Monday, January 12, 2015

**MAY 19TH M C

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 19th, 1911:

Sunday's Ball Game Benefiting Catholic Church.

 The base ball game Sunday between the Knights of Columbus and the Holy Name Society for the benefit of the new Catholic church, which was played on the new Parish Fair Grounds, was well attended and a very good game of ball was played by both teams. Up to the 5th inning the score stood 0 to 0. The N. H. S. made 3 runs in the 6th inning and in the 8th the K. C.'s piled up their runs to 3, tying the score. In the 9th inning the H. N. S. added 2 more to their number, making the score at the close of the game 5-3 in favor of the latter.

 The names of those who made up the two nine and their batters are as follows:

 Knight of Columbus - Langlinais, E. Meaux, McNaspy, R. Dupleix, P. Labbe, Morvant, A. Meaux, W. Landry, R. Broussard.
Battery: R. Dupleix and Morvant.

 Holy Name Society: G. Benoit, Hawkins, Broussard, Dupuy, H. Comeau, B. Guidry, A. Comeaux, W. Broussard, G. Parent.
Battery: L. Broussard and Benoit.
UmpireL Prein Broussard.
Scorer: P. Krauss.

 The Lafayette concert band, which was engaged to play after each home run, furnished a number of selections.

 The Ladies of the church served refreshments on the grounds, and their tables were well patronized. All together something like $200 was realized. Lafayette Advertiser 5/19/1911.

From the Lafayette Gazette of May 19th, 1900:


 The baseball players from Pilette will meet the Standards of New Orleans on the diamond at Oak Avenue Park at 3:30 o'clock next Sunday. The New Orleans boys will come on the excursion train.

 The Pilette baseball club played a game at Crowley last Sunday with the local nine. The game proved a most interesting one, the score being 6 to 5 in favor of Crowley. Capt. Robt. Broussard who was with the Pilette boys stated to The Gazette that although beaten they had no reason to regret their trip to the hustling young city of Crowley. They were treated in regal style by the Crowley boys who excelled even their own characteristic hospitality. Capt. Broussard says that the Pilette boys are loud in their praises of the manner in which they were treated. Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1900.

Clean Your Yard. - People will do well to attend to the cleaning of their yards before the Council committee goes around. It will not do any good to wait. It has to be done. We are informed by one of the councilmen that everybody will have to obey the law. Lafayette Gazette 5//19/1900.

 Examination of Justices of the Peace.
 The examining committee of the Parish School Board held a session yesterday afternoon and examined nine of the eleven justices of the peace elected last month. Under the new constitution no justice of the peace can receive his commission unless he has a certificate showing that he is able to read and write the English language. This certificate must be signed by members of the School Board's  examining committee. The justices who presented themselves for examination are:  Alex D. Verrot, H. L. Monnier, F. Abbadie, J. O. Savoy, G. Bienvenue, Chas. Breaux, G. E. Parent,, Gustave Mouton, John V. Coussan.

 The results of the examination had not been announced at the time of going to press. Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1900.



 Mr. W. P. Fife, the North Carolina Evangelist, Talks to the People of Lafayette.

During the past week great interest has been manifested in the revival services now being conducted in Falk's opera-house by the Rev. Mr. Fife, of North Carolina. The day meetings have been very well attended and at night large crowds are out to listen to the words of the gifted speaker. Mr. Fife is undoubtedly an orator of ability and he seems very much in earnest. He is working for the salvation of souls and does not speak for any particular church or creed. He appeals to each and everyone to consecrate himself to the Master's service, to live as a Christian, and show his faith and gratitude to the Savior by doing the Savior's work on earth.

 Mr. Fife's mission is to save souls, to awaken everyone to the hideousness of sin, and to turn him from evil ways to the right and truth. "Men," he says, "do not realize that their friends, their neighbors and themselves are being damned, else they would indeed be tremendously in earnest."

 He spoke of the self-satisfied church members who think salvation can be achieved through works alone. "I am the way, the truth and the life," says Christ. Regular attendance at church services, punctual observances of mere rules and forms are not sufficient unto salvation. The acceptance of Christ as a personal Savior is the absolute requirement, said Mr. Fife, "for only through Christ and Christ only can any one be saved."

  The lack of zeal displayed by professing Christians also received attention. If the church members would only become tremendously in earnest, they could and would do wonders in the way of saving souls for Christ.

 The fault with churches is that the lives of church members are so like the lives of worldly men and women that it is difficult to distinguish them. "You must be apart from the world and not a part of the world." This wordliness in the churches is a stumbling block in the path of many a soul. The Christian's life should be a higher, nobler, better life, and should serve as a hope and inspiration, would lead others to seek salvation.

 Mr. Fife impresses one with his earnestness. His utter faith in God and God's promises is peculiarly striking. His success in so impressing those who hear him, is because he believes so thoroughly in his subject. He knows he has something worth telling, that he has a burning message to give to the world, and he tells it with faith and confidence. No one can possibly listen to Mr. Fife and go away thoughtless. His earnestness, the truth he utters, will leave an impression, and he who comes to hear will leave with plenty of food for serious thought.  (Signed) XX.         Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1900.



Is One of the New Enterprises That Will Help to Build Up the Town.

The Messrs. Snodgrass, father and son, who came here from Iowa some months ago are the promoters of an Industry which promises to do much good to this section. These gentlemen have built and are operating a corn mill. They have procured the latest improved machinery to shell and shuck corn. The corn is passed through the mill and it goes out shelled and shucked. The grain drops into a sack to be sold here or shipped elsewhere. By-another process the cob and grain are ground together and in this way prepared for feed. This feed is
said to be very nutritious. It has been used by dairymen with splendid results. A farmer who runs ai dairy near this town has been using it to feed his cows. He is a very close observer and knows whereof he speaks. He has stated that it not only produces good milk and plenty of it but is a great saving. Every bit of the cob, which is known to contain much nutriment, is utilized. The Messrs. Snodgrass hope to be able to introduce this kind of feed among the people in this parish. It is the intention of these gentlemen to buy great quantities of corn at prevailing prices. After milling the corn they either sell it here or ship It to other points. It is clear that this industry will create a local market for corn. As only a reasonable profit is desired the best market prices will be paid. This is the first mill of its kind put up in this section and should be given every encouragement. Factories and mills which create local market for farm products are sorely needed in this country, and as corn is one of the principal crops of this soil an enterprise which is calculated to build up a market for it should be supported, particularly by those who are directly interested
in its success. Of course as this industry is somewhat in the nature of an experiment its promoters have not started out on a very large scale, but there is every reason to believe that it will grow to much larger proportions. Lafayette already had a refinery, a cotton seed oil Mill, a compress, a
rice mill and two cotton gins, where the farmers could come sell their wares, and now that a corn mill has been added to these the town can boast of a pretty fair local market for the products of the farm.

 The Gazette wishes success to the new venture.
Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1900.

School Building Committee.

 The building committee of the Industrial School met in Mr. Crow Girard's office last Monday and attended to some business in connection with the work of construction. The committee visited the site in company with Architect Favrot and Contractor Mouton and marked out the exact location of the main building.

 We are informed that before long work will be begun.
Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1900.

In Baton Rouge.

 Prof. Stephens and Hon. Wm. Campbell are in Baton Rouge looking after the interests of the Industrial School. These gentlemen will give all the assistance in their power to Senators Clark and Labbe and Representatives Cade and Durio in securing the proper recognition at the hands of the appropriation committee. Lafayette Advertiser 5/19/1900.

 Graceful Loser.

 Dr. James A. Lee, of New Iberia, member of the Board of Trustees of the Industrial Institute, was in Lafayette this week. Dr. Lee takes a deep interest in the institution. He worked hard to get the school for New Iberia, but as soon as this place was selected he became one of its most enthusiastic advocates, never failing to attend meetings of the Board and to give his valuable counsel and assistance. With such men as Dr. Lee to administer the affairs of the school its success is almost assured. Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1900. 

A Crowley Man Under Six Feet of Earth For One Hour And a Half.
 [Crowley Signal.]

 Houston Stakes, of Crowley, came very near losing his life in a well that caved in on the Loyd Williams farm, twelve miles north of Crowley, Saturday afternoon. The well had been excavated to a depth of eighteen feet, and Stakes another man were in the well doing the digging when the dirt began to fall on them. Stakes, companion managed to secure a hold on the hoisting to secure a hold on the hoisting rope and was safely drawn to the surface, but Stakes was not so fortunate and was buried under six feet of mother earth. The men at the top began work at once to remove the dirt and after an hour and a half were able to get Stakes out. He was not injured at all and with the exception of the fright and was able to go to work on Monday. In some way the dirt had lodged so as to remove most of the weight from Stakes' body, otherwise he could not have survived. It was indeed a fortunate escape.
Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1900.

Who Will Take the Census of this District.

 Below are printed the names of the census enumerators for this district. In selecting the men to do this most important work the supervisor, Mr. Wm. Clegg. has left no stone unturned to secure the best material. Mr. Clegg has devoted much time to his duties as it is his purpose to take a census of this district which will be in every particular accurate and truthful. To do this it is necessary to have competent and reliable enumerators. From among the numerous applicants he has selected those who stood the best examinations, at the same time paying special attention to character and reliability.

 We believe that any one who will read the list of appointees will agree with us that Mr. Clegg has made good selections. The following is the list of enumerators:

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 Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1900.


 We are informed that the town authorities will take steps to enforce the sanitary ordinances. We have been told by a member of the Council that all property-holders will be compelled to clean their premises and to use disinfectants where needed. This matter has been too long neglected. The sanitation ordinances have never been properly enforced and the consequence is that the town is in a very unhealthy condition. The sanitary laws should not be observed only once a year. With the approach of summer people think of the danger of epidemics and a spasmodic effort is made to clean up the town. The police should be continually on the look-out for violations of this ordinance whose rigid enforcement is necessary to the health of the community. People who are indifferent to their own health should not be permitted to endanger the health of their neighbors. No man has a right to spread germs of disease, to corrupt even the air that all must breathe. The Gazette hopes that the town authorities will do their utmost to enforce the sanitary laws. No exception should be made. High and low should be forced to obey these laws.

 It is a notorious fact that some people in this town pay absolutely no attention to the most ordinary laws of sanitation. It is this class of citizens that the law is intended to reach. Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1900.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 5/19/1900.

 Lafayette's delegation in the Legislature, Messrs. Clark, Cade and Durio, left last Saturday for their posts of duty.

 F. E. Voorhies, the machinist at the Cotton Seed Oil Mill, has been quite busy making some improvements preparatory to the next season. A large railroad scale and a water tower are among the recent improvements made at the mill.

 Alley Sprole was in the Crescent City Monday and Tuesday.

 Coca-Cola is a refreshing drink. Each year we find it to be more popular than the last. Available at Moss Pharmacy.

 Sterling Mudd went to Baton Rouge last Saturday. We are pleased to state that Mr. Mudd has secured an appointment to one of the clerkships in the House of Representatives.

 Vic Levy, of the firm of Levy Bros., went to Lake Charles Tuesday to put in an order for his fall stock of Edwin Clapp shoes. Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1900.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 19th, 1894:


 At the conference held at the Court House last Saturday, of the cane planters in the neighborhood of Lafayette, to consider a proposition submitted having for its object the erection of a sugar refinery, those present were unable to arrive at any satisfactory conclusion. The conditions to be met were not of an unreasonable kind but the projectors of the movement failed to receive the necessary support from the persons most largely interested in the culture of sugar cane and, consequently, to whose advantage would have redounded most extensively the establishment of a refinery in this particular locality. It is to be regretted that the gentlemen who were present at this conference failed to agree at once on a plan of action that would have given to this section of the parish a convenience so greatly needed as is a central sugar refinery factory, and one that would prove of such vast benefit. By refusing to incur ordinary risks and obligations as we are called on to do in such cases we are standing in the way of our own and nearest interests and succeed in effectually thwarting the worthy efforts of that portion of our population that is never earnestly trying to bring among us industries and enterprises that would immensely benefit the people as a whole.

 That we are bound to have a sugar refinery at no far distant day, is a self-evident fact, but why continue to defer the procuration of so valuable an acquisition when we can already utilize its advantages to such good purpose.

 We had hoped to chronicle a far different result of last Saturday's meeting, but must face the situation as we find it. We sincerely hope that our more serious minded citizens will ponder well over this subject and learn how to take a more broadened view of the affairs of this world that we may soon arrive at the conclusion that, as a people, we should be more willing to help ourselves in the future, than has characterized our career in the past, in order that Lafayette, as a town, and Lafayette, as a parish, may assume its proper place in the march of progress that is now fast flying past us.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/19/1894.

 New Building.

 Work on THE ADVERTISER building was begun last week, under the superintendence of contractor Fred Mouton, and satisfactory progress is being made in its construction in spite of the great interference occasioned by repeated rainfalls. Lafayette Advertiser 5/19/1894.

New Postmaster.

 The new postmaster, Mr. Chas. O. Mouton, assumed charge of the Lafayette post-office on the 15th instant. The induction of the new, and the retiring of the old officers was effected so quietly and unceremoniously that but a few people are as yet aware of the change that has been made. The new incumbent is already so well and favorably known to the public that he needs no special introduction at our hands, and no doubt that he will prove a faithful and efficient officer and worthy of the trust confided in him. The outgoing postmaster, Mr. Paul Demanade retires from the cares of his charge enjoying the good will of the public he has served for the past four years and with a feeling of satisfaction that come only come from a consciousness of duty well done. Lafayette Advertiser 5/19/1894.


 Frimmet Plonsky beloved wife of L. Levy, departed this life during the night of the 11th instant, at the age of fifty eight years.

 For many months she had been a patient sufferer with a most painful malady and bore her suffering with christian fortitude and resignation until she passed away into that peaceful slumber that is so a sweet bourne to all burdened wayfarers. In the death of this good woman and devoted wife and mother this community loses a most valuable member, and to the disconsolate husband and children of Frimmet Plonsky the sympathy of all is extended. Lafayette Advertiser 5/19/1894.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 5/19/1894:

 The Pay Car will arrive Sunday or Monday night.

 Miss Heloise Olivier, of Duchamp, is visiting Miss Marthe Mouton.

 Sheriff Broussard was in the Capital city this week on a pleasure trip.

 The freight traffic on the Southern Pacific Railroad has increased considerably during this month.

 Dr. F. R. Tolson was called to Bartel Station by rail yesterday in consultation with Dr. W. D. Roussel of Patterson.

 Hon. Julian Mouton left for Baton Rouge last Saturday to take his seat as a member of the legislature.

 Base ball goods of every description and a complete assortment of fishing tackle, at Moss Bros. & Co.

 Genl. Supt. of the S. P. , Van Vlect and Div. Supt. Mulvey arrived on a special train Wednesday returning the same day.

 We hear that Mount Carmel Convent of this place will on June 15th prox.
give a grand bazar on the Catholic church square.

 Civil Engineer Beard and Ex. Senator C. C. Duson are now engaged in laying out a town on the Midland Branch, to be name "Eunice."

 The Opelousas Ice and Bottling Company closed down its branch depot here, last Thursday. We have failed to learn the reason for such action.

 On June 3rd next the young men of Lafayette will give a grand ball at Falk's Opera House. Preparations are under way to make it a very pleasant and notable occasion. Lafayette Advertiser 5/19/1894.


 From the Lafayette Gazette of May 19th, 1894:

Of a Young Frenchman - While Riding on a Brakeman He is Thrown Under the Wheels.

 Tuesday morning at about 3 o'clock, after a freight train ha pulled in from the east, a stranger walked up to Henry Fontenot, who was at work in the yards, and informed him that a terrible accident had happened. The stranger, who gave his name as Gaston Delaporte, said that he and companion, Eugene Beseme, were riding on a brakebeam, and that when the train reached Broussard, a jar caused Beseme to fall under the wheels. The facts were immediately telegraphed to Broussard, and the answer soon came that the mutilated body of man was found on the track at the east end of the yards of that station.

 Coroner Gladu was informed of the accident and in company with Deleporte, he proceeded to Broussard, took charge of the remains and buried them. As it was evident that the death of the unfortunate young man was purely accidental an inquest was not necessary.

 Delaporte was inconsolable; when he looked upon the dead body of his only friend on this side of the Atlantic, with whom he had emigrated to this country two months ago, he broke down and cried like a child, and asked Dr. Gladu to give him a lock of his dead friend's hair.

Delaporte told the doctor that they landed in New York two months ago and were going west in search of employment.

 Beseme was a native of Tourcoing, France, and was a tailor by trade. His only living relative is a student at the Jesuit's College of Tourcoing. Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1894.

1,5oo PEOPLE
Lively Day in Lafayette - The Fair a Success - Four Brass Bands.

 Those who had any doubt as to Lafayette's ability to entertain a large number of guests have been convinced of their error. Seldom have our streets been as overcrowded as they were last Sunday. Fully 1,500 stranger's spent the day in town and The Gazette is pleased to state that the cordial welcome extended to them all was the subject of some very flattering remarks which our people may well be proud of. Several of the excursionists told a Gazette man that they were so pleased with hearty reception tendered, especially by the ladies at the Fairgrounds, that they sincerely hoped to again have an opportunity to spend another day with the people of Lafayette. Immediately upon the arrival of the excursion train, the visitors marched, in procession, headed by a delegation from this town, to the church grounds where the preparations had been made for their reception. When the grounds were reached, Mayor Wm. Campbell delivered a short and appreciated address of welcome to the excursionists and extended to them the "freedom of the city." Mr. Condon, of Houma, responded for the excursionists in an eloquent little speech, after which the crowd dispersed, some going to the houses of friends and relatives while others proceeded to the long dinner tables nearby and attended to the wants of the "inner man."

 At about 2 o'clock the band contest took place The St. Martinville, Breaux Bridge and Scott brass bands were entered as competitors for the gold medal. After each had discoursed some very sweet music, the judges, Messrs. Campbell and Domengeaux, compared their merits and decided that St. Martinville would be awarded the first prize, Breaux Bridge the second, and Scott the third, and thus ended one of the most interesting features of the day. The following are the members of the bands:

 St. Martinville - Carlos Greig, leader; Paul Fleming, F. G. Guilbeau, L. J. Fournet, R. J. Bienvenu, A. F. Gauthier, L. Bienvenu, Geo. Gary Edgar Gauthier, August Clement, L. Tertrou, J. Bienvenu, I. Fournet, D. LeBlanc.

 Breaux Bridge. - Jean Durand, leader; Leonce Ransonet, Clebert Melancon, Lee Begnaud, Chas. Jeanmard, Henry Decuir.

 Scott. - Romain Venter, leader; Duprelon Morvont, Erastus Delhomme, Chas. Delhomme, Jean Sonnier.

 When the prizes were awarded, it was announced that a theatrical entertainment was about to begin at the opera-house. A large number of people soon found their way to that place where the interesting comedy, "Le Jardinier Grand Seigneur," was played by our local talent.

 A few more hours elapsed and the time for the departure of the train arrived. It may not be out of order to state that no disturbance of any kind marred the pleasure of the day. Good cheer prevailed throughout. Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1894.

 The Entertainments.

 The entertainments at Falk's Opera House Saturday and Sunday, given for the benefit of the Catholic church were very interesting affairs. On both nights there were well selected programs rendered in a most pleasing and creditable manner. The success which has crowned the efforts of our amateurs, shows how zealously they have labored for a worthy cause and demonstrates the fact that Lafayette may, with justification, boast of actors and musicians of no mean ability. The persons whose names are on the programs below are all resident of this town with the exception of Miss Genevieve Salles, a talented young lady from New Orleans, who generously volunteered here services and contributed, in a great measure, to the success of the concert Saturday night. She sang "La Traviata" during the first part and "Le Barbier de Seville" during the second and so enthusiastic was the applause that followed that she was compelled to appear on the stage for a third time. Her is the program!

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 "Le Jardinier Grand Seigneur" was performed. This play will always rank high in the estimation of the genuine lovers of the art; the success it has already attained may well be a source of pleasure to its author Judge Voorhies, of St. Martinville. The following was the cast:

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 Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1894.

Advertising for Wives.

          To the Editor of the Gazette:

  We have of late observed one two instances of this indelicate practice, which is as gross as it is absurd. The person who advertises for a wife is generally either a very idle, a very disagreeable or a very worthless creature, for, he would not adopt this means of introduction, if he possessed accomplishments or merit to win a lady's hand by the ordinary way. This practice is quite prevalent in some countries and it is a most repulsive feature, and should therefore be discouraged as much as possible here.


 We will say for the information of the good lady who wrote the above that the advertisement which appeared in The Gazette was intended as a joke and nothing else. In justice to the "advertiser" we will state that he agrees with her that it is a most reprehensible practice, and that he believes the "ordinary way" the best and the safest to win a "lady's hand." Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1894.

 A Railroad Commission.

 Representative Julian Mouton, from this parish, has introduced a bill in the Legislature to provide for the regulation of rates on railroads and to create a railroad commission. Speaking of this bill a Baton Rouge correspondent to the Times-Democrat says:

 The prospective legislation of this, the third day of the session of the General Assembly, is of general interest. Among the more important bills which were either introduced or of which notice of intention was given, might be mentioned the bill proposing the establishment of a railroad commission. The author of the bill is Mr. Mouton, of Lafayette, who succeeded Mr. Overton Cade, the present Superintendent of the Mint, and who, though a new member has already given indication of no little ability. His railroad commission bill provides that the Governor shall appoint from the State at large three commissioners at an annual salary of between $2,000 and $3,000. Each of the commissioners shall furnish a bond of $10,000, and their appointment shall be confirmed by the Senate. In explanation of his bill, Mr. Mouton states that his parish (Lafayette) has been a sufferer from rates, both on passenger and freight traffic, and while he does not aim at the passage of an act which will affect the growth of railroad interests of the State, he desires a readjustment of rates so fixed by the commissioners that the corporation may receive a fair and equitable return on the capital invested. The author of the bill does not hesitate in saying that he expects some opposition to the bill, but considers that as he aims at justice alone he will be successful. That the bill will meet with opposition is unquestioned. Those who are believed to be in favor of leaving railroad legislation to future hold that the time is not opportune for the establishment of a railroad commission; that the country has just emerged from the trials of a serious financial depression and that any enactments that would tend to restrict the roads would operate to the prevention of further railroad construction. It is pointed out that the railroads of the State have made reductions of nearly 40 per cent in rates on sugar and molasses, the principle products of the State, and contention is made that any further reduction would be impracticable. As the merit of the bill have not been discussed in full, nothing can be said as to its probable passage, but that considerable railroad legislation will be place before the Senate and House is a foregone conclusion. Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1894.

The Marshal's Answer to Petitioner.
        Lafayette, La., May 17, 1894.
To the Lafayette Gazette:
    Will you allow me space in your valuable columns to furnish your correspondent signed, "A Petitioner," the information desired in regard to the Stock Law.

 To this I will say that the council in adopting the above ordinance didn't aim to punish, nor favor one in particular, nor did it make any exception of certain stock, neither the size nor sex. But in all laws, from the severest to the mildest, there is, I believe, some discretion to be used by the executive officer appointed for the execution of the same. In this case the marshal acting impartially toward all, and somewhat in sympathy with the people to whom this law is a hardship, believed it was no harm to leave sucking calves or colts grazing out while their mothers are kept enclosed. If your correspondent takes this opportunity to subject the officer to his loving criticism, because I have been too mild in the discharge of this special duty I will, after this publication, enforce the stock law as requested of your correspondent. Pigs, hogs, calves, cows, colts, horses, none excepted, even steers. So it will be useless to cry for mercy.

 The correspondent claims that he has called the attention of the marshal to the fact that some steers were roaming at large in the streets and no attention was paid to it by me. This assertion I deny; it is untrue. Although I do not agree with Mr. "A Petitioner" in this case, I will endeavor to enforce the law - and strictly - as requested.
          JOHN VIGNEAUX, Constable.
Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1894.


 At her residence in Lafayette May 11, 1894, Mrs. Dremmet Plonsky, beloved wife of Mr. L. Levy. Born at Gollub, Prussia, in 1836, deceased emigrated with her family to America in 1861, marrying, in 1865, Mr. L. Levy in the city of New Orleans, and at the time her death was the mother of a large and interesting family of children. Mrs. Levy came to Lafayette with her husband in 1870, and, by her steadfast maternal devotion and exemplary character, in all her various social offices won the respect and esteem of the entire community. At last stricken with a cruel and relentless affliction, this good woman, after a long and painful suffering, was gathered home to Rest. The remains were taken to Washington, La., and there the last sad rite of the Hebrew faith, were performed, Mr. Henry Bendel officiating. The grief and sorrow of the bereaved family and relatives, manifested in a most touching manner, the tender affection which bound them to the departed dead. May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, bind up the broken hearts and soothe and comfort the troubled spirits of the afflicted family is the fervent prayer of The Gazette.

 Messrs. Joseph and Leon Plonsky were brothers of the deceased and Mrs. B. Falk a sister. Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1894.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 5/19/1894.

 The pay car passed through yesterday morning and is expected to return to-morrow or Monday night.

 Mr. H. A. Eastin has done some very neat painting at the convent.

 The freight traffic on the Southern Pacific has been increasing since the 1st of May.

 Miss Marie Revillon, after a pleasant stay of several weeks in Texas, returned home Saturday.

 Mr. Wm. Clegg, and son, Morry, returned home Wednesday after a visit of several days in San Antonio.

 Mr. Alfred Hebert, accompanied by his daughter and son, Miss Josephine and Master Alphonse, of St. Martinville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Gerac.

 The beautiful silver goblet offered to the most popular young lady at the Fair grounds last Sunday was won by Miss Genevieve Salles, who secured the highest number of votes. The goblet was donated by Mr. T. M. Biossat.

 We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the Scott brass band for the sweet music discoursed at our office Saturday afternoon. The members of this band are nearly all boys, but the proficiency which they have attained would do credit to some of maturer years.

 Sunday Law. - The Sunday law, which we observed in Lafayette since the last term of court, was violated openly last Sunday by some saloon keepers, while others kept their places of business closed and missed a big sale.

 The gross receipts at the fair and entertainments last Saturday and Sunday amounted to $1,115.55. We understand that the expenses will not exceed $300. Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1894.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 19th, 1908:


 A carload of orphan  babies from New York passed through here Thursday. Quite a number of people assembled at the depot, some out of curiosity and some with the purpose of asking for some of the little ones to adopt. Six or seven were given away here. The sight of all those little innocent orphans being hauled over the country to find some kind hearted people who would take them and care for them, was very pathetic, and a sad commentary on the present condition of society that makes such a thing necessary. Lafayette Advertiser 5/19/1908.

The Open Door Policy.

"You - may speak to papa," she said, coyly.

 He sprang to his feet with a glad cry. Was that merely another way of saying "yes?"

 "But," she continued in a tone of solicitude, "I would advise you to keep between him and the doors."

 Assuredly none knew better than she the advisability of keeping open a line of retreat.

 From the Chicago Post and in the Lafayette Gazette 5/19/1900.

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