Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of April 7th, 1900:

The Chevalier Bayard of Lee's Army.

 The Gazette is indeed pleased to denote in its columns that every detail connected with the visit to Lafayette of the great Georgian who attended to with splendid taste.

 The genuine yet simple hospitality of our people was on this occasion peculiarly noticeable. And we are proud to learn that the General feelingly referred to this pre-eminent feature of his reception here. The tasteful and delicate decorations of the stage by the patriotic members of the Ladies Club was commented upon most favorably by every one. Among those who come to see and hear Gen. Gordon were several veterans who had admired him on the battle field at Spottysylvania and elsewhere. Conspicuous among them was the maimed St. Julien, who left a limb on the blood-stained but every-glorious soil to the Old Dominion.

 Mr. Wm. Clegg, who introduced Gen. Gordon, has so well expressed the sentiments of the audience in his well-worded introductory remarks that we print them. A well known author says that true eloquence consists of saying all that is necessary, and nothing but what it necessary. That is exactly what Mr. Clegg did. He spoke as follows:

 Ladies and Gentlemen:  - To the Ladies' Club of this place we are indebted for an intellectual treat in store for this audience this evening, such as it has never before been the good fortune of this community to enjoy.

 You will be entertained by one, under the sound of whose voice it is an honor to sit. One, who as a citizen, illustrates beautifully by his life and character the perfect ideal of a Southern gentleman. One, who as a soldier in time of war, was a leader without reproach - Gen. Lee's favorite commander. A hero we love, proud to honor and call our countryman, whose name will go down in history along with Lee's and Jackson's. As a Confederate soldier he is a stranger nowhere in the South. In no branch of the human family is the time so strong that runs from heart to heart, as is the affection that binds one true old comrade to another. Words fail me to express, and too poor is my vocabulary to place before you as I wish, the name and presence of the idol of Southern veterans. I can only present to you the fearless Gen. Jno. B. Gordon himself - our Gen. Gordon.

 The following article originally appeared in the Atlanta Constitution twenty years ago. We reproduce it to show some of our people the character of the man who lectured at Falk's hall last week on "The Last Days of the Confederacy."

 No soldier in American arms ever made a record that surpassed in audacity and success the one worked out by Gordon. Recognized from the first as the very devil in a fight, thence always selected when possible to lead foreign hopes. He never launched his troops against a point that he did not carry. His military career started in this city. He reached Atlanta in 1860 at the head of a company known as the "Raccoon Roughs." A flag was presented him by the ladies and received in a little speech that went into the classics of the day. Elected major of the regiment in which his companions were placed, he was made colonel upon its reorganization. This famous regiment. (Sixth Alabama) he made famous in short order. At Seven Pines, its first serious engagement, 396 men out of 600 were killed and wounded. Every horse ridden into the charge was killed, and every mounted officers save Gordon slain. A bullet went through his pistol butt, his canteen and his coat, and it was here that his soldiers said:  "The bullet was never moulded that could kill Gordon."

 At Sharpsburg Gen. Gordon (then a colonel) furnished the sublimest spectacle of endurance and courage that I think is furnished by the annals. Before the battle Lee rode down the lines and expressed doubt as to Gordon's being able to hold his position, and conveyed to him an idea of the importance of his doing so. Gordon talking so that his men could hear him, said:  "Gen. Lee, my men are determined that they will stay here!"

 Then the battle opened. Line after line was thrown upon Gordon's front. But from the dauntless front they were thrown back as often as they marched against it. The slaughter was terrific. The ground was literally blue with the corpses of the enemy., while only six men of the right wing of the regiment were left. But the line never wavered. The men had come to "stay," and dead or alive they were determined to "stay."

 Gordon was wounded early in the fight. A mini-ball passed through the calf of his leg, tearing the flesh in a most fearful manner. The flow of blood was incessant but he had no time to stanch the wound. In about half an hour another ball plunged through the same leg about a foot above where the other had gone. The loss of blood from these wounds weakened him, but he he still kept to his feet and gave his orders calm and clear to his men who were lying on their faces. An hour later he was shot again, the ball tearing through his left arm, making a hideous wound and cutting a small artery. This disabled his arm, and helped drain his weakened system, but still, haggard and bloody, he staggered up and down the line encouraging his men. A fourth ball entered his shoulder knocking him from his feet. His men who saw his crimsoned uniform and pale face go down thought their heroic leader was killed. With sublime courage, however, he struggled to his feet, and though he had hardly strength to stand, waved his sword to his men to remain firm. Some one ran to him hastily and said it was rumored up the line that he was dangerously wounded and that the men were wavering. "Tell them I am not hurt," he said. And so, though those dreadful hours of slaughter with four unstaunched wounds, drawing blood from his body, he stood determined to die with his men, and in defense of the part that Lee had confided to his trust. Was knightlier courage ever shown on field or embalmed in letters? Was knightlier heroism ever displayed? Ak, great heart of gold! Ah, splendid gentlemen!  Ah, lustrious and shining soul! On that day didst thou win immortal glory, even though all else of thy life were blotted out!

 At length a fifth ball struck Gordon full in the face, and entering his cheek knocked him senseless. He fell and for some time his prostrate body was wrapped in the smoke of battle. Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1900.


 We hear from Gen. Gordon's own lips a story that in a metaphysical point, is exceedingly interesting. He says that when he fell he was utterly incapable of moving. He gradually began to think of his condition, and this is the half-dream and half soliloquy that he carried :  "I have been struck in the head with a six pound solid shot. It has carried away my head. On the left side there is a little piece of skull left. But the brain is gone entirely. Therefore, I am dead. And yet I am thinking. How can a man think with his head shot off. I may have consciousness while dead, but no motion. If I can lift my leg, then I am alive. I will try that, Can I? Yes, there it is, lifted up! I'm all right!"

 The general says that every stage of this soliloquy is indelibly stamped on his mind, and that in his exhausted stage the reasoning was carried on as logically as ever man reasoned at his desk. Doubt succeeded argument and argument displaced though just as logically as could be. He says he will never forget with what anxiety he made the test of lifting his leg - with what agony he waited to see whether or not it would move in response to his effort, and how he hesitated before trying it for fear it might fail and that his death be thereby demonstrated.


 From the 2d of May, 1864, Gordon was engaged in almost incessant fighting all summer and made himself famous throughout the army. On the 5th of May he executed a maneuver new in the practice of war, startling in its audacity and an inspiration in its suddenness. Gordon was on the left of the army on the Fredericksburg road. He was commanding, he dashed forward. As usual he swept everything before him. He soon found that he had broken through the enemy's lines, and was alone with the brigade behind the Federals. It was a desperate case. All the enemy had to do was to close in around the devoted Georgians and capture them. Gordon comprehended the situation, and as quick as lightning determined to make a desperate fight for liberty. He wheeled his men back, their faces turned towards the flanks pf the federals through which they had just torn their way. Then ordering a charge, his brigade divided half in half, falling like lightning upon the torn and disordered flanks of the enemy. The surprise was complete and the route was perfect. The Georgians rushed up to the opposite flanks of the Federals, slaughtering, capturing, dispersing as fast as they could go. Regiment after regiment attempted to face them, but Gordon would hurl his men on them before they could make the turn and scatter them with a single blow. He captured one regiment entire and took thousands of prisoners. We killed two brigadier generals and captured two more For over one mile his men swept down the lines of the enemy, utterly breaking them, and he withdrew only at nightfall.

 On the 12th of May he had made that remarkable move against Hancock, which gained to him the title of "The Man of the 12th of May."

 General Lee, who had already recommended Gordon for promotion at once telegraphed that he must be at once made a major-general, and that his commission must date from the 12th of May. The promotion was made but the War department, not appreciating the significance of the day, dated it the 16th of May.

 These are simple specimen lines of Gordon's war history. There is no man's career so abundant with dramatic episodes. The incidents of his soldier life are in the histories. A soldier once said, "I never want to hear Gordon speak before a battle."


 "Because it always makes me feel like I could storm h-ll."

 We all know why D. H. Hill dubbed him "the Chevalier Bayard of the Army." We all know he seized the bridle of the horse at Spottsylvania court-house and forced the old hero behind the columns, refusing to let him lead a charge of Georgians and Virgnians. To the very last Gordon was in front of affairs. It was Gordon that held the lines at Petersburg, and fought with stubborn valor for every inch of space. It was Gordon that guarded the retreat from that ill-fated city, and it was Gordon that at Appomattox court-house was put at the head of the 4,000 troops that were intended to cut through Sheridan's lines had not Lee surrendered.
Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1900.

Delightfully Entertained.
 Thursday afternoon the Misses Webb delightfully entertained the Ladies Club at their picturesque country home.

 The guests on catering were served with genuine Turkish coffee according to the Oriental custom. The parlors were decorated with tapestries, curtains and curiosities from Turkey, which were collected by Miss Webb during her sojourn there.

 Among the communications to the Club was one written in the Arabic characters by Miss Webb inviting the ladies to attend the closing exercises of her school in Turkey.

 Following the business program a servant entered bearing a tray on which was a dish of sweets, a spoon for each guest and a jar of water. A Turkish custom required that every one partake and place the spoon used in the jar of water.

 The ladies answered to roll call with some fact regarding Turkey.

 Miss Hopkins read an excellent paper on "The Rise of Ottoman Empire and the Fall of Constantinople.

 The next was a very fine essay on "Mohammed and His Religion, (Islam)," by Miss Ramsey.

 Mrs. Blake read a beautiful description of Constantinople and its mosques.

 Miss Annie Webb closed the literary program with a well-written paper on "Treatment of the Conquered Christian Nations by the Turks"; then followed the most interesting part of the meeting, an informal conversation about Turkey, by Miss Webb, in which she describes the curiosities and dressed one of the ladies in the different Turkish costumes.

 The guests were invited to the dining room, which presented a novel appearance, with a Turkish rug on the floor upon which the guests sat a la Turk. From the center of the rug the Misses Webb dispensed delicious refreshments a midst great merriment. Before rising a pitcher of water, a basin and a Turkish towel were handed around.

 When night came and the guests bade their hostesses au revoir one and all pronounced it a most charming and instructive afternoons and felt they had been traveling in Turkey.

 Those in attendance were: Mesdames Wm. Clegg, Kennedy, Hopkins, Jr., LeRosen, Ramsey, Sechrest; Misses Hopkins, Gladu, Mudd, Ramsey and Webb. Lafayette Advertiser 4/7/1900.


 Bids will be received for the erection of a two story brick building at the town of Lafayette, La., for the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute. Each bid shall be accompanied with a certified check for $500; said check shall be returned to all unsuccessful competitors, but shall be withheld until contract is signed and bond furnished. A Surety Co. bond for two-thirds the amount of the contract shall be furnished by the successful bidder in a company acceptable to the committee. All estimates must be marked "proposals for building" and addressed to Mr. Crow Girard, treasurer, Lafayette, La., at or before noon, Tuesday April 10, 1900. The committee reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Plans can be seen at the office of Crow Girard, Esq., Lafayette, La., or by applying to Favrot and Livaudais, Architects, 15 and 16 Denegre building, New Orleans, La. Plans and specifications must be returned with estimates. Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1900.   

 A great howl has been raised by certain persons because the nomination papers of the Republican-fusion ticket of this parish have been rejected by the election board at Baton Rouge. On account of the action of the Board this peaceful and law-abiding community is threatened with very serious trouble. Some irresponsible parties glibly talk of shotguns, Winchesters and other things of the same sort. We hope, however, that these wild threats will serve only to make those who utter them ridiculous in the eyes of sensible people.

Under the law certain conditions must be complied with in preparing nomination papers. Before all courts there are well-established rules which are to be observed. In the present case the Democratic claimed that the Republicans had violated the law in the preparation of their nomination papers and appealed to the Board to rule them out. The Board sustained the protest of the Democrats and the nomination papers of the Republicans were rejected.

Speaking of the contest from this parish the Times-Democrat correspondent at Baton Rouge says:

The Republican nomination papers from Lafayette parish contested by Sheriff Ike Broussard proved an easy morsel for the election board. For abundant errors and flagrant irregularities these nomination papers carried of the laurels. Candidates signed their own nomination papers, signers failed to write their addresses, the political designation and the "elephant" were placed upon the papers after certification by the registrar, and several signers after hearing of the irregularities in getting up the documents withdrew their names. The contestants were represented by Mr. Thomas J. Kernan and the Republicans, although amply notified, failed to have a representative present.

The board promptly sustained the protest of Sheriff Broussard.

No none will accuse the Time-Democrat of being partial to the present administration and that journal tells us that the nomination papers of the Lafayette Republicans "carried off by the laurels for abundant errors and flagrant irregularities."

We do not wish our remarks to be construed into an endorsement of the present election law. Far from that. We believe that the next Legislature should repeal this law or change it so as to simplify matters. Although this law has been framed by some of the best men in the State and voted for by Legislators of unquestioned integrity and conceded ability we do not think it is suited to the genius or our people. It matter not what may be its purposes or however honest its interpretation and enforcement, it is our opinion that it will be a source of trouble at every recurring election.

But in the case of the parish Republican-fusion candidates the decision of the Board seems very much like meting out or poetic justice. At the primary held last December a full vote was polled. Out of the registration of 2253, 2060 votes were cast. Republicans voted as freely as Democrats. They voted solidly for their favorites but they were defeated. They were honestly beaten. As honorable men the defeated candidates should have tendered their support to the victorious candidates who were entitled to it. They should have done ad Mr. Gilbert St. Julien and Mr. Omer Broussard did. But they did nothing of the kind. They immediately set to work to deprive the nominees of the primary of the fruits of victory. They combined with the Republican with whose help they formed a ticket to run against the men to whom they had pledged their support. This, we submit, was not the proper course for men who loudly prate of their political morality. They entered into an agreement to submit their claims to the primary - to abide by the result - but the verdict of the majority was hardly recorded against them that they were found in the ranks of the enemy plotting to deprive their successful opponents of their rights. Men who violate the rights of others with such little regard for the simple law of common honesty are not the proper persons to lecture their fellows on virtue and morality in matters political.

Those who trample under their feet the rights of their opponents have no reason to complain if these self-same opponents have recourse to legal technicalities to protect themselves and to secure what they are justly entitled to.

The Gazette thinks that there is no occasion for all this intemperate talk. The men who were nominated by the primary have just claim to the support of the 2060 voters who participated in that primary. We believe there dwells in the hearts of these voters a sense of right which will condemn thoughtless agitators who would incite others to unlawful acts.
Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1900.

A Most Unfortunate Accident.
 Rev. C. C. Wier, the Methodist minister at this place, was the victim of a painful and serious accident last Thursday evening. He was kicked by a horse just beneath the left eye. He was driving in company with a friend when he leaned forward to disengage the lines from the tail of the horse when the animal kicked him in the face inflicting a wound which not only caused intense pain but very seriously injured the eye. Mr. Wier was taken to his home where he received the proper treatment.

 Mrs. Wier who was on a visit to relatives in Avoyelles was informed by wire of her husband's misfortune. A telegram was also sent to a brother, Dr. Wier, at Houston, and to other relatives who live in that city. At this moment Mr. Wier is resting well.  Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1900.

 Lafayette Brass Band. - On Saturday, April 21, the Lafayette Brass Band will give a ball at Falk's hall. The band has been getting along very nicely. It has been decided to give a ball to raise money to buy instruments and to defray other expenses.  Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1900.

School Board Proceedings.
Lafayette, La., April 5, 1900.

 The School Board met this day in regular session with the following members present: Dr. Hopkins, president; Messrs. Broussard, Billeaud, Spell, Olivier and Delhomme.

 Absent: Mr. Durke.

 The minutes of the last two meetings were approved as read.

 The special committee appointed to call upon the Police Jury to obtain the fifteen hundred dollars apportionment, report that they have seen the members thereof in meeting assembled and obtained five hundred dollars cash, and a resolution adopted by said Police Jury instructing their secretary to turn over to the school fund one thousand dollars as soon as the unpaid licenses are collected. The report of said committee was approved.

 The committee appointed to examine Supt. Latiolais' books reports them to be correct.

 On motion of Jasper Spell, duly seconded and carried, all teachers are notified to close their schools on the 6th day of April, 1900, summer schools included.

 The treasurer submitted his statement showing a balance on hand of two hundred and fourteen dollars and twenty-three cents. Said statement was approved.

 The following accounts were approved:

 Jasper Spell ... repairing school fencing ... $2.25
 John C. Whittington, stove pipes, etc ... $2.65
 John Price, lumber ... $3.40
 Louis Boulanger, heater, pipes, etc ... $10.00

 Moved to adjourn - carried.

 O. P. GUILBEAU, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1900. 


Police Jury Proceedings.
 The Police Jury met last Thursday in regular session with all members present.

 Mr. Primeaux explained that the resignation of Supervisor Arthur Comeau was erroneous and moved the reconsideration of the resolution accepting said resignation and appointing J. R. Domengeaux.

 By motion duly made the resolution accepting Supervisor Comeau's resignation and appointing J. R. Domengeaux instead was rescinded and Mr. Comeau duly reinstated.

 Mr. Primeaux reported the complete destruction of Olidon Broussard's bridge and Mr. Laodis Broussard was appointed to act in conjunction with the Vermilion authorities in saving timbers and iron in the structure.

 Road overseer Arceneaux was authorized top open natural drain running through the properties of J. A. LeBesque and others.

 Mr. Billeaud was empowered to exchange a part of the public road leading from Broussard to Duchamp station, for a more convenient location.

 A committee from the School Board waited upon the Jury and urged the prompt collection of outstanding licenses in order to insure the extension of the school term. The committee explained the impossibility of longer continuation of the schools unless $1,500 due was immediately available. The Jury adopted a resolution authorizing President Landry to institute suit against all delinquent license taxpayers. The sum of $500 was ordered paid the Board and the president instructed to issue a warrant for the remaining $1,000 whenever that amount shall be available.

 The sum of $200 was ordered paid Ban Avant on account of 2nd ward road work.

 All Board of Health Bills were laid over.

 After approval of accounts the Jury adjourned. Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1900.


City Council Proceedings.
Lafayette, La., April 2, 1900.

 The City Council met this day in regular session, Mayor Pro Tem F. E. Girard presiding. Members present: C. O. Mouton, Geo. DeBlanc, H. Hohorst, F. Demanade, John O. Mouton, J. E. Martin.

 A petition from the citizens of McComb addition was presented to the Council asking for a crossing on Second street.

 Moved by Geo. DeBlanc, seconded by F. Demanade, that said petition be accepted and that a committee of three be appointed to take immediate action on same. Motion carried.

 Mayor Girard appointed Messrs. Geo. DeBlanc, F. Demanade, H. Hohorst as a committee.

 Mr. C. D. Caffery appeared with a petition from the fire department asking that same be adopted by the Council.

 Moved by C. O. Mouton, seconded by Geo. DeBlanc, that said communication be accepted and spread on minutes: Motion carried. It is as follows:

 BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the town of Lafayette in regular session assembled: That in order to protect life and property in cases of conflagration within the corporate limits of the town of Lafayette, that a fire department be and is hereby established.

 Section II. Be it further ordained, etc., That said fire department shall consist of the members of Lafayette Fire Co. No. 1, of Home Fire Co. and Hook and Ladder Co. is now organized and composed of electors of the town.

 Section III. Be if further ordained, etc., That the members of said fire department shall select by ballot suitable persons, electors of this town,  for chief of said fire department; and the individuals receiving the greatest number of votes for those several offices shall be recommended for those several offices shall be recommended to the City Council for their appointment, and the City Council upon such recommendation shall appoint a chief and assistant chief who shall be the electors of said town and who shall hold their offices during one year and until their successors are appointed and qualified.

 Section IV. - Be it further ordained, etc., That said chief and assistant chief shall have exclusive control and command of the said fire department when engaged in active service; and are hereby appointed agents to judge of the emergency or urgent public necessity to raze or demolish houses and other combustible structures to prevent the spreading of an existing conflagration within the limits of this town.

 Section V.  Be it ordained, etc., That any person who shall interfere with the instructions and commands of the chief or assistant chief at fire; or, being a member of said fire department, refuses to obey the orders given by said agents or officers; or any person who shall attempt or assist in razing or demolishing houses or other combustible structures to prevent the spreading of an existing conflagration without first obtaining the order from said chief or assistant chief of the fire department, shall, upon conviction be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars or imprisonment in the town jail for not more than ten days.

 Section VI. Be it further ordained, etc., That every owner or possessor of dwellings or other structures within the corporate limits of this town shall have all chimneys and flue cleansed at least once every six months; and should any fire develop within any chimney or flue within said town, it shall be the duty of the town constable to make inquiry and ascertain whether or not said chimney or flues wherein fire has developed upon conviction shall pay a fine of five dollars or be imprisoned for not more than ten days; said fine when collected to be paid over by the chief of the fire department to the president of the treasurer of the fire company belonging to said fire department first arriving at said fire.

 Moved by John O. Mouton, seconded by H. H. Hohorst, that Jos. Ducote, collector, be refunded amount overpaid by him to the treasurer. Motion carried.

 Moved by H. H. Hohorst, seconded by Geo. DeBlanc, that Mr. E. G. Voorhies' bill be approved. Motion carried.

 Moved by Geo. DeBlanc, seconded by J. E. Martin, that the corporation procure 10 water and 10 light meters, and same be placed in the most important places.

 The following bills were approved:
 Moved by C. O. Mouton, seconded by Geo. DeBlanc, that meeting adjourn.
F. E. GIRARD, Mayor pro tem.
Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1900.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 4/7/1900.
 The Ladies Club extends its sincerest thanks to the members of the Lafayette Orchestra, Mr. Clegg and others who so kindly assisted in entertaining General Gordon.

 The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will give a lawn party on Friday evening, April 20, commencing at 6 o'clock. Delicious refreshments served at popular prices. All are cordially invited to come.

 On Saturday, April 21, the Lafayette Brass Band will give a ball at Falk's hall. The band has been getting along very nicely. It has been decided to give a ball to raise money to buy instruments and to defray other expenses.

 A. E. Mouton visited New Orleans this week on business.

 Willie Levy left Tuesday afternoon for Orange, Texas, for a visit.

 Prof. Stephens, president of the Industrial School, is in Lafayette. He will remain here most of the time during the construction of the main building.

 John Marsh has gone to Crowley where he will engage in the saddlery business. Mr. Marsh was a resident of Lafayette for a number of years and has always enjoyed the confidence of the whole community. 
Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1900.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 7th, 1894:

Road Conditions:
Calls for Serious Reflection.

 Bad roads are a much farther reaching evil than some may be willing to acknowledge, as the following from the Valley of the Teche witnesses :  The roads from Breaux Bridge to Lafayette are in such bad condition that the planters of this section who used to deal in Lafayette for plowing machineries, etc., are compelled now to go to our sister town, St. Martinsville. Lafayette should do something to remedy this, or she will lose all her trade from this section. Seeing that the parish authorities deemed it not advisable to undertake such a work at the public expense, The Advertiser  had thought of inaugurating a move some months back, to repair the worst places in the parish roads at the private expense of citizens. Our idea was to raise a fund for this purpose by private contributions, the merchants of Lafayette to be the principal donors, for as they were the ones who were suffering the greatest injury from the wretched condition of the roads, likewise they would be the ones to derive the largest benefit from a removal of the evil. We agitated, in a quiet way, the movement until we saw it would not meet with liberal enough support to successfully carry it out. Most of the persons approached on the subject believed it would really prove a good business investment to the local merchants but only a very few were willing to back up their judgment with money. It is the same old story. Everybody wants a good thing providing no money is to be paid out.

 No one doubts that the town of Lafayette has lost many thousands of dollars in business during the past six months, due entirely to the impassable condition of the public roads, and our merchants would do wisely to profit by the lessons of past and learn how to help themselves by cooperation in all future similar emergencies where the public authorities appear to be unequal to the task, no matter of how good intention the authorities may be. The best of intensions fail to accomplish the slightest amount of good, unless they be backed by some energy. Lafayette Advertiser 4/7/1894.

 Pursuant to a writ on order of election issued by His Excellency, Murphy J. Foster, dated at the city of Baton Rouge, the 13th day at the city of Baton Rouge, the 13th day of March 1894, and directed to me, undersigned authority, the qualified voters of the notified that an election will be held throughout the parish, on Saturday the 21st day of April, 1894, from seven o'clock in the forenoon, until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of electing one representative from the parish of Lafayette, La., to fill the vacancy in the General Assembly of Louisiana, caused by the resignation of Hon. Overton Cade, representative of the parish of Lafayette.

 The following polls will be opened in each election precinct from the hours of 7 o'clock a. m. to 6 o'clock p. m. on the day mentioned for the purpose of receiving the votes of the qualified electors of the parish of Lafayette, to-wit"

 The above named commissioners will make due return to me, the undersigned, according to law.
                          ARTHUR GREIG,
  Returning officer of the parish of Lafayette, La., March 19th, 1894.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/7/1894. 

"Coxy"-ites On the Move.
 Those persons who took the trouble of going to Pellerin & Lombard's brick yard last Sunday to see the "Coxyites" start out on their march to Washington will harbor no hard feelings against The Advertiser, we hope, for the hoax we perpetrated on them to remind them that Sunday was April 1st. We have the names of those who went to bid the "Hogg-men" farewell, but do not intend publishing them for that would be carrying the joke too far. Lafayette Advertiser 4/7/1894.

Postal Complaints. - Complaints have been frequent of late against thee distributing mail clerk on the Opelousas branch. The mail does not reach the post office here for a half hour or more after the train arrives, owing it is said to the fact that the Clerk does not distribute the mail until the arrival of the train here. Laf. Advertiser 4/7/1894.

 Large Attendance. - The ball of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen last Saturday was a success in every way. There was a large attendance of people, many visitors being among them, and the hours where whiled away in delightful manner to the strains of good music furnished by the string band from Broussardville. Laf. Advertiser 4/7/1894.

Circuit Court.
 Circuit Court was opened here last Monday by Judges Perry and Blackman, and the cases on the docket were decided on Tuesday evening as follows:

   George K. Bradford vs. L. L. Bourque et als, judgment of District Court affirmed.
   Teche and South West Louisiana Hedge Co, vs. William Foote, judgment of      District Court set aside and case remanded. 
  Lafayette Advertiser 4/7/1894. 

City Council Proceedings.
 Lafayette, La., April 2, 1894.

 The following members were present: Wm. Campbell, Mayor: A. M. Martin, Alb. Delahoussaye, A. T. Caillouet, John O. Mouton and Felix Demanade. Absent: Alb. Cayard and I. N. Satterfield.

 The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

 A communication from I. N. Satterfield notifying the council that he had resigned as member of the City Council was read and his resignation accepted. Whereupon Mr. Henry Church, having been appointed and qualified as member of the City Council vice I. N. Satterfield, resigned, took his seat as a member. Felix Demanade was then appointed member of Street Committee in place of I. N. Satterfield.

 The report of John Vigneaux, Marshal, who had been appointed a committee of one at the last meeting of the council, for the purpose of having a portable box made in which to place the offals of the corporation jail, and he, having said box properly made, his report as duly accepted.

 On motion the following accounts were approved:
 On motion the council adjourned to next regular meeting.
A. NEVUE, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/7/1894.


News Notes (Advertiser) 4/7/1894.

 Mr. A. M. Martin has recently opened a retail grocery store in his building adjoining the Lisbony hotel.

 The celebrated Mexican band will be here to-morrow and will play in Falk's Opera House after the arrival of the excursion.

 The Advertiser announces the receipt of several communications giving notice of the intention of string and brass bands to take part in the musical contest of May 18th.

 The Southern Pacific freight and passenger depot at Crowley was completely destroyed by fire last Thursday night. It is thought that the roof of the building was ignited by sparks from a passing locomotive.

 The growing business of Mr. T. M. Biossat has made it necessary for him to increase his facilities to meet its requirements and, in consequence, he is having his store building enlarged by Contractor Fred Mouton.

 District Court will be opened on Monday here for the regular Spring jury term. There is a mass of criminal business awaiting the action of the Grand Jury, but which is not much moment, one way or another.

 Deputy Clerk Creighton Wallis moved into town Wednesday of this week, so as to be at more convenient distance from his field of duty. We hope he and Mrs. Wallis will find life congenial in our midst.

 Mr. John Coniff, general manager of the Crescent News and Hotel Co., wife and daughter, Miss Ettie, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Hahn during the first part of the week.

 Complaints have been frequent of late against the distributing mail clerk on the Opelousas branch. The mail does not reach the post office here for a half an hour or more after the train arrives, owing it is said, to the fact that the Clerk owing it is said to the fact that the Clerk does not distribute the mail until the arrival of the train here. Lafayette Advertiser 4/7/1894.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of April 7th, 1894:

 In its issue of March 24, The Gazette expressed the belief that the fraud perpetrated upon a number of people by the Teche Railroad Company, its agents, or officials, should be investigated by the proper authorities. The Gazette also stated that it did not know if Prof. Knapp had intentionally deceived these people, but it is clearly apparent that some transactions of a dishonest character have taken place and some body is responsible for them. The criminal court convenes here next Monday and it is hoped that District Attorney Gordy will have this matter thoroughly sifted with a view of ascertaining if any law has been violated. We take the following article from the Breaux Bridge Valley and we reproduce it for the purpose of placing the facts, of which we have no personal knowledge, before the officials.

 The utmost and hope in the final satisfactory outcome of the affairs of Prof. Knapp and his creditors kept us silent up to this date. And with the due regard to the high position occupied by the subject of this communication and with the highest respect for those who unknowingly fostered and helped. Mr. Knapp in his high handed robbery. It is impossible to sit down arms folded and witness a diabolical crime of the sort committed on an innocent community without raising our feeble voice against it. We concur in the opinion expressed by our contemporary The Gazette in its last issue and invite some one to take the lead and see if there is not a law that could bring the criminal to justice.

 We read the letter written by Mr. Knapp in his own handwriting addressed to the Valley of the Teche and there is nothing in it to excuse Mr. Knapp, but on the contrary he incriminates himself still further by saying that the enterprise was in itself a success. If it was a success, why did it not pay his creditors? We admit also that a part of the sugar went to pay advances and the balance in the defraying of current expenses. Now Mr. Knapp affirms that he knew before grinding was over that the money promised him could not be got, and if he had nay desire to deal honestly and fairly with those who sold him their cane why did he not apprise them of the fact that when they could have taken action to get their money. Bit he leaves these poor people in the dark and now that all is gone says that part of the crop in excess of that needed to pay for advances went to pay current expenses were. It certainly could not have been expenses incurred on the place because his employees were not paid for the three months previous. We ask again what were these current expenses. There are twenty or twenty-five thousand dollars of bounty coming to the company from the U. S. Government which could according to the statement of Mr. Knapp in his letter, liquidate his indebtedness, which amount according to him is 26 thousand dollars.

 Why don't Mr. Knapp pay up with the bounty money?
Lafayette Advertiser 4/7/1894.       

Go and Hear the Mexicans.

 The Mexican Typical Orchestra will appear at Falk's Opera House tomorrow (Sunday) night. It promises to be the best musical feast ever spread before a Lafayette audience. Wherever this excellent band has played it has received the highest praise from the press and people. The entertainment will not commence until after the return of the Lake Charles excursion, thus giving every body a chance to hear these famous musical artists. 

 Here is what Philip Werlein, of New Orleans, says of them:

 "Having heard the Mexican Typical Orchestra, I take pleasure in recommending them as a first class attraction." 
Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1894.

Typical Frontiersman.
[From the Lake Charles Commercial.]

 Rufus Mouton, of Lafayette, La., a typical frontiersman, trapper and hunter, attracted much attention in the city Tuesday and Wednesday by the peculiarity of his garb. He was dressed in a buckskin suit, slouch hat and wore his hair in long curls aka Buffalo Bill. "Bill" Cagney told somebody that he was "Gen." Fry, the commander of the army of 700 tramps now on their way east from Los Angeles to join the Ohio army of the commonwealth en route to Washington. This somebody told somebody else and soon large numbers were flocking to the depot to see the leader of the hobo cohort. Mouton could not understand why he was attracting so much attention and, not wishing to be the cynosure of so many eyes, he sought a retreat in Wilson's restaurant.

 The hunter has many traps set for wild game along the banks of the Mermentau river.

 From the Lake Charles Commercial and in the Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1894.  

Railroad Ball. - The railroad boys "did themselves proud" last Saturday night. Their ball was one of the finest ever given in Lafayette. The decorations were simply beautiful, and showed some unusually tasty work. The attendance was large, the music good, the refreshments of the best, the girls remarkably pretty and the boys handsome and gallant; in fact nothing was lacking to make this event a success socially as well as financially.
Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1894.

 On Tuesday evening the 27th ultimo there occurred in New Orleans an event which will long be remembered by those who were fortunate enough to attend. It was the marriage of Miss Althea Roy, the pretty and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Roy of this parish, to Mr. Jules Alciatore, of New Orleans. At the appointed hour, 7 o'clock, to the strains of Mendelson's wedding march, the bride leaning on her father's arm entered the spacious and beautifully decorated parlor of Antoine's Restaurant, and met the groom under a bower of roses and potted plants, where Rev. Father Mignot, of the Cathedral, performed the impressive ceremony. The bride wore an elegant cream satin en traine trimmed with real lace and lillies of the valley, with wreath and veil. The groom was quite handsome in his conventional dress-suit. After the ceremony, dancing was indulged in until 11 o'clock when the guests were invited to the large dining room below, where a sumptuous supper as served. In the center of the room was the bridal table around which sat both families, while in the room was another table around which sat both families, while in the room was another table in the form of a horse-shoe where the 150 guest present were seated.

 One of the entertaining features of the evening was the monologue recited by Mr. Dubos, one of the editors of the New Orleans Bee.

 Toasts were drunk to the health and prosperity of Mr. and Mrs. Alciatore. Numerous costly and elegant presents were received by the young couple.
Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1894.

 In the proceedings of the Democratic Parish Executive Committee published in another column will be seen the resolutions announcing that primaries will be held on Saturday, April 14, to select a candidate for representatives.

 Primaries, directly for the candidate is the best way to obtain the sense of the voters and the committee has acted wisely. The next session of the Legislature will be one of the most important ever held in this State and it behooves the Democrats of Lafayette to see that the people are well represented in that body. Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1894.

 An Elopement.
 Odet Richard and Miss Louis Primeaux, a couple hailing from Abbeville, arrived in Lafayette Monday afternoon and stopped at one of our hotels. Two or three hours later officer Romero received a telegram from the father of the young lady requesting him to place them under arrest and to keep them in custody until his arrival. Tuesday evening the brother of the young lady arrived, but he failed to bring the old man's consent to the marriage and told his sister that he wanted to take her back home. This she refused to do, but insisted that the marriage should take place.

 The next day the lovers boarded the Texas bound train evidently with the intention of going west. Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1894. 

Pin Hook vs. Abbeville. - Our esteemed brother of the Star still maintains the superiority of Abbeville over Pin Hook. In compliance with an urgent request from a delegation of prominent Pin Hookians, headed by the mayor. The Gazette will let the matter drop. These gentlemen claim that present controversy is proving injurious to the trade of their town and is also gaining for it too much cheap notoriety.  Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1894.  

Breaux Bridge to Lafayette. - The attention of the people of Lafayette is called to the following item taken from the Breaux Bridge Valley. "The roads from here to Lafayette are in such bad condition that the planters of this section who use to deal in Lafayette for plowing machineries, etc., are compelled to now go to our sister town St. Martinville. Lafayette should do something to remedy this, or she will lose all her trade from this section."
Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1894.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 4/7/1894.
 Hon. Overton Cade was in town Saturday and attended the meeting of the executive committee.

 Mr. Fred Mouton has commenced work on Dr. Martin's residence and office on Lincoln avenue.

 Judge Allen will open court here next Monday. The criminal docket is quite heavy.

 Romain Francez, of Carencro, passed through town Tuesday en-route for Abbeville, where he is engaged to do some surveying.

 It is rumored that Mr. P. B. Roy will have a two-story building erected on the lot near the post office.

 Judge Debaillon arrived Wednesday from Abbeville and returned Thursday to attend to some legal business.

 Geo. Brunner, the printer who was employed at the Advertiser office, left Sunday to accept a position in Graham's Honduras printing office, where the work of the old La. Lottery Company is done.

 Mr. A. M. Martin has been fortunate in securing the services of that and experienced young clerk, Onezime Mouton. Mr. Mouton requests us to state that he extends an invitation to his friends to call at Mr. Martin's new store, here he will be pleased to serve them.

 Don't fail to attend the meeting Monday to organize a hook and ladder company.

 The depot of the Southern Pacific railroad at Crowley was destroyed by fire on Thursday night, together with a large amount of freight and express matter.

 A petition signed by parents of 45 children of educable age, will be presented to the School Board to-day urging that body to establish a school at Duson. Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1894.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 7th, 1911:

Aviator Johnson Gives Very Fine Exhibition of Flying in Thomas Headless Biplane.

 Wednesday afternoon the last exhibition of the flying machines was given at the Col. Breaux place about two miles from town. A small but very appreciative audience was present to see the flight and all came away fully satisfied with the very fine exhibition given by Aviator Johnson in the Thomas headless biplane. Mr. Johnson made a running start and rose beautifully from the ground as gracefully as a swan. He rose about 1oo feet and encircled the field twice, once gracefully dipping behind the trees at the far end of the field. He came back and gently dropped to the earth and came to a standstill at the starting point. Dr. DePreslyn in his Farman biplane made several runs across the field, but never rose off of the ground. The reason given was that the machine was not in good condition. It appeared however, as if he had wanted the machine would have soared and there is no doubt but that he can fly. It would have been nicer had both machines flown but anyway the beautiful flight made by Mr. Johnson was altogether satisfactory. They left yesterday for Lake Charles. Lafayette Advertiser 4/7/1911.    

From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 7th, 1914:

 The Chamber of Commerce is working on the problem of establishing a boat line to Morgan City and New Orleans via Vermilion bayou, and to that end a party of business men and steamboat men will shortly make a trip to Abbeville to enlist the support and co-operation of the business men of that city.

 This is a very important move for the benefit of Lafayette. Its success would mean cheaper freight rates with an addition of trade territory along the bayou which could, with proper effort, be induced to ship its products here and do its buying from our merchants.

 This would be no inconsiderable item. With the right attention it could be developed into a big thing for the city, for below us along the bayou is a fertile soil and a fine country. The products from this strip yearly are very valuable and if Lafayette could become the shipping and trading point it would add many thousands of dollars to the city's annual business.

 While the above would follow the inauguration of boat service on the bayou, the first and immediate result would be the reduction in freight rates. This would be small as to individual cases, but the savings to the town and parish at large would aggregate a large sum. This money would remain here to circulate, make business and furnish employment. Considering the possibilities of even a dollar circulating, the activity of thousands of dollars working in a community can hardly be estimated.

 Further, the establishment of water transportation will mean another industry to offer employment and service to the people, and that reason alone is sufficient to commend it to our best wishes and evoke our assistance and hearty support. Lafayette Advertiser 4/7/1914.


History of One of the Staple Commodities of Modern Commerce.
 Mention is several times made of the word butter in the English translation of the Old Testament, but most scholars understand the Hebrew word for butter to refer to some liquid preparation of milk or cream. The oldest distinct allusion to butter is by the Greek historian, Herodotus, with an occasional reference by other contemporaneous writers who live about five hundred years before Christ. The earliest nations to adopt is as food, for it served as an ointment before it came to be eaten. It subsequently came into use among European nations.

 It is related by Plutarch that while a Spartan lady was visiting the wife of a distinguished nobleman of an adjacent principality, the former smelled so strongly of sweet ointment, and the latter so strongly of butter, that a mutual repulsion was the consequence, which finally ended the war.

 A distinguished Grecian physician, who lived about the time of Christ mentions that butter was made by agitating the fattest milk, as that of sheep.

 Another writer treats of the comparative qualities of that made from the different animals, but none make mention of its being used even at this period, except by the Thracians and ancient Germans.

 It was between the third and fourth centuries that butter came into general custom of eating the butter was introduced into northern Italy by the merchantmen of Genus and Venice, and from these cities the custom gradually spread over Europe as the good qualities of it became known. Americans are a nation of butter eaters, and, though immense qualities are consumed at home, many thousand pounds are exported every year, and the business is steadily growing, and the quality becomes better.

 From the Baltimore American and in the Lafayette Gazette 4/7/1894


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