Sunday, January 11, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of February 4th, 1899:

Electric Rates Climb.

 Engineer Melchert informs The Gazette that the increase in the electric light rates has caused only one subscriber to withdraw his patronage from the plant. It is the intention of the town authorities to secure the necessary appliances to be able to run over one hundred more incandescents. With this augmentation in the revenues it is believed that the plant will be nearly self-sustaining. As soon as the new boiler is ready for use the street lights will be put on again and the town authorities will be in a position to give the people a first class service. Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1899.

Meet in Regular Session and Attend to the Public Business.

 The Police Jury held its regular monthly meeting Thursday afternoon. The following members were present: Hon. R. C. Landry, president; Messrs. Alonzo Lacy, Ben Avant, Alfred Hebert, J. E. Primeaux, M. Billeaud, Jr., C. C. Brown and Jno. Whittington, Jr.

 The Jury resolved to meet informally at Darmas Broussard's, Feb. 22, to investigate the condition of said bridge and determine what disposition shall be made of the road and bridge.

 The Jury examined plans and specifications for a bridge at Jno. Whittington, Jr., submitted by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company. No action, however, was taken toward accepting bids for said bridge, or advertising for same.

 Judge Mouton appeared and addressed the body in regard to the Darmas Broussard bridge, arguing in favor of retaining said bridge in the interest of the inhabitants on either side of the stream.

 One thousand dollars was authorized issued to School Board out of amount now due. Pin Hook Bridge was relet to S. Bernard at $39 per annum.

 A petition from the citizens of Broussard and vicinity, praying for the reopening of the Bernard and St. Julien public road, was read and a committee consisting of Messrs. M. Billeaud and R. C. Greig, was appointed to ascertain whether said road has ever been abandoned by the parish or not.

 Mr. Primeaux reported having contracted with Jean Denise for the keeping of Olidon Broussard's bridge at $115 per annum, half defrayed by Vermilion. Approved.

 By motion Assessor A. M. Martin was authorized and instructed to place on the special road tax assessment list of all vehicles, etc., within the corporate limits of the town of Lafayette. Some doubt exists as to the right of the Jury in this respect. The sum of $12.50 each was granted unto Lessin Gaspar and wife, Mr. Therence Guidry, Mrs. S. Mathieu, Mrs. E. Bonin indigents.

 A petition from the citizens of Carencro and vicinity, praying for the widening of a public road north of that town, and adjoining the property of R. Francez, was read and Hon. C. C. Brown authorized to comply with said prayer, provided the cost does not exceed $60 said amount to be taken from the special road fund of the 6th ward.

 A petition from the citizens of the 8th ward also asking for the widening of the public road between the properties of Dr. Girard, Mrs. M. A. Thompson, A. Judice and I. Cayret, was read and laid over. Mr. Whittington refusing to consent to the use of the special road fund, in securing such additional width.

 The president and secretary of the Board of Health were allowed $50 each per annum for services.

 A committee consisting of Messrs. Alf. Hebert and R. C. Greig was appointed to advertise for bids to paint the court-house.

 Mr. Primeaux was authorized to purchase about 2000 feet of lumber for his ward.

 The Jury discussed at some length what system should be adopted for the application of the special road tax now being collected, but reached no definite conclusion in the matter. The amount available under this tax is yet an unknown quantity and until that is ascertained at least approximately nothing can be done intelligently. There seems to be a disposition on the part of certain members, however, to maintain the various ward funds separate, each Police Juror determining as to the manner or purpose of expenditure, etc.

 The Jury extended the time for payment of the special road tax until March 1st, up to which date no costs will accrue.

 The committee appointed to settle with the treasurer reported, finding the office satisfactory and quietus granted the treasurer, J. E. Martin. A cash balance of $1940.73 in favor of the parish was shown tallying with the treasurer's report filed.

 Polls collected by Clerk of Court to the number of 161 were ordered transferred to the School Board.

 The official proceedings will appear in our next issue. Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1899.

"After The War."

This truly Southern play, which will be produced at the Opera-house on Feb. 8 must not be confounded with many of the war plays that are now touring the country. There are no battle scenes, no Cubans, no Spaniards, and no mock heroic situations, but a story of heart interest, beautiful dialogue and clean comedy. The plot is intensely interesting and holds the attention of the audience to the finish. "After the War" has already achieved a distinct success in the North, and the press has been most eulogistic in its criticisms. An exchange says: "After the War" is undoubtedly the finest production we have had this season. It is a beautiful story well told. It is replete with interesting dialogue, and the audience was spell-bound at the intensity of the different situations. At the end of the third act, 'the escape from the Georgia prison,'  the players received a perfect ovation and the curtain was raised four times. "After the War" is a success and its author is to be complimented. It is a play that does the South justice." Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1899.

 Charles King will play Monte Crisco at Falk's opera-house to-morrow night. Laf. Gaz. 2/4/1899.

Tinglman Darby has taken charge of the Tolson drugstore. Laf. Gaz. 2/4/1899.

A White Coon?

Louis Domengeaux has a curiosity in the form of a white coon. It was caught in the woods near Breaux Bridge. Although Mr. Coon's association with the civilized world began a short while ago he has already gotten into a very bad habit. He gets drunk. The other day he imbibed so much anisette that he remained on a protracted spree nearly a whole week. Now that Mr. Domengeaux knows his pets weakness he places him beyond the reach of intoxicating beverages. Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1899.

Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Husville Fournet, of St. Martinville, to Miss Nellie Bailey, at St. John's Catholic church, this town, Monday, Feb. 13. Laf. Gaz 2/4/1899.

Telephone Service Expanding. - The long distance telephone is now working through to New Orleans and points beyond. 
Laf. Gaz. 2/4/1899.

Mardi Gras By Train.
St. Martinville will celebrate Mardi Gras. The railroad company will sell half fare tickets to that town from Opelousas, New Iberia and all intermediate points. Tickets will be sold on the 13th and 14th, good to return on the 15th. A special train will run from Arnaudville. 
Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1899.

Nabbed By Sheriff Broussard. - The young negro, Derbes, who is wanted for waylaying and robbing in Iberia parish, is, from all accounts in jail at Crowley. Yesterday morning Sheriff Broussard heard that Derbes was in town and at once started out to catch him. He heard that Derbes had boarded a freight train, and communicated with the authorities of Acadia by whom he was arrested at Crowley. Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1899.

New Residences.
The Gazette is informed that contracts have been made for the erection of four cottages. Mr. D. J. Veazey has contracted with with Mr. B. F. Anderson to build two houses in McComb's addition and Mr. P. B. Roy will build two more houses on the vacant lots near Moss & Co's store. There are more buildings going up in Lafayette than in any other town in Southwest Louisiana. There is no doubt about the correctness of this statement. We are not on a boom, but we are forging ahead at a pretty fast gait. Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1899.

Labor for Street Working
[From the Crowley Signal.]

Shreveport, Monroe, Alexandria, and even our neighbor, Lafayette, has followed suit, have adopted a new and cheap plan to work and drain the streets, viz: All tramps and other persons who have no visible means of support, and all disorderly persons, instead of being fined a dollar or two for such offences, upon trial and conviction by the mayor are condemned to work five, ten or fifteen days on the streets as an admonitory penalty to leave the town to earn an honest living. It is claimed to be a sure way of getting rid of loafers and vagabonds, and a little of that kind of law would do good in Crowley. Let our mayor try it awhile anyway as an experiment. - Crowley Signal.

 For the information of the municipal government of Crowley we will state that the plan to work the tramps on the streets has accomplished one good thing. It has rid the town of a very undesirable element. It sufficed to put only a few hoboes at work. The warning was enough. If our Crowley friends will adopt the same plan they will not get much work out of the tramps, but they will no doubt get rid of a lot worthless fellows. Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1899.

 Everyone should be interested in good roads, and it is to be hoped that the departure to be made by the Lafayette Police Jury from the old system which has proven so unsatisfactory, will result in the building up of good substantial highways all over the parish. The greatest care should always be used in the levying of taxes, for at best they are a burden to many. But if from a small per capita and vehicle tax enough money can be raised to put the public roads in good condition there will not be a tax-payer who will consent to go back to the old system that has been giving us bad roads twelve months in the year. Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1899.

An Unsolicited Letter from Col. Burt.

 Judge Moss has given The Gazette the following letter of introduction from the colonel of the regiment to which Lieutenant J. A. Moss belonged, on his recent transfer to another organization. Col. Burt was not present at Santiago being in charge of a brigade of Volunteers at the time:

 Headquarters 25th U. S. Infantry, Fort Logan, Colorado, Jan 8, 1899.

  H. B. Freeman, Colonel 24, United States Infantry.

 Dear Freeman:-- I desire to present to you my friend Lieut. J. A. Moss late of the 25, United States Infantry.

 I take great pleasure  in commending him to you. He is one of the most promising young officers I have served with. Lieutenant Moss distinguished himself for great gallantry, I am told by those who know, at Santiago particularly on July 1, on the successful desperate assault at El Caney where, owing to casualties among the officers in the charge, he ultimately commanded two companies.

 Lieutenant Moss is a very reliable officer in the performance of his duty. He is a fine drill officer, a disciplinarian, of untiring energy and industry in all his undertakings. He speaks French fluently. Socially and officially he is an addition to any regiment. His leaving the 25th is a personal and official loss to me.
          Sincerely yours,
                                  A. S. BURT,
  Colonel 25th U. S. Infantry, Commanding.
Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1899.

Mardi Gras Train Fares.
The Southern Pacific will sell tickets to New Orleans and return on Feb. 10, 11, 12 and 13, at the rate of one fare. Tickets good for return up to and including Feb. 24. Children under 12 years of age half adult rate. 
Laf. Gaz. 2/4/1899.


Corporation of Lafayette vs. Delinquent Tax-payers.

 By virtue of the authority vested in me by the constitution and the laws of the State of Louisiana, I will sell at the town hall in the corporation of Lafayette, in the State aforesaid, between legal sale hours, beginning at 11 o'clock,

     Saturday, Feb. 4, 1899,

 and continuing on each succeeding day, until the sales are completed, all property on which  taxes are now due to the corporation of Lafayette, to enforce collection of taxes assessed in the year 1896 or 1897, together with interest thereon from the 31st day of December, 1896 or 1897, at the rate of 2 per cent per month until paid, and all costs. The names of said delinquent tax-payers, the amount of the taxes due by each on the assessment of said year and the property assessed to each to be offered for sale, as follows, to-wit:


 Michaud & Hebert, lot 244, Mills addition; tax 1896, 30 cents; tax 1897, 50 cents, interest 46 cents, total $1.26.


 Ursin Boudreaux, heirs, one lot, Kennedy Addition, tax 1896, $1.00, notice 10 cents, interest 25 cents, total $1.35.

 Mrs. Eliza Edmond, estate, one half lot 383, Mills addition, tax 1896, 75 cents, notice 10 cents, interest 18 cents, total $1.03.

 Caroline Mouton, one lot Kennedy addition, tax, 1896, $1.00, notice 10 cents, interest 25 cents, total $1.35.

 Mrs. Susana Richardson, lot 8, square 35, McComb addition, tax 1896, 50 cents, tax 1897, 94 cents, notice 10 cents, interest 69 cents, total $2.23.

 Wm. Foote, lot 9, McComb addition, tax 1897, $1.90, notice 10 cents, interest 92 cents, total $2.92.

 Annaide John, lot 86, Mouton addition, tax 1897, $2.06, notice 10 cents, interest 92 cents, total $3.08.

 Albert Neville, one half lot, Mills addition, tax 1897, $2.90.

 Mrs. Mary Pradier, lot 94, Mouton addition, tax 1897, $1.56, notice 10 cents, interest 69 cents, total $2.35.


 Mrs. Mary Sonnier, lots 1 and 2, square 14, McComb addition; lots 342 and 343, Mouton addition, tax 1896, $5.00, notice 10 cents, interest $1.25, total $6.35.

 Smith Alpha, lot 138 Mouton addition, tax 1897, $1.50, notice 10 cents, interest 70 cents, total $2.36.

 Mrs. Emily Falk, 1,2 and 3, B. K. C., McComb addition, taz 1897, $1.87, notice 10 cents, interest 90 cents, total $2.87.

 Joseph Montet, lot 352, Mouton addition, tax 1897, 75 cents, notice 10 cents, interest 35 cents, total $1.20.

 On said day I will sell such portion of said property as each debtor will point out, and in case the debtor will not point out sufficient property, I will at once and without further delay, sell the least quantity of said property of any debtor, which any bidder will buy for the amount of the taxes, interest and cost due by said debtor. The sale will not be without appraisement for cash in legal tender money of the United States, and the property sold shall be redeemable any time for the space of one year by paying the price given, with twenty per cent, and cost and penalty added.

 The mortgage creditors are hereby notified that if the property to be sold is not redeemed, the sale thereof when recorded in the conveyance or mortgage office shall operate as a cancellation of all conventional and judicial mortgages thereon.

                        D. J. VEAZEY.
                      Constable and Collector
  Lafayette, La., Dec. 31, 1898.
Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1899.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 4th, 1899:

Scott, La., Jan. 31st, 1899.

 Many of our farmers about this neighborhood have lately made efforts to plant their cane crop, but, the weather is so fickle and it rains so much, they have to desist. The ground being very wet, connoisseurs tell us that cane put down in such land will invariably turn out a "poor stand."

 The only piece of good road that we know of in the parish, is between Scott and Lafayette, five miles which in spite of the frightful rainy season we are having, remains in first class condition, fully demonstrating the possibility of good roads for Lafayette Parish, if only once they are well worked. Were it not that two or three points of drainage along the road have been neglected by the officers whose duty it is to attend to such matters, the traveling public would have as good as a shell-road between these two places. Incidentally, it may be said here that this five miles of road construction only costs the parish $50.00 thanks to the splendid management of Mr. Alcide Judice with Messrs. Billeaud and Martin doing the work of grading. Under the forthcoming new system of working the public highways, Messrs. Billeaud and Martin having proven what they can do as road constructors, why nor the Hon. Police Jury aim to secure the services of these gentlemen, pay them a living salary, turn the public roads of the parish over to their charge, and we dare say, it will not be long before the Police Jurors shall have reason to congratulate themselves upon their happy selection; at least this would seem the opinion entertained by those knowing Messrs. Billeaud and Martin.   Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1899.

Grand Masquerade Ball given by the Fire Department of Lafayette for the benefit of the Bell Tower.


.FLOOR MANAGERS:  E. Pellerin, Felix Mouton, O. B. Hopkins, B. Coumes, A. J. Alpha, Dr. G. A. Martin.

RECEPTION COMMITTEE: F. G. Mouton, C. D. Caffery, O. C. Mouton, C. Debaillon, A. E. Mouton, J. T. Allingham.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1899.

To Be Wed.
We return thanks for an invitation to attend the marriage of Miss Nellie Bailey to Mr. H. P. Fournet which is to be held at St. John's Catholic Church on Monday, Feb. 13th at 5 p. m. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1899.

 The friends and acquaintances of Dr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Hopkins are respectfully invited to attend the marriage of their daughter Susie M. to Mr. W. A. LeRosen Thursday the 9th inst. 1899 at 10 o'clock a. m. in the M. E. Church, Lafayette, La. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1899.


 The outlook for the success of the Louisiana Industrial Fair, to be held at the Fair Grounds in New Orleans from May 6th to May 31st 1899, is very promising. Large quantities of space have already been applied for and allotted to the principal local merchants and there still remains a considerable number more to be acted upon by the committee having the matter in charge. It is now an assured fact that there will be a nightly representation of an elaborate pyrotechnic display of the celebrated sinking of the collier Merrimac, in the narrow entrance of Santiago Harbor and the running flight made by Cervera's fleet in its attempt to escape from the blockading squadron at Santiago.

 The plans for the buildings are receiving the finishing touches and work upon the construction thereof will be commenced immediately after the close of the winter racing now in progress at the Fair Grounds where the Industrial Exposition is to be held. Another of the features of the Fair will be a unique representation of the Midway Plaisance shown for the first time at the World's Fair. The railroad interests of the city are formulating plans for the bringing to New Orleans of large excursion parties from various sections of the Southern States and they are confident of attracting large crowds.

 On the night preceding the opening of the Fair there will be rendered at the Tulane Theatre a drama written by a New Orleans playwright and presented by New Orleans artists of whom the city is justly proud. The annual resources of Louisiana will be fittingly exhibited during the Fair, large spaces having been allotted for the special exposition of her products. Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1899.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 2/4/1899.

Mrs. T. N. Blake entertained the Ladies Five O'clock Tea Club, Thursday evening, at the Cottage Hotel. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1899.

Mr. F. O. Darby is now temporarily engaged in the Lafayette Drug Co., until Mr. Tom Hopkins, son of Dr. Hopkins will take charge. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1899.

 If you are going to the Ball, get your Tarletons and other goods for Mardi Gras at the Racket Store. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1899

 Go to F. Canatella, the up-t0-date shoemaker for shoe repairing and stylish Hobson's shoes. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1899.

 The Chas. King Co., will appear to-morrow night at Falk's Opera House in Monte Christo. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1899.

 Grand Ball, Feb. 14, at Falk's Opera House. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1899.


  From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 4th, 1893:


Of Business Men to Consider the Proposition Made by Mr. T. H. Leslie.

Almost an Assured Fact that a Railroad Will Be Built from Lafayette to Abbeville This Year.


Mr. T. H. Leslie, President and General Manager of the Stuttgart and Arkansas River Railroad, from whom we published a letter in last week's ADVERTISER, arrived in Lafayette Thursday afternoon, and called at this office. We soon discovered that Mr. Leslie meant business, and was a man who talked "straight from the shoulder."

He stated that he could remain only a short time in our city, and as he had several propositions to make to the people, requested us to call a meeting of some of our representative citizens to meet him at 11 o'clock Friday morning, which we agreed to do. Our own time was fully occupied, but we saw as many as was possible, and as possible, and as a result a number of business men congregated to the director's room of the People's State Bank, who kindly granted the use of the room for a meeting. Mr. Leslie submitted the following written proposition which was read to the meeting.

Lafayette, La., Feb. 3, 1893:
A. C. Ordway, Esq.,
Editor Advertiser,

DEAR SIR: - I would be pleased to submit through you, confidentially to some of your representative citizens, the following co-operative proposition.

In the event of your people being induced to vote the aid requested by me, I will at my own expense have issued a satisfactory pamphlet setting forth your advantages and resources ; and will offer a bonus of $20,000 to anyone who will establish a cotton factory, employing not less than 150 people, and $10,000 bonus for a good No. 1 sugar refinery, which I will pay upon the erection of one or both of the above-named plants. I will agree to bring about a reduction of an average of at least 10 per cent on all freight rates to and from this town, and also these representative men to select the Treasurer and two Directors of the road, thus ensuring many direct benefits to your city.
T. H. Leslie.

It may be well to explain here that the aid requested by Mr. Leslie and referred to in the above proposition is a 5 mill tax for ten years from the town and an 8 mill tax for the same period from the parish.

After the reading of the above proposition Mr. Leslie was introduced and spoke as follows:

"GENTLEMEN: In the event of your advocating and securing the aid requested by me, I will obligate myself to meet your city and parish in a co-operative spirit for the development of your country, by inducing the investment of capital in various enterprises calculated to promote the rapid development of your dormant resources. Among the number that I should aid and encourage would be the following:

A Sugar Refinery, An Electric light plant, A System of Water Works, A Cotton Factory and
A Street Railway,

As an incentive to establish the two most important industries named, viz: a Sugar Refinery and a Cotton Factory. I will give a bonus of $10,000 to the first named and $20,000 to the second, and with this encouragement and the general stimulation given by the building of a railroad to the coast. I do not question or doubt the future prosperity of your city. I have never seen greater average advantages than here, and they only need to be known to the outside world to be most wonderfully developed in the next few years. If by a liberal policy you can double your population in the next five years and increase the value of all property 100 per cent., at a nominal cost to yourselves, you are certainly the gainers by the transaction. My proposition contemplates mutual benefits and is all one-sided as is the case frequently in railroad matters. My theory is, and my experience has demonstrated the fact that a large tonnage and low rates are better for both the railroad and the people, as low rates encourages the people to handle many articles that otherwise would be impossible."

After his remarks were finished a general discussion of the matter took place, and Mr. Leslie convinced everyone present that he was thoroughly in earnest in the matter and was in a position to carry out every proposition made by him to the people. Arrangements were made for further correspondence with Mr. Leslie regarding the matter, and after receiving assurances from all present that they would support the matter earnestly and heartily, Mr. Leslie took his departure.

At the close of the railroad discussion advantages was taken of the opportunity afforded by the presence of the business men to take preliminary steps for the organization of a Business Men's Association, which in the future could take charge of any movement started that would benefit our town, and the following named gentlemen were enrolled as members:

Chas. O. Mouton, N. P. Moss, I. A. Broussard, Judge O. C. Mouton, T. M. Biossat, John O. Mouton, Julian J. Mouton, Julian J. Mouton, Alfred Hebert, J. Higginbotham, B. Falk, Wm. Campbell, Capt. J. C. Buchanan, A. J. Moss, A. M. Martin, A. C. Ordway, A. C. Guilbeau and Crow Girard.

On motion Messrs. O. C. Mouton, Alfred Hebert and A. C. Ordway were appointed a committee to draft a constitution and by-laws to be submitted to a meeting Monday evening, the Chairman to act as a member of ex-officio of the committee.

A motion was made and carried that a meeting be held at the Court House, next Monday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, and that all business men and citizens of Lafayette be urgently requested to attend with a view of affecting a permanent organization, after which the meeting broke up, and everyone present seemed to realize that if Lafayette was ever to advance in wealth and prosperity, the time had arrived for earnest work.

Let there be a large attendance on next Monday night. Everybody owes it as a duty to the community to attend.

Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1893.

We believe that the assertion can be truthfully made that a very large majority of our people are beginning to see the "error of their ways," and regret deeply the lack of public spirit and enterprise that has prevailed in the past in Lafayette ;  that they realize that the only way to make a live town is for the people to become imbued with public spirit, and grant heavy support to new enterprises, as they from time to time are introduced.

 Many of our best citizens determined that something shall be done to advance the interests of Lafayette and the surrounding country at once. Something that will inaugurate a movement that shall tend to induce a healthy growth of the town, and induce new people to move in and cast their lot with ours. This feeling should be encouraged and developed and until each and every man, woman and child become permeated with an unselfish public spirit that will not only make them a willing but anxious to work, shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand, to advance the growth, wealth and prosperity of our fair country, and the ADVERTISER will be found at all times ready and willing to do all within its power to encourage and help a movement tending in that direction.

 But it will be utterly impossible to make any material headway toward building up our city until a different feeling shall be engendered in the hearts and minds of our people in regard to educational matters. We not only need better schools but we need to have a fuller realization of the advantage to be gained by educating the youth of our country. Parents must have a "change of heart" as it were, and become anxious and determined that their children shall have good educational advantage offered them, and then compel them to improve such advantages. Lafayette should, owing to its geographical situation, be an educational center, and it could be made so very easily.
Almost the first questions a person will ask who is looking up a new location and examining the advantages offered by different localities is: "What are your school facilities? Can I education my children at home if I move to your city and not be compelled to send them away to school and thus deprive them of the help and guidance of their parents just when they most need it?"

 At the present time only a negative answer could be returned to such inquiries, therefore we say, let us get our high school opened at once and it possible for people to locate here without being compelled to sacrifice the future welfare of their children by doing.

 We often hear of the "hustling" spirit of western town, but we can assure you will find, if you visit one of those some western towns, that a good public school was almost the first thing established. We have seen new towns, only a few months old, containing not over a hundred people, that had a fine two-story school house, capable of accommodating three or four hundred scholars. They know and realize that without school advantages people will not settle in a new place. But aside from the question of building up the town, it is a duty we owe to ourselves and to our children, to afford them the advantage to be derived from good schools. The best interests of our town demand that the high school building be completed, and a school opened therein, not necessarily a high school at once, for our wants hardly demand that as yet, but a graded school, with a high school grade or academic department.

 Were such a school opened and conducted as it should be, we believe that many people living in the surrounding country would send  their children here to school, and be willing to pay a fair sum for their tuition, following in this way, additional boring towns are awake to the results to be obtained from good schools and are building them. Yet here is Lafayette, with a school building nearly completed, upon which work has been stopped, through lack of funds, pursuing the even tenor of her way without a thought or care, whether it is ever finished or not. We do not mean that there are not some who care, but the majority seem perfectly indifferent to the fact that the building stands there a monument to the ignorance and lack of public spirit of our city. 
Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1893.

 To assist in swelling the High School fund the ADVERTISER has concluded to inaugurate in Louisiana the latest English and New York fashion -- the missing word contest. The terms are as follows: Each person who wishes to try to supply the missing word in the paragraph that is given below, must cut out the "Missing Word Coupon" on this page of the ADVERTISER, and with name and address and the missing word plainly written in the proper place, send the same, together with 25 cents, to this office. The total of the fees received will be divided into two parts -- the first to be given to the high school fund and the second to be divided equally among those who currently guess the missing word. This coupon will be printed for one month. The result will be announced in the issue of this paper following the close of the contest.

 "This is the paragraph :
  If we are to have a High School it behooves the people to stir themselves and --------------."

 The missing word in this paragraph is known only to the editor, and it has been written and sealed by him in an envelope which will not be opened till the contest closes, when it will be opened by three prominent citizens. Competitors can make as many guesses as they choose, but each attempt must be made on a coupon taken from this paper and accompanied by the entrance fee of twenty-five cents.

[Cut this coupon out, fill up the blanks, and with twenty-five cents send it to the editor.]


Post office address................................

Missing Word.......................................
Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1893.


 If the farmers of the North and West were conversant with the many advantages afforded by our rich soil and magnificent climate, there would be a constant stream of immigrants pouring into South-western Louisiana. But the difference between the two sections is so great ;  the fertility of our soil so wonderful that it is hard to convince one who has not visited this section that the half that is said of the country is true. There is no section of country within the broad domain of our land where nature repays with so bountiful and generous a hand, the efforts put forth by the husbandman ;  no soil can be found that will produce more to the acre than that found in Lafayette and surrounding parishes. The land stretches out in gentle slopes, with here and there small ravines, forming one of the most beautiful and picturesque scenes that ever enchanted the eye of mortal. The hills and dales seem like the swelling bosom of the ocean ;  ever and anon we see the home of the planter, on the summit of a crest, only to disappear from view as descend a gentle slope, like the buoyant ships that proudly ride the waves of the sea on a calm and tranquil day. Surely, the people of this section have much to be thankful for, and when one views the glories of the scenery, becoming familiar with the delightful climate, and productiveness of the soil, he no longer wonders at the great love for the South which has always filled the hearts of her sons and daughters. It is not remarkable that the people of the South are noted for their hospitality, for it would be impossible to dwell in this sun-kissed land of plenty without imbibing and absorbing a part of the generosity which Nature herself has distributed with such a lavish hand. A man's nature must need of necessity, expand and become greater and nobler, and his heart warm toward his fellow man under the influences of such glorious surroundings.

 The many and great advantages offered by Dame Nature to the farmer will ere long become universally known and appreciated, and even now the beauty of our country is attracting the attention of the outside world, and capitalist and farmer alike are casting a longing eye in a southerly direction, and ere many months have gone a tide of emigration will set in that will bring both prosperity and wealth to this country, and inside of a few years the glories of our beloved South will be sung together by a happy and contented band of native sons and adopted sons who will work together for the common good, until the South, the glorious South, shall become the most prosperous part of the Union. 
Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1893.              


The Governor to Issue a Call for a State Emigration Convention in the Near Future.

Why Should Not Lafayette be Chosen as the Place For the Proposed Meeting.

Gov. Foster's Views on the Question.

The question of inducing emigration has for the past few months been discussed by both press and private citizen. All over the state, in private as well as official circles, there seems to be an awakening to the advantages to be derived from an influx of thrifty, desirable, revenue-producing agricultural emigrants from other states and countries. The question of holding an emigration convention as a means of furthering some concerted action by the different parishes of the state, tending to make known to the world at large the great advantage our state has to offer to the industrious emigrant, has been discussed by prominent men of the state, and is considered to be the best course to take to accomplish the desired end.
Saturday's States published an interview with Governor Foster on this question which we make a few excerpts:

"That we stand in need of immigration - the best kind of immigration - and that therein lies." Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1893


 Out in 8 rounds it would not create as much excitement as the arrival of


World and Operatic Comedians
Falk's Opera House
Saturday, February 4th.

Admission at Usual Prices.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1893.

Police Jury Proceedings.

     Lafayette La., Jan. 4, 1893.
 The committee appointed to estimate the probable parochial expenses for the year 1893, made the following report, which on motion was accepted and ordered published in the official journal for the space of thirty days :

     Lafayette, La., Jan. 4, 1893.
To the Hon. President and Members of the Police Jury of the Parish of Lafayette:
  GENTLEMEN. -- Your undersigned committee beg leave to report the following as the probable expenses for the year 1893.
Salary of officers $5,900.00
Feeding prisoners $1,500.00
Jurors and witnesses before  District court $3,500.00
Bridges and roads, including road contractor $6,000.00
Justices of the Peace and Constables $1,000
Contingent fund $2,500.00

 Total $20,400.00
         Respectfully submitted,
                                  A. D. LANDRY,
                                  C. C. BROWN,
                                  C. DEBAILLON,
                        W. B. TORIAN, President,
        R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1893.

Mrs. Ada Castille, beloved wife of Jos. A. Chargois, Esq., died at the family residence Wednesday, Feb. 1st at 12:oo o'clock (?). m., after a prolonged illness. Deceased leaves a husband and six children to mourn her untimely death. The deepest sympathy is entertained for the bereaved family.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1893.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 2/4/1893.

Mr. Paul Demanade, our worthy postmaster, is reported to be seriously ill.

Mrs. A. Labe returned home Sunday from a visit to relatives in San Antonio, Texas.
Prof. W. A. Bonnet, made a short visit to Opelousas the fore part of the week.

A. Georgides has established a candy manufactory on Lincoln Ave., next to McDaniels saloon. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1893

Messrs. Wm. and Pierre Guchereau are busily engaged burning a new kiln of brick this week.
Laf. Adv. 2/4/1893
Mr. Treville Bernard, of Lake Charles, was a visitor to our town during the latter part of the week.

Mr. T. E. Mumme and wife, of San Antonio, Tex., were on a short visit to Mrs. Mummes' mother, Mrs. Irwin, this week.
Mr. P. J. Chappius, one of Crowley's prominent young lawyers, was in Lafayette last Monday on professional business.

Mr. R. W. Elliot has moved his law office to the very cozy little building owned by Mrs. P. D. Beraud, opposite the city hall. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1893

Mr. George Richard, representing the large clothing house of Wanamaker & Brown, Philadelphia, was a pleasant visitor to our town this week.

Miss Azelie Rousseli returned to her home at Patterson, last Wednesday, after an enjoyable stay in our midst, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. Cornay.

Miss Leila Singleton, returned the first of the week from San Antonio, Tex., where she had been visiting her friends, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mumme.

Lafayette continues to have a steady and healthy growth. Persons who return after an absence of a few months are strongly and favorably impressed with the fact.
Laf. Adv. 2/4/1893

Mr. E. Hough, Manager of the Western department of Forest and Stream, with headquarters at Chicago, was in Lafayette the early part of the week. He is down here on a short shooting expedition. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1893

The attention of the town authorities is called to the bad condition of the main plank walk at a number of different points. The old adage of "a stitch in time saves nine" will be found particularly applicable in this interest. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1893

Mr. W. D. Southwell, of New Iberia, was in town last Wednesday making arrangements for the completion of his contract for the final work in the interior of the bank building down stairs. He will also make the needed changes in the second story previous to its occupancy by the K. of P and Brotherhood of Railroad Train lodge. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1893

A number of our citizens have expressed their willingness to place street lamps on their premises, next to public thoroughfares on condition that the oil and other requirement for such lamps be provided by the corporation. We believe if a proper representation of the of the matter were made to the town council by person interested, satisfactory arrangements could be affected. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1893

 Mr. J. Ed. Mouton, a substantial citizen of Mouton's Switch, was in town one day this week purchasing plantation supplies. Mr. Mouton was one of the first of Lafayettes' planters to engage in cane culture, and his efforts have been abundantly rewarded. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1893

 The Misses Clye and Lizzie Mudd entertained a few of their young friends last Monday evening, and a pleasant time, as a matter of course, was enjoyed. Some wonderful tricks in ledgerdemain were performed by some of the guests present, we are informed. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1893

 A Grand Masquerade Mardi Gras Ball will be given by a joint committee, on Tuesday, February 14th, at Falk's opera house. The Breaux Bridge string band has been engaged for the occasion, and all who attend can be assured of a pleasant time. Laf. Adv. 2/4/1893 

 We take great pleasure in stating that the Lafayette String Band is now prepared to furnish music for dances and parties on all occasions. We trust that they will meet with encouragement, for the lack of good music has been severely felt on many occasions.
Laf. Adv. 2/4/1893

 Rev. M. Lyons occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church, last Sunday morning. He was here in regard to the building of a parsonage for the presiding elder of this conference, in Lafayette.  The intention is, if the money can be raised, to build a house that will cost from $1,500 to $2,000, which will be the permanent home of the presiding elder. We sincerely hope that the needed amount will be raised, and the parsonage built, for it would insure our town of always having the family of the presiding elder with us.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1893.  

Made by Our Railroad Reporter for the Readers of the Advertiser. 

Conductor Joe Fauril has taken the place of Conductor Wm. Quinn, during the latter's vacation.

Engineer Joe Burts, who shot Engineer Sullivan in Houston some time since, is again on his regular run.

Mr. James Mitchell, assistant master mechanic of the Morgan division, made a short trip to New Iberia, last Saturday.

Mr. M. C. Thornton, the popular night operator of the Southern Pacific, has returned from his vacation and his smiling face is to be again seen on our streets.

The special train carrying the official of the road over the Morgan division was in charge of Conductor J. Ashton, while the throttle of engine No. 709, which pulled the train was held by Engineer C. Devor.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cayard returned from New Iberia on last Sunday, where they had been to celebrate their wooden wedding. May they live to celebrate many anniversaries of a prosperous married life, is the earnest wish of the Advertiser.

Mr. J. Mitchell, of the Morgan division and Miss Florence Betencourt, of Algiers, were married in St. Mary's church at Algiers, Monday, January 30th. The Advertiser joins their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous voyage on the matrimonial sea. and trust that their lives will be spared for many years to enjoy life together.

On Wednesday, evening a party of prominent Southern Pacific officials were in Lafayette. They traveled on a special train on a tour of inspection. The party was composed of Messrs. T. Crocker, 1st vice president ; J. Kruttschnitt, general manager ; Wm. F. Owens, superintendent of the Morgan division, and W. B. Mulvay, superintendent of the Louisiana division. The officials report themselves as being well pleased with the condition of the road.

We are informed that the question of erecting at an early date a new depot building at this place, to contain waiting rooms, lunch room, express and baggage room, is under construction by the officials of the Southern Pacific. The new building would be erected near the track, thus avoiding the inconvenience of going the distance now necessary on rainy days. It would be a great improvement and one that would be appreciated by the patrons of the road.

We had the pleasure of inspecting the air brake instruction car of the Southern Pacific Co. last Wednesday. The car is fitted with eight Westinghouse air brakes, and a small upright steam engine which furnishes the power to work the brakes. The car is under the direction of Mr. W. C. Cox and the object of the company in sending the car over their road is to thoroughly instruct trainmen in the use of the brakes. It is a good idea and shows that the company is solicitous of the comfort and safety of the passengers.

While the day yard manager master, Mr. Henry Church, and City Marshall C. H. Bradley were having a dress parade at the depot Friday. Charlie Devoe with his old 709, came along. When Charlie saw the procession he pulled open the throttle to give them a salute, but the whistle seemed to be too full for utterance as it were, and "kinder" choked up with its feelings, but you should have seen the procession after the whistle got in its deadly work - two white and spotless shirts changed to the hue of midnight and a disgusted parade was the result. Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1893.

From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 4th, 1882:

Freight Charges.

Complaints against the Morgan Company on account of extortionate freight charges have, of late, been loud and numerous among our business people, -- and if the current reports be true, these complaints are far from being groundless. It is well known that when the Morgan road was completed here, and for some time after, many of the merchants of this place were receiving their freight direct from New Orleans by boat, and though this could not have interfered to a great extent with the business of the company, a plan was arranged to get rid of what might be a serious leak in their freight receipts. Thus contracts were made by which regular freight charges were reduced materially, the contract was made for the term of one year, at the end of which time there was no more boat and charges went up to the old figures. But the company was not content with this, the "old figures" have been increased at irregular intervals with startling rapidity, and we take it that no one who has received freight at this point, will contend that current rates are not in keeping with all the features of a gigantic monopoly.

 In addition, these rates are not only extortionate,--they are arbitrary, in fact it amounts to this, "Now we've got you cornered,--give us all your money, or you don't get anything to eat." It is asserted as a fact, that goods may be ordered from New Orleans to Washington, La., and back from there to this place and the difference in the cost of this mode of shipment and that from New Orleans here at once is against the company. The solution of this paradoxical statement does not require the time and thought on a complicated riddle,--boats run regularly to and from Washington. The Morgan company evidently means to "make hay when the sun shines;" the (unreadable words) ... unmistakable,--the (unreadable words) ... important day, a railroad commission (unreadable words) .... fair rates.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1882.

Sprucing Up.
Court House square has lately been adorned by the planting of several well grown cedars and four oaks. We are told this is done by individuals on their own responsibility. We hope the idea will take and that others will "do it some more." Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1882.

Train Derailed.
The West bound Texas passenger train was thrown from the track, near Rayne Station, on Sunday night 29th. ult., by a cow. Fortunately no one was hurt ;  a delay, however, of ten to twelve hours was caused by the mishap. Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1882.

Back in Jail.

One Adler, recently out of the State penitentiary through executive clemency, was arrested a few days since by Constable Falk on a charge of horse stealing. After remaining in jail for several days he was let to bail in the sum of $125.00. Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1882.

 A Lumber Yard at the Depot.- We learn that Judge Moss has completed arrangements to establish a Yard at the Depot, and will be able to furnish cypress and pine lumber to any quantity desired. 
Lafayette Gazette 2/4/1882.

Grand Ball. - Invitations are out for the Grand Ball on the 18th inst. at the La. W. Hotel, the ladies being generally invited,--with their escorts who, by the way, must provide themselves with a piece of metallic substance commonly known as the American dollar, or--it's equivalent--a ticket, before they knock for admittance. This much for the door, and when you get in--well, you mustn't know to fix yourself in such a way that should you grow Shakespearean and say "he who steals my purse, &c.," you would, more than anything else, resemble a harp struck by lightning. 
Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1882. 

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 4th, 1913:


 The entertainment given by the Ben Hur at the Unique Theatre Wednesday night for the benefit of Louis Chopin was the biggest success of our local talent, the house was crowded and standing room only was noticeable at 7:30. The Lafayette Concert Band rendered nice music under the leadership of Pierre Gerac, and Misses Mouton were next with a pretty piano duet, then followed Lloyd Delahoussaye in one of his nice ballads.

 Miss Caillouet and Mr. George, accompanied by Miss Mouton captured the audience with their mandolin duet.

 That Rag Time Soldier Man, Claude Blanchet, was right on the spot and the writer knows he would do first class on the Orpheum Circuit, but we just can't afford to let him go.

 Kentucky Days was nicely rendered by Frank Meyers, still we like him better in his inimitable black face.

 Miss Ruth Mouton followed an instrumental solo that was very much appreciated.

 That ever ugly looking ni**er, Alexander Bagarry, made a hit that a real professional would have been proud of in his Way Down South. Then followed by C. L. Sherwood, better known as Zeke, in the Ever Loving Sugar Babe. At the chorus his long lost baby was found in the audience in her new gown of polka dots, and black face and joined him, which was no other than Frank Meyers. Their act finished with Those Coons at the piano and added very much to the success of the entertainment, and if their success keeps up it will not be long before we will have to pay more than 25 cents to see their smiling faces of midnight.

 Miss Effie Mouton as Mammy took down the house with her Mammy's Shuffling Rag, accompanied by those dark-eyed levee coons, Sherwood, Bagarry, Blanchet and Meyers.

 Miss Shackford, in her usual way, entertained the audience with her beautiful solo and was the recipient of much applause.

 Mr. F. V. Mouton's sole was very nicely rendered and the only regret was that Mr. Mouton did not hear the loud nicely rendered and the only regret was that Mr. Mouton did not hear the loud applause and failed to return. Mr. Sherwood ended the program with his clever song. Ragging the Baby to Sleep, and as usual, captured the house from the first word. The entertainment was a great success and the Ben Hur and all who took part is to be congratulated on working together such a nice evening of enjoyment.
       (Signed)   ONE WHO WAS THERE.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1913.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 4th, 1910:


 The Laying of the Cornerstone of the First Baptist Church to Take Place February 10, Under the Auspices of the Masons.

 The corner stone of the new Baptist church will be laid on Thursday, Feb. 10, at 3:30 p. m. under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity Grand Master L. E. Thomas of Shreveport will be present and conduct the exercises. Representatives from the lodges at Abbeville, Crowley, Rayne, New Iberia and St. Martinville will be present and assist the local lodge, Hope Lodge No. 145, in the ceremonies. At night Hope Lodge will entertain the visiting brethren at a banquet at the Gordon Hotel. Lafayette Advertiser 2/4/1910. 


How a Deserted Wife Evened Accounts with Her Husband.

 The last boat of the season going south was slowly picking its way through the accumulating blocks of ice floating down the great Mississippi. Now and then the ponderous wheel at the rear would cease to revolve, then as the great engines would be reversed the wheel would turn backward, extricating the prow from the threatening ice then veering to the right or left would again move forward.

 The captain, who had for twenty years plowed up and down the grand old Mississippi, a hale fellow well met with old water dogs, looked a little anxious, for he was desirous of reaching Keokuk that night to lay by for the winter. But there were treacherous rapids, with their hidden rocks and swirling eddies between him and his port. It was dusk when the boat rounded the bend at Nauvoo and came in sight of the rapids stretching away to the south for a distance of nearly twelve miles. So far as the government was concerned, the navigation season was closed, and the signal lights, telling of hidden dangers, were not burning. Here and there along the shore could be seen faint lights telling where the barge houses, the homes of the men who were working on the canal then being built, were moored to the river's bank.

 The passengers were gathered near the pilot-house watching the movements of the beset steamer. Swiftly the bronzed pilot swung the wheel around, and slowly the prow turned shoreward, much to the disgust of the deck hands, who did not relish the idea of another night of the season to be spent at a town like Montrose.

 There was one passenger watching the movements of the boat with an eager, agonized face, who burst into tears as the boat turned in its course and made for the shore.

 She was the only lady on board, and mindful of her lonely situation.

 Night was fast approaching and the captain, moved to unwonted sympathy, paused in his pacing up and down, to inquire, in a softened tone, if he could be of service.

 She hesitated for a moment, then, gaining courage as she noted the rugged yet kindly face, said:

 "I must reach Keokuk this evening. My husband starts south on the last boat to-night, I must be there or I shall miss it. It there no way of crossing the rapids?"

 "A skiff would crush like an eggshell in that heavy ice over yonder," replied the captain, "yet" - he eyed the lady curiously - "is it so important?"

 "It is a matter of life and death to me." Her voice was low and solemn. "If there is one chance in a thousand, I am willing to risk it. Here," she tendered a hundred dollar bill, "give this to the man who is ready to take that chance."

 The captain turned gruffly away, pretending not to see the proffered money, and was soon in deep conversation with the pilot. "You see," explained that worthy, "it would be dangerous enough even in the daylight, and at nigh it is a thundering big risk. Even if we clear the rapids safely, I doubt if the skiff would stand the pounding the ice would give it before reaching the city, but" - his eyes wandered to the lonely figure outlined against the evening sky - there was a pathetic loneliness in the sweet face - "by George, that woman is in some desperate trouble; had a row with her old man likely; go - yes - good-by, Cap., Jake will take my place at the wheel in the spring if I don't come back. I would take one of those black lubbers along, but they are such blamed cowards."

 "I will go, sir, if you need me," spoke up a clear, boyish voice, and a youth of perhaps eighteen years, who had listened eagerly to the conversation, stepped forward, saluting the captain.

 "All right, go ahead."

 It did not take long to get the frail bark in readiness, while the male passengers discussed the foolhardy performance. One elderly gentleman, with a fatherly smile, ventured to remonstrate: "Why, madam, it is sure death to go in that way. I would not let a daughter of mine undertake it under any consideration. You had better wait until the early morning train."

 "Thank you, I must go now," was the quiet reply, as the gray-hooded figure, enveloped in a storm cloak and warm furs, was helped into the ice-encircled boat, already freezing fast where it lay. The pilot and youth seated themselves at the oars. How cold and blue looked the bending sky; how the ice crunched and ground hungrily around the moving boat, slowly giving way under the steady strokes of the willing men.

 Far ahead of them the rapids seemed to be solid mass of ice; but the experienced eye of the pilot told him it would way if they could pass the dangerous rocks beneath it.

 Silent and sad the lady sat the rudder, obeying the orders given, while the passengers on board the boat watched them with eager eyes until, through the falling night, they faded away in the darkness.

 The last dangerous eddy was finally passed, the small boat was moving slowly but surely forward through the sea of floating ice. Just before them the gleaming lights from the city shone through the chilling mist.

 The lamps from the boats at the landing threw out a strange fitful glare over the cold, shimmering surface of the icy river that still struggled for freedom. There was an unusual hurry and bustle all up and down the wharf for the last boat of the season was about to start southwards.

 And that last object, far out on the ice was perceived by a few. It seemed moving, slowly but surely, towards the shore. Some paused in their hurried movements to watch it, but time was up, the great, proud boat must back out and work its way down the grand old river, away from the chilly, frostbitten north, down the southland, where the song birds had long since hastened, to sunny woods and flowery fields.

 There were a few moments of preparatory bustling; a prolonged whistle, that ended in a mournful wail; the loud clear ringing of a bell. How the great red and green balls of light shone like a demon's eyes, how bewildering the many voices. The "All aboard" was shouted, the gang plank withdrawn and the great engine began to throb - but louder than the resounding bell, a voice pierced the still frosty air, a woman's voice raised in sudden, beseeching distress. All eyes were turned toward the little boat so near at hand that the lights of the steamer fell full upon it, enveloping in a crimson halo the upright form of a woman, with outstretched arms, outlined against the sky. The engine was stopped, the lifeless giant holding its precious freight of humanity was for a minute motionless. The little skiff drew nearer and nearer, so near that the pilot's words could be distinctly heard as he shouted: "A passenger for New Orleans."

 With something like a muffled oath the captain gave the necessary orders for re-landing, the gang-plank was thrown out, and the woman, pressing a reward into the hands of the brave men who had risked so much for her, was hustled aboard. Though almost benumbed with cold, her first act was to look over the register of passengers. Suddenly her face brightened, her eyes flashed triumphantly. The clerk watched her trembling hand as she hurriedly penciled a line and requested that it be immediately delivered. The note simply said: "George, I have come. You will find me in the ladies' cabin."

 It was after ten, and most of the passengers had retired. A few young people still lingered around the piano, listening to the amiable lady passenger who is aboard all boats, as she again sang the songs so old to her, but new to admiring strangers. The newcomer seated herself in a remote corner and waited. How long the moments seemed, how discordant the music sounded, how insistent the throbbings of the engine. She felt that some one was approaching and her heart beat fast, but she calmly arose and faced her husband.

 "George," her voice was low and pleading, "George, I could not stay there. Forgive me and say that you are glad that I came."

 It was a cold, proud, intellectual face that met her gaze, but handsome, one that a woman might worship. There was no responsive echo to her voice. His outstretched hand, the faultlessly fashioned hand of a man who lived a purely intellectual life, met here own with a cold, lifeless clasp, while an expression of unmistakable annoyance clouded his brow.

 "Mary, do you know that you have made a fool of yourself? What do you mean by following me around in this way? Are you always going to be a clog, a hindrance to me?" The sad face dropped lower and lower, the voice that replied was full of tears:

 "George, I have left all for you, I cannot go back."

 "Have paid your fare to New Orleans?"

 "No - I - didn't think."

 "Never mind, I will see to it;" and very coldly the husband withdrew.

 She thought he staid long, for she was cold and very tired. She felt relieved when he returned and conducted her to the stateroom. "I will walk the deck awhile and smoke," he said. His voice seemed a little more kind, as he added - "Get a good night's rest and you will feel better in the morning."

 "But George," pleaded the woman, as he was about to withdraw, "say you forgive me for coming, I was so unhappy - it was so long to be separated."

 "Yes, of course," he answered absently, as he closed the stateroom door.

 Instead of taking a smoke he seemed to be making hurried preparations for departure. At the first landing made by the boat one lonely passenger in muffled cloak, followed by a servant with baggage, left the boat.

 The next morning a sad wan face appeared in the cabin and soon after the clerk handed her a letter directed by a well-known hand. Alone she opened it, read the cold, careless farewell and knew that she was that most pitiful object on earth - a deserted wife. She realized at last that she had married a man whose ambition ruled him are more than did his heart. He wrote: "I see before me a brilliant career, more glorious than my wildest fancy could depict when I married you. If you love me I believe that you will go your way and leave me free to reach the highest pinnacle of fame. I inclose a check for your present expenses. You can either return to my mother, who is in accord with me, and live in dignified retirement, or remain in New Orleans for the winter."

 This seemed the end of all to her. Death would have been welcome then, for she had given her life, her all, to this cold, calculating man, who considered here a hindrance to his ambitious projects. A vision arose before her of the old bridge down in the grassy meadow where she had first met him - of the handsome, haughty lover who came again and again to the cottage, seeming to the unsophisticated country girl like a prince from fairyland. Was it all a dream?


 It is an editor's sanctum. The bright sunny room is furnished with artistic taste. Fine engravings adorn the walls, while bric-a-brac from many climes bespeak an owner of culture and travel, The table is strewn with papers, parts of letters, and the usual confusion attending a large correspondence; but the object of interest is the occupant of the room -  a man of power and influence. Still, his face does not bear the air of dignified serenity with which it meets the homage of an admiring world. He is alone now, the mask has fallen, and we see a weary, heart-sick man, tired of senseless adulation, tired of the wealth that, almost unsought, is his.

 His thoughts have flown backward over the long busy years, and he stands again by a little garden gate listening for some on - eagerly listening for her lightest footfall. That some one comes, and they walk together down through the flower-gemmed orchard.

 He remembers the pink and white apple blossoms she wore in her belt, and the sunny gold of her brown hair. The he thought he loved her, but when fame held out its glowing promises of success, how easily such foolish thoughts were put away. His mother, too, was ambitious. "Yet," he mused, "she was but a silly doll; she didn't understand me." Then he absently read over a story from a well-known writer, who had contributed for years to his magazine. Somehow her stories, poems and sketches were always eagerly sought. He could learn nothing definite concerning the writer's history. The one thing that puzzled him was, that a person of such apparently fine sensibilities should be so sordid, for she demanded an exorbitant price for every page she wrote. "Ah," he reflected, "if I had met a woman with her powerful imagination, her keen insight, her tender heart, instead of Mary, how different my life would have been."

 A few hours later, dignified, serene, conscious of his high social rank, this man whose name was a synonym for all that was grand and noble, whose opinions were sought after, whose ringing words of eloquence had often hushed into silent admiration thousands of his fellow men, was ushered into the reception room of a distinguished fellow citizen, who had taken this occasion to introduce to the great man one of his well-known contributors, a lady whose name was a household word in almost every home in the land.

 Some one was singing as he entered, the tender song of "Annie Laurie." He found his way as near as possible to the singer, for low and sweet as the tones were they found an echo in his tired heart. "Mary," again he muttered, "somehow I have thought of her all day." As the singer arose, the hostess hastened to introduce her two distinguished guests. He expressed his delight in listening to a song that recalled pleasant memories, and as he talked he wished she would look up; he wanted to see her eyes.

 He could not account for the sudden interest he felt. He had pictured this unknown writer as a confident, self-possessed woman of the world, fascinating in manner, brilliant in conversation, yet here she stood with averted face - he was sure it was a lovely one - answering his remarks in monosyllables. Soon a crowd of admirers claimed her, and to his surprise he saw this silent woman talking with animated face and sparkling eyes to others. He wanted her curiously and felt that he must know her better. She was pleasantly conversational with others during the evening, but he was mortified to observe that she apparently avoided him.

 Once he fancied their eyes met, and "Mary" involuntarily escaped his lips. It could not be she - of course not - yet the same reproachful glance had met his own fifteen years before at that stateroom door on a Mississippi steamboat.

 He would give the worlds to know.

 The evening drew to a close, the host and hostess, with the friend in whose honor the reception had been given, stood in the drawing room door, bidding good night to the departing guests. Slowly the distinguished man whose presence would honor any assemblage approached.

 "I have passed a delightful evening," he said to his entertainers as he bade them good night, then turning to the lady who had so puzzled and interested him he simply said "good night," as he held for a moment her small, shapely hand.

 Was he dreaming or did a voice, sweet and low, respond: "Good night, George."

 He hastened to his apartments, but not to sleep. Hour after hour he paced the floor, then, stearly dawn, he wrote: "Mary, Mary, what a fool I have been, but in my heart there is enshrined a memory of the days of our early love. I have loved you all these years, and now life will be worthless unless you come back and forgive me." He wrote much more in the same passionate strain, then sent it by messenger.

 A few hours later he received a note from his hostess of the evening before, regretting that her guest had gone on the early morning train, but she would mail his letter to her.

 Days of anxious suspense followed, but one morning, while feverishly sorting over his mail, he discovered the long looked-for letter, and hastily read:

 "EDITOR MAGAZINE - Dear Sir: Your last business letter, indicating a desire for a poem for the next issue of your popular magazine, was received some time ago. Pardon the delay. The price for poem enclosed will be the same as that you have usually paid for articles of the same length. 

 Mrs. _________."


 The poem did not appear in the next issue. In fact it was never published. The magazine to which it was sent soon went out of existence. The editor went abroad, caring little for the fame and fortune won at such a fearful cost.

 Josephine D. Hill, in Banner of Gold. Published in the Lafayette Advertiser 5/12/1893.

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