Sunday, January 11, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 5th, 1901:


 If the closing century has been signalized by great events, peering into the future as we stand upon the boundary line of time we are justified in the belief that the dawning century is fraught with great promise.

 The assertion is made, and not without good reason, that the world is growing better. As an indication of this fact may be pointed out the charitable movements of the times - the world wide effort to alleviate human suffering. The number of hospitals, asylums and homes that have been erected during the past century, surely indicate that there is more compassion, more sympathy and brotherhood than ever before. This tendency is accentuated by the special efforts that have been made in recent years to mitigate the suffering from calamities such as the Johnston flood, the great famine in India and the Galveston storm. These and similar occurrences have been the occasion for manifestations of charity and human sympathy as the world has never witnessed before.

 Public opinion also furnishes an indication in the same direction.

 The world's conscience is quicker than of yore, as was well exemplified in the late Dreyfus affair. It demands cleanliness of life in public men, and it is prompt to condemn on abstract principles of right and wrong the wrong-doing of a man or a nation.

 The century just closed has been well named the "wonderful century," for it has witnessed a remarkable advancement in scientific development and educational progress, and looking forward one year there is presented a most hopeful outlook for the future of the human race.

 Some of the reforms and improvements it is believed that will be realized during the 20th century are : the abolition of war,  and this would seem to leave very little more to be desired.

On one can speak with certainty of the future but the world does not go backward, and it is not unreasonable to anticipate with assurance the extension and fruition during the new century of reforms and good movements cradled in the century just closed. And with this belief to inspire us, let us tread into the 20th., century with firm step and unreserved confidence in the plans of the omniscient God, and let each one of us to be resolved to do his honest part in the up building of home and country, for there is work for everybody to do in the grand scheme of the universe.

 The Advertiser wishes to all a very happy New Year in the new century, and predicts that the year 1991 will see the realization of important movements in our midst for the advancement, prosperity and happiness of our people.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1901

 High license has made a clean sweep of the saloon traffic in Lafayette. Out of about twelve saloons only two have taken out licenses, Messrs. Begnaud & Comeaux, in the old town, and Pellerin Bros. at the depot. It is rumored though that perhaps two more may open.
 Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1901

 Mr. John Taylor and Miss Eledia Breaux were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev. Father Chabrier, at Royville, on Jan. 3rd. The groom and bride are both from Broussardville and belong to old families of that section. May they always be happy is the Advertiser's most fervent wish.
 Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1901

 Judge Ed Parent was married at Royville, Wednesday to Miss Catherine Tabarlet. Both young people are popular residents of our little sister town and number many friends. Let good luck and prosperity ever follow them in their wedded life. Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1901  

From the Greenville Herald: 
 O. B. Hopkins left yesterday morning for Lafayette, La., to assume management of a big lumber company. Mr. Hopkins has been employed for a couple of years in the popular Lorch Dry Goods store and is a young man of splendid business qualifications as well as of many other excellent traits of character. He is a stranger to vice, an exemplary and model young man in every particular and many friends here will wish him abundant prosperity and pleasure in his new field of labor.

 From the Greenville Herald and reprinted in the Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1901

Editor Advertiser:
 It ill becomes me a vendor of the spirituous to comment on the actions of the town council of Lafayette, in their conclusions arrived at, concerning licenses.

 None the less the conclusions arrived at are monopolistic in every feature, and are bound to prove detrimental to this community.

 Were it nor that I am personally acquainted with the Honored members of the town council I would say that there was a negro in the woodpile.

 While it is yet time I would suggest a modification of the present license to-say Five hundred dollars. Two hundred of which to be paid on Jan. 2nd, and Two Hundred and fifty on March 1st. In this way the town will not only do itself justice in the way of deriving revenues (which it badly needs) but will prove itself honest in its motives and give satisfaction generally.
                   Respectfully submitted,
                        P. A. VILLERMIN.   Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1901

 The members of the Episcopal congregation wish to extend sincere thanks to Dr. F. E. Girard and to all who so ably assisted in making a success of the delightful play "College Chums." The proceeds of which were donated to church fund.  Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1901

Police Jury Proceedings.
Lafayette, La., Dec. 31st, 1894.
 The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: R. C. Landry, A. D. Landry, H. M. Durke, Alf. A. Delhomme and Alf. Hebert. Absent: Ford Hoffpauir, J. G. St. Julien and C. C. Brown.

 The president being absent the secretary called the meeting to order and by motion duly made Mr. R. C. Landry was elected president pro-tem.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 Mr. D. A. Cochrane, Recorder of Brands, here appeared and represented the necessity of transcribing the record book of his office. By motion it was resolved that this Police Jury hereby expresses willingness to renew the said record of brands and would call upon parishes interested to aid in the work.

 By motion $22.50 was allowed Mr. Durke for the purchase of lumber for the repair of Olidon Broussard Bridge.

 By motion a free peddlers license was granted unto Osma Boudreaux for the year 1895.

 Mr. Durke was authorized to confer with the authorities of Vermilion in reference to the construction of a bridge keepers house at Olidon Broussard's.

 Messrs. R. C. Landry and H. M. Durke were authorized to purchase a carload of lumber for their wards.

 Mr. Alf. Delhomme was authorized to advertise for bids for the construction of a bridge over Coulee Isle de Cannes near Alex. Heberts' and also to let contract for the same.

 By motion the sum of $140, was appropriated to perfect the appeal (Transcript) in the case of Lafayette parish vs. Numa Schayot, also the sum of $50.00 for printing brief in said case.

 The resignation of Hon. Fore Hoffpauir as President of the Police Jury was read and by motion, it was resolved, That the Police Jury accepts the resignation of President Hoffpauir with feeling of profound regret and hereby expresses most sincere appreciation for the able and creditable manner with which he has always ruled the deliberations of this body - and further Resolved that the sympathies of this Police Jury are hereby extended President Hoffpauir in the affliction which is in the providence of God, has fallen upon him, and this body most earnestly prays and hopes for his speedy restoration to health.

 The sum of $50.00 was appropriated to the Lafayette Public school and made payable to Prof. R. C. Greig.

 By motion Mr. Ben Avant was appointed to represent the parish in the State Agricultural Society to meet at Natchitoches, La., January 23, 24 and 25, 1895, and the sum of $50.00 appropriated to defray the expenses of delegate.

 The following accounts were approved:

 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.
R. C. LANDRY, Pres. pro-tem.
R. C. Greig, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1895.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 1/5/1901.

 Mr. Don Louis Herpin has closed his saloon near the Court-House and will enter same business at Scott, having purchased the Foreman saloon at that place. We wish Mr. Herpin good luck in his new venture.

 Dr. J. P. Francez and Messrs. Galbert Guilbeau and Saul Broussard, of Carencro, were in town Thursday.

 Miss Ella Bertrand, of Duson, spent two or three days with Lafayette friends this week.

 Mr. Sam Levy has returned to Lake Charles.

 Judge Galbert Bienvenu has been on the sick list this week.

 Mr. Gaston Blot was in town on New Year eve.

 Miss Bianca Patin, of Carencro, was a guest of her cousins, the Misses Sontag, during the holidays.

 Sheriff and Mrs. Henderson, of New Iberia, spent the day New Year with the Tanner families.

 Miss Ferren of New Orleans, is a guest of her friend Miss Louise Revillon.

 Messrs. Robt. Bailey, Harry Lessley, Fred Courtney, Dr. J. A. Martin and Mr. O. P. Guilbeau and family attended the Bailey-Guilbeau wedding at Carencro, Monday.

 The incessant rains of the past week have completely flooded some of the back streets, even the main thoroughfares of the town being exceedingly slushy, sloppy and muddy. 

The Home Fire Co. will give its annual supper next Tuesday.

 A Shoe for men, the Topround, $3.50 at Tanner's.

 After a few days visit to her sister, Mrs. B. J. Pellerin, the charming Miss Rose DeBlanc returned to her home at New Iberia,Wednesday.

 The past week has been very rainy and muddy, but as we have been blessed with such fair weather for so long a time, that it sounds as rather unjust to comment on the situation.

 All the L. S. U. and Jefferson College students have returned to their classes after a few days vacation with relatives.

 After an agreeable visit to friends and relatives, Mr. Moses Levy has returned to Lake Charles.

 Mr. and Mrs. Rodolphe Roy spent the holidays with Lafayette friends.

 Mrs. Chas. Bienvenu enjoyed New Year with her family at Opelousas.

 The ADVERTISER regrets last week having omitted the name of Wm. Campbell Jr. as one of the Jefferson students spending the holidays with parents.

 Next Sunday after morning service, Rev. Wier will administer sacrament of the Lord supper. This is the first ceremony of this kind performed by Rev. Wier, as he was only ordained at the last conference at Baton Rouge.

 Messrs. Begnaud & Comeaux remembered the Advertiser in their New Year presents. "Old Charter" of Kentucky is the name of the brand. Thanks.

 The Advertiser is pleased to note the strong fight Prof. LeRosen made at the Alexandria Convention of the Teachers Institute in behalf of Lafayette. Franklin won the fight by a vote of two. Mr. LeRosen informed the Advertiser that had a canvass been made early in the day Lafayette would have been victorious.

 The poll tax collectors were kept busy all last week and the rushes made at the sheriff''s office denote how anxious some of the tax-payers were to save their right of suffrage. Even though the collection has been brisk, the Advertiser feels sure that at least 40 percent of the voters will have failed in paying the tax and will be debarred from voting two years hence.    
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1901.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of January 5th, 1901:


The Sheriff's Books Show a Considerable Increase Over Former Years.

 The result of the first year's operation of the law requiring voters to pay their poll tax has been followed by far better conditions in this parish than was generally expected. It was feared that the majority of the voters of the parish would fail to pay the tax and thereby become disfranchised, but, as is shown by the figures furnished The Gazette by Sheriff Broussard, much less than one-third of the registered voters of the parish will be temporarily deprived of the franchise by reason of their failure to pay the tax. The registered vote of the parish at the election last November was 2,300. As may be seen by the figures printed below, 1,708 whites paid the poll tax during 1900. Taking the registration as a basis, there are 525 voters who did not pay the tax. Among the latter must no doubt be a considerable number of men who are exempted from the payment of the tax because of age.

 It should not be overlooked that this law is new, this being the first time that it is enforced. Of course many deserving citizens may be for a time disfranchised, but we believe that the results so far are encouraging.

 The law was passed principally to promote the cause of public education. It should be given a fair trial. If it fails to do the good it was intended to do, the Legislature of 1908 is authorized by the constitution to repeal it, but it is to be hoped that the people will recognize its merits and that its abrogation will be deemed inadvisable.

 The following shows the collection of the tax by wards and gives the totals for the years 1898, 1899 and 1900:

Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1901.


O. B. Hopkins to  Lafayette.
 O. B. Hopkins left yesterday morning for Lafayette, La., to assume management of the business of a big lumber company Mr. Hopkins has been employed for a couple of years in the popular Lorch Dry Goods store and is a young man of splendid business qualifications as well as of many excellent traits of character. He is a stranger to vice, an exemplary and model young man in every particular and many friends here will wish him
abundant prosperity and pleasure.
in his new field of labor. 

From the Greenville Herald and in the Lafayette Gazette January 5th, 1901.

High License.
 Under the new license ordinance of the town two saloons have been opened, one by Begnaud & Comeaux and the other by Pellerin Bros. It seems pretty certain that the saloon in Mr. John O. Mouton's building will be opened in the near future. Heretofore the town derived $2,800 from liquor licenses. The revenues from that source this year will, in in all likelihood, be $3,000. Eleven liquor licenses have been issued in the parish. This is about the same number as last year. Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1901.

Falk's Opera-house. - The Field Minstrels play at Falk's Hall last Monday night. It is strictly a first-class company, and deserves the most generous support of the public.  Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1901.

It Was Loaded, Too.
 It was stated last week that young Lilian DeLahoussaye was shot in the face with a toy pistol loaded with a blank cartridge. It has since been ascertained that such was not the case. The cartridge contained birdshot, one of which lodged near the eye, but fortunately caused no serious injury. Children caught shooting loaded cartridges ought to be religiously spanked by their parents. Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1901.

Shot in Eye.
 Little Henry Voorhies, who was shot in the eye with a toy pistol on Christmas Eve, is still in New Orleans under treatment. We are informed that there is every reason to believe that the injured eye will be saved, though its sight may be somewhat impaired.
Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1901.

New Barber.
 Louis Pizzo, formerly of Lafayette but recently a resident of Chicago, has returned to this town and will remain here permanently. Having learned the barber's trade during his stay in Chicago, he has rented Mr. Gus Lacoste's shop and is now ready for business, and solicits the patronage of the public. Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1901.


The birth of the new century is suggestive of better things. It seems to offer to every community a golden opportunity to improve -- to hasten along the highway of progress. During the last decade of the nineteenth century the South has astonished the world in industrial development. Social or political conditions had placed the Southern States at the mercy of more fortunate sections, and it required almost superhuman energy to overcome difficulties which appeared well nigh insurmountable, and, as was aptly described by the editor of the Daily States,

 "to-day a regenerated South lifts her radiant face to the smiling sunrise and bids welcome to the new century. Her burdens of war lifted, her sorrows past, her energies quickened and her capacity broadened by the first ray from the sun of progress of the young century falls athwart her vigorous form, and every emotion of her nature is vibrant with the thrill of a new life."

 In all the South no section is more favored by nature than that of which Lafayette parish is the garden spot. Its natural advantages are unsurpassed and properly developed would yield sustenance for many thousands more.

 The opening of the century should serve as an incentive to our people. It is the most opportune moment for them to shake off what an eminent educator has called "hindering traditions." Let them keep step with the music of progress and when the band-wagon passes by they will be able to get into the front seats of the vehicle.

 Lafayette has done well in recent years but it can do better. It is strong enough now to accelerate to speed and move along with the swiftest in the race. Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1901.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 5th, 1895:

A Good Beginning

 Emigration to Lafayette parish we think has surely set in. For several weeks past teams could be seen traveling over the streets loaded with furniture, farm implements and other appurtenances, belonging to newcomers moving to the various farms around town on which they had arranged to locate. Mr. Nickerson informs us that he has thus far located in the last few months, counting old and young, forty-four persons (twenty three adults and twenty one minors) representing five different states, vis.: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa and Wisconsin, besides a number from the Dominion of Canada. This, we think, is making quite a good beginning, and is sowing seed that will produce good results. Several of the persons included in the above number were induced, through the influence of Mr. S. L. Carey, to go to Jennings to settle, where they were met by Mr. Nickerson, and persuaded to visit Lafayette parish before deciding to permanently locate at Jennings. Of the seven persons accepting Mr. Nickerson's invitation and who were shown around the country, six concluded to remain here and already are settled down, and the seventh one is expected to do likewise very soon.

 Mr. Nickerson is continually receiving inquiries about this country from parties in the North and West desirous of coming South. We have been permitted to make the following extracts from one of the latest of these, that should particularly concern us:

   Mr. John Nickerson,

              Lafayette, La.

   Dear Sir:  I arrived home alright and am now working up an excursion to Louisiana for January. Please send me prices of improved and unimproved lands, with distance from town. * * * * I hope you are getting along well and trust you will succeed in bringing down a large number of good Northern farmers to join hands with your own people in developing the glorious country that you have.
                    * * * * *
 We may, with good reason, look for an extensive emigration movement southward at an early day. A succession of droughts and blizzards in the northern and western states have driven the people to desperation and all feel eager to seek a more temperate climate in a country adapted to the pursuit of agriculture. The South and southwest Louisiana, in particular, offer those very conditions, and a friendly welcome awaits the intelligent farmer of the north and west who will come to locate among us to labor for the common advancement of the country. Lafayette parish can accommodate a fair number of such farmers and their families with benefit to both the newcomer and the home people, and we do not doubt that the favorable impressions made on those who already located here will find expression in reports they will convey to others of their countrymen, with the result that all the available land in our parish will soon be occupied by an intelligent and thrifty class of people. We can see nothing but good to come from this condition of things, for at the same time that the newcomer will receive from them with positive profit to himself, the latter will be the means, also, of impressing on the home people many advantageous lessons, and so, from the general interchange of ideas and knowledge that must prevail, a great national benefit will result.

 We trust that Mr. Nickerson will continue to interest himself in the subject of emigration to Lafayette parish, that through his efforts the time will be hastened when every available foot of ground now idle will be brought under the marvelous influence of the husbandman and forced to give up to the world the harvests to which it is capable. Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1895

 The Ball of New Year's Eve.
 The ball at the Crescent Hotel New Year's eve was worthy of its mate of Christmas eve and will always be regarded some of the most brilliant social events the experience to be experienced by Lafayette. No detail had been overlooked that most contribute to the success of the occasion and all preparations were carried out on an elaborate scale. The patrons of the ball had come hither to dance and have a royal good time and in this they were not disappointed. An old year went out and the New Year ushered in a midst a scene of gaiety and merriment long to be remembered with happiest recollections by all the participants. A most pleasant episode of the evening was the presentation of a handsome pair of napkin rings to Mr. and Mrs. John Hahn by the company, their guests. The napkin rings were of sterling silver and on them were mounted in beautiful design the monograms of the recipient in gold. In well choice words Mr. Crow Girard presented, in the name of the donors, this testimonial of their regard and esteem for their amiable host and hostess. Taken by such complete surprise, words for the recipients for the first few words failed the Mr. and Mrs. Hahn. Their appreciation was  visible (unreadable word) in the pleased circumstances, and following this period of silence Mr. Hahn recovered his self-possession sufficiently to assure the company that he and his wife were highly sensible to this mark of attention showing they  would always greatly treasure their beautiful mementos. Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1895.

For once the deaf man had the advantage of his more fortunate brother. One slept soundly whilst the other raved and pitched and roared during the interval of time last Monday night marking the departure of the old year and the birth of the new, made hideous by the attending howlings and uproarious noises and sounds coming from restless mankind. Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1895.

We ask for the indulgences of our readers for any shortcomings in this issue of The Advertiser. A good part of the time that should have been occupied in work on the paper was spent enjoying among relatives the pleasures that usually attend the going out of the old, and the coming in of the new year.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1895.

Police Jury Proceedings.
Lafayette, La., Dec. 31st, 1894.
 The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: R. C. Landry, A. D. Landry, H. M. Durke, Alf. A. Delhomme and Alf. Hebert. Absent: Ford Hoffpauir, J. G. St. Julien and C. C. Brown.

 The president being absent the secretary called the meeting to order and by motion duly made Mr. R. C. Landry was elected president pro-tem.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 Mr. D. A. Cochrane, Recorder of Brands, here appeared and represented the necessity of transcribing the record book of his office. By motion it was resolved that this Police Jury hereby expresses willingness to renew the said record of brands and would call upon parishes interested to aid in the work.

 By motion $22.50 was allowed Mr. Durke for the purchase of lumber for the repair of Olidon Broussard Bridge.

 By motion a free peddlers license was granted unto Osma Boudreaux for the year 1895.

 Mr. Durke was authorized to confer with the authorities of Vermilion in reference to the construction of a bridge keepers house at Olidon Broussard's.

 Messrs. R. C. Landry and H. M. Durke were authorized to purchase a carload of lumber for their wards.

 Mr. Alf. Delhomme was authorized to advertise for bids for the construction of a bridge over Coulee Isle de Cannes near Alex. Heberts' and also to let contract for the same.

 By motion the sum of $140, was appropriated to perfect the appeal (Transcript) in the case of Lafayette parish vs. Numa Schayot, also the sum of $50.00 for printing brief in said case.

 The resignation of Hon. Fore Hoffpauir as President of the Police Jury was read and by motion, it was resolved, That the Police Jury accepts the resignation of President Hoffpauir with feeling of profound regret and hereby expresses most sincere appreciation for the able and creditable manner with which he has always ruled the deliberations of this body - and further Resolved that the sympathies of this Police Jury are hereby extended President Hoffpauir in the affliction which is in the providence of God, has fallen upon him, and this body most earnestly prays and hopes for his speedy restoration to health.

 The sum of $50.00 was appropriated to the Lafayette Public school and made payable to Prof. R. C. Greig.

 By motion Mr. Ben Avant was appointed to represent the parish in the State Agricultural Society to meet at Natchitoches, La., January 23, 24 and 25, 1895, and the sum of $50.00 appropriated to defray the expenses of delegate.

 The following accounts were approved:
 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.
R. C. LANDRY, Pres. pro-tem.
R. C. Greig, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1895.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 1/5/1895:

 Town council meets next Monday for the first time this year.

 A chimney on fire at Mr. Chas. D. Caffery's residence last Saturday night occasioned no small amount of anxiety and but for timely assistance would have resulted in certain ignition of the house roof.

 The New Orleans Hotel has First Class Rooms and Meals at all hours.

 An appropriation of $50.00 was made by the Police Jury at its last meeting, to assist in extinguishing the indebtedness of the Lafayette public school building referred to in our last issue. This action of the Police Jury will meet with general approval.

 Prof. W. A. Bonnet and wife and child remained a few hours in town last Wednesday, at the home of Mr. Alfred Bonnet. They were on their way to Lake Charles from Opelousas, having gone to the latter place to spend new year's with their parents.

 Bennet Lilly, Lafayette's oldest drayman, suffered quite severe bodily injuries from a runaway of his team Saturday of last week. He has been under ministration of Dr. J. F. Mouton ever since the accident, and his condition is greatly improved.

 Mr. William Lindsay and family, Iowans, arrived from Jennings, last Thursday, to locate here.

 We are happy to state that Engineer Ben Dugas who had been on the sick list has resumed work.

 Charles Debaillon left Friday to resume his studies at the college of the Immaculate Conception in New Orleans.

 On account of bad health Engineer R. J. Tanner had to take leave of his engine for some time. We hope he will soon be well.

 Dr. Fred J. Mayer of the Mississippi quarantine station, was in our town several days this week, where he always finds a hearty welcome.

 Freight Conductor Tom Hebert received painful injuries to one of his hands one day this week whilst giving an object lesson in car-coupling to an inexperienced brakeman. Dr. Martin dressed his hand and pronounced the injuries not serious.

 T0-morrow night at Falk's Opera House, Grand Concert by the famous Guatemalan Marimberos, or performers on the Marimba, the ancient musical instrument, used over a thousand years ago at the court of the Kings of Anahuac and and Rulers of Quiche, Central America.

 For once the deaf man had the advantage of his more fortunate brother. One slept soundly whilst the other raved and pitched and roared during the interval of time last Monday night marking the departure of the old year and the birth of the new, made hideous by the attending howlings and uproarious noises and sounds coming from restless mankind.

 An overcoat, a pipe and a pair of gloves were found by Portair Grier. Proprietors can apply to the above named. 
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1895.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of January 5th, 1895.

Worst Show in Lafayette Ever.

 The Midway Plaisance troop filled an engagement here last Thursday. Their show was by far the poorest that has come to Lafayette this season. It required sublime nerve on the part of these people to show in a civilized community. The tableaux and mandolin player were the only redeeming features of the entertainment. In justice to Manager Falk, it is right to say that he was imposed upon as well as the public. Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1895.

Midway Man in Trouble.
 Louis Striffer, one of the managers of the Midway Plaisance Company, was arrested Friday morning by Sheriff Broussard, upon complaint of Harry St. George, a performer for the same company. St. George informed the officer that Striffer had a pistol concealed on his person. To the sheriff Striffer admitted the correctness of the charge and gave up his pistol. The proper affidavit was made he pleaded guilty before Justice McFadden who fixed his appearance bond at $100. The prisoner could not furnish the required bail and was committed to jail. St. George claimed that Striffer refused to pay him and the other performers and was about to take a train for New Orleans and to prevent him from leaving he had him arrested. Striffer denies this charge and says that he had only $7 in cash besides railroad fare to New Orleans for himself and a woman. Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1895.

Coming to Falk's.
 On next Sunday will be presented at Falk's Opera House, this city, a unique entertainment, and which will, no doubt, be worthy of a liberal patronage, in the form of a musicale by a company of South American Indians, highly educated in the art of music on their favorite instrument, the marimba. Space forbids further description of this company of their melodious instruments, which, it is said resembles in tone the zylophone, and to better understand and appreciate this company of natives, our people should procure tickets for next Sunday, January 6. Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1895.

Officer Killed at Rayne.
 The news of the killing at Rayne of Officer Mac Lyons was received with deep regret by a number of people who knew him and appreciated his many good qualities. His genial disposition and uniform cordiality had won for him the esteem and friendship of many wherever he was known. Mr. Lyons was a cousin of Sheriff Broussard, who was much pained by his death.
Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1895.

Assault and Battery.
 Charles J. Ranlett, a representative of the Ferris Sugar Manufacturing Company, appeared before Justice McFadden Friday morning and made an affidavit against Mr. John Vigneaux for assault and battery. As soon as Mr. Vigneaux was informed of the charge against him he presented himself before Judge McFadden, pleaded not guilty and asked for a speedy trial. The case was fixed for 2 o'clock, when the trial was commenced. The testimony adduced went to show that Messrs. Vigneaux and Ranlett were engaged in a conversation in the bank when the difficulty arose. After hearing all the evidence pro and con the judge took the case under advisement and will give his decision today. Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1895.


An Elegant Dance Given by the Young Men of Lafayette on New Year's Eve.

 One of the most enjoyable social events of the season was that tendered the young ladies of Lafayette by the young men on New Year's eve. The night was clear and fair and the temperature for dancing just at the right point.

 Through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Hahn the large and spacious dining hall of the Crescent News Hotel was had for r the purpose, and it is undoubtedly an ideal place for a dance. The floor was waxed until one could almost see himself reflected therefrom, and gliding over its smooth surface to the entrancing strains of an elegant string band from Morgan City, the feet of the dancers moved without an effort.

 Fair lads and lassies were present in full number, and many of our fair neighbors assisted in welcoming young "'95" as old "'94" gently faded away into the misty past.

 The ball-room presented a pretty sight. Many handsome toilets were noted, and Lafayette girls did themselves credit. The grand march, led by Mr. Ed Givens and Miss Lovenskiold,  was a lovely sight, more than 30 couples taking part.

 A little after 12 o'clock an elegant and substantial supper, prepared by Mrs. Hahn with excellent taste, was served. It is needless to say that all did full justice, and many a happy new year New Year's bumper was quaffed in sparkling wine. After supper the young ladies and gentlemen surrounded by Mr. and Mrs. Hahn, and Mr. Ed Givens, in a neat little speech, presented them with a handsome pair of silver napkin rings, as a slight testimonial of the high esteem felt for them by the young people of Lafayette.

 The band began to play, and the dancers alone once more whirled in the mazy waltz. No stop was made until 5 0'clock warned them that day was just ushering in another year. Regretfully all began preparations for going home, with many a sigh that the night was so short:

 Those present were:

 Mmes. T. M. Biossat, F. Demanade, Jno. Hahn, Lettie Collins of Virginia, Emma Frere and Mary E. Saint of Franklin, Leah LeBlanc, Bettie Rainer and Octavia Broussard of Abbeville, Adelaide Lovenskjold of Corpus Christi, Octavie and Louise Cayret of Scott, Stella and Haydee Trahan, Mattie and Jennie Torian, Clye and Lizzie Mudd, Martha Mouton, Ida Hopkins, Bessie and Leila Cornay, M. L. and M. J. Bagnal, Adele Young, Louise Givens; Messrs. Howard Saint of Franklin, W. N. Gooch of Patterson, L. J. Broussard, T. M. Biossat, Jno. Hahn, Ad. Mouton, Edwin Givens, John Givens, Crow Girard, O. B. Hopkins, Baxter Clegg, Leo Judice, George Guidry, P. B. Torian, J. J. Davidson, W. A. LeRosen, Emanuel Pellerin, D. Doucet, G. L. Conniff, Robert Conniff, Paul Bailey, Drs. F. S. Mudd, D. S. Weir, R. B. Raney, A. R. Trahan, Messrs. J. Nickerson, P. Gerac, I. A. Broussard, T. S. Foley.
Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1895.        


 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 1/5/1895.

 The well known clerk at Mr. Falk's store, Paul Caussan, left yesterday for New Orleans, where we understand he has secured employment. Mr. Caussan's many friends here are sorry to see him leave, but it is their sincere wish that he will be successful wherever he may go.

 We are pleased to state that Louise, Mr. Felix Begnaud's little child who was burned about the chest and face last Friday night, is doing very well and is out of danger.

 The inspector of weights and measures, Mr. Ernest LeBlanc, has been making his yearly visits to our merchants. We have heard some very vigorous kicks against the law under which these inspections are made.

 Bill Graser, the hustling tinner, went to Breaux Bridge Wednesday and sold fifteen Queen Heaters. As soon as these excellent stoves are known no one will be without one.

 Ed Lehman went to spend a few days with relatives at Rayne. We are informed that upon his return Mr. Lehman will occupy a position in the store of Mr. B. Falk.

 Miss Laura Plonsky, the bright young daughter of Mr. Leon Plonsky, left Wednesday for the Markey Picard Institute in New Orleans.

 A number of young people were entertained at the home of Mrs. Jas. Mouton where a very enjoyable party was given on New Year's eve. Mr. Mouton was assisted in receiving by Miss Rose Duhon.
Lafayette Gazette 1/5/1895.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser from January 5th, 1889:   


This terse and clear review of this much vexed question is taken from a private correspondence from distinguished gentleman of Chattanooga, Tenn., to a prominent citizen of our parish]  My Dear J-----:  In politics I find our minds are running in the same lines of thought; and, considering how much we sometimes differ on minor partisan matters, it is remarkable how nearly alike we think and feel on the questions that are now dominating all others in political outlook. This terrible race question J-----,  is the question, all that is dear and sacred in your life and mine. It is not settled; nor in your life nor mine will it be. It is up for settlement - but how? I don't know. A quarter of a century of legislation - sometimes earnest and honest , sometimes partisan and villainous - finds the question as far from settlement as when at Appomattox the surrender of the immortal Chieftain's good sword left the negro free. That surrender was the natal day of the race question; there it was born. Its conception was when the negro, through the cupidity of the white, was taken from the jungles of Africa and subjected to the civilized tutelage of slavery. How long? Oh! Lord! how long will it continue, and where will it end? Long and philanthropic dissertations on law and justice interest benevolent assemblies and legislative bodies. Long and beautiful theories on civil rights and social privileges fill the magazines and write out the peaceable and happy settlement of the question; and yet, it is not settled. The ghost will not down at the bidding.  "It is a condition, and not a theory, that confronts us."  When soon after the close of the war, a Republican statesman said to Aleck Stephens, "The negro question is settled!" Mr. Stephens said: "The children of the bondsmen and the masters will have to settle the negro question." Mr. Ingalls, Speaker of the Senate, the bitterest of the partisans, (as he expressed it, "the most aggressive of Republicans,") is reported to have said the other day in an interview: "No two races so heterogeneous as to forbid amalgamation by inter-marriage ever lived together, or ever will live together, in the same territory in anything like equal numbers; one of the other must go to the wall" This is the recognition of the "condition;" a recognition by a man, too, who takes it doubtless as wormwood and gall, but who wish with all is bitterness is enough to see the "condition." Mr. Cable's theories, (and you know how I fond I am of Mr. Cable, and much I believe in the justice of his theories; and how admirably the "theory" would work if there were no "condition" to interfere,) in his article on "A Simpler Southern Question," in the December Forum,says: "But the negro question, which appeals to the Nation, to the laws and to the legislation is only, and is bound to be only, the question of public, civil and political rights."* * *  "And we are here to challenge him," (Mr. Eustis,) of any writer of his way of thinking, to show from the pen of any negro of national reputation, --Douglas, Lynch, Bruce, * * * or any other, anything but the repudiation of this -- blind, let us believe, rather than willful -- attempt to make a 'Siamese Union,' as Mr. Gladstone would say, between these two distinct issues. * * * *." That is beautiful in theory, and nothing to mar its practice but the ugly "condition" of fact. Has not the very first individual of his list "Siamesed" the "two distinct issues" in the most offensive manner by marrying, in the very face of Washington society, a white wife?

 If we were all, both white and black, so pure and just and upright that we needed not the restraint of law or force, then we would conform to the "theory"-- the white man would grant ungrudgingly the civil rights; the negro would never ask the social privileges. The just and upright of both races condemn the vicious of both. But the conflict comes, between the vicious elements; and what? The just of both are drawn into the strife, and "one or the other must go to the wall."

 We must, my dear J-----, stand as philosophers and watch the solution of this question. Not idly stand by; no man has a right to do that in this world of action. Turn a current here,  where we can, of an influence there where we may. The solution of the question, as of all questions, is by the operation of natural laws -- as the wearing away of the mountains by the attrition of their environment.

 I do not see light ahead,. But the very dread of danger, and the apprehension of it, may avert it. I think there has never been a time when so many men had grave fears of a race conflict. Just as we are writing the firebrand has been thrown into perhaps the most inflammable material in the country -- the population of Mississippi, We never know where such a conflict, however small in its starting, will stop, nor who will be involved. There is a possibility for any one such to draw into it the whole of both races.

 A large influx of white people from anywhere into the negro-inhabited States would neutralize their influence, destroy the  of their ascendancy and inspire the confidence of the whites. But, as you intimate, the whites in these States take the course to prevent just the thing they profess to want. That is particularly the case in the States that need most the neutralizing influence of immigration.

 Ingalls' interview, I believe, was published first in the Atlanta Constitution, about three weeks ago, and was copied in many other papers. You will find much to interest you in the December Forum -- Cable on "The Simpler Southern Question;" Tourgee on "The South as a Land of Romance"-- a remarkable paper. You know, I think as a writer he has hardly a superior in this country; yet I am tempted to criticise his paper. There are features of the negro question that no one has yet touched to my satisfaction, and, like yourself, I have been turning over in my mind an article on the subject. Go ahead ! J-----; after you.

 Don't add much, J-----, to your investments in that country. I do not believe that you are going to be free for years from race troubles and race difficulties that will continue to depress values and may make living there, to say the least, exceedingly uncomfortable.
 Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1889

 The elegant Mississippi river steamboat, Natchez, struck a reef near Lake Providence, La., on January 1st, and was so badly injured that when she was run ashore she sank in nine feet of water. No one on board was lost or injured, but it is believed that the boat and cargo will prove a total loss. This Natchez is the last of seven great steamboats bearing that name. She was built in Cincinnati, in 1879, at a cost of over $200,000. She was insured for $75,000. This season has been unusually disastrous for steamboats on the Mississippi; but it is to be hoped that Capt. Leathers will speedily duplicate the Natchez. This name should never be permitted to pass from the surface of the Mississippi river. Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1889

 Another steamboat disaster on the Mississippi.
 The steamboat Sarah and the tug H. C. Warmoth, collided near Pearlington, Miss. The Warmoth was badly wrecked and sank in a few minutes. A colored woman, a passenger on the Warmoth, was drowned; and the engineer of that boat was badly scalled. Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1889



On Friday afternoon, Dec. 28th, the California express, on the Texas and Pacific railroad, was derailed at a plantation switch a few miles north of Vachere station, about forty-eight miles from New Orleans. The accident was caused by some cold-blooded villain who had broken the switch lock, thrown the switch, and twisted the signal as as to make appear to be right. The engineer, Will Alexander, saw the danger too late to avert the catastrophe, but he had just time to put on the air brakes and reverse the lever before the shock came and he lay prisoner beneath his engine. The baggage and mail coaches were also overturned. Before assistance could be rendered to the struggling engineer the drumhead of the boiler exploded and the poor fellow was literally boiled to death. The baggage master was considerably bruised, but no one else on the train was injured. Mr. Alexander was considered to be the fastest and best engineer on the road, and by his fearlessness while at his post had earned him the sobriquet of Wild Bill. He had been married but little more than a year to a daughter of Col. John C. Dowty, of North Louisiana. He was head of the Division of the Brotherhood of Locomotive engineers of New Orleans.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1889


 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 1/5/1889.

 Lagarde's Anti Dyspeptic Elixir is only recommended for diseases of the stomach.

 Reduced prices for shingles and all kinds of lumber, at Moss' lumber yard.

 The Board of School Directors are reminded that a regular meeting of the Board will be held this day.

 SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. For sale at Wm. Clegg's.

 How many of you wrote 1888 on the first day of January? Now don't say you didn't, because if do you are a liable to be mistaken ; its so natural you know.

 Since the sidewalk has been completed on the south side of Main street, from the Court House to the Church square, it is the rule to meet upon it a smiling face and a pleasant greeting - all are so well pleased with the improvement. We expect soon to see the north side of the street affording equal satisfaction.

 Last Monday morning we saw a strange and sad sight. Three tramps came walking down the railroad track. The one in the middle had his legs cut off at the knees; the one on his right had his left leg cut off, near the hip; the one on his left had is right leg off, near the hip. What had the new year in store for them?

 At the annual election of Lafayette Lodge No. 37 K. of P., held on Thursday Dec. 27th, 1888, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Wm. Campbell, P. C.; J. Hannen, C.C.; A. Cayard, V. C.; W. D. Huff, Prelate; Chs. H. Lusted, M. of A.; B. falk, K. of R. & S.; E. McDaniel, I. G., A. V. Jeffers, O. G.; Representative to the Grand Lodge B. Falk; Alternate, W. Campbell.

 Mr. J. A. Veasey is erecting a large livery and feed stable, on Lincoln avenue, two blocks this side of the railroad. It will be completed about the middle of the month. This stable, when in operation, will add one more to the many facilities Lafayette offers to its visitors for viewing the town and surrounding country.

 Bear in mind that to-night the Knights of Labor Ball invites your sympathy and attention. The net proceeds go to our street lamp fund. Every citizen is individually interested in the success of this entertainment and should lend his aid to it. It will be no gratuitous contribution on the part of those who attend; besides future benefits, they will be fully remunerated by taking advantage of the opportunities for enjoyment which will be offered them on this occasion.

 Lafayette enters upon the new year with brighter prospects than ever before in its history. It has made rapid and substantial improvement in the past twelve months, and not one step towards retrogression. There seems to be nothing to hinder the fruition of the building promises for future advancement and increased prosperity. While we appreciate this condition of things fully, we rejoice also in the fact that our neighboring towns keep even stride with us. Like blood - soil, climate, natural advantages and generous rivalry are bound to tell; and the ci-devant "Great West" must look well to its laurels, else South Louisiana will gain the lead in the future.

 Members of Lafayette Lodge 8194 K. of H., are requested to be in attendance at the meeting Tuesday, 8th inst. Officers for the ensuing year will be installed on that date and a delegation from the Grand Lodge will be in attendance. We hear it whispered that there will be roast turkey and other good things to wind the evening up.

 Just as the hands of the clock pointed to midnight, on the 31st of December, every live engine on the tracks in the Lafayette yard of the Southern Pacific Railroad lifted up his voice (or whistle) and sent forth its welcome to the New Year. The effect was startling, and many in the town misconstrued its meaning, thinking it was the alarm for a fire in the neighborhood of the depot. But when they learned that it was merely the railroad boys' greeting to the New year, all joined in the welcome, and exclaimed, "Bully for the railroad boys."

 Last Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Mouton gave a most delightful soiree dansante, at their residence on St. John's street, in honor of Misses Caroline Martin and Louise Bourges. The numerous guests were most cordially welcomed by their hospitable host and hostess, who exerted themselves to see that each and everyone enjoyed to the fullest the pleasures and amusements which had been provided for them; and that they did enjoy themselves was fully attested by their smiling faces, merry laughter and unrestrained indulgence. The guests were surprised to find how completely oblivious of the lapse of time they had become when at a late hour they took their departure. Among the guests were Miss Mamie Voorhies, of St. Martinville, Mr. S. Locke Breaux, of New Orleans; and Mr. Steven F. Read, of Chataignier.

 The weather on New Year's day was quite a disappointment to many, who had become spoiled by the beautiful weather of Christmas week. The anticipated pleasures of many a social visit melted beneath the downpouring rain, which lasted until late into the afternoon. However, there was many a good dinner eaten, and many a happy home circle congregated; and everybody wished everybody else a happy new year, even if they not get the opportunity to tell them so. In the afternoon all the business houses were closed, to "give the boys a chance."

 The party given by Little Miss Emma Falk, at Falk's Hall, last Sunday evening for the purpose of christening her doll, was largely attended by the juveniles of the town, and was a grand success. More than fifty children were present. The doll was duly christened "Nancy," with Master Pierre Gerac as godfather and Miss Ada Moss as godmother. The children then spent several hours joyously in dancing and various amusements, not forgetting to pay particular attention to the bountiful supply of refreshments which had been prepared for their consideration.

 We regret to learn of an unfortunate shooting affair which occurred at Broussardville the day following Christmas. While engaged in a dispute Mr. Joseph Anselet shot Mr. Nicolas Delahoussaye, of St. Martin parish, through the cheeks. We were glad to hear that Mr. Delahoussaye is in a fair way to recovery. Mr. Anselet, as the wound is not fatal, will undoubtedly be admitted to bail.

 Mr. Steven F. Read, of Chataignier, son of our old friend Dr. H. O. Read, spent a few days in town during the holidays, and paid us a call.

 Mr. Olidon Broussard, of Abbeville, son of our old friend Mr. Lastie Broussard, was in town last Sunday.

 Mrs. Ed Pellerin and daughter, Miss Anita Hohorst, left last Monday for Galveston, Texas, on a visit to friends and relatives.

 We had a pleasure of a call, last Saturday, from our old (of course, we mean young, too) friend, Mr. S. Locke Breaux, who is visiting this section of the State on one of his business tours. We are always glad to meet Locke.

 Mr. William Miller, of Abbeville, was in town last week, visiting friends.

 Mr. Emory Tolson, of Abbeville, was in town during the week, and paid us a call last Wednesday.

 Mrs. H. M. Bailey left Opelousas last Wednesday evening, on a visit to her sister. Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1889.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 5th, 1878:

 The first day of the year was clear, pleasant and lovely. There was much friendly greetings and social cheer.

 We are requested to announce that Prof. F. A. Rogan will open a private school, next Monday the 7th inst. The Professor's tact and ability in conducting a school and imparting knowledge to his pupils is well known in this community.

 The procession and ball of our Fire Company on last Saturday, was quite a success, considering the disagreeable weather which prevailed on that day and and previously. The neat uniform, and handsome truck of the company, attracted general attention and admiration. The juvenile firemen with their little truck, were entitled to and received also, due attention. The attendance at and success of the ball exceeded all expectations.

 Valuable assistance was contributed by many friends at home and abroad, for which we are requested by Lafayette Fire Co. No. 1, to extend many thanks, and that their kindness will be remembered and appreciated. 
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1878  

Road and Bridge Over Coulee Mine.
 It is with pleasure that we announce the completion of a work of great public utility. The public road leading out of this town in a south-westerly direction, which has been for years impracticable, has lately been put in a fine traveling condition, including the building of a substantial bridge over Mine's coulee. The was much labor required to accomplish the work and some of it in the third ward, which was all performed by the good citizens of the second ward, irrespective of age, of which they would not avail themselves, under the direction of Mr. John S. Whittington, who furnished the necessary tools, carts, teams, &c. Those worthy citizens of the second ward and the public spirit of Mr. Whittington, deserve commendation and they have set an example which we hope will be followed in other portions of the parish.
 Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1878

At Pin Hook.
 The traveling public will be gratified to learn that the road at both ends of the bridge over Bayou Vermilion at Pin Hook has been thoroughly repaired. The credit of this good and important work is due to the citizens of the fourth and fifth wards, aided by contributions from the merchants of this town, and under the intelligent guidance of Mr. Lessin Guidry.
  Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1878

 Citizens of the third ward! Have you less energy and public spirit than the citizens of the other wards ?
 Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1878

BRANDT- In Vermilionvile, on Friday December 21st, 1877, SOPHIA, daughter of Wm. Brandt and Isabella Rulong, aged 22 years.
                              Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1878

Proceedings of the Laf. Parish School Board.
Vermilionville, La., Dec. 1st, 1877. The Board of School Directors met this day, in called session. Present: Dr. T. B. Hopkins, Ones Broussard, Joe Boudreaux, R. C. Landry, Dr. N. D. Young, Chas. Paddio, Narcisse Mouton and Will Clegg. Absent, Dr. M. L. Lyons.

 Proceedings of the last meeting were read and approved.

 On motion of Dr. Young, the President was directed to draw a warrant in favor of Moses B. Williams for thirty dollars, for teaching colored school near Royville, in the month of September 1877.

 It was also ordered that Moses B. Williams be allowed to continue teaching the colored school where now located, until a school-house is provided for him in the Simon Settlement.

 Messrs. Landry and Boudreaux reported in regard to investigation of title, etc., of "Vermilionville Academy," and were continued as committee, to report further at next meeting. 

 Directors from wards where school lands are now located, were authorized to notify parties occupying those lands, that they must either make satisfactory arrangements to rent the lands or vacate them, and if neither is done, that measures will be taken legally against them as trespassers.

 Mr. Boudreaux was authorized to make a settlement with parties claiming to be interested in the school-house in "Simon Settlement" by receiving from them the difference between their claim and the value of the school-house.

 Ordered by the Board that all schools in the 2d, 3d, and 4th wards be discontinued, after December, until further instructions.

 Mr. Landry was authorized to have furniture made and glazing done for Broussardville school house and building put in order at the smallest expense.

 The Board then adjourned to regular meeting, 1st Saturday of January 1878.
THOS. B. HOPKINS, President.
Will Clegg, Secretary.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1878.

Police Jury Proceedings.
    Parish of Lafayette, Dec. 3d, 1877.
 The Police Jury met this day at the Court House in regular session, this day. Members present :  Onez Broussard, M. G. Broussard, Adolphe Comeaux and Aurelien Primeaux. Absent :  Alfred Peck.

 On motion ordered, that the Clerk of the Police Jury be and is hereby directed to enter and record in a book kept for that purpose, all the claims, specify in whose favor said claims are due, for what purpose they are due, amount of claim and date approved by the Police Jury.

 Resolved further that public notice be given in the "Lafayette Advertiser" to all persons holding warrants or approved or allowed accounts against the Parish of Lafayette to present the same to the Clerk of the Police Jury to be audited before the first day of January next ;  and that the clerk be and is hereby directed to audit such claims in a separate book kept for that purpose, stating the amount of each of such approved account or warrant, the date and in whose favor and for what purpose.

 Mr. Oneziphore Broussard offered the following preamble and resolution which was adopted;
 Whereas, under existing laws, it is impossible to issue certification of indebtedness or warrants, and the money in the Treasury is inadequate to meet the money claims against the Parish.

 It is hereby ordered, that the president of this body appoint a committee of three, to report at the next meeting of the Police Jury by ordinance or otherwise, what proceedings and rules are necessary to attain an equitable distribution of the funds or money that may come into the Parish Treasury, among the creditors of the Parish.

 On said committee were appointed Messrs. John Clegg, M. E. Girard and Ed. Eug. Mouton.

 On motion, resolved, that a committee of three be appointed by the president to examine and report upon the books of the Parish Treasurer, to receive his report and to examine and cancel the warrants now in his possession, and report at the next meeting.

 On said committee were appointed Messrs. Chas. D. Caffery, C. A. Mouton and John Clegg.

 On motion, resolved, that the Treasurer of this Parish, he directed to make a written statement at every regular meeting of this Police Jury of all money received and paid out by him.

 On motion, it was ordered that the report of the committee formerly appointed to destroy and cancel warrants be received and filed.

 The petition of Pierre Dufan having been read, on motion the said petition was rejected.

 On motion of Mr. Primeaux, Therence Toups was appointed road overseer of the 4th ward.

 On motion, resolved, that a committee be appointed by the president for the purpose of repairing the bridge on the coulee near Mrs. Valmond Breaux's plantation.

 The president appointed on said committee Messrs. M. G. Broussard and W. C. Crow.

 On motion, resolved, that the lumber left over from the bridge lately built over Mine's coulee be taken by Mr. Ed. R. Mouton, at his request, for the purpose of repairing the bridge over the coulee near Mrs. Whittington's plantation.

 On motion, resolved, that the Constable of this Police Jury, be and is hereby ordered to serve immediately upon the different road overseers, written notice to repair their respective roads by the 31st of December, 1877, and any road overseer neglecting or failing to comply with this resolution shall be dealt with according to law.

 It is further ordered, that the Clerk of the Police Jury issue certified copies of this resolution to the Constable, said copies to be served with the notice.

 On motion, the Police Jury adjourned to Saturday, January 5th, 1878.
J. N. JUDICE, Clerk.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1878.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 5th, 1912:


 "Better than a sermon," is the comment of theatre goers who have attended the performances of "The Rosary," during its three months engagement in Chicago and who are now crowding the Garden Theatre, New York City, to see this wonderful subject graphically and in such a way as to grip the attention every minute of the performance.

 The play is built upon a thoroughly modern theme, viz: the influence of thought upon the lives and well being of the men and women of our present day.

  That thought, intangible and evanescent as it is, is still a force, a power, a theory that has for some time past engaged the serious attention of our foremost psychologists, but its portrayal upon the stage has been neglected heretofore.

 The play attacks the theme boldly. It deals with the lives and fortunes of a little group of people living in the beautiful West Chester country near New York City. The husband is a disbeliever in all religion; his wife, a woman of serious conviction regarding faith in the things of life unseen. Strong in his belief and thoroughly human, a priest moves through the subtle story of the play. When doubts come and the man and woman's lives are shattered, seemingly beyond human power to repair, this priest analyzes the situation and by the power of his faith brings both the people whom he loves back to happiness.

 Mingled with the darker colors of human tragedy is a vein of natural comedy evolved from the events which occur during the action.

 The stage settings are unique in their way; the first act occurs in a wonderfully beautiful grape arbor, the second and third acts are laid in a charming interior, showing the atmosphere of serene home life, while the fourth is a new church built by the unbelieving husband for his friend, the priest.

 After all the discussion of play during four acts, a wonderful effect is attained by the peace and serene quite of the church, where the man and woman who have suffered come at last to lay their burden down and find peace.

 "The Rosary" will be presented at the Jefferson Theatre next Sunday, Jan. 7.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1912. 



 The Aristocracy of the Ragpicking Profession – The Queer Implements of the Chiffonniers.

 Of course there are some wretched sights to be seen in the ragpickers’ quarter, writes Henry Hayne from Paris to the New York Press, but there are also some jolly folks among them who are not yet halfway inclined to die of starvation. Their “cities” are rarely explored by travelers or visitors to the capital. First of all let me say there are “big bugs” in the calling just as there are swells in other callings just as there are swells in other callings and professions.

 No one seems to know exactly how many chiffonniers there are in Paris, but the general idea is that they number 40,000. Nearly all of these go out at night seeking, in the rubbish and refuge, in the sweepings of the lady’s chamber, in the cast off of the cook’s kitchen, in the debris that hospitals no longer need and that the restaurants throw away, their daily bread for themselves and for their families, and also those articles of value which legend has told them be hidden in the boxes are in the gutter. It is a human mass, carrying “hottes” and “crooks” and little lanterns, that finds its way through all out alleys, streets, avenues and boulevards, and that helps the night scavengers to clean the town. The “hotte” of the ragpicker is a basket sort of affair, constructed so that it will sit well against his back, and it is held in place by means of straps passing over and on his shoulders, very much after the fashion of the army knapsack. The “crook” is not exactly crooked; it is a long stick tipped with a sharp nail. The lantern hangs low from his hand by a strip or bit of iron; it is enclosed on three sides, and holds a lighted candle. These are the implements of the poorest ragpicker. The “big bugs” of the profession have carts and horses, sacks and boxes, in which they carry away all refuge thus picked up.

 There are three or four categories of ragpickers and the “placiers” are quite “bourgeois;” that is to say, they are respectable, well-to-do individuals. They not only work on their own account get the highest market value for their wares, but they employ others to help them in their nightly labor. They are independent persons who might be called ladies and gentlemen, at the mercy of no hard task master, unless it be the prefect of police, whose order troubles them as much in proportion as it does the poorer classes engaged in this calling. The second class are those who dispose of their findings at so much per pound, the good with the bad, to the “placiers” or brokers. The lowest of the all are the ragged, almost barefooted persons of both sexes that about with “hotte” on back and raking stick, constantly looking for a bite to eat or a rag worth of picking up. They have to cover many miles of unprofitable pavement, and that too, in all sorts of weather, to earn a small pittance.

  The chiffonniers themselves are not a dangerous lot, but there is in those parts of the town a miserable population just as thieving and as sneaking as any you will find in the new world. I should be afraid to go in the midst of the most notorious of these alleys called “cities.” 
 Some of these “cities,” however, have a very agreeable appearance, and such is the one which was established some years ago by the “Femme Cullote.” She was a woman, thus called because she always wore masculine attire. She is dead now, but when she lived she ruled ragpickers as if she were a Queen, and it is said she left a condiderable fortune behind her. There are 400 to 500 tenants in the “Cullote city” district, and rents are higher there than elsewhere. 
  These “placiers” are important functionaries in the ragpicking trade. For a monetary consideration they make arrangements with house-keepers and concierges so that the pans can be visited before the arrival the scavengers’ carts, and thus they obtain the first pick. It is they also who pay the highest market price and who are the most independent in the business. I went inside one of these brokers’ houses and he showed me th soup is wife was preparing for dinner. On the stove stood an earthen pot, or “petite marmite,” and in this was stewing a mess that did not have a pleasant odor. I wondered what it was and was shown that it consisted of potatoes, some few leeks, a bit of pork, part of a chicken, cabbage leaves and lump of garlic. In the corner of the room lay a “hotte,” or professional basket, full of paper and many kinds of rubbish, while on a shelf against the wall was such a curious collection of articles that I might have been led to suppose that the broker was a collector of broken glasses. There were decanters with the top off, pieces of lamp globes, mirrors, and a multitude of disabled champagne goblets. He refused to tell me how much he earned, but he said that a man and woman together would be doing very well if they made as much as forty cents a daily. That would be $2.80 per week, and out of this sum they would have to pay as much as ninety cents for rent every Sunday.

 Behind his house, reached through a very narrow alley, were some miserable huts where the poorer ragpickers dwell. I went inside one of these, and saw a young woman surrounded by four or five children, all of whom had faces that were pale and worn, and to whomshe was giving the few morsels of food which she had picked up the night before. She told me she was a widow and could not call herself happy. 

 "I have a cart, and I have a stanch friend in my dog,” she said. “We work together, and when the weather is not too bad I can earn forty and sometimes sixty cents.” In another hut I found a colored woman, and she, too, was a ragpicker. She certainly is a good hearted person, for while able to earn no more than twenty-five cents a day on the average, she feeds and looks after her old husband, who has been ill now these four or five years. He was lying on a bundle of rags and paper in the room, suffering with a fever. She is from Africa, talks a queer sort of French, and looks very much like some of those field hands that one sees on Southern plantations.

  When I was going away from this quarter another broker and his good woman were just starting out to sell a lot of stuff they had been collecting. They looked very aristocratic in their two wheeled car drawn by a well fed mule, and they proudly boasted a “dog under the wagon,” although in the cart were several bags and baskets full of rags, and their youngest boy was of their party. I did not see any of the poorer chiffonniers looking after this family departure with eyes of jealousy of as if regretting that they, too, were not bloated merchants.

  Sometimes the ragpicker has trouble with the dogs that get possession of the boxes before their arrival, and sometimes one man will get at the boxes before another; then the latter scratches for what is left looking for things valuable, while the first comer  goes away with his bag full of the best refuse. Now and then, as we go about the town, we see these chiffoniers on their way to the rag market drawing a cart full of stuffed bags filled with the picking found during the previous week.   I remember one morning seeing a man and woman standing on one of the bridges that span the Seine, and they looked very much like lovers. She had a bashful appearance and he seemed to be saying something to her which, perhaps, sounded just as sweet to her ears as do the whispered words of the finest fellow “spooning” in Central Park. There is a love among all human beings, and the ragpickers of Parish have affections and feeling for their kind just as well as we do in our little world.

 From the New York Press and in the Lafayette Advertiser 6/8/1889. 

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