Monday, January 12, 2015

**MAY 18TH M C

From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 18th, 1909:


 At 1:30 p. m. - The Parade Will Form In Front of the Elk's Home.


 Tournament and Circus Will Take Place at Surrey Park - Large Crowds Expected.

 Over a hundred Elks' assisted by a large number of friends here and in neighboring towns have been working with might and main in preparation for the grand tournament and circus, to take place to-morrow at Surrey Park. In appreciation of the efforts for the pleasure and amusements of the people nearby all business places and shops have agreed to close at noon to afford the employees an opportunity of witnessing the grandest spectacular and laugh provoking exhibition ever seen here. Great crowds are coming here from Crowley, Opelousas, Alexandria, Jennings, New Iberia, and other towns and the attendance will no doubt reach several thousand. In addition to the many attractions already announced on the regular program, Dr. Stephens has consented to allow the Institute Cadet Corps to participate in the parade which will start at 1:30 p. m., in front of the Elks' Home and proceed through the principal streets of the town. On arrival at the Park the tournament will begin and honors will be sharply contested for by a number of gallant knights. There will be a fat men's race, lean men's race, sack race, greasy pole, mule race, automobile race and above all the greatest aggregation of wonders and prodigies gathered from every quarter of the globe.

 It is impossible here to describe all the wonderful attractions that have been secured but it will be sufficient to say, the Elks' assure their friends and the public generally that no effort or expense will be spared in providing for a splendid day of fun and enjoyment. Let everybody turn out, enjoy the fine parade and then go to see the magnificent display on the grounds at Surrey Park. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1909.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 18th, 1904:

A Brief Outline of the Situation. - Results So Far Very Encouraging.

 Those in the Field Will Continue. No. Doubt About Oil. Large Salt Mine of Pure Rock Salt.

 A reporter for The Advertiser saw H. L. Meyer, who is drilling a well at Anse la Butte, and who thoroughly understands the situation at the oil field and requested that he give a brief outline of affairs there, which he very kindly did as follows:

 He stated that up to date several companies have drilled and tried to bring in a well, spending nearly $300,000. Results, while not all hoped for, nevertheless are sufficiently satisfactory to encourage them to continue, for without question there is a large field, well worth developing.

 Heywood Bros. are the main land owners, and now, having secured the Guffey leases, are in practical control of the field. Next to the Heywoods come the LeDanois Company, who also have large holdings; but as yet have manifested no disposition to develop the land. Then come the Moresi Co., who have been working honestly for two years to get a gusher. They have succeeded, as have the Heywoods, in obtaining; but for lack of gas pressure have not been able to bring in the wells.

 So far eleven wells have been drilled, three of which produce about ten barrels daily with use of compressed air.

 The next well will be put down by Mr. Meyer. Heywood Bros. will do the drilling. The well will be located about 150 feet from Moresi No. 3, in the swamp. This particular piece is considered the cream of the field as far as ascertained, and Mr. Meyer expects to bring in a 400 to 500 barrel daily producer. Mr. Meyer put down the Acadia well for a New York Co.; but got only salt water. This time he is counting on big success.

 One of the important developments of the field is the discovery of an immense salt mine. It is of a wedge shape running east to west with apex towards Breaux Bridge, where the thickness is about 500 feet. The nearest point toward Lafayette shows a depth of 1,600 feet. It is pure rock salt. Mr. Meyer stated that he had discovered a special process by which it could be rendered a fine table salt of very superior quality. Mr. Meyer has the utmost confidence in Anse la Butte and says that big things can be expected from it in the near future. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.

Organized Thursday to Promote the Welfare of Lafayette. - Thirty Members Enrolled.

 In response to the call published in the papers a considerable number of citizens met at the courthouse Thursday evening and organized a progressive league with Crow Girard, president; Judge Julian Mouton and A. B. Denbo, vice-presidents; Jerome Mouton, secretary; J. Arthur Roy, treasurer.

 The meeting was called to order by Mayor C. D. Caffery, who requested Crow Girard to act as temporary chairman. Jerome Mouton was made secretary.

 Chas. O. Mouton, who was president of the former Business Men's League, made an interesting talk, recalling the effectiveness of the league when it existed and emphasizing the necessity of organization to accomplish results. Those present heartily agreed with Mr. Mouton, and upon motion of Mr. Caffery, who also made an interesting talk along the same line, a permanent organization was effected with the officers stated above, and a committee consisting of C. D. Caffery, Judge Julian Mouton and E. G. Voorhies were appointed to draw up an agreement and by-laws. A committee on membership was appointed to solicit members, consisting of Jerome Mouton, R. C. Greig, W. A. LeRosen, V. L. Roy and O. C. Mouton. Monthly dues were decided upon and placed at fifty cents per month, and the time of meeting will be the will be the second Wednesday of each month at 8 p. m., the place of meeting to be announced later.

 Some little time was devoted to the discussion of the Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Gulf railroad. It was suggested by J. I. Hulse, who spoke at some length, that the narrow the narrow gauge road to Col. Breaux's place could be utilized; but of course, all discussions were simply to bring out ideas as nothing definite can be done until the company is fully organized, which will be very shortly.

 The following enrolled their names as member of the league:

 Crow Girard, Julian Mouton, J. A. Roy, A. B. Denbo, C. D. Caffery, E. G. Voorhies, R. C. Greig, W. A. LeRosen, V. L. Roy, J. I. Hulse, C. O. Mouton, F. E. Moss, Chas. Debaillon, F. Demanade, Geo. A. DeBlanc, W. J. Avery, A. Woodson, F. K. Hopkins, Alex Mouton, Ernest Olivier, J. R. Jeanmard, Samuel LeBlanc, O. B. Hopkins, G. R. Parkerson, C. D. Boudreaux, N. P. Moss, F. E. Davis, A. E. Mouton, E. L. Stephens, M. Rosenfield, Jerome Mouton. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.


 The formation of a progressive league last Thursday, we believe, is the first step leading to many good things for Lafayette. We have now an organized body of men who can and will devote both time and attention to all matters pertaining to the commercial and industrial welfare of the community. The league is a body of workers and all those who desire to assist will be welcomed as members.

 The first and most pressing subject for consideration is the Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Gulf Railroad. This enterprise the league proposes to push early and late; for they know and fully realize that it is a matter of supreme importance to Lafayette, in fact, it is vital and if determination and persistence will accomplish it, the road is a certainty. But they need help and this help should come from every citizen of Lafayette and come with a will. We are all concerned in the building of this road, it means great things to all of us, and when the league calls on us, as they must, every citizen should do his duty.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.

The Baby Show and May Dance Both Very Interesting. - A Success Financially and Otherwise.

 The May Festival given by the ladies of the Episcopal church Friday evening was largely attended, and was most enjoyable.

 The three special features were, the delightful music of the Sontag military band, the baby show, and the May pole dance.

 Long  before six o'clock, the hour set for the baby show, a considerable crowd had gathered, among them many little contestants for the prizes. When the time came for the judges to make their appearance, some of them failed to put in appearance, and then a hunt for other began. None of the gentlemen present wanted to serve; but a last Messrs. M. Rosenfield, and B. N. Coronna consented. All the babies from one to two years old were stood on the bench, and the judges after carefully looking at them, finally awarded prizes to Louise Arceneaux, of Carencro, as the prettiest baby, and Tom Biossat Parkerson as the finest baby.

 When it came to judging the babies from six months to a year, Judge Julian Mouton replaced Mr. Coronna, who asked to be relieved. In this contest the prizes were awarded to Paul Krauss as the prettiest, and to Irvin Lisbony as the finest. There were about fifty babies entered. At the close of the baby show about sixty little girls and boys marched gracefully across the lawn under arches, singing, and escorted the May Queen and her attendants to her throne, where an interesting dialogue was recited. Another march to the May pole draped with streamers, and to the inspiring music of the Sontag Band they wound and unwound the streamers in many colored plaits about the pole, which ended the May dance. The rest of the evening was devoted to the delicious refreshments served so nicely, and to pleasant conversations with friends.

 The receipts were $135.35.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.


 We have received from Hon. John Dymond, attorney of the Oyster Commission of the oyster industry of Louisiana with recommendations to the Legislature for additional enactments to assist and promote its development. We are not sufficiently posted on the subject to express an opinion either way, but we would suggest to our representatives that they make a careful investigation, and if legislation can add to the oyster industry in any way, that they give a measure designed for that purpose their hearty support. With our modest knowledge of the matter, we feel certain that our vast possibilities in oyster culture have neither been appreciated nor considered, and we feel convinced that the Legislature can do something in the way of building up this branch of industry to make it both a source of revenue and riches to the State. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.

Begin Friday Evening with Annual Concert, Music Department.

 Commencement exercises at the Industrial Institute will begin Friday next with the annual concert of the music department. Each number on the program will be rendered with the necessary costuming and staging, and the concert will be both entertaining and excellent. There will be no admission charge and a cordial invitation is extended to the public to be present. The program is as follows:

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 Saturday morning, beginning at 10 o'clock, the annual inspection of the Institute will be held. Every department in the school will have some of its work on exhibition, in charge of teachers and students, and will be open until 1:30 p. m. Saturday evening a joint open session of the Attakapas and Avatar literary societies will be held, presenting an interesting program including a gymnastic fencing drill in costume, and the contest in debate for the Julian Mouton medal. Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock the annual commencement sermon will be preached by Rev. R. W. Tucker, pastor of the Crowley Methodist church. Monday at 10:30 a. m. the graduates of the Institute will meet with the new graduating classes and organize an Alumni Society. At 2:30 p. m. their annual meeting. Monday evening will be the Class Night of '04, Miss Loolah Williams is class-president, and an interesting program will be presented.

 Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock the commencement program will be rendered. Hon. John Marks, of Napoleonville, will deliver the address to the graduates. The Julian Mouton medal for debate, the Dr. J. A. Martin cash prize of $15.00 for best standing in departments and scholarship, and the Crow Girard medal for scholarship will be awarded. Gov. Blanchard will confer the diplomas. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.

Annual Gold Medal Offered by Mr. Crow Girard to Industrial Institute.

 Mr. Crow Girard has offered a gold medal annually to be awarded at each commencement to that student of the graduating class of the Industrial Institute, who shall make the highest scholarship average for the year. This is both commendable and generous of Mr. Girard and will stimulate interest in literary work.

 Dr. J. A. Martin has also generously offered a cash prize of $15 for excellence in scholarship, open to every pupil of the Institute, and with two such attractive prizes as rewards interest in literary work will greatly increase. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.

Sunday Unusually Good. - Three Excursions Bring Five Thousand People to See Them.

 The races at Surrey Park Sunday were, as expected, extra good. There were three races with five entries for each, comprising some of the fastest horses in all this section.

 Excursions were run from New Orleans, Washington and Lake Charles, bringing fully five thousand people here. The big crowd was handled nicely, plenty of conveyances being provided by all who desired to use them. A good brass band furnished music which added materially to the pleasure of the day. The races began about 2:30 p. m., and were high class in all particulars. Many pronounced them equal to anything on the New Orleans track.

 In the first race, half mile dash, for a purse of $150. Baccie, owned by H. Boudreaux & Co. won. In the second race, three eights of a mile dash, for a purse of $100, Dazile, owner Plouette, won. Jolly Young, owned by H. Boudreaux & Co., carried off the third purse, $100, in the three-quarter mile dash.

 Sunday May 22 there will be an interesting match race between Brockmarise and Nora L. for a $500 purse. Admission 25 cents. Lafayette 25 cents. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.


 The Institute Team Crossed Bats with a Picked Nine from the Century Club.

 The base ball game between the Institute team and a picked nine from the Century Club Friday was close and interesting. Some good plays were recorded for both sides were recorded for both sides, the Century Club team showing that they had not forgotten how they used to toss the ball in earlier days. In fact, one of the features of the game was Dr. Reeler's pitching, and Felix Mouton at shortstop and Dr. Girard on first did creditable work.

 The batting was good, the Century Club men doing excellently well considering the small amount of practice they had had.

 Their star hitter was Chas. Parkerson, who lifted the ball like a professional.

 The Institute boys were all right on batting, making two home runs and several three baggers. Although the score resulted in 14 to 10 in favor of the Institute, the game held the interest of everybody present and was well worth the price of admission. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.

Woman's Club.

 This organization will hereafter be known under the unpretentious name of Woman's Club; having for obvious reasons dropped the word Literary. The change is in a way, very slight; but it means much to this body of women, who not only follow a literary course, but whose every act and influence seeks to be an enrolling and elevating factor in the community. The last meeting of the season was held on Saturday afternoon with Mrs. E. L. Stephens as hostess.

 Many important questions were discussed and settled and all arrangements made for the summer work, which the different committees will handle carefully.

 The program consisted of the life and works of James Lane Allen, the finished worker of beautiful thoughts, whose style is as original and perfect as Hawthorne's and whose books on account of their descriptions, pathetic, and tragic evenings incidents, being each a veritable gem, must become classic.

 The story of his life was given in a graphic manner by Mrs. T. N. Blake; Mrs. E. L. Stephens had an interesting paper and selections from "The Choir Invisible."

 Mrs. Biossat gave a paper and criticisms on "The Reign of Law;" which was followed by an animated discussion of this remarkable book, in which each member took part.

 After recording some valuable suggestions from Dr. Stephens, who favored us with his presence, the club adjourned for the summer, to meet again in October.

 The guests on this occasion were: Mrs. Farley, of New Iberia, Miss Robins, of New York, and Misses Werlein and Parham, of New Orleans. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.

A Linen Shower.

 A unique event in society the past week was a linen shower given Miss Ula Coronna Monday night by her young friends. Misses Estelle and Aimee Mouton acted as hostesses. The decorations throughout the house were Japanese. All the young ladies wore kimonos and dressed Japanese fashion. No chairs were provided each one sitting on a cushion on the floor. A supper partaking of the Japanese style was served on a red table cloth on the floor and provoked much merriment because of its oddity.

 After supper Miss Coronna and her affianced to stand under an immense Japanese umbrella, when at a given signal, it was shaken and a shower of linen fell upon them, every person present having furnished one or more pieces.

 An excellent string band furnished music during the evening. Numbers of entertaining games were played and a most delightful evening was enjoyed by all. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.

Decided On Crescent News.

 Invitations are our to the marriage of Miss Ula Coronna, the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Coronna, to Mr. Nathan Abramson, one of Lafayette's leading retail merchants. The wedding will take place at Falk's Hall Thursday, June 2, 1904 at 9 p. m. Since the invitations were issued it has been decided to have the Ceremony at the Crescent News Hotel instead. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.

Marvel of a Grapevine.

 Judge H. L. Monnier kindly showed us a marvel in the way of a grapevine which he has in his yard. It is quite a large vine and is covered with full bunches of grapes to such an extent that it seems almost a mass of grape bunches. The vine was brought from Switzerland by Judge Monnier's father and is of the wine grape variety, large, sweet and juicy. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 5/18/1904.

An Appreciated Gift. - A handsomely framed facsimile copy of the Declaration of Independence has been hung in the corridor of the courthouse by Dr. N. P. Moss as a gift to the people of Lafayette, and it is a gift highly deserving of appreciation, and we are certain that it is highly appreciated.

 Valve Worn Out - The failure of the Power House to supply lights is caused by the wearing out of a valve on the engine. Mr. Melchert went to the city Sunday to try and have it replaced, and is expected back to-day.

 Moved Temporarily. - The First National Bank moved into the Century Club building Saturday, where they will remain until the erection of their handsome new building which is to be completed by September 1. The work of demolishing the old building began Monday.

 A Good Things. - Is a good book from the Circulating Library at the Moss Pharmacy. You get a dollar's worth of pleasure for a ten cent investment.

 Began Building. - S. E. Yandle began the erection of a one story brick building, 24x56 inside measurement, Wednesday on the lot next to the post-office.

 Left in Post-office. - A silk umbrealla. Owner can have same by identifying and paying the cost of this notice. J. R. Domengeaux.

 The many friends of Mrs. Joe E. Mouton, will be gratified to learn that she is steadily improving. Mr. Joe Mouton returned home Wednesday.

 Mr. George Beadle brought to our office yesterday some very fine Irish potatoes. They averaged ten inches in circumference and six in length.

 Mr. and Mrs. Beauregard Fournet, and little son of St. Martinville, visited here Monday.

 Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Williams and son Ben, and his little friend, Ott Reeves, of Greenville, Tex., came yesterday on a visit to her father, Dr. Thos. B. Hopkins.

 Friday Rufus Mouton was drowned in Vermilion bayou near Abbeville. His remains were brought to Lafayette and interred in the Catholic cemetery Monday.

 Mrs. C. K. Darling and children returned to Houston, Texas Friday.

 The Western Union office was moved Monday into the small building between Mouton Sisters and Pellerin & DeClouet's.

The Ladies Auxiliary to B. R. T. will give an ice cream sociable on the grounds near the Southern Pacific Depot Saturday evening, May 21. No admission fee. Everybody is invited.

 Accident to Our Press. - We ask the indulgence of our readers for being late this week. It is due to an accident to our press.

Thirteen Pound Cabbage. - There will be on exhibition in The Advertiser window for a few days a very large cabbage, one of 300 in the garden of Mrs. C. Douglas, in the 8th ward. It weighs 13 pounds. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1904.


From the Lafayette Gazette of May 18th, 1901:


 Gov. Heard Will Receive the Institute in Behalf of the State.

 The general outlines of the program for Saturday, June 15, the day set for the occasion of opening the main building of the Industrial Institute, are as follows: First, a program in the morning to consist of the presentation of the building by the Board of Trustees to the State. Governor Heard will receive for the State and turn over the keys of the building into the keeping of the President of the Institute. Then will follow a dedication oration. The orator has not yet been selected. Second, it is expected that the local Fire Department will arrange for an afternoon program, to consist of their annual parade and civic display, at about five o'clock.

 Third, the program arranged for the evening is to consist of brief addresses of greeting from the representatives of other institutions of learning in the State. President Aswell, of the Industrial Institute at Ruston, President Caldwell, of the State Normal School, and President Boyd of the State University, have already accepted invitations to be present. Representatives from Tulane University, from Centenary College, and from other schools in the State are expected.

 An effort is being made to secure excursion rates along all lines good from June 11 to 16 inclusive, and excursion trains from Morgan City and from Opelousas in time for the morning program Saturday. The Southwestern Louisiana Summer Normal School and Chautaugua, to assemble at Franklin, June 10, will form a special excursion to attend this celebration.

 The Industrial Institute has no faculty and no pupils as yet; to get these it must be given sufficient time; but in the meanwhile, and at all times, it will have the loyal help and support of the whole people. Therefore when the inquiry begins to be made, whose good taste will direct, whose fair hands help, and whose gracious presence encourage, the work of decoration and preparation for a seemly appearance of the building on that day, we feel sure that the public-spirited ladies of Lafayette and their daughters will make a fitting answer. Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1901.


 The Impressions of a Stranger Lost in the Anse la Butte Road - Tells of Vast Gold Deposits.

 The following, which seems to be the impressions of a stranger, was found not far from the bridge in the Anse la Butte road. It was found by a young man who kindly brought it to this office. It was written on note paper and carefully wrapped in a bundle with samples of rocks, sand, greasy soil, and prospectuses of oil companies. The young men informed us that near the bundle were foot-prints which lead directly to a hole, freshly dug, and about two or three feet deep. Near this hole was found a marked copy of the Cripple Creek, (Col.) Tribune, containing an article relative to certain mining operations. On the margin of the paper was written in a legible hand the name of "A. Dranac."

 Investigations have failed to disclose who, we suppose, is the author. Nevertheless, we print his impressions, which, no doubt, will prove interesting at this time:

 "Do these people know they are living in a country richer, far richer, in the precious metal than the famous Klondike?

 "Do they know that they are treading over the rarest of gold-bearing earth every day?

 "While it has been known that no finer or better agricultural lands than these were to be found on the face of the earth - lands made by the deprivation of the best of other lands and being deposited here by the great father of waters - it was never dreamed until within a very short time that while these lands were being formed, particles, yes quantities, of the yellow metal, washed out from the veins and placers of the distant mountains and plains of the North, were being silted over these lands? Recent studies in scientific treatment of earths for the extraction of minerals have made amazing advancement and the uses of that mysterious energy, electricity, and combination of chemicals, have brought to light store-houses of treasure never dreamed of. Some one has discovered these great mines and will no longer be able to conceal the great store of bright metal accumulated. What means all these diggings over the prairie, along the railroad tracks, near the woods, bordering the steams? At last the mystery is revealed. Some one has the secret.

 "Within the last few weeks it is reported that gold - pure gold - has been found by accident near Lake Arthur and strange to say the owner of the property is now in Klondike seeking gold treasures. It is also said to have been found in other places. Who knows but soon this soil that by its returns so gladdens the heart of its worker as now he turns it up to the growing cane, cotton and corn, will be shoveled into conveyors for reduction and separation for more valuable returns and the crops neglected?

 "Whatg a wonderful land this is? The dreams of the wildest enthusiastic are being surpassed! But a few weeks will elapse before the ocean of oil now stored below your farms will be gushing to the surface in a black stream, surely to revolutionize the industrial affairs of the world."
Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1901.

H. S. Jantzen, a Young Man From Houston, Commits Suicide.

 Tuesday morning a well dressed young man of general appearance registered at the Star and Crescent Hotel as "H. S. Jantzen, Houston." The next day he was seen about town. He bought some articles in two or three stores and called at the banks to transact some business. During the day he indulged somewhat in strong drinks, but behaved very well both in town and at the hotel.

 The hotel people say that though he appeared excited at times he was not at all boisterous. He impressed every one with the fact that he was a fine person of good-breeding and refinement. He remained at the hotel until Wednesday morning when he ate breakfast, settled his bill with the clerk and walked away. Shortly after he was seen going toward Oak Avenue. Later some one saw him near the Protestant Cemetery. Subsequently two pistol shots were heard. Soon after it was ascertained that the young man who had passed a while before killed himself. His body lay almost in the shade of the large oak which is at the entrance of the cemetery. Dr. J. F. Mouton, the coroner, found that both bullets had entered just beneath the right ear. One bullet pierced through and through; the other lodged somewhere in the head. It was clearly a case of self-destruction and the jury so declared. Mr. Vigneaux, the undertaker, took charge of the body. Dr. Mouton communicated with the Chief of Police of Houston to inquire about the family of the young man. During the night a telegram was received from his brother who arrived on the noon train the next day. He said that he could not think of anything which would have caused his brother to commit suicide. It was all a mystery to him. He stated that his brother was the favorite of an aged father; he had all that he wanted and at no time showed any symptoms of melancholy. He was studying dentistry and was doing well.

 It was decided to bury the unfortunate young man here and Thursday afternoon his remains were interred in the Protestant cemetery, fifty yards from the spot where he killed himself. The older brother, who had come from Houston, wept bitterly as the body was lowered into the grave. Rev. C. C. Wier, who performed the simple, though imposing funeral rites of the Methodist church, delivered a very touching prayer. As the minister spoke the word of God and invoked His benevolence to assuage the grief of the stricken family, there knelt at the grave of the unhappy youth a score of mourners, who though strangers to him, mingled with the bereaved brother in sorrowful meditation which was as sincere as it was pathetic. Just as the sun disappeared after a day's journey, the dust was thrown over the coffin, the little party of sympathizers left the solemn home of the dead and night lowered its dark curtain over a tragedy as sad and inexplicable as death itself. 
Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1901.

For Sale at a Bargain. - Five-room house with hall, two blocks from Southern Pacific depot. Two good cisterns, barn, chicken house, out-houses, etc. For further information apply to O. B. Hopkins, Lafayette, La. 
Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1901.

 One has, but to drive out a few miles in the country to know that the future of this section is assured, irrespective of oil discoveries. Surely if oil is found, Lafayette parish will bloom like the rose. Land values will go up as they have never done before. The capitalists, the men with the money to invest, will be attracted here from afar and a real boom will be in order, but we wish to speak of what we already have and not of the hidden treasures in the earth. Through the courtesy of Mr. Felix Demanade the writer had an opportunity last Tuesday to drive as the old Remick plantation which is now owned by Messrs. Demanade, I. A. Broussard and Harry Durke. The trip afforded a splendid view of as fine a selection of agricultural country as can be found anywhere. From the Pinhook bridge, along the banks of the Vermilion to the Remick place, the land is nearly all under cultivation. The vacant tracts of a few years ago are no longer there. Every inch of that soil, whose fecundity is unexcelled, is made to yield forth its vast wealth. The growing crops of cane, cotton and corn and the happy homes of the farmers are evidences of thrift and are sure signs of a prosperity that is not entirely at the mercy of the uncertain fluctuations in the money centers. A retrospective glance of only a decade affords one an idea of the boundless possibilities of this section. Within that period land has more than doubled in value, and this enhancement has been without any great help from outside capital. It has been a steady, natural increase. Perhaps if the land were owned by a few magnates as in other parishes the augmentation in values would not be an evidence of general prosperity, but, as it is divided among the tillers of the soil themselves, who, in most cases, own their homes, it is a most fortunate condition and one which should be considered in summing up the real prosperity of the people. The success of the farmer here does not exclusively depend upon one crop as in the rice and sugar districts. The Lafayette farmer is in a position to follow the advice of experienced agriculturists as to diversification. He need not put his all into one crop. He is not apt to be the victim of unfriendly legislation and if he is thrifty and economical he is always ready to tide over a crises.

 A more picturesque country is difficult to see. Its natural beauty is unsurpassed even by the classic banks of the Teche which inspired the poetic genius of Longfellow. The homes of Messrs. H. M. Durke, Lucien Broussard, the old Remick plantation (recently purchased by Messrs. Demanade, Durke and Broussard) and others along the river will always excite the admiration of the lover of beautiful things. Surely with such a country, upon which Nature smiles during all the seasons of the year and bestows here richest blessings with a lavish hand, man has himself to blame if he fails to live happily. Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1901. 


Released on Bail. - John and Robert Wilry, colored, who were charged with the killing of Henry Thomas, colored, near Arnaudville about two weeks ago, were released on bail. The preliminary examination was held before Judge DeBaillon last Monday. The State was represented by District Attorney Campbell and the accused by Judge O. C. Mouton and Jerome Mouton. Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1901.


The following real estate transfers were recorded in the clerk's office during the past week.

 H. H. Hohorst to Arnand Bacque, 7 arpents in woodland third ward, $175.

 Lucile Bernard to Jos. Mouton and Homer Dugas, 7 1/2 arpents in woodland sixth ward, $60.

 Mrs. Jno. S. Rand to Rasheed Saloom, fraction of one lot in Lafayette, $50.

 Rev. L. J. Chabrier to Dominique Landry, lot and improvements in Royville, $300.

 J. E. Trahan to Martin Thomas, lot near Lafayette, $50.

 Hilaire Lacour to Onezine H. Breaux, 20 arpents in sixth ward, $75.

 Albert Dominique to Pierre Martin, 50 arpents in first ward, $1,500.

 John T. Dowdell to S. R. Parkerson, 50 arpents near town of Lafayette, $5,250.

 J. C. Buchanan to Isaac A. Broussard, 15 arpents woodland, near Anse la Butte, $750.

 Jules Patin to Alfred Hebert and others, 10 arpents woodland near Anse la Butte, $1,000.

Samuel J. Vignes et al to E. A. Larose, 4 lots Mills addition in Lafayette, $150.

 Mrs. M. A. Girard to Charles D. Caffery, one lot Mills addition, Lafayette, $150.

 Galbert Guilbeau to Puilibert Dominique, 65 arpents in sixth ward, $768.

 Mrs. Stanislaus Begnaud to Felix Salles, 2 arpents woodland near Anse la Butte, $200.

 Alcide Roy to Cleophus Chiasson, 58 arpents in first ward, $605.

 Prudhomme Andrus to G. W. Salsmon, 4 1/2 arpents woodland, $67.50.

 Heirs of Baptiste Stupid to Joseph Dugas and Joshua Moore, ten arpents woodland, $35.

 Silvia Mouton, wife, to Atienne Gody, 2 1/2 arpents woodland, $36.

 Alexander Habit to C. Daygle & Co., one lot in Mills addition, Lafayette, $142.74. Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1901.

A Farmer's Institute.

 It is proposed to hold a Farmers' Institute here during the month of July. The date has not yet been agreed upon. The Gazette hopes that the proper interest will be shown in this matter. How would it do to have an old time barbecue at Beau Sejour? Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1901.

 Death of Mrs. Felix Voorhies.

 Mrs. Felix Voorhies, died at New Iberia last Wednesday. Mrs. Voorhies was a native of St. Martin parish and was 57 years of age. She was the mother of a large family, Messrs. E. G. and F. E. Voorhies of this town being among her children. The funeral took place at St. Martinville Thursday afternoon.

 Mrs. Voorhies was a lady of eminent Christian virtues and the broadcast charity. Though not unexpected, her death has caused profound sorrow wherever she was known. Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1901.

Clean Up.

 To the Editor Gazette - May 16, 1901.

 It is high time for the city authorities to take steps toward the sanitation of the town. The summer heat will soon be on and if a general clean up is not ordered now the health of the community may be seriously affected. A stitch in time may save nine - lives. Lime and solution of copperas are cheap and effective disinfectants and if systematic measures are taken to enforce existing laws the city may become pleasant and healthful.
                     Yours, CITIZEN.

 The advice of "citizen" is most timely. The Council has a number of sanitary laws, but they are not enforced as they should be. People should be compelled to clean their premises. A proclamation by the mayor and a few circulars will not suffice. A personal inspection is needed and a strict enforcement of the sanitary ordinances should be insisted upon. As it is one person may clean his premises but the negligence of his neighbors is permitted to render his efforts bootless and of no practical use.
Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1901.

A Sad Affair.

 A young man nineteen years of age, named H. L. Jantzen of Houston, Tex., killed himself at 9 o'clock Wed. morning near the Protestant Cemetery, one mile from this town. He shot himself with an Ivor Johnson pistol. One bullet pierced his brain and another lodged in his head. Both bullets entered almost in the same opening, just beneath the right eye.

 He was found lying by the side of the public road in the shade of the oaks in the Protestant Cemetery. One of his lower teeth was crowned with gold. He was neatly dressed and wore a suit of blue serge. His dress and his face denoted refinement and culture. On his person was found an aluminum cardcase with his name inscribed upon.

 He came to Lafayette Tuesday and registered at the Star and Crescent Hotel as "H. L. Jantzen, Houston." He is said to have indulged freely in drink during the day but behaved as gentleman. He ate breakfast, settled his bill with the clerk of the Crescent Hotel and walked away. Shortly afterward he was seen on Oak avenue, leading to the Protestant Cemetery. Not long after he was seen the report of the pistol was heard, and his body was found by a young man who was riding into town. Coroner J. F. Mouton held an inquest over the body. As it was clearly a case of suicide, the jury so decided. His brother Mr. Julian Jantzen attired Wednesday and had the unfortunate young man buried in the Protestant cemetery, Rev. Weir officiating.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1901. 



Selected News Notes (Gazette) 5/18/1901.

Died. - Monday, May 13, 1901, at 9 o'clock a. m., at the residence of her father, in this town, Elizabeth Richardson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Davidson; aged 2 years and 3 months.

 Pro jec-to-phone at opera house, Saturday night. Admission 25 cents, children, 15 cents.

 Stray Mule. - One small mule, dun color, with black stripes on the shoulders, found in my pastures. Owner can secure same by paying cost and proving ownership. See brand at The Gazette Office. Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1901. 




  From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 18th, 1901:


 Improvements at the Industrial Institute are increasing daily, with a view to being most satisfactorily prepared for the big celebration on the occasion of opening the main building, Saturday June 15th. The program now being arranged is to consist of exercises in the building, in the morning and at night, while the City Fire Department will give its annual parade in the afternoon. The exercises of the morning will be the presentation of the building to the State, its acceptance by Governor Heard, and the dedicatory process by the orator of the day, when the whole building will be illuminated with the light from the City Powerhouse, turned on for the first time, the exercises will consist of addresses of greeting from other institutions of learning in the State, interspersed with an attractive musical program by the excellent local talent in and about Lafayette.

 The teachers in attendance at the Southwestern Louisiana Summer Normal School at Franklin will make a special excursion to attend these exercises, and negotiations are being made to obtain excursion rates from all directions good from June 14th., to June 16th, inclusive.

 Our people all feel that the event of opening this handsome building and starting it upon the career of usefulness and helpfulness, both at home and to the State, that it is so well adapted to fulfill, marks the beginning of an epoch in our history. We are therefore assured that all our citizens, our ladies, and the boys and girls, will unite in their efforts to make this occasion the great success that is expected of anything of the kind that happens in Lafayette. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1901.

 Preliminary Trial.

 On last Monday, the preliminary trial of John and Robert Wilberie was held before Judge Debaillon. The accused are charged with the murder of Henry Thomas, near Arnaudville, and were released on bail. The case will go before the grand jury. The prisoners were represented by Messrs. O. C. and Jerome Mouton, while District Attorney Campbell represented the State. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1901.


 Married, at St. John's Catholic church, on May 15., be Rev. J. R. Baulard, Arthur Mouton to Miss Alice Martin. The pretty bride is a daughter of the late Victor Martin and the groom is a son of Edmond Mouton, Esq., and a rising young man of Mouton's switch. Owing to the popularity of the young couple the sacred edifice was thronged with a large crowd of well wishers. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1901.


 We hear there is a movement on foot for the early closing of stores during the summer months and we are certainly strong advocates of this measure, as our sales people both proprietors and clerks have a right to enjoy the pleasant dusk hours; all right minded customers will consider it a duty to make their purchases during the day and if our merchants arrive at an understanding about the time of closing, much satisfaction will come to them and to their employers. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1901.  

A Sad Affair.

 A young man nineteen years of age, named H. L. Jantzen of Houston, Tex., killed himself at 9 o'clock Wed. morning near the Protestant Cemetery, one mile from this town. He shot himself with an Ivor Johnson pistol. One bullet pierced his brain and another lodged in his head. Both bullets entered almost in the same opening, just beneath the right eye.

 He was found lying by the side of the public road in the shade of the oaks in the Protestant Cemetery. One of his lower teeth was crowned with gold. He was neatly dressed and wore a suit of blue serge. His dress and his face denoted refinement and culture. On his person was found an aluminum cardcase with his name inscribed upon.

 He came to Lafayette Tuesday and registered at the Star and Crescent Hotel as "H. L. Jantzen, Houston." He is said to have indulged freely in drink during the day but behaved as gentleman. He ate breakfast, settled his bill with the clerk of the Crescent Hotel and walked away. Shortly afterward he was seen on Oak avenue, leading to the Protestant Cemetery. Not long after he was seen the report of the pistol was heard, and his body was found by a young man who was riding into town. Coroner J. F. Mouton held an inquest over the body. As it was clearly a case of suicide, the jury so decided. His brother Mr. Julian Jantzen attired Wednesday and had the unfortunate young man buried in the Protestant cemetery, Rev. Weir officiating.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1901.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 5/18/1901.

 Genial W. W. Duson, of Crowley, while taking oil in New Orleans, said that before long Louisiana will have so many wells and so much oil that Texas will be a side show.

 Mrs. James Carriere and interesting children of Washington, La., visited in town, guests of Mrs. L. F. Salles and Mrs. O. J. Mouton.

 The Christian Endeavor Society of Presbyterian Church will give an ice cream festival Thursday, May 30th, on the lawn of Mr. Charlie Parkerson.

 The charming Miss Anna Hopkins enjoyed a few days visit to Crowley friends during the week.

 Mr. J. C. Nickerson went to New Orleans this week in regard to real estate.

 Saturday night. Opera House. Illustrated Songs. Don't miss it. Highly recommended and clean. Come out and bring the ladies and children. Admission 25 cts. Children 15 cts.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1901. 




 From the Lafayette Gazette of May 18th, 1895:

No Bloomers Just Yet.

The Evening Call is rejoicing over the fact that there are no new women in Opelousas. Lafayette make shake hands with her sister, for this latest improvement of the 19th century, known as the new woman, has not yet made her appearance in this good, old fashioned town. Perhaps we are behind the times, but thank God, we are behind on this score. The ladies of Lafayette have not yet made up their minds to wear bloomers, and they are not anxious to vote. Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1895. (Above picture is a newspaper clipping from the New York Times in 1895.)

A Little Blaze. - Fire broke out Monday evening in a section of the foreman's tool house in the Southern Pacific yards. It was immediately extinguished by the employees. The fire was caused by a spark from an engine. Laf. Gazette 5/18/1895.

Business Men's Association. - We are informed that a call will be published in this morning's Advertiser requesting the members of the Business Men's Association to meet at 8 o'clock Wednesday night at Falk's Opera House. Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1895.

Base Ball. - An interesting game of base ball was played at Pilette last Sunday evening. The contestants were the Cote Gelee Invincibles and the Union club of Pilette. The score stood 34 to 9 in favor of the latter. 
Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1895.

A Challenge.

 The Union Club of Pilette desire to cross with cross bats with any club in Lafayette parish. They would also be willing to play against any country club in the adjoining parishes. Address all communications to R. Broussard, manager, Broussard, La.

 Our young friend, Sosthene Martin, is now employed in the store of Moss Bros. & Co.


 Sample of Barley. - Leon Plonsky brought to The Gazette office Tuesday a sample of barley raised on his plantation by Mr. McKane. We are informed that this is the first barley cultivated in this parish and Mr. McKane is entirely satisfied with the results of his first trial. He says that barley grows as well here as in the North and there is no reason why it should not be raised extensively. It is splendid food for stock and its cultivation requires very little attention. Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1895.

Cock Fight. - A. A. Ozenne, of Morgan City and Eli McDaniel, of Lafayette, have arranged a cocking main for Friday, May 17th, at the cockpit of Louis J. Nippert in New Iberia. Five cocks will be shown on each side and all that match will be fought. Stakes are $50 a battle and $200 on the odd. The Gazette acknowledges receipt of an invitation to be present. 
Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1895.

 Romaine Francez, the well-known surveyor, has been at work surveying the territory to be re-annexed to the town. We understand the lines will be made to run so as to take in Dr. Mudd's and Mr. Nickerson's residences. We are informed that residents of the additions will lose no time in taking the necessary steps to become citizens of Lafayette as soon as practicable. It is needless to say that the people in the old and new town appreciate the necessity of immediate action in this matter. The man  that could offer a valid reason to oppose re-annexation would indeed by a rare curiosity, and would prove a great attraction to a first-class museum. We do not know of the existence of any opposition, but should there be any it will only prove the correctness of our statement some time since that there live in every town a few people who generally oppose everything from which they do not derive a personal benefit. Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1895.

Another Clever Capture.
 Sheriff Broussard left Tuesday May 7, with a batch of prisoners for the State penitentiary and on his way to or from the capitol he received a letter from the sheriff of Rapides parish asking him to be on the lookout for two mullatos, named John Winfield and Jos. Wise who were wanted in Alexandria for obtaining money under false pretenses. The sheriff knew that these two negroes were experienced and dangerous crooks and if he wanted to capture them he would have to do some tall hustling. So with his accustomed vigor and devotion to duty he immediately took steps to locate the negro fugitives. He found out that they were on their way to Lake Charles and to this place he directed his course, and before another day elapsed he had Winfield and Wise in custody, bringing them to Lafayette Saturday on the afternoon train. The Alexandria authorities were informed of the arrest and an officer was sent for the prisoners. Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1895.


 When it comes to brilliant weddings Lafayette will always hold her own with the best of them. Weddings in this delightful old town are ever interesting and never fail to attract as large a crowd to church as did the visit of an archbishop before the war. Last Wednesday the beautiful church of St. John was full of people who had assembled there to witness the ceremony which was to unite in wedlock two estimable members of this community.

 At the appointed hour the bridal party arrived in front of the church in carriages and then proceeded to the altar to the inspiring strains of Lohengrin's march in the following order:

 Miss Ismene Labbe, the bridesmaid, becomingly attired in dotted mull, and the groomsman, Mr. Horace Mouton; then the groom, Mr. Auguste V. Labbe, followed with his aunt, Mrs. Omer Broussard; and next came the bride, Miss Alice Mouton, dressed in a fashionable wedding costume of white crepon, trimmed with satin ribbons and with the conventional orange blossoms; she was accompanied by her uncle, Mr. H. L. Monnier. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Maltrait who spoke a few appropriate words of admonition to the young couple.

 After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Labbe were driven to their new home in this town where they will reside. Members of the families accompanied them to their home where a quiet reception was held. They were the recipients of many handsome presents. Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1895.

 Alfred Voorhies died at his home in this town last Saturday evening at the age of 64 years. Mr. Voorhies as a son of the distinguished lawyer, Cornelius Voorhies, who was a leading member of the bar in ante-bellum times and served on the supreme bench with conspicuous ability. In those days Judge Voorhies, Sr., lived in St. Martinville and it was there the deceased spent the first years of his life, until he was sent to St. Charles college, where he remained from the age of 8 years to that of 17, when he graduated, having completed a thoroughly classical course. He chose the profession of law and was sent to the Harvard law school; among his class-mates were Col. Gus. Breaux, Edmond Breaux and Leopold Simon, the latter dying while at school. Although well equipped for the legal profession he never engaged in its practice. The life of the lawyer was not congenial to his nature. The sedentary requirements of the law office did not suit him and earned a livelihood in other pursuits. When the war broke out he joined the other true southerners and enlisted in the Orleans Guards, serving the Confederacy with undeviating faithfulness until all brave Southrons had to lay down their arms before a mightier adversary. With the sweet satisfaction of duty well done he returned to his home in St. Martinville and spent the balance of his life with his beloved wife and children and among those who recognized his personal worth and delighted to honor him when the opportunity presented itself. A short time after the end of hostilities, when the unscrupulous carpet-baggers incited the black voters to acts of unendurable impudence and infamy, Alfred Voorhies was one of the first to join the white people in a movement to free themselves from the shackles of oppression of black radicalism. He was a Democrat, and to him Democracy meant white supremacy. He was true to that faith in the dark days of reconstruction and he remained true to it until his death. When the whites gained control of the political affairs of St. Martin Parish he was elected to the Legislature and a consecutive service of ten years in that body shows how satisfactorily he performed his duties.

 Mr. Voorhies was a man of strong family affection and literally adored his children. He was married forty-six years ago to Miss Euphroisine Olivier, who stood by his sick-bed day and night during his long and painful illness. He was an earnest Christian and before dying received the sacraments of the Catholic church of which he was a life member. He met death with that resignation which always comes to the true Christian in his last moments on earth. His pitiable condition during his lingering illness of many months can not be contemplated without evoking feelings of sincere sorrow. Although suffering from a painful and incurable disease, he retained to the last his  kindly disposition, displaying admirable fortitude until the angel of death ended his sufferings and closed his eyes to all earthly things for eternity.

 His mortal remains were taken to St. Martinville for interment in the family vault. Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1895.


City Council Proceedings.

Lafayette, La., May 13, 1895. - The Mayor and members of the City Council elected on May 6th having received their commissions and qualified, met this day.

 Meeting was called to order by Mayor A. J. Moss and Councilmen present were: Dr. J. D. Trahan, Messrs. J. O. LeBlanc, O. C. Mouton, Jos. Ducote, Leo Doucet, B. Falk and T. M. Biossat.

 Baxter Clegg was elected secretary; D. V. Gardebled, treasurer; and Danton J. Veazey marshal.

 Communication from John Vigneaux (parish marshal) was then read asking that he be immediately released from duty of marshal.

 Upon motion of O. C. Mouton, duly seconded, the same was granted.

 Upon motion of Dr. J. D. Trahan, seconded by Jos. Ducote, the secretary was instructed to inform newly elected officers, have them qualify and call on outgoing officers at once for all papers, etc., pertaining to their respective offices.

 Resolved, That the salary of the constable elected be and is hereby fixed at fifty dollars per month payable monthly for his services as police officer of the corporation and as executive officer of this council and as collector of taxes and licenses, such commission as may hereafter be fixed by this council. That of the secretary at the sum of seventy-five dollars per year, payable quarterly and that of the treasurer at the sum of seventy-five dollars, also, payable quarterly.

 Resolved, SEC. I. That the finance committee be and are hereby instructed to examine into and report upon the present financial condition of the corporation, report what the expenditures or claims for the expenses or appropriations of the years 1894 and 1895, and the total revenue, and amounts paid and unpaid for said expenditures and appropriations, each year separately and apart, amount to, respectively and report thereon.

 SEC. II. Be it further resolved that the treasurer be and is hereby instructed not to pay any approved or outstanding warrants (if any) for any expenditures contracted for or appropriations made for any time previous to the year 1895, before being thereby authorized by this council.

 Bid of printing from Lafayette Advertiser and Lafayette Gazette for the consideration of $150 a year (jointly) was read.

 Upon motion, seconded, they were appointed the official journals of this body (jointly) for the (2) two years ensuing.

 Upon motion of Dr. J. D. Trahan, seconded by O. C. Mouton, a committee was to be appointed consisting of (3) three members of council to compile articles of corporation and minutes of council.

 The following committees were appointed by the mayor:

 Finance Committee: O. C. Mouton, T. M. Biossat, Leo Doucet.

 Street Improvements: T. M. Biossat, B. Falk, Jos. Ducote.

 Police Board: J. O. LeBlanc, Leo Doucet, mayor ex-officio.

 Sanitary Committee: Dr. J. D. Trahan, O. C. Mouton, T. M. Biossat.

 Moved by Dr. J. D. Trahan, seconded by O. C. Mouton, that finance committee report at next meeting.

 Resolved: That the regular meeting of this body be fixed for the first (1st) Monday in each Month, at 4 o'clock p. m.

 There being no further business the council adjourned.
A. J. MOSS, Mayor.
B. CLEGG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 5/18/1895.


   From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 18th, 1895:


 After a long and painful illness death came to the relief of one of our old respected citizens when Mr. Alfred Voorhies took his departure from this life last Saturday evening at 5 o'clock. Mr. Voorhies was 60 years old and had long been suffering with a cancer. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his demise. The remains were taken to St. Martinsville Sunday and at four o'clock placed to rest in the family tomb. We join the many friends of the family in extending sympathy to them in their dark hour of bereavement. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1895.

 Sheriff Broussard to Lake Charles.

 On Saturday Sheriff Broussard went to Lake Charles and arrested John Winfield who was wanted at Alexandria for obtaining money under false pretenses. A deputy sheriff came down from Alexandria Monday and took the prisoner to that city. Winfield is the negro who made the great kick a few weeks ago about the cruel treatment he received while here last winter.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1895.

 Moonlight Ride.

 A pleasant affair was a moonlight boat ride given on the beautiful Bayou Vermilion on the lovely night of the 9th inst. The place of rendezvous was at the elegant residence of Major Sosthenes Mouton. The young ladies and gentlemen who participated were, Misses Maimie and Bertha Higgins, Ruby Wallis, Lizzie Cayard, and Aimee Mouton:  Messrs. Archie Morgan, G. Singleton, Hugh Wallis, and Lobdell. Joviality was the order of the evening, and to say that it passed on rosy wings, gives an adequate idea of the happy event. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1895.

 Wedding Bells. 

 Miss Alice Mouton, daughter of Hon. Ambroise Mouton, and Mr. Aug. Labbe, the popular employe of the Waters Pierce Oil Co., were united in marriage at the St. John Catholic church Wednesday evening, last, at six o'clock in the presence of a church full of friends and relatives. Miss Elisa Mouton rendered the wedding march and the bridal party was escorted to the altar by Mr. Honer Monnier, uncle of the bride, and Mrs. J. O. Broussard, aunt of the groom. Miss Ismene Labbe was the bridesmaid and Mr. Horace Mouton was the best man. At the altar the bride and groom prospective were met by Rev. Father Maltrair and the ceremony was impressively read. The bride was very becomingly attired in white crepon, trimmed with white satin ribbon and orange blossoms. The bridesmaid wore a dress of dotted mull, trimmed with pink satin ribbon and a wreath of crochette. The bridal party immediately after the ceremony were driven to the home already prepared by the groom, where a reception was held. The presents received were elegant and expensive. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1895.

Railroad Racket.

 Mr. J. P. Nolan, foreman at Algiers, was in town Monday.

 Fireman J. E. Pefferkorn suffered lately because of his eyes, but we are happy to state that he is well now.

 Mr. J. Martinsin, of Gouldsboro, has come to this place to take charge of the wrecking derrick.

 Mr. F. Guidry, formerly of this place, but now an employe of the Southern Pacific at Algiers, was in town this week.

 W. F. Owen, superintendent of the Morgan division, arrived in town on his special train Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock.

 Mr. Victor Chopin, an employe of the round-house, has resumed work after having been sick several days with the measles.

 Mr. S. Thornton, formerly telegraph operator at the depot in Lafayette, passed through town Thursday on his way to Barbreck.

 Engineer J. Jos. Hannen attended court at Opelousas this week. Engineer F. Poinboeuf relieved him on the switch engine at this place.

 Mr. Pat Drury, night watchman at the shops, left Friday on a visit of several weeks to the Crescent City. He is relieved by Mr. A. Deffez.

 Assistant Master Mechanic Jas. Mitchell and the able carpenter of the railroad at this place, Mr. J. A. Burkholder, went to New Iberia Monday.

 Car repairer J. D. Ducharme, Sr., had to lay off two days last week on account of the sickness of his wife. He was relieved by Mr. John Whittneyer.

 Mr. Jos. Lisbony, who, on account of the decline in business had been suspended from work at the shops some time ago, was recalled Friday of last week.

 Mr. Lucien Choppin, boiler washer at the round-house, had his left foot injured last week. We are happy to state that he has resumed work. Mr. Andrew Mouton relieved him during that time.

 Brakeman J. I. Younger, of the Louisiana Western division, with family have left this place for Houston, where they will reside in the future. Miss Bell McBride accompanied them and will henceforth live with them.

 Mr. John Bowen left last week for Galesburg, Ill.; where he will take part in the annual national convention of the order of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen: Mr. Bowen went as delegate of the Lafayette Lodge, B. R. T., No. 317.

 The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen will run an excursion from Morgan City to Opelousas June 30. The fare for the round trip from Lafayette will be 75 cents. For full particulars see bill which will soon be posted.

 Mr. Ed. Givens, the able clerk in the agent's office at this place, lately secured a leave of absence of a few days, during which time the position was filled by his brother, John, who in turn was relieved by Mr. Hebert Mouton.

 Notice: - The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen are ready to receive bids for lunch stand privileges on the excursion train to be run from Morgan City to Opelousas on Sunday, June 30. All applications should be addressed to Mr. H. Jagou, Lafayette, before June 20th. Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1895.

Musings of a Mossback.

 They met !  They organized ! !  They adjourned ! ! ! - that 20th century city council. At least we have been informed that they did this. Well, what of it? Nothing that we can see, excepting that every applicant for office within the appointive power of the council was elected without opposition, there being but one applicant for each position. Whilst some believe this to have been solely the result of accident there are those who contend it was due to a pre-arrangement. It matters not much which is the correct opinion if the public's affairs are not made to suffer in consequence, and time alone can furnish the criterion by which to gauge. We shall see. Great oaks from little scorns will grow, or the mountain may labor and bring forth a mouse. The outcome will depend largely on whether the dog will wag the tail or the tail manipulate the canine. This presupposes the existence of a dog and naturally gives rise to the question: Who is the Canine Highness? Read the answer in the stars. The term dog is here used figuratively, of course, and it is our observation that it the dog is not wagged by one tail it is wagged by another in all affairs, politically speaking, where a number of men are connected together in a common cause. That is the rule and the exception is found in the case of the dog wagging the tail. In the present instance we may be confronted by one of those rare exceptions, and that is our only hope. By their deeds we shall know them and in the absence of any evidence to the contrary it is fair to give the new council the benefit of the doubt. In the meantime we make a gratuitous offering of the individual sound advice to the individual members of that most august body: Do not fall into the dangerous habit of allowing any particular one or two of your number to do all the thinking and talking, but think and act each one for himself. Only do this and you will be certain to never commit any incorrigible mistake. 
                          (Signed) MOSSBACK.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1895.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 5/18/1895.

 Mr. Louis Lacoste made a hurried trip to New Orleans.

 Mr. Thos. Hopkins made a flying trip to the Crescent City lately.

 Mrs. J. G. Parkerson and daughter Lizzie, are expected home from San Antonio, to-day.

 On Monday Mr. L. Levy, will have a handsome monument erected at the grave of his wife in Washington. (La.)

 A picnic was given last Sunday by the Misses Isaure and Lillian McDaniel. A splendid time was reported by the guests.

 An elocutionary contest will be given at Falk's opera house the latter part of the month under the auspices of the W. C. T. U.

 Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Darling, of Abbeville, arrived at the home of Mrs. Darling's father, Mr. J. Nickerson, the 16th inst.

 Mrs. J. O. Mouton, Dr. J. F. Mouton and wife and Walter Mouton attended the funeral of H. Castille, uncle of Mrs. J. O. Mouton, at Grand Coteau.

 Mr. A. M. Martin as sold to Mr. Chas. Jaufroid his farm one and one-half miles northeast of town. The farm contains about fifty acres and the consideration was $2,025.

 Miss Louise Chargois entertained a few friends at her home Saturday night in honor of Miss Alice Nuget, of Mauriceville. Those present were Misses Ida Ledet, Della Hill, Lucie Choppin, Henriette Bazin; Messrs. V. Choppin and B. Chargois.

 Mr. Felix Bellocq has a large circle of Lafayette friends who will be sorry to learn that failing health has forced him to retire from the road as a traveling salesman. Mr. Bellocq is truly a "veteran" in the ranks of the "Knights if the grip" and has been an honor to that gentlemanly and whole-souled class of men of which he has been worthy representative for so many years.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1895.


 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 5/18/1895.

 Why don't the town boys organize a bicycle club?

 Dr. Felix Girard made a flying trip to New Iberia Wednesday.

 Miss Lena Plonsky and Miss Emma Falk are visiting friends and relatives at Washington.

 A. S. Brown, representing the Empire Drill Company, was in Lafayette Saturday and Sunday.

 Louis Lacoste went down to the Crescent City last Friday, returning home Saturday night in company with his friend Florestal Guidry, who spent a couple of days with his Lafayette friends.

 A number of our young people enjoyed an outing in Chargois' woods last Saturday.

 Patrick Drury, the night watchman of the Southern Pacific round house is off on a month's vacation.

 John F. Bowen, delegate of Morgan Lodge No. 317 B. of R. T., left Thursday to attend the convention to be held in Galesburg, Ills.

 Mrs. and Dr. J. D. Trahan and their daughter, Miss Rita, left Wednesday for New Orleans where they will remain several days.

 Some much needed repairs are being made to the plank walk on Lincoln avenue.

 From Crowley. - Miss Clye Mudd, of Lafayette, came up Saturday to visit our little city and to be with Miss Carrie Foote and Mrs. F. B. Queen during their stay here, returning Sunday. Miss Foote and Mrs. Queen returned home to Franklin Monday. - From the Crowley Signal.

W. C. C. U. Column.

 We speak of the horrors of war, its carnage and bloodshed and mutilation, broken frames and empty sleeves and widow's weeds and orphan's woes, and enormous debt, and grinding taxation; and shudder at the ravages of pestilence and famine. But they sink into insignificance when compared with the sorrow and anguish that follow in the train of this conqueror of fallen humanity (intemperance). The voice crieth on every hand, "Where is Abel thy brother!" - Schuyler Colfax, Vice-president of the U. S.
 Lafayette Advertiser 5/18/1895. 

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