Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of August 29th,1903:


 The Gazette believes it is wrong to inflame the passions and prejudices of men by telling them the poll tax is intended as an instrument of oppression, that it was framed for the purpose of disfranchising white men who are too poor to pay an annual tax of one dollar.

 We have never believed that it was wise to add the poll tax clause to the suffrage law and when the question was submitted to a vote in 1902 The Gazette exerted its humble efforts toward a repeal of that measure. The result of that election is well-known. The amendment to repeal was overwhelmingly defeated in the State, a large majority being returned from Lafayette parish favorable to a retention of the law. Our files will show we repeatedly advised people of this parish to vote for the amendment, but if the gentlemen who are now hanranguing the voters on this subject made one public utterance for or against the proposition we, for one, have not heard of it. The was the time for the opponents of the law to work for its repeal. The question was before the people and the time was ripe for action. But they let the opportune moment pass without a word of protest. They waited, with superb silence, nearly two years, and they suddenly realize that their dear friends, the people, have been imposed upon!

 Pray, tell us, by whom? Did not the people themselves ratify the action of the constitutional convention by an overwhelming vote against the repeal of the amendment in 1902?

 If ever a law has been stamped with the seal of public approval it is the poll tax law. First adopted by a constitutional convention, then submitted to and approved by the people, it will not be said by those who love the truth that it was passed be designing men to be used an engine of oppression. The Gazette believes it is morally wrong for men who are leaders in a community to sow seeds of discontent in the popular mind by attempting to create the impression that the State has been engaged in a foul conspiracy to rob the people of their liberties. Such a course is calculated to instill in the public mind ideas of revolt against the constituted authorities and undisguised disrespect for the law of the land. It is certainly not conducive to that good citizenship which is the pivot of our social structure. Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.


 It is a well know principle of Democratic government that the majority rules in legislative and political bodies, but it is equally well known that the minority has rights which are bound to be respected. Such a principle obtains in the Federal Congress, in the State Legislature, in the Parish Jury and with the same force and justice in the parish executive committee. If the acts of the majority were not circumscribed buy wholesome limitations, our government would soon drift into mobocracy or anarchy. It would cease to be a government of law to become one of force and of violence. But fortunately for the peace and well-being of the commonwealth there are laws and constitutions, which, while permitting the rule of the majority, operates as safeguards to the right and liberties of the people and insure a just and reasonable administration of governmental affairs.

 The Gazette regrets to say that the Democratic Executive Committee of the parish, or rather a majority of that body, have seen fit to ignore these principles in their action taken last Saturday.

 We will not comment at this time upon the unusual haste shown by the majority in meeting at such an early date to order primaries, long before the assembling of the State committee. We prefer to confine our remarks to another act of the majority which we believe to be clearly revolutionary, illegal and irregular.

 Act No. 133 of 1900, which legalizes primaries in this State, authorizes the executive committee of a political party to call a primary election. Section first of this act says clearly that the committee shall fix the "qualifications required by voters in addition to those prescribed by the election law and the constitution of the State."

 After setting forth the duties of the committee and prescribing the manner of holding the primary election act 133 provides as follows in section 6.

 "Be it further enacted, etc., That if any person who does not possess the qualifications of a voter at a general election held throughout the State, and the political qualifications required by the resolution calling the primary election, shall knowingly and willfully vote at such primary election he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor."

 A penalty is then provided in the same section.

 In article 215 the constitutional convention of 1898 directs the Legislature to "enact laws to secure fairness in party primary elections." Acting under this instruction the Legislature of 1900 passed act 133 which vests the executive committee with the authority to call primaries, to be held under the election law. The constitution clearly and explicitly declares that no "person less than sixty years of age shall be permitted to vote at any election in the State who shall have not paid on or before the 31st day of December, of each year, for the two years preceding the year in which he offers to vote, a poll tax of one dollar per annum."

 Article 200 of the constitution says: "No person shall vote at any primary election or in any convention or other political assembly, held for the purpose of nominating any candidate for public office, unless he is at the time a registered voter."

 A primary is a legal election. It is just as much so as a general election, and it is not in the power of the executive committee to make it anything else. How can any one seriously contend that the committee can avail itself of act 133 to call a primary and at the same time ignore one of its provisions. The Gazette believes that it will be shown in due time that the committee can no more disregard the poll tax clause of the suffrage that the one which refers to residence or to age. If the committee can allow persons to vote, regardless of the poll tax qualification, can it not with as much legal force permit boys of 15 years to participate in the election? or would it not be just as legal to have our neighbors of Acadia and Vermilion take a hand in our parish primary?

 The suffrage is a part of the organic law of the State, and certainly it is not in the power of a parish executive committee to change or alter it. It has been wisely left to the party organization to fix the political qualifications of the person who votes at a primary. Such qualifications are in "addition to those prescribed by the election law and constitution of the State."

 We believe that after proper reflection the Democratic voters of this parish will agree that the primary called for Sept. 24 is in flagrant violation of the law. Those who believe the contrary can go ahead and have their little fun. It can have no binding on anybody. Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.

To the editor of The Lafayette Gazette:
  Lafayette, La., Aug. 18, 1903.

 Dear Sir - In your editorial of June 20, you have criticized with just degree of severity the appointive power of the chairman of the State Central Committee, though it now appears that power is lodged in the hands of the chairman of the State nominating convention, most likely the same individual and hence probably the general erroneous impression.

 It matters not, however, one whit so far as the right of the people are concerned, in what individual hands this power is lodged, it is equally autocratic and unrepresentative.

 I desire to extend you my congratulations with a hearty handshake for your clear and forceful declaration of this sound Democratic doctrine. It certainly is dangerous to the welfare of the commonwealth to rest in the hands of any one individual "the power to appoint a third of the members of the (State Central) Committee."

 Can it be less so, is it not rather much more dangerous to the general welfare, to lodge in the hands of any one individual the immense appointive power exercised by the governor of this State?

 When we take due thought of the fact that the governor of the State holds and exercises the power of appointment over more than five thousand of the so-called servants of the people, whose salaries and emoluments of office, exclusive of incidental fees, amount to more than four million dollars during one term of office, the pittance of political power exercised by the chairman of State convention sinks into insignificance.

 As an admirer of your strength and style I would much prefer to see you train your guns on these entrenchments, promising you that if I can do no more than stand by and snap a cap, I will stand in line,
         And remain yours truly,
                            CROW GIRARD.

 Being a Democratic journal The Gazette has always advocated a reasonable curtailment of the appointive power of the governor. It does not, however, feel disposed to go the extent indicated by Mr. Girard's communication. Since the office of Police Juror has been made elective, the governor, has not, as a matter of fact, exercised the great appointive power, which, we are told, has jeopardized Democratic institutions in this State.

 The simple statement that the governor "exercises the power of appointment over more than FIVE THOUSAND of the so-called servants of the people," and the announcement that these officer-holders receive salaries and emoluments more than "FOUR MILLION DOLLARS, exclusive of incidental fees" are calculated to alarm timid folk. But let us see if these fears are well-founded.

 The figures to which Mr. Girard refers were first given publicity by a New Orleans paper and reproduced in a number of country weeklies to show that the governor was vested with too much power. It was desired  to make a showing and on the list was placed every office filled by the governor or by his appointees. In order to make up a formidable army of pap-fed soldiers, it was necessary to line up for the count 550 notaries public; 1,200 teachers and members of staff, 58 attorneys to tax-collectors, 58 parish surveyors, 10 members of the board of medical examiners, 10 tobacco inspectors, 26 members of the Vicksburg Confederate Commission, 13 curators of the State Museum, 9 trustees of the Southwestern Industrial Institute, 58 attorneys to school boards, 1,500 commissioners of election and hundreds of other petty and comparatively insignificant officers.

 While The Gazette favors a judicious restriction of the appointive power, it believes the subject should be discussed with fairness and reason. The items which make up the four millions of gubernatorial patronizes are equally misleading. It seems to us that these who advocate a curtailment of the appointive power should not weaken their cause but resorting to the use of inflated statistics.

 Notaries, school teachers, members of obscure boards and commissions are appointed irrespective of their political affiliations. Nobody cares what their politics are.

 The Gazette believes that, with certain exceptions, the five thousand office holders alluded by Mr. Girard should be appointed. We believe it would be worse than folly to elect the trustees of the Industrial Institute, and we do not think anybody cares to vote for a notary public ort school teacher. Take, for instance, an aide-de-camp to the governor, who receives neither fee nor salary. Does any one want to vote for him ?  Yet forty-one aides-de-camp are included in Mr. Girard's "five thousand so-called public servants." There are necessarily in the system of a State government a large number of offices which are filled by the governor and in some cases by boards or commissions. With the selection of these officers the voters do not care to be annoyed any more than the editor of The Gazette cares to express a preference in the appointment of the secretary of the Board of Dental Examiners. And yet five members of this board are used to well Mr. Girard's long list of gubernatorial appointees.

 Having an unquestioning faith in the Jeffersonian idea of government, The Gazette believes that the electorate is the source of all authority in a republic, but this journal fails to see evidences of approaching decay in the harmless provision which enables the governor to appoint an oyster commission or the directors of a State institution.

 After seriously considering this question we believe Mr. Girard will agree with us that most of his "five thousand" appointees are veritable bugbears. When he shall have made that concession it is possible that we will join him in advocating a sensible retrenchment along the lines suggested by his valued contributions to our columns. Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.

What Leveque Says.

 As our friends, the enemy, love to quote The Harlequin on things political, we print the following from that paper relative to the action of the executive committee:

 "In Lafayette, a wrangle has taken place over the qualifications of voters in the primary ordered for September 24 by the parish committee having adopted a regulation that the poll-tax qualification that the poll-tax qualification shall not be enforced, in the teeth of the law to the contrary."
Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.


 The constitution says that the Legislature shall enact laws to secure fairness in primary elections. It is thus clearly seen that the constitution terms a primary an election. In determining the qualification of the voter another article of the constitution declares that to vote "in any election" the payment of the poll tax is a prerequisite. The words at "any election," used in the constitution, have unquestionably a clear reference to a primary as well as to any other election. If the constitution had intended to do away with a poll tax prerequisite in a primary, it would undoubtedly have declared that the poll tax payment was required except in primary elections. This is shown by another article of the constitution in reference to the ballot required in primary and general elections. On this subject the constitution says that in all elections, except primary elections, the ballots shall be obtained from the Secretary of State. If will be noted here that the exception for a different ballot in a primary is clearly provided for. In the matter of voting, which involves a more important right, if the payment of the poll tax was not necessary in a primary, a similar exception clear would have been made. It is shown in Act 133 of 1900 that the Legislature has accepted this interpretation of the constitution by making the payment of the poll tax a prerequisite to the right of voting at a primary. This is a legislative interpretation of the organic law, which, it is well known, even the courts will not lightly disturb. But we are presented with the singular spectacle of a bare majority of an executive committee declaring a law unconstitutional, a thing which the court will not do unless for grave results. And what is still more singular is the fact that the committee declares one part of the law unconstitutional, though availing itself of other provisions of the act to call the primary. Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.


A New Industry in Lafayette to be Operated this Fall.

 The syrup mill, which is being built by Mr. Alex Mouton and which is nearing completion, is destined to become one of Lafayette's most important industries. There is a great deal to do before the mill is ready for operation, but Mr. Mouton informs us that everything will be in readiness for the growing crop of cane. Mr. Mouton is a thorough machinist and having had years of experience in the manufacture of sugar and syrup he has devised and executed a plan which promises to produce the best results. The capacity of his mill will be 1,000 gallons of syrup every twenty-four hours, using during that time thirty tons of cane. Mr. Mouton's process of syrup-making is different from that in use at other syrup mills, and, it is believed, possesses a great advantage over all others. Before subjecting the juice to a high degree of temperature the purpose is to take from it all foreign substances, thus adding greatly to its purity and making it possible to prevent fermentation.

The excellence of Louisiana cane syrup is universally conceded, which accounts for its popularity throughout the United States. There is at all times a great demand for it, and all the manufacturer has to do is to make the right kind of syrup. The rest is easy. One feature which should not be overlooked in this new enterprise is its relation to the farming industry. It is an added inducement to the farmers to diversify their crops. It opens up a new market for cane, and as it is in the midst of a country so well adapted to cane-culture farmers will doubtless devote more of their land to that crop.
Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.


A New Enterprise in Lafayette - Several Carloads of Stuff Received.

 The opening of a wholesale establishment in Lafayette by the Merchants Grocers Company, Limited, is an event of more than ordinary importance to the industrial interests of this community.

 The organization of this company by some of the most substantial men of the town was a strong indication of municipal growth and the entrance of the new firm into the local business world under such favorable auspices should be a source of gratification to all who look with favor upon this additional evidence of the prosperity of Lafayette. This town offers exceptional advantages to a wholesale business, and as the affairs of the Merchants Grocer Company have been wisely placed in the hands of men of integrity, ability and business experience there is every reason to believe that the new firm will meet with that large measure of success which it will endeavor to merit. One fact alone in connection with the wholesale company should win for it the undivided support of the mercantile people. Its interests do not conflict with those of the local retail dealers upon whose patronage it must in great measure depend for success. It is clear that the retail dealer will be greatly facilitated by the wholesale company in carrying on his business. This is particularly true of the dealer with limited means. Every business man will readily appreciate these advantages.
 As was stated in these columns under the new concern will be under the management of the following officers of the company: F. Demanade, president; Geo. A. DeBlanc, secretary and treasurer. These gentlemen are well known in Lafayette and need no words of commendation from us. They will devote all their time to their respective duties. The company could not have selected a better place for its building, which is a two-story, brick structure, large enough to store a complete stock of goods for the supply of local demand. A Southern Pacific switch runs immediately in front of the building, thus affording exceptional facilities for the loading and unloading of cars. Already several carloads of stuff have been received and business has begun in earnest. Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.

The Anse la Butte Field.

 Dr. Rene Martin, of Crowley, was in Lafayette Thursday and made a trip to Anse la Butte. Dr. Martin says that things at the oil field are very encouraging.

 The New Iberia Oil and Mineral Company struck oil at a depth of 550 feet in its well, situated half a mile northeast of Heywood No. 1.

 The Heywood Brothers have received new machinery, which will be used to drill a well on Mr. Babb's tract.

 Dr. Martin has much faith in the Anse la Butte field, which, he believes, is destined to become one of the greatest in the world. He says that the fact that oil has been found in every well that was drilled shows the extent of the field. Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.


Given By The Lacoste Hardware Store Has Been Won By Miss Holmes.

 It will be seen from the following that the handsome library so generously offered by The Lacoste Hardware Store, at the beginning of the session, to the class room making the average attendance for 1903, has been won by Miss Fadra Holmes, the talented principal of the Lafayette Primary School :


 Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1903.

Notice. - A meeting of the share-holders of the Brick and Tile Manufacturing Co. will be held at their office, at 10 o'clock on Tuesday, the 8th day of September, for the purpose of electing seven directors, and attending to such other business as may legally come before them. By order of Board of Directors.
                        LOUIS LACOSTE,

Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.

 Notice : To the Stockholders of the Century Club.

 At a special meeting, held August 18, the Board of Directors of the Century Club decided to call a special meeting of the stockholders at 8 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, September 29, to attend to important business.
            H. A. VAN DER CRUYSSEN, Secretary.
                  Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.

Lafayette Building Association. - On next Wednesday, September 2. 7:30 p. m., there will be a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lafayette Building Association and money to loan. Members wishing to borrow should attend.
CHAS. O. MOUTON, President.
B. J. PELLERIN, Secretary.
Laf. Gaz. 8/29/1903.

 Important to Lafayette. - The Gazette learns that on October 1, Echo will become a full-fledged division on the Southern Pacific and that this change will add to the importance of Lafayette as a railroad point. As a result fifteen or twenty more families will move to this town. Already a number have written to a local railroad man to ascertain if it is possible to rent suitable homes.    Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.

 Schools. - The public schools will open on September 7, in Lafayette, Duson, Carencro, Broussard and Royville. Laf. Gaz. 8/29/1903.

Remedy for Caterpillars. - Mr. A. C. Guilbeau claims to have a very simple remedy for caterpillars. It is a free use of powdered lime. Four years ago Mr. Guilbeau says that he saved a patch of cotton from destruction by spreading lime around the plants. It states that other farmers used lime with the same results. Laf. Gazette 8/28/1903.

 First Bale. - Friday morning Tom Guidry brought enough cotton to Gerac's gin to make one bale. Mr. Guidry got 15 cents a pound for his cotton. Laf. Gazette 8/29/1903.

 For the First Bale. -Mouton Bros., will donate one barrel of the best flour to the farmer who gins the first bale of cotton this season.
Laf. Gazette 8/29/1903.

 Fine Cane. - One stalk of cane grown by Zachary Comeau and two stalks raised on Jack Breaux's place were brought to The Gazette. All three are the samples of the growing crop. Laf. Gazette 8/29/1903.

 Bought Saloon. - J. A. Landry has bought Wm. Hane's saloon. Mr. Landry invites his many friends to call on him at his new place of business. The affable George Pefferkorn will wait on the customers.
Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.

Opens Next Tuesday. - Prof. and Mrs. R. C. Greig have returned from New Orleans. They will open their school, the Home Institute, on Tuesday, September 1. Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.

 The Reservoir. - The Reservoir at the power house of waterworks is nearly completed. It will hold 90,000 gallons, thus assuring at all times a strong pressure in case of fire. Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.

Remedy for Caterpillars.

 Mr. A. C. Guilbeau claims to have a very simple remedy for caterpillars. It is a free use of powdered lime. Four years ago, Mr. Guilbeau says that he saved a patch of cotton from destruction by spreading lime around the plants. It states that other farmers used lime with the same results. Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.

Land Sale at Duson.
[From the Crowley Signal.]

 A large number of Crowleyites left on the morning train for Duson, in Lafayette parish, where the big sale of town lots will be held today. About 25 tickets were sold from this place for the morning local. Great preparations have been made for this sale and hundreds of people are expected to attend from all sections of Louisiana. Duson is half way between Rayne and Lafayette and is in the heart of the finest agricultural sections in the State. Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.

 Bought Merriwether House.

 The beautiful Merriwether home as been bought by Mr. J. R. Jeanmard for $7,500. Mr. Merriwether still retains the ownership of several lots in Mudd addition. The sale was  made by J. C. Nickerson, real estate agent. Lafayette Gazette 8/29/1903.


 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 8/29/1903.

 Sheriff Broussard was in New Orleans this week.

 Scott Heywood returned from Beaumont last Saturday.

 O. C. Mouton left last week to spend some time at High Island, Texas.

 Alcide Judice, Simeon Begnaud and R. C. Landry left last week for High Island, Texas.

 Messrs. Crow Girard and Ed. G. Voorhies went to New Orleans Thursday morning.

 Ike Bendel and Galbert Comeaux returned from Hot Springs last week after a visit of nearly three weeks.

 The public schools will open on September 7 in Lafayette, Duson, Carencro, Broussard and Royville.

 Judge Debaillon went to New Orleans Friday.

 Dr. J. A. Martin returned from New Orleans last week.

 J. C. Nickerson and Dr. F. E. Girard spent the week at High Island.

 Supt. Alleman's little son Ray was kicked by a horse Monday and was badly, though not seriously hurt.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of August the 29th, 1896:

 Lt. Moss and the 25th Infantry.
 The Bicycle Corps.

 Helena, Mont., Aug. 19 - Lt. Moss, 25th U. S. Infantry, and eight soldiers, heavily accounted, and carrying four day's rations, covered the distance between Fort Missoula and Harrision, 132 miles, including the passage of a rocky range, in twenty-two hours on bicycles. The heaviest wheel, with pack and under, weighed 272 pounds, lightest 202 pounds average weight 240.

This is the first detachment put on the road by the United States army to test the practicability of the bicycle as a machine for military purposes in a mountain country. The tour entered upon covers 1,000 miles, including a round of the National Park and return to this point, a run to Fort Assiniboine, Northern Montana, and back by way of Fort Harrison to Fort Missoula.

Lt. Moss expects to show better wheel time than foot soldiers or troopers can make on a sustained march in the mountain region. From the N. O. Times-Democrat and in the Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1896.

The Cane Crop.

 The reports coming in from nearly all of the sugar districts indicate that the cane crop generally continues in a thriving condition. Seasonable rains have been had and these with the intensely hot weather have promoted the new rapid growth that our cane crops usually exhibit in the month of August. The extravagant estimate made of the crop by some people can scarcely be realized. Although the season has this far been a comparatively favorable one, barring the drought, which was almost universal from the middle of April to the middle of June, the season still is less than favorable than that of 1890. On the other hand the last winter was comparatively favorable one for the cane crop, the seed cane was generally good, the plant canes have developed excellently well, and the cane conditions may be considered quite favorable, and with reasonably good weather for the harvest of the crop this autumn we may expect large returns, but scarcely those record breaking returns that some of our good friends are anticipating. Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1896.


The Battle Abbey, given on Friday night of last week was a complete success in every particular.

Notwithstanding the unprecedented hot weather the Opera House was filled with a liberal and enthusiastic crowd. The performance given by the Lafayette Minstrel Company and interspersed with music by the orchestra was enjoyed by every one as evidenced by the hearty applause. After the performance every one proceeded to regale himself and his "best girl" with ice cream, cake and lemonade, at the several tables so ably presided over by the ladies. The old veterans were very much in evidence as they moved around with a glad smile and a springing step, looked like they were willing to fight all over again. The Hall had been treated with artistic hands and with the liberal display of bunting took on an unusual gala appearance.

Every drop and crumb of the great abundance prepared by the ladies was cleaned up, after which every one went home hot and happy, having assisted in the contribution of $117.50 to fund for the Battle Abbey. Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1896.

New Restaurant & Oyster Saloon. - On Thursday night, Mr. A. Labe opened his new restaurant in the building next door to Ph. Crouchet's saloon, with a fine spread especially prepared for the reception of his many friends who did ample justice to his cuisine. Mr. Labe has arranged his dining and lunch rooms in a very neat and tasty manner, and will endeavor to serve his patrons with the best the market affords. He has informed us that he will pay especial attention to his oyster bay, and is prepared to cater to all orders entrusted to him. Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1896.

John Bunt. - The attention of the public is called to the "oyster bay" to be opened by John Bunt in the building adjoining John O. Mouton. Mr. Bunt will handle only the best quality of oysters, and every Friday will have fresh fish for sale. The saloon will open to-day. Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1896.  

Bad Accident. -  Mr. O. Boudreaux met with a rather serious accident on Thursday, while in the country with his hack, the team became frightened and ran away, overturning and almost completely demolishing the hack. Mr. Boudreaux was thrown out but escaped with a badly bruised foot and leg.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1896.

Camp 580 - Special Meeting.

 A special meeting of Gen. Frank Gardner Camp No. 580 U. C. V. was held in Lafayette, La., on Aug. 21st 1896.  After roll call the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, this being the day fixed for the election of officers to serve for the ensuing year, in conformity with advice from headquarters of U. C. V. the following named comrades were elected:

 D. A. Cochrane ... Capt.
 C. Debaillon ... Adjutant.
 A. Lisbony ... 1st. Lieutenant.
 T. A. McFadden ... 2nd. Lieutenant.
 M. T. Martin ... 3rd. Lieutenant.
 J. A. Laneuville ... Quarter Master.
 Dr. J. D. Trahan ... Surgeon.
 T. D. Weir ... Chaplain.
 A. J. Moss ... Treasurer.
 Numa Breaux ... Seargent Major.
 Faustin Vincent ... Flag Bearer.

 The application of J. Edmond Mouton for membership was accepted.

 A committee on by laws, rules and regulations for the government of the Camp, was agreed upon, to be composed of three members; whereupon Comrades C. Debaillon, M. T. Martin, and J. C. Buchanan were appointed.

 The Camp broke ranks to fall in again on the first Saturday of September next. All members are requested to be present.   By the commander,
                          D. A. Cochrane, Adjutant.

Lafayette Republicans.
Lafayette, Aug. 22.

 As per announcement, a meeting of Republicans held at Lafayette on the above date, Col. Gus. A. Breaux was made chairman, H. D. Guidry secretary. The meeting took place in the Andre M. Martin hall, and was well attended. The following is the committee on resolutions :  B. F. Flanders, John Nugent, E. McDaniel, Nelson Higginbotham and Col. Gus. A. Breaux.

 The following is the report of the committee :

 Resolved, That the paramount question to the masses of the people, presented in the presidential campaign and election to be held in November, is the protection of American labor and industries as against the competitive production and pauper labor of Europe. No nation can advance and prosper, nor can its people attain the full measure of happiness which should await honest labor, until the government shields its citizens against foreign competition which is offered by free trade. We believe in America for Americans, first last and always.

 Resolved, That the American laborer is worthy of the best dollar as a reward for his labor, which the government can give him. The best dollar means that dollar where stability in purchasing power does not vary; the dollar which will purchase the most, and which, if kept, will retain its purchasing power.

 Experience of countries which have tried the silver and gold unit of values teach that silver adoption fails to enhance prices as is claimed; on the contrary, disturbs values, destroys confidence and thus deranged all commercial relations, the working man being the first to be injuriously affected.

 Resolved, that we heartily recommend the wisdom of our national delegates at St. Louis for the clean-cut and well-defined issues presents to the people of the United States in a platform submitted for their action and decision at the coming election.

 Resolved, That we give to the very able candidate selected for president, Mr. McKinley, the apostle of protection, and Mr. Hobart, the eminent statesman, our best endeavors to secure their success, as needful to the best interests of our entire country.

 The above resolutions were unanimously adopted.

 Eight delegates were then elected to the Iberia convention, to be held Aug. 27, 1896. A McKinley campaign club was organized after the meeting.

 On motion duly made and seconded the secretary was instructed to have the proceedings published in the Lafayette Gazette, Lafayette Advertiser and Daily Item. The meeting then adjourned sine die.
 GUS. A. BREAUX, Chairman.
 H. D. Guidry, Secretary.
 Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1896.

Opening of School. - Remember that the session at Mr. Carmel Convent begins Sept. 1st. and that you have all the advantages of a good and refined education. French and English are taught, also plain sewing as well as crochet and fancy works, fish-scale and wax-works, tapestry and Kensington, drawing and painting, flowers in paper, muslim and tarlatan. Piano and Mandolin are likewise taught. The good sisters are deserving of praise and special patronage for their diligence and conscientiousness in fulfilling their obligations towards those entrusted to their care.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1896.

Convent Anniversary. - The work of decorating the grounds and Convent for the anniversary to be held on Oct. 15th. will be begun next week. The present beautiful grounds will be made more handsome and arrangements will be perfected for a complete illumination for the open air concert to be given at night. Laf. Advertiser 8/29/1896.

Sunday School Association. - The third annual convention or the Sunday School Association of Lafayette Parish was held here on Tuesday. The Presbyterian church was comfortably filled with delegates and visitors. The address of welcome was delivered by Rev. Thos. F. Webb, and responded to by Rev. W. J. Purter. After this followed the discussion of the several papers prepared by Revs. Reams, Foozer, Barre, Atkinson, Drake, Armstrong, Porter and others. Mr. C. A. Tiebont state organizer was present and assisted largely toward the success of the convention. At 1 o'clock the convention adjourned to Parkerson's Grove, where the ladies of the congregation had spread a bountiful dinner. Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1896.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 8/26/1896.

The decided drop in the temperature of the weather yesterday gave us the first inkling of the approaching change of seasons. 
 Wm. Clegg was in New Orleans this week.

 Rev. E. Forge went to St. Martinville last Monday.

 Judge T. A. McFadden was on the sick list this week.

 Mr. J. Revillon went to New Iberia last Thursday on business.

 T. M. Biossat was called to the bedside of his brother Monday night who was very ill, New Orleans. Miss Ida Moss is visiting her brother and family in New Iberia this week.

 The regular session of the Mt. Carmel Convent School for boys and girls will open on Sept. 1st.

 Misses Laura and Gussie Plonsky are visiting relatives and friends at Washington.

 Miss Maud Boas returned Friday from a two weeks visit among friends and relatives in Texarkana, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenfield were made happy over the arrival of a little daughter at their home last Wednesday.

 Work on the cotton oil mill is progressing rapidly and the plant will be in complete working order in ample time for the present season. Thursday Sept. 10th. Prof. Chas. A. Boudreaux will give his annual school picnic at Pont des Moutons. Every one is invited to come and have a good time.

 Many subscribers took advantage of the liberal offer we made last week in giving a crayon portrait of 14x17 with each paid up subscription to the Advertiser, for $2.95. Remember this offer is only good till September 30th.

 Thursday Sept. 10th, Prof. Chas. A. Boudreaux will give his annual picnic at Pont des Mouton's. Every one is invited to come and have a good time.

 There is no impropriety in doing it and The Advertiser would be under obligations to you for the attention, if you would always inform us of the coming and going of visiting relatives and friends and other happenings in the home in which the public might feel an interest. Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1896.


  From the Lafayette Advertiser of August 29th, 1891: 

The Lottery. 

 For an "insignificant" matter, the Lafayette compact is giving the lottery organs a great deal of trouble and uneasiness.  As a measure which has "killed the anti-cause," it seems now to be worrying the very life out of the pros. They have collected and revamped (with variations) every expression of dissatisfaction at the compact coming from any quarter, and have even taken the trouble to manufacture a little "dissatisfaction" on their own account. Then they have called upon Samuel D. McEnery to help them crush the compact (but Sam dosen't come very rapidly). Dissatisfaction was foreseen, expected and fully calculated, and its effects carefully weighed, by the conference committees; and the pros are cheerfully welcome to it. The fact is, the compact is gaining ground daily; objections to it are being rapidly dissipated, and it is becoming clear to every sensible citizen that the salvation of the State is dependent upon the success of the anti-lottery cause. The lottery press cannot harm the compact, the harder it strikes the worse it bruises its own hand.  Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1891.


 That which was known to the traveling public as the worst piece or road in Lafayette parish is now changed to a regular avenue. The above change was made lately from in front of Couvillon's store down to the coulee on Greig's place in the way to Scott. Substantial ditches have been dug, the dirt plowed and scraped to the center and elevated in order to give a good curve. This street-like road may easily be kept in good order with very little trouble hereafter, provided the water on the North side of the L. W. Railroad is not allowed to come in to change it to a raging torrent. It is to be hoped that our efficient new road overseer of the 3rd Ward will in the future be spared the crowding from the above mentioned water, as all his painstaking, and the good work of his road hands, would be of no avail against it. A good deal more work would be placed upon this piece of road but for want of labor. It is impossible to do any better, as labor is limited, the overseer having 7 miles of roads to work with only eighteen of twenty hands. Unless something is done in the shape of appropriation to hire extra labor, it is next to impossible to put the roads of this limit in proper condition, as the time of road hands will soon be exhausted, being so few in number.

 Our old reliable Ludovic Billaud, the former overseer, was at the head of the work done, standing at the wheel piloting the road machine, to be sometimes whirled up in the air working the levers, which were hard to handle, as it has not been in use for a long time. With the exception of the few little repairs to the machine, all went along smoothly, I think in the near future our dilapidated roads will present a new aspect throughout the parish, as from hearsay they are all being worked. Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1891.


Expedition to Calcasieu Pass.

 The gay crowd of Colonels "on pleasure beat" returned Sunday from their famous expedition to Calcasieu Pass, perfectly satisfied with the trip, themselves, and the world in general.  They found a hospitable welcome from that kind and genial gentleman, Capt. Peter Anderson, who has charge of the quarantine station at that point, and to whom they are indebted for many of the pleasures of their trip. As usual, Col. E. McDaniel was the "scape goat" of the excursion. Upon their arrival there, although very nervous from the prostration of the journey, Col. Mac was the first of the party to make a piscatorial venture. He had fished but a few minutes when he hooked a redfish about four feet long. The Colonel and the fish had it'-"pull Dick, pull Devil" until the fish was nearly ashore, when the Colonel faced about, drew the line over his shoulder and pranced off up the beach like a runaway plough horse. Happening to look back, and seeing the frantic redfish bounding and charging along behind him, the Colonel, forgetting that he himself was doing the hauling, and imagining that the fish was pursuing him with malicious intent, dropped his line, drew his gun, advanced firing upon the foe, and heroically drove the monster back into the briny deep. The next night they had some drummer friends who came down from Lake Charles to have a fish supper with them. They gave a tempting spread, toast followed toast and wine flowed like water until Col. Mac became fatigued and retired. The Col. had established his couch upon the bottom of a new skiff on the front porch elevated above the floor four feet, about this his cheese cloth mosquito "no admittance" drooped in graceful folds. The floor of the porch is elevated on piles ten feet above the sand. Soon after falling asleep he dreamed that he was wrecked in a sea of red wine, and a monster redfish was just about to devour him. The crowd on the porch were astounded to hear him yell "hold him! hold him!" Then he gave a flirt and landed on the floor "blim!" gave another flirt and landed on the hard sand "kerflop!" They all rushed to the front expecting to pick up a dead man, but the Colonel raised himself to a sitting posture and sententiously remarked, "Where is that son of a gun from Lake Charles that wants ice." The roar of laughter that him was the intimation he had of his predicament. He crawled under the house, out on the other side, up the back ladder, through the keyhole and under Capt. Pete's bed. It has always been said that a sleep walker and a drunken man are never hurt by accidents. The Colonel was very tired and is a sound sleeper. Col. John Vigneaux landed a sawfish about six feet long, and brought home as a trophy the saw, which now graces the tonsorial parlor of Prof. Vandergriff. Col. Auguste Micaud brought back eight inches of the business end of an immense "stingaree," with which he proposes to spur up obstreperous arrestees.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1891. 

A Most Entertaining Evening.  - Thursday night (20th) our young people enjoyed a most elegant and recherché entertainment at the residence of Judge J. G. Parkerson, complimentary to his charming daughter, Miss Lizzie.  The handsome residence and grounds were beautifully illuminated, andf the numerous guests were met with a warm and hearty welcome from their courtly host and hostess and made to feel perfectly at home. Among those present were Misses Mincy and Berta Erwin, Eliza Mattie and Ida Hopkins, Effie and Inglis Fraser, Stella and Haydec Trahan, Lilla Kennedy, of New Orleans, Alix Judice, Lea Gladu, Annie Webb, Clye Mudd, Fannie Gregg, Maud Young, of Youngsville, Mimi and Zaza Cornay, Leila Singleton, Eugene McDonald, Mamie Moss, Mrs. C. D. Caffery and Mrs. N. P. Moss. Messrs. Crow and Felix Girard, Lewis Miller, Baxter Clegg, Gaston Gladu, Willie Webb, Felix Salles, Prof. King, of Crowley, Tom Hopkins, Pinkney Torian, S. B. Joyner, Ceo Bellar, J. G. Davis, Walter Mouton, Florian Cornay, Chas. D. Caffery and Dr. N. P. Moss. The young people gave themselves to the unalloyed enjoyment of the many attractions that had been provided for them - music, dancing, refreshments, etc., and prolonged their pleasure without heeding the midnight anthem of chanticleer. During the evening some delightful music was rendered - cornet and piano, by Miss Alix Judice and Walter Mouton, Vocal solo, "Dear Heart," by Miss Alix Judice, mandolin and piano, by Misses Fraser and Webb; guitar, banjo and harp, by Miss Miller and Messrs. Girard and Clegg. Prof. King gave a very eloquent recitation of "Kismet."
Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1891.         

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 8/29/1891.

 Mr. J. A. Veazey returned Sunday from a visit of several weeks to Grand Island.

 Mr. John O. Mouton left Sunday for a visit to Grand Island. 

 Messrs. R. O. Young, R. Roy, and R. Domengeaux, of Royville, were in town last Sunday on their way to Breaux Bridge to attend the concert.

 The Lafayette Public school, Mr. R. C. Greig and Miss Maggie Jameison teachers, will reopen next Monday, August 31st, for the fall season.

 Mr. Carroll Barry, of Grand Coteau, was in town last Saturday.

 Mr. David Mouton is now running on a passenger engine between here and New Orleans, and spends two - three days each week in Lafayette.

 Mr. J. J. Davidson, who has been spending his vacation on the Gulf Coast, returned Tuesday, and is at his post again in the railroad office. We are glad to note that his health is vastly improved.

 The Lafayette Athletic Association is now duly organized and its charter filed and recorded. It will appear in our paper next week. This will be another attraction for our town. They will be ready for operations in two or three weeks.

 A grand ball will be given at Peres' Hall near Lafayette, on Saturday, September 12th, 1891. Music by the Broussardville Sting band. Everybody cordially invited to attend.

 Mr. Pierre Gerac brought in some very fine corn grown on one of his farms near Carencro. One ear of corn left at this office measured eleven inches in length. The corn crop of this parish is excellent, notwithstanding the long drought during the spring and summer months. 


 Mr. F. C. Triay is agent her for the Brotherhood Home Journal, which is published by the managers of the "Brotherhood of Railway Employes' Home, in Chicago. This Journal is in aid of this charitable institution which provides a comfortable home for all permanently disabled railroad men, and is worthy of the support of all charitably inclined people. Subscription only 60 cents a year. Mr. Triay has been quite successful so far, but desires to still do better in aid of this most worthy institution. Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1891.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of August 29th, 1874:

 The Baton Rouge Convention.

 The proceedings of the Baton Rouge Convention, as we anticipated, were harmonious and resulted in uniting all the elements opposed to Radicalism. All shades of opinion were represented there, by able and patriotic representative men from every part of the State. They wisely discarded all dissention and solemnly declared that there must be but one party. This action cannot fail to prove highly satisfactory to all who have the best interests of the country at heart. The gentlemen who composed the Convention are entitled to the thanks and gratitude of the people, for the creditable manner in which they acquitted themselves of the delicate and important duties imposed upon them.

 To insure success at the polls, steps should be taken at once to organize, for the purpose of securing a fair and full registration and election. There is every prospect now, of honesty and intelligence ruling the State hereafter. Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1874.

 The Democratic Conservative Party.

 The Platform.


 [From the N. O. Bulletin.]

 BATON ROUGE, Aug. 25 - The Convention, which has been from the moment of organization one of extreme harmony, after making the several nominations and hearing the report of the Committee on Platform and Resolutions, adopted the following amidst the wildest enthusiasm. Never before has such a manifestation of feeling been exhibited in a deliberative body. The following is the platform of the Democratic Conservative party of Louisiana :

 We, the white people of Louisiana, embracing the Democratic party, the Conservative Party, the White Men's party, the liberal party, the Reform party, and all others opposed to the Kellogg usurpation, do solemnly resolve and declare that the government now existing in Louisiana originated in and has been maintained by force and fraud in opposition to the will of a large majority of the voters of the State, in opposition to the principles of the Constitution of the United States and in violation of every principle of justice and liberty.

 That the dominant faction of the Radical party in this State has, by false and fraudulent representations, inflamed the passions and prejudices of the negroes, as a race, against the whites, and has thereby made it necessary for the white people to unite and act together in self-defense, and for the preservation of white civilization.

 That the rights of all men, under the Constitution and laws of the land, must be respected and preserved inviolate, irrespective of race, color, or previous condition ;  but we deny that Congress can constitutionally enact laws to force the two races into social union or equality.

 That the white people of Louisiana have no desire to deprive the colored people of any rights to which they are entitled, but we are convinced that reform is imperatively demanded, and can be effected only by electing to office white men of known capacity and integrity ;  and we believe that large numbers of colored citizens will vote with us, to secure a government which meet the beneficial alike to both races.

 That we disclaim earnestly any intention of carrying, or attempting to carry, the approaching election by violence, and that charges to this effect emanating from our Radical enemies are without foundation, and are falsely made for the purpose of obtaining the aid of the military forces of the United States in order to overawe the people, perpetrates the existing usurpation, and subvert the true principles of the Government.

 That W. P. Kellogg is a mere usurper, and we denounce him as such ;  that his government is arbitrary, unjust and oppressive, and that it can maintain itself only through Federal interference ;  that the election and registration laws under which this election is being conducted were intended to perpetuate the usurpation by depriving the people, and especially our naturalized citizens, of an opportunity to register and vote ;  but we announce distinctly that it is the determination of the people to have a fair and free election, and to see that the result is not changed by fraud of violence.

 That we extend to all of our race, in every clime, the right hand of fellowship, and a cordial invitation to come and settle among us and unite their destinies with ours. That while we are in favor of meeting punctually the payment of the legitimate debt of Louisiana, we are immeasurably opposed to the recognition of the dishonest and fraudulent obligations issued in the name of the State, and we pledge our selves to make a searching investigation in the matter.

 We advise our people to vote against the amendment to the Constitution proposed by the usurping Legislature, and pledge ourselves, on the restoration of the Government to honest hands, to provide for the payment of all honest indebtedness of the State. From the N. O. Bulletin and in the Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1874. 







In Baton Rouge.

 The Democratic State Convention which assembled at Baton Rouge Monday the 24th, concluded their labors on Tuesday the 25th inst., after adopting a platform of political principles and making the following nominations :

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 Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1874.


Should Convene at Vermilionville.

 The undersigned respectfully suggest that the people of the Parish of Lafayette, assemble in Vermilionville, on Saturday, 12th of Sept. next, for the purpose of ratifying the proceedings of the Baton Rouge Convention, and of appointing a Parish Committee with a view of effecting a thorough organization of the Democratic Conservative or People's Party.

 Arrangements will be made for music and addresses.

 ---------------------p. 2--------------------

 Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1874. 


 Mr. J. M. Brown will re-open his school at the Methodist Church in this place, on Tuesday next, September 1st. Parents are invited to send their children on the first day, or as soon thereafter as convenient.
Laf. Advertiser 8/29/1894.

 Registration. - Mr. J. N. Judice, Supervisor of Registration for this parish will open his office at the Court House on Monday next.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1874.

Good Bargains.

 Cheap for Cash. - Mr. Joinville Hebert, the gentlemanly and accommodating agent of Mr. Edmond Cain, the well know and popular merchant on the corner of Main and St. John streets, is now offering to the public the goods in the store at the lowest market prices. The stock on hand is a large and well assorted one, as can be proven by all who visit the store. The ladies, particularly, are invited to call and examine the goods, fancy articles, etc., and need feel any delicacy whatever, in asking to see and examine the various articles in the establishment, whether they wish to purchase or not. The clerks of the store will always be happy to receive and wait upon all visitors, who may honor them with a call. Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1874.

City Council of Vermilionville.

 On this 6th day of July, 1874, the City Council met at the Court House in regular session.

 Present :  A. Monnier, Mayor and Councilmen Mouton, Revillon, Bourges and McBride. Absent :  Chargois, Landry and Salles.

 The Council was called to order, and on motion, the reading of the minutes were dispensed with.

 On motion it was resolved, That the Collector be and is hereby ordered to proceed to the collection of all taxes and licenses due this Corporation.

 Resolved further, That ten days after the publication of this resolution, the Collector is hereby authorized to bring suit against all parties failing or neglecting to pay their taxes and licenses.

 On motion the Council adjourned.
 A. MONNIER, Mayor.
 H. B. BAILEY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1874.

The Train Dispatcher's Work.

 A train dispatcher of the Lake Shore road says" "Many people have an idea that a train dispatcher controls every movement of each train on a railroad, and that no trains can move without his orders or permission. This is a mistake, as each train has a scheduled time. Each conductor and engineer is provided with a time card, showing time of each train on the road, and where to meet and pass each other, and if all trains were run exactly on time there would no use for train dispatchers. I have people make remarks about the responsibility of a train dispatcher. Even newspapers take up and convey the idea that it the train dispatcher  relaxed his watch on the trains for a single moment a collision was likely to occur. This is another great mistake, as, if trains or trainmen follow the rules and schedule and the train dispatcher lets them alone, they would run until doomsday before they would 'get together,' as the railroad  boys would say. It is only when trains become late that the train dispatcher gets in his work. If it were, as a great many people imagine, that trains were started out like a raft down a river to trust to luck and the train dispatcher to pull them through, I would not want to travel very much in this country, for about the first day out some backwoodsman, in felling a tree, would break or cross all the wires and the train dispatcher would sit in his office and imagine he heard the engines come together. But under the present system of train dispatching the wires may be all swept away by a cyclone, but still there is no chance for a collision. It is when the train dispatcher does not interfere with the running of trains that he must be careful to see that no mistake is made by himself or the operator who delivers the order to the conductor."

From the New Orleans Times-Democrat and in the Lafayette Advertiser 8/29/1891.

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