Sunday, January 11, 2015


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 4th, 1905:


 Largest in the History of the Association. 

 The Louisiana Public School Teacher's Association held its first session Tuesday night and closed Thursday night. It was the thirteenth annual meeting of the Association and the largest in its history, over 300 teachers being present. Its general sessions were held in the auditorium of the Industrial Institute and the department meetings in the various class rooms. The Institute proved an ideal place for the meeting and Dr. Stephens assisted much in its great success by his untiring efforts to provide for the wants and convenience of the teachers. The various committees of citizens each performed their duties placed upon them zealously and faithfully and the sincere expressions of many of the teachers of appreciation of the generous and charming hospitality of Lafayette, testifies how well they looked after the comfort and pleasure of the teachers during their stay with us. Mr. Baxter Clegg deserves a special compliment upon the excellent manner in which he handled the transportation of the crowd. And a special compliment is also due Mr. L. F. Salles, manager of the Gordon Hotel, and those who assisted him, for the successful way in which they took care of over 100 guests. The difficulty can be appreciated when it is known that the hotel was not finished and everything had to be started at once; yet under such difficulties the service at the hotel was highly satisfactory, and its patrons left greatly pleased with their entertainment.

 The dormitories at the Institute cared for a large number of the teachers and many were received in private homes in some of which were entertained free of cost.

 This is Lafayette's first attempt at taking care of a large convention, and it was a successful attempt.It was also a pleasure to do so, and knowing now that we have the facilities to accommodate conventions, we will in the future be glad to welcome representative bodies of men to our little city.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905


The Teachers' Association.
 The meeting of the Teachers' Association here last week was characterized by an earnestness and zealousness on the part of the teachers that foreshadows a most optimistic future for education in this State. Three hundred, the largest number in the history of the Association, were present, and considering that the meeting was held in the holiday season and that attendance is entirely voluntary, it speaks well for their professional spirit. With such a splendid body of self-sacrificing men and women devoting their time, talents and energies to the education of the youth of the State, large things may be  expected and will be realized.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905.   

Death of Mrs. Jas. Higginbotham. -

 Mrs. James Higginbotham, a most estimable lady of Lafayette, died Saturday morning at 3 o'clock, in the 74th year of her age. Mrs. Higginbotham has been a resident of this city all of her life and possessed the high esteem of many warm friends who knew and admired her fine qualities of character. At three o'clock Saturday afternoon the remains were accompanied by a large number of friends to the Protestant cemetery, where interment took place. She leaves several sons and daughters, and a number of grandchildren to mourn her loss.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905.


Office of Western Union Moved. - Monday the office of the Western Union was moved into the Gordon Hotel, where they have secured quarters in the lobby. A plain but elegant compartment desk and railing combined enclose the space allotted and makes a comfortable and convenient office. Operator Raphael Thompson is greatly pleased over the change.
 Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905.

A Legal Holiday. - The post-office was closed Monday, it being a legal holiday. It is the custom in all government departments, when a legal holiday falls on Sunday, to observe the following Monday as a holiday. Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905.

Large Extra Business. - The Christmas holidays proved a busy season in the local post office; 40 full pouches of third and fourth class matter and 159 registers were received, besides 71 registers and 27 pouches dispatched. The very satisfactory way in which Post master Domengeaux and his office force handled this large amount of extra business speaks volumes of the methods employed and the efficiency of the office force.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905.

Melancon Appointed Assessor. -
Marcel Melancon has been appointed assessor for Lafayette parish by Governor Blanchard. Mr. Melancon served as assessor a number of years ago, and has been acting assessor since the resignation of Mr. A. M. Martin some months past.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905. 

 General Supt.Kruttsnitch, according to the Picayune, has said emphatically that the Southern Pacific has no intentions of building a road from Baton Rouge to Lafayette, not withstanding the "sure thing" interview with a prominent railroad man published by the same paper some time ago. Certainly Mr. Kruttsnitch ought to know, and that simply leaves the project where it was last year and the year before and before that.

 Lafayette needs the road and so does Baton Rouge; the next thing, or course, is for the two towns to get together and build it. It is a big undertaking; but not too big for determined people. It may not be possible to build it this year, nor perhaps the next; indeed it may be a case of try, try again; but of the effort is made strenuously, persistently, success must eventually follow.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905. 

SUPPOSE WE DO. - We are all interested in the growth of Lafayette; suppose we all chip in and buy a handsome cup to be presented to that man or woman who shall do the most for the advancement and betterment of the town during the year 1905. It is a fine way to show appreciation of good citizenship and public spirit. Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905. 

DO A LITTLE FIGURING. - If a Five Dollar bill remains in circulation in Lafayette for five years, figure out how many things it will buy, how many debts it will pay, how many hands it will pass through, how many times each man or woman will receive it in payment for something, and then do a little thinking - perhaps you will discover an important fact. 
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905

Jefferson Theatre. - The Jefferson Theatre is rapidly nearing completion and will be ready for opening on or about Jan. 17. Manager Girard expects to have a particularly fine play for opening night, and for the remainder of the season will have a number of the best plays now showing in the large cities.  Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905.

 New Brick Store. - Mr. Leo Doucet is having a one story brick, 30 x 90, built on his lot on Lincoln ave. next to Garfield alley. It will be occupied by Immergluck & Co, who have leased the building for five years. 
 Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 1/4/1905.

 The many friends of Dr. H. M. Neblett will be grieved to learn of his suffering from a stroke of paralysis, which has deprived him of speech, and affected his right side. He is at the home of his daughter, Mrs. F. F. Carter.

 C. K. Darling spent Sunday and Monday at the home of his father-in-law, J. Nickerson.

 D. C. Williams, representing the Chamberlain Medicine Co., of Des Moines, Iowa, paid The Advertiser an agreeable call Friday.

 Miss Louise Montaigne, who for the past several months was employed in the millinery department of Moss & Co.'s store, left for her home in Abbeville, Monday.

 Allen James Sprole left yesterday for New Orleans to "take in" Ben Hur.

 A. J. Bonnet, the bicycle doctor, presented as with a useful calendar Friday, which we accept with appreciation.

 Miss Louise Durand, after spending some time visiting in Lafayette, returned to her home in New Iberia, Mrs. Zack Domengeaux, accompanied her, returning the same day.

 Judge H. L. Monnier, who has been quite sick, is reported better.

 Jno. Vigneaux has just received a very fine hearse.

 The Lafayette Sugar Refinery closed the grinding season Saturday afternoon.

 Mr. I. A. Broussard has sold his town residence to Mr. Aug. Verot, who will move to Lafayette about Feb. 1. The sale was made through the Broussard & Guilbeau Real Estate Agency and the price was $4,000 cash.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of January 4th, 1902.


 "Farmer" Complains of An Abuse Which has Become Very Serious to the Cane-growers.

  To the Editor of The Lafayette Gazette:

  The-grinding season for cane is  now about over. I finished shipping to-day, and whilst the tonnage is satisfactory, it is the reverse as to the price  received -- nearly sixty cents per ton less than we received last year. Yet, we have paid more for labor than in former years, which still brings us to a farther loss than last year,  and as I made an average of twenty tons per acre it means a loss of fifteen dollars per acre to myself, and the same in proportion to all other cane-growers. The question now is how much more of this can we stand, and if there is a remedy, and will the farmers apply it. In my opinion there is no success without organization. Through the cowardice or inefficiency of the law we are subject to another heavy  loss that comes from the stealage  of cane from the fields and in transit to market. From the time cane begins to ripen until the
season closes there is a continual loss from this stealage.  We, that control switches are entrusted by the farmers and refineries to weigh
their cane correctly, etc To show you the extent of this stealage in reports received from the refinery, the loss in weight on one car sometimes is from one to five thousand pounds. In your town negroes not only carry it off by the armfuls, but have been seen hauling it off in wagons.  I write this to ask your assistance in helping to break up this crime against a poor. tired and inert set ot farmers, such as we are, that won't help or protect themselves.
selves. Can we not go in a body before the Police jury and ask P them to pass an ordinance making it a misdemeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment to take cane from the fields or cars, and that any one seeing this stealage may report it and that the justices and constables will
be asked to enforce the ordinance?

 If there is no law to cover this case then we must ask our representative to be elected next spring to work for legislation to this effect. Then, finally, if there can be no protection under the law, we are brought face to face with a serious proposition, for  self-preservation is a powerful factor when men realize they have no protection save that which they themselves can enforce. This is an evil which can and ought to be remedied by law.

With a hearty endorsement for, much that you have said and done a
during this closing year, and with
best wishes for the coming new year. I am, yours truly,

Gazette replies....

 The Gazette is satisfied that "Farmer" does not exaggerate the extent of the loss caused to the cane-growers by the stealing of cane either in the field or in transit. It is a well-known fact that some people do not hesitate to help themselves from the fields and cane-cars and the abuse has grown to such proportions that the law applicable to it should be enforced. We understand that the taking of cane from the cars constitutes the crime of larceny and that there is a statute covering the other offense -- that of taking the cane while in the fields. If these laws are permitted to be violated with impunity the farmers are at the mercy of a large class of people who seem to think that sugar-cane is not entitled to the protection of the laws which regulate the right of property. We hope that by calling attention to this evil, "Farmer" will secure for the cane growers the protection which they should receive at the hands of the authorities. Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1902.

Fire at Carencro.

 The Catholic church at Carencro was completely destroyed by fire last Wednesday afternoon. The origin of the fire is unknown. The only insurance on the building was for $1,000 in one of the companies represented by Parkerson & Mouton of this town. Within the last fifteen years Carencro lost two churches by fire and two were destroyed by the wind. Steps will be taken immediately to rebuild the church. Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1902.

The Board Holds Regular Meeting. - All the Members Present.
 The School Board met Thursday with the following members present: A. Olivier, President; R. O. Young, H. Theall, Alex Delhomme, A. C. Guilbeau, S. J. Montgomery, Jasper Spell, Pierre Landry, N. P. Moss.

 Superintendent Alleman reported that owing to the failure of Vermilion parish to take any steps relative to the removal of the Theall school to the bayou, it was decided to drop the matter.

 On motion of Dr. Young, Messrs. Olivier, Moss and Alleman were appointed to call upon the City Council of Lafayette and urge that body to make an appropriation toward the support of the town schools.

 By motion of Dr. Young, Secretary Alleman was instructed to form an organization among the teachers of the parish to care for the superannuated members of the profession.

 The following resolution was adopted relative to the unleashed school lands:

 "Resolved That the secretary, be instructed to receive bids for the public lands in the fourth ward up to Wednesday, Jan. 8, 1902, and to lease the same, provided the whole tract be leased for not less than $2.00, the secretary is hereby authorized to lease any tract of 34 3/4 acres at not less than $2.50 per acre."

 President Olivier stated that owing to the time that he was compelled to devote to his private affairs, it had become necessary for him to resign the presidency of the Board. Recognizing the eminent services rendered by Mr. Olivier as president of the Board, all the members joined in an appeal to, and prevailed upon, him to continue in his present official position. The Gazette hopes that Mr. Olivier will decide to remain as president of the Board. In the discharge of his duties he has never lost sight of the interests of the school children and all his acts as president of the Board have ever been prompted by a desire to improve the public school system of the parish.
Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1902.

 Regular Monthly Meeting - Carencro Wants an Appropriation to Build Waterworks.
 The Police Jury met in regular session Thursday.

 Mr. Lacy reported that a conference with the railroad authorities had resulted in the repairing of the crossing.

 On motion of Mr. Mouton the following members were appointed a committee to confer with the fair association: F. G. Mouton, Saul Broussard, A. Lacey.

 Acting upon the advice of its attorney the Jury decided not to grant a right of way to Moresi & Sons to run a pipe-line along the road.

 Action upon the road tax question was postponed. The following committee was appointed to look into the matter:  Messrs. Mouton, Buchanan, Whittington, Mr. Billeaud was made an ex-officio member.

 C. J. Jordon asked for an appropriation to enlarge the Domingue school building in the sixth ward. The appropriation was refused.

 Mayor Breaux, as spokesman for a delegation from Carencro, appeared before the Jury and asked an appropriation to aid in the building of waterworks in the town of Carencro. Before deciding to grant or refuse the appropriation, the Jury considered it advisable to refer the matter to the parish attorney.

 Simon Broussard and Ursin Duhon were authorized to continue in charge of D. O. Broussard's bridge.

 On motion of Mr. Lacey the sum of $200 was appropriated for drainage purposes in each ward.

 Mr. Saul Broussard was authorized to confer with the authorities of St. Landry parish relative to the repairing of Carencro bridge.

 Sixteen persons were placed on the list of indigents. Each will receive annually $25.

 Alex Broussard was authorized to repair the Starens Hoffpauir bridge.
Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1902.

The Lafayette Refinery.

 The Lafayette Sugar Refining Company closed a few days ago after a most successful season. Considering that so much cane has been lost elsewhere, it is certainly to the credit of this company that it has been able to fulfill all its contracts before the disastrous freeze. The farmers who sold their cane to the Lafayette Refinery are no doubt aware of their good fortune.

 It should not be overlooked by the people of this section that the Lafayette Refinery does not raise a stalk of cane, but depends exclusively upon the small cane-growers to feed its mill. In this way a large number of farmers are afforded a ready market for their products, and as the capacity of the mill is very large farmers are enabled to take advantage of the favorable weather in the earlier part of the season.

 We believe that this refinery is one of the few refineries - if not the only one in the State - which saved all its cane.
Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1902.    


The Lease of Southern Pacific's Louisiana Lines Expires.

 And the Company Will Now Operate Them separately.

[From the N. O. Picayune.]

 A complete surprise was sprung in the local railroad world yesterday by the issuance of the following circulars:

 Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad and Steamship Company -- having been terminated at midnight, Dec. 31m 1901, the following officers are hereby designated to conduct the business of this company, with headquarters at New Orleans, La.:  W. H. Masters, traffic manager; T. Fay, general superintendent; J. B. Richardson, secretary and treasurer; Chas. E. Wermouth, auditor; A. C. Hutchinson, president.

 Louisiana Western Railroad Company -- Office of the President, New York, Jan. 1, 1902: -- Notice! The lease of this company's properties to the Southern Pacific Company having been terminated at midnight, Dec. 31, 1901, the following officers are hereby designated to conduct the business of this company, with headquarters at New Orleans La.:  W. H. Masters, traffic manager, T. Fay, general superintendent; J. B. Richardson, treasurer; Chas. E. Wermuth, auditor; E. H. Harriman, president.

 Thornwell Fay, who becomes general superintendent under new regime, made the following statement in relation to the change:

 "The owners of the properties, that is, the stockholders of the railroad companies concerned, that the Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad and Steamship Company and the Louisiana Western Railroad Company should operate their own railroads under their own charters. The resulting change does not involve any change in the facilities or conveniences or service heretofore afforded the public."

 A. C. Hutchinson, president of the Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad, was asked to explain the significance of the change.

 "It is entirely a matter of form," he said. "The properties will be operated practically just as they have been. The Southern Pacific's lease expires to-night, and the properties will be operated under their own charters. That is all."

 "Will Mr. Fay have entire charge of the transportation affairs of the two properties?" was asked; "or will the Louisiana lines continue under the jurisdiction of Manager Van Vleck?"

 "Mr. Van Vleck's jurisdiction will take in Texas. Mr. Fay will report direct to Mr. Kruttschniti."

 "How about the traffic departments?"

 Mr. Masters is named as traffic manager. He will be in control, as far as freight matters are concerned, Mr. Decker will continue to look after passenger matters."

 "Will the passenger affairs of the Louisiana lines continue under the jurisdiction of Mr. Morse?"

 "As I have told you, the change is largely a technical one. The control of the properties remains where it was."

 There are several details of jurisdiction which are still to be given out. They will be awaited with interest. Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1902.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 1/4/1902.

 The Gazette is informed that Mr. Alcee Fortier, the distinguished scholar of New Orleans, has accepted an invitation to deliver an address in French to the people of Scott and vicinity.

 Miss Jane Whittington, daughter of Mr. John Whittington, who is employed as telegraph operator at the New Orleans Cotton Exchange, arrived in Lafayette Tuesday and is spending some time at home.

 Misses Mayfield, Dupre and Randolph have returned to their work at the Industrial Institute after having spend the holidays at home.

 After spending several days in New Orleans, Dr. F. E. Girard returned to Lafayette Thursday.

 Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Alleman have returned to Lafayette after spending the holidays with relatives in St. Mary. Owing to illness Mr. Alleman was unable to attend the teachers' meeting at Franklin.

 The sheriff's office has been greatly rushed during the past few days. A large number of people paid the poll tax in the final last week of the year.

 Owing to the great demand for water the town has decided to secure an air-compressor to be used at the power-house. The town now furnishes water to the railroad company and the Compress.

 Last Tuesday evening a carload of cotton in the Southern Pacific yards was considerably damaged by fire. The fire is believed to have originated from sparks from a locomotive.

 It has been reported that the cane growers near Carencro have sustained serious losses caused by the cold weather. The extent of the damage done to the crops can not yet be ascertained, but it is considerable.

 Tuesday night Arthur Martin's right hand was seriously injured by the accidental discharge of a large fire-cracker. Three fingers were completely severed from the hand and it is feared the thumb will have to be amputated. The wound is necessarily very painful.

 The following young men will leave to-morrow for Jefferson College; Thomas and Daniel Debaillon, Paul Breaux, Raoul Gerac, Wm. Campbell, Robert Comeau, Gustave Breaux, Robley Dupleix.

 Meyer Bros., of New Orleans, have opened a saloon in the Nichols building near the railroad station. Pellerin Bros. occupy the Jno. O. Mouton building. There are now five saloons in the town.

 The parish has sold six liquor licenses at $1,000, more than doubling the revenues from that source. There are three saloons in the sixth ward, one at Broussard, Scott and Youngsville.
Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1902.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of January 4th, 1896:

Time To Stop It.

 With utter disregard for the convenience and safety of people the officials of the west-bound passenger trains obstruct more than half of the crossing on Lincoln avenue. Nearly every afternoon, if not every afternoon, the locomotive pulling the passenger train is stopped in almost the center of the crossing, leaving less than one-half of the road to vehicles to pass. It is not only inconvenient to persons in vehicles, but it is absolutely dangerous to them. In order to drive across the horse must be made to pass two for three feet from the cow-catcher, and unless the animal is exceedingly gentle it is at great risk that this is done. This very reprehensible practice of the engineers or conductors has already caused several teams to run away. Again last Tuesday a spirited horse came very near running away with a carriage, but fortunately the lady, who held the reins, very skillfully managed the horse and what might have been a fatal accident was averted, thanks to the skill and courage of the driver.

 There is a fence to show the ground assigned the crossing and the locomotive should not be allowed to remain beyond that fence a longer period than ten minutes, the time fixed by a town ordinance. We believe that the matter should be attended to at once by the municipal authorities. If the following ordinance don't cover the offense let the Council at its next meeting adopt one that will.

 "It is unlawful for any train of cars to obstruct any street or public highway within the city limits of the corporation of Lafayette for a longer period than ten minutes; and any engineer, conductor or manager of any train obstructing any street or public highway within the corporation limits of Lafayette for a longer time than above specified, shall upon conviction be fined in the sum of twenty-five dollars for each and every offense."

 This practice has been going on for a number of years and it is fully time that it be stopped. It were better to stop it now than to allow it to go on until some fatal accident results from it. Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1896.

Suicide of Mr. Dees.

 E. H. Dees, of Lake Charles, committed suicide at 7 o'clock yesterday morning in the his room at the Crescent Hotel by shooting himself through the head with a 38 calibre Smith and Wesson. Mr. Dees had been stopping at the hotel since the first of January, having come to Lafayette to perfect arrangements to take charge of the Vordenbaumen lumber yard. At about 7 o'clock the noise of a pistol shot was heard by the people and steps were at once taken to ascertain from which room it emanated. Upon opening the door of Mr. Dees' room a ghastly sight was disclosed. The dead body of Mr. Dees was lying on the bed, partly leaning against the head-board, holding in the right hand a revolver with the finger still on the trigger. The bullet entered just above the right ear and found exit, as near as could be ascertained a little lower on the other side of the head.

 A few minutes before a servant had brought him some coffee which he drank, as was evidenced by an empty cup which was on a table near the bed.

 The people about the hotel had noticed that the unfortunate man was somewhat melancholy and had very little to say, but so sensational an occurrence was not in the least expected. The night before he had sent word that he was unwell and would eat no supper.

 Mr. Dees was about 35 years of age. He leaves a wife and daughter at Lake Charles. He was about to move to this town with his family. His wife is a Miss Mayo, a daughter of Hon. Thad. Mayo, of Lake Charles. Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1896.   


The Republican State Central Committee has issued an address to the people of Louisiana.  The Gazette. has always -contended that Louisiana Republicanism did not and could not mean anything but negro supremacy. There are, no doubt, many white Republicans -- a few of whom are excellent gentlemen living in this parish -- who are opposed to the supremacy of the black race, who are adherents to that party because they believe in its doctrines of protection and centralization, but, unfortunately, those men have little or no influence in the councils of the party, a fact which is made clear by the character of the address of the State Central Committee.

 We have read this Republican address to "the people of Louisiana" and we dare say that for rank impudence and as an appeal calculated to arouse the passions and prejudices of the negro, it will compare favorably with any address ever issued by the Radicals during the palmiest days of reconstruction.
This remarkable address is full of nigger. It is nigger here, nigger
there, nigger everywhere. There isn't a word about the white man in
this whole niggery document. It should be read by every white man in Louisiana, for it will show, better than anything else what we are to expect of the Republican party should it get control of the State government. It should convince the most skeptical that a white man has no business in the Republican party as it is constituted in Louisiana today. It is for the nigger first, last and always. In short, it is in favor of putting the black man on top and the white man under.

 The outraging of white women by negro brutes is one of the themes that the committee dwells upon. It denounces, in bitterest terms, the good white people for lynching the black monsters who are guilty of the most horrible of all crimes. The Republican party of Louisiana is guilty of many things to be ashamed of, but taking up the cudgel for the dusky ravisher is the most villainous of all its infamies. According to this address it would be their policy
to hang or send to the penitentiary every white man who would dare lay his hands on a black ravisher of a white woman.

 There is in the parish prison of Orleans a negro under sentence of death for the deliberate and unprovoked assassination of a white policeman. This negro is the notorious "Greasy Jim," who would have been hung years ago had justice been meted out to him. Because this red-handed murderer is a negro and his victim is a white man the interference of the federal courts in his behalf is warmly endorsed. The Republican committee is not satisfied with defending negro ravishers of white women, but it
volunteers its assistance to negro
murderers of white men.

 The committee is also especially desirous of compelling white ladies and white men to ride in the same cars with negroes, regardless of the
odoriferous qualities of the African lily and the mid-summer he-coon on a warm July day. The anti-miscegenation law is denounced and the inter-marriage of the two races is approved.

 The suffrage amendment, whose adoption means the disfranchisement of the bulk of the negro voters, is fiercely attacked. The right of the negro to vote is held sacred, when it is an established fact that with a pint of rot-gut whisky the average negro voter can be bought half a dozen times.

  With such principles enunciated by the recognized representatives of the Republican party in Louisiana, will the white suffragans hesitate to make a choice between Republicanism and Democracy? They did not hesitate in the past and they will not in the in the future. They will 'never swallow such a pill of "nigger," though coated with Lily White Republicanism on one side and Populism on the other. Even with a drink of "Dissatisfied Democracy" as a mouth-washer such a pill will god own their throats. 
Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1896.


The primary last Saturday did not give the results expected to the leaders of the faction that ordered them. The one who expected to receive the most votes came out last on the list.

In 1892, after the hottest campaign in the history of Louisiana, the vote received by both Foster and McEnery was 1628. It is conceded that a full vote was polled. Adding the 40 votes cast for Breaux and Leonard the vote in 1892 amounts to 1668. Allowing an increase of say 75 voters we have in this parish to-day 1743 voters. On the 14th of December both candidates for clerk received 1189 votes, leaving 554 ballots uncast. Believing  every one of the 1189 persons who voted is a Dcmocrat and will vote the straight Democratic ticket in April, (as The Gazette will not insult those who voted at the primaries by questioning their party fealty) and believing that at least one-half of the 554 who did not vote on the 14th, and who are all Democrats with the exception of the 40 who voted for Breaux and Leonard, will cast their votes for the regular nominees of the party, thus leaving to The Advertiser's friends 277 voters as the maximum of their following in this parish. Reasoning on this basis, which is a fair demonstration of the results in April, the majority of the regular nominees will be 962.

 And in the face of these figures The Advertiser is feeling jubilant! Your philosophy, Bro. Van der Cruyssen, is superb. It is only equaled by that of the man who had only one shirt. This man, we are told, had hung his shirt on the fence to dry. Suddenly his little boy ran in the house and said in an excited manner: "Papa, the cow has eaten your shirt!"  With stoic indifference he replied: "Nothing my son, a man who has property must expect to lose some." A man who has votes must expect to lose them, thinks The Advertiser. Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1896.

Cold Night at Opera-house.

 The Glee, Mandolin and Guitar Clubs of the Louisiana State University gave a musical entertainment at Falk's hall Monday night. The attendance was as large as could be expected, owing to the poor light and exceedingly cold temperature in the hall during the performance. As long as the people are not furnished with better accommodation by the manager of the hall, no troupe can hope to do a good business in this town. However, considering the disadvantages under which the university boys they did very well. Their performance was a creditable one in every respect. Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1896.


 The Suffrage amendment had been fully discussed by the delegation in chambers at Shreveport, and it was agreed that the best policy to pursue was to leave it to the people to decide pro or con at the general election. Pursuant to this view which was ably advocated, Dr. Mayer offered the following amendment to the minority report, brought in by Mr. Dupre of St. Landry to wit:

 "That the Suffrage amendment be left to the individual voter to determine on election day, tickets to be printed for and against."

 The chairman, Mr. Gurley, of Orleans, after having recognized Dr. Mayer, the moment he found out what he was after, ruled him out of order, thereby denying his parliamentary right to amend, whereupon he appealed from the decision decision of the chair; the house, in order to cut short the proceedings, sustained the ruling of the chair, Congressman Robertson having applied the congressional gag of the of the "previous question," which choked off further debate. When the roll of parishes was called and Lafayette reached, Dr. Mayer arose and sarcastically asked the chair to instruct him how to vote intelligently; that having been arbitrarily denied his parliamentary right to amend and being under instructions, he could not vote for either the majority nor the minority report, as neither report was in harmony with the instructions. The chair, doubtless realizing that it had erred in its ruling, offered no solution, and Lafayette was voted blank. Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1896.


Became Too Gay.

New Year's day passed off in an unusually quiet manner in Lafayette. Only one arrest is reported and it was in the case of a negro who became too gay. 
Lafayette Gazette. 1/4/1896.

Band Performance.
The Pelican band treated the townspeople to some choice music Tuesday night. The boys were in a happy mood and they played music until the midnight hour told of the advent of the new year. Laf. Gaz. 1/4/1896.

In Shreveport.

 Though a little late it may not be out of order to mention the fact that Lafayette had the honor of making the motion at Shreveport to close and make the nominations of Gov. Foster, Snyder and Cunningham unanimous and by acclamations. It was Dr. Fred Meyer, of this parish, who arose and in a neat and eloquent little speech, seconded the nomination of the governor and moved to make him the unanimous choice of the convention by acclamation.
Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1896.


Selected News Notes (Gazette) 1/4/1896.

 Dr. Fred Mayer was shaking hands with his Lafayette friends this week.

 Aladin Robichaud has erected a very neat fence around the property of the Rigues Hotel.

 Prof. Von Huff, the well known representative of Werlein's Music firm, was in Lafayette this week.

 Miss Marie, daughter of Mr. A. E. Mouton, returned to the Sacred Heart Convent at Grand Coteau, after spending the holidays at home.

 The Pelican band treated the townspeople to some choice music Tuesday night. The boys were in a happy mood and they played music until the midnight hour told of the advent of the new year.

 Miss Maud Boa requests The Gazette to state that she has employed an assistant, Miss Birdie McCord, of New Iberia, and that she is now better prepared than ever to "teach the young idea how to shoot." Having secured the services of an assistant Miss Boas is in a position to enroll a larger number of pupils. Lafayette Gazette 1/4/1896.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 4, 1890: 

Lafayette, La., Dec 24, 1890. 

Editor-Picayune - The call issued by Hon. J. M. Foster, president of the police jury of Caddo for an assessment convention to be held at Baton Rouge for the purpose of considering some manner of equalizing the assessment of property throughout the state has been quite favorably received here and your correspondent has had the pleasure, through courtesy of Hon. C. P. Alpha, president of the police jury of this parish to peruse several letters written in reference to the subject, all approving the movement as one likely to result in much good to the state generally.

 Mr. Alpha expresses himself enthusiastically in favor of the convention and will submit the matter to the police jury at its next session. 

 In this connection the gentleman also spoke of the existing road law requiring twelve days labor each year of every able bodied citizen on the public roads which he not only considers onerous, but very defective in its application, and suggests that the convention take this matter into consideration also. The views entertained by Mr. Alpha in this regard are of course subject to modifications, but are given in the hope that the matter may receive the serious consideration of the various parishes and bring forth any criticism to which they may be liable. The following is an embodiment of his views in reference to an amendment or substitute to the present road law.

 That the convention of assessment equalizers that will meet in Baton Rouge on Feb. 9, 1890, take into consideration the petitioner of the legislature to adopt a substitute for the present road law, which is a failure as far as this and the adjoining parishes are concerned.

The following would be a great deal cheaper and would work well in this section of the state.

  First -
Impose a special road tax, either per capita on property and per capita, and make it a misdemeanor for failure to pay same. This would reach everyone, whether over age or non property holder.

 Second -Amend the state laws for misdemeanors, and let work on public roads follow judgement.

 Third -At the expiration of the penitentiary lease, the convicts, except those convicted of capital offenses, be confined within their respective parishes to be worked upon public roads, under the control of the police juries in said parishes, as obtains in Texas and other states.

 Fourth - A law allowing each police jury the right to expropriate land for the purpose of draining public roads.

 Fifth -Each parish appoint a civil engineer to be road, bridge and drainage supervisor, with a yearly salary, he to be held responsible the same as a road overseer by the present road law.

 Sixth -Allowing police juries to lease out their convicts to the highest bidder, who must be responsible and give bond etc.

 The following estimate, on a basis of ten convicts for one year and all expenses incident to their operation, is given.

 Ten convicts, board at 40c per day $1,400

 Two guards, $44 per month $1,080

 Clothes and doctor's bill $400

 Civil Engineer, $100 per month  $1,200

 Total $4,140

 This parish has a registered vote of 3600. Lay a per capita tax of $2 on each voter, and there would be more that money enough to work the ten convicts. 

It can be said without the least doubt of contradiction that any man white or black would much prefer to pay $2 a year than to give 12 days work, equivalent to $12, which the present road law imposes. Another reason for the adoption of the above would be to lessen crime in each parish, as the example would be before the eyes of the evil doers daily and further, if a parish had not sufficient convicts to justify them being worked upon public roads, hire them out and let each parish reap a benefit, as really the parish has been wronged and has gone to the expense of conviction.

 It would also do away with the middle man and the parishes would get the work done at actual cost. It convicts can enrich a contractor, why would not the same argument hold good and let them enrich each parish by working the public roads and enhancing the property value of property. It can be said with certainty that ten convicts worked on the public roads as they are worked on the railroads will do more and better work in one year than the entire available force subject to road duty in this parish under the present road law.

 This subject is full of interest to the people of our state, not only from an economical point of view, but from human consideration for the convicts who are often maltreated by their avaricious (unreadable word) whose sole object is to enrich himself regardless of the feelings of the unfortunate enslaved under him.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1890.

  [From the Morning Star and Catholic Messenger]    

 The Weekly Messenger, of St. Martinville, in its last issue has a welcome article headed  'Anti Regulators.' It therein announces that a call has been issued by twenty-eight influential citizens of Lafayette, for a meeting of respectable inhabitants in the interest of good order and tranquility. They represent inhabitants in the interest of good order and tranquility. They represent that property interests are unsettled by reason of prevalent lawlessness in that country, that confidence among neighbors is shaken and that, through perjury and criminal combinations, the efforts of the judicial authorities are thwarted and flagrant crimes go unpunished. Hence the necessity for energetic and organized action on the part of the law abiding citizens.

 We agreed with the Messenger when it says, "
Such organizations of law and order should exist in every parish where lawlessness has prevailed, not to make their own justice, but to help and assist the officers of justice."

 It would, indeed, be of no special benefit that one lawless organization had been crushed by another equally devoid of authority. The stability of the law would be thereby in no degree vindicated.

 But a lawful organization, to act within the law, and in aid of its officials, might indeed be productive of the happiest results. The law officers would feel their hands strengthened by it while the evil doers would be to a like extent discouraged. Perjury, would become, more or less abashed under a hostile public scrutiny and society would soon find itself redeemed from its former condition of chaos and decay.

 Organization is the key-note of strength and progress to-day. The civilly disposed do not fail to combine to effect their purposes, for they are fully aware of the efficacy of such a policy. They ride in bands through the gloom of night, gaining courage, for themselves by their numbers and taing terror into scattered communities of twice of thrice their numerical strength. Through the same unity of purpose, they become a potent political factor in their region and exert a commanding influence over jurors, if not judges.

 If combinations is in itself such a power, why not invoke it in behalf of right and justice and decency. A band of twenty white caps or nighthawks will rule boldly and insolently over a whole parish of non-combatants when they would be very prudent if fifty determined men are pledged to capture or exterminate them under the orders of the sheriff.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1890. 



 A friend of ours in Carencro, who read with throbbing interest and undeveloped excitement the thrilling poem of the Brakeman's misfortune, as related by Col. Mugtugger, in last week's ADVERTISER, sends us the following true version of the affair:

 The agent looked out at Carencro,
Anxiously awaiting the coming "tap;"
The brakeman gave him something, you know,
Wrapped in a brown wrap.
The train departed, and the agent flew
To examine his new-found treasure,
And discovered that poor, unsophisticated Jagou
Had drained the last of the measure, -
having punched in the cork with the end of his tongue, and substituted a weary
smile to keep nothing from leaking out.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1890.


T. J. Lacy, Mount Hope Nursery, Washington La. - Fruit trees for Louisiana that will produce fruit. Send for a catalogue and price list. Address: T. Jay Lacy, Washington, La.Laf. Adv. 1/4/1890.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 1/4/1890.

The first day of the New Year is always an occasion for congratulation, hopefulness, and enjoyment. We wish our friends and patrons a realization of their fondest wishes for the present year, and assure them that the ADVERTISER has their best interests at heart, and will work faithfully to promote our mutual happiness.

  Plenty of rain during the week, and the weather far too mild for the season. The pastures, and nearly all vegetation, are as green and forward as if it were March.

At exactly the first moment of the new year, the railroad men here opened up the whistles of all their live locomotives, fired off anvils, howled, and made themselves heard; showing their joy at the birth of the new year. This has a particular meaning with them. Every day they take their lives in their hands and offer them for bread, and the fact that so many of them can welcome a new year is naturally a joyous occasion.

 Use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer and your thin gray locks will thicken up and be restored to their youthful color, vigor, and beauty.

 Miss Amanda Smith, a charming young lady of New Iberia, was here during the past week visiting relatives and friends.

 Mrs. P. B. Roy, of Royville, was in town Friday of last week, visiting friends We were glad to see her in such fine health.

Our young friend Henri Gerac, who us a student at St. Charles College, Grand Coteau, spent the holidays here with his parents and friends.

 Mr. Phil Crouchet, deputy town Marshal, ran down to New Orleans for a few days during the week, combining in the trip business with pleasure.

Miss Leila Cornay was the lucky winner of the very handsome doll raffled at the Moss Pharmacy on January on January 1st, and Master Alley Sprole won the little steam railway train. 

 For lame back try saturating a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and binding it on to the effected parts. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism, sprains, swellings and lameness. 50 cent bottles for sale at Moss Pharmacy.

 Little Misses Nydia, Alida and Laurence Campbell, in company with Miss Nellie Bailey, left for Washington, La., Sunday, on a visit of a week to Mother Superior of Mount Carmel Convent, at that place. 

We were somewhat surprised at not hearing from our Carencro correspondent this week, until we learned that he was busily engaged in writing a heroic poem, to be entitled "The Empty Package; or, the Agent's Revenge." Go for him Mug. 

 We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to attend the ball at Crowley, on the 4th inst., (to-night) in honor of the third anniversary of that town. We extend our congratulations to our neighbors upon their prosperity which has attended its rapid growth.

 We are sorry to learn that Mr. Jacob Mitchell, the popular and progressive merchant of Carencro has sold out his business there and has left the State. Mr. Mitchell was a good citizen and will be regretted by a large circle of friends. We learn that he will make his future home in Oregon.

 A preventing for croup. There no longer exists any doubt but croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning, and if Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as directed as soon as the first indication of croup appears, it will invariably dispel all symptoms of the disease. For sale at Moss Pharmacy.

  The ladies in charge of the Christmas tree desire to express their thanks for the liberal donations of cash received, most of the donors modestly objecting to being named. Also, to E. Delmouly, for donation of toys, Mrs. J. O. Mouton, donation of toys; Mouton Bros., donation of toys; B. Falk, lighting hall; Crescent News Co., donation of fruits; Knights of Honor, use of hall, and to a host of others for many kindnesses. The cash donated amounted to $25.00. Paid out for toys and fruit, $22.50. Over four hundred presents were distributed among the young folks. 

Among the incidents of childhood that stand out in bold relief, as our memory reverts to the days when we were young, none are more prominent than severe sickness. The young mother vividly remembers that it was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and in turn administers it to her own offspring and always with the best success. For sale at Moss Pharmacy.

 Last Wednesday night a party of young people called at the hospitable home of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Trahan to pay their respects to them and their charming daughters Misses Stella and Haydee and to wish them a most happy and prosperous new year. Among the number were Misses Alix and Louise Judice, Anita Hohorst and Zerelda Bailey, and Messrs. V. D. Gardebled, J. Comeaux, Alfred and Sidney Mouton, Raoul Gentil, J. P. LeBesque, George Richard, Felix Girard, Ned and Felix Mouton. The compliments of the season over, the young folk proceeded to amuse themselves to their hearts content, and only when the hour of midnight was reached did they bid their kind hosts good night, and retired gay and happy.

 Lafayette is to be congratulated upon the good order, general happiness and comparative exemption from accidents, which marked the holidays. Our merchants also are satisfied with the trade. 

Mr. Alfred M. Gardiner, after a pleasant sojourn with his friends and relatives here during the holidays, returned to his duties in New Orleans Thursday.

 We notice that the banana trees, whose leaves were shriveled by the frosts of last month, have put forth new leaves. If the "goose bone" prophecy proves correct, and we have a very cold weather in the next two weeks, we will lose many of our valuable fruit trees, which the extraordinary warm spell has caused to sprout.

How many "new leaves" were turned over on the 1st of January? They say "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," and we suppose is littered with "new leaves."

We are glad to note our correspondents recommending a diversification of crops in our parish. This we have all along advocated. Commence this year, and you will find that your own interests, and the general prosperity of the parish will rapidly advance.Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1890.

  From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 4th, 1879:

City Council of Vermilionville.
Regular Session, Dec. 2d, 1878.

 The City Council met this day, the Hon. J. O. Mouton, Mayor presiding and all the Councilmen present:

 The minutes of the last meeting were read, corrected and adopted.

 The committee appointed at the last meeting of the purpose of fixing the rate of taxation, &c., presented the following report, to-wit:

 "To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Town Council of Vermilionville, La. -

 The undersigned committee, appointed by your Honorable body to recommend the levying of a tax on the movable and immovable property situated within the limits of said Town and of a License Tax upon persons pursuing their professions, trades and occupations within said limits for the year 1879, respectfully submit the following:

 1. They recommend that the Corporation tax for the year 1878 and collectible in the year Charter of the Corporation, to-wit: 2 1/2 mills on the dollar.

 2. They further recommend that the following License Tax be levied for the year 1879 upon all pursuing their professions, trades and occupations within the limited of this Corporation, viz:


 On motion of Mr. Alpha, seconded by Mr. Lindsay, it was unanimously
   Resolved, that the report of the committee be taken up by section.

 On motion, Resolved, that there shall be levied and collected for the year 1879, the following licenses, to-wit:

 On the motions to adopt the report of the committee on the Drugstore license of $20.00 ;  the Livery-stable license of $15.00 and the Coffee-House license of $40.00 ; the motions were adopted by the following vote:

 Ayes: Lindsay, Alpha, Landry and Ed. McBride.

Nays: R. L. McBride, Hebert and Vigneaux.

 On motion of Ed McBride, seconded by Mr. Lindsay, the license of $10 on Billiard Tables as reported by the committee, was increased to $12.50 by the following vote:

 Ayes: Ed McBride, Lindsay, Alpha, Vigneaux and Landry.

 Nays: R. L. McBride and Hebert.

 On motion of Mr. Lindsay seconded by Mr. Alpha, the license of $10 on attorneys as reported by the committee was increased to $12.50, by the following vote:

 Ayes: Ed McBride, Lindsay, Alpha and Landry.

 Nays: R. L. McBride, Hebert and Vigneaux.

 On motion of Mr. Lindsay seconded by Mr. Alpha, the license of $10 on Physicians, as reported by the committee was increased to $12.50, by the following vote:

 Ayes: Lindsay, Alpha, Landry and Ed McBride.

 Nays: R. L. McBride, Vigneaux and Hebert.

 On motion of Mr. Alpha, seconded by Mr. Lindsay, it was

   Resolved, that the report of the committee be and is hereby adopted as amended as a whole ;  and that all former laws on the same subject matter be and is hereby repealed. Upon which motion the following vote was taken:

 Ayes: Landry, Alpha, Lindsay and Edward McBride.

 Nays: R. L. McBride, Hebert and Vigneaux.

 On motion of Mr. Vigneaux, seconded by Mr. Hebert, it was Resolved, that the tariff on meats passed by the Council at its session of June 14th, 1878, be amended so as to read as follows;  for retailing a beef of cow, 0 cents ;  per quarter - 12 1/2 cents ;  a calf 2 years old and under 25 cents, per quarter 6 1/4 cents. Motion lost by the following vote:

 Ayes: Lindsay and Vigneaux.

 Nays: Alpha, R. L. McBride, Landry and Hebert.

 On motion of Mr. Alpha, seconded by Ed McBride, it was

    Resolved, That the Corporation Attorney be and is hereby requested to wait upon the Hon. H. D. Guidry, the Representative from this Parish in the next General Assembly of the State, and solicit his action upon the request of having the Corporation Charter amended in this particular, viz: That the Corporation Constable be hereafter voted for and elected to his office by the people of the Corporation at the yearly elections held for Mayor and Members of the Council of this town, instead of being appointed to said office by the members elect of said Council.

 Adopted by the following vote:

 Ayes: Alpha, Landry, Ed McBride, Lindsay and Hebert.

 Nays: R. L. McBride and Vigneaux.

 On motion, the Council adjourned.

    J. O. MOUTON, Mayor.
 H. M. BAILEY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1879.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 4th, 1873:

City Council of Vermilionville.

 At a special meeting of the City Council of the Corporation of Vermilionville, held December 7th, 1872, were present: W. O. Smith, Mayor, and Messrs. J. J. Revillon, H. Landry, J. N. Judice, Aug. Monnier and R. Gagneaux. Absent: B. A. Salles and R. L. McBride.

 The reading of the minutes were dispensed with, and
    On motion it was resolved, That from and after the first publication of this resolution, any and all persons are hereby prohibited from firing off fire-crackers, rockets, roman candles, &c., &c., within the limits of the Corporation of Vermlionville, and any persons violating the provisions of this resolution, will be fined in the sum of Five Dollars, for each and every offence.

 The following account was presented and approved:

 W. O. Smith .... $6.20.

 On motion, the Council adjourned.
W. O. SMITH, Mayor.
H. M. Bailey, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1873.  


From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 10th, 1910:

Stole a Pair of Pants.

 Friday morning a negro by the name of Henri Broussard tried to get off with a pair of pants and a vest from Schmulen's store, but Mr. Schmulen, although busy at the time with a customer, saw the negro when he started off with the goods and promptly followed him, catching him just as he was entering a buggy. He took the goods from the negro and marched him up the street until he met Officer Edwin Campbell in front of the First National Bank, to whom he gave the negro in charge. Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1910.


 A street taxidermist with a stuffed crow attracted the attention of several hundred people on Clark street last Thursday. "The crow," he said, "is a great traveler. He is a social sort of bird, too. You don't often see a lone crow. He generally has a mate, but most generally he has several of them. Crows like to keep together better than any of the feathered tribe, unless it is wild geese and partridges. They always migrate together, but unlike most migratory birds, they don't go south - not always. They quit the highlands and the woods early in the season and haunt the river edges, flying from shore to shore. At night, when the weather is cold, they fly to the nearest woods to roost. The hawk and owl, though go it alone. You hardly ever see a pair either. They fly low or else very high. The hawk is a higher flyer than the owl. They are always looking for something to destroy, and never migrate in any direction long at a time. They seem to be uncertain which way to go. Just like some folks in this world."

 From the Chicago Tribune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1890.



 Shameful Slaughter of These Picturesque Brutes - An Encounter With an Infuriated Mother on the Plains.

 Until within the last five years it was not strange or uncommon for buffalo cows and calves to be found herded with the wild cattle of the ranges and the spring round-ups always reported more or less sport for the daring and reckless "cow punchers" with buffalo calves. Western men have at last, however, begun to realize with more than a little regret, that the large droves of buffaloes roaming at will over the trackless plains of the Territories formed sights that are forever to be lost, and to realize also that the shameful slaughter of these picturesque brutes has been a waste of gold. The fact that the domesticated buffalo and the cross-breeds are both very valuable very valuable and easily herded is, just now, giving a new zest to the sport of buffalo hunting, and the dangers of the chase are increased ten-fold by the fact that the object is not to kill, but to capture. To make prisoners of the young, or to bring upon one's self the fierce avenging fury of a buffalo cow, by throwing a rope over her calf, requires the utmost self possession as well as that peculiar reckless familiarity with saddle and horse which are found so fully developed in the range riders of the Western plains. The hunt is profitless if the calves are injured, and the preparations for the care of the captives are not only minute, but necessarily expensive. Domestic cows are provided as wet nurses, and a constant watchfulness is observed over these compulsory foster mothers until they have overcome a not natural repugnance to their new charges. The calves, however, when captured and placed in a corral with their nurses, display no excessive modesty in foraging for milk, and their impetuous raids upon the new commissary are extremely amusing.

 An Important element in the buffalo hunting of to-day is the fact that the females give birth to their young very early in the spring, and the hunt must be accomplished before the beginning of the spring round-up of cattle, or the calves become too strong to capture alive.

 Several months ago two four-horse teams, with heavy wagons behind them, pulled slowly out of the town of Rawlins, Wyoming. In the first wagon, and in charge of the expedition, was a gentleman known as "the Colonel," whose weather-beaten and genial face was aglow with the pleasure of anticipation and whose wagon was packed with comfortable bedding, "grub," cooking utensils, and last, but not least, a varied assortment, consisting of sour mash, Martel, cigars, tobacco, pipes, rifles, etc. Beside him sat John, rotund, smiling and evidently content with the world as it is. The rear wagon contained two thousand pounds of baled hay and a quantity of rope to be use for lariats, and was manned by a notable Jehu, who, the Colonel swore, could transform a jack rabbit into a pullet, or, if the very worst should befall him, could broil the harness leather so that it would be as good as a tenderloin.

 For three hours the wagons jolted slowly along over a rough trail, while the smiles of the Colonel and his companions attested their faith in the things hoped for. The constant "chuck," "chuck," of the heavy wagon was a little wearing to the Colonel, but the bottles in his wagon were well packed and easily accessible, so that Bell Springs was reached without any occurrence to mar the pleasure of the trip.

 Three days' traveling carried the party to the northern boundary of the Red Desert, where were waiting the hunters - Wright, Chapman and Gomez, a Mexican vaquero. Each hunter had a "string" of eight horses. Twenty-five dollars was the stipulated price of each calf which should be caught uninjured, and bound by the feet. At four o'clock on the following morning breakfast was announced, and at its finish all hands but the cook saddled their horses and "hit the trail," driving the extra saddle horses before them.

 After quietly riding for an hour Gomez called attention to a buffalo trail and followed it at some distance in advance of the others, carefully watching. The trail leads through sage brush, over the plains, across innumerable draws, until Gomez reached the summit of a low range of hills, when he suddenly wheeled his horse and returned to the party. Instantly all was excitement; the game was in sight. One enormous bull, four cows and three calves were browsing, unsuspicious of danger, about half a mile away from the party. Fresh horses were roped and saddled, and the hunters separated to surround the herd with as little noise as possible. At a signal from Wright, given when each of the hunters had crept as close as possible, the three horses made a dash forward. With a snort of fear the bull threw up his head, and seeing Wright rushing upon him wheeled in blind terror and plunged headlong toward Chapman, whose horse reared and fell backward. As Chapman swung himself out of the saddle unhurt the terrified brute went past him like a cyclone.

 Meanwhile Gomez had thrown his rope over a calf and was in the act of getting out of his saddle to tie the calf's legs when the mother came dashing through the sage brush with a savage bellowing for her young. As the infuriated brute rushed toward him Gomez dropped his rope and swung his horse around, and the cow, finding both Gomez and Wright galloping toward her from the rear, fled, panic stricken, and her calf was secured. By this time the others of the herd were a mile away with Chapman flying after them. Another calf was run down and tied before its mother had sufficiently recovered from her fright to notice its absence. The three hunters then put their horses to a gallop to run down the remaining calf. A half hour's hard riding brought them up to the band again, but this time under vastly different conditions.

 The cows that lost their calves were furious, and the one whose calf was still with her was disposed to fight savagely. The calf was exhausted by the run and the cows were decidedly vicious. So, giving their horses a breathing space, the three hunters separated again, coming upon the band from different points. As they approached cautiously, intending if possible to stampede the herd and rope the calf as it fell behind, one of the infuriated cows made a sidelong dash, and in a twinkling Wright's long legs were in the air and his horse lay kicking in the sage brush, while the cow was plunging away down the plain with the speed of an unlimited express. Chapman threw his rope on the calf, and as it bellowed, its mother turned upon Chapman, who was forced to drop the rope to avoid a collision which would have been a certain death. Finding her calf free the cow fled and was run away from the calf by Chapman and Gomez, while Wright, who had picked himself up and got into his saddle again, followed, overtaking the calf, and throwing another rope over it secured the last of the three. One of the wagons was brought up and the calves loaded into it. Saddle horses were again changed and the party moved the camp about twelve miles to the corral, where domestic cows were held awaiting their new charges.

 The following day was spent in a fruitless search for other buffaloes, but on the third day two other calves were captured, making in all five captives as the result of a ten days' hunt.

 From the New York Herald and in the Lafayette Advertiser 6/8/1889.

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