Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 14th, 1905:


 A Young Colored Woman, Mistaken for a Robber and Killed.

 Wednesday night at 11:45 a young colored woman by the name of Louisa Thomas was killed in the yard of Mr. H. K. Ruger by Tom Pizzo a young man about 18 years old. The particulars as developed at the coroner's inquest show that a colored man, Adolph Lessin, had noticed a person standing at Mr. Ruger's corner, had seen the person enter the yard and had reported it to young Pizzo, who hastened to the Gordon Hotel and informed Night Watchman Mentor Richard. Then they both at once went and searched Mr. Ruger's yard for the robber, as they supposed the individual to be, at last finding someone in the woodhouse, all wrapped up and apparently crouching against the wood. Mr. Richard called to him to come out. Receiving no answer he called again, when the person rose up suddenly and started forward, and at that moment young Pizzo fired. The person dropped the quilt and stepped forward and they discovered it was a woman. Not knowing she was hit, Mr. Richard asked her what she was doing there and she answered "Looking for my husband." He told her to come and go with him, and she asked, "Where are you going to take me? He repeated, "Come," and the girl made two steps forward, staggered back and fell, dying in a moment or two. Mr. Richard at once telephoned Sheriff Lacoste who came promptly and placed Pizzo under arrest. The coroner was also notified and within a short time came and impaneled a jury, which after hearing testimony, rendered a verdict of justifiable killing, whereupon Pizzo was released from custody. Thursday, however, an affidavit charging him with manslaughter was made before Judge Monnier and he was rearrested and placed in jail, but released on $1,500 bail Friday.

 The presence of the girl in the yard is explained, that for some reason she was prevented from sleeping at the home of relatives where she usually stayed, and being employed as cook at Mr. Ruger's home, she went there and went into the woodhouse to sleep. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.

No Cases of General Interest. Negro Sentenced to Five Months on Road.

 A civil term of court, Judge Pugh presiding, began Monday. Only a few cases were set for trial at this session, none of which are of general interest. Monday morning a young negro man named Abraham King was taken before the Judge on a charge of having stolen $6 from his father. He demanded a trial, which was accorded him, and got 5 months on the road. Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1905.

A Nice Entertainment.

 The Married Ladies Euchre Club was very pleasantly entertained Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. Breeding.

 At the close of eleven interesting games the first prize, a lovely embroidered waist, was awarded Mrs. C. M. Parkerson. Mrs. B. J. Pellerin received the pretty silver waiter, and the third prize, three dainty drawn work dollies, was won by Mrs. Breeding. The members present were: Mmes. C. M. Parkerson, J. R. Stenhouse, H. Jagou, E. Leahman, F. V. Mouton, W. S. Middlemas, B. J. Pellerin, J. A. Martin, Albert Doucet, Sidney Mouton, D. Schwartz. The guests of the club were: Mrs. Baxter Clegg and Miss Estelle Mouton. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.

To Play Two Games of Ball Here Next Saturday.

 Manager Rene Delhomme of the Lafayette Base Ball team, has requested us to announce that he has succeeded in making arrangements with the Sioux Ball team of the Indian Territory, who are making a baseball tour, to play two games on the local diamond next Saturday, June 17, one at 4 p. m., and the other at 8 p. m. The grounds will be brilliantly lighted by arc lamps for the night game. General admission 25 cents, seats on the grand stand 25 cents.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.
Moving to Nicaragua.

 J. I. Hulse, formerly train dispatcher here and last year instructor in telegraphy at the Industrial, left Monday morning for New Orleans on his way to Bluefields, Nicaragua, where he has accepted a place as port captain. Mrs. Hulse and little son accompanied him to New Orleans, going thence to Biloxi to remain with her parents a month or more until Mr. Hulse can prepare to have them with him. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.

 A Mechanical Harp.

 So many and various are the drop-a-nickel-in-the-slot machines that it is hardly proper to say that a new specimen is a novelty, nevertheless the one recently placed in the lobby of the Gordon Hotel almost deserves the term, for it is certainly a most ingenious mechanical-musical device. It is a harp played by automatic fingers. Drop a nickel in the slot, push the button and once harp music of a most pleasing kind entertains you. It is well worth seeing and hearing. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.

 The Cane Crop.

 [La. Planter and Sugar Mfr.]

 Weather sufficiently dry to permit the active prosecution of field work has prevailed during the past week, and our planters have taken full advantage of it, and a wonderful amount of progress has been made in the way of putting the fields in proper shape.

 The weather has been hot, and altogether the situation is very favorable of the the growing cane crop, which promises well. From the La. Planter & Sug. Mfg. and in Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.

 Counsel Employed.

 The City Council had employed Attorneys C. Debaillon and Julian and Jerome Mouton to represent the city in the suit brought by F. Gueblet, through his attorneys, Messrs. Breaux and Elliot, for $2,500 damages for injuries sustained by falling because of a defective sidewalk. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.

 Blue Prints Received.

 Last week a surveying party of the Southern Pacific began running a survey could not be learned. Saturday the committee on right of way, appointed by the citizen's meeting, received the blue prints showing right of way, and will go to work immediately. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.

High Island, Texas.

 I have leased the Sea View Resort, at High Island, Texas, of Cade & Co, for the coming season beginning May 15. The little G. & I. railroad has promised me good service and the street car from the house to the bath houses will be in perfect shape. Besides, a number of Beaumonters have joined me and a fishing pier, as well as safety ropes will be put in.

 I have secured a good chef and the best of help, and will try my utmost to give entire satisfaction. Write for terms.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.  

Will Move June 16.

 The Lafayette Mattress Factory had rented the Magnolia Mills building on Railroad avenue and will occupy it about June 15. This move is made necessary because of their increasing business, their present quarters being entirely to small to meet requirements. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905. 



 Communication Submitted by Old Administration Street - Committee Actively Looking.

 After the Streets - Bids to Be Called to Furnish Town With Lumber.

 Thursday night a special meeting of the City Council was held with all members present. Shortly after the Council was called to order and a number of accounts had been approved, the Mayor, members of the Council and officers of the old administration appeared before the Council and asked through Former Mayor Caffery to present a communication. This being at once granted, Mayor Caffery read the following:

 Lafayette, La., June 8, 1905 - To C. O. Mouton, mayor, and A. R. Trahan, F. E. Girard, S. Begnaud, P. Krauss, O. B. Hopkins and C. D. Boudreaux, members of the City Council of Lafayette, La.

 The undersigned, lately mayor and members of the City Council and officers of said town of Lafayette, having read in "The Lafayette Advertiser" of the 7th that at your meeting on the 5th inst., the statement was made that certain books of the town were missing, and moreover, that your secretary had been in communication with certain experts, with a view of checking up the books of the town, we do now appear for the following purpose, to-wit:

 We deny emphatically and in toto, that any books of treasurer are missing. The books which you supposed to be missing, and concerning which you interrogated former Treasurer Gardebled at your said meeting on the 5th inst., were in your possession at that time, and had been for three weeks. These books show a full and complete and (as we believe) a correct accounting of the finance of the town during the time they cover, and while there has been no charge made of error, or wrongful accounting, in connection therewith, yet the talk about "an expert" and "checking the books" and "seeing where you are at" is inevitably calculated to create the impression in the public mind that somebody knows more than they are willing to express and in fact that there is something wrong with books, thereby reflecting in the most serious and harmful manner upon us.

 And hence, enjoying the knowledge and consciousness that the most faithful and untiring service has been given to the keeping, as well as the examination of the books of the several officers of the town in the past, we are in a position to say that we invite, say, we challenge investigation; but we do, and we shall insist that we be not condemned without a hearing.

 At that investigation whether made by an expert in your pay, or what we would prefer, a public examination made by a committee from your body, we shall demand to be represented. In either case we shall insist upon a thorough investigation to the end that justice may prevail. We affirm that the affairs of this town while in our hands were administered honestly and faithfully, but if any one have knowledge to the contrary, let him come forward like a man, in the open light of the day, and make his charge, and if we have erred, we are ready to say so, but we do not protest against statements made that books are missing, and other similar statements and insinuations which have no foundation in truth.

 We say, moreover, that the financial condition of the town as we left it, is shown by the last report of our finance committee, which was long since placed in your hands, but which you have seen proper to ignore, and which has never been published.

 And we ask that this communication be spread upon your minutes.

 We do not say these things with the view of obstructing you in your work, on the contrary, for the good of the town we stand ready and willing to help the officers of the town in any way we can.

 Ar the (unreadable word) of the communication Mayor Mouton stated that for himself, and he felt also for the Council, he could see no necessity for the communication. The spirit of the Council was to begin their duties with the best of feeling for the Old Council, and he knew of no desire to cast reflection upon them; that the Council wished their co-operation and the benefit of their experience and were sorry to see they had taken in the light they did.

 Upon motion of Councilman Girard the communication was ordered spread upon the minutes. The members of the old administration then retired.

 Then as an official reply to the communication, upon motion of Councilman Hopkins the following was adopted:

 Resolved, that the object, purpose and desire of this body is to ascertain the actual financial condition of this town, with no intention, expressed or implied, to cast a reflection on the retiring council.

 With that object in view and in the faithful and conscientious discharge of our duties, we would ask that the retiring council, if they deem proper, in order to assist officers of this town, appoint a committee to meet a like committee appointed by this body, for the purpose of determining the actual outstanding obligations and indebtedness of this town. That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the mayor and members of the retiring council.

 Councilman Hopkins suggested that as it was merely the purpose of the Council to get a statement of the financial condition of the town, and in order to allay any feeling in the matter aroused by the proposal to employ an expert, that a committee be appointed from the Council for that purpose and offered his services. It was decided to accept his offer of services, but to have Mr. C. C. Brown do the work assisted by him.

 Councilman Trahan reported that many crossings were in bad condition, but he was not authorized to fix them and asked the will of the Council. Also a number of details in regard to the streets were discussed, showing that the street committee were actively looking after the work assigned them.

 In order to have funds for paying accounts due and for doing necessary work the Council decided to borrow $1,000.

 The collector having asked for instruction in regard to those not paying water and light bills upon presentation, the following resolution was passed:

 That the collector shall call upon the customers owing for water and light once, and in the event of non-payment of same, and if same be not paid within five days thereafter at the office of the collector, that he shall proceed without delay to cut them off from the services of water and light. Carried.

 The question of purchasing lumber was brought up by the street committee and it was ordered that they call for bids for furnishing lumber to the city for a period of six months, a longer time was not set, owing to the fluctuation in price of lumber.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.

Police Jury Notes.

 The Police Jury met in regular session Thursday with all members present, and the following business was transacted:

 A report was received from Mr. Mouton stating that the clerk's office had been repaired and at a small cost.

 Mr. Breaux reported that a large dam in the 8th ward had been cut at an expense of $200, half of which citizen's interested had contributed.

 Messrs. Breaux and Theall were appointed committee to make settlement with the sheriff.

 A pension of $12.50 was allowed George Schere to assist him in procuring medical attention.

 Constable Comeaux of the 7th ward reported that he had killed 117 dogs and had sold 86 dog collars at $1.00 each, with refund $43.

 A committee consisting of Messrs. Landry and Boudreaux were appointed to call upon Supt. Shackford in regard to having all crossings between Broussard and Lafayette repaired.

 Sheriff Lacoste was authorized to purchase tags to be put on all vehicles subject to road tax.

 The question of opening Landry's crossing was discussed, but action was deferred to ascertain the status of the road.

 Pensions were granted to Jerry Montgomery, 8th ward, and Adelard Bernard, 6th ward. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 6/14/1905.

 W. A. Stevens has accepted a position with the H. E. & W. T. railroad with headquarters at Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens left this morning for their new home.

 Mr. Gus Schmulen will begin the erection of a two story brick store on his lot on Pierce street very shortly, and preparatory to building he is having the residence in the rear of his present store moved to Mudd addition. Meantime he will occupy the Trahan building just across from his store as a residence.

 Prog. W. J. Avery left for Fort Jessup Saturday night to assist in the summer normal which began there Monday.

 Dr. E. L. Stephens, Prof. W. J. Avery, Prof. E. F. Gayle, Miss Fadra Holmes and Miss Bowers attended the teachers' conference at Baton Rouge last week.

 P. Krauss, a prominent jeweler of Lafayette and member of the city council, left Sunday for New York where he will take a steamer for France to visit his parents. He expects to be gone about three months and before returning will visit Switzerland, Italy and Algiers.

 Mrs. P. M. Girard and children are expected to arrive Thursday and will spend some time visiting relatives.

 Miss Fadra Holmes is one of the instructors in the summer normal which began at Lake Charles Monday.

 Dr. P. M. Girard and Crow Girard left last week for Covington. Before returning they expect to visit several places in Mississippi.

 Mr. Adonis LeBlanc has purchased the beautiful home of Mr. J. O. Broussard on Johnston street. The price paid was $4,200. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.


 Growth and development are two most desirable things in the life of a community, and it is not inopportune at the present time to consider their causes.

 The support of a town comes primarily from the agricultural country surrounding it, and the first effort toward growth and development should be to render communication between this natural tributary territory and the town as easy and rapid as possible by means of good roads. This accomplished, the territory should be enlarged again and again by more good dirt roads, motor roads or railroads that "all highways should lead to Rome;" but ever bearing in mind that the interests of this tributary territory is the town's interest and that at all times and all seasons their friendship should be assiduously cultivated.

 The second cause is the establishment of good schools, both primary and advanced. Every facility for the proper education of the children should be provided - suitable buildings, superior teachers and trained supervision - and a generous welcome extended to all who may desire to come and avail themselves of the town's educational advantages.

 The third is a liberal support of their newspapers; for to them falls the task of advertising the advantages of the town, the quality of its citizenship and its desirability as a home, besides recording all progressive movements, expressing suggestions for the general welfare and giving generously and willingly its space and influence for the public good.

 A fourth cause is the making of the town a shipping and distributing point by the establishment of commission and wholesale houses, both of which add materially to the town by furnishing employment, by placing money in circulation, and by augmenting its commerce.

 A fifth and most important cause is railroads, because they add to the population, disburse considerable sums in the town monthly and furnish employment. To this is added the fact that they make possible the extension of the town's territory for trade.

 Another and vital cause is manufactures and industries, valuable because they furnish employment, thus adding to the population and increasing business, resulting in an augmentation of property values.\

These are the six chief causes of development and growth briefly stated and a recognition of these is a requisite before steady and successful efforts can be made to that end. But with knowledge of these causes and an active, earnest progressive league loyally supported by a progressive public sentiment, large things are possible. Original source unknown. Printed in Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1905.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of June 14th, 1902:


 A special from Rayne to the Picayune of June 9th, says:  The largest fire seen in this town for the past seven years occurred this morning at 3:10 o'clock, a two-story frame building, and soon spread to other adjoining buildings. The following buildings were destroyed and were a total loss:

 Building occupied to Brunner Bros. and owned by Sam Haas, of Chicotla. Building insured, but amount not learned. Brunner Bros. stock of merchandise valued at about $5,000, no insurance.

 Building owned by Brunner Bros. and occupied by Ell Sharewski as clothing store, stock insured in Liverpool and London and Globe for $1,000, and at $2,000; no insurance to the building.

 Building owned by J. H. Wright and occupied as a barber shop and postal telegraph office, no insurance on building.

 Building owned by A. S. Chappius and occupied by Chas. Oudin as a saloon and Gaston Servat as a grocery store. Building insured in Providence, of Washington, for 75 per cent, valued at $1,200.  Stock of Mr. Oudin insured in Eglins Agency for $2,000. Loss about $1,500.

 Stable belonging to Brunner Bros. and occupied by Cleophas Richard, valued at $300, no insurance. Mr. Richard saved all of his horses and carriages.

 Brunner Bros'. loss about $7.000 as near as can be learned to-day.

 The brick building owned by Mervine Kahn and occupied by the Rayne State Bank caught on fire, but no damage was done to the building outside of the roof to the building and the roof to Mr. Kahn's grocery store; damage estimated at about $750, fully covered by insurance.

 The building owned and occupied by Dave Levy caught several times, but was was put out. The building was badly scorched, windows broken and stock damaged by water to the amount of about $1,000, fully covered by insurance.

 The saving of Kahn's Department store and residence and all adjoining buildings in the entire block was due to the brick bank building and good work of citizens, where the fire was checked.

 Luckily it was a calm morning and no wind blowing, otherwise the entire town would have been endangered, owing to the recent dry spell. The origin of the fire is unknown.
Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902.

Guests of Father Forge.

 M. F. Ambrogi, French consul at New Orleans, an M. Vergnole a resident of that city, arrived in Lafayette last Saturday and were the guests of Revs. Father Forge and Bollard until Tuesday. The Sontag Band called at the presbytery Sunday night and serenaded the distinguished representatives of the French government and his companion. An informal reception was given in their honor at which a number of citizens of the town were present. They returned to New Orleans Tuesday. Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902.  

Day and Night Service at Landry's Stable.

 The Landry Livery Stable will be open day and night. There will be some one at the stable at all hours of the night who will answer all calls by phone and who will be ready to furnish teams and the omnibus to any one who so desires. Hacks will meet all the day and night trains and will make trips to any points in or out of town. All orders will be promptly attended to. Should the night man be out with the "bus" and fail to answer the 'phone, persons desiring his services will do well to repeat the call which will be answered as soon as the 'bus returns to the stable. Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902.

Bank of Lafayette.

 We print in this issue a statement of the Bank of Lafayette, which announces a semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent. Since its establishment this bank, which is managed by reliable and trustworthy business men, has steadily increased in popularity. Though quite young it has already passed the experimental stage and has become one of the fixed institutions of the town. Conducted upon sound and conservative business principles , the Bank of Lafayette enjoys its share of the public patronage and possesses the confidence of the people. Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902.

 A New Bank.

 There is a movement on foot to establish a new bank in Lafayette. It is said that a large portion of the capital has been subscribed and that the intention is to make the third one in Lafayette. Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902.

 Burglary at Scott. - Thursday night burglars entered the store of Judice & Son at Scott and carried away a few dollars in cash. An unsuccessful attempt was made to get into the safe. Officers are at work on the case and may catch the burglars. Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902.

The Races.

 The races given Saturday and Sunday by the Surrey Park Association were witnessed by a large crowd of people. On Sunday a large number of people came from the adjacent towns. The races took place as advertised and a considerable amount of money changed hands. This is the first time that races have taken place at the new park and judging from the large crowds present on Sunday the association will make a success of its enterprise. A number or good races took place and the people seemed pleased with the manner in which everything was done.
Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902. 

Drug Store Sold.

 D. V. Gardebled, the well-known druggist, has sold his drugstore to Louis Guerre and Frank E. Broussard. Messrs. Guerre and Broussard will continue the business at the same stand and will give the same satisfactory service to the public given by Mr. Gardebled. Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902.

 Statement of Receipts and Disbursements.

 Mr. George DeBlanc, the diligent chairman of the Council's finance committee, has furnished The Gazette with a statement showing the receipts and disbursements of the municipal funds during the year. The statement, which will be published in our next issue, contains much information which will no doubt be of interest to the tax-payers of the town. Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902.   

 Attended Confederate Reunion.

Mr. Arthur Greig returned Monday morning from Texas after a stay of two months in that State. Mr.Greig attended the reunion of the Confederate Veterans at Dallas and from there went to Waco to visit his brother, Mr. Duncan Greig, his nephew, Mr. Frazier Greig and his friend, Mr. Edgar Moss. While in the Lone Star State he visited Fort Worth, Houston, Galveston and other points of interest. He reports having a had a most enjoyable trip. Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902.  



 A Fine Dinner Enjoyed by Members of Morgan Lodge and a Few Friends.

 Last Tuesday night the large dining hall on the second floor of the new Domengeaux hotel was filled with the member of Morgan Lodge, No. 317, of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. A number of ladies graced the occasion with their presence and several guests were there to partake of the hospitality of the trainmen. Mr. and Mrs. Domengeaux had displayed much taste in arranging the tables, the artistic decorations being in keeping with the excellence of the menu. A committee of railroad men had been actively engaged
for two or three days and evidences of their work were seen in the faultless arrangement of every detail of the celebration. A string band enlivened the banquet with good music and gave an opportunity to the young people to conclude the evening with a most enjoyable dance. Appropriate toasts were made by Messrs. F. C. Triay, F. V. Mouton, A. M. Martin and John F. Bowen, all of whom paid deserved tributes to the Brotherhood and expressed the wish that it will continue to uphold the dignity of labor, preserve its rights and protect its interests against those who would be disposed to ignore the great truth that the "laborer is worthy of his hire." The sentiments uttered by the speakers touched a responsive chord in the breast of every one present.

 Morgan Lodge forms part of the great Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen which was organized in Oneonta, N. Y., on Sept. 23, 1883. The Brotherhood soon grew from a humble beginning to a powerful organization. Its high aims, based upon the principle that justice should be accorded to both the employe and the employer, appealed to trainmen throughout the country and before long its membership assumed enormous proportions. With its 617 lodges and 51,000 and members and 232 lodges of the ladies' auxiliary, it is now recognized as a potent force in the railroad world, and wields much power in cultivating a friendly relations between the trainmen and and the railway corporations. As evidence of the great help it has been to the members it is only necessary to state that it has paid claims amounting to the magnificent total of $6,743,960.90, and it has to the credit of its protective fund $200,00.

 Morgan Lodge was organized on July 15, 1889, with about fifteen members of fifty-eight. The lodge is in a most flourishing condition. It has been a source of much assistance to the local railroad men. As an adjuster of differences it has rendered invaluable services. Having in view the welfare of the members it has always pursued a conservative policy, exerting at all times its best efforts toward a peaceful and reasonable settlement of the difficulties which arise occasionally between the men and their employers. It is safe to say that no other organization possesses a more earnest and enthusiastic membership than Morgan Lodge. The men understand that in unity there is force and while they are not unmindful of the fraternal relations with the society promotes, they appreciate the material advantages derived from a strong, well-supported organization.

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 Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902.



 Class Work Assigned to the Members of the Faculty.

 The Summer School opened at the Industrial Institute last Monday morning and started on its month's work. Though the attendance was not as large as expected, there were enough teachers present to insure the success of the normal. Acadia, St. Landry, St. Mary and Lafayette had large delegations. while St. Martin, Iberia and Vermilion were, numerically speaking, very poorly represented. Fortunately for the association the two new members, Acadia and St. Landry, made a very creditable showing.

 President Caldwell, of the State Normal School, who never fails to be there when the interests of public education are to be promoted, presided over the first meeting and helped materially to organize the summer school. Mr. Caldwell announced that it would be the conductor. Dr Dillard is one of the finest educators in the South and, while the teachers regretted President Caldwell's inability to remain with them, they were greatly pleased to have so able and scholarly a gentleman to take his place as conductor of the normal. Monday was taken up by the faculty in attending to the preliminary work of organization.

 Monday night Prof. Alcee Fortier delivered the first lecture of the session. He spoke on the "Romantisme Francais." The next morning Prof. Fortier made a talk to the history class and later in the day he spoke in the auditorium, his subject being the French language. It is needless to say that the delightful lectures of this gifted Louisiana proved highly interesting and instructive.

 Wednesday night Mr. M. H. Carver, of Natchitoches, delivered a very thoughtful address on the single tax. Mr. Carver is a profound thinker and one of the ablest advocates of the single tax theory in the State. At the conclusion of Mr. Carver's address Miss Lizzie Mudd favored the audience with a selection on the piano.

 Thursday night President B. C. Caldwell, of the State Normal, delivered an eloquent address to the teachers. Miss Lillian Mildred Knott, the music teacher of the summer school, and Mr. William Hayden, the talented young musician who is a guest of Dr. Stephens. delighted the audience with selections of vocal and instrumental music.

 The faculty is an exceptionally able one. The names of the members composing the faculty  are printed below and the line of work assigned to each is given:

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 Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902.

 Police Jury Proceedings.

 Lafayette,La., June 5, 1902. - The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: Mr. Billeaud, Jr., J. C. Buchanan, F. G. Mouton, J. A. Labbe, J. O. Blanchet, Alonzo Lacy, John Whittington, Saul Broussard and Alex. M. Broussard.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 Mr. Buchanan asked that the minutes record his vote on the motion to grant an appropriation to the town of Carencro for building a bridge, the attorney having been consulted and rendering an adverse opinion as to the legal right to make the appropriations. Granted.

 Mr. Mouton explained that he had moved the appropriation be allowed on the ground of equity, the parish revenue from the per capita tax in the town of Carencro far exceeding the amount allowed for the bridge.

 Attorney Mouton rendered opinions as to the boundary lines between Lafayette and Vermilion and between Lafayette and Acadia. The line between Lafayette and Vermilion could be definitely marked by regular ordinance of the Jury giving six months notice to Vermilion parish in accordance with provisions of act 40 of 1855; Revised Statutes of Louisiana, Sec. 2624. The limits of Acadia parish are defined by act 39 of 1886 and provides that the territory to form said parish shall be taken exclusively from the parish of St. Landry and as the boundary line fixed by act 157 of 1898 encroaches upon the territory of Lafayette by taking a part of the territory of Lafayette and incorporating same as part of Acadia the said act 157 is null and void. The said act 157 of 1898 is further violative of article 278 of the constitution of 1898 which provides that all laws changing parish lines shall be submitted to the electors of the parishes affected and that a two-thirds vote of the qualified electors of the respective parishes shall be requisite to effect any change in said boundary lines. The reports were received and Attorney Mouton thanked.

 By motion of Mr. Mouton the reply to Vermilion parish as to marking boundary line was deferred and the secretary instructed to notify the Vermilion authorities to proceed in accordance with legal requirements.

 Misses Agnes and Armide Guilbeaux were allowed the usual appropriation for attendance upon the Summer Normal at Franklin.

 Superintendent Alleman here appeared and tendered the Jury complimentary tickets to the Chautauqua lectures and extending a special invitation to the body to attend the reception for parish officials fixed for June 25. By motion of Mr. Mouton a vote of thanks was tendered Superintendent Alleman for the courtesies of the Jury resolved to attend the reception in a body.

 Mr. Blanchet reported further conference with the Vermilion committee relative to locating the bridge but no agreement could be reached. By motion of Mr. Whittington it was resolved that if Vermilion parish does not shortly accept the terms and offer of Lafayette to construct the proposed bridge on the site fixed and approved by the United States engineer, the committee representing this parish is instructed to examine other sites, and endeavor to find a suitable location.

 President Billeaud appointed Messrs. Mouton and Labbe to paint Pin Hook bridge.

 Messrs. Alex. M. Broussard and Saul Broussard reported donations of public roads in the second and sixth wards respectively and same were accepted and ordered recorded.

 Mr. Saul Broussard was authorized to build a new bridge over a coulee on the new road.

 The following was adopted: Resolved, that Antoine Broussard, road overseer of the 8th ward, is hereby instructed to notify Mr. Albert Duhon that by order of the Police Jury he will unless prevented by due process of law remove after ten days notice hereof the two china trees standing in the public road opposite the property of said Albert Duhon.

 By motion of Mr. Buchanan the president appointed Messrs. Alex. M. Broussard and Alonzo Lacy to examine into the matter at issue between Dr. H. D. Guidry, president of the Board of Health and Ignace Trahan, relative to a certain case of smallpox in the 8th ward.

 The treasurer submitted reports as follows:

 To the President and members of Police Jury Parish of Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of the parish funds since my last report.

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 Respectfully submitted,
               J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.
     Lafayette, La., June 5, 1902.

 To the President and Members of Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of special road fund since my last report.

---------------------p. 5---------------------

 Respectfully submitted,
                  J. E. MARTIN,
       Lafayette, La, June 5, 1902.
       The following accounts were approved:

-------------------p. 5------------------

 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.
M. BILLEAUD, Jr., President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 6/14/1902.

 A thief entered the home of Mr. Ed. G. Voorhies one night this week and stole a pocket knife and a few dimes. Every summer a gang of petty thieves make their appearance in this town and as a rule succeed in avoiding detection.

 A. W. Hawks, who will lecture at the Chautauqua Monday night, is one of the brightest lecturers on the platform.  

 Remember that the famous Quaker Quartette will appear at the Chautauqua Thursday and Friday.

 The Sontag Military Band will be at the Parkerson grove to-morrow evening.

 Mr. C. O. Mouton visited New Orleans this week on business.

 Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mouton have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Agnes, to Mr. A. E. Chargois. The marriage will take place Thursday, June 26, at 6:30 o'clock, in St. John's Catholic church.

 Mr. Sam J. Montgomery will leave Sunday for his former home at Covington, Kentucky, where he will spend some time with relatives. Mr. Montgomery has not visited his old home since about 35 years. The Gazette wishes him a bon voyage.

 The fireman's parade announced to tale place June 18, has been postponed to Friday July, 4, 1902, at 5 p. m. The fire department will be governed accordingly.

 In order to make room for a general line of hardware, Nicholson is offering buggies, surries, and plow goods at very low prices. Come in and see for yourselves. Lafayette Gazette 6/14/1902.




 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 14th, 1902:


 The Southwest Louisiana Summer Normal and Chautauqua embracing the parishes of St. Mary, Iberia, St. Martin, Vermilion, St. Landry, Acadia and Lafayette, began its second session on Monday, June 9, in the Industrial School building with an enrollment of 80 teachers and the following faculty: Dr. Dillard of Tulane, conductor; Pres. E. L. Stephens of the Industrial School; Geo. Williamson, Irving King, Miss Lillian Knott, Miss Bessie V. Russell, Miss Ada Pitcher, of the State Normal; Jas. N. Yeager, Lake Charles; V. L. Roy, Industrial School and Supt. L. J. Alleman.

 The opening exercises took place in teh Auditorium, where the faculty, teachers, and children who were to form the model school, had assembled Prof. Caldwell made a short address appropriate to the occasion, after which he introduced each member of the faculty, who in turn made a brief talk. Prof. Caldwell then announced the courses offered by the Summer School and proceeded to organize classes. After which each class repaired to the room assigned to it, and the work of the Summer School began.

 Tuesday the following daily program for the session was adopted.

 8:15 Opening Exercises.

 8:30 English Grammar A, Singing A, Psychology, Nature study.

 9:05 Physiology, School Economy, Literature, Algebra.

 9:40 Physical Education.

 10:00 Geography B. U. S, History, Louisiana History, Physiology.

 10:35 Numbers, Arithmetic, Literature, Civil Government.

 11:10 Recess.

 11:20 Singing B, Composition, Child study, Algebra, Geometry.

 11:55 English Grammar B, Geography A, Methods, Latin.

 A complete roll of teachers and students was not made until Thursday. On that day there were 96 teachers in the attendance, 38 students not teachers taking the course, and 120 children in the model school.

 The class work during the week has been most interesting, and the teachers have all heartily and earnestly entered into work with a zeal that gives promise of splendid results. The course and opportunities are greater than ever before offered in any summer school in this state, and it is to be regretted that a much larger number of teachers have not come here to take advantage of this feast of good things.

 On Monday night, Prof. Alcee Fortier of Tulane lectured in French on "La Romantisme Francais" to a large and appreciative audience.

 Wednesday night, Mr. M. H. Carver of Natchitoches gave an interesting and instructive address on the "Single Tax," and on Thursday night, Prof. B. C. Caldwell gave one of his usual happy and entertaining talks.

 Friday evening at 8:30 the Sontag Military Band gave a free open air concert at Parkerson's Grove complimentary to our visitors.

 To-morrow special services for teachers will be held at the Catholic church, Rev. Fathers Biever, Forge and Bollard officiating. Prof. Sontag's choir of fifty voices will sing Gounod's mass. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1902.

 Century Club.

 The Century Club having found its present quarters entirely inadequate and on account of a large membership, decided to erect a handsome two-story brick club building, which will be an ornament to the town; and to that end have purchased of Dr. F. R. Tolson the lot on Jefferson street just across the present home of the club for the sum of $2,330. The first floor will be arranged for business purposes, and the second floor will be used exclusively for the benefit of the club. The exact style and plan of the building has not yet been decided positively, except that it must be a handsome building, two stories in height, and the 2nd story planed so as to make the most convenient, comfortable and home-like club rooms in the state. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1902.


 The races which were held at Surrey Park on last Saturday and Sunday were a large success. Excursions from Lake Charles, Opelousas and Morgan City brought in large crowds, that taxed the transportation facilities of the town to their capacity. The races as advertised, were the greatest ever held in this part of the state. There was plenty of good horse flesh, and the different races had spice enough in them to suit any one. The lovers of a good horse race had just what they liked, for some fine movers were on the track; and a number of speedy contests came off. This first meet on the Surrey track gives great promise for the future, and no doubt it will not be long before Lafayette becomes famous for fast horses and good races.

 Results of Saturday Races.

---------------------p. 1-------------------

 Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1902.

For the Second Week Beginning Sunday, June 15th, 1902.

 Special service for the teachers in the Catholic church, Rev. Father Blever, Rev. Father Forge and Rev. Father Bollard officiating, Professor Sontag's choir of fifty voices will render Gounod's Messe Solennelle (St. Cecilia).

 -----------------p. 1--------------------

 Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1902.

Railroad Trainmen Feast at Domegeaux's.

 The Brotherhood of Railroad train men gave a grand spread at Domengeaux's restaurant on Tuesday night. The table was loaded with all good things, the market affords, and to to these were added the charm of sociability and the flow of wit, so that the supper will be long remembered by the fortunate participants as a most happy event. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1902.

Purchased Gardebled's Drug-store.

 Messrs. Louis Guerre and Frank Broussard have purchased of Mr. D. V. Gardebled his drug store, and will conduct the business under the firm name of Guerre and Broussard. Both of these young men are natives of Lafayette and are held in the highest esteem by all who know them. The Advertiser joins their many friends in best wishes for a great success. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1902.

 More Robberies.

 Robbers have again made their appearance in Lafayette. This time they entered the residence of Mr. Ed. G. Voorhies and secured a pair of suspenders, seventy-five cents, and some shirt buttons. They next tried the home of District Attorney Campbell, but were frightened off after cutting two slats from the blinds, as there were no further traces of damage.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1902.

 For the Benefit of Prof. Sontag.

 Wednesday, June 25th, has been fixed as the date for the musical and vocal concert to be given for the first benefit of the Sontag Military Band and the Episcopal church. A varied and interesting program will be prepared for the occasion, consisting of vocal and instrumental solos, duets and quartets, and comic recitation. Light refreshments will be served by the ladies of the Episcopal guild.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/13/1902.

 Returned to New Orleans.

 Mr. Ambrogi, French Consul at New Orleans, who was the guest of Father Forge for several days left for his home in the city on Tuesday. While here Mr. Ambrogi was the recipient of many courtesies from citizens of the town. The Sontag Military Band serenaded him, on Saturday night, and at the close of the serenade, Father Forge invited the "boys" in, and all spent an agreeable evening. Father Forge in honor of his guest displayed the French and American flags on his house during his visit. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1902.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 6/14/1902.

 Clark, the photographer, is prepared to take groups, and it would be a splendid momento of the Summer Normal if the teachers would go to Clark, the photographer, with their friends and let him make a fine group picture for them.

 Died. - Monday, June 9, at Crowley, Miss Lena Andrus, sister of Mrs. Frank K. Hopkins of this place. Miss Andrus was a most lovable young lady, and her sudden death will be learned with sorrow by her many friends.

 An excursion will be given Sunday, June 15th, 1902, from Labadieville on account of races. Train will leave Lafayette at 7:00 a. m. and return at 7:00 p. m. Round trip $2.00.

 A game of ball will be played Sunday on the Carencro track between the Lafayette Camelias, Jr., and the Carencro nine. Admission 25 cents.

 Mr. Soloman Wise of Abbeville was a visitor to Lafayette during the week, for the purpose of superintending the construction of a cement walk at the Jewish cemetery.

 Mr. Euclice Sonnier brought to our office a fine stalk of cotton covered with squares, which is on exhibition in the Advertiser window. Mr. Sonnier has five acres equally as good as the sample shown.

 Grand races will take place at Surrey Park, Sunday, July 6th. Full particulars will be given later.

 Mr. Gregory;s new home is nearly completed. It will be a very comfortable home when finished.

 Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nickerson, a girl.

 The State Legislature appropriated $4,000 for the president's residence of the Lafayette Industrial School, $5,000 for completion of dormitory and $2,500 equipment. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1902.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 14th, 1890:



 The offer of a million dollars which the La. State Lottery has now made to the State of Louisiana for an extension of its franchise and the privilege of continuing its lottery drawings in New Orleans, suggests some very curious reflections. Ostensibly the manager of the lottery are proposing with $1,000,000 to buy a franchise for the lottery. What they are really buying is the State itself, the honor and good name of the State itself, the honor and good name of the State; and if the State of Louisiana accepts the prices he shall immediately begin to figure that the value of the United States Government is in the eyes of the people who conduct this gigantic gambling corporation.

 When we consider what the profits of the Louisiana State Lottery are, and the offer which the lottery people make to the State, it is demonstrated that this is one of the cases where the part is greater than the whole. The lottery, according to its own statement sells $28,000,000 in tickets a year, returning little more than half of this to its patrons in the way of prizes. As the entire expenses of the corporation are borne by the profits arising from a small daily lottery which is run in New Orleans, it will be seen that the annual profits of the concern are nearly $14,000,000, and this goes to the pockets of the officers and stockholders in the way of salaries and dividends. Of this $14,000,000 the lottery people propose to return $1,000,000 to the State. Or, in other words, the State of Louisiana is worth one-fourteenth of the Louisiana State Lottery. The sum of $1,000,000, by the way is about what one of the lottery stockholders, John A. Morris, has expended for the Westchester race track, although that figure is popularly believed to be very much under the mark. The State of Louisiana, therefore, at least so far as the lottery people view it, it is not worth as much as the race track of the American Jockey Club in Westchester county.

 When the State of Louisiana is finally bought for $1,000,000 a year, it will be interesting to list it along with the other purchases that have been accomplished with lottery money. First among them stands the race track I refer to. Besides the race track, legislators without number who have done good turns for the corporation have been bought; brilliant and popular lawyers, both in New Orleans and Washington, newspapers of circulation at New Orleans and elsewhere, the Ward McAllisters of New Orleans and other social centres. These last have been bribed to secure places in society for what is known in New Orleans as "the lottery set." This entire list has been confronted with the gold that has poured into the coffers of the lottery combination and have succumbed and been added to the curious and unique collection of things purchased.

 By H. I. Newell, In Frank Leslie's Illustrated, and in the Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1890.

Convent Girls Building Sidewalk?

 Go down in your pocket and fish up that insignificant little quarter; then take it around to Falk's Hall next Tuesday night and give it to those Convent girls who have spunk enough to build a side-walk. They have succeeded in their training better than was expected, and their programme is lengthy and interesting. That naive and winning little sprite Miss Emma Falk is going to sing "Mamma. Buy Me That!" and her mother ought to do it. The children also give a matinee Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, so as to give other children and their mothers an opportunity of attending. A variety of refreshments will be furnished at the Hall. Now turn out and show how much you appreciate spirit and enterprise like this. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1890.

St. Medard's Day.

 Last Sunday, June 8th, was the day sacred to St. Medard. According to the popular legend, it it rains on that day it will rain each day following for forty days. It did rain on that day, and it seems that we are in for it. However, the crops in our parish have been well worked and are out of grass.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1890.

Weather Didn't Dampen Party.

 Friday night of last week a party of ladies and gentlemen, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, gathered in the spacious parlors of Mrs. M. P. Young's handsome residence and enjoyed a most delightful soiree, tendered them by the amiable and hospitable lady. Merriment, music and dancing ruled supreme. Among those present and participating were Misses Lizzie Parkerson, Viola Kelly, Anita Hohorst, Stella and Haydee Trahan, Azelie Roussel, Mollie and Emma Clifford, Effie Young, Ione Rochel, Minnie and Zaza Cornay, Mrs. Geo. Bailie and Mrs. N. P. Moss. Messrs. Geo. B. Petty, J. G. David, J. J. Davidson, Pink Torian, Geo. Richard, Jean Comeau, Charlie Parkerson, F. E. Girard, Monroe Young and Mr. George Bailie. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1890.

Another Building and Loan.

 A branch of the Inter-State Building and Loan Association, of Columbus, Ga., was organized here on Saturday, May 31st, by Mr. A. Ducas, Traveling Agent. Following are the officers: Wm. Campbell, President; Gerac Bros., Secretary and Treasurer; Wm. Campbell, Agent and attorney. Directors: J. G. Gardemal, Johnny Walters, L. Oueilhe, J. A. Landry, James Mitchell. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1890.

 Schedule Change.

 A slight change has been made in the time card of the Southern Pacific railroad. The several passenger trains now leave Lafayette as follows: No. 18 from New Orleans for Texas leaves at 1:15 p. m. No. 17 from Texas for New Orleans leaves at 2:10 p. m. No, 20 from New Orleans for Texas leaves at 10:15 p. m. No. 19 from Texas for New Orleans leaves at 2:30 a. m. The trains on the "tap" leaves as follows: For Cheneyville at 8:15 a. m. For Alexandria 2:10 p. m. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1890.

Cool Place in Summer.

 Read the advertisement of the famous "Pointe-aux-Loups Springs in another column. These springs long before the war were noted far and near for their health-giving properties and their delightful surroundings, and were much visited. They offer peculiar attractions to loves of hunting and fishing. There is no pleasanter place in all this region in which to pass the hot months. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1890.

Kaufman Decorticating Machine.  

   A good many of our citizens visited Col. Gus. A. Breaux's plantation (Oakbourne) last Saturday to witness the working of the Kaufman manufacturing ramie decorticating machine. We were unavoidably absent, but our observant friend, Mr. L. Nollive, witnessed the operation of the machine with much interest, and says that it performs its work with marvelous speed and grinds out a remarkably neat and fine fibre. The ramie raised on the Oakbourne plantation is of superior quality, and demonstrates that the parish is regularly adapted to its culture. We regret that our farmers have not taken hold it more readily. A diversity of planting is necessary to determine which is the most profitable industry, and we believe our farmers here should give ramie a trial. That is can be readily prepared for market is an assured condition. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1890. 

 New Office for Wm. Campbell.

 Mr. William Campbell has purchased from the estate of M. E. Girard the property on South Main Street, East of Mr. Priollaud's jewelry store, and recently occupied by Mr. Chas. Caffery as a law office. Mr. Campbell has secured a most desirable site for a law office. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1890.

Impressive Safe.

 The new Hall safe placed in the exchange office of Dr. N. P. Moss, last Tuesday, is an object of great admiration and is attracting much attention. It is 69 inches high, 52 inches wide, 37 inches deep, and is fire and burglar proof. Dr. Moss needed a safe of such proportions to meet the requirements of his constantly growing business, and now enjoys the distinction of owning the largest fire and burglar proof in the parish. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1890.


 Lafayette, La., June 13, 1890.

 Mr. Editor: I would beg of you to submit the following problem in arithmetic:

 A person looking at his watch was asked what was the time of day? He answered: "it is between 4 and 5." But a more particular answer being required, he said: "that the hour and minute hands were exactly together." What was the time.
                          (Signed.) C. U. RIOSITY.

 P. S. - Please answer next week.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1890. 


To the Camelia Baseball Club.

-----------------p. 4-------------
Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1890.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 6/14/1890.

 Heavy showers of rain fell throughout the parish Sunday and Monday.

 We have got "an opinion as is an opinion," and we have got it about any set of young men who are constantly promising a "party of young ladies to give them a picnic."
 O! yes; "we are going to give you a picnic soon!"

 At Merrymaker's Hall, Grand Coteau, on the night of Tuesday, June 24th, the Grand Coteau String Band will give a grand ball for the benefit of its treasury. Let's all go! You will hear some fine music. Admission free.

 We have received from our young friend Walter Mouton a copy of the "Tiro Waltz," a very pretty piece of music, composed by Walter and dedicated to his brother Frank Mouton, M. D. The composition shows that Mr. Mouton is possessed of considerable musical talent.

 We note in the New Orleans papers that Miss "Sweetie" Darling, until recently one of Lafayette's popular belles, after a delightful sojourn of several months with friends in New Orleans, has returned to the home of her step-father, Mr. W. W. Will, at Cheneyville.

 We are under obligation of our young  friend Mr. Edward Mouton, son of Mrs. E. E. Mouton,  for as fine Irish potatoes as we have seen this year, raised on his mother's place near town. The potato crop of Lafayette parish is unusually fine and even this year.

 Mr. J. C. Couvillon sent here last Saturday a stalk of cotton measuring three and half feet high, grown on his place near Carencro. It was worked by Mr. Armand Guilbeau, and is a fine stand of cotton. It is covered with forms and open flowers.

 It appears that the City Council is not going to build that plank walk on down to the post office. Now it behooves the "old children" to follow the lead of the young children" of the Convent, and in the language of "Uncle Remus," just whirl in and do it themselves." That walk has got to be built, if we have to do it.

 Mrs. Philibert Revillon, of Lake Arthur, is here the guest of Mrs. J. J. Revillon.

 Judge A. J. Moss left here Thursday for a short visit to the Crescent City.

 Miss Azelie Roussel, of Patterson, La., who has been the guest of Mrs. Cornay for some time, left Thursday for home.

 Dr. F. S. Mudd left her last Wednesday for New Orleans to meet his daughter who is just returning from school at Clinton, La.

 You will see the card of Mr. L. I. Tansey, Attorney at Law, in another column. Mr. Tansey has recently located in our town, moving here from Opelousas. We extend him a cordial welcome. His ability as a lawyer is known and recognized throughout our section of the State.

 Thursday we received a pleasant call from our genial and stirring young friend Dr. Fred Mayer, of Scott. He is always a welcome visitor, and his views upon men and things are "not to be sneezed at." Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1890.

Police Jury Proceedings.

 The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: Messrs. C. P. Alpha, J. G. St. Julien, A. A. Delhomme, R. C. Landry, C. C. Brown, O. Theriot and Ford Huffpauir.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Mr. St. Julien on behalf of the Olidon Broussard's bridge committee submitted the following report:

     BROUSSARD COVE: May 10th, 1890.
 The Olidon Bridge Committee met this day at the bridge over the bayou at Olidon Ferry. There were present: J. G. St. Julien, H. Huffpauir, L. O. Broussard and J. T. Broussard.

 Absent: Ford Huffpauir and O. Theriot.

 On motion of Mr. Huffpauir:

 Resolved, That notice is hereby given that on June the 20th, 1890, the committee will meet here and will be ready to receive bids for the repair of the bridge, and notice to be published in the official journals of Lafayette and Vermilion.
             J. G. ST. JULIEN, Pres.
    J. T. BROUSSARD, Sec.

 On motion duly made the following was adopted:

 Be it Resolved, That the Committee on Bridge at Olidon Broussard's Ferry be granted further time, and is hereby authorized to make any alterations they may deem proper in the matter.

 A petition from 73 citizens of the 2nd Ward, praying for the division of said Ward for the purpose of a more convenient administration of justice and facility in the exercise of electoral privileges, was read. Coulee Isle de Cannes is taken for the division line and the new Ward is East of said course. The petition was laid over under the rules.

 By motion, it was Resolved, That the Secretary of the Police Jury notify the Secretary of State of any changes that may be made in the office of President and Secretary of the Police Jury.

 By motion or Mr. Theriot duly made the following ordinance relative to stock was adopted by a vote of six to one. Mr. A. A. Delhomme voting in the negative.

 1st. Be it ordained by the Police Jury, That on and after the 1st day of March, 1891, it will be unlawful for stock of any kind to roam at large within the limits of this parish.
 2nd. Be it further Ordained, That a pound is established in each Ward for the safekeeping of stock impounded under this act at the constable's office of the respective Wards.

 3rd. It is further ordained, That the stock impounded under this act will be kept for a period of ten days, and after advertising same for the owner to come forward, prove his property and pay charges, the said stock will be sold to the highest bidder. Twenty-five per cent of the proceeds shall be paid the constable, and the balance deposited with the Parish Treasurer to be refunded to the proper by warrant duly issued by this body. It shall be the duty of the constable to notify by posters and advertisements that the stock is impounded for ten days.

 4th. Be it further Ordained, That the President is requested to have copies of this Ordinance printed and posted throughout the Parish.

 5th. It is Provided and Understood, That nothing in this act will exempt the owners of stock from liabilities for damages upon the crops of any farmer.

 On motion of Mr. Brown, the following was adopted:

 Be it Resolved, That sealed bids for the Parish printing, one year from July 7th, prox., be received at the next meeting. The Police Jury reserving the right to reject any and all bids.

 A petition from Mr. Jacques Mathien, praying for an order of Court to establish certain disputed lines of public road donated by him, was read and laid on the table.

 The Treasurer submitted his monthly report as follows:

 To the President and Members of the Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette:

 Gentlemen: The following is a statement of the receipts and disbursements of Paris funds since last report:

---------------------p. 8--------------------

 Respectfully submitted, 
             WM. CLEGG, Parish Treasurer.
     Lafayette, La., June 2, 1890.
     On motion of Mr. Brown the sum of $25 was appropriated to an aged and indigent negro, Louis Sam.

 By motion of Mr. Huffpauir, it was Resolved, That the Returning Officer of this Parish shall receive hereafter the sum of $50.00 for State elections and $25.00 for off elections.

 Mr. Eloi Bonin, road overseer for the 7th Ward, presented a report showing a total of two bridges and twenty-two levees built during 1890.

 Mr. Alpha gave notice that at the next meeting he would introduce a measure providing for an increase in the number of road overseers throughout the Parish to serve without pity.

 The following account was laid over:

 J. S. Broussard, constable fees ... $11.70

 The following accounts were approved:

 -------------------p. 8------------------

 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.
C. P. ALPHA, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/20/1890.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 14th, 1879:


 June 2. - State vs. Voorbees Trahan, continued from last report, resulted in a mistrial.

 June 4. - State vs. Adrian Dartez, murder, - In this case the evidence, excepting one witness of defendant, was closed on the third day of the trial. Upon adjournment of court the jury was taken out into the court yard by the sheriff and on their return, Miles Joiner Jr., the only negro on the jury was found to be missing. Whereupon the balance of the jury was discharged and the prisoner remanded to jail to await trial before another jury. The case was re-fixed for the 4th week, and on motion of the District attorney, a jury was ordered drawn by the court for that week. The singular juror referred to above, after several days absence, returned and delivered himself to the sheriff and is now in jail awaiting the penalty of his irregular conduct.

 State vs. Vilcor Vailot, continued.

 June 7. - State vs. Voorbees Trahan, stabbing with intent to kill and murder David Frank - motion for change of venue in behalf of accused tried and overruled, - case tried and verdict of guilty rendered.

 June 9. - State vs. Ermogene Fusilier, assault and battery, tried - verdict of guilty rendered.

 State vs. Joseph Rozier, carrying concealed weapons, plea of guilty entered.

 June 10. - State vs. Eloi Broussard, murder, verdict of acquittal.

 June 11 - State vs. Eloi Prejean, assault with intent to commit rape - after evidence for State was closed, recess was taken for dinner, and on re-opening of the court the accused failed to appear, - was called on his bond - and bond ordered subject to be forfeited.

 State vs. Fenwwick Lapoint, obtaining goods under false pretenses - tried and verdict of guilty rendered.

 State vs. David Frank, violating Sunday law, plea of guilty entered, - fined $10, or ten days parish prison.

 State vs. Jean Payne, selling liquor to minors, fixed for Friday of next week, accused asked to be tried by the Judge.

 State vs. J. P. Mouton, violating Sunday law. This case was fixed for Thursday 12th inst., but owing to absence of counsel for accused, had to be re-fixed for next week.

 This disposes of all cases on the criminal docket, with the exception of State vs. Vallot, continued on account of serious illness of the principal witness.

 June 12. - Motion for new trial in case State vs. Trahan, stabbing, &c., and all civil jury cases fixed for this day were called and owing to illness and absence of counsel were passed over and the jury for the third week discharged.

 The Judge announced his intention, as we are informed, to devote a portion of next week and the week following to the trial of civil cases - of counsel should so desire. F. R. King, Esq., is a member of the Constitutional Convention and being engaged in many of the civil cases on docket they will, of course, be continued. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1879.

Beneficial Rain.

 The recent rain has greatly benefited the growing crops. The corn crop in some portions of the parish suffered materially from the drought, but nevertheless there will be a large crop harvested. The cotton crop throughout the parish is doing well and promises a fair yield. Taken altogether our farmers have had but little cause to complain up to this time, and we sincerely wish, that their hopes of an abundant harvest may be realized this fall. Lafayette Advertiser 6/20/1879.


 On Friday night, the 6th instant, Joseph Dupuy, a teacher of a colored school, was killed on the plantation of Mr. Zenon Broussard at Carencro, in this parish, by two young negroes Toussaint and Jim, aged 18 and 20 years. It seems that they went to the house of the deceased about 8 1/2 o'clock P. M. and called him out behind an out-house where they put in their work. The weapon used was a knife ;  two wounds were inflicted, one in the left breast, and other in the head just over the left ear, causing death in about 15 minutes. The accused were apprehended the day following and placed in jail. The preliminary examination will take place next Monday, 16th inst., when all the facts relative thereto will be brought forth.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1879.

City Council of Vermilionville.

 The Mayor and Councilmen elect of the Corporation of Vermilionville for the ensuing year, having received their commissions, were duly qualified and met at the Court House this 10th day of June, 1879.

 Present: John Clegg, Mayor, and Councilmen C. P. Alpha, W. B. Bailey, L. Lacoste, H. L. Landry and Jos. L. Mouton.

 The Mayor called the Council to order, and
 On motion of Mr. Alpha, duly seconded, it was unanimously
 Resolved, that the salaries of the officers of this Council be and are hereby fixed at the same rates as last year.

 On motion of Mr. Alpha, the Council then proceeded to the election of its officers for the ensuing year.

 Mr. Alpha proposed the name of H. M. Bailey for secretary and treasurer, and there being no other candidate, he was, on motion unanimously elected.

 Mr. Alpha proposed the name of Charles R. Chargois, for constable and collector, and there being no other nomination, he was, on motion, unanimously elected.

 On motion of Mr. Bailey, duly seconded, it was unanimously
 Resolved, that the bonds of the Treasurer and Constable be fixed at the same rates as last year ($2,000 each), with two good and solvent securities, and that a committee of three be appointed to pass upon the qualifications of the securities on said bonds, and the same be accepted by said committee.

 On motion of Mr. Alpha, duly seconded, the LAFAYETTE ADVERTISER was declared the official journal of this body for the ensuing year.

 On motion of Mr. Bailey,
Resolved, that a committee of three be appointed to examine the books and accounts of the outgoing treasurer and collector.

 On motion of Mr. Alpha,
 Resolved, that a committee of three on streets be appointed with the same powers as last year.

 On motion of Mr. Bailey, duly seconded, it was unanimously
 Resolved, that the members of this Council receive no per diem for their services.

 On motion of Mr. Bailey,
 Resolved, that a committee of three on Rules and Revision of Ordinances be created, to consist of the Mayor, C. D. Caffery and C. P. Alpha, and that said committee report at the next meeting of the Council.

 The mayor then proceeded to appoint the following committees:

 The Mayor then proceeded to appoint the following committees:

 On Bonds - Lacoste, McBride and Mouton.
 On Books - McBride, Bailey and Mouton.
 On Streets - Alpha, Bailey and Landry.

 On motion the Council then adjourned to Monday the 16th inst., at 5 1/2 o'clock P. M.
H. M. BAILEY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1879.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 14th, 1873:


 The past week has been put but the continuation of the preceding ones, the heaviest have been pouring  almost incessantly for the last thirty or more days, our country is flooded, the bayou Vermilion has swollen into a turbid rolling tide sweeping over its banks and flooding the riparian proprietors, and the smallest stream of our prairies is either unseen in the boundless expanse of water covering the face of the country, of foaming and bounding within its contracting but deep laid bed bidding caution to the traveler. Our roads have become almost impracticable, and but few of our country citizens are able to come to town. The crops are greatly damaged, particularly the corn crop which has been totally destroyed on many places; and the cotton crop, should the rain cease now, would only promise a one-third yield, provided we have no caterpillars this year. Never in the course of our experience have we witnessed such heavy and, continuous rains, and we must exclaim. "Enough, enough, mighty Jove, thou hast plentifully quenched the thirst of our parched fields." Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1873.

Merchant Edmond Cain.

 Mr. Edmond Cain, merchant on Main street, near the Catholic Church, has received a splendid stock of goods of all kinds. His stock of shoes and Ladies' fancy articles are of the best quality and of the latest fashion. Call and see for yourselves of the latest fashion. Call and see for yourselves. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1873.

First Communion.

 This annual ceremony took place last Sunday, at the Catholic Church, in presence of a large number of persons. The remarkable Father Abadie, of Grand Coteau, delivered the Communion address to the young communicants and their parents and relatives, it is usual eloquent and impressive manner, and reminding all present that

 "Hearts turned Godward, feel more joy
 In  one short hour of prayer, than e'er was rais'd
 By all the feasts on earth since their foundation."

 After the address of Father Abadie, the children who were prepared, approached the altar and received the sacrament of the First Communion.

 There were 128 children received, 80 whites, and 48 colored.

 This in our opinion, is one of the most beautiful and imposing ceremonies of the Catholic religion. Lafayette Advertiser 6/20/1873.


 The case of the State vs. Vincent, on trial or rape, was submitted to the jury on Friday evening, who were unable to agree until the next morning, when they returned a verdict of "guilty without capital punishment." The evidence was such, that even the zeal, ability and eloquence displayed in his defence by M. E. Mouton, Esq., could only save his neck. The culprit objected to being tried by any colored man and desired none but intelligent white men upon the jury, in which he entirely succeeded.

 The motion in arrest of judgement in the case of Zenon Hebert convicted of furnishing tools to parties in custody, was maintained and the prisoner discharged under that accusation. He was however, held another charge - that of larceny.

 After endeavoring in vain to procure witnesses, the balance of the criminal cases were continued.

 Last Wednesday, after the transaction of some civil and routine business and passing sentence upon Vincent, of hard labor in the penitentiary for life, which the Judge did in appropriate and feeling terms, the court was adjourned sine die.

 The sad but merited fate of Vincent, should be a warning to all vicious and evil-disposed persons.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1873.

Huge Tomato.

 Mr. Hayes brought to our office on Monday last, a tomato grown on his place near town, weighing 12 1/2 ounces. It was pronounced by all who saw it to be the finest seen this season. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1873.

 Will Deliver Address.

 Col. Daniel Donnett, well known in this parish as the former talented editor of the Planter's Banner, will deliver an address on Immigration, at Vermilionville to-day, Saturday, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Col. Donnett is now State agent of the "Louisiana Immigration and Homestead Company." He will discuss questions of grave importance connected with the present impoverished condition of the State. All persons who feel an interest in the future welfare and prosperity of Louisiana should go and hear the Colonel's address. The ladies specially are invited to attend. Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1873.

City Council of Vermilionville.

 On Monday the 12th day of May, 1873, the newly elected Mayor and Councilmen of the City Council of Vermilionville having produced their certificates of election, were duly qualified and took their seats.

 Present: Aug. Monnier, Mayor; and Councilmen L. P. Revillon, F. C. Latiolais, H. Landry, Jos. A. Girouard and Wm. Brandt.  Absent: C. O. Olivier and R. L. McBride.

 The Mayor called the Council to order, and they proceeded to the election of their officers for the ensuing year, which resulted as follows:

H. M. Bailey, Secretary and Treasurer.
Treville Bernard, Constable & Collector.
E. E. Mouton, Attorney.
W. B. Bailey, Printer.

 The above named officers to receive the sale salary as last year.

 On motion, it was resolved, that a committee of three be appointed to ascertain what would be probable costs of flooring the market house, and to make their report at the next meeting.

 The Mayor appointed Messrs. Wm. Brandt, H. Landry and J. O. Girouard on said committee.

 On motion it was resolved, That the Treasurer's and Collector's bonds be and the same is hereby fixed at Fifteen Hundred Dollars each.

 On motion it was resolved, That a committee be appointed to receive the bonds of the Treasurer and Collector. The Mayor appointed Messrs. L. P. Revillon, F. C. Latiolais and E. E. Mouton, on said committee.

 On motion it was resolved, That H. Landry and T. Bernard, be and they are hereby appointed on the committee of streets and bridges, rice A. Monnier and J. J. Revillon.

 The following account was approved:

 A. Billeaud, collector ... $17.77.

 On motion, the Council adjourned to next regular meeting.
A. MONNIER, Mayor.
H. M. BAILEY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/14/1873.





































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