903.

Notice. - Persons cutting ditches across the sidewalk to drain their yards are compelled by an ordinance to bridge of box the same.
The attention of the public is also directed to the ordinance against the placing of all kinds of trash in the streets. These ordinances will be strictly enforced.
Lafayette Gazette 1/20/1900.


At the meeting of the State Agricultural Society, held at Arcadia last week, Dr. Fred Mayer, chairman of the committee on resolutions, reported a set of resolutions which were unanimously adopted. Speaking of these resolutions the Times-Democrat, in a timely editorial in its issue of Jan. 30, says:

"These resolutions show by the great number of questions covered by them how closely connected are the agricultural and other interests; that the farmers are not a class apart to themselves, as many suppose, with interests different from those of the rest of the country, but that problems of manufacture, the public health, transportation, etc., affect them deeply, as well as the merchants, manufacturers and others.

The Society calls upon the Legislature to "create a Commissioner of Public Health, with an annual appropriation sufficiently large to inaugurate a series of sanitary institutes throughout the State for the purpose of instructing the masses in the true nature of contagious and infectious diseases and the prevention of those ills which daily lay their blight on home and farm, and the removal of those senseless, unscientific interstate and parish quarantines, which, while impending commerce, afford a doubtful and insecuure protection."

It can be seen at once how this matter affects the farmers of the State, since the quarantines that have prevailed for the past three summers proved very injurious to our agriculture by preventing the shipment of farm products to market. The suggestion contained in the resolutions is a timely and excellent one, as, indeed, is as any proposition that will have a tendency to end the senseless and useless quarantines that afford no protection, yet discourage business of all kinds.

The Gazette fully endorses the views of the Times-Democrat. They are in line with the stand this paper has always taken on this subject. The resolution quoted above was incorporated in platform as the suggestion of Judge Pugh, of Red River, who, in a short but forcible address, spoke of the necessity of such a department in the state government. He said that while the State made a yearly appropriation to to "discuss hog, hominy and potatoes" it has so far neglected to provide for instruction in matters pertaining to the health of home and farm Judge Pugh seemed disposed to clothe the proposed commission with powers belonging properly within the province of the Board of Health. Perhaps it would be wise to confine the powers to purely educational functions, as otherwise the creation of such a department would be antagonized by the health authorities. If confined it would doubtless meet their cooperation, as it could not be of great assistance to them in preparing the public mind for the reception of those measures deemed necessary to stamp out or restrict contagion or inception.

The distinct advance in public hygiene is due in a great measure to the labors and influence exerted by the Louisiana State Sanitary Association, now in the third year of its existence.

There never was a time in the history of Louisiana when such a department was more needed -- three epidemics of yellow fever in three years and a wide spread epidemic of small pox, discreet, it is true, but that may assume a confluent type at any moment.

Surely the Legislature will do well to take up the suggestion of agricultural society and, if possible, act on it. Lafayette Gazette 2/3/1900.

Dump garbage and filthy deposits outside of city limits.
 Laf. Adv. 4/9/1898.

No More Banana Stalks in the Street. - We beg to call the attention of the officers to the practice of some parties of throwing banana stalks in the middle of the streets. They certainly add nothing to the beauty of the streets, and are scarcely to be considered a disinfectant. Indeed, while the officers see to this they might turn their attention to the throwing of paper and other things in the streets. These ought to be kept as clean as possible, and all parties prevented from throwing refuse of any kind on the streets.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/12/1902.

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