Tuesday, July 23, 2013



Secretary B. J. Pellerin, of the Lafayette Building Association, has sent the following circular to the shareholders of the association:

"At the last regular meeting of the Board of Directors held December 17, 1902, the following resolution was offered by Dr. Moss and was unanimously adopted:

"Resolved, that a fee of 50 cents be charged for every new share of stock placed, said fee to be paid by the new stockholder, which amount, together with a fee of 50c. per share, to be borne by the Association, shall be paid to the stockholder securing the new shareholder. Cost of pass book to be deducted from sum paid the solicitor."

"The board passed the above resolution to encourage any member to secure new shareholders for our Association. The increasing demands for loans at handsome premiums (last loan made was a premium of 41 per cent.) manifested to the Board the advisability of offering to members the handsome fee of $1 per share for every new share of stock secured. This in itself is quite an inducement and certain to enable every member putting forth a little endeavor to pay his present stock for several months ahead. Not only this, but it will increase our membership, enable our Association to make more loans and earn more dividends for all stockholders.

"The board trusts that every member will realize his own interest in this matter, will put a "shoulder to the wheel" and help to carry Series No. 13 which will open January 3, 1903, to at least one thousand new shares." Lafayette Gazette 1/3/1903.

Lafayette Building Association.
There will be an election of the board of directors of the Lafayette Building Association at 8 o'clock p. m., Jan. 21, at the office of the association. All shareholders are requested to be present. A statement will be furnished showing what the association did during the year 1901.
Lafayette Gazette 1/11/1902.

Lafayette Building Association.

There will be an election of the board of directors of the Lafayette Building Association at 8 o’clock p. m., on Tuesday, Jan. 21, at the office of the association. All shareholders are requested to be present. A statement will be furnished showing what the association did during the year 1901.
Lafayette Gazette 1/18/1902.


To Look After the Affairs of the Lafayette Building Association.

 The board of directors of the Lafayette Building Association met in the First National bank building last Thursday night and elected officers to serve during the ensuing year. The following gentlemen were placed in nomination and elected without opposition: Chas. O. Mouton, president; A. B. Denbo, vice-president; S. R. Parkerson, treasurer; D. Schwartz, secretary; O. C. Mouton, attorney; Chas. D. Caffery, notary.  The following are the members of the board: B. N. Coronna, A. B. Denbo, B. J. Pellerin, Louis Lacoste, C. D. Caffery, C. O. Mouton, Julian Mouton.

 The association is in a prosperous condition. It has grown in popularity and usefulness since its organization and there is every reason to believe that it will be the means of procuring homes for a large number of families. Lafayette Gazette 1/19/1901.

L. B. A. in Second Year.
 The shareholders of the Lafayette Building Association elected directors for the current year, last evening. There was a good attendance at the meeting and a spirited contest over the election, the count of votes developing the fact that no less than sixteen candidates were in the field. The following named persons having received a majority over all other competitors were declared to be duly elected to compose the Board of Directors:  B. N. Coronna, Julian Mouton and Louis Lacoste.

 The Directors-elect held a meeting subsequently and appointed the following officers for the current year: Chas. O. Mouton, president; A. B. Denbo, vice-president; D. Schwartz, secretary; S. R. Parkerson, treasurer.

 This Association is now entering its second year of existence and bids fair to become one of Lafayette's most powerful adjuncts in extending the spirit of progress and development with which our people (unreadable words) impregnated.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/19/1901.

Lafayette Building Association. - On last Tuesday, Jan. 20, the election for Board of Directors for the Lafayette Building Association was held at the association office and the following stockholders were elected to serve for the ensuing year: C. O. Mouton, J. A. Martin, N. P. Moss, J. A. Martin, N. P. Moss, A. J. LeBlanc, L. Lacoste, R. C. Greig, C. D. Caffery. Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.

Lafayette Building and Loan Association.

In Splendid Condition - All Officers Re-Elected to Serve Ensuing Year.

The stockholders of the Building and Loan Association held their annual election last Wednesday and elected the following board of directors: C. O. Mouton, Dr. N. P. Moss, Chas. D. Caffery, A. J. LeBlanc, Dr. J. A. Martin, R. C. Greig, L. G. Gladu. The Board then elected the following officers. C. O. Mouton, president; R. C. Greig, vice-president; S. R. Parkerson, treasurer; B. J. Pellerin, secretary. Since its organization about five years ago the Building and Loan Association has been doing a fine work for the town. Though it means a considerable number of people have been able to secure homes of their own and in many cases handsome ones, at a monthly expenditure of scarcely more than ordinary rent. And it has also proven to be a good investment, as the fifth annual statement shows; the total assets are $41,098.39, with net profits of $13,733.35. Lafayette Advertiser 1/25/1905.


The Board of Directors of the Lafayette Building Association, at the meeting held at the Star and Crescent Hotel on the 20th inst., elected Mr. Ad. von Kalckstein Vice President in place of Mr. J. E. Dunlap, removed from the parish. Mr. J. H. Callen was chosen one of the Directors to fill the vacancy in the Board. Both of these are first-class selections, and we are satisfied these gentlemen will give satisfaction to the stockholders. The Association is getting along nicely; has 405 shares in first series, and 101 in the second. Loans amount to $6,300, against which liabilities to stockholders are $4,459; which is not a bad showing for an association only ten months old. Receipts, including January installments, are all loaned. Close up, but there will be no money to loan at the February meeting. Lafayette Advertiser 1/26/1889.


 The Seventh Annual Statement Just Issued Shows It to Be In a Most Prosperous Condition.

 The seventh annual statement of the Lafayette Building Association has been issued and shows the Association to be in a most prosperous condition. The assets for the year 1906 are $68,212.86 and the statement shows a net profit of $10,444.67, which is a most excellent showing.

 There is no agency which assists more materially in the upbuilding of a town than a sound, well-managed Building Association, which the statement proves this to be, for it enables men to build homes on small monthly payments, who would otherwise remain renters. A home-owner feels an interest in the welfare and a progress of a town that a renter can not, and any agency that assists the renter to get a home of his own is a valuable asset to the town. As such the Lafayette Building Association deserves to prosper.,

 At the recent meeting of the Board of Directors the same officers who managed the affairs of the Association the past year were re-elected, and the excellent results shown from their past management is a guarantee that the ensuing year will witness an equally businesslike and profitable conduct of the Association's affairs. Lafayette Advertiser 1/30/1907.

The Lafayette Building and Loan Association have accepted the neat cottage built by Mr. Fred Mouton and turned it over to Mr. E. Mayfield, who has moved into it. It is an ornament to the Mouton addition.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1889.

Our friend Wall. at the depot, now wears a smile of his countenance which even a question as to the whereabouts of a delayed train fails to dissipate. He is now living in his own house, instead of paying rent; that is the Building and Loan association have purchased the cottage on Pierce street which he occupies, and his payments - installments and interest - to the Association are but little in excess of the rent paid by him.  We advise others of our citizens to avail themselves of the benefits of this Association and become owners of their dwellings. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1889.


A Building Association.

 Through the efforts of Mr. B. N. Coronna, a plan to organize a building association in this town has been formulated and is on a fair way to success. More than the required number of shares have been taken and all that remains to be done is organization which will be affected at a meeting to be held next Monday at 7:3o p. m. at the court-house. It is hoped that the meeting will be largely attended as this move is calculated to aid very much in the advancement of this community. Lafayette Gazette 2/10/1900.

Organized and Starts Out Under Very Favorable Auspices.
 Another evidence that Lafayette is forging ahead is offered in the recent organization of a building association the charter of which is published elsewhere in this paper.
 Building associations have done a great deal to build other towns and cities and there is no reason to think that similar results will not follow an organization of the kind in this community. The time is peculiarly ripe for a building association in Lafayette. More dwelling houses are needed and this organization, controlled and managed by our local people, will furnish many of our worthy citizens an opportunity to secure homes.

The readiness with which the two hundred and fifty shares of the first series were taken shows the popularity of the move.

The Gazette thinks there has never been a better time to organize a building association here. Shreveport, New Iberia and other towns in the State owe their prosperity in a great measure to local building associations.
 The Lafayette Building Association starts out under most auspicious circumstances. It can not but prove a most valuable factor in the upbuilding of this town.
 Reference to the charter will give all the information desired concerning the objects and methods of the association. The Board of Directors is composed of the following gentlemen:

 C. D. Caffery, C. O. Mouton, R. J. Pellerin, B. N. Coronna, Julian Mouton, J. E. Martin, A. D. Denbo. The board elected the following officers: Julian Mouton, president; A. B. Denbo, vice-president; D. Schwartz, secretary; S. R. Parkerson, treasurer; O. C. Mouton, attorney; C. D. Caffery, notary.

 The only officer who will receive a salary is the secretary who will be paid $10 a month. Mr. Schwartz, the secretary, is the well-known book-keeper at the Lafayette Compress and Storage Company. He is a reliable and competent man and in his charge the books of the association will be in efficient hands.

Lafayette Gazette 2/17/1900.


Act of Incorporation.

 State of Louisiana, Parish of Lafayette.

 Be it known, That on the 12th day of February in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred, and of the independence of the United States one hundred and twenty-fourth, before me, Orther C. Mouton, a notary public, duly commissioned and sworn in and for the parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana, and in the presence of witnesses herein after named and undersigned, personally came and appeared the parties whose names are subscribed, who declared that availing themselves of the provisions of the statutes of Louisiana, relative to the organization of corporations, they covenant, agree and bind themselves, and those who may hereafter become members of this Association for the objects and purposes and under the stipulations following, to wit:


 The name and title of said corporation shall be "THE LAFAYETTE BUILDING ASSOCIATION," and under its said corporate name, it shall have power to contract; sue and be sued; to make and use a corporate seal and the same to break or alter at pleasure; to hold, receive, lease, purchase, convey and pledge under its corporate name, property, both real and personal; to lend money on security; to name and appoint such officers and agents as the interests and convenience of said corporation may require; to make and establish such by-laws, rules and regulations for the proper management and regulation of the affairs of said corporation as may be necessary and proper, and the same to change and alter at pleasure, and to do all such acts and things as are or may be necessary and proper, and the same to change and alter at pleasure, and to do all such acts and things as are or may be necessary and proper to carry out the objects and purpose of said corporation, unless sooner dissolved under the provisions of this charter, shall exist for a period of ninety-nine (99) years.


 The domicile of said corporation shall be in the town of Lafayette, parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana, and all citations or other legal process shall be served upon the president of said corporation, or, in the absence of both of these officers, upon the secretery.


 The object of this Association shall be the accumulation of a fund from the weekly installments on account of subscriptions to the capital, rentals, premiums and loans, the funds so accumulated to be used for the purpose of real estate, the building, rental and sale of homesteads, and when necessary or advisable, the loaning of money on mortgage security, in the parish of Lafayette.


 The capital of said corporation shall be one million dollars ($1,000,000,) and shall be issued in shares, each representing two hundred dollars ($200,) to be paid in weekly installments of twenty-five cents per share.

 Minors and married women may hold, subscribe for, transfer and withdraw shares in the manner prescribed by law.

 At the close of each fiscal year, the net profits shall be apportioned and a dividend credited to the value of each share in force, in such manner as the Board of Directors may determine.

 Whenever the shares of any one series, by reason of the payments on account of subscriptions thereto, together with addition of the profits and accumulations thereon shall be worth the par value of two hundred dollars ($200) each, the shares representing the series so arrived at par shall be liquidated and paid over to the holders thereof, on the surrender of their certificates; and whenever the shares of the series last issued shall be worth the par value of two hundred dollars ($200) each, the Association shall be liquidated by three commissioners, selected by the Board of Directors from among the shareholders. The shares shall be issued in series as determined upon by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have the right when deemed advisable to issue paid up stock on the payment at one time of one hundred dollars.

 Said paid up stock shall be transferable in person or by written power of attorney, and only on the books of the Association.  

 This paid up stock may be called in and cancelled at any time by said Association, after giving thirty days notice to the owner, upon payment of the face value, plus accrued interest. Notice mailed to the address given when the stock so called in shall cease at the date of redemption given in said notice.

 The holder of said stock is otherwise entitled to all the rights in the Association as provided by the charter and by-laws, except as to participation in the profits of the Association, nor can persons holding such stock vote on such stock, nor can they in any case be members of the Board of Directors.

 The said paid up stock shall draw interest at not more than six per cent per annum, and each Board of Directors at its first meeting shall fix the rate of interest to be paid on all such stock issued during the ensuing year.

 Any one of age and acting in their own right and behalf shall have the right to file applications for such stock with the secretary at any time, and each application will be acted upon in the order of its filing.

 The fiscal year shall end on the last day of each year.


 The corporate powers of the Association shall be exercised by seven directors, each of them shall own not less than five serial shares, (unreadable word) all be elected by the shareholders on the (unreadable word) Tuesday in January annually, each stock-holder represented at said election and not in default being entitled to vote as follows:  For one serial share up to five exclusive he may cast one vote. From five shares up to ten exclusive he may cast two votes. From ten shares up to twenty exclusive he may cast three votes. For twenty shares and over he may cast four votes. No member shall have more than ten shares in his, or her name, in any one series.

 Notice of said election shall be given for the space of ten days by the secretary through the mail. Said election shall be by ballot and shall be held at the domicile of this corporation, under the supervision of three shareholders appointed by the Board of Directors at the last preceding regular meeting thereof. The shareholders receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected.

 The failure to hold an election on the day specified shall not dissolve the corporation, but the directors in office shall hold over until and election be held, after ten days' notice of the tims and place thereof.

 The directors shall elect from their numbers a president and vice-president; and four directors shall be a quorum for the transaction of business.

 The directors shall elect or appoint a secretary, a treasurer and such employees as may be necessary, and may fix their compensation, but no salary shall be paid to any member of the Board of Directors or officer, except to the secretary; and they shall have power to enact by-laws not repugnant to this charter, to select a place of meeting, to suspend any officer or director for neglect or misconduct, and to name and appoint their successors, as provided for in the by-laws, and shall have general authority to carry out the objects and business of the Association. But they shall not have power to purchase real estate, except for cash, nor contract any indebtedness whatever in excess of the amount of one month's installments.

 Any director about to absent himself from the parish must nominate in writing a substitute in his stead, provided said substitute shall be a shareholder of the Association, owning not less than five serial shares; and such substitute shall be entitled to a seat in the Board of Directors on filing his proxy with the secretary.


 The Association at the discretion of the Board of Directors may make use of its funds in any and all the ways prescribed below, to-wit:

 It may lend money at interest on mortgage security; or to shareholders on the simple pledge of their stock together with the payments and accumulations thereon, provided that loans on such stock security shall never exceed in amount the sum of the payment of installments actually made on said stock at the time the l0an is made.

 It also may lend money to its shareholders in the following manner to-wit:

 Whenever the funds shall warrant, one or more loans or advances on shares shall be offered and made to the shareholders bidding the highest voluntary discount therefore provided no bid shall be received for less than twenty per cent discount; and no shareholder shall be entitled to bid who owes anything upon his shares; nor shall any shareholder be loaned an amount exceeding the maturity value of the stock borrowed on nor be permitted to borrow on more than twenty shares. All such loans must be secured by a written pledge of the stock or shares on which said loan or advance is made, together with all the payments and accumulations present and future thereon; and in addition, either by mortgage, vendor's lien, sale and re-sale or some adequate pignorative contract affecting and bearing on real estate; or by said Association itself investing the money in real estate to be held and considered as its own property until the said pledged stock by reason of the payments and accumulations thereon shall have reached the value of $200 per share; when the said property shall be transferred to the owner of said stock. In all cases where the Association lends money to shareholders bidding a discount therefore as just above provided, it shall have the right at the maturity of said stock to compensate and set off the amount due said shareholder on his said pledged stock against the sum loaned him and to retain said amount in payment of his loan; and no part of any such loan shall be considered as paid until the stock loaned on has matured and compensation has been effected. No property shall be purchased by the Association except for cash.

 Shareholders obtaining advances on shares, failing to tender satisfactory security therefore, within thirty days from date of the adjudication, shall forfeit same, (provided that the Board of Directors may, for good and satisfactory reasons, extend the time,) and all costs and charges or expenses attending the examination of titles and searches, together with the interest for not less than four weeks, or such further time as may have elapsed, shall be charged to the borrower, and be a lien against his or her shares until paid.

 All fees of attorneys, notaries, recorders, registers and all expenses incurred in making or cancelling loans, shall be paid by the respective borrowers.

 The Board of Directors may make such rules and regulations, or by-laws to govern loans or advances on stock, as they may see proper; provided they do not conflict with this article.


 Payments on shares, installments and interest shall be due and payable weekly on each Saturday, at the office of the Association, and any shareholder in arrears five weeks in the payments either of installment or interest on shares shall forfeit and pay as a penalty the sum of five cents per share on shares on which no advance has been made, and the sum of ten cents per share or shares on which an advance has been made, and the same for each similar subsequent default, and said fines must be paid before any further installments and interest can be received.

 Any shareholder who shall become six months in arrears in the payment of the installments or interest due on his shares, shall, by reason of such failure, and without notice, forfeit all payments previously made by him, together with the profits, interests and accumulations thereon, which shall revert to and become the property of the Association.

 Interest will be allowed on monthly payments (made in advance of those due within the current month) at a rate to be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors, not to exceed six per cent per annum for the time said payments run; provided no interest shall be allowed on payments in advance for a shorter period than three months.


 Any shareholder who has received a loan or advance on his shares, desiring to settle and liquidate such indebtedness prior to the maturity of the loan, may do so either in part or in whole, by paying the net amount cash received on each share, plus one-eighth of the discount bid for same each year or fraction of year that said shares have been in existence, and if desired the pledged shares may be surrendered to the Association and cancelled under the conditions and in the proportion provided for withdrawing unpledged shares, and their value credited in part payment of said indebtedness.


 Shareholders not having pledged their shares to the Association, who owe nothing on their shares, may withdraw from the Association by giving thirty days' notice in writing to the president, when said shareholder, on surrender of his certificate, shall be refunded all the payments on account of weekly installments on shares made by him, less than unpaid fines or charges and a pro rata of the current years' expenses and losses, if any, up to the date of his notice; provided that a shareholder withdrawing after his shares have been in existence over one year, shall receive, in addition to the above, ten per cent of the profits on said shares for each year they have been in existence. Each written notice of withdrawal shall be registered and numbered by the secretary in the order of their receipt, and withdrawing shareholders shall be paid in rotation, as registered, out of the first un-appropriated moneys in the treasury.

 On the death of any shareholder, whose share is not pledged to the Association, his or her legal representative shall be entitled to receive in cash the withdrawal value of the share at the time of the last payment made by such deceased shareholder, less any unpaid fines or charges; or said representative shall be entitled to either transfer said shares to others, or to continue the same by payment of the weekly installments; provided that said share be redeemed or transferred, or notice given of continuing it, within the six months next following such death, and in default of action within that time, said share and all accumulations thereon shall be forfeited and revert to and become the property of the Association, without further notice.


 No share shall be transferred except on the books of the Association, in the presence of the secretary, upon the surrender of the certificate therefore; provided no shares in arrears can be transferred; and the person to whom the shares are transferred shall sign the by-laws in like manner as any original member. For each share so transferred there shall be paid twenty-five cents to the secretary, to be credited to the Association.


 Special meetings of the shareholders shall be convened at the request in writing of them shareholders, stating the time and object of such meeting.


 No shareholder shall ever be held liable or responsible for the contracts or faults of this Association in any further sum than the amount of his indebtedness to the Association; nor shall any mere informality in organization have the effect of rendering this act null, or of exposing a shareholder to any liability beyond the amount of his or her shares.


 This act of incorporation can be altered, amended and modified by a vote of three-fourths of the shares present or represented, at a general meeting convened for that purpose, or the Association dissolved by a vote to two-thirds of the capital subscribed, at a general meeting convened for that purpose, after ten days' notice by the secretary, by mailing same. Provided the capital of the Association shall not be increased unless a majority of all the shares in force shall vote in favor of such increase, nor until such notice be given and such publication be made and such formalities complied with as or may be required by law.


 Except in cases provided for by Article XIV of the charter, each holder of serial stock, present or represented by written proxy, shall be entitled to vote in all elections, and on all matters and on all questions coming before the Association, as follows, to-wit:  One serial share up to five exclusive he may cast one vote; from five shares up to ten exclusive, he may cast two votes; from ten shares up to twenty exclusive, he may cast three votes; for twenty shares and over, he may cast four votes. But the holding of paid up stock shall not entitle the said holder to any vote whatever upon any question or election whatever in the said Association.

 The first Board of Directors of this corporation is hereby constituted of the following shareholders: C. D. Caffery, C. O. Mouton, B. J. Pellerin, B. N. Coronna, Julian Mouton, J. E. Martin and A. B. Denbo; and they shall hold their offices until their successors are elected and qualified. The number of shares subscribed by appearers are placed opposite their signatures.

 Thus done and passed in my office, in the town of Lafayette, Parish and State aforesaid, on the day, month and year above written, in the presence of Messrs. F. Sterling Mudd and Homer Mouton, witnesses of the lawful age, residing in said parish, who have signed these presents with the said parties and me, notary, after due reading of the whole.


N. P. Moss - 5.
Wm. Campbell - 1.
Edw. H. Bauer - 5.
J. E. Martin - 5.
F. C. Triay - 5.
D. Schwartz - 7.
A. E. Mouton - 5.
Julian Mouton - 5.
Ed. G. Voohries - 5.
Chas. D. Caffery - 5.
Chas. O. Mouton - 5.
S. R. Parkerson - 5.
B. J. Pellerin - 5.
A. B. Denbo - 5.
B. N. Coronna - 5.
B. F. Anderson - 2.
A. M. Martin - 5.

Orther C. Mouton, Notary Public.

 Witnesses -- F. Sterling Mudd and Homer Mouton.
Lafayette Gazette 2/17/1900.

The Building Association. - The Lafayette Building Association, the organization of which was announced in last week's Gazette, is progressing very nicely. The secretary, Mr. Schwartz, informs us that nearly all the shares have been accounted for. In this connection which had arisen have been adjusted and perfect harmony now prevails in the affairs of the association. A large number of persons have expressed a desire to take shares in the next series.

 Lafayette Gazette 2/24/1900.


L. B. A. Completes Its First Year. - The Lafayette Building and Loan Association closed its first year's business March 31st. The report of the Secretary shows that shares in the first series have gained $5.45 during the the year and those in the second $3.28 for six months; a very favorable showing for a small association in the first year of its existence. Loans secured by first mortgages to the amount of $7,300.00, and an incomplete load of $1,000.00 shows among the assets. The average rate of premium for the year that was 32 3/10 per cent. This association has already done great good in the matter of home getting for those of its members who have secured loans, and we hope its mission in this respect will be continued and enlarged. Lafayette Advertiser 4/13/1889.

At the election for directors of the Lafayette Building and Loan Association, held Wednesday, April 10th, 299 shares were voted and the old Board re-elected without opposition. The Board stands: Wm. Clegg, Sr., Ad. von Kalckstein, E. H. Vordenbaumen, Chas. O. Mouton, B. Falk, J. H. Callen, and A. J. Ross. Lafayette Advertiser 4/13/1889.

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