Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 15th, 1904:

Believed to Be the Man Who Robbed The Post-Office Here.

 Wednesday Deputy Alphonse Peck returned from Franklin, bringing a negro by the name of John Harris, charged with having robbed the post-office here about two months ago. The Lafayette officers have been on his trail fro some time. Sunday a week ago Sheriff Lacoste and Deputy Saul Broussard boarded the excursion and went as far as New Iberia, but owing to the pack and jam on the train overlooked him. They notified the Franklin officers to be on the look out, and sent a man there to identify him. The following dispatch to the Picayune tells of the negro's arrest:

 Franklin, La., June 8. - A very important capture of a desperate negro was made here last night by Deputies Charles Pecot and Philip Albares, aided by Deputy Sheriff Peck, of Lafayette. The negro's name is given as John Hays, but this is known to be an alias. The negro was heavily armed, having a big revolver and a dirk, and made every effort to use both on the officers, who were, however, to foxy for Hays ans succeeded in knocking him down and disarming him before he could do any injury. The negro is wanted at Lafayette for robbing the United States post-office at that point a few weeks ago, and also is suspected as one of the gang who robbed the Catholic parsonage at that place of some $8,000 last week. He admits that he has been in quite a number of scrapes in Arkansas and Texas, and claims that he is a native of Alabama. The negro is a heavily pock-marked and very black-looking villain and has all the usual evidences of depravity and viciousness. He has nine buckshot wounds in the body, which he claims he received while stealing watermelons in Texas. The officials think he is wanted at Corsicana, Tex., on a murder charge. Deputy Sheriff Peck, who has been on his trail for a week, took him to Lafayette this morning. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

Negro Killed.

 Wednesday a negro by the name of Young was killed near Youngsville by Mr. Luke Mallett. The negro came upon Mr. Mallett's premises and gave him some impudence. Being ordered away, instead of leaving, he advanced on Mr. Mallett with a single tree, who catching up a hame struck the negro several times. Later in the evening the negro died from the blows.

 A coroner's jury was held Thursday morning and rendered a verdict of justifiable homicide. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

Charged with Lying in Wait.

 W. H. Thornton was arrested Thursday by the town officers, charged by another white man by the name of McCoy with lying in wait to kill him. The crime is alleged to have been committed in the day time near the Crescent News Hotel. Thornton was released on $500 bail the same day. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

Public School Closing.

 The closing exercises of the town public schools will take place Wednesday, June 20, 21 and 22, at the Industrial Institute Auditorium. Monday evening the Primary School will entertain the public; Tuesday evening the Kindergarten and High School; and Wednesday evening, the High School.

 A fine program has been prepared and cordial invitation is extended to everybody to be present. The exercises each evening will begin promptly at half past eight. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

Band Concert.

 The opening of the Band Concert Season will begin to-morrow night, Thursday, June 16, at 8 p. m. and will continue weekly Thursday night during the remainder of the season. In cause of rain the concert will be postponed to Friday. Mr. Scott W. Heyward will be the cornet soloist. New music is expected in the near future and it is the intention of the Band to give entirely new programs. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

District Conference.

 The Crowley District Conference of the Methodist church will hold a session in Lafayette June 15, 16 and 17. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

 Carload of Desks.

 The School Board received a carload of desks for the schools of the parish Tuesday of last week. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

Grand Display at Mt. Carmel Academy June 23, 1904.

 All day Wednesday, June 22, the faculty and pupils, will receive their patrons and friends who always find pleasure and interest in anything pertaining to the Academy, particularly inspecting the work of the pupils.

 At eight o'clock p. m. the pupils will entertain their friends with a delightful occasion. The stage speaks for the activity of the pupils, as they have taken special care to beautify it with their own work, landscaping and scenery, which will delight every eye. Refreshments as usual will be plentiful. Admission 25 cents. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

Base Ball.

 The Lafayette Sluggers and the High School team will play a game of ball at the Ball Park at 4 p. m. Saturday. A lively game is promised that will be interesting to admirers of ball. A small admission fee will be charged. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

Lotto Party.

 The first lotto party of the F. P. O. Club was given at the home of Mrs. Alfred Hebert last Thursday night and was attended and enjoyed by quite a number of young folks. In the games which formed a part of the evening's pleasure, Miss Lydia Broussard was the lucky winner of the first prize for ladies, while Miss Lucy Mills fell heir to the second. The first gentleman's prize was won by Mr. R. Creswell and the booby was given to A. Deffez. At the close of the games delicious refreshments were served. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

 Annual Exericses.

 The annual exercises of the J. C. Broussard school, Prof. Notley Arceneaux principal, will take place June 25 at 2 p. m. under the oak trees of Mr. Euclide Legere, Judge Julian Mouton will deliver the annual address. The public is cordially invited to attend. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

 District Conference.

 The Crowley District Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church South, will meet in the Methodist church in Lafayette, Wednesday, June 15, at 3 o'clock p. m.

 Business sessions will be held in the forenoon and afternoon of each day. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Everybody cordially invited to attend.
                        S. S. KEENER,
                               Presiding Elder.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

At the Industrial Offered by the Woman's Club.

 The Woman's Club has generously offered a scholarship at the Industrial Institute to some worthy pupil of the public schools of the parish who could not otherwise attend. This is a most commendable act on the part of the Club, as well as a substantial method of showing their interest in education, for which they will amply receive reward in seeing some boy or girl expand and grow mentally because of their gift.

 There are a number of ambitious boys and girls in this parish, who have not the means to attend the Institute, and it would be a noble act on the part of others to follow the example of the Woman's Club.

 Below is the letter of the Club offering the scholarship:

    Lafayette, La., May 30, 1904.
            Supt. Public Education,
                         Lafayette, La.

 Dear Sir:

 We, the undersigned committee, representing the Woman's Club of Lafayette, do hereby give you all authority regarding the placing of the scholarship to the Industrial Institute offered by our club.

 Believing that you are acquainted with all the school children throughout the parish, we feel that you will make impartial selections, as we wish to educate a boy or girl, who would not otherwise be able to attend.

 Please have the applicants present themselves for examination at the beginning of the next term of the Industrial Institute in September 1904.
                   Corresponding Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.



 It is naturally expected when a man accepts a public position that he will do his full duty; nevertheless, when an officer retires from office after rendering conscientious and painstaking service, ever holding in view the public interest, it is only proper that some acknowledgement should be made and a sincere appreciation expressed. For that reason, it is a source of pleasure to us to express to Mr. R. C. Greig, who has served so long and faithfully as secretary of the Police Jury, a high appreciation of the manner in which he has discharged the duties of his office. All during the long period of his incumbency he has rendered the most satisfactory service, being prompt, conscientious and capable, and he retires from the office with the enviable record for efficiency and duty well done.

 Mr. Greig was a candidate before the new Jury last Saturday for re-election, but was turned down. This is greatly regretted by a large number of people throughout the parish, who highly appreciated Mr. Greig's able and conscientious conduct of his office, and sincerely hoped that the new Jury would avail themselves of his helpful experience and valuable assistance. That they have chosen otherwise is a distinct disappointment to many.

 And we wish to add also a word of appreciation of Mr. Billeaud's able service as president of the Jury. He has at all times taken a most lively interest in all parish affairs, and has made a splendid president of the Jury. His failure of re-election is also a disappointment to many.

 As there was no president elected at the meeting Saturday, it is to be hoped that when the Jury reconvenes and elects a president, that they will show their appreciation of Mr. Billeaud's services in the past by re-electing him. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.


 The Good Roads Convention held in New Orleans last April was one of the largest and most intelligent conventions of the kind ever held in the State, and I think it is the duty of our Police Jury to take well into consideration the advice and recommendations of that honorable, and intelligent body. At the winding up of the convention they appointed a committee on resolutions. The fifth resolution introduced was past unanimously and reads as follows:  "Be it resolved that the Southern Good Roads Convention recommends a change in the old and existing laws relating to forced labor on public roads and the adoption of more advanced ideas in regard to this important work. Your committee suggests in this connection that the old system be repealed by Police Jurors, county supervisors and county commissioners as rapidly as possible, and the adoption of a direct tax be secured in lieu thereof."

 I don't think resolutions coming from such a source should be passed over lightly or without mature consideration. Every intelligent man who has given the subject any attention must know that our present system of working the roads is far behind the times. And our system of taxation to raise funds for working our roads is a hundred times worse, if possible. I think it is one of the most inconsistent and unjust systems that can be found in any country.

 We have thousands and thousands of acres of timbered land in this parish owned by absentees and speculators who pay no road tax directly or indirectly on their lands. They sell the timber to wood dealers who wear and tear the roads out more than any other class of people. We have thousands and tens of thousands of acres of land in this parish owned by men over fifty-five years of age and absentees who live in other towns and out of the parish who neither pay poll tax, per capita tax, or road tax - these land owners all have the benefit of the roads more than any other class of people. Why should they not pay taxes on their lands to help build the roads and keep them in repair? I asked the above question at our last Good Roads Convention. Captain Buchanan said in the presence of a number of other Police Jurors, including the President, that they had no law or authority to tax any real estate for road purposes. I will venture to say that over half of the real estate in the parish is owned by the above named parties that pay no road tax. If Captain Buchanan is correct in his statement, and I have good reasons to believe that he is, for I have been repeatedly told so by our Police Jurors, we should at once petition our Legislator to pass a special act giving our Police Jury the authority to tax the real estate owned in the parish for the purpose of raising funds to build and work our public roads. We don't want any issue of bonds for the purpose of raising funds to build roads - there is a necessity for issuing them, nor there never will be, if every man is compelled to pay his just share of the road tax according to his assessment. I claim that in justice any man who will refuse to pay his reasonable share of road tax, should be refused the privilege of riding or driving on the road, until he paid his tax.

 Our School Board and City Council are setting a noble example. The progressive and patriotic spirit that they are showing is attracting the attention and praise of every public spirited man. Our city has certainly taken on new life - but we are sorry to say that our parish has come to a perfect stand still - everybody seems willing to let it drag along in the old fashioned way. We sincerely hope, and it is expected, that when our new Police Jury is fairly organized and installed in office that they will take on new life, step up and out of the old rut that they have been dragging through for the last half century. We hope that they will take a cue from our City Council proceedings and the advice of the Good Roads Convention held in New Orleans and repeal all the old laws, especially the law that compels the poor man and boys over 18 to work twelve days on the roads, and the vehicle tax which does not reach more than half of the tax-payers who are just as much entitled to pay. Then our new Police Jury can start with a clean sheet.

 They can, if they think it advisable, adopt the contract system for working our public roads, and pass a law compelling every real estate owner in the parish, old or young, absentee or occupant, to pay his share of the road tax. Then with a well organized Board of Works to see that all laws and rules are strictly carried out, we will soon become one of the leading parishes in the State.
                                J. NICKERSON.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.



Is a Police Jury properly and legally organized until a president is elected? And are the acts of such a body legal? These are pertinent and interesting questions, inasmuch as the new Police Jury failed to elect a president at its meeting Saturday; the vote, which was given standing, being four to four, and as no second vote was taken, of course there was no decision. Immediately after the vote Mr. Billeaud, one of the candidates, invited Mr. Breaux, his opponent, to take the chair, which he did and presided during the meeting; but as majority did not vote for Mr. Breaux, for Mr. Billeaud had already voted for him, and his offering the chair did not add another vote, there could be no election as a majority is absolutely necessary to elect. As far as we can judge the Jury will have to meet again and organize as they failed to do so Saturday. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

School Board Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., June 4, 1904. - The following members of the Board of School directors were present at a called meeting held on the above date: A. Olivier, President, Alex Delhomme, Dr., Jasper Spell, Dr. Moss, A. D. Verot, and S. J. Montgomery.

 On motion duly seconded the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.

 The regular order of the day was put aside to give a hearing to a committee of citizens from Broussardville composed of Messrs. M. Billeaud, Jr., Geo. Malagarie, and J. M. Barham. This committee stated that the grounds and building at Broussard are much too small for the large enrollment of the present session, and that in view of the fact that the next session promises a still larger attendance the Board was asked to send a committee to investigate conditions. On motion of Dr. Moss, President Olivier and two members to be appointed by the president, were to constitute the committee. Dr. Moss and Mr. Alleman were appointed the chair.

 A committee from the second ward presented a petition to the School Board asking that the Board assist them in paying the transportation of their children to the Bertrand school. They stated that there were over twenty children in the neighborhood and that they were too far from any school to send their children afoot. On motion duly seconded the Board voted twenty dollars per month for the transportation of the above named children.

 On motion of Mr. Delhomme seconded by Mr. Verot the Board voted to reimburse Mr. Judice and Dr. Moss for the transportation wagon furnished by them last year, on condition that they be reimbursed if the use of the wagon proved of advantage to the public interest. Upon investigation it was shown that in addition to taking children to school who could not otherwise attend, the wagon had always been the means of transporting children from a school under one teacher, to a school under three teachers, with the corresponding increase in the daily amount of work done.

 Dr. Moss reported a shortage of $2.10 on the Convocation Day-Banner Fund and the Board ordered that he be reimbursed $2.10. The Board also provided for the payment of the books offered as prizes to the best spellers of the different schools, and authorized the president to issue warrant to cover the cost of the books.

 The Auditing Committee having examined the books of I. A. Broussard, outgoing sheriff and tax collector, presented the following report:

 State of Louisiana, Parish of Lafayette - I. A. Broussard, Sheriff and Ex-officio Tax-Collector for and in the Parish of Lafayette in account with the School Board for the Poll Taxes for 1903.

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    State of Louisiana, Parish of Lafayette - I solemnly swear that the above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
                              I. A. BROUSSARD,
   Sheriff and Ex-officio Tax-collector.
Lafayette, La., May 30, 1904.
     Sworn to and subscribed before me this May 30, 1904.
                                     CHAS. D. CAFFERY,
                                            Notary Public.
   We hereby certify that we have verified the above statement, by an examination of the books of the sheriff and ex-officio tax collector.
 Auditing Committee of Parish School Board.

 Statement of fines collected by I. A. Broussard, sheriff, from July 1903 to June 1904, inclusive:

------------------p. 4----------------------

 State of Louisiana, Parish of Lafayette - I solemnly swear that the above statement is correct to best of my knowledge and belief.
                              I. A. BROUSSARD,
   Sheriff and Ex-officio Tax-collector, Lafayette, La., May 30, 1904.
   Sworn to and subscribed before me this May 30, 1904.
                       CHAS. D. CAFFERY,
                                    Notary Public.
   We hereby certify that we have verified the above statement, by an examination of the books of the sheriff and ex-officio tax collector.
                           A. C. GUILBEAU, L. J. ALLEMAN, N. P. MOSS.
  Auditing Committee of Parish School Board.
   After the adoption of the above reports, upon motion of Dr. Moss seconded by Mr. Verot the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
   Whereas the Auditing Committee of the Parish School Board has reported having examined the books of the sheriff and Tax Collector from June, 30, 1903 (date of last settlement) and May 30, 1904, inclusive, and the said committee certifies that the sheriff and tax-collector has rendered a faithful accounting of all poll tax and court fines collected by him, to the parish treasurer for the period covered by said report as well as for the entire administration of the present school board, be it
   Resolved, that Sheriff and Tax Collector I. A. Broussard, be and is hereby granted a full discharge for moneys collected by him as tax collector of Lafayette Parish for account of the Parish School Board as above set forth. Be it further,
   Resolved, that this Board takes pleasure in testifying to the promptitude and faithfulness of Sheriff Broussard in making complete settlements with the Board throughout their official connection with him as tax collector.

 The Auditing Committee having reported that they had also examined the books of the Parish Treasurer up to May 30, 1904 inclusive, and found them properly kept and showing the proper balance on hand due the School Board, it was
   Resolved, that a quietus be granted to the Parish Treasurer in conformity with the above report.

 There being no further business the Board adjourned.
A. OLIVIER, President.
L. J. ALLEMAN, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

City Council Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., June 6, 1904. - A regular meeting of the City Council was held this day, with Mayor Chas. D. Caffery, presiding:

 Members present: A. E. Mouton, Geo. A. DeBlanc, Felix Demanade, Henry Fontenot, John. O. Mouton, D. V. Gardebled. Absent: M. Rosenfield.

 Moved and seconded that minutes of last regular meeting be adopted as read. Carried.

 The Treasurer's report for the month of May was adopted as follows:


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Respectfully submitted,
F. V. MOUTON, Treasurer.


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  Respectfully submitted,
     H. H. HOHORST, Collector.

 Moved and seconded that secretary's report for warrants drawn during the month of May and up to date, be adopted as read and ordered spread upon the minutes. Carried.

--------------------p. 2-------------------

 The following bills were approved:

 ----------------p. 2---------------------------

 There being no further business Council adjourned.
J. P. COLOMB, Asst. Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.


Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 6/15/1904.

 A copious rain fell Friday throughout the parish with the exception of a small strip north of Carencro, relieving a drought of nearly four weeks. The corn especially and the cotton and cane were beginning to show the effects of the lack of moisture. The rain Friday, however, was in good time.

 Delicious Ice Cream and all cold drinks served at E. F. Morgan & Co.'s fine fountain. Also a fine line of WILEY'S Crystalized fruits and chocolates. There is none better.

Wedding Bells. - Mr. F. E. Gouge and Miss Virgie Younger were married at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. F. C. Triay, Thursday morning at half past ten by Rev. Upton. Only relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs. Gouge left for Bunkie on the afternoon train.

 Dividend Declared. - Lafayette, La, June 1, 1904. - At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Lafayette held this day at their office, a semi annual dividend of five per cent was declared, payable July 1, 1904. J. J. DAVIDSON, Cahier.

 We call attention to the card of Dr. B. J. Lacour, dentist, in another column. Dr. Lacour is a brother of Mr. L. E. Lacour. We extend him a cordial welcome to Lafayette and wish him much success.

 Court Adjourned. - The Civil term of court adjourned Friday to meet June 27, leaving the docket fairly well cleared. Judge Debaillon is holding court in Crowley this week.

 Progressive League. -  There was a very small attendance at the meeting of the Progressive League Wednesday night.

Leap Year Ball. - Invitations have been issued by the young ladies of Scott to a leap year ball to be given next Sunday at Morvant's Hall.

 For low rates to the World's Fair via the Texas and Pacific Railway, ask any ticket Agent, or write E. P. Turner, Dallas, Texas.

 The many friends of Aristide Francez, who has been in Boerne, Texas, in search of health, will regret to learn that the returned to his home in Carencro Saturday and is critically ill.

 Jos. Ducote, general traveling agent of the Columbia Publishing Co., of Chicago, was in Sunset and Carencro Monday and Tuesday on business.

Died. - Died Wednesday morning, Celine Pellerin, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Raoul Pellerin, aged 9 months and 4 days. Funeral services were held at the Catholic church Thursday morning at (unreadable) o'clock.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.


 From the Lafayette Gazette of June 15th, 1901:


 To-day Lafayette will witness the formal dedication of the Industrial Institute. The Board of Trustees, through Hon. T. H. Lewis, will prevent the building to the State and Governor Heard will accept it.

 All our people remember the impressive exercises incident to the laying of the corner-stone of the main building last year, which now stands one of the most magnificent college edifices in the State.

 That marked the first steps taken at its construction. Now it stands complete in every feature, and furnished with every modern appliance.

 It is fitting that our people take the greatest pride in these exercises. The Institute is the gift of the State and parish to the children of the State. It will give the boys and girls of Louisiana public education in its truest sense.

 Instead of waiting for endowments from wealthy citizens, our people have assumed the responsibility which rightly belong to them and undertaken the education of the youth of the country by a proper and well-proportioned system of taxation.

 Never have the people of any other section of Louisiana shown more commendable public spirit than did those of Lafayette parish, when they voted to tax themselves for ten year for the benefit of this and future generations of school children. This substantial evidence of their unselfish devotion to the cause of public education proves the peradventure of a doubt that they have the welfare of the Industrial Institute at heart.

 To-day let our people do all in their power to make the occasion a pleasant one, and give our visitors a royal welcome. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.


 The Industrial building has received greater honor during the present week than ever before in the visit of the committee of ladies which, under the excellent leadership of Mrs. J. O. Mouton, has done so much within three days to decorate and beautify the building for to-day's celebration. Although committee was not organized until the middle of the week. its prompt action, its discriminating good taste, the untiring energy and skill of Mrs. Mouton in managing the matter, the ready and active assistance of the committee, and the hearty cooperation of all the ladies of Lafayette, have lent a touch of humanity and homelikeness to the building - such as can come only from woman's hand. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.

Oil Reported to have been Found.

 Mr. B. Falk reports having stuck a vein of oil, while digging a well on his brick-yard property near the refinery. Samples shown at the First National Bank and other places, seem to indicate a similar quality of oil to that found in the Pourciau well. The oil flowed at depth of about forty feet. A number of our citizens have visited the place and report having seen the flow. Mr. Falk has sent samples to be analyzed by competent chemists and intends to develop the field if a favorable report is made. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.

From Professor E. L. Stephens.

 We are requested by President Stephens to announce that the public is most cordially invited and expected to attend all the exercises of the Industrial Institute. Souvenir programs of to-day's,  exercises may be obtained in the auditorium this morning. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.

Will Take Part.

 We are pleased to announce that Judge S. McC. Lawrason, of West Feliciana, will take part in the exercises at the Industrial Institute to-day and that he has accepted an invitation to address the fire department at the close of its parade from the front steps of the main building, and the program has been rendered still more attractive by the consent of Miss Gladu to render a piano solo during the evening exercises in place of the selection assigned to the Lafayette orchestra. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.

Southwestern Louisiana Institute Added to the List of Forces.
[The N. O. Harlequin.]

 The thoughtful Louisianian has reason to feel proud and hopeful at this time of the year - particularly this year. For my part, there is one item in our progress which makes me feel as the wicked man holding the royal flush. The experience a positive exultation. Talk not of your great crops, your high prices, your increased business confidence and hope, your spirit of enterprise. There are more important things in which the state is advancing. Back of all materially stands essential than. His own progress registers the progress of the human race. In the State University in Baton Rouge, the State Normal School on Natchitoches, Tulane University in  New Orleans, the Industrial Institute in Ruston, and the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute in Lafayette alone are five institutions vastly more potential in advancing Louisiana than all the material riches that could be poured upon the State. Their work is progressively potential. Mighty forces are continually at work in each institution, foreshadowing - fore-molding the destiny of the State.

 Of these institutions, the new one is the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute. Its mission is of vast and far-reaching importance to this State. Manual training , industry is its key-note. It seeks to correlate with this, regular academic studies - the man turned out with head and hand alike educated. Among its equipments for manual training are a machine shop for wood and iron work, a blacksmith shop, etc. A two-story brick dormitory for girls is now building. The main structure alone cost $40,000, and is said to be admirable in design and construction. The age of admission is fourteen years, the training to be normal advancement for that age. On next Saturday the opening exercises will be held, Gov. Heard, President J. B. Aswell, of the Ruston Industrial Institute, President Boyd of the State University, Professor Ayres, of Tulane, and President Caldwell, of the State Normal School, participating. United States Senator Foster will also make an address. The president of this new and most important factor in the State's educational development is President E. E. Stephens. Not among the educators of the State is there a more earnest, zealous, enthusiastic and persistent worker. The foundations of his equipment for the work are broad and deep. At once scholarly and practical and fitted technically by exhaustive study for his chosen work, he combines with these requisites the conviction that his profession is one of the most important in the world - and the conviction is just. Here will be another State institution with a soul. It will, as Carlyle says, "sing at its work." and generations yet unborn will be the beneficiaries of its good works.
Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.

Anse la Butte.

 There have been but few transfers of real estate recorded in the clerk's office during the past week. Dealings in oil lands, situated near Anse la Butte, which had gotten to be quite brisk for a while, seem to have diminished considerably. It looks as if the developments to be made by the LeDanois Company soon to be ascertained will either give impetus to the business or else decrease it, for a while at least. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.

LeDenois Company Now Drilling.

 Drilling at Anse la Butte has actually been commenced by the LeDanois Company, who have an up-t0-date outfit on the premises. By this time, a depth of about 100 feet will have been reached. A large number of our people will await with anxiety the results which will be obtained at the Butte. The oil excitement started in February in this section, but the LeDanois Company are the first to begin actual operations. Though favorable surface indications are enough to make speculators invest in real estate in our midst, the only way to create a permanent boom is to go to digging and bring in a gusher if possible. The large number who have bought lands near Anse la Butte on the supposition that oil was plentiful there, will no doubt watch for developments with considerable interest. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.

 Accused of Shooting.

 Mrs. Pierre Simon, a resident of Berlucheau Cove, was brought to town during the week by Deputy Thos. Mouton, under an accusation of shooting at with intent to kill Albert Whittington. She said that Whittington had insulted her, and admitted that she shot at him. She was released on bond by Judge Galbert Bienvenu. She made a counter affidavit against Whittington, who pleaded guilty before Judge Bienvenu of having disturbed the peace. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.

 A Synagogue Association.

 The Israelites of this town have organized a Synagogue Association, with the following officers: B. N. Coronna, president; L. Levy, vice-president; B. Falk, treasurer; and D. Schwartz, secretary. There is a large number Israelites here and in neighboring towns, and they have organized themselves in a fraternal body, in the interest of their church, and with the intention of having a Rabbi locate permanently in Lafayette. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.

 Temperance Meeting.

 There will be a public meeting of the Knights of Temperance at Falk's Hall, on Sunday evening June 16, 1901 at five o'clock for the purpose of making arrangements to organize an encampment in the town of Lafayette.

 This order is entirely different from other temperance organizations and it has prospered and done great good in the towns of New Iberia and Jeanerette.

 The grand worthy chief and grand recorder and other members of the order will deliver suitable addresses on this occasion.

 Do not fail to be present and hear the subjects and principles of this order explained. The ladies are cordially invited to be present.
                  JNO. T. WHITE,
                      State Organizer.
Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.

Real Estate Transfers.

 The following real estate transfers were recorded in the clerk's office during the past week:

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 Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.


 The Farmer's Institute will be held in this town on Saturday, June 22. A special corps of lecturers will be in attendance and will give those of our farmers who will take advantage of the occasion, instructive discourses on matters interesting to them. The State goes under heavy expenses every year to hold similar institutes throughout the parishes, and it is to be hoped that the gentlemen whose duty it is to instruct our farmers in the scientific tilling of the soil, will not have to lecture to empty benches. It is reasonable to suppose that they who have made scientific, and at the same time practical researches, should be able to give those who have had no time to do so, valuable instruction.

 In past years these institutes have been but slimly attended in Lafayette, but we hope that this time, with the co-operation of the gentlemen of the Police Jury who have been appointed on a committee to attend to the matter, the teachers will have the pleasure to meet a large number of our farmers. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.

Police Jury Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La. June 6, 1901. - The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: M. Billeaud, Jr., Alex. M. Broussard, J. A. Labbe, Alonzo Lacy, Jno. Whittington, J. O. Blanchet, F. G. Mouton, Saul Broussard and J. C. Buchanan.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved:

 By motion the account of Mr. A. D. Landry for road work ($8.75) rejected at last meeting, was reconsidered and a motion to approve for $6.75 was ordered to lie over until next meeting.

 Miss E. D. Anderson appeared and asked for an appropriation of $100 to secure publication of an article descriptive or Lafayette and its resources. Declined.

 President E. L. Stephens, of the Industrial Institute, Prof. C. A. Ives of the Franklin Chautauqua and Summer Normal, and Dr. N. P. Moss acting superintendent of public schools, appeared and urged the adoption of a resolution encouraging the attendance of teachers at said school, motion of Mr. Mouton the following was adopted:

 Be it resolved, That for each teacher in the Parish of Lafayette who shall have attended the session of the Summer Normal School and Chautauqua at Franklin, June 10 to July 6 having successfully passed its requirements of study, and who shall have duly obtained a teacher's certificate in the Parish of Lafayette and then appointed to teach for the coming school year, there is hereby ordered an appropriation of fifteen dollars to be paid to each of such teachers as additional salary for the school year; provided that such teachers shall have attended that such teachers shall have attended the session of said Summer School not less than half the session; - and provided that this appropriation shall be extended to not more than twenty-five teachers, said teachers being taken in the order of their notifications to Acting Superintendent Moss of their intention to take advantage of this resolution.

 Mr. Whittington was continued on the committee appointed to open the public road leading to Sevigne Duhon bridge and R. C. Greig was added to said committee.

 The committee on jail repairs made a partial report as to progress and expenditures and same was approved. The sum of $150 was further allowed.

 The treasurer was authorized to borrow $1,500 to pay quarter salary due the sheriff on June 6.

 The sum of $35.48 was refunded Joel W. Jones, for taxes paid in error.

 By motion of Mr. Buchanan the sum of $50 was appropriated for aiding in the construction of the proposed new bridge across Indian Bayou, subject to the conditions agreed to by the committee from Rayne as to grading the entire road leading to said bridge.

 A petition from the citizens of the fourth ward praying for material for the repair of the public road in that ward was, on motion of Mr. Blanchet, laid over until next meeting.

 By motion of Mr. Buchanan the following committee was appointed to arrange for the Farmers' Institute to be held at Lafayette, June 22: F. G. Mouton, J. A. Labbe, Jno. Whittington, Saul Broussard and J. O. Blanchet. President Billeaud was appointed chairman of said committee.

 By motion of Mr. Buchanan the adjustment of the Mr. A. D. Landry's account was placed in the hands of Mr. John Whittington.

 The secretary was allowed 50 cents per month to secure telephonic service.

 The treasurer submitted his monthly reports as follows:

 To the President and Members of Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of parish funds since my last report:

 ------------------------p. 4------------------

 Respectfully submitted,
              J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.
Lafayette, La., June 6, 1901.
     To the President and Members of Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of special road tax funds since my last report:

-------------------------p. 4-----------------------

 Respectfully submitted, 
              J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.
Lafayette, La., June 6, 1901.

 The following account was laid over:

 Water Pierce Oil Co., oil ... $6.83

 The following account was rejected:

 Bennet Litty, hauling ... $1.00

 The following accounts were approved:

----------------------p. 4---------------------

 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.
M. BILLEAUD, Jr., President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 15th, 1901:

 The Main Building.

 The Industrial building is receiving special praise to-day upon the appearance of the stage and the splendid effect of flowers, ferns, palms, and flags in its decoration. All this, it must be explained, is due to the energy, the kindness, and the rare good taste of the ladies of Lafayette. A committee organized all in a minute, with Mrs. John O. Mouton as Chairman, paid a visit to the building Wednesday morning and arranged all the plans which have resulted in the pleasing effect to be obtained from a view of the building to-day. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1901.


  To-day at eleven o'clock the ceremonies of the Inauguration of the South Western Louisiana Industrial School will take place and at half past five o'clock this afternoon The Firemen will have their Annual Parade, and one of the most glorious days for Lafayette will close with exercises at the Industrial School at half past eight.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1901.

The Pan-American.

 The weather is getting disagreeably warm and many of our people think of hieing themselves to a cooler clime. In a recent conversation with one of our local ticket agents we were told that more than twenty tickets would be sold from here for the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo and inquiries are made daily at the office for rates and information for many other places. The Summer exodus will be larger this year than ever before and though many think of traveling to distant States several families will enjoy the delightful places on the Gulf coast.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1901.


 A game of Ball was played in Carencro last Sunday, between the Lafayette and Carencro nines. The score was 5 to 4 in favor of Lafayette have so far won all games and challenge any club whose members are under the age of seventeen. Send all challenges to
                     CHARLES MARTIN,
Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1901.


 The Brotherhood or R. R. Trainmen, announces a grand ball, at Gus. Lacoste's Hall, on Thursday the 27th., inst. It is needless to say that whenever the R. R. boys undertake will be success.

 Ask Bunt, of the Sun Set House, which of the switchmen, can eat most pie?

 Louis Bazin's faith in oil stocks has lessened somewhat. Ask him if he wants to buy some Beaumont stock.

 Felix Landry on the Alex. Branch freight, happened to be at Opelousas when the cyclone struck that town last Friday afternoon, and some of the boys in the caboose claim that Felix got on his knees, and said: "Let Us Pray."

 Since the Beaumont oil is being hauled through here so much of late, the boys in the yard have boys in the yard have become oil experts, and can be heard discussing the difference between the oil of the Guffey Co., and the Higgin's Co., but to us all Beaumont oils smell alike.

 Gentil, the flagman, wishes that the little oak tree, near the track was large enough to spread its shade over the entire crossing these days.

 Foreman of the Round House Nichols has two very nice flower gardens, well kept, and some choice specimens of our southern roses may be seen in there in full bloom.

 Pumper Clifford has the coolest place in town these days. On the lower floor of the large well at the Round House, the temperature is near the freezing point.

 Chief Car Inspector Allingham, has lately made some attractive improvements around the shanty, the car material has been sorted out and arranged in apple pie order, the office has been painted, George Coniff now sits behind the mahogany roller top desk.

 Last Tuesday morning the boys in the yard, had an opportunity of seeing a trainload of the much talked of Philipinos, 150 of them being en route to the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo.

 Mac Mouton, of the car repairers force, will never make a good fireman. One evening last week the fire alarm sounded, Mac promptly fell off, and sprained his wrist.

 The S. P. Co., has put a much needed improvement on each end of the passenger depot, that is,  a sign bearing the name of the Station, distance from New Orleans and San Francisco, and elevation above sea level.

 The chair cars on all trains on the S. P. are up to date, and models of beauty, there has been added to them lately, a strip of carpet, and a silver cuspidor at each seat, this is much appreciated by the traveling public.

 Agent C. D. Boudreaux, lately transferred from Pattersonville to this station, is winning many friends by his genial and urbane manners.

 Uncle Ben Donlon the old Vet, is handling the throttle, on yard engine 528 this week at nights. Tom rogers is doing the same act all day this week.

 Des Doucet, the station police officer, keeps everything orderly around the depot.

 Albert Coumes of the yard crew, now drives a horse and buggy. Albert says he is tired of riding on cars all the time, he wants some variety.
                        (Signed) SWITCHMAN.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1901.

 Farmer's Institute to be Held.

 An annual Farmer's Institute will be held at Lafayette, on June 22nd, with the following programme:

-------------------------p. 1-----------

Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1901.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 6/15/1901.

 Be sure to attend the Fireman's parade this afternoon at five o'clock, the grandest civic display ever witnessed in Lafayette.

 Mrs. S. R. Parkerson and Miss Leila Cornay returned yesterday after spending the week in New Orleans.

 The two handsome ice wagons belonging to the People's Cotton Oil Seed and Ice Company have begun their daily runs and last Monday delivered "free ice."

 At Falk's Hall to-night: Grand Ball, fine music and refreshments. Be sure to attend.

 The friends of Mr. W. B. Torian are pleased that he is recovering from a recent attack of typhoid fever.

 Miss Annie Betts is the attractive guest of her sister Mrs. Felix Demanade.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1901.


 The c

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 6/15/1901.

 There will be races at Theall's track, Sumday June 23. The management promises a number of interesting racing events.

 Peck & Broussard have dissolved partnership. Mr. Peck will remain at the old stand, where he solicits the patronage of the public.

 The home of Mr. Watkins Campbell, near the Protestant cemetery was broken into one night last week by burglars, in the absence of Mr. Campbell's family and robbed.

 The pump house of the refinery, located near the railroad bridge on Bayou Vermilion, burned down last Sunday afternoon. It was completely destroyed. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 15th, 1895:


 Preparations for the Fourth of July celebration in Lafayette are progressing nicely and without a single hitch in the proceedings. It is the one aim of the committees to get the people to come to Lafayette and to entertain them after they have come. At the meeting of the committee Monday night it was decided not to have any fireworks at night, but to take the money intended for fire works and expend it in preparing the grounds for the comfort of the people. The speaking and baby show will be held in the opera house in the forenoon and the races tournament, etc., will be held on Broussard's race track in the afternoon. The program will end with a grand ball at Falk's opera house at night, at which the Breaux Bridge string band will furnish the music.

 For the baby show there will be eight gold medals given as prizes in the following classes:

 -----------------p. 5--------------------

 Mothers must give the correct age of children. One stranger to select three strangers as judges.

 There will be three bicycle races as follows:

--------------------------p. 5-------------------

 A number of novelty races will be arranged for and other amusements to make the day one of pleasure. You will not be disappointed by spending this holiday in Lafayette. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1895.

A Foundry in Lafayette?

 Information comes from a reliable source that Mr. Moresi, proprietor of the foundry at Jeanerette contemplates the building of a foundry in Lafayette in the near future. A better location for a foundry would certainly be hard to find than this place. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1895.

 Dental Service.

 Dr. H. A. Irion has opened a dental parlor in the Advertiser Building over the post office and is now ready to serve those desiring the services of a dentist. Dr. Irion comes here well recommended and will doubtless meet with a liberal patronage. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1895.

For Wrecking Passenger Train.

 The grand jury of Acadia parish found a true bill against Octave and August Thibodeaux for wrecking the passenger train on the Midland branch road south of Eunice last fall in which the fireman lost his life and the engineer met with injuries crippling him for life. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1895.

Bad Accident.

 Thursday while Mr. B. Martel was working on a scaffold at Mr. Davidson's house, the scaffold gave away and he fell to the ground, a distance of about twenty feet. His back was quite badly hurt and he also received a sprained ankle and flesh wound on the head. Dr. Martin was called and found that while the spinal cord had received a severe shock the injuries and not dangerous, although very painful. He was taken to his home in Duson yesterday. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1895.

A Suggestion.

 It has been suggested that each baby entered into the baby show July 4th, should be dressed in a plain white cambric dress. This would certainly be a good scheme and should be made on of the conditions of entry, as the show is not intended as a display of fine clothes, but rather a display of fine babies. The effects of a great number of the little tots all dressed in plain white would certainly be more pleasing than a great show of fine silks and satins. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1895.


 Mr. L. Levy, the well-known business man of this place, and Miss Lena Joseph, of New Orleans, were united in marriage at the Polish Synagogue in the Crescent City Tuesday evening at five o'clock. Mr. Levy and his bride arrived in Lafayette on the eleven o'clock train the same evening and are now at home to their friends. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1895.

Musical and Dramatical.

 Each year the members of the Catholic church of this place make some improvements in their church. Last year a bazaar was held at which enough money was made to handsomely paint the edifice. It is desired to continue making these improvements until the St. John Catholic church in Lafayette is a model church in every respect. The next proposed improvement is to re-seat the church with more modern pews and to help accompanied this the pupils of Mt. Carmel Convent will give a musical and dramatical entertainment at the Convent Wednesday, June 19th at 7:30 p. m. A good program is being prepared for the occasion and the entertainment will be well worth the money, to say nothing of helping a good cause. All kinds of refreshments will be served at very low prices. Admission is only 25 cents. Remember the date and sure to attend. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1895.

Musings of a Mossback.

 It's a fact. Between the Business Men's Association and the street committee "on wheels" the mossbacks of Lafayette are going to find life non pleasurable existence. The poor canine portion of the population have been faring no worse under the shot-gun legislation of our "latest" city council than we mossbacks may expect as our coming treatment. A blind person can already read the handwriting on the wall outlined by the B. M. A.'s declaration for the 4th of July closely, and singularly, followed by the adoption of a resolution by the city council regulating the nature of street crossings in flagrant infringement of the personal rights of blacksmiths and wheelwrights who derive a direct revenue from the repairing of vehicles jolted all to pieces by the present style of street crossings. But then what are their rights as compared to the special privileges of the street committee "on wheels"? Can't anybody see through and through that dainty piece of legislation? Does anyone suppose for one moment that it was in the interest of owners of vehicles that this ordinance was adopted? It can not be possible for any to believe that street crossings in Lafayette must hence forth be on a level with the ground surface, it if were not for the disastrous effects that obstructions of this kind have on the durability of bicycles - and two bicycles in particular - to say nothing of  the inconvenience of the riders of them occasioned by crossings above the "surface level of the ground." If this be not class legislation of the highest order we would like some one to inform us what else it may be. If this view of the question is not correct pray tell us why is it bicycles have not been legislated off plank-walks by this same council?

 We need not expect any legislation from the present municipal government inimical to the rubber-tire fraternity so long as it can afford to sport a street committee composed almost entirely of wheelmen.


 Before closing for this time I wish to express my great regret at seeing such a considerable number of my "mossback" friends in the membership of the Business Men's Association. Either it augurs no good to the association or to the mossback fraternity.
                       (Signed)  MOSSBACK.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1895.


Hog Raising.

 Mr. Alfred Hebert has made a move in the right direction and if more planters would make a similar move Louisiana would soon be the most prosperous agricultural state in the union, that is, if it is not already the most prosperous. Mr. Hebert has come to the conclusion that Louisiana should produce its own pork and to do this it should not be handicapped by raising hogs of the razor-back variety.

 Upon invitation of Mr. Hebert we visited his plantation Wednesday. He is converting his plantation into a stock farm and next year it will be devoted exclusively to hog raising. He now has about eighty head of full blood Poland-China hogs. They are all in fine condition and in the three years which he as been raising this breed of hogs no disease made its appearance among them. To see these fine chunky animals and then look at the long nosed razor-backed variety and it is easily understood why some people think it cheaper to buy northern pork than it is to produce it at home. A few dollars more used to buy well-bred stock will bring greater returns than several times that amount invested in the long, lean scrub variety. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1895.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 6/15/1895.

 According to all reports the crop prospects of this vicinity was never more flattering than now.

 We would regret that our citizens prepare to decorate their houses July 4th. Lafayette should wear its full holiday attire that day.

 Thursday was the feast of Fete Dien. The ceremony of this feast will be celebrated with appropriate ceremony at the Catholic church to-morrow.

 Mr. Calkins, of Iowa, arrived here yesterday to join his brother, who came here about six months ago and is working on Mr. Crow Girard's plantation.

 It is a little queer that a great majority of the young ladies in attendance of the W. C. T. U. birthday entertainment were just "sweet sixteen." How slow time does pass at the age of sixteen.

 For Sale. - An 8x12 new Champion job press. In good condition and will be sold at a bargain. Any one wanting a printing press for a small amount of money should address, THE ADVERTISER, Lafayette, La.

 Mrs. Chas. Martin, of Welch, is in town having in charge her small brother, Aldez, who is receiving treatment for cross-eyed by Dr. Girard. He is getting along nicely and will soon return home with a pair of straight eyes.

 Mr. J. C. Couvillon made a trip to Carencro Wednesday and took especial notice of the growing crops while on the road. He says that the crop prospect is the best he ever saw. Everything is growing rapidly and the prospects are immense.

 Sheriff Broussard left for Jacksonville Wednesday having in charge Mr. Derbes Broussard, who became insane about three weeks ago. The unfortunate man is comparatively young and has a wife and two children which makes this sad event all the more deplorable.

 There are a few hog pens about town which should receive the attention of the board of health. Cleanliness is very important warm weather and we believe the majority of our citizens would be pleased to see the ordinances relating to this enforced without any favor to anyone.

 Messrs. John O. Mouton, John Vigneaux, Alex. Delahoussaye, Edward Martin, E. McDaniel and B. A. Salles were called to Opelousas Saturday as jurymen in the United States court. The returned home Tuesday, the judge dismissing them on account of there being no money at the court disposal with which to pay them. 

 Contractor E. M. Thompson says that Mr. Davidson's house will be completed next week.

 Miss Marie Revillon returned home Wednesday after a six weeks' visit in Lake Arthur.

 Mrs. C. P. Moss, of New Iberia, arrived here yesterday and is visiting at the home of Mayor Moss.

 The Lafayette High School closed yesterday with an entertainment at the opera-house by the pupils.

 The east-bound passenger train was delayed about an hour Thursday by three freight cars being wrecked at Scott.

 Mr. P. E. Hebert has severed his connection as clerk for Mr. M. Rosenfield and left on Wednesday for Houston Texas.

 Messrs. Paul and Joseph Castel have rented the bakery of Dr. Guidry and are now serving the public with "the staff of life." Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1895.


 From the Lafayette Gazette of June 15th, 1895:


 The committee instructed to look into the financial condition of the books of Mr. John Vigneaux, collector, and Mr. Alphonse Neveu, treasurer, of the outgoing council, have made their report which is published in another column of this paper. A deficit of $502.32 is reported against the collector and $210.17 against the treasurer.

 The Gazette will not go into the details of this case. The committee find that the outgoing officials owe to the corporation of Lafayette the sum of $703.49. They owe this amount or they do not owe it. If there are any doubts of the committee's report the courts are open for the settlement of such matters. If it is found that the committee have erred and thereby done Messrs Vigneaux and Nevue an injustice these gentlemen can have ample recourse, for the courts are also open to them for all reparation. The committee have made their report. It is is not correct there is a way to prove its correctness. It is it correct its correctness will be fully established, and this is all there is to it. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1901.


 The undersigned will $50 bounty to the persons making the highest number of points by killing predatory animals and birds of prey in the parish of Lafayette, La., before the 1st day of January, 1896, as follows:

 $25 to the one making greatest number of points.

 $15 to the one making the greatest number of points.

 $10 to the one making next generation number of points.

 Value of different heads are to be counted by points as follows:

--------------------p. 3-------------------

 Heads of birds of prey and scalps of animals to be delivered to Wm. Clegg who will give receipt for points, no bounty to be paid for less than five hundred points.
                           F. F. MYLES.
Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1895.

Exhibition at the Convent.

 The pupils of the Mount Carmel Convent will give a dramatic and musical entertainment in their spacious hall on Wednesday, the 26th of June. The entertainment will commence at 7:30 o'clock in the evening and the admission price will be 25 cents. There will be refreshments served at the usual prices which means that they will be within reach of all as the good sisters are always satisfied with a small profit. The people of this town and adjoining country are justly proud of this splendid institution and they never fail to show their appreciation whenever an opportunity presents itself. The entertainment on the 26th promises to be exceedingly interesting and we bespeak for the sisters a large attendance. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1895.

Fell From Scaffold.

 Bioi Martel, a carpenter working on the building being erected for Mr. Davidson, fell off of a scaffold at a height of twenty feet, sustaining painful injuries about his back, ankle and head. Dr. Martin being sent for grave medical help. Martel is doing as well as could be expected after receiving such a fall. His escape borders on the miraculous. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1895.

Taken to Asylum.

 Sheriff Broussard and Mr. Sam Broussard left Tuesday in charge of Derbes Broussard, who was interdicted a few days ago. His condition was such that his family were compelled to take the necessary steps to send him to the asylum at Jackson. The unfortunate man had been an epileptic sufferer for a number of years, but it is only recently that his malady assumed the form of insanity. He has a wife and two children to whom are extended the sincere sympathy of a large number of relatives and friends. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1895.

Handsome New Refrigerator.

 The progressive grocer, H. H. Hohorst, has just purchased one of the handsomest refrigerators ever brought to this town, and he is now enabled to supply his many customers with many articles of diet which must be kept on ice these hot days. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1895.

 To Run Bakery.

 Messrs. Paul and Joseph Castel have acquired an interest in Dr. Guidry's bakery. They are both enterprising young men and well and favorably known in our community, and The Gazette wishes them much success in their new venture. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1895.


 Mr. L. Levy, of this town, and Miss Lena Joseph, were married at 5 o'clock Tuesday evening at the home of the bride in the city of New Orleans by Rabbi L. Fiengold. Mr. and Mrs. Levy arrived in Lafayette Tuesday night. This being Mr. Levy's second marriage a number of people gathered near his residence Wednesday night and treated him to an old time "chivari."
Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1895.

W. C. T. U.
The Entertainment.

 The entertainment given at Falk's Opera House last Friday by the ladies of the W. C. T. U. was a successful affair in every particular. A number of persons among whom were Misses Emma Falk, Louise Bendel, Ada Moss and Messrs. Van der Cruyssen, Voorhies, Campbell Pierre and Henry Gerac, and last, but not least, Master Harold Demanade and Miss Viola Young who kindly volunteered their aid toward entertaining the audience with vocal and instrumental music. Prof. Will Webb read a very interesting paper on the evils of intemperance and the manifold dangers which lie in the liquor traffic. Refreshments were served to those present by the ladies in charge of the tables.

 This entertainment was given to promote the cause of temperance in our community and it is safe to say that  a few more such gatherings will swell the ranks of the W. C. T. U. thereby strengthening the society and increase its power for good which has already been felt to an appreciable extent. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1895.


City Council Proceedings.

                Lafayette, La., June 10, 1895.
   Pursuant to adjournment the council met this evening. In absence of Mayor Moss on account of sickness the secretary called the meeting to order. There were present: O. C. Mouton, B. Falk, Jos. Ducote, Leo Doucet, J. O. LeBlanc and T. M. Biossat. Absent: A. J. Moss, mayor, and Dr. J. D. Trahan.

 The following resolution offered by Leo Doucet was unanimously adopted:

 Be it resolved, that Orther C. Mouton be and is hereby elected mayor pro tem of this council, with power to act whenever the mayor elect is absent or unable to act.

 Moved by Jos. Ducote seconded by B. Falk that reading of minutes be dispensed with and read at next regular meeting.

 The finance committee which was to have reported at last regular meeting (but was granted further time) submitted the following which was accepted:

--------------------p. 2-----------------


---------------p. 2-------------------


------------------P. 2-------------------------

 Condition of Treasury May 15th, 1895, date D. V. Gardebled, treasurer, took charge:

------------------------p. 2---------------

 We will state in connection with the two hundred and ninety-five dollars of the missing blank licenses of 1894, delivered to Mr. J. Vigneaux, and receipted for by him, that having called attention to that fact, he informed us that he could not account for their disappearance, but by taking the names on his license stubs of that year as paid, he could prove that they contain the names of all persons subject to license taxation for that year of whom he collected licenses.

 We make this statement to explain the manner in which we have seen proper to charge him with that amount, believing that this council did not propose to demand payment of it if he proves, as he promises to do in a reasonable time, that he did not not collect them.
                          Respectfully submitted,
                              ORTHER C. MOUTON,
                                  T. M. BIOSSAT,
                                      LEO DOUCET,
                        Finance Committee.

 Since writing the above, Mr. Vigneaux has furnished us with the list promised, and after comparison with his stubs for that year (1894), we find that an error was committed by us in crediting him with a one hundred dollar license as uncollected, the stub thereof showing that it was collected. We also find from the list that he has collected two, one hundred dollar licenses for which we could not find stubs in the stub books turned over to us for that year.

 These two last licenses were from persons doing business in this town during 1894, and subject to those licenses.
             Respectfully submitted,
                  ORTHER C. MOUTON,
                      LEO DOUCET,
                          T. M. BIOSSAT,
                     Finance Committee.

 Moved by B. Falk, seconded by Jos. Ducote, that finance committee be and are hereby authorized to attend to the settlement with Messrs. John Vigneaux, collector, and A. Nevue, treasurer, in accordance with above report.

 The committee appointed by mayor to see if the petition for annexation has been signed by one third of the property owners of the land proposed to be annexed in number and value, make this their report which was accepted; upon motion of J. Ducote, seconded by T. M. Biossat, and ordered recorded in minutes of council.


 To the Hon. Mayor and Members of Council of the town of Lafayette, La.

 We, the committee appointed to ascertain the total assessment of property-holders, applying to be annexed to the old corporation of Lafayette, together with total number of voters, beg to leave to report that we have carefully attended to that duly giving the following result:

 --------------------p. 2----------------

 All of which we respectfully submit.
June 6, 1895.

 The vote for annexation stood as follows: In favor - L. Doucet, J. O. LeBlanc, B. Falk, Jos. Ducote, T. M. Biossat.  Nays - none.

 Mr. L. Doucet then offered the following:

 WHEREAS, ROMAIN FRANCEZ, parish surveyor for this parish, at the request of bona fide owners of lots or lands lying and being situated contiguous and adjacent to the territorial corporate limits of the town of Lafayette, has on the 18th day of May, 1895. surveyed the lands and made a proces verbal and plat thereof certified by him to be correct, wherein are set forth the boundaries and accurate description of said lands, the most of which had previously been surveyed into town lots, duly numbered and accurately described on plats thereof.

 And, whereas the survey aforesaid was made for the purpose of annexing said lands to the territorial corporate limits of the town of Lafayette, and that one third or more in number and in value of the bona fide owners of said lands have signed a petition presented the same to His Honor, the Mayor, and members of this council, wherein the boundaries and accurate description of said lands are set forth according to survey recorded and transcribed according to law, and in which they pray that this Council order an election under the provisions of act No. 103 of 1892, for the purpose of annexing said lands to the territorial corporate limits of the town of Lafayette, so as to constitute a part thereof and be subject to the jurisdiction, control and authority of said town and to all intents and purposes as if the same had been originally included in the territorial limits thereof.

 Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the town of Lafayette, that an election be and is hereby ordered under the provisions of said act, to be held by the qualified electors residing in and upon the lands aforesaid, lying and being situated between the territorial corporate limits of the town of Lafayette, and the boundaries of said lands as established and accurately described by the survey made by Roman Francez, on the 18th day of May, 1895, and specifically set forth in the petition aforesaid, hereinafter specifically described territorial corporate limits of the town of Lafayette, beginning at a point on the coulee west of the town at its intersection with the streets running east and west in the Mill's addition between the lots twenty and twenty-three, in the plan made by John Campbell, United States surveyor, March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, and running east to the intersection of said street with Jefferson street, thence south Jefferson street to Mrs. Charles Mouton's line, and following that line to the western limits of A. Mouton's field, enclosure or ditch, and following the ditch south it its intersection with the line of third street and its continuation to the coulee west of the town, and following the middle of said coulee to the point of beginning.

 Boundaries of the lands proposed to be annexed and surveyed by Romain Francez on May 18, 1895, as aforesaid; starting at the bridge on the coulee west of the said town, between the properties of Henry Hohorst and Anita Hohorst, wife of Dr. Franklin Mouton, and running from thence along said coulee N. 86 1/2, W. a small ash 33 ft, N. 67, E. a small ash 36 ft, thence N. 1/2, E. 300 ft in Hohorst's pasture, thence N. 29 1/2, E. 800 ft, thence N. 14, E. 389 ft, thence 470 ft, thence N. 7 1/2, W. 800, thence N. 20, E. 300 ft. to S. E. Corner of Arthur Greig's property, thence N. 1/2, E. 623 ft to the big ditch, 1,600 to public road leading to Scott, 2,553 ft to the L. W. railroad, 2,653 ft to the N. side of said railroad, thence 1,024 ft, thence S. 77, E. 660 ft to the Morgan rd, 1,700 ft to the public road leading to Breaux Bridge, 1,810 ft into Dr. F. S. Mudd's field, 3,820 ft to the S. W. corner of his garden, 3,900 S. about 75 ft beyond Dr. Mudd's residence, 4,300 ft in Dr. Mudd's back lot, thence S. 43 1/2 ft E. from Dr. Mudd's to the public road leading to Breaux Bridge, 940 ft to Mentor Richard's property, 1,790 ft to stable, thence S. 55 degrees, W. 70 ft between the properties of Nickerson and D. A. Cochrane, 840 ft to Dowdell's property, 864 ft to the stable, thence 27 W., 890 ft public road to Chargois, 950 ft to red oak (2 ft in diameter,) thence S. 46 ft to main line Morgan railroad, 1,820 ft to Mouton's addition, thence S. 29, W. 1,414 ft to oak lane, 2,650 to public road leading to Pin Hook, thence N. 49 W. including said public road and following the same 1,900 ft to a coulee in front of the residence of Mrs. Wid. M. E. Girard, thence S. 54, W. to the S. E. corner of Mrs. Girard's garden, thence S. 76 W. in Mrs. Girard's pasture, 1,000 ft in Dr. Franklin Mouton's field, thence N. 85 W. 462 ft an oak ( 2 feet in diameter) S. of Dr. Mouton's barn 500 to the coulee, thence following said coulee to the bridge, the starting point N. 112 586 ft.

 Resolved, That an election be held by the qualified electors residing in and upon the lots or lands aforesaid which are adjacent and contiguous to the territorial corporate limits it the town of Lafayette and which like and are situated between the foregoing limits and boundaries, and that the following proposition be submitted to said electors to be voted on at said election to-wit: Whether they desire that the lands within said boundaries shall be annexed to and included in the territorial corporate limits of the town of Lafayette, so as to constitute a part thereof, and be subject to the jurisdiction, control and authority of said town as fully and to all intents and purposes as if the same had been originally included in the territorial corporate limits thereof as fixed by act of the Legislature of 1836, incorporating said town.

 Resolved, That every property-owner voting at said election is requested to write or procure his name to be written on his ballot so that the result may show whether a majority in value as well as in number of the qualified electors residing on said lands, voting at said election, have voted to annex and include the lands aforesaid in the territorial corporate limits of said town. The electors shall vote by ballot, and the ballots used at said election shall be of white paper upon which shall be of white paper upon which shall be written these words: "for the proposed annexation," "against the proposed annexation." The votes shall be counted for or against the proposed annexation as cast, but in every case when the name of voter shall appear on his ballot the commissioners shall keep a record of how he voted, opposite his name on the list of voters, so as to ascertain the result as to value.

 Resolved, further, That the election be held at the court house, on Monday, the first day of July, 1895, under the general laws of the State; that R. C. Greig, J. Edw. Martin and Ernest Constantin, be and are hereby appointed the commissioners of election; and in case that one or more of said commissioners fail to act, then commissioners to be appointed in accordance with the general election laws of the State; that the poll be open from the hour of six in the forenoon, until seven in the afternoon; that it shall be the duty of said commissioners to keep a list of the persons voting at such polling place which list shall be numbered from one end to the other, and shall be signed and sworn to as correct by the commissioners after the poll is closed and the votes are donated, that before entering on their duties the commissioners shall be sworn according to law that if no officer authorized to administer oaths be present to administer the oath to the commissioners, it may be administered by any voter, or if no voter be present by the commissioners to each other; that the commissioners shall proceed to count the votes without moving the box from the room or place where the votes were received, and in presence of any voter or voters who may desire to be present, that two tally sheets shall be kept of the count, the tally sheets have the tables marked in lines from the beginning to the end of the page, and the total amount of the tallies shall be written in figures immediately after the end of the tallies, and in letters, so as to prevent any alteration thereof, and after the count is completed, the ballots counted shall be put back in the ballot box, which shall be immediately sealed with the ballots therein. As soon as the votes are counted and the ballot box sealed, as above stated, the commissioners shall make two compiled statements of the votes cast, how many for and how many against the proposed annexation with the names of those voting for or against the proposed annexation when the names appear on the ballots. also the number of ballots contained in the box, the number of ballots rejected if any, and the reasons therefor. The compiled statements shall be sworn to by the commissioners, the oath to be administered as before provided, and the compiled statements and list of the persons voting and tally sheets, shall be delivered to the mayor of said town within forty-eight hours after closing of the poll at such election, together with the ballot box and the votes therein contained.

 Resolved further, That at such election no person shall be allowed to vote except those qualified to vote under the general election laws of the State, and who reside in and upon the lands to be annexed to and included in the territorial corporate limits of said town.

 Further resolved, That such election shall be preceded by a notice of ten days or more to be given in The Gazette and The Advertiser two newspapers published in the town of Lafayette, the said notice set forth specifically the manner in which such election is to be conducted, and the boundaries and description of said lands proposed to be annexed to and included in the territorial corporate limits of said town, and also designating the polling place and the names of commissioners of election, as the manner of counting the votes and making the returns.

 Be it further ordained, That the notice of election shall be issued and signed by the mayor of this council.

 The foregoing resolutions submitting the question of annexation was adopted by the following vote:

 Yeas - Leo Doucet, B. Falk, Joe Ducote, T. M. Biossat and J. O. LeBlanc.

 Nays - None.

 There being no further business the council adjourned to meet on Monday July 1st, 1895, at 4 p. m.
A. J. MOSS, Mayor.
BAXTER CLEGG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1895.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 6/15/1895.

 Dr. Fred Mayer was in Lafayette Tuesday.

 Mr. Levy of Grand Coteau, is now helping Mr. Rosenfield to wait in customers.

 Go and hear Archbishop Janssen's lecture at Carencro Sunday evening at 2 o'clock.

 Our popular deputy sheriff, J. O. Leblanc, made a short visit to relatives in Loreauville a few days ago.

 Mr. Fred Mouton has started to work on the store building being erected on Lincoln avenue for Messrs. Mouton Bros.

 Miss Marie Revillon returned Tuesday from Lake Arthur where she was on a visit to friends.

 Extensive preparations have been made for the entertainment of the people at the Carencro fair to-day and to-morrow.

 The committees on the Fourth of July celebration are still at work making the necessary preparations to carry out the program selected.

 The Gazette omitted to mention in its last issue that Florestal Guidry had returned to Lafayette to live. He is assisting Roadmaster Rogan, at the Southern Pacific depot. Some way or other, Florestal cannot leave Lafayette - some magnetic charm seems to draw him back. Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1895.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 15th, 1889:


Why is it that an alarm of fire causes a panic among our men, women and children? Even a chimney on fire creates a commotion, and why? It is because we have no water supply, no fire engine, no trained fire company. It is because we are almost perfectly helpless, even when a small building is on fire. Our town is built almost entirely of wooden materials. The burning of a large building in certain localities during a high wind, would certainly cause the destruction of perhaps one-half of the town.

 Towns of less size and importance than ours, have long since raised the means by taxation, or otherwise, and protected themselves by efficient and approved methods. It would be an insult to the intelligence of our people, to say that they do not appreciate the importance of fire protection. The apathy upon the subject has existed long enough, and can be broken by well directed and harmonious efforts. Let us do something before we experience a great conflagration. A movement had been set on foot, which we heartily approve. Let us make a beginning - better late than never. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1889.

Much Needed Rain.

 The weather the past week had been all that could be desired for the crops. The rains set in last Saturday, and we have had showers every day since. These extended over the parish, except in the regions about Carencro, Scott and Duson, where they only got a few sprinklings up to Thursday, when a soaking rain relieved their distress and gladdened their hearts. Lafayette will yet make an average showing at the outcome of the crops. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1889.

 Abbeville Railroad.

 Don't forget to attend the mass meeting to be held at the court house to-day, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of considering the Abbeville railroad question. It is desired to get a general expression of the will of the people of our parish, and we hope that as many as can conveniently do so will attend. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1889.

At Carencro.

 A number of our people attended the races at Carencro last Saturday, and as they always do up there had a jolly good time. Mr. E. McDaniel was so fascinated by the hospitality of the good people of Carencro that he remained until late into the night. Next day, in conversation, he casually remarked that "craps" were much further advanced there than he expected to find them. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1889.

Levy Birthday Celebration.

 A most enjoyable entertainment was given by Mr. and Mrs. L. Levy, at their residence in the town of Lafayette, on the evening of June 6th, in honor of the 21st birthday of their son, Armand. Among the guests in attendance were Misses Henrietta Jacobs, Fannie Jacobs and Robert Firmberg; all of Opelousas, Miss Getrude Rosenthall, of Alexandria; Mr. and Mrs. Brower, Mr. Julian Mouton, Mr. and Mrs. L. Domengeaux, Jean Comeaux, L. Tapissier, Henry Gerac, Issac Broussard, Jos. Plonsky and family, B. Falk and family and Henry Bendel. The collation spread for the enjoyment was choice and sumptuous, and met with full appreciation. Armand, in a neat and appropriate address, thanked the assembled guests for their attendance and kindly interest, and expressed his deep gratitude to his mother and father for their tender kindness, careful guardianship and invaluable instruction during his minority. Toasts were offered by Messrs. Mouton, Brower and Bendel. Messrs. Tapissier and Gerac added much to the pleasure of the occasion by executing several fine cornet duets. After the repast the party adjourned to Falk's Hall, where games and dancing indulged in until a late hour. Armand was the recipient of many valuable presents, and we congratulate him upon such an auspicious acknowledgement of his attaining his majority. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1889.  

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 6/15/1889.

 The recent rains have been a wonderful help to the blackberry patches, and the berries now ripening are large and plump. The little pickers can fill their buckets a heap quicker.' Our devil has gained ten pounds within the past week.

 Mr. Homer Monnier has been for the past two or three weeks rebuilding and repairing town bridges and street crossings, and they are now in first-rate condition.

 Mr. H. D. Owen, who cultivates Dr. Geo. C. Mouton's place near town, has on exhibition at the Moss Pharmacy a healthy and vigorous cornstalk with two well developed ears, which was cut last Tuesday. He has eight acres of this planting - March 10th. This corn had no rain for six weeks, but received excellent cultivation.

 Judge A. J. Moss has been making considerable improvement in the appearance and facilities of his lumber yard. He has just received a large shipment of white pine doors, sash, blinds, etc., in several patterns.

 Mr. John Vigneaux has a force pump in operation at his branch livery stable near the depot, and a sufficient length of hose to enable him, to sprinkle the entire length of his stable and the street and sidewalk for some distance around. These little pumps are a great comfort and convenience, and there should be more of them used here. The cost is light.

 Dr. Franklin Mouton, who has been at home for several weeks on vacation, left last Thursday morning for Baltimore, Md., where he will resume his studies in one of the hospitals of that city.

 Mr. H. L. Monnier and wife left this week for Lake Arthur, where they will remain several weeks with friends and relatives.

 Persons desirous of visiting the Canning Company's factory will be admitted on Sundays from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 3 to 6 p. m.; and on Monday from 9 to 12 a. m. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1889.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser June 15th, 1878:


 Some time ago, a colored man was found hung in the neighborhood of Royville. Although it was currently reported and believed that the man was lynched by the Vigilants and id day time, not witnesses could be obtained to testify at the Coroner's inquest, owing to the terror caused by such violent and lawless acts of the Vigilance Committees. The persistent and laudable efforts of the District Attorney were however, finally partially successful and six of the individuals implicated in committing the crime, were arrested and required to appear for preliminary examination, which was fixed for the 3rd inst. For valid reasons, the examination was postponed, but on that day a large body of Vigilants, armed and mounted, numbering about five hundred, assembled in the woods about one mile from town. There they stacked arms and proceeded to march into town, the streets of which they paraded in military style, and after inflicting this disgusting spectacle, swarmed into and around the Court House. The bondsmen offered to surrender the accused parties to the Clerk of Court and were referred to the Sheriff as the proper officer, to whom the same offers was made. The prison door was opened and with a smile, the Sheriff informed them that he was ready to accommodate them. But the accused protested that they did not so understand the programme, and no delivery was made.

 This scandalous display was evidently intended to overawe and intimidate the authorities and to rescue the prisoners. The acts and arrogant bearing of these Vigilants led to no other logical inference and justified the belief that such was the programme adopted.

 This Vigilance organization is composed of many good and sincere men, but in this matter, deluded and over-zealous. They profess their object to be, to assist the officers of the law in bringing thieves to justice. To that extent, they deserve credit and perform a duty that every good citizen owes the community. But when they go beyond that and commit excesses, they themselves violate the law. The ardor of these misguided men is artfully kept alive by the astounding assurances, of perhaps designing persons, that Gov. Nicholls lends countenance and encouragement to the existence of these organizations. If the Governor's name is improperly used in this connection, the victims of the trick should be undeceived.

 It became incumbent upon us as a public journalist, on several occasions to condemn the excesses of these committees, and in doing so, have been fair and candid towards them and true and faithful to the best interests of the community, as understood by all intelligent and patriotic citizens. The leniency heretofore extended to the erring Vigilants has not borne good fruit, and right here, we will conclude by informing the authorities, that if the laws are not enforced in such a manner as to remedy the evil, they will be responsible for the consequences.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1878.

The Railroad Assured.

 We learn that Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad and Steamship Company and the bondholders of the New Orleans, Mobile and Texas Railroad Company have finally closed all matters of difference between them. They have waived report of the arbitrators, and have themselves fixed the value and price of the property between Morgan City and Vermilion required by the Morgan Company.

 We presume work will be at once commenced on the road. From the N. O. Picayune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1878.



[N. O. Picayune, 11th inst.]

 The following decree, which explains itself, was duly recorded yesterday in the itself, was duly recorded yesterday in the United States Circuit Court:

 Morgan Louisiana and Texas Railroad and Steamship Company vs. Frank M. Ames, trustte, et. al. - Matter of the expropriation of a portion of the trust property, in hand of said Ames. - This cause came on to be heard upon the petition, answers, orders, report and testimony, the solicitors of the parties being present, and submitted the same for a decree.

 And, thereupon, the court declares and decrees that the proposed purchase on the part of the petitioner (Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad and Steamship  Company), of sold by Charles Morgan, deceased, the New Orleans, Mobile and Texas Railroad Company, as forms the railroad projected to be made between Brashear, now Morgan City, in the parish of St. Mary, and Vermilionville, in the parish of Lafayette, with the rights of way, and all other rights, interest and estate of the said New Orleans, Mobile and Texas Railroad Company, in and to be the land occupied, for a railroad between those places, and in the town of Vermilionville, to the point where the said railroad is to join the main line of the railroad is to join the main line of the railroad of the New Orleans, Mobile and Texas Railroad Company, and to all the lands acquired along said railroad from Morgan City to Vermilionville, for the purpose of constructing or operating the same, of for depots, stations, tracks, structures of any kind, and all the accessories or appurtenances to the said railroad, or which were acquired to build the same and are now to be found with it, in as full and complete a manner as the same is owned and possessed by the said Frank M. Ames under the deeds of trust of the said company, or the orders, decrees, sale and conveyances made in this court in the suit No. 7073 of the chancery docket of this court.

 The court decrees that the said Frank M. Ames be authorized and empowered upon the terms set forth in the master's report, to make to the petitioner for the bonds specified in the petition and report, being 695 bonds, and the settlement otherwise provided therein, to make all such deeds; assurances and agreements as shall invest the petitioner with all the rights, title, estate, interest and claim which he is invested with by any form of title under Charles Morgan, New Orleans, Mobile and Texas Railroad Company, or that he can convey under the authority or order of this court.

 The court orders the costs to be paid equally by the parties.

 Under this decree the parties interested came to an agreement, which effectually removes all barriers. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1878.

Withdrawn From Bayou.

 The steamer Mattie has been temporarily withdrawn from the Vermilion bayou. If small freights is the cause, a reduction of rates would increase them very considerably. High rates and want of a little accomodation and politeness on the part of the employees, have driven much of the trade of this parish to Washington, St. Martinsville and New Iberia. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1878.

Saint Medard.

 The feast day of Saint Medard, the patron saint of rain, happened yesterday. In connection with his name and his feast, it would be well to mention why, according popular superstition, if it should rain on his feast day, wet weather would set in for forty days continuously afterwards. Saint Medard corresponds to Saint Swithen of England, of whom we will give a brief mention.

 St. Swithen lived in the ninth century, and was chaplain of King Egbert and tutor of Ethelwulf, son of the King. He was very rich, being chancellor to the king; he practiced the virtues of chastity and bumility, and built several churches out of his own mercy. When he died he was buried in the churchyard of Winchester. One hundred years later he was canonized, after many miracles had been formed in his name and and by his intercession.

 It was then resolved to transfer his body to Westminster Cathedral, it being a more fitting burial place for a saint than the churchyard, but the translation was prevented by heavy and continuous rain for the space of forty days, and out of this occurrence arose the still existing popular superstition that should it rain on St. Swithen's day it will rain for forty days afterwards. The French have their similar day, called St. Medard's feast. According to their traditions, St. Medard was a saint of exceedingly sensible temperament, alive to the smallest defect in his nature, and shedding abundant tears at the commission, even thoughtless, of the most venial sin. Hence the St. Medard tradition, drawing a smile between the tears shed by that good saint and the spell of rainy weather that follows his feast. A similar belief exists among the people of France with regard to the feast days of St. Gervalis and St. Protais.

 As it rained yesterday for some minutes, we shall then have, out of respect to immemorial belief and tradition, to look for a rainy spell every day of the week (not excepting Sundays) until the full forty days shall have expired. We advise all skeptics, it any there are, to note in their diaries whether rain will fall each day as we now predict, following popular belief and observation.

 From the N. O. Democrat and in the Lafayette Advertiser of 6/15/1878.

Catholic Church.

 The Catholic Revival.

 The Catholic revival which was conducted here by the Missionaries for two weeks, came to a close yesterday. Considering the heat of the weather and the pressing occupations of our people, the attendance of the Church was usually very large and the mission quite successful. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1878.

Fire at Cote Gelee.

 We are informed that on last Monday night, the kitchen and contents of Mr. Calvin Moss, on Cote Gelee, was consumed by fire. Its proximity to the dwelling house must have made it difficult to save the latter. No details have yet reached us, but the fire is supposed to have been accidental and resulting from the carelessness of servants. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1878.

Police Jury Proceedings.

 The Police Jury met at the Court House, in regular session, this 3d day of June 1878, the following members being present, Onez. Broussard, president, Aurelien Primeaux, Adolphe Comeaux and Alfred Peck. Absent: M. G. Broussard.

 The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

 Resolved, that the sum of eight hundred dollars be and is hereby appropriated for the building of the Carencro Bridge.

 Resolved, that Mr. Jean Guilbeau be and is hereby authorized to sell for cash, that portion of the old lumber of the Carencro bridge which the parish of Lafayette is entitled to.

 Resolved, that the President be and is hereby authorized to appoint a committee to examine the Pin Hook bridge, and for the repairing of said bridge.

 On said committee were appointed: Messrs. Adolphe Comeaux, Aurelien Primeaux, Alex. Meaux, Lessin Guidry and Syphroyen Landry,
  Resolved, that Bruce Martin of this parish, be and is hereby appointed beneficiary cadet to the Louisiana State University State University.

 Resolved, that the President be and is hereby authorized to purchase a blank certificate book for the use of the Police Jury, and to draw on the Treasurer for the amount of cost of said certificate book.

 Whereas, errors were inadvertently committed by the ordinance passed on the 1st of April 1878 fixing the polling places and election precincts.

 Therefore be it ordained, two-thirds of the members voting therefor, that the following shall be and hereby fixed as Election Precincts and Polling Places for the parish of Lafayette - Justice of the Peace Ward number One shall be divided into two Election precincts, as follows: Precinct No. One - Shall consist of all that portion of ward number one lying north of the line running along the southern limits of the property of Joseph D. Breaux, on the public road dividing the First Ward from the Third, to and along the limits of the property of Jean D. Lafond to the western limits of the parish - and the polling place for this Precinct is hereby fixed at Joseph D. Breaux.

 Precinct No. 2 shall consist of and include all of the Justice of the peace ward No. One lying south of the line above mentioned and not included in the First precinct, and the polling place is hereby fixed at A. D. Boudreaux.

 Precinct No. 3 shall consist of and include all that portion of the Justice of the peace ward No. Two lying west of coulee Isle des Cannes, and the polling place is hereby fixed at Ford Hoffpauir's.

 Precinct No. 4 shall consist of and include all that portion of the Justice of the peace ward No. lying east of coulee des Cannes and not included in Precinct No. Three - and the polling place for this precinct is hereby fixed at Clemille Trahan's.

 Precinct No. 5 shall consist of and include all that portion of the Justice of the peace Ward No. Three lying north of the northern limits of Mme. Gerrasin Bernard's and north of the public road leading to Breaux Bridge, and the polling place is hereby fixed at Jean Bernard's.

 Precinct No. 6 shall consist and include all that portion of the justice of the peace ward No. Three lying south of the plantation of Mme. Gerassin Bernard and south of the public road leading from Mme. Gerassin Bernard's plantation to Breaux Bridge - and the polling place for this precinct is hereby fixed at the Court House of the parish.

 Precinct No. 7 shall consist and include the whole of the justice of the peace ward No. Five, and the polling place for this precinct is Valsin Broussard's.

 Precinct No. 8 shall consist of and include that portion of the justice of the peace Ward No. 4, lying north of Vincent's Coulee and the plantation of Aurelien Primeaux - and the polling place for this precinct is hereby fixed at the school house near Edouard I. Broussard.

 Precinct No. 9 shall consist of and include all that portion of the justice of the peace Ward No. Four lying south of the northern limits of the plantation of Aurelien Primeaux and Vincent's Coulee - and the polling place of this precinct is hereby fixed at the town of Royville.

 That all resolutions or ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

 Upon the vote being taken on the above ordinance. Messrs. Broussard, Comeaux, Peck and Primeaux voted yea. Nays none.

 The following accounts were approved:

--------------------p. 2--------------------

 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.
J. N. JUDICE, Cler




 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 15th, 1909:


 $1,000 Bond by Judge Campbell After a Preliminary Hearing Last Saturday Evening.

 Saturday evening Judge Campbell gave a preliminary examination to Carey Whittington, the young white man who shot and fatally wounded the negro Joe Williams last Tuesday evening at the Bayou. District Attorney Robira represented the state and Atty. Jno. L. Kennedy the defendant. Williams died at the Charity Hospital in New Orleans last Thursday night. Alexie Amos, one of the three negroes who it is alleged advanced upon Whittington with sticks in hand, testified that the trouble began through the little negro Oneal Jones, who told the white boys that the negroes had threatened to "get them", the two Whittington brothers. The fuss began at the bayou, and the negroes then left; the white boys caught up with and passed the negroes on the railroad track. As they walked along there was considerable bantering and talk of burning powder. Amos denied having a stick or club and said neither of this comrades had anything in their hands. Other witnesses, however, contradicted this and two clubs were produced in court and identified one as having been found under Williams head after he was shot. At some grossly insulting remark Whittington turned round and opened fire upon the three negroes, wounding Williams fatally in the left groin and inflicting a flesh wound in his right breast. Aymar Broussard, one of the three negroes, testified to the same effect as Amos.

 Clarence Whittington, a younger brother of the defendant, testified in the main as the two previous witnesses except that he said the negroes all armed with clubs followed them threateningly, Laurence Whittington testified that Joe Williams said to Carey Whittington, "Wait till I get my gun and I'll make you burn yours" and added insulting remarks. Oneal Jones, the little black boy who probably stirred up the whole trouble and caused the fatal affray, detailed the whole story, as related by the other witnesses. He it was who carried the tales to the white boys which the negroes protested were not true. Sheriff Lacoste told how he carried Williams to the hospital where he died Thursday night. Before death he stated that while he and his two companions were advancing upon Whittington they all carried clubs and it was then Whittington fired. Mr. John Henson, a railroad man, said he saw the parties pass him near the bridge, going toward the track, the negroes following the white boys with sticks.

 Judge Campbell placed young Whittington under $1,000 bond for appearance at next term of court. The bond was readily signed by several friends. Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1909.



[New Orleans States, June 8.]

 In replying to the New York World's request for his views on the President's new foreign policy Mr. Williams declared that he could not believe the President wrote the letter ascribed to him, but ignoring entirely the question of the paternity of the letter to Mr. Root and read by him at the Cuban banquet Mr. Williams discussed it as might have been expected of one who ranks to-day as one of the ablest statesmen the country has produced. There is one sentiment expressed by him in commenting on the President's letter which we are sure will be approved by all thoughtful Americans, and it is this:

 "The truth is that commercialism ought to be taught a valuable lesson, to-wit: that if it chooses to do business in unsafe countries, without stable institutions and among semi-barbarous people, it does it with its eyes open, it takes its own risk, and the armies and navies of the world, especially those of the United States, maintained by taxing the people, cannot be used as constables, without warrant  or other process, for debt collection purposes.

 "If I choose to buy Dominican or Venezualan securities, or permit Haiti or either of the other countries to run in debt to me, it may be that I am a fool from a business standpoint, but my folly does not entitle me to have my debt collected by the navy and army of the United States, and the government of the United States ought not only not to place itself in that attitude, but ought to go further and announce to the world that, so far as the hemisphere of America is concerned at any rate, collection of money obligations by bombardment must cease."

 The fact can not be disputed that the opinions expressed by Mr. Williams are cordially approved by conservative newspapers and public men all over the country. And all things considered it is evident that the people will not permit this country to be committed to the wild jingo policy which the President has proclaimed. This government will never play the part of a big policeman and "walk with a big stick" for the purpose of making the South American States behave themselves according to the Roosevelt idea of propriety. From the New Orleans States and in the Lafayette Advertiser 6/15/1904.

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