Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of April 8th, 1899:

During Jackson's Time.

 Mr. Fred Webb has a very interesting document in his possession. It is a letter post-marked "Vermilionville, La., Jan. 14, 1829," and addressed to Fochabers, Bamfshire, Scotland. On the back of the letter (envelopes were not used then) are stamped the words "waterproof, ship-letter". 

 It was mailed here on Jan. 14 and it reached its destination on the 22d of March. The paper is remarkably well preserved and the ink used must have been very good as every letter is perfectly legible.

 The letter was written by Mr. J. W. Greig, the father of Mr. Arthur Greig, who settled here a few years after the purchase of Louisiana by Jefferson. Mr. Greig lived to a good old age, accumulated considerable property and became one of the best known and most respected citizens of this section. A large number of descendants are now living in this parish.

 The writer speaks principally of private matters, but concludes with the following reference to the presidential campaign which had just come to an end by the election of General Jackson to the presidency:

 "I see by your letter that a dispute has arisen about the kind of wood the staff he sent you is made of. In only saw it once or twice and I believe it is a kind of wood very common here called hickory. It does not grow in Europe. It is called by the French 'noyer blanc' or white walnut - a very strong tough kind of wood. The president-elect of the United States, General Jackson, who defeated the British army at New Orleans, is commonly known as 'Old hickory.' It was given him by a common soldier and it has stuck to him now seventeen years. I suppose you have seen accounts of the commotion the whole of the United States has been in for the last four years. There were two candidates before the people for the office of president, Old Hickory, as they call him, and John Q. Adams. I will venture to say that there was hardly a man in the union who did not have is feelings enlisted either on one side or the other. Son opposed to father and brother to brother. Even the women, children and the poor negroes had their side. The contest is now over and Old Hickory proved too tough - he had a triumphant majority."

 From the foregoing excerpt it can be seen that politics is not a new thing and that people had their favorites in those days just as they have to-day. The issue of that memorable campaign was the re-chartering of the United States Bank. On one side were arrayed Jackson and the masses and on the other side were to be found the bank and the other great corporations. It seems that history is repeating itself and the fight of 1828 is to be fought over in 1900, but without a Jackson the results may be different.

 The cotton-growers, as will be seen from the following paragraph of Mr. Greig's letter, were confronted with the low price of that article just as they are to-day. The same old problem and just as far from solution as it was seventy years ago:

 "Our country has been quite embarrassed for the last few years in consequence of the low price of cotton. Our planters have been compelled to abandon it and commence raising cane, the manufacturing of which into sugar is very expensive at the commencement."
Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1899.

Make a Move. - The Gazette wishes to again remind the people of this town that it they want to be considered as competitors for the Industrial School it is a high time for them to make a move. It may be in the power of Lafayette to secure the school. At any rate it will not be displaying any public spirit not to make an effort to get it.
Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1899.

At Falk's Opera-house. - Jennie Holman, who will be remembered by many of our people as an actress of ability, will appear Sunday night at Falk's Opera-house. Already a number of seats have been sold and Manager Falk expects to have a large crowd in attendance. Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1899.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 4/7/1899.
 The Gazette wishes to again remind the people of this town that it they want to be considered as competitors for the Industrial School it is high time for them to make a move.

 At its last meeting the Police Jury appropriated $2,000 out the general road fund to work the public roads. This action of the Jury will be heartily approved by the people of the parish.

 Jennie Holman, who will be remembered by many of our people as an actress of ability, will appear Sunday night at Falk's Opera House.

 Mr. Oneal Baron, aged about 65 years, died last Monday at his home in this town. The deceased was a member of Camp Gardner, U. C. V. A number of the members of that organization attended the funeral at the Catholic church. Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1899. 

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 8th, 1899:

 The services at this church were very impressive and a very large number of people were present at all the masses.

 A great number of the faithful partook of the Holy Communion at the early masses.

 At 9:30 o'clock a solemn high mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Forge, assisted by Father  De Potter, deacon ;  Father Diebold, sub-deacon and Father Bollard, master of ceremonies.

 The sermon preached by Father De Potter was a practical one and was well listed to by the large congregation.

 The decorations were beautiful and disposed to advantage.

 Selections from Weber's and Mercadante's masses were sung by the choir with telling effect.

 At 7:30 p. m. the large edifice was crowded to its utmost capacity by an attentive congregation to assist at the benediction.

 The church was a-blazed with electric lights there being several hundred and the Lafayette orchestra rendered special music for the occasion.

 As is customary on Easter day the sale of seats took place at the morning service, and notwithstanding the effects of the last crop which have been very disastrous to the planters and others composing the membership of the church, the present cry of hard times and other things, we are glad to state that the disposal of seats has been quite satisfactory, in fact, taking in consideration the drawbacks above mentioned, it has done as well this year as in years past which shows conclusively that our Catholic population is self-sacrificing and also that the direction of this church is in well experienced hands.
Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1899. 

Chilly Weather. - We must have aroused the ire of the clerk of the weather as we are to have December's weather in April but we must consider ourselves very fortunate as snow is raging in the Middle Atlantic states and cold waves are daily visitors to the North West. We would like to see some warm sunshine spring weather and we hope that the clerk of the weather will grant our request at his own will - of course !
Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1899.

Debaillon vs. Mouton. - At the last term of the District Court held recently in Lafayette, mandamus proceedings were taken against Hon. Judge C. Debaillon by Hon. O. C. Mouton to compel the former one to set a civil case on a certain day. Hon. Judge C. Debaillon held that he could not do it, and the Supreme Court have him gain of cause, holding that terms fixed by the Legislature are not intended to arbitrarily oppose the Constitution.
 Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1899.  

Prospecting in SW Louisiana.
 Mr. I. V. O'Gorman who is looking at Southwest Louisiana with a view of investing quite largely in Real Estate was shown through the parish by our hustler, Amb. Mouton. This Irish gentleman was highly pleased to see our fine soil so easily pulverized at first plowing and gentle rolling country hills so easily drained and so promising with proper cultivation. He was also agreeably surprised to see our fine pecan and nut trees, which are the aims of his future investment.

 Mr. O'Gorman promised to return after visiting adjoining parishes and our Real Estate agent is confident that Lafayette will be his next home. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1899.

Races and Excursion.
 To-morrow, Sunday, an excursion from New Orleans will arrive in Lafayette about noon.

 The managers of the Oak Avenue Park have arranged to have races.

 The following horses are entered for the event.

 By the above one can see that the race promises to be exciting and consequently we hope that a big turn out will be at the park.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1899.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 4/8/1899.
 A good rain was most welcomed last Wednesday night.

 A grand ball will be given on Sunday night April 23rd, by Home Fire Co.

 The Lafayette Feed and Grain Store will in a few days be moved to their new store where they will have ample quarters.

 We called on Mr. O. B. Jenkins, who has recently located here and we are pleased to state that he is highly pleased with his new home. Being an energetic man, he is a valuable addition to our parish.

 Dr. N. P. Moss and Mrs. Geo. DeBlanc left last Wednesday for New Orleans.

 Mr. Joe Mouton has been elected Rec. Secretary of Home Fire Co., in place of O. B. Hopkins.

 Two boarding houses have recently opened up in Lafayette. This is surely a proof that the gastronomic element of the town is progressive.

 Fourteen valuable buildings have been added to the real estate's worth of Lafayette, which conclusively shows that this town is on the up grade.

 The work of painting the Court House has begun and in a few days the whole building will present a new appearance. The work is thoroughly done under the supervision of Mr. C. E. Carey.

 Mr. C. E. Carey, is renovating the Century Club rooms. A coat of paint and some nice bright wall paper will add very much to the look and comfort of the quarters.

 Rev. Father Forge left last Tuesday for New Orleans to attend to conferring of the pallium to Msgr. Chappelle and also to assist at the consecration of Bishop Rouxel.

 Abbeville is to have a sugar factory. $27,000 have already been subscribed towards the erection of the plant and a committee had been appointed to secure the remainder.

 Seats are no on sale for the engagement of Jennie Holman Co. Otto Krause, the manager has many friends in Lafayette who will be delighted to see him and Jennie Holman again. "The Country Girl" will be presented to-morrow night at Falk's and it is a strong beautiful play.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1899.  


 From the Lafayette Gazette of April 8th, 1893:


 Capitalists, manufacturers and others interested in watching opportunities to enrich themselves are casting their eyes on Lafayette.

 The contents of the letter published below bears the impress of sincerity, and no doubt the parties seeking the information asked, are will to invest their money in the venture.

 An ice factory here would have a large territory to supply, and the demand would be sufficient to ensure a fair profit on the investment.

 That it would be the means to the establishment of other enterprises must be conceded. just think, it would furnish us with steam power, and with that assured a system of electric lights becomes a strong probability; it would give us a plentiful supply of water, and with water within easy access, a fire department immediately results, and, again, we could have at once that street sprinkler, and many other things not necessary to enumerate here. So it will be readily seen that this factory is much to be desired, for the comfort, of itself, that it will bring, and for the other conveniences and necessities that must follow in its wake.

 The Gazette entertains a fervent hope that the managers will see their way clear to build it.

 Here is the letter of inquiry:

Manufacturers of Improved Ice-Making Machinery & Refrigerating Apparatus, etc.
NEWPORT NEWS, VA., march 28, '93.

Mr. F, Otto, Lafayette, La.

 Dear Sir - We are desirous of getting some reliable information as to whether your city, and the towns adjacent, would support a factory for the manufacture of artificial ice.

 We are builders of ice-making machinery and to introduce our machinery into your State, we propose to erect two or three plants.

 We do not ask for any assistance from parties in the town, but are willing to sell a part interest in any plant we may establish, to interested local parties. Please answer the following:

   Is there an ice factory in your city?

   Number of inhabitants in your city?

   Is there a good supply of water?

   Artesian, well, or river supply?

   Where is the nearest ice factory?

   How many tons of ice could be sold daily?

   State neighboring towns to which ice could be shipped?

   State price of coal.

  Give any other and full information, as, if satisfactory, it will lead to our putting in a plant at once.

  Please answer at once to
            Yours truly, etc.,
                  E. C. HILLIVER & CO.

This letter has been answered, and we understand, these people were strongly urged to send a representative here to investigate the advantages possessed by Lafayette just for such a factory.
Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1893.

Easter Celebration.

 The Easter celebration at the Catholic church, last Sunday, was observed with unusually grand and impressive ceremonies, and the church was taxed to its utmost by the large number of people in attendance.

 Solemn high mass was sung at 9:30 o'clock, the Rev. Father E. Forge officiating, assisted by Father de Stockhalper, S. J., as deacon, and Father Seguin, S. J., as sub-deacon. Father P. J. Healy was master of ceremonies. Mr. Seguin, S. J., was the orator of the day, and delivered a most eloquent sermon, having for his subject the "Resurrection of the Lord."

 The handsome altars were most artistically decorated with a profuseness of varie-colored flowers, beautifully arranged, and the colors so exquisitely blended so as to form a gorgeous and pleasing harmony.

Immediately after divine services at the Catholic church lat Sunday, the pews were sold and brought in over $1,400; the highest price paid was $39 for a six-place pew, and the lowest $10 for a two-place pew. This was for the pews held by the white people.

 The Sunday before - Palm Sunday - the pews occupied by the negroes were sold and $300 was realized, and bringing the whole total to a sum exceeding $1,700.

Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1893.

Pews Were Sold.
 Immediately after divine services at the Catholic church last Sunday, the pews were sold and brought in over $1,400; the highest price paid was $39 for a six-piece pew, and the lowest $10 for a two-place pew. This was for the pews held by the white people.

 The Sunday before - Palm Sunday - the pews occupied by the negroes were sold and $300 was realized, and bringing the whole total to a sum of $1,700.
Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1893. 

The Telephone Line.
 From a source entirely reliable we are in a position to inform our readers that it has been definitely decided by the manager of the Teche and Vermilion Telephone line to include Lafayette in the circuit, and that work on the extension will begin next week, starting from Breaux Bridge.

 The company, it may be remembered, had asked a helping hand from the people of Lafayette, but as it was not forthcoming, the company, we presume, deeming the field promising, came to the very sensible conclusion to put their own means.

 This will be good news to our people, who entertained a fear that they would be left out in the cold, thereby leaving them to the mercy and continuance of a heavy toll.
Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1893.

To Baton Rouge.
 The Texas, Louisiana and Eastern Railroad is presently engaged in extending its road from Conroe, Texas, and it is now built to a point near the Trinity river, and is being pushed east, the ultimate end being Baton Rouge. And from the tenor of an interview with the treasurer of the company, and reported in the Galveston News, we judge work is progressing right along, and before many months have lapsed the objective point will be reached.

 The building of this road should possess some interest to the people of Lafayette, because it brings within the reach of the proposed, and frequently talked of, Louisiana Central (the road that will eventually be built between Lafayette and some point on the Mississippi river) another connecting link.

 With the Texas and Pacific railroad and its vast number of connecting lines; the Texas, Louisiana and Eastern railroad and its connections ; the Anchor line of steamers, and the Mississippi Valley Barge line, any or all of these could be chained with the Louisiana Central would form part of a truly grand trunk line covering every point, by rail and river, east, west, north and south. And thus would be furnished in its amplest meaning, such competition that would afford the most beneficial results.

 Straws, favorable to the fullest development of our great dormant resources, are being wafted towards us from every point of the compass, and the town and parish of Lafayette, it is to be hoped, will not mistake them for will o' wisps.
Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1893.

Confidence Man Named Mulligan.
 One day this week on the arrival of the east-bound train, a confidence man named Mulligan was seen by the yard master to approach and lead off a negro by the arm. The yardmaster warned the negro that he was being steered into a brace game, and then notified the marshal of his suspicions. Marshal Bradley and Deputy Veazey went to the man's room, placed him under arrest, and on his person found a number of dice, cards, shells and ball, and a banking game chart. After a hearing before the Mayor he was ordered to leave town on the first train, which he did, but before leaving he told the marshal that a scheme was on foot to defeat him at the approaching election by voting the negroes against those who might be favorable to his retention in office. 
Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1893.

The "Black Diamonds."
 The "Black Diamonds" made their debut at Falk's Hall last Wednesday night. The hall was crowded with an appreciative audience, and the deafening applause with which the boys were greeted upon the raising of the curtain showed how much their effort was appreciated by the people of Lafayette. The entertainment was admirably conducted from the opening to the close, and the performance was creditably rendered, and exceedingly amusing.

 Miss Emma Falk, the bright and pretty young daughter of Mr. B. Falk, favored the audience with a song, which was one of the most pleasing features of the entertainment.

 At the conclusion of the entertainment the young ladies and gentlemen danced to the sweet strains of the Lafayette string band, until the morning hours.

 We have not been able to obtain the exact amount of the sum realized, but we should think it is entirely satisfactory, and will considerably swell the High School fund.

 We understand that it is the intention of the "Black Diamonds" to give exhibitions in the adjoining towns in the near future.
  Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1893.

"The Little Diamonds." - For several weeks a band of children under the direction of Misses Clye Mudd and Maggie Jamieson, assisted by Prof. R. C. Greig, have been making preparations for a grand spectacular and literary entertainment, to be given April 21st. instant, in aid of the High School fund. On a previous occasion the children acquitted themselves very creditably, and we bespeak for the girls and boys a large and appreciative audience in support of a worthy cause. Don't miss "The Little Diamonds!" Programme in due time. A musical treat will also form a part of the exhibition.
Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1893.

Plan to Unite. - The conductors, train men, and operators of the Morgan division of the S. P. system, intend uniting and present to Mr. F. Owens, late superintendent, a handsome present as a token of esteem and regard. Mr. Owens during his tenure of the superintendency of the Morgan division, has earned, by his uniform courtesy towards all employees, their highest esteem, and they propose in a benefiting manner to show their appreciation of his kindness.  Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1893. 

Provided You Pull the String. - The progressive barber, Leon Bagarry, with an eye to the comfort of his patrons, has purchased a fan which is decidedly ingenious. It is placed above the chair and hanging from it is a string which you must pull if you want to be fanned. Leon says it is an automatic fan - provided you pull the string. Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1893. 

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 4/8/1893.
 Mr. H. Van der Cruyssen, editor of the Breaux Bridge Union, was in Lafayette Monday on business.

 Master Charles Debaillon, having recovered his former good health, left Sunday to resume his studies at the Jesuit College in New Orleans.

 Mr. Triay turned over to Mr. C. O. Mouton, secretary and treasurer of the High School association, $16, the net amount realized from the ball given by the committee of five, on March 19.

 Supt. W. F. Owens, it is said, will be appointed general superintendent of the San Antonio and Aransas Pass railroad, and superintendent W. B. Mulvey will succeed Mr. Owens.

 We must,  by all means, have a fire department a little reflection will show the absolute necessity of one. And the lack of water need not be an insurmountable barrier to its organization.

 Felix E. Voorhies, a very competent machinist and engineer, left Monday for the great Texas refinery, Sugar Land, where he will be engaged for the next two months. Lafayette Gazette 4/8/1893.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 8th, 1893.

 The services in St. John's Church on Easter Sunday were unusually grand and impressive, and were attended by a large concourse of people. The magnificent altars, for which the church is noted, were decorated artistically with beautiful flowers.

 Solemn high mass was sung at 9:30 o'clock, the Rev. E. Forge officiating, assisted by Father de Stockhalper as deacon and Father Seguin as sub-deacon. Father P. J. Healey acted as master of ceremonies. Mr. Seguin was orator of the day, and delivered a beautiful and eloquent sermon, having for his text the "Resurrection of the Lord."

 The choir, by their beautiful singing, added an additional charm to the services, and was composed of the following members with Miss E. Mouton, organist; sopranos, Misses A. Judice, E. Gerac, N. Bailey, Gadrat and Aimee Mouton, and M. Cornay; altos Mrs. E. Mouton and Mr. Henry Gerac; tenor, Dr. F. J. Mouton; bass, H. A. Eastin and Sam Plonsky. The solos rendered by Misses A. Judice, Nellie Bailey, E. Gerac, and Messrs. H. A. Eastin, Dr. F. S. Mouton and Henry Gerac were highly appreciated. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1893.

An Important Capture.
 The horrible murder of Mrs. Robertson and her niece by three colored men, at St. Martinville about two years ago, is again brought to light in an unexpected and strange manner. It appears, from the evidence introduced by the prosecution, that there were three negroes implicated in the murderous assault, but although every means known to the police and detective force of the state were engaged in the capture of the miscreants, but two were arrested, and a short time since one of them, Louis Michel, extirpated his crime upon the scaffold, his companion being respited by Gov. Foster.

 Yesterday morning as the Southern Pacific train was entering Houston from the west, one of the news boys noticed a strange negro loitering about and upon closer examination the boy became convinced that the negro's features were familiar and that he had known him as Paul Cormier in and about St. Martinville, and being fully acquainted with the Robertson murder, he recollected that Paul Cormier had disappeared from that place about the same time that Mrs. Robertson took her life, while in defense of her home and property.

 The boy told his tale to the depot police, who believing in the truth of the lad's statement at once arrested the negro on the charge of "soliciting for hotels on the railroad lands" and placed him in jail. About an hour later the boy was placed in the same cell on a charge, as he told Paul Cormier, of fighting in the streets, the real object being however to obtain further evidence of the negro's identity, but the man refused to talk even to his cell mate. Later in the day the boy was released and telegraphed to his father in Galveston, who immediately came to Houston and once identified the negro as Paul Cormier, whose whereabouts has been a deep mystery for the past two years.

 Sheriff David Rees went to Houston last night and it is hoped that Paul Cormier will suffer the full extent of the law in a short time, as evidence is at hand to show that he was the man who Mrs. Robertson to death. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1893. 



A Splendid Entertainment by the Now Famous Black Diamonds.
 Never in the history of Lafayette has an audience been more agreeably surprised than the one which witnessed the entertainment given by the Black Diamond Minstrel Company, in Falk's Opera House last Wednesday night.

 About three hundred of our leading people had gathered in the hall to witness the performance, many attending simply to help the high school fund, believing that the performance would be like the majority of amateur entertainments, and furnish very little amusement; but all those who were so fortunate as to attend, can testify to the delightful surprise encountered by the audience, which added materially to the enjoyment of the occasion, for it is well known that unexpected pleasures are the sweetest.

 The curtain rose about 8:15 o'clock and disclosed to the view of the audience, who had been on the qui vive for fully an hour - having gone early so as to secure desirable seats - the famous Black Diamonds in all the glory and splendor of cork and high collars.

 The first part consisted of a grand olio, solos, duets and "gags," and furnished unlimited amusement to the audience, who responded to the efforts of the performers with hearty applause.

 Act II consisted of songs and melodies, and was most heartily enjoyed by the audience, the performers all doing remarkably well in their several parts.

 In Act III the laughable sketch, "The Ticket-Taker," was rendered, the entire company taking part; and we have witnessed many productions by professionals which could not compare with it.

 The entertainment concluded with an old-fashioned negro dance, which was one of the most enjoyable features of the evening.

 Between the third and fourth acts the audience enjoyed a rare treat, which was not down on the bills, but which added an additional jest to the pleasure of the evening. The charming and talented Miss Emma Falk, with her usual graciousness, consented to favor the audience with a song. She had chosen her repertory that popular song, entitled,"Oh Won't You Come Out and Play," and rendered it in a manner most pleasing and graceful. We have heard the song rendered by many different professional soubrettes, but seldom have we heard it sung with better effect. Miss Falk certainly possesses remarkable talent, and the audience as well as the Black Diamonds owe her their thanks for rendering the song. She was accompanied on the piano by Miss Bendel. After the stage performance was concluded, the chairs were removed and dancing indulged in until a late hour, the Lafayette Sting Band discoursing their sweetest music.

  Taken all in all the entertainment was a complete success, and the performers deserve great praise for their work, and we trust that it will not  be long before we have the pleasure of seeing the Black Diamonds again.

 The entertainment will give a net profit of about $100, which sum will be turned over to the trustees of the high school building fund. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1893.

City Council Proceedings.
 Lafayette, La., March 3rd, 1898.

 The Council met to-day in regular session. Members present, Wm. Campbell, Mayor, J. E. Martin, Gus. Lacoste, Felix Demanade, Numa Schayot, L. F. Rigues, Alfred Hebert and James Hannan.

 The minutes of last meeting were read and approved, and ordered to be spread on the minutes.

 On motion, Messrs. Alfred Chargois, H. A. Eastin and F. C. Triay were appointed by the Council to serve as Commissioners of election at the election to be held on the 1st Monday of May 1893 for a Mayor and seven Councilmen of the town of Lafayette.

 Resolved, that the following accounts be allowed and ordered to be paid to wit:

 Moss & Mouton, for lumber ... $42.71
 H. Billaud, feeding prisoners ... $11.60
 D. J. Veazey, as Marshal 1 month and hauling 28 dead dogs at 25 each ... $57.00
 C. H. Bradley, 1 month salary as marshal ... $50.00
 Victor Breaux, cutting stump and ditching street in Monroe street ... $30.00
 Wm. Lewis, hauling lumber ... $3.75
 Joachim Roche, making 18 bridges and repairing plank walk ... $15.00
 Mrs. E. Guidry, cleaning and attending street lamp ... $18.00
 Numa Schayot, 1 lamp chimney, burners and nails ... $2.39
 J. E. Martin, furnishing nails ... $2.08
Felicite (col.) indigent for 3 months allowance made as per resolution of City Council ... $6.25

 There being no further business and on motion made, the Council adjourned to next regular meeting.
A. NEVEU, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1893. 

Police Jury Proceedings.

Lafayette, La., April 3, 1893.

 The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: W. B. Torian, J. G. St. Julien, C. C. Brown, H. M. Durke, R. C. Landry, A. D. Landry, A. A. Delhomme and Ford Hoffpauir.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 The committee appointed to ascertain as regards the establishment of a potter's field, reported that Father Forge would sell to the parish a plat of ground in the Catholic cemetery 40 feet square in consideration of the sum of $20.00. On motion the president, Mr. W. B. Torian, was appointed and authorized to purchase for the parish the said plat of ground, with right of way thereto, and that request be made to the City Council of Lafayette that the corporation share in the use and expense of said purchase.

 Mr. A. D. Landry reported that he had acquired a certain strip of land from Mr. Auguste Lagneaux for the purpose of perfecting the public road, the consideration being $37.50. The report was approved and the amount ordered paid.

 Mr. Torian reported that he had entered a contract with Sheriff Broussard for maintaining the parish jail in proper hygienic condition, etc., for the remainder of his term, at $50.00 per annum.

 Mr. Hoffpauir reported that he had completed arrangements with the authorities of Vermilion parish for the removal and reconstruction of the bridge over Indian Bayou.

 On motion a committee of three was appointed to adjust the differences between the parish of Lafayette and Messrs. Gerac Bros. relative to a certain part of the Lafayette and Duson public road. The committee was authorized to correct any errors or in-formalities that might have might have been made in tracing said road. The president appointed on this committee A. A. Delhomme and A. D. Landry, and by motion, the president was added to the committee.

 A petition from the citizens of the 6th ward, praying for the establishment of a public road leading from Adolph Broussard's to Mrs. Jerome Prejean's, was read and on motion was laid over.

 The sum of $25.00 each was granted unto Rudolph Prejean and Louis Morvant, indigents.

 Mr. Brown was appointed a committee to investigate the claim of the parish against Lessin Dugas for delinquent liquor license for the years 1891 and 1892.

 Mr. Durke was authorized to investigate the claim against H. Schusten for liquor license for the year 1892.

 Sheriff Broussard submitted the following statement of licenses collected for the year 1892:
            April 3, 1893.

 Report of I. A. Broussard, Sheriff, of Licenses collected for the Parish for year of 1892.

 I do solemnly swear that the above report is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. So help me God.
                                 I. A. BROUSSARD,
                          Sheriff and Tax Collector.
       Swore to and subscribed before me this 4th day of April, A. D. 1893.
                            W. B. BAILEY,
                                 Clerk of Court.
   By motion the auditing committee consisting of Messrs. W. B. Torian and E. G. Voorhies was appointed and authorized to examine the foregoing statement, submitted by the sheriff and report thereon.

 Pursuant to Act No. 92 of 1888, by motion duly made Mr. C. C. Brown was appointed commissioner for railroad, telegraph and telephone lines, to represent the Parish of Lafayette on the State Board of Assessors for railroad, telegraph and telephone lines, to meet in Lafayette, April 21, 1893.


 The Police Jury then adjourned to meet to-morrow, April 4th, 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m. to consult District Attorney M. T. Goody upon certain legal questions under consideration.
W. B. TORIAN, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.


 Lafayette, La., April 4th, 1893.

 The Police Jury, pursuant to adjournment, met this day with the following members present: W. B. Torian, J. G. St. Julien, C. C. Brown, Ford Hoffpauir, A. A. Delhomme, R. C. Landry, A. D. Landry and H. M. Durke.

 The committee appointed to examine the statement submitted by the sheriff and tax collector, as to licenses collected for the year 1892, reported as follows:
      LAFAYETTE, LA., April, 4, 1893.

 To the Hon. President and Members of the Police Jury:

 GENTLEMEN: We the undersigned committee, appointed by your honorable body to investigate the license accounts of I. A. Broussard, sheriff, beg leave to report as follows: After a careful investigation of said license accounts, for the year A. D. Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-two, we find the name to be true and correct, we find the same to be true and correct, as per sworn statement of the said I. A. Broussard, on the reverse hereof, and made a part of this, our report. Respectfully submitted,

 On motion duly made the president and secretary were authorized to issue to Sheriff Broussard, on the part of the parish, a quietus for parish licenses for the year 1892.

 A petition from Messrs. Gerac Bros., A. Gladu and O. C. Mouton in reference to the reclaiming of a certain portion of the old Opelousas public road, just north of corporate limits of Lafayette, and now in an impassable condition, was read, and the petitioners referred to Mr. J. C. Couvillon, road overseer of 3d ward, under whose jurisdiction the said road properly falls.

 Messrs. R. C. Landry and H. M. Durke were appointed a committee to cancel all blank licenses and vouchers for 1892, in the hands of Sheriff Broussard. In due time the committee submitted the following report, which was adopted:

       LAFAYETTE, LA., April 4, 1893.
 To the Hon. Police Jury.
     Your undersigned committee appointed to cancel all blank licenses and vouchers in the hands of Sheriff I. A. Broussard, would respectfully submit that we have performed the duty assigned and cancelled blank licenses for year 1892, to the amount of $1,222.50, being same as exhibited by the sheriff's statement submitted to this body.

 Sheriff Broussard reported that he had made demand for parish licenses for 1893 upon Messrs. John O. Mouton, A. Labe, Numa Schayot and other doing business in that portion of the town of Lafayette outside the limits of said corporation, as fixed by Act 111 of 1869, and that all of the said persons refused to pay such licenses ;  whereupon, the following resolution by Mr. Hoffpauir was adopted:

 Be it resolved, That W. B. Torian, president of this Police Jury, be and is hereby authorized and empowered to sue in the name of the Parish of Lafayette for the recovery of all delinquent parish license tax due said parish and that the employment of Messrs. O. C. and Julian Mouton, Attorneys, be and is hereby authorized.

 By motion of Mr. Delhomme it was resolved that the Southern Pacific Railroad Company be and is hereby notified to remove the wire fence and other obstructions to the public road intersecting the said railroad at a point on the west line of the property of Miles Boudreaux.

 The sum of $750 was ordered paid to Mr. I. N. Satterfield, road contractor, on account of work done under his contract.

 District Attorney M. T. Gordy here appearing explained to the Police Jury his unavoidable absence, at the last session, by reason of his obligations to duties elsewhere. Mr. Gordy then, in answer to questions propounded, further the body with much valuable legal information, and promised in the near future to give still further advice, upon subjects which required consideration.
W. B. TORIAN, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1893.   

Her Own Copy of The Gazette.
 A vision of loveliness stepped nimbly in The Gazette office last Saturday and proffered the request that her name be inscribed on the subscription list, as she desired to subscribe for the paper for her own-self. We hastened to comply with her request and she is now enrolled in The Gazette circle. We just want to add that we strongly suspect that paterfamilias corralled his copy every Saturday, and after he had perused it at his leisure, turned it over to his better half, who in turn took a rest right there and then from her household cares, and before it reached the young miss, some time necessarily elapsed, thus placing a tax to endure any longer, and now she will have her own copy. To forestall any unnecessary impatience to any one, our advice to the young lady is to prevail on the old gentleman to adopt the plant of the head of a family of four in this town, and that is, to see that every member of the family is supplied with their own copy. It works like a charm, we are assured. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/8/1899. 

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