Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of June 16th, 1900:

Of the New Police Jury - Officers Elected.

 The new Police Jury met yesterday morning. The following members were present: Martial Billeaud, Jr., Alonzo Lacy, Alex M. Broussard, F. G. Mouton, Capt. J. C. Buchanan, Odillon Blanchet, Saul Broussard, J. A. Labbe, Jno. Whittington.

 Capt. Buchanan was appointed by the governor under the law which entitles a word to two jurors when the population exceeds 5,000. Capt. Buchanan will be one of the representatives from the third ward.

 Mr. Whittington, who was a member of the out-going Jury, called the meeting to order.

 Mr. Mouton placed Mr. Billeaud in nomination for president. Mr. Billeaud was unanimously elected.

 Mr. Lacy nominated Mr. R. C. Greig for secretary. Mr. Saul Broussard nominated Mr. Louis Lacoste. The vote stood as follows:

 For Greig - Blanchet, Alexandre Broussard, Whittington, Lacey, Buchanan.

 For Lacoste - Saul Broussard, J. A. Labbe.

 Mr. Greig was elected and took his place at the desk.

 The question of electing a treasurer was taken up.

 Mr. Mouton nominated, Mr. J. J. Davidson, cashier of the Bank of Lafayette, for treasurer. Mr. Mouton stated that Mr. Davidson would, if elected, give his services free of charge.

 Mr. Mouton favored the election of Mr. Davidson because he said it would save $250 a year to the parish.

 Mr. Whittington placed Mr. J. E. Martin in nomination for the treasureship. Mr. Whittington stated that Mr. Martin would be willing to give his services for as little compensation as one one else.

 Capt. Buchanan moved that the salary of the treasurer be fixed. He said he did not think any one should work for nothing. It was to the interest of the parish to have its work well done and in order to secure efficient service it was necessary to give fair compensation in return. He believed the treasurer should be paid for his work and he did not favor the proposition to accept the services of any one free of charge. He moved to fix the salary at $200 a year. This motion was seconded by Mr. Whittington.

 The vote on the election of treasurer was as follows:

 For Martin - Blanchet, Alexandre Broussard, Whittington, Lacey, Buchanan.

 For Davidson - Labbe, Mouton, Saul Broussard.

 Mr. Martin was therefore elected.
 The motion of Capt. Buchanan to fix the treasurer's salary at $200 a year was then put to a vote and unanimously carried.

 Messrs. Billeaud and Mouton were appointed on a committee to devise a system of book-keeping for the parish.

 The election of a court-house keeper was then taken up.

 Upon motion of Capt. Buchanan Mr. Leopold Hirsch was retained in this position at the same salary, $100 a year.

 The per diem of the jurors was fixed at $4.00.

 The jury adjourned to meet July 5.
Lafayette Gazette 6/15/1900.

Store Moved.

 The store of Mr. Jules J. Mouton has been removed to the lot facing Mr. Leo Doucet's store. Mr. Mouton invites the public to visit him at his new stand, which is more centrally located and within easier reach of the people than the old one. Mr. Mouton will continue to keep the best that can be had and will in the future as in the past give his customers the benefit of the lowest prices. Should you wish anything ring him up at the phone and if you desire have your purchases brought to your residence in the delivery wagon. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1900.


A View to Investing.

 Upon the invitation of Mr. Walter S. Torian of this parish, S. T. Catlin, of Rockville, Ind., A. R. McMurtray, of Marshal, Ind., and Alex Smack and T. R. Eldon, of Callon, in the same State, visited this section during the week. These gentlemen were making a tour of this section with a view of investing in land. Before leaving they expressed themselves to the real estate agent, Mr. Ambroise Mouton, as being very favorably impressed with the country.
Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1900.

 Death of Mrs. J. Numa Judice.

 Mrs. Numa Judice, born Maria Pellerin, died at her home in Lafayette, Wednesday noon, at the age of 56 years and 7 months.

 By the death of this estimable lady this community has lost a most worthy member; one who occupied an enviable place in the affection and esteem of those who knew her, for throughout life's fitful journey, whether in joy or in sorrow, an abiding faith in her Redeemer and an unswerving adherence to His teachings guided her footsteps, and with all the sublime virtues of the true Christian mother, exalted her character to the highest position held by noble womanhood.

 Mrs. Judice was a native of St. Martinville where she received a liberal education under the tutelage of Madame de St. Laurent who was, for a number of years, at the head of an institution of learning which was largely patronized by the best families of the Creole parishes of Louisiana. This early training, added to her natural of manner, made her a person of culture whom it was always a pleasure to meet. Born and reared amid the wholesome influences of religion she was ever a fervent Catholic and before dying received the last sacrament of the mother church. Being of an amiable disposition and possessing in a marked degree the quality of sincere friendship, all who knew her became her friends and were drawn to her by the most enduring ties which spring from the human heart.

 During the greater portion of her life, which was spent in this town, Mrs. Judice endeared herself to a wide circle or friends who extend to the bereaved husband and children their heartfelt sympathy. Her funeral Thursday morning was attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends who joined the more sorely afflicted ones in paying the last earthly tribute of respect, esteem and affection to the memory of one who deserved that highest eulogy that can be spoken of woman; she lived the life of a good wife and mother. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1900.

Everybody who has the welfare of Lafayette at heart should take part in the celebration next Thursday.

 The committees have been working hard to have a glorious day on the 21st. Let every one turn out and contribute his share to the success of the celebration.
Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1900.

The Ladies' Club's Banquet.

 Always delightful and full of interesting events Lafayette becomes in early summer very rich in social and intellectual feasts, but the banquet of Thursday, June fourteenth, eclipsed all that has gone before.

 As is already known, for the past three months the Ladies' Club has been divided into two companies, each working for points, the side receiving the greater number of points to be banqueted by the defeated side; the conditions being prompt and regular attendance, and fulfillment of duties assigned. Great was the rejoicing of Company II at the close of the contest last week to find itself two points ahead. Company I took its defeat bravely and Tuesday invitations were issued saying:

 "Thursday, Mrs. Denbo's home and we
       Do equally desire your company
 Not that we think us worth such a guest,
       But that your worth will dignify our
 With those that come."
        (Signed) "THE DEFEATED ONES."

 The elaborate banquet was faultlessly served in courses at a long flower laden table placed on the grassy lawn. Three sweet young girls wearing the club colors, were in charge. The menu cards were pretty and tasteful.

 The toast-mistress was Miss Lizzie Mudd whose gracefully worded toasts were responded to in a delightful manner.

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 "The Defeated Ones" acted as judges for the best toast, the handsome prize being given to the talented young toast-mistress, who was richly deserving of it.

 The beauty of the evening was enhanced by the sweet strains of music from a mandolin and guitar orchestra which added infinitely to the pleasure and brilliancy of the occasion.

 The club meeting of Tuesday June 19, had been indefinitely postponed.
Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1900.

Appeared Before the Appropriation.

 Messrs. Charles D. Caffery, O. C. Mouton, E. L. Stephens, I. A. Broussard and Alcide Judice visited Baton Rouge this week in the interest of the Industrial School. Last Tuesday Hon. Robert Martin, Gov. Estopinal, Prof. Stephens and Mr. Alcide Judice appeared before the appropriation committee of the House and urged a liberal support of the school. Mr. Judice, who has been a most enthusiastic friend of the movement since its inception, made a practical and effective talk to the committee. The four gentlemen who spoke in behalf of the institution presented strong and convincing arguments, setting forth the claims of the institution in a clear and exhaustive manner. From all accounts it is the intention of the committee to recommend a generous appropriation for the school. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1900.

To-day is Your Chance. To-morrow May be too Late.

 Give me chance to show you, free of charge, some of the best improved, high rolling and light SUGAR, COTTON, and CORN plantations and farms in this State, near refineries and railroad. Cheap and easy terms. Also improved and unimproved property in the four additions to the rapidly improving and flourishing town, as follows:

 I have sugar, cotton and corn plantations to sell, also lots and improved property in town. Cheap and easy terms.

 High, rich, light and rolling land, 19.71 feet higher than Bayou Teche, La.

 Bargains in second-hand boilers, engines, sugar and syrup mills.

 All property listed and advertised free of charge.

 Recently Listed.

 Three lots on Jackson street, Mouton's addition.

 Two lots o Main street, Mouton's addition.

 One corner lot on Lincoln avenue, McComb's addition.

 Six lots in Mouton's addition, on Grand avenue, with residence, barn, garden and other improvements. Two of the lots are on corners.

 One hundred and forty arpents of woodland on Bayou Queue Tortue.

 A large and complete residence on 2 acres of land in the corporation. It is a most desirable locality for a home and business place.

 One of the best improved farms in Southwestern Louisiana of 1,625 acres, having a railroad switch on the place; 1,200 acres cultivatable, 250 now in cultivation, 160 woodland, 130 pasturage, 135 virgin cypress swamp, all in a body; very good for sugar cane, cotton, corn and rice, at only $8.00 per acre, half cash, balance in four years; all very rich land.

 A most desirable and improved farm of 26 arpents, high, rich land, 3 miles from town.

 A farm of 145 arpents, 3 miles from town, improved and very desirable.

 A double-geared cane mill.

 A most desirable business or residence corner, well improved.

 Many lots in Mouton's addition.

 I have the bargains. If you doubt it, I can prove it.

 The Lafayette Rice Mill compete on a lot 100 x 225, all in first-class order; capacity, 40 bbls. rough on average per day, the boiler is 30 H. P. and new engine 25 H. P. in perfect order. It will be sold at figures to pay itself on one season. Same receiving and shipping rates as any mill between Lafayette and Westlake.

 Two lots in Mills addition, each 100 x 140; one well situated for business and the other for residence, near oil mill and compress.

 One hundred arpents, improved, near Mauriceville.

 Three lots, McComb addition.

 A residence on 2 lots, Mouton's addition.

 Ten arpents near town.

 One hotel.

 A Diebold Safe 2 x 3.

 A sewing machine.

 Two Eagle cotton gins, 70 and 80 saws, self feeders and condensers.

 A residence of four rooms, hall, dining room, kitchen, servant room and cistern, completely renewed on a lot 50 x 130 feet, on Washington street.

 A residence of six rooms, dining hall, kitchen and cistern, on lot 100 x 140 St. John street.

 Five acres near the Lafayette Refinery.

 A Victor iron safe 23 x 18 inches, one drawer, very cheap.

 A very good home in residence part of town, flower garden, nut trees, etc.

 Call for what you wish to buy.

 Call for What you need or want to know.
          AMBROISE MOUTON. Box 42, P. O. Building, Lafayette, La. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1900.

Police Jury Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., June 7, 1900. - The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present:

 R. C. Landry, C. C. Brown, Ben Avant, Alfred Hebert, M. Billeaud, Jr., Jno. Whittington, J. E. Primeaux and Alonzo Lacy.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 The committee consisting of Messrs. C. C. Brown and R. C. Greig appointed to investigate the offices of the tax collector and the parish treasurer, cancel all vouchers and grant quietus to said respective officers, submitted the following reports which were approved and the said committee discharged:

 Lafayette, La. May 19, 1900. - To the Hon. Police Jury. - Your undersigned committee appointed to settle with the tax collector for taxes of 1896, 1897, and 1898, would respectfully report that after a thorough investigation of the collector's accounts and a complete revision of his deduction lists for said years, the following general statement is submitted your approval. Your committee finds that the collector has satisfactorily accounted for all taxes charged against him as shown by tax rolls for said years, there being a balance in favor of collector of $293.61. Your committee has therefore granted the collector a quietus for all taxes of 1896, 1897 and 1898 and recommend that a warrant issue for the balance due him as per statement.

    --------------p. 4--------------------

 All of which is submitted for your adoption and approval, 
                                  R. C. GREIG, C. C. BROWN,

 Lafayette, La. June 26, 1900. - To the Hon. Police Jury - Your undersigned committee appointed to investigate the books and accounts of the tax-collector for licenses of 1897, 1898 and 1899 would respectfully report that after a thorough examination and revision of accounts and receipts, a quietus has been granted the collector for all licenses of the aforementioned years. The following general statement shows the basis upon which your committee settled with the collector.
                          Yours respectfully,
                                              R. C. GREIG, C. C. BROWN,

 To the Hon. Police Jury. - Your undersigned committee appointed to examine the books and accounts of the parish treasurer, cancel his vouchers and grant him a quietus would report duty performed. The treasurer's office has been thoroughly investigated and all accounts and records found correct. Your committee has therefore granted the treasurer a quietus up to date.

 The following general statement shows the receipts and disbursements of the several funds.

 -------------p. 4-----------------------

 The foregoing settlement dates from Nov. 2, 1899, to May 12, 1900.

  Respectfully submitted,
                              R. C. GREIG, C. C. BROWN,

 Lafayette, La., May 12, 1900.
     Mr. Billeaud submitted an act of exchange between himself and Gaston L. Labbe, whereby a part of the public road leading from Broussard to Duchamp station was changed to the satisfaction of all concerned. The act was approved and ordered recorded.

 Mr. Avant submitted an act of sale from C. D. Harrington, of a strip of land for use as a public road, in consideration of the sum of $12 approved and ordered recorded.

 Mr. Hebert reported the sale of the old cistern to A. Baquet for $14 cash paid. Approved.

 The sum of $85.45 was ordered paid Jean Meaux, and sum of $11.50 to Anatole Broussard out of special road tax.

 The treasurer submitted the following reports.

 To the President and Members of Police Jury, parish of Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of parish funds since my last report:

-------------------p. 4------------------

 Respectfully submitted,
                      J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.
 Lafayette, La, June 7, 1900.
     To the President and Members of Police Jury, parish of Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of special road tax fund since my last report:

-----------------p. 4--------------------

 Respectfully, submitted,
                         J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.
           Lafayette, La., June 7, 1900.
       The following accounts were approved:

---------------------p. 4-------------------

 There being no further business the Jury adjourned.
                    R. C. LANDRY, President.
                    R. C. Greig, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1900.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 6/16/1900.

 Our store will be closed during the flower parade. Don't be closed out, but come now and make your selection. L. Lacoste.

 The Gazette is under obligation to Hon. Robert F. Broussard for a copy of the 13th annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission of the United States.

Religious Services. - There will be services at the Presbyterian church on next Sunday at 11 o'clock p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. W. J. SECHREST, Pastor.

 Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Biossat left this week for a stay of several days at Old Point Comfort, Va., where Mr. Biossat will attend a meeting of the Cotton Seed Crushers' Association.

 The well-known liquor dealers, Begnaud & Comeaux, have secured the agency in Lafayette for the deservedly popular Kentucky Taylor Whiskey. This brand of whiskey is among the very best manufactured in the Blue Grass State.

Married. - Mr. Jno. B. Coumes, of this town and Miss Jeanne Bergez, of New Orleans, were married in that city Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Coumes arrived in Lafayette the same day and have taken up their residence in Mouton addition.

 Miss Nellie Cornay, of Baton Rouge, is the guest of Mrs. S. R. Parkerson.

 Mrs. F. E. Girard is visiting her relatives in  New Orleans.

 S. R. Parkerson left this week for New York, Niagara and other points of interest in the North and East.

 Money Found. - Found, in the public road leading from Lafayette to Scott, a certain sum of money. Owner can secure same by calling on the undersigned and proving ownership. J. D. Mouton. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1900.




 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 16th, 1894:


 In all seriousness is it not high time for the citizens of Lafayette to adopt some form of fire-protection? Because a few feeble efforts made on a number of occasions in the past has not resulted in any organization that might be considered permanent, is no reason why we should not make still another attempt. All communities have gone through a similar experience in this regard until a time came when the full measure of success was attained. We recognize the force of the disadvantage we called on to contend against in a consideration of a system of fire-protection that would be peculiarly adaptable to the requirements of Lafayette, on account of the large area covered by the buildings of a town so well scattered. Local peculiarities greatly augment the original difficulties to be overcome in an undertaking of this kind, but these must not be adjudged insurmountable. According to circumstances identical results are accomplished by varying methods, to be determined by the requirements of each case. We are familiar with the local conditions to be met and we must proceed accordingly. We know that any plan that will afford reasonable protection against fire to the community is to be obtained only through a large outlay of money. That is the case to-day; that will be the case in ten or twenty years from now, with some slight modifications, perhaps. Essentially, the conditions that encompass us at this time will apply with equal force in the future with this difference, however; that if we make no provision to battle with fire, now, it is not improbable we will have no occasion to do so a few years, (months or weeks it may be) hence after there will remain but a mound of ashes to mark the place where once stood our homes and public buildings.

 In the materialistic world there can be no end without a beginning. Lafayette is in dire need of fire protection to-day. If it be impracticable to secure as elaborate and complete a system as appears to be required, all at one time and directly, would it not be the part of wisdom to make a beginning, at least, without further delay. In doing so we could be careful to procure only such apparatuses as have a recognized merit and whose ability would not diminish later on when the town might possess more extensive and more costly equipments. Each of the less expensive requisites gotten in the order of their cost and our facilities for purchasing them would then go toward forming a whole that we would have in the end, each part bearing a direct relation to the other and increasing the efficiency of the rest. Not one dollar need be wasted in carrying out the idea and benefits would be enjoyed from the beginning, corresponding with the number and nature of the accoutrements in service as we progressed along.

 We feel certain that the population of Lafayette are a unit on this question of fire-protection and believe that the opportune moment has arrived when they, acting through the agency of their own creation, the city council, are desirous of giving conclusive expression to their wishes in this direction. In accordance with this conviction we shall consider it our duty to press forward the movement until it shall take a definite form, and in furtherance of its success we shall resume discussion of the subject in our next issue, making such suggestions as be believe will receive the endorsement of all reasonable persons feeling a direct interest in the matter. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

 Carencro Takes the Initiative.

 The gratifying news has come to us that, definitely, Carencro is to have a sugar-cane crusher of a minimum capacity of 200 tons a day, available for this year's crop. It was only one week ago that Messrs. C. C. Brown, V. E. Dupuis and Geo. E. Brown, of Carencro, and Mr. J. R. Jeanmard, of Breaux Bridge formed themselves into the Carencro Sugar Company, Limited, and adopted immediate steps to erect a large crusher for reducing cane to syrup and thereby enormously facilitate disposition of the cane crop of that section of the parish this season. The necessary machinery has already been purchased and active preparations are under way to ensure readiness for the grinding season, which will begin earlier than usual this year on account of the great interest all cane growers have in taking advantage of the bounty that congress has agreed to allow on sugar until Jan. 1st, 1895.

The ADVERTISER is much pleased to be able to chronicle the foregoing fact and hopes that the gentlemen who have had the necessary business spirit to enter into the enterprise will find the the investment as paying as it will prove of value and convenience to the farmers of Carencro.  Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

 Carencro on the 24th.

 The preparations that are being made by Father LeForest and the citizens of Carencro, to entertain in a becoming manner the excursionists and others who will be their guests next Sunday, surpasses in extent anything of the kind over undertaken by those good people. By special arrangement the excursion train will come to a stop at a point on the road quite near to the fairgrounds opposite a platform improvised for the occasion and connected with the grounds by a spacious plank walk. A delegation of citizens headed by Mr. C. C. Brown, the grand marshal of the day, attended by a brass band, will meet the excursionists and conduct them to several large tents distributed conveniently near to the plant oak trees, provided for sheltering visitors. A large number of tables, chairs and benches will be strewn about the grounds were meals and light refreshments of all kinds will be served at most reasonable prices. The rates for meals are fixed at 25 and 50 cents, respectively, and it is intended to serve good meals at those prices.

 A grand vocal and musical concert in the afternoon and at night is to be a special feature of the day, Carencro and Lafayette local talent combining in aid of the success of these pleasing entertainments. Other divisions will be a match game of baseball, a match game of croquet and a balloon ascension. There is a great deal of fun and enjoyment in store for those who will attend.

 The 24th will be a brilliant occasion for Carencro. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.


 On last Friday and Saturday evenings large and appreciative audiences assembled at Falk's Opera House to witness the closing exercises of the High School.

 The program consisted of vocal and instrumental music, recitations, drills and other interesting selections well suited to please the audience. The pupils performed their respective parts admirably, scoring merited applause from the spectators. Some of the parts were laughable, some pleasing and others intensely interesting; and instructive and inspiring to the students who participated in them.

 The High School is a new venture in Lafayette; and, considering that it has been in operation only a few months, we think the teacher and pupils have been faithful and untiring in the performance of their duties and can justly congratulate themselves on their success in this its first commencement. The friends of the school have cause to rejoice at the work accomplished, the good it will do and the influence it will exert as a factor for the promotion of higher education in this parish.

 We regret that lack of space prevents us from publishing the entire program and the names of the pupils participating.

 The principal, Prof. W. A. LeRosen, has, by his devotion to duty, his firm and kindly bearing toward the pupils and his pleasant demeanor in the community, won the esteem of his pupils and the admiration of our people. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.


 The attention of our people is called to the "Teachers' Institute" to be held here during the week beginning on the 25th inst., and extending until Friday, conducted by Professors R. L. Himes, of the State Normal College, at Natchitoches, R. G. Ferguson, of New Iberia and C. C. Harris.

 Elsewhere we publish the program of the work to be gone through with on that occasion, which no doubt will be of much interest not only to teachers but to all concerned in the great cause of education. There can be no doubt but these "institutes" have done and will continue to do untold good, directly and indirectly throughout this State. Directly in improving the teacher and awakening in him a livelier interest in his work; and, indirectly in creating among the people greater appreciation of the absolute need, and growing importance of education. It is quite certain that in the past few years the people of Louisiana have made very considerable strides forward in the working of their public school system, as well as in educational matters generally, and it is safe to say the Normal School and the teachers' institute have been no insignificant factors in bringing about this change.

 We trust the institute soon to be held here will be a success in every way, and that it may be pleasant as well as profitable to all concerned. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.


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 The instructors are prepared to discuss every subject within the field of common school work, and the above programme will be changed if the teachers at any institute desire the discussion of topics not mentioned.

 Time will be given each day for the answering of questions pertaining to school work.

 Teachers should go to the institute prepared to ask questions. Every teacher has some questions that have come up in the school room work, and the institute is the place for them to be discussed and, if possible, solved. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

 To Benefit St. John's.

 Attend them and you will enjoy the two interesting entertainments at Mount Carmel Convent for the benefit of the Catholic church, to-morrow and Monday night. The programs combine some pleasing features that you will not fail to enjoy. An abundance of light refreshments will be provided for the occasion. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

Barbers To Take Sunday Off.

 Considering themselves as much entitled to a day of rest as other people, the barbers of town have bound themselves, one to the other, not to shave or cut hair on Sunday. It seems to us to be a commendable move. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

Purchased for $900.00

 The dwelling house and tin shop facing the north side of the court square and belonging to the succession of Antonio Caro and Rosalie Billaud was purchased by Mr. O. Falgo, of New Orleans, for $900.00 at a private sale, recently. The new owner at once began repairing and renovating the property so as to place it in a good condition for rent. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

Desperately Ill in Algiers.

 Mr. Joseph Vallier, an old time engineer on the Southern Pacific Railway, is very ill at Hotel Dieu, and his life is despaired of. Mrs. W. A. Gorman, his eldest daughter, of New York city, is at his bedside, and will remain until his changed. Mr. Vallier's home is in Lafayette, but he has many friends here who regret his illness and hope that there will be a charge for the better. From the Algiers Herald in the the Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

Another Fire.

 By some strange fatality, Mr. Pierre Gerac has suffered loss by fire twice within the short space of thirteen days. It was during the night of June 1st, that his large barn and corn-crib was completely destroyed by fire, and on Wednesday night just past a small house near Mr. A. M. Martin's home, owned by Mr. Gerac, was reduced to ashes before anything could be done to save it. The latter building was occupied by a negro woman. The exact cause of the fire is not known. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

Night Marauder.

 A good natured night marauder made himself quite at home in the residence of Mr. Maurice Mouton, last Saturday. To appease hunger appeared to be the sole purpose of his unbidden visit to the house, for after helping himself to all available food within reach he departed without committing further molestation, and members of Mr. Mouton's family were not made aware of the happening until the following day. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

The Court-house Square.

 The removal of the fence from around the court house square this week, greatly improves the looks of the square of ground. To be in keeping with this improvement the city fathers have had the town hall and the truck house nicely white-washed, and now, it the parish authorities will drop into line and give the court house a much needed coat of paint, and also make an application of paint to the clerk's office and jail, they will by these acts not only earn the approval of all citizens, but will be practicing sensible economy for which the tax payers would feel grateful to them. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

At Chargois Springs.

 The pupils of the High School and their invited friends spent an enjoyable day at the Chargois Springs, on the 11th instant. A shower of rain somewhat lessened the pleasures of the occasion, but not to the extent of seriously interfering with the outing of the young folks. In caring for the comforts of the pupils Prof. LeRosen was materially assisted by Mesdames Felix Demanade, Alex. Morgan, Thos. B. Hopkins, Fred Webb, and Miss Lizzie Kayanagh.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

Changes at Railroad Offices.

 The sudden appearance a few days ago, of a corps of workmen in that portion of the railroad hotel building used for telegraph and freight offices proved the signal for important changes in a re-arrangement of these offices. The alterations that have been made are a decided improvement and lend a much more businesslike air to the place. The facilities for transacting the business of the railroad and telegraph companies have been much increases by the innovations, and agent Davidson and assistants Mabry and Givens, as well as operators Voneye and Serret feel justly pleased over the change. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

Picnic, Concert and Ball.

 A grand pic-nic, concert and ball will be given at the place of Mr. Joe Girouard near Bayou Tortue, June 22nd.

 The following will be the program:

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Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

Moving to Lafayette.

 Mr. Chas. Jaufrois, the popular traveling salesman of the well known wholesale notion house Dalsheimer & Worms of New Orleans, means to become a resident of our town in the near future. He has leased the comfortable residence of Mr. A. M. Martin and will move his family from New Orleans to this place about the first of July. Mr. Jaufaous controls a large amount of trade for his firm in this section of the country and it is to be in closer touch with patrons of the house he has concluded to take up his abode in a centrally located point like Lafayette. Mr. Jaufrois' numerous friends in this community hope that he and his family will find life agreeable in our midst. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

High School Honor Roll.

 The following are the names of the Honor Roll pupils of the High School:

 5th grade: James Montgomery, Louis Prejean, and Ovey Comeaux.

 6th grade: Andrew McBride, Robert Broussard, Rossuth Olivier, Abby Demanade, Misses Mary Sprole, Mary Webb, Virgie Younger, Adele Young, and Virginia Marquis. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

Passed to the Fifth Grade.

 The following pupils, of the Lafayette Public School have passed from the 4th Grade to the 5th, and are prepared for entrance into the High School, next fall:

 Edna Sprole, Bell McBride, Inez McBride, Lou McBride, Lena Sache, Ruth Huff, Aliena Fleshman, Geo. Domengeaux, Jno. Creighton, Blanks Allingham, Chas. Montgomery, Eaben Morgan, Alcee Bourke, Voorhies Foreman, Edwin Mouton, Raoul Montague, Arthur Sanders, Hugh Wallis, Jos. Thompson, Jno. Guidroz, Willis Eaves, Ovey Herpin, Ned Torian, Wm. Nevue, Frank Broussard, Robt. McBride. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.


 The exercises incident to the closing of the 3d ward public school, for the summer vacation, held at Falk's Opera House on Thursday evening, were well gotten up and very successfully presented. In fact, we are quite sure many were much surprises and no less pleased to witness the proficiency manifested by the pupils, and very thorough training to which they have been subjected. It gives one renewed confidence in the great common school system of this country and creates a feeling of interest and enthusiasm in the cause of education to witness such exhibitions.

 We had hoped to be able to publish the programme in full, but lack of space prevents us from doing so. Suffice it to say, that all the boys and girls carried their parts well, and The Advertiser takes the opportunity to congratulate them on the work accomplished during the past term, as it does also Prof. R. C. Greig and Miss Maggie Jameison the worthy and accomplished teachers of this school.

 The attendance to witness the exhibition was very large, showing that local interest in educational matters is steadily increasing. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.


         Lafayette, La., June 8th, 1894.
  The Board of School Directors of the Parish of Lafayette met this day with the following members present: P. A. Chiasson, D. Bernard, H. Theall, Dr. W. W. Lessley, A. C. Guilbeau, and J. O. Broussard. Absent: Jasper Spell and J. S. Whittington.

 On motion duly made Mr. J. O. Broussard was elected president pro tem.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

On motion of Mr. H. Theall duly seconded the secretary was instructed to pay Mr. A. Brasseaux for the time he had been teaching at the Roger school. Messrs. Chiasson, Theall, Bernard and Guilbeau voting for the resolution, and Dr. Lessley against it.

 Dr. Lessley in explaining his vote said, that he voted against the motion, because he did not think the board could according to law, pay Mr. Brasseaux; as he did not hold a certificate to teach, and was not willing to be examined; the law specifying, that no persons shall be appointed to teach who has not obtained a certificate.

 On motion duly seconded Messrs. O. C. Mouton, R. C. Greig and H. Theall were appointed as a committee to make arrangements for the Peabody Institute to be held at this place commencing 25th inst.

 On motion of Dr. Lessley seconded by Mr. Theall all the public schools of this Parish were ordered to be closed at the end of the scholastic month (June 15th.)

 Notice was given that the citizens of the 6th ward would present a petition at the next regular meeting of this body asking that the Roger school be removed to the east portion of said ward.

 The following accounts were approved:

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 There being no further business the board adjourned.
J. O. BROUSSARD, Pres. pro tem.
H. E. TOLL, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 6/16/1894.

 Bishop Davis Sessums of the Episcopal church will hold diving services at the Presbyterian church of this place, next Wednesday, the 20th inst., at 5 o'clock p. m. The public is invited to attend.

 Mr. J. Gerac is building a commodious barn in place of the one recently burned.

 Mr. C. P. Moss and wife visited relatives and friends in Lafayette this week.

 There will be races at Cleophas Broussards track, to-morrow, and music by the Breaux Bridge Band.

 The rice mill will be open every Friday and Saturday and those who need rice can call on those days.

 Quite a number of our people joined the High School pupils in an outing and pic-nic in the woods Monday.

 Mr. Alex. Delahoussaye has been "under the weather" for a number of days past. The ADVERTISER hopes that he will soon be entirely well.

 Mr. F. Otto, the butcher, after selecting the largest beef, secured the services of the Scott Brass Band which discoursed music as the streets were paraded last Saturday.

 There passed through this place Monday, on Train No. 20, two coaches containing Portuguese emigrants en route to California under the management of Senor Jose Francisco Martines.

 Hamp. Benton and O. Guidry, two white men residing near Carencro, have been arrested on suspicion of having murdered the man Pope, at Carencro, during the night of the 9th instant.

 Mr. Neuville Landry, of Breaux Bridge, will move to this town about the first of July. He and wife will open and manage a confectionery and refreshment saloon in in Mr. Clemille Trahan's new store building on Lincoln Avenue.

 Dr. G. A. Martin of this place, with Drs. F. R. Martin and A. C. Durio, were called to Bulliardville, Wednesday and performed a serious operation on a lady in the the hope of prolonging her life.

 A few nights ago the dwelling of Mr. A. Emile Mouton, near Moss & Mouton's lumber yard, was entered by force by a house thief who appropriated for himself a small sum of money before taking his leave of the family.

 We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to be present at the closing exercises of the Home Institute, at the Grand Opera House, New Orleans, June 19th. Miss Lizzie Mudd, of our town and a student of that institution favored us with the invitation.

 Prof. W. A. LeRosen took leave, yesterday, of Lafayette and its High School until the next regular term Sept. 1st. He will spend the intervening time with his parents in Shreveport.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1894.




 From the Lafayette Gazette of June 16th, 1894:


 The crops are still suffering for want of rain. Our neighbors have been more fortunate; heavy showers are reported in some parts of the parish, whilst in others the drought continues. In the town of Lafayette hardly any drinking water is left. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

Another Fire for Gerac.

 Mr. Gerac has again been the victim of a fire. It will be remembered that some two weeks ago his corn-house was burned to the ground and last Wednesday night at about 10:30 a small house belonging to him and situated near Mr. A. M. Martin's was completely destroyed. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.


 Broussard, St. Martinville, Jennings and several other towns are making preparations to celebrate the Fourth of July, but Lafayette maintains her accustomed silence. Are we not as patriotic as our neighbors? Have we forgotten the past? Get together, gentlemen, and celebrate the glorious Fourth in a becoming manner. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

Butcher's Parade.

 The energetic butcher's (Mr. F. Otto) parade last Saturday afternoon was a unique affair. First came the standard-bearer, his Suspiciousness Sam Dugas with white apron and bearing aloft the United States flag. Next was the large corn-fed beef led by a negro on foot, followed by the Scott brass band discoursing such weirdly, tunes as the "Devil's Dream" and other pieces of music appropriate to the occasion. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

 High School Picnic.

 Prof. LeRosen's pupils had a very enjoyable picnic at Chargois' Springs last Monday. The whole day was spent in the woods, the party returning late in the afternoon. Among the ladies and gentlemen who accompanied the party, and who, with Prof. LeRosen, contributed to the pleasure of the children were:  Mmes. Hopkins, Morgan, Demanade, Webb, Misses Kavanaugh, Webb, and Messrs. Morgan and Younger. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

 The Public School Exhibition.

 The lateness of the hour and the lack of space prevent The Gazette from doing simple justice to Prof. Greig, the capable assistant, Miss Jamieson, and the bright and well-trained pupils for the splendid exhibition given at Falk's Opera House Thursday night. The house was crowded and if we may judge by the deafening applause and the many words of praise there was not a single person in the audience who was not exceedingly pleased with the entertainment. The production of "Columbia or America's Cantata" was admirable, the thirteen boys, with their gorgeous costumes emblematic of the different countries, presented a magnificent scene. The ancient and modern military and the little Yankee Doodles scored a decided hit. The National song, "Columbia the Gem of the Ocean," was well rendered, and the tableau, "Liberty Enlightening the World" was very pretty. In fact the program from beginning to end was interesting and instructive. It was selected to please old and young and all those present know well it succeeded. The gross receipts amount to about $100. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

Closing Exercises at Falk's Hall, Friday, June 8 and 9.

 On Friday and Saturday nights, June 8 and 9 the High School held its first commencement exercises. This school was opened for the first time on Jan. 22, 1894, in the handsome, new, and commodious building which had just been completed.

 Prof. W. A. LeRosen was placed in charge, and under his able management the school has just closed a most successful session. The proficiency of the pupils and the creditable manner in which each and acquitted themselves is a source of great satisfaction to all.

 The programs both nights were varied and entertaining and proved a gratifying surprise to all. No one, it is safe to say, expected such an excellent entertainment, and all evidenced their pleasure by repeated applause. A number of the selections were encored. It would afford The Gazette pleasure to mention each and all deserving special mention; but when so many deserve it, space forbids.

 The two entertainments were given for the purpose of purchasing a cistern, and we announce with pleasure that $51 was cleared.

 The programs are as follows:

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 The following pupils have, by their work during the past session, earned a place on the Honor Roll.

 ------------------p. 3--------------------

 The Gazette congratulates Prof. LeRosen upon the splendid entertainments of both Friday and Saturday. The very creditable manner in which the scholars played their parts, the perfect system with which the programs were followed and the excellent deportment of the boys and girls during and after the plays showed how fruitful have been the efforts of the painstaking. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

Will Enter High School.

 The following pupils of the Lafayette Public School have passed from the 4th Grade into the 5th and are prepared for entrance to the High School next fall. Edna Sprole, Belle McBride, Inez McBride, Lou McBride, Lena Sache, Ruth Huff, Aliena Fleshman. Geo. Domengeaux, Jno. Creighton, Blanks Allingham, Chas. Montgomery, Eben Morgan, Alcee Bourke, Ned Voorhies, Foreman, Edwin Mouton, Raoul Montagne, Arthur Sancers, Hugh Wallis, Jos. Thompson, Jno. Guidroz, Willis Eaves, Ovey Herpin, Ned Tolson, Wm. Neveue, Frank Broussard, Robt. McFadden. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

To Graduate West Point.

 Cadet James Alfred Moss, from Louisiana, will graduate from the United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., to-day. Cadet Moss is the youngest son of of Judge A. J. Moss, of Lafayette. He received his preliminary education at home and at Baton Rouge. At the time he received his appointment to West Point in 1890 he was a student at the Louisiana Agricultural and Mechanical University. He was appointed by Hon. Andrew Price, on his merits, resulting from a competitive examination in which a number of aspirants from the Third Congressional, District participated. Cadet Moss has many friends in Lafayette, of which place he is a native, and with whom he has always been a favorite, who are feeling much gratified at his deserved success and who will watch with just pride and interest his future career. He will shortly visit his home on furlough. Cadet Pegram Whitworth of Louisiana, will also graduate from West Point to-day. - From the N. O. Times and in the Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

 Will Cross Bats at Carencro.

 The Franklin and Lafayette base ball clubs will cross bats at Carencro on the 24th of June. As both nines are made up of good players a very interesting game is expected. The Franklin boys played the Lake Charles club last Sunday and were defeated by one or two points. The following are the names of the boys composing the local team:  F. Otto, J. Crane, Will Graser, Jack Mitchell, L. Labbe, Gilbert Bonin, Ed Parker, Ed Cayard, Paul Castel. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

Picnic at Pointe-des-Moutons.

 Quite an enjoyable picnic was given by Prof. Chas. A. Boudreaux at Pont des Mouton to his pupils on last Thursday. A great number of the patrons and friends of the school were present and lent their assistance toward making the picnic a decided success. Somewhere between 200 and 250 people were present, and everybody seemed to have a good time. During the morning the pupils of Prof. Boudreaux entertained  the audience with songs, recitations, and dialogues, and all acquitted themselves with much credit. It was quite an addition to the pleasure of the picnic.

 About two p. m. the baskets were opened and the good things for which Prof. Boudreaux's picnics are famous were there in great abundance. Everybody enjoyed a good dinner. But just as the last were finishing a heavy rain fell and those who were not fortunate enough to find a buggy or hack, or reach the pump shed, enjoyed a wetting. But it is said that a picnic without rain is no picnic at all. At any rate, the boys and girls made enough fun out of the shower to recompense them for the discomforts.

 Owing to the dampness, the picnickers soon began leaving; but all expressed themselves as having had a delightful time, notwithstanding the rain. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

A Cotton Seed Oil Mill.

 Mr. J. C. Burrass, of Carrollton, Ill., was in Lafayette this week looking over the country in the hope of selling some machinery should there be any move here to build a cotton seed oil mill. Mr. Burrass said that he was much surprised to see that there was no mill of this kind in operation here has he thought that this place offered better advantages than any other in the State. Should any of our citizens desire any information as to the cost of a mill and the profits of the business, Mr. Burrass, will answer all letters addressed to him at Carrolton, Ill. He has much experience in the cotton seed oil business, having managed several mills, among which is the one near Shreveport for four years. He says that in much less favored sections than this, oil mills have yielded large profits with rarely any failures. When it is learnt that $20,000 would build a good size mill, it is indeed a surprise that some of our local capitalists have not already invested their money in such an enterprise. The mills in New Iberia, St. Martinville, Alexandria, Shreveport and other towns, are all, we believe in a prosperous condition. The yearly shipment of cotton seed from this point amount to something like 4,000 tons, enough to keep a mill of ordinary size in operation one year. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

Primeaux Bailed.

 Judge Allen has bailed Adam Primeaux, who was accused of rape, in the sum of $700. From the report of Drs. Trahan and Gladu, who were appointed as experts in the case, it appears that the crime charged was not committed and in consequence Primeaux was allowed to furnish bond. A. M. Martin is his bondsman. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

Another Warning.

 In another column, a correspondent, who signs himself, "A Constant Reader," makes a very wise suggestion. He suggests that the people give a fair to raise funds to procure fire protection for the town. In the last two weeks two fires have occurred in the town, but fortunately there was no wind to fan the flames and spread the sparks and the only buildings destroyed were those where the fires originated. As our correspondent truthfully says the fire Wednesday night is a second warning within the past few days. Will the people profit by it? Will they remain inactive and wait till it will be too late? We dare say that there is not a town in the State so completely at the mercy of fires as our own. Just think of a place with a population of over 3,500 people without even a hand pump. Towns with one-fourth the population of Lafayette have well organized fire companies with pumps, hooks and ladders, etc. Should there be a fire in this town during a strong wind there is no telling what will be the result. The whole place is liable to be swept out by the flames and then it will be too late to talk about fire protection. The time is ripe now. Let some one make the initiative step and he will be seconded by every body. Strike the iron while it is hot. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

 Fond of Chickens.

 Thursday morning the attention of several railroad boys was called to the house formerly used as a temple of justice by ex-judge Israel Falk, of New Orleans, and upon investigation it was discovered that two young chicken thieves had taken possession of the once august court-room and had converted it into a depository of their booty. The young negroes were comfortably seated around a fire which they had made in an old cooking stove. A hen and a half dozen spring chickens were found near by. The negroes claimed St. Landry as their home and said that they had come in town to sell the chickens, but as this story was not satisfactory, the railroad boys concluded to escort them to the depot and report the case to the police, but before this place was reached the prisoners made a break for liberty. A hot chase ensued, but the negroes were the best runners and made good their escape. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 6/16/1894.

 Mr. Wm. Clegg and son, Morry, have returned home after a visit to Indianapolis, Ind.

 Judge Debaillon went to Abbeville this week to attend to some legal business.

 Our Clerk of Court, Wm. B. Bailey, went to Baton Rouge on business this week.

 Sheriff Broussard arrested last Friday Babe Guidry and Hemp Benton, charged with the killing of Pope. Hemp was taken to Opelousas and Guidry was placed in the jail here.

 The Institute meeting in this town on the 24th instant promises to be largely attended. Already quite a number of teachers have written to Superintendent Toll that they would be present.

 The property belonging to the estate of the late Antonio Caro was sold at public auction last Saturday. Mr. Falgo, of New Orleans, purchased the residence for $900.

 At last the old and dilapidated fence around the court-house has been taken down. Mr. Falk will soon begin to build brick walks from the court-house to the clerk's office and to the street.

 Mr. A. E. Mouton's house is one of the handsomest in McComb's addition. It is nearly completed and will soon be ready for occupancy.

 A few days ago Mr. Joe Vallier, the veteran railroad engineer, who was seriously ill, was taken to New Orleans, for treatment. His many friends will be happy to hear that he is better and is gradually improving in health.

 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mouton left Monday to spend some time with relatives at Lake Arthur.

 Mr. Sam Levy and sister Miss Lena, left Sunday for Orange where they will remain some time.

 Dr. G. A. Martin is ever "on the go." Last Wednesday he was called to Bulliardville to assist Drs. Martin and Durio of Breaux Bridge, to perform a very delicate surgical operation.

 We are informed that Mr. Van der Cruyssen's Coxey March is gaining popularity. From a letter written by the great commonwealer himself, is it learnt that his own band plays the Coxey March.

 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly and Mr. Baxter Clegg left Friday afternoon to attend the marriage of Mr. Will Parrot at Whiteville to-day.

 Judge John Clegg, of New Orleans, spent several days in Lafayette this week. He was the guest of his brother, Mr. Wm. Clegg. Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1894.





 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 16th, 1911:

Observed by The Local Lodge of Elks With a Patriotic and Entertaining Program.

 Wednesday night the local lodge of Elks celebrated the anniversary of the birth of the American flag with a patriotic and most entertaining program. The Elks celebrated the anniversary of the birth of the American flag with a patriotic and most entertaining program. The Elks all over the country observed the day with patriotic programs.

 At 8 p. m. the entire lodge led by the Lafayette Concert Band, with torches for the band to read by and a few for the ranks to see by, marched from the Home around the block. Each member had a tiny flag in his coat and a flag handkerchief, and their guests were also presented with a flag pin. The hall was prettily decorated with bunting and flags and emblems around the walls and streamers of red, white and blue stretched from the chandeliers to the many windows.

 Immediately after the parade all assembled in the hall where a large number of ladies and gentlemen guests has already been seated. The officers took their places and then the Elks entered by twos and as they reached the beautiful American flag held my Mr. J. C. Colomb at the altar, separated and took seats in a circle around the altar.

 The band played the Star Spangled Banner and then Exalted Ruler, Dr. R. D. Voorhies, called upon all the officers to give their interpretation of the flag in its relation to them. The answers were patriotic and entertaining. After a prayer by Chaplain Lastie Broussard, the lodge, assisted by the audience sang Nearer My God to Thee. Mr. C. O. Mouton read a most interesting history of the flag and the Elks quartet sang Columbia the Gem of the Ocean. Altar service was next and consisted of the building of liberty bell in sections of red roses, lillies and violets with a cross-piece of blue covered with stars, accompanied with appropriate explanations of the meaning of the service. The Elks quartet sang Auld Lang Syne and then Mr. F. V. Mouton read a beautiful tribute to the flag. The band gave an inspiring rendition of Dixie and Mrs. O. H. Sneddon recited When the Flag Was New. A patriotic address by Mr. Weston Brown of Carencro followed by the singing of America by everybody closed a very fine, instructive and entertaining program. All repaired to the lower hall and partook of delightful punch and cake. Lafayette Advertiser 6/16/1911.        

Physical Exercise For Elderly People.

 When William Evarts was asked the other day to what he ascribed his long life and excellent health, he replied: "I don't know, unless it is because I don't take any exercise." Those who know the venerable gentleman best recognize the answer as absolutely true. Mr. Evarts takes no exercise. He has carefully avoided exercise for many years. When he went from his house to his office he would not walk a block; he would take a carriage no matter how short the distance. Mr. Evarts isn't the only public man who has a theory that physical exercise, added to mental effort, is a waste of tissue, which tends toward debility and shortening of life. Joseph Chamberlain is a conspicuous example. He spares himself all physical effort, so far as he can. He will not walk up a single flight of stairs if he can help it. Senator Hanna is, perhaps, the most notable exponent of this principle in Washington. Vigorous as he is in speech and in mental effort, the senator is seldom seen save in an attitude which suggests physical repose. From an unknown Exchange paper. In Lafayette Gazette 6/16/1900.


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